#bulb stolen
miss-bulldozer · 2 years
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Original content – don’t remove credit.
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cherrydott · 2 years
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BIG BULB!!!!!! Episode where Mad Ducktor steals the biggest lightbulb in the world.. for paternal and possibly villainous purposes maybe
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so what you're gonna do is you're gonna trim the top off a bulb of garlic, using the knife's edge to take off the tip of every individual clove, that's important. you're gonna place the garlic face-up in a square of tinfoil, drizzle with olive oil, wrap completely in foil, place in baking tray, repeat with a copious amount of garlic bulbs. you're gonna put that baking tray in an oven set to 375-400°F, for 30-50 minutes, until soft and browned. you're gonna toast some good bread, slather generously with butter and honey, maybe a tiny lil bit o' salt. and then. you're gonna SQUEEZE. OUT. THAT. ROASTED GARLIC. onto the butter honey toast. and you're gonna eat it. food stolen directly from the plate of the gods. that's what you're gonna do.
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msgexymunson · 10 months
Life Hack
Description: Maybe Eddie will finally get the message that you do like him when you show him a little bra life hack. 
A/N: what can I say, this was rattling in my head when I showed my partner how to undo a bra one handed and I couldn't help but think of Eddie (because he lives in my brain now and refuses to leave.) If you enjoy it please comment and reblog my sweethearts!
Warnings: NSFW, minor DNI (here there be nipples) fem slightly dom reader, Eddie is an idiot, boob play, dry humping
1.5k words
You walk into Eddie's room with freshly brushed teeth, wearing a stolen t-shirt of his, the Iron Maiden one with the bleach stains that has become your favourite, and some tiny sleep shorts. Eddie's already sprawled on the bed in a pair of pyjama pants, one arm slung under his head, the other holding half a joint over the full ashtray. 
Fuck, he isn't making this easy. 
His slim toned physique, his tattoos, his happy trail. It's all making your mouth water with anticipation for something that doesn't seem possible. Try as you might to entice him, Eddie's not getting the message. You've been dying for Eddie to take the leap, to move your relationship out of the friendship zone but either he doesn't like you that way or he really is an idiot. 
One minute he's flirting, the next he's punching you on the arm and play fighting with you like you're his kid sister or something. It really makes you wonder how he lost his virginity in the first place.
"You want some of this?" 
"Huh?" You ask just a little too loudly. 
"This," he says, waving the joint at you and smirking.  
"Oh, sure, gimme- oh goddamn!" As you reach out you feel a twang and a pain digging into your side. 
"What the hell just happened?" Eddie asks, looking confused. 
"It's nothing Eds, just my bra rebelling" you laugh, wriggling uncomfortably. 
"You can, erm, take it off… you know, if it makes you more comfortable." He's blushing, you swear you see his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. Maybe he does like you? The thought places your heart firmly in your throat.
Reaching behind you, you expertly flick your bra open and start manoeuvring the shirt sleeves so you can take it off. Eddie's jaw may as well be on the floor, eyes bugging out like a cartoon. 
"It's undone? Just like that?" 
You laugh at the face he's pulling, until you have a light bulb moment. 
"Do you want me to teach you?" 
"What?" If Eddie's eyes could get wider, they somehow do, taking over his face like an anime character. 
"I could teach you how to do it, if you want. It's like a life hack, you know? I really don't mind." 
Eddie looks in turmoil for a minute. Maybe you crossed a line. Until you hear his response. 
"Oh, erm… OK?" 
Reaching around to clip your bra back in place, you wriggle everything in position. 
"Give me some of that first" you say, wiggling your fingers at him. He wordlessly passes the joint to you and you take a deep drag, blowing smoke upwards. It helps to calm your nerves a little. Taking another, blowing smoke, and passing it back to him, he takes it to finish it off, stubbing it out in the ashtray. He looks panicked, moving the ashtray off of the bed, clearing the bed of debris, like this was going to be some complicated mission. 
Right, it's now or never. Maybe he'll finally get the fucking hint. 
Taking a deep breath, you grab the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head. The bra is nothing special really, just a black cotton one, tiny bow situated between your breasts. 
Eddie's mouth opens and closes at the sight, gaping like a moron at your exposed cleavage. Moving over to the bed, you straddle him, backwards. 
"Right, so if you look, it's real easy." You move one hand behind your back, pushing your thumb into the hook part, and flick the bra undone with your index finger. You're not sure if you hear a gasp or if you're just imagining it.
"See? Easy." You clip it back into position and risk a glance over your shoulder. Eddie's face is glowing scarlet. It's the only sign he's giving you, so you're willing to take it as a good one. 
"Wanna try?" 
"Yeah-" his voice starts, impossibly high pitched, until he coughs and continues, much lower, "-Sure thing." 
You feel one hand at your hip, on your exposed skin. The touch you've been craving. It shoots to your core unexpectedly, making you so grateful Eddie can't see your face right now. The other hand starts shakily fumbling with the catch until he gets it. 
"See? Simple. OK," you do it back up, and swivel around, your heat pressed against him. The feel of him underneath you has your head reeling, imagining all sorts of depraved situations, but you reign it in. 
"You wanna try from this way?" 
"Uh huh." He's responding, but his eyes are glued to your chest. 
Snapping his head up, he almost looks guilty. 
"Yeah, sure." 
"So, sit up a bit, reach around." You beckon him with your fingers so he pulls himself upright, face suddenly so close to yours you feel his breath on your cheek. 
"So… thumb and forefinger, yeah?" 
Eddie's eyes dart to your lips and back up. 
"Yeah." He reaches, pulling you close for a minute, forcing air out of your lungs. Maybe this was a bad idea. It's getting difficult to breathe. Trying to calm yourself, you settle for staring at Eddie's ear. 
He's fumbling, but after a while he gets it. You feel the sudden free feeling. He looks up at you with his eyes all lit up like a dog that just learned a new trick. 
"I did it!" 
"Sure did. You wanna practise again?"
"Yeah sure." 
Once again, you put it back in position. This time, Eddie barely fumbles and flicks it off in one fluid motion. 
"See? Easy! Well done!" Genuinely pleased that you actually taught the boy something, you look him in the eyes for the first time since you decided to make this risky move. 
His usually beautiful amber brown eyes are dark, dipped in desire. He's breathing heavy, large palms coming to rest on your waist. But he's still not making a move. 
Fuck it. 
"You wanna see them?" You ask, praying you're reading him right. 
"...did you just say… what I think you just did?" 
You slowly slip the straps down your arms and peel the bra off, dropping it to the side. Your nipples, happy to be finally free, perk up at the air around them. Goosebumps run over your exposed flesh. 
It comes out in one breath. Eddie's gawking gaze darts between your naked breasts; awe, shock and panic are fighting for dominance in his eyes. 
No response. 
You cradle his jaw with one hand and his eyes finally look at you. Unable to wait for a second longer, you press your lips against his. 
It's like a switch is finally flipped in Eddie's brain. He pushes his tongue in your mouth immediately, swiping at yours with such urgency it shocks you. His hand is pushing into the small of your back, guiding you to grind over the hard bulge in his pants. 
The other hand finds your breast, squeezing at it. His thumb runs over your nibble, flicking at the hardened nub, sending tingles through your nerves and up your spine.  
When he breaks from your kiss and starts mouthing at your neck, you tell him finally, words spilling from slick, kiss bitten lips. 
"I was wondering when you'd get the fucking message Eddie." 
You run your fingernails through his hair making him groan into your neck.
"The hell," he breathes, mouth dragging down to your chest, "didn't think you, you liked me like that." 
"You're a fucking idiot Eds, been trying to flirt with you for weeks- oh God!" 
His tongue starts running around your nipple, shocking you out of your reprimand. Moans replace words as he sucks at your nipple, making you rub against him faster. Your clit is begging for more attention and Eddie's happy to oblige, forcing you against him, hard. 
The friction is building up; body buzzing with desire all the way to the tips of your toes. Eddie's desperately tonguing at your nipple, breath whistling through his nose hotly as he's whining in his throat. 
"Eddie, fuck, I'm gonna come!" You're gripping his biceps urgently, rocking against him with all the power you have. Your warning just pushes him further, sucking at your skin and moaning with you. 
Your release flows from you in an intense flash of white light as your fingernails dig into Eddie, holding on for all your worth, chest heaving with heavy pants. 
Eddie groans just as loudly as you as your hips finally stutter to a halt. He looks like he's had a religious experience, staring at you with hearts in his eyes. 
"Eds, did you just cum-" 
"Yup," he says, popping the P loudly, looking almost proud. His grin is reaching almost from ear to ear. This version of Eddie, the idiot, the one you fell for, is in front of you again. 
"So, you do like me then?" 
"Sweetheart, I think you're incredible, I just didn't think you saw me like that." He says, hands rubbing up and down your sides. 
"You're really stupid Eddie." 
"You're probably right" He smiles, eyes glancing back down to your chest. 
"So, do I get to see the rest?" 
No real tag list, just adding some likely people ;)
@lunatictardis @lightvixxen @roanniom @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @eddiesprincess86 @munson-blurbs @wroteclassicaly @loveshotzz
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 1 month
The Truth of the Matter
A/N: Warning dirty talk and misunderstandings of a certain word.
Summary: One day, Eddie, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike decide to summon a fairy. . .it's Steve Harrington. Chaos ensues. Pre-season 4, pre-Steddie.
Eddie pouted as he sat down on his throne. He was really looking forward to playing tonight, but Gareth, Jeff, and Frankie were all out sick. They had all gotten mono, which is what they get for practicing kissing. Gareth immediately yelled at him for that comment. Apparently, that's not what happened. Eddie was cackling to himself when the door opened. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas all filtered in talking excitedly.
"Hey, buttheads, did you not get the memo? Hellfire has been canceled," Eddie said.
"We thought you were joking," Dustin said.
"You never cancel Hellfire for anything," Lucas frowned.
"Well, Jeff, Gareth, and Frankie are all out sick with the kissing disease," Eddie said.
"Oh, that's right, they weren't at lunch," Mike said.
"Well, now what?" Lucas asked.
"You boys want to perform a spell?" Eddie said. "I found this cool little book at a Flea Market. Want to try it?"
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin all shared weary looks.
"Uh. . . "
"What? Don't be a bunch of chicken shits. Nothing is going to happen. It's just for fun," Eddie said. "What could possibly go wrong?"
"Of course, nothing is going to happen," Dustin said laughing. "That would he crazy."
"You're laughing a little hard there, Henderson," Eddie said. "It's not like I'm going to accidentally open a portal to hell."
Now, it was Lucas, Dustin, and Mike all laughing rather loudly. Eddie gave them all strange looks.
"Robes!" Eddie exclaimed, clapping his hands.
"We have those?" Lucas asked, and Eddie just cackled.
Several moments later, they lowered the lights and slipped on robes that covered their faces. Lit candles were scattered around them as Eddie opened a leather bound book in front of them.
"Why in the fuck did I get stuck with the pink robe?" Mike asked. "Why are all the others black and this one is pink?"
"You were too slow, Mike. Now, hush," Dustin said.
"What are we summoning?" Lucas asked.
"A fairy," Eddie replied.
"Why a fairy?" He asked.
"Well, according to this book, fairies have extraordinary healing abilities, bring you good luck, and have the ability to shield you from harm," Eddie said. "Sounds cool although, sometimes they have shitty luck themselves, so I don't know how that works."
"It also says they're loneliest creatures on the planet because they're wildly misunderstood," Dustin read over his shoulder. "Rather than harming children like some think, these creatures do everything in their power to protect them from harm. Most of the time, it is because they themselves were stolen in the night as children to be used by human greed. Aw, why didn't you say you just wanted to summon a lonely fairy who protects children?"
"Shut it, Henderson," Eddie said.
"And you're sure they won't be able to see our faces?" Dustin asked, and Eddie gave him a look. "Right. Shutting up."
Eddie began speaking and used his deep dungeon master voice as he said the spell. After the entire spell was done, they waited. . . and waited. . . Finally, a huge gust of wind swirled around them, the flames grew large, and the lights flickered behind them. Suddenly, a figure was falling in the middle of their circle with a loud thud.
"I was on a fucking ladder! What the fuck!" Steve’s voice yelled. "Oh, there's the light bulb. Huh, it didn't break."
Steve flopped onto his back and screamed at the sight of hooded figures surrounding him. Surprised voices whispered excitedly as they looked down on him. Steve furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the sight of the bright pink one.
"Do not be afraid, Steve Harrington," a deep voice spoke. "We mean you no harm."
"What the fuck do you want from me?" Steve asked. "How did you even bring me here?"
"Magic. . .tell us your deepest, darkest secrets," the voice said.
"Fuck. Fuck! Okay! Okay! I, uh, like blue and yellow, but what everyone doesn't know, besides Robin, is that I like the color pink," Steve said.
"Interesting, but not what we're looking for," the voice said.
"I always wanted a little brother, but it wasn't until the kids I babysit came into my life that I finally got the siblings I always wanted, and I think if anyone of them died, I would die," Steve said.
"Aw," a familiar voice said softly and sniffled.
"That's . . . Really fucking sweet but no, not what I'm looking for," the voice said.
"Okay, okay. . .Robin's like my best friend in the world, my platonic soulmate, but I lied to her. She asked me if I was still in love with Nancy Wheeler, and I lied, I think I always will be. I just didn't want to seem so pathetic because I know it's over," Steve said. "Is that it?"
"Uh. . .warmer. . ."
"I once had a sex dream where I was with Jonathan and Nancy, but I never told anyone because I thought it would be weird."
"What the fu - "
"Quiet," the deep voice said. "That isn't what I'm looking for, but, uh, close."
"Okay, I once got my dick sucked at a party by a guy, and it led me to a lot of realizations. . ." Steve trailed off.
"OKAY. . .mi'lord, I do not think this man knows that he is a fairy," one of the figures said.
"HEY! That is a really offensive term. I'm bisexual," Steve replied. "Sacrifice me all you want but respect my sexuality please. Although I once used a rude term, I didn't know about myself at the time. Do you want to talk before you kill me?"
"You're, uh, surprisingly calm now," the deep voice said. "For someone who thinks we're going to kill them."
"Well, it's happened too many times now," Steve shrugged. "Is that what you wanted to know?"
". . .no."
"Well, I wish I was a woman sometimes. . .mostly because I wish I could go through the birthing process. . . I don't think my parents are my real parents. . . I once let Robin touch my dick because she wanted to know what it felt like. . . It was weird for both of us. . .sometimes I think about getting on my knees for Eddie Munson and - "
"Let him speak!" The deep voice said.
"Stop with the sexual ones, at least!"
"Okay. . .um, it makes me really happy to know that I have a hobby to share with one of my kids. I mean, at least one of them, you know, understands why I like basketball so much. I love all of my kids, and I really wish I could play D&D, but I'm not great at math. I don't want to look more stupid in front of them. More importantly, I could be doing anything with them, and I still feel less alone knowing they want me to be around them. . . Even if they're being shitheads. I love it though, when they bitch at me. They're my family, and I've never really felt like I had that until they came along," Steve said. "Robin, too. She's my family too."
Suddenly, all Steve could hear was the sound of them sniffling, and they dropped to their knees around him. They dropped their hoods, revealing Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. They all hugged him tightly.
"What the fuck?" Steve asked.
"We'll explain it all later," Dustin sniffled. "Just know that we love you too."
"Oh, you're also adopted," Mike muttered.
"He wasn't adopted! He was kidnapped!" Lucas exclaimed.
"Oh, right."
The other person dropped their hood, revealing Eddie Munson.
"So, what was that thing you wanted to do with Eddie?" He asked with a smirk.
Suddenly, the doors burst open and Robin came running in, breathing heavily.
"Guys! Steve was changing the light bulb in Family Video, and he just disappeared - oh, hey, Steve! Steve! What the fuck's going on?!" Robin asked.
"Robin, guess what?!" Mike asked. "Steve’s a fucking fairy!"
"No! Robin, don't punch Mike! That's not what he meant!"
Mike screamed.
Part Two
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inkelea · 7 months
stolen kisses! ✭
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pairing: smoker!lee know x fem!reader
synopsis: when you find your “enemy” killing his lungs in school grounds, you can’t just pass by and keep walking.
genre: fluff, (angst if you count yelling as such), enemies (more like rivals) to lovers (kinda), suggestive, non idol!au, hs!au, short fic.
warnings: talk about smoking addiction, smoking, kissing, kinda suggestive themes (nothing too bad tho!) at the end, cursing. (tell me if I missed something.)
word count: 1.0k
a/n: omg guys hi. first of all don’t smoke that’s so bad for you it’s just for the plot✨. if lino feels off im sorry it’s my first time writing for him😭 also again this is totally fiction not trying to like paint lino as the smoker bad boy lol. hope you like it:)
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the wet dirt feels soft under your boots, reminding you of the current weather on your way to class. rain had taken over the night, your sleep being almost interrupted by the sound of it.
your thoughts about last night’s nightmares end when you smell a particular cigarette scent and see the frame pushed against a wall. you roll your eyes after recognizing the leather jacket and slightly red hair.
lee minho, as always, is being annoying. you can’t quite pick out the day you started to despise him, but it has everything to do with his fixation on you. fixation on picking on you, that is. ever since he came in new in your sophomore year, he has been annoying you in some way or another. most of your mind is filled with thoughts about him, and not in the way you would like a boy to be in your head.
holding back is something unknown to the both of you, making you stop in front of him and hold your head high.
“you think it must be funny, giving the younger students a bad example. you’re a senior for god’s sake.”
he looks at you with an eyebrow raised, cigarette between his index and middle finger, arm hanging close to his leg.
he leans to get closer to you, a cocky grin already on his face. what a bastard. “just because you’re the perfect student who can’t have even just a bit of fun doesn’t mean the rest of us have to be prissy, miss perfect.”
your head hangs low as you try to compose yourself. he knows right where to strike you to make you lose your temper.
he is leaning against the wall once again, chin high while looking at you with a smirk, cigarette about to be smoked one more time.
“i’d rather be a prissy than be addicted to something that steals my money and kills my lungs, mr dead.”
the drag from his cigarette is stopped as he looks you up and down, laughing right after and smile getting even bigger. you kind of wished he wasn’t annoying or a smoker, or both. at the end of the day a pretty boy was a pretty boy.
“okay then tell me, princess of rules, what do you expect me to do each time i want a drag, huh? punch someone?” he licks his lips, your mind wonders if they must taste of cigarettes. “it’s really insensitive of you to pick on someone for their addictions, not what i expected from you.”
on one hand, his fake pout makes you sigh loudly, making him grin to himself. your annoyed face was kind of cute, he had to admit. on the other… you do want to help him quit, even if you know he isn’t planning to do so any time soon.
“you could eat candy or something, i don’t know.”
“so you’re telling me to exchange addictions?”
you know he’s playing, his only goal firing you up, and still, you can’t stop the flames that start to light up in your chest.
“you’re such a hypocrite! if you wanted to quit, you would at least try. there’s so many options you can try, even stupid ones like using a rubber band, or eating gummies or hell what do i know! kiss someone! so stop acting like you’re the poor victim because we both know you aren’t. stop being such a pussy.”
you close your eyes and take a big breath. god how much you hated him. and his habits, his goddamn habits.
his eyes open like plates, and then a light bulb lights up inside his head. getting closer, he puts his hands on your shoulders. your head automatically snaps back.
“what are you doing?” your eyes frantically look from side to side, momentarily longing on the cigarette left behind on the floor. you are so going to kill him.
he leans closer to you, heads almost touching. “i feel like having a cigarette right now.”
your eyes close slightly, your hands in your jacket pockets. he is so… close, you think you might be able to hear his heartbeat if he gets any closer. you hope he doesn’t hear yours, it would only skyrocket his ego.
“what about it?” your head goes up again, looking him down.
“you said to kiss someone.”
your heart skips a beat, he can’t be serious.
“didn’t exactly mean me. maybe some of those sophomores who get so giggly when they see you with the lighter ready.”
he thinks of stepping back, but then he catches your eyes going back and forth between his eyes and lips, which only makes his eyes twinkle.
“they’d probably beg me to teach them how to smoke, kinda contradicting don’t you think?”
“you’d probably enjoy it, wouldn’t you? probably love people begging for you too huh.”
your hands go to his collar, pushing him a bit against you. seconds later he is kissing you. his hands are in your jaw and his thumbs hold your head high. he does taste like cigarettes, but you don’t seem to mind as much as you thought you would. just as it started it ends, much to your dismay. you would scold yourself later.
he keeps peppering your face with kisses for some time, taking small breaks from each one, making you think he actually was stopping himself from taking another cigarette with each kiss.
you feel the need to make things clear, so you speak up as he plants kisses on your neck. “i still hate you.”
your breathy voice while you talk makes him smile and leave a last peck on your lips, deciding to make fun of you a bit more.
“okay, i’ll go find some other pretty girl to kiss. don’t even worry about it.”
your right hand smacks his arm, his smile only grows bigger.
he may be as annoying as someone can be, but you have always liked helping people out…
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© inkelea on tumblr | don't copy, repost or plagiarize my work.
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peachymilkandcream · 7 months
My Husband, My Monster|Part 1|William Afton x Wife!Reader
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(A/N: So this is the fandom that won the poll! I'll try and keep these and Break Me Slowly regular, but still feel free to give me requests for both in my inbox, I do oneshots and headcanons as well as I'll answer your questions and comments! (Please just read the rules first) I think I have a general timeline and idea of the lore [It's FNAF lore it's complicated as fuck] so I'm going with my best guess on things. Hope you guys enjoy!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, power imbalance, age difference, manipulation, mind breaking, yandere themes, yandere behaviours, domestic violence, misogyny, violence, William's a warning himself, etc.
Who knew that a bit of twisted words and cash made all of your problems go away? William had struggled to stay open with Henry Emily's company showing such strides in mechanical technology. He was still wearing homemade cloth suits while his rival had dancing puppets that children adored. His dreams and ideas were being stolen right out from under him in his eyes, rolling in mountains of debt and the threat of closing down looming over his head. They were his characters, his dream, his business idea, and the bastard had to steal it and make it better. Even though he had bought William out of debt all those years back, it didn't change the sting of defeat when the two businesses merged.
Now he didn't regret it, Fredbear's Family Diner was just starting out but it was already projected to be a success. His characters took centre stage and had never been more alive, delighting young and old alike, his legacy started now.
Which is when he noticed the girl sitting at a table with her friend, they were giggling and laughing together over some inside joke. William had always had a soft spot for pretty girls, his more reckless years spent taking what women offered him freely, now he didn't have the time.
However for this girl he might just be able to make the time.
Casually he walks over, pretending to just be passing by, when he spies the job application she's filling out on the table and catching snippets of their conversation.
"I'm just saying, you're not going to have time for school while getting even a part time job." The friend was saying this, a slightly concerned expression on her face. "And now offence, you're not the brightest bulb, you need all the time to study that you can get."
"Well thanks." She mutters, giggling slightly. "But I can't afford college with my situation now. Mom and Dad agreed to pay for most of it, but-" She hesitates with a blush. "I want the full college experience."
"Ooh~" Her friend seems intrigued. "My best friend finally loosing her innocence? Scandalous."
She scoffs. "Look I just haven't found the right guy yet, it'll happen when it happens."
At this William can't help but interject. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but glance over your shoulder and see you're applying for a job here."
She meets his eyes, and man was he a sucker for a pretty face. "Yeah I am, are you a manager here?"
He chuckles a little. "No actually, I'm the owner." While co-owner was technically true he liked to tell people he owned it solely to give himself an ego boost. "If you wanted, I could do the interview right here."
"Wait really?"
"Actually, she's fine, thanks, she's going to get a job with my mom or something. Come on let's go-" Her friend slides out of the booth, trying to drag the woman with her.
"Well I'm going to be brutally honest with you here ma'am, for a girl your age your options are going to be extremely limited. And even though the pay isn't great it's a great experience."
She stops, considering his words before waving off her friend. "Go ahead, I think I'll still fill it out, never hurts."
"If you'd like I can interview you right now, save some time."
"Oh wow that would be awesome-"
"Seriously? Listen, this guy gives me a weird feeling, let's just go okay? And I'll find you something better." The friend again reaches for her to come along, but the girl refuses.
"I'm serious, go on and I'll tell you how it went later."
With a huff her friend leaves, a clearly annoyed expression evident on her face.
William regains his composure before sitting across from her. "So, a job. Tell me what you can do." He crosses his hands on the table in front of her, a smile easily coming to his face.
"Well, I was thinking I would be a good server, I'm good with people, especially kids, and I love to clean. I can cook pretty well too but I think something at this scale would be too much for me." She laughs a little, clearly trying to ease a little nervousness.
He joins in on her laughter, hoping to make her comfortable around him, since that's what he wanted. "I suppose that's fair. Out of curiosity, why is it you want this job?" She was hired already, that he knew, a pretty face with a nice ass? What more could you want from an employee?
"Well I'm in college, and I want to be able to afford just some extras to really experience that life before it's too late."
"College?" He feigns interest, in his opinion all she was doing was wasting her most fertile years and her money. If she's halfway decent at any of her qualifications then she'd easily find a rich enough man like him, pop out a few kids and have a truly fulfilling life. "Can I ask what for?"
"Psychology, the human mind has always fascinated me."
"Oh yes definitely." He suppresses an eye roll, even more of a useless degree, maybe he could help this girl from throwing her life away because she thinks deep thoughts will make her money. "Then I should ask for your class schedule for hours."
"Right, I always keep it with me because I'm always forgetting." She giggles again, pulling it out of her purse and handing it to him. "I cannot work these times but anything else I'm there."
Wanting these hours to know when not to schedule this girl was the last thing on William's mind. "Well I'll do what I can, but it's not that easy, you have to be flexible in the real world."
"Of course, I understand that sir."
"William, call me William. My grandfather was sir and my father was Mr. Afton, so I'm just William." He flashes another smile, coaxing one from her lips as well.
"Alright, William." She tests his name out on her tongue with a soft smile and a subtle blush, the poor girl clearly hasn't been within five feet of a man before.
"Now Miss, have you had any work experience prior to this?"
"No, I haven't, this sounds entitled but I've never really had the need to up until now?"
"There's nothing wrong with that, although I'll need to teach you the proper dynamic between employee and employer. But I trust that won't be a problem, right?"
"Not at all sir-er-William. I'm more than happy to learn."
"Good, all you need to know is that I'm your friend, but I have authority over you so you need to follow what I say without question."
"Why without question?"
Oh she was so naive. "Insubordination, it's grounds with which you can be fired. So best not to stray too far towards that right?" He winks.
"Absolutely-" She shivers slightly.
"Then if that's it..." He draws the moment out for it to seem authentic. "Welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner and we're happy to have you on the team." He extends a hand to shake, which she grasps eagerly, her rows of white teeth on full display.
"Oh thank you so much! When do I start?"
"We'll have you start next week, let's say, Monday."
"That's perfect, that's so perfect-" She glances at the door. "I really should go, I think I've pissed her off enough as it is, thank you for your time." She shakes his hand and hurries out the door.
"Oh trust me, don't worry about it." He watches her go, a small smile coming to his face.
This was just the beginning.
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greatstormcat · 2 months
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Be Careful What You Wish For
Part 1 Part 2
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x chubby!f!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, darkfic, kidnap, imprisonment, non-con, poorly prepped anal, forced orgasm, oral m!receiving, double penetration, degradation, vomiting.
AN: dead dove read the tags, if you proceed below the cut you consent to reading what is there and will suffer in silence if you do.
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You wake up sore and bruised the next morning, hoping that the nightmare you had wasn’t real, keeping your eyes closed trying to remember what the inside of your hotel room looks like so when you open them and see the bland but functional furnishings everything will be okay. You open them, and you fight the urge to scream. You’re in the basement still, lying in a musty bed with a single light bulb illuminating the windowless space, secured behind a metal mesh against the ceiling.
Kyle is nowhere to be seen in the dim light, but a warm space remains on the mattress beside you to indicate that he hasn’t long left the bed. After a few moments of staring at the ceiling above you, trying not to think about the creeping wetness oozing between your thighs, you give up and roll from the musty bed and stagger, naked, into the tiny bathroom. Your stomach curdles and churns, giving you only a few moments to get to the toilet before you throw up.
“Good morning to you too,” a cold voice cuts through your weak sobs once you finish emptying your stomach. Your skin crawls as you look over your shoulder and see the masked man, Ghost, leaning against the doorway nonchalantly, a mug in one hand as he watches you. He isn’t wearing the skull mask now, just a black balaclava with a skull pattern printed on it. His blue jeans cling to his thickly muscled thighs, and a black tshirt covers his broad chest and arms.
“Fuck you,” you mumble between retches, tears wetting your face as bile and acid sting your throat and nose before you slump back on the floor, the cold concrete almost soothing against your exposed skin after the heat of vomiting. “Just kill me already and get this over with.” All too late you realise your mistake, this might have been a somewhat safe approach with Kyle but with this huge man, defiance only makes his eyes burn more fiercely and an obvious tightening at the crotch of his jeans has you swallowing back a rush of panic.
“Are you so eager to get roughed up and fucked again you want to antagonise me the moment you wake up?” he asks in a tone as sharp and cold as steel. Instinctively you clench your thighs together and shake your head.
“No, no,” you babble, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t mean it…” His eyes rake over your naked, trembling form as you try your hardest to shrink back into the wall behind you.
“Get up, I brought you breakfast,” he snaps eventually, and turns away towards the main room of the basement again. You hear him walking up the wooden stairs to the ground floor of the house again, and the sound of the door being locked behind him. You take a moment to make sure you are alone before getting up and making your way out of the bathroom. There’s a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs on the bedside table, and the mug Ghost had been holding sat beside it.
Ignoring both you head to your case, the one they’d stolen from your hotel room and open it searching for anything you can use to help yourself escape. Your leg razor is missing from your wash bag, as is anything else that would have made a vaguely serviceable weapon, as well as your supply of pain meds for headaches and so on.
“What the fuck?” you mutter to yourself as you suddenly realise the majority of your clothes are also missing from the case. They only thing you’ve been left with is your cotton pyjamas, some underwear and an over sized hoodie you keep for relaxing in.
With a sense of defeat you dress in the pyjamas to stave off the cold of the room, and lie on the bed to cry. You must have cried yourself to sleep because the next thing you are conscious of is a sudden, violent slap on your backside making you scream with fear. You bolt upright and find Kyle standing over you, his face twisted in annoyance.
“What’s wrong with the food, eh?” he demands, a note of disappointment in his voice as he sits on the bed making you roll towards him slightly. “We can’t have you refusing to eat and passing out on us.” He is dressed more casually now, dark jeans and a white crew neck shirt.
“It’s not going to stop us, if that’s what you think,” Ghost adds as he comes down the steps and looks at you on the bed beside Kyle, his arms folded over his chest.
“I don’t want anything from you,” you reply, trying to make your voice sound firmer than you’re feeling. “I don’t want to be here and I don’t want anything from either of you. Let me go!”
“If you won’t eat we’ll have to punish you, understand?” Kyle continues in a calm, infuriatingly mild tone, as though he is speaking to a close friend and not a captive. He completely ignores your protest, as though dealing with a petulant child.
“You’re not listening to me,” you persist. “Let me go, I won’t tell anyone about you. I promise,” you plead, trying to bargain your way out of the situation.
“Why would we do that? When you’re exactly what we’ve been looking for all this time?” Kyle smiles, draping his arm across your shoulders. You shudder and try to pull away but he tightens his hold, crushing you against him. “We want to keep you here with us, to keep us… company.” He continues, his eyes wandering down your body, lingering on where your nipples press against the thin cotton of your top with the chill.
“And if you’re staying with us you better behave or you’re going to regret it,” Ghost adds. He walks over to the small set of drawers and pulls one open. He retrieves a collar and lead from inside before closing in and moving over to sit in the armchair beside the bed. “You want to be a disobedient bitch then we can treat you like one.”
“Get on your hands and knees,” Kyle whispers into your ear, his hot breath sliding over your skin. “Over there infront of him, don’t make him wait.” The threat is obvious in his words and the way the masked man glares at you. Haltingly you get off the bed and onto the floor as told, crawling over towards Ghost and eying the collar and lead warily. It’s better than acknowledging the bulge in the front of his jeans as he manspreads in the chair.
It's a basic dog collar and lead, a small silvery tag hanging from the D ring on the front. You’d seen fancy, artisan leather collars online, things given as gifts to lovers to enjoy during kinky sex, but this is a rough black leather thing clearly picked up from the pet section of a supermarket. This was not a tantalising and titillating thing, it is a symbol of your imprisonment. Likewise, the lead he holds is a simple black length of webbing, cheap and basic but ideal for its job.
“Chin up,” Ghost grunts once you are kneeling in front of him, and you comply with his words despite the sinking feeling in your stomach. He puts the collar around your throat and tightens it to the point of almost restricting the blood flow to your brain, the rough fabric already irritating your skin, before clipping on the lead. There’s a satisfied noise rumbling in his chest as he sits back in the tattered armchair and looks down at you.
He sits with his thighs spread, the way he did the night before, his eyes dark and feral as he looks down at you kneeling on the floor. With a head spinning tug on the lead he jerks you closer, a pained yelp escaping you as he does so, and you take the hint to crawl into the space between them. It's hard not to lean against his thick thighs, the cold of the room making you keen to feel the warmth this bastard is offering you by being close to him like this.
He uses his empty hand to unfasten his jeans and free his half-hard cock, the piercings underneath shining in the low light. He stares at you while he runs his hand up and down the shaft several times, making it thicken and lengthen just a few inches from your face.
“Open you mouth,” he tells you, and you hesitate, earning a sharp tug on the lead that snaps you closer with a gasp. He takes the opportunity to force the thick tip between your lips and holds you there as you fight and splutter. “Open, I said,” he growls and you relent rather than end up with a broken neck as he pulls the lead again. You gag and choke as the thick length pushes further and further back down your throat, making it harder to breathe.
“You can do it,” Kyle chimes in from behind you, rather unhelpfully. “Just breathe through your nose and you’ll be fine. Try and open your throat, then it won’t hurt so much.” The tremor in his voice betrays how turned on he is, watching your predicament, and you try to relax your throat to stop the burning, bruising pain as Ghost fucks himself into your mouth.
You choke and cough, trying to gasp for air as he repeatedly fills your throat with his hard length, using the tension on the lead to keep you in place. After a few minutes his slows and stops, leaving you gasping and shaking against his thigh.
“I want to see some more of those tears while I fuck your mouth,” Ghost says quietly and then looks up at the other man. “Kyle, fuck her big, plump arse for me, that’ll get her going.”
“No!” you snap in panic, eyes wide, and the wet cock before your face twitches in response. He holds the lead tight in his fist as Kyle pulls your pyjama legs down and throws them in a crumpled ball onto the floor. Ghost quickly jams his dick back into your mouth to silence your protests, salty pre-cum leaking onto your tongue.
“Don’t worry, I’ll lube you up a bit,” you hear Kyle mutter, before he uses his broad hands to spread your cheeks and spits on your furled hole. You feel your face burn hot with humiliation, and tears well as a thick finger rubs over your hole slowly, before slowly pushing against the ring of muscle.
“Look at these pretty tears,” Ghost whispers, running the tip of one finger down your cheek to collect the tiny, glittering droplet. “C’mon, get your pretty dick in her,” he grumbles to Kyle
“Okay, there’s no rush,” Kyle coos as his finger slips in and out of your hole, the foreign sensation shockingly intense and invasive. You’d thought having his cock in your pussy was as intrusive as things could get, but this is so much worse. “The build up is just as fun, and I don’t want to break this one. I feel like she could be the one, y’know? The one we keep.” A second finger joins the first, pulling and stretching you open with sharp stings. Once he is satisfied he withdraws, and you hear him spit again, presumably into his hand to wet the head of his cock, before you feel the spongy head press against you.
Your arsehole burns at the invasion of Kyle’s cock, and his breathy moans over your shoulder do nothing to calm your panic, he’s enjoying the feeling too much to care about what’s happening to you now. His facade of sweet and caring comradery is completely abandoned as your arse squeezes and tightens around his cock and he fights not to spill himself into you immediately.
Every thrust Kyle makes forces you onto Ghost’s dick harder and harder, your gag reflex battling every single movement and you’re thankful you ignored the breakfast now. The gods only know what would happen if you vomited into the man’s lap, despite him not caring about the tortured sounds you are making. His hips buck, and you can feel the way his massive thigh muscles are beginning to twitch and shake.
“Make her come,” Ghost rasps through his mask. “Make her come so hard so she screams around my cock.”
“Copy,” Kyle cryptically answers. You’re aware of Kyle shifting slightly behind you, and then the buzz of your vibrator sings through the air on its highest setting. There’s nothing you can do to avoid it as Kyle, once again, presses it to your clit while Ghost grips tightly onto the dog lead holding your head in position. You’re trapped between the two of them as the bullet vibrator pummels your clit and fires up your entire nervous system.
“Mother fucker,” Ghost groans when you cry out, the vibration of your throat around his cock matching the feel of the buzzing on your highly sensitive bundle of nerves. A deep pulsing in your pussy matches the movements of the cock in your arse with the added stimulation, and you fight the feeling as hard as possible, clenching your muscles as though you can physically push the impending orgasm away as it coils and tightens in your belly.
It crashes over you, violent and unholy, making you scream around the dick in your throat and drools spills from your lips in a depraved display. Your mind reels from the force of the orgasm, your aching walls clenching around nothing leaving you with a horrible empty feeling missed with the despised waves of pleasure. You can feel how wet you are, some of the cum from the night before dribbling from you with your own juices.
“Shit, you’ve gotta feel this,” Kyle groans.
“Yeah, need to fuck her properly now,” Ghost agrees. He rearranges the three of you up on the bed, slipping his massive bulk between your legs and Kyle’s so he can notch his erection against your entrance, all while Kyle returns to being buried deep in your arse. Impaled on Kyle’s dick, you cannot shy away as Ghost grinds his hips upwards, forcing his pierced cock into your soaking wet, traitorous pussy.
The sensation is like nothing you’ve ever felt, the two cocks stretching your holes to the point you’re positive you are going to tear apart, but with an underlying high from your orgasm sparking your nerves. Not helped by the piercings underneath Ghost’s dick which press into the back of your cunt and rub against Kyle. The man in your arse isn’t unaffected by the additional pressure and lets out a shaking breath against your shoulder.
“Fucking hell, that’s… that’s tight,” Kyle groans.
“You’re tellin’ me,” Ghost replies, his voice tight, the pair of them ignoring you between them and simply using your body for their pleasure. Ghost shifts his hips, dragging his cock out of your pussy experimentally and throwing his head back at the resulting sensation. “Fuuucckkk…” he moans and begins to rock his hips. Behind you Kyle shudders again and then starts thrusting again, grinding his dick against the other man’s in the process. You’re caught between them, unable to move at all as they fill you to breaking point.
Fresh tears well up and stream down your cheeks, and gasping sobs rack your chest.
“Lookin’ so pretty like this, love,” Ghost sneers. “Bet you’ve never felt this full before, have you?”
You barely hear his words over the burning feeling, and he slaps you on the breast viciously.
“Answer me,” he snarls, fingers digging into the soft swells of your hips for a moment to pull you down onto his cock.
“No, never!” you whimper and shake your head roughly. You slump forward as their thrusts become rougher, having no choice but to rest your hands on Ghost’s chest which brings your breasts closer to his face. They swing with every jolt of your body, and his eyes lock onto them quickly. He lands open palmed slaps against them at random, slamming his hips upwards into you as he does. To add insult to it all, Kyle picks up the abandoned vibrator once more, reaching around and pressing it to your swollen clit.
“Don’t! Please, not again,” you beg. “Don’t make me come.”
“Shhh,” Kyle chuckles, pressing his lips to your shoulder as the vibrator hits your overstimulated clit. “Just take it, you’ve got no choice, remember?”
You cry out, writhing in an effort to dislodge the toy from your screaming nerves which only makes the two men moan. Your breasts swing closer to Ghost’s face. He rolls up the bottom of his balaclava to reveal scarred lips, before grasping at one of your breasts and craning his neck down to suck your nipple into his mouth.
Your pussy tightens around him at the harsh suction, and you feel his groan vibrate into the tissue in his mouth greedily. You try to pull away but Kyle leans onto you back, trapping you in place. His movements are becoming more frantic and his breathy moans are lewd and disgusting in your ear.
A sharp, tightening sensation warns you another organs is building as their cocks rub at your abused walls.
“Fuck, gonna come,” Kyle groans, lips and teeth grazing over your shoulder. “Gonna come in your ass, love. First man ever to do it too, lucky me.”
“Won’t be… the last…” Ghost grunts, lips curled in an evil smirk that makes you whimper.
Kyle’s teeth sink into your neck as he finds his release, filling your backside with thick ropes of his cum, and you cry out in pain. Its only moments before Ghost does the same, his upward thrusts becoming harder and uneven, and he kicks his head back with a final harsh grunt as he spills into you as well.
His final thrusts send you over the edge and you orgasm, wailing with the mixture of pain and pleasure. The room falls silent, the only sound that of ragged breathing from the three of you.
“You’d better eat the food we bring you going forward, yeah?” Kyle instructs you, kissing gently over the livid teeth marks on your shoulder.
All you can do is nod weakly.
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leona-florianova · 1 year
While the dependant plants in Trigun Stampede look cool as combination of angelic alien orchids and some sea creatures in their little aquariums, im intensely bitter because of how literal they made it (oh they really are plants plants huh) and the lack of the absurdly massive light bulbs they resided in in the 98 anime and manga..Like, Not all of the light bulbs were humongous, hanging over towns, but the ones that were, were mindboggling...There is something intense about something so powerful (and kinda eldritch) being captured in something so massive yet fragile looking.  I loved the old bulb and plant designs so much because they werent just cool aesthetics... I loved them because their size and design didnt make sense. As a man made horrors beyond our comprehension shouldnt make sense. And their visuals evoke in me memories of how it felt standing at a foot of a 125 meters tall cooling tower of a nuclear power plant. Its monumental, useful and potentially very dangerous... so much so one has to feel humbled.
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- Plants in trigun 98 (we didnt learn much about them because there wasnt enough of material to work with)
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- Plants in the manga...whats important to note, is  that the plants often stood over the towns as in constant vigil (monumental yet sentient)... not just visible from all around by everyone, but they themselves kept on observing all the people living their lives underneath their bulbs... All the people prospering from their services.... or fighting and killing over them
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- Plants in Stampede.. While they are still interesting designs, the little aquariums conveniently small enough to be more easily stolen dont do it for me, even though they still represent the power of captured nature. They are also...very very sheltered from humans. Hidden and overlooked, although important.. Which makes me sad. And doubtful that there will be many interaction scenes between them and the people... Hopefully in next season there will be big bulbs and interactions.. but who knows.. (Ok, like, it makes sense that a core of a power plant should be hidden and protected inside of a building,  but I wish to see some big bulbs!! I wish to see them spilled out of the wreckages of the big space ships)
And to illustrate what I meant about the comparison to actual nuclear power plants in their absurd monumental insanity (which is somewhat also sort of mundane??).. here are some photos of our nuclear power plants. Dukovany and Temelín
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-Dukovany photo by Zdeněk Dvořák
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- Temelín as the Big Night Watchman (video mapping by Milan Cais, photo by ČTK)
I love this sort of thing so much n need more of it.
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elryuse · 2 months
Can you make a Yandere Mina? But I want the Male Reader/OC to be a yandere too or he is a yandere lover (I hope you get what I mean).
Our Perfectly Normal Lovely Relationship
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The spotlight bathed Mina in a blinding white glow. Her porcelain skin seemed to shimmer as she delivered the final note of her hit song, the screams of her adoring fans echoing through the stadium. But behind the perfectly sculpted facade, a storm brewed within her. Her eyes, usually sparkling with manufactured charm, scanned the audience, searching for a single face – Y/n's.
There he was, lost in the sea of glowing lightsticks, his face etched with a devotion that sent a familiar thrill through her. Months ago, a single DM on Instagram, a simple message praising her latest song, had ignited a spark. Yet, it wasn't just the adoration that captivated her; it was the raw passion in his words, an undercurrent of obsession that mirrored her own.
Weeks of meticulously crafted online interactions later, Y/n was hers. Their dates were filled with whispered secrets and stolen glances, a whirlwind romance fueled by a shared intensity that bordered on madness. He'd confessed his unwavering love for her music, but Mina saw a hunger in his eyes that went far beyond mere fandom.
Their love deepened, a possessive, suffocating embrace that felt strangely comforting. Mina used her influence to eliminate any perceived threats – a journalist who dared to write a critical review, a fellow idol whose eyes lingered on Y/n a second too long. Y/n, in turn, became her silent guardian, meticulously monitoring her online interactions. He'd even taken to leaving "gifts" at the doorsteps of her competitors – poisoned chocolates, threatening notes signed with a single crimson rose.
One rainy afternoon, while Mina was away at a recording session, curiosity gnawed at her. With a mix of nervous excitement and trepidation, she decided to use her spare key to enter Y/n's apartment. The air hung heavy with a strange musky scent, and goosebumps prickled on her skin as she stepped inside.
Then she saw it – a hidden door, ajar at the back of the living room. Her heart pounded in her chest as she pushed it open, revealing a dimly lit room that sent a tremor of dread through her veins. Walls plastered with her pictures, newspaper clippings detailing her career, and a makeshift shrine adorned with her personal belongings – her discarded microphone, a ripped piece of clothing, a crumpled love letter she'd carelessly tossed months ago.
Y/n's obsession mirrored her own, a chilling realization that should have terrified her. Instead, a twisted sense of belonging bloomed in her chest. Here, in this room filled with her essence, she found not fear, but a terrifying sense of completion.
That night, when Y/n returned, his face pale with shock at finding her in his secret room, Mina knew she wouldn't tell a soul. In fact, a macabre plan began to form in their minds. They weren't just two souls bound by love; they were instruments of a twisted symphony of obsession.
Their first target was Detective Kim, a man haunted by unsolved cases with eerily similar methods. He'd been following Mina's career for years, a nagging suspicion festering in his gut. But without concrete evidence, his suspicions remained just that.
Their plan unfolded with chilling efficiency. They lured Detective Kim to a secluded warehouse under the pretense of a tip. Detective Kim, ever the tenacious investigator, arrived alone, unaware of the twisted game he was about to become a part of.
The warehouse echoed with the metallic clang of a single light bulb swinging precariously overhead. Mina, her face devoid of its usual pop idol charm, watched with a chilling detachment as Y/n tightened the binds around the detective's wrists.
"You've been a thorn in our side for far too long, Detective," Y/n hissed, his voice laced with a dangerous calmness. "You'll learn why some things are better left undisturbed."
There was no elaborate torture, no prolonged suffering. Their act was swift and brutal, a single, fatal blow silencing Detective Kim forever. It wasn't about inflicting pain; it was about removing a threat, a chilling testament to the power their love wielded.
With Detective Kim gone, they were free. But the taste of blood, the thrill of silencing a potential threat, ignited a new spark within them. They craved more. Their crimes became bolder, more audacious. They targeted high-profile individuals, leaving behind their calling card – a single crimson rose, forever a reminder of the terrifying couple they were becoming.
The media dubbed them the "K-Pop Killers," a Bonnie and Clyde for the modern age. Their infamy skyrocketed, a macabre mix of fear and fascination gripping the nation. Mina, the fallen idol, became a symbol of shattered innocence, while Y/n, the enigmatic figure lurking in the shadows, became an object of morbid curiosity.
Years passed, a trail of bodies and stolen jewels marking their path. They remained elusive, ...a phantom couple leaving a nation breathless and terrified. Interpol joined the hunt, their faces plastered on wanted posters plastered across continents. From daring diamond heists to meticulously planned assassinations, they were a whirlwind of calculated chaos, their crimes fueled by their twisted love and a morbid sense of liberation.
Their notoriety reached a fever pitch when they orchestrated the kidnapping of a high-ranking politician's daughter. The nation watched with bated breath as demands were issued, a single crimson rose left on the national news desk every night. Negotiations stalled, the city held hostage by an invisible threat.
Just as the deadline loomed, authorities received a tip. A lone fisherman claimed to have seen them on a remote, uncharted island. With the military on high alert, a task force descended on the island, a swarm of helicopters tearing through the pristine silence.
What they found sent shivers down their spines. Nestled amidst the palm trees stood a dilapidated beach hut, the only sign of life. The air hung heavy with an acrid metallic tang. As the soldiers cautiously breached the door, they were met with a macabre tableau.
Mina and Y/n lay sprawled on the floor, their bodies riddled with bullets, limbs tangled in a final, desperate embrace. Their eyes, wide open, stared blankly at the ceiling, a chilling mirror of their shared madness. But it wasn't fear that etched their faces; it was a twisted joy, a macabre triumph that sent a tremor of unease through the soldiers.
"Told you this island was perfect, darling," Y/n rasped, his voice weak but laced with a twisted satisfaction.
Mina, her once vibrant eyes clouded with a dark euphoria, managed a weak cough before whispering, "Together forever, Y/n. Just like we planned." They both smiled maniacally.
Their reign of terror was over, their love story forever stained with blood. News reports proclaimed their demise a victory, a dark chapter finally closed. Yet, as the bodies were loaded onto helicopters, a single crimson rose, untouched by the chaos, lay nestled between their cold, lifeless hands.
In the end, they weren't just lovers, not just criminals. They were the Mina and Y/n duo, a chilling legend whispered in hushed tones – a testament to the darkness that lurks beneath the surface, a love story written in blood, forever etched in the memory of a nation.
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coopigeoncoo · 9 days
Meat Cute, Chapter 6
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Chapter Links: First, Previous <- Chapter 6 ->Next
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature (rating may change)
Tags: Canon-typical violence, Cannibalism, Reader is a cannibal, Fake/pretend relationship, Puns, Raccoon Reader, Tags may change, Swearing
In a bid to appear more approachable to the denizens of the Hazbin Hotel, Alastor enlists the help of his favorite butcher to step into the roll of an (after)lifetime: pretending to be his paramour!
“You can't deny we have so much in common,” Alastor's grinned, his smile somehow, impossibly, widening even farther as he leaned down on the counter on a single elbow; his nose nearly touching yours as you stood frozen in place. “I'm somewhat of a Butcher myself, you know.”
A story where one thing is certain: the steaks are never bigger than when love is on the line.
Continue reading below, or follow the link to A03!
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You handled the fall out from Alastor's previous visit in the most mature and level-headed fashion possible; by ignoring your coworkers’ teasing and pretending that absolutely nothing of note had happened.  
And aside from Dorcas’ incessant pestering about the events you would never deign to mention again, you were overall pleased with how successful your endeavor was.
That is until a veritable shadow arrived at the shop, a sharp-fanged piranha plant held between its transparent hands.  With a half bow and an elaborate flourish, the shadow extended the plant out towards you, expectantly waiting for you to accept its offering.  
“Oh, uh��- thank you?” You said, unsure if touching shadows was some sort of social faux paus and doing your best to grab hold of the pot around its inky digits.  
The shadow chittered merrily as you investigated your gift, the carnivorous plant sniffing excitedly at the scent of blood that lingered on your skin.  Living plants were a rarity in the Pride Ring, a way for the well-to-do to flaunt their wealth and standing.  Dorcas peered at the plant over your shoulder, letting out appreciative ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as the plant fluttered its leaves much like a peacock shakes its tail; basking in the glow of your admiration.
You could have easily spent the rest of the day watching the plant, but your attention was stolen by a bright bolt of light as the shadow suddenly snapped, a creamy envelope materializing in an acid green haze between its outstretched hands.  
The letter floated in the air between you, and it took you an embarrassingly long time to realize that the shadow meant for you to take possession of this offering as well.  The envelope was sturdy, made from the sort of expensive paper your Grandpa had insisted you send resumes out on ‘to make a good impression’. 
“What is it?” Dorcas asked breathlessly, taking a hold of the plant pot to free up your hands.  
You pried open the deep red seal, taking care to not crack the intricate design that had been stamped into the wax; an eyeball with a slit pupil set in front of a musical staff full of discordant notes.  It was a bit of casual luxury that seemed so impossibly distant from your way of life where you pinched pennies together to afford packs of tissue-thin paper from the corner five-and-dime.  
“It's an invitation,” you stated in bewilderment after silently reading the immaculately penned card.
Dorcas was silent for a beat before she pushed the fang-tooth plant into your arms and swiped the invitation in one quick motion.  The little bulb in your hands starts to gnash its teeth towards your thumb, fluttering its leaves in obvious frustration when you pull your hand away and leave it snapping at empty air.  
“Looks like I'll be feeding you with tongs,” you coo chidingly to the plant as Dorcas reads over the invitation, her chest heaving in excitement. 
“Alastor, The Alastor,” she repeated with unnecessary emphasis. “Has invited you to a party at the hotel.” 
“That seems to be the case, yes.”
“Are you- are you actually going to attend?”
Considering there wasn't any information printed to RSVP, it appeared to you that this was to be taken as more of a formal summons than a polite invitation.  
“I don't think I have much of a choice,” you admit quietly, doing your best to level your breathing in an attempt to remain calm; aware that the shadow had yet to dissipate and would likely be reporting your actions back to its master in excruciating detail.
“Right,” Dorcas nodded, reading over the note for the umpteenth time when her head suddenly shot up in alarm. “What are you going to wear?”
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“Well, good morning sunshine!” Rosie greets brightly when you finally make it to the head of the line at the Emporium. “What brings ya’ to my neck of the woods?”
“I need your help, Ms. Rosie,” you croak pathetically, unable to put any energy into maintaining a congenial facade after enduring multiple sleepless nights; beset by worry as the date printed on the invitation drew ever closer. 
“That's what I'm here for!” Rosie assures you, patting your hand comfortingly.  Her fingers were unpleasantly boney and cold, but you appreciated the gesture just the same.  “Now, what can Rosie assist ya’ with?”
You reached wordlessly into your velveteen handbag, a second hand find worn thin at the edges, and handed the invitation to Rosie.
“I got this last week,” you explained as the Overlord read over the card. “There's no mention of dress code, so I have no clue what would be appropriate.  And even if I did know, I'm not sure I would be able to afford it anyway-”
Rosie daintily held up her pointer finger, which not only silenced you, but everyone in the immediate vicinity.  
“Let me make sure I've got this straight,” Rosie said, her voice level and unsettlingly calm.  “Alastor has invited you to a garden party at the Hazbin Hotel.”
You tried to not be offended by the disbelief heavy in her words and mentally shrug off the slight, but it still stung.  
“Yes,” you nod your head slightly in affirmation, reaching into your handbag once again and withdrawing a handful of pendants and brooches you had carved; laying them out gently on the counter between you.  “I don't have a lot of cash at the moment, but I was hoping that maybe you'd take these in exchange for- for something.  Anything, really.”
“These certainly are lovely,” Rosie said as she picked up your newest creation, a large pin carved to look like a gaping, sharp toothed maw.  “and I'd certainly love to talk about selling these in my shop in the future.”
“Really?”  You gasped, your heart suddenly bursting with pride at the notion that Ms. Rosie thought your creations were good enough to not just sell, but were good enough to sell in her very posh store.
“I won't be accepting them as payment though,” Rosie informed you gently, pushing them back across the counter to you to collect back up.
The warm glow of pride in your chest was quickly extinguished by a crashing swell of panic.  It had been a long shot, offering up your handmade goods for Rosie's couture fashion, but they were the only things of any value you possessed.  
You had briefly thought about offering up your carnivorous plant, affectionately named Captain Crunch due to its love of chewing on bones as loudly as possible; but you had grown fond of the tiny shrub.  Caring for Captain brought you immense satisfaction, and you inevitably decided you were more willing to show up underdressed to a fancy party than part with your leafy companion.   
“I- I understand,” you warbled, holding back frustrated tears as you picked your jewelry back up with shaking hands. 
“I can't accept payment because I'm dressing ya' for free, ” Rosie beamed, apparently taking great satisfaction in sending you through an emotional spiral.  
“Oh,” you breathed in utter shock, barely comprehending the Overlord's generous proclamation.
“I'll fix ya’ up, bonnet to boots, on one condition,” Rosie said, holding up that commanding pointer finger again.
You weren't some wet behind the ears sinner, unknowingly agreeing to lopsided deals out of desperation.  This conversation was spiraling into dangerous territory and you needed to be on your guard, lest you end up bound into an afterlife of eternal servitude.
“What's your stipulation?”
Rosie grinned, apparently pleased at your shrewdness.  “I want to hear all the juicy details!”
“That's it?” You mumble, caught off guard by her mundane request.  “You don't want my soul or anything?”
“Oh, honey!” Rosie laughed.  “A good bit of gossip is way more valuable than any old soul!”
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For the first time ever I have been requested to create a tag list, so let me know if you want to be added!
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Friday everyone! Doing today cause I shall be doing 5x01 On Sunday like I mentioned before to not be posting on Christmas. :) Holy crap we’re on the S4 finale. I remember when I watching it when it premiered thinking is this real life? Thought I was in a fever dream haha Made some long gifs to fit everything in LOL This one is super packed also this ep doesn’t need much more of an intro. So let’s get this party started.
4x22 Day in The Hole
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Our fav patch work family gets the cold open. This moment truly is Tim and Lucy in mom/dad mode. Makes me so damn happy. Tim complaining because Tamara is late to meet them. Moaning on and on saying they have to go... but makes no effort to actually move or leave. Because the both of them have Tim wrapped around their finger. That man isn't moving but will complain the whole time about it LOL Lucy going into wifey mode calming him down saying she’ll be here. Relax. ha
Tamara pulls in and almost hits someone. In a police station parking lot... Their reactions I’m dying. Just a couple of concerned parents watching their kid almost cause an accident. Lucy is a proud mom as she pulls up. Clapping her hands. Tim looking like the stern father. He glares at the car wanting to see if this car is safe enough for her. This is a glimpse into them as parents. I’m liking what I see. Also can I say how cute it is Lucy wants Tim to look at her car in first place. Of course he said yes.
Tamara comes out and says isn’t she pretty? Saying it’s her first car. Lucy correcting her saying actually her car was her first. Tamara makes a joke about it being her fifth if they’re talking stolen. Tim has such a dad moment. ‘What?’ She loves to push their buttons it’s hilarious. Telling Tim it's a joke. Just loves messing with her pseudo mom and dad. Lives for it really. This is a fantastic way to start this episode off.
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The family energy in this scene giving me all the feels. Lucy telling her to get it checked by the mechanic first. That you never know what cars from seized police auction go through. Tamara says Tim set her up with his guy already. Lucy is beaming about this. Says ‘Awww you do have a heart.’ ha Tim can't be seen as soft so he deflects.
But you are soft for both your girls Tim…This much is obvious ha You're a soft little puppy for them. I mean it's only for them but a marshmallow none the less. His reply is sassy af. Saying it’s purely out of self interest. He didn’t want to deal with Lucy being a drag with her dying in a mangled fireball of metal on the 405. The scoff/look Tamara shoots his way is hilarious. Tim fires back ‘Joke.’
Like Father like daughter and I’m dying with the cuteness in this cold open. Also Tim mirroring her posture from when she said 'Joke' to him. LMAO Unfortunately a drug sniffing dog starts barking at the car. Tim opens the hatch back and searches it. Find kilos of drugs hidden in the compartment. Tamara looks so sad. ‘I’m not getting my car back am I?’ Hahaha Sorry my dear you are definitely not…
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Lucy looks up who the car is registered to. It's ‘Jake Butler.’ Lucy pulls up his mug shot and is confused as hell. Ahhhh the beginning of Dim it’s glorious. They pick up his doppelgänger and it's pretty amusing. Didn’t have room for that portion but his ‘Yo, why you looking like me?’ LOL Kills me. They get him into interrogation and the girls are having a field day with it. Enjoying Tim's discomfort so very much. Tim isn’t about this whatsoever of course.
Lucy says maybe they were separated at birth? Tim replies he’s a year older than him and was born in FL. You can see how unsettling he finds this. Tim tries to brush this off. Saying he doesn’t look that much like him. Ok honey… Angela saying he’s not the brightest bulb. Lucy gets excited and says ‘Tim and Dim’ LMAO Enjoying herself far too much with this. Angela and Nyla are joining in on it laughing with her. They aren't helping tamp down her excitement about this at all.
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Tim calling Jake 'Dim' is hilarious. Lucy's face when he does is too cute. Also It cracks me up the minute they enter interrogation Dim hits on Lucy. Doesn't waste any time. I’m dying. Also you know Melissa and Eric had a blast filming these scenes. They’re so funny. The cockiness on Dim saying she would remember ha! Man isn’t lacking in the confidence department that's for sure. They tell him they found his car. He gets all excited saying someone stole it LOL
They inform him it was towed cause he parked by a hydrant haha Tim confronts him about the drugs in the car and Dim denies having it. Because of course he does. His fingerprints are all over the bags. Tim says he helps them and they’ll keep him out of prison. Dim gets offended and says he thought they had a bond ha.
Lucy asks where the drugs came from? He tells them Mexico that he was supposed to drive them over the border. But then he wanted to see his girl first before he dropped them off. I.e. Juicy heh When he came back out the car was gone. Tim asks for the name of the guy they were going to. He tells them Ray Hajek. Lucy gets a look in her eye and asks if his crew ever met him? He tells them no but why? We watch Lucy light up and Tim is confused why she is so excited haha
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It’s here we see Lucy’s excitement go into hyperdrive. I love this portion because she is like a kid in a candy store with this. The sugary high to go along with it LOL Grey and Angela are no help to Tim whatsoever. They are beyond amused by Lucy’s antics. Like to note how easily Tim gives into Lucy’s demands here btw. You're married you just don’t know it yet.
Once he agrees Lucy gets ultra hyper which has me cackling. I love how she stops him with her hands. Because she’s too excited to walk now. Saying all the things they need to do to get him to look like Dim. Tim pointing out she is enjoying this way too much. Duh. I love her excited speed walk to catch up to him and say he needs tattoos. Lucy was a little too excited for those tats heh She sure loves the idea of a clean cut Tim Bradford covered in tattoos.
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We pan to Lucy being on the team watching Tim’s OP. Part of the rescue team if needed. Kinda nice to see her on the watching end instead of him. Being just as much the worried wifey as he is the husband for her when she does UC. He gets taken up to the boss and does a damn good job of it. They’re pissed at him first because he disappeared with their drugs. Tim saying he went to ground because he didn’t want to get caught. Trying to avoid jamming him up.
He then asks why Wisco his heavy shouldn’t throw him over the balcony? We watch Lucy and Angela tense up. Tim has this handled with his reply above though. He is shocked with his intelligent reply. Saying he heard he was dumb. Tim continues on saying he wants people to think he’s dumb. Means they underestimate him.
That answer is enough for him. Tell Tim get his cash on way out. Or he could do another job for him and triple it. Tim asks what kind of job? He won’t divulge that portion just yet. Only that it’s heavy and tomorrow. They’ll need a driver. They heard his old lady is fast. Tim makes a crack 'Sometimes too fast.' He laughs and tells him they’ll be in touch with him.
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Angela catches Lucy and tells her she had Dim’s GF picked up. Lucy is like 'Ok…Wait why are you being weird?' Angela says she needs to see for herself. She is enjoying this far too much. It’s Juicy! Haha Having AU Tim and Lucy makes my soul happy ahahah Now Tim is the one enjoying himself. Lucy is in shock when she sees her doppelgänger. Angela adding in ‘I guess we know who’s going undercover with Dim.’
Tim’s taunting is funny I’m rolling. ‘Yeah Juicy.’ ‘No’ ‘Mmhmm It’s Juicy’ LOL I’m dying this is so hilarious. Not so funny when it’s your double eh Lucy? Also you know Angela was enjoying this way too much as well. Lucy’s ‘I don’t like that…’ cracks me up. She is so disturbed by having her own double. She was having fun before and now she doesn't like it. Also probably stirring some stuff up there is an AU version of them out there. Not only that but they're together.
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We’ve arrived at THE scene for the episode. Tim is over at Lucy’s for OP prep. Saying the backstory has to be airtight. Lucy agrees with him and asks how they met? Tim's answer of a BBQ is vanilla as it gets. This is why she’s the UC babe LOL Lucy telling him that’s lame. I love her just being so upfront with him. She always is but there is a confidence here I love. This is her wheelhouse and Tim is just along for the ride. This is her show really and she proves that in this scene.
Tim is such a stubborn turd saying ‘You think you can do better?’ Oh Timothy you’re about to have your mind blown and your brain broken…She starts out strong saying ‘Watch me.’ Lucy rubs her hands together. Saying they met because he was on the run from the cops. Tim nodding along but not totally sold yet. Lucy continues on with he ended up in her building frantic.Looking for a place to hide.
That she was the one who opened up the door for him. That she lied to the cops for him. It's here we see Tim starts to be impressed with her backstory. That sweet smirk of his in the second gif. You know he is in awe of her right now. That smirk and head tilt is a dead giveaway. Look at how soft he looks gazing at her. Fooling no one sir.
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Lucy’s confidence continues as she finishes up their backstory. It's the smug smile and direct eye contact she gives him as she delivers that line above that gets me. I watch this scene and I’m still in shock we got it. That Lucy is talking about their alter egos hooking up while the cops search for him. Thus his brain malfunctioning. Tim’s reaction is glorious. It will always make me laugh no matter how many times I see it.
Kudos to Eric for crushing it like he always does. Lucy short circuited his brain and it shows. He is having an repeated error message and failing to reboot. You can tell he’s trying to hide the fact she turned him on a little. She achieved this with her confidence through out the story and just blowing his mind right at the end. The man will never recover. He is legit speechless.
Tim was not expecting her to go there at all. She floored him while simultaneously turning him on LOL His professional brain came to a screeching halt when she finished. Also I'm sure he wasn't expecting to be turned on by just her words either. His body was not ready for such things. Good thing he’s sitting cause I’m sure his pants just got a little tighter….
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Tim then remembers he has to reply to her plan now haha Trying to gain his wits about him. Telling her ‘Ok….that..that's pretty good actually.’ Pretty good? She just blew your backstory out of the water. Then proceeded to make your brain stop working. You know he’s a mixture of turned on and impressed as hell with her. Won’t say so but his face said it all for us didn’t it? He legit had his jaw drop like a cartoon hahaha
Tim is seeing she truly is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to UC holy crap. She is also basking in the fact that she crushed his plan with her own, made him speechless, and then got a compliment out of him. Lucy is feeling pretty proud of herself when she says 'Thank you.' I love seeing this confidence on her. It's a good look. Just like I'll never over Tim's growth same goes for her. To see the confident bad ass woman she is now. How far she's come. I love it seeing it.
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Once Tim has some semblance of a brain back he mentions the elephant in the room. That if they’re gonna sell they're together. They’re gonna have to...You know…. Lucy knowing exactly what he’s talking about but giving him a hard time. Trying to get him to say the words. Pretending like she has no idea what he’s talking about. He continues to get flustered and stammers around. Poor Tim. He struggles with his words and stutters. He’s shocked she doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Lucy is enjoying herself far too much. Look at her face. Letting him dangle and trip over his words. Knowing talking about this is making him so very uncomfortable LOL So mean to do to your soulmate Lucy ha She finally throws him a lifeline and says we might have to PDA? Tim gets frustrated she strung him along and says never mind. Lucy stops him and says he’s right. If they’re going to kiss it shouldn’t be for the first time.
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Then the awkwardness that is them pre-kiss ensues. They’re not sure what to do now…So Lucy suggests they stand up. No one does awkward better than these two. They’re so out of their depth right now. It's hysterical. I love a nervous Lucy Chen she is beyond adorable right here. The way Tim starts to lean in and she bails LOL Saying ‘No’ with a nervous giggle ejecting far away from him I’m rolling.
She totally chickens out at first and I don’t blame her. After last episode I'm sure her emotions are going haywire in this moment. Being shy because she already knows of the feelings there. That this was going to bring them out even more. Tim is about to find out himself what this kiss will reveal. Tim is exasperated and not understanding what’s going on here.
He's got a let's do this and get it over with attitude. The thing is Tim is nervous too. Look at him in that first gif. Takes a deep cleansing breath before trying to give her a kiss. He is just as nervous as she is. One thing to banter and flirt with your partner. It's another to kiss them. They’re both buzzing with nerves and it’s adorable af. Hats off to Eric and Melissa in this scene. I can feel all their anxiety and giddiness in this moment. They do an amazing job in this portion.
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Tim get frustrated again and says ‘Oh, you know what? We’re professionals. Let’s just get this over with.’ Lucy’s reaction is the best part LOL Telling him 'Whoa! that’s romantic.' His childish reply of saying he wasn’t trying to be romantic LMAO OMG it’s a good thing you’re about to kiss. Because I wanna yell at them to kiss and get a room already.
Their banter is primo in this scene. Legendary really as is this entire scene. We talk about them being married a lot but never more so than before this kiss. Lucy telling him he’s succeeding and he replies with his pouty face. It’s all so hilarious to watch unfold. Lucy’s nervousness continues to shine through. Trying to reset herself as she psyches herself up to kiss him.
Tim never fails in making me laugh with his expressions and reactions. Telling her in an sarcastic tone to ‘Take her time...’ LOL Lucy trying to give herself a pep talk while Tim stands there exasperated af with her. He is so very done at this point. Just waiting her out at this point. Because he’s used to his wife antics. I love his annoyed deep sigh he let outs when she’s ready to rejoin him. The way he swings his arms in impatience lol
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Tim finally leans in and gives her the most pitiful peck on the lips. He’s so proud of himself when he pulls back though. It’s pretty damn adorable if you ask me. He is expecting praise from his girl only to be demolished by her. Lucy was definitely expecting way more than what he just delivered. It's almost like she has to hold back a laugh at his lack luster attempt. Also that he thought he did a good job with it. Saying ‘I'm s...Sorry, is that it?' After all that build up just an innocent peck on the lips? Tim is so offended about her critique till she lays one on him. Effectively silencing him with a kiss. Also like to note how I love how this season started with an almost kiss and ends with an actual one. Lovely bookend.
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I’ll never be over her cutting him off with her lips and grabbing him by the face. Pulling him forcefully towards her lips. *phew lord* Has his whole face in her hands while she has her way with him. I love how he stumbles into the kiss at first. If you watch him in the beginning of this gif you see him fall forward into the kiss. Wasn’t expecting that show of force from her. He needs a second to readjust his body into what’s now happening. Both of their frustrations with each other melting away once their lips touch. Takes them a moment to find their rhythm. Then it’s all about melding into one another. Fitting like the perfect puzzle pieces they low key always knew they were.
How Lucy’s right hand drops to his chest as she gets comfortable in this kiss. In his arms. Doing what comes naturally while in them. She keeps her left hand firmly on his face though. Keeping those beautiful lips of his directed at her. We watch Tim start to melt into Lucy as well. See how his body begins to relax against hers. His hand has made it's way up to her shoulder. Had this continued I have no doubt they would've swapped places from where they started. His hands continuing their journey upwards. Tim encasing her face in his hands as he continued to kiss her as if his life depended on it.
We see them start to get lost in their kiss. That argument of their's a moment ago is long forgotten. It’s such a sexy first kiss sweet lord. Tim has quickly adjusted from the beginning of the kiss. He's eased into it now and is ready to go for more. We saw him begin startled then quickly relax into her as the kiss goes on. Seems so natural like they've done this before. Reminds me of Chandler and Monica. When Joey/Rachel ask Chandler what he felt when he and Monica kissed after being friends for so long? Telling them felt like 'Why haven't we been doing this the entire time?' This kiss represents that line IMO.
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Look at the way he is melting into her as he looks to deepens that kiss. He’s attached to her upper lip. We can see a little tongue too. Don't think I didn't see you slip that in Timothy heh. He is ready to take this further when their pseudo daughter walks in….I love it being Tim who deepened that kiss. Making that all important first move once again. Lucy wasn’t complaining one bit btw. Cracks me up how Tamara's first solution is to go. Let them have more time alone. I'm sure she's thought of them getting together before.
She doesn't seem terribly shocked by this so much as incredibly amused. How could she not with how they are? Then the awkward hilarity begins. I’ll never be over Lucy’s ‘Oh!’ As they fly apart from each other. Both trying to put a continent between them. It’s so damn funny. Went from hot and heavy to insanely embarrassed. The music stopping abruptly as well. Never fails to make me laugh my ass off. There is so much to love after the kiss as there is with it.
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The way they scramble to explain why they were making out is priceless. Stumbling over their words and each other. Lucy trying to explain that this is 'Work' Uh huh. Sure let's call it that. Tim adding on they're going UC. Tamara is bemused to say the least. Telling them they don't have to explain themselves to her. Tim then starts looking desperately for items he didn’t bring LOL Then realizing he has nothing to gather up.
'You know what? No. I didn't bring anything...' LMFAO Flustered Tim Bradford is a joy to watch. Lucy already broke his brain earlier and then destroyed it with that kiss. You know he’s in love because that man doesn’t get flustered easily. He legit doesn’t know what to do with himself. Other than awkwardly retreat from Lucy. He is shook and it’s showing big time.
I love that he’s a complete disaster just from kissing Lucy. This entire scene is iconic and makes me so happy to watch. They awkwardly point at one another. For what reason I couldn't tell you. Other than they don't know what to do with themselves right now. The height of nervous awkwardness has arrived and I’m joyful Haha They’re both so embarrassed and flustered it’s glorious.
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Lucy is flaming red after she tells Tim 'G...Good work tonight'. She is mortified she just said that to him after they made out. Tim replies in kind because he is also nervously awkward as he leaves. She can’t even look at him as he makes his hasty exit. Her back is turned to him as he departs and does another dorky finger point. Saying bye to Tamara as he does. Lucy's facial expressions are legit killing me. She then she turns around to face Tamara and it only gets worse.
Lucy has no idea what to say to being caught making out with Tim. Tamara's face in that second gif is hilarious. It's like she's giving Lucy a chance to explain herself further. Wanting to see what she'll come up with. She notices Lucy isn't in the right state of mind for answers. So Tamara saves her further embarrassment and says she’s headed to her room…Bless you. Your pseudo mother needed that LOL
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We join Tim in the hallway post all of that mess haha. I once again must commend Eric and his wonderful expressions. He conveys so very much in this moment. It’s the range of emotions he expresses that is so impressive. He just nails it. This is the moment where Tim realizes his feelings for Lucy. Yes she short circuited his brain 100 percent here. But there is far more to this expression than that.
4x21 was Lucy’s epiphany episode. This is Tim’s 'Oh shit I’m in love with Lucy' moment. It’s like he finally has the answer to why he’s always felt the way he’s felt. Why he fought so hard for her not to wash out. Why he said and did things he didn’t totally understand for her. Explaining why he was so protective with her in UC. Why he was ALWAYS happier around her. Just like Lucy it’s hitting him like freight train. His feelings coming sharply into focus.
He goes from broken brain, to realization he’s in love with her, to oh shit I’m in love with my best friend...what am I going to do? The way his eye bug out a little as he comes to this conclusion is everything. That kiss cleared the skies in his brain. He can see clearly now and it scaring him a little. Everything was muddled before and now it’s clear as day. He looks back at her door before he is able to unroot himself from that spot. Tim Bradford is in love with Lucy Chen and it’s just hitting him ❤️
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The awkward cuteness continues the next day. Tim is sitting in his truck with his thoughts. Probably having an existential crisis in the process tbh. I bet you he didn't sleep a wink last night either. Probably trapped in his thoughts the entire time. Also he is clearly just waiting for Lucy to appear. Which is pretty damn adorable.
He perks right up when she arrives. Makes me heart so happy actually. Giving me all the feels. He is so adorable waiting on the girl he loves so he can talk to her. They’re both so smitten at this point my heart is gonna implode. She spots him waiting in his truck. Then does her adorkable wave at him when he notices her looking at him. It's so cute I cannot. They’re both so nervous it’s beyond precious.
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First off love them matching in colors. I feel this was intentional both being in light blue. Once they reach each other the air is rife with unresolved tension. They cut each other off both wanting to speak. Lucy tells him to go first. You can see Tim desperately wants to clear the air. Be vulnerable about the kiss. We see the hope on Lucy’s face as he struggles to find the words. That he is going to say that kiss unlocked something, that it was more than just a practice kiss etc.
That does seem where he is headed when he started this convo. Then our boy loses his nerve completely. Says they should work more on their backstory …You can see the sheer disappointment on Lucy’s face that he said that instead. Probably wishing she had gone first and not him. It’s ok Tim you’ll gain the courage in 5x08 don’t worry. My little awko tacos. How I love thee.
Phew lord that was daunting to write about and tackle haha The sheer volume of gifs out there for this one are immense. But damn I love their slow burn so very much and adore writing about it. Can’t believe we’re done with s4 what a trip.
Side notes-non chenford
Nolan had a SL but meh.
The only parts worth mentioning are Nell/Elroy being adorable. And how hilarious it was Pete slept through the entire fight scene for Bailey LOL
Thank you to all the readers been with me on this especially those from the very start. You know who you are :) Your likes, comments and reblogs have been a bright spot in my day shall see you all in S5 woo.
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couldtheycatchkira · 5 months
1,500 Follower Celebration!
Scenario: Kira Lou Who is excitedly awaiting Santa Claus, and he goes to bed early so that he may wake up before all the other Whos down in Whoville and open his presents first. Suddenly, there is a noise from downstairs, and he goes downstairs to find Santa Claus is taking his Christmas Tree. When asked why, Santa Claus assures him that one of the light bulbs won't light, so he's taking the Christmas tree back to his workshop to fix it up before morning. Kira is then given a glass of warm milk and sent off to bed. When Kira awakes in the morning, he runs downstairs to find that everything has been stolen, including the last can of Who Hash. Before he can truly miss it, however, he is drug out into the center of Whoville and he, along with all the Whos down in Whoville, the tall and the small, sing together, welcoming Christmas despite having nothing to show for it. Suddenly, he hears a voice: The Grinch, dressed as Santa Claus, coming to return all of the things he had stolen in an act of goodwill, even the roast beast.
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fear-is-truth · 7 months
HOPE is a dangereous thing
Kit Walker x reader
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The storage closet under the staircase was the only place in Briarcliff Asylum where the screams of insanity could be drowned out; the only place where your love dared to breathe. A single harsh halogen bulb flickered overhead, dust particles floated in the stale air, catching the feeble light like bleak stars in a lightless sky.
"I can't take this any longer, Kit," you whispered into his shoulder, tears damping his slate blue shirt. “They won't listen. We're trapped." “I know, Angel," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "But we have each other. And that’s enough in this hellhole.”
Hesitantly, you reached into your pocket, withdrawing a small bottle of stolen pills. You held it up to him. "Kit," you began, voice quivering, "If there's no way out, no hope left..” Kit nodded solemnly, his gaze flickering on the bottle of pills then back to you. He gently lifted your other hand, brushing his lips against your knuckles. "Yes," his voice eerily calm. “We’ll stay together. To the very end."
a/n: feeling angsty on a monday morning, decided to write something on the 7 minute train ride to school to keep myself awake. requested by anon, might be a future fic in the works!
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firefly--bright · 2 days
the drywall confessions.
jean kirstein x fem!reader , modern a.u
summary ; making a home out of the walls that surround you was easy when it was the two of you.
warnings ; none! what a shocker
a/n : something short and sweet! im still in the process of writing d2d and masquerade hehe. summer break just started so it might take just a little more time :3 inspired by this reel i saw on instagram. also requests are now open since i'll have more time to write!!
taglist ; @holding-infinity-and-a-book , @mrsnobodynobody , @hopeless-anti-romantic , @jeancremebrulee , @berrijam , @happxme , @cherrypieyourface , @imgayandshesanime , @moonmalice , @kivernova , @potaho3frog , @xakilicious , @katestrophes .
masterlist is in pinned post! ✿ join my taglist ✿ requests are open! ✿ songs to listen to while reading !
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If walls could talk, they’d sing praises of your love.
the dark brown scuff against the right wall of the living room that was left when you and jean tried to move the couch by yourself was all but proof of that moment. He almost stubbed his toe, and you almost tripped over the carpet, but after the couch found it’s new home only a tad bit to the left from where it was before, the two of you heaved a breath as you reaped the rewards of your hard work on the couch, wiping the sweat off of your forehead. Jean grumbled about how it didn’t really make a difference. You had a ready answer on your tongue; pointing to the now one inch of extra space – “look at all this free space we have!” with a sarcastic grin on your face. Jean took one glance at you and knew he had to laugh, if only a little, if only to please you, if only because he loved you.
if walls could talk, they’d tell jean about how much you missed him while he was gone.
The business trip wasn’t even that long, only about two weeks, and it wasn’t even the longest the two of you had gone without each other, but it was enough for you to notice his absence after your move into the apartment together. The walls watched softly, reflecting the sunlight off of themselves, as you accidentally pulled out two mugs instead of just yours – your see-through, glass mug with small hand drawn flowers on it with a thin crack along it’s base that you were only mildly concerned about and his usual mug that said, in big bold letters, “NUMBER 1 COUGAR”. the walls noticed how often your eyes strayed away to the screen of your phone, hoping every time that it would be his message lighting up your screen. And later at night, when everything was dark and he finally did, the walls observed, that you eagerly picked up and talked and listened and talked until the only thing they heard was your small snores. The phone call ended three hours after you had slept, they’d note.
If the walls could talk, they’d whisper critiques about your decoration choices.
It didn’t make sense, really. Everything on the shelves was eclectic and without any structure. The bookshelf was really just a name of what it was supposed to be, but held objects that were far more precious than pages. Jean’s hereditary vinyls that he’d unapologetically stolen from his childhood home along with the record player, small plants that each had their own names, pictures from photobooths that you had taken throughout the years – some with just the two of you, some with your friends, some with you and your cat. lamps with warmly lit bulbs in them of varying heights and colours, collecting a small but unseen amount of dust on their bases simply because “jean. This looks exactly like the lamp that crushed pixar’s 'i'” “why are we supporting an abuser, then?” and “this one looks like a mushroom!” “babe, we have so many lamps already-“ “jean, this one is a mushroom.” They were good lighting for your old and new artworks, some of them messily made but with more than enough personality for the walls to be able to speak through them. And if they could speak, they’d tell you about all the sketches of you they’d see jean draw but never show; all his loving being silent but all-consuming.
And the walls would scold you for ruining their perfectly white canvas into something better-worse.
Jean agreed that maybe the smudges could be fixed by painting over the whole damn wall. “im getting sick of this white.” “that’s very racist.” followed by a scoff from the former, as he opened the pinterest browser on his laptop, asking you to shift closer to him to get a better view at his screen. Not because he thought your warmth was mandatory for him to function, of course not.
The walls would retell how scared they were when jean got those small pots of paint, you sat in your most worn-down and ruined pair of pyjamas infront of the white wall that currently had too many stains for it to go unnoticed. Jean opened the can with a butterknife with a, “dude, couldn’t you have gotten, like, a popsickle stick?” “a whole pack of fifty for one paint can?” “we could’ve made popsickles.” “uh huh. You just want an excuse for something sweet.” to which you only smiled ear to ear and jean wondered if you knew that he didn’t need something sweet as long as you were infront of him.
The painting job inevitably failed. Two sort-of artists that thought it was something they could accomplish ended up with a wall of mismatched paint and aching shoulders and stained fingers. You called it a night with pizza and washed hands, jean cradled calcifer – your adorable but petty cat – in his arms like a spoiled baby and placed several kisses on his furry forehead as you sat down with plates in your hand. jean joined you on the ground, letting the furball run free across the apartment before resting his head on your thigh.
The walls would have notes of what not to do while repainting them as one of those two sort-of artists waited for her beloved to leave the house the next day and once again, sat down and drew a small heart with the residual pastel paint left in the pot, a small and satisfied smile on her face even if it was only for a small mark.
The day after the next, when she took the paint, her fingers itching to claim the walls as theirs again – she found three small stars around the heart that she did not remember drawing. Smiling, you put down your signature flower and leaf combo before closing everything back up and waiting for the vandalism wars to begin.
By the time the walls could recall how jean proposed to you, the bottom of the bedroom wall that was conveniently covered up by the bed held countless doodles. Some of them were smaller, cuter versions of the two of you with big eyes and small bodies holding hands, some of them were far more detailed version of them – just their faces with their eyes looking at the other -  despite their small size. The most remarkable ones, however, were your initials written on the wall. Bottom corner of the bedroom wall were the initials of the people that loved the most while residing in their walls that could only be seen if anyone was actively looking for them, seeking them out.
 If the walls could talk, they would talk about you and jean.
Despite the bustling and distracting city outside, jean’s vinyls played their safe melodies as you pulled out two mugs from the cabinet in the kitchen, jean’s arms wrapped around your back as you prepared coffee for the pair of you in your respective mugs. Jean would hold back a small grin at the mug that was now his signature – the one that you gifted him when you were only friends and just getting to know each other, the one that made him know that he’d want you in his life for far longer. The walls would sing the songs of jean’s record player as you sat near the coffee table in your living room and typed away on your laptop, calcifer snoring peacefully on his father’s lap, the latter with his own laptop infront of him. The walls would tell you how much he loved you because he would look at you so often they wondered if he ever got sick of the view – but they didn’t. the walls didn’t talk because they knew you knew. They could tell you accounted all his actions and return them tenfold, in your own silent but all-consuming ways.
If the walls could talk, they wouldn’t want to because you slept on his shoulder after coming home late from work and finding him on the couch with his eyes closed. They wouldn’t talk because they’d see you wrap a blanket around his shoulders before snuggling up next to him – gently, softly, so as to not wake him up.
If the walls could talk, they’d say nothing because everything was already said and known.
If the walls could talk, they wouldn’t have to.
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bombusbombus · 1 year
It is vitally, vitally important that Clark Kent is boring.
I don't mean 'boring' in an inherently bad way. A desk job is boring. Data analysis is boring. Due process is boring. All of these things are imperative for a functioning society but almost nobody will ever be praised for them.
When my car got stolen a year ago, the guy who took it stole a bunch of other stuff too. I was sitting with a cop in a backroom of the campus police station for almost an hour while he was doing paperwork (to make sure everyone would get their stuff back), and at one point he looked up at me and he said, "sorry about this. It's not all shootouts and car chases like on TV."
And I almost said, "well, due process is sexy" (I didn't, for obvious reasons). But he looked surprised when I told him I thought due process was pretty cool. Like nobody is supposed to think due process is cool. Things are only cool if they're glamorous or flashy.
The guy who stole my car was horribly addicted to meth. The sheriff told me, "you should press charges so we can put him away for as long as possible."
The sheriff was lost in a world of heroes and villains. He was the "hero." The addict was the "villain." But the person who helped people was the guy at a desk, who went back over the mile long paper trail and returned every stolen item to its owner. The important stuff is when some guy in an office writes an algorithm to save endangered whales, or when the third double blind test finally shows sufficient evidence for the efficacy of a new cancer treatment. The goose that actually lays the golden egg almost never cackles.
This is why the 'Glasses' comic is so important, to me. We live in a world which glorifies exciting acts of heroism but not "boring" ones. We live in a world that thinks people like Clark Kent aren't important, when they're often doing the most important work, solving the systemic issues, saving people who aren't lost yet. Sometimes we need firefighters, but in a perfect world, we'd only need safety inspectors.
And sure, Superman is necessary within the story. There are disasters and villainy he can prevent. There are lives he can save. But being Superman is ultimately a terrible sacrifice, and if the heroism wasn't necessary he'd be Clark Kent all day. That's what makes him not a cop: he's not enjoying the car chases and shootouts. He avoids letting things get 'interesting' at all costs. He avoids glory.
The comic Strong Female Protagonist (by Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag, BRING IT BACK) has several fascinating pieces of philosophy on superheroes and society, but my favourite is this:
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Kal-el, living solar battery, isn't just someone who contributes to society from the outside or the top. He plugs away at boring, everyday kindnesses just like other humans. (This can make for great contrasts with Lex Luthor, who is the epitome of a light bulb person and could never understand why Superman would want to be a battery.)
Clark Kent is boring. Clark Kent plays things by the book. Clark Kent is sexy in the same way that due process is sexy, and any character who thinks the Clark Kent side is 'less than' the Superman side, is textually a goddamn idiot. "No glory save honour" and he will always have both.
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