#but now that i'm out i *absolutely* had a superiority complex
deservedgrace · 1 month
something that i've been struggling to articulate but has been bothering me for a while is how some christians engage and interact with science and what i'm realizing is they have a like... almost love-bombing/discarding relationship with it. and i recognize science isn't a person and that's not literally happening but the christians that i grew up around have this relationship with science where it's real/valid/correct if it supports their side and fake/invalid/wrong if it doesn't. it's this like... engaging with science to get something from it when it can prove their point and condemning it when it doesn't. and this also ties into the belief that you, a layperson with no background in science, are more knowledgeable than actual scientists simply because you have god on your side, and therefore you can use science in whatever way you see fit, which means engaging with it in a way that is ultimately anti-science (but that also doesn't matter because god said it was okay). and it's exhausting engaging with these people for me because it's not that they believe all science bad, it's that they believe most science bad but some science good and they have the authority to determine what is bad and what is good, despite, again, not having a background in science (because what is a "background in science" to an all-knowing god that you have a personal relationship with?). the thing that is so frustrating to me is how these people recognize science is valued and use it to strengthen the validity of their points and to gain credibility while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge the validity of science as a field at all or put in any effort to understand/respect it.
#i know that they do this bc *i did this* because **i was taught to do this**#i would be reading a science thing and actively cherry pick if they said something about evolution or the age of the earth or climate chang#i would actively dismiss things in my brain while watching science shows or listening to lectures bc “that's not accurate bc the bible”#and like. i wouldn't have admitted i had a superiority complex when i was a christian bc i couldn't see it#but now that i'm out i *absolutely* had a superiority complex#i had an all knowing god on my side. i knew better than so called “science” and “experts”#this along with “humans are inherently evil/can't be trusted” is why i believe some xtians like#refuse to see you as the expert of your own life and experiences#“you weren't a Real Christian” “you don't have Real Happiness outside of xtianity” “you obviously didn't [xyz] while you were an xtian”#but that's another post lmao#i feel similarly about my pastor using psychology terms when he believes mental illness is a lack of faith in god#and some emotions are inherently evil#like you have no respect for this field!!!!! you are solely using it for your benefit to gain credibility and sound knowledgeable!!!!!!#i guess this is similar to appropriation conversations#they see that it is viewed as credible and want the appearance of credibility#without doing any of the work to make themselves credible#or even believing that the thing they are using is actually credible#it's so dishonest and they don't care#anyway#ex christian#ex cult
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princemick · 1 year
god my brother is so impressively fucking capable of ruining my mood
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
What if with an Intelligent s/o who literally outsmarts Fyodor,Dazai(separately) and they Re smiling while The two are shocked😭
Drink water!!and I hope you are healthy mwa mwa
- Literally Anon
i have the iq of a saltine- these two would rip me to shreds lol
An S/O who outsmarts them
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♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Dazai Osamu x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do Fyodor and Dazai react to a reader who outsmarts them? (I guess you guys are playing chess or something idk T-T)
♡ cw: None!
note: This is one of my oldest reqs and I just...never got around to it because I'll be honest I initially had NO idea how to proceed. But I would rather die than disappoint someone who made such a kind request and so I went on and WROTE IT ANYWAY. In your face, my stupid brain. I'm so sorry this took forever anon, I love you too ~mwah~, apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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So...he is speechless for a moment (and maybe for the first time in his entire life), and you definitely notice this
He relaxes after a second and smiles back at you, congratulating you for your skill and intelligence (I really did base this around you guys playing chess I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted T-T)
Fyodor makes some statement on how he's rubbed off on you and while it's admirable to see you evolving, you have a long way to go before you reach his level.
When you eagerly accept such a challenge he's amused but he does find it pretty cute how determined you are to beat him. He doesn't really think you can do it again (at least not very soon) but will encourage you anyway
He's very flattered that you're so proud of yourself for outsmarting him because it reinforces that you look up to him and thus he maintains his dominance (he's got a superiority complex I think)
He doesn't know whether or not he should bring it up to Mykola because on one hand, he could basically flex his S/O and how smart you are, but on the other hand it would also kinda be admitting defeat and he doesn't wanna do that lmao
Lowkey though, his ego is a tiny bit hurt by this whole thing ngl. He likes being superior in specific ways like niche anime intellect lol
But nonetheless he takes it in good stride and looks forward to seeing your intelligence progress in the future.
Dazai just isn't used to being surprised. He's been genuinely surprised like maybe four times tops in the entire canon of BSD. Alas here he sits before you, defeated (dramatic much)
And even worse is that you're so happy about it. You're smiling, not necessarily in a smug way, but just...proud of yourself. Even you seem to know how much of a moment this is.
After his minute of shock is over, his mind immediately switches to 'oh my god, they're the one. my soulmate'
He's like...legitimately emotional about this? In his life where his friends love him but don't understand him, and his foes understand him but don't love him, he's overjoyed to have found someone who does both
Dazai eventually breaks out into a smile too because honestly? He's proud of you as well. He knows you're intelligent but he didn't know you were his brand of intelligent
From here on out he sometimes has a bit of playful competitiveness when it comes to battles of wits between you two but he's not serious about it and might even sometimes do that thing where he purposefully lets you win stuff lol
He also thinks it's really cute how proud of yourself you are for this because it emphasises how highly you see him too (awhh)
All in all, he takes it well! And now you have bragging rights >:)
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okay just because i couldn't beat fyodor at chess doesn't mean i couldn't absolutely destroy his ass in mario kart
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blackmosscupcakes · 4 months
I'm fascinated by how this arc of The Wizard the Witch and the Wild One has really flipped the narrative on who's in the right and wrong compared to the first arc, because the key thing is NONE OF THEM are acting differently than they did then--they're all acting incredibly true to character traits that were established from the get go--the only thing that's changed is the surroundings and the context of the backdrop around them.
Out in the world, among ordinary people, Suvi often came across as imperial-minded, deeply indoctrinated, and carrying a feeling of being superior to those who weren't of the citadel. Her feelings and actions were understandable, but the reaction of the audience was often to read her as being overly hostile to the other two and determined to cleave to the Citadel and the beliefs of her upbringing to a degree that was detrimental to their task.
Ame and Eursulon showed a willingness to go off half-cocked and act impulsively based on their feelings in the first arc just as they did in this latest episode, but in the context of the wider world this often came across as deep empathy with ordinary people and spirits and a sense of responsibility to deeper matters beyond the politics of humans. Sure, their actions were a bit reckless and had some negative consequences, but they were acting with their hearts and for the right reasons and everyone was down for Quest Fever!
And then last night we see exactly the same dynamic play out once again--Suvi trying to balance the needs of her adoptive mother and her home and the entire institution in which she grew up against the needs of her friends, while her friends run off and literally blow up the Citadel's shit in absolute defiance of everything Suvi was raised to believe. Now, standing there alone and reeling from a curse as her friends tear off leaving destruction in their wake, she seems understandably hurt, as well as obedient, measured, restrained, sensible, if perhaps a little too blindly trusting in Citadel processes*. And likewise, amidst the context of seeing how the Citadel runs and how generally well it's treated Ame and Eursulon, the two of them seemed reckless, ungrateful, disrespectful, and short-sighted with an unwillingness to play along with the realpolitik of going through the proper channels. Instead they (quite literally) burned important bridges and damaged Suvi's life in the process (though it's also understandable that in light of the revelations about Eursulon's sister they rightly felt unsafe even if Steel was understanding).
It's fascinating how incredibly similar the climactic sequences from these two arcs have been. The characters have followed their natures and it's led them down exactly the same path twice in a row. But the context surrounding their actions is VERY different this time, and each mirrors and recontextualizes the OTHER occurrence. People were largely on Ame and Eursulon's side last time, and they're largely seeing Suvi's side this time. It's been a really complex ethical and practical tangle to navigate both times (and good on Brennan for setting it up that way), but I feel like seeing the two together helps us understand and respond to ALL of the characters in a better way than just having one of these situations would have. It's been really cool to watch, and I've been absolutely loving reading all the thoughts and opinions from people on every side of it. It's already been some of the best fandom discussion I've seen about a TTRPG show.
*I read an interesting perspective from someone who believed they would have had to escape even if they'd trusted Steel, as she already went from "meet me at this time" to "give me more time to talk to the diviners" and they thought she would have continued to delay and delay in order to check all of the Citadel's bureaucratic boxes--I'm not sure whether that's what would have happened but it's an interesting possibility, and one that prevents Steel being used as basically a deus ex machina powerful ally any time they're in trouble.
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tokkibbang00 · 1 year
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synopsis: Being caught in a series of scandals and controversies, Yeonjun's company has had enough of his attitude problems and finally decides to send him off to university. Despite his arguments towards management, he has no choice but to follow them or else he can kiss his modeling career goodbye. You're a fashion major attending university. You'd think you'd be delighted hearing the news about a famous model coming into your department, but as soon as you were seated beside him in one of your classes, you'd soon come to realize that you absolutely hated his guts
rating: (n)sfw
pairing: model!choi yeonjun x fashion major!afab reader
genre: college!au, enemies to lovers!au, kinda angsty, reader and yeonjun are idiots.
warnings: cursing, yeonjun's kind of an asshole at first, mentions of alcohol, suggestive, (will add more when the full story is posted)
a/n: i was originally planning on posting my han jisung fic first but i got so excited about this one that i knew that i just had to post this. i was also writing a part 2 of a certain fic, but that's a conversation for some other time 👀 I'm currently working on 3-5 fics but I'm also taking in requests!! Feel free to message me or Dm me~ Enjoy the teaser and watch out for the full fic in a week or two 💙
teaser posted: 05-18-23
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Seungjin's eyebrows meet at the middle as his forehead starts showing lines and wrinkles, obvious dissatisfaction etched on his face. His fingers were rubbing his temples out of frustration while he continued to read article after article about their oh-so-beloved model, Choi Yeonjun.
The CEO sat at the end of the table, his back leaning on the chair while he reads along with Seungjin on his iPad.
Every article has been stating one common issue— Yeonjun's superiority complex and attitude problems.
The company already knew about this... issue, before the articles came to surface and has warned the young man every time.
He never listened.
Now here they are, reaping the consequences of the man's actions. They did all that they can to scold him, reprimand him, and even cover for him. Nothing ever stopped Yeonjun.
At the other end of the table, Yeonjun had his legs up on top of the meeting table and his back resting on the chair. His fingers brush his slicked back hair, making strands fall down his face.
The only sound you'd hear around the room was his loud chewing from his gum and his pen tapping.
The CEO, Shihyuk, let out a sigh, placing his iPad down. His elbows were perched on top of the table as he rested his chin on his hands that was clasped together.
“Yeonjun, I'm guessing you know why we've called you and Seungjin here today... Right?”
The young man raised an eyebrow, a small smirk forming on his face. He puts his feet back down on the floor and copied Shihyuk's posture on the table.
“I don't know Sir Bang. You tell me.” Yeonjun teased, “I've been nothing but the perfect role model as far as I can see!” He said sarcastically.
Shihyuk wasn't phased by him at all. A stern look remained on his face as he continues the conversation.
“We have been thinking of ways to better your reputation.”
“Oh? Do enlighten me, please.” Yeonjun held himself back from rolling his eyes. He has heard things like these more than a hundred times already. “It's not like most of those articles are fake and heavily fabricated.”
He was confident that his company would cover for him or would keep shut.
On the contrary, Shihyuk and the PR team has seen the increase of negative articles towards the model. They knew that keeping quiet or finding a cover up will not work anymore.
Shihyuk cleared his throat, a small smile creeping on his face. It was his turn to be smug.
“We have decided to send you to University.”
Every ounce of confidence that was evident on Yeonjun's face immediately disappeared. His eyebrows immediately furrow while his jaw prominently clenching.
“What. The. Fuck.”
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NOTE: Characters presented do not represent anyone mentioned in the story. This is a work of fiction and is not real.
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juminies · 27 days
Don't know if you've ever talked on this subject or not, but what's your interpretation on Jumin's relationship with Jaehee after her good ending? Really love how mindfully you explain Jumin's feelings and actions, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter! Especially bc her route kinda leaves many people feeling like he's an antagonist of sorts 😬 But I kinda always felt like he'd respect her a lot, especially once he sees how much passion she puts into her dream? And Jaehee shows her genuine care for Jumin, too, moreso after his infamous crash. I'm kinda babbling here, but yeah! Really curious to read up on your interpretation <3
I haven't talked about this before actually—I think there's a lotttt of nuance to it and I didn't want to be haphazard with it in case it comes across as me being over lenient with corporate heirs or whatever hahah. I promise I'm not! I just love Jumin. Also sorry this took me a while to answer, I had actually just started a game the day you sent it with the intention of doing Jaehee's route so I decided I would play before responding to ensure it was fresh in my mind. I hadn't played her route in so long, and I wanted to get the Jumin outgoing calls too!
To get into how I think he would treat her after some time passes I first want to discuss their dynamic in her route a bit, because I honestly think people are unnecessarily harsh on him because of it sometimes. I personally don't feel as if they pushed him too far into an antagonistic role, but perhaps since Cheritz weren't bringing in an outsider (à la Echo Girl or Sarah Choi) to act as the driving force it seemed that way to some people? It was inevitable given the nature of Jaehee's struggles that Jumin would be viewed as the bad guy in a sense, but I feel like it's often sort of blown out of proportion due to a misunderstanding of both Jumin's intentions and his character as a whole. He is admittedly at his worst in Jaehee's route, but people tend to brush his actions during it off as completely out of line and absurd and then go on to use it to totally mischaracterise him as someone who doesn't value his employees whatsoever or is an abusive boss. In reality though, the way he acts as a superior in general as well as given the specific circumstances is very... Jumin? in that it's logical and efficient and goal-driven. Jaehee's route is such a push and pull in the sense that the two of them clash repeatedly in a scenario where neither person is willing to compromise—for what, to each of them personally, is good reason! Jaehee is a victim of a wider system, of capitalism itself, less so than of Jumin as an individual.
On one hand, Jaehee having to give up a project she was finally actually enjoying working on would be incredibly frustrating, even without having something she actively dislikes stacked on top of it. I get why she went against Jumin's wishes of doing a bad job (why would she choose now of all times to put in half of her effort when it's something she's actually having fun with?) and I get why she used Seven's cat hotel proposal. Life can be messy like that. Sometimes you have to make a decision that has a shitty outcome for someone else for your own sake or vice versa. She should be doing something that makes her happy, and had she not gotten the encouragement to find something she loves she would have continued to feel unfulfilled for god knows how long. Plus, in regard to the coffee report she is still technically doing her job and doing it well, even if going against her boss' personal wishes in doing so. She also does use her own time to revise it in the end so Jumin can have his way (and maybe a little bit so she can use her ideas for her own place) so, to me, that says she understands where he's coming from and doesn't particularly resent him. It's a complex situation for sure, and objectively Jumin does have the upper hand even if he doesn't quite realise the extent of it. I absolutely support Jaehee in her endeavours; I love her so much and she absolutely deserves better than eternal C&R bullshit.
At the same time, Jumin's perspective does make sense if you try to understand his worldview a bit more. Jaehee is the only person at C&R he feels he can genuinely rely on, and when he's already been thrown through a loop with his father prior to her disobedience it's entirely logical that he would feel as if everyone who should be working with him is suddenly against him. Jumin has been shown before to not quite have a grasp on the social standing he holds over Jaehee, for example in this chat from deep story day 2 where he doesn't understand why she can't tell him, as he told her, that she doesn't like seeing him in chatrooms.
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And I think it's genuine obliviousness as opposed to purposeful ignorance; he overlooks bigger structures at play because he legitimately values hearing the honest opinions of the people around him and expects them to have a mutual respect for him. As far as Jumin is concerned his employees should be able to come to him with honest feedback, but of course that typically isn't the case and so Jaehee can't express how she really feels to him lest she face consequences. Jumin's thought process when it comes to employment is shown to be, to put it simply, people work for money -> more work is more money -> more work is good, and it hasn't been explained to him why this isn't the case for a lot of people. Jaehee's actions register to Jumin as is simply a betrayal of his trust and respect, because he doesn't quite see the level at which he and Jaehee are on unequal footing in the first place. On top of that he is rigid in that he needs everything to be done as he expects it; he does not like sudden change and (as demonstrated in his own route) can be incredibly rattled by it if he is already otherwise stressed or overworked. Just because he stands strong for his friends does not mean he is entirely invulnerable to being overwhelmed and acting out, and while I completely agree he was on some level being selfish in regards to the cat project, at the point where Jaehee quits she has already left him with what (to Jumin) is a mess to handle essentially on his own. He is overworked too, something Jaehee admits herself, and he wanted to transfer the coffee project to another department both to make less work for the two of them and in order to not succumb to his father's lack of consideration for anyone or anything but his current partner.
Again I do not blame Jaehee for anything she did whatsoever—I think it was a good idea for her to quit and she absolutely deserves the happiness she finds in MC and their café!—but Jaehee is incredibly competent and Jumin knows that. Consequently he knows she has big boots to fill and it can't be done on a whim. I'm sure you can see why he would be incredibly frustrated. As a whole it's just a very messy situation where the two of them can't really fathom the other's perspective. Their lives and outlooks on the world are so intrinsically different at this turning point in Jaehee's life, and that's fine. Neither of them have bad intentions towards the other whatsoever.
Now to actually answer your question! Firstly I want to put out there that he says this on days nine and ten respectively:
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Then I want to add that I do not think Jumin is the type to hold a grudge. He is shown frequently to take on a sort of each to their own/whatever will be will be attitude, and though this situation is something that impacts him directly I can't imagine him taking it any more personally in the long term than he would anything else. Sure he's a little hostile in her AE, but to be completely honest with you I do not think he would have gone to visit the café at all if he was completely furious and had lost all respect for Jaehee (and/or MC) after her endeavours. Again he knows that Jaehee is highly capable, hardworking, and generally a very good person, and I can't imagine that one rocky dilemma between the two of them is something that would make him bad tempered around her forever. He still clearly held her highly and has a lot of respect for her despite their differences, and she doesn't seem to have any ill will towards him either. Ultimately, as you say, he would grow to respect her passion and would hear her out on why she took the course of action she did in the end. While Jumin may not be great at putting himself in others shoes he can identify patterns well, and it lets him draw parallels between his own experiences and other people's. Once he finds the common ground (he knows how fulfilling passion projects can be, he knows how frustrating it can be to work yourself to the bone for others' sake without any real incentive, and he values real friendship an awful amount) I think he would accept it.
I actually feel like hypothetically in the long term not working together would be good for their relationship in terms of RFA too—Jaehee was only made part of the group originally because of Jumin and it meant that all of their interactions even amongst their mutual friends were that of a work relationship. We know they both dislike being in chatrooms together and dislike hearing each other talk outside of work, which was bound to have put a strain (even if very minor) on their association with RFA as an organisation. Jaehee even says herself it's like an extension of C&R for her! Dropping the working boundary between them means less tiptoeing around each other and more openness among friends, especially for Jaehee.
As for Yoosung becoming Jumin's intern/assistant, I don't think it would carry the same tone into RFA as it did with Jaehee since they are already well associated without the business relationship prior to Yoosung being hired. Sure things might be a little weird at times, but no discomfort or frustration to the same extent. It's already shown to be kind of unserious and silly, and I honestly don't think Yoosung would last long as Jumin's assistant anyway, lol.
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Getting real sick of having to play "the good cripple" at work so as not to cause conflict. I have this one person who CONTINUOUSLY gives me shit about not bringing home-cooked meals for lunch. Yesterday, after I had literally just finished telling them that I only had enough time to bring a can of soup because I injured my hip while getting out of bed, she goes off about how "bad" canned soup is for you. I ask her "because of the salt?" And she just says "because of everything." Oh, okay, so you actually don't know why they're supposedly "bad", you just want to have a superiority complex. Okay. Cool. So I have to be like "Well, actually, I NEED a lot of salt in my diet. So while, yes, it would be bad for some people, it's fine for me, but thanks" instead being able to tell her to stfu and mind her own business. The worst part is I was too tired and in pain to even be mad about it at the time, but now that I'm feeling better, I am absolutely fuming with nothing to do about it.
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ratrrriot · 1 year
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Dear anon: i fucked up and instead of saving this ask to my drafts, i accidentally posted it halfway through writing my answer and then impulsively deleted it. So now i'll have to answer to this screenshot and ask you to pretend its the real thing ,ok? Thank you for the ask and sorry!!! i'm really hoping you'll see this long ass answer🙏
I actually talked about this idea once on twitter but YES, I do think Shadow would certainly have a reaction when seeing Sonic act all brother-ly towards Tails. Especially because i like to think seeing them could trigger some real -not previously manipulated by Gerald- memories of him and Maria. However,rather than jealousy,i believe he would be emotionally confused and have mixed feelings about this.
Note: This is complete headcanon talk, so don't take this as an analysis of who Shadow,sonic,tails and Maria are in canon! Its fanon interpretation
Don't get me wrong. Do i think he was bitter at first,knowing they had what was taken from him? yes, absolutely,but do i think that could fuel his hostility towards Sonic? not really ,Because i don't think that Sonic & Tails reminded him of his own sibling when they first met, mainly because i don't think Shadow remembered Maria was a sister-figure to him until he started recovering his real memories (cuz i doubt Gerald knew they tought of eachother as siblings when he put the fake memories in him),Plus i don't think he noticed how truly brother-ly the bond between those two was until he got to meet them better,which i believe must have happened after a few games anyways. I believe that S & T's relationship reminds him of his and Maria's now.
I think that more than the angry, hurt person he used to be,he is now just a really broken one who's trying to somewhat fix his relationship with the world and his own existence. So while i agree he must have been bitter about this issue at the beggining,i don't think it was the most prevalent feeling this situation caused him.
I believe that in the present -emphasis on present time cuz we all know he hated him with a passion at the beggining- He's mean to Sonic because their egos clash and he doesn't like his attitude (they kinda make the worst side of eachother come out lol) ,but its clear he actually respects him when it comes to their shared values. Their competitivity seems to be a consequence of his superiority complex and more of a source of entertainment to him than anything else. So I think that when Shadow sees how good of a brother Sonic is to Tails,he can't really hate him for it or say that "he doesn't know what he has",cause he knows he is seeing someone who actually knows exactly how precious the bond they have is. Someone who wouldn't hesitate to give his life to protect his little brother, someone who feels inspired by the support and presence of their sibling. Someone like Maria. (At least the Maria from my headcanons;;). The reminder of Maria's absence is always painful and enfuriating ,sure,but more importantly, i think seeing Sonic like that would make him uncomfortable,because the fact that his rival,someone who he used to hate and has fought so many times, can suddenly have SO MUCH in common with the one person who mattered the most to him,is incredibly confusing. Even weirder is the fact that in this situation,the one who's taking his place is Tails. TAILS of all people!!
And that brings A LOT of questions!!! Especially because these could be clues to what kind of people Maria and Shadow used to be,something very important to him and that he has lots of trouble remembering. Like,when Shad was a younger brother too ,was he anything like Tails? and if Tails wasn't born by Sonic's side and instead was found by him...Could Shadow maybe find someone like Maria out there and form a familiar bond again? Did Maria treat him just as Sonic treats Tails? Could Maria have even more things in common with Sonic and Shadow just doesn't remember???
My guy is NOT ready to answer any of these questions (he might be recovering the missing pieces of his broken memory and healing a bit but he still has a long way to go before he can be anything close to emotionally stable) and i'm not sure if he'd like the answers anyways. Plus,at least in my headcanons,his real memories of Maria might bring him joy and nostalgia but also tons of frustration,not just because he can't remember her at will,but also cause he gets the impression that Maria was hiding a lot of sadness and he doesn't remember why.(I imagine she tried to not bother Shad with the weight of her emotions),nor if he could help her in any way.
At the end of the day,Shadow's backstory and the reasons for his creation are the source of his trauma ,And wether he likes it or not,Maria is one of the main parts of all of that. So sometimes he doesn't know if he wants to move on from her or keep dwelling on the past,which is why i believe being reminded of her always brings him comfort ,but also emotional exhaustion ...
And In this case,he is too exhausted to be jealous of Sonic and Tails for having what he has lost.
ANYWAYS. That's just my opinion on the matter,If you think seeing Sonic and Tail's brotherhood would fuel Shadow's hatred,i think that's valid, especially cause at the end of the day it depends on how you'd think Shadow deals with his baggage,and there can be many interpretations for that.
Again,Thanks for the ask!
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alltimefail-sims · 5 months
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I present to you all... Wren's family!
Are you reading The Familiar by @mangosimoothie? You should be reading The Familiar by mangosimoothie and rooting for my baby Wren. (I'm mostly kidding - rooting for Wren is optional, but reading the Familiar is not 😉.)
This was probably self indulgent, and I definitely spent way too much time making them, but even if no one else cares... I'm pleased! I've been wanting to do this for way too long! First we have Wren's father, Dr. Abdou Opara and Wren's mother, Dr. Latita Opara (née Wiley). Then we have Wren's siblings Kingston and Angelique.
Want more info on them or to see their full-body outfits? Fear not...
Many details below the cut! ↓
If you read Wren's original post you already know that Abdou, Wren's father, is a retired engineer and tech investor while his wife, Latita, is the current and very popular mayor of San Myshuno. But I didn't really get to go into detail about Wren's siblings so I'm gonna do that real quick!!
Wren's oldest sibling, Kinston (30 y.o.), has a doctorate from Foxbury in biology, but he was also the captain of the robotics team and has a passion for engineering just like his father. After graduation he combined his two passions and created a bio-tech company that focuses on creating innovations and improvements in the medical field, particularly for surgical procedures and daily disability maneuverability and pain management. Wren thinks he's an absolutely insufferable ego-maniac, but they're not a completely reliable narrator because Kingston's just kind of a nerd with a little bit of a superiority complex (oldest child syndrome), but Wren's parents have always lifted up Kingston as the example and that's annoying as fuck! Oh and if Latita has a favorite child, it's Kingston (she's never proclaimed a favorite out loud but like... it's pretty clear).
Then there's the Opara's middle child, Angelique (27 y.o.), who I promise does not just walk around in pageant crowns and evening gowns (although that would be iconic imo). Although a middle child, Angelique has never had to fight for attention and is Abdou's clear favorite (again he's never said it out loud but like... he's even more obvious). She has a distinguished psychology degree with honors from Foxbury Institute and graduated at the top of her class. The reason she's dressed in pageant-wear is because she recently won the title of Miss America (whatever the sims equivalent is called). She'll be competing for Miss Universe next because she's a bad bitch ig? Lmao. She just is very competitive. Wren thinks Angelique is generally less insufferable than Kingston, but the two of them in a room together is like nails on a chalkboard to Wren. Wren and Angelique are a little closer, but "close" as in like... they get along okay, they'll pick up *if* the other calls, and she nags Wren the least of any of their family members (but that's just because she "has better things to do"). That being said, she does call Wren "baby Wren" which drives them nuts (but she's being affectionate in her own way).
*Fun fact: all of the Oparas are Foxbury alum except for our dear Wren and they never hear the end of it!
*Also a fun fact but, needless to say, Wren's mom doesn't want to end her political career as a mayor: she's working her way up the political ladder to the presidential candidacy, babyyyyy!!! On the flip-side, Abdou has always been a strict parent who cares about "legacy" and that's why they're so anal about protecting the family's public image and why they're especially hard on Wren who thinks all of those things are kind of bullshit.
FINALLY, I do want to note that I didn't include one *technical* family member, Kingston's college sweetheart and fiancé Kasi who Wren actually enjoys being around and thinks is way out of their brother's league.
Anyway okay I'm done now here they are side-by-side as promised:
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Irl I imagine their heights to vary (with Wren being taller than their mom but shorter than everyone else) but I was too lazy to use a height slider.
Okay NOW I'm done for real lmao byeeeeeeee
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everlasting-rainfall · 2 months
Hi again👋🥰 I'm the one who sent Figarland Garling's request for PAGES AU and after Reading your Headcanons about the Figarland Family I came up with another idea for our dear Red Crescent 🌛❤️ Like what if the reader was sentenced to death for some reason (perhaps she was an escaped slave or a member of the revolutionaries) She proposed a duel to escape the execution, and of course she lost, but somehow it aroused Garling's interest, and he decided that instead of completing the execution, she now belonged to him alone, and no one could look or talk to her except him I bet his superiority complex will make him see his girlfriend as a perfect goddess whose attention no one deserves but him (I really don't mind if he decides to kidnap me or protest at his house. I will actually tie myself up and hand him over and I might turn into a simp or bimbo for him 🤤🤤)
I hope things get better and you are well 💋 (no matter what problems you are facing)
Hey! Sorry that it took me so long to get to this as like I’ve said, I’ve been dealing with some personal issues that I’d rather not go into detail about but I’m working on it now and I sincerely hope that you enjoy this!
Here’s hoping that I hear more from you in the future so before I get too distracted, let’s get right into it!
Celestial Dragon Bullshit, Slavery, Execution, Violence, Isolation, Implied Noncon, Delusions, Kidnapping
Also Keep in Mind that I do not support or condone the actions of any Celestial Dragon, they are disgusting creatures who are barely even human and don’t deserve the time of day
So as you said, you are someone whose about to be judged and executed but of course there needs to be a reason so let’s imagine that you were like someone who had ties to the revolutionary army like you weren’t a full on revolutionary yourself but you did provide aid to them
Now of course, this is dangerous like in the eyes of the world government. You might as well have just stepped all over their flag and let’s say that you got into some serious trouble as a result of this, you were originally going to be killed outright but lucky you! Or rather unlucky you in a bad way, a celestial dragon just so happened to spot you and what do you know? You’re kinda cute… 🤢
Narrowly escaping execution, you’re now a slave to a random ass celestial dragon which in all honesty? Probably way better to have been killed in all honesty as bitchass celestial dragon gonna be a bitchass celestial dragon and they’re awful to you
You’re moreso treated like some kind of doll or pet to be commanded than an actual person like legitimately, they’ve tried to show you off to fellow dragons like you’re some kind of cool toy they got, not even a trophy
Anyways with the constant dealing with the bitchass celestial dragon who has you like the daily abuse and the fact that they never see you as human like legitimately they probably see an actual bug as more human, something was bound to happen
And suddenly you’re on trial for trying to kill the person who was your “master”, whether you succeeded or just severely injured the fucker is completely up to you but either way. Let’s say you practically butchered the fucker
As you’re standing there before the judge, the red haired man reads off the crimes that you committed and the evidence against you is damning to the point where it’s clear the death sentence is coming
You can’t let this be where you perish though so just before Garling sentences you to a very painful execution befitting of someone like you (His words, not mine), you interrupt him much to the pearl clutching gasps of the dragons and shout out that you want to duel
Duel for your freedom against Figarland Garling himself? It sounds absolutely crazy but he’s clearly interested so he rises from his chair and tells you the rules that if you can beat him then you go free but if he wins then the sentence continues
No sort of armor is provided to you but luckily, you’re at least given a weapon although it’s not one of your choosing and he doesn’t seem to be wearing armor either so maybe you can do this?
The duel is begun via a starting pistol from one of the holy knights and you barely have enough time to dodge Garling’s first strike as he moves so fast that it’s terrifying
While you’re scrambling to get to a safe distance away, Garling is pleasantly surprised as not many dodge his first strike but no matter. Probably an accident so he strikes again and wouldn’t you know it? Another narrow dodge!
Man’s honestly starting to have fun as you can’t hit him and your attacks can’t even be called attacks so much as they’re desperate swings of a weapon but somehow, you’re dodging his attacks quite well (although they’re all just based on luck) and by the time that the duel has finally ended
You’re lying on the ground with a deep slash across your chest and his sword in your face, you’ve lost but Garling doesn’t intend to get rid of you as you’re quite interesting. Not only did you dodge his attacks but with those dodges, you became the person whose last against him the longest
Honestly you’re too good to execute so once he’s declared the winner and the applause has died down, he sheaths his sword and reads out your sentence as it’s no longer death but you will be taken to his home and serve him
Some dragons probably are murmuring as what is he thinking? But Garling doesn’t care as he demands you to be taken away and have your wounds treated, there’s a little bit of hesitation but soon you find yourself passing out as you’re carried off
When you wake up, you’re now living in Garling’s home as one of his servants which is probably like a “God fucking dammit” moment for you but oddly enough. Garling doesn’t treat you as poorly as the other guy did
Like yes, you are still a servant but Garling never really has much for you to do for him and most of the time. He simply wants to speak with you as you work on whatever small thing that he’s making you do or have you accompany him on a walk around the property
It’s so weird to you especially as you’ve never seen another servant around Garling’s home like you’re aware that they exist but you’ve never seen them and when you decide to ask him? He tells you that when you’re stuck in your quarters is when they’re in the house
You might try to ask why you’re not out then as you’re just like them but he’d more than likely tell you to not compare yourself to them, it’s so weird
Part of you thinks that Garling simply keeps you in this position because he wants to be able to show you and specifically you off like you’re a toy or trophy later but when the day does come that he meets up with other nobles, he goes alone like he doesn’t even indicate that he wants to bring you with him
So you aren’t being treated different for the purpose of being shown off but could it possibly be for then?
It seems like the answer comes when he wants to take you to meet the guard dogs one day, those giant Tibetan Mastiff’s that you’ve heard about having ripped any intruder or enemy to shreds if they so much as feel like the Figarland Family is threatened
Maybe you were being well cared for so you could be fed to them? Possibly… But that answer quickly dies when you’re taken to them only to not be fed to them but to be introduced to them as Garling makes you hold out your hand to be sniffed by them
Honestly the worst thing that they all do is lick your hand once, the Pomeranian Leader of the Guard Dogs doesn’t even touch you and simply yips at you like some kind of greeting
After this, Garling’s odd behavior is taken up a few notches as he barely asks you to do anything for him now and rarely gets mad at you like seriously… You once broke a vase just to see how he would react and he simply told you to be more careful… He didn’t even tell you to clean it up when he’s told you that he’s made other servants clean up broken objects only to execute them afterwards…
When the day comes that Garling starts to buy you outfits and refer to you as “Dearest one” and “Star” alongside touch you just a little bit too long, that’s when you start to realize what might be happening as he appears to be trying to ease you into a life as his partner
It all makes sense now to you… This is the only reason that he would be treating you differently…
You need to get out of here…
Avoiding Garling while you make a plan of escape isn’t easy as this man can read you like a book and it’s not like you can just stay in your room all day as the man will come and let himself in when he lets you out of your quarters
It takes such a long time of careful planning and on a night where he told you that starting tomorrow night, you would be sharing beds with him. You put your plan into action as you left your room and walked silently through the halls once you were sure that he went to sleep
You snuck outside and only made it halfway across the property before the loud howls of the guard dogs started to ring out, you started to slap yourself internally as you didn’t account for the possibility that he would get up to check on you or to make it so that you would start sharing beds that night
Running across the property hoping to find a wall that you could vault yourself over or an exit that you could rush through and escape the red haired man through was pointless as within minutes, you had the guard dogs rushing at you from the darkness
Their teeth sunk into your ankles causing you to scream as you were dragged back to the main house where Garling is waiting for you dressed in his pajamas sitting in a chair looking less than pleased
It kind of feels like you’re back at what was supposed to be your execution in all honesty and when Garling speaks, his voice is cold to the point where it sends a chill down your spine like you’ve seen the reaper in the flesh
He’s angry and he demands to know why you’ve run away from him after all that he’s done for you and when you hesitate to speak, he impatiently slams his fist against the arm of the chair and commands you to respond
“I… I just want to go home! I want to go home and forget about all of this! I want to go back to my old life!”
“Why on earth would you want something like that? I can make you so much more happier here with me… I can make all of your troubles go away if you’d just embrace me instead of leaning away…”
“Please… You’ve done so many nice things for me but I don’t want this�� I want my life back, I want to live in my old town with all the people…”
“You want them instead of me? When they don’t even deserve to lay eyes on you, let alone stand in your presence? Disgusting… Don’t you realize how perfect you are?”
It’s after this that Garling winds up going into a long speech about how you’re some kind of goddess and beautiful thing that no one deserves to lay eyes on except him, you are the most beautiful thing that he has ever seen and clearly he must keep you away from those who are unworthy
The entire thing freaks you out so much more than the thought of him killing you does especially when he starts to talk about the life that he has all planned out for the two of you that apparently he’s been planning since the very moment that you somehow managed to last as long against him as you did back at your execution
Which now in hindsight to him was just an awful, awful thing that never should have happened as clearly the bastard who you attacked had it coming but not because he was a Disgusting Celestial Dragon but because he kept you from meeting him
He pulls you into his lap at some point during this and although you try to struggle briefly against him, you know that there’s no escape when you hear a low growl from the guard dogs that threatens you to try to run and Garling’s arms tighten around you in his embrace
Once you’re in his arms, he tells you about his desire to come home to you after a long day, he would find you untainted by the gaze of those who are unworthy and you would greet him with a beaming smile
Your outfit would look absolutely lovely on you and hug you in all the right places to show off every inch of your perfect body no matter what sort of body type you may have, he would approach and you would welcome him home with a kiss as he caressed you
The two of you would enjoy your dinner together and retire to your bedroom for the night where he would slip your outfit from your shoulders and make love to you as you moaned out his name and begged for him to impregnate you
Garling almost looks happy as he describes all of this like it’s his dream come true that he’s telling you about, he looks into your scared eyes and chuckles just a little
He pulls you ever so closer to him to where you can feel his nice smelling breath fanning across your face…
“You look so scared, darling… But don’t be afraid and don’t run either… I’d find you anywhere that you ran from me and drag you home even if a million eyes had been laid upon you… This is where you belong now…”
“Shhhh… No need for words… Just lean into me and allow me to bind us together…”
And with that, Garling leaned in and pressed his lips onto yours in a kiss that felt as cold as ice… You wanted to run, you wanted to scream and push him away, you wanted to get far away from here…
But none of that was going to happen and as you felt one of his hands starting to slip underneath your clothing…
You knew that you weren’t going anywhere…
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im-not-a-l0ser · 5 months
I’ve seen a couple posts of yours pop up on my dash, and (absolutely no hate here) I’m getting the impression that you don’t really like Grace? Now, I am incredibly new to the Hatchetfield community (as in, I watched early Starkid, fell out of it because Darren Criss left, and am just now returning), so I’m not sure what all has happened in all multiverses.
With characters like Grace, maybe I tend to project a little bit of my old high school self onto them, because I used to exude an air of moral superiority since I was vocally and unapologetically Protestant in a classical Catholic school. I find ultra-religious characters interesting to play around with, especially in predominantly queer spaces like Starkid, since I was that ultra-religious kid (who is now vocally and unapologetically queer).
So, I guess what I mean to ask is: What is your opinion of Grace, and why? You seem to know a lot about this universe, so I’m hoping to grasp at the general attitude of this fandom towards women before I jump back in.
Oh, so you're... you're going to make it about gender then.
I actually had a whole thing typed up about why I don't like Grace and people's perception of her, but I suppose I'll just post it separately. Maybe I'll link back to this idk. Good base for a post I was already planning on making.
So here's the thing. I don't hate Grace because she's a woman, I hate Grace because she's a fucking psychotic bigot who people need to stop perceiving as something she's not.
I've gone on a whole rant already specifically about this. But there are spoilers in it, so if you haven't seen NPMD bc you're waiting to get a grasp on the vibe of the fandom, you shouldn't read it. Or you should at least watch NPMD first.
So, just a rundown. I hate Grace because she is hyper-religious and I have religious trauma. I hate that people don't see her religion as a core part of her identity, making her fundamentally for and against some things, but still joke about her being christian.
And, before someone get's at me about how I still like Mark. I really didn't, but Curt Mega posted this, which made him a much more complex character in my eyes. I'm sure he was joking, but Mark being gay and having a double life that causes him guilt in both directions is forever embedded in my head.
And sure, Grace is a complex character, she really is. But parts of the problem are 1, people don't pay much attention to her actual complexities, and 2, she's seriously psychotic. And that's not me being like 'women be crazy,' that's me watching the show and thinking... 'oh my god, she's fucking insane' at the end of act one, and at the end of Virginity Camp.
But Grace is really the only girl character in Hatchetfield that I dislike, especially so passionately. I like Emma and Steph and Becky, although Linda I'm not really a fan of actually. But y'know, another "she's a fundamentally bad person" thing there. I even like Ruth, who I initially didn't (I'm asexual and her whole thing made me really uncomfy watching it). Jeri's a weird case, but mainly because both her and Jerry are fucking stupid. Like... just get married! Just get married, you two have liked each other for over a decade, just get married!
So, if you want my attitude on women, there it is. I like good characters and I dislike bad characters. I dislike characters who are against things that I stand for, like being queer, and... idk, not starting cults.
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Ada and Ian Headcanons (Rhythm Doctor)
this got Long As Hell i'm sorry lmao. headcanons under the cut!!
- We know that Ian is a radiologist, but I think Ada is probably a general practitioner/primary care physician! If she's canonically a cardiologist (bc heart stuff) then that's my bad lmao. But based on what we see in the game, she doesn't really seem to specialize in anything. She instead seems to have a wide range of medical knowledge and we see her treating a variety of different illnesses/injuries, including Mr. Stevenson's broken leg and Lucky's torn rotator cuff. We know that she's been having to do pretty much everything around the hospital bc they're so understaffed, and primary care physicians usually have fairly extensive medical knowledge covering multiple fields, which I think is what allows her to do that.
- One of my biggest hcs about Ada is that she has a very strained relationship with her parents, and that her parents are also both doctors, though I imagine they're close to retirement by now. However, unlike Ada, they both specialize in highly specific fields like brain surgery or something (I actually do imagine her dad to be a neurosurgeon lmao), and because they're both so successful they have incredibly high expectations of her. They look down on her for choosing to be a GP/primary care physician because they think of that work as somehow less important/less worth her time. They're the kind of people who absolutely have a superiority complex about being doctors and ~saving lives~. Also definitely not the kind of people who should have had kids. They're distant at best and extremely judgmental and condescending at worst.
- Ada has one younger sister who's six years younger. Because their parents were always so busy with their careers, Ada basically grew up taking care of her sister, which definitely contributed to her mentality of feeling responsible for everyone all the time. Her sister moved out of their parents' house as soon as possible and is currently attending college somewhere far away, but she and Ada still keep in touch. Ada being an eldest daughter just makes too much sense to me lmao
- I like to think that Ada is an extremely affectionate person by nature. But because of growing up with emotionally distant parents, she doesn't ever really expect for that affection to be returned, especially from Ian who's not very outwardly affectionate most of the time. So when he does go out of his way to express affection it means a lot to her :)
- Because of the way her parents are, I think she kind of has an unconscious mentality of "no one is ever going to love me as much as I love them." She also struggles with people-pleasing tendencies (taking on more work than she can handle, having difficulty saying no to people) and self-esteem issues. So whenever someone goes out of their way to show her love, it kind of catches her off guard lol
- Ada's primary love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation (I'll explain this more below lol). She's REALLY big on physical touch—Ian generally does not like physical touch and one of the only people he tolerates/enjoys it from is Ada. Though I definitely think acts of service is one of her love languages too, as seen in Middlesea College Life. I simply think that she has so many love languages because she's FULL of love
- I imagine Ada as someone who feels her emotions very strongly, and who is generally just a highly emotional and empathetic person. Her empathy makes her good at connecting with the patients, but it also means that she feels everything so much all the time and it can be overwhelming for her sometimes. She’s undoubtedly very intelligent, but I think she’s still very much a heart over head type of person. She also cries pretty easily, though she has to try her best to keep it under wraps at work. The list of movies that make her cry is extensive, which Ian lovingly teases her for.
- Ada is extremely nearsighted and can't see much at all without her glasses. Because of this one of her favorite jokes is saying “I’ve seen enough” and taking her glasses off lmao
- Courtesy of @nightmun: Ada earnestly loves dad jokes, puns, and anything similar. Ian gets her a joke book as a gift once and regrets it immediately.
Ian: …what?
Ian: <:)
(this is the fifth one she’s told him today)
- Ian’s mother is a single mom and his dad left when he was ten, hence why Ian is currently the only one taking care of her. Ian was also an only child. I imagine he and his mom are very close since it’s just been the two of them for so long, so her illness has really been taking a toll on him.
- Ian is bilingual and speaks Mandarin! I don’t think he has a canon ethnicity in-game (though please correct me if I’m wrong), but I’ve been thinking of him as Chinese Canadian, in line with @pokeblog123’s headcanon that Middlesea is in Canada. I imagine he and his mom speak Mandarin at home sometimes.
- I think Ian probably did robotics and/or coding as hobbies in high school and college! We know that he’s insanely tech-savvy, and he seems to have quite a talent for programming. In that same vein, another one of Ian's hobbies is buying old/vintage video game consoles from garage sales, on eBay, etc. and taking them apart to see how they work, sometimes also restoring them if he can.
- I know this is a pretty popular hc already but I think Ian is autistic/generally neurodivergent lol. I do try to write him with this in mind
- Related to that, Ian struggles with social cues to a certain degree, and subsequently has more trouble connecting with the patients than Ada. His little character card says he’s “better with computers than people” and I think this is probably because people are just difficult for him to read. Computers are much simpler; they’re predictable and generally do what they’re programmed to do. People are a lot more complicated. I do think he’s learned to read Ada fairly well simply because he’s known her for so long
- Ian's primary love language is acts of service/gift-giving. He struggles with physical touch and with verbalizing his feelings so he shows his love by doing things for people instead (which was part of the inspiration for my fic "Helping Hand"). If he goes out of his way to do something for you, that’s how you know he really cares. He's an actions over words type of guy :)
- Ian can be very blunt and straightforward, as we see in the game, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care. We know from game dialogue that he regularly encourages Ada to take breaks and is generally concerned for her wellbeing, and we can also infer that he worries a great deal about his mother. He definitely cares, he just has different ways of showing it.
- Ian normally doesn’t cry very easily and he also doesn’t like to cry in front of other people, but my hc for why he cried at the Stevensons’ reunion is because it reminded him of his own sick mother, who’s been alone ever since his dad left. He’s usually not one to cry in public but that just got to him. I like to think that Ada checked up on him afterwards.
- Although he doesn't really show it, I think Ian probably feels a certain amount of guilt for everything that's happened with Connectifia Abortus, especially now that it's been revealed that the virus originated from the system he created. He knows that the rhythm defibrillator system could put the patients in danger if the virus keeps getting worse, and he's been working day and night to try to fix it. Of course, Edega's demand for a "miracle cure" at the expense of caution and safety certainly isn't helping matters. Given that Ada also needs treatment on occasion, one of Ian's biggest fears is that Ada will get hurt because of the virus (and, he thinks, because of him).
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- I think Ada was Ian's first, and possibly only, good friend at college. I imagine they met through their shared classes and Ada was one of the only people who made a point to talk to him. After that she sort of just stuck around, much to Ian’s initial surprise. He had always struggled with making friends and he was hesitant to open up to her at first, but her persistence and genuine sincerity eventually won him over. Now they’re best friends :)
- I've seen other people say that they were probably roommates at some point in college/med school and I definitely think so too. I'm sure they pulled a lot of all-nighters together lol
- Once Ada and Ian became close friends, I like to imagine that she also got to know Ian's mother. She's always gotten along with her very well, and because her own parents were so distant, Ada came to think of her as somewhat of a parental figure. When Ian's mom first got sick and started requiring intensive care, Ada insisted on helping out with anything they needed.
- What I was referencing above about Ada and physical affection: I think Ada might be somewhat touch-starved because of my headcanon that her parents aren't very affectionate people. She craves physical touch and words of affirmation because she never got much of that from her parents. Once Ian figures this out, he tries his best to do those things for her even though it doesn't come as naturally to him (as in like, he’s normally not one to initiate hugs but he’ll give Ada a hug if he can tell that she needs it).
- Ian’s pragmatism balances out Ada’s bleeding-heart altruism, and vice versa. I think over years of friendship they’ve learned to appreciate the other’s perspective and find a middle ground, though of course that’s not always possible in high-stress medical situations.
- Ada doesn’t really understand anything about the online games that Ian plays, but she probably uses gamer lingo incorrectly on purpose just to annoy him lmao
- Unrelated to anything but I think one of their favorite pastimes is hate-watching Grey's Anatomy together and making fun of all the medical inaccuracies (I’ve never watched Grey’s Anatomy but I’ve heard there are many). Despite this they’re both low-key invested but neither of them wants to admit it lol
Anyway I love them. In my mind they are besties who get married for tax benefits. Thank you for your time if you read this far lmao
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
Spicy Crosshair HC's
Some random thots I had that I wanted to subject the internet to. I proofread these but let me know if anything doesn't make sense. As usual 18+ Minors DNI!!! let me know what you think and send some asks or messages if there is anything that you wanna read. I'm just screaming into the void at this point because I'm violently horny for fictional men
Warnings: Overstimulation, Praise Kink, Degradation Kink, Weapons Kink, Dom/Sub, Pain Play. I tired to keep it entirely GN so let me know if I slipped up at all.
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This first one is basically not even a headcanon its just canon, I think we can all agree that Cross has an oral fixation. He LOVES going down on you. Time and location don’t matter if he can get on his knees for you he absolutely will. Also loves sucking on your nipples or fingers as well, anything he can get his mouth on.
Hardcore Dom Crosshair is hot af, but what about bratty switch Crosshair you have to wrestle submission from? It’s not an all the time thing, and he definitely prefers being the dom in the bedroom, but every now and then he will let you take the reins after making you fight for them and absolutely destroy him until he’s a panting mess on his bunk.
While he’s on top, he absolutely has a praise kink. Hearing how well his cock makes you feel is a drug to him that he cant get enough of. Knowing that he’s the one making you feel so good, pulling all those sounds from you while his hips piston you into next week has him hurling towards his end faster than he would ever admit. When he’s on the bottom however? Absolutely adores being called horrid names. He’s a little slut and he knows it, and he LOVES being reminded of that fact.
Overstimulation: This man absolutely has a superiority/competency complex and will take any chance he gets to remind you of that fact by making you cum more times than you’re physically able to. Gruff whispers of “come on you can give me one more, can’t you?” and “That’s it no one else’s cock can make you feel this good can they? Come on answer me” accompany the drag of his length through your walls. He however, also adores being overstimulated by you. Watching you gag on his cock after he’s already spilled in your mouth while the line between pain and pleasure is blurring is a massive turn on for him.
Masochism: On that note, he loves a bit of pain play. From your nails raking across his scalp or down his back in an intense session, to impact play while he’s the sub for the night, pain makes his cock impossibly harder. Sometimes while you’re seated on top of him you can dig your nails into his chest and feel his cock twitch and throb inside you as you run your nails down his chest leaving thin red lines in their wake.
Weapons/Gun Kink: The most important possession he owns, literally means the difference between life and death for his squad out on the field, its his calling in life, the reason he was created. So watching you get off with it? Grinding on the barrel or having it inside you is a sight he can’t get enough of.  
Praise Kink/Degradation Kink: Depending on his mood or the scene, this man either wants to be praised for his magnificent cock and performance or he wants to be told he’s good for nothing other than his cock messing up your insides. It’s a bit of a coin flip on any given day, but a good mix of the two sends him into another dimension of pleasure. He wants to be your perfect living dildo.
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your steve brat tamer smut- omfg im dead 😭 i took a break from tumblr and this is the first thing i read when i came back i cant do this rn im a slut for steve harrington 🧎‍♀️
also i’ve been thinking a lot abt this and i feel like you would have a great opinion on this:
who would make up the best threesome from stranger things…like two other people who would absolutely just ruin you but in the best way possible
me personally i say billy and steve or johnathan and nancy but atp i’d fuck abt anyone from hawkins
but amazing smut as always they never disappoint 😌❤️
ngl i've had this in the inbox for a bit, but after some thought, here u go lovely <3
threesome with henry creel + billy hargrove HCs~
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now, this is by no means my ultimate favourite, but this is the one that came clear as day to me...
🧡ik, wtf they're both crazy, aggressive, psychopathic dudes with a thirst for power and vengeance, buut
🧡they're both mean!doms to the fullest, and if you could take it, they would like highkey ruin ur ass
🧡both scary asf, but henry would have the patience. he's calm, collected, reserved, disciplined, serious, measured. but he's also aggressive, intimidating, dominant and hypersexual
🧡billy is domineering, big, loud, assertive, energetic; but he's also stern, strict, black and white, forceful and sadistic. and lowkey....they'd fuck w u and each other pretty well. like maybe i'm going to hell but *shrugs in whore*
🧡paired together though??? scary. scary like, oop my vagina just fluttered and pulsed bc omg imagine them taking you from both ends, like-
🧡that, coupled with billy's more guttural, throaty groans, now hoarse form the hours of play you've been indulging in, bc foreplay is a necessity if you're to take either one, but esp both together
🧡that, coupled with billy's more guttural, throaty groans, now hoarse form the hours of play you've been indulging in, bc foreplay is a necessity if you're to take either one, but esp both together
🧡as mentioned, he's much thicker and longer than henry, i think. as much as you adore his throbbing, swollen cock, henry is likewise enthralled at the size and length,
🧡bc although long, he's not nearly as big, and it only makes his dick stiffen in his tight white trousers for both billy's cock, but better yet, billy base-deep inside your sticky, pulsing opening.
🧡billy's not one for a lot of words though, so i think a lot of it would revolve around billy doing his best to go easy or, conversely, going harder than you've ever experienced, and henry doing his best to temper the incrementing intensity of billy's thrusts and the accompanying bucking of your hips into his hard cock
🧡i think henry's a bit of a cuck/voyeur too, so a lot of his favourite foreplay would be watching you suck off billy's slicked up length, sloppy and wet just like he wants it;
🧡meanwhile henry sits on the other side of the room; eyes trained on the way your mouth does its best to accommodate billy's thickness, likely at least partially unsuccessfully
🧡despite henry being the neater, more collected one, he's def got a secret kink for the sloppier, messier, lazier kind of kissing and foreplay; but his inner superiority-complex would at least initially stop him from going after it,
🧡so i think seeing billy just unabashedly have his way with you; slurping, slobbering, licking, spitting, slapping, grabbing, yk, would have an unusually intense effect on henry.
🧡i could go into the power dynamic and play here ofc, but i'll leave it as is and gauge the vibe. if y'all dig the billy/henry/x energy, lmk..bc mean!dom henry and billy, brat-taming the hell out of you - or, henry making you punish billy via edging and impact!play on henry's behalf - it's def smth i could get down with
anywhooo, there u go kelsie. hope u enjoyed. <3
if u want smth like this, feel free to request here!
taglist bc y not: @enamorededdie @ringpop-poppy @spicedchaiandromeda @stargirlfics @anythingjimhopper @goodboyriddler @punanisher @spideyheart @anisbaby @princesssmimi @thedanoriddler @lost-in-sokovia @killerlookz @kelsiejayy @mypoisonedvine @meeshasmind @creme-bruhlee @spilledkauffie @kaylawritesfics @vivian-rutledge @inklore @babybugwrites @littlepadika @underratedcharactersimagines @becca-e-barnes @callsign-rogueone @wishilovedyouinthe80s @jaiheats @freshfleshandblood @axen-gers @c0untryclub @wingedjellyfishrebel @fandomsfuelme @interplanetarytraveler @supe-r-nova @kelsiejayy
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fenny-self-ships · 7 months
Idk if you’re comfortable with hurt/comfort, but if you are I got a request for you! Lol
Basically, the idea is headcanons (or writing) of Jafar with an S/O that suffered SEVERE narcissistic abuse, and him quickly dealing just how much damage behaviors like his can cause. Like, he has to calm them down from a ptsd flashback, and they end up saying something about the “mind games” they were always playing, and how they were always on eggshells, and he’s basically over here like “ohhhh fuk…I do that kind of thing to people…”
Ooh some hurt comfort?? Coming right up 👀
I'm by no means an expert on this topic, so I'll stick with headcannons for now, but if you like 'em I'm more than open to writing a full imagine in future!!
Cracks my knuckles
Jafar with an abused S/O~!
Given the way he speaks, I wouldn't be surprised if it was something he said that triggered the unfortunate episode
A nasty, condescending comment about a hobby of yours, a hissing remark correcting your behaviour, or even deliberately misconstruing something you've said -- Incredibly self-serving, of course, but he's a master manipulator, and can very easily play the victim in even the tiniest arguments
Nothing could prepare him, however, for the sudden fit of anxiety and terror his words would induce
He is WOEFULLY uneducated on such things, and would regrettably have absolutely zero clue how to approach the situation -- He'd more than likely just freeze, simply staring down at you as you crumble
Once he's snapped out of his stupor, his first instinct would be to remove himself from the situation
He's clearly upset you, and he'd rather die than debase himself by admitting to his own wrongs. What a PATHETIC move that would be, huh?? (/sar)
Perhaps not the greatest instinct, but he'd give you time to cool off, to return to yourself, before slinking back in to discuss what caused your 'hysteria' (🙄🙄)
Likely with some warm tea to show in the smallest sense that he does actually CARE about you. It's not much, but it might be enough to get you talking
He would have fully intended to make a half-assed attempt at listening, followed by an empty promise to 'do better' and some kisses to top it off, but, in true Jafar fashion, his interest is piqued when you start describing the shit that he is oh so good at
The insufferable superiority complex, the 'do-no-wrong' mentality, the near constant mind games, manipulation and victimisation -- every single experience you describe he resonates with far too much
He hasn't had much experience with guilt, but you're his beloved. He cares about you. The sickly feeling creeps, resting heavier and heavier on his shoulders the more you manage to tell him
Truly an 'ohhhh fuck... I do that shit' moment if there ever was one
It's become second nature to him, almost a survival tactic -- not any excuse for his behaviour, of course, but he rarely gives a second thought to how awful the effects can be
He hates that it was you who had to tell him. He's supposed to be your biggest supporter, not your worst enemy
His illusion of perfection is shattered -- You aren't lucky to be with him, HE'S lucky you've put up with his disposition for as long as you have. He feels terrible.
All at once, you're wrapped up in a hug. Physical touch isn't his forte, but when you're as bad at apologies as he is, sometimes you have to compromise
This may be the first time you've ever heard a genuine 'sorry' from him
He will make an effort. Not to better himself as a whole, hell no, but to be better for you. The last thing he'd want to do is hurt you the way you've been hurt before. That'd be the WORST thing for his overinflated ego.
He's trying <3
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pillowfriends · 29 days
my thoughts on the WoT characters after book 5
before I start posting Lord of Chaos thoughts, I wanted to sum up what I think of the characters after The Fires of Heaven (and New Spring) so I can look back on it later. I’m sure I’m missing some, just listing everyone I have thoughts on.
Alanna: I have my eye on her after those sus forced bonding comments… time will tell but I don’t trust her at all. I like her though, she’s fun.
Asmodean: he was funny as hell, what a pathetic guy, and had objectively the most hilarious death in the series so far.
Aviendha: this is probably the character I have the least complicated feelings about. I just like her. she’s funny, she’s badass, her relationship with Rand is great.
Birgitte: a hot bicon. every word that comes out of her mouth is gold. she’s such a bro.
Egeanin: standout side character to me I love her so much. yes girl unlearn your cultural biases! and be unhinged and horny on main!! she better come back!!
Egwene: girl I want to like you but you're making it so hard 😭 as a character she's great. as a person I'm struggling with her dumbassery and her superiority complex and the way she's treating Nynaeve.
Elaida: she’s cringe and bad at her job but I kind of stan. she’s doing her best and it is absolutely not good enough and she’s being puppeted by the Black Ajah and only succeeded at deposing Siuan because a bunch of teenage boys stabbed people for her. I can’t even be angry at her tbh.
Elayne: book 5 was so great for Elayne. she's maturing a lot and she really shot up the list for me. her interpersonal relationships are so funny and I love how excited she is about making ter'angreal.
Faile: maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder but I miss her and want her back. she was so silly but also loved Perrin so much and I’m such a hopeless romantic that I loved the sappy parts.
Gareth Bryne: this man is a CREEP!! Siuan get AWAY from him! ugh ugh ugh. and I know it’s only going to get worse.
Galad: unfortunately this man is one of my favorite character archetypes. I didn’t vibe with him at first but now I really do.
Gawyn: I want to put him in a paper shredder. I am so angry at this man even after a full book to cool down post-coup. please let me deck him. I do think my feelings will change but right now I’m still angry as shit.
Graendal: problematic queen. do I think RJ will do anything interesting with her, probably not, but am I intrigued, yes.
Lan: THIS MAN BREAKS MY HEART DAILY. ohhhhh my god. not normal about him.
Lanfear: hmmm complicated feelings about book Lanfear. I found her introduction painful and annoying - it’s way too obvious - but she improved and I do love how crazy she is. it didn’t really sink in for me until her conversation with Rand in Tear that she’s delusional and obsessed with LTT to the point of being completely out of touch with reality, and therefore v scary. TLDR I love her now. RIP gone too soon.
Leane: I have no idea what’s cooking with her, I just have to RAFO. I’m either going to think she’s an icon or get angry at RJ for being sexist and I don’t know which.
Liandrin: the balls on this woman are actually insane, trying to Compel Moggy. she’s way too cartoonishly evil to be really interesting though. but she makes so many sexually charged dog references which I love tbh.
Logain: he’s fine I guess. hard to tell where his story is heading and he kind of hasn’t done anything.
Loial: he has never done anything wrong in his entire life, he's perfect and I love him.
Mat: I've come around and I like him now. his memory stuff is really interesting and so is the way he interacts with fate/the Pattern.
Melaine: best Wise One I love her so much.
Min: she’s never clicked with me as a character and I think her motivation is kind of dumb and repetitive. I also really dislike how salty and disrespectful she is towards Siuan but that has to do with my personal issues about the Siuan plotline so I can’t totally blame her for that.
Moghedien: I NEED to put her in a petri dish and poke her with a stick. girl you are not subtle about your petplay kink. somehow she’s scary and pathetic at the same time and I just love her a lot.
Moiraine: I can’t even put it into words. she’s my everything.
Morgase: I feel so fucking bad for her, her POVs were horrific, what a survivor. I'm excited for when she gets a bigger plotline.
Nynaeve: my favorite character who’s on page at present. first of all she has a Forsaken collared. second of all she’s so angry and I love angry women. also she has no self awareness which makes her POVs very amusing, but also sometimes devastating — I love her struggling with fear and her perceived cowardice in TFOH.
Perrin: I constantly forget he exists. not in a bad way but not really in a good way either - he’s just bland to me.
Rand: he is my idiot baby boy. go insane faster please it’s interesting.
Rahvin: good riddance you creepy fuck. not even awful in a compelling way to me, just awful. good as a character, well-written, but AAAA.
Siuan: her arc after being stilled is distressing to me and I don’t like reading it - her loss of power and influence, the way the other Aes Sedai all treat her, the sexual harassment… so I have a hard time separating that out from Siuan herself. I’m… torn. I love some of her scenes and some feel very out of left field. we’ll RAFO again.
Suroth: GIVE ME MORE. her POV was fascinating and she’s so awful.
Thom: against my best wishes, I actually like him now. he’s so dad coded and protective of Nynaeve and Elayne, and a badass, and has a good sense of humor.
Verin: what an icon!! favorite Aes Sedai bar none now that Moiraine is gone.
[inevitably there will be a part 2 when I realize I forgot some really obvious people]
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