#boris airay
dreamatduskk · 7 months
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drawing my childhood favs 30% more kitty ♟️
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banderskrad · 2 months
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aliweyeh · 7 months
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conjunction-of-crows · 4 months
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Oh wow, I realized I never posted this! This is a compilation of some of my favorite love interests from video games. Most of them are some sort of dating sim primarily, but we've also got some games where it's not the main focus of the game but still an element of it.
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yazziescribbles · 1 year
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wildflower-otome · 3 months
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Hannibal Gold: 'No matter how it happened, I'm just glad we were able to finish up without any problems.' ... Peter White: '.....Why are you all acting so happy about it being over? Our precious day off got wasted on some trivial company event, you know?' 'And here I was hoping to invite my girlfriend out to spend a fun weekend together.....Tomorrow I'm definitely getting time off in lieu!' Nightmare Gottschalk: 'Yeah.....you do that. I just want to hole up in a dream already. Even only sitting down makes me so tired.....Ugh.....'
Boris Airay: 'Now wait just a moment.....that's what you always do though, isn't it? That's not something someone who works a desk job should be saying.' Gray Ringmarc: 'It's because he doesn't do any work at his desk. Chief, you only came to work one week this month, right?'
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ghostiegone · 8 months
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day 6 —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ —
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turquoisesea01 · 9 months
Boris…My beloved <3
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Am I really going back to the Heart No Kuni No Alice fandom? Maybe- but god damn it’s been so LONG-
Also fun little fact to the hetalia fans, Boris shares the same va as England 💀
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chiyuki-hiro · 10 months
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Recently been finding myself falling back down the Alice in the Country of Hearts rabbit hole. To cope, I decided to make a couple of aesthetic boards. One of Julius, my favorite character. One of Pierce for a friend of mine, since he is her favorite. I'm more happy with how the Julius board turned out but, I hope my friend likes the Pierce board at least.
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Made a Borris one. Because he's pretty great too. I'm really happy with this one. I wonder if I should do any others...
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celumine · 3 months
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in ten years he's learned nothing
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echantedtoon · 3 months
A Little Care
Boris was always a wild card. Sometimes he never even took care of himself until Alice stepped in.
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That plan needed finishing. It was the only reason he got himself to get out of the godforsaken bed he was comfortable in. He felt terrible, like he couldn't keep anything in his stomach, everything was too hot, too dizzy. Too.....Sickly. By god was he sick!?...He shook that off rather quickly. Didn't matter. Work was needed. Work was the thing winning today and if he crashed off the road of sanity so be it. He might've already been losing it anyways with how much he was coughing and how sore his throat felt. He might as well been one of the walking dead as his body spun between heavy and lightheaded with how he looked. Wheezes and coughs were what came out of him and the only language he spoke right now was lack of no sleep and 'I need coffee'-nese, and he didn't even LIKE coffee. He winced as his sore throat throbbed and suppressed the urge to cough as it would only hurt more. Darnit he just had to get to the dam kitchen area. He KNEW he should've stayed in bed that day...but he had a lot planned today today and he was so close to being done. All he had to do was finish up a few things around Gowland's amusement park for him then he can bother Pierce some more. He knew if he just got enough caffeine he'd be able to make one more day and finish. He tensed in pain from his chest as he coughed a little, face scrunched up. DAngIT!! He LOATHED being sick Hated anyone around him being sick....Speaking of which where the heck was everyone? It was unusually quiet for Alice's home in the middle of the day. He sniffled again, slumped footsteps echoing out what he perceived to be the entire empty room as his runny nose got the the better of him.
Wow...He really did have a cold didn't he?
"ACHOO- ow." The body of the man shook as the sounds of a sneeze echoed through the entire place and if it weren't for his hand quickly latching onto a doorway he was passing, he would've suffered more than just stumbling and landing into the wall...he let out a whimper from his sore throat and head that the sneeze made throb. His tail lashing in annoyance making the fish piercing clank on its end. Huh....It was weird she hadn't asked him if he was ok' by this point. He scowled. Whatever. If everyone was out doing something he couldn't care less. Right now he had more important things to attend to, like getting his butt awake and figuring out if he wanted to dunk his head in cold water (probably not as he generally hated water being a cat) or just see how coffee worked out for him. Another sneeze wracked his body resulted in more scratchy voiced whimpers and mumbles as he walked his way somehow into the kitchen with his blurry vision and spinning head. The cold tiled floor sent a shiver down his swaying form- "ACHOO!!" He stumbled and threw his hands out thankfully grabbing onto the counter, gradually pulling himself along towards the upper cabinets above the Alice's kitchen sink. He reached up a hand and felt around for any spare cups of hers lying around. Sniffling as he did light headed. Eventually his hand wrapped around a simple white mug and he was able to easier reach it with his slumped body against the counter. ".......ACHOO!!" He shook his head and sniffled. Man he hated having a cold-
A glass shattering rang from the sink as porcelain mug pieces scattered about in her kitchen's metal sink. Feet stumbled and at long last he was too slow to reach for the counter instead tumbling to the floor with a thud and sore heap as he laid there...Head spinning. Whimpering. Body sore...and only a cough escaped the sore throat causing more whimpers and sniffles. Footsteps approached but he could only weakly shake. GOD! He felt like almost crying-
"AH!! DONT TOUCH DONT TOUCH!! ACHOO!!" He rasped out in a croaky voice that sounded like he was smoking for fifty years as a white flash of pain passed over when when two hands grabbed his side out of nowhere all of a sudden, his head slumping as the headache throbbed again from another sneeze. Ears going to flat flat on his head.
"What's wrong with you!? Are you ok!?," a girl's voice sounded above him and he winced from the loud volume, "BORIS! Answer me you hairball! "Her answer? ANother loud sneeze making him whimper and curl in on himself on himself even more and she leaned back a bit before groaning. "Of all the things you can get yourself into you get yourself sick?!"
Hey. That voice sounded familiar. He turned his head slightly up and his vision was too blurry to make out who it was but he had a good idea of who it was. ".....A-Alice?"
"Yeah, it's me." She groaned shaking her head. "Are you so wreckless that you make yourself sick?"
"Is not my f-f-fa- AHCOO!" Alice quickly leaned away as he coughed and sniffled again from the sneeze. "F-Fault..*sniff*...W-Where is everyone?"
She made a cringe face and stared down at his weak form. "No one's visiting me today other than you just letting yourself in again."
"M-Must've s-slipped my mind. I-...I-I-AHCHOO!!" He whimpered again and curled in on himself until he was in a pained ball. ".....I hurt...."
Her whole demeanor immediately softened as she watched him wriggled on the ground clutching his stomach as he did sniffling. Her hands coming to hover over his body but not touching him due to his past reaction. "Are you ok?!..Can you get up?"
"ACHOO!!....*sniff*" He gave a small hopeful nod to her as the swimming/light headed/spinning feeling intensified and forced him to close his eyes as tears brought him up to the for front. He couldn't act like a wimp in front of her. SO whimpers aside he began to push himself up, stumbling and leaning more and more against the counter as his arms shook fumbling around for purchase against the cold tiled floor. A worried and annoyed feeling coming over himself as Alice didn't move from her spot, as if afraid he'd fall over- "ACHOO!!" His chest let a large pang of pain as he started coughing up again- "AH-" His legs gave out as he doubled over, in a bent over position, one hand gripping the counter and the other covering his mouth as the coughs kept coming and his body lit ablaze with hellfire! He couldn't stop! It was too much! Dear god make it stop! Black clouded in-
......................Well THAT could've gone better.
In panic, Alice did the only she could've done at that moment. Go get help! Luckily Dee and Dum hadn't been too far away and was quick to get Boris's unconscious form to a doctor quickly and find out what was really wrong with him. He was sick and exhausted with a fever and runny nose. Well it was a relief to her at least, and not too long after the wreckless furrball was carried back into her home and half woke up enough to blow his nose and take whatever medicine was given to him before clonking out again. While relieved, she was still worried so decided to stick around. Not like she had any plans for the day anyways. Which turned into her just reading and checking on him every few minutes...which became every one minute for the past hour still finding him fast asleep under the blankets where she left him. ......He looked cold. She'll go get a blanket after a lil bit....Which in reality was five minutes. Hesitant steps came down the hallway back down towards the bedroom. A blanket resting under one arm. The footsteps soon stopped in front of one door on the right and the boy paused. It took a moment before he was able to reach a hand up to knock on the door.
"Boris?", a voice forced out almost a whisper. No one answered so she knocked again a bit louder. ...Still nothing. So she gently grabbed ahold of the door knob and turned. "Boris? I-I brought an extra blanket-....Oh."
The dark room made it hard to see but she could make out the sleeping figure over in the corner. His chest rose and fell slowly in his sleep and a smile was present on his sleeping face. SHe hesitated for a moment, but decided it was best to keep her silent promise of getting him the extra blanket. So slowly stepping in she gently closed the door behind her with a soft click- She froze when he made a groaning noise but he didnt wake up, only buried his head halfway under the blanket. SHe sighed in relief before silently walking up to the bed, taking the blanket in both hands she flung it out. Then over the bed in the air. It gently floated down until it draped over his sleeping form. SHe stared down at the sleeping form of her friend for a moment, before gently smoothing the wrinkles out from the covers-
She froze. .....Slowly her eyes shifted up towards the bedframe. A pair of eyes blinked back up sleepily at her, wild purple bed head around his face.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh. I..Uh-" SHe quickly pulled himself away from the bed embarrassed and cleared her throat. Finger twirling around one of her locks of hair. "I-I-I was just delivering t-the blanket cuz you're sick and I t-thought i-it might help. *ahem* ....I-Im sorry if I woke you."
he blinked at her for a moment, before shifting his eyes down to his body. Indeed a new blanket was over his. ....He then looked back to her with a smile that made her heart skip a beat.
"It's ok. I don't mind. S-Sorry I fell b-b-back there...Must've been e-embarrassing."
"I- uh-.....N-NO! Of course not. You w-were just sick. It happens." God he could feel her cheeks growing more pink by the second. His amused eyes and smiled always seemed to make her forgive the doofus faster. Luckily he new exactly what to do- "W-Well I-I-Ill let you get back to sleep-" SHe froze when something grabbed her hand. SHe soon found out what when Boris now slightly sitting up in bed pulled her back a little more.
"Um- Hey. W-Would you mind if we-..." His eyes shifted to the side. Wait. Did he sound nervous? "Cu-.. Cuddle? Y-Y'know. J-Just as friends! I-Im s-still pretty cold from laying on the floor and I thought- ..."
"Uuuuhh-" Her eyes went back to them still holding hands.
" I-I mean. I-Its ok if y-you don't want to. " he let go of his hand-
"What?! NO NO!" he froze when she regrabbed her hand and looked back into his eyes. He seemed to freeze for a moment himself. "I-....I mean I d-don't mind it. I just...Im not sure if you would want to."
...he smiled. "Well I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't ok."
"Oh. W-Well...Who am I t-t-to deny a request from you...b-but you better not get me sick?"
He chuckled. "I make n-no promises."
he smiled again, before shifting over to make room for another, patting the spot next to him. SHe hesitated for a moment but gulped down what worries she had left and slowly lifted the blankets, before climbing in. He sat there for a moment un sure, but his face lit up like a million christmas lights when he felt Alice reassuringly huddle up against his side. He swallowed, hard, before allowing himself to lay back and lay a shaking arm around her his tail giving a happy flick. In response she shifted to lay into him more and sighed in comfort.
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I am not going to argue with a CATBOY!!! Go to your scratching post!
-Alice at some point to Boris
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banderskrad · 1 month
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I cant legally explain how, but Blood Dupre commissioned this
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penguuthegentoo · 4 months
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More misc. fanarts! All like,,, 2020-2021 range LMAO
My backlog is,,, impossibly large
Man— Alice in the Country of Hearts and Tokyo Mew Mew used to be my Big Obsession when I was in middle school,,, I still have all of my manga 😂 Boris and Ichigo were definitely the start to my obsession with pink/red themed cat girls and boys
Also 2 versions of the nowhere king piece because I loved the sketch as much as the final piece
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Alice in The Country of Hearts Yandere Roleholders Headcanons Part 1
Feat. Peter, Ace, Vivaldi, Gowland, Boris.
Part 2
Warning: minor spoilers, possible OOC (some may seem to not change much but few others traits do get amplified), manipulative mfs (yes, all of them), delusional mindset, suggestive mentions, objectification of reader/possessiveness, Ace harming reader, a kind of long read/2k word count
Please proceed with caution.
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𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞
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A simple man at his core, Peter's quick to brush off the others since they aren't worth his precious time. Yet the second his gaze falls upon you who feel him as if the afternoon period leaves a lasting impression with a yearning... Tick-tock, some sort of belonging connects Peter to you. It might as well be a bond you have unknowingly unlocked, to let him delve into your heart further while he's guided by what Peter thinks is a red string of fate. And you wouldn't be able to lock your heart back again, ever. Not after he manages to safeguard the key.
Now, Peter is the type who doesn't fall for someone easily, but once he does—he falls hard, head over heels. You must be a fallen angel from heaven just to bless him with your love... He in return always expresses his affection any time he could, doesn't even matter if it's in public or private, more gentle or aggressive. Rushing over with a bounce in his steps, his greeting is either an enthusiastic glomping or an expression of giddy happiness towards you.
This attention-starved (for you) rabbit's traits are mainly worshipping, being obsessive, delusional and protective over you. But whatever do you mean he might be too much? Then you won't have to worry about him ever going for someone else! It doesn't matter if you would try to take advantage of these traits without him knowing, he will always know and doesn't even mind, except on matters such as you being alone with others for too long. Even if you have to meet some useless... people, Peter must also be there to accompany you and he won't stop fussing over you, nearly hushing people away like they're the plague because of them having to stay at least two arm's length to interact with you. Do they think they're that important to you!? How condescending...
He really wishes he can bring you up together to a paradise without any duties and person (silently thankful that you've fallen to this place and choosing him to add). You and he are a match made in heaven, no? Please, let Peter sully your purity in black spoil you rotten as he's the only one fitting for you...
Rival: Ace
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In contrast to Peter, the seemingly airheaded knight doesn't seem any different even towards the person he has feelings for. At the first glance that is. He could look friendly and real close with anyone, but the underlying intent behind it rarely could ever be guessed as pure. As a wild card, he's attracted to and envies how you can show a wide range of expressions, caring the same for unnecessary things while your self is changing at the same time day by day... Because if you were to change, you must already know which path to choose for you compared to him who's lost and always has been. In the beginning, he thought you would somehow succeed in affecting him to also change like you are to other people.
But no, instead all he got is a realization. The dreaded impending doom of you changing to be a different person and leaving him behind to be as alone as ever. Ace rarely shows this to be a weakness—instead, he's as unnerving as he can be, to the point of threatening to end your own life sometimes. The situation is like having a treasured yet fragile thing to him; isn't it only fair if he's the one who ends up breaking it or protecting it so tight it cracks, not be the one who sees it breaks or gets a scratch because of somebody? You should be glad for getting protected by him! Have no worry if you do get injured by someone else, Ace will just inflict another one on you as a replacement ♥ before he patches you right up. That aside, it's also a good thing if you're going to be the one who ends his life! He very much loves testing your limits until you run out of patience...
Aiming to be strong to protect his loved ones and seizing their lives to be in his hold at the same time, makes Ace a possessive, cruel, overprotective, (and stalker he would often pop up in the weirdest places of your meeting with him) knight that almost anyone isn't going to risk opposing the guy. If someone does dare, would they be able to do much? Without even trying, his presence is a walking danger and you're all mixed up in this disaster. But, Ace never stops proving a point of his love to you—despite being tainted and rough that you would almost doubt it (you're asking for trouble at this point) because he's just the kind of 'never let them know your next move' guy. Though, he wouldn't have done all these things if it isn't for what intense feelings he have and accepted as 'love', would he now? ...that's what you want to believe.
You have to be stuck on the same level as him, so you're fine as you are—right by his side. He'll lead you away from the right path, round and round as if in a maze. It would be too late to change your mind and heart now.
Rival: No one is strong enough physically for him in the current country...
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The people around are as insignificant as ragdolls to her, they can be replaced so easily that the cycle's already becoming dull at this point. Although... You seem to hold some weight as if you give these repeating days meaning. She despises but admires your freedom; the brashness to act however you please... Vivaldi understands—after all, you must be here specifically for her as a friend. Or do you seek to be more...? Whichever it is, she looks forward to what's becoming of your presence and won't be bored any soon with you. Devote to her with your all, okay?
Ranked up there on the throne of her questionable collection, you're certainly her most treasured one. Vivaldi has come to a point where she only mentions once or twice about offing your head (despite imagining your head as a trophy mount/something she can hold anytime might be a good idea) because she's more threatening to make anyone including Peter lose their heads and would cut them off herself. Alas, even the Queen's reign is limited by the rules. However that may be, the game is still moving depending on what's the best course of action for your sake most of the time. Vivaldi put her hopes in you, it's preferable if you won't be the end of it all; of her. She will not have someone to be her friend, her beloved, her mischief partner to avoid work, or even be there for her anymore. It is such agonizing pain to just think about it.
She can't wrap her head around the fact that she can merely hope you would go out of your way to meet her again. Can't you just stay still and let her pamper you like the cute doll you are? Being a queen and doing what is the role supposed to do is a daily thing Vivaldi is used to, but now she can't bear not having you just sit by her side as an equal. That's right, she might have you appointed as a secretary to help her every so often. Forget Peter firmly disapproving of her, Vivaldi's going to have her way with a possessive-obsessive and controlling intent even more as the Queen's absolute command, overpowering past the 'off with their heads' sentence.
Please let her be selfishly in love with you. She promises you just deserve the perfect someone and that'll be her place to take.
Rival: Blood
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𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝐆𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝
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He's one quick guy to shoot a target if he sees one. When you reveal the slightest bit of your side and how you see the world to him, Gowland is hooked to show off the world from his viewpoint you barely have any choice besides just nodding to him. What choice do you else have? You'll fall victim either to his brooding out of your complaint or to his relentless stream of music performance or blabbering. He only wants you to express your joy more especially with him around.
Sooner or later in hopes that you can get settled in the world, Gowland suggests you enjoy your time staying in some way or another. No matter how, he's dedicated as long as you want to stay in this world... Which has to be forever. Doesn't matter if things can get crazy around, he got your back. Doesn't matter if things can get dangerous, he'll look out for you. Gowland admits he won't try to sugarcoat things sometimes unlike a certain dream demon, but he's always there for you whenever you need some support, love, nice music and even good advice. It's still a hell lot better than being in your unfair world, right? He won't even be able to be your shoulder to cry on if you decide to go back anyway. Gowland won't say that it's a wrong choice if you choose to return, but he can convince assure you that it's not the best solution for you. If you feel homesick, he knows he can make you feel right as if you're back home.
Gowland is one of the better groups, he rarely would ever cross your boundaries because he just cherishes you that much. That doesn't mean he wouldn't put his foot down if there's a threat looming about your safety or some terrible worries you might have. And so, relentless cruelty will break loose out of overprotectiveness and obsession. Once the damage is done, he wouldn't regret anything. But he's aware he has to look guilty and act like there's no other choice so that you don't bear the burden. It's okay, as long as you're here, he can always try keep you comfy and happy.
Now, don't you see that maybe there's going to be unavoidable minor mistakes no matter what? It's nothing he can't solve by now!
Rival: Blood
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𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝔸𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕪
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Riddle me this, how would Boris find you interesting to his liking? Well, it might be how he always likes to hear your beating heart real close and listening to you talk about your world. Still, Boris is one picky guy in deciding his relationship, he might have to toy with you first and judging from how you act around him. But once everything is tempting enough for him to puzzle out more of you, he's attached to the hip like you're his addicting catnip.
You're an intriguing riddle to him, albeit the most difficult one. But that's why Boris wants to learn about you more. And since you're the one who's closing the distance first, you better stick with him at any time possible okay? Because you're in for a joy-ride of the most thrilling adventure. If the place wasn't so lawless, you would find your face in a wanted poster along with him. After all, there are just that many fun crime actions involved wherever you're getting dragged by him or whenever he's trying out from one modified attraction in the Amusement Park/innovation to another because it's just the right way to keep him on his toes and liven up.
On some days, he can barely hold himself to not pin you down in place and then handcuff you with him so you won't need to go to others. Due to that, Boris is a really possessive and clingy guy. If you even smell like or are seen getting touched by others for the tiniest bit, you'll be spending the time being rubbed, licked here and there before he cuddles you for the rest of the day. You don't need anything or anyone else besides just always staying close to him. Isn't he alone just everything you want after all?
He'll always be by your side, so, for now, just trust in the future where you and he are going towards... There's no reason to not believe in his skill after he has proven them many times.
Rival: Gowland
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tomatop · 1 year
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