#bro is following their heart
westaysilly · 5 months
shout out to @fir3lit3 god damn it dude
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squashfolded · 9 months
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The queen herself🙇
I wanted to try experimenting with lineless art! I ended up accidentally rendering it too much
Alts under the cut
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tequiilasunriise · 5 months
Possible nicknames Lenore called Annabel in life go:
"Anniebell": Sometimes the smallest changes are the cutest, okay? Anniebell Lee sounds adorable as hell and I'll stick by it. Imagine Annabel trying to admonish Lenore for saying some wild shit at a Rich Persons Gala™️ or smth but she keeps breaking out into giggles like, "You- you can't just say that pet!" and Lenore playfully replying, "Oh whatever do you mean, Anniebell Lee?" like UGH I hate them somebody throw hammers at em already 💥💥🔨🔨🔨
“My moon”: in relation to the Annabel Lee poem (‘for the moon never beams/Without bringing me dreams/Of the wonderful Annabel Lee’) and also there’s smth so flavorful of the character with a color palette more akin to the Sun (long shiny blonde hair, warm colored eyes, seemingly more outwardly personality, etc) being called the moon like I loveee contrasting design choices‼️‼️
“Angel”: Also a reference to the poem (but like, worse because it was the angels that separated em) and can be easily pulled from Annabel’s name
“Petal”: Or some other variation of a flower based nickname because imma sad, sad bisexual who loves ✨flower motifs✨ just a bit too much
Anything in Dutch: This can be like common ones like “liefje” (darling) or the previous entries but in Dutch idk go crazy go stupid
“Locket”: An unconventional pick pulled from Annabel’s last name Whitlock + lockets containing pieces of hair from your other half being T H E romantic gesture of the century back then, so, like. Idk. Hear me out like okay I think Lenore could be the unconventional route (I mean girly already faked her death via arson and pulled a Mulan to get the girl soooo you see what I’m putting down?) and like like LIKKEEE⁉️⁉️⁉️ Imagine with me Lenore telling her girl, “You’re the locket I keep nearest to my heart” (many necklaces back then had a chain just long enough for the locket to rest above the wearer’s heart) and it evolves to Lenore calling Annabel smth like “my dearest, my locket” LIKE YOU HAVE TO IMAGINE WITH ME!!! GUYS MY VISION IS VISIONING!!! 🦅🗣️🌈🗣️🗣️🦅🦅🌈🗣️🦅🦅
@incorrect-nevermore cmere and witness my madness
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nierielfaegir · 2 years
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Great question! From what I’ve seen in the past 25 years, I think it’s following Cloud wherever franchise he goes.
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sneeb-canons · 6 months
heart drinks ketchup packets whole, all in one go, just to see mind's revulsion
and soul does it because he genuinely likes it (which is where heart got the idea from)
Headcanon #257
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 months
Why I imagine Dottore wasn't in the Arlecchino short despite already being an harbinger:
Scaramouche: So are you gonna change? We have like, a whole trial for the murder of an Habinger to get to? Dottore: SCARA FUCK OFF I'M BUSY! I'M BUSY I'M DOING A MALPRACTICE. LET ME FUCKING DO HUMAN EXPERIMENTS IN PEACE I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE SHIT ABOUT THAT TRIAL.
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marioxdk · 1 year
The Mario Bros really are just attracted to royalty aren't they
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revvywevvy · 10 months
Hey so... important thingy real quick pertaining to sharing f/os.
I get it- sharing f/os can be hard for some folks. Whether you get self conscious, jealous, nervous abt it, etc etc. I totally understand- I can open up here and admit that I get really self conscious and a little nervous when I see people who ship with the f/os I am uncomfortable sharing or have selective sharing with. However, that's a normal thing to feel, and you shouldn't feel bad about it at all! It's okay to be sad, or anxious, or jealous, or anything else along those lines. That's why we block and move on, and try not to let those negative feelings hurt us too heavily.
That being said, when it becomes NOT okay, is when you're posting on any of your blogs about wanting people who ship with your f/os dead. Or posting about wanting to cause bodily harm to other self-shippers. Oooor posting about said f/o harming other shippers. Or anything under that umbrella.
Seriously. I feel like it's already pretty obvious that you should never do that in the first place, but those who don't care and want to actively participate in said behavior should just stay in their own damn circle- away from the people who aren't harming anyone; who are just shipping and minding their own business.
We absolutely do not need those kinds of people running around and literally wishing death on folks, whether they think they're being sneaky about it or not. Nobody deserves to die for the 'crime' of loving the same character as someone else.
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mytardisisparked · 1 month
recording this for my own sake as motivation to KEEP GOING but um I am working on a longform fic (pray for me) and I am like 200 words shy of it being my longest single-fic story ever (and I'm not done writing it so it's gonna be the longest by a HUGE margin) and DANG I MIGHT ACTUALLY FINISH THIS ONE???? LIKE THE CHANCES I ABANDON IT ARE GOING DOWN SIGNIFICANTLY AS WE SPEAK???????? This is a big win for me n my ADHD.
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alfdefolf · 6 months
oh nothing just thinking about how toki wartooth quite literally loves like a dog
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dashiellqvverty · 3 months
was it just like mandatory to be a faggy straight guy if you wanted to be in starkid back in the day
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searidings · 2 years
as a Scientist who works in a Laboratory, it always makes me laugh seeing how dressed up Lena is in her lab. in my building, 9/10 of us are in jeans/joggers, a t-shirt, and an oversized lab coat. the odd postdoc might wear a collared shirt if they're feeling fancy, but that's about it
okay but are YOU on a one track mission to get railed into next year by a hunky kryptonian-come-reporter who could land on your lab doorstep at any time, thus necessitating the eternal presence of the fruitiest horniest wardrobe choices your wildly overinflated bank account can afford? check and mate
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davisd00dles · 1 year
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forgot how much i love these two until i saw that damn clip everywhere
i’m exposing myself as someone who can’t draw on model 😭
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yeyinde · 1 year
My life would be complete if you wrote for dep/jacob. The pining? The tension? I can literally envision it
I'm absolutely writing something for them 🤩 I was already toying with biblical mythology for Dep/the Seeds, and I have my own personal interpretation that I want to explore more in-depth.
Plus, I recently played a bit of New Dawn since I got the dlc in a massive FC bundle on Steam, and. Yeah... Kinda mad about it. Kinda pissed, actually.
Dep never once had a choice except at the beginning/end (which was always going to be a revolving door prophecy since if they walked away, someone else would have just come back a week later to arrest Joseph since it's a federal warrant?? Like, that doesn't just go away because Joseph says, "naur, or apocalypse happens.").
They deserve better. So, I'm gonna give it to them (happiness, justice, and a broken husk of a man who needs to rethink his nihilistic, Darwinian/Humist philosophy.)
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keroppidreams · 3 months
so i downloaded tomodachi life for shits and giggles /nostalgia/self indulgence. made me, gin, toshi and a couple of other characters. i made one of my friends (who we shall call 🐸) since they got a big crush on a certain 2d salaryman so i made them. everything is going great, my mii and gin are friends, 🐸's mii is making friends too and is particularly close to gin.
this will become important later.
2d salary man says that he wants to confess to 🐸. i'm like "this is great! 🐸 will be happy!"
salary man confesses to 🐸 mii...and then fucking gin pops out of nowhere and is like "🐸, im in love with you too!"
me: ok whatever, he's most likely going to get rejec-- 🐸: omg gin-san, im so happy you feel the same way!!! me: wait a damn minute--
so basically, 🐸 hooked up with gin, leaving their beloved salary man in the dust while im staring at the screen in shock.
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
Electro in the au would be the child of an extreme environmental activist that really wanted to find a way to make renewable energy with us as the source and things go wrong, super wrong actually, when he gets his wish.
Max is encased in his own self sustaining field of bioelectricity that makes it impossible to interact with things without electrocuting them and he accidentally wounds his dad and runs away in a shamed panic. Due to not being able to control his abilities he causes mass destruction that the government wants to bring him in for (along with government testing) making his panic worse.
Spider-Man comes to help and realizes that Max is just a scared kid like he was when he first got his powers (tho Max is like 16-17 here) and decides to take him under his wing in hopes to give the city a new hero after telling him he and his dad just need time to settle things over and he’ll forgive him. (Goes by hero name Electro during this)
They got to find his dad and discovered that his dad was taken due to competitors wanting to replicate his work despite him saying it’s not stable. Max and Spider-Man go to save him when a rift happens after an argument over lethal force happens. Spider-Man wanting to minimize damage while Electro will do whatever it takes. Electro’s volatile nature gets them found out and when he goes for the kill on the guy who orchestrated his dads kidnapping Spider-Man tackles him to get him to stop causing him to fatally injure his dad.
The facility is ruined and both have to flee but not before Electro swears to get even for Spider-Man(?) his fathers death.
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