#bsd season 3
venelona · 9 months
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I got super sick so decided to catch up with Bungo Stray Dogs and oh boi we're really in it now
also i still can't believe Odasakuman is a thing
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ssaraexposs · 2 months
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"This is my true ability" and then proceeds to kill Karma. WTF is his ability?
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After Fitzgerald fight happened and Atsushi fight with Akutagawa againts Fitzgerald Atsushi get a note to Ada's mailbox written his name on it. Kunikida confused about where it came from and who is sending it.
Ranpo smile softly and misteriously while looking at Dazai then says Atsushi
"Go to location which mentioned in note"
Dazai looking at Atsushi with unexplanaied eyes and say "Go Atsushi-kun, me and Ranpo doesn't know where you are going, as i say, aren't you go to get tofu to Kyouka ?"
"Thats right" Ranpo said.
Ranpo covered Atsushi's shoulders and take him to backdoor of Ada. Door closed with Ranpo's certificed smiled. Atsushi examine note in the way to location. He examine note's paper, pen and even try to expose it to fire. He saw this on Ranpo's books written by Poe. He learned when someone write a parchment with blue cobalt and make parchment with potassium nitrate spirit then expose it to fire, hidden letters in note can seen. Okay, how can someone write with blue cobalt and this not even a parchment but ıts worth trying.
Atsushi suddenly hold his breath, stop walking and opened his eyes with realizition. This street, which street cats live (even a Cat with three color live here). The Cat seems close to Dazai. This street Atsushi's first fight and first meet with Akutagawa. Atsushi preperad himself to fight and live but little voice in his head tell him something, different. Something not inclued fight. Akutagawa waited him in dead end street. He walked past Atsushi an give him a quick look. He is mot saying a single word especially start with *JİNKO* .
Atsushi says "Akutagawa why are you invite me here ?" Akutagawa said with slight anger in his voice "Follow me!" They walked along the city. Atsushi take cotton candy to Akutagawa.
Sun slightly start setting."Do you know where are we going right ?" Atsushi whispired Akutagawa with confuse voice tone
"No" Akutagawa replace
Atsushi freaking out and panicking, he thought they are lost. He start to think he's life in streets
"I'm not going to lost in Yokohama so you too" Akutagawa scream to Atsushi's face, he seem ready to active his Rashoumon
I just want to walk, walk along with you and take you to somewhere. Akutagawa's words
Even you don't know where it was ? Atsushi smiled Akutagawa . We do it again
They walk in city then suddenly everywhere became their home.
For a stray dog streets is home
Dazai muttered with a smile and that unexplanaied look in his eyes. Watched Akutagawa and Atsushi walk alongside
But for a street cat
He stood up stonewall he sit
Questionable words
Edgar Ellan Poe book reference
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notavalidblognamebut · 9 months
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dazai is me
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linklethehistorian · 1 year
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Throwback? To this?
Nah, I’m good, thanks. I spend most of my days trying my best to forget this bullshit ‘adaption’ ever happened, much less this whole particular moment.
Let’s just keep moving forward and…never look back. Unless you want to re-do Fifteen, and actually get it right — I mean…then I’m all ears.
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hikaruxicons · 1 year
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冫like or reblog if you save or use
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wily-wheelchair · 2 years
What manag vol is young dazai and chuuya from season 3??
I've seen the 15 light novel but is there a manga for it??
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homoesia · 10 months
i could not explain why if i tried but it brings me so much joy that chuuya calls randou "danna"
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nemui-mochi · 1 year
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The complete loot🐯
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breadsoup00 · 2 years
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love this view of Atsushi…
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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lore accurate teen soukoku. the worsties ever
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xinvisiblestringsx · 3 months
Thinking about how Dazai gave Akutagawa the reason to live he promised for by making him and Atsushi the new soukoku because when him and Chuuya became a duo Chuuya became his reason to live.
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thepiratearcinhamlet · 9 months
Dazai: let's make a new strategy called "GOODBYE" where you shoot me several times in non lethal areas, and then pretend to shoot me in the head, but use your gravity powers to slow the speed of the bullet so it stops right when it touches my skull so I can dramatically pretend to die, but I'm not actually dead. :3
Chuuya: hell yeah
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maalidoesart · 10 months
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someone is having a bit too much fun in prison lol
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acecrow · 4 months
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Have the same art style two drawings in a row failed
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linklethehistorian · 1 year
heads up linkle im writing you an essay about how wrong you are on randous character leave my babygirl alone
OMG 🥺💖🥰💕💞 You’re taking the time to dedicate a whole essay to me to help me find counter-arguments and strengthen my position for my article?! That’s wonderful!!! Ahhh, it’s so amazing to have such sweet and wonderful big fans who want to help me out like this. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰
I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface yet in my article, so that’s super great ahhhhh, very appreciated! Please do make sure you send it straight into my ask box so that I can read, review and address in the rest of my article when I get around to finishing it! 💞💞💕💕💕🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰
Also *our babygirl, but agreed! People who have no reading comprehension or knowledge of the actual irl stuff a lot of his character is based on really should mind their own business and leave our poor baby alone 😭 He deserves so much better
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