#but she has a hard time maintaining relationships of any sort anyway
basofy · 1 year
i hope when the lisa definitive edition releases old and new players start to see the party members as not only a fun mechanic to progress in the game but also as their second purpose (specified even in their gang page)
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which is to tell how different the people of olathe are from eachother from good to neutral to bad.
all of the party members got their own personalities, points of view and goals, which i've always been appreciative of because it makes them all feel like they're their own person and it shows that they're not going to think exactly like you just because they're on your side.
so some of them can be assholes that despise brad for different reasons and are even creepy to buddy and others can just be neutral on the whole thing or don't care about brad but don't hate him and there are others who are nice people who just want someone to hang out and get attached to brad and it pains them to betray him at the end. some of them even got someone they care about too the same way brad cares for buddy.
and all of this is made just so you don't see them only as tools, they are written this way to show you what the people of olathe are like from a closer perspective. the only other way to do this would be using npcs which would go more overlooked, and it already IS overlooked by players
becuz over time i've seen toooo many fans who speak as if absolutely every man in olathe is an asshole and a pedo, which is why they congratulate tooley too much just for being decent to buddy. i like him but you give him too much credit for something other characters do as well.
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and they talk like these are just 'olathe standards' and like it's okay for this game when No, this game condemns this type of behavior at all times and it makes it very clear. it's not normal, it's just common
i mean was terry a creep towards buddy??? bo?? carp?? shocklord? birdie? nern? olan? the warlords??? and more characters and there are even npcs who deeply question the stuff going on around buddy or are simply not interested in her
and then i see takes such as "maybe x character is gay becuz they don't seem interested in buddy". pal i can think of a million better reasons to consider a character gay (sometimes no reason at all, have fun). (also again, TOOLEY. i mean he was seen at the beehive, isn't that a better reason to think he's gay??)
you don't need to be a pedo and a rapist to be attracted to women, and it's crazy how little the concept of consent matters to some people, because this isn't the only time i've seen this type of thinking over a piece of media.
this is a way of thinking that comes from people who got into lisa for the fun battles and do not understand the story, and it's sorta okay, it's fine if the battles are your favorite thing or if you're not that fond of emotional stories, but you can't ignore this part of the game, to do that you better just play something else, because my problem is that when you try to explain the emotional matters of lisa's story they never want to listen; they preffer living in their little bubble of misinterpreting everything. (like the amount of times i've tried explaining to other fans why lisa isn't worst than her goddamn dad and it's like talking to a wall) like damn, i love the battles too but i can perfectly have both things yknow.
anyway just my silly little thoughs that have been going thru my mind these past weeks, i take this game too seriously but i also feel like it's dumb not to because that's what it wants you to do.
hope things go well when the definitive edition drops and that everyone enjoys it 8)
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fallenhunnyapple · 1 month
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Sketchy doodles for another AU. Details + a bonus in under the cut
An Angel Lucifer appears in Heaven. No one knows why he's there or how he got there, but it doesn't seem as though the Lucifer in Hell has been replaced, this is just a whole second Lucifer. His memories only seem to go so far as the early days of Eden. Days where he was friends with the First Humans but before he had developed any sort of relationship or even real feelings for Lilith.
Adam, sort of shaken but also sort of Eager to reconnect with his first friend and the more pleasant memories of Eden, advocates to let him Stay. This Lucifer hasn't done anything, he doesn't even know about the Tree of Knowledge and it's not like Eden exists anymore for him to try it anyway. Lucifer is granted the ability to live in Heaven, but Adam will have to be responsible for him. Adam agrees and now has to watch over a Naive and Friendly Lucifer.
Lute is Less than Thrilled. She doesn't like that Lucifer is always around and she doesn't Trust him, even if Adam seems to. She does eventually warm up to him, but given her personality it doesn't really seem like she does. But Lucifer notices and he considers her a good friend. He ends up spending time with just her without Adam (she's basically angelsitting because Adam had other things to do) and they bond a bit and she's willing to accept that he's Not the Devil and that he's no more threatening than most non-exorcist Angels.
And once Heaven determines the same, he's tasked with Working with Emily to maintain the Happiness of Heaven's residents. Emily keeps an eye on him, but mostly they are both very positive personalities that play off each other well and they become fast friends. The first time he spent the day with Emily was the day of the first Extermination since Lucifer got there. Someone had to watch him while Lute and Adam were away. He doesn't know about the Exterminations (Most of Heaven doesn't so it's no surprise), and he doesn't even know about Hell. It was deemed... For the Best if he was kept in the dark about that. No one knows how he came to be and they don't want to risk anything happening because he finds out about the other version of him.
Lucifer is Very In Love with Adam. It wasn't immediately or anything. At first he was just really happy to have his best friend back, especially when everything was so different from how he remembered it, it'd been thousands of years after all. But he spent most of his time with Adam and anyone could tell you that Adam was less of a crass asshole with Lucifer around. Not by much, but enough to be noticeable. And over that time, Lucifer still saw a lot of who Adam was in Eden but also came to appreciate who he was (No one understands why)
It took a while before Adam was comfortable enough to take off his helmet around Lucifer. Sure he knew his human face, but he'd definitely changed over the years and his insecurities about his face were made Worse when Lucifer only knew him at his Best. Lucifer finally got to see him maskless one night when Adam let him see him before bed. And Lucifer was super smitten. Yes his face was Different, but not in a way Lucifer thought was bad. Adam definitely looked Older and Tired, but he thought it was Endearing instead of put off. After that he would sometimes watch Adam sleep-
Adam for his part is in emotional turmoil. Yes, he was in Love with Lucifer in the Garden. But completely against his better Judgement, his feelings have evolved and he's in love with the King of Hell. He's reluctant to think about Angel Lucifer that way because he represents a simpler and more innocent time and he doesn't want to corrupt that with new feelings.
Lucifer eventually confides in Lute about his feelings and she tells him that 1) Adam isn't into men and 2) He doesn't do committed relationships. It won't end well for him if he tells Adam. Lucifer is hurt but appreciates her honesty. He decides to tell him anyway because it's getting hard to keep it all to himself when he's around him everyday.
Well, the confession goes about the way Lute said it would. Adam tells him he doesn't like dudes and he doesn't hold it against him because who wouldn't want a piece of him? But they're still friends, that won't change. Lucifer already braced for it and it hurts but he accepts that answer. The only thing is, now that its out in the open, his friendly nature is So Much Easier to read as him pining and him being in love. So Adam has to just deal with Lucifer's love being thrown at him every day. The behavior hasn't changed Too Much, but his understanding of it has. But other people of Heaven definitely Know. Its so obvious to them that Lucifer is in Love with Adam. Some people criticize Adam for leading Lucifer along and bad mouth him. Lucifer doesn't like hearing anyone talk poorly about his best friend and will chastise and scold them.
It's finally when some winner/angel tells Lucifer he should get Adam flowers (as a joke, they think it would be funny because Adam doesn't have an ounce of Romance in his whole body) that things change. Lucifer does get him flowers! And he gives them to him when they're alone and Adam has removed his helmet. This is the first time Lucifer has been Proactive about his feelings and Adam doesn't have the cover of his Mask to hide his true reactions, so he can't deny how the gesture affects him. He was really only ever able to keep himself in check about his feelings for Lucifer because Lucifer wasn't Doing anything different. He wasn't Pursuing him. But now? Now he can't deny it anymore. Lucifer asks for a kiss and he gets it.
As an Angel, Lucifer didn't know or understand much about sex. It was meant for Reproduction and Angels reproduce asexually so he had no interest in it. It was a thing for the creatures of Earth to have, not Angels. So he has No Idea it's a recreational thing and despite the fact that he knows Adam and Lute fuck around regularly, he just Really doesn't understand why and they don't explain it either. So after Lucifer and Adam are together, Lucifer wants to understand Better and discovers the fact that it is, in fact, something that can be done Recreationally and its supposed to Feel Good. So, of course, he wants to experience that with his new Boyfriend. Let him learn what all the fuss is about~
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viric-dreams · 18 days
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Reference Montage.
There's something odd about Ockham. Ockham seems cordial enough when you meet at a society soirée, or in the crowded lobby after a theatrical performance, even if Ockham seems to say very little. It's not until you get out into the crisp night air that you feel suddenly awake and refreshed, and the haziness of your encounter truly sets in. What were you talking about anyway? Did she say something important? Was it she? Or maybe it was he... you seemed to have known at the time. The longer you think on the encounter, the more nonsensical it seems. What did Ockham even look like? Your memory of him... them(?)... doesn't seem right, like trying to remember a dream... Perhaps it's best not to think too hard.
Though it would be many months before Ockham himherthemself would catch wind of it, Ockham is not the original sailor who fell into the mirrored surface of the sea, but rather his Parabolan reflection, and an amalgamation of memories and identity from both the original, as well as many from the Fingerkings in possession of said body for the better part of a century. Something like this is not unheard of in Parabola, but a creature native to the Is-Not should not have been able to escape to the Is.
The transition is not seamless. Ockham seems to give off significant viric radiation when outside of Parabola, and it tends to affect anyone who tries to interact with himherthem.
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Ockham did eventually manage to track down the body of the Original, still possessed by Fingerkings. The interaction did not go well. This has left Ockham at something of a loss at what to do about it, that would not endanger hishertheir existence. Ockham wants some sort of revenge on the Cacophony, but cannot risk their retaliation to hishertheir counterpart, due to the very real risk that it would affect himherthem too. Expelling the Fingerkings, however, might also have negative effects, should the majority of hishertheir memories then return to their original host. It's a quandary.
Ockham speaks several languages (primarily Flemish and French, but also German and to a lesser extent Spanish and Portuguese). English falls near the middle of this range, though it's not a language that Ockham willingly learned or has any interest in improving (courtesy of being impressed into the Royal Navy, and now living in London). It's a language heshethey's been forced to use, and Ockham refuses to respect it. As a result, there is a very large gap between what Ockham might think, versus what heshethey would actually say aloud (this is partially due to linguistic difficulties, but also because Ockham doesn't often feel the need to voice most of hishertheir thoughts).
Ockham is very blunt and direct. Heshethey doesn't care much for etiquette rules and will cut right to the point. Ockham also finds a lot of the social stigma around certain topics in Victorian society silly, and has no compunction walking right over those taboos and discussing or acting on them. This occasionally leads to trouble.
Ockham is also stubborn, often to hishertheir own detriment. A certain degree of spitefulness also goes hand in hand with this. Ockham can and will hold very petty grudges. Heshethey can also be cruel or truly nasty at times, but never without provocation.
Heshethey is a quick judge of character, and steadfast to those who pass the vibe check, with a high breaking point for when an acquaintance would fall out of hishertheir good graces.
Ockham doesn't really have close friends. The language barrier and the difficulty being perceived don't make it easy. This doesn't bother Ockham much, since heshethey's used to and doesn't mind it. Ockham often seeks out busy spaces, just to spend time in and bask in the ambiance. Romantic encounters also often don't seem to have much depth, when some other priority inevitably catches Ockham's attention and heshethey doesn't have the time and energy to maintain an in-depth interpersonal relationship. Ockham is happy to enter a romantic or sexual relationship, as long as all parties are in accordance over its likely intermittent nature.
Ockham's clothing choices tend to favour practicality over aesthetic (practical to the mind of a working class 18th century sailor, at least), often dropping the respectable amount of layers when the weather grows too warm, without much care for the signals it sends off. Most of hishertheir clothing is in neutral colours, though heshethey is not impartial to a nice green. Ockham's hair was a long-standing point of contention with the Navy, and therefore out of principle extremely unlikely to change. Heshethey normally plaits it out of the way, though does occasionally wear it loose.
Ockham's original plans to work as a zailor were thrown out almost immediately after coming to the Neath. The Zee is a horrible place. There are creatures in there. Ockham set fire to hishertheir ship and has not looked back.
Though technically a Silverer, Ockham does not spend any time trying to attract clients. Most of hishertheir work nowadays is in tracking creatures in Parabola and collecting bounties for them. Ockham's also considering expanding into Parabolan imports and exports.
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
week of december 3rd, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the week is somewhat stuffy for you but even though scorpio is a water sign, its martial affiliations give it some affinity with you. activity in that sign serves you even if it isn't exactly your idea of a good time.
taurus: on the one hand, venus in scorpio is not classically a favorable placement. but don't let her ingress there fluster you because on the other hand, that's your 7th house of relationships and partnerships. she juices it up starting from this week.
gemini: let this be a week of rest and recovery for you. be advised of some potential deceptive or misleading person, and don't allow any gaslighting. don't partake in such things yourself.
cancerians: water-sign activity all week really suits you well. you become extra psychic or perhaps merely extremely sensitive - but don't let anyone tell you sensitivity is a bad thing. it's a superpower! use it!
leo: big fixed and watery vibes may have you feeling overwhelmed as though you're drowning. the key to coping is playing up your 4th/10th house axis; balance your public and personal lives, glamorize your image while maintaining a home sanctuary.
virgo: this week is lovely for you in your neighborhood or local sort of community. if you can do a little volunteer work, especially early in the week and especially if it spreads beauty and/or love, so much the better!
libra: your ruling planet venus heads into one of her detrimental signs, but this is your second house and blesses you financially anyway. the caveat is to not get too excessively luxurious. then venus opposes jupiter, a jolly benevolent meetup blessing your shared resources as well.
scorpio: a lot of watery activity occurs all week, supporting you and making you enchanting. not least of all, venus makes her ingress to your sign. you are sparkly and charismatic like never before, more than ever.
sagittarius: some form of confusion at home is possible. get around it or through it by enforcing a peaceful sanctuary for yourself. you can set a hard boundary and leave it flexible enough to expand later when things are calmer.
capricorn: your deep inner work must continue. do not allow yourself to forget that it's just as important as the work done on the outer plane. let your friends help you in whatever way they can when they offer. helpful people abound.
aquarius: a distinct lack of airy vibes are mitigated by the moon's ingress into libra. use that time for deep philosophical work of any kind to get the most out of it. it can also be good to travel or at least expand your comfort zone.
pisces: neptune has been in your sign so long its cycles may feel like a part of yourself and not an external influence. this is a reasonable assessment in fact, but its ending of a retrograde period this week may merit some activity, ceremony, or celebration anyway.
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sotwk · 8 months
I just read "A stab to the heart", and first of all, I loved it, just... perfect! The way the Thranduil is so worried for her and he can sense when she wakes up is just way too good for me!
Honestly, the last line of the fic: "We saw ada frightened" just hit me so deep that I had to come here. So, I didn't check to see if you have already written about this in the headcannons masterlist (and I'm sorry if you did and I haven't noticed!) but how do you think that Thranduil and their kids reacted when she died? Like, how their feelings and thoughts after this? I've always assumed Thranduil being an extremely good father, so I can't truly imagine him being mean to any of their kids, but how do you think that they (specially Thranduil) took the news that their queen had died?
Eeek! What lovely feedback and an even lovelier fic-related question! (I am so lucky and grateful to get such nice Anons in my inbox; I am spoiled.)
A Stab to the Heart (Fic Link)
Part 2 of this 2-part fic is over 50% written, but has been stalled in the basement of my brain for over six months now (yikes)! Hopefully I can shove it back into motion soon!
In regards to Thranduil being so in-tune with his wife that their minds are practically in a constant state of ósanwë (Elvish mind-link), I would like to point out a few key details about their relationship:
"A Stab to the Heart" takes place in Third Age 1012. By this time, Thranduil and Maereth have already been married for 1,188 years and have been mutually in love for an additional 1,700. And ever since they married, they were hardly ever parted for any significant amount of time (as opposed to most other Elven couples, like Celeborn and Galadriel, who would live apart for years). Needless to say, you would be hard-pressed to find a couple more tightly, lovingly bonded then the Elvenking and Elvenqueen were to each other.
THEIR ROMANTIC HISTORY: (Link to related HCs HERE) It took Thranduil about 50 years of sporadic meetings to realize he was falling in love with Maereth. However, he knew his father would loathe the idea of his son pairing off with a Noldor (much less one descended from Fëanor) and it would have great repercussions on their kingdom, so Thranduil tried to ignore his growing feelings and sought to maintain just a friendship with her.
Maereth nearly died in the Sacking of Eregion, and Thranduil had been there to witness it; he had held her while she was gravely injured and felt the terror of her slipping away from him. Ultimately, she was saved by the healing of Elrond, but this experience left a permanent mark on Thranduil. From that day on, he found the only thing that ever scared him in his life: losing Maereth to the Halls of Mandos.
What do you do when you realize you love someone so much you cannot live without them? You ask them to marry you, of course! And so Thranduil did, but it took another thousand years of determined courtship to get Maereth to say "yes".
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The Aftermath of the Elvenqueen's Death
I have yet to fully write the story of this terrible tragedy (I'm intimidated by it, to be honest), but a version of it was written, including the immediate aftermath, in my Thorin-centric fic, "The Broken Shield", where Maereth died during the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. I wrote out more details of her death in this headcanon post.
As for the reactions of the family (those who were left, anyway)?
(SPOILERS to the SotWK AU, if anyone cares about that sort of thing, under the cut. Also, it gets pretty sad, so I apologize for the emotions this story may cause.)
Thranduil very nearly died from heartbreak. This was the darkest point in Mirkwood's history, the kingdom that had already been fighting off spiders, orcs, dark creatures, and poisons for centuries. All that was nothing compared to the realm's grief over their Elvenqueen's death, and fearing the likelihood their beloved Elvenking would either die from heartbreak, or finally leave them for the Undying Lands.
Note that by the time the Elvenqueen died, Thranduil had already lost three out of five of his sons. Only Gelir and Legolas remained, though he also had his daughter-in-law, Itarildë (Mirion's widow) and two grandchildren, Crown Prince Aranion (heir to the throne) and Princess Anariel.
Upon his return home to Mirkwood to bury the Elvenqueen's body, Thranduil was uncharacteristically cold and seemingly emotionless. He turned into stone (metaphorically) as a way of holding himself together, for the sake of the people who depended on him. He did not have strength left to properly comfort his family, and could only parrot the kingdom's motto, telling them they "will endure".
Gelir, the most impulsive of the Thranduilions (and second to Turhir as the most hot-tempered), lashed out in vengeful rage. Legolas just barely convinced him not to immediately ride out to seek revenge against the Orcs.
However, about three years after the Elvenqueen was laid to rest, Gelir once again tried to convince his father to allow him and Legolas to lead their armies to rejoin the Dwarves (Thrain's people) in their war against the orcs. Thranduil refused, and instead decreed that all travel to other realms was forbidden while the Dwarves fought their war.
Frustrated by this (and still grieving his mother), Gelir finally broke down and rebelled openly against the Elvenking. He attempted to leave Mirkwood on his own, only to be chased down by his father and dragged back to the Halls in chains, where he was thrown in prison.
Does this sound harsh? I take a pause in this dramatic tale to point out that Thranduil was a very, VERY good father to his sons all their lives. The Princes were over 2,000 years old by the time their mother died; not only were they adults, but they were wise enough to know that they were not exempt from their kingdom's laws, and should understand the grief their father carried from all these terrible losses. Not only did Thranduil need to demonstrate the strength of his authority, but he also refused to risk the death of another family member, even if it meant imprisoning his own child.
After the war ended in TA 2799, Gelir was finally released from prison, after being held there for 3 years. But instead of making peace with his father and submitting to the King's decrees, he openly criticized Mirkwood's isolationist policies, which had become even stricter after the Elvenqueen's death.
Legolas, caught between the two dearest people in the world to him, could not get them to reconcile their differences.
After another year of strife between father and son, Thranduil gave Gelir an ultimatum: reaffirm his fealty to the Elvenking and his laws, or be banished from the kingdom. Gelir, believing his home had become a "cage" that he refused to be locked in, chose banishment.
Gelir asked his brother to come with him, forcing Legolas to choose sides by staying with Thranduil. He remembered a prophetic plea his mother once made to him many years before her death: "above all, choose your father". His decision was also influenced by the special closeness he had with Thranduil.
Thus, Gelir left the kingdom in the winter of TA 2800, and cut off all contact with his family. Legolas was the only Thranduilion left.
For a century (TA 2800-2900), Thranduil struggled against his personal demons of anger and grief and longing to be with his beloved wife again. In spite of his depression however, he continued to govern his people effectively, but only with the help and loyalty of Legolas and his devoted daughter-in-law and grandchildren. (Note: SotWK AU does NOT accept the coldness and rift between Legolas and Thranduil as shown in the film adaptation. Legolas ultimately proves to be Thranduil's most steadfast son. The conflict between Tauriel and Thranduil, and her romance with Legolas, do not occur in SotWK either.)
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In TA 2850, when Gandalf uncovered Sauron's identity as the Necromancer--something Thranduil had suspected for centuries, but his reports went unheeded--the Elvenking slowly began to return to himself, remembering the hard battle that still needed to be fought to protect his kingdom.
In TA 2911, Thranduil even began to loosen the restrictions against traveling outside of Mirkwood, when he allowed Itarildë and Anariel to join Gandalf in giving aid to the Hobbits of the Shire during the Fell Winter, just as their family had done previously during the Long Winter (TA 2758).
By the time Thorin and his Company arrived at Mirkwood in TA 2941, the remnants of the royal house of Thranduil were back in fighting form, although the Elvenking would always carry a longing for his wife that would not be healed until their reunion in Aman over a century into the Fourth Age.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Elves HC Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @freshalmondpandadonut @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell
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Introduction to SotWK
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doubledyke · 3 months
I think that in "domestic stuff" Edd will torture Eddy. Eddy isn't a slob, but he's a lot more relaxed about it, while Edd obsessed with cleanliness and organization. I think Double D would criticize Edd for everything, including the fact that Eddy likes to buy all sorts of aesthetic “trash.” And if they work together, then Double D will probably nag often too. In short, Eddy will have a hard time if he lives with Double D :D
edd? an uptight nag? say it ain't so...
i agree that they'd BOTH have some things to work on preferably before, but definitely after they move in together. by the time they're at that point in their relationship eddy would have a pretty clear idea of what to expect living with eddward. he's seen the guy's room. and he knows how he gets when he's stressed: the nagging, the nervous chatter, the theatrics. he'd be lying if he said he didn't find it a little endearing. i don't think eddy is a total slob either but yeah he's got his habits. he'll gain a new appreciation for his mother, realizing just how much stuff she did for him that he never noticed. and he's gonna realize quickly that it's a lot easier to just not procrastinate on chores if he doesn't want to listen to edd's yapper. i don't think it'd take him long to pick up better habits. like in my fair ed, but this time it's for real.
shoes + shoe rack = happy edd
dish + sink = happy edd
clothes + hamper = happy edd
simple math.
he's not just doing it for edd though, he wants a neat space too. he's just more the type to clean when it gets gross rather than maintaining on a daily basis. edd's quick to remind him of the microscopic nature of germs.
the aggravation does go both ways. edd's not the way he is for funsies. clutter and filth make his skin crawl and he legitimately cannot relax in an unkempt space. i like to imagine edd getting hit with a reality check when he moves out to go to college and has to share a space with someone who's actually there regularly. he'd be shocked to learn how little importance most people place on tidiness. especially his level of tidiness.
anyway, he fears that his home with eddy could easily start looking like eddy's parents' - 'packrats' whose empty nest is slowly starting to fill back up - unless he keeps a strict inventory binder and cleaning schedule for all household items and areas, separated by category, and color coded with the use of-
as far as the decor, again, he saw eddy's room as a kid, he knows what to expect. i'm sure there would be items that edd would veto outright, like those tawdry leg lamps, or any non-insect taxidermy. and the dusting of so many kitschy antiques in a room containing more than its fair share of velvet upholstery would be a nightmare. buuuut he agreed to let eddy do the decorating, so i think he'd try his very hardest to keep any snide remarks to a maximum of 2 per day... it's one of many things that edd has to learn to cope with. eddy's made a million concessions for him too, after all.
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luolands · 2 years
Den Thelyss Canon
c2e57: You can see people of the drow populace sitting and reading and paying strange attention to you. Once again, it's hard not to draw attention when you guys pass by with one of the members of Den Thelyss.
Essek, c2e62: Most of my den live within the Lucid Bastion.
Essek, c2e57: The den was very kind to accept me for one as comparably young as myself. I'm only part way into my second century, so. Caleb: A great honor. Essek: It is. Anyway.
Essek, c2e62: There's three primary dens, and a dozen dens all together. Fjord: Biylan's not one of the main three, though? Essek: No. Thelyss is one.
Essek, c2e91: My mother's name is Deirta Thelyss, she is the Umavi of my den. Jester: Which den, Thelyss den? Essek: Den Thelyss, yes. One of the multitude of dens.. shall we sit?
EGtW: The three ruling Dens—Den Kryn, Den Thelyss, and Den Mirimm—are each helmed by an Umavi.
Essek, c2e91: Den Thelyss, they would like very much to see.. our nation.. established and respected? In the broader sense of the world.
Wrap-up: The only real bond Essek had before any of you was with him, growing up. Verin was the brother that kinda got him and they got along okay, in a family that Essek did not get along with at all, and was surrounded by people he didn't get along with.
Wrap-up: He'd been a solitary figure his whole life except for his relationship with his brother. He didn't get along with his parents. He didn't get along with most people in the Dynasty unless they helped him maintain and advance his position of power and influence, and so.. you guys fucked him up!
Wrap-up: As opposed to his brother, who's very much eschewed the Dynasty culture, and his parents were very deeply steeped in the culture. Verin rides the line where, he understands, why his brother is the way he is, but he also believes a lot in the Dynasty, and the faith that the Luxon and the whole idea gives.
Essek, c2e91: There is an expectation of advancement within the faith to be consecuted. I was lucky enough and privileged enough to be born within a den to where it was not questioned.
Essek, c2e91: You are guided by an Umavi through a soul binding process. It is extensive, it entails a bunch of spoken rites. It is usually observed by many individuals of various dens, especially if you belong to one. And often when you are consecuted, you are given a path to a den. The families are expansive.
EGtW: Each Den traditionally oversees a portion of local industry, but more distinguished Dens also vie for control over aspects of spiritual or military leadership.
Fjord, c2e57: What do we call you, just Shadowhand? Or is there another name you prefer? Essek: Shadowhand Essek Thelyss. Of Den Thelyss. Jester: Den Thelyss is, like, the most popular one. Nott: Sure, we know it well. That's one of the top three, is that right? Essek: It is indeed.
Leylas, c2e57: Your deed here is noted and what quarrel you have with Lythir here is seen as absolved in the eyes of us three dens.
Waccoh, c2e62: There'd be a period of time in approving of his presence to ensure that there isn't any sort of Empire interests or muck behind the history there. After which we'd have to go and get approvals from Den Thelyss.
Caleb, c2e91: And you are, forgive me, on your first life? Essek: Yes, I'm nearly the youngest of my den.
EGtW: Essek is both respected and feared for his intelligence and cunning, and he carefully plots each step he takes to further his and his Den's climb up the hierarchy of the dynasty.
EGtW: Verin Thelyss is the younger brother of Essek and the youngest soul of Den Thelyss. Recently given command of Kryn forces in Bazzoxan, Verin hopes to bring about a victory for the dynasty that will grant him respect and acceptance from his accomplished family.
Abrianna, c2e57: When one has proven their faith through word and deed, they are claimed by one of the ruling dens and taken to be soul bound to the Luxon through the consecution.
EGtW: Not all ruling Dens like the idea of introducing what they consider lesser creatures into the consecution, leading to tensions between the people of Rosohna and the scattered villages in the Xhorhasian wilds.
Beau, c2e91: What's the worst thing you've ever done? Essek: (laughs, sighs) I would say... anger my father to the point where... he went, unprepared, into the depths of Bazzoxan and didn't return.
EGtW: The ruling class of the dynasty is seated in Rosohna, spread across twelve noble Dens—all of whom seek to one day rule the dynasty. They play an intricate political game by expanding their families of timeless souls and covertly undermining the authority of other Dens.
EGtW: Den Masters keep a careful eye out for weakness among other Dens, seeking ways to sully the reputations of their rivals while displaying their own worthiness to the Bright Queen. Such social sabotage is reminiscent of the old ways of the drow, but assassinations and acts of outright violence are rare. 
EGtW: The oldest Dens, especially those helmed by an Umavi, are held in the highest esteem, and generally answer directly to the Bright Queen. The older the soul, the more prestige it holds in the dynasty.
EGtW: Within the Lucid Bastion's halls, the Bright Queen, her trusted Umavi, and their Dens work to govern and protect all citizens of the Kryn Dynasty.
EGtW: Beneath the Dens of Rosohna, guilds and Den representatives govern the other cities of the dynasty that stretch across Xhorhas, spreading the faith of the Luxon and watching over all Xhorhasians who seek the safety of civilization.
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anonymouspuzzler · 6 months
Hey, Puzz— hey!! Look OVER hERE
• Between Buck and Davey, who's the neat freak and the messy partner of the relationship (or like. Who is. The one who. Cleans often while the other makes a mess lol)?
• How does the trio personally unwind after a long day of work?
• What's their favourite chores if they like doing em?
• Who would be most likely to get excited abt buying new sponges and dishwashing soap...... (I personally am very guilty of this LMAOOO)
• Who is most likely to impulsively buy. Things?
• Does any of the trio collect things? Ik Minnie likes animals a lot but I'm talking more of. Trinkets and stuff. And if so, what would they usually collect? (Can they show me..... /Nf)
Found myself suddenly thinking of domestic fluff for your OCs while I was washing dishes woops ehehehe. I'm also a sucker for. The mundane and the sweet little things that can happen during that 👍
Generally speaking, Buck's the neat freak of the two - Davey isn't exactly a mess by any means, but he's pretty laid-back about stuff, whereas Buck likes things A Certain Way and spends a lot of his free time on chores and tidying stuff up. (It's exactly the opposite in their workspace, though. Davey's Actually Professionally Trained and tends to try and keep tools and supplies properly cared for and sorted and such, and their tech and whatnot maintained as professionally as he can manage, whereas Buck is full. yeah yeah just slap some duct tape on that bad boy. put another fan down there to deal with that thing that keeps spewing smoke. it's fine. don't be a baby about it)
Davey's big on just putting something on TV or playing video games to unwind, as is Minnie. Buck kind of does the same, but he's more about just kind of sitting back and having something making noise in the background vs. actively watching or doing something, if that makes sense. Minnie also enjoys doing some reading (as does Buck on occasion, but to a much lesser extent, and not usually after he's been working and is already exhausted), and Davey will occasionally take a jog to wind down if he's got the energy to spare. (Buck and Davey are also big on some good ol' fashioned post-work Casual Physical Affection, but less so now that Minnie's living with them. They Will Not Be Making Out In Front Of Their Niece Actually)
Buck, despite complaining, actually generally likes most if not all chores. He likes getting his living spaces Clean and In Order! Davey and Minnie, by contrast, are pretty ambivalent at best to chores - I don't think there's any they'd say they "like." (Secretly Minnie's come to enjoy helping to keep the workshop clean, though.)
Buck. One Hundred Percent Buck. Davey and Minnie Do Not Understand but like Davey at least is happy his boyfriend's happy.
They all have their weaknesses for this, with asterisks - Minnie's both an impulsive shithead 13 year old and actually Very Recently comes from a background where she Could just kind of buy whatever without consequences, so in that respect she's the most likely. Davey, meanwhile, likes little useless trinkets and such and can be a little bit driven by impulse on occasion, but 1) he's a reasonable adult who has learned, sometimes the hard way, that he doesn't need and shouldn't have everything that briefly strikes his fancy, and 2) if he decides he wants it anyway he's a supervillain he's just gonna steal it. he don't have money lmao. Buck is the least likely EXCEPT that he's very susceptible to like... dark pattern type marketing-slash-game things? What I'm trying to say is Buck spent a lot of money on Cookie Run until Davey got it off his phone and password locked the app store
Davey collects video games! especially older ones he played growing up. He's also got a soft spot for weird old technology in general, but doesn't actively seek it out so much, though occasionally Buck or someone like the Junkyard Queens'll gift him something they find along those lines. Speaking of I guess technically Buck collects junk and scrap and such to tinker with. Like i Guess that counts
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galactic-pirates · 7 days
for the ship ask, since I didn't go with them: B'elanna and Seven?
Tumblr media
I have to be honest I hadn't really thought about them too much until I saw some B7 posts. They interact so rarely :(
But the more I thought about them, and the more posts I read - I'm sorry I know I should link them but I'm not sure I reblogged them (I know, I'm mad at myself too) so they are long lost and tumblr search is garbage. Anyway, it just seemed to make sense.
They are outsiders - half Klingon, half Borg. Both struggle with that dual nature and that they don't fit. For B'elanna she's too human to be Klingon, but too Klingon to be human. I wonder sometimes how much of her famous "klingon temper" is performative, and more out of frustration than anything. One of the amazing metas I read talked about klingon courting, and how B'elanna was a poet (which is the role males take in klingon society).
As someone who has internalised a lot of societal bullshit, I feel like B'elanna doesn't accept herself. It's hard to say given when Voyager aired whether it was so heteronormative due to the time period, or if those attitudes do still have hold of parts of the Federation. Given how different B'elanna feels because of her heritage, I wonder if she didn't do any sort of self-analysis, and pushed away anything that didn't fit the very traditional mould, as she wants to be 'normal' (in her eyes) in one area. Hence clinging to her relationship with Tom even though it doesn't seem to make her happy. Like she doesn't think relationships should be happy.
Contrast this with Seven who as Borg I'd argue had no real concept of gender or sexuality - they were Borg and that's all that mattered. But her guide to all things 'human' was the Doctor who was very cis hetero in what he pushed on her. I'd say she tried to adapt, thinking what the Doctor said was the way, only to learn later she had some stuff to unlearn. That the world wasn't that rigid and she could make her own choices. That they weren't wrong - that there is no wrong, only preference.
I would love to explore a concept of how B'elanna and Seven could have worked while still on Voyager. They definitely had their moments. I love how B'elanna respected Seven enough to be honest. There was that exchange where B'elanna told Seven she was rude but it was without judgement. Or when they talked about going back to Earth and B'elanna pointed out as a Marquis she wouldn't be welcome either, aligning herself with Seven.
However, I feel that anything more than friendship with them is most likely to evolve post-return. We don't know I think for sure (possibly novels covered it, but I don't know how 'canon' they are?) what happened to B'elanna. I personally headcanon that she didn't rejoin StarFleet but that Tom did. Instead B'elanna moved into some kind of R&D engineering because she is brilliant. At the same time we know that Seven started drifting and ended up with the Fenris Rangers. I feel like B'elanna and Tom's marriage wouldn't survive the long-distance, the pressure from Tom's family, their different career goals etc. I think it's possible they had a second "let's stay together" child, and then realised they worked better as co-parents/friends.
Also I feel like B'elanna, away from Voyager, and faced with bringing up another part-klingon (or two), and as all good parents do wanting better for her kids, finally had the space and the inclination to do a little soul-searching. I think the Voyager crew maintained some sporadic contact. We know Harry gave Seven a model of Voyager. So B'elanna hearing Seven is in the sector and going "hey want to get drinks" is perfectly plausible. Not as a date, just as friends catching up, but then they talk (and drink) and they do have a lot in common. Going back to what I said at the start about not fitting in this world, not being any one thing, and so a foot in both camps and at home in none.
I can't see them as a "happy ever after" type romance. I feel it would be more like "sometimes girlfriends" as everytime they are on the same ship/planet they'd hook up. Not serious, and not exclusive, but over time it becomes perhaps one of the more stable and long-term relationships that either of them ever have. They don't live together, but if anything happens they know they can call, and the other will be there no questions asked.
So yeah I ship them.
Send me a ship
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outpost51 · 8 months
for atria, quinn, zadimus, and dillon:
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
OC Emoji Asks
here we gO
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
atria -- lol all of them
quinn -- i don't think she has any? like of the group, she's the only one that's moderately well-adjusted until chapter 21 oops sorry quinn
dillon -- guilt, i think? specifically, guilt about cutting up and having fun while daisy is all [vague hand gesture] yeah. yeah.
zadimus -- absolutely none this is a lie
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
atria -- GREAT question, it's..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [mumbles into hand] anyway she liked celebrating it while her mom was alive, had a rough patch for a few years, understandably so, and then her family manages to drag it out of her and throw mad parties
quinn -- october 10th! she's a libra, and you will be given cake at drone-point, so help her god. now, getting her to sit down and not bake her own cake is an exercise in patience and dodging knives
dillon -- march 27! aries bb. even when daisy's having her zombie issues, she still likes celebrating with her sister, and obviously cheryl would be distraught if she didn't get to spoil her little dilly pickle on her special day
zadimus -- after a few centuries or so, the calendars change so much and the exact day tends to get lost somewhere along the way, but he knows it's somewhere in autumn and just sort of. picks a day at random, preferably with nice weather and crunchy leaves on the ground. obviously the vain bitch LOVES celebrating his own birthday and he's making it everyone else's problem
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
atria -- she acts like she's not but she's terrified of dying, especially alone or where no one can find her
quinn -- death, but also lizards
dillon -- HEIGHTS god she's so scared of heights, she is SMALL, she doesn't want to be tall or high up, she won't even go on a step stool
zadimus -- nothing :D this is also a lie
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
atria -- all the ones with her mom in them
quinn -- the first time she jumped off a swing at the top of its arc (she also broke her arm SO bad from it)
zadimus -- he doesn't have many memories from his childhood, and none of them vivid, mostly because he didn't have a very happy one and he's also old as dinosaur shit
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
atria -- betrayal, like. she doesn't trust easy so the second you break that, she's gone. she doesn't tend to form deep attachments very often, so she lets go pretty easy most of the time
quinn -- she's got a long fuse, but stringing her along, maybe? using her. she has a hard time letting go of people though, even the ones that she's cut out
dillon -- getting between her and her family. she also doesn't trust easy and tends to shrug off people that are out of her life
zadimus -- when the mutual benefit fizzles out. if he's not getting something out of it, he's really not... interested in maintaining a relationship, platonic or otherwise.
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
atria -- 3/10 ease of trust, good luck ever seeing her back. she's been betrayed before, but once you've gained her loyalty, she's loyal as shit until you stab her back first. even then, she's really not the betrayal type.
quinn -- 8/10 ease of trust, won't turn her back to a stranger though. she hasn't been backstabbed, but she has been hurt pretty bad, and she's not the betrayal type.
dillon -- 5/10 ease of trust, doesn't give her back to many people, hasn't been backstabbed so much as she's been bullied to hell and back, and she's not the betrayal type.
zadimus -- 3/10 ease of trust, won't give his back to anyone except for like. three people in history, has been betrayed, would sell you to satan for a single corn chip, but once he's loyal (rare), he's loyal.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
atria -- her original iteration was a spectre trainee, so big change there.
quinn -- i don't think she's actually changed at all? she's had the most consistent characterization
dillon -- no changes!
zadimus -- also no changes!
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
atria -- she burrows in bed and keeps her space super cold so she can have like. a ton of pillows and blankets and fishdog and--
quinn -- she has a nice singing voice 🥺 like maybe it's not the fluffiest headcanon (is it a headcanon if they're my own ocs?) but quinn singing lullabies to atria lives rent free in my head ok
dillon -- secretly likes being picked up, like. a lot.
zadimus -- serial snuggler, but also likes. you know when birds are in a bird bath? that. but in the rain and shower.
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silversiren1101 · 10 months
23 for Hellpair, pleaseee
Thank you for asking about my blorbos Min because I NEED to talk about them
Questions here
23 - How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
Minovae is very physically affectionate. Regill is not... really. I'll get to him in a sec because Mino is the easiest answer!
She is full physical affection, needing to touch Regill whenever near just as much as she needs food and water. To her, touch is proof. Touch is real. Touch is the only thing that means it isn't just fantasy and that she has him for real like she's always wanted but never dared hope for. Aware of their station during the Crusade though, she is relatively reserved in public. She absolutely believes they fully have the right to be in a relationship and deserve love and personal lives, but also knows that there's a sort of decorum they need to maintain. Holding hands and exchanging kisses in front of the troops? In front of their staff? In front of allies? No, no, she knows better and he would be mortified himself. That being said... whenever they're out of public eye she is stealing kisses and touches where she can. Even just the briefest little pecks and moments when the hallway clears or before a meeting starts. She can't help it - she's got a century of built-up unrequited love that is only just barely contained by her consideration of his boundaries and fear of overwhelming and chasing him away! He acquiesces but it's not as necessary for him.
Unfortunately, her tail is a bit of a traitor! Her sheer need to touch him though tends to manifest in her tail which is more than eager to betray her façade of respectability. If she's careless it'll slither over and rest against his boot if he's close enough without her realizing it. It'll brush against him when she passes or turns away from him. Ganzi tails tend to have a mind of their own, representing the core of their current emotions, and boy does she have a hard time repressing it when they get together.
Moving on from touches - kisses! She prefers full on lip kisses rather than cheek or elsewhere; she wants the real thing when she can get it. In more tender moments (that aren't sexual) she kisses his bleaching fingers and the scar running across his palm to his shoulder where he died protecting her. It's a message of gratitude and devotion both from her in her mind, and he has a difficult time to responding with just how he feels when she does it (pretty overwhelming as to be confusing and quieting)
Now, hugs? The tail is in charge here. With their size difference most of her hugs are led by her tail pulling him in close and coiling around him. Full-body snuggles and cuddles are a little easier when they're not standing, if you get my drift.
HOPELESS! I've written before that with her previous line of work as a scourge investigator and her previous life as a bard, she is a skill fake flirt. When there aren't any feelings, she is incredible charming and suave - all to get whatever info she needs from the subjects of her investigation.
When there are real feelings she is a blushing, stammering, clumsy-tongued mess. She is prone to laughing and getting easily flustered, just no game at all! Regill finds it endearing, since he's seen first hand her false charms and how effective it seems with how often it worked.
Regill rarely needs comforting in the traditional sense. If he is disquieted from anything (usually when she's severely injured or he's feared for her life and health) the only way he can be 'comforted' is just with her being near, which of course is what she needs at all times anyways. She is a terrible patient and hates being a burden, but if he really seems upset (in his own way) about her health she will try to settle tight and listen to his orders if only to reassure him and his worries. It's... not easy. What is easy is just lying in his arms and letting him hold her protectively, which is just as comforting for her as well.
Regill is not really a toucher out of need to touch so much as he's not very verbally affectionate. It's much easier for him to convey his love for her through action and touch, since it's a major one of her love languages and he can reciprocate in a way that she appreciates and understands. He's more often than not amused when her tail sneakily comes his way, where he'll rub the heel of his boot against it or briefly rub his hand down the top feathers.
In private, he does find himself absentmindedly stroking her tail and threading his fingers through its feathers when they're sharing their evenings in their quarters before the hearth or going over reports or reading in bed.
Rarely is he ever in need of a kiss because Mino comes and gets the ones she needs when she needs 'em! Still, if they're both busy and he comes to the sudden realization at the end of the day that they haven't seen much of each other, he'll dutifully find her and give her attention knowing how much more she needs it than he does.
He prefers lip kisses as well, but will kiss her on the brow in private when they're snuggling since it holds a lot of sentimental value for them both.
Doesn't really happen on his own initiative outside of private/end of day cuddling, sleeping, and sex.
Regill doesn't flirt. Not... intentionally. It's more like he'll say something with such complete earnesty and intensity that to Mino he is flirting with her. In his mind he's just saying facts. For her... it's irresistible.
"You're beautiful, that hasn't changed."
"Get your pants off. Now."
He's not deliberately trying to be flirty or sexy so much as to her it just kind of is.
Mino is in far more need of comfort than she realizes at even the best of times, and quite stubborn about asking for it... and in denial too. With how long he's known her and having seen her most inner sense of self he knows all the signs of when she's struggling and feels it his duty as her partner and husband to resolve them in any way he can.
Touching, kissing, cancelling unimportant meetings for her/taking over them, delegating her work to others when possible (though she feels awful about this and will fight him if she catches him before it's done), positive affirmations of her competency and reassurances of her merits, sex - whatever it takes to keep her from falling apart again.
None of it is coddling. He knows what she can and can't handle but also knows what battles she should take on vs those that aren't worth her time or health. He doesn't think of her as insufficient or slacking in her duties or a weakling, he sees her as someone facing impossible odds and still choosing to stand and fight to uphold her duty. He loves it about her as much as it stresses and worries him. The least he can do is stand with her and do what he can to even her odds, in his mind.
To her, having someone in her corner is more comforting than anything she's ever had in her life.
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KinnPorsche Theory time.
I’m starting to think everyone is faking it!
I think Tankhun is faking it - maybe his mom told him it was the only way to avoid the manipulation of his father. Maybe he realized it was the best way to protect his younger brothers. But I don’t think he wanted to fight with his brothers, as is the family tradition. I think acting crazy is the way he’s protecting them. Of keeping in the house, integrated into everything yet being beyond suspicion.
There was a scene where Korn had the two beta fish in acrylic clear boxes - and it looked like there was an empty third box in the background. (Around the last ep or two, Korn was sitting outside on his porch talking with Chan) three boxes, three brothers. Someone who had been ruled out… I think that represents Tankhun. But if he’s been faking it that will be the ultimate SURPRISE MTHfKR! This is also delicious because it takes a certain brand of psycho to take that type of crazy for so long… can you imagine if one day he showed up in a suit with a serious face and just shot someone in the face?!! Chilling…
I think Kim is faking it. He definitely knows more about his family business and all the things his father does and hides. Moving out, spying around, secret conversations with daddy - I think he knows what’s up too / and just like his oldest brother he’s “hiding in plain sight” by moving out, getting into music, feigning disinterest in the family biz. No one keeps a murder board like that if they aren’t plotting.
I think Tey and Time are 100% faking it. I think Korn has had them keeping tabs on Kinn since they were little. They are plants, just like Porsche’s fake uncle. I think their romantic relationship may not even be real, it’s just a guise to put Kinn at ease. They may have come to genuinely like Kinn and even love each other / but the guilt over lying to their friend and deceiving him is crushing that. The way they both skidaddled when Korn arrived at Porsche’s house… something is rotten in Denmark. That’s when it occurred to me these kids were brought in so that Kinn could have friends. Like his dad rigging the music competition. Like the dad in Cheese in the Trap who brought in fake friends for his son.
Obviously Porsche’s mom is faking it. I have no idea what’s going on there - but she’s not really a zombie. I think Korn probably suspects it too because he locked her up in his house, not in a facility. If he really thought she was not a threat to him he would have dumped her in a fancy hospital or country house somewhere.
Perhaps Kinn knows more than he’s letting on too. I don’t know. He could be the “innocent” in the family. Or maybe he’s got even more secrets than his brothers - and we’ll find out he’s been some sort of silent mastermind this whole time.
I do know that it’s hard to imagine Porsche maintaining control of his wing of the mafia. I don’t think he has any of the skills necessary - not an understanding of the business side of things, not a grasp of the human management side of things, and I definitely don’t see him having someone’s head cut off. Sure, he’s killed in a gun fight… but that’s being a worker bee. Killing for gain is a queen bee move. I guess as long as he follows queen bee Kinn’s orders he’ll be fine…
Anyways. That’s my theories. In summary:
Tey & Time, they’ve been reporting to papa Korn.
Tankhun could be faking it.
Porsche’s mom definitely faking it.
What do ya’ll think?
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Happy STS! It's time to know about the thoughts that keep your oc(s) up at night; what cringey memory still haunts them to this day? -HD
Hello! Happy Storyteller Saturday to you too.
This is a very interesting question, so thanks for that. To be honest, I haven't really thought deeply about this for all of my characters... but I have a couple of ideas for some of them that are actually made relevant within their arcs throughout the story.
Here are some of the memories/thoughts that haunt the characters in my main WIP:
Not really cringy, but she has a lot of crazy intrusive thoughts/nightmares about her late foster sister Melanie. They had a complicated relationship... Mel tried her best to be nice, and welcome Steph into her home, but Steph never fully grew to like or trust her, or any of her foster family members tbh. They fought a lot and ended up on bad terms. After a serious altercation between them, Stephanie has had enough and runs away from home. Shortly after running away, she hears that Mel is dead, and feels super guilty that her last interaction with her foster sister was a fight over something small. (Her dreams get progressively more intense as the story goes on... from basic petty arguments to violent vicious beatdowns that end with Mel getting severely injured. Stephanie gets troubled by her dreams and doesn't know how to deal with them.)
Stephanie is in a serious romantic relationship with a guy named Ben, who eventually has to leave the country for a year due to this work opportunity he got. So they go long distance for a while, and its really hard for her... to the point where she starts getting really paranoid about the possibility of Ben cheating on her (and even has nightmares about it). She tells her friends about her dreams and worries, and they find it funny lol (since it doesn't sound like something Ben would do). This embarrasses Steph a lot.
Usually a happy character but has her fair share of not-so-happy moments and memories lol. She used to love getting involved in school things, but kind of withdraws later on due to this really complicated family incident... (this is sort of a spoiler for a future post, but imma say it anyway) Her older brother Adam got his girlfriend pregnant while he was still at school, which was a difficult thing for her family to deal with. It was tough for her, too (I mean, her brother ended up getting kicked out! Luckily, she's still managed to maintain a close relationship with him tho), especially once the rest of the school found out about it. It became the main conversation topic everywhere she went. She'd even get teased about it (especially in her old choir that she was a part of. The rumours and teasing got so much for El that she just couldn't be there anymore, despite how much she loved it).
She asked out a crush from her old school, and got rejected in a really embarrassing way lol. He ended up telling everyone else in their class about it, making fun of the way she phrased the question. By the end of the day, even her sister knew (and she goes to a different school). Alice was humiliated, and this affected the way she views romance and dating to this day.
These are the main ones... although, I'm sure I could think about more examples for the other characters if I tried.
Hope this answers your question! This was really fun and interesting to think about. Thanks again!
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cadybear420 · 3 months
22, 24 and 27 for Jo!
And 19 and 39 for Harper <33
22. What regrets do they have, if any? (From any part of the story, not just exposition.)
Not taking any initiative to help maintain her and her group's friendship after Jane's death. Sure, no one else really did the same outside of Stacy checking up on Dan during his hard times, but she still feels she had some responsibility.
To this day, she's not fully sure why she grew away from the rest of the group. She thinks most likely, it was the fear of losing one, more, or all of them next– hence, a lot of the relationships she made following the incident tended to be very impersonal. It wasn't bad, but during the events of ILITW she would begin to realize how much she missed the closeness she'd had with the group.
24. From childhood to their current age, how has your character changed?
As a kid, she was very feisty, bubbly, and curious. She had a sense of adventure, and she loved the idea of being able to protect her friends.
Jane's death scarred her badly. She lost her drive for adventure, and she lost a lot of her drive for close relationships. But her drive for protection... well, self-protection anyways, would still be maintained. She began to place great value on self-sustenance: doing things for herself, being able to live on her own, being able to fend for herself.
The events of ILITW sort of re-awakened her friendships with the others and her drive for closer relationships, and her protective side came back stronger than ever.
Deciding who should take Jane's place was an easy decision for her. Noah did say he hoped he'd be the one to take Jane's place, and she wasn't about to get lost from her friends again barely 2 months after rekindling friendships with them. But over time, she'd start to feel guilty over it, wondering if it'd maybe have been more noble for her to take Jane's place. This would motivate her to spend time helping Redfield!Noah when she eventually discovered him. Which also caused her more anxiety because for a lot of that time, she wasn't yet ready to tell the others about Redfield!Noah. She stayed in close touch with them since the events of ILITW, but feared they'd grow apart again.
After the events of ILW, there seemed to be a sense of peace for her and her friends. There was more time for them to spend just... being together, without having to deal with any monsters. And she was even able to get Noah back. With all that in mind, she doesn't want to dwell on the past incidents anymore. She wants to move on, but also do her damndest to maintain her closeness with the group.
27. How does your character view themselves? (Expectations, intelligence, confidence, self-belief, etc.)
For the most part, she is very self-assured. She felt experienced in her self-sustenance skills, her ability to protect herself and her friends. She was very proud and shameless about her GNC identity. She wouldn't dwell much over bullies or bigots most of the time; they meant nothing to her in the end. In the years leading up to the events of ILITW, she never felt she had much to be guilty over. But over the course of ILB and ILW's timelines, a lot of that would start to falter. But she would eventually be able to make peace with it all after the events of ILW.
19. Summarize your character's goals in one sentence.
As simple as it sounds... she just wants to live her life in peace.
39. What does your character have yet to realize about themselves?
Probably her heritage and her family tree, particularly on their mom's side. Her mom was never really able to share much about it. Learning about their connection to the power because of being Josephine's granddaughter had her a bit shook, but they also knew they needed to look more into it.
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markets · 7 months
hey angie, best friend anon here. yeah i dont mind! sorry if this is a little disjointed i really haven't talked about this before.
so she broke up with me and it wasn't necessarily a messy breakup but i was very overwhelmed when it happened so i didn't say very much and the conversation felt a little unfinished? but we were both emotional about it so we were giving each other space and she had been going through some other personal stuff and posting about it on social media. so i think i reached out just being like 'hey, i know we aren't together anymore but i still care about you, hope you're ok etc. etc.' and we gradually started talking to each other casually again.
before we broke up it was super long phone calls every day sort of thing but we were back down to like a couple of texts. we ran in the same friend circles though and this was while i was in high school, so hard to avoid each other completely anyways.
it definitely took a long time, im not even sure how long exactly, at least a year before we were really good friends and not just casual ones. especially when we had been going everywhere together and doing everything together previously. full honesty, it's rough. it's going to take time and effort to get back anywhere close to how it used to be and in my experience it has to go slow. it's absolutely going to feel awkward at first. i wanted to jump right back to how we were. i wanted the long calls back. i wanted to walk to the park on our lunch breaks again. but i guess more importantly, when i took a step back, i realized what i wanted more than anything was to be there for her. i just wanted her in my life, in whatever capacity i could have, i couldn't imagine giving that up. so i treated it a bit like a friend you knew who had moved away and come back, if that makes sense. and eventually we graduated and our friend groups fell apart and we were the only ones who stuck together. maybe it comes down to commitment? if you want that connection enough and you try your best to maintain it, it does last and get better/stronger over time.
the hardest thing i think was watching her get in other relationships. and not out of jealousy like some people might think but because some of them were really, really shitty people. and the first time that happens it will be like watching any other friend be in a shitty relationship that you can't talk them out of. except you know, quite possibly intimately, that they can do so much better. even better than you and absolutely better than these new people. and she confided a lot in me about her relationships once we were close again. which was also weird sometimes because in some ways you might see a place where you went wrong or where the new person reminds you of yourself and you'll just get this feeling that you're seeing an outsider point of view of your own previous relationship. idk how to describe it. also the first time i walked into her new house after she moved in with her current and longest gf, i felt a bit like being hit by a truck and seeing a possible timeline where that could've been me because we're very similar. but in a way that's a whole story of its own im sure i don't need to go off on. anyways this is extremely long but i hoped that something out of this helped in some way.
anon this kind of gutted me im ngl i was going to log out for the night but aside from the stuff that specifically pertains to your situation at the beginning i literally felt like i was reading something written by my future self if that makes sense. i so completely understand what you mean about wanting to speed past the awkwardness and go back to where you were and just needing to be there for the other person in some way shape or form. the thing about commitment was also reassuring bc one of the reasons i feel so rushed about all this is that i am graduating relatively soon so i dont really have the time to take idk a year off from us (i probably wouldn’t do it even if i could but just a hypothetical) or even a few months and then start building it back up to were we were. but im really committed to making this work even after we all go off to university. also i had just been avoiding thinking about the whole new relationships thing but it was still good to get some perspective on it so yeah thank you so much anon i really do wish you luck with all this
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kay-oc-rambles · 10 months
Elise Thackerey wears her father's old coat from his days of maintaining the country's Master Horologium, the clock which all other timepieces in the country are set by.
Elise was 15 when her father suddenly disappeared, and despite official investigators efforts to keep her away from the case for her own safety, her keen eye lead her to be the one to find her father's body a year later. The circumstances surrounding his death are still a mystery however.
Elise decided to become a missing persons investigator not only in the hopes of helping others to find their loved ones alive, but in order to continue looking into what lead to her father's disappearance & subsequent demise.
Elise has a heart condition that necessitated surgery for a mechanical implant to keep her heart going. Growing up, her father made sure to keep the implant in perfect working order between check-ups. As a kid she would tease him for being overprotective. After his disappearance, her health initially took a nosedive but with his notes, she was able to continue her own maintenance. Now in her mid 20s though, she realizes that she's running out of time. A mechanical heart can only work for so long, and her doctors are surprised she's managed to keep going as long as she has (to which she credits her father's technical abilities & his extensive notes).
Elise is extremely detail oriented and her keen eye allows her to pick up on even the most subtle of clues. She's been accused on many occasions of being paranoid or even simply making things up, but her deductions are inevitably proven right every time. Her passion for her job is a double edged blade; she cares deeply about helping as many people as she can even after their cases are closed, yet her work takes up all her time and she has no social life (even before her life turned upside down, she had a hard time connecting with her peers, as her ability to read just about anyone like an open book caused a lot of friction; she eventually learned to be careful about what she says, but that inner turmoil still hinders any attempts at forming any sort of relationship).
The few times when her work life slowed down enough for her to have any spare time outside of that & investigating her father, she fell into depression. She had no family or friends to reach out to. No hobbies or pets to take her mind off things. It got bad. Like "what if I just let my heart stop" bad. Her boss noticed & made her start seeing a therapist. She ends up adopting a cat named Lattice & starts collecting keys, as well as making her own decorative keys. Whenever she's out of town on a case, the landlord (who owns several cats anyway) takes care of Lattice.
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