#but sometimes i feel kinda insecure about my design
squuote · 1 month
i need to draw my narrator design like a lot. i need to draw him to death or until i truly get sick of this guy. proper narrator burnout
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attyattlaw · 5 months
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cross posting yesterday's rambling thread for posterity and because tumblr lets me edit things. anyway this is a sorta long thing and i might add things i forgot to mention in the twt thread
i tend to draw on-model canon because im a coward + just personal preferences. but the way i convert the canon designs into my artstyle is that i take the distinct features oda gives them and then combine it with personal headcanons to complete what should look like a unique human. Starting with Trafalgar Law, who is unfortunately a bland-ass conventionally pretty boy
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someone commented a while ago the law hat drawing tutorial i made a while ago didn't make much sense and i realize its bc of the specific way i draw law's face: heart shaped (ba-dum-tss). That meaning, a narrow chin widening into a mild defined jaw, wide cheekbones, and up to his know-it-all brain dome.
given that, the pudgy guitar pick shape of his head i mentioned here should make a lot more sense.
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i don't think this design point is unique to me, as most conventional pretty anime boy gets given jaws like this. a lot of law artists tend to veer into this head shape. just how life be sometimes. other points: flat, thick eyebrows is bc im a hairy gal and i need to feel better about myself.
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Killer gets to be more interesting, because he shouldn't be considered conventionally attractive. my idea behind killer's is that those individual features is smth he would be insecure with enough to hide himself in a helmet but i draw him with all the love in the world actually. i'd like to think its how kid sees him or yknow, law, bc he's my kin assigned blorbo and maybe you ship lawkill as a guilty pleasure too i mentioned before (and ruined people's days) when i said whenever i draw killer he looks like griffith before i put on his goatee. the upper half of his face is distinctly feminine, with the lower half kinda over compensating. other than that uhh...idk. stan killer
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Kidd is the bane of my existence, i feel like i can never draw his face consistently. yet at the same time he's so damn fun to draw everyone gotta try it.
my problem with kidd is that this mf does have eyelids. most kidd painters out there interpret this as him having deep set eyes (think Matt Smith or jeffrey star) . and yeh skill issue on me i should practice that. other notes, i try to make him younger than canon makes him look. he is my babygirl and he deserves to look cuddly. my band au kidd version has the honor of being allowed some chubs. he's just tries to look older and more menacing with edgy makeup. also i try to give him dimples when i can because, well i can.
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Rosinante last bc i lost steam after kidd. the thing abt cora is that aside from not having eyebrows, everything is structured with the generic one piece man template. which means i gotta do everything myself doffy is there bc the way to figure out how to draw these two is to give them minor differences from each other, that being doffy gets slightly sharper features. in canon, these two are also rly wide boys (more of an oda style feat tbh) but i make them long. though bigger brained donquixote artists know that of these two brothers, doffy should be the wiry-er built. anyway that's it. in conclusion, i need to draw more girls actually i feel like im becoming misogynistic by osmosis from oda's style and now i draw girls all looking the same too.
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bitethedustfools · 9 months
New sagau idea?
This is my first time posting something on tumblr but I just wanna say that I'm getting tired of seeing the imposter! sagau au where the player/creator is so forgiving once they were declared innocent and not the imposter or something like that.
The eldritch one was good but kinda expecting to go to the dark territory. The yandere one is kinda okay but need more spicy with the creator personality. The one with letter is wholesome in a way but I'm a picky person and the player's personality is just not to my taste.
So uh, I'm just gonna drop some ideas to spice some new inspiration or something. Apologize if these aus/ideas already exist.
Indifferent god/player
You play the game to pass time, you don't even bother speaking, only staying silent the whole duration and maybe murmuring some dissapointing things on the characters when they don't reach your expectation. The characters designs are nice and maybe the personality but you don't give a damn about them. You probably don't read their story or voiceline or something. But anyway, whether they have sobs story or not, you already have enough and don't care as well.
Almost everything bore you and the only thing that keep you going is the curiousity for the ending so you tried to level up and give them the best artifacts so you can speed run or something.
Once you are inside the game, the first thing you do is sigh loudly.
You dont know who the hell is the creator they speak of that finally arrived in Teyvat cause your day is ruined from being approached by the characters who won't leave you alone. (You got that divine presence and distant looks in your eyes that made them tremble with realisation when in fact you're just annoyed with them, never giving them a single glance. "out of sight, out of mind")
You are the Watcher of Teyvat, the God of all Gods and you are finally descending to Teyvat which you create "lovingly" with your bare hands. (Not that you know about that)
Now the characters feeling towarda you can be varies. The characters may be feeling grateful because you helped them getting stronger which may lead to stronger devotion.
Your hurtful comments back in your previous world sometimes drove them insane which may lead them feeling desperate and insecure, ashamed and upset as well as letting their self confidence dwindled. Sometimes they questioned themselves why aren't they abandoned yet and why are they gifted with powerful artifacts instead? So lots misunderstandings here.
The Archons probably go crazy trying to figure out how to please you. Wanting to be by your side and show you how Teyvat came to be under their rule and after that. Use them however you wish, the rules of Teyvat bend to your will and all will act according to you. Maybe that's why their gnoses is in the form of chess pieces? For you to play and use with?
The Fatui harbingers probably have complicated feelings about you. But most probably are upset that you don't give a damn about them or glad that what they are doing doesn't offended you in the slightest and encouraging what they are doing because they thought you have no problem with what they are doing.
Can go yandere route I guess but none what the characters did will ever entered your eyes because you don't give a f*ck about them. Period. No feelings or heart to heart talk.
2) Introvert simping god/player
You are a Genshin Impact lover. You buy every merchandise possible and owned so many of their cosplay. You are probably the top 5 best genshin gamer and made some theories judging by what the game had shown you. No characters can escape your gushing as praises bullet out of your mouth. Nothing in the game could escape you cause you love them so much.
Unfortunately, as much as you love them from the roots of their hair to their fine shoes and the blackest and goodest of hearts, you don't want to be in their world.
Because you are an introvert and a simp! These combinations can't be good if you are to meet one of them!
The solution? Hide.
Needless to say, your ability to become one with the background unintentionally shut off your heavenly divine presence. You became the world's best hider, no Fatui could ever catch a glimpse of your shadow nor an Adeptus nor Archons. Always a game of mouse and cats yet theres no progress in catching the skittish mouse.
You refuse to meet them and can only look from a far. Staring with awe when they fought or walk or talk or whatever they do. It's like seeing an idol in a way.
In short, you're a stalker.
When they learn about how you look like, every place is not safe anymore. Everyone is looking for you, eager to meet you. But not you. By the power of cosplay, it's easy to avert meeting them.
And now, you are not the only world's best hider but the world's best at disguising themself as well.
3) Eldritch god/player
What if Teyvat is only one and the players is many? When you descend to Teyvat, some said you are tall, some said you are short and others said you are a male and another the opposite sex. They even said your hair was curly and black but the other refuted, saying yours was wavy and blonde.
Introducing you. A god who is all yet one individual. A god whose everything changes from one person to another's respectives. Sometimes the same person see you in a different appearance which confused many.
Your whole being is unpredictable, sometimes you're upset and then happy and then angry, all in the blink of a moment. even your accents changes, following the tongue of the one who is speaking currently.
Sometimes, when the feeling is getting intense, mostly anger, the face(s) morph into something horrible as if it couldn't decide which face(s) to take (or was it these players are feeling the same thing at once?) or what language to speak, resulting in gibberish words falling out your many mouth(s). Your eyes however are staring at the cause of your feelings, (enemy? the one that hurts you? experiment purpose?) All varieties of colours ranging from hazelnut to black.
The Archons are regal and full of divine aura, beautiful and something worthy to behold and worship.
But you are a different existence, leaning toward the dark and gory side than the Archons or the whole Teyvat.
But you are still a god, the God of all Gods.
Are you worthy to be loved and worshipped and to be behold?
Yes? No?
You're not you and you're also not them. Yet you are you and you are them.
Acceptance and violence, you have no problem to choose.
The feelings of the many you(s) are distorted and cannot be comprehend.
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rotten-corpses-blog · 10 months
Slasher men with a southern reader
Hey! so something is up with my tumblr, I started writing someone's request, saved it to drafts and now its gone...
So I wrote this, because i'm a little southern girlie (Help i'm dying down here) If, you aren't southern, or are and don't have the same experience as me, that's ok. I'm writing this from what I delt with as a kid living in the Southern United States.
Characters: JD, Billy Loomis, Stu Matcher..... Content Warning: mentions of bigotry, and republicans, poverty and food insecurity mentions
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 JD is actually from Texas, so I don’t think he would really have a problem with any accents or anything of that nature.
 Depending on where you are from in the south is also important, he understands Texas culture… not any other parts of the south. (yes there is different culture depending on where you are, some parts use different words and phrases than others, food is also different) 
He would be understanding about family who have… different political opinions and all that.
He gets the poverty and food insecurity, because he saw that stuff traveling around from place to place.
Billy is from California, he grew up with none of the stuff you did so he’s not going to get it, he’s not an asshole, you just have to explain it.
He probably won’t understand any type of southern accent, even if you feel it’s mild, he still can’t understand you sometimes.
After awhile he will pick up on some of your speech patterns and start saying y’all and ain’t
If you grew up in poverty, he will kinda be weirded out. He’s a rich kid from California and has never experienced, or maybe ever saw poverty.
If your family is anything like mine, they will bitch and moan about him being from California. He doesn’t see it as a big deal, it’s not like they have to learn a new language.
He will be kinda shocked when he meets them. “Y/N… your uncle is crazy!” “No, he’s just like that, don’t worry Billy.”
If you thought Billy was bad, Stu is worse.
Not only will he not understand anything, he most likely grew up thinking all southern people were cowboys or farmers.
He grows to love southern food and will ask you to make him something almost everyday.
He’s even richer, so he seriously thought for a while that everyone had houses like his and designer clothes. 
Again, he’s a Cali boy. You couldn’t pay him to set foot on a farm or anything like that. “Y/N, we pay people to do our yard work, That’s why it looks so good!”
He loves your conservative relatives, he thinks they are so funny. I mean, we all love a good conspiracy theory on and again.
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oakshade · 11 months
Spottedleaf Says!
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If you click "Keep Reading", you are a proshipper.
hehe haha hehe haha silly moment This is a redraw of an older "comic", it was pretty much the same but with a different design for Spottedleaf? I hadn't known what I wanted her to look like yet, but my nostalgia won out and this is how I regularly draw her! I also drew this, which I think is funny.
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The initial comic was inspired from one that was like, "Proshipping is not okay! If you're a proshipper, you're a worthless piece of shit!" And they used Spottedleaf as the speaking voice for it. And I saw that and went, "isn't she literally a groomer?" (the answer is yes. I checked the comments of that post and someone else had said the same thing!) So I made a little comic of my own, it was just the opposite message! "Proshipping" isn't even a thing really, but I'm quoting the very original comic! To be "proship" is just to be anti-harassment. That's what it has always been. It's in the name, Pro-Shipping. Pro-Ship(What-You-Want). I think it is so silly watching the definition get twisted around by people with ill intent, or by people who are just too misinformed to actually know what it means. Sometimes it's labeled incorrectly intentionally, to make it seem like a Big Bad. And sometimes the person just doesn't do any research into the topic and instead goes, "gasp! Proship.. P- Problematic Ships?? That's problematic!!" Funnily enough, there IS a label like that. And it isn't proship, it's comship. Com-Ship. Complicated Ship. Being FOR complicated ships. it is very silly to me! If I hope for anything, I hope that some anti reads this and gets so insecure about themselves that they just have to do more research so they can feel smart. And then they go, "Oh. Oh, I was wrong. It's.. very simple actually." But it's fine if they don't, pissing people off is kinda funny too? And I get really happy when I get asks like, "thank you for this! I was feeling really embarrassed or ashamed to be proship, but I like your posts!" That's good also! If you're one of those people, I hope that you like this too! And to any anti who opened the "keep reading" bar, I hope your time has been THOROUGHLY wasted. (and no, I will not be gravely offended if you comment "im not reading all of that". it isn't meant for you, you're just outing that you're A Proshipper now <3 I WILL be teasing you for it when I notice!)
I just wanted to type as much as possible to take up as much room as possible, I thought to myself, "maybe someone will read this to see if I've said something accidentally incriminating about myself or my morals!" hehe haha hehe haha anyway spottedleaf groomed firepaw, eat my ass antis
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Since you are currently request less: Papa's comforting a dysphoric trans-masc reader?
Hi, I love requests like this even if my inbox is full. And I love and support all my trans readers, I'll be delighted to provide content for you. 💚 - Jez
Papas comforting a dysphoric trans-masc reader
Will listen to your problems and ask if you want his advice or just comfort.
Tries to get to the root of the problem. What are you dysphoric about, exactly?
Why does it make you dysphoric?
How would you like to solve the issue?
He just asks questions, he doesn't give you answers.
He lets you come to the conclusion yourself and supports whatever solution you come to.
Asks you exactly what you need to feel better.
Do you need to get your mind off of these thoughts or do you want a permanent solution?
As the Sugar Daddy Lover™, he'll buy you anything you want.
Do you want a binder? He buys you a set of binders.
He also makes sure you wear them a healthy amount, he doesn't want you to get hurt.
If you decide on a surgery, he makes the calls and pays the bills.
He wants his darling to be happy, that's it.
His first reaction is to assure you that he loves you and all your insecurities.
He wants you to know that he's attracted to you, no matter how much your dysphoria might make you feel wrong and unattractive.
He holds you, whispers comforting words to you.
He might bring up solutions to the issues if you asked him to. If not, he's just there, offering support.
If you decide to get a binder, he gets you the coolest design he can find.
Wears one too in solidarity.
He tries his best to comfort you and tries talking to you like he relates to the problem.
"I mean, hey, I didn't like my nose and jaw and now I think they're super cool, so maybe that can help you, too?"
He's the first to suggest actual surgery.
He loves you and wants you to be happy. He was happier after his surgery, maybe you'll be happier, too?
He offers to wear a binder with you if you feel the need to wear one.
Does this mostly to make sure you take if off when it becomes uncomfortable and wearing one gives him an idea of when it might get uncomfortable.
Old Nihil
He's a bit oblivious sometimes so he needs you to actually come to him and directly talk to him about your issues.
He needs a bit to understand, but eventually asks if you want him to call a doctor. And what type of doctor you want.
In his logic, if it can be fixed, it should be fixed, however possible.
Pays for anything you need.
He gets really excited, too! If you're happy, he's happy, and he'll do anything to make you happy!
Young Nihil
It's the 1960s, he can't really do much, but he'll try.
He's still a bit dense, it's something that never passes. So he's a bit confused when you come out in general, but hey, he needs his partner happy.
He's gonna offer you his clothes if it helps.
Holds you in ways that kinda cover your insecurities.
If you're insecure about your chest, for example, he drapes his arms over your shoulders and let them hang in front of your chest.
He'll tell you you're hot either way.
If you decide to wrap your chest in bandages, he'll try his best to keep it in mind so he can make sure you take breaks. He will forget sometimes, but he tries!
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crypticjackal13 · 9 months
Testing out these hc's and also NSFW. Don't like, don't read. What you do on the internet isn't my fault. (CW: mentions of trauma, food, drinking, and s3x)
My Ghost(Simon Riley) Headcanons
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He's not addicted to his mask. The dialogue between him and Soap about it is funny as hell("bet you sleep with that thing" "soundly.") But like he probably takes his mask off once he's home alone and what not. Sometimes forgets to wash it but he keeps a reminder on his phone to do it at least once a week. Has a few extras with his stuff, and carries at least one baclava in his uniform's pocket just in case.
He's not super insecure. He's confident, he knows he's hot. I could see him being a bit self conscious about his scars, and he likely doesn't like anyone touching them. But other than that, he doesn't mind how he looks(like his body weight, his height, etc)
Doesn't smoke(or very rarely does it). But he does drink. It's very controlled, though, and he refuses to have any more than 3 drinks because he doesn't want to be irresponsible. Some nights he's actually likely to be the designated driver if the team heads to a pub.
Eats regularly. At least two good meals a day, and he's fairly mindful about what he's eating. Sometimes he doesn't have the time or resources to get like a bunch of veggies or whatever, so he does settle for fast food or junk food. He doesn't starve himself, he knows he won't be able to do his job efficiently if he does.
I think he's not cold and emotionless all the time. He likes jokes and witty banter!! He probably doesn't mind listening to someone ramble for a while!! It might take him a bit to warm up to someone on his own, but he might feel better if there's a mutual friend(i.e. Soap). But he isn't a robot all the time it just takes him a minute to adjust to a new person. (He does always have that lingering fear of betrayal, though. He wishes it wasn't there always nagging at the back of his mind.)
Did go through a lot of therapy. Both for his physical health(after being hung by his ribs and what not) and his mental health(for basically everything). He wouldn't have been considered fit to serve if he hadn't done it. (I also think this would make him the type to make jokes about his own trauma sometimes just for the hell of it)
NSFW. It takes a solid couple of weeks/months into a relationship for him to feel comfortable with sex. He doesn't mind kissing/hugging/holding hands/cuddling, but in terms of intimacy he needs to know that he's safe with someone to actually do that stuff.
He's very nice about it. Checks up on his partner multiple times throughout to make sure he's not doing anything to upset them. If he is, he immediately backs off.
Manhandles by accident. Tends to get lost in the moment and so he just kinda,,, moves his partner around. Quickly apologizes and chuckles and asks them if they're alright in this position.
He's a little kinky. Not a whole lot, but I imagine he'd be okay with things like easy bondage, light impact play, and maybe some stuff with toys if that's what his partner likes. If his partner wants to do something new he does hella research first. Also he may be more leaning dominant but he's not gonna be a hard Dom.
Tends to pass out right after the fact. To combat this he usually tries to keep some snacks, drinks, and wipes in the room in case his partner wants any. Of course he'll make it up to them in the morning--I think he's really good at making proper tea and coffee.
TL;DR I see way too much mischaracterization of him. He's a little guy and he deserves better. :)
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datrb · 22 days
Random question ik, but sometime ago I remember that an Anon asked you the kind of relationship you headcanoned for the four Hollow Heads, and you said that you used a brotherly one
So, I have two questions regarding them
1, do you consider Vic and Chosen as twins, moatly bc they were created just months apart and looked identical before Vic's change of looks in Wanted?
And 2, how do you think they would interact if they were all created in an Au where things were all fine? Like, a paceful Au where nothing bad happened?
Just asking bc your ideas scratch my brain just right every time xhxbxkxnx-
(This post ended up a long longer than i planned... Oops. Hope you don't mind a bit of rambling)
Okay, a bit of clarification first: when i said i see them more as siblings i meant that if i had to choose i would lean more towards a brotherly bond. Obviously, none of them are related outside of being made by one creator in canon and in my art and things i write i usually stick to it outside of some obvious OOC or fanon moments (that Dark dancing gif, or almost all of the memes).
First question
... is rather easy, to get an answer for it, it's enough to just look at my designs of them. And their designs are fairly different, while still sharing a few details that i knowingly apply to all of the mainline hollowheads (mainline - Legacy Trio - MCs of their respective AvAs - Vic, Chosen and Second). If anything, Victim and Chosen's designs are the most different two among the ones i have among hollowheads because of how different they are as people.
Although, i will lie if i say it was entirety my doing. Victim's design was at first a suggestion from a friend, who liked an idea of Victim being a ninja, so my OG design of him was heavily inspired by more stereotypical Japanese ninga outfits (yes stereotypical. Not actual ones and i did it knowingly because Vic was made by an american highschooler), while chosen got the "US military man" treatment. But this was before AvA6(season 3) came about and i had to rework my Victim design.
Here are a few examples of how Vic's design had changed:
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Later i also changed his pants and shoes to resemble the og design more, as i thought dress trousers were a bit too boring for him to wear.
Okay this part had lasted for... A lot longer than it should have...
Second question
... is quite complicated, not gonna lie... It's kinda hard to imagine how non-traumatized Chosen would act. Same goes for Victim without insecurities, not even mentioning that Dark would either not exist in the first place, or be a totally different person.
Hmmm... But, assuming from what we know of them already, i think they'll get along both amongst eachother and with Alan. I think Vic would still feel a bit insecure about his lack of abilities, but Alan would probably try to make up for it by allowing Vic free acess to his toolbar, like he did with Second. And Vic, being as smart as he is, would find ways to go almost en-par with Chosen's powers using only the tools.
Oh also, i can 100% see Vic playing Chess with Alan, or playing something like Sudoku, Minesweeper or Solitaire while Alan is asleep and Chosen quite often doing something to mess with his games. Vic would be angry at Chosen for ruining his streak, which would lead to them fighting in a half-joking manner.
I don't envy Alan in this AU waking up to see his homescreen completely destroyed. The two culprits would then have to face a scolding.
... Again.
They then proceed to do the same thing again.
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purpurussy · 25 days
literally haven't eaten anything all day (it's gone 7pm) or been outside in several days or slept more than 4 hours/night in the last week so im probably just being insane for no reason atm but
i feel like I'm at a weird sort of crossroads with this blog?
when i made this account i saw it as kind of an experiment in vulnerability and positivity. i said i'm gonna try my best to post what's in my heart and not care whether it does numbers or not. if people like it they like it, if not that's okay because i like it and i'm having fun. and i'm gonna practise some kind of general radical positivity/acceptance towards others too. like i promised myself i would not allow this to be anything other than a positive experience, a nice opportunity to express myself in a way that's disconnected from how people see me irl and maybe connect with likeminded people along the way
and once i started writing fic i literally couldn't stop, like the idea of being able to share my writing and have other people enjoy it too is so exciting and motivating to me. there is so much happening in my google docs atm and it feels so good to be writing again after years of feeling too depressed to create anything
however unfortunately i am the grumpiest most insecure person on earth and i have never let go of anything in my life. i've already been unable to stop myself from wading into discourse™ and the general social media fomo/insecurity is starting to get to me. like when did i go from just gleefully shouting into the void, to constantly checking my activity, trying to figure out the best times to post, literally crying when my stuff doesn't do as well as i wanted it to??? taking note of which posts flopped and which ones did well, so i can post more of the popular content instead of just posting what i want. none of this is even real, yet it's been bothering me in a very real way. most of which is just my brain turning it into a negative experience for fully self-imposed reasons
i do think social media is poison in general. and i know it does not work at all for someone who is very prone to having a complete menty b at the first sign of any kind of rejection. and i know a big part of the problem is that i'm attaching too much value to this blog and how people respond to my posts (I have been connecting with my friends irl more lately, but social media is literally designed to prey on the part of your brain that perceives social rejection as a threat to your existence so unfortunately it feels like this matters to me a lot more than it should. also my irls do not want to hear about dan and phil lmao)
idk if i should just accept that this is not good for me and delete, or if it's possible to once again achieve the carefree fun i was having at first. maybe if i can work on my irl issues i'll start to feel a bit better and then it won't bother me as much?
i'm also sort of wondering how much i should reveal about myself? like i want to feel completely free to post as much cringe/insanity/weird smut as I want. and if i was posting in a way that would be easily traceable back to my actual identity then i'd definitely be a lot more careful with what i say. but on the other hand i wanna get to know people better! it would be fun to hop into a discord and actually have a conversation with people rather than just rambling in the tags on their posts. so i'm not really sure what to do with that either. it's kinda fun to truly exist as a completely formless entity in a way, like im literally just tumblr dot com slash purpurussy and there's something freeing about that, even if it does make me feel like i'm missing out on a chance to connect with people properly sometimes
also that idea scares me! everyone on here is genuinely so cool and wonderful and it gives me such a huge dopamime hit when someone i admire likes my stuff. so it's just scary to interact with people more because it feels like oh no they're gonna realize im actually a cantankerous little troll that lives under a bridge and is a nightmare to talk to lmfao
this makes no sense and i'll probably delete it in a bit i just had to get it off my chest
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disventurecamptakes · 1 month
mod jake... what are the odds we could perhaps get your takes on episode 8... (if not no worries! /gen)
Sorry for letting this stew in the inbox for a few days, anyways of course anon, thank you for the question!! :0
Honestly, I didn’t really like episodes seven or eight that much? They weren’t necessarily bad but I personally found them unfulfilling.
First of all, Fiore and Ellie were weird boots to me, I figured they were for sure set to go to the merge (it seemed like Ellie was building up to be a stronger antagonist than she was, Gabellie angst was mostly unfulfilled, Fiore didn’t make up with Alec, I think Fiore and Jake would’ve been a cool alliance, Jake and Ellie’s rivalry was barely touched on, etc). And while I think Gabby will be an interesting villain, I still feel like her motive being Ellie’s elimination is more underwhelming than her motive being Ellie’s betrayal; also Gabby’s character relies very heavily on Ellie, and I really wish we saw her make more decisions divorced from their relationship.
Also I didn’t really like Ally and Jake’s beef. Jake is my favorite character but this episode he really just bitched the whole time and it feels like he’s devolving back to his mid season one self. If he’s meant to be healing this season, let him heal, and if he’s supposed to be an antagonist, let him be an antagonist. I feel like the writers sometimes forget which direction they’re taking him in. If this was spurred on by finding out Tom has a “boyfriend”, the anger should be directed at Tom more (maybe he doesn’t have an outlet because he doesn’t want to hurt Tom? Idk). Like Ally is such a bad target for him, I know she’s friends with Ashley and he’s insecure about that because Ashley’s really the only person he has left in the game, but like…I dunno, their beef just isn’t entertaining, I guess it’s in character for him especially if this is him sort of descending into hatred but I just personally feel like it’s unnecessary the way they went about it, I feel like quiet sabotage or him having internal conflict about Ally but playing nice would be more enjoyable to watch. I’m also kinda sad that Aiden, Jake, and Riya didn’t interact more in the challenge; I’d love to see Aiden and Jake actually have a conversation, or Riya and Jake team up. Jake and Aiden should especially talk now that Jake knows Aiden’s not a threat since Tom has this supposed boyfriend, like I feel like we’ve kicked the Tomden drama bucket now that we’ve had this reveal— and if we haven’t, Riya hates Aiden too, so I’m not sure why Jake and Riya aren’t interacting.
Aside from this, I did like Tess (as usual), the challenge was very fun (loved the space theme and the outfits), and Alec and Riya’s friendship is pretty cool. Also I don’t really like Yul, but he was kinda funny this episode, I think I just really like his voice acting lol. I’m also excited to see them do more with Emily, and Trevor’s feelings for Derek being confirmed was kinda adorable. And of course, as usual, the animation and designs and VA’s were fantastic. I think I’ll appreciate the episode more once I see how it plays into the entire season and know where they’re taking the characters, but for now I just felt like they made some questionable writing decisions that I would personally change. Sorry this is long, I had a lot of thoughts and I also suffer from Chronic Jake Brain Rot.
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tiredassmage · 9 months
Okay. The stars might be aligning today. Something might be working out in my favor and, perhaps, I can finally bring y'all in on. the absolute shenanigans that have finally taken shape between Alucren and Tyr.
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Incredibly strong urge to ID him as 'the bastard man in question,' but. look, he is. I wouldn't exactly be wrong.
Anyway, in an attempt to be brief, Alucren is recruited to Imperial Intelligence when the class story's already kicked off. He's maybe three years older than Tyr and I need to establish now that that does not mean he's the older sibling. This will make sense in a minute. Perhaps.
So, he's designated Cipher Eleven and, largely, he knows Tyr by reputation as Cipher Nine, but they don't. really interact directly until they're some of the limited survivors of ImpIntel's fallout and Alucren becomes Tyr's Class-A Nuisance in Sith Intelligence. Eleven fucks with Nine because somebody's gotta see the guy loosen up, he argues. Which is hilarious because out of the two of them, Alucren is the one with the largely unbending loyalty to the Empire and the Sith.
[Everyone be thankful he wasn't the main subject of the Imperial Agent storyline. I don't think he'd survive the winter. Definitely not with his pretty aviator sunglasses in-tact about the galaxy and how it works, at least.]
The code I've cracked about this is that it is a largely one-sided mess fueled mostly by a lot of insecurities on Alucren's part. He's the only son of four children, and as loving as that family set up was, he still feels a responsibility to his family's name and legacy [and they have quite a long one in service to Imperial domestic interests; sidebar, Alucren's kind of a walking encyclopedia of Imperial history because of this. Let him take you on a museum date and tell you historical fun facts. Enrichment!]
And Nine has a whopping reputation as being one of the best Ciphers Imperial Intelligence ever trained. Of course, Alucren isn't... in on how much that also essentially turned Tyr's life inside out and wrung it out like a dish towel, but, hey! Details! And Alucren is, in a word, stubborn. And maybe a little competitive. And not all that certain of his own position in the service.
So, what's a guy to do but develop a homoerotic, one-sided rivalry with his essentially boss given Tyr's sort of right-hand man status to Lana? It's totally straight to think, "yeah, bet if I kissed him, that'd shut him up," right? Right! According to Alucren.
[oh honey you got a big storm coming, son]
Tyr is, largely, either willfully or just blatantly kinda... not on the same page about this. At least in Sith Intelligence. Alucren's whole attitude bit is a little grating, but Tyr's a professional and. mostly can afford to set aside the inconvenience of dealing with Alucren's smartassery to get their respective jobs done.
And then, in really short summary, the plot keeps happening. Alucren may or may not develop a bit of a crush on a Sith he starts serving [a smoking hot certain Wrath of the Emperor belonging to @hyrohkaah] (congratulations on the bisexuality Alucren!!!). It takes. a while for Alucren to really sus any of this whole Deal out about himself because he's very image-oriented. He has a Presentation to maintain about himself. Luckily for him, Tyr's a perceptive little shit and. eventually also not above throwing some of his stupid shenanigans back at his face.
Ultimately, there isn't any romantic attraction between these two fools, but Alucren still likes to take Tyr's patience and control for a spin around the block for the thrills and Tyr occasionally yanks back just as hard for the amusement. Sometimes this looks a lot more like indignant siblings arguing over their LegoCity build that's taken up the basement floor and sometimes it means are they flirting or fighting and the answer is yes.
And I'm also going to say Alucren's loyalty becomes... a lot more interesting for that sort of healed relationship between him and Tyr. :3 Alucren's a man that will always call the Empire home, so he'll probably end up serving it the rest of his life. But he also knows Nine is not a man to do anything by halves, and he does nothing without extremely good reason. And it'd just be a shame if I made them confront the possibility of shooting at each other. I mean. >.>
Spoiler alert: Alucren's probably not anywhere near as certain of his ability to follow through with that threat as he'd like to be. It'd surprise both of them, honestly. But you didn't hear that from me.
Anyway. He's a bit of a loser, actually, and I love him. Insultingly and affectionately. He's just.... a little like my pathetically sopping wet greasy alley rat. Unfortunately, he's adorable. And if someone punched him, he'd probably still deserve it.
And that, my friends, is the insane Tom & Jerry shit that has consumed me in the last two weeks or so about Alucren and Tyr. I'd usually say thanks for coming to my TED Talk, but this man's ego is already the broadside of a Destroyer in size and we just don't need to encourage that.
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notnerdenough · 4 months
!ATLA spoilers!
Rant time!
I just watched the first 3 episodes of the live action ATLA show with my partner, and listen I had low loow expectations,,, but I was still disappointed!!☹️
First off: They did Katara sooo fkn dirty. Katara is such a loud, confident, stubborn and sometimes angry character! She’s also incredibly sympathetic and empathetic. But in the live action she’s not even remotely as loud of a character which makes me so sad..! she feels a lot more quiet and almost insecure at times, but she also just feels kinda sad… I don’t feel her anger or frustration! I’m hoping this will change when they get to the NWT but we’ll see~ another this was in the scene where Jet tells Katara about his parents getting killed, she just looks sad and kinda insecure..? I was waiting for her to show sympathy..!? Mby say “I’m so sorry to hear, Jet” “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Jet” “That must’ve been really awfu, Jet”..? She does proceed to tell him about when her mom was killed, but her whole response n reaction to Jet’s story just doesn’t feel like Katara.
Katara doesn’t feel like Katara. Like where is her personally??!
Sokka doesn’t feel like Sokka.
Aang isn’t nearly goofy enough.
2nd: where’s Sokka’s wolf makeup in the first episode!! Where’s the Kyoshi armor and makeup when Suki is training him??! 😤
3rd: The writing is P A I N F U L~! Character interactions and dialogue? Awkward! The whole show feels awkward majority of the time! And on top of that, shit is too spelled out! They don’t show you what the characters are thinking or feeling, they instead have the character spell every-single-thing out! They really didn’t get the ‘show, don’t tell’ memo😶
4th: I just feel like the show takes itself too seriously??! Or the creators take the show too seriously.. there’s not as much comedy and silliness as I’d like, but sure! mby they wanted to take a more serious approach with the live action show? Except the comedy they do have is.. again, awkward! The thing I’ve laughed at the most so far is Jet rizzing up Katara, gosh he’s fluffing his feathers so hard for her~ that should not be the funniest thing in the show 3 episodes in.
But hey! The visual world building? Beautiful! I love a lot of it! Especially sceneries, including the cities/villages we’ve seen so far. There’s also a lot of beautiful costume designs!
I went in simply hoping it could be entertain enough, not good, not a masterpiece like the cartoon, just entertaining. And generally I’m easily entertained! But unfortunately I wasn’t quite as entertained as I’d hoped for😐
There! These are just my thoughts so far, 3 episodes in.
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Had this card finished for a while before posting, but I was kinda insecure about it lol. I talk a little more in depth on this card's Patreon post (you can view and download it for free btw), but long story short, I got stuck in my head about whether I was embodying the symbolism of The Star and then I realized I didn't have to have a one-to-one counterpart to every Rider-Waite-Smith card lol.
Once I wasn't so stuck in my head, I realized I really like the way this card came out! I usually struggle to draw fire, but I found this quick tutorial and it actually gave me a process to try! Would recommend!
But let's go ahead and talk interpretations. They'll be below the cut as always:
After The Tower's destruction, The Star rises from the wreckage-- a shining beacon of hope.
While you likely experienced a period of pain and upheaval in the past, the presence of The Star suggests that good things are coming your way.
The Star is a card of hope and renewal. It reminds us that even though we went through trauma or generally crappy situations, we can emerge from them confident that things will get better. There are good things coming and we're urged to focus on those.
A lot of the symbolism within this card is somewhat religious in nature. The original woman is kneeling down with one of her feet seemingly walking on water, an homage to the Christian understanding of Jesus. The Star appears to be very in touch with the higher power within her whether her understanding of it stems from religion or her own spiritual beliefs.
In this way, we're urged to have faith in the forces we might not be able to comprehend. Sometimes singular or series of events can happen without us putting much effort into their creation. Sometimes, something we wanted or needed comes to us even when it didn't seem at all possible. The Star urges us to have faith in ourselves and trust that what we want will come to us.
Be confident in yourself, have hope that things will change, and begin to free yourself from the fear that keeps you from living authentically.
Reversed, the once hopeful figure of The Star has lost their glow. They've become lost in their pain and struggle to find any reason to stay positive. There's only so much a person can take before they feel beaten down and hopeless.
An important distinction, however, if that a reversed Star does not mean you have no hope. There are still plenty of chances for our situations to improve and for us to heal, this reversed card simply indicates our own feelings and thoughts.
While it can be frustrating to hear that something's 'all in our head', a reversed Star can be looked at as a sign that we have the power to make things better. Whatever higher power put us on Earth also gave us the ability to alter our reality and create a better life for ourselves.
Of course we may need help along the way whether that be a therapist, doctor, support group, or our loved ones, but that help is out there.
Even a reversed Star is a message that the worst of our pain and suffering is over. The pain we suffered is real and valid, it always will be. But The Star reminds us that we have the power to heal from it and come back stronger than when we started.
When designing this card, I wanted Haruka to represent the Star in question.
After Kiryu's entire family died, he felt like he had no reason to stay alive. The whole reason he went on his journey in the first game was to be reunited with the people he loved. He was willing to forgive those that had hurt him and move on, but in a very short period of time, everything was taken from him.
Everything except Haruka.
Haruka isn't free from suffering, either; her mother was taken from her and her father tried to kill her, but she serves as an anchor for Kiryu to hold onto his desire to live (even if he continues to struggle in the future).
She's an opportunity for Kiryu to get away from the Tojo Clan-- the organization that gave him everything he loved, but also took it away so many times. A beacon of hope leading Kiryu towards the life he actually wants.
Things aren't easy. Healing from such intense trauma rarely is, but there's hope for this little girl who never had a proper family and this man who just lost his.
Fate seemingly destroyed both their lives, but it seems like it also gave them everything they needed to find new meaning in the mess left over.
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blood-and-pizza · 6 months
So, the animatronic I've been calling "Shattered Prototype Glamrock Freddy" is apparently called "Ruined Freddy" by the community, so that's what I'm going to refer to him as from now on, including in my Fazbear Estate AU.
On the subject of the Ruined animatronics, they all exist in the AU, created specifically to promote the Ruin DLC for Security Breach. The original Pizzaplex animatronics are terrified of them at first, not liking the fact they're wrecked versions of themselves, but they eventually get over it.
Ruined Freddy, unlike his in-game counterpart, is capable of speech and moves his stomach-mouth whenever he talks. It's a comical sight for those unfamiliar with him. He's normally every bit as polite and well-mannered as Glamrock Freddy, but he's very good at pretending to be a vicious, ravenous monster when he needs to. Heck, he thinks playing an antagonist is a lot of fun, even a little therapeutic if he had to be honest.
Ruined Roxanne is blind, having been built without eyes, but she can still detect her surroundings due to her keen hearing, movement detection sensors, and heat sensors. She's a more humble version of Roxanne who isn't as obsessed with her looks as the original. She's still every bit as sassy as the original, though not quite as foul-mouthed since she's much less anxious.
Ruined Chica has no beak, but her voice box is present. However, she rarely speaks unless it's important, as her voicebox produces loud feedback whenever it's used. Her body is full of fake trash and fake moldy food, which makes her feel self-conscious about her appearance. After arriving at the Estate, she tends to stay in her room a lot, where she's free to lie on the floor and feel like garbage. Somebody please cheer up the chicken.
Ruined Monty is capable of speech, but more often than not resorts to animalistic snarling and growling. He feels like an inferior version of the original Monty, and he's more than a little insecure and upset about it. He'd do anything to prove he's more than some alligator turned rabid dog. Somebody please cheer up the gator... and maybe give him headpats.
Ruined Eclipse... SURPRISE, yes, he's here, too! Remember how I mentioned that Sun and Moon kinda-sorta exist as separate animatronics in this AU? (A quick refresher: Sun is the original Daycare Attendant who has a more child-friendly design than canon and tends to hang out in Sun form. Moon is the Horror Attendant, who looks exactly like the canon Daycare Attendant, and tends to hang out in Moon form the most.) Eclipse, being exclusive to the FNAF franchise, looks exactly how he does in the Ruin DLC. Sun is initially scared of him because of his appearance. Moon, on the other hand, finds Eclipse fascinating. Despite Eclipse's somewhat scary appearance, he is a sweetheart to everyone he meets, sometimes to a point of fault, and those who get to know him generally want to protect him.
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elegyofthemoon · 2 months
WE LOVE LANDAU SIBLINGSSSSS I'll be shorter with the blurb here because three characters but :> thanks nick <3
blank character bingo
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So when I say that I relate very deeply with Serval, I really mean that I do. Like I love Servalia, and tbh I would also kiss Serval if given the chance, but also. She's too much like me sometimes that I'm like :I that's weird
I think it hits even more now because she also got Booted out of the research team because she would have stopped the Stellaron with her research. She wanted to help people and I just KNOW she could, but she got booted by her Best Friend (girlfriend/wife) of all people to do it. The person who was your right hand, and the person whom you've blurred yourself into. That kind of betrayal Hurts like hell.
But honestly, good for her for creating the workshop, and eventually finding her own place again in Belobog when every bit of that tiny city reeked of Cocolia. And even making Mechanical Fever? I admire her so much. She's so strong and I love her so much. My love <3
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GEPAAAARD LANDAUUUUUUUUUUU I feel bad for this guy because I took one look at him and then I blasted him with my Gender Beam.
In which I project like hell on Gepard. Familial duties, insecurity/anxiety? You name it he's got it LOL
Admittedly when I first met Gepard, I DIDN'T LIKE HIM (it was about the part where we had to fight him to stop the Stellaron), but once I did Serval's companion quest, I actually started to like Gepard way more lmao He's a caring brother all things aside. He's just. Very Duty Bound. And I get it for his character (esp when you think, oh wait this is also because of the Landau name and how the name seems almost tainted by the way their FATHER IS I HATE THEIR FATHER MR LANDAU SQUARE UP 👊🏼💥👊🏼💥👊🏼💥👊🏼💥)
When it comes to Gepard, I always think about how he reflects on the day he got awarded as Captain and thinking of all the sacrifices he had to deal with to get to where he is. How offputting it felt to be awarded when so many lives got sacrificed to get here. And how he's actually had to face ghosts within the Fragmentum of former comrades in arms.
The Angst Potential Is There. I like eating it a lot. But if I think too hard about it then I just curl up on the floor like GEPAAAARD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (mauls him even more)
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...Okay so. I feel really bad....but I genuinely have no thoughts on Lynx. Like I like her! And I think in my head, when you compare to Gepard and Serval to Lynx, I feel that Lynx kinda gets the "youngest sibling treatment" within the Landaus and just gets away with doing stuff.
I think she's funny and I also think her design's ADORABLE. But that's as far as I think of her. Just as the youngest sibling of the Landaus.
I thought maybe I'd have more thoughts on her, but her companion quest got overshadowed by Pela (WHICH ISNT A BAD THING BTW I did want to get to know Pela more since I felt like I knew nothing of her), but I will say that I did kinda like how Pela's story in turn pushed Lynx to kinda accept how much Gepard and Serval love and care for her. Like yes, they can definitely stop babying her about adventuring out to dangerous areas, but Lynx learns that they both do that because the two love and care a lot for her (and maybe that's just like the counter of the upbringing of the Landaus huh? I feel that the father seems so cold only caring about the prestige of the Landau name, and in retaliation the siblings seem to create their own love for each other. And I think that's nice haha I've said this before, but when I see the Landaus, I see a lot of me and my sisters, and this is also one of those little things that reminds me of my sisters. eheh)
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razorblade180 · 1 year
I may get some hate for this, but… I’m not really a fan of how Yang has been handled in the past few volumes. Like, in my honest opinion, she feels less like Ruby’s older sister like what was shown in the first few volumes and more like just a love interest for Blake to have. It feels like she’s gotten to where she cares more about Blake than Ruby in my opinion.
[This is not a rant btw]
In my opinion it’s more of a “show, don’t tell” problem. There’s never been a moment I doubted that Yang loves Ruby to death, but also the show at times tries to have moments that by design, should be heavier, but don’t land as hard because we didn’t actually see the connection that got us to this point. It can be conflicting. I mean Ep 2 of Volume 1 literally has Yang just leave Ruby at the front of their new school to go catch up with friends.
Just today I saw a post about how it kinda hurt to hear Ruby say the things she did towards Yang considering how Yang gave up her childhood to help care for Ruby. I read that and I’m like….they aren’t wrong but we also really have to take the word of the show that Yang really sacrificed a lot, because we didn’t see anything. Not every viewer can or should be expected to latch on to unseen moments; and it kinda goes both ways. We never have Ruby expressing or preaching on about how meaningful Yang has been in her life because this show never wants to really talk about the Ruby and Yang that made it to volume 1. Their past is so vague and never really bleeds into the dynamic we see in meaningful ways.
Also, this is sorta a nitpick, but it doesn’t help that sometimes there’s dialogue about a character that isn’t really true or points something out that nobody ever thought was a problem for a character. The most recent instance of this for me is last weeks episode 6. Blake told Yang “You are always the first to lighten a situation” when Yang objectively been the most aggressively negative member of team RWBY from V4-V7 and tied with Ren in V8. Volume 9 is the first time Yang acts similarly to before the fall of Beacon. Yang also in the seen talks about how nice it was that Blake wasn’t scared of her when they met. As an audience, that’s never been a problem or insecurity expressed to us but I digress.
So while I do agree with you a little, I don’t see it as a Yang problem or shift in dynamic, and more of a writing problem that’s been there for awhile. Personally, I would’ve loved to get more of their sibling dynamic because I too have a big sister and am also someone’s older sibling. So for me, hearing what the show has told me about their situation, I do find it pretty weird that Ruby doesn’t see Yang somewhat as a second mom to a degree; or how Yang isn’t as attached in certain regards.
Has anyone seen Onward? You would think at some baseline level they would be a little more like those two brothers in a way.
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