#but not super canon tsukishima
goatedgreen · 2 months
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Okay lets analyse this one for realsies. Im gonna go through each character in this tweet and go through reasons why i think they either would or would not be crying first, then im gonna put them in order of who survives the roast sesh.... join me on this wonderous journey.
Let's start with Atsumu.... where to even fucking begin. sorry to the Atsumu haters but i truly believe he would not be crying first. First of all he has known Osamu since he was born and while Osamu is the "nice twin" the bar is truly in hell and that motherfucker is mean to one person and one person only and that person is his twin brother Atsumu. This mfer has been conditioned since birth to roast and be roasted. Not only that but this guy was CANONICALLY hated by everyone in his middle school, and his only reaction to that information was "So?" HE DOES NOT CARREEEE. And, I will say, while the other characters shown here are bitchy, they usually target people in petty ways that make fun of their skills (with the exception of Daisho who would probs call Atsumu a single loser but he'd likely just get annoyed by that not cry) and Atsumu knows that his skills are too good for anything they say to hold weight., He has the ego the size of the fucking gym. he's fine.
TSUKISHIMA on the other hand.... dare i say it not the strongest contender ... I dont think FIRST. but this guy is wayyyy more sensitive to criticism than people generally give him credit for. LIKE YES BEFORE YOU JUMP DOWN MY THROAT, he absolutely has the whole "keep booing me it only makes me stronger" thing going on in the Inarizaki game BUT YOU FORGET SO QUICKLY how absolutely insecure this guy is. until yamaguchi kicked his ass into gear in the training camp, he was of the impression that trying to get better at something he enjoyed was fruitless because there was always going to be someone better than him. Someone insightful like Oikawa or Atsumu would def be able to pick up on that insecurity and target him for it. I think his strongest talent is of course provoking people so much that they cant see how much they're affecting him, so he gets a lot of points for pettiness that would keep him from crying first because theres no way he's gonna LOSEEEE to someone like Daisho or Oikawa. BONUS POINTS on his behalf though is he was the only one on the team at the end of season one who WASNT CRYING about their loss. And i think the only one on karasuno who we havent seen cry (as far as i can remember).
Now listen.... fanon Oikawa is for sure crying first because for some bizzare reason people characterise him as a pushover twink. Canon Oikawa told USHIJIMA to remember his worthless pride so he could crush him in the future. like... he's kind of taking names a little. i'll allow him a small slay for his efforts of being a bitch to Ushijima. Oikawa is SMARTTTT and has a lot of emotional intelligence, so can for sure target people's insecurities with pinpoint accuracy. He doesnt get SUPER easily riled up when he's "in the zone" and only lashes out when he's backed into a corner. he hangs out with what is probably a team of people scientifically designed in a lab to HUMBLE HIM DAILY, so he has built up somewhat immunity to being insulted and targeted for bully behaviour. LOSES TREMENDOUS AMOUNTS OF POINTS for being kind of a sore loser and someone who FOR SURE cries when angry or frustrated.
Daisho.... why is he even here (sorry to those who love him). Listen... this guy is petty, and he lowkey cheats, and he takes immense joy in riling people up for shits and gigs... BUT WHYYY IS HE HERE LMAOOOO. to be honest, i dont think he would cry first purely for the fact that he doesnt know these other guys well enough to really gaf about what theyre saying to him. on the other hand, that makes him kind of an easy target because he's so irrelevant to these other guys lives that they could probably make him feel like shit for that reason only. he gets bonus points for being the only one in a canonical relationship (oikawas girlfriend we never meet that he broke up with doesnt count, in fact it loses him points).
WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID. the final order i think is, Oikawa goes out crying first, not because he's upset but because he got sooo fucking mad at Atsumu's unbothered behaviour he had to leave and he was angry crying while doing it. Daisho is next because Tsukishima said some shit like "bro who even are you lmaooo irrelevant ass" and he remembered he sucks at volleyball and got upset, he's okay tho bc his gf is there to comfort him. Atsumu cries next but not because of anything Tsukishima says, he just gets so fucking bored of Tsukishima not giving him interesting reactions to his jabs that he starts doing weird shit like standing on his head and he ends up hurting himself and crying because he is a big baby. Tsukishima is the last one standing .
That is of course assuming that Oikawa doesnt kill them all first with his Super Triple Homo Spin Serve that killed all of Karasuno. People forget so quickly that he is the most diabolical anime villain of all time...
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chaoticevilorange · 1 year
hii so lately i’ve been more confident in myself, like i’m chubby and i used to hide my body but know my family and friends say that i seem way more comfortable with my body and like have gotten in way more shape and it makes me super happy! so i was wondering if you would be able to do the head canon of how the boys would react to their s/o slowly coming out of their shell and just living their life
Congratulations! Takes a lo to get out of the comfort zone, I hope you're doing great 🐨✨💖💖💖💖
Haikyuu x reader fluff
He noticed a few things at first but decided to not say anything unless you seem doubtful about your outfit choice, he will reassure you, kiss your face and hold your hands, but still, he won't point out about you coming out of your shell, he is proud
Tsukishima, Akaashi, Goshiki, Kita, Sakusa
This boy noticed a few things and will encourage you to try out new things, will praise you with sweet and loving actions, like kiss your hands and tummy if you're up to, he's there for if you need anything or want to take a step back, he's a patient boy, will wait if you need it
Iwaizumi, Daichi, Sugawara, Yamaguchi, Kuroo, Semi, Aran
He will point it out immediately, not because he's heartless it's because he's blunt and is happy for you, awkward boy will be asking if you want to try out something, if you say yes you have his full support on an instant, he will get out of his comfort zone for you as well
Kyotani, Kageyama, Kenma, Yamamoto, Ushijima
This boy is flipping! Will be so hyped that he almost forgets this is new for you, might seem pushy at first but then he will calm down because you seem to be uncomfortable, he will apologize a bit and ask you what do you want to do next, he will follow your lead
Hinata, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Lev, Satori, Bokuto
Supporting boy will be proud! He will ask if he's allowed to do certain things as well, more than anything will ask if he's allowed to kiss your thighs, he's into that 🤭 will be happy whenever you seem comfortable out of your zone, because he knows how much you struggled to get to this point
Oikawa, Asahi, Yaku, Osamu, Suna, Atsumu, Terushima
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
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soulflame22 · 5 months
in honor of my favorite holiday, here's some hq head canons!
nishinoya and tanaka - these two throw a big party every year. new years is one of their favorite holidays. they throw a BIG get together at tanakas place. candy, soda, all the junk food ever. they have EVERYTHING. the place is pimped out as well
kiyoko - she likes to go to a small get together with her close friends
hinata - he has a family new years party. he gets super excited when the countdown happens and gets SUPER loud. has had the cops called on him before because of it
tsukishima and yamaguchi - yamaguchi forces tsukishima to celebrate. tsukishima acts like he hates it but he does secretly enjoy it
daichi, suga, and asahi - they have a small party but they all end up ditching it to go to noya and tanakas party. this is the one day a year daichi lets them loose. daichi also takes a bunch of pictures and videos
oikawa - throws a party with a bunch of games, but pouts whenever he loses
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loveephia · 1 year
anime crushes i've had, why, and if i still like him or not:
neito monoma (bnha)
listen, he can be really handsome. 😭 and the fact that he's canonically handsome (WITH GOOD FASHION TASTE) makes so much sense. i don't like him as much as i used to, but i definitely still giggle whenever he comes up on screen.
keigo takami | hawks (my hero acadamia)
his new haircut in the later seasons had me screaming. 10/10. i made my mha oc have a canon celebrity crush on him, because yes.
shoto todoroki (my hero acadamia)
when i first started watching my hero acadamia, i actually had a crush on katsuki bakugo (which.. i will not explain, nor will i discuss why on this list), but eventually, i came to realize that i loved boys who were more responsible and aloof. todoroki is actually one of the love interests i've been contemplating to introduce to my mha oc.
tōru oikawa (haikyū!!)
i swear, he was like every haikyū!! girls' first love (it was either him, kageyama, tsukishima, or kenma), and no, i do not like him anymore. >:p
ushijima wakatoshi (haikyū!!)
honestly, he has moments that make my heart pound. the "my cute fiancé" work i did make me like him a little bit more. he was the first haikyū!! character i thought of when asked the question, "who would think their s/o's stomach chub is cute?" [next to that would be bokuto kōtarō and osamu miya, of course. (kita shinsuke and keiji akaashi, too!!)]. i still like ushijima, but just below kita and iwaizumi.
kita shinsuke (haikyū!!)
i don't think i have to explain, but i will anyway. something that wins me over is a man who would definitely win my family's heart after the first meeting and is God-fearing. gracefully enough, i have a headcanon where kita is both. also, i think my entire brand speaks for itself as to whether or not i still like kita. HIS NOM-NOMABLE CHEEKS.
iwaizumi hajime (haikyū!!)
i've always sympathized with iwaizumi since his best friend was someone so popular with the girls, while he kinda just idly stands by. i gradually grew more attracted to him because the thought of him being jokingly aggressive with his friends, but kind and soft to me, was so heart-melting. so yes, i most definitely still like him.
atsumu miya + osamu miya (haikyū!!)
right off the bat, i disliked atsumu. his personality irked me a bit, and.. his ha aai ii iiir rrr.. but i eventually grew to like him because i found this trope cute: whereas atsumu would have a lot of fans, but only pay attention to your cheers. also, may i just mention his TIMESKIP HAIR. THE SIDE SWEEP. I SCREAMED.
i started liking osamu after this one scene of him looking unintentionally cute, then when i saw his timeskip job, i thought about him cooking food for me. AAAAAAA domestic fluff >>>!! and the fact that i wanted to study culinary to become a baker furthermore had me tripping over /the/ osamu miya. i'd love it if while osamu owned a restaurant, i could own a bakery, and our shops would be close to each other. (,,> ꇴ <,,)—!!
toge inumaki (jujutsu kaisen)
i'm ignoring the fact that i literally reblogged a "missing inumaki hours" post a few hours ago. yes, i still like him!! he's just so super adorable, and the headcanon of him learning sign language makes me so soft and AAAAAA!! i'd feed him all the tuna mayo onigiris i could make.
xiao (genshin impact)
if oikawa was haikyū!! girls' first love, then xiao would be genshin girls' candidate for the "first love" position (it'd be either him, kaeya, or diluc). i don't like him as much as i did back then, but his fluff-fics are always cute. ^^
childe (genshin impact)
y'know, i actually was in the midst of editing my list, then i went, "genshin has so many characters, why did i only like three?" then i remembered my freakin' childe phase. >:(
shikanoin heizou (genshin impact)
i find his moles (?) so charming, and his personality is just very playful. the hangout event was what made me like him so much, and i very much still do.
albedo (genshin impact)
special mentions:
ranpo edogawa (bungo stray dogs)
noé archviste (the case study of vanitas)
kurapika (hunter x hunter)
shirabu kenjirō (haikyū!!)
levi ackerman (attack on titan) by the way, i saw this levi ackerman cosplayer in the convention i went to a couple days ago, and he was shorter than me!! (HE WAS ALSO REALLY FREAKING HANDSOME)
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piduai · 1 year
Also your ship hate is so real. Keep your hater-head up queen. It's crazy how popular some of them are too (esp sugio n koitsuki) given the fact that it takes away from what made these characters interesting and unique in the first place entirely. Sugio is just your typical 700k-boyXboy-enemies-to-lovers but to make it work you have to completely obliterate both of these characters personalities/what they stand for (motive/writing wise) especially Ogata like c'mon now... His ass is NOT getting redeemed through the power of yaoiful sex. Poor Sugimoto, Shiraishi was right there too. At least this one had the 'EyeSuck' scene, but koitsuki? How would that even work without Tsurumi? Get real. I know the need arose from the fans wanting to give Tsukishima a ''happy end'' but honestly I would rather take years of dilf manupilation if it means I don't get to babysit a dumbass rich kid for the rest of my millitary life. Not that I hate Koito, I like him as a character but he definiatly had 'барчо́нок' mannerisms, like he deadass said Tsukishima was filthy and broke for not owning a handmirror... Sorry you're probably sick of reading about this way more than I am since you've been into GK much longer but I just had to say I'm with you on the GK pairs feeling fujoshibait/homophobic in nature and it's wild considering the content of the actual manga. You have people cvmming from getting their finger ate and yet... Then again I know this has more to do with the general anime/manga consumer mindset rather than GK itself so it is to be expected, I just care about this manga so goddamn much girl Satoru Noda messed up my brain in the best way fr. Sorry I got carried away but if you read it this far thank you again for your translations and I wish you the best!!
but i don't think any of them are fujoshibait/homophobic tho... the way noda wrote them (character dynamics) i mean, not the fujobait anime posters no self-respecting person cares about. like imo there's no need to grasp for straws and paint something you think is stupid and tasteless as problematic/bigoted/morally corrupt 🤷 just say you find it ugly and dumb and move on. none of the popular or unpopular fanon ships were written as romantic/sexual in canon anyway no matter what the coomers say, all that "tension" people keep yapping about is just complex human relationships or titillation/double entendre/play on classic tropes noda is super duper fond of but it all gets over girlies' heads because they lost the ability to see past fanfiction. sad! well nobody has time for this
otherwise i agree, all gk ships are stupid and have no substance but sugio/koitsuki are the dumbest because they're inescapable. with sugio it will NOT work out in any scenario (ever) unless one of them is wildly ooc and let's be honest sugimoto would never say or do that. there's a reason 98% of sugio shippers are ogatagirls, they compromise sugimoto's entire character to get that 700k boy x boy enemies to lovers hot and steamy yaoi because ogata as he is could never coexist with sugimoto as he is. so it just ends up being reductive and shallow and stripping both of them of what makes them interesting
with koitsuki i just don't understand it but it's mostly because i find tsukishima super boring so anything regarding him is a huge blind spot for me (since i simply do not look in his direction). i think koitsuki is one of the "safest" and most bland dynamics in gk (exact reason for which it's the most popular ship) but in fanon again both characters are stripped of their complexity and their canon relationship is severely modified to make it more yaoiful
which honestly i have no problem with... like if that's how people want to enjoy this series, sure. who cares, none of it is real.
i think there's like things to be said about how shipping culture and the popularization of fanfiction has gradually taken the shape of bile that poisons most attempts at interacting with other fans since all they know is sucking and fucking but honestly i'm a huge advocate for not engaging in unpleasant situations when you can. sure there's a lion share of people who can't see past the yaoi thus compromising everything else you and i love this series for but like... so what? i avoid those people, i don't befriend them, i don't read what they say. and i don't have a say in how strangers choose to engage with fiction... at the end of the day it all comes down to personal taste and what you seek from said fiction, if they're comfortable in this insufferable climate i'm happy for them and wish them the best. as for me i'll just stick to my peaceful yaoi-sparse corner
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ricomola · 1 year
that commission of Tsukishima and Chiyo have me sobbing oh my god... I love the idea of Tsukishima having a family of his own and unlocking all his emotions because of it. even when he was looking after all the crazy people in the 7th division, he was mostly just tired and would go along with almost anything. it's proof that they're close when his kids can bring out his "mad" side (that they know isn't really that serious).
still I imagine he'll get teary eyed over little things... not super often, but sometimes something sneaks up on him. like maybe he'll see one of his kids make a facial expression that makes them look exactly like Chiyo did when she was little, and it gets him. I think he'd become more used to those little moments over time... his oldest child would probably have the most memories of him getting choked up like that, so maybe she'd be close to him in a way that's just a little bit special. like she kind of has a sixth sense about when to go give her dad a hug, even if he's not the type to ask for one.
I wonder... how do you imagine Koito fitting in this situation? I'd love to imagine that he'd still be close.
Yeah, I don't want to forget that the Tsukishima we know and love is actually depressed (functional but barely alive). When I imagine him as a youngster or next to Chiyo or in a modern AU with Koito he is closer to being his real version. Maybe he enjoys things on a deeper level or shows more emotions and sense of humor (I think he's not stoic, just numb).
I do imagine that he has used a very mild form of corporal punishment at some point. Not cute but it's 1910. Maybe one was being a brat to Chiyo or maybe one of them did something illegal while playing outside and Tsukishima chose to mildly punish them himself so the authorities would see and let it slide like "Ok, the father is putting those brats in place, less work for us" or something.
About affection, I agree with you, Tsukishima is not the type to ask for it but the youngest kids are playful so he often finds himself roughhousing and having a lot of fun after some provocations xD and then feeling embarrassed if someone happens to see them. He's like "what the hell is a grown up like myself doing??" and go serious-adult mode xD Now, Tsukishima and his oldest girl are close and have a special relationship but it's not sweet and clingy like it is with the second girl. Oldest girl is tough, serious and smart so she often talks back and banters with him. They do have the deepest conversations and the most meaningful memories tho.
Hmm...Koito? Everything is possible in AUs. In this timeline I think he became a farmer after returning from war so if he met Koito they wouldn't be comrades. The first situation I imagine is...Koito still works for Tsurumi and Tsurumi secretly wants to use Tsukishima for the gold hunt so he plots a whole situation so that he can look like an ally to him when in reality he'd have his family borderline hostage to make sure he doesn't back up. So upon bonding with Tsukishima and his family Koito would eventually question Tsurumi's actions like "Is this really necessary? Would I be capable of harming this family if I was ordered to??". A situation similar to what happened with Inkarmat in another timeline, i guess. And of course in my happy head I'd make Koito choose to lowkey betray Tsurumi to spare Tsukishima's family. And just like the canon series I wouldn't make their relationship canon romantic so the fans become obsessed and ship them xDDDDD I DON'T SUPPORT TSUKISHIMA CHEATING ON CHIYO. HE LOVES HER. Make it consensual. Make it an OT3 xD.
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dani474 · 10 months
I watched Haikyuu finally. I finished Season 1 on [07/16/23] and the last season on [07/19/23].
I absolutely loved this series, and while I already knew that from having read the manga previously (2021 reread), I had never watched it, and this just brought forth that love again.
I deeply enjoyed watching the animations of the characters and the matches, it really gave them life, and it was nice to hear everyone's voices. I watched seasons 1-3 in Animelon and used English and Japanese subtitles, but watched season 4 (To The Top) on a zoro.to equivalent website with only English subtitles. The animation quality in the second part of season 4 was a bit wonky at times, but looked very good during up close frames.
When I first watched it, I was excited to see the Shiratorizawa match, but I have to say that my absolute favorite match was Karasuno v. Inarizaki. It was super long and super intense the entire way through, but I had so much fun. I had to try not to scream at all of the character moments we got to see.
This is one of my favorite manga/anime series (both are great), with fun and realistic characters, great development for quite a few of them, a variety of personalities, and great volleyball matches. I think this one is a 10/10 for me. It may not be technically  perfect, it may not develop all characters equally, and it may have very obvious teenage boy humor, but it's genuinely good, and the flaws don't detract from its story, as they're not distractingly obvious, in my opinion.
Some of my favorite details from this series would have to be: getting to see into the philosophies of other teams, and the concept of having a "moment", which is introduced during the [Tokyo Expedition Arc] and carries out in real time canon (as in not during a flashback), twice.
My favorite character Arc would have to be Tsukishima's, then Hinata's, in very different ways.
I loved watching Tsukishima question why it mattered so much, and how Bokuto's words stuck with him so clearly.
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I loved watching him slowly becomes more entrenched in the sport, taking it more seriously and taking the time to put his effort into training a bit more, asking questions, and even guiding his teammates during matches with his observations. I love how strongly he felt about being pulled from the Shiratorizawa match, and I loved seeing his "moment", and how he couldn't ever go back.
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It was genuinely an incredible thing to witness, and I love how that moment stays with him, until he's fighting to win the Inarizaki match with every once of strength and reflex he has, connecting with his team fully.
And I think I really enjoyed watching him become friends with the other first years too, especially Hinata. I felt he truly understood Hinata after he crashed the Shiratorizawa Youth Training Camp, and trusted him during the Inarizaki match.
His quiet moment of realization after the match, where Bokuto's words and his own understanding of what they really meant surfaces again, as he sees that in another person. I just genuinely love it so much.
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And I love Hinata's development, not as his perspective develops (because he was already pretty set, let's be honest), but obviously because of his growth as a player. I love how at first that growth is immature, but quickly becomes more and more intensive and thought focused. He learns from others, constantly challenges himself and others, and then reaches a point where his hunger is greedy and intrusive, forcing him to redirect how he learns and views the court. That experience led him to truly learn how volleyball functions as an entire court, rather than just as a wing spiker, and his ability to not only understand the behaviors of others, but to mimic and retain them alongside his quick reflexes created that "moment" for him later on.
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I could see that entire process in motion and it was awesome. I think it's a fun parallel to Tsukishima, as they came from very different places but still develop a strange admiration and understanding, while retaining everything that made them. I just love it.
And yeah, I really liked Kageyama's development too. I think it was very realistic in how he slipped back into bad habits after the All-Japan Youth Camp, but also was quick to recognize that he might be doing so, despite his criticisms being necessary to communicate to his team. We can see how deeply that match in junior high cuts him, and I love that he's with a team that allows him to grow from that, without being left alone. Hinata shows him this in the most obvious, simple way, but the entire team steps into that and it results in a Karasuno that functions much more like a unit.
I just, genuinely love this series and enjoyed the entire process.
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grungeeuvu · 1 year
So you're the tsukikageshira person in my inbox (or one of your friends I guess)
What's the idea there I need to hear the thinking on this one.
Ah, yes that probably is me- glad to know I left some sort of impression?? Hopefully it was positive??
Okay so it started with tsukikage and my friends and I were just running through some half-crack fic idea in which I had to push my STZW agenda into featuring Shirabu and Tsukishima as friends. I don't fully remember the origins because it was late at night for me but we ended up thinking "what if it turned poly?"
At first, it was kinda just jokes? Like "wow, tsuki just had to have TWO pretty setters, so selfish smh" and then there was the joke of Kageyama bringing down the average intelligence of the trio. It sort of spiralled from there tbh
I don't think it would ever work in canon? however it's got some really cute possible moments, like Tsukishima and Shirabu studying together, Shirabu giving Kageyama a few setting tips (because ofc he's gonna have lots of advice) and he could promise Kageyama that he doesn't care if he surpasses him in volleyball talent and all he wants is to spend time with him etc, and then there's just tsukikage being tsukikage.
It's not a massive ship of mine tbh and I only like it in specific ideas (by that I mean you can pry SemiShira and Kawashira from my cold dead hands) but there's loads of good dynamics!
You have smartass x smartass, dumbass x smartass x(2), you have Kageyama being told off by his nerd boyfriends for being so behind in his classes, you've got them being able to watch each others games and be super loud in the stands.
Tbh there's not a whole lot of thought behind it: it all came from late-night joking and I can't tell you the emotional weight behind it all but, tbh, I think it's kinda funny and could be really sweet :))
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pridewon · 2 years
(don’t reblog) okay so, things i really have not recovered from since yesterday and are definitely making it/making it further into this blog, i don’t know how “canon” the light novel are supposed to be but here we go:
- wow so yamaguchi really suffered during those training camps huh. i always wondered if this was the turning point where he started making friends because we see him talking a bit more with hinata, and if i was being too much by emphasising his undeclared social anxiety, but the light novels are really going for it. - he’s super nervous whenever he has to talk to anyone, including other first years, and is flat out unable to join in other circles like the second and third years to the point that he prefers to retreat and have lunch alone. tsukishima really still was his only friend at this point... so by the camps, yamaguchi really didn’t have a place on the team - athletically or socially. - i’m pretty sure yachi is not the only one to have that weird moment of “wait, you’re as tall as kageyama!”, just emphasising how withdrawn yamaguchi is in comparison to his genius teammate, even though physically, they’re pretty alike (in height and stature). - his interaction with suga who apologises to him for not being able to help him with his serve and saying “sorry we had to rely on your desire to learn” really drives home the idea that no one really knew what to do with yamaguchi, not even coach ukai. even as a substitute, without the jump float serve, yamaguchi probably would never have been subbed in during games, because there would have been suga, ennoshita, kinoshita etc before him, as they are all way more experienced. and because they have just a few months to prepare for nationals, coach ukai wouldn’t have had the time or resources to help yamaguchi catch up to everyone, so... yamaguchi really ended up being left out of the entire team because everyone else had experience or a special talent that made up for their lack of experience. he didn’t. - that’s not a dig on ukai, who is a young and inexperienced coach with a lot on his plate, but yeah, clearly, he had no idea what the hell to do with yamaguchi, and just... rolled with it when shimada eventually told him ‘hey did u know one of ur students asked me to teach him jump float serves?’. With zero expectations as to whether or not yamaguchi would succeed.  - and since neither ukai nor any of the karasuno players can do jump float serves? they really did have to leave yamaguchi to figure this out all by himself. IN A TEAM. IN A TEAM SPORT. - i think those first five months (five! months!!) on karasuno’s vb team were excruciatingly lonely for yamaguchi who had to work harder than anyone to create his own place on the team and not feel excluded from the group. it’s only after his successful series of serves against seijoh that we see him really connect with his teammates (with the exceptions of asahi and suga who helped him out during camps, as best as they could).  - yamaguchi is so anxious to catch up and build his own weapon that he practices until he’s on the verge of passing out or being unwell, someone please help this child and make him drink water, thank god suga does this on one of the two instances of this in the light novels.   - he really pushed himself through a lot mentally and physically and the contrast with tsukishima “it’s just a club” kei is even more telling of both their characters - and yamaguchi being on the verge of tears when tsukishima points out how hard yamaguchi has been working on his serves makes 1000 times more sense with the light novel background. it’s not a “tsukishima complimented him therefore yamaguchi loses it” situation, it’s “tsukishima is the first person to acknowledge what yamaguchi has put himself through to get there and it was a LOT”. 
- he was barely there because the shiratorizawa chapters were somehow deleted but bfvhvb - i am still baffled by the fact that he forgets to eat because he’s too busy playing volleyball. - like, he doesn’t actively skip meals. it’s not a conscious decision to prioritise volleyball (i highly doubt an athlete of his caliber would skip meals to practice). HE JUST GENUINELY FORGETS BECAUSE HE’S TOO BUSY HAVING FUN PLAYING VOLLEYBALL. - damn thinking is really hard when you have a volleyball for a brain huh. - i know in my heart that leon and semi take turns to drag him off the court because “come on volleyball maniac you need to eat or you’ll collapse” and he just blinks because time had stopped existing as a concept. - @soverina i’m sorry but peach needs to do this too. 
- so atsumu really puts no effort into school and his studies at all and just... thinks it’s normal. he is genuinely baffled when aran and teachers tell him that he has to get passing grades if he wants to compete, like he fully expects that his volleyball skills are all that he needs to be allowed to play. - he also expects that his volleyball skills would be enough to get him a place at university and panics when aran tells him that no, he’ll also need recommendation letters, which he won’t get if he fails all his exams. - atsumu really only lives for volleyball and not ONCE stops to consider fallback plans, alternatives, or a possible future where he can’t play volleyball. his entire existence revolves around volleyball, and nothing else is even remotely taken into consideration. - now i understand why aran says his ambition is terrifying. - atsumu can/does get along with children and i think that’s wholesome. - atsumu can/does manipulate aran and i think that’s adorable bvjhvb aran really is the twins’ unofficial big brother and there is literally nothing he can do about it. 
- not much here but i am still wheezing over akaashi going full surprised pikachu face when his seniors side with bokuto against him during a dumb argument - top 10 anime betrayals: konoha, komi and saru turning against their baby kouhai. - not washio, washio is too busy being the only adult on this team of firecrackers.  - konoha really takes any chance he can to rile up bokuto and i love that for him. - but the confirmation that for as protective of akaashi as he (and the other third years) is, he also takes every chance he (and they) can to tease him? that’s too wholesome and my heart can’t take it. 
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rpersearch · 2 years
Hey all! I’m 21+ looking for 18+ for some canonxcanon rps. I do write on discord and I’m servers. I’m typically semi-lit but I match partners length. I’m also busy so I might not reply every day but I’m usually around to talk ooc if nothing else. Now to get onto some fandoms I’m interested in.
- Percy Jackson - open to who I play but my mains are Nico, Percy, and Leo. Would love to do some AUs here, also super interested in using Greek mythology in general so we could do some gods or something
- The Raven Cycle - I mostly write for Ronan but could possibly to any of the main Gangsey if needed huge on Aus
- All For The Game - I’m willing to try new characters my Neil and Jean are my mains here, also would love some AUs here
- Twisted Disney - would love to do dark versions of some classic tales - Peter Pan, Hercules, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast would be top picks
- So This Is Ever After - I’d probably write for Matt but just love the whole vibe of this book in general
- Haikyuu - canon or Aus I mostly write for Tsukishima or Kenma or Atsumu
- MHA - main for Kirishima but there’s a few others I’m willing to write
NSFW is coo l but not required I would just love to find chill people to write with and plot and jabber on so like and I’ll reach out
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lumberwoof · 2 years
super self indulgent tsukkiyama au where Yamaguchi also plays for the Sendai Frogs
he’s a wing spiker/outside hitter (he converted somewhere towards the end of second year in high school, to give the club more options) and has been working on his cut shot
he made it on to the team after a walk-on tryout, he’s a solid all-rounder with a knockout serve (although the jump float isn’t his only weapon now, because he’s been working on his serving for so many years, now he has multiple serves, though his jump float remains the best by a lot)
Yamaguchi played in college and decided to quit after that, to focus on his career and also because he only got one offer from a pro team but it was div3 and super far away (Tsukishima got multiple offers, but picked the Sendai Frogs because it meant he didn’t have to move away from Yamaguchi)
even when he wasn’t playing competitively, Yamaguchi would join Tsukishima on his daily runs and weekly serve practice
at some point, the two of them talked about “moments” that hooked them on volleyball and Yamaguchi realized he still wanted to have more of those moments. he got his degree and a job that he could build a career out of, but it didn’t have to be now. he could go back to his career in a few years, he probably couldn’t go back to volleyball in a few years (going with that whole “do something you won’t regret in 5 or 10 years” message from Takeda-sensei)
ponytail!Yamaguchi (he had to cut it for work but he let it grow back out again and then eventually let Saeko dye part of it during a get together where everyone had a few drinks)
I know canonically he’s not this tall, but personally I’m putting Yamaguchi somewhere in the 6′2 range because the idea of him being a millimetre or two taller than Kageyama and Akiteru is hilarious (every time he visits home, Akiteru sobs about being the shortest brother)
part of it is his presence, part of it is just because he’s always around someone who’s taller, but it’s always really funny when Tsukishima steps away for a moment and people realize just how big Yamaguchi is (like when Hinata was comparing Daichi to Kageyama in the second episode, Yamaguchi isn’t as tall, but he’s a little broader. he has what Yachi calls “captains’ shoulders”)
Tsukishima grew the same way that he blocks: persistently and gradually until he’s overwhelming, but Yamaguchi grew off and on in erratic leaps and bounds
in third year at Karasuno, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima started calling each other by their first names, though Yamaguchi still uses Tsukki from time to time (this may or may not have coincided with when they started dating)
when Koganegawa heard Yamaguchi using Tsukki’s first name, he tried to do it too, and almost got decked
(Yamaguchi calling him “Kei” means he doesn’t get all that jealous when other friends use “Tsukki” now)
(he still gets a little jealous)
Kyoutani and Tsukishima actually get along pretty well, to everyone’s surprise. there’s a mutual respect between the two of them over how hard being a part of a team can be, especially since it requires a level of vulnerability that neither are fully comfortable with
they aren’t like. super chummy or anything. they mostly just peacefully coexist, but when they’re both on top of their game, they’re 100% in sync and awful to play against because they both enjoy getting under the opponent’s skin
the first time Yamaguchi pulled out his “captain voice” around Kyoutani, it rang the same alarm bells in Kyoutani’s head that Oikawa’s captain voice did, and Kyoutani has been cautious around him ever since
Kogane is a ray of sunshine who will always talk blocking technique with Tsukki and isn’t afraid to divulge strategies from when he played at Date Tech (he also has Bokuto levels of stamina and Tsukki runs away from practices with him just as often as he sticks around)
(because this is my self-indulgent AU, the Sendai Frogs manage to acquire Goshiki as an outside hitter after they make div1, because I think throwing his personality in with the rest of them would be a hilarious dumpster fire, but also I just love the gremlin)
(the Sendai Frogs gain a lot of popularity in the prefecture from having so many homegrown players)
(honestly my full self-indulgent roster for Sendai Frogs is Koganegawa, Tsukishima, Kyoutani, Goshiki, Kindaichi, Yamaguchi, with Shibayama as Libero (and Nishinoya making a brief one year return to volleyball when their other libero broke his collarbone))
(do I have a whole OC backup roster for this team? yes, yes I do)
locker room/team playlist is just meme music
opponents getting ready to play the Sendai Frogs is just that “hearing Caramelldansen playing in another room” meme
the team keeps trying to hire Yahaba as an athletic trainer but he keeps declining, even though he does free training with half the roster anyway
the Frogs make div1 shortly after Hinata and Kageyama move to Europe to join a different league. Tsukishima likes to tease them by saying that they were running away from having to face his blocks
Tsukki stuff blocking Bokuto for the first time in a professional match is another one of his “moments”
(and, while it’s unclear exactly who did it, a gif of that moment appeared on one of Kodzuken’s streams and very quickly became both a) viral and b) a tiered emote for his channel)
(it was Akaashi)
(Kuroo was watching said stream during a skype meeting and spit coffee all over himself on camera)
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tsukkishinata · 1 year
I made this blog so I can rant about things without embarrassing myself, so here’s my ranking of the first year duos (not including Yachi sorry sweetie)
1) Tsukishima & Hinata
Obviously this is a tsukihina blog so I enjoy them as a ship, but even if I’m not looking at it romantically, those two are a lot of fun together. (See Miyagi Camp) We have sun and moon dynamics, the super hyped and energetic passionate heart versus the quiet thinker. I also call it the SquidBob dynamics lol. Also the fact that they are literally opposites physically, but are super jealous of each other. (*clenches fist* the way Tsukishima is always thinking about Hinata) 
2) Hinata & Yamaguchi
They’re not a common duo because both parties have their respective partners already but out of the other 3 first years, Yamaguchi is the least offensive one to Hinata. (Not including when S1 Guch would laugh at Tsuki’s mean comments.) Anyway, theyre a good bunch of boys who are teammates and friends and know how to not be at each others throats. Just seeing them go around during slow times in Nationals was cute and lots of fun.
3) Kageyama & Yamaguchi
Not saying this as a KageGuchi shipper but the fact that they don’t interact nearly as much (I’m anime mostly, I know About That but I’m not going to talk about it) as the other first years makes me want to see more of them. The fact that Yamaguchi (though not out right) isn’t afraid of Kageyama (doesn’t put a suffix on him, is casual enough to push him off the court when he had a nosebleed) while Kageyama doesn’t hold any animosity towards Guch, despite being attached to Tsuki’s hip.
4) Hinata & Kageyama
The fact that they are the prominent duo makes me not need to think about them since I’m over exposed to them in canon. They are funny though and I’m still not sure why I never jumped aboard them as a ship (I can point out a few reasons but we dont have to get into that) but I acknowledge that they are probably each other’s best partner on the court. Work husbands, as I like to say. (I also know about certain future teams, lets not get into that)
I mainly prefer these two from S2 and up, I think, because Hinata seems less afraid of Kageyama.
5) Tsukishima & Yamaguchi
Not a huge fan of childhood friend dynamics. (Even less when its turned romantic.) Yamaguchi, even though he’s learned to stand on his own in court, still feels very Tsuki orbiting to me. His initial appearance was supposed to be Tsukki’s lackey and yes he does mellow out and get his own growth, but even then he’s still stuck on Tsuki’s hip. (I don’t like how every time Guchi gets on the court, there’s always a scene that makes it looks like he’s doing it for Tsuki.)
I do like when Tsuki does acknowledge their friendship (When did you become so cool) but it makes me a little sad that he doesn’t do it as often and still calls him Yamaguchi (vs “Tsukki” and how close his is to Akiteru that he’s Tadashi)
6) Kageyama & Tsukishima
Theyre the lowest on my list despite both characters being my top favs (4 and 1 respectively) Their dynamics are just too... hostile for me. I compare it to the ZoSans/HijiGins/ImaNarus, the ones where theyre always butting heads but secretly and would never in front of the others’ face let them know that they actually respect each other. They’re just a little too snarky for me, and both pretty socially/emotionally stunted to have a nice pleasant moment.
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rintoons · 2 years
tsukishima has no game. he looks good, is so tall to the point where he’s easily intimidating, and is the smartest mf you will meet… but one thing he can’t do is flirt. he just doesn’t know how; which is why he can be so incredibly mean.
when he likes you, you would never know because he would either avoid you to the ends of the earth and wait for the crush to go away (#relatable, #tsukki kinnie) or he would tease you to the point where you have no choice but to believe that he sincerely hates you.
in the unlikely instance that he’s unfortunate enough to fall for someone who has trash talking skills that are on par with his, if not better, he will simply malfunction. the man won’t know what to do. he’ll say something that’s completely baffling, but when you have barely any reaction, he’ll be struggling not to fall on his knees because that little ‘is that the best you can do?’ look you’re giving him is absolutely grounding.
everytime he talks to you in an attempt to regain his machismo, he finds himself falling even deeper in the hole that you’ve earnestly dug for him. your replies are just so short and curt yet so teasing and demeaning. it’s to the point where he thinks there are actually a few things he could learn from you. by simply repeating his statement back to him in a condescending tone, you can make him feel like anytime he speaks is just word vomit.
when you talk to him and he stutters so horribly that you let out a little laugh, you can’t help but feel bad for him when his teammates don’t waste a second before they’re confronting him about it and poking fun at him for it.
everyday when he goes home, he lays in his bed and thinks about what an absolute fool you make of him anytime you’re near each other. and he wonders what on earth he did to deserve that. and he wonders why on earth he’s falling even deeper in love with you.
but of course, he already knows why.
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idk how many words lol; 9:48 pm
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ichinoue · 2 years
Random question my friend is talking about the scene with orihime feeling jealous of rukia and explaining it to rangiku but has there ever been a specific scene where Ichigo ever felt jealous or insecure? My friend bought up Uryu and she thought he had a crush on Orihime and why didnt Ichigo feel insecure about that? I'm not to sure I'm new to the series but I an a ichihime shipper tho at least
I think you can see signs of Ichigo's romantic jealousy (although I would definitely say it's more protectiveness rather than jealousy) in the scenes where Shinji flirts with Orihime in front of Ichigo to get his attention, or when Tsukishima calls Orihime on the phone in front of Ichigo and speaks to her fondly to get Ichigo to snap. Both times, both guys were thrown up against a wall by an enraged Ichigo and Orihime was the trigger (and Shinji even accuses Ichigo of being jealous because "it's not like Orihime's your girlfriend!")
But again, I don't really see those moments as Ichigo being jealous that another guy is going to go out on a date with Orihime or something (although Kubo did drop that very implication with Shinji's girlfriend comment)...The allusion of Ichigo's jealousy is there, hinting at his feelings, but these moments have more to do with the fact that both of those guys were enemies at the time, getting way too close for comfort with the girl that Ichigo is super protective over. Which I actually prefer because it makes the whole thing a lot less toxic and keeps it from straying into unhealthy possession--because Ichigo doesn't see Orihime as an object that he's claimed as his own from other guys, but as a person he wants to protect from harm.
However, he IS still aware of other guys taking an interest in Orihime, as we see here:
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The boys at school are whispering about Orihime, talking about how pretty she is, etc. One even took a picture of her without her consent. Stalker behavior, right?
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…And then this happens, the very same day. The same day! Only four chapters later. Ichigo mentions that she’s likely to be followed/stalked (the ‘by guys’ is omitted). So let’s think about this. Ichigo, admittedly, has noticed the attention Orihime receives from other guys. He’s well aware of it. He pays attention to the guys—all these prospective males around her who want to date her? Ichigo pays attention to it. And he almost seems annoyed by it when he brings it up. His eyes being closed to deflect or hide the true meaning behind whatever reason he's bringing this up to her in the first place. And it makes Orihime blush. Kubo set the scenes up like this on purpose. Creepy guys whispering about Orihime and then Ichigo makes a comment like this only four chapter later? That’s not a coincidence.
As for Ichigo not feeling insecurity with regards to Orihime towards Uryu...I think what's more interesting is that it's actually the other way around: Kubo didn't have to write Ichigo feeling jealousy or insecurity towards Uryu, because he was already writing Uryu feeling that way about Ichigo.
Uryu's feelings for Orihime were never solidified in canon, but there were times throughout the manga where he was the one to give his own private insight on Orihime's feelings for Ichigo (his monologues from the Byakuya battle, and the lust arc). It could be said that he liked Orihime, but knew it was futile because she was already in love with Ichigo so he just stood back and kept his feelings to himself, in private monologues.
In which case, it wouldn't be necessary for Ichigo to show insecurity towards someone who had already conceded "defeat" and never once made their feelings known. If Kubo had done that, it could have ended up with a messy love-triangle of Ichigo and Uryu pitted against each other, both feeling jealous and insecure towards each other while vying for Orihime's heart, and I really don't think Kubo wanted that?? I don't think he wanted to bring any kind of overt-romance drama like that into the already established friendship-rivalry between Ichigo and Ishida (keep in mind that Kubo said romance was only supplementary to him). Having Uryu be the one to silently observe Orihime's feelings for Ichigo and the IchiHime dynamic was enough to get the point across.
However, I do think this moment is interesting:
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Ichigo entrusting Orihime's safety to someone else. But not just anyone else--the same person that's been observing their dynamic, the same person whose feelings for Orihime were possibly being hinted at: Uryu. And Ichigo seems to struggle with it. Once again, his eyes/face are hidden, so as not to give away his emotions. He's reluctant to trust Orihime's safety with anyone else, tells Uryu to protect her with his own body, just like Ichigo himself does. And Uryu's just like "I didn't need you to tell me to do that, I would have anyway."
A very tense, very interesting moment.
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ask350cm · 7 years
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im late to the party (literally,, sorry bb) but happy sweet 16 my little angel
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tetsvya · 3 years
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  the haikyuu characters when they walk in on their s/o crying over their math homework.
➼ pairing! various haikyuu characters x reader
➼ warnings! one curse word, math
➼ type! humor, just for fun?? idk but i was upset and these types of posts are fun to write
➼ author’s note! guess who just got done crying over their math homework 😃
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offers to help you but ends up crying more than you do; BOKUTO, goshiki, ASAHI, oikawa (ik it’s canon that he’s very intelligent but everyone has cried over math at least once in their life), yamamoto, koganegawa
offers to help you but ends up making you cry even more; TSUKISHIMA, shirabu, KUROO, semi (he’ll feel so bad about it tho), FUTAKUCHI, yahaba, taichi, daichi, ushijima (he just sounds really disappointed even though he isn't, will also feel really bad)
offers to help you but genuinely has no idea what they're doing so they’ll end up pushing it aside and focus on making you feel better instead; tanaka, HINATA, tendou, konoha, komori, LEV, aone, osamu (probably offers to cook you something), kinoshita, inuoka
offers to help you but ends up chucking your notebook across the room in frustration because “this problem makes no fucking sense”; HOSHIUMI, kageyama, IWAIZUMI, noya, matsukawa, yaku, KYOUTANI, kindaichi, ATSUMU
offers to help you and actually helps, will literally explain it better than your teacher ever could; KITA (i just know he's super sweet and patient with you too 😭), aran, suga, kai, AKAASHI, kiyoko, yachi, ENNOSHITA, fukunaga, yamaguchi, reon, hirugami s.
looks at you, looks at what you're doing, and walks right back out; SAKUSA, suna, hanamaki, kunimi, KENMA
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a/n: the last group might return with some tea for you but then they'll leave again
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