#but then again the dresden files really are that weird...
autixel · 6 months
I've told irls about my obsession with the dresden files and my characters in the dresden files.
I've been called insane multiple times.
I was told by one that they'd use this new information to torture me.
It has been I that tortures.
I that gives psychic damage.
I haven't even shared everything.
I merely have to speak the name and it's a one hit kill.
It is good to be an autixel.
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tanadrin · 1 year
“the heavens are a flat picture, and only the earth is really real” is a forgivable attitude to have, even if only implicitly, because our ability to really appreciate how wrong it is is quite recent. as late as the Great Debate in 1920, we had no fucking clue how far away the “spiral nebulae” were; that the universe consisted of what we call the Milky Way galaxy and nothing else was the general opinion among astronomers. the first parallax measurement to another star was made in 1838; William Herschel’s then-state-of-the-art map of the cosmos in 1785 looked like a weird amoeba with the sun in the middle. really good astronomy is like 80-100 years old. so there’s a lot of cultural inertia behind the flat sky.
but there are so many contexts it crops up in that bug me. one common manifestation, i’d argue, is the whole “SF writers have no sense of scale” trope, that works precisely because we’re bad as a culture about conceptualizing the idea of space other than as one half of an earth/not-earth distinction. the one that really kills me is in fantasy fiction, especially fantasy that takes place in our own world. the ministry of magic in harry potter could run a world-class space program dirt cheap. are you telling me there are zero muggle-born or nerdy wizards who wouldn’t be interested in that? the dresden files universe posits all kinds of parallel planes and supernatural creatures. so... do those exists on other planets? are those an earth-only thing? if so, why? again, why aren’t any nerdy wizards like luccio using magic to explore the universe? ebenezer mccoy pulls a satellite out of orbit to use as a kinetic weapon to annihilate a red court stronghold; don’t tell me the white council doesn’t appreciate the applications of this kind of magitech! buffy the vampire slayer plays fast and lose with merging classic SF and fantasy horror tropes; quantum physics is heavily implied to be closely related to magic; yet this has almost no consequence for the perspective of any main or side characters to the rest of the universe, in a way that’s weird to ignore in a series set in the present day.
rarely, fantasy does this correctly. the ghosthead empire are alien invaders, or something like it, in the fantasy world of bas-lag. saga puts fantasy and science fiction in a blender and turns it on high until the result is a smooth undifferentiated paste of genre. though these both are examples of fantasy that explicitly *doesn’t* take place in our world, so i’m not sure they count. and of course unsong validates the flat heavens trope by making it literally how the world works, and the illusion of a large cosmos part of a plot to make it impossible for the devil to exist in our reality (at least until humans break it) (and also it’s teeechnically not our reality). not every work needs to actively bend genre, but it would be nice if in long-running book or tv series that was the kind of thing characters could at least occasionally think about.
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friendly-books · 7 months
Dresden files Fool's Moon live blog
Fool’s Moon 
Ugh male gaze already
You’ve never mentioned Kim Delaney in your fic so I don’t have high hopes in her survival especially when she’s looking into summoning or binding circle
Sometime apprentice? Eh? How does one become a sometime apprentice
Harry drives a Beetle but he’s so tall and a beetle is so small ha
I’m absolutely blaming you for my love of Marcone and how unreasonably happy I got at the mere mention of his name in chapter two I might have a problem 
“He was one of Johnny Marcone bodyguards” pg. 18 Geez Marcone’s men can’t catch a break. First Tommy Tomm, then “Gimpy” Lawrence, and now “Spike” 
Ahh!! What was that agent Benn thinking? Pulling out her gun?!? I know Harry and Murph were going to live but still. I’m horrified by this lack of gun control 
Murph and Harry are fighting:(
I like Harry being a detective 
Who’s Justin? Why did Harry burn him to death? I’m reserving my decision if Justin is good or bad because while Harry is a good guy Bob doesn't have a moral compass.
Who’s Elaine? What happened to her?
Alphas really that’s the name they chose?
Susan you’re back!
Harry’s talking to himself again 
“What could possibly go wrong?” pg. 102 Harry sweetie you didn’t just say that. I can’t believe what I just read. Harry, you should know better than to say that. Every time someone says that things will always go wrong you’re supposed to be genre savvy. 
How is Harry still alive? He went to a hideout of possible murder happy werewolves with minimal tools and or weapons and no backup?
Marcone has arrived yay! It only took 10 chapters 
“Ah Mr. Dresden” pg. 114 Why did I think of Verinari when Marcone said Ah Mr. Dresden? Maybe because Verinari says Ah Vimes 
I love chapter 10 it’s all Marcone and Harry
Why does a demon know Harry’s mom?
“What was left of Kim Delaney lay naked and sublime on the bloodstained floor a few feet from the circle” pg. 143 I didn’t want to be right :(
“Middle-aged, starkly handsome man” pg. 145 Bi Harry counter 3
Why does a demon know Harry’s mother?
“Good-looking detective” pg. 231 Bi Harry 4 counter 
Wait did Harry call Rudolph the person who kills Murph good-looking??? What did I just read?? WHAT?!? 
It’s cool that Harry fights a werewolf 
I’ve now met ID Harry weird that whole bit was weird 
The FBI was in on it?!? 
Marcone to the rescue! 
“A man in his mature prime, his hair immaculately graying at the temples, his custom-made suit displaying a body kept fit in spite of the advancing years” pg. 293 Bi Harry 5
Really Marcone, you're really trying to get Harry to sign a contract now? 
“Marcone looked good in his gray suit and perfect hair and his manicured hands, but he wasn’t” pg. 295 Bi Harry 6
I find it amusing that Marcone and Parker are fighting over Harry for different reasons but fighting over him nonetheless :)
“He won’t accept my offer. He’d rather die.” pg. 297 Marcone knows Harry
“Marcone’s mouth dropped open, and it was an intense pleasure to see the surprise on his face” pg. 297 I love that Harry can get a reaction out of Marcone 
Loving chapter 23 with all its Marconeness 
How old are the characters? Harry calls the alphas kids, Billy calls Harry Mr. Dresden, and Harry talks about Marcone’s gray hair. I’m picturing Harry and Marcone as a mesh of @drawsdenfiles and @kaphkas fanart.
We got a title drop 
Awww Susan got Harry his duster
Why is Marcone’s house so big? Why does he need a big house? 
“If he truly offered you a challenge, he’s here,” Marcone said, his tone completely confident, “I’m certain of it.” pg. 365 Marcone really knows Harry huh 
I like that Marcone’s never underestimated Harry 
“Please remember that I want Dresden, alive if possible.” pg. 375 Wow Marcone really wants to hire Harry. 
Nooo the FBI kidnapped Murph :(
What did Denton see in Harry’s soulgaze? 
Marcone to the rescue again or not, honestly Marcone you should listen to Harry more often
“I guess it could be worse” pg. 394 Why would you say that Murph? Why???
“Mr. Dresden, Marcone said crossly. I’ve asked you not to call me that.” pg. 398 You should let Harry call you John, Marcone 
I love Harry and Marcone’s banter
Marcone’s throwing knives bit was cool
Harry using the belt was interesting. Glad Susan calmed him down. 
“Dresden! The pit!” pg. 417 Nice of Marcone to warn Harry
Harry using his necklace is cool! 
No Murph trust Harry, why did you shoot him?
Yay Murph was shooting Denton 
“Of course,” Marcone said, with a note of disappointment in his voice “I’d just hoped you hadn’t realized it. Nonetheless, Harry-“ 
“Don’t call me Harry,” I said, and hung up on him” pg. 428 I love this entire bit. How come Harry gets to call Marcone John but when Marcone calls Harry by his first name he gets upset? You should just call each other by your first names 
I hope we see more of the Alphas 
Oh Harry’s making connections with the ongoing mystery yay! 
Final thoughts 
Loved all the Marcone we got. I like that we’re getting more on the ongoing mystery. I hope we see more of the Alphas. I liked the fights and Harry’s detective work. More Bi Harry the counter is going up! We’re up to 6. As with the previous book, I'm not a big fan of the male gaze but I think that’s more to do with the length and descriptions used. Harry (or Jim) will go on for a solid paragraph describing women using words I don’t think anyone would use while with Bi Harry it’s not as long and I can see people using words like good looking or handsome. I mostly glazed over the male gaze bits. I don’t know if my predisposition to Bi Harry and a Harry/Marcone shipper is making those parts stand out or if it’s because I’m actively looking for them to add to the counter. Speaking of Marcone I don’t recall if it’s said why Marcone wants Harry to work for him. Yeah having a wizard on staff is cool he can do magic but surely Marcone knows that there’s more magic people and some are more likely to work for him than Harry. So why does he specifically want Harry to work for him? He tried to get him to work for him three times in this book and once in the previous book. There’s trying to hire someone and then there’s whatever this is. I enjoyed this book. Good book for Harry/Marcone moments. Looking forward to the next book!
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @rngaredead :)
For simplicity's sake I'm going to go with just my biDEMONium/trentcrimminallybeautiful ao3 and not try to combine it with my thesorrowoflizards one (why do i have more than one? because i was, among other things, an idiot who didn't know how pseuds worked next question) even though that would probably double some of these numbers lkfjgh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Again, just on this account? 171 (some of those are oneshot compilations though)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
661,851 for now
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ted Lasso, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The House on the Cerulean Sea, House MD, Death by Dying, Instinct, King Falls AM. Also, sort of Gravity Falls. Mostly those first two though, tbh. This one I think I will include other fandoms I've written and posted for on other accounts because it's fun and less about math. So also Shadowhunters, The Librarians, The Mentalist, The Dresden Files (TV), Roswell New Mexico, The Sandman, Star Trek, Professor Layton, Sanders Sides, Miraculous Ladybug, and sort of The Legend of Zelda. Also see, for unposted or posted a very long time ago and no longer something I would willingly share, Supernatural, Dirk Gently (both 2016 and 2010), Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, SurrealEstate, Person of Interest, Haven, Leverage, Bones. Psych, and probably more
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth (Trent/Ted - 1,157 kudos)
semaphore (Trent/Ted; Trent & Colin - 997 kudos)
off the handle (Trent/Ted - 736 kudos)
linger (Trent/Ted - 709 kudos)
a preacher, a bikini, and a kiss or two (Trent/Ted; Diamond Dogs - 673 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to but I always get really busy/tired and then it's been so long it feels like it would be weird if I did. Plus, sometimes my answers by nature of the comments can get repetitive and then even though I'm being sincere I feel insincere which sucks. However, if a comment has a direct question or something I actually have like, something unique to say about, I'm much more likely to respond sooner rather than later/never. I appreciate every single comment soooo much though literally my motivation to get through the day like 80 percent of the time
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to stick with Ted Lasso fics here since I have so many fics posted and this is my Ted Lasso sideblog and say... well, most of the time I have a bittersweet ending and then some sort of hopeful epilogue (such as with ink sunset and make a mess of you) but I guess betrayal's sting / absolution's balm or something to get off my chest may qualify?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh, honestly, most of them are happy endings. I think trick & treat and matters of the heart end on particularly high notes?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in this fandom! Yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, yeah, baby. So much. Not sure what "kind" means in this context. It sure is explicit smut. I have tended almost exclusively towards hot transgender sex the last few years because. yknow. hi. but somehow I don't think that's the intention in the question.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do, but I haven't posted a lot. Only one on this account (a Gravity Falls x The Mysterious Benedict Society crossover that started as a joke because of a shared actress) although I had an interesting Shadowhunters x The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess fusion on my other account. I've written some pretty weird WIPs, though. And I've got some posts about Ted Lasso crossover/AUs, like a Sarah Jane Adventures AU, a Pushing Daisies AU, a Stardust AU... You can find that kind of thing in this tag on my blog.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Not in this fandom, though, as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Again, not in this fandom, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh, man, I don't know if I can decide. Magnus/Alec (TV version only I'll die on this hill) will always hold a special place in my heart, but I've got other "obsessed with this when I was a kid" ships and also recency bias/current hyperfixation means Trent/Ted screams as an immediate answer, and so on and so forth. I'm bad at picking favorites. Overall, I'd probably say one of those two, or both.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sticking to Ted Lasso again (I have. so many MBS WIPs. god.) I'd say lost sight of (who you are) (lost motivation, want to finish, fuck!!) or sweeter than heaven (hotter than hell) (got mad at it), or!! oh!!! ink sunset (stuck) and possibly the next installment of matters of the heart. Yeah, I have a problem
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at being funny and also at eloquent but perhaps a little too verbose metaphors. I love me an elaborate metaphor
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
It's hard for me to focus and get what I have in my head out sometimes, even when I really want to. Whether it's being unable to organize or just my brain flat-out refusing to cooperate and do anything. Also, I'm way too like. easily discouraged with lack of feedback, and even a little negative feedback can kind of ruin my week and make me never wanna go back to that story ever again.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I just realized. The questions seemed familiar but I wasn't sure why and now I know, now that I've gotten to this question. I have done this game before and I remember bc of this question. I was confused bc it was under a different name, I think the questions were in a different order, and it was sometimes slightly differently worded but nope! This is the same one! Weird Anyway, just for this particular question, I'm going to copy-paste my old answer because I'm lazy. I’m extremely bad at linguistics in general, so if I must include someone talking in another language in my fic, I think I’d tend to cheat and do italics or some other indication that this is ‘in another language’ (ie “Where are you going?” she asked in Russian), but that’s admittedly a lazy approach. But I also think it’s probably better than butchering it with an auto-translator? Also, when people just include the translation in the end notes, even with a link (although that makes it marginally better) it breaks the flow of the story and makes it hard to read. Making an effort to at least match grammar is good (which I would do if it was for longer than a single scene, probably) but I think the best solution is when people know what they’re doing and like, have an actual translation with a little html code so you can click on it and it reveals what it means? Or if you’re clever, revealing what it means using context around it, but that has its own limitations. So that both like, uses the actual language and doesn’t break up the flow. It balances accessibility, flow, and respect for the other language in question well. But you’ve got to both know what you’re doing with the language (either asking someone/hiring someone/knowing the language yourself) and the html (although there are guides for that you’d have to spend time figuring it out + know it exists in the first place to look). And this is fanfiction, something we ultimately do for free in our spare time, so the lazy approach, I think, can be understandable. Maybe not in every context, but it’s not worth stressing a lot over in a few random lines or anything, you know? It is really cool when people do know a language well enough to include it properly in a fic, though, it can say a lot about a character or dynamic; and their background(s) and like. it’s neat :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever? Doctor Who. And I don't remember the order, but after that I know I wrote some stuff about Star Trek (mostly TNG but I believe also TOS), Supernatural, A:LTA, Marvel, WTNV, and the Stanley Parable? I think I first posted either Supernatural or WTNV
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have no idea. Some of my top ones (for Ted Lasso again) would be matters of the heart and trick & treat I suppose?
Tagging: whoever wants to do this man, I probably tagged everyone I'd normally tag last time so if you see this and you wanna do it, go ahead and tag me and do it!
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tuulikannel · 1 year
I played around with that Hunger Games simulator again. ^^;; This time I made a random cast of some of my fav characters, so in some parts, this might be funny just for me. But this sure was a weird run! Spoiler alert: Karma's a freaking pacifist in these games or something. >_>
The cast (let’s pretend they’re all kids here. I tried to pick one or two boy and girl pairs from each fandom, but as you see, it didn't really work out. They're in order of their districts, in case that matters)
Nagito, Sonia, Hajime and Ibuki from Danganronpa Karma, Rio, Shuu and Irina from Assassination Classroom Hikaru, Sai, Akira and Akari from Hikaru no go Stag and Deshi from Krystar Fakir and Rue from Princess Tutu Anotsu and Rin from Blade of the Immortal Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist and Osaka from Azumanga Daioh Suzaku and Euphemia from Code Geass Cajeiri from The Foreigner series (CJC) and Molly from Dresden Files
And here we go! Tis time I'm lazy and just copy/paste everything here. Easier to insert comments, too.
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Anotsu runs away from the Cornucopia.
Irina takes a handful of throwing knives.
Rue grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
Deshi snatches a pair of sais.
Fakir sets Akari on fire with a molotov. [oh Akari I’m so sorry…! ;_;]
Stag runs away from the Cornucopia.
Ed runs away from the Cornucopia.
Rio runs away from the Cornucopia.
Karma runs away from the Cornucopia.
Shuu grabs a shovel.
Sonia runs away from the Cornucopia.
Hajime steps off his podium too soon and blows up. [...]
Molly breaks Osaka's nose for a basket of bread.
Hikaru runs away from the Cornucopia.
Ibuki runs away from the Cornucopia.
Nagito finds Suzaku hiding in the cornucopia, but Suzaku kills him. [......]
Euphemia grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
Akira rips a mace out of Rin's hands.
Cajeiri runs away from the Cornucopia.
Sai runs away from the Cornucopia.
[pardon me but NAGITO AND HAJIME WTF!!! tho I guess that was kinda fitting for Nagito, in a sense. >_> but Hajime, why are you such a klutz! Stop panicking. :/ ]
Day 1
Sonia receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Sai tries to sleep through the entire day.
Stag tries to sleep through the entire day.
Irina goes hunting.
Cajeiri tries to spear fish with a trident.
Ed camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Ibuki chases Shuu. [...this is oddly hilarious XD]
Molly and Rue hunt for other tributes. [tbh, those two could be kinda scary.]
Karma defeats Akira in a fight, but spares his life. [.....]
Deshi explores the arena.
Rin searches for firewood.
Rio discovers a river.
Euphemia runs away from Suzaku.  [umm... he's in love with you, girl. Or is that why you're running? ^^;;]
Fakir discovers a cave.
Hikaru explores the arena.
Anotsu sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. [ooc much?]
Osaka hunts for other tributes. [for real...? XD]
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Akari, District 6 Hajime, District 2 Nagito, District 1
Night 1
Molly cooks her food before putting her fire out.
Fakir looks at the night sky.
Anotsu convinces Suzaku to not kill him, only to kill him instead. [ok, so this is in character]
Cajeiri cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Shuu sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Ibuki receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. [please don't give her explosives -_-;;]
Stag receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. [tbh, I’d rather have Stag have them. Ibuki, give yours to him.]
Rue passes out from exhaustion.
Deshi sets up camp for the night.
Hikaru questions his sanity. [yeah. he's so out of his depth here...]
Euphemia and Rin tell stories about themselves to each other. [💜]
Rio tries to sing herself to sleep.
Ed cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Sai starts a fire.
Irina dies of dysentery. [...she doesn't have much luck in my games, does she?]
Karma, Sonia, and Osaka cheerfully sing songs together. [I'm dying here XD Sonia and Osaka, fine, but wtf is Karma doing? XD]
Akira stays awake all night.
Day 2
Osaka practices her archery. [...everyone, take cover!]
Deshi stalks Rue. [lol at a stalking Deshi XD]
Rin collects fruit from a tree.
Stag tries to spear fish with a trident.
Rio receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Sonia sprains her ankle while running away from Hikaru.
Anotsu is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Akira, Shuu, Karma, Molly, and Sai hunt for other tributes. [Sai? Wha...?]
Cajeiri constructs a shack. [I love how he's doing all this stuff... fishing, cooking, building shacks. <3 I wonder if he has any idea how to, really, but at the same time I totally can see him trying. For the record, he's got to be the youngest of the lot, barely old enough to be there :/]
Euphemia explores the arena.
Ed overpowers Ibuki, killing her. [:/]
Fakir injures himself.
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Suzaku, District 11 Irina, District 4 Ibuki, District 2
Night 2
Stag starts a fire.
Anotsu loses sight of where he is.
Ed kills Sonia with a sickle. [Edward Elric! Stop killing my DR2 girls!]
Molly climbs a tree to rest.
Akira is unable to convince Sai to not kill him. [...this... is wrong... on so many levels, just, what???]
Osaka, Rin, and Euphemia get into a fight. Osaka triumphantly kills them both. [Osaka... triumphantly... kills.... this shouldn't be as funny as this is XD]
this person.
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triumphantly. kills them.
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[oh well. onward. it's still only night 2, still]
Karma lets Hikaru into his shelter. [Why is Karma so nice? He didn't kill anyone in the previous game either!]
Fakir and Shuu talk about the tributes still alive.
Rue unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Cajeiri, Rio, and Deshi sleep in shifts.
Day 3
Deshi, Karma, Cajeiri, and Shuu raid Sai's camp while he is hunting. [Deshi and Cajeiri somehow don't fit this image XD but finally Karma's doing something else than just singing songs or helping others!]
Fakir, Rio, Anotsu, and Ed hunt for other tributes. [tbh, this is a scary group]
Osaka tries to spear fish with a trident. [again, girl, just don't.]
Hikaru and Stag track down and kill Molly. [Hikaru and Stag?? Ok...]
[Some interesting groups have sure formed here XD]
Arena Event
Monkey mutts fill the arena.
Cajeiri dies from internal bleeding caused by a monkey mutt. [T_T]
Rio dies from internal bleeding caused by a monkey mutt.
Ed survives.
Karma survives.
Osaka survives.
Shuu survives.
Fakir survives.
While running, Anotsu falls over and grabs Stag on the way down. The monkey mutts kill them. [damn.]
Sai uses Hikaru as a shield from the monkey mutts. [Saiiiii wtf is wrong with you here!]
Deshi survives.
*sigh* 11 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Sonia, District 1 Akira, District 6 Rin, District 9 Euphemia, District 11 Rue, District 8 Molly, District 12 Cajeiri, District 12 Rio, District 3 Anotsu, District 9 Stag, District 7 Hikaru, District 5
Night 3
Ed and Shuu work together to drown Deshi. [oh damn no... ;_;]
Fakir and Karma run into each other and decide to truce for the night. [again, Karma going with a peaceful solution?]
Osaka kills Sai with a sickle. [you go girl! he's just messed up in this game!]
The Feast
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Osaka decides not to go to The Feast.
Fakir and Shuu fight Ed and Karma. Fakir and Shuu survive.  [I got to say I would have kinda expected the opposite, but ok. it's not that implausible, especially given what Karma's been like in this game. Funny how the pairs changed from the last night, tho! Wonder what happened...]
Day 4
Osaka sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Fakir explores the arena.
Shuu receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
*sniff* 4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Deshi, District 7 Sai, District 5 Ed, District 10 Karma, District 3
Night 4
Osaka destroys Shuu's supplies while he is asleep. [she's... surprisingly competent in this game]
Fakir climbs a tree to rest.
Day 5
Shuu receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Fakir begs for Osaka to kill him. She refuses, keeping Fakir alive. [she would.]
Night 5
Shuu climbs a tree to rest.
Fakir begs for Osaka to kill him. She reluctantly obliges, killing Fakir. [I stand corrected? Tho I guess... if Fakir's really that done with it all, poor boy... :/]
Day 6
Osaka tracks down and kills Shuu.
pardon my language but oh. my. fucking. god. she won!?!
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Fakir, District 8 Shuu, District 4
....Shuu the Second Place.... ^^;;
The winner is Osaka from District 10!
Honestly, the most unlikely candidate, if this was at all realistic. XD
She killed 5 people?! Five? Huh... This here be the winner:
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Meanwhile, Karma killed none. He just sang some songs and stuff.
And Sai killed two: Akira and Hikaru. And he used Hikaru as a shield?!? wtf (Imagine Korosensei using Nagisa as a shield or something. >_>)
Shuu, Ed and Fakir all had three kills, Hikaru, Stag, Anotsu and Suzaku one. Hikaru's the only surprise there, but I guess he just went along with Stag for whatever reason.
Oh well. Congrats to Osaka I guess? XD
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emmyllou · 9 months
I request SOX RN 👏 (for the ask game~)
Okay here are some sox rn🧦:3
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Necessary context: Jim Butcher, author of Dresden Files, is a noted fanboy of novelist/poet Roger Zelazny and in particular the series Chronicles of Amber. In Amber the book series and also Amber the location there is a short stone stairway that, when bathed in moonlight on certain nights, becomes a full staircase made of moonlight that leads to a Shadow (sort of like an imperfect reflection/alternate dimension) of Amber in the sky called Tir-na Nog'th. In Dresden Files, there is a short stone stairway that, when bathed in moonlight on certain nights, becomes a full staircase made of moonlight that leads to a reflection of Chicago in the sky called Chicago-over-Chicago. Headcanon: Dresden Files takes place within the Chronicles of Amber universe, and the stairs to Chicago-over-Chicago are a Shadow of the stairs to Tir-na Nog'th.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I am opening Spotify and looking at my giant playlist of all the songs I like. I am closing my eyes and scrolling randomly. I am opening my eyes and reading the song. It is Breakfast in America by Supertramp. This is useless; this is nothing. I mean it's a good song and all but I don't have any characters or ships whose defining characteristic is wanting to eat kippers for breakfast. I am closing my eyes and scrolling again. The song is Wildflowers by Dolly Parton. Oooh, now this I can work with! There's a few characters I could associate with this song, but I'm going to say that this is a Calamir song =) Growing up in a place where he doesn't feel right, being 'set free' by that place as opposed to just escaping or leaving it because the place is getting rid of him just as much as he is getting rid of the place, the line 'Just a wild rambling rose seeking mysteries untold' - I mean, Rose is in his name!
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I have answered this here! (sorry this is already getting a bit long)
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Don't do this to me. Don't make me choose. Okay fine. In terms of "how many words have I written about them", John Segundus/John Childermass and John Segundus/Tom Levy (from Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell) are neck and neck. Right now though I'm not so into Segundus/Childermass, meanwhile Segundus/Levy is a continuous delight. In terms of our d&d games: AUGH I'm still devastated we didn't get to play more of Tiril and Vivendel's sibling relationship! I think we were starting to get into a really interesting rapport and I had a lot of fun playing that character <3
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Oh no this is so difficult.
I'd love to see more wild and wacky crossovers. This applies to Every Fandom. Maybe it's because I love Spelljammer as a concept, or maybe I just love putting Characters in Situations. I really like weird AUs and I'd love to read more of them.
I want more John Segundus/Tom Levy fics. This is a purely selfish instinct (because I love them) and I'm doing my part to create the content I crave.
I don't have a third thing. I'm sorry. I love everyone in the JS&MN fandom and I love all your art and fics! <3
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thewickedkat · 10 months
i have been tagged
@vcaudley tagged me and i am just now getting round to this, apologies!
A scent you love: - sandalwood. i could be in the saltiest, shittiest, most tin-foil-chewing mood and upon smelling this, i would relax from grievous homicide to involuntary manslaughter. which is a very tortured metaphor but it's a weird day for me. suffice to say i love sandalwood.
What's something you're looking forward to this week? - i would dearly love to write this weekend. been wanting to actually get something actualised before the weather starts thinking of hoodies and pumpkin spice lattes. also i need to go to the library because i need new music; mine's getting rather stale.
What's a book you're currently reading? - i am so very sorry to say that i have not read an actual book in *mumblemumble* amount of time. a few years back i had sort of run dry on books that i was enjoying, and my tastes changed; i dove into fanfic and haven't really looked back since. it is still scratching that itch that i can't really describe. to be quite honest i think the last book-book i read was the latest Dresden Files instalment--and before anyone comes for me, yes, i am quite aware of Butcher's...uh. writing tells, let's call them. man's become a pastiche of himself, tell the truth.
What's a game you're currently playing? - The Outer Worlds, for, like, the fifth time. love Parvati; that woman can do no wrong in my eyes. tried doing a Board-bootlicker run a while back and then she looked at me all disappointed and my contrition knew no end. and i adore Felix wholeheartedly because that Labrador of a boy is the purest of heart and dumbest of ass and he makes me smile. ...also, i'm just killing time until next week when i can get my narsty little gremlin hands on Baldur's Gate 3.
What's the most recent movie you watched? - Nimona. if you haven't seen it, drop what you're doing and watch it immediately. now. go. why are you still sitting there? go watch it! okay, no, seriously--why aren't more films made like this? it doesn't talk down to kids or families (or anyone else for that matter), it is wholly unashamed of its emotions and finds joy in showing them (even the messier ones), the art is beautiful and vibrant and isn't half-arsed and crap CGI stitched with hand-drawn; it has a fantastic message, and when Ballister said 'I see you, Nimona,' i sat here and fucking bawled.
Are you watching anything on TV or listening to any shows? - i recently finished S3 of The Witcher on Netflix, and...well, i think i'd have to watch again to really start to pick at it and why it didn't particularly vibe for me (the nonsense with Radovid and Jaskier aside; i mean...Radovid? really? blech). i haven't read the books but i am familiar with the lore, but the writing seems to be so uncertain of itself this season, all over the place and muddled. and with production on pause (not just for TWN, obviously), i'm more than a little uncertain of Liam Hemsworth's stepping into the very big boots Cavill's leaving behind. the bar has been set pretty high; i'd say this of any actor, frankly. as for podcasts, i am sooooooo far behind on listening that i think i would have to start many over. i had been listening to Bahumia Two: Electric Boogaloo on NADDPod but that was months ago. my problem is that i have to be in the mindset to listen to pods (side effect of the ADHD), and right now the mindset is 'put on youtube vids or Japanese lo-fi and read fic in your downtime.' how long this will last is anyone's guess.
Favourite season? - autumn, by far. and i don't mean the soft Pinterest moodboard aesthetic type; i mean the frost upon the windowpane when you wake up in the morning but you don't turn the heat on yet because by noon it'll have warmed up enough kind. i mean the mixing of baking bread, strong coffee, herbal tea and the faintest whiff of cigarette smoke. the knowledge that the wind is just on the edge of turning biting and that its teeth will only grow sharper in a month; when you swap out your summer clothes for woolen blankets and soft pants; when you dig out the thicker yarns and the puzzles and rearrange your spooky house bric-a-brac to take pride of place. that kind of autumn.
What's something you've learned recently? - i have learnt factoids and things that would serve me well at pub trivia, but nothing that would serve to make an interesting infodump. not really. all the stuff i infodump about lately is fandom-adjacent and makes my husband's eyes glaze over.
Have you had any water lately? - yes! i drink water on the regular, interspersed with Baja Blast since summer is hanging on by a thread.
i'll support anyone who wants to do this but specifically tag @gadzooie @deacons-wig @totally-not-deacon @wildwildwasteland but no pressure if this isn't your bag!
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I posted 1,471 times in 2022
That's 1,128 more posts than 2021!
644 posts created (44%)
827 posts reblogged (56%)
I tagged 1,442 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#dresden files - 735 posts
#reblog - 651 posts
#thomas raith - 172 posts
#a child is a gift - 133 posts
#fanfic - 126 posts
#fic writing - 115 posts
#dracula daily - 88 posts
#harry dresden - 87 posts
#justine - 77 posts
#ask game - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#like maybe she was really the type to not care about her vampire kid but canon seems to suggest she was a good if very flawed person
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thinking about Justine’s role in Peace Talks/Battle Ground again and my worry that she won’t survive the series, especially with the pregnancy and Nemesis. I get why, she’s a fragile human surrounded by monsters and she isn’t even a fighter like Murphy, no one really expected her to live this long as a thrall or otherwise. 
Putting aside the potential ickiness of getting a former sex slave (Thomas may have treated her relatively well but that is how it started) pregnant and then having her die soon after so one of the male leads can have a child and be a sad boy (the series has already killed off 2 of Dresden’s LI, 3 if you count Lash).
I also just find it kinda needlessly dramatic? Thomas/Justine is already tragic. Assuming he stays WC, he’s going to outlive here. Instead of a out of nowhere magic threat, why not have it to something inherently human that results in her death? Old age, or a terminal illness. Something normal the magic folk in her life can’t fight against.
27 notes - Posted December 13, 2022
I'm feeling curious this evening:
What are your hot takes/frustrations with fandom/etc. regarding the Dresden Files? I'm thinking mostly in relation to fandom/fanfic instead of book criticisms (which could be its own post).
For me: I think Harry/Marcone is an underwhelming ship for being the most common relationship on ao3. Maybe it would hit different if I wasn't lukewarm on both characters. Most of the popular elements can be found in other ships I find more interesting. (power dynamics and iffy ethics? Harry/any Raith. grudging annoyed respect to lovers? Harry/Murphy. attraction starting from rivalry? Harry/Kincaid. Harry needs a sugar daddy? I've seen a couple Harry/Odin fics.)
29 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
I get why people like the theory that Thomas is going to be cured of his Hunger and/or wield Ammorachius (they're usually tied together in theories) but it's not one that appeals to me for a few reasons:
While not every Knight is Catholic/generally Christian, the idea of it is still firmly linked to Christianity and growing up Catholic makes it feel weird in general to me. Even aside from that I think it's an odd endpoint for Thomas' arc (even if being motivated by love and guilt is a pretty Catholic thing), the Knights kinda fit awkwardly with the rest of the worldbuilding (why I've never had them in a fic). Plus why would Thomas want to pick up a Sword? He’s not written as especially religious or has a close connection to any of the Paladin-type characters. Also he’s a White Court vampire, he doesn’t exactly need a power up. 
Part of this may be because I’ve pretty firmly entrenched in my head that White Court Hunger is a (albeit messy) metaphor for generational trauma/cycle of abuse theme and having him be ‘cured’ of the Hunger feels... weird to me from that lens, especially if he’s the only one of the White Court allowed that kind of redemption(?). The Hunger feels like such an integral part of Thomas’ character, the piece of him that is monstrous but also can be used to fight other monsters, that to have that removed would make him feel less like Thomas. I think the version of Thomas that carries that burden and is fighting to do good, despite both the Hunger and his upbringing working against him, to just be more interesting overall. 
Also, I think it would be more fitting for Justine to be given a Sword. She’s not a fighter and i love that about her, but if she was given a power up then I’d prefer it to be this than whatever the Nemesis plotline in BG was. She knows exactly who and what Thomas is and she loves him despite the harm he’s done to others (including her tbh). She’s in mutual True Love with a WC vampire who are naturally allergic to love; if that doesn’t fit in with the Sword of Love I don’t know what does. Again, she doesn’t need to be a physical badass, but I wouldn’t be overly opposed to this.
45 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Thomas: Hey, are you free on Friday? Like, around 8 pm on Friday?
Harry: Yes?
Thomas: What about you?
Murphy: Yes, I am.
Thomas: Great! Because I’m not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date.
Harry: Did he just—
80 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thomas: I don’t think I can mansplain, manipulate, manwhore our way out of this situation.
Harry: Manslaughter it is.
191 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Opening & Rules
I know I only just finished a big countdown this past January, but this one has been on my brain for a LONG time, and I think the time has finally come to unveil it before the unsuspecting world. Be very afraid. Ha Ha.
Anyone who knows me probably knows that I love crime stories. From Whodunnits, to noir-style thrillers, and to everything else in-between. I’ve always loved detective stories, of pretty much all sorts…and a big part of what makes a great detective story is, of course, the detective or detectives on the case. Whether they’re facing an arch-nemesis or just trying to figure out a baffling mystery no one else can solve, detectives are probably one of the most quintessential kinds of protagonist characters: they’re people who essentially make order out of chaos. They come into a situation filled with fear and uncertainty, and they do everything in their power to fix the problem. Sometimes it’s a job, sometimes it’s a weird hobby, sometimes it’s done in a vigilante fashion, but all methods fulfill the same basic function: bringing a just and rational solution to a most unfathomable problem.
I decided it would be fun to do a countdown talking about my favorite sleuths, and…I’m going to be honest, this might be the single hardest countdown I’ve ever made in my life. There are SO MANY characters I love who fit the bill, and choosing and ranking the ones who would make it here was very difficult. To pick and choose who would or would not count, I had to develop a LOT of rules, determining which characters would be selected. I’ll go over some of the basics here…
No “supernatural detectives.” These are characters who don’t so much catch criminals so much as fight monsters, aliens, ghosts, and so on. This includes characters like Kolchak (Kolchak: The Night Stalker), Ichabod Crane (FOX’s Sleepy Hollow), Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer), and…anybody from “Supernatural” or “The X-Files.” While there will be some detectives on the list who face inhuman foes, their stories fit more in the vein of crime fiction than horror/fantasy fiction, which is where I feel most of these characters really fit.
No characters who are technically detectives, but where the focus isn’t necessarily on them BEING detectives. (One example is Inspector Javert from Les Miserables.) Similarly, with one exception, no characters who aren’t the focal sleuths of their respective series. (An example here is Inspector Lestrade from Sherlock Holmes.)
No characters who are more “superheroes” than “detectives.” Characters like Batman can count, because they’re essentially “super detectives.” However, characters like Superman or Spider-Man do not count; both have their “detective moments,” but that’s not really the focus of their stories or characters, typically speaking.
No characters who are “noble criminals.” These are characters who aren’t so much “detectives” so much as anti-heroic or misunderstood hero figures that fight crime by committing crimes. Characters like Arsene Lupin, William James Moriarty, or the Netflix version of Carmen Sandiego do not apply to this countdown. Similarly, characters who can be classified as "crimefighters that aren't detectives," who straddle a fine line between these sorts and more direct heroes - like the Green Hornet or the swashbuckling Zorro - will not be counted, either.
Finally, no parody or pastiche characters. Comical detectives are allowed, but they have to be their own characters, not satires of pre-existing figures. Tied to that, detectives with multiple interpretations will only be eligible for one spot on the list. Characters like Sherlock Holmes, for instance, have been spoofed, adapted, and reimagined countless times. It would be greatly unfair to include multiple entries with the same basic character over and over again. So you won’t be seeing anybody like Basil of Baker Street or Sherlock Hemlock here.
There is a lot of gray area to be found with many of those rules, and as I do think I mentioned, one or two exceptions may be found. Even with these strictures in place, I had to leave many characters I love out of the running, and I’m pretty sure I might have even forgotten a few I enjoy. There’s just only so much room I can make. So if a favorite character or franchise you’re familiar with doesn’t appear anywhere, just know it’s either because I don’t know them, or I just didn’t have room for them.
With that said…it will soon be time to get a clue. Tomorrow, I shall post my requisite Honorable Mentions – Twelve Terrific Detectives who almost made the cut, but not quite – and then the countdown will begin in earnest. Welcome to an event I like to call…A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes!
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over-a-rainbow · 3 years
Ok, this is for the Salt Ask Meme
This is for The Dresden Files asked by @laurabeatrix
1. Which popular ship do you hate/dislike and why?
Molly/Harry. HES OLD ENOUGH TO BE HER DAD! Which I know there’s books where they can make that work, but he has had weird thoughts about her since she was seventeen. That is not the kind of “wish fulfillment” I want to see, seriously burn it with fire.
3. Which fan favourite character do you hate/dislike and why?
Butters is on real thing ice for the past couple of books. Cold Days-Overly harsh to Murphy who was grieving. Skin Game-Almost got everyone killed. Peace Talks/Battle Ground-Became a Gary Sue for some reason. If we tone hime down a little I’ll go back to liking him a whole lot again.
4. Which unpopular character do you like and why?
Lara. I mean I do hate her, but I also kind of love her.
5. What is your rarest pairing that you ship?
I really liked Kincaid/Murphy and I never thought I would have. He gave her a gun in a box of chocolates! Boy understands his women!
6. What is your favourite crack ship?
Marcone/Murphy. It would have been so funny! Are you kidding me. They sleep together and she’s like “you know I’m still gonna arrest you one day.” Then he leans in all smug, “you’ll have to catch me first.
Also Harry’s reaction to it would have been amazing!
7. Which ship you hated at first and now you like/love?
Both the Kincaid/Murphy ship and Harry/Susan. I like Harry/Murphy the best however both of there respective ships were honestly really sweet.
8. Which character you hated at first and now you like/love?
Micheal was one that had to grow on me cause I typically don’t really like overly righteous characters like that. However, he is best dad. Would die for him no questions.
9. Which ship you liked at first and now you dislike/hate?
I don’t have one.
10. Which character you liked at first and now you dislike/hate?
This also goes to Butters.
11. What is your unpopular opinion about the fandom in general?
Ok, trying not to sound like a crazy feminist. However some of(not all!) the male fans can be a bit…much. I have also only ever noticed this on the FB group, who can be rather hostile to each other. When Battle Ground came out they had a rule where you can post spoilers whenever without a spoiler warning, and yeah that’s gonna cause problems. So people would be like “wait that’s a spoiler!” and get mad at you for posting one, then when I would post spoiler warnings people would comment “stop listening to those cry babies you don’t need a spoiler warning.” Then there was a lot of in fighting between different guys, yeah it’s was just a lot. The fandom on here is super chill!
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HI hello it is Saturday and I am coming into your inbox with a question. To do with storytelling. STS if you will (: my question is! What kind of environment do you find yourself writing a lot? And what kind of environment would you like to try writing at some point but haven’t had the chance to yet?
Hey thank you so much @tracle0 ! I only focus on one WIP at a time so I can't really see a pattern? BUT I have a whole list of environments I'd like to try at some point, including:
- post apocalyptia (Fallout my beloved, actually had a vague fanfic I was scribbling about this so I could play with worldbuilding)
- urban fantasy (Fates is sort of this but I do like my Dresden Files-esque type town just... without all the bad bits of the Dresden files???)
- creepy small American town in the back woods of nowhere and Weird Shit is happening (one of my absolute favourite plot types)
- something to do with lost media? like a live stream from a CCTV camera that no one can find, an MMO where all the characters interact with the player (there was a Morrowind creepypasta about this and it was scary asf), liminal places that you can never find again
Looking at this I really should start writing horror again lmao
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
Fic writer tag game! sort of tagged by @frankthesnek 😁
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
190! Climbing a lot faster towards the 200 mark than I did at the 100 mark, thanks to embracing the joy of drabbles, short fics, and deciding sometimes a quick fic without endless editing is in fact plenty good enough 😂
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
673,204 words total including various collaborative or group efforts that I didn't write alone (incidentally, I missed hitting exactly 666,666 recently by TWELVE FUCKING WORDS. Just close enough to make me go nnnnooooo..!! when I noticed... but not quite enough to be worth trying to edit my fics down by 12 words exactly 🙈 (and tbh it wouldn't quite feel the same as posting something actually tailored to hit that mark on purpose in the first place)
3) How many fandoms have your written for and what are they?
Twelve! (essentially, anyway - if you could all of Star Wars as a single large fandom)
Star Wars, Stargate, The Witcher, Midsomer Murders, Assassin's Creed, The Expanse, The Dresden Files, RPF, Stormlight Archive, The Mentalist, Aquaman, and Good Omens.
it's one heckuva skewed distribution though, the vast majority of my fics are SW, followed by stargate, and the rest trail off from there.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All Geraskier Witcher fics, that being the biggest and most current fandom and ship I've ever been actively writing for 😂 - A Tight Fit, Stolen Moments, Undignified, Keep it up, and Intoxicating.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yup, always! Because I love getting them and I also love when I get replies on comments I leave on other writers' fics. And I like connecting with people 😊
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Hands-down it's my "Zombie / what's in your head" MCD thranto fic. I have a small handful of others with ambiguous or bittersweet endings, but that one is the only thing I've ever written that merits the Sad Ending and Hurt No Comfort tags (and oof does it ever merit them)
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
hmmm... most of my fics have a happy ending in the "happy ending" wink-wink nudge-nudge 😉😏 sense at the very least 😂
But I'm probably gonna go with Curious Creatures (thranto filthy fairytale AU) because it really culminates with that "lived happily ever after" vibe. As opposed to the sort of.. "happy in the present and immediate future" happy ending of my typical in-'verse fics.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Nope, I've thought of a few but never quite gotten around to writing one (maybe someday!). I have some weird fucking AUs that I really like though 😂
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, but somehow very little? i.e. a whole lot less than I would expect to receive given what I write sometimes 😅 Worst hate I've gotten was actually on twitter rather than on AO3, once directed at me for an incest kink fic someone took offense to (it was mostly just funny), and once indirectly in a different fandom (seeing people making fun of a piss kink fic because they took offense to it.. existing in the character tag?).
I've had people be actively rude to or just ignore a co-author on fics I've done with friends more than once though, weirdly enough, which I actually find a lot more anger-inducing than hate directed at me is.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
....all of the smut 😂 mostly slash, lots of kink, some porn with feelings and some porn with plot and some where the porn IS the plot. And a whole lot of self indulgent PWP 😏
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep I've been really obviously ripped off before and it's a real shitty feeling
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! Just once I think, but it was pretty neat to be asked 😄
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup! Several times with a few different people, it was a lot of fun.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Don't really have one? I ship too many ships across too many fandoms to pick One Favourite For All Time 🙈 Plus, I mean... interests shift and I don't want to wind up making myself feel guilty for that if it does happen to even my favourite ships. I've seen people stubbornly holding onto a ship they don't seem to be all that interested in anymore, just because their whole fandom identity is wrapped up in it. It... really doesn't look like it'd be a fun time 😬
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
There's quite a few, some partially published and some still in my fic writing folders, but I hesitate to actually say "I don't think I'll ever finish This One" because sometimes I do randomly come back to shit out of the blue, or because a re-watch/-play/-read rekindles the interest in it again. Probably not likely in a lot of cases, but... squirrel-brain does what squirrel-brain wants to do 😂
16) What are your writing strengths?
Sex scenes 😎 and short fic of all flavours
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes my overly long sentences are good, but sometimes they do just unnecessarily make the paragraph harder to read. I also have a tendency to stray to far into Over-Description territory of characters' physical states and actions.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It can be effective and immersive, but only if it doesn't leave people confused and having to jump up or down to translation notes at the start or end. My favourite use of other languages in dialogue is to use it only for single words that are evident or explained in context, or for terms of endearment where it's not necessary to know the exact meaning of it (especially when that stuff is part of canon anyway, like the smattering of Italian used in Assassin's Creed, or Radek cursing in Czech)
If it's like full sentences, I just write the line in english in italics, along with something like "X replied in [language]" to signal it's happening.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Midsomer Murders 😊
20) What's your favorite fic you've written?
It changes, really... I guess currently it's probably Inflection Point just cause I'm still really proud of myself for actually doing it 😄
I also feel like I've been tagging people a lot lately, so I'll do like frank did and say Consider yourself tagged if you wish you were ;D
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anguisette90 · 3 years
Mid Year Freakout Tag!
Tagged by the always wonderful @over-a-rainbow.
1. Best book you have read in 2021 so far?
The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin. Absolutely beautiful and compelling and weird in the best way.
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read In 2021 So Far?
Gonna have to cheat and dip back into late 2020 because most of what I've read this year have been stand-alone or first in a series and of the two sequels I've read, calling either 'best' seems questionable. So, I'm going with Saints Astray by Jacqueline Carey, both because it managed to be super fun and also to make me cry at the same time, and because it was something so completely different than the first book (Santa Olivia) but still felt like an organic continuation of the story.
3.A New Release You Want To Check Out?
The Hidden Palace by Helene Wecker. Kind of cheating with this as well, in that I still haven't read The Golem and the Jinni, but my wife read it a few years back and it's been on my to-read list since due to her rave reviews. I'm looking forward to reading both soon (though 'soon' could mean tomorrow or two years from now at the rate I go.)
4. Most Anticipated Book Release Of The Second Half Of The Year?
I don't know if there's anything I'm particularly looking forward to, though I welcome suggestions of things I should be anticipating! My only pre-order so far for the rest of 2021 is the Lore Olympus book, which I'm eagerly awaiting but, y'know, I've already read it online a couple of dozen times so...
5.Biggest Disapointment?
I hate to say it but the October Daye books, by Seanan McGuire. Not that they're bad just, I think I went into it with my expectations too high. It's got everything I love, but somehow I got three or four books in and just felt astoundingly meh about it.
6. Biggest Surprise?
The Darker Shade of Magic books by V.E. Schwab. It wasn't the series I expected it to be going in, and honestly I expected to be at least two tiers higher on the obsession chart with it than I am, but it did a lot of things that I didn't expect. The plot was mostly predictable and there are a lot of things you see coming from a mile away, but the joy of these books is definitely in the journey and the little things in between. Nothing shakes out exactly how you imagine which is enjoyable. She also does really fun things with her word choice and writing style. "Her words were hollow, and his own fear ricocheted inside them, filling the space." is possibly my favorite sentence.
7. Favorite New Author (Ether New To You Or Debut).
New implies that I don't just read the same five authors over and over. Honestly, my Kindle history is just like "Really? You're reading this again? You know there are hundreds of books in your account right? Fine, I guess here's (*insert any Dresden book, any of the Kushiel books, or the Phantom Tollbooth*)" This ignores David Eddings because when I reread his works I read from my print copies.
8. Favorite New Fictional Crush?
Toss up between Rhy the himbo prince, and Alucard the ludicrously named pirate, both from ADSOM. I mean, honestly that episode of Parks & Rec where they're talking about Game of Thrones and Donna's like "Everybody on that show can get it!"? That, but with the cast of that book series.
Honorable mention to Navani from Stormlight. Turns out once Sanderson lets her have POVs for something other than Dalinar's character development she's amazing and I both want her and want to be her? But this was also a late 2020 discovery so, honorable mention.
9. Newest Favorite Character?
Rereading The Elenium/Tamuli by David Eddings for the first time since I was a wee person and I fully did not appreciate Sparhawk and the sheer big d*ck energy he brings to the table as a child. I mean, my gods, the man is ridiculous.
10. A Book That Made You Cry?
None yet this year. Does @laurabeatrix 's fic beautiful short story inspired by contemporary works count? Legit the only story to make me cry so far this year.
11. A Book That Made You Happy?
Dawnshard by Sanderson. I ended up reading it out of order, because I agreed to read it with the wife and she reads slow, so I read Rhythm of War first and circled back to it when she got caught up (and then re-read half of Rhythm of War over her shoulder, which is what normally happens with new books that we're both fans of.) But it was such a perfect novella and I'm always glad for more Rysn.
12. Most Beautiful Book You Have Bought or Received This Year?
Aesthetically beautiful? Either our Way of Kings leatherbound books (can't remember if they arrived in 2020 or 2021) or that gorgeous Grim Oak edition of Storm Front.
Beautifully written has to go to The City We Became again. I'm actively in love with the way it's written.
13. What Book Do You Need To Read By The End Of The Year?
Clan of the Cave Bear - because it's a friend's "I've read this series fifteen times and I need to be able to geek out about it with other people!" series, and as someone who will not shut up about the Dresden Files, I feel morally obligated to read other peoples' unhealthy obsessions.
The Ruins of Gorlan - because I promised a fledgling nerd (friend's son) that I would read it. As someone who was once a fledgling nerd myself, I can recall being stoked any time one of my mom's super need friends either recommended something to me or took my recommendation so, time to pay it forward.
I'm not tagging anyone because, well, the only people I interact with on Tumblr with any regularity were already tagged in the original post 😂 But if you're seeing this and you're interested, consider yourself tagged.
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Battle Ground Spoilers
Ok. It’s been about a day since I finished the latest Dresden Files book and I think I’ve managed to process everything. And there’s a lot to go over.
First and foremost, it was the second half of a story. I understand why Peace Talks and Battle Ground were split, there was too much for a single book. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any fat that could have been chewed off, but that’s for later.
The book is revolving around Harry. Literally. That’s the series, Harry and his issues. But this book is his biggest failings and loses all stacked together in a horrible mess that he couldn’t fix. What happened in this story, between PT and BG, is worse on Harry than when he ended the Red Court and killed Susan. But it also gives a new light on some other major characters as well.
So much happened for Harry. So much. But what happened to him was fall out from what happened to everyone around him. He got a Banner, a Banner of Will that unites people under a cause. That’s amazing. And then the worst thing that could have happened with a power like that happened. He felt the people following him die. He felt what caused their deaths. Hundreds of people died with him feeling how they died. That’s going to leave psychic scars of the likes he’s never seen before. And it made him think about what it’s like to be a Ruler. To be a Queen. That what he felt is very likely what Mab feels. That’s huge.
-Thomas is the next best thing to 6 feet under. And Harry has hardly mentioned it. Aside from not mentioning it, he’s barely thought about it. This is nothing new from Harry. Thomas is family, but so is Ebenezer. Which makes the fall out between the Harry and his grandfather worse. BUT Harry also doesn’t really have this in the forefront of his mind. He’s got a city to save and his last two relatives are pulling away rapidly and maybe forever. He’s not thinking about it for the same reason he avoided Thomas when he came back from his little trip to the Other Side in Ghost Story. He’s avoiding facing the truth. Thomas is very likely going to die and Ebenezer wants him dead. The trauma that’s followed him since the day his dad died is right there, knocking on the door, waiting to be let in. It’s also only been a few hours. Hopefully we’ll see how Harry deals with this is the next book, like how the Alphas told him off for spending nearly a year in isolation after Susan skipped town.
-Waldo Butters shone like a star. He was front and center, like the day he rode Sue the T-Rex. The newest Knight of the Cross played a huge part as the symbol of Faith. Because that’s what he is when he wields that broken hilt, the symbol of Faith. Sanya is the symbol of Hope. Michael was the symbol of Love. But Faith was the important factor here. Because Butter’s shouldn’t have been able to keep up with Harry or Sanya with the training he’s had. But then again, Murphy shouldn’t have been able to keep up during the battle with the Red’s. The Sword’s and the Lord have a way of putting the Knights where they need to be and when, but they are mortal men with mortal body’s fighting monsters. They need help, and their Faith, Hope and Love grant them this. So long as the cause is Just, the Sword will not waver, and neither shall it’s weilder. The Knights have to be able to keep up if they are to be where they are needed, especially when they need to be in arms reach of the Winter Knight.
-Marcone is the host to a fallen angel. Huge twist. Huge insane twist. How long has it been since he took up the coin? Nic has made it apparent that he could tell who had members of the Fallen inside their heads, even when Lash wasn’t in Harry’s head he probably sensed Bonea instead. So was it after Skin Games? Before? When????? But damned if the reveal wasn’t amazing. Was this the best of ideas for Marcone? Who knows. He refused to work for Nic and found, seemingly like Harry had with Lasciel, a Fallen with its own plans.
-Murphy. Died. She killed a fire giant. With a BAZOOKA. And then Rudolph the shit stained sack of useless meat shot her in the neck. He refused to see what the world really was. And. He. Shot. Karrin. In. The. Neck. I don’t care that he’s a coward and that he panicked and fired the shot. I care about that fact that Karrin Murphy deserves better. I care about the fact that Butters and Sanya shouldn’t have been there. Harry SHOULD have been allowed to kill Rudolph. But Jim Butcher killed Karrin Murphy with a bullet from the gun of a character the entire fandom has HATED since day one. Rudolph deserves nothing but the worst fate possible and I will be FURIOUS if he survives to the end of the series. Murphy deserves better. She should have lived and gotten to watch Harry beat Ethniu. Lived to help raise Maggie. Karrin Murphy died halfway through the book when she should have lived.
-Harry got kicked out of the White Council. Big shock. Honestly surprised it took this long. I was confused as to why he even wanted back in after Ghost Story. They weren’t a layer of protect for him. They never had been and never would be. Being the Winter Knight is more of a safety net that the Council for Harry. Harry has done nothing but his best for the Council and they don’t care. They fear him. They fear the Starborn, whatever that title means. “Vague immunity from the influence of Outsiders.” Drakul, Harry and Listen. That’s 3. It feels like it’s some weird “Planets are aligned” bullshit that should be easy to predict. Why isn’t the Council just, I don’t know, only having children that are Starborn? They seem like the sort of shit bags that wouldn’t blink at that. It seems plausible that the higher ups know exactly how to make a Starborn and have the knowledge to mass produce them. But no. We still don’t know what it entails. And Harry’s in the dark and an outlaw. Carlos is just another member now. Harry hasn’t been able to properly talk to him for years it seems because they have acted like friends in a while. Hell it even seems like Carlos was willing and wanting to just dump evidence against Harry. Given Carlos’ comment on the Law, it now makes sense as to why the Council has had so much trouble with necromancers. They probably still think of zombies as humans, if the troops the Fomor used counted enough as human to be used against Harry. The White Council can choke and die on its hypocrisy. It doesn’t matter that Harry sits at the table full of monsters. He’s always put the lives of the innocent before his own and the Council doesn’t give a shit about any of the good he did for them. The White Council will collapse and the Black Council won’t break a sweat doing it.
Justine is possessed by He Who Walks Beside. She’s been possessed for years. Ever since Thomas almost ate her soul to heal himself from the brink of death. It’s been blackmailing Thomas for years and this push was to break a foundation of Something. To crack a cog in the wheels of fate or fray the red string of destiny. Who knows. We don’t.
That’s all I got. Did I enjoy the book? Hell yeah. But I’m still passed as hell.
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bimbotoncitywatch · 3 years
I’ve posted my top 5 before, though a couple shifted up on revisiting, but I’ve decided to go through the whole set cuz why not?
Here we go. The Dresden Files in my personal enjoyment, worst to best (feel free to disagree but I actually don’t fucking care):
Fool Moon- Bottom of the list because, well, it’s not even the book I dislike the most, it’s just the least with any reason to go back to.
Storm Front- The novel equivalent of a pilot episode, things just feel too off from what comes later for me enjoy anymore
Skin Game- This might be the big rant, so I’ll start nice, really nice: This has a few of the best moments in the series in it and that’s why it’s not at the bottom. Saying that you’re probably wondering why it’s so low. Because overall I fuckin haaaaate Skin Game. Like I don’t care for or about Nicodemus as a villain anyway, but add on “Hey folks, remember how interesting Lasciel was? Remember how it was said in canon it was strange that Nicodemus would chance releasing her? Well she’s just a petty idiot like the rest of them now lol k bye”
Small Favor- A very important book with my favourite character in it, that I forget was a thing sometimes.
Changes- Okay, this one is only as low as it is because I got into the series after it. An amazing novel that was a victim of the online hype machine
Cold Days- An underwhelming first adventure for the Winter Knight era, it’s not half-bad but it’s not half-good either, it just sorta is
Grave Peril- It’s an interesting but hard to sit through one, important for what it is, but the latter portions can be pretty relentless
Summer Knight- The first real taste of the greater scale of everything going on around Harry, and that taste? It’s the taste of a boot while it kicks your teeth in. It’s a rather exciting one
Blood Rites- A fun if awkward ride from start to finish.
White Night- Not exactly the smoothest mystery out of the bunch, it’s swerves are bit iffy let’s be real, but I still enjoy it a lot
Death Masks- The first and last good Denerian novel in the series. the introduction point for both Sanya and Ivy, two of my absolute faves? Chefs kiss dot gif
Proven Guilty- Slasher monsters come to life, and Harry gets to trash on the Council. Good stuff
Turn Coat- Honestly, this is up as high as it because genuinely solid mystery and, once again, the Council can get fucked
Peace Talks/Battle Ground- Gonna try to stay vague cuz these are still new as much I really wanna just detail everything. I legit think both of these are solid on their own, but together they’re goddamn great. Compelling, beautiful, actually world changing in-universe, and the most goddamn tragic and heartbreaking books in the series
Dead Beat- What’s there to say that hasn’t? Honestly, in terms of writing, this is the GOAT. Like hands down, it’s unshakeably a quality novel, maybe the one I’d recommend to people the most. It’s just not my favourite.
Ghost Story- The last true mystery novel of the franchise. It feels weird, and stressful, and it’s super out of place, and I fuckin love it. I could go back to this one at the drop of a hat.
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alipeeps · 3 years
New tag game: Post pictures of your first ever (fictional/celeb) crush to the latest one and tag five others to continue the game
Thanks to @minmoyu for tagging me and ooof, are you sure you’re ready for this?!! :D I have been around/in fandom for a loooooong time and at first I thought, okay, no way I can list all my crushes, there have been SO many and we’ll be here all day but then as I started compiling a list I found I was having fun reminiscing and decided, what the heck, yeah, let’s do em all... or at least all I can remember! :D
There have absolutely for sure been other more minor crushes and passing fancies along the way, but these are the big ones that I remember (and that, in more recent years, I can track by going through my posted fanfics on AO3 and even *shudder* FFNET and seeing which shows I was into enough to want to write fic about the characters).
[Quick note: with rare exceptions, for actors I am listing them by the character they played rather than just the actor. Whilst there are actors that I like in multiple roles (and conversely, characters who on paper I would normally be into but are played by actors who do nothing for me, and hence the character generally does nothing for me either), for the most part it is the character I really have the crush on.]
I’m going to put this under a readmore cos it has gotten ridiculously long:
So... without further ado:
1. MORTEN HARKET from a-ha - OKay so, dating myself badly here but... I had the *biggest* crush on Morten Harket when I was a teenager. Pretty much the entirety of my side of the bedroom I shared with my sister was covered in posters of a-ha, and Morten in particular. I even had a heart-shaped Morten Harket pillow! :D I loved a-ha’s music (still do!) and I wanted to go see them in concert when I was 14 but my parents wouldn’t let me (*sob*). I did finally get to see them in concert in the early 2000s and they were BRILLIANT live (and Morten was still very very pretty)! 
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2. RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON as MACGYVER - MacGyver is the first tv character I remember being really into and having a crush on, to the extent that I would record episodes of the show off the tv (onto VHS tape - yes, I am *that* old!) so that I could rewatch them (especially the ones where he got hurt - yeah, I was a whumper even then! :D)
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3. KEIFER SUTHERLAND - One of my rare exceptions. I think I first saw him in Lost Boys (and loved him in that film) but it was his role as Doc Scurlock in Young Guns that really made me fall for both the character and him. I definitely remember seeking out any and all films he was in and buying any magazine he was interviewed in (and knowing far more facts about him than was probably healthy! :D) and even drawing a fanart portrait of him. :)
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4. KYLE MACLACHLAN as SPECIAL AGENT DALE COOPER - I remember hearing about Twin Peaks before it started airing in the UK and it sounded so different and interesting... I watched it from the very first episode and very quickly developed a crush on Coop.  
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5. BRENT SPINER as DATA - I think ST: TNG had been airing for a while before I stumbled across it but I quickly became hooked and Data was my favourite character right from the start. I definitely remember at one point buying an (unofficial) episode guide book so that I could look up which episodes were good Data-focused ones (especially ones where he got hurt! :D) so I could go out and buy the videos that had those episodes on (at the time the show was available to buy on VHS-tape with 2 episodes on each tape).
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6. DAVID DUCHOVNY as FOX MULDER - Another show that I heard the buzz about and started watching right from the start and, like so many others, I immediately developed a crush on the snarky, enigmatic, troubled FBI agent with the weird name. The X-Files was the first show I ever tried writing (one, never-finished) fanfic for.
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7. PAUL GROSS as BENTON FRASER - Man, Due South was such a good show! It was so quirky and clever and funny and Benton Fraser, with his huge heart and his serious demeanour and his gorgeous blue eyes, was just so darn attractive! He also got whumped a fair bit too! :D Due South was also the show that introduced me to the music of Sarah McLachlan (I was enough of a fan that I bought the show soundtrack on CD).
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8. HUGH LAURIE as DR GREGORY HOUSE - This was a bit of an odd one for me because I had grown up knowing Hugh Laurie solely as a comedian/comic actor, known mostly for playing buffoons and genial idiots. And suddenly here he was with stubble, an American accent, and a limp, and he was hawt AF! :D It caused quite the feedback loop in my brain for a while which pretty much went “Wow, House is hot.... but it’s Hugh Laurie... but he’s hot... but it’s HUGH LAURIE!!1!”
I *loved* House (the first few seasons, at least) and oof a character with persistent pain (and a self-destructive streak a mile wide!) was a whumper’s dream. House was the first show for which I wrote - and published online - completed fanfics.
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8. JOE FLANIGAN as JOHN SHEPPARD - Stargate Atlantis was my first proper online fandom, the first show I prolifically and repeatedly wrote fanfic for, and the first time I ever met in person an actor I was a big fan of (and while the show was still airing, to boot!). It was also my first introduction to the online community of whumpers! A bunch of us from the Shep Whump thread on Gateworld heard that Joe was going to be at a convention in London and we decided to book hotel rooms and meet up and go to the convention together and it was AWESOME! I can still remember seeing Joe *in person* for the first time and just,,,, struggling to believe he was actually here, in person, in front of me! He was super super lovely and humble too and took time to chat to everyone at the signing table and I clearly remember my brain just pretty much fritzing out during the photo session and being intensely aware of the sensation of Joe’s hand on my shoulder....
It was also super lovely to meet fellow fans, and online friends, in person for the first time and we had so much fun, and it kickstarted me going to lots of other conventions, including specific Stargate/SGA ones where I got to know lots of other lovely fans and online friends. I’ve met Joe about 4 or 5 times in total now and he’s been lovely every time.
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9. PAUL BLACKTHORNE as HARRY DRESDEN - Gosh I loved the shortlived tv adaptation of The Dresden Files. I loved the fantasy aspect, the stories, the humour, and I especially loved Harry Dresden and how often he got whumped! :D 
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10. DAVID TENNANT as THE 10TH DOCTOR - I had watched the Christopher Ecclestone revival of Doctor Who and enjoyed it well enough but I can clearly remember watching David Tennant’s first episode as The Doctor - on Christmas Day, at my brother-in-law’s house - and being aware, as I watched it that... ooookay, yes, I’m in trouble here... I like him... I like him a lot... :D I mean, I’m sure the fact that he got whumped so thoroughly in his very first episode had nothing to do with how quickly I fell for him... right? :)
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11. ALEX O’LAUGHLIN as MICK ST JOHN - Another show that ended far too soon and just as it was getting *seriously* good. But also a prime example of my point about having a crush on the character not the actor. I looooooved Alex as Mick St John... and yet in Hawaii 5.0 he pretty much does nothing for me (the character is too stoic and the whump often too unrealistically glossed over). Anyway, in Moonlight he was my favourite kind of character - angsty, brooding, dangerous AF when he needed to be... and essentially immortal so you could whump the heck out of him and he’d recover so you could whump him again! :D
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12. SIMON BAKER as PATRICK JANE - There is so much to love about Patrick Jane... his smarts, his sass, his angst... and Simon is a rare “against type” blonde crush for me (you may have noticed by now that most of my crushes follow a similar physical aesthetic - tall, slim/wiry, and dark-haired) and again here I think my crush is almost all to do with the character rather than the actor.
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12. BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH as SHERLOCK HOLMES - I’m almost ashamed to admit it, given the clusterfuck that both the show and its fandom became, but in the earlier seasons I had quite the crush on Benedict’s Sherlock (and okay, a little bit on Benedict himself - I did definitely enjoy some of his other roles too). It helps that I was already a huge fan of the Sherlock Holmes character (I’ve read all the stories and novels multiple times and was a big fan of the Granada adaptation starring Jeremy Brett - whose Holmes would definitely count as one of my more minor/passing crushes) already. Benedict is another crush that I have met in person, at a (actually, the first!) Sherlock convention and he was lovely in person - very genuine, very articulate and thoughtful.
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13. TOM MISON as ICHABOD CRANE - I was excited for Sleepy Hollow as soon as I heard about it and I was SUCH a fan for the first couple of seasons (before TPTB completely destroyed it and it inevitably got cancelled (I didn’t even watch the last season and a half)) and Tom’s Ichabod (and his amazing chemistry with Nicole’s Abbie) was a large part of why. I also quickly became a big fan of Tom himself as he came across as so witty and self-deprecating and *fun* in all the behind the scenes/convention clips etc. I was lucky enough to also meet Tom at a convention and he genuinely is that witty and charming and lovely.
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14. TOM WISDOM as ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - I think Dominion was possibly the first show that I got sucked into by seeing whumpy gifsets on tumblr! :D It was such a great show and also to date the most immersive, welcoming, cast-and-crew-interactive fandom I have ever been in. The cast and crew regularly live-tweeted the episodes, and interacted with fans on Twitter, and it was SO much fun. And Tom’s Michael was my favourite character right from the start - seemingly aloof but so much going on under the surface... and some really nice whump, especially in season 2! I was heartbroken when it was cancelled after only 2 seasons (and just as the plot was getting *really* interesting).
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15. OLIVER JACKSON-COHEN as LUCAS - I was hooked on Emerald City right from the first episode. It was visually stunning, so atmospheric, and really intruiging. I love love loved Adria Arjona’s Dorothy (ngl, I had a bit of a crush on her too) and she and Lucas together were just... *chef’s kiss*. I mean... what an introduction to a character... she finds him crucified, bleeding, his wrists tied with barbed wire, and amnesiac.... and the whump only gets better and better from there on in! Like the entire first two episodes are just... Lucas whump! :D And his devotion to her... Emerald City was honestly the first show where I really got into a ship. I was *invested* in Dorcas, dammit! Aaaand sadly another excellent show that never made it past its first season.
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16. JASON RALPH as QUENTIN COLDWATER - Another show that I watched right from the start, was heavily invested in.... and that the writers absolutely tanked and destroyed in later seasons. *cries* Quentin was such a brilliant viewpoint character for the show and I loved his awkwardness, and his angst, and his enthusiasm, and his adorable floppy hair... and how often he got whumped! 
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17. COLIN MORGAN - I fell for Colin in Merlin (which I stumbled upon late, long after it had finished airing, and hence was able to binge-watch the entire 5 seasons!) and liked him enough to seek out his other works, such as The Fall, and Humans, and The Living and the Dead, and he was brilliant (and very pretty) in all of them... and his characters also seem to get whumped quite a lot! :D 
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18. MATT LANTER as WYATT LOGAN - Wyatt was another of my favourite archetypes... absolutely badass and competent... but also tortured and angsty and capable of intense devotion. Another show that I watched because of whumpy gifs on tumblr and the second ever show where I actually got invested in a ship - Lyatt all the way, baby!! :D - aaaaaand yet another show cancelled before its time.
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19. NOCTIS LUCIS CAELUM from FINAL FANTASY XV - my very first video game crush! I was recommended to play FFXV by fellow whumpers on the whumpshire discord because it was whumpy... and they were not wrong and I loved the game and I absolutely adored Noctis. FFXV is one of very very VERY few video games that I have actually played right through to the end. And possibly the only video game that has ever affected me to such an extent... I became so invested in the characters and their world and I actually found the last couple of chapters really hard to play because it was actually upsetting me emotionally. I had to take a break for a couple of weeks before I could go back and finish it!
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20. CONNOR from DETROIT BECOME HUMAN - and from there I jumped straight into another video game crush! DBH was another game recommended to me for its whump potential and I, and many others, immediately fell in love with the quirky, sassy, self-sacrificing (if you play the game right!) “android sent by Cyberlife”. The game itself is really good too... although, I have tried to play through all the different endings to the story but have never yet managed to make myself play the machine Connor storyline.... I want to complete all the story branches... but I also just want Hank and Connor to be friends and to be happy! :D
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21. ZHU YILONG - Ahhh... the beginning of the asian drama arc of my fandom life! I first came across Zhu Yilong after getting sucked into watching Guardian because of pretty (and whumpy) gifs on tumblr... and I’ve never looked back. He is one of the rare entries where I am pretty much guaranteed to like him in pretty much anything he does and my crush extends beyond Shen Wei, or his other characters, and into reblogging his fashion shoot photos, and keeping up with news of his work in general. He’s just... so darn pretty! And also so... blur! :D And the behind the scenes stuff and interviews of him with Bai Yu, during the Guardian era, just made me fall for him all the more. He’s also ridiculously talented - not only a fantastic actor, but a really good singer (I love his singing voice), he plays guitar and piano, and he can paint too!!
He’s also pretty much what made me start learning Chinese... because after Guardian I went seeking his other dramas to watch... only to find that many of them are only partially, or not at all, subbed. So I thought... why not try learning Chinese and then I’ll be able to watch his other shows? :D
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21. JI CHANG WOOK - My first kdrama crush, and what a good one to start with! Healer was the first drama I ever watched and can you blame me for falling for JCW... especially when I followed up Healer with The K2?! I’ve liked him in pretty much everything I’ve watched him in. Although I do wish he would go back to doing more action-based shows as he is sooo good at them... but he seems to prefer the romcom genre these days, which is something I am nottt always a fan of tbh.
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22. JAKE HSU as MENG SHAO FEI - Yet another show that I got sucked into by tumblr - and also one with a great, fun fandom through which I met lots of lovely people who I still follow/am mutuals with to this day. I just *adored* Jake’s character in History and I also loved the ship - Tang Fan and Meng Shaofei were awesome and adorable together and I was totally invested in both the ship and the gangster/cop/what happened years ago story happening alongside the ship. And Jake is just all kinds of cute.
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23. XIAO ZHAN - Aaaand we are pretty much up to current day now... where The Untamed took over my life in the summer of 2019 and has yet to let me go. Xiao Zhan is another disgustingly talented human being - a fantastic singer and a really good actor, and also an artist - and he also just comes across as a genuinely sweet and charming person, and a very thoughful and earnest one too. And lbr he is ridiculously pretty, and his smile is just pure sunshine. 
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24. LEE DONG WOOK as LEE YEON - The most recent entry to the charts.... a Korean actor I was aware of but whose work I hadn’t watched and whose looks didn’t particularly seem to grab me... until I watched Tale of the Nine Tailed and fell head over heels for Lee Yeon (and daaayum does red hair suit LDW!!) and very quickly began to find LDW’s looks very appealing (and oh my, does Lee Yeon whump well!!). And yes, I have now started watching Goblin. :D
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Phew! Aaaand we are done! I’ll admit, I did think of a few more as I was compiling this list but I decided to categorise them as more “minor” crushes and not include them... otherwise we really could be here all day!!
I’m going to tag: @sarah-yyy​, @arlothia​, @howdydowdy​, @thepromiseweheldforlife​ and @the-wandering-whumper​!
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