#but i haven't watched of/md and have no plans to
princesssarcastia · 7 months
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twogeeseinatrenchcoat · 4 months
Spaceship Short Stories
Yeah why not. Title is self-explanatory. I'll be bringing back my aborted plan for a spaceship story in favour of this because I want to. Also, I will be changing and retconning past work in this as I go. Don't expect anything to stay the same.
This is the official logbook of the Vchern'ixt, or Merchant and Delivery Ship 382. (382-MDS). We are, as our work tag suggests, an interplanetary merchant ship. This logbook will almost certainly be used by the crew, and knowing my crew, will not be taken seriously. I can only hope it will provide actual information, and I will hopefully find the time to add actual updates between the crew entries.
Entry 1: 218-4-7 (Kaylie - Pilot)
First week on the ship! Not much happened this week, few deliveries, some unnecessarily (but fun) dangerous asteroid-dodging. I think everyone else is still getting used to a human in board, they're fairly cautious around me. To be honest, I would be as well! I think their previous pilot was a lot more cautious than me. They've been watching me, though. Curious but cautious. I've tried to make some friends, be nice to people, but it's kinda hard when everyone half expects you to explode at any moment.
Truly, the worst part is that they don't have coffee here. I'll make sure to fix that with the first paycheck I get, Captain said that "you can spend your own money on your comforts. I'll spend the ship's money on the ship." So they're no help. Anyways, paycheck is in two days, and we dock for supplies at Kerroi-825B in... Whenever our orbits get close, so I'll be able to get my coffee then! For now, I'll live with the mimicry that Grömerg makes.
Entry 2: 218-4-10 (Grömerg - Medic, Chef)
My coffee is not bad, is it? I do not know if the taste is as it should be, though it smells like the sample you gave me. I'm sorry if it is [untranslatable]
Translator suggestions: Subpar, worse than typical, less than.
Entry 3: 218-4-12 (Kaylie)
It's not! I just prefer real coffee over synthetic, not a problem with you at all!
Update: finally got my coffee machine! And I remembered to buy coffee beans this time! It didn't take as long as I thought to find the "Human Items" section of Kerroirå Market (Fun fact: that's "Kerroi Market Market in Tychfing), and I was able to grab my coffee making items (coffee ingredients?) In time to not be left behind by the crew! Yay!
In other news, I was able to pick up a roll of duct tape and a knife for our beloved cleaning robot. Now I just have to fit Stabby with a camera to record everyone else's reactions to him. He is now one with the hivemind of Stabbies. Oh, and I grabbed the stuff I was actually supposed to. The boring stuff. It was heavy, but some people helped me load the boxes into the ship!
Entry 4: Galactic Year 218, Standard Lunar Cycle (SLC) 4, Standard Solar Cycle (SSC) 14 [218-4-14] (Ky'tchas - Secretary, Accountant)
Kaylie, what is your new creation for? It has caused several minor injuries, and I don't understand the purpose of the "laugh track." Or the confetti. Why do these only occur when it stabs someone? Are they incentive for violence?
Additionally, I will include the "boring stuff," or our pickup for the next delivery. We have picked up:
14 Planetary Leap Drives, 10 Warp Cores, 2 Wormhole Accessors, 24 Guard-8.6 Androids, 48 Holo-Screen 18.5s, and 36 Extragravitory Flight Suits.
These are important things to record. Kaylie, as the one who ordered some of the parts, you should be the one to relay them to me. As it is, you should have placed the order through me in the first place, since it is my job to place orders and file them.
You're new, so I assume you haven't heard anyone explicitly state this, though the captain should have during your viewing and explanation of the ship. Either way, I expect any further orders to be placed though me.
Entry 5: 218-4-18 (Grömerg)
Kaylie? Is it alright if I make a request of you? Please, I beg, slow down when flying. The food almost did not survive our last warp-jump.
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oldlovecassette · 11 months
Tag nine (9) people you’d like to know better
thanks @boshemians for the tag! “the trip” sounds like good fun TV and i might have to check it out
Last Song: “rather die young” by beyoncé which i woke up with stuck in my head since she sang it live on saturday (i’ll stop having mentionitis about this concert soon i promise)
Currently Watching: i started watching house MD with my family about a week ago and we’re having a great time bonding over one silly little guy’s love of medical malpractice. almost done the first season. lisa cuddy is mother
Currently Reading: franny & zooey by good ol’ salinger. unfortunately mirrors most of the complaints my friends & i have about dating and men in general these days lol. i’m also planning to finally start helter skelter the manson murders bible which i've had a copy of for nearly a year now (which weighs the equivalent of a healthy newborn baby). may not finish it til i’m in my 60s tho
Current Obsession: honestly i'm not obsessed w anything right now which is so weird and unusual for me. i'm just vibing and trying to survive and stay sane every day but i need something to be obsessed with. someone give me something fun to fixate on plz
obligation-free tagging: @phibes @bodyholly @sevenstarsinmypocket @deadband @paisanas @lvnalilly @strawmuncher @cosmikgoddess @frickinghot (feel free tho if you haven't been tagged and wanna do it to just take part / share some of ur current faves, i'm very nosy)
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neo-grey · 7 days
Haiii! My name is Neo, and I'm kind of new to writing.
(P.S. some characters for the shows will also be in the movie category)
these are who I am taking requests for:
The Flash:
Barry Allen/ Flash/ Savitar
Cisco Ramon/ Vibe
Dr. Kaitlyn Snow/ [Killer]Frost
Iris West/West-Allen (platonic for west-allen)
Ralph Dibny/ Elongated man
Joe West
Nora west-Allen (Barry's Daughter)
Harrison Wells/ Eobard Thawne
Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold
Lisa Snart/ Golden Glider (maybe)
Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow
Cecile Horton
Henry Allen (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Kara Danvers/ Supergirl
Mon-El/ Lar Gand
Alex Danvers
Winn Schott
Jimmy (James) Olsen/ Guardian
Kal-El/ Clark Kent/ Superman
Lex Luthor
Lena Luthor
Samantha Arias/ Reign (maybe)
Brainiac 5/ Brainy
William Dey (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Gotham: (I didn't get to watch it all before it got taken down so if you request these characters it will most likely be really bad )
Bruce Wayne
Alfred Pennyworth
Oswald Cobblepot/ Penguin
Jim (James) Gorden
Jeremiah & Jerome Valeska
Harvey Bullock
Selina Kyle/ Catwoman (maybe)
Theo Galavan
Jarvis Tetch/ Mad Hatter
Salvatore Maroni
If you think of more lmk!
The Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves/ Number One (1)
Diego Hargreeves/ Number Two (2)
Allison Hargreeves/ Number Three (3)
Klaus Hargreeves/ Number Four (4)
(Number) Five Hargreeves/ Number Five (5)
Ben Hargreeves/ Number Six (6)
Vanya (Viktor) Hargreeves/ Number Seven (7)
Lila Pitts (maybe)
Cha-Cha (maybe)
Raymond Chestnut
Sparrow academy
Marcus Hargreeves/ Number One (1)
Ben HArgreeves/ Number Two (2)
Fei Hargreeves/ Number Three (3) (maybe)
Alphonso Hargreeves/ Number Four (4)
Sloane Hargreeves/ Number Five (5)
Jayme Hargreeves/ Number Six (6) (maybe)
Christopher Hargreeves/ Numbr Seven (7) (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia (I love her sm. wish I had a Penelope In my life)
Elle Greenaway
David Rossi
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
Jason Gideon
If you think of more lmk!
Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch
Agnes/ Agatha Harkness
Geraldine/ Monica Rambeau
Ralph Bohner (maybe)
Darcy Lewis
Jimmy Woo
Dottie Jones/ Sarah Proctor (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Moon Knight: (Haven't finished watching)
Marc Spector*
Steven Grant*
Jake Lockley *
Arthur Harrow (maybe)
*I wasn't sure if I should put them together or separately so I just did them separate
If you think of more lmk!
The Boys: (planning to watch)
Soldier Boy
Billy Butcher
Black Noir (maybe)
Those are all I somewhat know^^
If you think of more lmk!
Temperance Brennan
Camille Saroyan (maybe)
Jack Hodgins
Zack Addy
Angela Montenegro
Matt Murdock/ Daredevil
Foggy Nelson
Wilson Fisk/ Kingpin
Karen Page
James Wesley
Ben Urich (maybe)
Vanessa Fisk (maybe)
House MD:
Gregory House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Allison Cameron
Eric Foreman
Lisa Cuddy (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
(I'm just going to name a few movies I know, not the characters)
Any Marvel movies
avengers ( Thor, Captain America, black panther, etc)
( I have NOT watched Shang-Chi)
Wanted 2008 ( Wesley Gibson)
The Princess Bride
Avatar & ATWOW
The Hunger Games
Maze Runner
RENT ( The musical)
Suicide Squad
FBAWTFT (maybe)
HTTYD (maybe)
Planet of the apes (maybe)
Spider-man into the spiderverse & across the spiderverse
Ender's Game ( haven't watched in a while)
Rocketman ( the Elton John biopic [I love E.J sm!!😍])
Labyrinth ( with David Bowie)
Fast and Furious
If you think of more lmk!
-Bands/music artists-
Tokio Hotel
Green day
Arctic Monkeys (maybe)
The Smiths
The Weekend
Motley Crue
Melanie Martinez (maybe)
Charlie Puth
David Bowie
AC/DC (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Things I am willing to write:
Smut Fluff Angst Platonic Reader-Inserts Comfort Humor ( I'm not entirely sure what this is)
Things I will NEVER write for:
Incest member x member character x character (its hard for me to do tbh) Rape/ unconsented anything Pedophilia Racism/ any discriminatory things
If there is anything that's not on this list that you would like me to write for send In your requests and if I don't know them I will try my best to do my research! I will also write for celebrities if you request!! As I said, if I do not know them I will try my best to do my research.
- Neo
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steamishot · 7 months
although there have been a lot of good moments this past month, i overall was in a funk. in hindsight, i was really disappointed with how the job search was going and a lot of my expectations going out the window. our plan of moving back in winter (aka now) looks more like summer of next year or later. i was in LA for three weeks and matt and i were semi-long distance. i felt really sad that after all these years of hard work, we were where we started: me in my parents house, him in a tiny apartment in NYC, and the future uncertain. i felt like we had nothing to show for all the years of sacrifice and it is embarrassing. also, being at home feels different recently. like there is some silent disappointment that we haven't moved back home yet and it keeps getting delayed (could be me projecting).
my ginger/headspace app from kaiser finally reactivated during a good time. i had a couple texting sessions with life coaches which were helpful. the main takeaway from this is that i became so tunnel-visioned on something that is essentially out of my control, and basically forgot to nurture all the things that are in my control. i felt like i had job search depression by extension. reading about how others were struggling to find a good job (and remembering that my own brother was unemployed for 8 months) helped me feel less alone. i am planning on doing therapy starting december since it is covered by kaiser when i'm in CA.
finally, i cried at least 6+ times in the last two weeks instead of holding it all in. i usually only cry a couple of times a year max. it felt very releasing, and i reminded myself it's okay to not be okay.
positive things
my cousin stephanie came to visit from TX and she slept over at my parent's house for 3 nights. it was so nice to get to know her a little bit more. i never felt close to her because she grew up a lot more americanized and i am naturally closed off, but there's also many commonalities by just being related. she and matt connected because they're both in healthcare. she joined us for hot yoga one day and was quite good
one of the days, my niece had a 102 fever. luckily, there were two healthcare professionals in the room. i went along with matt (MD) and stephanie (PA) to CVS to pick up an ear thermometer since we didn't have one at home
attended S&A's wedding. it was an intimate setting and the bride was gorgeous ;) got to finally meet the groom A and see J&O again after 3+ years. we really liked the succulents and food.
had a craft's day with G at her parent's house in east LA while watching twin flames and no hard feelings. we made felt ornaments that i later gave to my niece
went on a hike and ate dinner with matt's family at ho kee cafe.
got hai di lao and matcha with stephanie at westfiled santa anita. i gifted her my old coffee grinder, but my clumsy self broke the glass container at the last minute :/
had dinner at my aunt's house for veterans day. i got to see my baby cousin E who is taller now! i picked up cousin B from color guard practice. it was inspiring to see how hard these teenagers were working
as part of the long distance lifestyle, matt and i met up in norcal to celebrate his birthday. we stayed at alila ventana big sur and carmel valley ranch. alila, though beautiful, was TOO indulgent for me lol. due to it being all inclusive, we basically planned our days around eating at the same restaurant and i just felt meh and stuck. i much preferred our carmel valley ranch stay, where we were more active and got to explore the town
funny side note, we took a class called balance and fit at CVR and it turns out everyone in the class was at least 80 years old. the instructor was nice enough not to treat us differently haha
did a corepower sculpt class in redwood city before flying a red eye back to NYC
matt has an interview with USC next week. a few other places have responded: kaiser, UCLA, memorialcare and cedars. fingers crossed (but keeping expectations low)
i started watching abbott elementary and really enjoyed it. recently enjoyed the movie a million miles away. i also started playing chess on chess.com. this is me learning how to nurture other parts in my life i've been neglecting. i am literally learning resilience by playing chess. i have a tendency of not wanting to lose/fail, and rather give up than learning how to do better. but, here i am losing and continuing to try lol
thanksgiving: matt is on a hard rotation and it is his birthday on thanksgiving day. R&T mentioned hanging out but we haven't finalized plans yet. i have plans with T to watch marvels on friday.
black friday wishlist: manduka yoga mats, yogitoes yoga towels, breville bambino plus espresso machine to keep at my parent's house, fellow opus grinder (already purchased) and maybe a new kindle cover
note: life is much more enjoyable when i don't try and control everything. appreciate the here and now, because i might miss it once it's gone. having such rigid expectations will always leave me feeling disappointed. enjoy the journey as it is 70-80% of the process.
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Disney Plus just dropped a Pride Month Collection. Your thoughts?
I saw it and was HOPING someone would bring it up or I could slip it into a review because man oh man is this shit hilariously pathetic. Like last year's attempt at showing queer solidarity to earn some quick points:
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Still hilarous btw, it TRIES to show them as progressive.. while instead showing just how bad they are at doing representation.
So starting off we have the movie section
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It's not as hilarious as the other two, we'll get to that, as there are four full length movies in here making a gennuine effort as well as shorts.
That said two things about it stick out: the first is that there are ONLY four movies here. While I do thank Disney for not having the balls to put any of thier "first gay person" bs films in there, it does show that it took until LAST YEAR to put a gay character of note in a marvel film and that none of the others are huge relases.
As for west side story, which is indeed a film... that one's simply because Ariana Debose, who is wonderous, is nonbinary. Which is awesome, she is, but it does feel a touch pathetic to put a film in there JUST because the actor is nonbinary, especially when they didn't for any films that had other queer actors. I didn't see Cheetah Girls 1 or 2, College Road Trip, The Descendants Trilogy, Encanto, Kim Possible: So the Drama, Onward and that's just the handful I saw that I know have a queer actor in them. The list likely goes on past that. I mean if they wanted to i'd fully support it, but this feels less like putting a spotlight on ariana, like it should, and more like Disney going "oh shit we only have 8 things in this section quick pull another out of our goofy's ass!". So it's not TERRIBLE but it is pretty shocking just how little queer content disney has, as well as how a possible out, spotlighting it's queer actors, was never thought of beyond one single movie.
Now onto our main event
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It's beautiful. Stupid and self serving but beautiful. So yeah for starters like movie's it' slaughably sparse. It's not as bad as there's still a decent spread of shows and outside of glee I honestly can't speak for big shot, hsm the series, future president, doogie kamahola MD, or grown ish as I haven't seen them and only know jessica jones and runaways gayness by having read stuff. And on stuff I have seen I watched all of glee as it aired...
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Look I was a nerdy kid who loved music. It wasn't a hard sell and only became one as it slowly degraded into a blob monster of hit's former self. I regret nothing. But they had NOTHING to do with Glee's production so while not a bad grab, it had quite a few queer characters and decent one at that including Blaine played by my boy darren criss and Santana played by the late great Naya Rievera as my faviorites out of it's queer cast, it does come off as reaching. Owl House, while something they CANCELED, is also a stellar choice. Granted I also hope this means more yelling at them for it but still. We also get louder and prouder which not only had a standout episode I planned to cover this month but got bumped up thanks to don't say gay, REMEMBER THAT GUYS?, b
But then we get reachy. We have amphibia which DOES have gay characters: oliva and yunan, the IT gals, the "I don't clownface you" guys, and our main trio despite never gettin ga proper upgrade, it just feels lik e"hey this has a few gay characters" feels a bit of a reach.
But then we get to ENTIRE reaches. We have Star Vs which while heavily impling tom, star and marco are all bi or pan, never really goes through with it and in the episode section promotes just friends.. for showing same sex couples. It congradulates the show fo rdoing the bARE MINIMUM. We also get louder and prouder which at the very least has a gay character in the main cast
Then we have the biggest joke of all: Gravity Falls. They put the series they let have the BAREST BIT of gay content at the end in, that they constantly rejected ANY AND ALL gay content from i nthere.. from a guy who DIRECTLY AND RIGHTFULYL MOCKED THEM FOR THE EVERYONE'S WELCOME UNDER THE RAINBOW TWEET. It's a level of embarassment i'd be shocked a company had reached if it was anyone but disney.
Overall it's not that the rep is bad persay, ther'es some decent one, but only ONE of these shows has a queer lead and only a few of them are on mainline networks and one of them, and Glee was added again transparently for representatoin. It probably woudl've eventually but doing it THIS MONTH just makes it obvious.
But most hilarious, most damming is that they LEFT SHOWS OUT. Yes. REALLY. With a list this small they STILL forgot some shows had queer content. So in order
Andi Mack: THe most galling omission as one of the main cast members is gay, both in character and in real life, and was Disney Channel's first gay character I believe. Hell some of his coming out arc is outright MISSING from the service because disney wants you to forget they hired a pedophile to play the dad. Yes that happened. But it's not the show's fault. They coudln't of known he was a sex monster. Just my god
Big City Greens: Admitely it's just two side characters we see together and who are confirmed a couple in the valentine's special but it's weird that's fine for Amphibia but not this show to get put on there.
DuckTales; Now like the gravity falls one this would bite them in the ass a bit as they outright blocked saying Penny was gay.. but she still is and says she is best they could. Not only that you also have weblena and Storkules. There is no straight explination for eithe rof those.
The Muppet Show: Not only was Richard Hunt gay as hell, but you also had queer guests like Elton John on there. It' sbaffling.
The Simpsons: This is a BIG one to me, especially since next week i'm doing FOUR episodes of the show for pride as part of a bigger project. Not just plugging myself there either: homer's phobia was groundbreaking for the time, there's something about marrying handles how gay marriage was and the more recent smithers episodes with him coming out and finding love help recontexualitze what was once a "GET IT HE'S Gay" joke. The show isn't the gayest, i'll grant you but the fact two major supporting cast members are gay and the shows had a decent amount of queer characters, it's weird to not feature it or at least the gay episodes. And it's not the homophobia either: Louder and Prouder's father figures is all abou homophobia as are the black-ish episodes featured. there is NO excuse.
So yeah episodes are also a mess. My point here is that while Disney is trying.. they really haven't learned anything about representation and hopefully CAN.
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sapphicnsh · 2 years
I didn't wanna clog up the dash w me reblogging tia's post so im gna talk abt it here!!
Okay so from the context of why Dib works so well with Dipper is because they are very similar in a lot of ways but have very different strengths, and therefore can support each other. To explain quickly, Dib's motivations in canon are basically "expose zim to the world as an alien so they'll finally take me seriously (but mostly my dad)". All he really wants is his father's approval, who AHEM, is essentially abusive and i fucking hate professor membrane so much fucking fuckity fuck shit-- excuse me. Anyways everyone in his life writes him off as crazy for believing in the paranormal.
Dipper is also like this to an extent, he wants to impress a father figure (Ford) and towards the start of the show is depicted as slightly paranoid, so he can understand where Dib is coming from on that front. Also can you imagine Dib telling Dipper "my fucking classmate is an alien, here, look at these pictures!" and Dipper nodding, and going "yeah omg that's so cool!". Like I think Dib would start fucking sobbing. He just wants to be believed and respected and not shoved into the mold his dad wants him to fill, and Dipper believes him!
Coming from Dipper's point of view, he doesn't have very much self confidence. Of course, he does gain some as his character develops, but Dib would definitely be there to pick up the slack. He is extremely confident in the show, or at least lacks the awareness to lose confidence, and therefore is a lot more reckless than Dipper. 50 step plans? Hell no, he's throwing himself into situations without thinking of a way out at all. So basically Dipper's anxiety is an Immovable Object and Dib's recklessness is an Unstoppable Force. This way, Dib would pull Dipper out of his comfort zone and Dipper would reel Dib in a bit so he doesn't get himself too hurt.
On the similar side though, both of them are passionate and obsessive, Dib keeps tabs on Zim constantly and Dipper keeps up the journals so they both like logging their findings. I think to a certain extent both of them kinda want recognition for their research so I could easily see them publishing some of it together whether it just be in a book or an actual academic journal. They're both nerdy as fuck (but in different ways), Dib is good with machinery and tech while Dipper is good with organization and numbers. (Headcanon: Dipper tries to get Dib to play DD&MD with him but Dib's ADHD brain gets bored of all the numbers very quickly lol). They are both v good boys and I love them.
Most of this stuff is just stemming from canon and has nothing to do with the ADDITIONAL headcanons I have for these motherfuckers, so let's just rapid fire those: 1. Dib can cook, Dipper can not. If it wasnt for Dib, Dipper would be living off microwave spaghettios to this day. 2. Likewise, Dib cannot fucking drive, Dipper does all the driving for them. 3. Dipper is still kind of insecure about his masculinity even into adulthood, but Dib is rlly gnc and it kind of eases his nerves seeing that his partner wears all sorts of clothes and isn't questioned. 4. They both chew their pens. Ew. 5. Dib is always cold, Dipper is always warm, together they make the perfect human body temperature.
Those are mostly just general headcanons, I have way too many fucking aus and unless you want this essay to be literally the length of a novel I'll restrain myself. The main au I talk about (and am writing a fic for with my friend @/kuzakat), is the murder boys/murder boyfriends au, wherein Dib is a serial killer and Very Annoying and Dipper is just trying to get him out of his hair lmfao. Its basically a hannibal au by accident but blame Kuza for that because THEY watched it and I haven't, so for all I know they subtly shoved in hannibal details while I was none the wiser. UHH other than that I have my Farm AU, Telekinesis Au, Horror Au, Angel/Demon Au, and the Betrayal Au, but I might be missing some. So yeah. Ask me about my aus if you want I love talkin about them!!
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ihearttvsnark · 3 years
Hi, are you still watching Legacies? If so, I'm very curious what you thought about the newest developments, specifically Trybrid Hope, Rebekah showing up and Alaric dying(?) again? Or if you don't, when and why did you stop? Have a nice weekend!
Hi...it's complicated.
Technically, yes. I just haven't watched a single episode this season. But I plan on it...at some point. That said, I have been thoroughly spoiled (and I'm okay with that).
I'm so happy they finally turned Hope. I figured they were waiting until the end of Season 3 to parallel Elena. But it really dragged knowing it was coming and it still not happening.
I wish Alaric would die for real. And that makes me sad because he used to be one of my favorites, but MD and his backward politics has thoroughly ruined the character. Every time he's onscreen I just think about how difficult it must be for the actors to work with him knowing how hateful he is.
I heard Freya came back, too! That makes me happy (and want to watch...soon, maybe?). But obviously I was thrilled when I heard they got Claire. Their scenes looked great in gifs.
I'm also hoping we may finally get Hosie this season. Fingers crossed.
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