#but ik most of my audience here is for Welcome Home
arikihalloween · 2 months
Lately I've been reworking on all of my aus
I'm happy to announce that I drew the whole cast of my Soul Eater AU ! And Breton AU will follow
Next up would be Wakfu AU, and Pantheon, I'd love to finish the stain glass illustrations...
Which AU do yall want me to talk about first ?
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zv5x · 2 years
ik i answered way too quickly i have notifs on for u >_< buut id love if yan eddie is a creepy coworker of the reader, & starts telling people that they are dating bc hes so delusional, then starts holding the reader’s hand and insists on doing coupley things, meanwhile the reader has never even had a full conversation w him?
im so bad at formatting requests i hope this makes sense! go crazy i luv ur work
Yandere!Edward Nashton • Reader (Romantic Workplace Scenero)
(sry for no cool title I'm full and uninspired) but whhhhhattt? you have notifs on for my blog? That's so cool!!!!!! You guys are spoiling me with the praise. I'm happy to write this for you!! (Also I totally didn't ask for unwilling reader sceneros so I could have an excuse to use this image I just found shhh) tw // workplace harassment , stalking , delusional and toxic mindsets , use of the yandere trope , implications of future violence , violation of privacy , one sided affections , mentally abusive relationships
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"They didn't tell me the two of you were dating." The coworker whom just spoke let out a small "hmm" sound at the excitement of the man giving such news, and she sat twirling the pen in her hands around as the others among the group shuffled in place out of an awkward tension unseen by Edward himself.
"I didn't even know the two of you spoke before." Another chimed in with a quiet voice, almost able to be classified as a mumble, many of them however were too nervous to confront his mistake head on, fearful of the repercussions of such. Still, he sat smiling, kicking his feet in his chair in a way one would expect from a lovestruck teen girl rather than an adult man. His roundish face brightened at the very thought of his alleged partner, and he continued rambling about the aspects of their picture-perfect relationship up until the group turned to face the sound of an opening door.
Desperate for a distraction from what they thought to be the ramblings of a very sick man, their thankfulness at the new distraction was quickly ripped from their hands as they identified the one who gave them it. It was you, none other than, and Edward quickly jumped out of his seat to greet you. The look on your face said it all. Your coworkers could see the clear shock and confusion on your face, being faced by a man practically bouncing around you like a dog greeting its owner that just returned home after a long day.
The shock was clear on your face, and your brain was rattled with questions and concerns. You've never even seen this man smile before, let alone show this much excitement towards anything. He's never even spoke to you before, and now he was welcoming you to work, babbling about how thankful he was you got here safely. At one point, he went to grab your hand, and you pulled back with a nervous laugh. You turned, giving a desperate look to your coworkers, and their looks of fear, confusion and pity did nothing to answer your questions or at the very least ease your mind.
Edward tried pushing down your reluctant body language, he really did. But the way you ripped your attention away from him, even depriving him of the affection he tried to give you, it was enough to make his bright green eyes shine with confused tears.
"I'm sorry..." You said, trying your best to be polite. The cruelty of making your workplace an uncomfortable place was cruel to you, but your next words would be ten times as cruel to the man trying his very best to grab ahold of you. "Do I....know you?"
You could have sworn you heard your coworkers inhale, those words you just spoke were what they feared the most. They knew from the way his body trembled while speaking of you that he was horribly unstable, and many of them scurried away from their circle to return to their own workspaces, the sound of keyboard clicking acting as a backing track to Edward's steadily widening eyes. You no longer had an audience, many of them fearful at the hypothetical sight of a lonely, sick man scorned.
"Why...why would you...baby?" He rambled, the words he wanted to say unable to come out of his mouth. "Why are you acting like this?" His confusion was clear, and you couldn't understand what he could have possibly been confused about. You never saw him before in your personal life, and that was a fact your brain couldn't help but repeat over and over again, like a broken record a theorist is trying to decode rather than listen to for pleasure.
"What happened? Why aren't you-"
"I don't know who you are, sir. Please leave me alone." Professionally, you turned him down. He was clearly wrong mentally in some sort, so you tried your hardest to make your rejection as clear and concrete as humanly possible. Still, it didn't seem to resonate with him, and he seemed to stumble in place as he stood stunned. Looking back, he watched helplessly as you waved to your waiting coworkers.
Backwards glances and whispers were all he was given as a passing gift, and his breathing stayed unstable as he watched all of you socialize. You seemed...too friendly with them, and they seemed too friendly with you. The way one of them put their hand on your shoulder as the two of you laughed at a joke one of you made, and Edward's heart broke at the sight of your angelic smile which you freely handed to someone else. Someone that wasn't him.
Edward felt like his entire body was giving up on him. He didn't understand. Where was this sudden distance coming from? You were so happy with him before. All those times you got undressed slower than you usually did, all those times you rested at the far side of your bed, all the times you sung in the shower, Edward has no reason to believe it wasn't for his eyes and his eyes only.
He could barely even rationalize the steps he was taking, sulking his way to his own work desk as your words haunted his brain. Was it possible for love to kill a man? Stomp his spirit, enhance his bloodlust? Perhaps it was. If it came to such, he'll plant each of those coworkers that dare put their filthy hands on you in an early grave, as suited vengeance for the attempted murder of his love.
Fantasies about a world where you reacted differently danced along his brain. Maybe in another universe you wrapped your arm around him protectively, proudly calling him your precious boyfriend, kissing him on the side of his head as you spit venom at those who spoke of him the way they did, labeling a freak under their breaths among themselves and isolating him beyond what he thought was possible.
The pen almost broke in his hand from rage. How dare those rats spit upon the flower that was his adoration, how dare they rip you from his grasp and taint you. How dare they. This realization, it was enough to make him giggle to himself. Isolation was something he was more than experienced with, so what would hurt if he had you live that isolation with him.
Your brain has clearly been tampered with. You believe yourself to be a stranger rather than a fiance, and he knew precisely who was to blame for that. Edward would gladly have their blood stain the walls, and without hesitation he'd put their heads on pikes and place them along your garden, and then you'll know how much he finally loves you. You'll run into his arms, apologizing to him. He'll tell you that he's not upset, it wasn't your fault you were under mind control. Your brainwashing is your excuse, and that's what's stopping him from someday planting kisses upon your headstone.
For once in his life, everything felt like it was going to be alright. He knew that. He just had to clean up a bit. That's all.
You'll understand soon enough.
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pagingevilspawn · 3 years
Can you write a fix just full of jolex fluff or jo and Luna fluff Because I really need something from Thursday episode?
clair de lune
wc: 2.2k
pairing: none. Jo & Luna mother-daughter relationship.
summary: sweet little moment between jo and luna
rating: general audiences.
category: fluff.
warnings: tooth rotting fluff. (also, lots of time skips, but that's intentional)
AN: ik you requested this after 17x16 anon, but i hope this still works now! this is easily the fluffiest thing i've ever written, and i hope you enjoy! also, sorry my fics have been so short lately...but what can you do. (contemplated posting this in a couple days, but ultimately didn't. don't start thinking i'll start posting regularly now though haha)
“Welcome home Luna,” she says to the quiet apartment, reveling in the way it felt like a home. She sits on the floor, rocking the car seat back and forth while her little girl sleeps, her fist curled into the blanket Link had gifted her a few months prior. She uses her finger to trace the outline of Luna’s nose, giggling silently when it scrunches up in her sleep.
She glances around the apartment, large and spacious in the matter of there was no furniture in it. New things would be delivered soon, but for now she had herself, her little girl, a mattress, and a Pack ‘N Play, and wouldn't wish for anything else.
Luna squirms a bit in her seat, and Jo thinks she’s going to wake up, when she really just circles her hand around Jo’s finger that had fallen close to her chest.
She feels her heart clench, immediately scrabbling at her phone to capture the moment, breathing a sigh of relief when the picture is taken and her baby hadn’t moved.
With that, another photo is added to the album she had labeled under Luna, and she laughs to herself at the absurd amount of pictures she already had of her daughter.
After a few minutes had gone, she tries to remove her finger to get a snack, but settles back down when Luna’s grip around her finger just tightens.
She sighs, but it’s more of a promise to the words that she says next.
“I’ll never leave you, I promise.”
She was driving frantically through the streets of Seattle, rain beating down against her windshield as she made a turn. She bit her bottom lip anxiously, nibbling on it until she could taste the copper on her tongue.
Pulling into the parking garage she stops the car haphazardly into the nearest space, snatching her purse so quickly from the passenger seat it nearly whips her in the face.
While in the elevator she pushes the top floor button so many times it nearly breaks, tapping her foot against the cool marble tile. Normally, she would marvel at the way that the elevator had such flooring (three months of living there and she still wasn’t used to such luxury) but tonight it was the furthest thing from her mind.
When the doors finally slide open, she’s out of them so quickly she nearly trips over her own feet, brushing multiple strands of dark hair that had fallen out of her bun behind her ears and out of her eyes. She swings the door of her home open, not even caring to notice the sound it made when it banged against the wall, too focused on the cries coming from the nursery.
Before she even reaches the room, the nanny comes out, carrying a crying Luna in her arms, trying to calm her down with gentle words and hushes.
“Oh thank god,” she says, exhaustion plain on her features. “I've been trying to get her to quiet down for over thirty minutes now. I’ve tried feeding her, changing her, rocking her, but nothing’s worked. I called you as soon as I knew you would be off work. I’m so sorry Jo, it’s just that—”
“—Hey, hey,” she says gently, taking her daughter from the girl. “It’s okay, I’ve got it from here. Thank you, take thirty from my wallet,” she starts rocking Luna in her arms, the screaming cries coming slowly to a stop once she comes to the realization that she was in her mother’s arms.
The nanny lets out a sigh, “How—? I mean, I’ve tried everything, but—” she stops, tucking the money into her back pocket as she watches Luna’s cries settle down to soft whimpers.
Jo smiles gently, locking eyes with the younger woman, “Sometimes she just needs her Mom.”
They were currently in the middle of a very intense game of peek-a-boo, Luna giggling and clapping her hands like crazy every time Jo would reveal herself behind her hands, each grin from the little one bringing one to Jo’s face as well. She could listen to the sound of her daughter’s laugh all day.
After one more boo, Luna laughs so much she falls back onto the couch, squirming and kicking her legs into the air, and Jo scoops her up, blowing kisses on her belly and ticking her little feet. “Mama’s so silly isn’t she?” she teases snuggling her nose with Luna’s.
“Mama, Mama!” she babbles, clapping her chubby palms against Jo’s face.
Jo freezes, not even noticing a small tear had escaped her eyes until she sees it fall on the tiny girl’s onesie. She smiles immediately, her cheeks hurting from how wide she was grinning.
“Yeah baby girl, I’m your Mama,” she hugs her daughter close to her chest, placing tiny kisses on the tuft of hair on her head, letting her happy tears fall freely, her heart so full she felt that it could burst.
The happiness she felt in that moment was greater than one she had ever felt before, and she knew it was a moment she would ever be able to forget.
It was official, she was a mom.
“Mommy, mommy!” Luna squeals, running and attaching herself to her mom’s legs the second she walks through the door, latching herself on so tightly Jo doubted anyone would be able to pull her off.
She crouches down and takes her girl in her arms, brushing back her hair from her face, “Hi Lunes,” she places a kiss on her forehead. “I missed you, you know that?”
“I missed you too, Mommy!” the three year old grins, grabbing her mom’s hand and dragging her through Meredith’s house, into the playroom that had somehow held up over years and generations of kids passing through.
She pulls up a plethora of drawings, shoving them into her mom’s hands. “Look Mommy, I made pictures,” she uses her finger to point at the drawing, “That’s you, that’s me, and that’s Chewy!” she exclaims, stopping on a figure which Jo could only assume was their pet goldfish.
“It looks amazing baby,” she places another peck on her daughter’s temple, taking in the scent of her shampoo. Three days without seeing her daughter was torture, but now that she was back home she felt like she could breathe again.
“Make one with me Mommy, then we can be matching,” Luna reasons, already pulling crayons out of the box and displaying them on the table.
Jo looks up to Meredith in the doorway, who only grins. “Go ahead, all she’s been talking about for the past three days is how much she missed you.”
The brunette’s expression relaxes, “Thanks again Mer, I hope she was okay,” she says, using her green crayon to draw the grass in her picture.
Meredith only scoffs, “Are you kidding? She was perfect. She’s my favorite goddaughter for a reason,” she says as she picks up some stray toys that were scattered across the room and tucks them into the chest.
“Were you good for Auntie Mer, Lunes?” Meredith asks the girl, who only nods excitedly.
“Yeah! I ate all my food and I go to sleep early,” she picks up a brown crayon and starts to draw hair on her picture, tongue poking out of her mouth as she focuses.
“You did!” Jo beams, voice cheery and happy when she sees that Meredith had no objections to Luna’s words. “I’m so proud of you baby.”
A little while later, both Wilson’s are done with their picture, and Luna pouts when they put the two next to each other. “Your’s is better,” she whines.
“What!” Jo gasps dramatically, taking Luna and placing her in her lap, wrapping her arms around her . “I think yours is so much better than mine Lunes.”
Jo ruffles her hair, “Oh yeah,” she picks up the drawing and holds it up as if showing it in the light added extra flair. “This one’s going up on the fridge.”
Shaking her daughter gently, she brushes her hair out of her eyes, stopping briefly when she feels Luna’s forehead. “Wake up sweetie, you have to get up and I need to take you to daycare.”
Luna groans, “Mommy, my head hurts.” she winces, putting her hand to her head and squeezing her eyes tightly shut, her bottom lip trembling.
Jo’s face immediately twists into a frown, placing her lips to Luna’s forehead, pulling away when she feels the heat practically radiating off of her.
As if she could read her thoughts, Luna immediately rips the comforter off of her. “It’s too hot Mommy.”
Jo hums, concern pooling in the bottom of the stomach; even though all her daughter most likely had was a common case of the flu, the doctor in her couldn’t help but imagine the worst scenarios.
When Luna lets out a hacking cough, she immediately lets the girl bury her head in her chest. “Can I stay with you today Mommy? I don’t feel very good.”
Jo nods, “Of course baby, of course. I’m just going to call work and then I'll take care of you okay?” When Luna agrees she untangles herself from the girl’s hold, quickly rushing back to her room and calling into work, telling them that she wouldn’t be able to make it in that day. She prepares some saltines and medicine, carrying them back to the room where Luna was clutching to her stuffed bunny, another violent cough ripping through her.
She places the crackers down on the bedside table, eventually coaxing Luna into taking the medicine, which she tries to spit out not even seconds after she takes a sip.
“Let’s go to my room, okay? That way you can watch some TV,” Jo says softly, lifting her up and into her arms when she nods, grabbing the crackers for later.
When Luna finally settles into her bed, she curls up to her mom the second she lays down. Jo puts on Disney Jr, and a Puppy Dog Pals re-run plays, lulling Luna into a temporary state of peace.
The rest of the day is filled with lots of soup, crackers, blankets, ice packs, Disney Jr, and so many tissues the wastebasket had started to spill over, but when Luna gets up the next day, completely fine, Jo’s more than relieved.
And when a few days later, Jo wakes up with the same symptoms Luna did a few days prior, the little girl tries to take care of her mother the same way she did her.
Wiping a few stray tears from her cheeks, Jo does a final comb through of her hair, letting it fall into uneven waves. It was too early to cry, there would be plenty of time for that later. “Lunes, ready to go?” she yells, stepping out of the bathroom and sliding on her shoes.
“Yeah Mommy. We need to go now or we’re gonna be late!” Luna stomps into her room, arms crossed over her chest, bottom lip puckered out in an adorable little pout.
Where Luna got her sense of urgency from, she wasn’t sure.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Jo laughs to herself, grabbing her purse and slinging it over her shoulder, taking Luna’s hand as they exit the house. “Wait, wait,” Jo says, stopping outside the door and rushing back inside to return with a blackboard saying ‘First Day of Kindergarten!’.
Luna sighs, but takes the board anyway and holds it up in front of their apartment door, smiling for the camera. When Jo had taken enough, she grabs Luna’s hand again, running to the car with her.
It only takes a few minutes before they arrive at the school, and both girls rush to the line for Mrs. Blake’s class, thankful that they hadn’t gone in yet. Luna makes conversation with the little girl in front of her, Kayla, and Jo talks to her mom, Christy, thankful that she wasn’t as stuck up as some of the other parent’s around them seemed. It was a private school, much different than the ones she had spent her childhood growing up in. She had promised herself ever since she was little that whatever children she had would have a different upbringing than her, and she took that to heart. Even if that meant paying for a ridiculously overpriced private school, with preppy uniforms, and parents that had jobs ranging from lawyers to actors.
When Mrs. Blacks comes out, she introduces herself and lets the parents say goodbye, she feels the pricks of tears in her eyes, trying to no avail to keep them from sliding down her cheeks.
She bends down to her daughter’s height, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, letting it rest on her rosy cheek. She sighs deeply, biting her bottom lip to stop it from wobbling.
“You be good, okay Lunes?”
The little girl nods. “I will. Don’t be sad Mommy.”
Jo laughs, pulling her into a bone crushing hug, releasing her only to rest her forehead against hers. “I love you baby.” she says, and she knows she’ll have to let her daughter go soon, off to start a new adventure, a new chapter in her life that has really only just begun.
“I love you too Mommy.”
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benedictscanvas · 4 years
found - aaron hotchner
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k (i got a little carried away with this one!)
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, torture, serial killers, reader’s father was killed in a car crash, reader is the victim of emotional and (a small bit of) physical abuse from her mother, nice and fluffy ending
Request: i ADORE your writing. could you do a hotch x female reader where the reader works at the bau but comes from a really rich business family and a case comes in where her brother's gone missing because they want money from the family. they save him but the reader's mother belittles and slaps her, and the team stand up for her in front of her family and then later she goes to hotch's office and just some cute fluff because they've been in love with each other for years? ik it's weirdly specific lol
A/N: First of all, thank you! Also, never apologise for specific requests, it only means that I don’t have to think up an idea myself, haha, always a good thing! This one got away from me a little, but I just really loved how protective the team were of the reader here (especially my man Aaron). Love to you all, I hope none of you ever have to go through a situation like the one below <3
The weight in your stomach was beginning to ache now. Your mind was playing the events of the past few days over and over but you couldn’t work it out. You’d found him, you should be fine, and yet there was something still bothering you.
There was no way the BAU ever would have taken this case were it not for the connection you had to it, there was no point kidding yourself about that. It was on Tuesday morning that you had practically run through the bullpen towards Hotch’s office, ignoring the concerned voices of the members of your team and not bothering to knock as you burst in on him.
“It’s my brother,” you said, out of breath, clutching the door with a painfully tight grip as your chest heaved and Hotch stood from his desk. His face would have seemed as stoic as usual to most people, but you could see the worried lines around his eyes better than most people, “Someone’s taken him, I don’t know who, but they want money quickly and my mother won’t give them the money and-”
“Y/N,” he quieted you with his soft utterance of your name, and you gasped in for breath that you didn’t have. There were tears in your eyes, but you wouldn’t let them fall, “We’ll get everyone in the conference room, okay? Tell us all at once.”
You nodded, pressing your lips together and wiping a shaky hand down your face. He didn’t question you. Didn’t question taking the case. You had hardly told him anything and he was dropping whatever the hell he had been doing, and even in your haze of fear you couldn’t appreciate him more.
“Thanks, Hotch,” you said quietly, and he simply nodded at you, resting a warm hand on your shoulder briefly as he passed you to gather the team together. Not five minutes later were you telling the team everything, from the rich parents you’d never previously mentioned to your brother’s disappearance, showing them a picture of the ransom note that had showed up on your mother’s doorstep that morning. Not thirty minutes later were you on a plane to your hometown, sat next to Hotch on the seat of four and listening to him and the team bouncing theories around.
It had taken three days to find him.
Three days of you being worried to the point of sickness. You’d thrown up multiple times. JJ had been there the first time, swiftly following you into the bathroom after the toe showed up in the mail. She held your hair back as you emptied your lunch into the toilet, your tears simultaneously streaming into the bowl. But the second time was after your mother refused for the fourth time to pay the ransom to save your brother. You only made it to a bin in an empty room in the police precinct, but Hotch was right behind you, rubbing your back with a firm hand.
You only found him in the end due to a connection Spencer made between the original ransom note and the note that came with the toe, an inconsistency that led Garcia to a name and you to an address. It all fell into place quickly, like it often did, and soon the two culprits were in cuffs, your brother was sent off in an ambulance and the case was closed with no lives lost. It should have been a good day.
But still, now, as you sat in the front seat as Hotch drove you to the hospital your brother had been taken to, your stomach was swirling with doubt and anxiety and you knew exactly why.
“You don’t look too happy,” he commented in a low voice, even though there was no one else in the SUV except for the two of you. As soon as your brother was taken away in the ambulance, your mother jumped in beside him and you were left on the pavement, before Hotch placed a hand on your back and jingled the keys beside you, spurring you into action, “Your brother will be fine, Y/N, they’re only taking him as a precaution.”
“Oh no, I know,” you said flippantly, turning to Hotch even though he kept his eyes on the road, “He’s a strong guy, he’ll take this in stride. There’s just something...else.”
You wondered whether you should tell him. It was a thought you dismissed as soon as it came. You and Hotch were close, closer than anyone else really realised, and if you told him there was no telling what he might want to do about it. There was nothing to be done, though, and so there was nothing to be said either.
“What is it?”
“I just-” you figured out your lie, needing it to be half-true so he wouldn’t see through it, “I don’t think it’s sunk in yet that he’s safe.”
He nodded, but didn’t say anything. It was a sign that he knew you were lying, that he was waiting for you to crack and tell him the truth. A trick he’d learned from you, actually. Sometimes, you stayed late with him to help him out with paperwork, try to get him home a little sooner and you talked. You talked a lot. And whenever you’d ask him how he was, or whether something was bothering him and he would lie you would nod and go silent, waiting for him to speak again and inevitably reveal the truth.
It wouldn’t work on you this time. Instead, the rest of the drive passed in a slightly uncomfortable silence and when you got out of the car, the two of you headed into the hospital without words. Guilt poked at your heart but you pushed it away as you were given directions to your brother’s room and took purposeful steps in that direction.
Just as you reached the door, you pushed open the door to join him, your mother and the nurse that was checking him over.
“Hey little-”
“Y/N!” your mother cried, rushing over to hurry you out of the room again and you caught a glimpse of your brother’s apologetic glance before she was shutting the door in your face, “Can we have a word?”
The weight in your stomach was getting heavier by the second.
“I’d really like to see my brother and check he’s okay,” you said, tone clipped and formal. You felt Hotch’s presence a little way behind you, watched your mother’s eyes flick between you and him with disdain.
“And I would really like a word with you,” she said, her voice different to how it had been. She had an audience now, you thought silently, and fought the urge to roll your eyes, “If you wouldn’t mind talking to your mother.”
She was trying to make you look bad and you knew it. You tried not to, but you could feel your embarrassment rising despite yourself. There was nothing to be embarrassed about and you knew it, but having Hotch there watching your mother talk to you like this, no doubt profiling you both made heat creep up the back of your neck.
“Then let’s find somewhere private-” you attempted but she cut you off.
“No, we talk here.”
It had been her favourite method of doing things when you were younger too. As soon as your dad died, she began subtly belittling you in the house. Blaming you for his death was the only way she seemed to move forward, even though you quickly accepted that just because you had been in the car when he died didn’t make you at all responsible.
But it was when you went out with her that she truly came into her own, having the free reign to humiliate you as publicly as possible, making sure that other people heard it. You hadn’t seen her in a few years. You’d forgotten how difficult it was, even now, to avoid reverting back into that childlike state when she looked at you like that.
“Again. Again, someone has hurt our family and again, you are the one responsible. Do you enjoying seeing me suffer? Is that was this is, Y/N?”
You stared at your feet and set your jaw. It was difficult to know whether to shout at her, laugh in her face, or start sobbing on the ground. You’d tried all three before. Nothing worked. And now - oh god - and now the whole team had rushed into the hospital to check on you and your brother and you turned your head a little to see Hotch hold up a hand to stop them from saying anything behind him. You bit your lip. The taste of copper filled your mouth with a welcome, distracting bitterness.
“How could this possibly be my fault?” you asked incredulously, looking up and meeting her gaze with all the anger you held towards her for so much of your life, all the resentment. You hoped none of the fear shone through alongside it. Apparently, your rage meant nothing, as she simply laughed, the hollow sound a haunting nostalgic tune.
“You’re meant to be a fucking FBI agent, and yet your brother has come home without two of his toes and one of his fingers,” she said, still laughing, shaking her head in disbelief at you, “You couldn’t find him in time.”
You were seething.
“If we hadn’t found him in time, he’d be dead. Things don’t always end this well, mother. He’s lucky,” you ground out and she reared back, stung.
“Lucky? Are you out of your fucking mind?”
“Mrs Y/L/N-” Hotch began, and you heard him take a small step forward behind you. You winced. You knew what was coming.
“Oh, Agent Hotchner,” she said, her tone sweet again and you felt your stomach churn. You were beginning to feel lightheaded. Your serial killer catching team were right there and you were being scolded by your mother. Don’t cry, you pleaded with yourself, “You must be so tired of dealing with my daughter and her lack of empathy. Thinking that her own brother is lucky when he’s been severely deformed, I mean, the lack of-”
“Severely deformed?” you said, chest heaving as you stared her down, “Sam is fine. He will be fine. He is not deformed. All thanks to me and my team. My amazing team, who do not want to see any of this so can we please-”
Part of you was hoping that maybe some of them would take your hint and leave, just so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in front of your colleagues anymore, just so you wouldn’t have to handle them losing all their respect for you. But there were no footsteps.
“We’re not going anywhere. You’re not seeing your brother. I won’t let you hurt him more than you already have-”
“I have never hurt Sam in my life-”
“You know you’ve hurt him more than anyon-”
“For fuck’s sake, mother, I didn’t kill dad!”
She slapped you. Actually slapped you right across the face and your head whipped to the side. She’d never done that before. Perhaps she’d never had the heart when you were younger, or maybe you’d never actually said the words before, you didn’t know. You clutched your cheek as you kept your eyes downward and felt the tears staining your cheeks. Fuck.
You were already planning your resignation from the BAU in the stunned silence of the corridor.
JJ was first to run forward, putting an arm around you.
“Are you okay?” she murmured in your ear and you simply nodded, shrugging her away from you a little in your embarrassment.
“Don’t you ever mention your father to me,” she said, her voice dangerous, but you still hadn’t looked up, couldn’t fathom giving her the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You wanted to scream at her, slap her right back, maybe slam her against the wall but you knew none of it would help. You hardly had any dignity left as it was.
“You know what, Mrs Y/L/N,” Dave spoke up into the silence and you closed your eyes, hoping he wouldn’t say anything too bad, “I was wondering why you wouldn’t pay the ransom. I thought maybe it was the principle, or perhaps you were worried they’d just ask for more. But, I get it now.”
“Yeah, me too, Rossi,” Derek chimed in, “Now it’s easy to understand. Your kids simply aren’t worth anything to you.”
“Excuse me?” your mother’s voice was higher in pitch and part of you was worried she might slap them, but you knew she didn’t have it in her. JJ was still hovering behind you.
“You have two wonderful children, Mrs Y/L/N,” Emily continued, “Sam’s a doctor, the perfect child and yet the only value he has to you is in the bragging rights he provides.”
“And Y/N? She’s one of the best agents in the bureau. She cares about people-” Spencer’s voice cracked and you blinked out a fresh wave of tears, “-she cares so much. She’s one of the best people I’ve ever met. If you can’t see that, then it’s your loss.”
You finally stood up straight and looked to your team with eyes full of shame. Your cheek was no doubt a different colour to the rest of your face, tear stains galore, eyes puffy. No moment was worse, than seeing them all staring at you with pity in their eyes, and yet the warmth you felt radiating from them was stronger than any feeling you’d ever had from your family. This was your family, after all. Your real family.
“Y/N’s one of the best people I’ve ever met too.”
“Same here.”
“Me too.”
Came the replies from your team. You let out a shaky exhale as you stared at them. Thanking them and apologising to them all at once with just the look in your eyes. Your mother was still silent, clearly shocked that anyone could possibly care about you like this, let alone a whole group of people.
“She’s the best person I’ve ever met,” Hotch spoke up and when your eyes snapped to his, you didn’t see pity. You saw that fiery anger that he usually reserved for the lowest of the low. And yet now, he was staring at your mother with that stare that made killers recoil in their seats. She looked horrified, “And she’s going in that room to see her brother. You will go outside and wait until we’ve left. Then, and only then, can you come back inside this building.”
“That’s an order from a federal agent, Mrs Y/L/N,” his voice was hard and unfaltering and you saw his hands clenched at his sides, longed to prise them open and slip your fingers in between his, “Rest assured that if I ever hear you speak to Y/N like that again, I will make your life a living hell. You’re a lawyer, right? I pull some strings, and you’ll be out of a job before you can blink.”
“She’s my daughter and I will-”
“Go outside.”
You surprised yourself when you spoke up. But the anger that boiled inside you had bubbled to the surface and now, there was no stopping you. Your team were behind you, literally, figuratively, in every way possible. It was enough. You weren’t a child anymore.
“I said, go outside. I don’t want to see you again, are we clear? We’re done,” when she just stood there dumbfounded, you pointed towards the exit and took a step towards her, your heart leaping when she took a step backwards, “Leave.”
And just like that, she left. She had to walk past every member of your team on her way and they refused to move out of her way, so she had to squeeze past each and every one, mumbling to herself the entire time.
She was gone and silence enveloped the little corridor to the private room yet again.
“And don’t come back,” Dave muttered, causing you to finally crack a smile in his direction, which in turn made him smile, and the rest of the team, even though they were hesitant. You wanted to say thank you, but you weren’t sure you had the words. You were so damn tired.
“Hey,” JJ spoke up beside you, a hand on your shoulder, “Go see your brother. You want to stay for a while? We can hold the jet.”
You shook your head.
“I’ll see him quickly,” you said, “I just want to go home.”
Everyone smiled again, more sympathetically and Hotch spoke up, his voice back to his normal voice around you. It was your favourite version of him. Soft.
“We’ll be right here when you’re ready.”
You nodded gratefully, turning and heading into the room without another word, because you didn’t have anymore. You just said a quick hello to your brother, gave him a tight hug. You’d never been close, the torment you’d been put through by your mother he had been immune from and it had put a rift between you. You’d never understand each other. But he was your brother, and you loved him all the same, so you wished him well and told him to call more often. When you left the room, true to their word, the team were still there and led you out of the hospital to the SUVs, shielding you with their bodies from your mother outside. You didn’t even see her.
There was no talking in the SUV. Hotch drove, Derek in the front beside him and you sat in the back with JJ. She insisted. Halfway to the jet, she reached over and grabbed your hand, not even looking over at you and you squeezed it gently. You were grateful for the grounding touch.
It was only back on the jet that someone spoke up. Hotch was busy in the kitchen. But everyone else was sat around. You were sat beside Spencer at the table, with JJ and Rossi opposite. Derek was sat on the couch nearby and Emily perched on an arm rest just so she wasn’t sat too far from you.
“When did it start, Y/N?” Derek asked once the plane had been in the air for a while, earning some sharp looks from JJ and Emily but you waved them away.
“It’s okay, guys, it’s not like I can hide it now,” you said, having calmed down significantly on the drive to the jet, JJ’s touch and the hum of the engine comfort enough to decrease your heart rate, bring you back to earth. Your shame was still there, but you had tucked it away for later. Right now, you wanted to salvage as much of yourself as you could, “As you guys know, my dad was killed in a crash when I was 12. But what you don’t know, is that I was in the car and that my mother blamed me for it. She made everyday after a living hell. I moved out as soon as I could and never looked back. I’ve not seen her much since, just family events and such, but she’s always the same.”
They all had varying looks of anger and sadness. Spencer asked the question on everyone’s minds.
“Has she ever…?”
You didn’t make him finish, because you knew the words would be difficult for him.
“Hurt me before? No, she hasn’t. I don’t know what was different this time,” you shrugged, subconsciously reaching up to gently touch your cheek, “I don’t think I’ve ever said outright that I didn’t kill him before.”
“But you know you didn’t, right?” Emily asked without thinking and you smiled at her.
“I’ve always known that,” you said honestly, “It would have been so much worse if I’d believed her, but I always knew she was wrong.”
Hotch emerged from the kitchen with an ice pack and you smiled at him a little, relaxing when he offered a small smile in return. You expected him to hand it to you, but to your surprise he sat on your armrest right next to you, your arm pressed against his side. He brushed your hair away from your face with gentle fingers and placed the icepack on your cheek, apologising under his breath when you winced from the cold sting.
“That’s what you were worried about in the car then,” he mused aloud, gaining the attention of everyone on the plane, “You knew what was coming.”
“Somehow, I did,” you grimaced, looking up at him, “And I’m sorry you had to see it,” you looked around at everyone, “I’m sorry you all had to see it. It’s so embarrassing and degrading and...well I understand that your perception of me must have changed but I assure you-”
“Woah, woah,” Derek interrupted, “The only way my perception of you has changed, honey, is that you’re stronger than any of us knew.”
When you looked at everyone else around the plane, they were in agreement with Derek, it was clear. You felt yourself welling up again, and cursed your weakness.
“I can’t thank you guys enough for what you said about me,” you began, voice shaky, “It just...it means a lot. I’ve never had a real family before.”
“Well, now you do,” Dave said simply, watching you with those kind eyes of his. You nodded with a smile before Spencer produced a blanket from behind you, offering it up to you if you wanted to sleep. You accepted gratefully, laughing a little when Spencer and Hotch on either side of you helped to tuck it around you snugly. Your laugh was a sign to the team that they could relax. That you’d be fine. As you fell asleep, you felt Hotch lean into you a little more, still holding the icepack on your face, and the knowledge he was there was enough to lull you into slumber.
Spencer woke you gently and told you that you’d landed. There was no one left on the plane, but you’d trapped him into the window seat. He waved you off when you apologised.
“You’re really important to us, Y/N,” he said, letting a few walls down now that everyone else had gone. You knew it must’ve been hard for him to hear her say those things to you. You’d talked about childhood bullying before, helped him to work through his own without telling him your experience. He’d probably feel guilty that he hadn’t known, but you pulled him into a rare hug.
“You’re important to me too, Spence,” you said, knowing that he’d really meant it personally. You felt his smile against your shoulder and grinned at him sleepily when you pulled away, both of you making your way off the jet. You walked into the office and shared compulsory hugs with the rest of the team, including Dave who you didn’t think you’d ever hugged before. When the hugging was over and people began to make their way home, you looked up at his office.
He was leaning against his desk. Not working. You knew he was waiting for you, so you hopped up the steps and let yourself in without knocking, letting the door close behind you with a soft click.
As soon as the door was closed, his shoulders fell and his posture became hunched.
“Hearing her talk to you like that…”
He trailed off and your heart melted. You walked towards him and rested your hands tentatively on his biceps, feeling the muscles relax at your touch.
“Hotch,” you breathed, “We’re home now.”
“But I didn’t do anything,” he said, eyes flashing upwards to meet yours and that anger seemed to be back, but it was directed inward, “She was saying all this crap about you and I didn’t even do anything, I didn’t want to intrude but then she- she slapped you, Y/N.”
He was talking in facts, a trick he used to take the emotion out of situations in which he got too emotional. You recognised it in an instant. The small protective edge he had for you was one that you shared for him, so you noticed these things. Made a habit of it.
“I know,” you said, nodding, “But that icepack did the trick in bringing the swelling down- look.”
You reached down and grabbed his hand, bringing it up to rest on your face. You knew it wouldn’t hurt. His touch was so hesitant around you, always worried to overstep a mark that you wanted him to leap over. Now, seeing him care about you made you bolder than you had been with him in the years you’d loved him.
You’d realised you loved him, actually, really loved him about two years ago. It had been three for him. Two beings hopelessly devoted to one another, yet kept apart by paralysing fear. You were kind of over it.
You leaned into his hand, but he was the one who closed his eyes and relished in the touch.
“You took care of me,” you whispered into the relative darkness of his office, lit only by the soft glow of the overhead lamp, “See?”
He shook his head with a gulp.
“Shouldn’t have let it happen in the first place.”
“What could you have done?” you asked, smiling, “Slapped my mother first?”
He cracked a smile at that and his chuckles joined your own giggles in a few seconds.
“I wouldn’t have done that,” he insisted and brought his other hand up to cup your other cheek in an act of boldness spurred on by your own. Perhaps he was tired of not just being with you too. God, you hoped so, “You looked so...ashamed afterwards and you had nothing to be ashamed about. All I- all I wanted to do was take you in my arms and take you away from there.”
He’d never spoken like this before. You basked in his words, enjoying the pleasant tingling that had erupted down your spine. You were feeling lightheaded again, but this time you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“A nice thought,” you hummed, “I think I could get used to being in your arms.”
“Yeah, I think so,” you were breathless as you leaned closer to him, because now you’d had some of him it would never be enough. You needed it all. You needed every bit of him, because now you knew it could be yours if he said it. You needed him to say it.
“You wanna know something?”
“I really, really do.”
You were getting closer with every word. Breathier with every passing second.
“I’ve loved you for years,” his lips brushed against yours as he whispered the key to his soul, “And nothing hurts me more than seeing you in pain.”
You closed your eyes and brushed your lips against his again, fleeting, a promise.
“I’ve never loved anyone like I love you,” you gave him your soul in return, because it was the fair thing to do, after all.
He pressed his lips against yours properly, for the first time. All at once, the world tilted and you had found a new course for the future, one where you hoped Hotch - Aaron, as you moaned when he began a path of kisses along your jaw - would keep kissing you like this for a lifetime.
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 4 years
I was tagged by @stusbunker. Thank you and also stuff you, this is tough! But fun, as I got to dig up some stuff from the last year. 
Which of your fics…
…did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got?
Highway of Regret. 100%. It was what I consider my first (and only to date) Winchester brothers canon gen fic series. I got really good feedback from the people who did read it, but for the most part it didn’t make a ripple.  I wrote my heart out for that one, I really did. At first it stung a little (needy writer mode, I know) but I came to realize that I needed to write that story, and I love it, and neither of those things have anything to do with notes or feedback. 
…got a better reaction than you expected?
Two different Dean one-shots that I wrote more or less on a whim. Each one I was afraid to publish for fear of reaction. It wasn’t the sexy swooning hero Dean, more of a broken and very human Dean. Ultimately the feedback I got was deep and very meaningful to me.  Serenity - 500 words, a Dean in AA ficlet A Great Dad - 1000 words and a pregnancy scare
…is your funniest?
A Very Good Bed 1200 words of Ikea fluff, Sam x Eileen with platonic Dean. 
…is your darkest or angstiest?
Angel: A Lament This was a really tough one because I dont really write dark and angsty. Every long dark night has a dawn, and every bit of angst more than makes up for it with fluff at the end. Even this one is more prose poem than angsty fanfic. 
…is your absolute favorite?
Taken By The Wind: A Sam x Rowena love story I love this one with my whole heart, you can see so much of my own journey as a writer and as a person, and I just love this OTP so much.  My favorite chapters are Green Velvet and Taken By The Wind 
…is your least favorite?
I try very hard to maintain an attitude that every story played a role, to embrace the progress without being ashamed of the past. That said, there are still a few out there that, when I see them getting reblogged, I think “Oh god not that. A One Night Offer is definitely one of those.
…was the easiest to write?
The easiest thing for me to write are the fluffy one shot requests, especially when I get a song or gif along with the request. It’s not that they don’t matter, but I’m writing them to make someone else happy, so it usually doesn’t require as much digging and self reflection. And of course, they always turn out to be surprisingly popular.  Long Distance Lullaby is not one of those. It was both easy and excruciating, as I sobbed it into my voice-to-text one morning on the way to work. It was in the early days of the pandemic as well as my marriage breaking up and I just needed some comfort. I got a bit tangled up in endings and graphics and opinions, but looking back, there was something really painfully pure about writing it. 
…was hardest to write?
May Be Home I had been writing fanfic for an entire 3 months when decided to write this 15 chapter series that included an au rockstar!Dean, an OFC, and more sex and emotions than I was really equipped to write. It was hard, because I was growing. But I treasure it now, because I wouldn’t be half the writer I am if it wasn’t for this story, and all the work that MJ put in with me on this piece. 
…has your favorite lines/exchange/paragraph? (share it!)
I didn’t set out to write fanfiction. At first they were just stories I told myself. And then they got too big for that, and here we are. But some of my very favorite lines come from my series No Lover Like A Hunter, if for no other reason than they lived so long in my heart and mind before I ever wrote them down.  Dean found himself watching Jody as she talked. In the firelight,  she was radiant. Her high cheekbones and straight nose were striking in the shadows. The flames leapt in her dark grey eyes when she laughed and played in her messy hair, streaking the salt and pepper color with golden light. He had never seen her quite like this- so soft and desirable. Eventually, they settled into comfortable stillness. ... Dean’s voice was husky and certain, “Disappointed? Hell no.” He leaned back on the couch and reached for her, “You’re magnificent, Jody, everything I dreamed of and more.” ... Dean and Jody lay on the floor, facing one another. They gathered pillows and blankets around them until they were comfortable. The firelight played over their faces, warm and flickering. There were so many things that could have been said, but none of them needed to be spoken. They knew one another now like never before, inside and out. And from Pt 2 “So,” she murmured between kisses, “Last time- wasn’t a mistake?” Dean pulled back and looked at her, his green eyes locked on hers. “Jody, baby. You would never be a mistake.” ... Jody shivered under his touch. Her hunter’s body was strong and scarred, but her skin was like velvet. Her legs went on for days and her face, lit up with desire, was straight from his dreams.
Do I sometimes wish I had a little more experience under my belt before I tackled this pairing (and eventual threesome)? Yeah, of course. Do I regret it? Not a word. I love this story. 
…have you reread the most?
Celebrations: a Sam x Rowena holiday series I love this one because it’s an au where the two of them are together and happy. He’s still a hunter, she’s still a witch. But they get to enjoy the little things like good food, online shopping, gift-giving, and all the other soft and lovely sparkly things.  Also, I can’t reread these stories without recalling the feedback from Lou and Val, which is a treat in itself.  
…would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time?
If I can convince them to read it, Sam and Rowena, anything Sam and Rowena. (just ask Kathy.) 
For Sam one-shots tho: Like Art, Like Fire or Welcoming Him Home
For Dean one-shots (which are much more popular): Whiskey Glasses or Stay
Also, it’s a bit of an odd one out (again not that popular) but I feel like Looking for A Black Cat actually hits most of my non-smutty high notes. 
…are you most proud of?
I’m proud of all of it. I’m proud of the fact that I’ve written as much as I have, improved as much as I have, that I’m still out here learning and growing. I’m proud of the fact that there is a little bit of my heart even in the easiest requests, and much more so in the personal stories. 
I’m less proud and more grateful for the community that I have discovered through fanfic, for the very real friendships and support that extend beyond the stories. 
If I have to pick a story tho, I will say I enjoy this one for a lot of reasons: Lucia
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a-trainers-tale · 4 years
Nyz paid request
:: nyz ::  Hello!! I would like to request for a paid pokemon trainer description!! I'm sorry in advance for the long messages that are about to ensue but I hope they can give you a clear depiction of who I am and will make your decisions easier and more precise!! uwu  I'm a 20yo Leo girl who's studying Biomedical Engineering and Arts (with an English major!!) in Syd. I used to be a guitarist in a high school band and am in general more of an independent individual than a leader/follower.   1/8
I'm a shy person but some of my friends say I exude a quiet confidence HAHAHHAH. Other ways my friends/family have described me include: smart, kind, awkward, cute, determined, hardworking, creative and being a happy virus. I generally do well in my studies and am particularly good in Physics and English! However my flaws include: being too playful at times till it accidentally gets someone hurt, usually running late, having terrible mood swings and being a lil too competitive at times   2/?
(esp towards my younger siblings unfortunately) and being extremely indecisive!  I love writing but I have a problem of keeping within word limits. I love spending time with my dogs, being up early and generally don't mind waking up early but I like my mornings quiet and calm as I enjoy my breakfast hahahhah. I tend to work out quite a lot and particularly love cycling! I generally spend a lot of time in my room but I love fun social events like parties and weddings (I'm not sure why??).  3/?
I love cartoons/animated films a lot idk why but they give me a sense of relief from all my stress and they just make me feel good after watching them?? I also love creating random customized stuff like designing a birthday cake for my brother or creating a specialty dish for Mother's Day. Things I don't like include: loud noises, inconsiderate people, snails, being looked down upon, judgemental and close-minded people, presentations in front of large crowds and chocolate (sorry!!).  4/?
Some aesthetics of mine include: the colors of fall, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and freshly baked bread, glass/transparency, deep ideas, hugging a dog (most furry animals), being in the middle of a bustling city, the serenity at dawn, wrapped up in your blanket watching your favorite tv show at night, getting work done at a cafe, hugs, nyc apartments and theme parks.  5/?
My favorite food include pumpkins, Marie biscuits, cereal, artisan bread, almond milk, eggs with runny yolks, tomatoes, brocolli, mushrooms, bibimbap, sashimi salads, deli sandwiches, bruschetta, prawn dumplings, tiramisu, tangerines and flat rice noodle soups. My favorite books include Looking For Alaska by John Green and the Fire and Flood series by Victoria Scott. My favorite movies are Pitch Perfect (1&2 were good but 3 was kinda disappointing),   6/?
The Devil Wears Prada, Wreck-It-Ralph, Inception, Enchanted, Kiki's Delivery Service, the new Jumanji movies and Little Women. Fandom life is a big part of who I am hahhahah. My favorite TV Show is Friends (cliche ik) but also some animated series ahahhahh.  The reason I love Pokemon is probably bc it was a significant part of my childhood and the nostalgia just brings me back to those times when life was simpler(?). Also I ADORE the creativity and thought behind each Pokemon/character and  7/8
how it has created such a vivid, imaginative and yet not so farfetched world for the audience! The fact that it still has such a large and active following also makes me feel connected to a lot of people somehow :) Being a Pokemon trainer has always been a dream of mine for sure!! :')  Thank you so much for taking your time to go through this! I apologize in advance for the length and hope u know you're making one of my childhood dreams come true in a way uwu  Have an amazing day!!  8/8
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Trainer class: Fairy tale girl
You walk to the beat of your own drum, but in a somewhat subdued way most of the time. Onlookers might think you to be a bit eccentric but also a bit quiet. In battle, you can be ferocious and emotional but also playful and excitable. You love inserting creativity into your daily life and you love being able to see the best in all pokemon. You have a lot of energy and can come across as being somewhat childish when you are in a playful mood, but when you are feeling more studious you can be an intimidating level of intelligence. Your quiet and playful nature can seem contradictory to some who don’t know you, but your pokemon have come to be able to read your moods quite easily and adjust their own behavior accordingly. You have a very fun relationship with other trainers you have bonded with and you have a very fun life with your pokemon who support you in everything you do. You cook with your pokemon often and you explore new hobbies and interests with them on the regular. You also love to escape into worlds that aren’t your own, so you consume a lot of creative media and chase after intellectual pursuits that suit your interests quite often. Your pokemon love you as a trainer but their also love you as family and would do anything to protect your playful smile and inquisitive mind. 

Starter: Eevee
Your starter pokemon is Eevee. Eeevee is a very unique pokemon and a notoriously indecisive pokemon in the ways that it can evolve. Eeevee is inquisitive and a perfect fit for your excitability. You and eevee are a wonderful match for exploring and learning new things together. Eeevee will never judge you and will always stand by your side when you need it and when you want to have fun. Eevee has a lot of energy, so you might end up spending a lot of your own energy calming it down enough to go to bed at night. Eevee has many different ways of evolving, so it will be a challenge to get it to land on one, but earn its trust and it will love you forever.

Partner: Mareep
Mareep is a very soft pokemon, both in the emotional sense and in the physical sense. You will want to wear gloves of some kind before rubbing Mareep's fur too much, but regular snuggling is welcome and safe. Mareep is a very kindly and considerate pokemon and, if treated well, will grow into Ampharos who is able to act as a guiding light for travelers and lost people and pokemon. Mareep acts as a comfort for you, though it does not participate in any battling that you do since it is somewhat faint of heart. Keep it close to you and it will help you keep calm and support you in return. 
Team: Sylveon (starter), Celesteela, Zebstrika, Exploud, Phanpy
Hometown: Circhester, Galar
Your hometown is Circhester in the Galar region. Circhester is a somewhat large town that a lot of tourists move through. It is a historical town full of statues and buildings that have been around for a long time, but it has also kept up with recent trends enough to not seem old. Circhester is home to the Hero’s Bath, which is the pride of the town. From growing up here, you learned a lot of history and you have learned a lot about all of the people who have lived and moved around in Circhester. This gave you a natural curiosity and an interest in learning more about other people and about what it means for pokemon to be strong and for a trainer to be brave. Circhester gave your interest in bonding with people and also gave you your warm aesthetic sense. 

Battle style: Playful and intimidating
You are quite a rambunctious trainer and tend to go your own way. You prefer the paths that look less traveled, quite literally. You will find yourself lost sometimes, looking for places to find interesting pokemon you haven’t met before or interesting people. You are the kind of trainer that one would run into deep in the corner of a forest lifting rocks to try and find something interesting. Your inquisitive mind and high level of playfulness makes you a very fun person to battle, as long as you aren’t in a competitive mood in which case you can be a fierce and emotional opponent. You have been known to yell and get very into battles, which spurs on your own pokemon and tends to act as an intimidation factor for your opponent’s. You are a strong and independent rival to many other trainers who started at the same time as you, and you compete with them not only in battle but also intellectually and in terms of the knowledge you have accumulated in your travels. You want to find new things to learn but you also dive deeply into new things that interest you, so you have a lot of knowledge about a lot of things pertaining to pokemon and the people around you. You connect with trainers who you battle with, and so you have a large amount of numbers in your phone for people who want rematches or who want to tell you new things they learned. Your energy spurs your pokemon on during battle and brings you new connections with pokemon and with people, never lose your passion and always allow yourself to let lose during battle so that you and your pokemon can have as much fun as possible.
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The Windermere children who escaped the holocaust in the lake district
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Photo: Helen Sloan/BBC January 25, 2020 | By Jason Solomons Excerpts:
In August 1945, Britain did an extraordinary thing. Using RAF bombers that had completed their last missions, 732 Jewish refugee children, newly rescued from concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Theresienstadt, were flown from Poland to England and given a new life. Under pressure from Leonard Montefiore's newly-created Committee for the Care of Children from Concentration Camps, the government was persuaded to open up rehabilitation camps, such as one on the bucolic shores of Lake Windermere. And so, in the unlikely village of Troutbeck Bridge, on the Calgarth estate in a prefab scheme that had housed workers at the Short Sunderland aeroplane factory during the war, a remarkable story of redemption and renewal began.
The story is now told in dramatic form in the film The Windermere Children, which airs in the UK on BBC Two and on German channel ZDF at the very same time (a simulcast first in European broadcasting) to mark Holocaust Memorial Day and 75 years since the end of the Second World War. “I hadn't heard of the story either,” admits The Windermere Children scriptwriter Simon Block. “Not many people had. I was brought the story by the production company, Wall to Wall, but from then on it was about trying to get as much information about what had happened as possible and find the dramatic arc inside it.” “Fortunately, the characters involved are so strong and the emotions and trauma so powerful, the facts did not need bending to make a compelling human story. It told itself.” [...] Many of [the actual Windermere children] were at the preview screening I attended. Harry (Chaim), Ben, Arek, Ike, Harry and Bela sit in the audience, behind the young Polish actors who play them in the film, most of them making their screen debuts. The film's more recognisable talents are there, too: Romola Garai, Iain Glen and Tim McInnerny, fine actors who all acknowledge with humility that the real stars present are the survivors. [...] At the screening, Iain Glen was greeted by the young Polish actors with hugs and high fives, like a favourite coach or even relative being welcomed after a long gap. He plays a gruff Scottish PE teacher based on the real-life Jock Lawrence, enlisted to give the kids some physical therapy through exercise, football and swimming in the lake. “Jock was enlisted for physical therapy even though I don't think he knew too much about the science of it all and he certainly was not prepared for the level of trauma he encountered,” he says. “But he could see the positive effect of getting them outdoors in the fresh air.” One of the children under Jock's charge was Ben Helfgott, who went on to become an weightlifter for Great Britain at two Olympic games. “It's a redemptive story in the end,” remarks Glen. “These survivors are testament to the programme there and show that life may not forget but it can recover and rebuild.” [...] Given one of The Windermere Children's most moving scenes involves a family reunion, it's a poignancy not lost on the film's creators. Says writer Simon Block: "That storyline is absolutely true - you couldn't possibly make something like that up - but sadly something like that is now impossible according to UK law.” "It shows this isn't just a historical drama but very much part of our present. It's a picture of when Britain did something great and was enriched because of it, and hopefully it can be a reminder that we can still do the right thing again.” The last word on The Windermere Children practically speaks for itself. At the screening, survivor Harry Spiro stood up carefully, shaking slightly on his feet but his voice was strong and clear. “I was the only one from my family who survived the Holocaust. I lost everyone, I had nothing. I had no home, no family.” “But I was a Windermere boy and now 70 years later I have a wife, three children, nine grandchildren and great grandchildren. I never, ever thought back then I would have a family, but I got a whole new life here and lots of other lives came from that. So I say: no, Hitler you did not win but look at me, I got my life and my family…”
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The Beginning... Episode 1 Part 2
Okay, wow. People really want this series to be a thing. So, wish granted! I’m super pumped for this! thanks for all the positivity you sent my way. I’ll try to live up to your expectations.
Also, an important note. In this AU, there are no pre-existing romantic relationships between the Smashers. Trust me, there will be. But this way there will be more room for drama.
*The Smashers have assembled in the amphitheater at Camp Smashanakwa. The show is on, and the teams are about to be forged. Ganondorf stands on the stage in full on Host mode.*
Ganondorf: Welcome back to Total Drama Smash Bros, brought to you by Lon Lon Milk! The coldest and most refreshing milk in the Chosen Kingdom. 9 Nine out of 10 Hylians recommend it!
Link: It's true.
Zelda: We're addicted. *Chugs a bottle of 2%*
Ganondorf: Now, before we can divide up these poor suckers into their teams, we need to introduce the rest of the staff! First off, is chef Ridley, who will be bringing you all your tasty camp treats.
*Cut to Ridley in the kitchen with a chainsaw and a suspicious bulging bag slung over his shoulder, dripping with blood.*
Ridley: HOPE YOU LIKE PORK! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Revs up the chainsaw
*Cut back to the amphitheater*
Ganondorf: Next is King K Rool, who will be managing our... forest friends.
*Cut to King K Rool in front of hundreds of giant cages all filled with monsters from various games*
K Rool: You just need to feed them properly.
*A couple of unpaid interns are dumped into a cage with a King Dodongo.*
Intern #1: Meh, still better than studying for finals.
*Cut back to the amphitheater*
Ganondorf: After that is Bowser, our resident tinkerer!
*Cut to Bowser, working on a massive electrical bear trap.*
Bowser: My motto is, if it can be electrical, it should be! Buahahah!
*Cut back to amphitheater.*
Ganondorf: And finally, Wolf! Our handyman.
Wolf, off to the side smoking a cigarette: I fix your toilets. Piss me off at your own risk.
Marth: I'm beginning to suspect that Master Hand is angry with us, putting these lunatics in charge.
Erdrick: Ya don't say?!
Ganondorf: Anyway! Time to make our teams. *A bokoblin walks onstage wearing a pink glittery dress. It holds a bag full on envelopes.* Simply come up and choose an envelope. If the paper inside is green, then you're a Crying Goomba! If it's red, then you're an Ugly Koopa!
Red: Wow, you're not even trying to hide your pettiness.
Ganondorf: Nope!
*The victims- I mean contestants one by one took up envelopes from the pink dress clad bokoblin. In the end, the teams were as follows*
*Crying Goombas: Link, Daisy, Ike, Leaf, Red, Corrine, Joker, Rosalina, Marth, Bonny Janet.*
*Ugly Koopas: Samus, Zelda, Roy, Pit, Dark Pit, Robyn, Lucina, Captain Falcon, Peach, Erdrick*
Captain Falcon: Aw yeah! Let me hear ya my Koopas!
*Silence, crickets chirping.*
Captain Falcon: Come on guys! We're doing this anyway, least we could do is be pumped for it!
Zelda: Sorry Captain, but we're far more worried about what insanity Ganondorf is going to inflict on us.
Captain Falcon: True... but still! Twenty million big ones!
Peach: At least five of us are royalty. We've got more than enough money. We're just doing this because we want to remain Smashers.
Daisy: And being responsible monarchs means we can't use much of the royal treasury for ourselves. It'll be good to have some pocket change.
Marth: ...Well when it's said like that it seems kind of arrogant.
*Sure enough some of the less monetarily inclined Smashers are looking at the royals with a bit of resentment*
Ganondorf: Ha Ha! Finally some seeds of drama! But, for now, one final bit of exposition before we get the ball rolling!
*a screen descends and shows a picture of a shoddily constructed outhouse*
Ganondorf: This is the Den of Confession. It's a completely private place to air your dirty laundry and darkest secrets. I guarantee you that no one will probably won't not maybe possibly never not see it.
Everyone: …
Dark Pit: Do even you know where you went with that?
Ganondorf: Nope!
Inside the Confessional
Zelda: Darkest secrets huh... … … … … I'm... I'm not actually a blonde. My hair is bleached. … … *she suddenly jumps onto the camera* GIMME THAT TAPE!
*The smashers and new teams now find themselves on the beach where Ganondorf is standing with Bowser Both Ganondorf and Bowser are clad in the loudest Hawaiian swim trunks in history.*
Ganondorf: Welcome Smashers and viewing audience to your FIRST CHALLENGE!
Pit: Ooh! Ooh! Are we playing voleyball! I love volleyball!
Dark Pit: *smacks Pit upside the head*
Pit: Oww!
Dark Pit: Of course not you idiot!
Ganondorf: Actually, my emo feathered moron, we are playing volleyball!
Dark Pit: Wait- what?! That's it?!
Ganondorf, a shit-eating grin on his face: Weeeeeeeellllll.... not really. See we're going to be playing...
Samus: This is going exactly where I think it is isn't it?
Ganondorf, pulling out a Bomb-bomb with the fuse lit: VOLLEY-BOMB!
Samus: Yup.
*Ganondorf throws the bomb at the Smashers*
*The Smashers jump for cover as the bomb lands... and nothing happens. It's a dud.*
Ganondorf: HAH! Classic.
Bowser, producing a massive sack filled with bombs: These bombs were designed by yours truly! They're programmed to only explode when they hit the ground, so keep them flying! Cause if they touch down... well you get the idea.
Ganondorf: The rules are simple. The Goombas and the Koopas will each split into two teams of five. There will be two games of 5 v. 5. Whichever team wins both games wins invincibility... and a prize! The loser team will vote someone off the Island tonight.
Peach: Uh, excuse me! But what if both teams win a game?
Ganondorf: Oh. Well, in that case, we'd have to hole... … the tie-breaker. MUAHAHAHA! *Ominous lightning flash*
*Silence. Crickets chirping.*
Ganondorf: Well, hop to it!
Inside the Confessional
Bowser: I'm a little worried about Big G. He's... he's getting really into this whole reality TV deal. Way more than is probably healthy.
Inside the Confessional
Link: Hey, maybe Ganondorf has found his true calling an he'll leave Hyrule the fuck alone! But since when am I that lucky huh?
With the Goombas
Link: Okay team. I think we need to talk strategy.
Bonny Janet: We're all goon ta' die.
Link: No... we just need to be careful. I have the most experience with these types of bombs, so I should head the first Team 1. Daisy, you're the professional sportswoman so you'll head Team 2.
Daisy: You got it! If I can survive Mario Party then I can survive this.
Bonny Janet: Grate. Soo tha' sissy English Elf is goona ta leaad one tame and the talkin' floowers goon to lead the oother?
Link: You've got a problem with that?
Bonny Janet: Aye ah've goot a problem! Who made ye leader eh?! Ike's goot tha flammin' sword o' fire! E' should lead a team, not the flight fairy o'er dere!
Link: Daisy's got the most experience with games like these. She leads Team 2.
Joker: Uh, not to play Devil's Advocate, but Bonny has a point. Ike does seem pretty fireproof.
Marth: Call it same series bias, but Ike does seem like a good choice. I don't doubt Daisy's abilities, but this seems more like a “let's survive and outlast” situation than a “let's beat the other team into submission” type situation.
Ike: Look, Link, I don't want to be the asshole here, but if the group wants me I'll do it.
In the Confessional
Bonny Janet: Dun git ma wrong. Ah' got nothin' against Elfy personally. Boot e's a presumptuous prick if e's thinks e' can joost boss us around like that. We ain'r 'is lackeys!
In the Confessional
Link: And like that everyone's suddenly listening to the Scottish Imp of a Pokemon trainer! I mean, I know she's both adorable and hilarious, but you can't just throw strategy out the window.
In the Confessional
Daisy: I appreciated Link standing up for me, but frankly I think he was more offended than I was.
With the Koopas
Captain Falcon: Trust me guys! I got this one in the bag.
Samus: As much as I want to disagree with Falcon on principal, he's probably right. This does seem like his forte.
Lucina: Indeed. Finally, a use for the meathead.
Captain Falcon: Hey! My brain is made of pure brain stuff. And if it WERE meat it'd be delicious.
Erdrick: *pats Falcon on the head*
Roy: Okay, I say we keep Falcon back until round 2, sort of our ace in the hole okay? Samus, can you handle round 1?
Samus: No sweat.
Roy: Any arguments?
*There is silence for a moment but no one disagrees with him.*
Roy: Alright, move out!
*The Koopas move to leave, but Pit and Zelda are grabbed from behind and pulled behind a large rock by an unknown figure. It turns out to be Peach.*
Zelda: Peach, dear, could you tell me what's going on. I mean, if you want to be behind a rock... with me... I uh... can make some exceptions... but uh... should Pit really-
*Peach smacks Zelda upside the head*
Peach: No you useless lesbian! I'm with Mario remember.
Zelda: Oh. Yes. I see.
Pit: What's a lesbian?
Peach: You'll find out when you're older. But look. Zelda, you're only ride-or-die ally is one the other team right?
Zelda: Now that you mention it... I have been worrying about what to do without Link. I can handle myself but...
Peach: And Pit. It's only a matter of time before Dark Pit gets too annoyed with you and gets you voted off, right?
Pit: No! Pittoo and I are making great progress! This morning he only beaned me in the head with one gallon of milk.
Pit: I'm screwed aren't I?
Peach: Not if we stick together! I propose an alliance between us. Together, we'll take each other to the final three!
In the Confessional
Peach: I can see that I'm in a bad boat. Both Daisy and Rosalina are on the opposing team, so I'm already out two allies. I know what people think of me, the “useless Princess”. If I don't act fast I'm going home. Zelda and Pit are both sweethearts, and they're bad asses to boot. They'll make good allies.
In the Confessional
Zelda: I want to go on the record as saying I do not need Link to survive this place. I already have an alliance of my own! Time to show that Princess Zelda is no damsel in distress!
Zelda: I'm on board.
Pit: I dunno... I don't feel right doing this behind my emo brother's back.
Peach: Well with an alliance we can watch out for him little guy.
Pit: You mean it?
Peach: One-hundred percent!
Pit: … Okay, I'm in.
Ganondorf, watching on one of his monitoring cameras: Ooh hoo! Looks like some drama is already kicking up! The Goombas in a power struggle and two princesses already teaming up with a gullible Angel! Will Link take true command of the Goombas? Will Peach survive with her new alliance? Find out, here on Total, Drama, SMASH BROS!
And that’s a wrap on part 2! The actual challenge will be in the third and final part of this episode, which will include the voting off ceremony. Let me know what you think! Also, try and guess who will win and be voted off.
Be good people!
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gracemyhearto · 5 years
I was tagged by @missemperor to do this com-myu-nity ask :D
1. What is your hobby?
History! I was fascinated of past times very early. When I was a child, middleages and stuff pretty much scared me but through that fear grew a deep interest and out of this interest grew an even deeper passion and here I am now studying it :D On my 2nd tumblr @renaissance-prinzessin I spam post a lot of history content :D Oh and I write. xD
 2. What is your special skill?
Special skill? Ehm maybe the way I understand animals? I am a very sensitive person. J
 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Like I said, I am very good at working and interacting with animals. I also think that I am pretty good in academic writing.
 Weaknesses: as if I’d share that xP
 4. What is your favorite color?
 5. What is your favorite animal?
Omg that is hard?  I love them all! But if I have to pick one.. horses! But ALL animals are precious babys!
 6. Which food are you into lately?
My mum’s risotto and I had really GREAT herb Schupfnudeln when I was on holidays in Bavaria this month <3
 7. What is the thing you never lose to from anyone?
My own goals.
 8. What is your most treasured item?
I can’t really think of an item, of course I love my books and my merch but there is no item or thing that matters to me as much as for example my horse Poly or my dog Pauli do :D
 9. What is your cooking specialty?
Recently I brought perfection to my beloved avocado-tomato soup xD I really do enjoy cooking (veggy of course!) and tried some vegan recipes recently too!
10. What is the thing you want the most at the moment?
Oh, I wished my bachelor’s thesis would be done already ahahaha.
 11. What is the thing you are most scared of?
Nothing I’d share in the internet but I have to admit that, beside the fact that I love all animals, ostrichs somehow really scare me xDD
 12. What is the thing you were happy about this year?
I think it’s getting back to my old university after switching to another last year. It feels home again but I am still glad that I was able to collect so many new experiences at the other uni.
 13. What is the thing you were sad about this year?
The retirement of Mirio and Miyacchi! I mean on the other hand they are/will be free to be themselves now without hiding behind the Otokoyaku mask but it’s still sad because I really adored both of them
 14. What is the thing you regretted this year?
 Regret? Actually there is nothing that I really do regret atm
 15. What is the thing you were angry about this year?
Unistuff, yep yep yep
 16. What is the job that gave you a sense of fulfillment this year?
Does my studies count? xD
 17. What has changed about you since you entered com-myu-nity?
 Mostly that I don’t care anymore if other people dislike me or my opinion
 18. Which character would you play in Sera myu?
 Aw! I would want to be Venus! Venus! Venus! But I think as for playing I’d be predestined for a bitchy badass Neptune or Mars xD
 19. If you were to form a collab now, who would it be with?
 Do ya mean a song collab like the stuff we do like everyday in the com-my-nity? Actually I am doing a lot of stuff with @missemperor and it’s always a pleasure! But I also want to do something again with my first besties @sailorzakuro and @MyuToni sooooo I am open to do collabs with everyone xD
 20. What do you love about Sera Myu nowadays?
That it made me be part of something and feel welcome among my friends <3
 21. Which cast member catches your attention the most at the moment?
Hmm, at the moment it might be Kana Nakada because I really liked her performance in NogiMyu. But tbh I am more into the BaniMyu actors/actresses.
 22. Which cast member would you want as your significant other?
 23. If you were to marry a cast member, who would it be?
EDO HIDEMASA <333333333
 24. If you would go to a deserted island, which cast member would you like to go with you?
Probably Yuuko Hosaka? She is such a mum, I’m sure she would get us back to civilisation easily xD
 25. If you would be born again, which cast member would you want to be?
Ehm… Nao Inada? I could play Venus in two very good productions then xD
 26. Which Sera Myu production would you want to be a part of?
The Dracul Arc!
 27. If you would create your own kingdom, what kind of country would you want it to be?
Don’t expect a pinky, plushy kingdom with worldpeace and same rights for everyone :P. Probably something like Middle-earth. I think there can’t be light without darkness.
 28. What is an interesting book or manga you read recently?
Thanks to @vampiruchan I am totally into the Black Dagger Brotherhood books atm xD
 29. What is an interesting movie you watched recently?
I rewatched The Hobbit and I realized again how much I love Bilbo and how much of an Elve I am xD
 30. What is your favorite Sera Myu song at the moment?
Always and forever FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! *starts dancing*
 31. What is your favorite Sera Myu song choreography at the moment?
Probably Fumi’s LINK from 1999?
 32. What is your favorite Sera Myu costume at the moment?
LOL totally Lamia’s breast pad I mean sexy cape outfit xD
 33. What is your favorite Myu at the moment?
Always and forever.. Kessen or Last Dracul. Can’t decide, it really depends on my mood. As for this moment it’s LD
 34. What is your favorite Myu cast?
I go with Last Dracul, I still love KSDK too and I really wished Yuuko was part of Myu in LD already
 35. Is there something you say a lot recently?
At least I use „!s” way too often xD That’s a typical german thing I guess
 36. What would you do if you could plan a Fan Kansha?
I wouldn’t change anything from the Bandai era. Just record it, PUT IT ON DVD and and add  official subs xD
 37. What do you hope to see Sera Myu doing in the future?
Not to relate too much on the manga…
 38. What kind of person do you want to be in 5 years?
I want to be done with studying and gain ground in working life
 39. What has been a memorable concert or event this year?
I saw the ballet “Swan Lake” by the russian nationalballet and omg it was awesome!
 40. What do you want to do in your private life this year?
Private life? Does that even exist? lol
 41. What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
I want to gain ground in historical research
 42. Do you have a hairstyle you would like to try in the future?
Let’s see: Last year I dyed my hair tips blue (it stayed like 3 weeks) that was fun. And recently I managed to get my hair back into it’s original colour (medium blonde) and I am really happy with that. Wished it would still be a bit more even but hey xD
 43. What Sera Myu merchandise would you love to have?
The Death Vulcan VHS as well everything available of Miyuki-Moon!
44. Where would you want Sera Myu to come to?
It would be nice if the other country’s themselves would organize Myus. Like, Germany was one of the countrys in which Sailor Moon was just so fkn popular that we even had an own Sailor Moon band, okay? xD So Myus based on the Bandai era here in Germany would be nice (even though I had no chance I’d so apply there xDDD)
 45. If you could have a holiday with any cast member, what do you want to do?
Probably talk about their life at Sera My and ask them things especially about backstage things.
 46. Please say something to your favourite cast member.
Well, Miyuki is in heaven but I’ll still dedicate this to her: You were wonderful. You didn’t made Sailor Moon just come to life, you put love in every single performance and transmitted all feelings to the audience with such a warm energy that it is always a pleasure and honour to watch your performances. I get never tired of watching them again and again. I hope you are happy where you are now but let me tell you that you can be really proud of what you did. You were not only an enrichment for the whole Sailor Moon franchise but also for my life and I just can not thank you enough for that.
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guitarsandviolins · 6 years
Guitars and Violins Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Long Way to the Top if you wanna Tour (Disclaimer!)
The plane landed in Seattle. Korra woke up to Asami sleeping peacefully on her chest. “Sami wake up,” she said, “We’re here.” Asami woke up. “How long have I been out?” asked Asami. “Not long,” said Korra. “C’mon lovebirds!” said Opal, “We got a tour to go on!” The 3 of them got out of the car and went to the airport. Bolin saw a poster that said Tone Benders. “There it is!” he said. Zoe was waving at them. “Hey guys, welcome to Seattle!” said Zoe. “Its an honor to meet you,” said Tahno, “We’ve seen your performances and they’re frickin awesome.” “Thanks,” said Zoe. Opal was staring at her chest. “Fuck those are huge,” she said. Zoe chuckled. “Please pardon our friend,” said Asami. “Let us help you with your bags,” said Zoe. They packed everything into a van. “This is really exciting for us, we really wanted to tour with you guys,” said Zoe, “However our brother wasn’t so sure about it though.” “How come?” asked Korra. “We’ll tell you later,” said Zoe. A few minutes later they were at a hotel. Korra jumped on the bed and laid down. “Makes yourselves at home,” said Zoe, “We’ll leave in a few hours.” “Thanks,” said Bolin. Korra pulled out her pedalboard and placed a new one on. “Is that what I think it is?” asked Tahno. “You know it,” said Korra, “The Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive! Only $50.” “Someone’s been doing their research,” said Asami, “Hey where’s Opal?” Opal was having a girl chat with Zoe while having a drink. “So you’re the one always filming videos of the band,” said Zoe. “You bet,” said Opal, “So what’s with the schoolgirl attire.” “We got it from watching AC/DC,” said Zoe, “Its been our staple outfit since the first concert we did.” “I see,” said Opal. She was staring at Zoe’s chest. “You’ve been staring at our chest for some time now,” said Zoe. “Oh, I’m sorry,” said Opal looking up. “Its ok,” said Zoe, “People stare at it a lot so its no biggie. So are you….” “Goodness no, I’m a straight girl dating the drummer of the band,” said Opal, “I just have a fetish for boobs.” “Totally understandable,” said Zoe. “This is gonna sound completely weird but can I touch your chest?” asked Opal. “Sure,” said Zoe. She removed the vest and tie so Opal could get a better feel for them. Opal gave them a feel. “Christ they’re soft,” said Opal. “We know,” said Zoe looking at her watch, “We should go pick up the others.” They went to the hotel and Zoe opened the door. “Ready to head out?” asked Opal. “You bet,” said Mako. They were at a restaurant with the lead guitarist of the band, Marcus Halloway. “So it looks like we’re gonna be going with 2 separate vans,” said Marcus. Bolin seem intimidated. “He’s basically the leader as he gets the gigs and writes most of their songs,” said Tahno. “I haven’t seen you play before, and if not for my sister being obnoxious about it, I wouldn’t be touring with a band I’ve never heard of,” said Marcus. “Come on Marcus!” said Zoe. “Oh, I made some changes to the schedule,” said Marcus handing them a new schedule. Mako saw a familiar place. “Whoa!” he said, “The Axis Nightclub?!” Marcus glared at them. “A lot of cool bands made their name here,” said Tahno, “Like Smashing Pumpkins, and Sonic Youth.” “Billy Corgan is my idol,” said Korra, “His guitar tone is what I’ve been trying to get for years but I don’t know how he does it!” “We should get moving,” said Marcus. They went to their first spot. It was a small pub. “Well, this is our first stop in America,” said Korra, “Kinda small but I think I’ll manage.” “Well the shitty thing is we don’t get to have a rehearsal or anything,” said Mako, “Not to mention the guys are pretty picky about how long we can take to set up our shit.” “I’ll say,” said Tahno, “Not even a goddamn soundcheck.” Opal had the camera ready. “Good luck you guys,” said Zoe. Korra set up her amp and everything. “They seem nervous,” said Marcus. “C’mon give them a break,” said Zoe, “They just got off the plane and they’re probably tired from jet lag and all that jazz.” “No excuses,” said Marcus, “Opening acts are the most important part of any concert.” “Ugh,” said Zoe. It came time for the performance. “Alright guys let’s do it,” said Korra. Bolin counted down. They started performing Debaser by The Pixies. For a minute everything seemed good. But things started to fall apart. Korra seemed too stiff, and Tahno’s voice wasn’t projecting. The audience was giving them a harsh reception. Marcus was not at all impressed. “See, they suck,” he said. “No, the equipment is just shitty,” said Zoe. “Well in that case I can’t blame them entirely,” said Marcus. Their secondary guitarist, Blake, the bassist, Ike, and the drummer, Shelly were watching them. “If they were just given a sound check and everything this shit wouldn’t be happening,” said Blake. After they finished only a few peope clapped. “Alright let’s get out there,” said Marcus, “Time for the real deal to rock this house.” He set up his guitar while the other bandmates. “Well that sucked,” said Korra. “Its only our first show,” said Asami, “We’re just getting started.” The drummer counted down and they started playing. Korra and the band were watching and were amazed at how well they sounded. “Her drumming is way beyond me,” said Bolin. “Same with the bass player,” said Mako, “And he’s got a 5-string bass guitar.” Korra looked at Marcus’ guitar. It was an Gibson Firebird with a Floyd rose. “Fuck,” she said. Heavy by Collective Soul Zoe: Complicate this world you wrapped for me
I'm acquainted with your suffering

And all your weight
It falls on me
It brings me down
And all your weight
It falls on me
It falls on me

Hold me up to all whom you've deceived
Promises you break you still believe And all your weight
It falls on me
It brings me down
And all your weight
It falls on me
It falls on me And all your weight
It falls on me
It brings me down
And all your weight
It falls on me
It falls on me It then came time for Marcus’ guitar solo. Korra was mesmerized by the guitar tone he had. “No wonder they’re such veterans,” said Mako. “How the hell does he sound that good with a guitar?” asked Korra, “Its like he’s been playing for over 10 years!” “Well they have been around since the late 90s,” said Tahno. Zoe: And all your weight
It falls on me
It brings me down
And all your weight
It falls on me
It falls on me
They finished and got a larger audience than The Tone Benders. At another gig Korra and her band were playing. The people there weren’t even paying attention or getting into the groove. One person threw a bottle at Asami. Korra was infuriated. “HEY!” she shouted. She was about to punch him but Mako and Tahno held her back. Korra and the gang were in a hotel. “Man these pubs aren’t giving us any respect,” said Korra. “Are we just not meant to play in America?” asked Asami. Mako was watching performances of Z-Gravity performing and was paying mostly attention to Zoe. Korra, Tahno, and Bolin were staring at him. “What?” he asked. “Someone’s got the hots for their frontman,” said Bolin. “What are you talking about?” asked Mako. Zoe opened the door. “We just came to tell you that the concert tonight was cancelled,” said Zoe. “What?” asked Korra, “How come.” “The place got double booked,” said Zoe, “So it looks like we got this day off.” “Nice,” said Mako. “So Bolin,” said Opal, “I’ve seen this nice place that I think you might like.” She dragged him out with a smile on her face. “Why don’t we go out for a while,” said Korra taking Asami. Zoe sat next to Mako. “So its just the two of us,” she said. “Yea I guess so,” said Mako. “Hey you wanna come with us to this club tonight?” asked Zoe “Sure,” said Mako, “I’m down.”
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nirvnabj · 4 years
Bolaji Alonge with Orlando Julius in his Ilesha country home
Bolaji Alonge with Orlando Julius in his Ilesha country home
Orlando Julius is a legendary Nigerian musician, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. He has graced the Nigerian music scene for six decades and is still going strong. OJ fuses traditional African rhythms, highlife with American soul, pop and R&B with captivating showmanship, keeping his audience on the dance floor. A playlist of his songs selected by Eyes of a Lagos Boy and mixed by DJ Ray Bee Brown is added for the reader’s pleasure.
Born on 22 September 1943 in Ikole-Ekiti, South West Nigeria, he grew up between Ekiti and Ilesha in Osun state where his mother was born. Orlando Julius can be described as one of the forerunners of Afrobeat, he started out in 1960 with the great trumpeter Eddy Okonta’s band.
OJ spent years in the United States and collaborated with artists including Ambrose Campbell, Hugh Masekela, Lamont Dozier and many others. His 1966 effort, Super Afro Soul, made him a national celebrity in Nigeria and even went as far as to influence music in the United States. Carlos Santana personally selected Orlando and his Nigerian All-Stars to accompany him to Hawaii to play at a festival in 1992.
By 2001, UK label Strut Records reissued the 1966 album ’Super Afro Soul’ before other labels including Soundway and Vampi Soul released his Afro Sounders recordings, all spreading the word on OJ’s pioneering influence. He recorded movie soundtracks for Wale Fanu’s ‘Owo Blow’, Tunde Kelani’s ‘Saworoide’ and Tunji Bamishigbin’s ‘Eku Ida’ among many others. Passionate about reviving highlife music, he recorded albums with Nigerian legends including Fatai Rolling Dollar and Alaba Pedro, Roy Chicago’s guitarist. Some of his evergreen classics are; ‘Adara’, ‘Ololufemi’, ‘Colombia’, ‘Ope’, ‘Ise logun ise’, ‘Jagua Nana’ amongst many others.
Orlando moved to Ghana in 2003 after playing a concert at Panafest (the long-running Pan-African Historical Theatre Project). He set up a studio in Accra and recorded his album, ’Longevity & Reclamation’. He moved back to Nigeria in 2008 and started touring  the world with UK band Heliocentrics in 2013. Orlando Julius now lives in Ilesha, Osun state with his wife, dancer and back up singer Latoya Aduke Ekemode.
Who is Orlando Julius Ekemode?
To me he is still this young guy, a musician. I have been playing music for a long time and I have traveled to a lot of countries in the world. I am so glad that most of those shows were sold out. I promised to tell you anything you want to know, from my beginning till the end – I mean till the middle of the beginning.
Can you please tell us how you got into music?
My professional music journey started when I recorded my first single, ‘Igbehin Adara’ in 1960. I was already playing shows, travelling up and down South-West Nigeria. I loved playing music, singing and drumming from childhood. My mother was the one who really pushed me, she liked to sing as she worked on yarn – she produced Aso-Oke (a hand-woven cloth created by the Yoruba people of West Africa) and when she sang I got my sakara drums, sat with her and sang along. We both loved to sing together, sometimes she would walk with me as we sung all the way to my school gate before she went back home. My mother gave me clothes to sell and my father had a shop in Ikole Ekiti, but I wasn’t interested in helping them to sell clothes. My father had two wives and my mother was the second wife, both wives were from Ilesha and I saw how they helped my father carry fabrics from Ikole to Ijebu, about 285km. From when I was a child, I knew music was the way for me.
Do you remember your first show and when was it? 
I was an apprentice with other big names,  one of them was Eddy Okonta, a hero trumpeter. He started playing at Premium hotel in Ibadan where I visited regularly in 1960. I also played with the Flamingo Dandies because of my love for Afro soul and I had previously been playing highlife music too. I started with the saxophone in 1964. I played with IK Dairo, Tunde Nightingale, Chris Ajilo, Bola Johnson, St. Augustine, Ojoge Daniel, Dele Ojo, all of blessed memory.
So you started in 1960 and when did you travel to the US?
My musical adventure led me to the US in 1974. I was fixated on playing and teaching music because I could play the saxophone, drums, maracas and the keyboard so well. I could play with any group unrehearsed and still do great music. People liked my music and they invited their friends to listen and dance, there was a high demand for Afrobeat, Afrosoul in the diaspora, from the 1970s till now. Life in the US was great. I co-produced an album with Hugh Masekela titled ‘The Boy is Doing It’ and one of my tracks ‘Asiko Lo Laye’ became a hit. My song ‘Isedale’ was also a hit in the US and it won a Grammy Award when it was sampled by Odyssey, ‘Going Back to My Roots’ in 1981.
There is a classic picture of you and the Godfather of Soul, James Brown, in a deep conversation, what was that encounter like? 
James Brown came to play in Ibadan in 1970, he had performed previously in Lagos but I didn’t see the show. I too was playing at Paradise hotel in Ibadan around the same time and we had to rehearse. One of those nights some of Brown’s band members came to watch and that was how he heard about our music. He sent a message he wanted to meet me, I replied that I would also love to meet him.  We had a great time together, Brown asked me about my art and we talked about everything, exchanged pleasantries, signed autographs and created a friendship, we went on to record ‘James Brown Ride On.’ From then on, it became the flagship song they played in clubs and parties, people would spray us with cash at performances.
Orlando Julius with James Brown, Ibadan 1970
What about your relationship with Fela Anikulapo Kuti?
When Fela came back home from the United Kingdom, I was already performing. I met him at Ibadan Independence Club, where my band, Modern Aces, performed around 1963/64.  He was playing his trumpet with the mute (capped trumpet) off stage, I welcomed him on our stage to join us.  The ladies loved him and my musicians as well. A few of them followed him to start his Koola Lobitos band, a very good band. I was told he asked one of my guys if I would join him and his band. Of course my band member told him that is not possible,and he would never ask me such. I can say we had mutual respect for each other, but our paths were different, we really did not spend time together, hang out or anything of that nature, besides, I left Nigeria for a while.
How did you meet the flamboyant dancer – your wife Latoya Aduke Ekemode.
I met Latoya through the late Ambrose Campbell, who was a father figure to her.  We became friends and her understanding of my music swept me off my feet. Naturally, she became a member of my band. We tour the world together. I am very happy she came along, so many good things have happened since she joined my band, my music has also grown.
We are in Ilesha where you live, about five hour away from Lagos. Why did you leave the bustling city life to settle in sleepy and beautiful Ilesha?
Ibadan is quite close. We decided to leave the go slow and overcrowded big city to settle here in Ilesha, to be closer to nature and sharpen our creativity. Remember I am also from here.
Orlando Julius and Latoya Aduke Ekemode with the Heliocentricsat the Paradiso Amsterdam 2016- Photo by Eyes of a Lagos Boy
Orlando Julius Ekemode, Paradiso Amsterdam 2016 – Photo by Eyes of a Lagos Boy
Orlando Julius and Latoya Aduke Ekemode with the Heliocentrics at the Paradiso Amsterdam 2016- Photo by Eyes of a Lagos Boy
Orlando Julius and Latoya Aduke Ekemode with the Heliocentricsat the Paradiso Amsterdam 2016- Photo by Eyes of a Lagos Boy
Orlando Julius and Latoya Aduke Ekemode with the Heliocentricsat the Paradiso Amsterdam 2016- Photo by Eyes of a Lagos Boy
Orlando Julius and Latoya Aduke Ekemode with the Heliocentricsat the Paradiso Amsterdam 2016- Photo by Eyes of a Lagos Boy
Orlando Julius and Latoya Aduke Ekemode with the Heliocentricsat the Paradiso Amsterdam 2016- Photo by Eyes of a Lagos Boy
Orlando Julius and Latoya Aduke Ekemode with the Heliocentricsat the Paradiso Amsterdam 2016- Photo by Eyes of a Lagos Boy
Do you think people today appreciate Afrobeat?
Nigerians love and appreciate Afrobeat, they are into it. It is really good to write and compose and see people from other countries dance even without understanding the language I speak. Fortunately, Afrobeat/highlife is still growing, many young people  appreciate it and dance to it, even as they are coming up with different styles to modernize it.
How many albums have you released?
I released 11 albums and have done several EPs and singles. Some I can’t even remember. My first music video, Adara, was recorded at the Osun shrine along with Ise Logun Ise and Dance AfroBeat. Tunde Kilani on camera was great, Wale Fanu on sound, an excellent production.
You are touring the world with the band Heliocentrics for some years now, can you tell us about your cooperation?
Heliocentrics is a cosmic band, my music is organic, together we do great music. We met in 2013 when we did a show in France. Our friend and label owner, Quinton Scott, thought it would be a good combination. Julien LeBrun of Hot Casa Records invited us, he re-issued my song ‘Disco Hilife,’ a song I first recorded in 1975 at Ginger Baker’s studio in Lagos, with Dora Ifudu singing and Gboyega Adelaja on the keyboard. ‘Disco Hilife’ became the song every DJ plays every weekend since 1976.
He (LeBrun) invited me to perform with his Latin band Setenta, it was a great performance and Quinton suggested I try something with Heliocentrics. Our first show was great, like we already worked together for years. Professional musicians give me happiness in the studio and on stage. When on tour, we have become like a family. Our album, Jaiyede Afro, was released on K7 Records and got to number 13 on the World Charts.  We have toured on that one album since 2014.  We traveled most of the globe with Heliocentrics and additional musicians, great adventures, great music, great memories. No stress, mutual respect, no run-aways, no wahala. All I had to do is perform, no stress of logistics.
It’s been a tough year for artists because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing you as a frequent feature at shows in Europe and the Americas, how have you been holding out?
Yes this virus has really turned every upside down. I was set to perform in New York in March, also to record a new album in the U.S and do a few more shows in Europe and South America, but all that did not happen. We lost a lot of income, just as other musicians and creatives. I have been taking things very easy, isolated, here in Ilesha. Fortunately, our royalties are keeping us afloat.
What is next for Orlando Julius?
What’s next? Well, I am still working on music, I want to finish this album for my label. We are also completing our new house and venue, here in Osun State, Ijebu Ijesha to be precise. It will feature audio and visual studios and serve as a venue for shows and events. It has been a long quest to open the Ojahh Orlando Julius Afrohouse of Highlife. It is finally becoming a reality, with hard work. But I wish I had come to Osun State, to build on my land much sooner.
What is your advice to the young people of today’s Africa?
Young people around the world are different, but music remains the same and it has brought us closer together. Young African musicians should do music right, they should be able to take it beyond the continent and do more traditional music to show the world the deep roots of our culture.
Interview: Orlando Julius Ekemode, back to his roots Orlando Julius is a legendary Nigerian musician, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. He has graced the Nigerian music scene for six decades and is still going strong.
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wander-lustier · 7 years
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Well, our only stop in West Virginia was the New River Gorge Bridge which was an hour and half from our cabin.  Jake was poking fun at me the whole way there about wanting to see a bridge that was so far out of the way.  He shut up when we got there though.  It was an epic view over the gorge from the visitor center, with a little walk down to an outdoor overlook with an awesome viewpoint of both the gorge and the bridge.  The bridge was impressively big.  It was the largest single arch bridge in the US!  
We stopped in South Charleston for dinner at a Korean BBQ restaurant called Red Fire.  We were seated at a large Hibachi table (the middle section of this table acts as a flat stove top with a vent in front of the chef).  We were seated at the opposite end to an old couple and made jokes about how it was as though we were watching the future us!  After placing our orders a chef came to our table and performed a bunch of tricks with his utensils, before cooking our rice, vegetables, teriyaki chicken and shrimp.  He also gave us a white sauce that he called “yum yum” (I think?) which was super yummy as the name suggests!  Our chef also performed a couple of tricks with fire.  The first made me jump back as a huge flame burst up into the air right in front of us!  His second trick involved creating a volcano from onion rings, flames rising from the middle.  It was a very entertaining dinner!
Our KOA cabin was in a town called Huntington.  It was a super cute set up but we ran into some unfortunate circumstances.  Whoever had been staying in the cabin before us had obviously spilt alcohol somewhere as the stench was very strong.  That combined with the cigarette smoke we smelt in the room was a big let down.  We knew they had been smoking in there because they had covered the smoke detector with a plastic bag and forgotten to take it down! Blatantly ignoring the NO SMOKING sign!  Still no internet - and also way too busy to get my blog completed!!  I’ve been getting as far as I can while sitting as a passenger in the car but there’s only so much I can handle before getting car sick!  The lengths I go to just to keep you all informed!
Next up was Williamstown, Kentucky where we had tickets to see the life-size Ark Encounter.  It was pretty amazing to see the huge ark as we were approaching on the shuttle bus.  The ark was made of timber and was 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 81 feet high!  This is supposed to show the actual size that the ark was believed to be.  The inside of the ark was a museum which talked all about the different views people have of things such as how Noah could fit all the animals on the ark, what those animals were, and the systems they had in place for feeding them all.  Neither of us are religious, but I think it was incredibly interesting either way! Before continuing our drive to Nashville, we thought it was more than necessary to have Kentucky fried chicken for lunch, from KFC of course.  Basically it tasted the same as anywhere else, and the service was actually crappy!  Nevertheless, KFC is always a good idea and our big bucket filled our sandwiches with delicious fried chicken for the next few days!
Nashville was definitely one of the favourites out of all the places we’ve been so far.  We stayed in another KOA cabin.  Thankfully we’ve been happy with all of our accommodations so far!  We’re both pretty low maintenance so I guess that’s easy to achieve.
We spent our first night in Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry.  If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s basically where country music was made famous.  We’re both big fans of country music so we were super excited to see what all the buzz was about!  Grand Ole Opry is a weekly country concert which began in 1925 as a one-hour radio “barn dance” on the WSM channel.  It’s where Johnny Cash fell in love with June, and all the most famous country music stars have played.  The original Opry House was damaged in a flood but a circle of the original stage was preserved and placed in the new Opry House.  We thought this was pretty incredible - imagine how many country music stars have stood there singing on that circle!?  I’m sure my Grandma Arnott would be excited to know that Elvis once played there too!  
We only knew one of the artists who played - Chris Jensen.  He sings a song called “Buy Me A Boat”.  It’s a very catchy song, you should look it up!  He closed for the show, so it ended on a high note, and so did he.  He told the audience at the beginning “I’ve had 4 Mountain Dews, 2 packs of Sour Patch Kids and 4 packs of Mike & Ike’s, so you could say I’m pretty excited for the show!”  FYI Sour Patch Kids and Mike & Ike’s are lollies (candy) over here.  He was super hyper and basically bouncing off the walls, he also had a super goofy laugh and played the harmonica like an absolute champ!  Another group who stood out for us was a group of 4 old men dressed in old school Nudie style cowboy suits and hats.  Nudie was a designer who made all the glitzy colourful cowboy suits back in the day.  They were a comedy country group so all of their songs made us laugh.  Especially their closing act where they had a “face playing” battle!  Making their mouths into an ‘O’ shape and then slapping their cheeks into the microphone.  They had us in tears!
The KOA had a cheap downtown shuttle which we caught at 10pm after getting home from the Opry.  We had to seriously push ourselves to stay awake, but it was our one opportunity to see Nashville nightlife since we needed to get to bed early the following night.  We were dropped off out front of the Country Hall of Fame and walked a couple blocks up to the main street lit with neon lights.  After grabbing a burger and dog (not the pet kind) at the first place we saw serving food, which were seriously goooood, we moved on to a place called Nudie’s Honky Tonk which I’m guessing was named after the cowboy suit designer.  There was a pretty sweet band playing there so we ordered a couple beers and grooved along for a few songs.  Literally every bar on this street has a live band of some sort.  Eventually we were both struggling to keep our eyes open and made the decision to call it a night.
We were able to sleep in the next morning which was BLISS!  After getting some laundry underway, for 8 BLOODY DOLLARS, we made our way to Boot Barn.  It was a MUST for me to buy a pair of authentic cowboy boots in Nashville.  Jake insisted that I stop looking at prices and ended up buying me a gorgeous pair of boots that I’m so in love with.  They are super comfy and look great with literally everything.  My husband sure knows the meaning of happy wife, happy life!  It was a very quick boot shopping trip because I had hunger pains like never before and needed to eat BADLY.  Thankfully my husband also knows hangry Kelly all too well and we wandered over to Burger King for a couple of Rodeo burgers (sticking to the cowboy theme).  Next we visited the Ryman Auditorium.  This is where the original Opry House was.  They’ve kept it pretty well intact and it’s now a museum, which still constantly hosts performances from famous artists on a weekly basis.  Throughout my reading I learnt that even people such as Carlie Chaplin and Houdini used to perform their acts there!!  To finish off our day in downtown Nashville, we went to a dive bar called Piranha’s which we’d seen a glimpse of on our way in.  The thing that caught our eye had been there sign announcing the famous “donut burger”.  Of course being the burger connoisseurs that we are - we had to try it!  Boy was it delicious, and all sorts of other goodness.  A meat patty, cheese, egg and bacon stacked in between two glazed donuts!  YUM!  Well worth the heart attack.  Finally to close our final night in Nashville we had a silver bullet (Coors Light beer) and roasted marshmallows in a campfire out front of our cabin.
We have just arrived in Kansas and finished a huge feed of Mexican food!  We’re driving to Colorado tomorrow after a couple of activities!  Stay posted!
With love from KANSAS! xx
P.S. I’m hoping to put together another video from the GoPro in a couple of weeks, of our US travels… but I must warn you, it will mostly consist of Jake and I rocking out to the best tunes in the car!
0 notes
Influencer Marketing at GBK’s Gifting Suite Honoring Grammy Nominees: Interview with the Businesses
Face-to-face connections with celebrities are hard to attain in real life, and one company has an impressive skill for throwing enjoyable yet commercially fruitful events to bring people together. GBK offers lavish networking events for businesses to connect with celebrities and media on a personal level, and build partnerships.
Tapping into influencer marketing is a major marketing trend for 2017, that is sure to stay, and many brands have achieved greater success by attending celebrity gift lounges. Businesses jumped at the chance to showcase their products to top talent this past weekend. GBK hosted another star-studded soiree, a celebrity gifting event honoring Oscar nominees and presenters. that took place at a $25Million Estate in Beverly Hills, CA. Notable guests included Viola Davis, Miles Teller, Randy Jackson, and Haley Lu Richardson.
Home Business Magazine spoke with the brand representatives about the story behind the brand, the inspiration for company, thoughts on celebrity gift lounges, and what their future marketing strategies are.
Ike’s Place
HBM: How was it at this GBK event today? Has influencer marketing benefited your company?
Ike: “I had a lot of fun. There’s a lot of great gifts, and great food of course. For me, these events have helped because the attendees become customers. When they come in, because I’m in the restaurant business, people take photos of the celebrities at my business. It’s like social proof, when they’re there at the restaurant. Because the food is good, I have a product where people keep coming back and back again. It’s been really helpful for me. I also had a few people at these events come back and want to fund me or open up their own restaurants. I’ve met a couple partners specifically from events like this.”
HBM: What do you like most about GBK and their celebrity gift lounges?
Ike: “I really like the people that work here. They offer a great service, and great people. They’re really fun to be around. They put on a good party too. The celebrities are fun too that show up here. It’s different than the other ones I go to, where these ones are more personable and want to interact. They spend time with the tables.”
HBM: Have you had good promotion from the celebrities?
Ike: “Oh yeah. We have something that’s happening soon, and that person has seven million followers. They’re tweeting out their sandwiches tomorrow. I’m sure that’s going to be helpful.”
HBM: What are your future marketing strategies?
Ike: “More of the same like this. Connecting with influencers and showing that we have social proof. The food is good, so we’re trying to get it out more and more in the public.”
Burke Williams Spa
HBM: How do feel about GBK’s events?
Burke Williams Spa: “This is my first time! I’m honored to be here. It’s been a lot of fun. We’ve had a really warm reception. Glad to hear that a lot of people are familiar with our facilities, and really open and welcome to hear about what we have to offer, which is talking about our newest Hollywood location, which is offering new services including our blow dry bar, our steam pedicures, and garden room services. It’s been really fun.”
HBM: What do you think is most beneficial about going to celebrity gift lounges?
Burke Williams Spa: “I think spreading what we have to offer is most beneficial. No matter who you are, you can benefit from taking care of yourself and wellness, especially living in California, in Los Angeles. We all are really fast paced, and we’re always on the go. Sometimes we forget to let ourselves center, and we offer that to all of your guests.”
HBM: What are you gifting celebrities today?
Burke Williams Spa: “We have a variety of our H2V products, which is the signature line we use in all of our facials and skincare. It’s also included in all of our spa amenities. Our guests can come in and shampoo, condition their hair, and use body wash. All of our facial products are used in our facilities as well. Whether you’re getting a massage or any other service, you can experience them.”
(Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images for GBK Productions)
Hallmark Signature
HBM: What is Hallmark Signature?
Hallmark Signature: “Hallmark Signature is Hallmark’s premium greeting card collection. As you can see, the cards have lots of extra dimension and embellishments to them. The copy on it is still very simple and subtle, so you can say a lot with a little. We have cards here for a birthday, some congratulatory cards, which is kind of fun, if you think about from the nominee perspective. ”
HBM: Have you done other celebrity gift lounges like GBK’s in the past?
Hallmark Signature: “We have not. This is our first one. It’s wonderful! It’s been so fun to get our product in front of such a broad range of people. We’ve had everybody from Viola Davis to Anthony Anderson. The card Viola chose was The One and Only. She loved The One and Only and also our little ballerina card. It’s been so fun to see everyone’s reactions to our product! We’ve had a lot of people come by!”
HBM: How did you find out about GBK?
Hallmark Signature: “We’ve worked with them before. We’re really excited about the opportunity to sample our product and with the Oscars being such an elaborate event, and kind of the biggest of the season, we feel like Signature is our best foot forward too, so perfect for that. It’s a celebratory event. Our brand is grounded in style. It’s really about helping people express and share their personal style. This place, with all the style, seemed like a great venue to really debut the brand in front of a big audience.”
Meza Dental
HBM: What is Meza Dental?
Meza Dental: “Meza is a cosmetic dentistry company. We’re based in San José, Costa Rica. The reason we’re here is because they’re a lot of patients from the United States and Canada travelling for vacation to Costa Rica and they’re also getting dental work done. We’re a group of cosmetic dentists trained here in the United States, but born and raised in Costa Rica. This is called “medical tourism”. It’s an industry going on for about fifteen years. Nowadays, Meza Dental is expanding. It’s moving to Colombia. We’re offering the beauty of Costa Rica, of nature. Now we want to offer the glamour of a city like Bogota, where there’s a lot of fashion and nightlife, and things like that. We also would like to offer the possibility of being in Dubai. Dubai is going to be open hopefully in 2018. It’s a major hub for the Arab and Asian immigrants, so there’s a lot of people travelling into Dubai. Nowadays, they have a Dubai healthcare city. That’s where we want to be located at. Nowadays, we’re getting into the celebrity marketing industry.”
HBM: How has GBK helped you with celebrity marketing and making influencer connections?
Meza Dental: “Really good. It has given us a lot of exposure and networking. We’re now on the way of new big plans in the near future. We will hopefully come back for future gifting suites. Our publicist is the one moving us around but we’ll see. Viola Davis was here this morning, which was great.”
HBM: Please tell us about your product.
Earthwater: “This is alkaline water. It has a PH of 9. It has 77 trace minerals in it and that’s what gives it its brown color. We take minerals from deep inside the earth and infuse it into the water. There’s absolutely nothing else added besides just the minerals that are really good for you. There’s no added sugar, no flavor, or anything like that. It’s vegan and gluten-free. It has no calories.”
HBM: How was the company founded?
Earthwater: “It was founded by CJ Comu who is actually in Dallas, Texas, and that’s where our little secret spot is where we get everything from. CJ actually just flew back out today and so I’m their spokesperson for Los Angeles and I’ve been doing a lot of the events for them here. It’s several years old. We did the gift suites last year, and we also did the Superbowl. It’s been around. People love it!”
HBM: How has GBK helped you with influencer marketing, and helping the company connect you with celebrities and media?
Earthwater: “So much! Like I said—we did the gift suites last year as well. We’ve had a really good rapport with everybody. It’s been really great.”
Pure Seduction
HBM: Tell us about Pure Seduction.
Pure Seduction: “It’s a premium men underwear store. We are located in New York and we have an online store. Everything comes from Berlin, is designed and made over there. We have very different materials and fabrics. We have all different styles from very conservative to very kinky styles.”
HBM: How was the company founded?
Pure Seduction: “I opened the company because I had a friend who moved here from Russia. I asked him what he’s missing that Americans don’t have. He said, “Americans don’t have good underwear.” So, I started to search and bought a couple brands and brought them here. It was initially a multi-brand store. How we are launching our own line.”
HBM: How do you feel about celebrity gifting events?
Pure Seduction: “It’s our first event. Everybody’s different. People are different. I like to see how people react to our brand. It’s always fun.”
HBM: What are you future plans?
Pure Seduction: “We’re opening a store in West Hollywood. We are launching our own brand. It’s exciting!”
Il Palato Italiano
HBM: What is Il Palato Italiano?
Il Palato Italiano: “We are a club for food lovers and we select the most exclusive Italian products we can find. We try to bring them to the United States with a new concept which is to fly a hope brigade from Europe and come and cook at your doorstep.”
HBM: How has influencer marketing and attending gift lounges benefited your business?
Il Palato Italiano: “This is the second event we are doing in the United States. On Monday evening, we were at a top celebrity’s home for his housewarming. We had a dinner for eighteen people. All these connections came from attending the GBK gift lounge they hosted for the Emmy’s. The gift we’re giving is a spaghetti kit for six people that you can do at home with our selection of product. It’s a tiny, seasonal selection, so when it’s over, it’s over. You have to book it for next year. For some people we’ve got an exclusive dinner, which is a dinner for ten people. You can do it whenever you want, and have the chef come. They can build their own menus and have the tailor-made experience.”
HBM: What do you like most about GBK?
Il Palato Italiano: “They take care of every detail. They are punctual, and helpful for us in getting our message through. We’re very happy about the company.”
GBK, formerly GBK Productions, is a luxury lifestyle gifting and special events company, specializing in entertainment marketing integration. Formed in 2000 by Gavin Keilly, the company’s Founder and CEO, GBK consists of five divisions: GBK Celebrity Gifting, GBK Special Events, GBK Weddings, GBK Charitable Consulting and GBK Marketing/Public Relations.  Widely known in the entertainment industry for bringing that little extra something into the Gifting Lounge environment, GBK offers its clients a full range of marketing services.  For more information on Gavin B. Keilly (CEO) or GBK, please go to gbkproductions.com.
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