#but I absolutely love this look and I think he radiates so much positivity & fun & brightness here. perfect for someone like you
only-angel-28 · 8 months
mastermind, part three
oh my goshhh im so sorry this one took me like ten years (i had exams🤡🙏) i wrote part four as well as an apology🤞🤞
anyways heres part three, getting into that situationship situation rn we love to see it
but no fr idk how i feel abt this part so please lmk ur thoughts and that, hopefully the next parts will be better idk ily guys sm omg-
warnings: none i think, probably some swearing, mostly fluff
mastermind, masterlist
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I walk over to Theo, passing by drunken teenagers either making out or snorting cocaine. The strobe lights hit his face, bringing his bright eyes out every now and again as he looks up at me.
“Hey,” he says as I come to sit next to him on the sofa in the dark corner.
“Hey.” I reply back looking towards his book, “What are you reading?”
“Bukawoski,” he responded plainly, dog-earing the book and putting it aside to direct his full attention to me.
“Bukawoski? A muggle writer?” I ask in surprise “What possessed your pureblood mind to read that?”
He shrugs and answers, “I heard you and that curly-haired girl over there talking about it one time at dinner and I thought I’d see what all the nonsense was about.”
“Oh yeah? And how are you finding it?” I ask, a grin creeping up to my lips.
“Love is a dog from hell is pretty good. Bloody questionable, no doubt but good.” He says staring down at my lips from time to time.
We sit in silence for a moment, observing each other as the music played in the background until his strong unwavering gaze becomes too much for me and I break away and try to talk about something.
“So how was the match? Had fun losing?” I smirk at him and see his soft smile becoming a frown but I could see the tiniest sliver of a smile under it.
“Shut the fuck up, we didn’t have enough time for warm-ups and it was bloody freezing.” he complains whiningly which sends me into a burst of creasing laughter.
With a smile on his face, Theo asks me, “What’s so funny?”
I barely manage to get any words out from the laughter that has taken over my body, spreading to Theo’s too.
Our little moment is interrupted by a figure in front of us.
“Hi, care to join the others for a game?”, Cormac grins down at us, making Theo cease his laughter almost immediately and glare up at him.
Before he has the chance to say anything rude I take mine, “Yeah sure, we’d love to.” I smile up at Cormac and grab Theo by the arm dragging him towards the group settled on the carpet with an empty beer bottle in the middle of the circle.
“Ah welcome! Nott, Lestrange, joining us for seven minutes in heaven?” Ron asks from his place on the carpet.
“I don’t think I have much of a choice Weasley.” Theo jokes with Ron. Or at least I think it’s a joke. Whatever, at least they’re not bruising each other right now.
Though if Theo’s looks could kill, Cormac would’ve been six feet under by now…
“Okay, I’m going first!” Ginny Weasley says and spins the bottle making it turn a few times before landing on…Harry.
“No. Absolutely not. Ginny go back to your dorm, I’m not having this.” Ron says strictly before passing the bottle to me.
I spin it as Ginny grumbles and goes to another corner of the room being closely followed by Harry, away from Ron’s sights for once. Theo seems to catch my gaze and smiles softly.
“Oh now won’t you look at that, it was almost Gryffindor and Slytherin but I guess the choosing hat’s powers radiate all the way here.” Ron jokes as the bottle nearly lands on Theo, erupting butterflies in my tummy until they all fall down again when the bottle finally lands on Cormac.
Lord please no.
I stay in my position on the carpet, refusing to look at Cormac’s disturbingly growing grin and reach for Theo’s hand instead.
“Oh, Y/N I completely forgot about our detention with Flitwick from the other day, we’d better be going now.” Theo says as he pretends to check his watch, pulls me up and sarcastically smiles at Cormac before saying, “Sorry mate.”
We make it out of the common room easily, thank God, and I have a million thanks for Theo but a question still remains.
“Why did you do that?” I say plainly as we start walking and Theo pulls out a cigarette, putting it between his pink lips and reaching for a lighter in his pocket.
“No reason,” he mumbles through his teeth as the cold autumn air hits our faces.
“You sure? You’d normally just walk out. No explanation.”
“Well,” he begins, looking at me for a second before taking a drag of his cigarette and breathing it out, “I would. But you wouldn’t, and if I just pulled you up with no explanation then the others might think something else. And anyway I can’t stand seeing you with that bastard.” he says frowning to himself.
“Oh yeah?” I smirk at him, “Why’s that?”
“Not good enough for you.”
“Then what is good enough for me Theo?” I say as we enter the castle again and walk into a deserted, dark hallway.
He says nothing but brushes his hand with mine before pausing and offering me a drag from his cigarette. “Mm, no, I like my lungs, thanks.”
“Suit yourself.” he shrugs and as he puts the cigarette back in his mouth the sleeve of his shirt lifts a bit showing his soft skin tainted with something…black?
“What’s that?” I ask, taking my hands out of my pockets and point to his arm quickly.
He pulls his sleeve back down as quickly as he can and mumbles a quick ‘nothing’, looking panicked and anxious all of a sudden.
“Theo? Are you okay? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” I apologise and regardless of his “No don’t worry lovie you don’t need to apologise"s, I still feel unsure and try to reach out for him but he flinches away before I can say anything.
“M’sorry I just- I have to go. I’ll um, I’ll see you tomorrow.” he says quickly and strides off to the Slytherin common room. As he was mumbling this, I had a chance to asses his behaviour. Rather than the cool, calm and nonchalant Theo that I’m used to, I saw the glassy-eyed, apprehensive and slightly vulnerable Theo.
What was that?
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theo’s pov
“Well, good morning to you too,” Draco says to me, smiling as I harshly drop my bag down on the breakfast table.
“What’s wrong with you?” Pansy asks, before putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.
I sigh before answering, “I’ve got potions first period.”
“...And that’s bad because…?” Blaise drags out, looking at me in curiosity.
“Because she’s there and the Yule Ball’s coming up, and I should’ve asked her earlier but I didn’t, and now that that bloody git Cormac’s probably going to go with her.”
My short rant left the table in silence for a moment before Pansy replied,
“Don’t worry about it Theo, even if she is going with Cormac I’m pretty sure she’s not going to have much fun with him.”
“Yeah no for real, guy’s a fucking pussy.” Blaise agrees, having had many classes with him before.
We get into our nonsensical chatter until the bell rings and everyone starts clearing off to lessons and I hold Draco back by his elbow before he moves off and whisper nervously to him, “What if she sees it?”
“Sees what?” he says with furrowed brows, making me roll my eyes and point to my forearm saying, “What if she sees it.”
Draco looks down at my covered arm and looks at his and says, “Don’t worry mate, we’ll be fine.”, smiles and moves off.
“Thanks for the reassurance mate,” I say after him as we walk together with Blaise to our classes, them to dark arts and me to potions.
“Trust me I know, she’s my cousin after all.” Draco smiles before Blaise nods to my class door, “Make sure you ask her.”
I enter the room and looking up towards my seat I can see Y/N smiling and waving excitedly at me, as I get closer I wave back reciprocating her enthusiasm.
“How come you’re so happy on a Monday morning?” I ask as I place my books down and take my seat.
“Look what I made for you,” she says as she pulls out a silver ring with stars engraved on the sides with both our initials, “I always see you wearing that one ring on your hand so I thought I’d make you another for the other hand. And you like astrology a lot so I thought I’d put some stars on it or something I don’t know. Do you like it?”
My heart skips a beat and blood rushes to my ears and cheeks as I sit there stunned as she looks back at me expectantly.
“No ones given me a present before.” I say quietly and meet her eyes getting softer by my words.
“What? Like ever?” she asks as she tilts her head slightly to the right in question.
God this girl’s gonna be the death of me.
“No uhm,” I clear my throat before continuing, “My mother used to give me loads, you know for my birthday or Christmas or whatever but after she uhm…” I take a pause, trying to collect my emotions and reach out for the ring in her soft hands, “I don’t really get that many any more, my dad’s not really big on presents or anything.” I try to block out the thought of him and look up at the gorgeous girl in front of me but the look in her eyes breaks me more than my father ever could.
“Don’t worry Teddy, we’re friends now so you’re getting showered in presents starting with this one.
Now show me your homework, I need to copy it before he comes around to check.” she says as she takes my books and starts copying out my work, leaving me stunned by her words.
I look down at the small piece of jewellery between my fingers and slip it on with a small smile on my face.
I’m so fucked.
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ok omg that was part three, kinda shitty ik but dw i did part four too and its probably already up rn so go read that too, part five is currently in progress😋🤞
taglist: @timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere
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tremblingmuse · 1 year
Omg you're a godsend I love your stories so damn much. Could I request “You’re lucky you’re cute.” “Thanks! Wait…” and/or “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you’re flirting with me.” “I am.” “Excuse me?”
With Nico? Or wally
Thank youuuu!!
I’m killing two birds with one stone for this one!
Thanks everyone for being so patient! I took a little break. It’s the start of summer blues.
Prompt 8 for Wally Clark
“Well, I do.”
Y/n has known Wally for years. When you’ve been stuck at the same high school for a few decades you tend to become friends.
Sometimes you know each other so well, the friendly conversations can turn into flirty banter.
The gang was having their monthly round of hide and seek. Rhonda was seeking, she loved chanting “Come out, come out. Where ever you are…” in a creepy tone down the vacant halls.
Y/n found the perfect spot, a small crawl space in the back of the art room. Wally just had to follow her.
“No get out of here!” Y/n whispered, trying to shoo him.
“You don’t just get to claim spots, we can share!” He told her, scooting into the small space with her. He covered it up with a piece of board that was over it before.
“Just because I’m the reigning champion does not mean you can freeload off of me.”
It was true. She was unfindable. She always spent all month preparing different spots. A few she can run from and then too, just in case.
Wally always tried his best but he was always found first.
“But you’re so selfless, and kind. I was hoping you’d be willing to make an acceptation for your dear friend.” He loaded on complements.
“Awe, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were flirting with me.” She told him in a sarcastic tone while rolling her eyes.
“I am.”
She looked at him, well tried to. It was dark and she couldn’t make out his face well. But it didn’t seem like he was joking.
Her breathe hitched. It was stuck in her throat.
“What?” She whispered, questioning if she heard him right.
Because if he said what she thinks he said, that would be absolutely ridiculous.
They both froze when they heard Rhonda’s taunting voice. She opened the door and stepped in the room.
Y/n covered Wally’s mouth. She’d deal with him later, she’s not loosing because of him.
Her heart raced as heat radiated off him in the small space. Also because Rhonda’s footsteps made their way to the counter. Where they were hiding.
After what felt like hours of waiting for the worst. It sounded like she left. Her voice trailed down the halls as she sang and teased her next victim.
If Y/n was a master hider, Rhonda was the perfect horror movie villain she was hiding from.
She slowly removed her hand, Wally swallowed hard.
“Did you say you were flirting with me?” She asked, hushed.
He didn’t skip a beat.
“Yeah, did you not know?” He asked as if it was the most obvious think in the world. “I have been, for like ever.”
She relaxed back to her original position. Contemplating.
He had been flirting with her? For how long?
“No, I didn’t know.” She quipped, crossing her arms.
Wally let out a small laugh. He corrected it immediately.
“Sorry, it’s just- I thought you...” He cleared his throat.
“I thought you liked me? No way.” She interrupted.
Wally tilted his head. Of course he liked her. He has since she’s been stuck in this horrible purgatory with him.
“Well I do.” He stated. “And now this in awkward.”
He shifted in place, trying to find something other than her face to occupy his mind.
“Why?” She asked, filling the painful silence.
It wasn’t hard for him to answer.
“Cause, you organize all these games. You make being dead kinda fun. I’ve been a lot less miserable since you came around.”
She paused, trying to find a response that didn’t make her sound uninterested or desperate. She settled on a simple explanation.
“Well it’s the least I can do, you guys have helped me a lot. I wasn’t always like this.” She told him.
“I know.”
Her head jerked to look at him, in question. She was a little disturbed. “Okay, stalker.”
“Wait no-“
“First you follow me to a small dark room, then tell me you know what I was like before I died. Sounds stalkerish to me.” She laughed.
Of course she was joking, she knew most of the living kids by names. Knew their schedules and lives. She wanted what was best for them, she was pretty protective over the kids at school. She hoped Wally felt the same when she was living.
“It’s just… I always kinda saw you.” He looked at her with those eyes again. The eyes that wanted something from her.
“Well what do you want? This is flattering but I’m not sure what it means.” She admitted not so gracefully.
“Well I’d love to kiss you, but you have your game face on.”
He’s right. She took these games very seriously.
“Meet me when I win this thing. Now out.” She pointed to the board between them and the classroom.
His eyes told her. “Come on.”
“Go on, out. Plenty of time for flirting when I’m victorious. You’re bad luck.”
“And don’t rat me out! You’ll pay…”
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jae-bummer · 9 months
The Color of Love
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Request: If you're still accepting requests with that prompt list, I'd absolutely love to request 11/soulmate au with Jooheon if possible! 🥺 There are never enough MX fics, especially not adorable fluffy ones!
11) Soulmate AU
Pairing: Monsta X Jooheon x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Every love story was different, but always held the same three characteristics.
It could be ANYONE. Literally any person you pass on the street could be your soulmate. Didn't feel tiny in the expansive universe already?
It could happen at ANY time. Fifth grade math lesson? Accidental shoulder check at the grocery store? Awkward doctor's appointment? There was no telling where love would rear its ugly head.
Love in this new age? It always started with a burst of color.
"All I could see was this bright green going from my hand down my forearm," your best friend, Mina, rushed out excitedly. "It almost made me drop the weight I was holding."
"That's great, babe," you smiled, trying to be happy for her. "Who is the lucky guy?"
"His name is Hajoon," she continued dreamily. "I guess he'd seen me at the gym before but was too scared to say anything. Isn't that adorable?"
You would probably be going to Hell for not being over the moon for your best friend, but it was hard when you were still waiting.
Society put such an emphasis on finding your soulmate, it was impossible to think of much else. Going about your day, you tried to pay attention to who you brushed past or made casual physical contact with. That's how you would know.
When you touched your soulmate, color would bloom across your skin at the point of impact.
"Super cute," you sighed, avoiding eye contact. "So he saw you start to struggle and saved the day by spotting you?"
"Mhm," she hummed. "As soon as his fingers touched the back of my hand, it was like someone threw dye onto our arms. It was the craziest thing!"
"Sounds beautiful," you nodded, giving your best effort at a smile.
Clocking your failed attempts at support, Mina smiled sadly in return. "It's going to happen for you soon. I can feel it."
"Can you pass some of that feeling to me?" you grumbled. "I'd prefer not to ruin such a big day for my best friend."
"Hush," she cooed, wrapping an arm around you. "You haven't ruined anything. Sour mood or not, I have some good news."
"What's that?"
"Hajoon works for an entertainment company," she nodded. "He's an executive-"
"Cute AND rich?" you teased. "That IS some excellent news for you."
Smacking at your leg, Mina continued. "He asked if I wanted to go to a concert put on by his work. We have plans to meet up after, but do you want to go to the concert with me? He said I could bring a friend while he's working backstage on things."
"Why not?" you sighed. "Maybe I'll get elbowed in the crowd and accidentally find my soulmate."
"That's the spirit!"
A few days later, you allowed Mina to get you dressed up, acting as her doll for the night. You could admit that you were going through the motions as you followed her to the venue. Determined to make sure it was a good night for her, you put on as bright of a smile as you could when she handed you a light stick.
"The group is called Monsta X," she instructed. "They have six members, and their music is really exciting."
"Got it," you nodded, positive you had listened to their songs before. "Who's my favorite?"
"Not Hyungwon," she grinned. "He's my favorite."
"Point him out to me so I know to stay clear," you chuckled.
"We also have a high touch after," she said brightly, tugging you through the crowd.
"High touch," you confirmed, searching your brain for what exactly that meant. "Can't wait."
"You're going to have fun," Mina said slowly, looking over her shoulder at you. "I promise."
And she was right, the show was a blast. You had never experienced a live concert like Monsta X's before. The energy of the crowed literally radiated through your body. You were right that you had heard some of their music before and sang along to all of the songs you knew. Being lost in the crowd that was all feeling the same electricity was incredible. It's like you were one giant, synchronous being.
After the show, you were a bit flustered from all the activity, nearly forgetting you had a chance to meet the idols before leaving (yes, you did break down and ask Mina what exactly a high touch was). Allowing her to once again navigate you to where you needed to be, it wasn't long before you were thrust in front of the very men you had been howling at only minutes before.
Pushing you in front of her, Mina pointed to the first member facing your way for the high touch. "That's Hyungwon."
Assessing him, you could easily see why he was her favorite. Handsome was an understatement, this man was ethereal. "Yeeaah he is."
"Y/N," your friend giggled, giving you a slight push. Taking the few steps forward, you slapped your hand in his for a high five. The moment lasted only seconds but there was a bit of a rush to meeting a celebrity.
Next came a tall, tan, and buff member you would later learn was Shownu.
After, you locked eyes with the third member, remembering him as one of the vibrant mood makers of the group. He had been incredible on stage.
As your hand skid across his, you shot back with a gasp.
"Yah!" the member shouted, hopping backwards as well. His focus ricocheted from his palm to yours, mouth completely agape. Looking down in fascination, colors began to wrap around his wrist and trickle down his arm.
Shocked by what was happening, you glanced down at your own arm as well, getting lost in the cloud-like imagery blossoming across your skin.
Gasps erupted around you by both spectators and other Monsta X members. You couldn't help but feel like you did something wrong. Like you weren't allowed to have someone so interesting and good looking as a soulmate.
This simply could not be possible.
"Hey!" Jooheon yelled, bringing your attention back to him. He wasn't talking to you, but shouting at a staff member while aggressively waving them over. "Yo!"
Snapping out of it a bit, you took another step back, only to be slightly held up by Mina behind you. This was sensory overload to the nth degree.
"Y/N," she hissed, her own eyes darting across the scene. "Did...did you just sync up with Jooheon? Is he your soulmate?"
Jooheon. You had never heard his name before, but it just sounded right.
"I...I think so," you managed, not entirely believing what was happening.
A staff member had finally appeared, listening to Jooheon as he rapid-fired the situation to his manager. Occasionally shooting looks of surprise your way, he didn't stop talking until they had both sidled up to you.
"We're stepping away from the high touch," his manager explained, taking you by the elbow and guiding you towards an adjacent hallway. "The fan meet will continue without Joohoney."
"That's not fair," you said slowly, shaking your head. Glancing to the man you assumed you were tied to for life now, you heaved a sigh. "Your fans have waited so long for you."
Looking helplessly back and forth between you and his manager, Jooheon croaked. "But you're my soulmate."
"I'm not saying I'm going to disappear," you smiled reassuringly. "I'll just wait until you're done. I've waited this long."
Giving a curt nod, Jooheon's eyes searched your face for a moment. His lips pulled into a slow smile before he reached up, giving your nose a boop. Immediately, his manager's jaw dropped, presumably as color stretched across the middle of your face.
Pleased with himself, Jooheon turned on his heel and took up his spot behind the table again. Maintaining eye contact with you, he offered a dazzling smile.
"Alright," his manager breathed out on a sigh. "Let's get you backstage, shall we?"
Lost in your phone, trying to explain what was going on to the friend you had abandoned, you almost didn't notice him walk in.
Hearing the quiet click of the door closing, your head immediately snapped up to see Jooheon leaning against the entrance. His expression was full of hope, with a fringe of excitement. You could tell he was trying to reign in his enthusiasm. Judging by how hard he went on the stage; he seemed like a very reactive person. This quiet and careful side of him wasn't something you had really expected.
You supposed you had a lot to learn.
Crossing the room slowly, he took a seat on the coffee table in front of the couch you were sitting on. He bracketed your knees with his, creating an intimate space between the two of you.
Without hesitation, he took your hands gently between his, a light purple color already blooming from your fingertips. "Y/N, right?"
You barely remembered telling his manager your name, so he likely got passed the information.
"That's me."
"My soulmate."
You nodded weakly, looking from your joined hands and back up to his face. He smiled again before lifting your fingers to his mouth and kissing each tip in turn. As he did, it was like dropping food coloring into a glass of water. Different hues clouded out of your joints and went swirling around your skin. It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen.
Glancing up, you were immediately struck by the bright blue peppering Jooheon's mouth like ink blots. Slowly the color started to fade as your skin had lost contact with his mouth, but you still felt mesmerized by the whole experience.
"You're so beautiful," you said quietly, your eyes locking on his.
He gave you a close-lipped smile before tilting his head. Narrowing his eyes, he lifted his arm, and traced a small line on your cheekbone. You didn't have to see the result yourself to know that the visual had just as much of an effect on him as it did you.
"This is beautiful," he finally responded, dropping his hands to gather yours again. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of it."
"Me either," you breathed.
"I guess it gives me an excuse to hold your hand," he grinned, his eyes disappearing as it grew.
"You didn't need an excuse in the first place!" you laughed. "You're my soulmate now. You can hold my hand whenever you want."
"My soulmate," he whispered again. Each time he had voiced the words, there was a constant undertone of wonder.
"I don't think I'll get tired of hearing you say that," you chuckled, sure a blush was blazing across your face.
Jooheon furrowed his brows in thought. "Did you come to the show today as a fan? Was I your favorite?"
You coughed out a surprised laugh.
"It would be really awkward if you had a different favorite. If it was someone else, don't tell me who...
Okay, who was it?"
You continued to laugh as you shook your head. "I was only ever a casual fan. My friend had tickets and insisted I tag along. I promise I will be a Monbebe going forward, and you will always be my favorite."
"Damn right," he muttered. "And stay away from Minhyuk. He's more charming than I'd ever admit to him, and I don't want you getting caught in his cute little clutches."
"I will remain unshaken in my loyalty," you affirmed with a smirk. Plus, you had no idea who Minhyuk was, so that helped.
It was crazy to think of. If Mina didn't bring you here today, would you have ever discovered that Jooheon existed? Let alone that he was your soulmate?
You didn't want to think too hard on it. The universe worked in mysterious ways that you didn't expect to ever be privy to.
"So..." you hummed, glancing at Jooheon through your lashes. "What now?"
"Everything," he grinned, squeezing your hand. "We only have forever to figure out what happens next."
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autumnscribbles · 2 years
after the show | b.s
summary: brad finishes a great show in London, and after he loses the adrenaline and excitement, he just wants to be close to his favourite person.
word count: 918
A/n: thank you to the anon that requested this!!! i love fluffy brad! you guys are the best, all the requests in my inbox are so cute so feel free to keep them coming!
The roar of the crowd continued as the boys ran off stage, the four of them cheering as well. Their show at the O2 in London was insane, and the adrenaline was coursing through their veins.
“That was sick!” Tristan screamed, all of them agreeing in the form of cheers and hugs.
“Absolutely insane,” Brad agreed, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He loved the feeling he got right after he walked off the stage at a show. The energy of the crowd would continue to feed off him for a while, and he would just continue to think about how much fun he had with the boys on stage performing for their wonderful fans.
They ran down the hall backstage to get to the dressing room, chugging water and getting undressed from their stage clothes, ready to be in something more comfortable. Brad couldn’t wipe the grin off his face, but as he looked around the room he wished you were there. You wanted to come to the London show so badly, but you needed to pick up a late shift at work so promised Brad you would have a nice night in together once he got home.
“Alright boys,” Brad said, wrapping his arms around all of them. “I’m gonna head out, the lady is waiting.”
“Have a good night,” Connor said while patting him on the back. “See you tomorrow, don’t be too knackered.”
“No promises,” Brad winked, grabbing his jacket that he had flung over the back of the chair as he headed out.
The adrenaline was still pretty high as he made his way back to your place together, his ears ringing as he sat in silence. It was always a weird feeling, going from the loud music and cheering to a silent car, or a silent room. It was a stark contrast and Brad sometimes found it hard to adjust. He replayed the night in his mind, still smiling to himself.
You sat on the couch, a blanket thrown over your lap and a cup of tea in your hand as you watched a Christmas movie. You felt cozy and warm and were happy to be done work. You looked at your phone to check the time, expecting Brad to be home soon. You were excited to see him and were disappointed that you had to miss the show tonight. You adored watching Brad on stage. The way he exuded such confidence, such joy and positive energy, it radiated off him.
You heard the door open and smiled, looking over your shoulder to see him walk through the door.
“Hey baby,” you grinned. “How was it?”
You beckoned him over to you, and he flopped onto the couch next to you, immediately taking your hand into his. His rings felt cold for a moment, but your hands quickly warmed up together.
“It was amazing,” he smiled. “I wish you were there.”
“Me too,” you pouted. “But I’ll be at the next one, I promise.”
“Can’t wait,” he grinned.
“Want some tea?” you asked, moving the blanket so you could get up and make him one.
“Yes please, babe,” he said, his soft brown eyes melting your heart. “And one of those ginger biscuits you buy that I love so much?”
“Of course,” you laughed, placing the blanket over him and walking to the kitchen to boil the kettle and get the biscuits.
You were able to see the couch from the kitchen, and watched as Brad pulled his knees up and rested his head down on the arm of the couch. He always got sleepy after a show once his adrenaline depleted. He would crash and just want to cuddle on the couch.
You poured the tea and grabbed the cookies, making your way back to where Brad was. You set the mug on the table beside yours and placed the cookies down as well.
“Tired?” you asked, sitting back down beside him.
“Come here,” he mumbled, opening up the blanket inviting you in.
You lay down, cuddling into him as he wrapped his arms around you, resting his head against yours.
“You have the post show cuddles?” you joked, tracing your fingers up and down his arm.
“Mhm,” he mumbled, squeezing you tightly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby,” you smiled, interlocking your fingers with his. You loved holding his hands, they made you feel safe.
“Can I stay here forever?” he asked.
“I wish,” you giggled. “Want your tea?”
“Just want to hold you,” he smiled sleepily, brushing his fingers across your cheek.
You loved when he got like this. For some reason, when he had an adrenaline crash he wanted nothing more than to be close to you, touching you everywhere and holding you close. It made you feel warm. Safe. Happy.
“Are you gonna do this even when I go to the show tomorrow?” you teased.
“Of course,” he replied. “I’m gonna do this all the time.”
He sat up reluctantly, sipping his tea and eating his biscuit, smiling blissfully. He turned to your, placing his hands on either side of your face and pressing his lips to your forehead, and then your lips.
“You’re my favourite person in the whole world,” he told you sincerely.
“And you’re mine,” you smiled, kissing him again.
He lay in your lap, and you ran your fingers through his curls, listening to the slowing and deepening of his breathing as he dozed off, drained from an amazing night.
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enderwoah · 1 year
quackity stares at the communicator in his hands, eyes burning with tears from the freezing not-desert wind blowing cigarette smoke directly into his eyes, picking up sand that stings his skin with it. the glowing green bar reflects on his pale face as he desperately tries to discern any difference in length. the vote was 50/50. how was the vote 50/50? he thought everyone knew his story—he didn't even know joe hills had a story. he didn't even know who joe hills was.
he feels a short tap on his shoulder and the wind abruptly stops. he whirls around to meet the gaze of his opponent, eyes shaded by obnoxious green glasses that quackity thinks he would genuinely rather die than willingly put on his face. his expression curls into a sneer. "you here to rub it in, huh? don't you think this is humiliating enough?"
his attention is very suddenly drawn to the ring of eyes floating around joe's head, all different colours of the rainbow before they all switch to a medium yellow, matching joe's actual eyes as a look of confusion flits upon his face. joe holds out his hand with a bemused chuckle. "no? i wanted to congratulate you on a race well run. you sure put up a hell of a fight!"
quackity stares at him. he doesn't move to receive the handshake. "uh-huh."
joe blinks, and all the eyes blink in tandem and reopen to an even brighter yellow. "is somethin'...wrong?"
quackity snorts humourlessly. "are you kidding me? did you really just ask that?"
half of the eyes turn red, creating an alternating red-yellow-red-yellow-red-yellow pattern that picks up speed in spinning around joe's head, making him feel dizzy. joe holds up both of his hands as if to ask, 'what did i do?' quackity could punch him. "i'm—i'm sorry? i don't—"
"you seriously expect me to believe that you just came over to congratulate me on losing?" quackity snaps, taking a step back as something primal within his chest curls in fear of the swirling colours around the man's head. he feels like the red and yellow are the bright markings that warn another animal that what they are hunting is poison and dangerous. his wings involuntarily fluff up, but he holds his position where he is. "i'm not a moron, hills. if you came to make fun, get it over with so we can both move on."
the eyes all suddenly stop and flash red—something in him screams and begs to run away, but he's stubborn and angry and he refuses to run away from anything ever again, so he roots his feet into the sand and doesn't move. he can't stop himself from flinching away, though, and that's when joe seems to notice the lightshow around his head. he makes a startled noise and waves them away, the eyes dodging around his hand and settling back into place like they're magnetically attracted to a halo around joe's head before settling back into their respective colours. quackity notices that his eyes, behind the glasses, are a deep blue.
"sorry about that," he says with a laugh. "they have a mind of their own. or, i guess, a mind of my mind." he shrugs half-heartedly, and the eyes seem to shrug along with him. quackity has the strangled urge to laugh. "but i promise i didnt come to rub it in or make you feel bad, friend. genuinely. i know my watchers are rather...eccentric. and enthusiastic. and i love them to absolute death for it, but they can be a little overpowering sometimes." he beams, and the eyes flash like shutters to a bright, lime green that matches his hair before settling back in their normal colours. "i'm proud to have fought you and won, but you did very well nonetheless."
quackity stares at him. he thought he had gotten good at reading faces after spending so much time around people that betrayed him, but he must be just as shitty as ever because he can't detect an ounce of maliciousness in the man's face. he can feel the maliciousness radiating off of joe in his bones, some ancient, sickening power that makes him want to shake and scream and dig himself into the sand and not come out until the sun has exploded or joe has died (which very well may happen in the same instance), but it's smothered by something else—a gaudy cheerfulness, the same kind that wears itself in joe's expression, like painting over a doomsday timer with sunshine and fluffy clouds.
he might throw up. "are you...serious?"
there it is again—that deep, melancholy blue, so vast and dark that quackity feels like he could lean forward and fall into. "well, of course i am, quackity. why wouldn't i be?"
quackity isn't one to overshare, but there's something so sad etched upon joes face, something that's dug into every pore and every line, that makes quackity feel like the man already knows the answer without having said a word. he digs the toe of his show into the sand, one hand firmly in his pocket and the other still clutching the comm to his side. "i don't know, i just...i'm not used to...this. losing kindly. i feel as if as soon as this is all over and we all get to go home, something horrible is going to happen because i lost."
joe's eyes are yellow again. "something horrible? quackity, you do realise that this is a tumblr sexyman poll, right—?"
"it doesn't matter what the poll is—!" quackity hisses quickly, the tips of his ears burning with embarrassment. fuck this. fuck all of this. he turns on his heel and starts to walk away. "i—nevermind. forget i said anything."
"hey, hold on!"
joe lays a hand on his shoulder (and if quackity's heart doesn't lurch, if his brain doesn't collapse in on itself from the pure, unadultured fear it experiences in that singular moment before disappearing in its entirety) and quackity stops. "i'm sorry. that was insensitive of me."
quackity's face only burns further. "whatever."
"i'm serious," joe insists, stepping into quackity's line of sight. "and i'm sorry that whatever experiences you may have had made you feel like losing a silly game we've all come together to play would result in something...happening to you. at the very least, i'm not going to be the one to hurt you, if anything."
quackity looks joe up and down. something intrinsic in him knows that he isn't lying, because it knows joe and feels all of him in his entirety and the vastness of his presence hurts, but he still stays silent, clenching his fists and refusing to meet joe's many eyes. he's on guard, and he doesn't know whether it's because he knows from his experience how this always goes (they act nice, they tell you they love you, and maybe they do love you for a little while, but you still lost to them and you're still beneth them so they hurt you) or whether it's from the fact that it's joe, and he didn't know before and knows now—it probably isn't possible to stand so close to joe hills and not be on guard.
"and in any case, at least it was this poll that you lost," joe continues. "i mean, is the winner of this really a winner? do most people even know what they're fighting for, here?"
quackity frowns, instinctively looking up at joe. his normal eyes are now a distinct orange, a mirthful smile making his expressions scrunch together. "it's a poll for the title of being a sexy man, isn't it?"
"the sexyman," joe corrects. "but do you really know what a tumblr sexyman is?"
quackity's frown only deepens as he tilts his head to the side, thinks, then slowly says, "...i guess i just assumed based on the name? why would a 'tumblr sexyman' be any different from a regular 'sexy man?'"
joe's eyes—the ones around his head and the ones actually on his face—all flash a bright orange as he pulls out his own communicator, muttering a quick, "wait one second," before beginning to type into the device faster than quackity's eyes can follow.
joe turns the communicator around to him and quackity is presented with the criteria for being a 'tumblr sexyman.'
it only takes a few moments for him to start laughing.
"you—'needs to have a certain air of patheticness about them?' 'cannot be conventionally attractive unless another criteria is fully filled out'—holy hell, i can't believe wilbur got so far in this! he's gonna be so mad when he finds out, oh my gods—"
"you did get further than him, quackity," joe reminds in jest. quackity's cheeks go red again.
"shut the hell up, he just went against you earlier than i did. you look like you fit all this garbage perfectly. you'd better win, or i'll kill you."
joe smiles, mildly confused as to whether it was an insult or a compliment but accepting it all the same. the eyes around his head alternate between yellow and green as he slowly says, "thank...you...? i'll...try my best?"
quackity huffs, a smile still lingering on his face as he hands the comm back to joe. "you'd better. i refuse to lose against you for you to kick it in the next round."
joe suddenly sags forward, his eyes drastically switching colour to alternate between orange and blue. "but i'm going up against cleo, she'll—and excuse my language—she'll kick my ass."
"is she cool?"
joe nods, dejected. "the coolest."
quackity claps a hand onto joe's upper arm, ignoring how his skin screams upon making willing contact with him. it. whatever they might be. "then you have a pretty good chance."
joe's eyes flicker a few times, from blue to yellow to blue to pink to green again, right as he breaks into an excited smile. "you know what—that's a great point, friend! she might just be too cool to be a sexyman—that's genius!"
quackity smiles, tired but genuine, before kicking the sand again and turning away. "no problem, hills. good luck next round—not that you'll need it, if you were able to beat wilbur and i."
all he hears is a snicker and a faint goodbye, and then a gust of wind almost knocks him off his feet and blows up the sand around him.
when quackity turns around, joe hills is gone.
the only thing left behind is one singular green eye. it winks, blinks, and vanishes.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Nobody Does It Like You Do | Burt Fabelman x fem!Reader
Word Count | 2,723
Summary | When you demand Burt's attention, he gives you far more than you bargained for.
Author’s Note | I promise you all, I’m still working on milestone requests. The Fabelmans trailer has just…it’s destroyed me. All I can think about is him. I don’t even know a thing about him. But I need him to treat me right. I am exposing myself in a way that I never have before on this account. Nobody look at me, nobody talk to me. This one is for all my bitches with daddy issues.
Warnings | smut (MDNI), unprotected sex, dacryphilia, daddy kink (haha what a shocker), literally porn with absolutely zero plot and too many emotions. have fun!!
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Positioned on Burt's thigh, it takes everything in you not to give into the urge to shift. God knows you're aching enough. But you keep yourself as collected as possible. How you managed to fall entirely for the only man in the world who would barely even notice that you're only wearing underwear and a worn old sweater, you have no clue.
However, with a man like him...you can't imagine he gets much attention. Not like the attention you're thinking of anyways.
Your fingers play with the edge of his shirt collar. You almost laugh at the silly button up that keep you from truly feeling him. Perched on his lap, you feel close to childish. Begging for just an ounce of his attention. Because you bet that he's soft and pale everywhere; just as plump and flushed like the ripened apples of his cheeks. Those cherubic cheeks you'd love to kiss.
You almost don't even notice that your fingers have wandered to the skin of his neck until he says tersely, "That tickles," and straightens his neck.
Reserving the sound of the chuckle bubbling up in your throat at his stern demeanor, you reply brightly, "Maybe that's the point," and add an impertinent poke to his nose for good measure.
Finally, he looks up at you, spurred by the contact. Golden light from the tableside lamp reflects off of the lenses of his glasses, making his deep green eyes look flecked with stardust.
He couldn't have even been bothered to spare a glance when you first placed yourself there. Merely adjusted so he could sit up a little straighter in the armchair. Knowing him, he probably has no clue how much his ignorance annoys you.
Too engulfed in the novel that rests on his other knee, Burt holds it open with one hand. The other had wrapped around you instinctively. That was the only sign he gave to even acknowledge your pesky existence on his leg. Every once in a while, that hand strains to flip the page of the book and you get to see the time get later and later on his wristwatch. But, still, he kept his arm there. That's how you know you've had some sort of effect on him.
"The point is that I'm trying to read," his voice is smooth and stern. It's cute how he believes that his age gives him any sort of authority over you.
You groan impetuously, "You've been at it for hours. I need attention too sometimes."
"As if I need any reminding..."
Of course he's being stubborn. You roll your eyes. Then you venture a little further, resting your arms around his shoulders. You let your hand comb through his hair; those damned dark locks that he keeps slicked back.
"You're so uptight." you coo, "Why can't you just take a little break?"
"Because with you, a little break is never a little break."
"Does that really sound so bad?" your lips inch closer towards his. You place one chaste kiss right at the corner of his mouth; giving him a glimmering sliver of affection. Then the book closes, no longer capable of captivating his attention nearly as much as you do. 
Rain patters on the window outside the little room and wind howling, more than one storm is brewing as you kiss the arches of Burt's high cheekbones and the pert tip of his nose. So close that you can feel the warmth beginning to radiate from him like a furnace, you know that you've convinced him of your perspective.
You grind down deliciously on his thigh with a deep hum, burning through a fraction of the want that's practically overflowing your entire being. Fingers trailing up the line of buttons that run up the middle of his shirt, you slip each one open easily. And as the stark white button up falls open, it reveals more of his unblemished chest.
He's so regimented. As certain as a clock, always on time, always put together. But you need to wind him up. Need to figure out exactly what makes him tick and what will make him chime just for you. Breath hitching in his chest, your hand grazes over the expanses of soft skin. You head south, just beyond the border of his belt. Burt is almost taken aback by the ease in which you work, dismantling his demeanor bit by bit.
Driven mad by tension, he manages to kiss you back. He barely seems to know how to keep up, despite the languid pace. This sort of sincerity is foreign for him. It's been years since he's gotten more than a quick peck on the lips that sends him on his way.
His strong hands embrace the sides of your body. And you wonder for a moment whether you're possibly made of some sort of machinery too. Because that presses some button inside you and it releases a trickle of tears rolling down your cheeks. Burt tastes the salt as they make their way surely between your lips.
Within seconds he pulls back, thumb already swiping away the fat teardrop that marks the end of the wet streak on your skin.
"What's wrong, sweetheart? Do you want me to stop?" his eyes fill with a sensitivity you're not sure if you've seen before. It's something you should be more familiar with. But sadly, you're not. 
You shake your head with a pout, "Please, don't stop. It hurts. I need you to keep touching me, Burt, please."
He can't get past the whine at the edge of your tone. It snags onto his heartstrings and pulls him right back in for more. Only this time, he lays his lips over the tears.
Fervently, he kisses them away. Nose nuzzling into the side of yours, you let out that giggle you've been holding for too long. And when his lips find yours again, you find that you quite enjoy the plush feeling of them when they curl into a small smile.
Burt doesn't mean to flex his thigh. But when your knee presses against his hardening cock, it startles him. He shifts. And the fabric of his pant leg feels fantastic brushing against you. It inspires an ever growing dark spot where you roll your hips into him, trying to chase the feeling of the accidental action. You whine.
It's fainter than a whisper, the words daring to ghost over your lips. But you feel the vibration of them on your skin as his own lips open.
"Good girl."
And with that, you can't hold it in anymore.
You sob breathily, "Oh, daddy--" As soon as it leaves your mouth, your face gets hot with a searing embarrassment. You're at a fork in the road and you already feel yourself strolling down the path where he pushes you off of him in disgust.
"What did you say?" he asks with burgeoning curiosity.
Maybe he's completely fried your circuits because you repeat it, a note of hesitance looming over the name, "Daddy..."
Every rounded curve of his loving expression rouses a madness within you when he coos almost pitifully, "Oh, my sweet girl. Don't worry, I'll take care of you."
Burt snatches your hope away as quickly as he gave it when he makes you stand before him. You watch with desperation, biting at the skin around your thumb. You never imagined that him simply taking himself out could be a form of foreplay. But the sound of his belt clinking against the zipper of his pants makes you wetter; meaning you have to practically peel your panties away from your cunt before stepping out of them. 
Your eagerness grows impossibly when you catch the sight of him. Released from the restraint of those brown slacks, his cock bobs against his pudgy abdomen. The fat tip is tinged a fiery red that makes your mouth water. And if you weren't so impatient for him, you would've gone down on your knees in a heartbeat. You would let your warm saliva drip down the length of him until he could barely even think, let alone remember what you'd called him minutes before.
His velvety voice commands your attention, "Come," he nods in your direction, hands already dragging your hips back to him. You let him take you. Because there's no one else you'd trust more.
You tremble as he nestles you on his thick cock. And he smiles thinly as if it doesn't even bother him that you're almost filled entirely by him. Keeping your lips pursed tight, you hold back everything except for the hot air that blows quickly from your nose. Just beginning to grow numb to the burn from how he stretches you out, you let your mouth hang open. Your breath comes out ragged and you can't seem to think straight.
Whatever strings of sanity might have been left in the wake of his kisses are snapping as you dumbly sit there, letting his large hands run all over you. They seem to take a careful, considerate ownership over you that hushes the worries that brew in your belly. Any questions about what he'll think of you float away, along with your inhibitions.
Goosebumps left in the wake of Burt's exploration of your body, you let out a groan. It's throaty and full of whatever courage his cock instills in you. Because being this vulnerable is difficult. It demands every hard feeling that makes you so eager to take control over a man like him. It orders you to dissect that urge. It makes you realize that if he were anyone else, this closeness just might tear you apart. But with him, this feels like home. A place where you can cry and feel and unlearn wounds that convince you you're not worth this this fuss; that the only way you are deserving of him is if you're on your knees and begging him. He convinces you that you've always been worth this. You deserve to be taken care of. And it's an honor for him to be the one who gets to serve you.
Your thighs shake as you try to bob up and down. Anything just to feel something except for the dull tinges of pleasure as his slightly curved cock prods at a sensitive spot inside you. Burt, once again, dashes your hopes with a firm grasp on your hips.
"Stay." he commands evenly. A few seconds pass where you don’t breathe. The silence slices through even the sound of the wind, rain, and roaring thunder that illuminates the dim room. "I want you to feel it."
He fucking twitches inside you. You nearly choke when you realize that he actually likes this. You aren’t some petulant girl, demanding his time and attention. And he isn’t just some man, sighing and giving you what you want to keep you quiet. Somewhere inside of him, Burt wants this just as much as you do. And it's enough to bring you back to life, shallow gasps and fingers pulled tight around the edges of his open shirt. Overcome by a sudden frenzy, all you want is more, more, more.
"Please, daddy, please--" you manage to whine.
And he chuckles. Smiles like a goddamn saint as he moves you on him, allowing you the mercy of an inch of friction. It's not enough and it's too much. And it still makes fresh tears spill over the old streaks that have dried on your cheeks.
"I've got you, my sweet girl." Burt sweeps a section of your hair behind your ear, "Let me look at you." Studying your expression and seeming to be especially bewildered by the faraway look in your glossy eyes, his hand cups your cheek. You lean into the feeling of the rough pad of his thumb pulling your bottom lip back. He gets closer, nuzzling the side of your nose with his. How anyone else got this sort of intimacy from him and didn't hold onto it like it was their last breath was beyond you.
"There you are," he mutters with satisfaction, "Are you ready to move more?"
As if keeping you here was your idea. As if he hadn't been making you pay for your restlessness with every agonizing second of him being buried in you. Whether he knows it or not, he has all of the power over you.
"You're so mean to me, Burty baby." You attempt to butter him up.
"Mean to you? Never." he seems almost offended, "I just needed to know that you could handle it."
"I can always handle you." There's a sheen of indecision wavering over his expression. Softer this time, you assure him with a kiss, "Always."
And with that, his hands roam back up your sides, now disappearing up your top and creeping towards your breasts which are screaming to feel the warmth of his palms. Finally set free, you bounce on him. And you get exactly what you want. More, more, and more.
Burt kisses you right below your ear and groans, "Oh, darling. Nobody does this like you do. Absolutely no one else."
The pride that wells in your chest has you moving slower, eager to draw this out for both you and him. Because even though you know he’d work through overstimulation to get you there, you long to show him just how grateful you are for his attention. His hot breath fans out over your neck between kisses and whispered praise. 
You're so good to me. So good to me, sweet girl.
He holds onto one of your breasts, thumb flicking over the pebbled nipple. That's when the boldness to pinch it softly strikes him. It sends jolts of electric waves straight to your cunt and makes your movements sloppier. He seems to know exactly how to treat you. Knows exactly what touches will cradle the aches that are practically etched into your being.
It never felt like anything was missing from you. But being held like this in his strong arms and pressed against his doughy, soft skin fills you in a different way than his cock does. It tells you that he doesn't want control of you. He only wants the best for you. And right at that moment, the best happens to be every part of his body, enrapturing yours.
The sparks ignite into a full flame and you feel it burn your house to the ground. But a broken, burning home doesn't matter anymore. At least it's not numb anymore. As long as it's just you, whimpering, and him, gently thrusting into you, seemingly dipping deeper every time. He rips you apart, only to rearrange you in a way that makes more sense than you've ever known in your life.
As the last of the solid foundation crumbles beneath you, you're falling into a pool of pleasure, submerged entirely by him. Burt nurses you through the climax as you clench your eyes shut and let your tears fall with careless abandon on his bare chest. If anything, it only pleases him to know he does this to you. To know that he has the ability to leave you shaking and sweating and sobbing on him after all of these years.
Burt finishes soon after you do, encouraged by the way your muscles welcome him. Throwing his head back on the headrest of the armchair, he lets go of every measure that keeps him balanced. Gloriously, his spend leaks from you, dripping onto the seat of the armchair. Button up wrinkled, those smart glasses askew, and hair disheveled, he's sure he looks like a mess. But if it's for his girl, then it's all worth it.
You mindlessly babble his name and he quiets you with another slow kiss. Your eyelids begin to droop, your energy completely drained and replaced with a floaty high as you drift through the aftershocks.
Burt smooths your hair back once more and murmurs gratefully against your parted lips, "I knew you could do it, my sweet girl. You always take such good care of me."
And once more, you feel the corners of his lips curl. Smiling like a saint, as if he hadn't just given you far more attention than you had ever even thought of asking from him.
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hey! I agree with every word of yours. I’m learning so much from ipk and I absolutely love loving the show! And regarding Arnav, I went from being like “this dude’s a total jerk” to being absolutely smitten by him. His character arc is just mind blowing. I think I genuinely started finding him attractive AFTER he started to fall for Khushi, when he was no longer denying it or was confused about it. Before that, he was just a really good looking guy with an asshole-ish personality, but it kind of justified who he was, so no complaints here. I liked that he had layers. I must say Barun killed this role. And it amazes me how we cannot see even one single speck of Arnav Singh Raizaada in Barun Sobti off-screen (the little fun interviews during the shoot) This kind of points out his unbelievable acting caliber, and how brilliantly he portrayed this role of a “heavy-duty complicated” man, despite being absolutely NOTHING like him in real life. Sanaya’s real life personality does reflect a hint of Khushi though, and I love her for it. She radiates such positive and fun energy!
Hey Anon :)
I'm glad you resonated with my thoughts! Arnav has been a favorite of man in the sense of he was written outside the template of the nice guy, had a compelling past and was set up as a villain/anti-hero.
He dehumanizes people beyond a certain economical strata and the show always shows how screwed up he is.
We are meant to dislike him, and I think that's the aspect I like the most. The show sells Arnav as rich, powerful and despite good motivations - he isn't just a good person.
Until he is.
Barun is really good in playing understated characters. He has shined in characters like Arnav (it's role where he legit learned and refined his acting skills - and benefitted from having solid co actors too - especially Sanaya), Arjun, Yusuf, the dude in Kohrra and so on.
In short when he's convinced of a character - he's really good in wearing the skin of the character.
Sanaya legit made Khushi likeable. And definitely she vibed with Khushi's energy post playing Gunjan, who was very different from Sanaya's core personality.
Some actors have an undertone and they shine when placed close to it, and some actors are really good in switching between themselves and their characters.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐦𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Neutral Evil
Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Gemini Rising  
⭑ You could feel her power radiating from her before you even entered the room. It was like a vibration that only you could feel. 
⭑ As you felt her, she felt you.
⭑ Because to have Amren, and hold her attention, you have to have something special. And you do. An innate power that was bestowed upon you at birth from a mysterious stranger. 
⭑ You never knew your power, you just knew it was there. Underneath your skin, radiating, ready to attack at any sign of danger. 
⭑ The whole of Velaris knows that you’re Amren’s mate. Even though you are a woman to be feared as well, it’s like a double shield. You never have anyone talk ill of you - because they’re scared it will come back on them
⭑ You get along very well with Rhysand and Nesta. They remind you of a hidden darkness that you and Amren both have. Maybe it’s power, maybe it’s trauma or pain. 
⭑ You do like to let your hair down and cause some chaos with Cassian, he’s like a brother you’ve always wished for. 
⭑ In your day-to-day lives, you have books upon books in every single room. You’re both avid readers and yearners for knowledge. You can often find Amren on the couch, her feet tucked beneath her, and a big dusty book in her lap. 
⭑ The holidays are always fun because you love meeting up with the rest of the Inner Circle. It’s difficult to have everyone in one room because of how important your roles are. 
⭑ Do you have animals? Not a lot. But I can see you having a single black cat that seems to understand everything you say. 
⭑ Amren wants to know all about your childhood. She secretly yearns to know the human experience. 
⭑ Not a lot of PDA; you might touch each other’s arms, or give a swift kiss.  
⭑ You buy her the most beautiful jewels, or sometimes you steal them. I feel as if you don’t care about laws. 
⭑ She loves gifts, I won’t lie - she absolutely adores getting presents 
⭑ You usually give her some a few times a week, but on big occasions, you go all out 
⭑ Your place is actually very dangerous because you have ancient artifacts and important amulets in random rooms. (You don’t get a lot of visitors, usually ,you are the visitors.) 
⭑ It was almost as if you both knew you were each other’s mate. It was unspoken for a while because it was so easy to be with her 
⭑ There wasn’t an official wedding, but you did serve the other to officiate the mating bond. 
⭑ Being with Amren is like a relief; you know with the person who you’re meant to be with. There’s no doubt, no fear that she isn’t for you. 
⭑ She’s like a puzzle piece; one that fit perfectly 
Relationship Tropes:
Two Badasses in Love Who Don’t Take Shit From Anyone
Immortal Being Who Falls In Love With Mortal x Mortal Who Has Traumatic Past 
Two Witches In Love
NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Amren likes to be dominated. She likes when you tell her she’s yours, and that no one else will have her. 
⭑ She loves when you grab onto her hair and pull, making her look into your eyes. 
⭑ Amren wants you to mark her, leave bruises, scratches, hickeys, any type of marks. She wants both of you to moan each other’s names. She has no shame. 
⭑ Likes the cowgirl position; her on top of you while you fuck her with a dildo. 
⭑ She would love to use any and all types of toys 
⭑ She’s very adventurous and likes to try every kind of sexual position, toy, food, place etc for sex. 
⭑ She masturbates a lot as well; Amren has a high sex-drive and can go 3 to 4 rounds, rest for 30 minutes and start up again. 
⭑ She loves seeing you flustered, and many people think she’s automatically the ‘alpha’ in the relationship. But you very much hold sway with Amren. Yes, you know how scary she is - but you don’t care
⭑ So many think she would be the one to dominate and order you around during sex. But they are very ... very wrong. 
⭑ She does worship your body with kisses, gently running her fingers over your naked skin. She leaves goosebumps wherever she touches. 
⭑ Amren has a lot of love to give, and I do think she likes sensual, slow sex. But at some point she would want to finish. But that’s another kink; she loves being edged. 
⭑ Usually Amren sits because you’ve fucked her so hard she can’t walk straight. 
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tarzinnia · 8 months
Positivity Night Shout Out
This is for @withahappyrefrain 's Positivity Night. What a great idea! I hope I did this correctly Abby.
I follow a number of creators and some of them even follow me back! It's been a great experience and so here is some appreciation and good vibes...thanks Abby for doing this!
In no particular order and some with a lil blurb lagniappe as I've gotten to know them. This is long but ya know, I'm not at the Oscars on a time limit so read it or keep scrolling past. Your choice.
@blooming-violets aka @eatbrainsfordinner gave me some great advice when I first joined on how not to get blocked due to blog appearance and has an amazing library of fics that sent me down a rabbit hole. Plus in possession of a side-holding you will fall out of your chair sense of humor. Laughter can give us hope and I know that some of her comment/replies just put me in a better frame of mind.
@liz-allyn whose mob!peter fic Sugar and Vice (all of her work really) just blows me away. If you haven't got Honey, life just isn't sweet at all at all. All her content just radiates emotion. Depth. It's all there.
@webslingingslasher such a talent and so very very kind to everyone. Am enthralled with nerd!peter/frat!peter. I have no clue where the late night sleepover energy comes from though. I am in awe.
@sincericida no one tops her blog for Andrew Garfield content. No one. I check it more frequently than I do the daily news. Could get lost for days with the top tier content. A real sweetheart, too. Always answers asks.
@luvablehand a winsome writer with great imagination. Absolutely love that there is an updated list of WIPs on the blog so I know what is coming.
@periprose Nice blogger and her Peter Parker is adorable. Completed chapter fic Florence is great.
@theradioactivespidergwen aka @she-likesorchids great writer across multiple fandoms and great wit. We share a love of various sandwiches, know that dressing is superior to stuffing, and think sweater weather is amazing. It's glorious.
@reidslovely haunting haunting writing that stays with me. Love our interactions when I have questions about a story/plot/character. Has been writing more mob!peter and I am a member of the mob!peter fan club for life.
@loveroftoomanyfandoms I came for the Peter Parker fics and somehow acquired a Matt Murdock on the hot guy keyfob. Personality shines through on her blog and is such a joy. ((HUGS)) Always love interacting and living vicariously through the 'where is Charlie this week' adventures. (Couple more months and he's going to be eating some mighty fine food in NOLA) Our food chats have been awesome and when food found it's way as the theme in a story, well I cannot say enough about how enjoyable that's been.
@p3mybeloved another great Spider-man fandom creator. Read on here and AO3.
@ficthots writes for the fandom that is number one in my heart (TASM) and LIghtning Bugs makes me cry but it's that good kind of tears.
@delicate-dorothea sweet sweet writing that is addictive to read. Really looking forward to continuing to read and follow.
@backtothefanfiction someone I just started following but wow, am currently enthralled with a multi chapter mob!peter fic (The Angel In The Garden Of Evil) that has blown me away. Been a lot of fun to follow the character arcs and the twists and turns. Love writing essays for this creator when I reblog because the back and forth has been wonderful and enriching. I know the longer series can be so hard to write and maintain but they are a feast when you can find them. I've had a front row seat and am looking forward to more works in the future.
@helloheyhihowdyheya Love her works. Reading Rose Thorn Blues right now, and if asked to pick a fave out of the masterlist of Spider-man fics I'm not sure I could because they're all my babies.
@thursdaygxrls so much imagination in her writing, love it and love all the fics. Am currently following two: Thin Ice and Infrunami.
@withahappyrefrain Abby, whose Peter Parker won me over from the get go and then wrote TGM fics that added more hot male characters to the keyfob. Perfect sense of humor, never afraid to call out haters, and you just glow with sunshine and flowers right when I need it most. Big hugs and a shout out.
Other bloggers reblogging content is how I ran across many of you listed above so readers and content creators: reblog whatever you enjoy because it's really what keeps Tumblr active and engaging. When I'm not writing, I'm enjoying what others create and the inspiration and encouragement and words you share is wonderful and thank you for the effort you put into what you do!
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babybluebanshee · 5 months
Movies I Watched in 2023, Worst to Best
I watched 60 movies this year. Imma tell you about them. Also spoilers throughout, obviously.
60. Cats (2019): Genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever seen, and I paid to see Meet the Spartans in theaters. Very glad I drank heavily before viewing this. Can’t tell if it was worse because I’m a fan of the musical or not. I saw this movie and everything is worse now.
59. The Taking of Deborah Logan: Actually a really sound premise that goes off the rails and not in a good way. The lady who plays Deborah deserves an Oscar. Nothing worse to me than wasted potential, and this took a legit unnerving premise and made it a standard demon plot and I’m so very tired of that. Sorry @vaultsy
58. Red String and Blood Tea: This all means something, I just know it, but damned if I know what it is. I can’t really say anything that bad about it because stop motion is an intense labor of love and this clearly took a lot of time and effort, but it just didn’t leave much more of an impression on me.
57. Freddy vs. Jason: I wanted to like this movie really bad, and there were times when I did. But the 2000s stink was positively radiating off it - the slowed down footage, the nu metal blaring everywhere, the shitty costuming, it’s everywhere. Save yourself some time and just watch one of those YouTube videos where someone scrubs the whole movie for just Freddy and Jason’s bits.
56. Ladybug and Cat Noir: The Movie: Look, my girlfriend loves Miraculous. I couldn’t care less about it, but she really wanted me to see this movie and I love her very much. At least it’s very beautiful to look at and it did what it took the tv series a billion years to do.
55. Scrooge: A Christmas Carol: I’m gonna level with you - I watched this because gilf Scrooge intrigued me. Now that we have that out of the way, I can say aside from that, there’s nothing in this movie to really set it apart. A few arbitrary changes and making Scrooge more of an intentional asshole doesn’t set it apart from the millions of other adaptations of this story.
54. From Dusk Till Dawn: The line that separates the Tarantino aspects of this movie from the Rodriguez aspects of it is about as subtle as a brick to the head, but it’s there, and honestly? I wish we would have focused more on the Rodriguez parts. Call me a plebeian, but I never have been fond of Tarantino’s style, nor am I particularly interested in his barely concealed foot fetish. Remake this as two separate movies and I’ll watch the one with the rad ass vampires.
53. Beauty and the Beast (1946): Is this a horror movie? I think this was supposed to be a horror movie. I can’t really fathom how this is supposed to be romantic when there’s creepy living statues, human arm candelabras, and the Beast stealing his romantic rival’s face when he transforms into a human man.
52. Gaslight: Can be genuinely gripping in places, but also kind of boring in a plodding way. The acting is pretty great though - Charles Boyer is an amazingly effective villain and I wanted to give poor Ingrid Bergman a hug.
51. The Bob's Burgers Movie: Kevin Kline and Zach Galifinakis need chiropractors from carrying this movie on their backs. Like, it’s fine if you’re a big fan of Bob’s Burgers (and I was on a BB jag at the time), the songs are fun, and the animation is gorgeously bouncy, but it suffers from the same thing that most movies based on tv shows do - it just feels like a longer episode of the show.
50. The Addams Family: A classic for a reason, though maybe with a bit less pathos than I was anticipating. Still fun, just not as fun as the movie that would come after it.
49. Suspiria: Pretty to look at and goddamn that soundtrack. Not a favorite, but it’s such a cerebral experience that you almost don’t mind all that much.
48. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Kind of suffers from the same problems as Suspiria, with the leg-up of having an absolute banger of a third act. Also Franklin is the worst. Most of the problems in this movie could have been avoided if Franklin wasn’t around. The other ones could be solved by not trespassing on private property.
47. Paprika: Also a very cerebral film, and just as fun to look at. It’s slightly too charming to ever really be boring, but it’s still just kinda meh.
46. They Live: Fun alien designs and a neat idea. Has too many dead Keith Davids to get any higher on the list.
45. Wes Craven's New Nightmare: A fun spin on a dying franchise. I will never stop laughing at Freddy’s stupid trenchcoat and emo boots tho.
44. Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Warriors: More horror adventure than straight horror, but still fun and inventive. Probably has some of the most creative kills in the whole franchise (Freddy leading someone around by their exposed tendons, hello). My only complaint is that the absolute bitch doctor didn't get eviscerated.
43. But I'm a Cheerleader: The gays can have a silly high school rom com. As a treat. I also appreciate the movie adding in that the bible-thumping heteros tend to sexualize kids more than any queer person on this planet.
42. Psycho Goreman: I would like to congratulate PG on his coming out. Mimi was almost too annoying to be tolerable, but this is still a really fun movie with cool creatures and a lot of great humor.
41. Howard: Hi, catch me crying in the last fifteen minutes of this movie. Howard Ashman was an amazing talent and I’m forever depressed that we lost him far, far too early.
40. Little Shop of Horrors: Yeah, this is the first time I’ve ever seen the movie version of this. Gimme a break, I like the musical ending better. That being said, this movie is great camp fun and I love how much love and care was put into it. Also that Audrey II puppet will never fail to impress me.
39. Elvira, Mistress of the Dark: I would like to personally thank Cassandra Peterson for making this stupid, sexy, campy romp that made my life infinitely better.
38: Weird: The Al Yankovic Story: RIP Weird Al Yankovic, wish you could have seen the fabulous movie they made about you before you were gunned down by the cartels.
37. Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: Another movie I saw at my girlfriend’s request, but I also would have wanted to see it for those motherfuckin creature effects. Jarnathan is my husband and I love him dearly.
36. The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Chris Pratt wasn’t in this movie, what are you talking about? It was just Jack Black and Charlie Day having a good time and being extra adorable. That’s all there was. There is no Crisp Rat in my wonderful Mario movie.
35. Black Swan: I’ve heard this described as “live action Perfect Blue” and…yeah. Also I could write entire essays about how Nina’s mother may or may not exist, but we’re not getting into that today.
34. The Wolf House: On a purely technical level, this is a fucking masterpiece. It’s all stop motion (which as previously mentioned is not for the faint of heart), with creative camera work that makes it look like one, long, continuous shot. Add to that the stunningly creepy atmosphere and the framing device of this being a recruiting tool for a cult, and it’s a beautiful nightmare.
33. How to Survive a Plague: Another one that made me weep like an infant. I prefer the book, but this is still a gorgeous tribute to everyone we lost and how far we’ve come.
32. The Girl With All the Gifts: A fun take on the zombie mythos. Also, I for one welcome our new Hungry overlords.
31. Basket Case: Was initially very dubious about the supposed pathos of this film, only to be pleasantly surprised by how true that is. Yes, this movie is schlocky and sleazy (could have lived a long, happy life without ever seeing the Basket Case puppet hump a corpse), but it’s still a great little B-movie.
30. Belle: I’m always a slut for a Beauty and the Beast story, and this one is just hella gorgeous. I would have preferred an extra scene of Justin getting his ass obliterated, but what we did get was wonderful.
29. Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Not my favorite Hatchetfield musical (Black Friday my beloved), but Starkid never put out anything bad. Always a pleasure to see what the Lords in Black are up to.
28. The Sea Beast: I need Grandpa Crow yesterday. Other than that, this was a fun little adventure film that gave me my dose of found family juice. And also it made me realize that there aren’t a lot of straightforward pirate movies anymore? Like, POTC really burned everyone out on those for a while, huh?
27. King Kong (2005): I’ve heard this movie called bloated and boring, but I actually think I love it? Like…maybe it’s just because I’m a monster fucker, but the companionship between Ann and Kong is so beautiful and sad and I nearly burst into tears while she was trying to comfort his as he died. Just let the goddamn gorilla ice skate, you monsters!
26. The Celluloid Closet: Had the opposite of How to Survive a Plague happen - I read the book and wasn’t nearly as moved as I was watching the people actually involved in making these films or other queer icons talking about them. Maybe it was the lack of academic language that made it so much more effective, but while the book is still great for film scholars, the movie is a must-watch for literally everyone.
25. Nimona: We need more feral female characters in general. Also I would never in all my life believe Ballister was a bad guy, simply because he has the most innocent, watery eyes I’ve ever seen that weren’t attached to a small, damp mammal.
24. Citizen Kane: Yes, it took me this long to actually watch this movie for the first time. I was dubious at first, because I’ve seen so many movies that claim to be the best thing you’ve ever seen in your life, and then fall gloriously short of your expectations. This, however, did not do that. I can see why this is a classic. And now you can all be aghast at all the movies that I liked better!
23. Sing 2: Help, I’m crying over Bono the lion dilf! Also this movie is fun and beautiful to look at and the music is amazing. I’m also a proponent of the Shitty Crime Uncle Jimmy Crystal Domestication idea.
22. The People Under the Stairs: More movies should be about the power of community action and solidarity in the face of exploitative gentrification and also blowing up your landlord’s booby-trapped torture dungeon and freeing their kidnapped cannibalistic troll children into the wild.
21. Sense and Sensibility: I’ve never cared that much about Sense and Sensibility as a book - it was strictly middle tier. This movie has changed that. I actually like Edward now, because Hugh Grant just plays him like the autistic king he was always meant to be.
20. Shiny Happy People: No, I do not care that this was a miniseries, it's too good not to include. Watching this show will make you want to deck every evangelical asshat that crosses your path and also terrified of the amount of influence they have in the USA.
19. Black Christmas: Where Chainsaw was kinda boring with a great climax, Black Christmas hits the ground running and doesn't really stop. It's scary, tense, and cinematically gorgeous.
18. Mannequinn: Yes, I liked this movie better than Citizen Kane. No one should listen to my opinion about anything. But it doesn't matter because it's dumb, campy fun and I want Hollywood Montrose to be my auntie.
17. Wishmaster: Absolute ham-to-ham combat between Andrew Divoff, Robert Englund, Tony Todd, Tom Savini. Some amazing practical effects. I wanna kiss the djinn right on the mouth. Only complaint is that I wish the sex pest friend who kept pestering Sam for a date would have stayed dead.
16. From Beyond: This movie had three of my favorite things in the world - moistened puppets, my mommy Barbara Crampton dressing up in a sexy outfit (thank you, Ms. Crampton *blows kiss*), and Jeffrey Combs being a sad, wet kitten man.
15. Renfield: I like that we're making movies about scary vampires again. It's nice. Also Nic Cage is quickly going the way of Daniel Craig and Robert Pattinson - they need to be cast as weird little guys for enrichment purposes.
14. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Animation? Charming and daring. Characters? I'm adopted all of them, and loving that all the turtles are actually voiced by children. Superfly? Got me feeling a way. Shredder being teased at the end? Where'd my panties go? Also this movie got me to sixty, so everyone say thank you to Shae for nice, round numbers.
13. Paris Is Burning: It's a classic of LGBT film, if you haven't watched it just to get a taste of the glorious world of drag ball culture, you need to. Stop what you're doing and watch Paris Is Burning. Now. This is a not a request. I will report you.
12. It's a Wonderful Life: I've never seen this show all the way through, so I fixed that this year, and goddamn I always forget how much I like Jimmy Stewart until I see him in another good movie. This movie also got him investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee for communist sentiments, so all my little anarchists should watch it.
11. Return of the Living Dead: I'd like everyone to meet my husband, Tar Man. He's gonna eat your brains, you'll love it.
10. Re-Animator: I'll never get tired of watching Herbert West being a sassy little cunt to everyone around him, including his co-dependent boyfriend whom he should kiss directly on the mouth. My only complaint is the...um...scene with Dr. Hill's head and Meg. That's all I'm gonna say about it. Because it makes me extremely uncomfy and I can't even enjoy Barbara Crampton's tits because of it.
9. Bride of Re-Animator: Herbert and Dan should have just taken their beautiful daughter to live out the rest of their happy lives at the seaside. Also the effects are fucking amazing. That'll happen when your special effects guys is credited as "Screamin' Mad George".
8. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts: Catch me shrieking like a possessed baboon throughout this entire movie. Everything about it made me happy, from Bumblebee being a bamf to Ron Perlman as Optimus Primal to literally everything about Peter Cullen's Optimus. I will never be over him having enough of Scourge's shit and ripping out his spine.
7. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Can't talk. Too blown away by the fact Dreamworks put out one of the most visually stunning and vibrant animated films they have in decades. They are back babey.
6. Glass Onion: I cannot wait to see what else we get from Benoit Blanc. He's the blorbo from my shows and I adore him. Also you know he called up Marta after he got home and was like "hey, there's this friend of mine I want you to meet, I think you guys will get along swimmingly" while fully intending to play matchmaker.
5. Everything Everywhere All At Once: "Nothing matters so being kind and compassionate is even more important" is genuinely such a beautiful thing for a film to say, and I'm glad I finally got a chance to see it in a movie where people fight with dildos and Jamie Lee Curtis' outfit was based on a stock photo.
4. Nope: Jordan Peele owns my soul at this point.
3. To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar: I expected Priscilla but American, and was given a really heartfelt, sweet movie and I legit forgot several times that Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes, and John Leguizamo were cis men.
2. Barbie: I recommend Barbie to literally everyone who asks me about it. It's my religion now. Everything about it is delightful and
1. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: This movie is utter perfection. I would marry it if I could.
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bugnirvana · 2 years
🌤🪟here comes the sun🪟🌤[Fred Benson x Reader]
warnings: might be ooc fred, not too much though!, cringe fluff shit but it’s ok
terms used: masculine (he/him, boyfriend, etc.)
author notes: YOUR REQUESTS ARE SO MUCH FUN LOLL I rlly hope u enjoy this 🙏 I had to search up a picture of him because I forgot if he was in st or not and pictures of Freddie from icarly came up LMAOAO. Anyway it’s just Fred being a silly little dude who likes the beatles. enjoy!! Also very short sorry
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~Fred’s POV~
I sat on my bed listening to my favorite record, Abbey Road by The Beatles. I had just turned it on as background noise for journaling potential ideas for the school newspaper, all so I could bring them to Nancy and possibly get her to help my writing.
Deep in thought and reading, I was jotting things down. Something, however pulled me out of thought. Something-or someone- was knocking on my window. i turned down the window and adjusted my glasses to see what was doing it and go over to the window.
‘It’ just so happened to be [Y/N], my adoring and adorable boyfriend.
“What are you doing here??” I asked. He shot me a smirk, a very sly one at that.
“What? Am I not allowed to see my favorite boy in Hawkins—scratch that, the entire world?”
“Not at 10:30 at night while I’m having my Beatles and contemplation hour,” I said. He just ended up giving me a sad, sad look.
“Please, Freddy? It’s cold out here and it’s too far to go home..”
I sighed, reluctantly letting him into my room. I moved my writing and other reading material and sat it on my nightstand.
“Well? Are you just going to stand by the window like a weirdo or are you going to hang out with your ‘favorite boy’?” I questioned, but before I could even muster up a grin to the caliber he had given me before, I was tackled into the bed with a hug, wrapping my arms around him in return.
“For claiming it’s soooo very cold outside, you’re rather warm.” I remarked. He didn’t react, he looked so absolutely blissful, simply basking in my presence. Even I couldn’t deny how cute he is. “Well?”
“Mm….I’m like a radiator,” he said. He genuinely was so cute.
After a minute, I realized he had fallen asleep. I moved to a more comfortable position, dragging him along, and began drawing circles on his back.
I had began drifting off into sleep when my favorite song on Abbey Road came on, ‘Here Comes The Sun’. I cheesily sang the lyrics to him, thinking he wasn’t awake.
I guess I didn’t feel him smiling against my chest.
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THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE LOLLL sorry if I didn’t characterize Fred right. I just read his wiki and it said he was the stereotypical nerd from the 80s with a big heart, so I kind of just decided to do this. Your requests are so funky I love them !!! Rlly hope u enjoyed this. Spree was rlly good lol. kurt kunkle for the win!
edit from when I woke up the morning after I wrote this: I literally read this over and couldn’t believe I wrote this shit. i love it so much lol
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
Hi!! 💕 sorry if i'm being annoying with my comments and now this ask, i just think you radiate yuuji's energy and you're so nice to talk to *blushing as i'm writing this*
Okay now to the question, how and when did you get into jjk and what were your first impressions about the characters? (especially yuuji, gojo, megumi and getou or whoever you wanna talk about)
Thanks in advance and i hope you're having a nice day!! <3
Awww you are so sweet!! You aren't annoying AT ALL!! I am happy to talk to you!! <3<3<3
I think I watched the anime in spring of last year? And if I remember correctly, what got me to watch it was some Itafushi edits I saw on Instagram. It looked like JJK was a BL anime. That caught my interest, and I loved that Yuuji had pink hair lol. I had read the description of JJK before that, and it sounded so weird to me, so I didn't want to watch it. But Yuuji and Megumi convinced me lol. So yeah, I already was a bit biased :) I didn't expect though, what it would actually be about and that I would love it so much. The first episode already made me laugh so much, and I got invested in the story, and I realized that the characters are amazing! So I was very happy to discover JJK!
I'll put the rest under the read more because it got very long aaahh!!
My first impression of Yuuji was that he is super cute! He made me laugh so much! Also, he was kind, brave, and selfless. Even when life threw bad things at him, he kept going and always stayed a good person. I adored him from the start. He made me so happy! And I have to add that I first watched JJK at a time when I had lost someone very close to me, and I wasn't doing well. It was so nice to be able to laugh again and feel happiness. Yuuji gave me a reason to want to wake up again the next morning. So I think that's probably why he is so special to me and my favorite character ever. My personal hero :) It took about ten minutes I think for me to fall in love with him :)
My first impression of Gojo was very positive too. He was so funny, and I screamed at his cocky attitude!! I instantly liked him! I think Gege did an amazing job of creating a perfect Sagittarius representation, and that made me very proud! I realized later on that he is a very complex character and what he shows the world is a mask he is wearing to protect himself, but that was even more reason for me to love him. But the first impression was wow he is funny and arrogant, and he absolutely has every right to be arrogant because he really is the best. I respected him a lot, and I loved him for being such a rebel and giving no shit about rules and what people think of him!
My first impression of Megumi was that he is emo and tsundere :) I liked him, and he was my pretty boy number one. Also, Megumi gave me so much from the start!! I felt so understood!!! His way of thinking that bad people deserve to die and that you don't have to forgive someone who does bad things resonated a lot with me! It was very satisfying to see a character like him being one of the good guys. I related to him a lot! Also, his answer when Todo asked him for his type! I am pansexual, and I am attracted to the vibes someone gives off. I can fall in love without even knowing what someone looks like because I love the connection we have. So I loved that Megumi replied like that. I celebrated seeing a character like him! And that he had such a soft spot for Yuuji made it even better!
I can't say much about Geto tbh. He is a character that didn't really capture my interest, sorry :( But I want to re-read JJK 0 and that flashback part about Gojo and Geto as teens because I want to understand his motivations better.
Sorry for writing so much and it is probably a bit confusing, but I hope I made a bit of sense at least lol. This was fun!!! Thank you for the ask and for talking to me!! <3
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lantsovsupremacist · 3 years
nikolai lantsov: currents
warnings: nikolai lantsov being the best man ever wouldn’t you know 🙄☝️
spoilers: set during king of scars but no major spoilers!!!
you looked up from the paperwork strewn about the desk situated in a far corner of the war room. tucked away here, you would never be the first target. some might call it paranoia or chalk it up to the trauma of the civil war, but you simply preferred a spot to observe quietly in the shadows.
toyla and tamar followed the king inside, nodding at zoya, genya, and david surrounding you.
“oh. it’s you. it’s all of you. i...” the man, or more likely boy, who skittered into the room spoke in a squeaky tone, “an absolute honor. a dream, really.”
briefly meeting nikolai’s eyes as he turned around from shutting the door behind him, you transferred your line of sight to the figure now bowing at your feet. zoya scoffed, eyes rolling to the heavens. genya and david shared a cohesive frown.
dropping the pen from your hand, you pushed your hair over your shoulders and straightened. you listened thoughtfully as he gave an introduction to each of your fellow grisha, recounting his apparent conclusions of them. when he treaded the sparkling waters that were genya, your face began to drop into anger.
“the first tailor, who bears the marks of the darkling’s blessing.”
her flinch did not go unnoticed by you. and as the only one whose temper rivaled yours kept hers in check, you failed to. the pressure immediately began to decrease in the room and the air dry of any moisture. nikolai’s head whipped up, perhaps the one most familiar with your temperament (other than zoya in your shared youth—never happy to be on the receiving end of a soaked kefta in class).
his hands flew up, taking a step towards you, bartering with any position he could gain. your fierce protection over genya was not unknown to those close to you, a flaw in the monk’s faulty perception. you let your shoulders fall, calming any potential downpour.
if yuri noticed your show of power, he made no move to address it, “ravka’s most powerful tide maker. oh the stories of how the darkling sanctioned you with the power to drown men on land.”
you froze but not because of a lie. his words were all true. the darkling hand selected you for this special training at age eleven. you allowed the legend to transpire, protecting you much like kaz brekker, dirtyhands of ketterdam. this was not a lore you would repeat with starry eyes and dreams of an otherworldly fantasy. none of the lives you had been forced to take before jumping ship to join sturmhond during the civil war could be washed away.
for all of your hard edges and brutal words, there were chinks in your armor that could not be hidden. tamar and toyla brought a hand to their weapons in startling unison. zoya’s eyes called out for yours.
nikolai’s features immediately darkened, an eclipse shadowing the usual light in his eyes. he rose from his chair slowly, exhibiting all of the power that he had inherited.
the shameless monk managed to hold himself upright but the unchecked tremble of his fingers exposed the fear instilled by the king’s actions.
“if i ever hear of her name—any of their names—leaving your mouth again,” nikolai began, his words sharper than the edge of his sword, “for any purpose in any country,” nikolai paused to watch yuri shrink under his steady gaze, “there will be nothing left for your believers to mourn into martyrdom.”
you held your chin high, your eyes twin daggers poised to launch across the room and eagerly embed themselves in a target. the ire in your chest began to subside upon witnessing yuri’s response to your boyfriend’s threats, only to be readily replaced by a flush of desire as his hazel eyes sharpened.
breaking eye contact with the monk who could not decide where to offer his, you glanced about the room. zoya had steeled herself beside you, radiating enough anger to address each of yuri’s mislead and misspoken opinions. even david’s face appeared from behind the book in his hands, though he kept his page by leaving it open to rest on his lap.
“am i correct in my assumption that you have heard me clearly,” nikolai’s voice carried across the walls, not quite commanding any longer but instead demanding the attention of those stood inside.
“y-yes your highness,” yuri stumbled out weakly as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his wiry nose.
after finishing up matters with your friends, nikolai took off out of the room, glancing back to make sure you intended to follow. you fell in step behind him, remaining quiet until you reached the stairs leading up to his chambers.
“i could have handled him, you know,” you pressed nikolai, hands repeatedly flexing and unflexing as they brushed against the sides of your blue kefta. your tone held no anger, simply indicating a truth.
nikolai drummed his fingers against the railing, pausing before turning back to face you, “of course you could have, love, but where’s the fun in that for me?”
you appreciated his willingness to defend your honor but the playfulness in his tone felt forced. he did not even make an attempt at his trademark smile imbued by charm and confidence. you decided in that moment that you would do to see it’s safe return.
“nik,” you spoke, repeating yourself after the absence of an answer, “nik.” your hand finding its way into his own hanging limply at his side.
“do you really see yourself in that way?” his voice shook, nearly choking on his final words.
any time the topic was brought up, nikolai was reminded of your stance. you had broken down to him the night after the darkling fell at the hands of alina starkov. no matter any of your friend’s persuasion, you stood firm in your position. you deserved to pay for the harm you inflicted on so many innocent. you were a monster, one who had given in to being handcrafted by another.
the untroubled nature with which he typically carried himself had vanished. your own expression faltered. his particular kind of magic, knowing smirks and careful quips that were like incantations for smiles, vanished.
and while it was normal for nikolai to drop the facade of a charming king around you, the pain held in his eyes plummeted your heart into your stomach.
“i think i did once,” you replied airily, not wasting your breath on a lie that nikolai could surely detect before the sound waves settled, “right after the war ended.”
nikolai chewed on the inside of his cheek anxiously, “but you’ve intentionally chosen past tense to describe these feelings.”
“yes,” you nodded, drawing your lover closer to you by the lapels of his jacket, “always so observant. it’s only of the many things i admire about you.”
nikolai sighed, closing his eyes and letting his blonde curls fall upon your forehead. you brought a hand up to stroke his cheekbone, soaking in the warmth of his skin pressed up against own.
“your strength,” nikolai said after a moment, drawing a hand to your waist, “your perseverance.”
“hmm?” you hummed quietly in question, content to reside with him inside this moment only belonging to the two of you.
“qualities i admire in you, my love,” he smiled after a moment, not entirely to be described as filled with confidence but surety nonetheless.
the flush of color in your cheeks always reminded nikolai of the pink dahlias planted in his favorite corner of the garden. maybe it was because it was where he had first kissed you. he decided that was probably his reason, although he never needed one to justify the beauty of either the memory or girl in front of him now.
too caught up in the memory, nikolai’s lips dipped to yours. you could always grasp a lingering taste of saltwater no matter how far away he was from sea, how many weeks removed. it reminded you of home. it was home.
“i love that you protect me, sobachka” you whispered against his lips, down his jaw and neck.
you did not need the exaggerated tales of your terrifying capabilities to destroy to wear as armor anymore, for you had the best man you had ever known to guard you.
as his hand wove into your hair and the other spiraling lower down your back, your breath hitched in your throat when he answered, “i can do so much more than that, my sea.”
nikolai settled on a simple quip, something guaranteed to make you smile. as a boy, he dreamed of a girl who would laugh at all of his jokes. when he grew, he figured many would be forged, a fallacy to fall in good graces with the king. he had yet to detect a lie within the giggles that left your lips.
the golden haired king would do anything to see you smile. he would pour hours into chasing perfection for you. once, he had even allowed toyla to confer with him about romantic poetry. despite the recitation being quite dreadful, you had laughed the most you had in a long time that day. now, just to catch up with the smallest piece of that magic again, he brought a new poem to you each night.
“i thought that i had seen the most gorgeous sights as sturmhond,” he began, unable to help biting his lip at your smallest quirk of a smile, “the volkvolny showed me how to fall in love with the endless waves at sea.”
you sucked in a breath, immersed in the way he spoke so intentionally. he was entrancing. you loved to hear about his travels before you met him, immersed in his storytelling.
“but none of them were every as beautiful as the ones you make,” he finished with a grin.
instead of reaching up to smack him at the cliche, you ignored your first reaction and instead pulled him closer to you. with your hands tucked against the back of his neck, you allowed your thumb to ruffle his lose and unruly curls. here, he was soft and gentle, untouched by his role.
“our ship had four other tidemakers,” you voiced softly, recalling your betrayal of the darkling after sturmhond’s crew imposed a mutiny, “but you chose me to lead the crew. you told me that was because i was the most powerful, but i certainly wasn’t with the waves. my power was not as practiced with currents.”
“but they were the prettiest,” he chuckled with puppy dog eyes honoring his nickname.
you gaped at this confession, “are you telling me you picked me as a leader during a war because the waves i created were pretty?” the initial seriousness in your tone melted away with every breath.
“i remember calling them the prettiest,” he twisted your hips, swaying you with him, “didn’t help me that the girl that could make them was the most gorgeous one i had ever seen. darling, i’m a prince, so i will inform you now that i have met a lot of people.”
your laughter was more delicate now, trailing off as you found direction in his eyes, “i had not been trusted with currents in years,” your voice softened, “he wanted my power elsewhere. i hated all of it. do you know the only memory i have of my parents is my father guiding the currents with me while we fished outside of town as a child? i was so excited to create like that with my power but all i did was destroy,” fighting back any moisture building in your eyes, you continued, “you gave me that back, nikolai.”
nikolai felt his heart stir inside his chest. he caught up to one of his most favorite smiles of yours. a rarity it was, reserved for the quietest and most understated moments that you could hardly share due to the both of your occupations and temperaments.
“i love every part of you,” nikolai dictated, “every drop of saltwater in the sea could not compare.”
you repeated the phrase before stilling, “well, now you’ve gone and ruined this with another one of toyla’s fictions.”
“ah, ah,” he tsked, “i made that one up myself, love.”
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An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Update 2: My laptop restarted when I was in the middle of writing this, and trust me when I say it, I am positively pissed off, and I want to end my days, that's how bad of a day this was.
And I didn't leave the house.
That says a lot about today...
Update 1: But, without further ado, I was half-way writing this story, and I received this ask, and let me tell you...
helloooo, i absolutely adored the fanfics you wrote about kazan and danny🥺 could i request one where pyramid head is just really whipped for and in love with the survivor! reader but he doesnt know how to announce it to them so he brings her random ,,gifts" in and outside the trials and protecting her bc well, im pretty sure he cant speak so he doesnt really have any other options on how to express his feelings??
I live for it.
Bless you for sending me this, it's the reason I'm still sane right now.
I love you, baby-cakes.
Update 3: I want to kill myself so bad. Just smash my head on a wall until it explodes or sth. I was so happy with how this imagine turned out, only fuck fucking tumblr to just fucking delete EVERYTHING just as I was about to put the last gif and hit POST NOW.
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For the 5th time writing this :
Hell - What was that place, anyway?
Some would describe it as an infinite ocean of flames and lava, where it's eternally melting-hot, and a bunch of hooved, horned, tailed red demons torture you with acid, with their red pitch forks, or boil you alive in their cauldron for soup. Or maybe you just get tortured by Stalin, who knows?
But never would have anyone thought that 'Hell' could look so...Normal. Well, normal in a very demolished, desolate, ravished way, but still...Normal, by human standards. Albeit, the never-ending loop of madness, anguish, agony and desperation of getting killed in different gruesome ways or fleeing for their lives and feeling a myriad of emotions pumping adrenaline through their veins so badly that their anxiety-meter skyrocketed to abnormal levels.
All this darkness, this hatred, this...Everything...It changed all the survivors. They became selfish, stubborn, rude, some even went as far as to sacrifice their fellow survivors in trials, just so they could survive. It was a complete mayhem that defied all kinds of reason, normality, morality or even ethics. Everyone became devoid of any laws that used to bind them to their humane sides, and now, you weren't sure if the killers were saner than the survivors or not.
But even in this abyss where you couldn't even see your hand in front of your very eyes, there was a little star - A beautiful angel radiating brightness and warmth, someone who was somehow able to guide everyone's straying souls with her benevolence.
In reality, she was merely a survivor, not the little lantern from an angler fish's head, but she treated everyone with such an untainted kindness...It was beautiful, and yet, unrequited for most parts. Everyone was still putting their own lives above all - And who could condemn them? - Perhaps their cowardice, for the girl preferred to save her fellow survivors as much as possible, even if that oftentimes assured her place on the hook, to be a sacrificial lamb for the Entity.
On the other hand, she rarely ended up on the hook - Most killers prefer to kill her themselves, instead of letting her become pray for the horrible Entity who tortured so many of them for refusing to cooperate - The Trapper, Evan MacMillan - He knew the best, with those hooks digging into his flesh, impossible to extract. He was the first to protect this girl. It wasn't much, but if he had to, he'd rather give her a swift, painless death, than seeing her without that serene, angelic smile on her face, as the Entity feeds on the last bits of her soul's beauty, the last parts of her humanity.
The other Killers were confused at the Trapper's actions, but little by little, they began to understand why this girl was so precious and special - And this domino effect hit Rin Yamaoka next, with Y/N stopping in the middle of a chase and taking off her jacket, just as Rin was about to butcher her with her katana, and she smiled, extending it to her. 'You must be cold' she said, realising that the Spirit was merely wearing a few bandages, not even her school uniform, or her kimono.
The ghost girl was shaken up by this, and told the others at the killer camp, but they just shrugged it off - Rin was a little girl who faced close to no kindness, they weren't surprised she was so taken aback by such a feat. That is, until Adiris, in a particularly terrible day, when everyone at the camp was staying away from her, as her profane censer wasn't able to cover the stench of rotting flesh - Y/N came over, taking out a small yet elegant glass bottle with pink liquid on it, spraying some on her - And now, The Plague smelled of roses and vanilla - 'You can come to me for perfume whenever you want, I always carry some with me!' she grinned at the Babylonian High Priestess, before leaving back to the survivor's camp site, leaving the ancient God symbol to stare with her mouth agape at the girl.
These words began to spread, and it was no surprise when the killers saw Susie clinging and begging her Legion friends to spare Y/N, for she was there to hug away her worries more than once, to tell her sweet words, to play with her hair and play the guitar whatever songs she wanted to hear, to get reminded of her home - She was so home sick that she freaked out, but now she was better, thanks to Y/N - 'I know you miss home, but sometimes, home is where your best friends are, and all three of them are here!' she tried to encourage the cute pink-haired girl who could only squeal and hug her new friend.
Even Ghostface wasn't exempt from falling to her charms, and they would often take silly selfies and mess around, making fun of the old horror movie tropes and doing lots of puns and pranks - So much that she even got his trust to be told about the Danny/Jed thing, and how he began his killer profession - 'You're a very talented photographer, Danny! You deserved all that recognition you got, both as a journalist, and as a killer!'
And very soon, Y/N found herself in the crushing arms of an overprotective Anna, humming her mother's lullaby together with walking through the forest, Y/N making flower crows for all the female killers at the camp site, and little by little, she somehow managed to worm her way under everyone's skins.
Y/N was the survivor with the highest survivability percentage, and maybe the Entity sometimes got pissed off, but at least she still got killed sometimes, so who cares? Well, that was soon to change as soon as a new Killer was added to this sick game - Pyramid Head, the terror of Silent Hill, as Cheryl, the new Survivor, called him - or The Executioner, as he was known now. He was ruthless, merciless, grotesque - He had his own criteria of killing, his own moral compass, ethics, conscience and understanding of the concept of life and death. Nothing that could compare to the visions of humans, clearly - Everything was gravitating around Divine Retribution and Justice, but the from the outside, he was nothing but a killing machine.
He would kill everyone and anyone that crosses his path, without fail.
Y/N felt like her fortune ended completely the second she found herself in the new, overly cramped map, with Pyramid Head as the killer - She couldn't help but run around like a spazzic meerkat, trying to find and fix as many generators as possible, without having to get face to face with the walking hazard...
Only to run past a stuck Pyramid Head.
Slowly backtracing her steps, she saw the mountain of a man with his metal pyramid stuck in the frames a low window which he tried to walk over. He was trashing like a raged bull trying to attack a matador, but it was clear he was getting nowhere with this.
"H-Hey, u-uhm...Need some help?" she asked in a soft, careful voice, almost like a meek cat trying to test the waters, but in return, he started groaning even louder from the wrath he wanted to unleash upon the whole world. "Okay, uhm...I think I saw a can of vaseline in one of the chests around. I'll go fetch it and I'll come back for you. Don't move." she said, only to then realise how horrible that sounded, considering the situation, and it only seemed to anger the killer. "...I'm sorry, ignore me, I'm an idiot." she slapped herself pretty harshly before bolting out of there trying to find the chest.
However, Y/N cursed herself for not having perfectly memorised the whole map by heart already, since she found the vaseline can after the 3rd chest, and then, it took quite a while to find the bloody window that got the killer stuck - And by the time she got there, she was dead tired. "Okay, I'm here, I found the vaseline! Let's try to get you out of here." Y/N muttered as she put her feet on the low window pane to get to his level. "If it's not too much trouble, could you please hold onto me? I can't balance myself with both hands occupied, and I'd rather not fall." she explained as she opened the vaseline can, only to shiver as she felt two big, strong hands getting a firm grip on her hips. It was almost...Endearing, were she not too busy trying to get the killer unstuck. She kept massaging the metal edge, trying to push and pull, also praying to whatever deity that existed in her human world that she had her tetanus shot done on time - Until finally, she was able to get hear a loud screech, like a pop, and the killer got unstuck, and in the process, he stumbled backwards, while Y/N fell down on her butt.
"Ouchie..." she muttered, rubbing her back and sides to take away the pain surging through her body. "Are you okay?" she asked, almost intuitively, without realising it at first, until she heart a low grunt that brought her back to reality. "O-Oh...! You have glass shards stuck in your side! And you're bleeding too! Hold up, let me help." she hurried to his side, while the killer merely stiffened, feeling her delicate, slender fingers tracing his body, while he heaved and slouched his shoulders from the repressed wrath. "It may sting a bit, and I'm really sorry, but I promise it will be better soon." her voice was so motherly and warm, which also resonated in her actions, as she gingerly took a water bottle and imbued some tissues with it, to wipe away the blood smearing down his skin as she extracted the glass shards, and then..."This is grandma's marigold ointment. It's really good, and it smells nice." she explained as she carefully smeared a thick layer of the yellow ointment on the biggest wounds, while the little ones were covered by smiley-flower patterned plasters. They were cute, and colourful, and they never failed to make her smile. "Okay, there we go, all better! I hope you'll feel better very soon!" her voice got a tiny bit more cheerful and upbeat.
It made the Killer think about a trillion things, as he stepped in front of her, towering over her like the Empire states building next to a smiling pomeranian. What was with this girl? Why did she help a killer? And why did he feel so...Warm inside? He could sense a foreign kind of luminosity, a naivite and innocence that he only witnessed in children and animals. This woman in front of him was untainted by the darkness and evil of the world.
It didn't matter how many hardships she's been through, or how much sadness she had to endure - Her soul remained as pure as any snowdrop, as the first snow of winter, as the fleece of a baby lamb who let out its first 'meeeeh' to its mamma sheep.
He couldn't allow this human to be maimed in any way - Not by the world, not by the Entity, and certainly not by him. - Screw the Entity, Pyramind Head kills by his own rules, and now, he was blessed to be faced with a human who bore no real hatred for her peers, or for the world, despite the horrible situation she was thrown into.
He didn't understand, obviously, especially as he remembered the myriad of abominations that lurked through Silent Hill, all of them created by the torment of humans - The very torment that distorted their own reality, which resulted in him needing to solve the purpose as The Executioner - Eradicating the world of all evil.
"Th-This sword is so heavy...H-How can you carry this around like that...?! Your muscles must be so strained and sore...Y-You really need a massage, I'm sure." she stuttered as she tried to lift the much taller and heavier sword from the ground, only for the brute to simply bend and pick it up with extreme ease, putting the girl to shame with her complete lack of strength. "Hehe...You're really strong. I'm embarrassed now." she chuckled softly, scratching the back of her neck.
Before she could leave or do anything else, Pyramid Head picked her up by the throat, careful not to hurt her or restrict her air intake - I mean, how else was he supposed to carry her so he wouldn't hurt her with his metal head or sword? - and it was pretty clear she didn't feel any malevolence from him, as she clinged on his forearm, trying to keep herself up, only to be dumped on top of the hatch, as the killer pointed towards it, so she would leave.
"O-Oh...! Thank you so much! You're really kind! I really appreciate this...I-I know it probably doesn't matter much to you, since you'll be doing this over and over again with all the survivors...But I really appreciate you for your kind gesture, and I appreciate you for being so nice with me. Thank you. Take care!" her dazzling smile lit the whole place up, but he couldn't talk, nor could he tell her how he should be the one thanking her for showing him that, despite the hundreds and thousands of years he had to roam the 'Earth' and execute the injust, miracles still existed.
As soon as she reached the survivor's camp, everyone cheered for her, asking how in the world could she have escaped the wrath of the butcher. "Oh, but he wasn't that bad. In fact, he's much more humane than I anticipated! I think he has a beautiful, blooming heart!" okay, she's lost it - the other survivors thought - but even so, she's always been a bit...Out of it, so who cares?
It took quite a while for the other three survivors to reach the camp, all bloody, in fact, like the new killer, who dragged himself with the same menace to the Killers' camp. "How the hell did you manage to survive?!" they yelled at her in utter shock, seeing that she got out of there unscratched. "Oh, you see...I found the hatch." she shrugged simply, not wanting to give away that the person who massacred those three was a soft one and he basically threw her down the hatch to her safety.
As she took a twig to roast a marshmallows, she noticed how Pyramid Head was standing much farther away from the rest of the killers - She knew that silent killers were bound to stay away from the more obnoxious one, remembering how Michael Myers almost killed Ghostface and The Legion at least a dozen times - But this time...He seemed kinda...Lonely? So Y/N took the matters into her own hands, roasted another marshmallow in another twig, and when it was done, she went to the killer's camp, calling out the lonely one's name - She has no idea why, but he actually followed her, pushing her further deep into the forest, until he was sure nobody was going to hear, see or interrupt them...
"Hey. You seemed pretty lonely out there...I thought you could use a friend. Thank you again for what you did at the trial...Here, this is a marshmallow. I don't think you've had many before...Cheryl told me of that horrible place you had to live in...So I hope this will make your day a bit better!" Y/N extended one of her hands towards him, so he could take the marshmallow - And a long, black tongue erupted from underneath the pyramid, snatching away the fluffy marshmallow and gulping it in one go.
What the hell was he turning into?
A towering man built of pure muscle, wrath and divine justice, with a pyramid representing the evil of humanity burdening his body, and a sword taller and heavier than the average human being constantly dragged in one of his hand...He now was a slave to a cute, innocent girl who was putting flower plasters on his minuscule wounds that would heal in a heartbeat regardless - He saved this girl who was now offering his these soft, squishy things that tasted overly sugarly, just like her upbeat and cheerful personality - If he could eat her, he was sure she would taste even sweeter than this - A sickish kind of sweet, that is.
She was indeed a beautiful angel in this tragic hell. But he didn't wait to snatch the second marshmallow either.
"Ah...! You liked it, didn't you? Well...Next time, I promise I'll give you more!" she grinned at him the same way a princess would to her chivalrous knight who saved her. The since he couldn't talk, silence took over them - It wasn't an uncomfortable one, per se, but it made it feel as if the conversation was over. "W-Well...I'll guess I'll see you around! Take care and I hope to see you again soon!" she waved cutely, trying to turn around back to her camp, only to feel a rough hand on her shoulder, turning her around and urging her to stop and wait for him and he went deep into the forest, leaving her alone and undefended by the potential malevolent forces of the forest.
When he returned, however, he stepped right in front of her, creating the perfect shade as he towered over her - Then he kneeled in front of her, so he would reach her eye sight, then he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and put a beautiful pink flower - As pink as the blush that started creeping on her face - He wanted to see her luminous face better, to highlight her dazzling smile and her glimmering eyes as the warm, silver light of the mother moon caressed her face.
Y/N felt her heart picking up the pace - It was beating so much faster than ever before - But this time, it wasn't out of fear or anything negative...It was something good. Something she never felt in her life, especially with her human acquaintances from back home. None was as chivalrous and gentle with her as this butcher of tormented souls - The bringer of justice, the merciless Executioner who was supposed to end the life of every living being that would cross his path.
It was insane how every Yin finds its Yang, even if that comes in the form of a little lamb of a small, frail girl, and a huge abomination of a brute man who knows nothing but death, bloodshed and carnage. It was truly crazy how opposites attract, and here she was, holding the killers large hands and gingerly putting them on her face, leaning into his touch - She felt safer now than ever in her life - Now, in the arms of an ancient killer.
An Angel and A Demon brought together in a perfect union.
As she leaned down, she touched the metal of the pyramid where she anticipated his forehead would be with her own forehead, and closing her eyes, she finally felt herself calming down. There was no need for words, actions spoke louder than anything, and she appreciated it...She appreciated him.
"Thank you." she whispered to him, knowing that yes, even though nobody else would hear it anyway, it was much more intimate than anything she ever experienced.
She was hooked.
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Hope you liked my completely shameless pun, I couldn't stop it, especially after the pain I went through trying to write this...3 freaking times.
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the best interview ever ~ pete davidson
word count: 1745
request?: yes!
“I’d love for you to write something about Pete Davidson flirting with a journalism student who’s interviewing him and her just being all shy and stuff, just fluff!”
description: in which he finds the shy journalism student interviewing him extremely adorable
pairing: pete davidson x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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From the moment you walked in the room, Pete’s eyes were glued to you. You noticed him look you up and down when you walked in first and tried to hide your face so he wouldn’t see that you were blushing.
“Well hello,” he said. “Are you my interviewer?”
“I am! My name is (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you (Y/N).”
You sat across from him, hoping it wasn’t as obvious that you were shaking as it felt. “It’s nice to meet you, too. I feel like I should warn you that this is my first solo interview, so I’m sorry if it’s super awkward.”
“Are you telling me that I’m popping your interviewing cherry?” Pete asked.
You chuckled and nodded. “I’m actually still a journalism student. I’ve shadowed some interviews, but this is my first actual interview.”
“That’s awesome!”
You smiled as Pete raised a hand to you. You high fived him and felt any stress or nervousness you had slowly start to melt away.
Pete’s chill demeanor felt so much different than any of the interviews you had shadowed. Although, it wasn’t hard to be more chill than CEOs and local politicians, which were the only people you had encountered so far. Pete was the first actual celebrity you had met, which made you extra nervous, but so far he was doing a good job at easing your nerves.
Since this was your first solo interview, you had done a lot of research on Pete and his new movie to make sure you didn’t embarrass yourself. You had two and a half pages in your notebook filled with questions to ask as well as little facts you felt like you should know. You hadn’t even done this much research for school projects, which was hot you knew you were serious about this.
Pete’s eyes glanced at your notebook as you opened it, a small smile crossing his face. “Damn, you’re already more prepared than most people who have interviewed me before.”
“Good,” you blurted before you could stop yourself. Pete gave you an amused look as you tried to stutter out a better response. “I-I Mean, personally, I hate watching interviews where the interviewer obviously hasn’t done their research, s-so I can’t imagine being interviewed by someone like-like that.”
“No, I respect it. I appreciate that.”
With that awkward encounter out of the way, you were able to actually start the interview.
It started off really well. You asked Pete about his new movie and any upcoming projects he had in the works. He told you about his work on SNL and his hope to film another stand up special soon. He was absolutely radiating happiness as he talked about his work, which made you extremely happy as well.
As the questions moved to be more personal, you came to learn more about Pete on a personal level. It went from feeling like an interviewer and their interviewee to feeling like two people who just met and who were getting to know one another.
You felt like you had gotten a hang of the interviewing thing, until Pete asked something that threw you off your groove. “So when do you ask me about my dating life?”
You had been looking down at your notebook when he asked, so your head snapped up so quickly that you almost made yourself dizzy, and your eyes were so wide that they were actually hurting a little. Pete laughed at the face you were making, and you could feel the embarrassment and nerves starting to come back.
“I-I...I wasn’t...” you stuttered, trying to figure out something to say. You never had any intentions of asking Pete about his dating life. It wasn’t relevant to the interview, so you weren’t going to bring it up.
“Damn, you’re really the best interviewer I’ve ever had,” Pete commented. “Most people go straight for the jugular on relationship questions. I’m still asked about an engagement that ended nearly two years ago. I respect that you had no intentions on bringing it up.”
You were so thrown off by the earlier question that even Pete’s reassurance that he was okay with you not asking wasn’t enough to get you back on track. You looked down at your notebook again, trying to remember what you had asked last but your mind felt empty. You were running out of time, you didn’t want to mess this up now.
Pete leaned forward and took your hands in his. You looked up at him and felt your breath catch in your throat upon realizing how close he was.
“Hey, I’m sorry I brought it up like that,” he said. “I really was just joking around. We were having fun and talking, I’m just used to that going south by being asked about my dating life because...well, you know who I was engaged to. I didn’t mean to startle you with the question.”
His voice was soft and it felt like you were seeing a completely different side of Pete, one you hadn’t even seen in movies or on SNL. Like it was a side of him he reserved for people closest to him, people that he cared about. You were shocked but also grateful that he felt like he could show you this side.
“I am single, by the way,” he added. “Just something I want you, personally, to know.”
He winked before he let go of your hands and sat back in his seat. Now you felt even more flustered, but for a different reason.
The rest of the interview went off without a hitch, and before you knew it, you were thanking Pete for his time and turning off your recording device. The crew came to take the microphone off the both of you.
“You’re my last interview of the day,” Pete said as the two of you stood from your seats. “I’m glad I got to end it on such a good note.”
You couldn’t help the smile that broke out across your face. “I’m glad I got to be such a positive ending.”
“Are you parked downstairs?” You nodded, a bit confused by his question. “Mind if I walk you down? I gotta wait for my ride back to the hotel anyways, might as well spend that time with someone.”
At a loss for words, you just nodded.
The two of you walked together to the elevator that would bring you down to the parking garage you had parked your car in. The crew was still busy taking down the equipment in the room, so just the two of you stepped into the elevator.
“You’re really good for someone who’s just a student,” Pete said as the doors closed. “You’re more professional than most interviewers I’ve had.”
“I don’t want to be like every other tabloid journalist that just wants the latest scoop,” you responded. “I know that gossip and drama sells, but I wanna be one of those journalists that gets to show the real side of celebrities, not just the bullshit you see in magazines or on websites.”
“You’re one of very few, (Y/N), I’ll give you that.”
You couldn’t help but smile as Pete said your name. It just felt right hearing it come from his lips. You wondered if you could make him say it again.
“I really am sorry for throwing you off with that relationship jab,” Pete continued. “I meant for it to be lighthearted, like a joke, but I realized after I said it that it did come out pretty harsh.”
“It wasn’t harsh,” you shrugged. “I was just a bit shocked. I hadn’t planned on asking you anything that would make you uncomfortable, so I hadn’t even entertained the idea of asking you relationship questions.”
“I appreciate that. I’m not a super private guy, but it gets hard to be in the public eye with a relationship when I’m just trying to move on and people bring up my past ones, or what they believe to be past ones.”
Before you could respond, the doors to the elevator opened. The two of you stepped out and walked through the nearly empty parking garage before arriving to your car. You paused and turned back to Pete. You didn’t want to go just yet. You had enjoyed getting to spend time with him, even if it were likely he just saw you as yet another interviewer and nothing more.
“Thanks for walking me to my car,” you said, lamely. You mentally kicked yourself for not saying something that actually warranted a response.
“No problem. Gotta make sure no one kidnaps you.”
You smiled at the joke. You toyed with the keys in your hand, trying to put off getting in the car as much as you could. Pete was hesitant to walk away as well, which gave you a little bit of hope as to where this was going.
“I meant what I said about being single, by the way,” Pete finally said. “Which is to say that I am...single.”
“I am, too,” you told him.
A smirk was tugging at the corner of his lips. “What should I do with that information then?”
“Well,” you started, “you’re single, I’m single. We just spent the day getting to know one another. Maybe we could extend that to a non-professional setting.”
The smile on Pete’s face was brighter than the sun. “That’s exactly what I was thinking, actually. How about tomorrow? We could go for a coffee, start small.”
“Sounds fantastic. Here.” You passed him your phone and watched him put his number into it.
It felt so much easier to get into your car then.
You watched Pete walk away through the rearview mirror, and once he was far enough away you did a dance in your seat to celebrate both a great interview and the date you had managed to score along the way.
You were just starting up your car when a text from an unknown number came into your phone.
“just making sure you gave me a real number ~ pete”
You smiled to yourself and sent a response. “nope, this is actually a chinese take out place that conveniently does text messages as well”
“well fuck, that’s the third time this has happened this week”
You giggled to yourself before putting your phone aside and driving back towards your home, feeling as though you were on cloud nine.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Kind like you (JJK x Reader) 💜🔞☁️
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: fluff/romance, smut, angst, comfort, friends to lovers
Warnings: kinda dense Jungkook, JK being a brat, slight Tsundere JK, Koo struggling to sort his shit, kind reader, Crush!Reader, soft smut, praising, groping, kissing, pool sex, aftercare, heart to heart convos, they talk about toys lol,
Summary: Jungkook dearly wants to be kind like you. He wants to be so sweet, and gentle, and soft like you’re with him all the time; yet all he does is tease and pick on you, it seems.
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Jungkook isn’t kind.
He likes to portray himself as such, whenever it’s needed, but he’s unable to quite make this characteristic a part of himself truly. It’s not like he’s a bad person, not at all; he’s helpful, caring, and well mannered. But he’s mean, he finds it funny when he gets onto someone else’s nerves. It’s like playing a game for him; and he loves winning. He’s good at it; it’s natural for him.
Then there’s you. You’re even more awkward with strangers than he is (which says a lot), but you’re everything he wants to be. You’re so soft spoken, always seeming to know what exactly to say in any situation. You’re kind, always thinking about everyone around you before you think about yourself, typically asking everyone else’s opinion first before you make up your own. You don’t like it when people fight, you never get possessive over things like he does. It’s even the tiniest things to him that make you seem so goddamn angelic; like that one time he whined about the fact that you got the last pack of butter cookies, immediately taking one for yourself to stuff between those soft looking lips, before shyly giving him the rest of the pack- still almost full. He had taken them without thanking you. He thinks about these moments a lot. He wants to treat you like Jimin does whenever you two interact. He’s so sweet with you, easily complimenting you and making you blush with his words, always playfully holding you close without ever making you uncomfortable. It’s weird to Jungkook how much that pisses him off the most. Whenever he’s alone in a room with you, you look uncomfortable- but when it’s Jimin, or Taehyung, you seem at ease. You joke around, and hug them like it’s second nature, while at the same time, you can’t look him into his eyes at any point of time.
He hates it.
He’s talked to Yoongi about it, after he’s seen you leave his studio one day. He knows you sing, he’s heard your voice, has saved every single cover song you’ve made on his phone to listen to them whenever he needs to just shut off his mind and think about nothing. He wants to do a duet with him, yet he knows he won’t be able to ever publish it because of his position in the industry. It frustrates him, yet he would be happy just singing with you for fun- he doesn’t need to publish it, he doesn’t need anyone else’s opinion on it; but he can’t ask you, it doesn’t matter how hard he tries. He can’t get the words out, even teased you for your voice before.
“You sound like a kid!”
He wants to take it back so desperately, but now, weeks after that comment, it would be weird wouldn’t it? It would just make him look like the fool he knows he is. So now he’s sitting in Yoongis studio, listening to your voice by second hand of you will, having been too unsure to come inside while you were recording. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. “She sounds great, no? Really like the slight tilts she has here..” Yoongi murmurs, placing the visual pointer of his mouse on the spot he’s talking about. He’s right, and Jungkook wants to say that, but he simply shrugs. “You don’t like it?” He asks, and Jungkook again, simply lifts his shoulders.
“Not my style, I guess.”
But Yoongi sees past that attitude as he raises his eyebrow questioningly. “Since when? You sing the same kind of songs all the time too.” He says, and Jungkook just chews on the inside of his lip. “You feeling competition?” Yoongi teasingly asks, and Jungkook scoffs.
“I’ve been trained for years, she’s a simple YouTuber. There’s no reason for me to feel competitive.”
But Yoongi suddenly laughs, burying his face in his hand as he stops the song. “Do you have a crush on her or something? You’re acting weird as hell Jungkook.” He says, and looks at Jungkook, who seems like he doesn’t react- only the tips of his ears grow red, as Yoongi laughs again, breathlessly as usual. “Oh my god you do! Little Jungkookie’s got the hots, I can’t believe it!” He barks out, and Jungkook whines.
“I don’t!” He says. “I absolutely don’t. She’s way too shy, and she’s so girly and all..” he complains, but Yoongi continues to smile. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing. Topic change then.” He says, and Jungkook nods. “Why were you and Taehyung fighting yesterday? Heard you’ve got him quite bad with a pillow.” He asks, and Jungkook groans.
“You said we’re changing the topic!” He says loudly, and Yoongi seems to have the time of his life.
“I am! How should I know the fight was about her?” He asks, and Jungkook kicks his legs with frustration.
“It wasn’t!” He said, and Yoongi raises his eyebrow, resting his head on his hand.
“Why are you getting so defensive then?” He asks.
“Because he shouldn’t send her a topless picture of him like that.” He says.
“I thought it wasn’t about her?” He chuckles.
“Fuck you.” Jungkook retorts, and it’s where Yoongi draws the line.
“Hey hey, calm down yeah? Didn’t mean to poke too much.” He says, and Jungkook nods, apologizing under his breath. “I thought you didn’t like her?” He asks, and Jungkook shrugs again.
“Never said that. But she’s so awkward around me.” He says, now a bit more defeated.
“Ever tried being nice to her?” Yoongi asks, while he continues working on the track to take some pressure off the maknae.
“I don’t know..!” He whines and throws his head back. “In my mind it’s so easy; go up to her, say hello, maybe tell her she looks nice, done!” He exclaims. “And then I say hello and screw it up by making a joke on her account and boom, congrats, fucked it up again.” Jungkook sighes, and The rapper doesn’t say something for a moment until he responds.
“You’re just not like that, I guess.” He explains to the younger one. “But you could try to tone it down a bit. Some of the things you say are actually quite mean.” He scolds gently, and Jungkook nods.
“I don’t know how to do that though.” He says.
“Wrap your compliments up in you remarks.”
“How?” The younger one asks.
“Well, you can’t say she looks nice, right?” The older one asks, and Jungkook nods. “But you always call her shortie.” Again, a nod. “Tell her she looks like a doll.”
“But isn’t that mean too?” He asks, and Yoongi snaps his fingers.
“It’s one of those comments that makes you think. Is it an insult? A compliment? You don’t have to go all in. Tease her in a way that can be taken positively as well. She’s smart enough to get innuendos like that.” He explains, and Jungkook seems to understand as he nods.
Maybe he’ll try that next time.
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The next time you’re visiting them, Jungkook is as ready as he’ll ever be to make things count. As you take off your shoes, and hang up your red jacket, he snickers, as he walks by. “What’s up red riding hood?” He says, and he can hear Jimin chuckle from the couch as you follow him into the living room. “She looks like a Disney character with that bag and the jacket.” He says teasingly, and to his own surprise, he can see the edges of your lips move upwards into a shy smile, because he remembers vividly how you'd once told Jimin how much you liked the old classic disney films instead of the new ones.
It’s working, and it’s making him feel daring. Jimin retorts something along the lines of if he’s the wolf in that case and if he would eat her, and he finds his head suddenly on your shoulder, gently reaching over your now seated form on the couch to steal a dumpling from Jimin as he speaks.
“Nah, I’d only eat the ugly ones.” And this time, you’re actually giggling.
It makes his skin tingle.
And the night goes on like that, his typical picking covered in icing sugar, as he watches you become restless on your spot on the couch across from him. He grows addicted to the view, of that sight of your teeth digging into your lip as you grow giddy under his hidden compliments, and Jimin seems to catch up on it pretty quickly. He watches in fascination, as Jungkook keeps his eyes on you, and Jungkook himself feels a pull on his heart when he states that he's slightly (very) upset that you're leaving so early, even though it's almost one in the morning and he typically never even so much as waves you goodbye whenever you leave.
He doesn't mind the slight bullying from his hyungs after he'd waved after your leaving form before you dissappear from his sight.
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Jungkook isn't kind.
He likes to portray himself as such, whenever it’s needed, but he’s unable to quite make this characteristic a part of himself truly. It’s not like he’s a bad person, not at all; it's just that he can't help himself when it comes to you. He's quite the sadist really, always bathing in the slight pout and amusing anger radiating off of you whenever he does something to rile you up. It's just like now; even though he knows you hate it, he loves to take advantage of the difference in height between the two of you. He laughes while holding his bowl of cereal while you struggle on the very tips of your toes in the kitchen, trying to reach the pack of sweet breakfast treats that he had placed way higher than necessary.
But it's when you climb onto the counter that several things happen.
First, it's the unintended panty-shot he gets, his pupils practically zooming in on the soft pink fabric on display for his greedy self, making him feel like a schoolboy that just sneaked a glimpse of a naughty magazine his friend had brought into class. It makes his mind fill with images of you, oh-so sweetly laying underneath his form as he pulls the cotton fabric to the side, ready and wanting as you patiently wait for him to connect your souls and bodies in the most intimate of ways.
The other thing however wipes away those images, as his doe eyes widen. It's the realization that you're wearing pink fuzzy socks, on a marbled kitchen counter, the danger of slipping as high as it can be. He knows you're clumsy, knows you're always attracting trouble wherever you go, and it's the small moment of your knee bending, your foot a breath too far off the counter, as you suddenly loose balance. He practically throws his almost empty bowl on the kitchen table before he reaches you, luckily managing to make you fall ontop of him than the cold kitchen tiles below.
At first, it's awfully quiet- there is no one here other than him and you after all. Then, the pain hits him, drumming like the beat of his favorite song, making him drop his head on the floor with a groan. You immediately move at that, getting off of him as you look for anthing that could be the cause. It's when he holds his hand, red seeping through between his fingers that you move. Grabbing kitchen towels for first aid, you help him as best as you can, as he watches you, pain already not so bad anymore as he looks at your delicate hands working on his larger ones with so much care.
He's ready to use it to his fun, yet he stops himself when he sees the tears on our cheeks. "Why're you crying?" He asks, and you suddenly sob more loudly, sniffling as you continue to try and clean his scrape on the back of his palm with running water. He shuts the water off, his hand not even bleeding that much anyways anymore, as he holds your shoulders, body folding over a bit to properly look at you. "Hey hey, why're you crying? I'm hurt here!" He chuckles, but it doesn't seem to do much good- as you just continue.
He suddenly grows more gentle, the hug a bit awkward at first, the close proximity weird for you both, but once he starts to softly rock you both from side to side, his unhurt hand running over your back before he sloppily wipes your tears off of your face- intentionally messily to make you giggle and push his hands off. "You're such a crybaby!" He laughs, as you hold his hand in yours, looking at it again.
"Does it hurt?" You ask, looking up at him, and he swallows hardly as he suddenly grows uneasy with the closeness of you two.
"No, it's just a scratch." He says, suddenly cleaning up the kitchen table where he spilled some of his leftover cereal and milk- simply using it as something to distract himself to calm down. "Why were you even climbing there at all? That's dangerous as hell." He said. "You could've just asked me to get it for you." He ends, and its the most truthful thing he's ever said to you.
Because that's where his deepest intentions with you were hiding. He's so used to being the youngest, of getting away with so much and getting babied by everyone around him, staff or his members, that he craves to take care of someone instead for once. He wants you to ask him for help. He wants you to hide behind his back when you're terrified of Taehuyungs tickle-attacks, he wants you to loose to him when playing video games, just so he can pull you onto his lap, his hands over yours on the controller to show you how its done. He wants you to proudly tell him of any achievement you manage to make no matter how small, just to gain his praise.
He needs you to need him.
Because whenever he's with you, he knows that those compliments and that pure amazement on your face is not because you want something in return, it's simply what it is. You make him feel so appreciated, so desired, so wanted for himself and not for his outside qualities. Because at the same time he loves how passionate you get whenever you notice that you know something better than him- how excited you get when you explain something to namjoon or to Hobi. He want's you to teach him things too, he want's to know what you can do, what you're better at, not because he want's to get better than you, but because he knows you're so much smarter in so many things than he is.
It's your voice that gets him out of his internal terror.
"Oh.. I didn't want to bother you though." You meekly say, and he wants to groan at this, to throw a fit, to be frustrated with you because that's exactly what you never ever do; you could never bother him to the point where he would refuse to help. No, he wants you to bother him. "I-what?" You say, and he suddenly turns around abruptly.
"What?" He asks, terrified if what he thinks just happened really did.
"You said 'But I want you to bother me'..?" You ask, and he wants to slap himself.
"I- I mean, I meant it in like, you can bother me, it doesn't matter much, you know?" He scrambles out, drying his hands after washing his bowl and leaving it in the sink. He suddenly grows uneasy with you in the room, yet he stills at your next words as if frozen in time.
"Oh.. I-" You start, before you step closer. "Thank you then, Jungkookie. I appreciate it." But its not only that, it's the tiny sentence you say and the action that follows that simply fries his mind. "You're not so bad after all." And you place a small kiss against his cheek.
You kiss his cheek.
Your soft lips touched his skin.
And he stands there for a while longer, not knowing what to do.
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Jungkook isn't kind.
But over the course of days where you start to grow more and more comfortable, more daring, and more used to understand his language, he slowly mutates into an overgrown puppy.
He demands your attention, loves the way you blush under his teasing, and craves the way you squirm around whenever he's close to you. He's almost certain he's got a chance with you, making his own creativity thrive under your spell. He takes more photos than ever before, starts to be even more active (after you'd accidentally let it slip that you actually like how strong he is and that it makes you feel safe), and all in all simply falls for you.
But its all gone to waste at a certain dinner with his hyungs, that his food suddenly tastes stale, and his appetite is gone. "I want to confess to her, you know? I think I really got a chance." Jimin says, and Yoongi glances at Jungkook, concerned for the youngest since he knows his secret crush. "I mean she even gets along with the brat here!" He playfully says, playfully hitting Jungkooks shoulder lightly, but he doesn't seem an innocent gesture in it. No, Jungkook is riled up, and suddenly stands at the table, taking his cutlery and dishes to discard them in the sink. "Jungkook?" Jimin asks, confused, but Yoongi shakes his head with a sigh after the youngest simply retreated into his room for an early night.
"Jimin, I don't think that's a good idea." Yoongi says, and Namjoon seems confused. "I don't intend to be rude, but your interest changes weekly. Now it's her, the next week its someone else. Jungkook however-" He calmly explains, ignoring the slightly offended look of the dancer across from him. "You know him. He's never shown interest before- in anyone." Jimin slowly seems to understand, as Taehyung nods at it. "He really likes her. Think about it. Once you take that step, there's no going back. There's no 'lets stay friends if we break up' because that's just awkward. There's no second chance for Jungkook."
Jimin slowly nods, suddenly without much taste for his food as well. "I didn't know, honestly."
"It was kind of hard to see not gonna lie." Hoseok chimes in, putting his chopsticks down as he swallows the last bite of food. "He's all over her recently." He explains, and everyone nods.
This wasn't just a simple crush for him.
This was full blown love.
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Jungkook isn't kind.
But he also can't say no to you.
He wants to be mad, he really tried to as well. But it's just- he sees your smile and hears your voice, and he's all in your hands, ready and willing to your very command. That's how he finds himself at your tiny apartment, helping you to put up some of your latest paintings on your walls- because initially you'd asked if he or his hyungs had a ladder in his dorm, but after you'd told him you'd use it to climb up to hang some paintings, he'd instead told you he'd help you instead, just to make sure you wouldn't fall and have an accident or something.
He want's to be mad, because he knows Jimin must've made his move at this point.
You seem so at ease, so happy, your steps so light and almost jumpy he wants to cry internally at how cute you are, for someone that isn't him.
"Ah, yes, that's perfect!" You say, and he slowly steps down from your chair he'd burrowed to boost his height a little, your hands weakly trying to steady him while he finally reaches the floor again. "I've made some cold stew yesterday, do you wanna stay and eat a little?" You ask, and he wants to nod, but doesn't.
"I don't wanna intrude or something." He says, grimply smiling as he brings the chair back into the kitchen area where it came from. He hates how deflated you suddenly look, how almost sad you simply nod as you trail after him like a lost pet, something many would find bothering, yet he loved it. He loved how you were always around him like a little shadow, as if to silently stay close to him. "So, you and uhm.. Jimin?" He asks suddenly, unable to keep the words inside.You blink, once, twice, before tilting your head in question. "He.. hasn't talked to you?" He asked, and you shook your head.
"No, what would he want to talk about with me?" You ask, and a very terrifying thought comes into his mind, like a tiny devil on his shoulder whispering in his ear. He hasn't made his move yet, so if he plays his cards right, he could still steal you from him quick and swift. You'd be his, he knows you're too kind to say no if he confessed, and Jimin would stand no chance. But just like the tiny devil, a tiny angel was there as well. Who was he to interfere with someone else's romantic life? He knew Jimin liked you enough to ask you out, and even though his hyung was never one to stay long, it would be an absolute dick move of him to ruin his chances.
But he loved you.
"Oh, you mean about you and me!" You suddenly said, and Jungkook almost choked on his saliva. "He said something about you liking me, and uh, that I should confess to you even though I know you're not interested in me like that- I'm sorry if he said something weird, it's just a weird crush, I'll get over it-" But he short-circuits, and blurts out what comes to his mind before he can think about it.
"Don't!" He says, a little too loud, and your eyes grow wide. "Don't.. get over it. I-" He's suddenly confused, overwhelmed, and has no idea how to handle this sudden turn of events properly. Should he kiss you now like in the movies or something? But he should also ask if he should, otherwise its without consent, but it would kind of ruin the moment, and oh god why do his hands suddenly get sweaty, thats so gross-
It's the shy and delicate touch to the very tips of his fingers, hand splaid out on the kitchen table that you're touching with yours, cheeks red and eyes down, and he suddenly thinks, 'fuck those movies', as he leans in and kisses you, slowly, just to make sure you're okay with it.
You're so okay with it.
He grows hungry at the movement of your lips, brows furrowing as he lets himself ride this wave of pure euphoria, holding your cheeks so lightly that you barely feel his touch at all. You snake your arms around his head as you tug him down a bit more, and his neck aches, so he simply reaches for your behind to help you up on the kitchen table for better leverage. "You're-" He starts between kisses, and can't help his smile. "-mine." He ends, and you nod with excitement, just as high on happiness as he is. "Can I, like-" He starts, almost frustrated with how he can't stop his lips from chasing yours even if he's the one talking. "-Touch you?" He finally gets out, and again, you nod, even if the tips of your ears grow a bit red at the suggestive question. His hands suddenly wander, over your shoulders down your sides, before they find your thighs. He loves the softness of them, his fingers on your knees as he opens your legs so he can get even closer to you. As if on instinct, your socked feet pull him towards you, and he chuckles at that, finally slipping his tongue between your lips as you push a hand into his dark hair, making him groan. He cups the sides of your breasts at first, delicately feeling them, before he squeezes gently, getting a proper idea of their plushness under his fingers.
He loves them already.
"I don't-" He starts, and is breathless just as you are as he places his kisses on the side of your neck. "I don't wanna fuck you on the kitchen table baby." He finally gets out, and you mewl at that. "Hm?" He asks, but you shake your head, too shy to say anything to that. He suddenly reaches for your behind, lifting you against his chest as he walks around with you, making you and himself laugh as he opens the wrong door before he finally finds your bedroom- cozy and cold due to the open window you always leave so that you can sleep better at night. You sigh at the cool feeling of the sheets underneath your hot body, and he grins down at you as he can't feel anything but pure ecstasy. Suddenly, he laughs, and groans lodly against your chest as he lets his forehead rest against it.
"What?" You ask between a laugh, and he begins to whine.
"I don't have a condom, fuck." He drawls out, and he really feels like an idiot. He's a fully grown man, he should have shit like that with him at all times, especially when he knows he's gonna visit his crush- but its so sudden, so unprepared, that he simply didn't think this would ever happen. He's deflated, painfully hard, and frustrated with himself, as you speak up again.
"Uhm, theres an orange handbag in the bathroom, its like, next to the shower. I think I still have one in there."You say, and he looks up questioningly. "It was a joke-present from a friend, please don't ask." You say, growing shy again as he simply chuckles, before getting up and searching for the bag you mentioned. It's safe to say that he doesn't only find the condom, but also a still fully packaged vibrator toy, in the same bag. His interest is definetely woken, but he decides against using it to tease you this time.
He'd get his chance soon.
But in that moment, as he climbs ontop of the bed again, it's all about you and him- its not about mindblowing sex or unusual experiences. He just wants to be inside you, close to you, he wants to claim you in ways that only lovers can. He's surprised, when he takes off his shirt, that you suddenly hold your arms high.
You're absolutely adorable in his eyes.
He chuckles as he helps you out of your sweater, kissing your nose, your cheeks, your lips, as he unhooks your bra to finally get a skin to skin feel of your breasts. He loves it even more like this, warm and soft under his palms, and you mewl in enjoyment as he continues his antics. He doesn't even notice when you'd discarded your shorts and underwear, his pants gone in a flash as his inked fingers reach between your legs to sloppily prepare you for him.
He knows he's a bit more on the.. bigger side, to say the least, a grower more than a shower, and it used to make him nervous in a weird kind of way. You're so delicate, so sweet, that he doesn't want to hurt you, and hes slow and steady as he finally enters you after putting on his protection. But you take it, you're such a champ, and pull him towards you by his neck as he moves slowly.
He picks up his pace at your demand, lost in euphoria as he lets himself go, lets himself enjoy as his mind is filled with your voice, your sounds, your scent, your everything. This is what he wanted, this is where he wants to stay for the rest of time. Not nescessarly buried withing you (although that's not a bad sound he thinks), but in your embrace, within your presence. He want's to stay at your side forever, keep you close to him so no one can hurt you, not even yourself.
He comes with a whine, an arch of his back, and his fingers on your pearl, desperate to get you over the edge as well.
It works.
And he's happy, exhausted, and absolutely in love as he falls down the mattress at your side.
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"I always thought it would be weird." You said after you'd both taken a shower and cleaned up properly. He'd texted his hyungs, telling them with obnoxious emoticons that he's spending the night with his girlfriend, and Jimin plus Yoongi had reacted with a vomiting emoji.
Yet they were happy.
"What would be weird?" Jungkook asks, his hand running up and down your arm as you laid next to him, snuggled up onto his body.
"You know, having sex." You said, and it takes a moment before he suddenly snaps his head to you.
"Wait, that was your first time?!" He exclaimed, utterly shocked at it as he'd been convinced you weren't a virgin. You have had boyfriends before, he knew that, hell, he'd seen them too, and considering you were pretty close agewise he couldn't imagine. He feels bad about it, if he'd known, he would've made it more special, hell he would've asked you more times if you were okay with him taking something so precious from you. Now you could never get it back and he'd fucked it up.
"I mean, kind of?" You explained, suddenly hiding your face. "I mean, I've done, like, stuff with men before.. and I also used a.. you know, 'thing', but like, never the real.." You tried to come up with different names for the things you wanted to say, yet you simply ceased to talk.
Jungkook chuckled. "You used what? A dildo? Like, a fake dick?" He said, and you hit his chest with a whine, utterly mortified by his way of talking. "Come on I saw that vibrator in your bag there, but I never though you were a virgin!" He said, and you whined again.
"Technically I wasn't!"
He scoffed playfully. "Baby your first time was with a toy considering what you just told me, that STILL means you were a virgin!" He argued, and you groaned, trying to get out of his grasp now. "Come on, at least tell me if my dick was better than that rubber-cock?" He asked, and laughed full on at the way you hid your face behind your hands with a yell. "Don't hurt my ego, say it!" He laughs, and tickles your sides.
"Yeah yeah okay, your dick was better stop!" You laugh, and he grins, suddenly pulling you close to him as he hides his face in your hair.
"Oh baby-" He sighes out. "I love you so much."
"And I hate you." You mumble, before he playfully bites your ear.
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"Jungkook no, they could see-!" Yet he doesn't let up, uncaring. The hotel they were staying at had a strict privacy policy- at this point his agency could ruin
them with a snap of their fingers just because they leaked a single strand of his hair. He wasn't concerned at all, as he continued to bite and kiss at your neck,
unable to keep his hands to himself as he grows hard.
He loves the high he gets from being in danger of getting caught.
Its silly, in a way, but it feels like a rush of some sorts. It's like he's a teenager again, sneaking in candy even though he's on a diet just to feel bratty, and its not
much different now, even though the scale is another. This was actually dangerous, but since no one else was staying at the hotel, and his hyungs had all gone
to bed, he refused to give in.
He wanted you, and he would take you.
Jungkook never liked sharing, nor giving away what was his when he himself didn't openly give it away. What was his, was his, there was no room for
discussion, even though he'd become a bit more understanding nowadays. Yet he would never let anyone see you like this, so vulnerable and wanting for him,
ready to become his slave to quench his thirst for you at anytime. You loved him just as much as he loved you, and this exchange of feelings always got him
riled up to the point of desperation.
Just like now, as he helps you stay afloat with his forearms underneath your own arms, kissing you silly while he pushes his thigh upwards underwater, feeling
you rut agains it like an animal in heat. He loved how you got whenever he pushed your buttons right, loved the sight, the sound, the entire situation. It ruined
porn for him in a way, modern erotica in no way reaching the level of satisfactory aesthetic that the sight of you could bring him. He'd taken pictures and videos
of you in nude positions and explicit situations to keep him entertained whenever he was far away, because whatever he found online of strangers couldn't bring
him a release worth working for anymore.
So it was utterly welcomed by him, when you had surprisingly told him that you had arranged to share the hotel room with him, and that you were tagging along for two weeks of his tour. Of course, his happiness was mostly simple enjoyment that you were there at his side, that you would sleep right next to him, yet it also was of a more carnal side of himself. And now, while his blood was still hot like lava inside his veins, adrenalin still high from his last concert, he was desperate to let go, end this day in a way he never thought he properly could.
He sloppily pushed the barrier between himself and your core to the side underwater, pulling his length out of his swimtrunks as well, uncaring on making it romantic. He knew he didn't need to always go overboard, he was clingy and touchy enough that you always felt appreciated and loved, even if he was impatient like that. He groaned out, mixed with a chuckle as he suddenly realized what he was doing, dipping his head down into the crook of your neck to bite and leave open mouthed kisses, rhythm just as steady and on-point as onstage just hours ago.
He came quicker than he'd liked, tattooed hand gently pushing you over the edge as well. you whined as he helped you out the pool, utterly mortified but still happy at the way he simply picked you up bridal style, carrying you out and back into your room, ready for a good nights' sleep.
The best he had ever gotten while on tour.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. All rights reserved. Thank you for reading.
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