#bookie answers
zuura · 2 years
Anto your header and icon are just adorable. Your colorings are always so pretty. I hope you and your family is doing well and staying safe. Keep up the amazing work my friend. Take breaks when you need to. *hugs* ^^
Thank you sm for all the sweet words Luna, this made me feel real warm!! You're so thoughtful! I wish you all the best too, take care❤️❤️
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 2 months
Katherine’s horny thought was sent to you: 💌
Now share something short but smutty with this promt:
“Where have you been, sweetheart? I’ve been waiting for you.”
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[No pressure bby.] 🤍
a/n: Hey, Kat, and fellow Readers!!! So sorry this took so long, it's been an intense couple of weeks... School has just started, and I'm already feeling the pressure. But, I'm happy to have written this for us. It calmed me down, and gives me great pleasure (innuendo not intended 😆) to know that I am capable, and getting better at writing dirty smut 🤭
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this, as much as I enjoyed writing it. ❤️
Requested: Yes
WARNINGS!!! Talk of sex life, Steve being Steve, Dom!Captain!Steve, some possessiveness, some rough handling, major cursing, name calling (Y/n is called slut a couple of times), Smut with a plot, talks about sex and trusting your partner, MAJOR CUTENESS at the end.
DNI Divider by @firefly-graphics
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It all started when Steve caught the end of your conversation with Nat.
"And honestly, I wouldn't mind if things got a little heated, in a certain way with Steve." He heard you say.
"I mean it wouldn't be too hard. He's Steve..." You trailed off, the swoon clear in your voice.
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Sometime later, you'd be sitting in the comfiest corner of your room, when Steve, flushed and barely able to catch his breath, bursts into your room. Talking a mile, a minute.
"Okay, Doll. I've been thinking. And you're right. Our sex life should be exciting. So, sometime soon, I'm going to do something that you won't expect. We cool? Okay, talk soon!" He finished before hurriedly giving you a quick kiss, and rushing out of your door. Leaving you more confused, than anything.
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A few days later, Nat and Wanda had taken you out on a Girl's Night. It had become kind of a tradition for the ladies of the Avengers (including Pepper). Especially on days when either missions got too much, your S/O had left you at a loss, or just to decompress from life in general.
"So, basically if Tony is going to pester me about that paperwork one more time, Pepper is going to give him hell." Nat laughed, hands steady on the wheel of the car on the ride back to the Compound.
"Shame Pep couldn't make it." Wanda sighed, resting her head against her hand, with her elbow resting against the passenger side door.
"Having Morgan with us wouldn't have been too bad." She added.
"Everything we do is basically PG-13 anyway. Like Y/n's sex life..." Nat trailed off, the playful teasing tone at the end of her sentence evident in her voice.
"It's almost been a week, and still nothing?" Wanda asked, turning her attention to you, sitting in the backseat of the car.
"Nope. And he's been acting strange, all week!" You sighed, exasperated.
"Ever since he came bursting into my room, talking about how, I was right about our sex life needing a little more spice, and that he's got just the thing. But only when I least expect it." You huffed.
"I don't know... I know, I said that I wouldn't mind that we add more spice, but that doesn't mean that we have to. Being with him is more than enough." You said, eyes shining.
"Maybe you should tell him that, Y/N/N." Nat replied, reassuringly.
"Even Super Soldiers need a little assurance, every now and again..." She smiled, knowingly.
Wanda reached for your hand to give some more comfort, and the tension was lifted from your shoulders, almost like she used her skills to help you.
With your mind at ease, you were more than determined to assure Steve.
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It wasn't long before you arrived at the compound, and separated yourself from your girls to head up to your floor. But when you got off of elevator, something was amiss.
Your floor's lighting was suspiciously dim. And it had you cautiously approaching your room. Which you were successful, until you shut your door.
"Where have you been, Sweetheart? I've been waiting for you." A gruff voice said from within the space, making you jump right out of your skin.
In a panic, you went to grab the handle but it wouldn't budge, FRIDAY had locked you in!
"I-I'm sorry. We were caught in traffic... I don't have control over that, Steve." You gasped, as your boyfriend's form prowled towards you, before pinning you to the door. So, close to you that every breath you took, caused your chest to brush against his.
"You think I don't know what you've been out doing all night, slut?" He hissed into your ear, pulling you flush against him, one hand teasingly rubbing up and down your hips and ass.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Steve..." You trembled, unsure how to act or feel, but undeniably feeling the unmistakable sensation of slick building up between your legs. Steve's complete change in persona had its desired effect on you.
"Oh, don't play coy with me, Darling... A little bird told me how you played and danced with all those men, while you were out." He smirked against your cheek, after placing a tantalizing kiss on it.
"Did you forget that your Captain is waiting for you at home? Desperate to feel you, practically melt in my hands? Are you that desperate to have something in you, that you'd deny him his right?" Steve said, intense lust-blown eyes boring into your soul.
"No, Captain. I'm only desperate for you." You cried, needing friction between your thighs, sooner rather than later.
"Prove it." He growled, before pinning you to your door, one arm holding you up against it, the other hand shoved between your legs. Spreading your walls around his thick digits, cause you to moan loudly.
"I see. My girl, is more than desperate for her Captain... You're practically dripping, My Dear..." He sighed, looking at your ruined center. His expert fingers rubbing and brushing up against your walls and clit.
"Oh... Captain, please..." You gasped, the pleasure building and building, desperate for release.
"Are you desperate for your Captain?" Steve smirked, his lips mere inches away from your own.
"YES! I FUCKING AM!" You cried out, every sensation turning more and more intense, and you haven't been allowed to come yet.
"Then come..." Steve said in a low voice, causing you to release it all, with a wail, as his lips came crashing down onto yours to swallow every cry.
He pulled away to kiss, and suck on your sweet-spot. Wanting to mark you all over, but also, as a way to ground you, and bring you back down from your high.
"Are you alright?" He asked, looking right at you. His eyes wide and gleaming, ever so soft for you.
"Y-Yes... I'm fine, just need a sec." You breathed, unable to believe what just happened.
"Do you want me to stop?" Steve asked, softly.
"No. God, no!" You exclaimed, gripping his shirt by the front and pulling him for a messy kiss.
"Take me to bed, Captain." You sighed, before he ripped your shirt in two, and carried you with one arm to your bed, where you shared another messy kiss once more. A promise of the long night that was to come.
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You both finished with a roar, Steve tenderly kissing you, allowing you both to calm down, from your climaxes. He gently pulled out and rolled off of you. Walking into your En Suite to wash himself off, and prepare your bath.
He came back a few minutes later, gently picking you up, bridal style into your shower. Where he allowed you to lean on him, shaky legs unable to keep you upright for more than a few seconds.
His hands, gentle and warm, massaging your shampoo into your hair, lathering soap all over your body, and especially on your most intimate parts. You have never felt safer, or more loved than in that very moment in Steve's arms.
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Once he had given your exhausted body a final rinse, he grabbed your fluffy towel, wiped you dry, wrapped you up in it, before taking you back to the bed where, he had a shirt all ready for you to wear. Although, you definitely noticed that he hadn't brought out your own pair of underwear, instead had his own loose boxers for himself.
Steve asked if it was okay with you to wear his shirt. You agreed, as he slipped it over your head, and around your body, the gesture just as intimate as anything you've done that night with Steve.
He carefully laid you on a carefully arranged pile of pillows, and went to put on his shorts, before joining you in bed, gathering you up in his arms, and snuggling into you. Knowing that this is probably your favorite part after sex.
Rubbing your head softly, you let out a contented sigh, before pulling back slightly to look up at him, determination in your eyes.
"Steve, what was this? I-I mean, you said you'd do something to spice things up, and that I'll never expect this. And I definitely did not expect to be dominated by my Captain. But this is definitely out of the blue, what's the matter?" You asked, your face full of concern as you lovingly cupped his cheek.
"You said that you wouldn't mind if things heated up between us. And I wanted to prove that we can do more than just the regular old making love." Steve sighed. Gone was the strong facade he put up, in its place, the young boy from Brooklyn.
"I did, Steve. But I don't want you to escalate to a place you're not comfortable with." You smiled, using your hand to keep his eyes on you.
"Sex isn't just about love, or getting relief from some sexual tension, it's about communication, and telling your partner, what it is you do or don't like. And that means, taking baby steps if you want to live things up in the bedroom." You said, with a smile.
"So, I could just tell you what I want to try, and you can do the same. And it'll be alright?" Steve asked.
"Yes, Honey. We communicate, and find out together what works or what doesn't. It's about you and me. I trust you, full-heartedly, Steve. Do you trust me, too?" You asked in earnest.
"I do, Doll. I really do, you make me feel complete, and I feel safe enough with you, that I feel like I can ask, and you wouldn't judge me for it." He grinned, his smile getting bigger and bigger.
"Good. Because that means we can try bondage next time." You laughed, half jokingly.
"Slow down, Sweetheart..." Steve laughed, pulling you closer to him. Both of you, happy to have moved up a step in your relationship, and content in the safety the other provided.
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Hope that this was a good one!
Until next time!
❤️ Booky
Taglist: @nescavaneck @jiyascepter @royalwriteroftheuniverse @femefetalelevelingup
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thesovereignsring-if · 6 months
mc using the "but i'm the baby" excuse to get away with things as the younger sibling, now adult!mc muttering with a pout "but i'm still the baby". I can imagine Sieg getting angry at Alby because he is still babying mc lmao. Sorry about the period pain, having a female body is shit and I share your pain.
Haha! The "but i'm baby" excuse is so funny and cute 😭
Even funnier is the fact that it would be Sieg, not Alberich who'd be completely defenceless against it. While i'm sure both brother would baby the MC no matter the universe, Alberich is the stricter/more responsible since he's the primary caregiver.
but Sieg? Sieg isn't around like Alberich is. So he most certainly still sees the MC as the little child that followed him around as a kid. And since he's feels so guilty to not being there all the time, he definitely babies and lets the MC get away with a lot more things than Alberich does. (Like Sieg, I know you mean well, but your 18 year-old sibling can cut up their own food lmaooo) Of course, only the MC gets this kind of treatment. Sieghardt is the stoic hardass he appears to be to everyone else uwu
I'm doing a lot better to day, thank you much! <3
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buckttommy · 2 months
the way i still genuinely cannot believe i witnessed that on live television!! we won so hard im in shock jack
(it’s talia btw i changed my url 😭)
i was shaking for a full half hour, like. i still can't believe it. i still can't process what we just experienced. like. what the hell
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roronoaswifey · 11 months
you embarrassing me oh no ma’am! i’m now issuing a divorce ☝🏾
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redbleedingrose · 21 days
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
merry christmas
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softbobamilktae · 5 months
hi i’m absorbing your blog like a sponge. i love you
Sicbsksnfkdbsksnjdndjd can I kiss you
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rubctosis · 7 months
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 Law's stern gaze flicked toward the source of the comment. His perpetually furrowed brow became more pronounced, and the corners of his mouth twitched ever so slightly, betraying a subtle irritation. He turned to face the audacious individual who dared to address him in such a manner.
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  ❝ do  i  look  like  your  dad ? ?? ━━  where the HELL are your parents ?? who the hell are you ? the abscence of your father is very clear now. . i wouldn't blame him i would've left your ass behind  too.  fucking fatherless behavior.    ❞   ━━━━ 
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zuura · 2 years
hello! who is the guy in your icon? <3
Hi! Momoya Natsu from the manga Kono Oto Tomare! ♡
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 3 months
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Needs to be shared.
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monkeydlesbian · 1 year
just wanted to tell you that you remind me of simon from adventure time, happy pride month!
is that the ice king??!?!?!?!? HEJAISHDJKS
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It's not your fault. Is it alright if I touch you? -📘
*He tenses eyes darting around before he relaxed and nods*
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authorofemotion · 1 year
Peach, green, and yellow 💖
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ladymelisande · 2 years
re daemon’s age: ryan has said that daemon is in his late 20s in episode one…so around like…28?
I don't care anything that man says, to be honest. I choose to follow logic and math.
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heckin-music-dork · 2 years
hey beloved!! just checking in on my mutuals! hope you’re doing okay! make sure to drink water and eat something if you haven’t in awhile and also (if you don’t mind) tell me about something that made you happy in the past week! <3
Bookie my love!!! I actually haven't really eaten anything yet today, I've been so busy! But I will now!
And all week, I've been at this sort of church conference with all these amazing classes, and so just being reminded of how God's grace applies to me personally, and how He can change me for the better no matter what mistakes I make- how can that NOT make me happy? I feel like I've really needed that sort of spiritual boost lately, and I've definitely gotten it!
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UNO REVERSE! Your turn for Self Care, and tell me something that sparked joy for you! 😊💖
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
1. I'm good at art stuff!
2. I love raspberry iced tea!
3. I have recently discovered that I like looking at old postcards at antique shops and reading the messages on the back <3
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