#but also one of the funnest
therosebunpost · 6 months
Random thought-
Imagine Reader wanting to try out being a DM . They were a little intimidated by Hellfire, but they figured doing a simple one shot with Eddie would be fun. Just enough to get them to understand the role and maybe play in another campaign in the future with a bigger group.
Reader even has an idea for a story line, and they even tell him they have the perfect figures for it!
Obviously Eddie is excited and intrigued. They decide to meet up at Reader’s house and start their first session. Eddie gets there and the kitchen table is all set up. There’s a mat, the dungeon screen and Reader turned around, fussing with something on the table. “Eddie! Perfect, here, I got the figures all ready. You just gotta come and choose the one you want.”
He gets closer, incredibly impressed that they even made custom Figurines for their campaign. He couldn’t wait to see what cool things you added to them and what he could do with their designs-
There’s a giggle. An absolutely evil little thing as Reader turns to look up at Eddie. “Yeah?”
“What the absolute fuck-“ Eddie starts, more flabbergasted then anything else, because what was on the table wasn’t DND figures.
It was these.
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laddertek · 2 months
Etho immediately choosing Decked Out 2 (+Tango's reaction) xBCrafted's Season 10 Episode 17 Hermit Q&A
xB: So, question number three. What has been your favourite project, build, and/or event since joining HermitCraft? Etho: That I did? Or that other people did? xB: Uh, just, whatever. Whatever you...y'know, your favourite. Just, whatever. Etho: Oh, that's gotta be Decked Out 2, then. xB: Okay. (laughs) Etho: (laughs) Easy answer! xB: I mean, you only played it a little, though... Etho: Ahh, it was a few months. A few months of my life, there. Got a little bit involved. xB: (laughs) A couple minutes, here and there, you know. Etho: Yeah. xB: I know how you are. No. (laughs) ---- xB: I feel like your answer is gonna be the same as Etho's. Tango: Oh, did he say Decked Out? xB: Yes he did. (laughs) Tango: Ohhhh, my hero! Yeah, Decked Out is definitely my answer. Slam dunk. xB: I was like, 'Yeah, what do you mean? You only played, like, a little bit...' (both laugh) Tango: Well, that -- Honestly, the fact that he said that, means -- means everything to me. That's great, that he values it that high. That's great. That's great. xB: Oh, yeah, yeah. He was like, he was like, 'That's easy. Decked Out 2.' I was like, 'Okay!' (laughs) Tango: (laughs) Fantastic. Good! Good!
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sysig · 1 month
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Blood sugar levels (Patreon)
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Oooo starstruck dee has little stars at the bottom of her feet! Are they just aesthetic or would they make imprints into the ground? (like pawprints)
exactly like that! though she's not the only one...
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edit: might need to add some additional dialogue to this to make it more clear, but a clarification in the interim; he knows about his own footprints. he's just surprised to see something similar already there when he knows he's only just landed. he lifts his own shoe to confirm that they're not identical (and also to reveal this to the viewer). seems his stoicism beat off the clarity in this one, sorry 😭
#meta knight#starstruck dee#have had this one sitting around for *months* while i bit my nails on posting it#and then i thought maybe i *shouldn't* during the shipaganza bc it's not a direct prompt; though i do think you can read it that way#and for ~Reasons~ i needed to post this one sooner rather than later so i had to bite the bullet.#though meta knight has understandably been the second most prompted. they do indeed have the Funnest Possible Dynamic for it#stoic guy and the bug eyed little Creature he doesn't really trust as far as he could throw her (long long way)#so just to clarify this one is NOT for the shipaganza but you can read it that way if you want to#this is just a canon scene between them from her storyline. this is just something they canonically share. starry eyed idiots.#also fwiw i think i probably picked up the shoe-patterns for the knights from postitnotes7#been a headcanon in the back of my mind for a long while but i'm pretty sure i osmosis'd it from their work#especially after drawing post's designs so much for the hnkss. i temporarily forgot how i used to draw their armour ngl#and also btw starstruck deetectives psspsps#i'm planning a much better post about this later (probably in march) but i'm going to start using this tag for Important Posts for y'all#🎀🔍#<- for the starstruck deetectives when there's something significant in the post.#i worry about making it 'too easy' but also want stuff to be accessible. it's just for fun? the OC lore game! ARG but it's just my oc.#that would be fun right? maybe? is that too indulgent? i could probably pull it off if folks were actually interested enough to participate#anyway!! go to bed starflung#also if you read this far: anon is open again! still open for shipaganza prompts but i'm not gonna be finished them in february 😂
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carpisuns · 1 year
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DJWiFi for @peakwonderfulness! I was your gifter for @mlsecretsanta :D sorry this is a tad late but I hope you enjoy. Happy New Year! Wishing you the best for 2023💜
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emilyjunk · 15 days
gsu headcanons (again)
GSU headcanons getting fucked up edition
Regina's favorite drink is red wine, which she's developed a taste for thanks to her mom letting her have it from a relatively young age. Going to wine tastings/vineyards is actually one of the few things she enjoys doing with her mom
In undergrad Cady discovers "taco Tuesday". This is where she tries margaritas for the first time and it is life changing. She loves frozen margaritas and she likes to try all the different flavors different restaurants have. She also learns how to make them at home and tries to experiment with her own flavors. This is endearing to Regina and she will always try one sip but she does so apprehensively because Cady isn't always good at it
As they get older, Cady prefers it when they go out that Regina orders her drinks because Regina has a knack for knowing what Cady will and won't like. Every time Cady tries to order her own cocktail she hates it and tries to steal Reginas who says no, live with your choices
They don't really drink beer. Cady hates the taste and Regina thinks the calories aren't worth it
In undergrad, Cady develops a bad habit of not knowing her limit but mostly because she doesn't understand that the drinks that taste the best will fuck her up the most so she's like "yum!" And keeps drinking. Regina was pretty famous in high school for not wanting to take care of drunk friends but she doesn't actually mind taking care of Cady because it makes her feel needed. Plus it has an added benefit of showing everyone at whatever party they're at (typically an NYU party for people who know Cady) that Cady is hers
Cady is super handsy for Regina when she gets drunk but it's a thin line between happy/horny and a breakdown. If she goes too far then she turns weepy and will start to cry about the bus. It does not matter how many years have passed. This is the only time Regina gets annoyed taking care of her because she doesn't like when Cady cries and this Cady does not listen to reason. Regina also does not like thinking about the bus
When Cady is doing her PhD and Regina has started to move up in the finance world, they don't go to too many house parties/ragers anymore. Mostly just work mixers or friends get togethers. This is where Cady develops a very strange attraction to watching Regina socialize while holding a drink because she finds something very intriguing and sexy about how Regina holds a glass and how she can tell if regina is enjoying the conversation or annoyed by it from the way her fingers wrap around the glass
Regina rarely gets too drunk (during their non breakup times anyway) because she doesn't like feeling out of control but sometimes she will have a little too much wine and will start waxing poetic to Cady about how much she loves her and how hot Cady is. Then she passes out on the couch 20 minutes into their show/movie with her head in Cady's lap
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colorisbyshe · 9 months
trans men can understand sweeping statements about cis people and how much cis people can suck/be annoying/be awful and will joke about it all day, sometimes even getting bold and making sure to tack on "cis" to a joke about women to make sure everyone knows ~they're punching up, not down with their misogyny
but the second a woman says "wow fuck men" it's a crisis and an awful generalization and haven't you considered that some men are oppressed on a different axis? that trans men exist???? that we're making them feel bad for being men?????????
like... time to let the hypocrisy go. women can hate men. as a treat.
we can understand that men are actually not a monolith, that sucking is not inherent to manhood, that in some circumstances women have privilege over men on other axes, but also that... men, on the whole, are our oppressors and hating oppression is... quite average actually?
a woman making a bitter jokes about a man ruining their day (month, year, life) is not impacting your life materially in any way. move on.
yes, sometimes man hating is a dogwhistle for something else, and that's bad, and we should talk about those dogwhistles specifically, but man hating on its own... is just a normal reaction to a life filled with misogyny. asking us to coddle you is fucking insane like idk grow up
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noshowjericho · 8 months
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disctober day 2 -"Disco"
"Ela partiu e nunca mais voltou" - Ela Partiu by Tim Maia
AHHHHH OH MY GOD THE RESPONSE ON THE FIRST DAY WAS SO POSITIVE IT BLEW ME AWAY!!! this is like the first time anyone has interacted with stuff ive made so im not sure if its within tumblr ettiquet to respond to every repost ive gotten but just in case its not: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH its what spurred me on to actually finish yesterdays drawing today and hopefully finish todays drawing aswell!! I think this one ended up a bit better than day 1's but its still evident that im primairly a portrait artist KDASDK love them dancing though<3 again: Thank you all so much!! means loads to me.
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list made by @ antropomorphis on twitter!
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turtlemurmurs · 10 months
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Art Fight attack for @v0mitbeetle of its Don't Starve character Watt and of course a lil Wilson, both off to do some science-y shenanigans :]
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no1ryomafan · 8 months
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Dropping an opinionated getter take in the form of a fucking meme because this is my true communication language. (I’ve been thinking about this fucker again after doing a rewatch)
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Y’know like, nyah
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noxchievous · 2 years
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Penny !!!! + one billie. Penny is so fun to draw by tha by it’s insane
don’t mind the bad lighting it is 2 am
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sysig · 9 months
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He deserves a bit of everything, as a treat (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Up front - that first one was very inspired by one of Kurole's sketches of him - absolutely spectacular use of shapes ahhh <3 <3#His iris dripping directly into his tears?? Excuse me I die immediately#I did a full study later since as noted that one was from memory lol - not quite! Kurole's shapes are so pretty ♪#Peeps' shapes are some of the funnest to move around! He's so stretchy and squishy lol#He's so fun to pose#At first I was just going to doodle Peeps in the outfit the Watchdogs drew him in for The Cartoon because cute!#But I figured it'd be easier if started with the actual shapes they used - dissect how they lay on each other and all that#Turns out the bean form is also very cute hehe <3 They can try to make him as stereotypically dorky as they want! He's still the cutest!#He is quite handsome in the same outfit at his usual proportions tho#Not me always enjoying characters in glasses/putting characters in glasses#Of all the features I myself have that'd be the last one I would expect to be So about lol#Plus the little heels on his boots?? I can't believe the Watchdogs were Completely making a mockery of him hehe ♪#Maybe mocking him a little bit for being short but he loves heels! He loves feeling tall!#And they match his shirt? Fashionable all the way around ✨#Last one of him on Ziziks and trying(? maybe?? Lol maybe not) to relax#Open tourist-y shirt over loose swim trunks >>>#Gotta dork it up with the visor gloves and boots tho lol hopefully he put on sunscreen too#What would burnt Watchdog skin look like anyhow :0 Redder?#You just know he's still on call even if he managed to get some time off - and if he was forced off he's on call by choice lol#Little workaholic
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againstthegrainphoto · 3 months
….for the record im so glad the kraken won, we ✨needed✨ those points……I’m so happy for gru getting a shut out…..
But it’s about to be pens photo time up in here…..so…..sorry not sorry.
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shallowrambles · 1 month
anon, the short answer is…not really. my block style is mostly merciful, i think. i’m also gifted with the ability to forget the faces and usernames of even users i DO like, so i rarely remember who i blocked after a certain point.
one thing i do despise when ppl reblog you en masse with walls of text, cluttering your feed, then delete their responses before you can reply, or act as if as if passive aggressiveness can be erased by signing everything with “<3.” i favor directness, and that is…the opposite.
but in that case too i see the person is usually troubled…and usually literally also torturing themselves w my blog and i feel like i’m doing them a huge favor by blocking. they get to save their energy!
#asks#sam fans and benny fans seem the most…troubled#sam fans do tend to be direct tho i’ll give them that#cas fans strike hard and fast#then leave you alone and do their own thing which seems…healthy#dean fans have the most gorgeous of the rose colored glasses#esp when it comes to hunting#gabriel fans and jack fans are my faves#chuck fans tend to be hall of fame for me#personally#dean fans are sometimes chill but like w sam fans if they have a chronic illness aesthetic i get wary#deans illnesses and emotions can get romanticized#and sometimes it rubs me wrong#it’s not a deal breaker some do it soooo well#dean doesn’t get a pass on his behavior just because his emotions and lack of self worth are tragi-beautiful#but that’s most my issue with illness aesthetics in general#i think the worst of the sam fans fall into the same trap#i also vibe hard w rowena and crowley fans#dean’s behaviors are always understandable but not always good#this is why many dean fans cannot engage w later seasons and jack it ruins the idea of perfect dean#or they have to twist it in being wholly jacks fault which isn’t so good either#same way benny fans cannot reckon with his cutthroat dismissive interactions w andrea nor the reality of his dangerous addiction#no one is right or perfect in this story#sam is the funnest to pick on tho#that’s what makes it good#hands down#but anyway all of the above is why ppl cannot seem to engage w imperfect mary either#she’s a fuckup! she have an outsized rxn to hunting feeling inescapable and tried to solve the world instead it was awesome imho
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clickityweasel · 1 year
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i can post this at last!!! since this session we’ve managed to connect via voice to the rest of the party split across hundreds of years (so the dm can stop running 4 individual sessions behind everyone’s backs) and also nerve has been living in an abandoned timefucked city eating tinned food and talking to himself, completely alone aside from the occasional check in with the others, for 54 days now <3
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