#but like rlly distantly
if I didn't have all my Rus hc done already I think it'd be rlly funny if one day sweden just showed up with a kid and Denmark and Norway are like 'hey,,, uh Björn, who's that' and his only response ever is 'dw it's mine' and they're just????? huh????
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springcatalyst · 11 months
What if 6, 10, 15?
SO true. gracias gracias im having so mucn fun lol
Julian did not speak as the pair made their way through the dark streets, very aware of the blood that soaked his shirt, on his hands and in his hair.  She eyed him warily in a way that was meant to be inconspicuous, but he was familiar with watching and being watched, and knew what it looked like.  He did not speak, for he was unsure if his illusion would hold when he did.  It may have fractured already. 
She watched him. 
He did not speak.
In a simpler world, on a different night, this blood could feel righteous, like karmic justice, like a deserved consequence.  It wasn’t not those things.  But there lingered something caustic that prevented any satisfaction from being carried through opened veins.  Something still rotted beneath his lungs. 
He did not speak, and tried to blame the cold for his companion’s trembling hands.
Something decayed in both of them.
He tightened his grip on his cane. 
Send me a number and I'll write a micro-story with the word or phrase :)
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tinyluvs · 9 months
just cuddling and finally getting a chance to relax at home with Spencer after he has a rlly hard case and just getting to cater to him and give him head rubs 🥹 -🌺
yessss! head rubs are my favourite! ty angel, enjoy ♡
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nervously, you pace by the front door, patiently waiting for spencer to get home. he had called ahead and whilst he didn't tell you the case was bad, you knew
in the kitchen the kettle pings as it finishes boiling but before you can go and see to that, a key turns in the lock and seconds later the door is being bumped open and your boy appears
"hey," you sigh, letting out the breath you hold every time he's away. spencer looks tired, his sleeves rolled up this elbows and tie hanging loose around his neck
he doesn't greet you back, sending a broken smile your way before he's dropping his bag and extending his arms to grab at you. your arms link around his neck, holding him close to your body
"i've missed you," he mumbles against your neck while he kicks the door shut, his free hand reaching behind him to lock the door.
when his arms eventually loosen around you, you step away, staring up at him, "i've missed you more," you whisper, "do you want tea?"
spencer smiles at you softly, a split second of brightness passing over his tired eyes, "yeah, please honey," he nods and lets you slip your hand into his, gently pulling him towards the kitchen
when you get to the kitchen spencer leans against the counter, one of his hands tugging on his tie, "do you want to go and get changed first, sweetheart?" you ask, rising onto your tip toes to grab two mugs from the cupboard
your boyfriend doesn't answer, his eyes distant. you pause, sliding both mugs onto the counter before gently reaching over to push spencer's hair out of his eyes, "hmm?' he asks, jumping slightly
"go and get changed into something comfy while i make these, please," you push softly, tracing your fingers over his exposed forearms. he nods slightly before wandering towards your bedroom
slowly you start making his tea, the way he likes it, not caring too much about your own in the moment. your spoon clinks against the sides of the mug as you stir, your mind wandering straight back to spencer
bad cases are a part of his job, though seeing him come home after one never gets any better, you feel helpless every time, never knowing what to say or do to make it all better
"honey?" spencer makes you jump this time, his hand smoothing over your waist as you look up at him, eyes wide, "come on," he says softly, taking both of your mugs
you follow him through to the living room, sliding into the corner of the couch, back against the armrest while spencer mirrors your position at the other end
both of you sip at your drinks, distantly listening to the rain pattering against the window before you speak, "do you want to talk about it?" you ask slowly, carefully
spencer shakes his head, resting against the back cushions of the couch, "not right now, maybe later," he mumbles, wrapping his hands around his mug while his legs tangle with yours
"okay, well i'll be here," you remind him, though he knows because you're always there, through the good and the bad. you watch as spencer goes distant again, staring through you instead of at you
silently you lean off of the couch, pushing your mug onto the table before reaching to take one of spencer's hands, pulling it away from his mug, "come lay," you say simply, guiding him until he's moving to where you want him
his mug joins yours on the table seconds before his body lowers onto yours. the weight and warmth is comforting to you, more than spencer will ever know, a reminder that he's there, with you
his head rests on your chest, his arms looping around your waist as his legs tangle with yours, again. “comfy?" you ask, dipping to press your lips against his forehead
"very," he sighs lightly, his eyes fluttering shut. you pull on the blanket that hangs over the back of the couch, throwing it over both of your bodies before your hands find their way into his hair
gently, you scratch at his scalp, barely dragging your nails over his skin. spencer hums against your chest as your fingers travel down his neck and over his shoulders
"i love you," you smile, though he can't see it. your nails tickle over his shoulders and he shudders before settling into the feeling
spencer tilts his head up, "i love you more," he doesn't give you the chance to argue, "tell me about what you did while i was away," he pleads gently, titling his head away from you to get comfortable again
"uhm," you think, letting your fingers return to his head, running through his hair, "i haven't really done a lot, it's been raining so much-"
spencer cuts you off, "but you love the rain,"
lightly, you giggle, "i do but i stay home, reading and watching tv, so that's what i've done," you pause, another attempt to think of anything to tell him, "oh god, i'm really boring,"
your conclusion is met by a chuckle from spencer, a sound that makes your heart burst inside of your chest, "you're not boring, not in the slightest," spencer smiles against your chest, you can feel it as he presses his lips against your skin
through a smile of your own you make a sound of light disagreement, "you have to say that though because you're in love with me," you tease, dragging out the words
"i am but that's not why i'm saying it," your boyfriend chuckles again, "i've got the day off tomorrow, we can be boring together, unless there's anything you have to do?" he asks
your fingers slip down to the sides of his neck, tracing over veins and soft skin, "i was going to go to the market, have a wander," you admit
"even if it's raining?"
"yeah, it'll be fun," you shrug, "we could get the supplies to make homemade soup and then spend the afternoon being boring together?" you suggest
spencer peppers kisses against your chest and tummy, "sounds perfect to me," he pauses, lifting his body up. he uses one hand to drag your body down the couch a little so when he lowers his body back onto you, his head lolls in the crook of your neck
silence falls across the room, both of you listening to the rain until spencer's breaths even out and his body goes heavy on top of yours but your fingers don't leave his hair until you eventually fall asleep
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thanks for reading! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily !! send prompts to my ask box!
❥ spencer reid masterlist !!
a/n i actually put effort into proofreading this but there’s probably still mistakes so pls shout at me if there is so i can fix it !! ♡
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dearhargrove · 3 months
People leave
Eddie Diaz x reader
summary A few weeks after first meeting Eddie and Christopher things with you and Eddie start getting serious. However when Christopher realizes, he doesn't react the way you'd expected.
word count 1200
tags hurt/comfort, Chris being adorable, angsty but turns to fluff
a/n yall know how in episode 8 season 4 Eddie tells Chris he's seeing someone and Chris gets rlly mad and runs away to Buck (adorable btw)? When he explained that he's scared that people he cares about leave I realized this could be a good continuation to this! It's gonna have a happy ending and fluff don't worry 🫶🏻
part one
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Christopher is preparing salad with Eddie at his side while you supervise Liam as he slowly chops a cucumber. His tongue is peeking out in concentration as he holds the knife the way you'd shown him and slowly slices the cucumber.
When he's done you ruffle his hair and hold your hand up for a high-five which he eagerly gives. “You did great! When dinner is done well call you - go and play a little more with Chris?” He nods and hops off the chair (his feet couldn't reach the floor when he sat so he had to hop down a little- it makes you coo every time he does) before grabbing Chris by his arm and dragging him to the living room.
Eddie and you watch as they settle on the couch and pick their game of uno back up.
“They're adorable,” you smile and lean back against the counter, your arms crossed over your chest. Eddie hums and sneaks his right arm around your waist, looking down at you with a content grin.
You tilt your head at his look and turn around to finish up the salad, “What are you looking at, señor?”
In your peripheral you see both his eyebrows raise as he makes a ‘huh’ sound and shifts to lean against the counter with his hip. “You speaking Spanish now?”
That makes you laugh and you shake your head, “You'd like that, wouldn't you?” He raises his shoulders as if he didn't know but the smirk on his face tells you what you need to know.
You lean in as if you'd tell him a secret and rest your hand on his waist before basically whispering, “Go and set the table.”
He groans and gently pushes you away as if he was mad, “Yes, ma'am.” He bows exaggeratedly and you watch him with a deadpan look. He looks around the corner into the living room before quickly kissing your cheek and then your lips, squeezing your hip before letting go.
You grin and bite your lip as you watch him go to set the table, distantly hearing him ask the boys who's winning the game and starting a discussion about uno rules.
Later when dinner is ready and served Liam is telling Eddie about his day while Christopher sits next to you. He's pushing the food around on his plate with his fork and you discreetly nudge his elbow with a questioning look.
He doesn't just look up but full on glares at you, dropping his fork noisily. “I don't need your help.”
You flinch back in surprise and furrow your brows. Eddie is looking up now too, making you shrug in confusion.
“Christopher, talk nicely.” He says in his warning dad tone and you watch a little uncomfortably - did you cause this? What did you even do? “No!” Chris bangs his fist on the table and pushes the plate off the table and onto the floor, the loud noise making Liam shriek and look around with wide, scared eyes.
Before you can reach out Eddie shushes him and puts a hand on his back, allowing the eight year old to calm down a bit. Chris however is the opposite. This time he directs his words at you, “We don't need you! You will leave!”
Your eyes go wide and you send a panicked look to Eddie, who looks just as confused. “Chris, what's going on? You like her.” Instead of an explanation he slides off his chair and glares at you again, “You will leave.”
He then hurries to his room and slams the door behind him, causing the dam to break and Liam to star bawling in confusion at the confrontation.
There's an unspoken agreement between you and Eddie as you stand and pick Liam up, letting him cry into your shoulder as you stroke your palm over his back. “I'll see what's up with Christopher. I'm really sorry about what he said,” Eddie mumbles and kisses your temple, at the same time he brushes his hand through Liams hair once.
“I think you need to talk to him,” Eddie comes around the corner and looks at you and Liam settled on the couch with the latter fast asleep in your arms. “I don't really think he wants to see me, maybe we should just go home…” you sigh.
“That's exactly what he doesn't want.” Eddie starts and sits next to you, reaching out and taking your hand in his. “I've told you about Shannon... He's scared you'll leave too. He doesn't want to miss you and Liam.”
You frown, “Oh, no. I'll go and try to make him understand we're here to stay.” He nods gladly and kisses the back of your hand and letting you carefully place your son in his arms. Liam wakes up momentarily and when he recognizes Eddie he cuddles up into him and goes back to sleep.
You watch the two with a fond expression and inhale deeply before going to Christophers room and knocking twice.
There's no response so you slowly open the door. He's laying in his bed and when he sees you he frowns again, turning around too slow to hide the tear tracks and red eyes.
You sigh sadly, “May I sit here?” You pat the space on the bed next to his legs and see him shrug under the blankets.
“Listen, I understand you're scared of Liam and me leaving. A lot of people have left you. But, Chris, we're here to stay. I really, really like your dad and I really like you, too. Liam does too.”
It's visible that you're getting through to him when he slowly shifts onto his back and looks at you with a pout and a frown. “Promise?” You smile and nod.
“Pinky promise, even.” You take his hand and wrap your pinky around his.
He smile too now and yawns but surprises you once again tonight as he moves around until his head is laying on your thighs. “You want to go to sleep?” He nods and you pull the blanket up to his shoulders to wrap him in them entirely, carding your hand through his hair to calm him.
Ten minutes later and he's fast asleep, softly snoring as you look down at him. You hear the door creak and see Eddie come in, a relieved and fond expression on his face as he sees you two.
“I see you saved the day?” Rolling your eyes you flip him off and he laughs behind his hand. “Liam is asleep too. I pulled out the couch so he can sleep there without a problem.” he whispers.
“Thank you.” He waves it off and comes close enough to soothe his hands over your shoulders and kiss your head.
Happiness and love is the only thing you feel as you think about those three boys that posed utter chaos together but you loved nevertheless. It's a surprise to no one when you wake up to find Liam and Christopher snuggled in the latter's bed the next morning.
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ariseur · 3 months
What's your Vergil Sparda headcanons sfw and nsfw (you don't have to make this one if you don't want it) :)
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vergil (n)sfw hc’s 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
omg why did it take me so long just to do simple headcanons 😭😭
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
some curse words, spoilers for vergil lore in general, spoilers for mission 08 and so forth in dmc5, nsfw is labelled before written so read at your own discretion!!
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ sooo, in deep contrast to his twin brother, all know vergil is super serious
❥ i mean, if you spent a bunch of your time in hell, wouldn’t it take a toll on you too???
❥ because of what’s happened to vergil, it’ll be really difficult to actually get through to him
❥ even just small talk or simple touches are uncomfortable for him at the beginning
❥ and in order for him to trust you, you gotta be super persistent to actually stick with him
❥ i feel like vergils too stubborn for things like therapy, i don’t feel like he’d like to admit he needs help
❥ he’d probably keep going until he he overexerts himself or snaps, which would probably take a while considering he can endure a lot before giving in
❥ once you guys are actually together though, you’re essentially one step further to getting to the center of vergil because it means you’ve already broken down some of his walls
❥ vergils the type of guy to love silently, and maybe more distantly than a normal person would love
❥ but whoever said he was a normal person?
❥ he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings, so he takes up avoiding you as his own way in hopes that you’ll come to him
❥ you walk into a room? he walks out
❥ you sit next to him? he’ll keep his nose buried in a book or his work in hopes that you’ll ‘pester’ him
❥ don’t let his feigned annoyance fool you, he prays for you to approach him
❥ by no means is vergil shy, but when you spend so many years in hell.. you kinda lack social cues
❥ he obviously know what love is, he’s not clueless, but it feels different when it comes to you
❥ it almost feels foreign
❥ vergil loves showing off that your his and he’s yours, he’ll buy you a pendant with a blue gem or something with his name engraved in it
❥ if you whine enough, he’ll ‘give in’ (he’s just acting tough) and read to you at night ‘begrudgingly’
❥ if you read too, he’ll curtly leave a book that he think you’ll like on your nightstand when he comes home
❥ if you eat dinner at the table, he’ll have you sit next to him so he can lock ankles with you or link your pinkies under the table
❥ other than that, vergil’s not rlly into pda?
❥ if anything, he’ll stand next to you or sit close enough to where your legs or thighs touch. that’s kinda like his ver. of pda 😭
❥ if you get along with nero or if maybe v saw how you got along with him before you knew he was vergil, even if he treats nero as a pest, it somewhat confuses him?
❥ maybe even almost upsets him??
❥ it just gives him a glimpse on what he could’ve had, and i guess it somewhat creates a dull ache within him knowing he could’ve been a present figure in nero’s life with you
❥ def an early bird, the type of dude to kiss your forehead before he leaves in the morning because he know you won’t wake up to see him before he goes
❥ ugh just imagine vergil staring down at you for a minute, contemplating his decisions while looking at your serene form before leaning down and placing a feather light kiss to your forehead so as to not wake you up
❥ i need to be contained
❥ he wouldn’t let you see it but he sometimes cracks a smile at just the thought of doing mundane activities, even if they’re such small tasks, he still cherishes the thought of a small life with you even if he’s married to his work
❥ but god forbid you’re around dante though, and if you’re playful n teasing like him?? vergil will never hear the end of dante’s irritating tales told to you of when they were children
❥ it probably ends up with yamato pressed against dante’s throat but it’s all brotherly fun guys don’t worry
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
the familiar coos sung by the mourning doves fell deaf on VERGIL’s ears, only picking up your soft breaths as your chest rose up and down with each one you took. he couldn’t help but admire how comfortable you looked in your sleep—with your lips parted slightly and hair splayed out messily as it stayed trapped under you.
he cocked his head in bemusement at the sight of golden rays dancing on you collarbone, tinting the skin with the early sun of dawn. he was surprised you hadn’t woken up yet, considering the golden hue beamed along your face as well. one upside of getting to work early was seeing your peaceful face in the mornings. vergil studied your face as if he’d never see it again, and in a way, not seeing you again was very possible. due to being a devil hunter, risks were high. but vergil couldn’t bear the thought of doing that to you. he studied your face so carefully, eyes roaming across your skin to commit every single one of your features to memory.
his eyes of silver, once crinkled in pain and alone, now looked at you curiously as they caught every glimpse of you. the way your eyebrows furrowed when your mind swirled with its own concoction of your dreams, the way you changed positions to search for what he could only assume was the cold part of the pillow.
he felt his heartbeat quicken as he watched you stir in your sleep, turning your head over and allowing another angle of your beauty to be silently worshipped by your lover.
as he leaned down, he made sure to bend at the waist in order to make limited noise, cursing the material of his coat scrunching and making a slight sound as it crinkled. and as his lips connected with your forehead, he reveled in the smell of your shampoo from your shower that you took last night as he closed his eyes, holding his lips there in a feather light kiss.
then, just as quickly as they had been placed—his lips left your forehead as he began to exit the bedroom, taking one last glance at your resting form before he quietly closed the door.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
❥ i know i just wrote that cute ass blurb but now that we’re talking nsfw, vergil is def a quick learner
❥ obviously it’ll take a while to initiate intimacy, and as aforementioned—even just hand holding takes a while for him to digest
❥ but shit, this man has stamina for days
❥ being half a demon definitely doesn’t help, but vergil can actually go so long in the sheets w you 😭
❥ he’ll be awkward at first, unsure of what to do but once you guide him and reassure him that it’s okay to touch you, you just unlocked smth else in him omg
❥ his libido isn’t very high, but on the days that you guys do get intimate, he can last a while
❥ he’ll assure that you both are satisfied by the end of it, likes to know that you’ve finished before him at least once
❥ if you’ve gotten really bratty or you’ve gotten him really into it, you might feel him borderline triggering as his claws dig into your hips a little more and his groans get more guttural
❥ sorry guys—this man will not bottom or be any sort of submissive, and if he does, you will need to be in a committed relationship for at least a year or two
❥ he def has control issues
❥ in terms of talking dirty, he still holds that sharp precise tone when he speaks
❥ i don’t feel like hes much a degrading guy? maybe more possessive talk if anything
❥ this man doesn’t cuss often, but occasionally if you clench around him, he’ll let out a small huff of, “shit.” even if it’s barely audible
❥ i think maybe he teases you a bit, enough just to get you hot and bothered so you’ll be writhing underneath him
❥ being half-demon gives him some package guys, trust
❥ vergil’s lengthier, a small sensitive vein on the underside of him that you could use to your advantage on the off chance you suck him off
❥ when vergils in a certain mood, he’ll kiss on your skin (another form of teasing) and murmurs praises of how divine you look
❥ he loves the way your hands grip at the sheets, or the way they rush to your mouth as you try to cover up those pretty sounds while he’s giving you pleasure—no matter how many times he tells you to let them slip out
❥ not a big fan of marks, either on him or you. he still has to go outside and so do you, he’d probably be pretty embarrassed if someone saw them and questioned what happened
❥ unlike dante, vergil is pretty quiet about his love and sex life, he likes to keep it pretty tame and under wraps
❥ prefers to make it intimate rather than a quick fuck, he wants you to feel every ounce of love in his movements—whether it’s with his tongue, hands, or just his length
❥ he likes to drag it out too, i’m not talking quickies, i’m talking about full on ‘love making’ sessions (yes, he’ll refer to them as that most of the time)
❥ like i said, he wants you to feel every last bit of it with his body, unless you want him to spew some poetry out of the blue expressing his feelings—he can’t express them with regular words for shit
❥ he wants you to see what you’re doing to him, how you affect him, what you mean to him is more important than anything
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After reading some twts about how the reveal should not affect the kaishin fandom bc of how old it is and how most old shippers had the suspicion of kaishin being related and proceeded to not care and accept and even ship them more leads me to the acceptance stage and the realization stage where this is all fiction and not true thus it will not affect anyone greatly and most of us should realize this too HAHAHA
I mean i had my suspicions too ya know but like i was expecting them to be distantly related not this closely related gahdang gosho JAGDHSHS also i was kinda closing my eyes when i saw how similar toichi and yuusaku looked like when i saw them so AHDGSHS lovelies lets just think that the reveal made the ship spicer that ever
Kaishin may be cousins and what? Its fiction, this ship is old, there are even more worse ships than this, will this hurt anyone? No (unless ur really in deep like delusional deep), will this change the world? No, will this affect your daily life? No, will this change your morals? For me no, cause i know they are not real, why on earth would they change my morals.
Honestly its not just kaishin, there are a lot of ships with this kind of relationship, and other shippers must realize the fact that they are not real and no one will get hurt. If you get disturbed by the fact that we ship cousins/twins/siblings then you may close your eyes and move one to the other post, im not like validating this bc in the real and current world this may seem disturbing but everyone must know the difference between real and fiction, do not do what fiction do but you may learn what fiction do, just put it at the back of your head as an additional knowledge and the possibility that some other people might mix up fiction and real life.
Anyways so much for the monologue JAGSHS
Like im not even focusing abt how kaishin is cousins anymore but at why toichi did that to his son, what is incest compared to betrayal (not rlly cause kaito still didnt know hes alive BUT STILL THATS HIS KID??? HIS CHILD IN THE EYES OF DANGER?? AND HE LET HIS CHILD DO THAT?? BOY?)?
Like i know he protects kaito at the side (it was on magic kaito 1412 i forgot what episode) but he protects kaito with kaito experiencing trauma bc how tf how dare u use my dead dads face you traitor like that like bro??
I dont even also think that chikage knew that her husband is alive, only yuusaku (like wow cute they mustve been such close siblings but thats not the point) knows that hes alive and yuusaku probs only also knows cause hes yuusaku and yuusaku knows everything in just once glance for some weird ass reason
My prompt is that (please know that some of the characters are ooc!!! Esp the parents cause they dont show much wth JAGDHSH also ill put in a oc for plot purposes WAHSGAHSGA)
Shinichi, still as conan, was in a pinch and was suddenly saved by a mysterious guy. Whom he thought was like akai san but he sensed someone different like.. KID? No.. dad??
Toichi who saw a kid who looked like his nephew when he was a child is being chased by men in black (who suspiciously looked like snake for some reason but snake doesnt wear shades in the dark cause thats a foolish move) decided to help him and lose the pursuers off his back
“Boya are you ok?” “…..(hmm? What is this feeling.. i feel like i’ve met him somewhere but..)” “boya?” “Ah! Un! Thank you uncle!”
Toichi suddenly thought of shinichi when he heard conans voice saying uncle, it sounds just like 10 yrs ago when he visited yuusakus house to teach yukiko the art of disguise
Toichi then took conan to his guardians when he found out that his parents was in america apparently (1) and he also found out that his guardians were the mouris (2) which was 2 points of suspicion which wasnt that bad but just weird cause why didnt his younger brother tell anything, not that that shit tells him anything at all. Adding to the fact that he has not seen his attention loving smart nephew in the news for a while now then pops out a child that looks like him makes the suspicion highly likely. (Their family kinda has a knack for attracting dangerous orgs, from what he seen to himself and his son, he just hopes his younger brother and nephew didnt get it (which was highly unlikely now too))
Consider his suspicions correct when his younger brother decides to okay dumb (he knows ok, theyre twins for a reason and hes a older brother for a reason) the problem now was which shady org was it and how much does his nephew and younger brother know….
2 weeks later he found out
Apparently he wasnt the only one suspicious of someone
His, (knew it), dear shrunken nephew was too! Bc of one comment from mouri kun (have we met somewhere before?) and his suspicions were proven right when he saw yuusakus phone lying around with his message on the notif screen
(Toichis so proud, thats my nephew, be nosy kid you will go far in life)(it made his nephew cute too 🥰)
and color him suprised when his nephew has a shady org at his back too (he was kinda hoping that his nephew only stumbled on the scene of the crime that was he was chased not being a victim himself sighs the family curse)
and toichi and his nephew (whom just found out they were related with the first kaitou kid, who was supposed to be dead) made an alliance! (it kinda feels good to not only have one person know about your secrets, it also makes him relieved that his nephew has a lot of trusted people at his back other than some bigass shady org)
it also makes toichi happy that his son could be himself (not just kaitou kid but really being kaito his son whom he left with his wife toprotecttonotpullintothismessbutthey-) with his cousin
his son was inlove with his cousin
oh shit
yuusaku why did we not let them meet again
how he found out? he got the front seat
with snake
but does that really matter
(is akai kun included when hes so far away from the build the confession was happening)
(akai kun just shoot snake pls)
then it all went to shit (from his perspective cause wdym kaito did not even notice snake was there so its ok uncle shinichi kun did u also not notice my mental breakdown too)
they apprehended snake, and found out he was just some lackey in the black org and wanted to be the same lvl as gin so hes chasing after some immortality granting stone (yea hes not gonna be on the same lvl as gin hes stupid says his dear cutified nephew)
he told his younger brother about the confession
his younger brother knew all along ever since he caught kaito sneaking in their house to leave a jewel that he stole and saw him caress shinichis face.. yuusaku told him with the face of did u really not see that coming, we never let them meet when they were old enough to remember.
like valid? but at least share the tea gahdang
yukiko also knows? brother? i thought bros before hoes? (he nearly got mauled to death by his mystery loving younger brother, bc how dare you call my wife a hoe? ur the hoe u *spits real talk that hurts*)
after yuusaku hurt him internally he has come to the fact that yea he was worse than his son.. (also who can blame him, shinichi kun has yukikos genes (not that his darling wife is any less beautiful than yukiko, his wifes beauty came from being reckless and he likes that in his woman sighs i miss my wife) and their reckless genes so, with his wifes beautiful and shiny loving gene with his reckless loving gene, shinichi, conan, his nephew was the perfect person for his son. not ignoring the fact that shinichi kun is also a very understanding person. his nephew grew a lot (internally cause well.. he shrunk physically))
and now shinichi is looking at him weirdly
no way
did he not hear his sons confession
"shin kun... what did you think about what my son said to you?" "hm? ah that chase?... isnt it just a chase? oh im sorry uncle if i hurt kaito, it was needed to make it look convincing haha, i dont plan on capturing him rn dw!" "... oh! its ok shin kun ^^"
it was not okay, how does his nephew not notice his sons confession to him? (his son was a child of two phantom thieves, making a heist even grander than it already is shows that his son is courting his nephew SO HOW TF- oh, oh yuusaku just told him that every heist shinichi went to was always that grand so he might not see the difference? oh. oh my gosh.)
how to break this to his son who thought his father was dead
yuusaku just smiled (useless asshole, just bc hes still close to his son even though his son is in another identity now and can still pretend to be his new sons identities father bc of the disguising art that toUICHI HIMSELF TAUGHT HIM)
shinichi kun said to wait till evrything was over, or wait till the black org is down cause he will help explain too cause he hid it too after knowing his undeadness (at least his nephew was helpful, might be yukikos gene)
"you know, ever since i met kaitou kid, i knew that i might need his help to bring this org down, but i never knew that it would be the first kaitou kid that will help me hehe"
his nephew is so cute (yep its yukikos genes, yuusaku could never be like that anymore, still regrets the day where he showed off to his younger brother his magician skills)
the org was brought down but the antidote for shinchis problem still hasnt been made but time is an essence they need to reveal the truth to his family now or it might get worse
family reunion time! :DDDDDDDDD
shinichi went to get his son and wife while he and his younger brother prepares his execution letter
(if u wanna know how shinichi went to get kaito and chikage pls comment! ill write it up on the other post)
"yukiko chan can u-" "nope"
"yuusaku istg id u dont help me we're twins for a reason if i die you die too" "fk u" (helps him)
then it all went to shit (pt 2) (shinichi kun can see it now too, toichi thinks even hakase next door can feel it)
his son did not walk out bc of shinichi kun ("kaito, listen to you father please, you know my situation, its kind of the same but in your fathers case, you are ran" "at least you were close to her!" "does it really matter when all she saw was conan not shinichi?" "but-!" "kaito, the woman i love is slipping before my eyes because i cant go to her like before now! everytime i go back to my body temporarily all i think about is how she will get hurt if the organization realizes i was one of the victims they failed to kill and will go after her and her family and friends! there are numerous people in the org who already knew about my real identity, they mightve been killed or decided to not tell about it but there is no saying they might decide to not do the opposite!"
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kleftiko · 1 year
i love your aizawa content its so refreshing all i ever see is him being over dominant and ik its just fanfic but still 😭
i share a birthday w him (i screamed when i found out two yrs ago) so i was wondering if you could write smthing were reader finds out that they share a birthday w him
love you a bunch ❤️❤️
(you literally inspire me to write more bnha content, i only rlly write haikyuu cuz the toxic bnha fandom ruined me lmfao)
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cw: none, this is fluff
birthday buddies !!!!! iida and i share the same birthday too lol that’s so fun:) and thank you for liking my work😭 aizawa is the definition of a true hero he CARES
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yamada gave you the tour. apparently he did that for all new staff, just like when he emcee’s for the school. he’s got such a great vibe that it made you feel a lot less nervous for the first day on the job.
so you were thankful he was the one showing you around, you had heard rumours of the strict 1A teacher, aizawa, and was a bit worried that he wouldn’t make you feel very welcome here. but yamada assured you that it was alright.
“aizawa’s a great guy.” he said and read over your personal information sheet as you set up your desk. “he’s just a little mean and scary, but nothing to worry about!”
“doesn’t sound very helpful…” you mumbled under your breath.
the bell rang, signalling the next period, and you let the minute of students bustling in the halls and staff leaving the room to go teach fill the air.
“no way, november 8?” yamada said and you looked towards him. he opened his mouth to continue when his focus zoned in on something past your shoulder.
he lifted his arm and smiled widely.
“shota!” yamada called, despite the fact that you two were the only ones left in the room. a tall man with dark hair looked your way.
his tired eyes held no emotion, and the way he slouched with his hands in his pockets gave an intimidating presence that didn’t fade once he stopped in front of your desk and towered over you.
his eyes stayed on you but he said nothing. your mouth dried up, not used to his scrutinizing glare.
“y/n here’s the new general studies teacher.” yamada blabbed, ignoring the awkward air. “you’ll never guess her birthday—same as yours!”
you ignored the lump caught in your throat and turned to aizawa instead.
“n-november 8?” you ask but he didn’t give you an answer. “wow, i’ve never met a birthday buddy before! high five!”
then you froze. hand held up in the air towards a person you just met, and you realized how cringy that was. but you can’t seem to say anything, or even move your arm as you just stare at him in fear.
his bored eyes traced so torturously slow up your palm that you wanted to melt away. then his piecing glance zeroed in on you, holding eye contact that just made you want to apologize profusely for even speaking to him.
but then his hand tapped yours, the soft sound of the high five echoing slightly.
“birthday buddies.” his voice was deep, the vibration of it sending a warm shiver over your entire body and erupting a relieved grin on your lips.
you distantly hear yamada behind you breaking out into a harsh snicker, but you’re too focused staring at aizawa.
his hand dropped back into his pocket as he nodded his head.
“nice to meet you.”
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almightyhamslice · 18 days
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Stinger Flynn redesign! he is a horrible fucking bastard LOL. He's kinda strange compared to the others since he has only one eye and no flocking, and mild electroconductivity-- probably a charging function so kids can recharge electronics by standing close to him. He's also able to fluctuate in size depending on how much givanium e consumes, though his mask and eyeball do not change proportionally. I rlly wanted to make him look disgusting and slimy.
Purpose wise he is probably a guardian kind of like Opila, but without her hostility towards adults. He'd use his multiple arms to keep kids from falling off playground equipment and to prevent them from drowning in the resort's pool! He is a jellyfish after all, what good would he be if he wasn't waterproof?
He is the most insidious member of the main cast I think-- he cares only for himself and thinks he is the smartest person in the room. He also has psychic powers, able to make others hallucinate whatever he desires. He's the most dangerous member of the main 6, though he's convinced everyone he's harmless.
His view of himself is incredibly contradictory-- he simultaneously believes he is the best and the smartest, comparable to a god, but also harbors a deep self hatred (from "allowing" himself to be tested on by humans?) that cannot be mitigated. His solution is very extreme-- he wishes to activate a genome cloy on himself using the DNA of the children he was once meant to protect. What's a Genome Cloy? I'm glad you asked.
A Genome Cloy is a phenomenon observed in givanium-based lifeforms where, if genomes from more than 3 separate sources are introduced to the creature's system, the most closely related DNA is flushed out, leaving the most distantly related DNA circulating within the creature's system. In Flynn's case, since he is already part human and part jellyfish, introducing additional human genomes from new sources would cancel each other out, reducing Flynn to a simple jellyfish. This would render him effectively braindead, which is what he wants.
He seems very misinformed to me-- he generally understands that if he is cloyed, he will no longer have a brain and therefore will be unable to leave the kindergarten himself, hence why he wishes to have a human helper. However, he doesn't really know what it's like to BE a jellyfish living in the real world. He thinks life will be easy and blissful that way. How would he be able to appreciate "peace" without a brain? And jellyfish are obviously not the top of the food chain, they have predators like sea turtles! I suppose that thought comforts Flynn, the idea that he can be mortal.
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keirawantstocry · 4 months
hi hi, anon cause anxious (not you just Am) kinda going off the soft prosthetic one, maybe something about fit and pac actually getting smthn for the burn scars, or tubbo having/finding/being given(whatever rlly idk) something for the scars and going to them being like "how this work? what do?". Im a sucker for soft stuff :> hope youre havin a good day
Anon i am softly kissing you on the lips, we are now softly making out btw I love you 
Tubbo gasped as the cold cream was spread onto his back by gentle hands. Pac was sat behind him with a tin of cream in his hands, his legs stretched out to be pressed against Tubbo's thighs. Fit lay stretched out in front of both of them deep in a pile of blankets and pillows, a soft smile on his face. 
“What is that supposed to do?” Tubbo asked. 
“It helps the skin,” Fit explained as Pac continued to massage the cream in, Tubbo melting under his touch. “It helps the scar heal and helps reduce the hyperpigmentation in the skin.” 
“English please?” Tubbo tried to say in a mocking tone but the warmth on his back, hands pushing against his tense back made it hard to do anything but float in the soft feeling.
Fit laughed and although quiet it echoed through the silence of the late night. “It helps the discoloration.” 
Tubbo couldn't even mutter out a half hearted okay. All that came out was a soft noise as he fell back into Pac's arms. His body felt like pudding. Pac laughed and his chest rumbled with the sound. Distantly Tbbo realized Pac was holding out the cream to Fit who took it carefully with his human hand. His metal arm was across the room side by side with Pac's leg. 
Fit looked at Tubbo for permission and upon receiving a nod, reached forward to start rubbing the cold cream into the burn scars on his chest. Tubbo's eyes rolled back into his head as he let out a sigh. It felt so good to be taken care of, to let himself sink into Pac's warmth. 
“Thank you,” he said with the last remaining breath in him as he felt his body relax into slumber. He was already asleep by the time the two men gave their responses.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
HIII I HAVE A REQUEST!! like maybe like step 3 cove asking fem reader to prom their senior year!! it’s a really nice proposal with a sign and flowers and stuff, MAYBE BY THE BEACH?/?1)?2
but he’s also like rlly nervous and kinda fucks up but reader accepts anyway because they’re in LOOOVEEEE AND ITS JUDT RLLY CUTE AND STUFF
OMG YES<3 I've beent thinking abt prom w cove for days now. this is LONG btw, sm so I will make headcanons/another drabble with cove n reader clothes shopping and at prom <3
tags : fluff, step 3 cove, fem reader (use of she/her pronouns & girlfriend), non-established relationship but yk abt each others feelings n it becomes established
synopsis : cove asks you prom and it goes almost horribly wrong.
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cove is totally shitting himself with nerves.
everyone has been asking their crushes, lovers, and friends to prom and cove wants to ask you so bad. he sees you looking a bit longingly at the public proposals and the way you stare at him afterwards with a look of anticipation and want has him reeling.
after a late night of looking at prom proposals and seeing one too many people get rejected at school, cove knew a public proposal was out of the question.
he'd die if you rejected him, and a public display of that would make him flee the country for sure...
cove had enlisted the help of his dad, a willing volunteer after cove almost busted at the seems during dinner last night with anxiety and tears.
they drove all the way to Prism Vista to pick up supplies, the likelihood of you seeing them at the store too high and cove certainly couldn't handle the teasing or knowing eye of the clerks, everyone knowing what time of year this was for seniors.
as his dad pulled into the driveway, cove exhaled shakily, noticing that you were still out with your family.
quickly snatching the stuff in his arms, cove slams the trunk and winces.
cliff laughs at his son's haste and tender nerves and throws the front door open so they can make haste on the board.
it takes a bit of planning, and the only thing cove tasked his dad with was the calligraphy, cove's hands far too shaky for such big letters, but he glues on plastic seashells and sand dollars for awhile before he helps his dad with painting the letters as he becomes more focused and determined to make this the greatest promposal ever.
eventually cliff left, letting cove take over now that he didn't need help with the preparations.
it's a corny poster, with "will you be my mermaid to my merman at prom?" in pretty blue letters and 'prom' in yellow glitter.
cove sits back, a bit hot from being hunched over and moving around as he ogled and analyzed the poster while working.
he wipes his forehead and moves the board to the guest bedroom where he knows you won't see it if you decide to sneak in his bedroom.
cliff notices cove cleaning up, and he perks up at his son's relaxed movements. "hey bud, all finish? how about we order some pizza?"
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cove wasn't ready. well he was, he had the bouquet of your favorite flowers and the sign, and he even bought your favorite food from one of the restaurants in Sunset Bird.
instead of his usual way of entry, cove makes his way to your front door and knocks.
your ma opens the door, a sweet smile on her face but with a knowing look only a mother could have, cove pulled at the the collared shirt he wore and he really hoped between this half buttoned shirt and jeans, you didn't know what he was planning...
"cove, sweetie! looking for y/n?" noelani smiled, biting back a snicker.
cove distantly thinks that he hopes the sign doesn't blow away while he's here.
"y-yeah... um, is she here?"
pamela appears from behind, having been laid up in the living room. "I'll get her for you, don't run off!"
noelani hisses a scolding "pam!" at her wife's teasing and smacks her lips as pamela walks up the stairs to your room. "sorry sweetie, you're too easy for her to tease." she says bashful, knowing very well she can't help but snicker sometimes at cove and y/n's romantic fumbles and years of pining.
as cove distracts himself with small talk, you come down the stairs with pamela.
cove feels his heart beat against his chest, like a bee stuck in a window. he hoped you couldn't hear it, and with the way he felt, he hoped you couldn't see it beating out his chest as well..
in cove's hazy state, your moms have left and it's just you two.
"hey cove! what's up?"
cove swallows, wiping his hands on his jeans. you watch his mannerisms, you know them by heart and you see the sweat on his brow even though there's a chill in the air as the night befalls you.
"h-hey y/n.." great. as if he wasn't obvious before. "um, I wanna show you something, i-if that's okay.." cove laughs, and he tries to push away his worry. you never rejected him before, you always agreed with his crazy ideas or encouraged him to a better plan of action that still fulfilled cove's mild (or major, if he's feeling particularly bad) need for adventure.
you agree, and make your way across poppy hill.
before you reach the shore, cove instructs you to cover your eyes and he'll guide you to his surprise.
cove beams as your trust him, your eyes closed and covered by your hands as he takes you by the shoulders and helps you down the hill.
as you approach the park, cove sighs with relief as he sees his preparations are still there, he can even see the board hiding behind the jungle gym.
cove paced, waving his hands in front of you in a 'stay there' motion, as if you'd leave.
"tell me when i can open my eyes!" you laugh.
cove exhales, taking in deep breaths before he held it in anticipation.
he reached for the sign, briefly he thought about how embarrassing this was, he wished he could skip ahead but seeing your hopefully happy expression would make every second worth it.
"okay... open your eyes."
you shed your hands, and blink as you adjust to the light. eventually you beat the glare of the sun, and your mouth dropped in awe and shock.
cove feel hot under his collar, the breeze does nothing to relieve his edge.
while you're silent for the most part, besides a mumbled "what's this?.." that almost washes away with the beating waves of the sea.
cove speaks, "y/n.. i know you've been waiting for me to ask you, and uh.. i'm sorry i didn't ask you sooner. i was afraid you'd say no and that i'd embarrass myself and.." cove sighed, adjusting his grip.
"never mind. that's not what I wanted to say. y/n... i really like you, i have for a long time.. and i wanna go to prom with you. as my date."
cove flushed, his cheeks rivaling the color of the blushing evening sky.
you stood there, silently and shocked, but happiness bloomed on your face quickly. with watery eyes and a blinding grin you brushed cove's hands so he'd drop the poster.
cove drops the poster, smiling shakily as you wrapped your arms around him. "i like you too cove, so much. and i'd love to go to prom with you!"
cove grinned, happy as a peach. buoyed by the new development, he cupped your face. "can i.. kiss you?"
you nod, leaning into each others embrace and your lips meet in the middle.
you break apart, cove's head falls to your shoulder and water washes over your sandaled feet.
wait. water?..
the food! cove jumps up, suddenly remembering how close he'd put the food to the shoreline and the rising tide.
"the food! the flowers!" cove scrambles to the wet blanket he laid out, wishing he'd noticed this sooner.
he picks up the bag of take out, noticing how soaked the food already is. the tide must of washed over the food before cove came back.
thankful for small miracles, the flowers are only damp on one side but not bruised or flattened.
cove holds up the bouquet and presents it yet holds it close. "well... the food is ruined. the flowers are okay though?.." cove smiled sheepishly.
you sigh and approach, curling your hands around cove's trembling worried ones. "thank you for the bouquet, it's beautiful."
"i'm sorry.. i should've known i-" cove rambles.
"cove.." you try to sooth him.
"i hope you still wanna go with me, even after the majority of the surprise is ruined.." cove deflated, looking like a sad puppy who got his treat stolen by the other pup.
"cove! it's okay!" you push back his bangs, "I still wanna go to prom with you, even if our food and flowers almost got washed away for the fishes.."
he leans into your hand, blinking watery eyes.
"i'm glad.." cove brushes his nose against yours, leaning into your body. "so uh.. are we dating now?"
you laugh, "yes cove, if you'll have me as your girlfriend that is."
"of course!" cove kisses you again.
this is a great way to end your senior year.
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dyk3medown · 2 years
hii, if ur comfortable with it, could you write a fic of eddie x fem!reader with any plot but to include
- sadism & masochism
- pain kink
- degradation & praise
- exhibitionism
so sorry if this is a burden to you i just rlly love ur work lol ❤️
danger zone
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eddie munson x reader
summary: eddie’s knife against your throat should scare you, but your reaction couldn't be further from fear
warnings: fem reader, smut, slightly dark!eddie, dom/sub dynamics, some degradation + praise, knife play, choking, very bad bdsm etiquette, sort of autassassinophilia but to a very minor extent
a/n: this has been almost finished in my drafts for months, I'm so sorry it took so fucking long lol. unfortunately i didn't fit the exhibitionism in but i hope you enjoy anyways!!
smut under the cut <3
Eddie Munson is not a murderer.
Your mind races as you sit in Steve's car on the way to Reefer Rick's house, Eddie's supposed hideout.
He can't be… right?
You and Eddie knew each other reasonably well, though to call you friends would be a bit of a stretch. Your interactions were mostly composed of short conversations and a quick smile here and there when you passed by in the halls.
You found yourself oddly fascinated with him, and it didn't help that he made you weak in the knees every time you saw him, embarrassingly attracted to every little detail. The first time he had given you a tour of his tattoos, you had almost passed out, the sight of him pulling up his shirt enough to make you light-headed.
Contrary to his reputation, he was really a sweet guy, and you couldn't imagine him hurting someone, let alone killing them.
The car pulls up to a rather run-down house next to the lake, and you take a deep breath before climbing out of the vehicle, following your friends as they search for Eddie.
"Eddie! It's Dustin!" Dustin calls out as you enter a boathouse that's clearly seen better days. "Look, we just wanna talk, okay? No cops, I swear. We just wanna help."
You look around, but much like the main house you checked first, it seems empty. "I guess he's not here, guys."
You hear a slight sound of movement, and then Eddie has you up against the wall before you can even think about reacting, the jagged edge of a broken bottle pressing against your throat as his leg slots between yours. He pins your arms above your head, both wrists held in the hand not holding the makeshift weapon.
You gasp, a noise that's only partially from surprise and sounds more like a moan. With their view of you blocked by his body, your friends are unable to see how you arch unconsciously toward Eddie, pressing forward against him.
As soon as you realize what you're doing, you slam back against the wall, praying that Eddie somehow missed what happened.
Something flickers in Eddie's gaze as you lock eyes, a look of lust that's gone so quickly you're not sure if you imagined it.
You're distantly aware of your friends shouting for Eddie to stop, but the only sounds you can focus on are his ragged breathing and your own heartbeat pounding in your ears.
Eddie's eyebrows raise almost imperceptibly as he moves even closer, the glass digging into your throat as his thigh presses between yours.
You whimper at the feeling, desperately hoping that the others think it's a sound of fear. Trying to keep your breathing shallow, you are keenly aware that with one wrong move, the bottle could draw blood.
Any doubts Eddie might have had about how you were feeling are pushed away as he takes in your reaction, a hint of a smirk on his lips.
"Steve, put down the oar."
Eddie's head turns to look at Dustin, who is trying his best to talk Eddie down, while Steve slowly lowers the oar he had approached you two with.
After a few long moments, Eddie pulls the bottle back, still aimed at your throat but no longer touching your skin. You're hyper-aware of Eddie's thigh still positioned between your legs, shifting slightly underneath you as he talks with the group. Much to your shame, you can feel yourself getting wet, growing increasingly paranoid that Eddie will somehow be able to tell. You inhale sharply as he pushes against you at just the right angle, your hips bucking involuntarily.
You know you shouldn't be so turned on by a threat to your life, but your body seems unaware of that.
Eddie's attention snaps back to you, giving you a knowing look before dropping your wrists and stepping back. You just barely manage not to collapse when he moves away, your knees buckling as Robin rushes up to you. You lean on her for support, your heart still racing as you find somewhere to sit.
You zone out for most of the conversation, listening to Eddie's account of the night of Chrissy's death and then bits and pieces of the explanation of the upside down. You can't help but stare at Eddie, glancing back at him almost immediately every time you force yourself to look elsewhere. Eddie can't seem to keep his eyes off you either, gaze wandering over to you every so often.
You're fully aware of how fucked up it is that your focus is on him during a conversation about a girl's death, but you can't help the less-than-innocent thoughts that keep rising to the surface.
Eventually, after some more conversation, the others agree to go on a supply run, but Dustin insists that someone stay with Eddie just in case.
"I can stay!" You volunteer, internally cringing at how enthusiastic you sound.
"Are you sure? He was a little stabby with you," Robin mimes stabbing someone with a knife.
"It's fine," you assure her, looking over at Eddie.
"I'll be on my best behavior, scout's honor." Eddie holds up three fingers, a wry grin on his face.
"Yeah, alright, fine." Steve rolls his eyes and turns to leave, the rest of the group following behind him.
As you hear the car driving away, you're able to stop pretending like you're focusing on anything but Eddie.
"So uh," you stammer nervously as you stand, trying to think of something to say.
"So uh," Eddie mimics mockingly. "What was all that?"
Your eyes widen. "What do you mean?"
"Don't think I didn't notice the way you were acting earlier." Eddie says, a smirk growing on his face.
You feign nonchalance, pretending to examine your nails. "I don't know what you're taking about."
"Don't play dumb, princess," Eddie's voice lowers, taking on a dark tone that makes you shiver. "Did it turn you on when I pinned you up against the wall? Huh? Did I make you wet when I held that bottle to your pretty little throat?"
Your heart jumps in your throat at his words, and you can't deny the way they're affecting you, a wave of heat going through your body.
"Stop it." Your voice wavers as he stalks towards you. You stumble backward, finding yourself once again with your back against the dark wood of the boathouse.
"Why so shy?" The smirk on Eddie's face turns into a feral grin. "You were so eager before, fucking rutting against my thigh in front of all your friends."
Your chest tightens with a mix of panic and excitement as he invades your space, only a few inches separating you now.
You turn your head to the side to avoid his piercing gaze, squeezing your eyes tightly shut.
"Look at me."
You keep your eyes closed, breath coming in short pants.
"I said, look at me." Eddie grabs your jaw and forces you to face him, your eyes flying open in surprise at the spark of pain that comes with his tight grip.
He takes his hand back and pulls something out of his pocket, flicking it open. He holds it up for you to see, and your breath hitches as a switchblade glints in the light, lips parting in a surprised little oh.
"I think you deserve better than some broken glass, baby," Eddie says as he lifts it to your neck, just barely brushing your skin.
"Eddie," you whimper, "please."
You're not sure if you're asking him to stop or keep going, but Eddie takes it as the latter.
"Don't worry, princess, I'll give you what you need."
Eddie tilts your chin up with the blade's tip, barely brushing his lips against yours.
Throwing all caution to the wind, you grip onto his shirt and pull him into a bruising kiss. He remains still for a moment, clearly surprised by your sudden movement, but quickly begins to kiss you back. There's little finesse in the way his lips move against yours, all technique forgotten in favor of the way he's devouring you.
You whimper as Eddie bites your lip hard enough to draw blood. He swipes his tongue over the wound and groans, grinding his hips forward against you. You can feel how hard he is in his jeans, clearly enjoying this just as much as you.
The knife travels down to the neckline of your shirt, and you gasp as Eddie slices it open, leaving it hanging loosely from your shoulders.
He takes advantage of the newly exposed skin, grabbing onto your chest roughly. Before you can protest, he cuts through your bra as well, stepping back enough to tug the remnants of your clothing down your arms.
Eddie's hands cup your breasts softly as he looks at you almost reverently, a brief moment of gentleness that's quickly gone as the hunger overtakes his gaze.
"God, who knew you'd have such pretty fucking tits?" Eddie tweaks a nipple harshly, chuckling when you cry out. "You like it when I'm rough with you, don't you?"
"Uh huh," you manage to get out, so overwhelmed by what's happening that you're struggling to speak.
One of Eddie's hands trails down to the waistband of your pants, unbuttoning them and unceremoniously shoving his way inside.
"Eddie!" Your back arches as he roughly plunges two fingers inside of you. It's too much all at once, and there's a sharp sting of pain with the pleasure despite how wet you've gotten.
"Fuck, you're dripping baby." Eddie's thumb rolls over your clit, and you spasm around his fingers. "You tried to act all innocent but I knew, god I knew you were just gagging for it."
You reach down and push your remaining clothing down your hips, leaving you completely naked. Hand now unrestricted, Eddie takes full advantage of the new range of motion, fingers thrusting deeper until you can feel the cool metal of his rings trying to push into you.
Eddie suddenly pulls away, leaving you gasping for air. "Get on the table."
You look to see a dusty old table sitting in the corner of the room. "I-"
Eddie cuts you off. "That wasn't a request, (Y/N)."
The look in his eyes leaves no room for protest, and you scramble over to the table. You feel like you should be embarrassed that you're letting him order you around so easily, but the only thing that goes through your mind with every command is yes. Eddie is close behind you and pushes you down the second you reach it, bending you in half over the dusty surface.
"Don't move."
You follow Eddie's instruction, keeping your arms and chest still against the table. You can hear the sound of him unbuckling his belt and a zipper being pulled down, your breath hitching in anticipation.
Eddie wrenches both of your arms behind your back and wraps the belt around your wrists, the soft, worn leather biting with how tightly he binds them. Your shoulders are already starting to ache from the position, and you struggle slightly, trying to get more comfortable. A harsh slap to your ass makes you freeze and cry out.
"I thought I told you not to move," He mocks. "You aren't very good at following instructions, are you, sweetheart?"
"Eddie, please," you whine as you fight to keep yourself still.
"Be a good girl for me," Eddie lines himself up and just barely presses the head of his cock into you, "and beg for it."
Desperation taking over, you have no trouble swallowing your pride and giving him what he wants. "Please, Eddie, please fuck me!"
You muffle a scream as Eddie slams into you in one harsh thrust, wasting no time in setting a brutal pace. With no real prep, the way he's stretching you out is borderline painful, but somehow that makes it even better. You can feel every inch of him so intensely as he fucks into you, splitting you open on his cock.
He grabs your bound wrists and uses them to pull you up, causing you to arch off of the table. The switchblade is in his hand again, and he brings it to rest gently against the base of your throat as he thrusts into you roughly.
"Stay just like that, princess, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."
He presses the blade just a little harder into your skin, and you whimper as you clench around him, unable to control your reaction.
"God, you're fucking filthy," Eddie moans. "Getting off to me holding a knife to your throat."
You want to hate it, to mentally distance yourself from the depraved acts you're committing, but the ever-present danger of the situation is making you wetter than you've ever been before. Eddie is clearly just as into it as you are, a constant string of moans and curses coming from behind you.
He pulls out suddenly and lets you drop back onto the table as he takes a moment to free your hands, leaving you confused and wanting him back inside you immediately. "Eddie?"
You start to push yourself up with shaking arms, but before you can fully stand, Eddie manhandles you over onto your back, lining himself up again before pushing into you with the same force as before.
"Oh, fuck." You practically sob as he angles his hips up slightly to hit the perfect spot, a new wave of pleasure making you spasm around him.
Eddie leans down, and your eyes flutter shut as he kisses you sloppily, cracking open again when you feel his hand wrap around your throat.
"Eddie!" Your eyes roll back as he slowly increases the pressure, limiting your air supply and suppressing your voice.
"Knew you'd like that. You just want to be good for me, don't you, princess? You'll do whatever I want."
You don't even try to deny it, nodding your head the best you can with your neck restrained. Eddie groans as you put your hand on top of his, encouraging him to push down harder, hips stuttering for a moment before falling back into rhythm.
"So fucking perfect for me." With how tight his grip is, you're quickly growing light-headed, and you're sure there'll be bruises left as remnants of his touch when you're done. "Take it so well."
Eddie's free hand snakes down your body to rub at your clit as his hips snap into yours even harder. At this point, you're sure you'll be walking funny for days, remembering the savage way he took you every time you sit down.
The knot in your stomach tightens as you feel yourself getting close, eyes fluttering closed as the feelings threaten to completely overwhelm you.
"You gonna cum?" Eddie looks down at you, the ever-present hunger gleaming in his eyes. "C'mon baby, wanna feel you cum on my cock."
"Eddie!" His name is the only thing you can say as your back arches, vision going white for a moment as the most intense pleasure you've ever experienced wracks your body.
Eddie's thrusts turn frantic as he desperately chases his release, pounding into you with no consideration for your comfort. You can only lay there and take it, blissed-out and practically boneless as you come down from your high.
Hips stuttering, Eddie comes with a choked-out groan of your name, and you moan softly as he spills inside of you. Eddie leans down to kiss you softly, almost tenderly, a stark contrast to the rough treatment that already has you aching in the best way. He pulls away, and you suppress a whimper as he slips out of you, oversensitivity making you wince. He tucks himself back into his pants, and you suddenly feel very exposed, completely naked, while Eddie is now fully clothed. You sit up, crossing your arms over your chest and hunching over slightly.
"Here." Eddie strips off his shirt and hands it to you. 
"Thanks." You take it gratefully, slipping it over your head. 
Neither of you speaks for a moment, just looking at each other in the fading light streaming through the windows.
"Eddie, I-" You're cut off by the door creaking open, your head snapping towards the sound to watch in horror as your friends make their way in, momentarily unaware of the situation in front of them. 
Steve stops in his tracks as he looks around, gaze flickering from Eddie's shirtless body, to his shirt on your body, to your clothes strewn across the floor. 
"What the fuck?"
@greengarsstuff @3ternalreal1ty @eichenhouseproperty @lizzieaurum @themonsterisapineapple @mayvinnie @nobody-stop-me @rues-deaddreams @matildavol6 @lov3ly-3m @ladybird2094 @sunnybunbrainrot @goth-cowgir1 @littletroublegirl444 @throatacid @eddieussy @m1vfs @jacktheotter @misaamaneswifey @netushanaidu @halbrooke @multi-fandomgirlie @livslifeonline @isabel2you @eddiemunsonbby @straycatarang @crawlingbackwardcrawlingforward @meaganjm @hopebaker @fckyou4ever @sambucky8 @annoyednblax @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark @rlvslouis @paola-carter @daisysliv @mrvelscaptains @nonamedauthor @Jenna-jd @plutoneu @ladybug0095 @sunshinevs3 @loversrockband @steddieslut @o1zysreads @chu1in @aurumbelis @molllybc @witchybarb @macimcnaron @Canaryidkkk @simpforevery1 @xelaaa-xo @ihyperfixatetoomuch @calllmeifugetlost @solarrexplosion @asbisexualasitgets @strawberrypuffy @Tottalynotdestiny @mayeddieandstevegf @cursedpixie @theonlyprimrose @asiahalwaysslays @girlwiththerubyslippers @alwayssnivellus @sapphisticxted @SmuttyStrangerFics @dessmxsworld @reggiessexdoll @h-ness1944 @doyoumindifislytherin-1 @multifandomlover10 @ironwhoore @metalchickwhogotthattracc @victoriacourone @muns-trosity
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odi-the-oddity · 2 months
So can we get an explanation of your au for the mane 6? It sounds cool based on what you said on your flutter shy post!
WELL it isn’t really an au since it’s rlly.. yk, minor changes?
but it’s below cut!!! :D
So, twilight is very backwards, kind but distant, I say she has some autism but it isn’t severe, just affects her socially, and she did become princess still, but it took her way longer, because she didn’t become friends with the girls for almost a year, (my vers they all met in their teens and are just now adults) she runs a huge library, and knows almost everything about magic, and friendship, even if she is t very good at being a friend, she really does try, she spends a lot of time baking with pinkie pie per flutter shys request to help her socially
Rarity is a high fashion designer for manehattan, making dresses for the richest of ponies and even celestia and Luna! She’s their main designer of allllll their dresses and even the crowns/chest plates/and armor, she uses applejack as a model despite her bigger build, since she wants to show a diverse and different line of clothing, which gained her popularity
Rainbow dash is a world champion racer, and even surpassed the wonder bolts, and made her own team! She likes working out by helping Apple jack buck for apples and she tries to carry all the apples just her front hooves and wings (despite flutter shy saying not to) and she loves modeling for rarity in rarity’s line of race wear!
Flutter shy, like I said, is very sentimental and keeps all the little gifts from the girls, she runs a animal clinic with a few other local ponies, and tries to help other ponies who deal with bullying, or other stuff, on her free time, since she understands it and she does try to keep up with her flying classes that rainbow dash set up for her
Pinkie pie owns several huge bakery’s, but stays at her first bakery, making things for the girls and sweets for celestia, she always tries to help twilight leave the library by asking her to come bake or go shopping, and pinkie pie is always dropping off cupcakes or little desserts at fluttershys and uses a lot of applejacks apples, and asks rainbow dash to deliver a lot of her orders, and rarity even helps with the design for her bakery’s! Her pinkie sense is actually a sort of magic since she’s related to alicorns very distantly, and she was adopted! That’s why she’s the more hyper one in her family
while it would be nice for them to be perfect, they aren’t, yes they all represent the elements of harmony but they have flaws in my version
Rarity can be a snob about someone’s looks, but she corrects herself before saying something rude, and compliments them instead, she also had a terrible habit of talking down to people about their clothes
Twilight has a tendency to read someone like a book and tell them things they don’t want to hear, and she is still working on being more people-friendly, and is reading ways to help with her autism, in a healthy way
Flutter shy can be.. extremely shy, and antisocial like twilight, but she pushes herself to be social, and she doesn’t trust a lot of people, even if she is kind, she won’t let a lot of people see a flaw about her, she tries to be perfect for everyone so she’ll be likes
Pinkie pie has adhd, she can be invasive, annoying, and loud, her friends don’t mind it, especially twilight, who loves the way she doesn’t have to talk since pinkie talks enough for the both of them
Rainbow dash can be haughty, thinking she’s cooler/better than most ponies because of her awards and achievements, flutter shy is helping to be more humble and down to earth but it’s hard for her
Apple jack can be aggressive, and short with people, and pushy, it’s something from her parents passing away, she had to take on a protective role and learned to be gruff from her brother Big Mac, who was quiet, and also short with people
Thank you for reading <33333
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kaixserzz · 10 months
Good morning (or like whatever time it is for u :3) mootie patootie >3<
Yk. Lately I've been thinking about some type of au where dottore falls in love w the descendant of a royalty from an ancient civilization (and by lately I mean the past 5 minutes because I had a dream about it) (I think I had a dream about it atleast at some point)
I mean mostly the reason for that is because I'm kinda related to two very important royalty figures (distantly but they're both in my family tree) and I think it would be pretty cool tbh.
HII GM!! (its 11:49 am as i write this !!)
OHHHHH THATS ACTUALLY RLLY COOL,, i think dottore at first would be so intrested in the ancient civilization more, yk??! the culture and always bugs u them with questions,, but with such a unique background he sees beauty in it with them!! i think it'd be nice to discover things about their blood line along with dottore, who now wants discover more about them!! hgfybidjkndIDJASK,, 👉👈
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sistervirtue · 1 year
hi! i rlly need to hear abt how u reconcile umenobi cuz i dont know a thing abt kemonos plot but like im so intrigued by how the text vs the actual manga describes things..
ok, so the first thing is that we have to keep in mind that nobimaru is a fucking liar who intentionally does things to obfuscate his true personality, so you dont need to take how he acts as literal. in fact, a lot of how he behaves is...almost obvious in how fake or forced it is, especially in later arcs.
secondly, we do have word of god from aimoto saying that "their relationship is developing positively for both of them", (the umetaro bday qna goes more in depth with their relationship) so on that level i can at least say this isnt 100% being pulled out of my ass. it sounds insane when you look at how she describes it as compared to the manga but thats just like, how it is with nobimaru
but tldr, nobimaru fucking with people comes in 2 flavors: malicious and benign. there are occasions where he is genuinely and actively harming people and everyone involved is aware of it, like when he went to kill kaede and akagi. he was still :) and made his little quips, but you can tell from both him and the way people around him act that everyone is well fucking aware that he came here to cut the cameras
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(id have to have a lot more time and space to get into nobimarus behavior and textual cues we get irt it in general but. nobimaru here is not being friendly he is ready to kill)
however, hes also just...kind of a little dickhead. the moment he allies himself with inugami + the others, he makes remarks everywhere from about inugami's suffering face, to taking up space in their travel compartment and demanding inugami go tiny because he "never imagined his long legs would backfire here!" to shaking tarouta upside down to free kabane, before making a remark that "it looks like someone shook him up and down violently, what a terrible thing to do". nobimarus just a fucking cunt. but you can start to tell when he means it good-naturedly and it can honestly tip you off to when he favors someone as opposed to characters he treats more distantly (his very professional demeanor with most of the SIU, for example) or maliciously.
so not only do we have umetaros perspective with framing like the kabedon scene and his flusteredness over nobimarus praise and eagerness to please, but we can generally glean that while nobimaru is a fucking cunt, his cuntery with umetaro isnt really done maliciously, and its an indicator that he likes umetaro more than say, hinata or kaede, whom he addresses as subordinates. nobimarus insistence on having umetaro around is another thing, as nobimaru is more than capable of completing missions solo and often would benefit from it, but he seems to just enjoy making umetaro watch him be cool. in a volume extra, the characters "types" are revealed, and nobimarus type is "someone who will fall down to hell with him", so its likely that his teasing is part of that test and umetaro, someone who can read his real feelings (which, kudos man, even im flummoxed there), can pick up on that.
however i do think something is just deeply wrong with umetaro for still being into him through all of this like how badly does he want that twink to be in Evil Fox Murder Village With Dead Men Heads As Part Of The Floral Landscaping Decor. he takes time to think about nobimarus nuts. so while they have something going on for sure just know that both of them are fucking insane for it
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vaultscavver · 7 months
wasteland, baby!
falloutober2023 day six: MONUMENT (5.2k // eventual nora x hancock x maccready)
a/n: so october is over :( happy november!! i'll still write all the amazing @falloutober prompts just for funsies bc i like the prompts and also im really sad that i didn't get the time to write last month. also i wrote this in the middle of the night on my phone after i woke up weirdly inspired for a kind of gory, creepy chapter with hella angst so tw for mentions of blood, panic attacks, puking, drug usage, feral chomp chomps, nora's sad memories overlapping her horniness for hancock, and uhhh rlly long paragraphs sorry
synopsis — med-tek research is a maze of ferals and dead-ends, but this crew of stubborn miscreants are determined to find the cure maccready needs. days go by in those hallowed walls; what’s the price for saving a life?
─ ─── ──── ─── ♠ ─── ──── ─── ─
Nora clawed at her gasmask, choking on her own sobs as she suffocated. The ventilation system was clogged, preventing her from getting any air in. Her hood was already torn off, thrown to the ground with her jacket – funny, she had tightened the straps of her mask as much as possible, thinking it would save her life, not kill her quicker.
Bodies laid sprawled around her, the blood and goo of half-decayed ferals clinging to every inch of her body, her gloves slick with it and her boots sliding in it. Her mask stuffed with feral guts. Every inhale was rotten, every gasp putrid.
Her knees hit the floor with a crack. Unable to get the mask off, Nora began to hyperventilate, tugging uselessly at the straps, her own modulated gasps filling the air, the sounds of machinery overlapping her cries.
Distantly, she heard the uneven footsteps of more ferals running along the aluminum floors and wondered if they were coming to finish her off. Gunshots rang through the air, far from her – too far.
Nora had fallen; she didn’t know how far, but she had fallen through broken floorboards and had landed right on top of a glowing feral and its friends. They had attacked instinctively. She had barely survived the fight.
“Nora?!” Someone shouted, too far away.
She struggled to respond, barely managing to whimper as she tugged on her mask, tugging, tugging, tugging – she couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, the damn mask wouldn’t come off –
In an instant, it was like the world was clear again.
Heaving, Nora fell to her hands and knees, inhaling her first breath of unfiltered air in weeks.
Then, she promptly turned and vomited.
Hands were on her back, her neck, scooping her short hair out of the way and rubbing her shoulders in soothing circles as she gagged and coughed, blinking hot tears out of her eyes. Breathing raggedly, Nora only managed to keep upright thanks to those hands, which held her gently as she trembled, jitters taking over as she panted, gasping for air.
Squeezing her eyes shut, Nora breathed in square rotations, trying to come to her senses. Those gentle hands moved her to sit on the ground, away from the ferals and puke, propping her up against the metal walls and peeling her gloves off, dropping them on the floor with her coat.
“Nora?” A deep, guttural voice asked so tentatively, so carefully.
In front of her, looking worried and a little lost, Hancock knelt, his red frock coat splattered with blood and feral gore.
Her mask dangled from his fingertips. The straps were frayed like they’d been sawed off. In his other hand was a switchblade.
“Thanks.” She managed to grind the word out, her voice thick and uneven, sounding strange to her own ears without the modulator making her sound like a robot.
Hancock didn’t respond. He was so uncharacteristically quiet, not even sparing her one of his trademark smiles as he dropped the mask and stowed his knife, digging through the endless pockets of his coat.
An inhaler appeared in his hand, extended towards her.
Nora just stared at it, feeling a million miles away. She’d seen him use it before — what had he called it? Jet?
She’d never used an inhaler before, though she knew the mechanics of it. There were a lot of so-called chems to be found in post-apocalyptic Boston, but she hadn’t touched any of them (except when MacCready stabbed her with what he called a stimpack, but that hardly counted) and she certainly wasn’t brave enough to try Jet on her own when she didn’t know what it was supposed to do.
But… she was desperate. And she certainly wasn’t alone now.
Her stomach roiled as she reached for the inhaler with shaking hands, feeling like the entire world was twisting and she didn’t get the memo.
Trembling, Nora almost dropped the plastic. Hancock carefully put a hand around hers and brought the inhaler to her lips, his other hand cupping the back of her head to hold her in place as he slowly pushed the canister for her. The metering valve was sent into the actuator with a click, followed by the hiss of aerosol.
“Breathe in and hold,” Hancock instructed in that growl of a voice.
It tasted like shit. Literally, the aerosol tasted like actual shit. Still, Nora did as she was told, holding her breath until he gestured for her to exhale, lowering the inhaler.
And then she felt very, very cold.
The Jet worked almost immediately — the world moved in slow motion as a billow of white smoke swirled from Nora’s lips. Light filtered through the particles of dust hanging in the air, the room bathed in a green glow thanks to the radioactive ferals accompanied by Nora’s Pip-Boy screen, the brightness turned all the way up to work like a flashlight, so she could actually see the zombie-like feral ghouls she had nearly been killed by.
MacCready had been very stern that they were not zombies, they were ferals; ghouls that had gone feral with irradiation, madness taking over what was left of their mushy brains. They didn’t attack because they were violent creatures or because they wanted to eat people. They attacked because it was all that was left of their survival instinct. They were human, once, then ghoul, and had simply gone feral. Sometimes, people went from human to feral in a matter of minutes, if the radiation was potent enough. Sometimes they stayed ghoulified for hundreds of years – MacCready had told her that there were still ghouls from before the bombs; people that had never gone feral, who had survived for two centuries in the wastes. Nora didn’t know which fate was worse.
Wondering how long it would take herself, a pre-war vault dweller with minimal exposure to radioactivity, to go feral, Nora felt the Jet start to ease off as quickly as it came on, and her mind flooded with everything she’d been trying not to over think about.
They were in some lower level of Med-Tek. MacCready wasn’t kidding about the ferals being no easy task, but he hadn’t known just how large the building was. His old buddy had barely breached the entrance. The cure, the medicine Duncan needed, could’ve been anywhere — even with the help of their comrades, it had taken more than a day to get through the patient quarters and into the basement, where Nora hoped all the still-processing medications would be stored.
If her worst fears came true, both Nora and MacCready could end up childless. She doubted she’d ever see her son again, with how many times she’d utterly failed in hunting down his kidnapper. Seeing her closest friend go through that as well… They had to find this cure. They had to save Duncan, no matter the cost, no matter how long it took.
“You still with us?” Hancock asked, and as Nora’s focus returned to him, she realized that he was holding her jaw, his rough fingertips pressed firmly against her pulse point, feeling her heart race.
“Whatever that was,” Nora answered, her tongue feeling heavy in her mouth, “I want seven.”
Cracking a grin, the ghoulish mayor slid his hand down her cheek until he held her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Good news, I have more. Bad news, I’ve seen your face and I’m a changed man. Nothin’ is gonna be the same for me here on out. Shame on you.”
She rolled her eyes with a scoff. “You also saw me puke my guts out, so take your pickin’ of shame.”
Giving a short laugh, Hancock dug around in his red coat again, depositing his Jet and procuring a silvery flask, which he uncorked and held out for her. “And here I thought you were hiding some kind of wicked scar. Lemme guess, you didn’t want your pretty face getting mucked up?”
“Something like that.” The whiskey burned its way down her throat until the flask was empty and Nora finally felt warm again. She hadn’t liked whiskey in her old life.
Handing the flask back to the ghoul, she tried to stand, stumbling twice. Hancock helped her up and kept a grasp on her shoulders as she swayed, feeling dizzy and too loose, too relaxed.
“Give it a few minutes.” He muttered, gently rubbing a hand up and down her shoulder as he led her away from the glowing feral corpses. “Jet’s not always my ride of choice, I’m more of a Mentats ghoul myself. Makes me feel intellectual and shit.”
“Hm. Can I try that one?”
“Only if you promise to take it easy,” He said, already taking the tin out of his coat, popping the lid and taking one for himself before extending it to her.
Nora took one of the small mints with a careful hand, still feeling sluggish. It was grape flavored, the sweet and fruity mint spreading in her mouth with a cold, sharp feeling. And, like a light switch, Nora felt herself become more alert, more aware of their surroundings. The sluggish feeling melted away and she was left jittering, blinking quickly as she took in their room with a new fervor.
“How many floors did I fall?” She asked Hancock in a single quick breath, turning to look at the damaged floor above them.
He gave a hapless shrug and picked up his shotgun. “Around two? This shithole goes on forever. I followed you down, but there’s no telling where the others got to.”
Nora checked and double-checked her pistol, furrowing her brows. He had followed her? Jumped down two stories of broken flooring? She turned to look at the corpses of the glowing ferals, her Pip-Boy’s internal Geiger Counter giving a few warning clicks.
Without the lenses of her mask, the world seemed… bigger, clearer. Every detail of the ferals was like a pinprick on Nora’s heart, stabbing deeper and deeper; they wore lab coats and scrubs, torn apart and stained and ruined. They were human, once. They were alive, once. And all that life had been taken from them and they had spent two centuries trapped in a metal building, going insane with radiation until they were glowing with it.
She tore her gaze from them and side-stepped, circling the room and taking in the crumbling walls and ceilings, the broken lights and the machines that were beyond repair. Med-Tek was a medical research facility, and a lot of useful med gear had been left behind – Nora was quick to pocket any spare gauze, a first-aid kit, and the few sanitary products she trusted enough to shove into her bag – into MacCready’s army green duffle bag, slung over her shoulder.
Nora anxiously raked her short hair out of her face. Mac was somewhere above them, in some upper level of this shithole, hunting for the cure to save his son. He was with Nick Valentine, who was a detective, and MacCready had scoped out Med-Tek before – they had more luck finding the cure than Nora and Hancock did.
Spinning on her heel, Nora met Hancock’s attentive gaze. He had been watching her investigate every drawer and table in the room, and looked amused at her sudden attention.
With her mind still going a mile a minute, Nora found her curiosity piqued by the ghoul mayor, especially considering the fact that he was a ghoul in the first place – the first one she’d met and the only one she’d consider herself to be friends with.
“What’s your story, Hancock?” She asked, turning to shuffle through more drawers, unable to keep still.
His crooked smile widened. “My favorite subject! Let’s see... I wound up in Goodneighbor about a, uh, a decade ago? Had smooth skin back then. While I was busy making myself a pillar of the community, I would go on these, like, wild tears… I was young, takin’ any chems I could find, the more exotic the better. Finally found this experimental radiation drug. Only one of its kind, and only one hit. Oh man, the high was so worth it… I’m livin’ with the side effects now, but hey, what’s not to love about immortality?”
Thinking over his words, Nora slowly shut the file drawer and raked her hair from her eyes again. Her hair, a deep brown and cropped just under her ears, was greasy and tangled with neglect, knotted where her gas mask had rested on it for too long. She wondered what she would have to do to get her hands on some real soap, maybe a comb.
How much radiation would it take for Hancock to go feral? Was that even a possibility, if he was the only ghoul of his kind? His last word clicked, then, and she was repeating it as a question before she could over think his meaning. “Immortality?”
Leaning his shoulders back against the wall just as comfortably as he could’ve done in a fancy bar, Hancock gave a half-hearted shrug. “Not exactly. Ghouls just age really, really slow. Something about the rads, maybe? Who knows.”
“Hm.” Nora did one more turn around the room, making sure she didn’t miss any supplies. “All those drugs certainly prepared you for a career in politics.”
“Don’t go bringin’ me down, Sunshine,” He gruffed out, metal tin rattling as he plucked out another grape-flavored Mentat for himself. “People respect me ‘cause I don’t put myself above them, alright? I sling and shoot just like the next guy.”
Backtracking quickly, Nora turned back to Hancock, raising her hands palms-forward as a gesture of peace. “I just meant you could’ve gotten yourself killed. Experimental radiation drugs don’t sound exactly… safe.”
It sounded lame to say it out loud, and felt lamer when Hancock’s smirk grew into a teasing grin. “I like to think of death as the ultimate drug trip. When it happens, I’ll be too busy enjoying it to have any regrets.”
This was a different world, Nora reminded herself. Drugs – or chems – weren’t too dangerous in comparison to the lives of survivors out in the Commonwealth. Still, she just shook her head, checking her ammo for the third time. “You’re a hell of a risk-taker, Hancock.”
“You only got one life. Why not try it all?”
Before the war, all Nora had wanted was a quiet, gentle life. She had tried her best to stay within the lines, not to branch out too far or reach into dangerous waters. She had done a good job for the most part, working as a barista in the morning and a librarian in the evening, dabbling with old cars in her spare time like her grandfather had done her entire childhood. It was nice and sweet, until she’d married a soldier who was more of a stranger than a friend, was widowed at twenty-three years old, and willingly got locked up in a freezer with her infant son for two centuries.
The rest just felt like bad dream after bad dream, save the few good people she’d met and the friends she’d made in the likes of MacCready, Preston Garvey, and the new residents of her old neighborhood, Sanctuary – where the self-proclaimed Minutemen had taken root, building the old buildings back up and making a decently safe place for drifters and farmers alike.
She had to go back, eventually. Even if it hurt to look at the two-bedroom suburban dream with a blue front door, her late husband’s name on the lease and her son’s bedroom still decorated with constellations and rocket ships.
Those memories hurt, like a knife to the gut that she only felt if she twisted back to look at all she lost. So, instead of dwelling on her grief, Nora turned towards the feral-infested hallway and decided to just keep moving forward. MacCready still needed that cure, no matter the cost.
“Let’s keep moving.” She said aloud, popping her knuckles on the grip of her pistol.
“Right behind ya.” Hancock replied, readying his own weapon.
They walked silently through the dark halls of the research facility, wary of the ferals lurking around every corner.
Machines that hadn’t been touched in decades made the air brassy and metallic, the thick scent of blood and decay mingling with a dusty oldness that made Nora want her mask back – but with the straps broken, and feral guts in the vents, it wouldn’t have helped much.
Stomach churning, Nora just grit her teeth and continued onwards. Endlessly onwards.
Where had her family been when the bombs fell? Her grandparents and their old farm; were Ma’s dainty pink lace curtains still hanging at the window above the kitchen sink? Had the tea she brewed daily just been sitting on the counter for two hundred years? Was Pa in his shed when the world blew up? Did they die together, or were they yards apart?
She imagined them hearing the news and running to find each other as quickly as their old knees would allow, falling to their knees together in the wildflower grass. Future archeologists would find their remains held so tightly together that they wouldn’t know whose bones were whose.
Except Nora was in the future – it could be Nora that found the remains of her mother’s parents, of the old-fashioned couple who had raised her.
She felt sicker with every thought, but she couldn’t stop the barrage of memories and worries that surged through her. Maybe the Jet and Mentats were a bad idea after all.  
Maybe old Ma and Pa had turned the radio on and heard the news with enough time to get dressed in their finest church clothes and shiniest shoes. Ma would’ve painted her nails and worn her lace gloves. Pa would’ve needed help with his tie, and he would’ve combed his white hair back carefully, the way he’d done for forty years. Maybe Pa had sat at the piano and played his wife one last love song. Maybe they’d held hands and sat on the back porch, sipping tea in their last moments together.
That was a better thought. No hassle, no running or screaming, no pain or worries. They had never been the kind of people to run about.
“Ferals up ahead.” Hancock’s gruff mumble pulled Nora from her thoughts. He took hold of her waistline with one hand, tugging her into a doorway in one of the medical hallways.
Nora blinked herself into focus, glad for the ghoul – if he hadn’t been there, she would’ve walked right into danger, still thinking of her long-dead grandparents.
Ahead of them was a machine room, where over a dozen ferals were shuffling around, some on the ground, as still as corpses. They looked anguished and half-rotted in their scrubs and lab coats. There was no way Nora and Hancock could get through the room unscathed, no way they could sneak around a hoard this size.
“We should go back, loop around.” Nora muttered under her breath, half-turning towards Hancock, who stood behind her, her nose brushing his cheek. They were nearly the same height, though Hancock’s dramatic hat and long coat gave the illusion that he was the taller of the two.
His foggy grey eyes flickered to hers, “Loop around where? There’s gonna be ferals in every nook ‘n corner of this place.”
The lights flickered and clicked above them, where the fluorescents were dangling on thin wires from the ceiling, powered by fusion energy, like most of the wasteland. Power seemed to be thriving in the Commonwealth, even if everything else was dying.
Nora had never seen Hancock this close; the grey tint to his skin seemed purplish in the darkness, his eyes voids of grey and black, like some distant galaxy. It was hard to read his face; typical signs of micro-expressions were gone from the ghoul, who had no nose or eyebrows, whose lips matched the rest of his flesh. He wasn’t half as scary as he seemed to be the first time they’d met. In fact, he seemed kind of… attractive, in a way Nora hadn’t considered before. The cut of his jaw, the sharp curve of his mouth, the softness around his eyes.
The hand at Nora’s waistline tightened, reminding her of his proficiency with a pocketknife, of his inhuman ghoul strength and sight, of his reputation as the fearless, rebellious ghoul mayor. She wondered what was beneath all of the talk, beneath the colonial costume, the killer outline—
A distant scream echoed through Med-Tek. MacCready.
They both flinched, whirling back to the ferals, who became agitated at the sound. A few of them broke from the group and ran down a nearby hallway, into the darkness.
Nora locked eyes with Hancock — their wide, panicked stares having a silent mutual agreement in an instant. No questions needed to be asked. Nothing needed to be said.
Together, they raised their firearms.
The hoard of ferals were cut through like the red sea. Blood splattered and corpses fell. A particularly fast feral caught Hancock’s sleeve — Nora shot it down, only to be bombarded with more.
The world spun. Her vision went red. Adrenaline and fear coursed through her alongside the chems, and Nora was moving without thought, firing without flinching. She felt detached from her body, in a way. Dissociative and panicked, she just fired, again and again, feeling nothing at all.
And then they were running, guns blazing, down the metal hallways, a hoard chasing them.
“Heads up!” Hancock yelled, tossing a lit bottle over his shoulder.
The Molotov Cocktail shattered, an explosive wave of heat rolling through the hallway as the ferals screamed — Nora didn't dare look back.
Skidding to a stop in what looked like some kind of office, Hancock whirled around to slam the door shut, dragging a metal filing cabinet in front of it for extra security.
The room was occupied by two ferals, who shrieked as Nora took them down.
Propping her hands on her knees, feeling icy, her lungs burning, Nora heaved, struggling to catch her breath, her heart racing.
"This place is trashed." MacCready's voice was distant but clear, with a tremor that told Nora he was in a lot of pain but trying to brave about it.
"You expected something fancy?" Piper Wright, the over-observant writer who ran the most popular (and only) newspaper press in the Commonwealth, sounded closer than MacCready, her voice echoing through the nearest stairway.
Nora immediately started towards the stairs, not bothering to be quiet. As she turned the corner at the base of the metal staircase, she was met with the barrels of three guns.
"Don't shoot," Hancock advised from behind her, "I'm the nice kinda ghoul, I swear."
Nick, his beige coat splattered with blood, gave a heavy sigh, lowering his shotgun. "Can't deny how relieved I am to see you two alive. This place is crawling with ferals."
The other two guns lowered. Nora was at MacCready’s side in an instant, her hands grasping his arms as she checked for wounds. It was dark in the lower levels of MedTek, but she could clearly see that the green fabric he wore was drenched in blood – it was so much that it was impossible to tell where it was coming from or even if it was his own.
"Where'd you get hit?"
"I, uh..." He stammered a little before shutting his mouth.
Nora looked up at her closest friend, eyebrows raised.
While Hancock was around her height, MacCready was nearly a head taller, and she could see him much more clearly without the foggy lenses of her gasmask. She had never noticed his freckles before, or how the grown-out stubble along his jaw had an auburn tinge, different from his ashy brown hair that he kept hidden under that green cap.
But, the blood – he was covered in it, the side of his head slick with an inky redness that was half-dry and thick, dripping down the side of his face and neck, coating his left shoulder and arm, blood running down his back and staining his beige-green duster.
"Mac," She spoke again, more clearly this time, meeting his eyes. "Where did you get hit?"
He just stared at her, wearing a vaguely panicked expression, his crystalline blue eyes wide and bordered with crow's feet wrinkles from years of squinting through sniper scopes.
"Might wanna cut down on the intensity, Sunshine." Hancock drawled with a chuckle. He was leaning against the wall by the stairway, packing a carton of cigarettes.
Nora gripped MacCready’s non-bloodied arm tighter, her other hand reaching for his cheek so she could turn his head and check for a scalp wound. She shot Hancock an annoyed look over her shoulder, “Intensity? The fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugged, lighting a cigarette. His silver-plated lighter cast a fiery glow over his pocked face, highlighting his sharp grin. “They haven’t seen ya without the mask, sweetness. You’ve got one of those hundred-yard stares that can bring a man to his knees. Probably will, if you’re not careful.”
Scoffing, Nora turned back to MacCready. “You’re drowning in his blood, ‘Cread. Tell me it’s not yours.”
“It’s… not mine. Mostly.”
“Got nicked. I’ll be fine.”
“Liar.” Piper spoke up, and they turned to her as she plucked the cigarette from Hancock and brought it to her own lips, her expression gaunt like Nora had never seen her. “He got bit by a feral. The thing took out a who chunk of shoulder. Most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen.”
Nora’s heart stuttered.
“Excuse you, I could’ve died.” MacCready half-shouted, as easily irritable as ever.
“Good thing you got it off, then.” Piper rolled her eyes, handing the cigarette back to Hancock, smoke curling from her lips. “We gonna keep going or not?”
The four of them trudged onwards, with Nora and MacCready leading them, staying as close together as possible.
“You’re sure you’ll be fine?” She asked quietly, giving him a worried glance.
“Yeah.” He didn’t look at her, his hawklike eyes intent on their surroundings. “Nick wrapped it up. Stimpack and clean gauze and everything.”
From what Nora had seen on television as a kid, and from what she’d gathered from her time in the Commonwealth, you don’t want to get bit by a zombie – even if they’re called ferals instead. The virus might not be the same as it is in Hollywood, but the rot was bad for sure, and the radiation was no joke. A stimpack could only go so far – MacCready needed sanitation, Rad-X, and probably medical care beyond what the detective could do. A whole chunk off his shoulder… he likely needed stitches, too.
They came into what looked like a patient holding area, with rows of beds in their own chambers sealed behind locked doors, a feral in every one. Beyond them was another locked room, with a terminal and pin-pad key – medical testing, if Nora had to guess. They were close.
“Nora. Stop worrying.”
She turned back to MacCready as he raised his sniper to his good shoulder, casting a glance her way before scowling down the scope. Crossing her arms, Nora watched as he took out three ferals in a matter of seconds. “You’ve got the worst luck I’ve ever seen.”
“Tell me about it,” He huffed a short laugh, standing again. “But I’ve got a feeling it’s about to get a lot better.”
Nick broke through the terminal, his hacking skills on par with MacCready’s sniping skills.
As the door slid open, a green glow washed over them all – and a bloated ghoul prowled out, glowing so brightly and hotly that Nora’s entire body reacted to the radiation, rolling with nausea and heat.
MacCready raised his rifle, Nick raised his shotgun. Three more ghouls darted from the once-locked room and lunged at them, tackling the two men to the ground. Hancock and Piper raced forward to help.
The glowing one went for Nora, who had hesitated, terrified.
Bullets poured into the feral, but it was unperturbed, scrambling towards her with a gurgling scream. She dodged its first lunge and readied her gun again, firing .99s into its skull – to no avail.
The second lunge caught her leg and Nora went down with a yell, kicking it with her other foot, twisting her gun in her hand and bringing it down hard against the thing’s wrist.
Its hand broke off on the third hit and it screamed again. Nora’s boot met its face and it reeled back, groaning, its handless wrist coming up to its face.
Holy shit, could they feel pain?
Scrambling backwards, Nora snatched up her second pistol and fired again, unloading her entire stock into the glowing feral, backing herself against a wall as she put as much distance as she could between herself and the radioactive fucker.
A shot to the eye had the thing’s head exploding, green goo splattering as the body fell back with a wet thump on the linoleum floor.
Nora gagged, her Pip-Boy clicking irritably at her. Luckily, she was mostly out of the splash zone, but her leg burned and she was nearly completely out of ammo.
The other three had just finished off their hoard of ferals when Nora edged her way into the square room.
“You okay?” MacCready breathed out, clutching his shoulder. Hancock had an arm around him, holding him upright – the sheen of sweat on MacCready’s placid face glinted green thanks to the glowing feral’s corpse.
Nora barely nodded, worry clutching at her chest. She looked around the room, which seemed like a surgery center or some kind of testing lab.
“Have fun with this junk,” MacCready grunted, taking a rest atop one of the three gurneys in the room, lying back with his good arm flung over his face. “I have no idea what any of it does.”
He almost sounded uninterested – like he’d rather not help search for his son’s cure, in case it wasn’t here at all, like he couldn’t stand the thought of having come all this way just to find nothing.
Nora was determined not to leave empty-handed.
The room was decently sized and absolutely packed with all kinds of medical gear, with a long table covered in tools of all kinds, including scalpels, glass vials, bottles of pills, and flasks of mystery liquids. There were three empty gurneys, a broken cooler, piles and piles of scattered papers and files – and, finally, on a tray next to a surgical table where a skeleton had been strapped down, a little foam-lined red box labeled PREVENT.
Duncan’s cure. It had to be the cure. Nora was never given a name – she wasn’t sure of MacCready himself even knew the name of the medicine, but this had to be it. It had to be. And if it wasn’t… well, there was a plenty of Med-X on the long table. Maybe that kind of power could substitute the mystery cure that Duncan needed.
Nora clicked the box open to examine the syringe within, grinning at the sight of it. Her internal compass told her she’d found exactly what she was looking for her. This was the first thing she’d done right since setting foot in the Commonwealth. She clicked it shut again and turned to her best friend, holding the red box up. “Look alive, MacCready.”
The other three went very still as MacCready carefully sat up, each looking ready to run out of the room if the syringe ended up being the wrong thing.
But, as MacCready took the box into his shaking, bloodied hands, tears shone in his icy eyes. “We did it... Holy crap, we did it!”
He swept Nora into a tight hug, her feet coming off the ground, a broken laugh escaping him. She held him just as tightly, heart aching for him and his son. Into his shoulder, Nora murmured, “Duncan has a fighting chance.”
“Yeah,” MacCready wept, trying and failing to hide his tears. “I-I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you for this… I owe you big time.”
Pulling back, Nora thumbed tears off of his face. “All I care about is curing your son.”
“I know you do.” He met her gaze – actually seeing her, without the mask, without looking away. “I’m… I’m just tired of taking instead of giving. Maybe one day I’ll get my priorities straight.”
Nora shook her head, pressing the red box more firmly into his palm. “Don’t worry about it, ‘Cread. Where to next?”
“Daisy, in Goodneighbor. With her caravan contacts, she’s the only one I trust to get me to Duncan on time. This is the last favor I’m going to ask, I promise.”
She really, really hoped it wasn’t. But… Mac was going back to his son, in the Capital Wasteland. Would he even come back, now that he had the cure? The last favor. Something in Nora trembled at the thought of it. Still, she smiled, taking a step back and putting space between them. “Let’s go.”
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 7 months
i think my s2 feelings are yea it’s kinda bad but im having a good time. im, as you say, giggling and twirling my hair. i think going through and analyzing it piece by piece reveals it’s flaws but also reveals details that make it even funnier. like then straight up stealing that plate or aziraphale changing that guys phone from the uk flag to the scotland flag
giggling and twirling hair is truly a feeling! i'm very glad you had fun
it's weird bc watching it podcastly makes me hate it way less? the first time i saw it was nonpodcastly, and despite all the growth i hope i've done as a person i did watch cinemasins as a child, so all the flaws hit me right as they happened (this scene drags on too long, this joke is unfunny, this choice doesn't make sense given this information, etc. by ep 4 danica and i were just yelling "what is the point of this" and "this is so fucking stupid" and "boring!" after every other line), though at least fun details like the plate and flag also registered the first go. and bc it was a bingewatch, moments of frustration piled on top of each other without previous flaws having time to clear away. distantly i could register that i was actually smiling really hard through a lot of the a/c interaction scenes but it was all drowned out by the malaise and also the smiling made my face hurt and contributed to my exhaustion and headache and thus haterism
i've found that analyzing it piece by piece for rubbishpod gives me the time to realize what the more charitable readings of certain lines/scenes are and sometimes that the more charitable readings probably are the intended ones. and by trying to suss out the takeaways of each line i can better see how certain ideas are being built and appreciate details i hadn't rlly thought about much, which do exist in this show because the actors and costume and set people are good. and then i can giggle and twirl my hair more
tl;dr i'm such a hater by nature that (unless i am completely taken in by a show, which does happen but didn't for gomens s2) i can only see the positives of s2 after being a podcaster about it
- Crystal :)
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