#and also because like tbh. he will always just be a voice to me. extremely silly and evil voice
galadrieljones · 21 hours
Gala! I need to hear all your thoughts about seeing Solas again!! (When and if you’re willing to share ofc) ☺️
Omg. Honestly, I don't know. It's been so long, and in so many ways, I've moved on completely, but also, like, no. I will never move on lol. It seems I will probably need to go back and replay DA:I this summer, which is perfect, because I'm just about done with Death Stranding, and this will be a great way to pass the time between now and the Fall (at which point Daryl Dixon season 2 also starts so idk how I shall survive the inundation with characters I love--I will just have to find some sort of balance LOL). I really do need to brush up on the lore and try to even remember what was happening, and also get back into Sene's POV, because I do believe the Inquisitor is going to make an appearance in this story, and I am very excited for that but also very anxious. I do actually trust Patrick Weekes to give closure to the DAI fans and Solavellan shippers, particularly knowing how hard he worked to give us that notorious "COLE GREATLY APPROVES" moment in Trespasser 😭 Tbh though, I'm just not sure entirely what that will look like. I'm nervous!
I will say that I am really very happy to see how Solas is portrayed in this scene with Varric. He's actually nowhere near as cold as he seems at the end of Trespasser. He seems much more reluctant than he did back then, like he legitimately doesn't believe there's a better way. He doesn't seem evil or beyond repair. I wonder if that's because he's spent so many years alone, plotting, and it has actually served to soften him. In those first two years, after Corypheus, it's clear he was able to scrub his experience with the Inquisition from his heart, but most likely what he's learned is that it was merely a cosmetic fix. The connections he made back then are still with him, and seeing Varric again bubbled them up to the surface, even if only briefly.
I won't lie when I say that I actually really did not like the reveal trailer at ALL, which came out a couple days ago. It gave me like, Fortnite vibes and I was really concerned, because I've been out of the loop and not paying attention to the development of the game at all. Like this came completely out of left field for me, and then the name change...yikes. BUT the gameplay trailer fixed all of that. The game looks dark, gritty, and EXTREMELY fun. I love that they will start us out with Varric and Harding. I love them both so much, like old friends I haven't seen in such a long time. It filled me with warmth when Varric tried to reason with Solas, because that is EXACTLY what Varric would do, and even just hearing his voice, and Harding's voice, and of course Solas's voice, it made me tear up. I cannot wait. I am SO excited!!!!!!!!
I'm also really excited to reconnect with some of our old crew on here. I know lots of us are still around to various degrees even as we've all dispersed to different fandoms and real life circumstances for years. But Solavellan was my first real ship and Dragon Age was my first true fandom, and in my heart, we and our Lavellans will always be the GOAT. 💫
HOW are you feeling about all of this @bearlytolerant??????
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squuote · 1 month
i need to draw my narrator design like a lot. i need to draw him to death or until i truly get sick of this guy. proper narrator burnout
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evansbby · 1 year
⭒✮▹𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: older husband!Ari Levinson x naive wife!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: daddy!kink, smutt, dd/lg vibes, pregnancy!kink, breeding!kink, housewife!kink, lactation!kink, size difference,  age gap, innocence!kink, naive reader, 18+ only, minors dni!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Ari finally comes home to his very pregnant wife.
𝐀/𝐍: I’m just surprised I didn’t write this sooner tbh. Enjoy!
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“Honey, I’m home!”
Your husband’s booming voice echoes around the house, sending thrills up and down your spine. You feel a huge smile plaster itself on your face – despite the fact that you’ve been married to him for almost a year now, you still feel giddy like a little girl every time you hear him come home. You carefully set down the casserole that has just finished cooking, impatiently shaking your oven mitts off before making a beeline to the front door and launching yourself at your big, beefy husband.
“Ari!” You hug him hard, pressing your nose into his hard chest that smells so deliciously like him. Like fresh soap and his manly musk with a hint of salty seawater. Just him. And you can’t help but breath him in, trying your best to climb up his body and wrap your legs around his waist, which is obviously a hard task considering how big your belly has gotten. “Missed you so much,” you mumble against his solid body, loving the feel of his warm arms enveloping you into his embrace. You wish he’d hug you harder, completely crush your body against his like how he used to. Till you can’t breathe but in the best possible way.
But of course, he’s ten times more mindful of you now. Pregnancy and all.
“Baby,” Ari breathes, burying his nose in your hair and nuzzling the top of your head. He presses a bunch of kisses against your hairline, one hand already on your belly (its favourite place to be, as of late), stroking it softly while his other hand meanders down to your ass (his other favourite part of your body). “Mm, I missed you too, sweet girl. Missed your little body against me like this.”
He cups your face, tipping it upwards and lifting you slightly so he can plant a kiss to your lips. He was just so damn tall and big – kissing was a bit of a problem unless he bent down or picked you up. You didn’t mind, though. You loved how much bigger he was than you, how strong and beefy and muscular he looked.
And Ari’s genes were strong enough that he’d passed them down to his unborn children too. You were about eight months along with Ari’s twins in your belly. Both boys. Both bigger than average according to your last scan. And both extremely active and strong just like their daddy – you knew because of all the somersaults and kicks they were subjecting you to day after day. But it was worth it. Ari said that you were the always the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid his eyes on, but pregnancy just made you glow differently. And he’d get that fire in his eyes every time he looked at your belly growing his babies, and it made you feel so powerful, so sexy, so wonderful.
You’d only been married to Ari for a month before you’d found out you were pregnant. You’d met him less than a year ago, this business tycoon who’d swept you off your innocent feet. He was handsome, charming and respectful, and he’d proposed to you after only a few weeks. You’d said yes, of course. And he’d made it clear that he wanted a big family, a cute little housewife (you) who took care of him and his children. You were all too happy to oblige, because you wanted all those things too.
“How are my boys?” Ari whispers, cupping your belly with his huge palm. God, he was just so big – built strong like a wrestler yet also lithe and athletic. Not to mention so goddamned handsome! You couldn’t believe your luck. Some of your friends had told you that you were too young for a man like Ari. You were only fresh out of college and he was almost double your age and the CEO of one of the biggest tech companies in the country. That didn’t matter to you, though. You liked being his little baby, having him dote over you and spoil you (which he had done since the day he met you, and continued to do till this day).
And so what if he babied you all the time and made all your decisions for you? You liked giving up the control, and Ari was just so smart and level-headed, it just made sense to allow him to take over every aspect of your life.
“Your boys have been extra rowdy today.” You giggle as your husband continues to press kisses all over your face and neck, his long hair tickling you as he does so. “They keep kicking me like they want to come out already. How am I supposed to tell them they’re not due for another month?”
Ari smirks, easily picking you up with one arm like you’re a little baby yourself. His other hand is still splayed over your swollen stomach. He’d grown addicted to cupping your belly ever since the day you told him you were pregnant. It was a problem in the early days, when none of your friends and family knew yet your husband kept stroking your belly in front of them, a cocky look on his handsome face that all but gave everything away.
“I can’t wait till they come, but I also want to keep you pregnant just a little bit longer.” Ari murmurs, carrying you into the living room. He gives your ass a loud slap, the action making you yelp and clutch his muscular bicep as he grins. “You’re so sexy like this, baby. Have I ever told you that?”
“Only about a gazillion times,” you roll your eyes, but this earns you another hard slap on the ass and a warning look from your husband. You squeal, “Ari! That hurt!”
“You know not to roll your eyes at me, honey. I may have married you and knocked you up but you’re still my little baby.” Ari pats your bum and gives it a soft squeeze before kissing your cheek to make you smile. “And I’ve told you to call me daddy, princess.”
“Oh yeah, sorry daddy!”
“That’s okay, baby.”
You’d called Ari “daddy” during sex ever since he took your virginity on your first date almost a year ago. It just fit him; he took care of you so good and he was just so big and strong and dominant. Ari was really into it, always coaxing you to call him daddy – even outside the bedroom. And he’d always look so extremely smug when you’d inevitably slip and accidentally call him daddy in front of your friends and family.
But especially now that the two of you were married and lived in Ari’s big suburban mansion, he just went crazy every time he’d come home to you in your checkered apron, pregnant with his babies and calling him daddy. He’d told you once that it was his idea of heaven on Earth, and you were the one who’d given it to him.
“You have no idea how hot you look right now, baby.” Ari tells you as he takes a seat on his armchair and sets you on his lap. You’re still dwarfed by his huge size even when he’s sitting down with you on top of him, holding you securely on his knee like you’re his little baby. His gaze grows dark as he watches your breasts bounce slightly as he sits down, pink tongue peeking out to lick his lips hungrily. “I couldn’t concentrate at work, all I could think about was my baby wife, round with my children and taking care of my house in your cute little dress.”
You glance down at your dress, it’s one of many that Ari had bought for you. He had said that baby wives only ever wore dresses around the house so it was easier for their daddies to fuck them. You had absolutely no problem with that, seeing as you loved wearing the cute dresses he bought for you, and you also loved it whenever he’d slip his hand up the cotton material, or bent you over a random piece of furniture around the house and fucked the living daylights out of you.
Ari was a loving and doting husband, but sometimes he would get extremely rugged and rough with you. He’d tell you that you were his wife and it was your duty to bend over for him whenever he pleased. Sometimes, he’d watch you with lust-filled eyes while you did the housework around the house. And all he had to do was snap his fingers and you’d come running over to him.
He’d either push you down to your knees and make you suck him off till he was satisfied, or he’d bend you over the arm of the couch and fuck you fast and hard, calling you his cute little baby housewife, telling you how all your holes belonged to him only, because he was your husband and he owned you. And you’d whimper and mewl and wail and cry while he had his way with you, till he’d fill you up with his cum and then pull you upright, straighten your dress, slap your ass and send you back to your housework.
No wonder he knocked you up so quickly.
“Honey? You still here?” Ari bounces you on his lap and you blink before smiling up at him.
“Oh. Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Why would you need to think, baby? Daddy does all the thinking, remember? You just look pretty.” Ari bounces you on his lap again, making you giggle while his eyes once more zero in on your breasts. They’re so much bigger now that you’re pregnant, and Ari has been paying more attention to them than usual. In fact, your pregnant body in general has him incensed and feral. He’s always grabbing at you and pawing at you, squeezing and groping and stroking your every curve like he can’t get enough.
He reaches past you to grab the cold bottle of beer which you’d already set out for him on the coffee table. You watch him as he takes a deep swig, admiring how handsome he is. He’s got a defined jawline covered with his thick beard that makes him look more manly and virile than ever. A gorgeous sloped nose with a cute bump on it that you love to kiss, and high cheekbones smattered with freckles. He sports a golden tan almost all year round, as well as a wonderfully beefy, sun-kissed body that you can’t get enough of.
Even now, you slip your hand up and down his hard stomach, feeling his hairy, toned abs through his cotton shirt that’s stretched taught over them. God, he really was the hottest man alive. All the women that worked for him were crazy about him, including his secretary. But Ari had told you not to worry, that you were the love of his life and he’d waited forty years to find you, and he’d wait forty more to find you again.
“Dinner’s all ready for you.” You say, pressing a kiss to his cheek because he looks so deliciously handsome and you can’t help it. “I made all your favourites, daddy. I think I’m getting better at cooking now.”
You’d struggled with cooking at the beginning of your marriage. You knew Ari expected you to be a good little housewife, but cooking was never your strongest suit. Ari hadn’t minded though, always finding it adorable when you’d sheepishly serve him burnt food that was borderline inedible. And then he’d order a takeaway and you’d both eat in front of the TV, and he’d lick the pizza sauce off the corner of your mouth before pulling you into his lap to make out.
But you’d wanted to be a good housewife for him, after all, Ari worked so hard to provide for you and he bought you whatever you wanted. He didn’t expect you to slave away in the kitchen, of course, but you figured he deserved a good homecooked meal once in a while. And so, you sifted through various cookbooks and online recipes and YouTube videos until you’d finally been able to cook something half decent. And Ari had been so proud of you when you’d served him a roasted chicken and mashed potatoes, and making you husband proud was all you really wanted to do.
Back in the present, Ari playfully chucks you under your chin, “You’re an amazing cook, sweetheart. I can’t wait to eat dinner. But I won’t lie, baby, right now I’m hungry for something else.”
His eyes go down to your chest again, and you smile demurely as thrills shoot down to your core. Ari’s big hands cup your breasts, squeezing them lewdly before tweaking your hard nipples through the thin material of your dress. You never really wore bras inside the house, and Ari was not one to complain about that. He grins wickedly when two wet spots appear on the fabric covering your nipples.
You’d started lactating recently, and Ari had been nothing short of thrilled about that. “Baby wives feed their daddies their mommy milk,” he’d told you, and of course, he was always right. You were scared at first, having him drink from you. But he’d been so ravenous, so hungry for your milk and the intimacy that came with doing something like that. How could you possibly say no?
Now, Ari fed from you all the time. It was almost a daily occurrence which almost always ended in mind-blowing sex.
Ari holds you close to him as he kisses down your neck, his hands slipping up your arms to push the straps of your dress down. Your breasts are painful and heavy as he frees them from the dress, your nipples already hard as glass but you still hiss as the cool air hits them, making them even more erect, if that was possible.
“Poor baby,” Ari coos, tweaking your nipple casually while you squirm in his arms, whimpering like a baby who needs to be tended to. That only incenses Ari more, and he gives your erect nipple a couple of flicks, making you gasp as he laughs wickedly. “Look at your sexy tits, all sore and heavy. They must really hurt, huh baby?”
You pout and nod, grabbing his forearm desperately, “Y-Yeah, they do. Daddy, plea–”
“My poor baby,” Ari continues, squeezing and groping to his heart’s content as droplets of your milk begin to leak. Your husband licks his lips, spreading the liquid all over your sore breasts, making you hornier than ever but he only smirks. “Bet you’ve been waiting all day for daddy to come home and breastfeed from you, huh?”
“Y-Yeah, please!” You whimper, jutting your chest out till your heavy breasts are almost smothering his face. And all he does is laugh, giving your nipple another hard pinch while you feel the tears of frustration well in your eyes. He reduced you to tears so easily, but it was only because you craved him so badly and didn’t like it when things didn’t go your way. He often teased you about this, calling you a needy, spoiled baby who lacked any type of patience.
Ari gives your nipple a light flick with is tongue, his blue eyes shining wickedly as your breath hitches. But then he lets out a feral growl, completely enveloping your nipple between his lips and sucking down hard. You whimper again, grabbing his hair and holding his head close to your breast as he begins to drink your milk, groaning, biting and licking at your nipple like a starved man.
“God, you have such sexy tits, baby.” He mumbles against your breasts, burying his face into them as he continues to suckle. He grabs your other tit and gives it a rough squeeze, kneading the soft flesh with his expert fingers. “And your mommy milk tastes so good.”
“Th-Thank you, daddy!” You manage to get out through all the different sensations you’re feeling. He’s still bouncing you up and down on his lap, his hard dick poking against your butt like a steel rod through his pants. Plus, his mouth working against your nipple is making you see stars, and you feel pleasure mixed with the relief from him draining the milk from your breast.
“Good girl with good manners,” Ari grunts approvingly, his voice slightly muffled as he lewdly takes your whole breast into his mouth (as much of it that fits) giving it a hearty suck while rocking you against him as he dry-humps his dick up into your clothed core. “Just like how daddy trained you to be. Fuck, baby. I bet none of my friends’ wives are as obedient and cute as you, huh?”
“N-No!” you agree with a yelp when he gives your ass a firm slap before grabbing a handful of your ass-cheek from under your dress and giving it a lewd jiggle. “D-Daddy, need you so bad!” You try to grab his hard dick out from the waistband of his pants but he easily slaps your hands away, making you pout and whine as he continues to suck your breasts.
“Let daddy have his meal first.” Ari scolds, slapping your butt again, harder this time, before focusing his attention to your other breast. He suckles you sweetly at first, before growing greedy once your milk starts flowing into his mouth. Incensed, he moans against your breast, grabbing your hips and repositioning you on top of him. He bounces you up and down straight on top of his crotch while he feeds from you, and you moan wantonly as your body begins to work itself up.
“B-But daddy, I waited all – ah! – I waited all day for you!” You pout, trying to grind down against your husband but he holds you in place, always wanting to control your pleasure and never letting you seek it out by yourself unless you had his permission.
Ari releases your nipple with a pop before grinning wolfishly down at you, a thoughtful look on his face as his hand splays itself on your belly once more. “Well, you were a good, patient baby today, weren’t you?”
“I was, I was!” He slips his hand down under your dress, quickly settling it between your legs while your breath hitches and eyes cloud over with lust and want. And all it takes is for his pointer finger to press down on your swollen, panty-covered clit and you’re cumming. You squeak and clutch on to his muscular forearms as you orgasm, your other hand going down to hold his hand in place between your legs as you hump and ride against it. Your panties are completely soaked through and your entire body is buzzing with sensitivity as you pant his name.
Ari looks extremely smug as he watches you orgasm in his lap, leaving a sizable pool of your wetness on his clothed leg. Casually, he tweaks your nipple, his blue eyes trained on your face as you gasp in response, your body twitching in his arms.
“You’re so sensitive now, baby. I bet I could make you cum without even touching you.” Ari says, looking proud and smug at the same time.
“S-Sorry,” you shoot him a sheepish look once you’ve come down from your high, “can’t help it sometimes, daddy. Specially since I can’t ever touch myself when you’re not here.”
That was one of Ari’s firm rules that you had to follow. At the beginning of your marriage, Ari made it clear that baby wives like you had to follow all the rules that your husband set. That included not speaking to other men without his permission, always doing what he said, always telling him where you were, and of course, never touching yourself without his permission – certainly never when you were alone in the house.
“Dumb babies like you don’t know how to touch yourself.” Ari answers, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he slips his hand out from between your legs, licking his fingers lewdly. “That’s why you need daddy to tend to you all the time. Now tell me, baby, how would you like to be fucked tonight?”
In next to no time at all, your big, beefy husband has you on all fours on your king-sized bed upstairs. A feral energy had overtaken him when you’d shyly voiced your desires to be fucked as hard as possible. Pregnancy made you so horny and feral for him, and in the early days he only ever allowed you on top, because he was so much bigger than you and so scared of hurting you. But soon, he’d learned to be rough in a way that had you both feeling satisfied without ever really causing you any harm.
And so, Ari had wasted no time in carrying you up the stairs, laying you down on the bed and slapping your ass as you scrambled to get on your hands and knees for him. And he’d slapped your ass once, twice, three times, and you knew he was mesmerised by how it jiggled.
“You’re so fucking hot like this, baby.” Ari murmurs, spanking you again like he can’t get enough. “Kept thinking of you like this while I was at work, bent over like a little whore in front of me.”
“Please put it in, Ari!”
“Patience, sweetheart.” He chuckles, running a hand up your spine and sending shivers all throughout your body. He presses his dick against your naked backside, and he feels so hot and pulsating. He’d torn your dress off the moment he’d entered the bedroom, and his own clothes had quickly followed suit. And now you were at the mercy of one big, horny, muscular, beefy man. A caveman, by the looks of how feral he was getting behind you. It’s like seeing your pregnant, naked body just flipped a switch in him, and his own patience was riding thin along with yours as he continues to rut against you.
With one quick thrust, Ari drives his huge dick inside you. You cry out in pain because he’s so big, and you’ll never get used to just how big he is. He’s more than twice the size of you and so incredibly well hung, and all you can do is brace yourself and take it, your whole body jerking forward from the force of his thrust. You’d have gone face first into the mattress had he not anticipated that and grabbed on to your hips tightly.
“Oh, fuck, baby, such a tight fucking hole you got. Daddy barely fits inside.” Ari’s fingers are clutching your hips so tightly, you know it’ll leave a bruise. And he’s rough from the get go, although you know he’s holding back because you’re pregnant. “God, fuck, sweetheart. You got such a good and tight fuckin’ snatch, so perfect for my dick, fuck!”
“H-Harder, daddy!” You cry, rutting back against him as your breasts bounce up and down from the sheer force of his thrusts. But your request earns you a swift smack to your bum.
“Take it how daddy gives it to you, baby.” Ari sneers, the alpha male inside of him taking complete control as his hips increase their pace. It feels like he’s ripping your insides with his hard dick but you feel so goddamn full and so good that you don’t even care, even as he continuously rains slap after slap down on your ass. “God, fuck, such a good little baby wife. Obedient as shit, aren’t you? Daddy’s little baby, gonna give me a bunch of babies, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yeah, gonna have your babies, daddy!” You agree, sounding delirious and very much like an airhead who’s only capable of repeating what her daddy is saying to her but he’s reduced you to this state through his sheer hard fucking and you don’t even care. You want it harder, want him slamming into you till you can’t catch your breath and you pass out. But you know he wouldn’t, you can tell by how he’s got one arm now wrapped protectively around your belly, as if he needs to keep it there to remind himself not to lose control like how he often does during sex.
You remember a couple of times when Ari had gone completely feral, fucking you like you were an animal. Relentless and unforgiving, leaving you with bruises and bumps as he’d had his way with you again and again. But the dark side of you had enjoyed being a cumdump for him, despite the fact that you’d cried from the pain and overwhelming pleasure. And Ari had taken you into his arms afterwards, telling you how sorry he was, how he’d be careful with you in the future, how he got too riled up and how he couldn’t help but take you roughly when he saw how sweet and innocent you looked. And then he’d always be so sweet with his aftercare, and run you a bath and dote on you and hug you till you fell asleep in his arms, smelling like rose scented bubble bath.
“Want me to knock you up again, sweetheart?” Ari asks you back in the present, fucking you so hard you’re seeing stars. His fat dick is hitting all the right spots inside you, making you arch your back as he keeps thrusting into you, hips going into jackhammer mode. “Because I will knock you up again, baby. Soon as you give me my boys, I’ll have you on your back and filled to the brim with my fucking cum so you get knocked up again. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, baby? Wouldn’t you? Fuck!”
“YES, YES, YES!” You scream at the top of your lungs, the pressure building up inside you till that invisible coil snaps and you cum so hard, you’re seeing stars. You collapse underneath Ari, and he has to hold you up as he continues to fuck you. But him describing how he’s going to knock you up again was enough for you to squirt all over his dick, your slippery walls squeezing his hard, fat cock that doesn’t stop its relentless assault inside you.
“Fuck yeah, baby, squeeze my fuckin’ dick!” Ari groans, using your limp body as a literal hole for his dick as he grabs your hips and makes you shake your ass on his dick, “Fuck yeah, baby couldn’t help but cum from the thought of getting knocked up by daddy, huh? Well, you gotta give me another one, honey. One orgasm isn’t enough for my baby girl.”
He pulls you up to your knees so your back is against his chest. And your body is completely limp and void of energy since orgasming had taken everything out of you, and you’re not even sure you can cum again like how he wants you to. But your beefy husband holds you up against him nevertheless, one big hand wrapping around your throat while the other cups your heavy breast and squeezes, and this whole time his hips don’t stop moving inside you. His fat dick driving in and out of you at different, varied paces. Slow so you can feel every ridge and vein, and then fast till his hips are a blur and you feel your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“You best fucking believe I’m always going to keep you pregnant from now on.” Ari growls in your ear, squeezing your tits together as he paws at you like a feral caveman, his fingers pressing against your throat and cutting off your air supply just enough for your vision to blur and it all feels so deliciously good and you’re long past the point of even being coherent as you wail and scream for him.
You can feel him losing himself, getting rougher and rougher. You know your husband too well, you know he’s turning himself on more and more at the idea of impregnating you again. His lips latch onto your neck, sucking and biting while his hands squeeze your breasts so hard it hurts, and you feel your milk dribble down your nipples.
Ari sees it too, and you swear you can feel his dick get even harder inside you. In a nanosecond, he’s manhandled you into a different position. Now, he’s sitting on the bed with you on top of him, and he’s bouncing you up and down on his dick. And oh my fucking God, it’s so much deeper this way! You can feel your puffy clit grind against his trimmed pubic hairs as he does all the work, his muscular arms wrapping around you, not caring at all that your pregnant belly is in the way as he continues to fuck up into you.
“Can’t let your mommy milk go to waste, can we?” Ari grins, grabbing your tit and latching his mouth on it immediately, sucking down so hard that you see stars. He lets go with a pop, “Guess I didn’t get all of it, huh, baby?”
You hold his head in place, carding your fingers through his brown waves as he continues to drink your milk like a ravenous beast, like he can’t get enough of it. Switching from one nipple to the other, giving both your breasts equal attention as he drains the milk from them.
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re breastfeeding daddy, baby.” Ari tells you, his voice muffled as he keeps his face buried in your breasts. And all the while he’s bouncing you up and down on his dick, and you can feel your second orgasm start to build up – and he hasn’t even cum once yet! You wonder how he remains so calm, so casual enough to have a conversation with you during sex. Meanwhile you’re a dishevelled mess on top of him, head lolling to the side as you’ve already gone dumb from all his ministrations.
“God, fuck, gonna keep you pregnant at all times now, sweetheart.” Ari declares, getting feral again as his hand splays out on your belly. “I want at least five more kids, baby. You gonna give daddy five more babies?”
“Y-Yeah! Yeah, I will!”
“That’s a good fuckin’ girl. A good fucking baby wife. I’m so glad I found you, baby. I love you so fucking much.” He kisses you, pulling you by the hair till you’re flush against him, his hips fucking up into you at a blurring pace that makes you feel like he’ll rip you in half any second now.
“And all the other guys will be so fucking jealous that they don’t have a cute little knocked up baby wife who does whatever they ask. Fuck! Tell me you’re my cute little baby wife!” He pinches your nipple harshly before going back to your belly, rubbing it with his huge hand as he clutches you so close on top of him.
“ ‘m your cute little b-baby wife!” You moan, finally finding the energy to desperately ride him, up and down and backwards and forwards, grinding against the thick steel rod that is his dick as it jams up your poor, abused fuckhole.
“Damn right you are. And I’m your daddy who knocked you the fuck up. And I’ll do it again and again, because you’re my fucking property and I can do whatever the fuck I want with you! You got that? Fuck!”
“Yeah, oh fuck, yeah, daddy, you own me! Wanna have more of your babies! Want you to keep me pregnant all the time!” You blabber incoherently.
“And you’re gonna obey me, and be a good little mommy to all our children, aren’t you?” He smacks your ass hard, once, twice, three times till your ass is sure to be raw and all the while you nod and agree with him, “A good little mommy who does what she’s told to do, and spreads her legs every time daddy wants to knock her up again, you got that?”
“Fuck, sweetheart. Can’t wait to come home to you taking care of our little ones. Five of ‘em, with another one on the way. Fuck, can’t fuckin’ wait for that.” Ari grunts, his thrusts growing deeper and hitting your spot so deliciously and making you mewl, as well as his words and promises of keeping you pregnant which have you turned on beyond belief.
The pressure in your lower belly builds up higher and higher, more intense till you almost can’t stand it. And it feels so deliciously good, your pleasure mounting higher and higher as Ari continues to fuck you throw it all, holding you close and coaxing you, telling you to cum again for daddy, giving you permission to let go and cover his fat dick in your cream. And you obey, and you cum so hard, marvelling at how much of it squirts out of you.
Like a broken faucet, squirt after squirt of your cum covers his cock, and you sob and clutch at Ari’s hairy chest, burying your face in his hard chest as you cum so hard you almost faint. “Oh daddy, daddy, daddy!” you whimper like a broken record, like a baby who’s collapsed and needs to be held by her big, strong daddy.
“That’s a good baby,” Ari coos, stroking your hair like you’re his good little girl and the pride in his voice makes you sag with relief and euphoria, and his thrusts grow sloppy as he continues to ride you through your orgasm. His fat balls slapping against your pussy, and you know his load will be big because he’s held off so long.
“Fuck, baby.” Ari lets out a guttural groan before he cums, emptying himself inside of you as spurt after spurt of his hot cum sears you from the inside out. Brands you as his as your greedy pussy squelches and swallows his seed like it’s your job. And Ari looks so proud, holding you so close to him till it hurts, like he doesn’t want a single drop of his cum wasted as he fills you up like you’re his personal cumdump. “God-fucking-dammit, your greedy little snatch is squeezing me so good, baby. Best fuckin’ pussy I ever had, taking all my daddy cum like a good little girl. Fuck, take it, take all of it!”
And you do, taking every drop of his thick ropes of cum till you feel so full, stuffed to the brim with his heavy load as you fall down, completely spent and breathing hard, on your back on the bed.
You’re completely sapped of all energy, and again you marvel at how Ari seems perfectly fine, as if he hadn’t just emptied the world’s biggest load inside of you after a long session of unbridled, hot, rough sex. But your husband seems more interested in your body in its post orgasmic glow, rubbing you all over as you rest from the fucking you’ve just received, marvelling at his cum as it drips out of your pussy.
“Looks like your baby pussy couldn’t keep it all in, honey.” Ari swipes a finger up your slit and it comes up covered in his cum. Your mouth drops open in the shape of an o, which works out in your husband’s favour as he feeds you the thick cum. Globs of it, again and again, swiping up from your pussy before he brings his finger to your lips and allows you to suckle it off him. And it’s all you can do in your weakened, post-fucked state, suckle his fingers like a baby as your daddy feeds you his cum.
“Th-Thank you, daddy.” You murmur weakly, not forgetting your manners as Ari smiles down at you smugly. Finally tearing his gaze away from your body, he lies down next to you and gathers you into his arms for a cuddle. Kissing the top of your head and all over your face as he holds you close to him, till you can feel his heartbeat in sync with your own.
“You’re welcome, baby. I love you so much.” Ari answers, looking like the happiest man in the world. And it’s such a powerful feeling, knowing it’s you who has made him feel this way.
“Love you too, daddy.” You say tiredly, cuddling close and burying your face into his hairy chest as you breathe in his intoxicating post-sex musk. “Can’t wait to give you more babies. Can’t wait for our boys to come. I’ll be the best mommy to your babies, I promise.”
Ari chuckles, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear as he gazes at you with eyes filled with adoration. His hand goes down to cup your belly, and he squeezes you so close to him, you feel you might suffocate. But in the best way.
“I know you will, baby. I know you’ll take care of my children, but right now I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Okay, daddy.”
He runs you a strawberry scented bubble bath, carrying you to the bathroom and getting into the tub with you. Gently scrubbing you clean and massaging your sore muscles and sensitive skin while you lie on top of him in the bath, content and barely conscious from the incredible session of fucking you’ve just received. Smiling faintly as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, promising you the world and more, his words painting the perfect life which lays in store for you in the future, as well as the perfect life you’re currently living now – all because of him.
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THE END! This is my ultimate fantasy and i have no clue why i never wrote it before now! pLEASE PELASE let me know what you think! thank you very very much! love you all!
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
I need so bad some Tokio Hotel member with a shy reader frrr, like she being shy and they being sweet, that's some hot shit.
Im actually pretty shy myself irl🤞dont be in my comments calling this cringe either, i think its so annoying when people shit on other people for wanting shy reader fics. it literally makes no sense to me because if you dont like it then dont read it🥰
Tokio Hotel with a shy s/o headcanons (slightly NSFW)
Bill kaulitz
•he can be a little shy himself, but for the most part hes pretty extroverted
•definitely makes sure that the attention is on him instead of you. He’ll make a fool out of himself if he needs to
•thinks its so damn cute when you get all shy and flustered when he compliments you. The shy smile on your face is his favorite thing in the world
•he will totally tease you about it too. The way you hide your face in his shirt makes him smirk so hard
• “aww its okay, sweetheart. No need to get all shy.” And he says that in the most teasing voice ever while stroking your hair
•loves when you can barely look him in the eyes, he thinks the way you get so nervous just because hes looking at you is very endearing
•makes you look into his eyes while he gives you head😇 if you look away, he slaps your thigh lightly and raises his eyebrow at you until you can hold eye contact with him
Tom Kaulitz
•omg hes such a little tease about it
•he always brings up when you get flustered or embarrassed
• “whats wrong, baby? You getting all shy on me?” LIKE STFU YES I AM
•hes a big attention grabber when you go out in public due to being famous and also being a attractive guy with good fashion sense, but he tries to distract you so that you dont get uncomfortable
•points out random things and just talks about random things to make you stop thinking about all the eyes on you
•will fight anyone who makes you feel bad about being shy. It’s completely normal and okay to be shy and he won’t let anyone tell you otherwise
•you get so embarrassed cuz you get all teary and needy when he fucks you. So he makes sure you know how good you’re doing 🤭
“It’s alright, you’re doing such a good job for me baby. My pretty little slut, hm?”
Georg Listing
•lord he is THRIVING
•strong believer that he would love a shy s/o
•he finds your bashfulness extremely refreshing and adorable. I think overly confident people would kinda annoy him so he likes that you’re humble and keep to yourself
•loves to give you random compliments just to see your eyes go wide and your hands come up to cover your face
•he pulls your hands away and tilts his head at you, trying to get you to look at him
“What’s wrong, babydoll? All I did was call you pretty. It that too much for you?”
• if you get too nervous to talk to workers or order your own food, he 100% does it for you
•he will make you use your words if you want something, because he knows how embarrassed you get and he thinks its so hot.
“Come on, you know you gotta use your words if you want something. Just tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.” So you gotta tell him when you want him to fuck you or else he’ll pretend like he doesn’t know what you want cuz hes an asshole🙄
Gustav Schäfer
•tbh he doesn’t really know how to help you at the beginning of your relationship
•he sees you getting embarrassed and just awkwardly rubs your back😭 HES CONFUSED LEAVE HIM ALONE
•but once he gets more comfortable, he knows what to do to help you feel better
•likes when you hide in his side or hide your face in his arm, it makes him feel important😇
•doesn’t even ask if you want him to order your food for you, he does it on his own. He’ll ask you what you want before its time to order so that he doesn’t have to ask you mid order
•HATES when people laugh at you for being shy. A lot of jealous fans like to make fun of you but he always makes sure to tell them off. No one talks bad about his s/o, he doesn’t care if they’re “fans” or not.
•he’ll always make sure you’re comfortable during sex, he would hate if you felt like you couldn’t tell him what you do and dont want
“Is this okay? I know you get shy, but I need to know what you want, honey. You want my fingers? Thank you for telling me, such a good girl/boy/baby.”
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psychwxrdd · 4 months
could you write for dark!donnie with a corruption kink?? i’m so in love with him 😞
omggg me too babe 😭 i'd let him ruin my life tbh
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🎀 warnings: 18+, corruption kink, innocence kink, dark! donnie, bimbo! reader, gaslight, rough sex, dub con, i could put a few more but just be aware that this is really filthy lmao i got way too excited while writing
donnie and you were dating for almost 6 months, and it was all going extremely fine. he was anything you always wanted in a boyfriend, he was protective, loving, treated you like a princess, was totally and completely obsessed with you. anyone knew better than to even stare at your direction cause they knew how donnie would react when the topic was you.
yet, you guys haven't had sex yet. you were still a virgin, not sure if you were ready to take a bigger step, and you were both only 18. it wasn't like you had a mature view of anything, needless to say, sex. donnie also told you several times that he would wait as much as it needed, because he didn't wanted his little girl to lose her purity. but that was what he told you.
it wasn't what he thought, tho. donnie had so many dirty, terrible thoughts about you. he was always trying not to get hard but you were constantly on his mind, teasing him. he wanted nothing more than to turn you into his own slut. he wanted to hear your sweet voice telling him the dirtiest things he could think of. he wanted you to feel desperated for him. and he decided he would have his dreams to come true.
"my day really sucked" you said, laying in your boyfriend's bed while he was searching for the dvd of an horror movie. it was friday night, it was halloween week and you were both not in the mood to go to any party, donnie said he much rather spend with you than in a "loud ass party full of assholes".
"yeah?" he stared at you, with a concerned expression. "was it anything in particular?"
"not at all, i was just really sad. couldn't wait to leave school" you spoke softly. donnie then stopped what he was doing to come sit by your side in bed, placing your head on his lap to give you a forehead kiss. "so glad i'm here with you now"
donnie smiled, you could see his eyes brighten with those words. he caressed your hair and your face, his fingers moving to your cheeks and jaw. "i'm glad you're here too, baby. i really wish you could be by my side all the time... i don't hear or see frank when i'm around you."
his fingers then went to your lips, pressing softly, and you didn't knew why, but you felt like opening your mouth in that moment. it was just intimate.
"but i do hear these...these voices in my head, that i-" donnie stopped for a moment and you stares at him, seeing his eyebrows frowning "i hear these voices telling me i should hurt you, baby."
you frozed slightly, not sure if you heard him correctly. "what do you mean, don?"
he sighed, looking sad. "i hear these voices telling me i should hurt the ones i love... that the only way i could stop something bad from happening to me is...to make something bad happen to a loved one instead."
he covered his face with both hands, as if he wanted to hide tears. you felt your heart so broken in that moment, you hated to see him suffering like this. you wish this could happen to you instead.
"baby..." you sat, in the middle of his legs, putting hours hands on his arms. "this is not your fault. really"
he looked at you with those puppy eyes you loved so much.
"is there something i could do to help you?" you asked, worried. donnie seemed to think for a while.
"maybe if i... if i did something bad to you, that you consented me to." he placed your hair behind your ears. you were curious about it, but you felt happy you could help him somehow.
"you have something in mind? i mean... you can give me a pinch, just not too hard"
he chuckled at your words. "i have an idea, actually. what do you think about giving me consent to ruin you?" he said with a slight grin, and you didn't knew how to respond. how would he even ruin you? was sex that sinfull?
you stayed quiet for a few seconds, avoiding eye contact with him, but he grabbed your chin softly, making you stare at his eyes.
"hey, it's okay baby... i promise i'll make you feel really good. and if you don't like it we can stop, huh?" he pressed a few kisses around your face, holding it with both hands. "but then i'll keep having these horrible thoughts, and i'll have to find a way to make something worse."
his words were awfull, but his voice was so sweet...it didn't sound like a threat to you. donnie would never hurt you, right? he promised that a thousand times. you trusted him.
"ok." you said almost in a whisper. his eyes widened a bit.
"ok? yeah? right now?"
"yeah don... i want you to feel better. you can do it to me."
he smiled big, so big. you loved his smile, so you smiled as well. he waste no time to give you a passionate, loving kiss.
he rolled you two on bed, him being on top of you. the passionate kiss didn't take long to become sloppy and hot. his hands that were just holding your face minutes before, were now holding your neck, not tight enough to choke, but enough to make you feel the pressure and gasp a bit for air.
his tongue felt so good against yours, kissing him like that... it made you feel things that you were ashamed to say out loud. felt likes butterflies all over your stomach, but lower, and better.
you wanted to let out a sound, to say his name, but you didn't.
he let go of your throat to move his hands all over your body, much different from you, he didn't seemed to feel ashamed about his own needs.
"you're so fucking sexy" he told you as he roughly took your shirt off "had to jerk off so many times just by imagining these boobs on my mouth"
he then put your bra down and quickly sucked your nipples, making you close your eyes and whimper. that felt extremely good.
donnie made pretty loud noises while sucking on your tits, you were worried that someone else would might hear it and ask what was it. but he didn't, not in the slightest.
he grabbed your throat all of sudden, making you gasp, scared.
"shut the fuck up, baby, you talk when i ask you something" he made an intense eye contact, know you knew that he wasn't playing. his blue eyes looked pretty more dark, it was scary. "come here, get on your knees."
you felt scared of what he would do if you didn't, but at the same time, that fear turned you on. you did as he told, hearing the sound of him unzipping his pants.
"look so fucking gorgeous like this..." he could groan at the sight of you in your knees for him, so close to his cock. as he pull out, your eyes grow big at his size.
you didn't said anything tho, remembering you were supposed to stay quiet unless spoken to.
"open that pretty mouth f'me"
opening up as wide as you could, he caressed your chin. "thats my good girl"
he shoved his tip inside your lips and groaned, he wanted to be nice cause he loved you, but there was no way he could held himself back. what a pity.
donnie's cock hitted the back of your throat and you gagged so hard you thought you would throw up, but you didn't. your eyes were full of tears.
"shhh, it's okay baby. breath through your nose, fine?" you nodded slightly, saliva and tears running all over your face already. donnie loved how even your gag sounded lovely, he wanted to get you to make more of these.
he fucked your mouth harshly, and you would be lying if you say you weren't enjoying. it was uncomfortable, but so hot at the same time. so hot that you started moaning.
"like sucking my dick?" he asked, slapping your cheek softly, staring at your pretty eyes full of tears and lust. he couldn't hold any longer. "shit, fucking slut"
he came deeply inside your throat, and you had no choice other than to swallow. you didn't liked how it tasted, you wanted to spit it.
when donnie noticed it, he held your cheeks tightly "uh uh, swallow all of it"
tears were still falling, but you did as he told you. "good girl."
donnie carried you on his arms, placing you roughly on his bed, ass up and face down. "fucking nice ass, goddamn it"
he grabbed and slapped your ass, stroking his cock. he caressed his fingers on your clit to make sure you were wet enough.
"i wanted to eat that soaked pussy but my dick is still too hard right now honey, have to break you"
you were ready for the pain, considering you were still a virgin and he was fucking big, but as he put it inside, you could tolerate it.
"go slow, donnie" you searched for his body, placing your hand on his chest, and he held your hand sweetly.
"won't move till you tell me to"
you breathed, feeling so horny... you wanted him to move, but at the same time, you knew if he did that in that second it would make you feel a lot of pain.
donnie, behind you, were controlling himself in the best way he could to not rail the shit out of you. he wanted to corrupt you, and he wanted you to feel pain, but in a way that it would have you begging for more, screaming his name and turning into a slut. he didn't wanted it to hurt in a bad way.
a few more minutes and you were telling him to move, as it started to feel really good. donnie groaned when he hitted all his way inside you, feeling like this was the closest he would ever be to heaven.
"oh my god... move, donnie, please" you moaned in a desperated, slutty tone, and that was it for him. he started fucking you as if there was no tomorrow.
he rammed your head against his pillow and held your hair and throat, going harder and harder in each thrust. you were moaning, whimpering, crying, almost screaming and laughing at the same time, you didn't knew anything could ever feel this good.
your pussy was extremely wet, mixing with his pre cum, so everything felt even better. thats when you thought if he had a condom on.
"donnie..." you tried to say, but it was impossible. he was also groaning and too fucked out in his own pleasure to answer.
you also thought about his family, what if they were still upstair and heard this?
but if you still had any upcoming thoughts, they easily gone away when donnie hitted a very sensible spot inside you, making you scream in pleasure.
"yeah, right there!"
"fuck baby, your screams are driving me crazy" donnie was now against your back, holding your face to give you a messy kiss. he played with your clit in a fast rhythm, it was all too much. he was trully fucking you dumb.
"tell me your mine, y/n" he whispered in your ear, and you put your hands on his hair.
"i- i'm...yours..." you say, struggling.
"whats it, sweet thing? already cock drunk? got you addicted?" he smirked, not remembering the last time in his life that he felt so happy. "first time being fucked and i already turned you into my little slut."
you camed so hard you thought you would fall down, but he held you strongly. not even a second later, cumming inside you.
"shit..." he groaned. it felt so good to come inside your pussy. he mocked you saying you were already addicted, but in reality he was the one who already could never lever live without that pussy anymore.
you both felt on bed, hugging each other and breathing harshly. he held your head on his chest, caressing your hair. you chuckled, feeling relaxed by your orgasm.
"i still wanna eat your pussy, baby... been fucking starving from how much i wanna taste you"
"don, i'm fucked out."
he laughed at your words. you weren't one to say bad words, ever.
"i'm sure that any bad thought could go away if i gave you enough orgasms to pass out."
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bunniekittiee · 8 months
Bi-Han x Fem. Reader
A little sad tbh but like yk i try to give good endings. Also Bi-Han is mean asf but it is just due to their circumstances so beware you might want to punch him in the face. Also this is not proofread so any errors you see, just ignore.
The amount of tears shed for Bi-Han was outrageous. His actions could be absolutely deplorable. When they first married, she thought that there was a chance he would not be so cruel, but he had made it clear that their marriage was for power rather than true love. It hurt, it hurt her little heart and it made her cry during the lonely nights when her thoughts got to her. She had lots of thoughts of whether she was good enough for Bi-Han or if they would ever love each other. She had already loved him, but he did not give her the same energy back. It was futile.
“Wife,” Bi-Han said to her as he entered the room. “Join us for dinner, now.” There were so softness behind his words, but she bit back her increasing emotions. “Yes, Grandmaster.” She said back after she swallowed the built up saliva in her throat. He waited for her to get up and join him so they could walk to the dining room together. Kuai Liang and Tomas sat there together, waiting patiently as they greeted her with a smile.
Sitting down carefully, they started their usual traditions before eating their food. It was a little quiet with only Tomas and Kuai Liang speaking at first with Bi-Han chiming in when he wanted to. The brothers tried to include Bi-Han’s wife into their conversations, but she was quiet. They wondered if it was part of her personality or if it was because Bi-Han was sitting next to her. Watching her every movement.
That was, until Bi-Han and Tomas began to argue, well, more so Bi-Han arguing while Tomas sat there and Kuai Liang tried to play mediator. It made dinner extremely tense.
“You do not have Lin Kuei blood.” Bi-Han spat at Tomas who only gave him a look of ‘what’s new’. “So your words are pointless.”
“Bi-Han.” Kuai Liang said in a warning-like tone. “Do not ruin dinner with your bicker.”
“And you stay out of it, little brother. Do not stick your nose in something that does not concern you.” Bi-Han kept going. It was like he was here to just ruin their day.
“Bi-Han,” she said softly. “Let’s just enjoy dinner.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “I do not expect anything less from you, incompetent girl.”
She felt her heart beat fast and her ears feel warm. Whether it was out of embarrassment or a flood of emotions coming, she looked down and tried to control her breathing. She did not want to cry in front of them. She could not show weakness.
“Bi-Han, maybe you should be a little nicer?” Tomas suggested which Kuai Liang shot him a look of ‘stop making it worse for yourself’.
The Grandmaster swiveled his head to meet Tomas’ gaze. “Silence you fool. Your words have no meaning, you are not one of us. You could hardly ever hold a marriage together, just like you could not hold your parents together.”
“Bi-Han!” Kuai Liang hissed.
She felt herself snap. “Grandmaster, you need to leave him alone!” Her voice cracked as she stood up and looked at Bi-Han. “You are cruel and cold. You treat your brothers so horribly. How can one even appreciate you when you are so disrespectful?” Tears brimmed her eyes and her vision blurred.
Tomas was taken aback. He had never been stood up for like this, especially with an outburst. Kuai Liang always tried to be peaceful, but she was different.
Bi-Han’s face scrunched in irritation and annoyance. “If you are going to be emotional, then leave us to our own devices. We can finish dinner without you weeping all over the food.”
Her eyebrows furrowed as more tears fell. “You are sick, Bi-Han. No wonder no one would marry you, you are barbaric.”
“Your insults do not affect me. Stop wasting your breath and leave.” He continued to dig his knife into her heart.
She turned away from the table, storming off and leaving the dining room to retreat to the bathroom in order to let herself cry. As she left, she heard Kuai’s sharp tone and Bi-Han’s rising voice begin to argue but her blood was pounding in her ears. Sobs wracked her body as she curled into a ball on the large, cool bathroom. Bi-Han’s words cut deeply, and as much as she thought she could be overreacting, nothing eased the pain in her heart.
How could one be so mean to his brother like that? Whether they were not related by blood or not, it did not matter. Tomas was one of them. He deserved the respect he never got, especially from the Grandmaster.
There was a quiet knock at the door and she sniffled, wiping her swollen eyes as she sat up. She heard a muffled voice. “It is Tomas, please open the door.”
A little reluctant, she opened the door as she continued to wipe away her tears. Tomas looked at her guiltily. “Please do not cry, it is not your fault.”
“He is mean to you, Tomas.” She said as she felt more tears coming. “You are his brother no matter what. You deserve much more respect.”
Tomas sighed. “It is okay, little sister. It is not your battle to fight. I hate to see you so emotional over me.”
She started to cry again, but this time Tomas hugged her. “It is okay, I am okay. I have learned to ignore Bi-Han’s words. They will not falter my attitude.”
This did not ease her heart. Just as Bi-Han’s words cut into her, his words to Tomas did just as much damage. “He is too cruel to you, Tomas. You are lovely and always so generous. You do not deserve it.” She whispered into his shoulder. Tomas heard her words and felt himself smile. No matter what she cared for him.
Embracing her for a few more minutes, Tomas offered to take her out of the home for a little bit to give herself space away from Bi-Han. Tomas knew he would not exactly apologize for his words or actions, especially when he felt very little for the woman he married. It was only for business reasons rather than true love. Tomas and Kuai saw the love she felt for Bi-Han, but they could not say the same for their brother.
Bi-Han never had a so-called filter. He spoke what he truthfully felt no matter how harsh it would sound coming out of his mouth. His brothers were adjusted to this, but his wife was not. He did not understand, or maybe he did not care, that she would be extremely wounded mentally with every rude remark he made.
This sadly happened a night when Bi-Han came to their living quarters in a horrific mood.
“How was your day, Bi-Han?” She asked him as they got ready for bed. He ignored her which made her feel unwelcome, but she tried not to let it affect her deeply. “I am sorry for asking.”
“Stop speaking for once with your incessant mumbling.” He said grimacing. “You do not need to fill the air with your annoying questions.”
The same feelings she had felt many times before begin to crawl their way through her body. “I apologize, Grandmaster.”
“Stop apologizing. Be better.” He replied. “Or is that too much to expect from you?” He never seemed to know when to stop.
“Do not say mean things because you are upset.” She retorted back. She was afraid of his reaction as she already started to feel the overwhelming emotions of weeping.
“It is the truth. You seem to be more annoying when you are nervous or trying to be nice.” He said with a frown. “I have never met anyone as annoying as you.”
She felt the tears begin to flow out of her eyes as she got up from their bed. She did not want to speak so he did not know that she was crying. “Are you going to cry like a baby? How old are you? Why are you like this? If I had known you would be this way, I would have not married you in the first place.”
Night gown flowing behind her, she quickly left their living quarters as she was once again crying her eyes out. His words ached. How much could she take before she could not anymore?
He did not follow her out. Whether it was because he was too prideful or he did not see anything wrong with what he said, he did not make an effort.
She made her way to Kuai Liang’s living quarters. He and Tomas were enjoying a quick cup a tea when they heard the weak knocks at Kuai’s door. They knew it was not Bi-Han.
“Little sister,” Kuai said warmly as he opened the door. He then noticed her shaking form and her tear stained face. “Are you okay?”
She cried more when he asked that question. That question seemed to make her feel so much worse. So vulnerable. Kuai Liang brought her inside of his room and closed the door. Tomas got to his feet fast as he approached her. “Oh no.”
It was hard to speak, but she did her best recalling her and Bi-Han’s argument. Kuai Liang looked concerned, eyebrows knitted as he shook his head when she told them what Bi-Han said to her. Tomas frowned and felt his heart squeeze at Bi-Han’s cruelty.
“I will never understand him.” Kuai said as he gently rubbed her back. “He has such an important person in his life, yet this is the way he acts.”
Tomas made her a small cup of tea and coaxed her to drink as she cuddled into a blanket he draped over her. Kuai Liang’s hands warmed against her skin. “He is not one to understand. His actions in general do not have an explanation.”
“It does not make it any more fair. He hurts the one person who loves him unconditionally. Many of us Lin Kuei do not have that opportunity.” Kuai replied. He sighed. “Bi-Han has always been rude as a child. We are used to it because we grew up together, but you, I do not expect you to be used to it or even deal with it in the first place.”
She chuckled with sadness and despair. “I have to deal with it. He does not understand. He chooses to not understand. It is he who I married, and as much as I love him, the hurt I feel consumes me everyday. He does not ease it. It hurts very much.”
They felt their own hearts splinter at her words. The fact that she had to go through this did not make them feel good. They wanted Bi-Han to be better for her. That is what she deserves.
“You need rest, a lot of it. You can sleep here with me, and Tomas may even join us.” Kuai said with a small smile as Tomas nodded.
It felt a little weird to be sleeping in the same room as the brothers because of how adjusted she was to sleeping with just Bi-Han or herself, but Kuai gave her the mattress while he and Tomas took the floor. She felt guilty and tried to argue with Kuai Liang, but he only shushed her and made her lay down to sleep.
When she woke up in the morning, Kuai Liang and Tomas were gone. She assumed it was for their duties. Sighing quietly, she got up from the mattress and made up the bed before she left. She had her own duties to attend to, but she needed to look presentable.
Leaving Kuai’s chambers, she first went to the bathroom to bathe and get ready. Her eyes were extremely swollen, and she could feel the sadness come back once more. How could Bi-Han be so mean? Even with his tough exterior, she could not comprehend why or how he could be so mean to her or his brothers. Soaking a wash cloth, she gently laid it over her eyes so the swelling could go down. She knew it would not fully help her broken blood vessels on her eyes and the swelling, but it would suffice.
Meeting Bi-Han in the morning was a little angering for the brothers. When they looked at him, all they could see was his wife crying into Tomas while Kuai rubbed her back. They could hear her cries and whimpers as her body shook with every harsh inhale she took. They knew Bi-Han was cruel, but to his wife? It bothered with Kuai Liang’s heart because of how he could not picture himself doing that to Harumi. But he and Bi-Han were very different in personality, so they were bound to be different in how they loved.
“What has your minds clouded?” Bi-Han asked sharply. He crossed his arms as he saw the dazed but fiery look in his brothers’ eyes.
Kuai shook his head. “It is nothing, brother.”
“If it’s about that weeping willow, I will personally throw you into the river myself.” Bi-Han muttered. Kuai’s eyes narrowed. “Forgive me, but elaborate.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes. “My wife does not need to come to you for her problems. I can handle them myself.”
“Unless you are the one creating them for her.” Kuai replied. “You are rude to her, Bi-Han.”
“I only married her for the clan’s sake. I do not love such a feeble woman like her.” Bi-Han spat. “Her emotions control her. That is not like the Lin Kuei. She needs to grow tougher skin.”
Kuai felt his frustration burn. “You need to take it easy on her. She is not a man, brother. She is not adjusted like we are.”
“Who are you to stick up for my wife?” Bi-Han was now face-to-face with Kuai Liang. It was an intimidation tactic. “It is none of your concern.”
“I’m sticking up for her because she has difficulty doing so.” Kuai replied with hints of irritation. Tomas watched silently as his brothers fought. “You only have the opportunity to know the very few special people that come into your life, and when they are gone, they are gone for good. Appreciate what you have. One day, she will not be here any longer. And all she will remember you by is your cruelty.” Kuai turned away from Bi-Han and walked off with Tomas not too far behind him. Bi-Han watched in anger as he felt the tip of his ears pink with frustration and shame. To be told such a thing by his brother, someone lower than him, was embarrassing. Who was he to tell him how to be a husband? Kuai Liang was not married himself.
Bi-Han stayed away from his brothers and dove into his duties and plans, only interacting with Sektor and Cyrax. His mood was extremely dampened, and he continued to snap on Sektor and Cyrax who were beginning to become fed up with his behavior. They kept their mouths shut, but they exchanged irritated glances when Bi-Han was not looking. He was being eaten alive by Kuai Liang’s words and his actions. It was rather humiliating for a Grandmaster to be checked by his own brother.
It was dinner time and the men gathered around the table to eat. However, Bi-Han’s wife did not join them. Maybe it was from a mistake of before. Once they did their traditional business before eating a meal, Kuai Liang looked at Bi-Han. “I apologize for my outburst earlier, brother. I still stand by what I said, but I apologize for humiliating you.”
Bi-Han’s lips were pulled into a straight line. “Just eat, Kuai Liang.” This was the closest Kuai would get to a simple acceptance, but Bi-Han was still fuming. Dinner was tense and awkward, and the brothers wanted nothing more than to get away from Bi-Han’s presence.
Still in a bad mood, Bi-Han finished dinner and went to his living quarters where his wife lay reading a book. Clenching his jaw, he closed the door. “Stop going to my brothers for our problems. It is between a husband and his wife, not his brothers.” He said with a snarky tone.
She set her book down. “I had nowhere else to go, Bi-Han.”
“You could have stayed with me and dealt with your problems. When you married me, you married the clan and I. But that does not mean you need to include my brothers in your drama.” He fought back.
She felt her heart rate increase and her emotions choke her throat. “It is none of your business who I go to for moral support.”
“It is when it is my family and they cause issues for myself because of it.” He snapped. “Why don’t you think of your decisions, you stupid girl. It is not that difficult to grasp. Stop telling Kuai Liang and Tomas about our marital problems.”
“Then stop being so mean to me like you are now!” She replied angrily. “You always call me unnecessary names. You like to put me down. I am already low as it is since I married you!”
“It is not my fault that your father wanted to better his status of his clan.” His eyes narrowed and he approached closer to her. “It is not my fault that you have fallen in love with me. You knew from the start that our marriage was not based around love. It has always been based around business, and that is the way it will stay. I will never love you, and that is the truth.”
Sadness was not enough to describe it. Her bottom lip trembled as she felt herself break right in front of Bi-Han. She cried quietly at first, until she got a little bit louder. Her breathing was uneven, Bi-Han almost a little concerned if she was breathing well. His face fell, tilting his head as he watched her cry. Something in him made him feel bad. Worse than bad. Like he was a monster. She shied away from his touch, moving her body away as if he was poisonous to touch. He stiffened as her crying became worse. It was as if she was going to get sick.
“You need to let me take you to the bathroom.” Bi-Han said as he reached another hand out, yet she moved back from it. It was beginning to frustrate him, but there was nothing he could do. “Please let me do what I need to do.”
Her mind was frazzled as she felt all of her pain flow out of her. Bi-Han was eventually able to grab her wrist and help her up onto her feet, guiding her to the wash room. Bile was building up in her throat as she felt the weird sensation of throwing up. Bi-Han was able to put her on her knees and grab a bucket, putting it in front of her. “If you need to get sick, use this.”
Her breathing was choppy, her hands uncovering her face slightly and he was able to get a glimpse of her red face. He felt guilty. He knew that she was emotional, but to this extent? He was unknown to it. He rubbed circles on her back as she did eventually get sick. He held her hair back too and stayed quiet while she emptied her stomach. All of this because of what he had told her. He truly felt like a monster. He was now beginning to understand Kuai Liang’s outburst.
Once she started to quiet, only her hiccuping could be heard, he frowned. “I… I am truly sorry. I really am.”
She did not reply as she hardly looked at him. It still hurt. A ‘sorry’ was like a band aid on a wound that needed stitches. Looking at Bi-Han would make her break all over again.
He sighed as he took a washcloth and wiped her mouth from any residue, throwing it to the side and picking her up bridal style. “To bed.”
She could not argue with him, she felt exhausted and her head was thumping crazily. Her red-rimmed eyes were so swollen, it looked like she was squinting at everything. Her nose was still red along with her cheeks. Bi-Han laid her down and crawled into bed after her, reluctantly yet gently pushing a few hairs back off her forehead. “I am sorry. I did not know it was to this extent.”
Silence was all he got back. He understood that he did not deserve any words. He caused this, and it was his job to pick the pieces back up. Even if he did not love her, he could not let his wife deal with it by herself. He had already done it before. Hearing her breathing slow down, he held her close to his body. The guilt wracked him. He felt terrible for what he had done. Kuai’s words echoed in his head.
‘You only have the opportunity to know the very few special people that come into your life, and when they are gone, they are gone for good. Appreciate what you have’.
He thought of his mother. She was a special person in his life. She adored Bi-Han, she loved him, she took care of him. She was there for him when his father would push him to his limits and he would pass out from exhaustion. She was there when he received the ability to control ice. She was there for a lot until her death.
But after she had passed, he had no one else to do that for him. Until his wife came into his life. Whether it was for business or not, she still made sure to take care of him after he came home from fighting. Cleaning and stitching his wounds up. She took care of him similar to how his mother did.
He looked down at his wife’s sleeping form in his arms. He now felt ashamed. So ashamed he almost wanted to leave her to sleep by herself away from him, but he decided that he needed to be there. It was for her own good. He closed his eyes and lulled himself to sleep.
Bi-Han was gone the next morning when she awoke which was not a surprise to her. She rubbed her face gently, careful to not irritate her skin much more. Her crying had already done that enough.
She looked at the side table and was a little taken aback. There were flowers on the table. She assumed they were from Bi-Han. She carefully picked them up and inhaled their scent, sighing quietly to herself. She saw a note and picked that up as well. She read it carefully.
“Dear wife,
I have duties to attend to, but I apologize for my behavior towards you. An apology may not be enough for the harm I have caused. Truly, I am sorry. Kuai Liang has opened my eyes, and I witnessed first hand how my attitude and words affect you. I will be better for you. That is what you deserve. Please rest and relax, I will check in every so often.
She felt her eyes water as she read the note over and over. It felt foreign to hear such vulnerability from Bi-Han, but she was somewhat glad to know that he realized how much his words can hurt. She hoped that he would stick to his word and truly improve. His words still stung, but she would take the time to heal and move on. That, she was sure of.
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ravenshavenn · 11 months
Why I think Snape is autistic
(as someone with autism and who also has other family members and friends on the spectrum)
(I don't want to generalise these are purely my observations and I hope I worded everything correctly, this is just my lil hyper-fixation dump meant for fun an not to be taken too seriously)
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Firstly, Severus is always seen in his trademark long, dark robes which could be a way to cope with sensitivity to certain textures as he has clearly found something that works for him and he knows he likes, so why should he have to wear anything else?
He also keeps his hair long which could also be another sensory comfort for him as tying it up can keep it very far away from his face which short hair doesn't provide quite as well (from personal experience) or leaving it loose can create a nice feeling on a persons face or neck that some people with autism find comforting
Obviously Snape's favourite things are the dark arts and potions and he shows a deep knowledge of these subjects throughout the books and movies alike therefore these could be seen as special interests considering the amount of time and energy Severus puts into them
He's also shown to have a vast collection of various potion ingredients in jars and knows straight away that something is missing when Harry takes the Gillyweed
Severus also stims in potentially unnoticeable ways such as constantly fiddling with his hands, having his hands behind his back to clasp them together and picking apart leaves as a child
Social gatherings are clearly something that Severus finds difficult as he's not often seen at any besides supposedly mandatory events such as the Yule ball which could be because he finds them overstimulating from the noise, crowds, smells, lights, etc
Another potentially overstimulating thing for Severus could be light as he spends his time in the dungeons which aren't well lit and in other scenes where there is bright lights he immediately shuts them off such as when he takes over Lupin's defence against the dark arts lesson and also again in the prisoner of Azkaban a portrait asks him to put out his luminous spell and he complies as he walks away meaning he's just walking in the dark?! (Which is a total vibe tbh)
He's always been depicted as "strange", "wierd" or "lonely" as from his childhood Lily is his only friend and the vast majority of other characters seem to find him off putting and can't actually specify why they don't like him "the fact that he exists" but he's not shown to make much effort to expand his social circle so it seems as though he's either content with the situation or has given up on it
There is a lac of understanding shown for other peoples emotions throughout the books and movies alike for example the perceived "rudeness" towards students could definitely be a result of depression or something else but it could also be that he doesn't fully understand the impact that he has on them
Severus also experiences the "flat effect" which is when someone displays little to no facial expression, this is a trait that can be seen in autism, this is emphasised in the movies in particular but Severus in the books is also said to not show much emotion unless he's feeling incredibly extreme emotions "Don't call me a coward" for example is one of his infamous more emotional scenes but for the majority of the time his expressions aren't depicted in great detail or he simply isn't displaying any
Along with this he also has a fairly monotone voice, besides when he's extremely upset which again is a trait displayed by those on the autism spectrum
He doesn't seem to understand social rules particularly well for example he's unsure of how to communicate to Lily that she's a witch and accidentally ends up scaring her, not fully grasping that 11 year olds can't do everything he can regarding potions and becoming easily frustrated by them
Severus also clearly has a very strong sense of justice that he's willing to do almost anything to ensure is carried out such as spying for as long as he did which was definitely partly motivated by Lily but also (or I like to think) his intense black and white vision of right and wrong which Voldemort crossed when Severus fully understood everything that the death eaters stood for when they began hunting down Lily
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wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
I know you’re already super busy and booked but if you can, Munseong Kim/Ji Yeonwoo fluff and headcanons would be cool. There is little to none on them, please pace yourself I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.
Hmmm. Let's do... texting habits (ish). And sorry I included my cuties Wangguk and Taehoon too 😊
HTF texting habits hc: Munseong, Yeonwoo, Wangguk, Taehoon
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Munseong is a pretty cool and reserved guy, and that shows with his texting habits
He keeps it short and to the point, not a lot of emojis and everything comes across a little deadpan with his replies.
However, he is extremely fast respond back to you and usually within the minute... even if it doesn't warrant a response he'll at least send back a 😄 Sweet boy doesn't want to leave you hanging!
And if he's late to text back (by his standards), he'll always apologise even though you've explained a million times it's fine and you know he's doing his own thing.
Don't expect any memes, or him to react with anything apart from confusion. But you can always expect a good morning or good night.
Whenever he's feeling a bit down, he will read over your old messages and imagine your smile and your face lighting up on the other side.
...Or just call you to hear your voice.
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Yeonwoo always makes time for texting you even with his hectic study schedule.
Thinks of it as a little treat, something to look forward to after frying his brain for the last couple hours.
He's always a bit contrite for his late replies too but it doesn't deter you with your double, triple, quadruple+ texting. It brightens his day seeing your name pop up on his phone, even if there are 10+ messages waiting.
Once his study schedule chills out and he makes more time for Kyokushin, he also makes more time for you!
Anything that pops into his head that he thinks you'll like, or that he thinks of saying, he'll just come right out with it.
More often than not it's a cute cat/dog meme or silly fluffy pics.
Occasionally it'll be blurred selfies of him during training. Just a lil hi and a way to say he's thinking of you.
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Ah, another pretty reserved one.
Wangguk uses emojis more than you would expect, and is pretty cute with them to be honest. Adds them to provide a bit more context and depth with his responses because he knows how dry he can sound 🥺
Keeps his messages pretty short unless there's something that he is passionate about then he'll just ramble and send a full on essay. Punctuated with another follow up message to say sorry. It's pretty goddamn cute tbh.
Sends you a LOT of pictures. Innocent ones that is. Pictures tell a thousand words and he loves his photography.
Pics to say good morning, good night, thinking of you, thought you would like this. Usually Wangguk isn't in them, which makes any selfies even more special.
Also loves when you respond back in kind, sending him snaps of your day and just you.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, is extremely clued up with memes or anything slightly unhinged thanks to Gyeoul and her sense of humour. Will send on any to you that makes him chuckle.
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Listen if Taehoon wants your attention, he'll let you know. That includes messages and calls at 4am just to fuck with you. Especially when he hears your exasperated sigh and groggy voice. Or even an angry reply to "GO TF TO SLEEP!!" It will never not be funny to him. Maybe that's on you for continuing to respond and pick up all the time.
Cute good morning, good night texts? No chance.
Although he is very good at letting you know where he is, what he's up to. And expects similar from you. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just wants to know you're safe. A hangover from Dowoon.
And this bastard is also pretty leisurely with his responses. You can be having a full on conversation, responses back within the minute then he leaves you on read for hours.
However, if you do the same then expect a call "why the fuck aren't you answering me." If you miss that, then expect an annoyed Taehoon on your doorstep.
Again, another hangover from Dowoon. His mind just goes to the worst case scenarios.
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heartssatoru · 1 year
Heyyyy! I was thinking of the fact I can be a slightly clingy GF and was wondering if you could do HCs on how the JJK boys would be with a slightly clingy GF. Megumi, Gojo, Itadori and Toge!!! Oh and Sukuna because I know you love him!
AHH THANK YOU!! I do infact love sukuna hehe🙏 but yeah of course! Thank you for the request!
Megumi secretly likes it.
But he's scared. Especially when you always try to be with him. Especially during missions, he doesn't wanna lose you.
If you also are the type to literally drown him in affection:
He'll push your hand away whenever you try to do anything. He's just awkward like that, n shy
If you stop he forces you to go back to doing what you were gonna do
He just gets really red cause he doesn't know how to respond
He acts like your clingeness is annoying but deep down he really does like it
Saw him smile slightly while you were playing with his hair? No you didn't.
He himself gets kinda clingy whenever he has a bad day, but he doesn't notice that.
Tease him about it and he'll face the other way, ignoring you. His face is extremely red.
If your clingy, that's fine. Hes clingy too.
But like megumi. Does not want you getting hurt. He takes on missions that could result in you being killed.
So he has his reasons, however
He always teases you about it, saying how you can't resist him n stuff
Love's how you both be smothering eachother in kisses
Everytime he comes back from missions n stuff he always gets you something, especially if you get sad that he's not home.
(Everytime he comes home your arms are already wrapped around his waist)
And since he's so busy he gets you plushies of him, and only him.
"Since I know you love me so much hehe"
Itadori enjoys it so much, he's not very clingy. But is at the same time.
Just uh.. sometimes it really gets to him and he starts crying a little
"Yuji are crying?" "Nuh uh! It's just my allergies" said in a shaky voice
Someone actually wants his company? Wow!!
Everytime hes home late he always apologizes and hugs you so tight.
You can't breath cause of it but aww! Hes suffocating you (with affection)
sometimes he'll be a little mean and tease you about it though.
gets so confused when he isn't welcomed with you smothering him in kisses as soon as he gets back
But when you do he starts giggling all happily. "Your so mean"
Likes how you always cling onto him as soon as he's home. And finds it cute when you whine about him being gone for so long
He appreciates it a lot, and doesn't even move an inch whenever you're drowning him in affection
Mostly also cause he's kinda awkward, but not too much. (Not as much as megumi)
He always wants to be with you. But missions stop him from doing so.
Hes not really used being welcomed back with you and your affection, like the rest.
He doesn't mind it though, and he himself can be clingy too, like the rest (too lol)
He doesn't even know his cheeks are slightly red with everything you do
I can picture him being kinda clingy in certain situations too. But its kinda rare
Over all he's a little cutie, loves your clingyness and you.
Mocks you and makes fun of you, but thats no suprise.
Thats just how he is. He wont admit it if he likes it. But im being real here he'd probably use it as an insult
Even though he likes it, he wont admit it. He'll bully you about it😭
If you actually get upset he'll stay quiet cause he feels awkward. Won't bully you, as much.
However if you just ignore him he'll keep going. He just wants to get on ur nerves tbh
But still since he knows you love him so much he'll be like "of course your so needy for me"
Or something like that. He's clingy in certain situations, but thats extremely extremely rare.
Working on:
"Okay since you do write for Megumi I was thinking of a scenario where fem reader(if you do that) and Megumi have been together for awhile and new sorcerer starts at Jujutsu High and immediately develops a crush on him and reader gets insecure about it. How that would play out and how he would react! "
"can you write some headcanons for when the jjk boys lose their s/o in a large crowd? ^^"
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
the monster trio are various flavors of audhd (all strawhats are neurodivergent, but they the most)
luffy is high empathy, stimming, bluntness and audioprocessing disorder
zoro is hyperfocus, sleepy, good at maths and flat affect
sanji is infodumping, special interest (cooking), rigid rules (don't hurt women, don't use hands, etc) and difficulty with regulating emotions
Agree completely 🫶🏻 There is not a single neurotypical person in this crew !! That's why they love each other so much, they just get each other. In general, I think that the whole "misfits finding a found family" trope is incredibly neurodivergent coded but I think that specifically with the strawhats there is like, a fundamental obvious understanding that none of them are neurotypical. Like there is no way. I know it's meant to be very general for people who don't fit in to relate, but keeping in mind that most of the time the reason people don't fit in is because of living in a normative, neurotypical society... Idk. I just feel like the strawhats were all meant to be for neurodivergent people.
This being said !!!
AAAAAAAAAA I love the monster trio being neurodivergent. Mainly because I know it'd bother sooo many dudebros. And also because it makes so much sense and it's very very very real to me.
Luffy can't stop moving or doing stuff because it is painfully boring to be doing nothing, so he's always finding new things to do because short attention span and hyperactivity in a crew where everybody has their own stuff to do?? Not a good combo. So he's always seeing what he can do to not get bored. I think he's always touching Zoro's earrings absentmindedly like-- It's not even on purpose. He just does it. Also, being made of rubber has to be the best thing for stimming with your own body ngl. He's sooo direct and honest and blunt because he genuinely doesn't get why people don't think the same as him, but he doesn't have to get it to be emotionally attached and help you out because he makes other people's emotions his. Also add info-dumping right there because I know this guy is the biggest nerd about beetles and will talk to anybody who asks about them. They might be talking about something that has nothing in common with them and he brings them up anyway. Also! I adore the APD headcanon??? You're so right and it fits him SO well.
Zoro is my absolute beloved here because he has so much depth and feels and knows so much but people always characterize him as stoic and emotionless and like,, He just has a hard time showing it visually but he feels stuff deeply. He's always training and it almost feels like the world around him vanishes and he's always sooo eepy. Eepy boy. I get it. I think he almost finds it frustrating tbh like- We never talk about that but I think it's a bit bothersome for him sometimes? Also he's my favorite math genius and he might be shitty at directions but damn he's good at this. Also he likes things to be perfectly placed and everything to be in patterns of 3, thank you.
Sanji is the realest for me-- Don't ask him about the All Blue (please do) because he will start talking like crazy for hours and hours and hours with the brightest of smiles. If somebody wants to know about his cooking like, actually know what he's doing, he won't shut up. Somebody mentions any animal or vegetable or fruit and the guy is already telling you all the ways it can be cooked. He has a lil voice in his head telling him constantly what he should and shouldn't do btw and I also hc that he has to have everything in the right place or else he loses his mind completely. And that's tied to not being able to regulate emotions properly-- So he's constantly extremely anxious or feeling waves of sadness or just, extreme emotions in general.
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wonton4rang · 23 days
could you write something on Kictchen fuck with leehan?
ofc !! I am a hardcore taesan biased but I CAN'T deny that leehan sometimes has a place for too long in my mind :')
pairing; leehan x reader.
warnings; smut +18, and that's it, just some porn without plot, regular sex.
summary; kitchen fuck with your boyfriend leehan after being so absent for a couple weeks due to your job.
note; currently writing another ask I have for taesan 👀 always open for any thoughts or requests <33
you were working like a bitch the last few weeks, loads and loads of paperwork filling your desk and restraining you from coming home at the end of your shift. it was tiring, your body was not going to keep holding on for much longer, so you requested your vacations.
your boss did not want to let you go tbh, you took most of the workload of the team and did everything perfectly, but he also knew that you needed to rest so he sent you home the week after you requested him those few days off. but let me tell you something, you were not the only want who wanted to be home, your pretty boyfriend had missed you too during those days that you wouldn't come home early enough for him to see you before falling asleep out of tiredness, and then when he woke up you were already gone, it was hell for leehan.
you got home late last night and as usual you found him sleeping with his back on the bed's board, waiting for you with his arms crossed and his glasses resting in his nose bridge. he looked so hot you almost woke him up to give him the exciting news that you were staying home the next three weeks. you just removed his glasses and tried to make him sleep on his back without waking him up, it worked; you took to the bathroom and then tucked into the sheets with him. it was so nice to have him by your side.
then the next morning when leehan got up, brushed his teeth and went out of the bedroom guided by the smell coming from outside, he got sooo confused because it was saturday and it was HIS day off, you always did extra hours on saturdays so he had two things in mind: he is having visions or someone broke in. but he was so relieved yet dumbfounded when he saw you wearing his large shirt with just your underwear beneath it, you were quietly humming your favourite song of the moment, killer queen by none other than queen itself.
and he would approach you from behind, his hands going automatically to hold the front of your thighs and his head laying in the crook of your neck, leaving a few kisses before you talked "good morning, sleepyhead" your voice was such a turn on for him that you could literally feel his dick twitch in your back, his pajama pants being extremely thin.
"are you staying the whole day, baby?" you nodded and turned around to face him, his hands immediately taking place in your ass.
"i took my vacations"
and that's all you said before you felt his plump lips against yours, his hands touching you with so much hunger you were confused as to how much he most have missed you those few weeks; and is not like you didn't miss him, but he was more in a calm side type of behaviour so he didn't really acted desperate most of the times.
which led you to be very confused when you noticed he was not slowing down, quite the opposite, he was accelerating his pace and kissing you harder, his tongue exploring your mouth and his hard dick pressing against your tummy.
"babe, can you take me now? can i... can i please...?" he couldn't even talk at this point, he was just so hot, so you let him, you ensured him that you could take it and well, you did, cause he lifted you up to the counter and took your underwear to the side so he could get in after taking his dick out of his trousers.
you both saw heaven when he finally thrusted in, speeding up like his life depends on it, kisses trailing down your throat, small hickeys laying there and your hands tangling in his hair while you accepted everything he had to give you. it was so good, so good and so hot, you guys were so horny for the days you couldn't be together that it was not long before you both came, leehan coming first and being followed by you when he rubbed your clit with his thumb for a few seconds.
"I missed you so much" he whispered against your cheek before placing a kiss there, still inside of your throbbing cunt.
"i can tell, i missed you so bad too"
and you guys forgot about breakfast for a while until the burnt smell made you realize you never turned off the pan in the stove. but it was okay, you were with your boyfie and you could always do the pancake mix again !!
I am 100% sure that asks/ thoughts/ drabbles should not be this long but I just can't help it 😔 hope you guys enjoyed and that the person who requested this did too!!
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unclaimed-garbage · 12 days
My First Impression Rant on S2E8: “The Full Moon.”
[Things that I liked about the newest episode]
The Art/animation:
The art/animation was super good as always. The fight scene were choreographed rather well and it was just awesome. (Shoutout to the effects team as well).
The music and voice acting:
The music and voice acting were also really good (though at some points, certain characters didn’t sound right??? Like there was one scene where Moxxie confronted the Cherubs and his voice sounded COMPLETELY different. Aside from that though, the emotion in Blitzø’s voice for example where absolutely STELLAR.
Unfortunately, I don’t have many good things to say about this episode because tbh, it was a HUGE let down for me.
[Things I didn’t like]
The goddamn plot:
The pacing here was fucking atrocious and especially bad this episode. The goddamn cherubs and Dhorks got more screen time than Stolas and Blitzø, which shouldn’t be the case given that the episode is titled “The Full Moon” and should’ve been about Blitzø and Stolas’ “deal.”
It was also incredibly strange because why in the world would Vivziepop hype up this episode only to have it barely feature the main storyline. Sure, it was nice to see less of Stolitz, but when you market an episode as being a Stolitz-centric episode that’s supposed to be where they break up, you should expect more focus.
Instead though, we got more of Dhorks’ and Cherubs’ rushed Alliance that went nowhere and was the A plot, while the most important part of the series was shafted as the B plot.
Speaking of shafting the B plot, the pacing was another issue:
The pacing was (once again) another huge issue for me. Blitzø and Stolas’ talk about their “deal” was EXTREMELY quick. Though it was incredibly well done both voice acting wise, mood wise, etc, the pacing just went too fast and it would’ve been nice to see more buildup.
Not only that, but with The Cherubs’ and Dhorks’ situation, the fight went on way too long when it didn’t even affect the actual plot or story. It just meant nothing narrative wise and just felt like a waste of time tbh.
That leads to my next issue, the stakes:
The stakes of this episode were meant to be incredibly high. This was the episode where Stolas and Blitzø were theorized (and confirmed) to break up. Despite this high-stakes moment that’s been forever in the making, with the Cherubs portion of the episode (that took up more screen time than the supposed main focus), the stakes were incredibly non-existent most of the episode and then quickly hit you like a brick in the final five minutes where the most important part comes to play.
Like sure, some may argue that the stakes and tension hitting you was supposed to be like that, but it just felt like bad writing to me.
This leads into the next issue which is tone/tonal whiplash:
This episode suffers from pretty bad tonal whiplash imo. While a good portion of the episode was used to bring Dhorks and Cherubs back into relevancy, there were moments where Blitzø went out (and met Fizzeroli later on) to buy new stuff for their monthly fucking.
Despite the audience heavily suspecting this episode would be Stolitz’s breakup episode, there was little to no buildup. In the beginning of the episode, we get Stolas and Blitzø’s duet talking about the full moon and whatnot. We know that Stolas will give the asmodean crystal to Blitzø, but we don’t know how he’ll react.
We see everything on Blitzø’s side going wonderfully, he’s buying stuff for their “deal” and whatnot making sure it’s perfect (because it’s heavily implied Blitzø is worried that Stolas is getting sick of him). On the other hand, we see no buildup on Stolas’ side. No buildup whatsoever. After the duet, he’s completely gone until Blitzø meets up with Stolas. I think that works against the episode and it’s intentions. So, it went from Blitzø being happy, to things all going to shit with little buildup imo.
The Episode’s intentions:
Honestly, this episode really rubbed me the wrong way, especially when Blitzø finally confronts Stolas about everything. It truly seems that they’re trying to paint Blitzø as the villain, when that’s furthest from the truth.
In scene one (which I’d previously screen recorded, but you can only upload 1 video from camera roll), we see Stolas asking for the book back. Permanently so he can give Blitzø the Asmodean crystal. Blitzø’s reaction here is VERY telling, as he automatically assumes he isn’t doing good enough in their “deal” and thus is jeopardizing his business and his employee’s livelihoods. This is just one example of the gross power imbalance in their “relationship” and like it or not, this scene alone proves that Stolas has created and upheld a gross power imbalance.
Scene/video two ALSO showcases the gross power imbalance in this situation. Blitzø is literally CRYING and BEGGING to keep the book because (as of this point in the episode), he is unaware of Stolas’ intentions and truly believes that the deal is being revoked and he’ll lose his business, job, and cost his employees’ jobs and livelihoods.
Scene/video three truly bothers me in more ways than one because STOLAS was the one who suggested the “deal”. STOLAS was the one who suggested they meet up on the full moon for sex. So WHY is he acting so surprised that Blitzø expected it to be about sex when that was the standard STOLAS set? It really does feel like the narrative is trying to sympathize and make Stolas seem like the victim when Blitzø is merely upholding the arrangement hess. been confined to.
Scene/video four REALLY REALLY grinds my gears after Blitzø rightfully goes off for being blindsided and given no chance to process what the hell Stolas has told him, Stolas is yet again treated like the victim while Blitzø is made to be the villain. Blitzø literally mentioned in the scene before this that he needed time to think things over and couldn’t have this thrown at him like that (and also rightfully goes off on him for seeing him as lesser and being toyed with).
Not only that, but it’s just misguided at best and downright malicious at worst that Blitzø’s trauma and abuse from Stolas is either completely swept under the rug or spun to make Blitzø be the villain in the situation when he’s merely fighting back against the abuse he’s faced.
The final part, The Hype:
Honestly, this episode was REALLY disappointing. It didn’t even reach the 30 minute mark and was the same/similar length as every normal episode, yet it was supposed to be so much more important. We were promised a good episode where Stolas and Blitzø would discuss their “deal,” yet it was shafted to the last five minutes and felt incredibly rushed and victim-blamey tbh. The hype for the episode didn’t really match what we got imo and I’m more disappointed with this episode than I’ve been with the other episodes in season 2.
Overall, I really hate Stolitz as a ship because of portrayal in the series and the episode heavily suffered because of it and also suffers from the usual issues due to the lack of proper pacing and the fact that it wasn’t even longer to allow for more time.
Rating: Tilts between a three and a negative infinity tbh
Maybe I’ll make a much more in depth/thought out say since this one was kinda a heat in the moment one I made while on my way home from Walmart. 💀
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ccaramel-llow · 7 months
I present to you: A request featuring Jax, Zooble, Gangle, and Caine with a musician s/o because DAMMIT it sounds adorable
Reader’s a goofy fella, real silly, they can play a BUNCH of instruments, sing well, dancing, they love it
but they can be a shut in sometimes 👉👈
seeing as Zooble does the theme song (and has to rework it when someone new shows up-) and I just get the vibes you can’t convince me that Zooble isn’t at least a little bit of music nerd /lh /j
(i am also a music nerd tbh, Thats why me and zooble are marri WOAH WHO SAID THAT)
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. Honestly he'd ask you to to play an instrument over someone while their speaking because hes a little evil shit you know?
. Makes fun of you and says your music sucks when he secretly loves it when you play.
, He finds you attractive and hot if you play the guitar while screaming angst-y shit if your emo like that/j , but he bullies you for doing that as well.
, He'd ask you to teach him how to play the drums while your speaking to someone. not because hes jealous or anything, Nope. He is.
, He sucks ASS and DOG SHIT at dancing. Expect him to step on your feet if you try to dance together.
, Since you're a "shut in" He tries to get you out more but then later gives up and just comes into you're room or personal business without warning to smother you with his so called " Love language " (Which is just bothering you until you yell at him to shut the fuck up)
, Hides in your room to listen to you play, Or sits outside your room just so he can hear you play.
, Loves it when you sing, He has to fight his demons and intrusive thoughts (he wants to sing along with you to rizz you up COU-)
, Beats up and bullies anyone who says you aren't great at playing, Dancing, Etc.
" My lover IS the best musician here. Wanna repeat that you little s(*&$! ?"
, They pretend like they don't care. Like at all.
, Although, In reality they care and love your music a lot! They even ask you to teach them how to play an instrument
, Zooble would always listen and be there for you when you played, Enjoying the soft/Rough melody of a song that you were presenting for them in a private space.
, Tell's everyone to shut up when your about to play, And mask's their excitement with anger.
, Their eye's shine when you pull out an instrument and their eyes go dull whenever you weren't gonna play.
, Ask's you to play a song sometimes when their in a bad mood.
, Zooble also cannot dance for jack SHIT. Do not try to teach them how to dance. They'll go insane i swear.
, Since you're a shut in, She always asks if you're busy or not, Or if your comfortable or stressed before asking to play a song because they dont want you to get overwhelmed.
, Adores your voice, And always secretly makes sure you dont over stress your voice out.
, Compliments you when you're finished singing.
" You did great out there. Uh, Hope you dont mind teaching me how to play soon?... "
, She LOVES It when you play calming melodies using your preferred instrument.
, Probably asks you to play the violin as she stares at you with heart shaped eyes.
, Would go feral on Jax if he breaks your instrument on purpose and cry with you in your room trying to comfort you.
, Smothers you with a lot of compliments when you are finished playing.
, Rants about you often to show you off and because you cant get off her mind.
, She smiles brightly when you play an instrument.
, I feel like she'd be an okay dancer!! She'd ask you to dance every now and then, But if you dipped her during dancing she'd be extremely flustered and her eyes would turn into the shape of a heart.
, Likes to hum along with you while you sing. Gangle really is inlove with your voice and starts to just doze off while admiring you.
" (Name) Is the very best person i had ever met... I hope xey play more melodies soon!! I love it when they sing.... BUT YOU DIDNT HEAR THAT FROM M-"
, He would honestly go ' AWOOGA HOT DAMN ' all over you.
, Can play piano, Please let him duet with you.
, Stares at you with lovey dove-y goo goo eyes while playing, Admiring you as you both play, Definitely not imagining you guys making out.
, Like Gangle, He too smothers you with compliments but extreme. Like, He's peppering your face with teeth kisses if given consent.
, Since he's short, He'd love to dance with you!! He has to float if your too tall, But if your the same height, He attempts to pull the spin and dip move on you to rizz you up.
, He always records you singing and listens to you singing in his free time while thinking about you.
, Would always try to get you to open up since your a shut in. If your always in your room, He always tries to get you out because he's afraid you would reach your breaking point and abstract. He cant lose you.
" My dearest is the absolute best at playing instruments, Dancing, And all that stuff... Oh how much i love xem.... What do you mean they aren't?"
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cry1ngchild · 11 months
hellooo! I was wondering if I could request general headcanons with laughing Jack and candy pop?
LJ and Candy Pop Headcanons
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Laughing Jack
- Bro is MONSTROUSLY tall. he’s 7’4 and he has to bend down when walking through doors. It ain’t even funny tbh he towers over everyone and must have some brains cells fall out from the ceiling hitting his head
- He mainly chills in the carnival/circus area of the mansion where there are tall rooms ✌️ (i have a lot of headcanons on the Slender mansion itself and Slendermans magic, if u ask me for headcanons on him… i will go on for days)
- He’s in his 400s, one of the oldest creeps however the biggest menace, age does not bring maturity (refer to Candy Pop for further proof, impressively immature)
- LJ doesn’t mind any pronouns tbh, he just doesn’t care however he presents as a male so he mainly gets called as such. It may raise an eyebrow if you referred to LJ as a woman but he either won’t give a s*bleep*t or laugh
- LJ doesn’t feel threatened by threats or people actually trying to hurt him however he has a set few triggers which make him go complete defensive mode and aggressive. Towering over him, he isn’t used to it as he is extremely tall however say he was sitting down and someone was standing over him and talking down to him… suddenly he is extremely alert and ready to strangle that person to death
- But yea unless triggered he isn’t actually that aggressive, more of just cunning and rude. He tends to mock and embarrass people that try purposefully p*bleep*ing them off
- He likes to make sweets for his friends <3 however he has accidentally poisoned them on many occasions 😄 (LJ is the reason Jason no longer eats sweets)
❥ Candy Pop
- Candy Pop is 6’11 however he has the ability to change some physical features at will but he is 6’11
- He’s always off in his own world / daydreaming; his attention is always else where.
- Nathan and Pop are always talking or texting, Nathan is basically his platonic husband at this point ngl
- Candy Pop can do basically everything in the circus industry however his favourite/speciality is acrobatics and magic tricks
- Jason and Candy talk the most sh-t together it’s unbelievable, they’re that work duo that just sh-ts on all of their co workers at any moment they can.
- For being over a thousand years old, most immature being ever. He has year 5 humour and still laughs at fart jokes also Candy Pop will make a s-x joke at any opportunity
- Candy Pop can go from very warm hearted and genuine seeming to condescending and mean fairly quickly, this is because of Night Terrors
- Whenever he breaks his mallet or anything, before he even thinks to just fix it himself, he goes running to Jason lol. Jason gets so annoyed because Candy is definitely doing it on purpose to get him away from work lmao
- Sometimes he just randomly slams his hammer on the ground to get everyone’s attention… just to go back about his day not saying or doing anything, ignoring the massive disturbance he just made
- He’s just in a silly goofy mood <3
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any good logan headcanons?
I mean I hope these are good :3 (tbh this is just me projecting but shhh)
- Used to be really excitable when he/Thomas was younger. It started to fade out when the others would get upset when he got too loud or infodump-y.
- Extremely critical of himself, though he won’t stand for it if the others are of themselves.
- Will talk until his voice is hoarse if you give him the chance to.
- Complete shit at cooking. Excellent at baking. This is because in cooking, it’s all “do whatever, measure with your heart!” whereas baking is precise and scientific. (Also Patton is the exact opposite. They assist in making dinners and meals; Patton does the dinner, Logan will do desserts).
- Gets overstimulated easily, especially with Patton and Roman. They're always... a lot, to say the least. Thankfully, Virgil knows how to deal with it. (I've had analogical on the brain, okay?!)
- Writes poetry to relieve himself of certain emotions. It’s very… robotic? Not in an ai generated way, just in the Logan way. Very technical and acute.
- He wouldn't describe himself as creative, but he is, just in ways that aren't "typical". (This one's less of a headcanon and more an observation)
- Prefers classical music to other genres, but if any of the other sides ask him to listen to music with them, he will. Virgil tends to ask him more than the others, leading to him having an acute knowledge of music from bands like MCR, FOB, and the like. When Roman asks him it often ends with Logan (begrudingly) watching a one man performance starring Prince Roman of a musical of said prince's choosing.
- He's the type of guy to get accused of being a bot when responding to an email. He's not. He's just like that.
- He has a fireplace in his room.
- He doesn't often think of some of the bickering with others as actual bickering or fighting, more so as their way of debate. Until things get out of hand. Then even he can admit that it isn't just "civil debate".
- I feel like he'd know German, Latin, French (though he's not entirely fluent), a bit of ASL (in accordance with a Virgil headcanon of mine), and, while it isn't a language, he'd understand floriography (the "language" of flowers) quite well.
- Actually respects Remus and Janus. Another one that’s less headcanon and more observation.
- Holds a festering emotional rage that dates back years. No one else remembers why. He’ll make them remember.
- Really likes sciences! Astronomy especially, but ecology and biology fascinate him, along with social sciences.
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venndaai · 7 months
I finished Checkmate recently, which means I can finally go ahead and write a very important post!
Lymond Characters Ranked By Their Degree Of Transgender Swag*
Danny Hislop: listen to me. Listen. I 100%, no joke, believe that Daniel Hislop is canonically AFAB. There is zero evidence to contradict this and considerable evidence for it, if you count up every time Danny's small stature and beardlessness is pointedly mentioned, and also if you just look at how much swag he has.
Oonagh O'Dwyer: canonically was happy for exactly one afternoon in her whole life, and that was because she was passing as a boy during it. I am just saying.
Francis Crawford of Lymond and Sevigny: canonically extremely good at drag. Is God's specialest princess. Is apparently physically nearly identical to his half-sister, including their voices. High levels of transgender swag.
Robin Stewart: is canonically not trans, but a lot of his issues would be even worse if he was, nice, and he is also my favorite poor little meow meow so I'm claiming him.
Marthe: already has Gender Trouble up the wazoo, why not add a bit more. Is apparently physically nearly identical to her half-brother, including their voices.
Mikal: is already fem, bisexual, and the swaggiest character on this list. He could be anything he wants to be baby.
Adam: soft gentle bisexual artist who can also Murder. Decent amount of transgender swag.
Christian Stewart: pretty sure she's a cis lesbian and that's why marriage feels like death to her, but it could absolutely be because she's an egg!
Will Scott: again, very much a cis gay man, but AU transgender Will would be delightful.
Archie: I feel like Archie transcends gender, tbh.
Philippa Somerville: no trans swag but she'd definitely be an Ally.
Jerott: he's already confused about enough, let's not make it worse.
Margaret Lennox: my favorite failgirl villainess has zero swag of any kind.
Richard Crawford: always and forever the token cishet. Transgender swag levels terminally in the negative.
(*obligatory "just, like, my opinion, man" disclaimer goes here)
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