#but i would be happier if they didnt
littlelightfish · 2 months
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The hearts don't mean he is in love with no one. The problem with English is how vague of the word love is in his meaning. It envolves different kinds of caring in one single word. But I'll try to express here what I mean.
He cares, as a person, about everyone. This is a basic level of love that he haves towards everybody. He doesn't want anyone to actually die, that's what I mean. He doesn't necesarily cares about someone, but he loves them enough to not want them to die.
He starts befriending someone and gets to know it. He starts liking things about them and disliking others. He starts loving this people in another way, we'll call it liking. This is more a get-to-know phase he doesn't always like. The less he knows, the less reasons to get attached get attached he has. I think this are the kind of love the hearts show in the image. He has to make sure to keep a balance between how much he loves and how much he let's himself be loved. He doesn't want to have misunderstandings. He is in constant fear of "what if I made them love me more and they care more?"
And then it comes the deeply care that love is in the non-romantic way. This care a (good) parent has for his babies. The love that makes people suffer emotionally in an absolute different way from what it could be a heartbreak or a misunderstanding between friends. If something happens to the loved one, the pain is unbearable. It's one of the worst things rhat can happen. And Chilchuck knows this, he is father of three daughters, and his wife left him. She left, he knows the pain it is to come home and find it empty when there should be someone. He knows the guilt it comes with failing those loved ones. The shame. He doesn't like being this vulnerable. This love makes him suffer like no other does. So he is very very carefull of how much he allows himself to care about someone so he won't get to love like this.
He draws a line between work and private life because his private life envolves love and deep care, and he doesn't want to love nor care like this for people who's job is to constantly risk their lifes. He doesn't want to feel the anguish, he doesn't want to feel the loneliness it will come after the unenviable separation of the party.
He tries his best to not get attached to people. To not let people get attached to him. But he fails. He fails and falls downstairs with a whole drum set.
He can't help but to care about this people. He can't help but to love this people he's been living with the past few weeks in the risking of their lifes. He tells himself he's doing this for money and that he doesn't care, but he does.
Those hearts don't mean anything other than him caring about them. He cares about Senshi. He cares about Marcille. He cares about Laios. About Itsuzumi. About Namari. He cares in a way that hurts. He loves this people. He doesn't want to even imagine a world in where they are gone, or suffering, or in problems. They're his friends, they're something he, unwillingly, accepts as family.
He cares about Falin and Mickbell because he doesn't want them dead. He doesn't feel any anguish toward if they do or not get hurt after they're out of his sight. Sure, he cares, but he can live without thinking about them the rest of his days. It doesn't happen like that with Laios. He can't just simply let Laios go and follow Fallin just after he recover consciousness from a punch in the gut. Was it Mickbell, he would let him if he really didn't wanted. But Laios didn't wanted to sit and wait, and he had to care. He had to verbalize to himself that he cared. He had to let them know, so they would act accordingly. So they won't get themselves killed like idiots.
He doesn't want others to fall in romantic love with him. He doesn't feel romantic love towards anyone either. He isn't the man for this kind of love. He is, in fact, afraid of it. He doesn't want to fall in love, because he's still in love with his wife. She left him because he was negligent. But since when has this become the definitive stop for love? Chilchuck knows his wife is angry at him, and she has all the reason to be so! His husband, the one she loved and cared for, gets himself in dangerous situations, treats his body poorly and almost never is home. She loves him, and it hurts her to love like this, so she leaves. Like this she won't have to look at him get himself mistreated like he does. She would have the pull in her's stomach that tells her that he could be in great danger, that she could become a widow, but she tries to calm it with his daughter's mail to him. He could never. He can't imagine a world in wich they cease to exist. A world without his wife, even if she distanced herself, without his daughters, would be a world worthless of living. He knows this. Because he cares and he loves in such a deep level that he is scared of loving anyone else like this. To become so vulnerable to emotion. This vulnerable to something bad happening.
The fact that he is so afraid of loosing his wife, even after she left him, says a lot. He still cares about her. He is still in love with her. He wants to go back to what it was before, but he can't and he know its his fault. And he respects his wife's distance because he loves her. Now, he doesn't love her in the movie way, he isnt in love like a teenager would to his first girlfriend, he doesn't want to kiss her, or hug her, or be by her side at all moments of the day. He loves her. He cares about her deeply, deeply enough that he doesn't need to be by her side to care, to love. He also respects her. He can survive without her because he knows she's better with his daughter. For sure he wants to hug, kiss and be by the side of this person he loves, it would be ideal, but he can survive without thinking about it too much. It's just like with his daughters. They're all adults that now live far from him. And he is ok with it now. He sends mail and recieves mail, and even if he misses greatly, he can manage not to think about it. Because he knows she is allright. Because he knows he fucked up. He doesn't know where he fuked up, but for his wife to leave him, at least he knows he did. They never talked about it, because they both seem to have a problem in expressing themselves. She fell into a bad mood and then she disappeared. The amount of pain he must have felt it's... let's say it's quite big.
He keeps his guard up. He doesn't want to love deeply anyone. He doesn't want to feel the emptiness, the hurt, that comes after someone so dear leaves. He knows for a fact he'll be leaving this people. He knows that they could die. If he loves, it will hurt in a way nothing else hurts. He will miss. He doesn't like missing people he cares like this. This is why he doesn't want to love. This is why he doesn't want to be loved. This is why those hearts that are almost full are his main source of concern. This is why he makes the effort to keep this feelings at bay, to love only in the friendly way and with extreme caution.
But he can't controll his own love. And he ends up caring more and more about these people. He slowly makes him a part of the dangerous love zone that family means. He is afraid to confuse someone about his feelings towards them, so he still tries to maintain distance with his abusive remarks, but this only works so far. He loves and is loved. And because of this he will suffer.
I... I extended myself a bit I see...
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spacedlexi · 5 months
people who think clem surviving makes no sense are so funny. "they were literally foreshadowing her death the entire season" let me introduce you to the concept of a red herring. she tells lilly she isnt lee and shes right. the narrative was forcing her down that path, a path she saw as an inevitable fate waiting to take her too, but its a narrative broken by aj, who is also his own person and not S1 clem
"it happened to lee, and itll happen to you" lilly tells clem she'll die protecting aj from some mistake he makes, when in reality his defiance of her will is what saves her life after she had already accepted her fate. he breaks clem free from the lee cycle and they get their relatively happy ending. good for them
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celestialcass · 6 months
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Iris is very special to ART, it allows her curious cheek pats and she allows it to pick her up.
inspired by @rrainbowmagnet "I just want to stretch my arms out as far as I can to gently pat ART on its sparkly cheeks" don't we all
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the-meme-monarch · 30 days
been a hot hot minute since i grieved my cat phantom specifically but oh my god i need another black cat in my life. i miss him so bad
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urheartsamess · 2 years
i was working on a gifset and i realised that when vegas got shot and hit the ground he wasnt immediately unconscious his eyes were still opened….. u can see the confusion and the light slowly fading away yet the last thing he does before closing them is turning his head towards pete to look at him. and when theyre fully closed thats when pete actually starts screaming his name. he was looking at pete up until the end. i think i need a moment
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arom-antix · 1 year
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Y'all have probably seen @yaoiconnoisseur's incredible Red String of Fate illustration (if not, where have you been, go bask in it's beauty right now) and I mentioned that I loved it and had thought about doing a dtiys and they let me!
Truly an honour to get to draw such an iconic piece in my style!
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thefirstknife · 1 year
So I’m a little confused by the cutscene from today and I know you’re usually the best person to ask for lore stuff, are we absolutely sure this was the traveler standing it’s ground and saying “I’m here come and get me” or was the traveler going to leave and try and run?
Super hard to say. Really, we have no clue. We've not heard anything from the Traveler in a while. In a way, it feels definitely deliberate, making us come to our own conclusions about its actions.
Given the fact that it stayed the moment the nukes were gone, I'd say it was standing its ground. Or possibly trying to at least minimise damage. From all we know, it could've just left and kept going as far as it could, although it is true that the chances of leaving the system are almost zero. However, it could've probably avoided the immediate warsat damage if it flew further away. But it didn't!
The movement feels more like a precaution than anything else, especially with it hanging around in orbit. Ofc, it might still move again later, but for now it's still with us and that really says a lot.
A lot of people will probably call it cowardly or evil or whatever other derogatory names and I'll always maintain that they simply do not understand what the Traveler is or what it does.
The Traveler is its own being with its own feelings and character and goals. We do not own it, we have no inherent rights to it and we were never supposed to keep it forever. It should be free to leave whenever as its gifts to us have far exceeded any gifts anyone has ever received. People need to realise that the idea of eternal and rightful ownership of the Traveler and the idea that it should do what we say is the idea of our enemies.
The fact that it still hangs around with us (it could've left once it woke up after Red War or when it healed fully in Arrivals or even after Witch Queen and of course now) means that it chose to do so. And one day it may choose to actually depart. Perhaps one day when we defeat our enemies and it's safe to move around the universe and we're no longer in any danger, the Traveler will feel like it can continue on its quest. Until then, it is very likely standing ground with us.
But also keep in mind that interpreting the Traveler is the setting's most coveted ability and nobody has been able to do it without fail. Whatever its plans or goals are right now, we have no idea and can only extrapolate from what we already know. I think most are in agreement that the most recent move was a defensive action, for itself and for us.
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mintscampi · 5 months
i think. i need to take time away from interacting with peoplw for a little bit.
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n7punk · 1 year
At first reading City of Angels I was excited to see the trans Catra tag bc I'm trans and these stories mean a lot to me. As I got further in I was worried it'd only come up for the purposes of smut since the fic was rated E. In the end that wasn't case and I feel like you did a great job of having Catra be trans, having that not be the focal point of the story, and not having it come off as fetishistic. So thanks <3
ty! yeah, the point was that catra just is who she is and that's only a part of her life experience (and she gets to choose who she wants to share it with when the public so often tries to take things like that), so it's a facet of a larger catradora story focused on their relationship repairing like all my others. i got an ask when i started the fic that i never got around to answering (sorry, been low on spoons lately) because i've previously mentioned that same thing so the anon was asking how you "tell" when that's the reason, but it's really hard to verbalize. that is i think why it's important to have stories where smut is just a small part of it or not at all, though. like this fic is rated E because it gets so far Towards smut, but that was important to me because i wanted to include the discussion of what words she uses (and im glad i did since some people hadn't heard of that). i was honestly worried about rating it that high, but it was an aspect of dysphoria (for some people, i'll reiterate it's not a universal thing for all trans people!) that i wanted to cover and hadn't before.
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menalez · 4 months
once in school (maybe 8th or 9th grade) they made us watch this random vintage period movie for ''educational'' purposes and there was a rape scene in the beginning and the killing of an animal. i remember feeling so disturbed and also humiliated, considering i had to watch this in the presence of a bunch of school boys sitting right next to me. i remember feeling kind of annoyed the whole day afterwards and i just kinda had this uneasy feeling. now, i get the the movie was depicting war times and whatnot and i don't consider myself sensitive, meaning i can watch media or documentaries that depict certain level of ''real life'' horrible situations (tho i prefer to do it in my own privacy) but the way they had to make us watch it still irks me. cuz like you know schools avoid anything ''sexual'' and barely even give proper sex ed(if none at all, especially a decade ago and where i come from), but suddenly showing a guy raping a woman to a bunch of underage teens is ok, and that too without warning, like nobody told us there are gonna be any such scenes. like you know they would never show it so casually if it was the reverse.
thats so disgusting!!! im so glad that at least today trigger warnings have been more normalised despite the weirdos that were vehemently against it for absolutely no reason (not everywhere unfortunately but heres hoping). and especially showing a bunch of students in school some movie depicting women getting raped?! like teenage boys are already a menace and i know if it were in my school they probably wouldve joked around about it somehow. i remember back then people saying "omg i got raped by the exam" and "haha ill rape u" were saying something quite normal, so rape was viewed as a joke basically. and guys would make those moaning noises and sexually harass so many of us as a "joke". schools should be more responsible and doing more to protect the female students frankly, i dont know why on earth they think showing a woman being raped in a film to children was somehow deemed appropriate especially with the climate female children often face in mixed sex schools
im sorry u went thru that anon
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ittybittybeastiebuddy · 6 months
Staring into space wide eyed while an overlay of the birth of the universe plays
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hearties-circus · 1 year
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Oh yeah practicing pokemon with some rampardos solly:]
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mimiatmidnight · 1 year
Will you be commenting on the Taylor drama?
I love the way this was worded, like I'm one of the siblings on Succession and the press has cornered me outside my penthouse to ask if I'll be releasing a statement on my family's latest scandal. Hehehe anyways.
Sorry but I just don't understand how anyone is shocked. Truly what has that woman ever done to successfully convince people that this is out of character for her. Like I don't want to diminish anyone's pain or anything but I see all these stans on here and over on Twitter in all this distress, having their very first epiphanies like "Hold on . . . does Taylor . . . suck??" And I kinda just have to chuckle at them cause like bless your hearts babes, but omg catch UP 😭
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Lol because 1) she is a severely emotionally stunted person who thinks edgy British "bad boys" are hot like she's 12 years old, 2) she has no true deeply-held moral principles outside of issues that directly affect herself, and 3) truthfully, she seems to be suffering from a serious crisis of identity after the end of the longest and most significant romantic relationship of her life, and in my opinion is pretty clearly desperate to prove something to the world/her ex/herself.
The first reason is cringe but not news to longtime viewers, the second reason is pathetic but also not news (to those who can be honest with themselves), and the third is . . . understandable in some sense, but not pitiable enough to make me willing to humor this insufferable little episode she's having. I wish her luck on this humiliating rebound journey, but she is gonna have to walk that road on her own.
Normally, I always roll my eyes when people make these kinds of jokes, but given the circumstances I feel justified in saying: I can't wait to hear the breakup song about him, sis 🤡
#the great thing about disliking your own fave is that they simply do not have the power to disappoint you lol#like her stans (at least those who arent complete sycophants—which sadly is not most) are breaking down over Babys 1st Cognitive Dissonance#meanwhile im just over here chilling lol#ive also just NEVER been particularly invested in her personal life anyways so im gucci on that front too#i didnt even realize specific songs were about specific celebrity exes until *several* years into listening to her music#thats how unplugged i am lol#she is unusually extremely visible in the collective conscious right now cause of the tour and this insufferable PR blitz#but the absolute best thing for me is when she disappears and i dont have to perceive her -- the actual person -- outside of her music#and then it can just be me and my lifelong companion the fictional character “taylor swift” (c)(r)(tm)#so personally the only real threat this hangs over my head is the thought she might put him on an album#like that does strike real terror in my heart im ngl#ESPECIALLY any of the rerecords oh my god#and given the way hes been tailing her in and out of that damn studio . . . its not looking good for me kids 🥴#i cant believe she would be that dumb after making the same mistake with joe on folklore#cause even tho now she has to suffer the indignity of sharing a grammy with her ex (LMAO)#at least we can understand that at the time she thought they were in it for life#but if she pulls that shit again with a REBOUND??? just to like stick it to joe or further delude herself or whatever?#idk im gonna need interpol or somebody to step in and do something drastic like this is a cry for help#did you guys see that euphoria meme someone made about her deranged “ive never been happier!!!!” speech the other day?#it was SO funny ill go find it
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redrocketpanda · 7 days
Woke up this morning dreaming of riding a horse through a forest until I get to a big ass lake, and then getting off to sit by it and just stare out over its great expanse, listening to the sounds of The World
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jbt7493 · 14 days
going through my steam wishlist with hundreds of games that i have added over the years, many that i do not remember whatsoever, that are from a genre i have found i dislike, that famously disappointed, that have mostly negative steam reviews. some of them i note that theyre the sort of touching narrative that probably would have changed who i am if i had played them when i was like 14, but that im not sure i would really be affected by now.
Removes 20 Minutes Till Dawn and nothing else
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kendallroysmethpipe · 29 days
I genuinely do believe my mom when she tells me she's happy she got pregnant with me and happy she had me and that I saved her life or whatever but I also do know she'd be so much happier if she didn't have me
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