#but like it’s prob the most baffling
lilyvines · 2 years
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went down an ao3 rabbit hole and this is the first time in my life i’ve seen a dni against women
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
(gonna sound so stupid rn) The etymology of the abbreviation "pro" being claimed to stand for "problematic" when it has had a decade long history of literally being a synonym for words/terms like "for" and "in support of" is one of the most baffling claims I've seen when it comes to the meaning of words. But what makes it even more silly is that there is a "prob" which, while also used for "probably" has also rarely been an abbreviation for "problem", which... ya know, PROBLEMatic. (stupid end)
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Batfam X One Piece Crossover AU
Someone mentioned this sort of au and I went Insane a bit ^-^' hope you guys enjoy!
Okay so a Batfam in the One Piece world au and how I think it would work/go;
I imagine the Batfam were whammied into an entirely new dimension while on patrol so we have the full costumed roster (but not the full extended clan cuz that's so many people lol) so we have Bruce/Batman, Dick/Nightwing, Jason/Red Hood, Tim/Red Robbin, Damian/Robin, Cass/Black Bat, Stephanie/Batgirl (you can pry Steph still being batgirl out of my cold dead hands), and Duke/Signal.
The First thing they do is figure out where they are, an island in something called the ___ blue (idk which they should be in lol, but it's best if they start in a blue I think), and are very obviously not in their world. (I'm gonna say for the sake of Plot either One Piece doesn't exist in their world or none of them have watched/read it because that would be too easy lol)
Ofc the second thing they do is try to find a way home and gather info but uh, they quickly realize this world doesn't have the best tech around to build something to take them home, and places/people they can get to would be either hard to find or in a place that's very dangerous to get to (Vegapunk is their best bet but... not really an option for right away due to mentioned reasons).
They think of asking this "World Government" for help for all of two seconds, before finding out how fucking awful and corrupt the whole system this world has and nixes that idea right in the bud. They're Vigilantes for a reason, after all, and know corruption in governments very well. So honestly, their best bet is either trying to go along and find someone that can help and materials, or waiting for their people from their world to come and get them.
(SO much more under cut im sorry Brain went Brrr)
Tbh it must be so wild to be in this world too tho, for some many reasons. It's close enough, but then you factor in all the different races and species, and how the world is set up. Add the fact most of it not as advanced as their world, except in some places which it is? And how half their technology runs on... snails?????? What a baffling world. Also, people can have powers and are gained from something called Devil Fruits which give you powers in exchange that the sea can and will kill you, except for some races have natural powers due to their biology.
They decide pretty quickly in world of water to not eat the Devil Fruits. Also keep an eye on Duke because his powers, while not too flashy, arnt a devil fruit, and they have no way to explain how he has them, and how he can manipulate both light and shadows.
Its probs also so jarring because like, in their world, they are used to being the peak of what humans can do. They keep up with metas and aliens and are cosidered among the best of the best for a reason, and while they often have to compensate with gear and tech, at the end of the day they can only go so far as humans.
However, it's different in this world. Clearly even though there are humans, their biological standards are different then their Earth, and even just humans without powers can go far beyond their own norm if they train and work hard enough for it.
The Batfam could easily handle the Blue's pirates and marines, and probs all cannon fodder marines, and while I think they could deal with a good chunk if not most people in Paradise baring the strongest in the first half of the grand line, there's no way they could deal with the New World even with their best gear and in peak condition for them. Which sucks because their best bets are likely in that Sea.
Idk where I'd see them, my heart wants them to be pirates of their own little run pirate crew, but I could easily see them being picked up by a canon crew or turning Revolutionaries in exchange for getting help find a way home, or pirates with connections to Revs. The only thing I can't see is them as Marines, as stated a few paragraphs above, lol, but also I figure they run into the law and go fuck you guys and what you stand for and end up with bounties so they are wanted anyways. But either way they are gonna be progressing and trying to find a way home while getting stronger.
I imagine Haki is the first thing they really try to get down after leanring about it. Idk how they managed to find out about it either in the blues or so early in the grand line, but they are expert information gatherers so they do and immediately try to learn it (either tracking someone down who knows it or how to unlock it, or finding adequate documentation in how to do it) and get to work. It's their best chances in getting a leg up in this world.
And they do unlock it! They're pretty much all geniuses, and they already have experience learning weird skills and manipulating their mental will (they can block out telepaths and have strong willpower in general against mind control canonically), so learning to manifest it into Observation and Armament Haki is less about how hard it is and more just if they can (After all they aren't from this world) and how to apply it. Thankfully, it seems they can.
Duke's Observation makes his future vision so much more powerful, so much he actually has adverse effects to it at first before he gets used to it. Observation is great, just helps what they already natrually know but Armament is very much beloved, instant armor that helps you hit harder even against normal people, let alone devil fruit users!! They are big fans.
Conquerors Haki off the table rn because A.) they don't know if they have it and B.) Who or whatever they learned Haki from didn't explain it or have it to explain so that's put to the side for now, but I'm unsure who, if any of them, have it. Maybe Bruce and Jason, and maybe Damian? I feel?? I could also see Dick unlocking his use of it in a fit of protective rage? Im largely Unsure.
I also think it would be neat if the longer they are here, their bodies adapt to this world more and more until they start being able to past their peak of what they could do before and just... keep going. It varies from each batfam member how they feel on their biology changing over time, but they can't do more than just accept it. At least it will help them survive.
Also, they have to adapt in more ways than one. They arrive and their best gear, fully stocked and mostly undamaged, but the longer they are here the more they run out of supplies and things wear down so they have to figure out how to get/make more or alternate for something better. Batarangs thankfully, while having to be made of a different material, can be made from any island with a good blacksmith who's willing to let them use their forges to make them themselves (cuz having to commission them would take money they don't actually have)
Their suits thankfully are fine and reinforced, but over time they're gonna have to likely find a fabric that could replace the stuff their suits are made of or just switch to diffrent outfits inspired by their suits. Dick's Escrima Sticks can't be charged, so they end up not electrified until they find a way to do it later. Jason's guns inevitably run out of ammo then even if he makes his own, they get just damaged so he's forced to switch to the local pirate guns, thankfully not all are just flintlocks.
Damian's sword is apparently very high grade here and is very smug about it, though annoyed other "Swordsmen" keep wanting to know more about his blade and where he learned to use his "weird style". Tim gets a boa staff that has the ends tipped in sea stone.
Their styles also adapt over time. I have this vision of Dick getting his hands on these boots, probs with Dial technology, that let him jump higher and bounce off of walls if he times it right. Jason with Dial guns. They start picking up the 6 powers as well, not all, but Geppo and Soru become very heavily utilized. I think one of them should end up with Voice of all Things, either Cass or Duke, because it's fun lol.
Im... unsure about devilfruits, but I think it would be intrestin to explore if somone ate one, likely out of despration or having little choice. Unsure who or what fruit but just would be neat i think, expecially dealin with the side effects. Tho Dick with a Wind Logia or a winged Zoan of sorts sounds SO interesting. (Can you tell who my favorite batfam memeber is? ^-^')
As for Ponyglaph Runes, Bruce and Tim def find out about it and try their best to tackle it, but It's REALLY hard to learn an entirely different language with unfamiliar sentence structure when you have absolutely no keys or references to work with. They learn of Nico Robin, and aren't stupid so figure it's likely an awful cover-up or more to the story, and decide to lowkey make it one of their goals to track her or any other knowledge on how to learn it down. If they get even a bare hint of a clue on how to translate, I'm sure they'd figure it out over time, but Robin is their best bet.
They find out about Whitebeard, and they are quietly glad Bruce's adoption problem isn't that bad but think its funny. Dick is beloved by all and makes enough friends and allies to rival Luffy's charisma, it's a skill man. I can't decide if their Epithets in this world are just their Vigilante names, and they stay masked, or they get knew Epithets and decide there's no point in hiding, or a mix of both but yee.
The OP world either speaks "Common" they can all magically speak now with some diffrent launages in diff parts of the world, OR Japanese, which some of them know and have to teach the others, OR a weird mix of English and Japanese. There's a point in time that people think Damian is Nico Robin's child or sibling because of the Robin thing, and he's a little demon child. Or hell they still do, and he's very livid while Robin is both amused but also scared for this child who is being tied to her.
They still dont kill for the most part, baring Jason, but some of them are pushed into it and they have to figure out what that means for them and what it means moving fowrard with their no kill policy. Some do better with it, some dont. Bruce still hasnt and wont kill, same with Cass, and Damian decides he doesnt want to but will if absolutly no other choice is offered, thankfully they havnt let him had to make this choice yet. (I just have so much thoughts about a assassin raised child deciding they dont want their hands more red now they have the choice).
One or more of them should end up pulled into the War at Marineford and Ace should be saved because I will try to fit a Ace Lives plot into everything lol
Overall I think if this was a fanfic the plot would be a lot of exploring the differences in their worlds, how they adapt and overcome, and trying to find a way home while also coming to like this world and overturning corruption and fucking over the government. I think them with the Strawhats or another crew would be fun, either as allies or joined idk, but I think with them as their own crew would be cool as well. If they join or ally with a crew Bruce lowkey adopts everyone, and he's given SO much shit for it but christ so many of them have such sad backstories and he wants to help
I think in the end they should get to find their way home and like no time has passed, but they're so changed, and arguably considered powered now because lol, but find a way to go back and visit safely.
Sorry for the word vomit but man im in love with this idea. Feel free to comment or send Asks with questions or comments about the au! Please Reblog, and not just like, as they do nothing <3
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energysoda · 1 year
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(ok so I got this ask awhile ago and responded to it but at the time my autistic ass didn't realize that it was prob a way of asking for like more of a piece of writing, and rn I feel like writing about it soooo yeah let's go)
CW: William Afton behavior (possessive, murderer, toxic, etc), sexual themes (nothing explicit, but I would give it a mature rating)
Sugar Daddy William Afton with a Goth Transmasc Partner Headcanons
You guys met each other in a music store, you were looking at an album and caught William's attention with your sense of style-- he found it intriguing
"I've heard about that band, are they any good?" He asked you, more of as an excuse to talk to you but there was some truth to it, he had heard about the band of the album you were looking at
At first you're kind of caught off guard, like why is this handsome older stranger talking to you, but you answer truthfully about the band since you assume that's probably the only reason he asked
After a while of small talk he ended up asking you out for dinner sometime which REALLY baffled you, but you ended up agreeing and that was the start of your somewhat unconventional relationship with him
When you found out he was the co-owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, you were really surprised and kind of starstruck since you were actually really fascinated about the case and the potential ghosts
Sometimes he considers confessing what he did, but realistically he holds himself back... He'd also make plans to create an animatronic for you to haunt just in case anything happened, having to kill you or otherwise
You introduce him to some goth bands and he actually ends up really liking some of them (Mf likes The Smiths, also The Cure tbh)
He likes how when he talks about more morbid topics like death or whatever how it doesn't turn you off, and how you actually are quite engaged in the conversation
Pays for your university tuition, your rent, etc
Would fund your entire transition, like if you wanted to go on testosterone or get top surgery or bottom surgery-- anything you wanted he would insist on covering it for you
Also like goes crazy with buying you new clothes, accessories, makeup, the works basically. he likes seeing you dressed up in things he got you it drives him absolutely wild
In general he likes to spoil you with gifts, expensive dinners, etc. (though you do have to work for it at least a little yk)
Insists on driving you everywhere (and probably would break your car so you have to rely on him)
When you came out to him as trans he was surprised since he's never really known a trans person before let alone been in a relationship with one, but this new information didn't affect how he sees you at all and he makes that clear
Sex goes crazy
Bro will praise you and degrade you at the same time fr
If you're wearing lipstick that is transferable and are around him, you bet that his neck and face are gonna end up being covered in lipstick marks and he honestly loves it
DEFINITELY has a big thing for marking you up, like he likes making it known that you belong to him (this can be in various ways: hickies, jewelry he gave you, etc)
He doms most of the time but once on a blue moon he lets you dom
He likes teasing you, especially if you get flustered easily
This old man is so horny omfg like bro is down bad for you
Sometimes when you're alone with him he lets you give him a makeover
Definitely have gone on romantic walks in graveyards together
He is literally obsessed with you, like a concerning amount
If anyone harasses you OR flirts with you, they mysteriously go missing, that's kinda crazy I wonder what happened
Have any transphobic family? Not anymore <3
Literally if someone even looks at you wrong, he will have something to say about it
After sex he surprisingly likes to cuddle, and sometimes you guys just sort of talk about life or whatever random thing before falling asleep in each other's arms
he's more cuddly when he's sleepy, it's kind of sweet
Ok I'm done with ideas, hopefully that is satisfactory for u guys
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walnutofthedead · 1 year
Can you do Yandere Mikoto x Gn! Reader headcanons?
Hahaha hah djbdhddhhdhd
The ask I’ve been waiting for frfr….
I’m so normal about yanderes (they’re fun to write leave me alone)
So uhm I MAY go a wee bit overboard here??? And May or may not have ended up doing the yan alphabet?? This is for Mikoto and not his alter, if you want an orekoto one just lmk <3
Prob will do a shortfic later
Yandere shit under the cut
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I see Mikoto as a physical affection type of guy tbh- Like, he’s still really sweet! Always nice with his words, but he’ll like randomly hug you from behind, hold your hand, a lot of things that most regular couples do. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Well… in terms of like, actual messes, he tries to be clean! Mikoto doesn’t particularly even want to hurt anybody. He’s not ALL bad…
With that said, sometimes, he has to. If someone is trying to steal you away and doesn’t heed his warnings, or if they hurt you, he has no choice but to put an end to that! 
If someone hurts you, he’ll be more brutal.. not above torturing them if they’ve gone that far. 
If it’s because he’s jealous, he’s a bit more nice. He doesn’t make it too painful. Maybe a blow to the head, a fast-acting poison… 
After all, he can’t blame them for falling for you just like he did! It’s impossible not to~
They just don’t get to take you away from him. Never. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Nono! He’s a sweetie:c Mikoto honestly would just treat you with genuine respect and love,, be like, he loves you! He knows he’s already done something awful by abducting you and is sympathetic. Prob tries to make it as comfortable as possible. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Well… he’s definitely do a lot of hugging and stuff like that… but the furthest he’d go without (implied or direct) consent is just a peck on the lips<3
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
So here’s the thing- he’s delusional as fuck. He’ll just treat your relationship like he’d treat any regular one. He’s never invulnerable around you, but there’s definitely times he’s more vulnerable. Don’t hurt him please the silly:(
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
So confused and betrayed. You love him, so why are you fighting him? He only wants what’s best for you! 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He takes this shit so seriously- istfg bro hates it when you try and escape :((( kind of a pushover tbh- like he’ll probably just try and make it even more comfortable for you whenever you try to leave. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Being abducted is the worst it’ll get. Even while captive, he treats you with such care it’s baffling- he loves you!!!! Cmon pooks love him back ong
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
I feel like he daydreams about marrying them… like he has it all planned to a T. Probably already designed an outfit for s/o to wear at their wedding. We love a ✨ prepared ✨ mans 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets jealous and inhales lethal amounts of Copium. The poor silly
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Nah bro just acts like his normal self but like,, slightly more happy???   
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Just approaching regularly, he has no issue going up and talking to them! When confessions are involved though, he has a much harder time… probably would opt for a love letter. A long, well-written one with little doodles on it !!
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Lmao nope
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He kinda just.. wouldn’t..? If he got really pissed somehow, he might like, lock them in their room or something… but he avoids using violence when possible. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many! When he abducts them, he’s strict at first, but eventually even lets them go out so long as he’s there with them. 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He’s incredibly patient. He doesn’t get angry very easily, and when he does, he calms down fairly quick. This is assuming he doesn’t switch to Orekoto, of course…
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Haha no
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Oh, absolutely. He’d feel like actual shit about it. Even with all the gaslighting himself to try and justify it, he knows taking someone captive like this is awful. And especially for such selfish reasons… that’s why he tries making it up to them by spoiling them! 
He won’t let them go though. There’s no going back once you kidnap someone. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Hm……. I’d say probably just emotional dependency and bad attachment issues. He just happened to get a bit too attached to s/o. 
-bonus hc: he gives his friends nicknames to make it feel like they have a deeper friendship than they do so they don’t drift away from him ! 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Oh, he hates it- just seeing them sad or afraid breaks his heart. He doesn’t know what to do, so he just tries his best to comfort them with words. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Give his darling some MOTHERFUCKING FREEDOM-
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His willingness to trust. As I mentioned earlier, he gives a lot of freedom, and that only increases as his trust in them builds. Once he’s convinced they do, in fact, love him, and won’t try and leave, he’ll begin letting them go out alone for short periods of time so long as they let him track their location. You can already see how that could turn out in an unsatisfactory way for him…
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Nope. Or at least, it would take a lot for him to lash out and do so. And even then, it wouldn’t be that bad. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He doesn’t really worship them per se… but he will totally go to extreme lengths to win them over. No amount of time or money or effort is too much if it means a chance at winning his darling over <3
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Depending on outside factors like other people pursuing them, it could be anywhere between a few months and a couple years. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Haha no. 
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blorbocedes · 9 months
perhaps this is me being shallow and i’m not trying to insinuate that every driver on the grid has to be gunning for a wdc but i don’t understand why anyone would turn down a rb contract at this stage? i mean if the rumours about alex refusing the seat are true i just… idk i know he’s been personally victimised by helmut marko before and been through the rb ringer but he’s a much better much more skilled and experienced driver right now and if it were me i’d personally want to test my skills against max. rb is the most coveted seat right now, it’s an opportunity to get regular podiums and even wins if max messes up or you’re simply faster. i don’t enjoy this “running from a fight” mentality (not saying that’s what alex is doing rn cause ofc there are other things at play) and it is in fact one of the reasons ****** sorta fell out of my favour. anyway i hope this makes sense haha not a native speaker, and not trying to be rude i just… don’t get it. i had similar thoughts about lando before, when horner said they’d talk to lando and then he’d only use that as leverage in his mclaren contracts. but baffling to me to come all the way to f1 after dedicating your life to it and then just going “nah” when you have the chance to be in the best car cause the other might be better than you. i mean when max got to rb daniel was the guy who had just pulverised 4-time wdc vettel, and you didn’t see him hesitte to jump in the car mid-season
when you sign a redbull contract now, you know you're effectively going to play second driver until 2028. yes Alex is a more complete driver now and would prob fare much better vs Max now, but he's also been through the RBR ringer like you said. going back would mean adjusting to an entirely new car while Max has only driven redbulls, AND getting scrutinised 2x because of his prev performance. anything below p2 is considered underperforming in the best car, and that's a lot of pressure and ofc your ego having to handle being "Max's bitch." pulling a rosberg against a generational talent is not easy. at Williams alex is personally more involved and treated as team leader and the car has improved from being the worst back marker to a solid midfielder, with Alex outdriving it.
also. job security in f1 is notoriously limited with 20 seats and rookies from f2 vying to get in. let's say alex goes to RBR. he either has to hope they let him drive until 2028 and finally get a shot at the championship (if 2026 regulations don't turn it into a junk box) and no second driver is getting a 5 year contract. Valtteri went from the best car to a backmark/midfielder. He's not even in question when silly season rolls around for the Ferraris and Bulls, despite being a solid second driver who picked off wins when Lewis dnf'd. they might scout him for Audi because they need an experienced driver for development. your career moving from the best car can only go Down. Alex already had a year off from f1 as a reserve driver when RB booted him, whatever choices he makes -- it'll be with a long term goal in mind.
Alex has said recently that if the Williams doesn't improve, he will look at other options -- as he should! He's being scouted by multiple teams. The improvements of the Aston Martin and even Mclaren have shown absolute backmarkers can become podium contending cars within a season! you'd prefer to succeed with a team that knows you and will accommodate to you than a top team where you're expected to play someone else's defense. Which brings me to lando. Lando is in the curious case Max was in 2017/18, where all the top teams were courting him. He had offers from Ferrari and Merc, while nobody knew if the RB Honda deal would work, and the RB was DNFing every other race. redbull convinced max to stay, that they'll develop the car around him and they will become a top team. I'm sure mclaren is doing the same to lando, that's the only team he's driven for and he's getting paid Very Well, the team principal is literally invested in his business, and they started this season around p19/p20, and finished it on podium. the results are there, why would he move to rbr to pick off max's crumbs?
do you know who absolutely did run from a fight? daniel. bc RB had no outright driver hierarchy in 2018, they literally stated they wanted to win a championship with daniel -- but max was too much of a rising star and daniel dipped, leaving the only team his career had anything notable from.
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band--psycho · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Reader- Beaten By A Gingerbread House
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
I hope youall enjoy my last stroy for my Christmas Writing Challenge! 💛
Prompy-My gingerbread house needs to be condemned
“So, how’s it going?” Natasha asked, leaning against the door frame that was between the living room and the kitchen. 
She’d been trying to let Y/n conquer this battle on her own; but after hearing a fair few swear words leave her lips followed by a very frustrated sigh, Natasha decided to intervene. 
“I think my gingerbread house needs to be condemned,” Y/n groaned, looking at the gingerbread house that had collapsed only moments ago.
“It just keeps collapsing; at this point I think there’s more icing than there is actual gingerbread,” she continued, completely unaware that Natasha was now standing behind her until she felt Natasha’s arms around her waist, her fingers lightly dancing along the waistband of Y/ns jeans. 
Even though Y/n's statement was entirely true; pretty much all of the gingerbread pieces were covered in icing; and Y/n's hands were completely covered in the very icing that was all over gingerbread. 
“You just need to relax malysh,” Natasha cooed softly against Y/n's ear; as Y/n attempted to ignore Natashas soft touches as she once again constructed the gingerbread house, only for it to collapse for umpteenth time. 
“This needs to be finished in an hour and a half, I don’t have time to relax,” Y/n replied; frustration lacing her voice. 
“You’re just gonna make it worse if you carry on though,” Natasha countered softly; placing a delicate kiss on her neck.
That kiss was the first of many that Natasha left along Y/n's neck; some were soft and gentle; others not so much. Y/n knew she’d have a trail of hickeys on her neck
At this point; the thought of building a gingerbread house had gone out of the window. 
“Shhh, just relax,” Natasha whispered, her hands moving to the zipper of Y/ns jeans
“Let me take care of you,” Natasha cooed in Y/n's ear; as she pulled her jeans down.
Natasha knew that there was one way to make Y/n relax; it would be cruel of her if she didn’t help her girlfriend out when she was clearly very stressed.
“Feel better?” Natasha asked; her lips ghosting over the marks she’d left on Y/ns neck.
“Much,” Y/n answered with a blissful smile before she noticed the time on the clock; the daydreaming look in her eyes vanishing almost instantly being replaced with the same stress she felt earlier. 
“What?” Natasha asked, confused by the sudden change in Y/ns mood. 
“I’ve only got an hour to make this goddamn gingerbread house!” 
“Breathe,” Natasha cooed, rubbing her hand soothingly across her shoulders. “Or I’ll have to take care of you again,”
If it wasn’t for the fact Y/n knew this gingerbread house had to be done in such a short amount of time she wouldn’t have been so against spending more quality time with Natasha. Especially because she had that mischievous glint twinkling in her eyes.
But the clock was ticking. There wasn’t any time for that; no matter how much Y/n wanted it. 
“Nat, we don’t have time-”
“Then calm down and I’ll help you try and build this,” 
At this point Y/n was done with the gingerbread house; it would’ve been easier and a lot less stressful to just buy one from the store. Why she had the idea of trying to build one was beyond even her reasoning. 
So that meant that Natasha did most of the work in building the gingerbread house; and by some miracle she managed to do it perfectly; after a few of the same issues that Y/n had. 
“Don’t look so surprised baby,” Natasha began, a smirk tugging at her lips as she noticed the shock in Y/n's eyes. She was baffled how Natasha had managed to construct something she’d spent what felt like decades on in just a few minutes. 
It truly was a Christmas miracle. 
“Thank you,” Y/n sighed in relief; resting her head on Natasha’s shoulder. 
“No prob-” before Natasha could finish her sentence; the gingerbread house once again, fell apart. 
There was silence for a few moments as both Y/n and Natasha stared at the mess on their kitchen worktop. 
“We’re just gonna have to buy one,” Natasha stated; dragging Y/n away before she could argue.
@xacatalepsyx @yn-ymn-yln @muzzyandbusy @gloryekaterina @rosieposie0624 @rustedbridges @amaryllis23 @wild-rose-35 @sassymox @munsinner @goddessofdawns @little-diable @beth-gallagher22 @bxnnywatts @the-chaotic-cow @camilyb @justreadingficsdontmindme @malfoys-demigod @misshale21 @delightfulsharkfarmstudent @bbmommy0902 @scorpionchild81 @elliewigginton20 @natashasleftelbow @swords-are-cool @poptartpoppyy
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thesovereignsring-if · 9 months
I think the strangest thing about the power fantasy crowd is that the lack of power is like the most appealing thing of the story. The idea that you are a mid-skilled player in a GoT scenario sounds amazing. The victories over people better than you will feel greater, the threats will be more threatening, the losses more devastating. IF is an amazing space to play around in because it is free from the constraints of power fantasy. It's fun to play cowards, crybabies, and folks that can't do everything on their own. It's actually kinda baffling that there are so many people in the IF space that don't seem to understand that stories like yours can and do exist in the space.
Yes! You get me Anon!! You get exactly why I made TSR an IF game ; ;
I actually adore disempowered characters placed in helpless/disastrous situations (which is prob why I love characters like Sansa Stark from ASOIAF (Cat, Sam and Davos hold special places in my heart too) and Peeta Mallark from HG). It's just how they interact with the story/characters/narrative are a slightly different flavour than the stereotypical protagonist.
But I understand that it's not for everyone! Sometimes those types of characters hits too closes to home and people play games to dive into the power fantasy of beating the narrative and fight evil and kill god! And there's nothing wrong with that! I love empowering narratives and underdogs rising above their preconceived stations.
But I'm not for bulldozing through the narrative/story under the blanket assumption that becoming Sovereign allows the MC to act unjustifiably brutal without consequence. ^^ I hope it doesn't come across as pretentious.
Going in, I knew I didn't want to make a power fantasy game, especially when the in-game society and characters are dealing with the all the shit that exists in the content warning. It doesn't work for me tonally and I don't want to gratify the acts of brutality that happens in the story by having the MC partake in it without proper consequence. There's a lot of grey in this story and it's probably gonna upset a lot of people, but I like when things are a lil messy and when the good people lose while the bad guys get away and vice versa.
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moonjxsung · 2 months
haiiii bb✨ i hope you had the best weekend!
i’m still not sure how he managed to do that tbh, i don’t think it’s too easy to achieve😅 so momo is prob safe from that. wasabi is an orange cat, we can’t expect much from him in the braincell department. im glad baby momo is getting better too🫶🏻 we stan her
frfr, idk how people abandon their pets. i’m literally so attached to every animal ever. i see a stray cat at a park and i’ll think of them forever and worry about them too. and people who don’t spay their cats and expect them to be outdoors are such assholes. i’ve had to spay/neuter 10+ cats due to overpopulation in the last two years and i have four more females to go (excluding my own 8 out of 9 cats). it’s insane and so so so sad. the fact that they took off the collar is so stupid too. it really sucks. i cannot comprehend.
star, idk how you do it!!! living where you live in the kpop era must be so hard😭 like, we love the exposure but my bank doesn’t. i sometimes wish i lived somewhere with a lot of kpop concerts but kinda not at the same time bc i just know i couldn’t afford most of them and i’d get the worst case of fomo. i wish you the best at your choice of concerts😂
anddd i didn’t know you stanned nct dream or itzy! follow up: which groups do you stan and who are your biases? i lovveeeee nct! i don’t really stan any ggs aside from twice and new jeans but i’d so love to listen to more so any recs would be gr8!!!
frfr ive never been confident with myself (and ik that’s like my biggest problem bc confidence is so attractive). kpop beauty standards kinda took a toll on me especially after my surgery, grad school, depression worsening etc etc. but ive learned to make delulu my solulu and be like “minho would love me even if im not pretty or skinny” and all is well (what he wouldn’t love about me is that i only eat meat when i absolutely have to bc i hate it😂). i love skincare though so if you ever need to discuss skincare im ur girl🔥 aside from kpop, plushies & cats my ocd also manifests at compulsively buying hundreds of dollars of skincare products🔥
i love you my darling bb. i hope you have the best week!! i’ve never had cheese danishes therefore im so glad i virtually tried them with you💕
Momo is doing so much better today (she’s currently napping on my freshly washed laundry❤️) so I think it might’ve been a weather thing! Hopefully her itching doesn’t come back but I’m still gonna look into bee pollen and see if it helps :’)
I KNOW I feel so very overprotective of every cat ive ever come across and it baffles me that people are just okay with abandoning their cats like that?? Especially after YEARS of owning them!??? How 😭 I don’t even like leaving momo alone for the day (despite her having an automatic feeder and a water fountain and cameras to watch her every move) so I don’t know how people abandon a cat indefinitely 💔 it’s fr so sad to me
HONESTLY it was so much easier to save money when there weren’t so many kpop things here but now we have kpop stores at every corner with v exclusive merch and preorder benefits and concerts every MONTH I can’t save money for the life of me 😭 I SWEARRRRR I buy some useless kpop thing at least once a week it’s so bad! I’m on a buying ban right now bc I just bought jhope’s on the street merch and that is ALLLL I am letting myself buy for the foreseeable future 🫡 hopefully
I LOOOOOOVE NCT OH MY GOSHHHHH okay list of my groups & biases (I might miss a few so bear w me):
Skz: JISUNGGGGG & Felix is my bias wrecker 🫶💖
Bts: jhope!!!!!!!!! Jin is my bias wrecker!
Nct 127: Yuta & Haechan! Wreckers always change but right now probs Taeyong (enlistment era starts today😔)
Nct Dream: I literally just started getting more serious about being into them despite listening to their music for a while LOL but deffffff Renjun & Haechan! 🫶
Wayv: Xiaojun!!!!
Shinee: Onew ofcccc 👼 and Taemin is my wrecker (he’s everybody’s wrecker tbh)
Ateez: Hongjoong & Seonghwa/Yeosang wreckers!
Seventeen: Hoshi & Minghao!!
Txt: Heuningkai 🫶
G-idle: Minnie! I need to get more into them but she’s defffff my bias oh my god she’s so pretty
P1harmony: I’ve also recently been more into them. Jiung!!
The Boyz: Changmin!
Ikon: Bobby!
Blackpink: MY GIRL ROSÉ 💞
Nmixx: Jiwoo & Lily!!!
EXO: Minseok!!!!
Twice: Dahyun!
Blitzers: Chris!!
Aespa: Winter!
I also listen to Lsrfm and New Jeans but I don’t have biases (I’m more just a casual listener) but I think that’s everyone!! I LOOOOOOVE NCT THOUGH RAHHHHHHH when I tell you I have been crying alllllll day bc of Taeyong enlistment FUCKKKK IM SO SAD 😭😭😭 did you see Mark and Haechan tried to go to his send off and missed it because their flight was rerouted?? GODDDD I’m so sad for them 😭 I brought my Ty bby to today’s coffee run I miss him already 😔💔
PLEASE kpop beauty standards hit you in the face when you least expect it frfr like I always told myself I didn’t care how I looked in comparison and all of a sudden it was like oh nvmmmm 😀 It comes and goes in waves as of now and lately I’ve been trying to work more on just liking myself as a person (and being delulu because that’s the solution to everything) and I also find that’s the best way to combat it 🫶 ALSO SKINCARE YESSSSS I will absolutely bug you for skincare recs I have the worst habit of buying skincare just for the cute packaging LMFAOOOO I need to buckle down and buy actual cute stuff 😭
I love you so much bby have the best week!!!!! Here’s today’s pc I took just for you 🫶👼 I love u!!!!!
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thefluxqueen · 1 year
HIIII :) here to ask about the abyss tell me about it please please please love this sort of thing :3
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HAIIII welcome :) to preface this im normal i swear. anyway The Abyss is what i like ta call my Horrible Horrible Maze, i made it w/ the goal of making the worst possible experience in minecraft to torment my friends ^_^
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I enjoy putting people in situations and studying them :D 
On that note! everyone who runs the abyss (24 people at current count) I time and write a couple notes on them! the abyss is honestly half maze half personality test LMAO. at current moment the quickest time goes to @ghostpajamas with a baffling 03:24 (wild that he got out so quick, i win tho cause i haunt his dreams), and longest goes to the beloved @rendogdomesticated with 1:35:54 <3 special shout out ta my dearest @theoctagon tho wolff ur insane i love u. guy goes inta the abyss for fun and has like 10 pages and counting of insane person phsyical notes tryna map it out (hes reported that hes gone through the first one 60 times and the 2nd one 5 jesus chriiiistttt). the abyss is fond of Pilot :) also if wolff is the favourite than @potionofinstantdamage is the Least favourite, rude ass set the place on fire when he got stuck in there :( oof ouchie
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Highlights from my notes include @quack-city running backwards and upon me asking Why, simply replied “what if there’s slenderman :(‘ ... cant argue w/ that! he also hadda stop mid run so we decided its funnier if he’s just stuck in there forever. @newtbeetle was in there for like an hour and would NOT shut up about Paul Dano the whole time which was a time (love u beebs. ur isnane). my two test runners are @kishdoodles and @officialgleamstar and they had about the same time but like Opposite reactions it was very funny, kish treated it like they were a streamer n kept a like constant chatter, and travvy was like DEAD silent the whole time n Intensely focused akjewkjr tbh outta all 24 runners trav’s been prob the most like, methotical bout it? LIKE I SAID personality test. i Love studying people. 
In regards to its origins I came up w/ the idea back in like feb/march ish of this year and from start to finish it took me like 2 weeks ish i was on the Grind. u dont understnad how much black concrete this thing took. hell on earth,,, darkwoods has an economy/shopping district and i bought out like All the sand/gravel available akjwekjr the rest i hadda gather myself n God gravel sucks. also ive killed So Many Squids. the 2nd abyss was much easier ta gather supplies for cause i could ask for help w/ supplies n i kept the first one a Complete secret minus my test runners (i hadda bitch at SOMEONE while makin it or i wouldve died i think. speakin of the first abyss has a death count of 13 and the 2nd one has like, 5 or somefin? rlly shouldve writen that down akjwerjk those are Entirely me dying in the process of buildin them btw. its not a true Spain Build unless its mildly dangerous <3) The 2nd one also made me learn redstone, notably i specifically studied Tango’s decked out process vids from s7, tho i really only stole like two aspects of it n i couldnt even get one ta work properly LMAO
The second abyss took me like, wayy longer ta make, bout two months ish (i finished it like mid july). not necessarily in actual like, time spent building but cause in the process of makin it i had Two month long events i was in (Voiceteam in may and Art fight in july) so that distracted me a bit wkwnekeneie Im a bit more secretive bout the second abyss in general since not That many people have actually ran it compared ta the first n theres actually like, Things that can be spoiled in there <3 i like seein peep’s initial reactions its much more satisfying.
This didnt happen w/ everyone but i think a like, Core part of running the abyss is getting emotionally attached ta weird things. i wouldve said just torches until a few days ago when Tac (onea the rat server mods) ran it and claimed the stack of pumpkin pies i gave her as family. But Prior Ta That several people have had very intense emotions bout the redstone torches, whether love or hate or both, key example ft dog: 
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Also not everyone ive mentioned on this post is in darkwoods! ive got a server i world editted the abyss inta so non-server members can run it for fun and profit (more data for me) :) on that note ive been slowly infecting the rat gang server cause my friend’s in there alot n another friend of mine’s a mod so peeps in there’ve been runnin it lately :) shout out ta TalonMC for lettin me subject him ta the Horrors literally our first conversation, onea my more fun first impressions i’d say
In regards to lore the abyss is a parasitic entity that infects anyone who gets stuck in there n slowly compells them ta go build their own lmao. note that ive only called the second abyss the Second one and not Abyss 2, because its technically just The Abyss as well cause theres many of them i just made it second wowjdkenejd (a real example of this is Wolff gettin obsessed w/ the abyss n then goin n buildin his own build called the Tower :) very excited bout that) The Abyss has a weird like fucked up warlock bond w/ my goddess oc The Overseer :D Her design’s vaugely based off my irl friend @hotcollectionoftubs cause her creation The Hole on a creative world her n some other friends of mine are on was onea the main insperations for certain aspects of the abyss’ lore :D mainly the teal in the colour palette and the whole ‘the [hole/abyss] provides’ thing. 
(my reference images for her and 3rd pic's art i commissioned from the Lovely @opuntie):
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my darkwoods chara, Snake, is a whole nother bag entirely (basic gist is they’re a dimension traveler not by choice and darkwoods is the 3rd world theyve been in, their deal’s worth a whole post of its own lmao) i built the first abyss entirely unrelated ta my chara just as like, fun weird build ta torment my friends w/o yaknow? but then as i was buildin the 2nd one i was like hmmmmmm. alotta things could make sense if i made this one built by Snake. so their retirement arc on darkwoods turned inta even MORE trauma! wahoo! poor guy deserves a break,,, (he will not be getting one). 
(pre abyss + post abyss. i gotta properly draw pre-darkwoods Snake at some point but this dudes changed Alot ill say that lmao. both crops from bigger pieces on my art blog @fluxydrawings)
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Anyway thats basically it! ive got more details and things locked in my brain ill probably remember in like 2 days after postin this so theres a chance ill reblog this w/ extra shit later lmao, sides that tho the abyss is my babygirl n thank yall for showin interest ^_^
Memes n shit to end us off:
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i-just-like-goats · 2 years
Can I request platonic headcanons with Tetchou and Jouno? Preferably female reader, but gender neutral is fine too.
Of course you can :)
I wasn't sure if you wanted them to be separate headcanons, but I kinda connected them, and I didn't consciously use any gender specific terms or female pronouns loll, hope you don't mind. Thanks for the request
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Tetchou x Reader x Jouno Platonically
Summary: in the ask
Warnings: mentions of violence and death
WC: 0.7k
Main Masterlist
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Tetchou became your friend because he almost sliced you vertically in half
Tbf you had mastered the art of staying incredibly still
So to apologise, he frequently visited the place you worked (idk, let’s say retail so that Tetchou can see you and buy things in an attempt to say sorry)
It didn’t take long for you to warm up to him
He made small conversation with you every time he came
At first you were just annoyed because well this is the person who almost killed you but somehow, you found yourself looking forward to seeing him
His odd habit of eating foods of the same colour baffled you
But he wouldn't change, and you found it kinda cute how he stubbornly held onto his views on justice and food
It still weirds you out when you see him buy white sugar to pair with his rice, but hey, it's normal for you now cause he keeps visiting
He accidentally became your most loyal customer and won a 35% off his groceries coupon for it
You started seeing Tetchou out of the store and you'd sometimes just walk with him as he told you stories of his adventures as a hunting dog
Probs should've kept his occupation hidden from you
But like
He almost sliced you in half in your first meeting
There aren't many legal professions that require a person to use a sword that can definitely cause harm and death
So he just didn't bother to hide it and told you little bits and pieces about his day when he popped into the shop
Honestly tho, you loved hearing about all the ways he's kept the peace as a hunting dog, considering your life wasn't full of action and fighting so to hear about his life really intrigued you
Overall, Tetchou's a really good friend of yours, he always made the effort to listen to your interests and in return, you'd listen to him go on and on about how he was proud of his profession
You met Jouno through Tetchou
The day you were introduced to Jouno, it was the day that Tetchou received his coupon for being the most loyal customer
Tetchou was low-key confused
Why would he be rewarded for coming every day??
You had to spend a good 10 minutes explaining that it was to encourage people to come shop
Jouno took advantage of his distraction and used the coupon to buy his own groceries
What can he say? It was a good deal
Tetchou didn't care much lol
Jouno took you aside after your shift ended to give you the talk
He basically threatened to take you to court and have a severe punishment placed on you if you ever stopped being friends with Tetchou
He just cares deeply about his friend is all
You were weirded out by the sudden serious threats being thrown at you, but you were sincere when you promised that you'd stay friends with Tetchou
He didn't say anything after that, but he could tell your heartbeat was truthful
After that, your relationship with Jouno didn't dramatically change, you were both just a friend of a friend to each other loll
But you guys were civil with each other and you would consider him a friend
Unlike Tetchou, he was more guarded about the information he revealed to you, but that didn't bother you, you and Tetchou after all
He was still an interesting person to talk to as you both discussed the ethics surrounding his job
Most of the time, you would have conversations about Tetchou's odd habits
Especially the food one
My goodness, you could talk for hours with Jouno about Tetchou's insistence to pair same coloured foods together
Overall, you're not as close to Jouno as you are with Tetchou, but you'd still consider him to be a good friend if you overlook his sadistic tendencies, which you thankfully have never seen
I tried.
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laylakeating · 11 months
i don’t understand why portwell is rooted for so much. ive seen people say that she was happier with ej than with ricky. but i raise you this: gina’s happiness during 2b was a weird bubbly version of herself that came out of nowhere and honestly baffled me. good for her for moving on and easing the pain, but i triple dog dare you to compare the scenes, the dynamic with ricky vs ej. the happy buildup: with ej in 2b, she’s gina “2.0”. happy and sacrificing her goals, her aspirations, wants, and even the tough side of her personality for her friends and “crush” turned bf. however with ricky in 1b and somewhat a with the end of homecoming, it somehow feels a thousand times more real, authentic, passionate and mature. sofia herself told us the difference: acting as girlfriend-y as possible vs strictly platonic banter, and while that was probs for all of s3, it also applies here and of course, there. she’s happy, but it doesn’t feel over exaggerated, like she’s pushing for something to happen, like she’s not trying to fit in and be a sweeter version of herself with ricky, unlike ej. ive seen people comparing her facial expressions between her interactions with both boys but honestly? with ej she does giddy and bubbly. with ricky it’s edgy and real and serene and exciting and warm. she can banter with ricky, and not just the typical giggly flirty banter (which they have) but you can see her competitive side come through in episodes like 303. in that scene it’s not giggly and sweet, but it’s not mean, either. it feels more authentic, compared to the “race you there 🥰” moment that ej and gina have in 302. like idk im not sure how pws can possibly justify gina changing around ej however with ricky she looks the same as she did in s1. she has the balance.
hard agree on everything you've said here anon !!! i have nothing to add, but i will say this: lots of pws are former rinis. (former being the operative word) most of the time we're dealing with people who just don't want ricky and gina together bc of reasons OTHER than just not liking them as a couple.
also this set by @ginaricky perfectly encapsulates gina's growth !!! (which is tied to her relationships, esp her romantic ones) also in one gif nat managed to capture my hatred for 123 (ps read her tags she just GETS IT)
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nancydrewwouldnever · 11 months
It's infuriating isn't it?? The conversations on here and on lsa that I only check once a month (I've been having a very rough month cause I had the state examinations to keep working as a HS teacher in my country and my stress levels have been skyrocketing, I failed the first exam but I think I passed the last one 😭) have focused on how it must be super serious super real the family does like her ... For me -i of course only watched the fan dragging part- the most awful part because of the entitlement it showed was when Scott was like they call me brother-in-law they should come up with something more original... Like maybe someone should write now to him maybe your middle-aged bro should star in a lolita reboot playing Humbert Humbert tho we all know Adrian Lyne would've never hired him... I wonder if that's 'original' enough. Scott is still a literal nobody in HW saying stupid stuff about his brother's fans, that he used to love and bait on his cameo vids if memory serves me well. Honestly the strike comes just in time so they keep their mouths shut. He said the media wasn't negative, the media their PR firms pay lol, and also the general public while there was a jezebel article questioning how much of a cliche Chris has become and tons of people have called him a creep without knowing half of the story (insta). I mean they're prob the same people who laughed their arses off when the gene Kelly thing was announced because they know Chris can't pull that. I'm baffled at the levels of snobbery while they're giving jersey shore, trailer park white trash teas. And for the people who say Alba isn't racist because it's her friends, erm, there's still her very questionable filmography (what she does isn't pedo baiting -that, to my knowledge, it's when adult people pose online as minors to attract criminals -, it's 'pedo catering'), and if those roles were the only ones she was getting maybe she should've stopped acting. It's not like the world is sleeping on a Meryl Streep with her. Very sorry for my long rant, feel free to reply or not and many thanks for being anti EIAA because the days after that stupid wedding were truly annoying. Very sorry for the terrible hate and bullying you got from beyond ignorant anons. Stay strong, you're very appreciated,🤗
Damn, girl, you said all this with your whole chest! Hope your exams went okay.
I think these next few months are going to be very quiet, given his deactivation and lack of new projects, so I think his PR team is going to jump at anything to keep his name circulating. We may be in for a couple of months of total stupidity when it comes to the articles that get pushed out.
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merrysithmas · 1 year
I know this won’t happen cause Disney are morons but if the mandalorian connects to the eu din would meet fenn shysa kinda awkward as he’s the mandalor. At the time but I feel like he would be so sweet to him as many Mando haven’t been around each other since the empire took over
Oh and din meeting kal skirara ahhhhh he would be such a good mentor to din and all his force sensitive mandos helping Grogu ahhhhh
if ONLY they wouldve have included other Mandalorians and the actual Mandalorian culture as they claimed they would!
Things the show hasn't even touched on lmao:
-what The Way actually is. We have no idea after 3 season. Following the way of the Mand'alor/Mandalore? Which Mand'alor? Why?
-what the tenants of the Way are. We know none except don't remove helmet (apparently that's fine now tho lmao) and "one does not speak unless one knows". Kay.
-why Children of the Watch feel keeping their helmets on more ardently supports Mandalorian faith. A reason has never been given.
-Anything about Mandalorian armor other than it is made of beskar. No info on pieces of it, styles, what the paint symbolizes, or clan colors.
-the entire language of Mando'a. This one is the most baffling to me, esp in the CotW which I'd assume would be the tribe most stringent with speaking it.
-the Resol'nare. The Sacred Six Rules of being Mandalorian. The basis of Mandalorian culture. One of which is the vow to "speak the language" every day.
-Any other actual clan (all we have is what I guess is the ragtag Children of the Watch & Bo Katan's nameless followers).
-ANY other named Mandalorians (Din, Paz, Bo Katan, Axe, Koska). One of which is dead. Why do none of them have names?
-Din SPEAKING to anyone in his covert (he hasnt done that in three seasons). What. The. F.
-Grogu learning about Tarre Vizsla (seems like maybe that might be important)
-Discussion about Satine, the New Mandalorians, Pre Vizsla, The Death Watch (they cant touch that because Unproblematic Disney Terrorist Princess Bo will look bad)
-Anything else about the previous Mand'alors, their history, their planets.
-Any focus whatsoever on their opposition to the Jedi. Again, seems like that might have mattered. No mentions of Darth Maul and how the Mandalorians do not see a difference between the Jedi and the Sith.
-No mentions whatsoever of what Din's people think of the Force. Kay.
-Sabine Wren and Clan Wren. Why not ignore that too!
Basically Season 3 failed in every possible way before even TOUCHING on what they could have brought in from the EU.
This show... whatever we hoped for, we got the literal opposite.
Learning this through Din and Grogu was cool because they ALSO knew nothing about traditional Mando culture, being outsiders and offshoots and GROGU BEING A LITERAL CHILD. PERFECT OPPORTUNITY FOR DIN AND OTHERS TO TEACH HIM/US. But they ignored that.
They'll prob give that to Katan too.
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emberwood-if · 2 years
It makes me wonder, how would the resident ros(who are all close with the mc platonically) + andrei react if the mc suddenly tells them that they think they might be in love with a mysterious person who might or might not be a bad guy(antagonist)?🤭
omg this is goodddd, I did a narrative answer because this is prob one of my fav requested scenario so far!
Of course, I always defer to comedy when I write scenarios (idk why lol) and this is definitely not canon hahaha
this is going off them possibly knowing the antagonist is a bad guy at the moment MC tells them:
“I think I’m in love.”
At your words, your housemates immediately stop what they’re doing. They surround you, splayed in various positions on the couch. Your words are followed by terse silence, punctuated only by the melodic ticking sound of the grandfather clock that sits in the corner of the living room.
You didn’t mean to blurt it out the way you did, but the words have been gnawing at you for too long. Better to rip the bandage off, right?
“Are we supposed to have a response to that?” Dani asks from their spot on the chair, clearly unimpressed by your sudden declaration.
“Shush, Dani,” F says, waving their hand dismissively at them, their eyes never leaving yours, “you’re ruining the moment.”
“That’s cute,” Alex says, sounding bored of the conversation already. You didn’t expect much of a reaction from them anyway.
“Oh, this is so wonderful.” Andrei makes a wistful face, putting his palms on his cheeks. “MC is growing up...”
“I’m literally an adult,” you remind him.
“Don’t ruin this for me,” Andrei says to you with a frown.
K shoots him a baffled look. “For you?”
Perry sits forward, shoving Andrei back. As he looks at you, he smiles, but it can really only be read one way: cautiously optimistic. If someone could smile in worry, whatever face Perry is making is exactly what it would look like. “That’s…good, MC. Congrats. Who, pray tell, are you in love with?”
“Great question…” Now this is the part that was eating away at you these past few days. The idea of you being in love isn’t exactly news to fuss over—at least, your housemates wouldn’t think so—but you know the matter of who you’re in love with is a different story completely.
You inhale deeply. “I may be in love with (antagonist).”
Another round of silence. Every pair of eyes in the room settles on you. You quite literally witness all of them go through the five stages of grief before they somehow collectively decide to speak up at once.
“What the fuck—“
“MC, what is wrong with you—“
Alex even stands, palming their face. “I’m going to bed—“
“Wait!” You grab Alex’s arm before they can leave. “I can explain!”
“MC!” Andrei cries. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
F lets out a long whistle, smiling. “Can we consider MC the family disappointment now?”
“You still hold that title,” K says easily.
Dani stares at you, brows knitted in outrage. “Are you joking?”
“Obviously not,” N says, finally choosing to speak.
Andrei makes a show of fanning himself, even going as far as putting the back of his hand to his forehead. “I think I might faint.”
“Please do,” K says.
Perry raises a hand as if in class, and you nod your chin at him. “He tried to kill you.”
“We don’t know that for sure yet,” you counter. “We don’t even know if he’s actually the one we’re looking for.”
“Once again,” Perry replies, “he tried to kill you.”
“Out of everyone in this house, I thought it’d be Alex falling in love with a literal murderer.” F barks out a laugh.
“Jury’s still out,” Alex pipes in, their voice leaving them in a lazy drawl. “I have a few in mind.”
“The most surprising thing out of all this is how MC even had time to fall in love with someone,” K says. “You hardly leave the house.”
“That’s the most surprising thing?” Perry frowns.
“Guys.” You raise your palms. “Let’s all take a breather—“
“So what was it that did it for you?” F asks, smirking. “Was it the homicidal undertones? Did he take you to a cemetery for your first date? Gaslight you into thinking world domination is peak romance?”
You huff. “No—“
“I can’t believe this conversation is real.” Dani looks positively miserable as they curl up against the arm of the chair. “Am I the only sane one here?”
F shakes their head. “Dani, calling you sane is like calling K fun.”
“I am fun.” K scowls.
“Guess you’re a liar too,” Alex retorts, ignoring K’s glare.
Perry is too busy gazing at a fixed point on the wall, having checked out minutes ago. Guess even this is above his pay-grade.
Andrei let’s our a wail. “This is the worst day of my life! I retract my blessing!”
“I never asked for your—never mind.” You shake your head. Why did you tell them again? “Forget I said anything.”
But they don’t hear you. F is still loudly wondering what exactly antagonist did to get you so smitten, while Alex argues that a date at a cemetery is in fact, a great date. Dani is looking around the living room, appearing as if they want to murder literally everyone. Andrei is having a meltdown, crying to K who is doing a poor job at comforting him. Perry, on the other hand, has his head bent to the ceiling, lost in space.
Calling this a mess is an understatement.
You jump when N appears besides you, offering you a tiny smile.
“You seem entertained.” You sigh.
N nods. “Surprisingly.”
You decide in that moment that N’s silence may be for a reason, and that they’re definitely a lot smarter than they let on.
N’s smile grows, as if they know what you’re thinking.
Yeah, you decide, as you gaze at the group who are now arguing amongst each other for reasons beyond you. Next time: say nothing.
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feelbokkie · 8 months
I really must be dying or something because I wanted to go through your blog since it's been a hot minute (a couple weeks??) since I forreal read through all the posts (I was voting on the polls and keeping up with the divorce(s?)/custody battles that seemed to be happening though) so I read through all the stuff for OLD so far (lol old) and now my eyes are literally stingy and tired???? What happened to my summer endurance?? I'm about to pass out and it's only like 11pm here 😭
I'm looking forward to all the new smaus you have planned though! I finished SRN before but idk what happened my brain actually doesn't remember the last couple chapters since I think some wild stuff probably was happening at work when I read them (I didn't even have time to comment back then), so I'll probs binge reread everything I missed this weekend (hopefully). But I've been gone so long and everything moves so fast now, I feel so out of the loop 😩
This is like that one time in college when I hadn't been sleeping at my dorm for like weeks since I basically became the extra roommate at my best friend's dorm instead, and then one night I came back to get something and my roommate was having a party in our tiny room with a bunch of other people from our dorm and absolutely nobody knew who I was lmao (I found out a couple years later that people considered me the dorm cryptid; many believed I existed but people rarely saw me). Also, another morning I came back to my dorm and my roommate was nowhere to be found but there was some naked dude just waking up in her bed that wasn't her boyfriend and we both looked at each other baffled, and I think he wanted to be less awkward and introduce himself to me but instead he just asked if he should leave. And I was just like "nah it's fine," got the things I needed and peaced out, and he just went back to sleep?? Except maybe I'm the naked not-boyfriend waking up in your blog confused. Idk if that analogy made any sense.
Anyways I hope you're doing good! I know you haven't been sleeping like you should 😒 but maybe my exhausted ass can sleep more for the both of us...
Welcome back G!
Oh yeah, there's been... a lot. The custody battles and divorces are most of my content now I fear, lol. You're summer endurance is officially gone.
The last couple of chapters of srn were also a bit traumatic so there's that. If you reread it, I hope you had fun!
You're a naked not-boyfriend cryptid now and honestly makes sense.
I hope you're doing good as well and the school year is treating you well so far! I know, I'm working on the sleep thing, I promise! but yes, sleep more for the both of us!
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