#bruise mention
nxrseryclouds · 9 months
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Pairing: Caregiver!Johnny Cage x Reader (Gender Neutral Pronouns Used: They/Them)
Synopsis: After an incredibly long day on his newest film set, Johnny returns home bruised more than usual. However you know the exact solution to all his booboo troubles! Bandaids!
Tags: Fluff, Comfort, Soft Feels, Regression
Warnings: Use of Pet Names (Daddy, ETC), Bruise and Wound Mention, Fight Mention.
Word Count: 781 Words
Author’s Notes: This is my first time writing or posting this sort of content so please be kind! I plan on writing more content like this when I’m able to but for now please enjoy this fluffiness!
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Boring. Today had been strangely quiet for [Your Name]. It wasn’t necessarily unusual for that to be so, but they wouldn’t say they liked it. Quiet allowed time for thinking, too much thinking. Which meant they spent the last several hours drifting back and forth, in and out of their regressed headspace. They weren’t unable to handle it alone, just that they heavily preferred the company of their Caregiver. However Hollywood could never cut Johnny Cage any slack, whisked away for the newest and biggest project that his name would surely be plastered all over. If it made decent money and had plenty action? He was there. That man adored his name in the spotlight, the center of attention playing important characters on the big screen. His calling had always been acting, and he did an excellent job slipping into every role. His movies weren’t always appropriate to watch while regressed, certainly not a good chunk of them at the very least. Between the semi-realistic fight scenes and the rather graphic swears, he made it clear that they shouldn’t be watched without his supervision. Though [Your Name] was also quite the rascal from time to time, wanting to see Johnny work his movie magic as showed up to save the day or punch another bad guy in the face! Much too focused on the movie, they hadn’t even realized their Caregiver was making his way inside. Johnny’s keys rattled briefly until he managed to push the door open with a foot. His hands too bruised for him to strain them further than they already were. What called the Little’s attention to the Living Room was the tired sigh that was followed by a certain someone flopping against the cushions. He sprawled himself out, glancing over to see a lingering figure in his peripheral vision. They tilted their head, waiting to be beckoned by their Caregiver.
‘No need to hide over there Cupcake, come take a seat.’ He gestured for them to settle beside him, the cushion had room enough for a certain Little. They shuffled carefully, settling down as they looked over at Johnny. Exhausted was one word to describe him, it was hard to miss the bruises and scuffs that littered him too. Their face twisted in a slight frown, which then caught Cage’s attention almost immediately.
‘What’s with the frown? Worried about me my little Movie Star?’
“Your hands…” They spoke softly, though they came out a bit babbled and slurred.
‘Just a rough day on set, nothing your totally amazing Daddy can’t handle!’ He tried his best attempt at cheering them up but to no avail. Cage’s brows knitted together in brief thought on possible solutions to the case of frownies his Little was sporting, that is until they beat him to the punchline.
“I has a solution, sit still Mr. Daddy Cage.” They quickly toddled off without lingering protest from the man, he was just curious to see what they’d produce. To which they had surprised him by coming back with two complete handfuls of bandaids. Themes and colors were mixed together like it was no one’s business. Paw Patrol, Blue’s Clues, Disney, Bluey, Spongebob, Hello Kitty, you name it and it was more than likely in that pile. One by one they carefully peeled the bandaids, sticking each individual one to a different bruise, scrape, or cut on Johnny. Fingers littered in the colorful bandaids, knuckles, wrists, and his arms too. Cage felt akin to a sticker book, but the love and very careful attention his Little provided was more than enough to cause a smile. A fond upturn of his lips, watching as they paid mind to where each booboo was. Each one was also granted a peck, followed by a very enthusiastic ‘MWAH’. To which his Little had assured him that “Kisses made everything better”. He didn’t doubt it for even a second, already feeling much more relaxed thanks to them. When they were finished they took his bandaged hands and smiled, their creative and healing masterpiece now completed!
“Is okay, sometimes Daddies need bandaids too.” They said cheerfully, erupting into a fit of laughter as they were pulled against their Caregiver. From their forehead, to their little temples, and yes even their adorable nose Johnny covered them in kisses as his show of gratitude.
‘Sometimes they do, and this Daddy is very thankful to have as attentive of a Little as you.’ Though it hadn’t been the evening they expected, it certainly wasn’t unwelcomed in the slightest. The two spent the rest of their evening eating pizza, watching some much more appropriate movies, and per the “Doctor’s” orders- cuddling up together.
The End.
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zealli · 1 year
I just had top surgery and i just wanted to write about my experience so far to just kind of document it ig? I will be discussing some of the medical stuff so if that bothers you dont read
I was relatively flat prior to surgery and i have good skin elasticity so the surgeon recommended the keyhole procedure.
When i woke up from anesthesia i was nauseous but other than that i didnt really have any nausea in the first week. They wrapped up my chest with ace bandages and there was some adhesive gauze around the JP drain insertion sites. The gauze was really saturated with blood by the next day but i couldnt rly do anything about it 💀
I couldnt shower for one week and that was so miserable honestly. I used some rags to wipe myself down as best as I could but i wasnt supposed to raise my arms above my head or get the gauze wet so it was challenging. The ace bandages were kind of digging into my skin so the tight points on the curve of my back were soooo so itchy.
I hated the drains. I mean i dont think anyone likes them at all but the mobility restrictions and them getting slightly pulled in any way caused a lot of discomfort so it was hard to do anything really. They arent super discreet either so if i wanted to leave the house you could def see the bulbs kind of bulging out of my shirt and the bottom of the tubes dangling out lol.
A week after surgery i had my follow up to remove the drains. The worst part of removing the drains was the nurse cutting the stitching tbh like pulling out the drains wasnt as bad as I anticipated.
I thought my chest was going to be like bruised and gross but honestly it looked pretty normal? I was surprised because the sites that the jp drains were inserted were so so bruised and awful looking i thought my whole chest was going to look that way but it really wasnt at all. My chest is kind of numb and my sides are sore but im ok otherwise and im excited to take my first shower in over a week LOL
Ill update more as things happen but thats been my experience so far :]
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pretty-boy-eddie · 6 months
A box landed on my wrist at work and now there's a sizeable dirt looking bruise on it that people keep asking me to clean cause I 'look dirty'.
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Milo Ventimiglia as Jess Mariano in Gilmore Girls | 3.14 "Swan Song" (6/?)
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if either louis or daniel had a single friend between them they would have figured out about armand's duplicitous manipulation of their memories years ago. it's called a girl's night and the pair just shared one together with their bare tootsies steeped in a sophisticated little indoor pebble garden
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petite-pixie-princess · 21 hours
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Villain Whump Thoughts
when the villain only works for supervillain because they’re terrified of them which leads to a standoff between villain and hero
“They don’t control you!”// “Yes. They do.”
Villain accepting Supervillains hold over them matter-of-factly and not even denying it when asked. What would be the point of hiding it? The bruises are obvious enough.
When villain is captured by the heroes, and already knows that supervillain won’t send anyone to rescue them
they tell the heroes all of supervillains secrets, but the heroes still won’t trust them
after all, who would trust a snitch
the heroes can’t let villain go either, because they’re a menace to society and instead keep villain around
villain is nothing more than a warning, kept chained and humiliated where everyone can see
when the villain refuses to cross a moral boundary and supervillain makes them regret it
no one else knows what happened to villain but when they appear back on the streets they’re twice as fierce and without any of their hesitant kindness
They follow supervillains orders perfectly. They’ll never mess up again. Supervillain’s mark carved into their arm to remind them of the last time they messed up.
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thesewingmachine · 3 months
did you know that people can vomit hard/frequently enough that it can burst the blood vessels in their face and result in bruising?
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 3 months
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Dream: at least come out and talk to me
Villager: you need to stop talking to your brother. Prophecy Nightmare: WHAT? Dream: …excuse you? Villager: See? There's your attitude. Prophecy Nightmare: I Prophecy Nightmare: . . . Villager: He's corrupting you with his demonic powers. Prophecy Nightmare: KILL THIS MAN.
Prophecy Nightmare: HEY Dream: DON'T EVEN START.
Villager: his skull broke! can you believe that? all i did was throw his book at him and it CRACKED! like an egg! Dream: ??
Nightmare: uh. m Nightmare: hi! brother. i Nightmare: i fell out of the tree. again Nightmare: sorry Dream: oh! that's okay, i can patch you up :)
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Romance Your Demons
TW: Blood, bruises, asphyxiation attempt, gun mention, violence
Happy late birthday, 🎂 @thelazywitchphotographer
"Darling," Villain growled, baring their teeth in a predatorial fashion.
"Dear," Hero replied languidly, although their eyes were glued to the criminal's balled-up fists, to their arched body, ready to pounce.
They were far too reminiscent of an old, married couple, something everyone and their mother never ceased to point out, much to both the crime-fighter and the evil-doer's chagrin.
The villain rammed into them, the hero's body slamming into the wall with an audible thud, the force just shy away from breaking something.
"Well, this is intimate," the hero scoffed, swinging their leg and slamming it harshly into their adversary's ribs, letting the criminal fall to the ground, spitting blood and a flurry of filthy curses out of their mouth.
The dagger-sharp smirk on the hero's smug face was arguably a more painful blow than that merciless kick. Villain had always been told that their pride would be the end of them.
Well, now it would be the end of Hero too.
Wiping the blood from their mouth, their fingers clawed around Hero's neck, digging into their skin, leaving scratches and bruises in their wake, ripping out shallow breaths from the hero's lungs as their pale face slowly turned a sickly shade of blue.
"You're not laughing now, are you, sucker?" they seethed, loosening their death grip around their enemy's throat by a mere fraction.
Gasping and taking greedy breaths of air, the hero still had the audacity to flash a dirt-eating grin. "No, I s'ppose not."
It made the villain wish to squash the life right out of the crime-stopper's body, to beat them to a bloody pulp on the sidewalk, to empty a gun (that they unfortunately lacked right now) into the jerk's head.
But it also made them want to pull them up against their chest and kiss the hero's cheekbones and bring that oh so pretty blush to their face and neck, one that they'd only seen because Hero was exerting themselves and not because they were flustered.
The hero had dark circles under their eyes and dry skin. They'd lost weight, and not in any way that was healthy, dropping muscle from what was once a gorgeously lean figure. They were young, but their eyes were a hundred years older.
But they were struggling in the criminal's vice-like grip, still fighting for what most would deem a lost cause, still grinning in that stupidly carefree way they did when they were just starting out, barely in high school and nowhere near as broken. And it was beautiful.
The villain wanted to curse themselves, so they did.
"What? Are we just gonna keep cuddling here together for all eternity?" Hero supplied in a mostly sarcastic tone, but the strange edge it had could almost be read as flirtatious.
Villain released them from the bruising grip on their neck, their nemesis took in great breaths of air, their body shuddering as they almost fell to the ground, only for the evil-doer to catch them with a steadying arm wrapped around their waist.
They couldn't even tell when the hero's face went scarlet.
"So, where's the part where you commit homicide?" they asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'll save that for later, dove. Right now, you're all I can think about," they admitted, almost guiltily.
Surprisingly, they weren't met with another infuriatingly attractive, lopsided smirk. The look on the crime-fighter's face was nothing, if not utterly dazed.
"M-me? But I'm a mess. Like that one article so eloquently put it, I'm a cocktail of problems in a spandex suit with a few witty catchphrases," they replied, laughing humourlessly.
Villain's grip around their waist tightened subtly. "You're just tired. Sure, you could find great use for a physiotherapist, a haircut, a whole, new diatery plan, some basic skin care an-"
"Yeah, a whole makeover. No need to rub it in, though," they attested, only mildly irritated.
The villain rolled their eyes. "My point is, even through all this, you still manage to shine like a diamond in the rough."
"Oh so personality over looks? Got it," they chuckled slyly.
The criminal paused in their walk and pulled their enemy forward by the collar, "Do I have to spell it out for you? You're so goddamn hot even when you're not supposed to be, so awfully dishevelled, and yet here I am," they whispered, their lips almost brushing the hero's ear.
A tense moment of awkward silence passed as the crime-fighter pulled away from them, their eyes wide and their lips parted, trying uselessly for a few false starts. "So, where to now?" they said, straightening their posture gracefully and attempting to regain their composure, like the flustered mess of emotions from just a moment ago had never been.
"My place. We'll fix you up a little, and then we can go get something to eat," the villain replied, failing to keep the smile out of their voice.
"What happened to me being all glowing?" the hero teased.
"You're very lucky you're pretty," Villain snarled through gritted teeth, their hand resting on the back of Hero's neck.
They quickly tensed up, until the villain started to rub their neck, as though apologising for the damage they'd previously caused. The dark scowl was quickly wiped off their face as they watched the tightness dissipate from the hero's form. How had they not taken that adorable, little idiot out before?
"You're still good-looking, Hero. But you owe it to yourself to at least take care of yourself. Live a little." There was no mocking or cruelty, no sharp edges to their smile and nothing but gentleness in the villain's golden, honey brown eyes, making the hero's own hazel ones go as wide as saucers.
No one's ever talked to Hero like that, cared about them this way, or looked at them like they were a treasure. So, they nodded, hooked their hand into the villain's, placed a quick kiss on their forehead and allowed themselves to be lead forward.
The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. Strong emotions often find themselves mixing together, melting into one another. The fine line between love and hatred defines itself by desire, a treacherous walk to make, but all the more worth it. And the heart can so strangely burn a different flame, beat for a whole new cause, adore what it used to despise, and admit what it so vigorously used to deny.
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-interactions @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @theangstyclown @vernilliom @mothmancommitsarson @starssabove @kurai-hono-blog @talkingsperm @catsarecool00 @muffinrebel44 @sunnynwanda @annablogsposts @cardboardarsonist @itsmyworld23 @onlywhump @shr3ya @crotchgoblin69
Wanna be on the taglist? This'll take you there!
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hi! Im not quite sure if your requests are open at the moment, but I was wondering if you could possibly write a Poly! Marauders x reader? Maybe where the reader talks a lot and is ignored by parents and friends of is yelled at often for small nervous habits they do unconsciously? You don't have to ofc!
Love ur work!!
hi guys! i've been inactive for a while, trying to focus on schoolwork and things, but now i have some time so i thought i would write something! i'm sorry if i didn't respond to any requests, ill try to get those done asap. thanks so much! love u guys<3
to anon: ofc! hope i did this one right:) i kind of did it more hurt/comfort cause you guys know i love my comfort trope<3 also if you didn't want it like this, don't hesitate to send me another req if this was too over the top with the hurt, or you didn't like the tropes:)
warnings: implied and referenced abuse, mention of sirius's past trauma & abuse, feeling not good enough, insecurity, shy!reader, introverted!reader, bruises, hurt/comfort, crying
"(y/n!)" you snapped out of your daydream, blinking your eyes lazily as your focus adjusted to your surroundings. "ignoring us is not okay, (y/n). you need to tell us why you are behind in your classes. you're not doing good enough. we need you to stop getting distracted and focus on your work." your dad scolded you.
"argus, don't you think you're being a bit too rough on her?" your mother said quietly. "i'm sure she's doing her-"
"eleanor, don't interrupt me," your dad said quietly. that shut your mother up, and she said nothing else. you felt for her in that moment, being trapped in a relationship where she couldn't say anything, couldn't voice her own opinions because they would get shut down every single time.
it scared you to think of ever being in a marriage like theirs. because of your parents, you had trust issues, and you didn't think you could let anyone into your heart because of how your parents ended up.
they were high school sweethearts, fell in love at the young age of 16. as a kid, you would look through old boxes in cupboards, filled with old pictures of your mother and father at your age. it was crazy to think that they too fell in love, just like you.
but how their love ended up petrified you. how they thought their love would never end but it did, when you were born. you'd never seen your parents happy, let alone happy together.
playing with your fingers to try and distract yourself from the conversation you were having, you thought of your own relationship with your boyfriends. it was the complete opposite of your parents. they were comforting, respectful, caring and they always loved you no matter what.
your thoughts were interrupted by your father's voice. "for god's sake, stop fidgeting like that!" he yelled, and grabbed your wrists tightly, making you flinch. you could already feel the bruises forming.
"i'm sorry. i'll work harder," you murmured, eyes focused on the floor. you couldn't meet their eyes. you knew you were a disappointment to them. it just hurt too much to even look at them.
hogwarts was made for gifted witches and wizards. although you were relatively smart, you had to work really hard to get good grades, as opposed to some of your friends who barely studied and still managed to get exceptional grades. it infuriated you.
you had managed to convince two of your friends to help you study, as they were really good at astronomy.
at the library, you were excitedly telling your friends about a new book you were reading. you continued, a huge smile on your face, saying, "and so then, the she finally gets together with him, and it's just so dreamy and i-"
"oh my god, (y/n)! are you done?" your friend snapped at you. she looked extremely annoyed at you, and once you glanced at the clock you saw that you'd only been speaking for a few minutes. you didn't get why she had to be so annoyed with you. you didn't do anything wrong, did you?
your smile dissolved, and you quietly said, "yeah."
your friend then proceeded to tell you guys about her new relationship with cedric, who you didn't care about in the least. "i'm just gonna go up to the dormitories," you said quietly, excusing yourself. your friends didn't even notice your departure.
what kind of friends were they? they hurt your feelings, always making you feel worthless, just like your parents. your boyfriends had told you they were both wastes of time but you had ignored them.
'where are they, anyways?' you thought to yourself as you looked around for your boyfriends. you needed them right now. tears pooled behind your lash line as you thought about what had happened.
you felt almost guilty for wanting to see your boyfriends. you didn't want them to pity you, and so you went up to your dormitory, which was completely empty at this early hour. falling face flat onto your bed, you finally let your tears fall.
a few minutes later, you heard a knock at the door, then a soft, "baby? are you in there?" it sounded like james, and you sobbed quietly at his voice, at the comfort it brought you even without seeing him.
"c'mon, let us in," remus said through the door.
"please?" sirius chimed in. "if you don't, we'll feed you to the rats."
"pads!" james whisper-screamed. "why would you say that?"
you smiled. they could easily cheer you up, even just their voices.
you grabbed your wand off the bedside and undid the lock on the door. your boyfriends came bursting in, not expecting the sudden movement, and they caught sight of you on your bed.
"oh, sweetheart," rem said softly.
making his way over to you, he pulled you into his lap and your legs encircled his waist. you let your head fall into his chest and his hand came up to smooth your hair. "shhh," he cooed into your ear. "it's okay."
jamie was already on the other side of you, thumb stroking your palm, already warming you up. you winced slightly as his thumb pressed on your bruise from yesterday.
siri sat on the bed opposite you, and his eyes darkened protectively when he saw the bruises lining your wrists. "pup, what's this?"
for a second you were confused, then you realised what he was talking about. your eyes grew wide as you said, "it's nothing, siri, I promise." you knew about his past, you didn't want to bring it up and have him do something he would regret.
"no, sweetheart," sirius put a finger under your chin, tilting your head so your eyes could meet his. "who did this to you?"
your eyes filled with tears and the anger on his face softened, but he was still inquisitive. "dad," you mumbled under your breath. "but it wasn't his fault, i was being a brat, and-" your tears came back full force, and you whispered, "and i'm not good enough for them." you laughed wetly, then continued. "my friends ignore me. they probably think I'm stupid and useless. i don't deserve to be here. it's all my fault for being friends with them. it's my fault for not working hard enough for my parents."
the boys exchanged a look over your head. their princess, believing she wasn't good enough? well, they couldn't have that.
sirius lifted his hand from your chin to cup your cheek. you leaned against the warmth radiating from his palm, tears still silently flowing down your face. "it's not your fault," he murmured. "it's never your fault. please remember that, baby."
"you deserve everything and more," james said softly.
remus hugged you tightly against his chest. "don't let anyone ever tell you different, princess."
you cried into remus's sweater, letting out everything you'd felt the past few days. they let you cry, knowing it'd be useless to try and get you to stop. you needed a good cry.
"i'm so-"
"don't you dare apologise." sirius's eyes grew serious. "otherwise we're truly feeding you to the rats."
you giggled, hand coming up to wipe your tears but james did it for you himself. they really treated you like their princess.
"i love you guys," you mumbled, sniffling quietly.
their faces softened. "love you too, bug."
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(starting notes: this is most likely going to be very much rambling and jumping from one thing to another. I am just very upset about the situation and what some people are saying about it and needed to clear my head.)
I, myself am autistic and ADHD and regardless of whether you realize it or not, you are stereotyping autistic people by basically saying that they don't know when to stop when asked and can't understand boundaries. Well!! spoiler alert!!! WE DO UNDERSTAND BOUNDARIES. AND IF SOMEONE ASKS US TO STOP IF WE'RE HURTING THEM/MAKING THEM UNCOMFORTABLE? WE WILL!!! WHY??? BECAUSE IT'S BASIC HUMAN DECANCY.
Autistic people are people too. With feelings, emotions, opinions, and boundaries. Just like every other human being on this planet. We are human, just with a more different mindset than most. And most Autistic people try their best to respect people's boundaries and to listen to people when they say no or to stop. If William Gold really is autistic and has a known habit of biting, he could have easily gone on Amazon and gotten a chewing necklace to help with the habit. They're like $5-11 and they almost always come in packs of 3-5 or more. I've had several throughout my life, and they really do help with said habit. So he has NO reason and NO excuse to be biting someone else instead. ESPECIALLY TO THE POINT THE PERSON IS SCREAMING AT THEM AND USING A SAFE WORD TO STOP.
And you people have to keep in mind that the biting isn't the only awful thing he's done to Shelby. He has physically abused her. He had pinned her down and had told her to try her hardest to get him off with full knowledge that she has been $e×ually assaulted before and then said something along the lines of that, he was so much stronger than her and that "she wouldn't be able to fight back". Had likely loved bombed her at the beginning of the relationship to make her stay(which, if you didn't know is a big red flag). Threw away almost all of her things after they broke up without even telling her. Manipulated her and gaslighted her (saying he wanted kids/marriage and then further into the relationship telling her he never wanted that & never said that) plus A LOT more.
Long story short:
-The autistic excuse is a load of fucking bullshit.
-PLEASE do some research about Neurodivergent people before you say anything relating to them online.
-While you're at it, research different kinds of abuse and manipulative behavior because you obviously don't understand that THIS? BITING someone to the point it HURTS AND THEY ARE SCREAMING? IS VERY CLEARLY ABUSE.
-Stop defending someone who already owned up to it (in the most shittiest and self-centered way possible, making it all about himself and also not even mentioning her NAME ONCE).
-Get off whatever social media platform you're on and either go play a game, go outside, read a book, or go to sleep if its late.
-And Always Support The Victim. NEVER The Fucking Abuser.
(Final notes: I seriously recommend that you watch Shelby's VOD of you haven't and read these websites start to finish. You'll find a lot that relates back to William's behavior. Both inside and outside this relationship.
Shelby Shubble VOD
After reading them, I still recommend that you do more research about the topics I brought up. It could save your life one day.)
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the-meme-monarch · 8 months
i love fruit. wish the stores sold them ripe so they would actually taste good
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notmoreflippingelves · 3 months
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It's dawned on me suddenly
And for no obvious reason
That I can't go on
Living as I am.
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painsandconfusion · 4 months
Something's Not Right
Whumping the Whumper - Part Thirty-six
(tw: internal bleeding, death threat, illness, long term captivity, concussion, bruises, gun, murder mention, nonsexual nudity)
[Previous | Masterpost | Next] [Chronologically following this scene]
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Four years ago...
“E-Ethan? Ethan wake up..-”
Ethan stirred at the light poke to his thigh. He groaned, stretching against the cold concrete before squinting open his eyes. His arms instinctively snaked around Johnny, pulling his warmth closer. His head was throbbing- he pressed the ache closer into Johnny’s shoulder to bury it away again.
“N-no, Ethan. Please.”
His eyes fluttered open, squinting down at Johnny in the moonlight. He looked…scared. Must have had a nightmare again.
Ethan swallowed the grogginess from his throat and reached up to brush a few stray locks of hair from Johnny’s forehead. “What’s wrong?”
Johnny stared up at him, eyes shimmering. “Som..something’s not right. It’s wrong and-” Johnny’s voice cracked as a tear leaked from the corner of his eye. “It’s just…wrong.”
Ethan’s brows pinched together. “Why don’t you try to get back to sleep? It always hurts worst right away - maybe when you wake up-”
“-no, it’s wrong.” Tears were dripping steadily now. Johnny’s quick, shallow breaths pressed against Ethan’s chest. 
Was Johnny always this warm?
Ethan sat up, looking over Johnny. He was bruised, sure, but..he’d woken earlier and Johnny was alright. Not…completely alright, of course. But…healable. Crawford had used his fists, the damage was mostly to his thighs and torso. No broken bones, no sprains, just deep, aching bruises. 
..Ethan tried to pull him a little closer. “Some more sleep sh-”
Johnny pressed his palm against the ground, tugging himself free from Ethan’s arms. “I-I don’t know what it…what it is. Something…something’s not right…”
Something akin to fear started to curl in Ethan’s stomach. No. Weighed it down. Sour and heavy and hot, pressing against his mind. He sat the rest of the way up, too, folding his arms around Johnny. He kissed the back of his neck.
…Johnny was sweating.
In this cold??
He gripped Johnny a little tighter. “Does it hurt?”
Johnny reached up, clutching Ethan’s fore-arms. One hand clamping down, the other resting lightly. “Yeah, it’s…yeah.” Johnny swallowed. “It’s wrong. Something’s wrong.”
“Okay, okay I…I hear you.” Ethan didn’t know what to do. He rubbed his thumb up and down against Johnny’s shoulder. “What does it feel like?”
“Does…it hurt more than usual?”
“...Um…I think so? No. Wait. Not…not more, jus- … different. I can’t…everything feels wrong.”
Ethan’s hand presses against his forehead. “..is it any particular place?”
Johnny’s breath pulled out in a whine, hugging Ethan’s arm closer. “...e…kinda everywhere but…b-ut ‘specially here-” he made a vague gesture over his abdomen.
Ethan frowned, extracting himself from Johnny’s grip. He carefully picked at the hem of Johnny’s shirt, carefully pulling it up and off of him. There were no goosebumps despite the chill that must have just washed over him. Sweat clung to the shirt, making a sticky sound as he forced it off Johnny’s skin. 
Ethan’s eyes slid back and forth over the bruises that just barely showed up as an outline in the sprinkling of moonlight that worked its way into the basement. His brows pinched, worry starting to churn through him.
..Crawford hit too hard. He knew these symptoms, Johnny was bleeding where he couldn’t see. 
Ethan pulled the shirt back down, praying to the first handful of gods he could think of that it would clear up within a couple days. At least one god had to listen to him, right?
“..is…is i-t okay..?”
Ethan looked helplessly over Johnny, hand lifting to cradle his face. “..I don’t…I think so - I do. But..I really think we should get you a doctor.”
Johnny laughed- but the small, spiteful sound immediately sputtered out into a small whine, breaths immediately falling faster and shallow. “Hh-hhhe w-on’t- n-no way-”
“...Just let me ask.”
Johnny’s head tilted into Ethan’s palm, cradling it there with his own. “...o-kay..”
So much for his headache. Is it still considered a headache when it’s a concussion? 
In any case, so much for his concussion.
Ethan leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Johnny’s forehead before dragging himself up and toward the stairs. He took them three at a time until his fists bruised against the door with the force of his banging. “HEY ASSHOLE-! GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE-!”
Johnny rolled his eyes through labored breath, propped against the wall. “...h-e’s not gonna come- it’s like fffour in the morning.”
“He will if I don’t shut up-” Ethan turned back to the door, hammering on the wood again. “CRAWFORD, YOU SLIMEY BITCH WE NEED A DOCTOR-!” 
Ethan paced, shouting up and out into the house he couldn’t reach for almost twenty minutes, his own head reeling and spinning damn near off his shoulders each time he screamed up to the well known abuser and an unknown god in tandem. 
Finally, finally, the bastard showed his face. 
The door slammed open the moment it was unlocked, gun pointed at Ethan. 
Ethan took a hesitant step backward down the stairs, eyes on the gun. He never got that out. 
“What. The fuck. Is wrong with you,” Crawford bit out, all but drooling venom. 
Ethan lifted his hands. “We need a doctor- you fucked up Johnny too much.”
Crawford scoffed, starting to close the door. “I didn’t do anything different, go the fuck to sleep.”
Ethan stepped forward, bracing one hand against the door so it couldn’t close. “No, wait- I’m seriously h-”
The sound of the gun cocking cut off his sentence. “He’s. Fine. You were a little bitch when you first got here, too. Deal with it.”
“He’s bleeding internally!”
“And who’s fault is that?”
Ethan froze, memories of running skittering across his mind. Johnny’s screams. Crawford’s cursing. Guilt curled fresh into his blood. 
Swallowing down emotions and pride, he tried again. “...please. He needs a doctor.”
“I will kill him if you don’t shut the fuck up. He’s fine. Keep pushing it and he won’t be.”
Rage flickered across Ethan’s eyes, but he let his hand fall from the door. 
In a moment, it slammed in his face, deadbolt snapping back into the frame.
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coffee-beanz01 · 9 days
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(Shhh...I know that the bruise is off-)
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