#but then i helped fight these monster herons-
takabrows · 1 year
Mean girl with a sword
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itsagrimm · 1 year
He Who Comes From under the Water
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Chapter 8 - A Fishing Line of Memories
Monster!König X she/her afab Reader
CN fear of water, mentions of previous sexual assault, drowning, women drowning or cannibalising their abusers, blood, isolation, mentions of death, accidental bondage and rope play
Notes for better understanding at the bottom!
Beta-read by the amazing @queenquazar.
2.5k words
I am really unsure about this one since i am dragging both character and plot development with highspeed into something dramatic that I have planned. I really would like to have some feedback on this chapter.
Time moved on like it always had. You barely remembered how the summer days had gotten longer as it all flooded into one endless string of memories, closing in above you. Just like the sun rose and set, your mood and memories changed from the highest of highs to the lowest you have ever felt. Nothing was anchoring you anymore, leaving you lost and confused in a sea of impressions.
First, there was the Palace.
It was an odd sight as it grew in shape with frightening inevitability.
The lake in which the Palace was built was green, dark, and deep. Surrounded by a thick forest as if blanketing the palace to keep out the harsh outside world. In the middle of it was an island. It had become the centrepiece of the ‘Half-palace’ as König called it. Half in the water, half above it. Half for you. Half for him. Like an odd creature lifting its head out of the water, the Half-palace rose from the lake, reminding you more and more of König as time progressed and the high time of summer approaching with the beginning harvests, merriments, and festivals… And weddings.
The moment König showed you the spot of your new home, you had asked for a boat. There was no way you would be able to fight and crawl your way through the forest to live there. As much as you had gotten used to being guarded and accompanied, there was no way you would ask for help every time you wanted to leave the palace for a simple stroll. At least you hoped you would not have to, not wanting to exchange one cage for another.
Much to your relief, König had obliged without any further question. And so, you had ended up with a boat, built by your fiancé to ferry you to and from the palace as you pleased.
It had a fish head (of course) and little rows for you to move it. Not that you had to do much rowing. Often rusalkis picked you up quickly, accompanied you and curiously asking you about the life on land while pushing your boat where you needed to go as if you were a cousin that rarely visited who had stories to share from far off lands.
Yes, as you had started to move on the water more often you met them - beautiful women with long hair, laughing and playing in the waters and around it. They were human - sometimes. Sometimes they were terrifying goddesses, singing songs about eating unfaithful husbands and drowning rapists. You had shivered when you had heard them the first time, the images of violence invoking memories you weren’t entirely over with. But they laughed and assured you that as long as you were no cheating husband, they would not eat you, making you smile.
“Alright then,”you had replied once, “sounds like I should not become a cheating husband then.”
They had giggled, calling you to play in the water with them but you had only waved from afar. No matter how inviting the rusalkis might be, how nice the thought of finally having friends to talk and laugh with, they were in the water. And you couldn’t imagine anything more terrifying than getting submerged in the dark abyss, be it in play or not.
Second, there was the net incident with König.  
Once you had tried to fish after finding an old net left by your grandfather.
It had some holes, and you spend half a day trying to fix it with the Heron giving advice about fishing and the Fox sticking around in the hopes of stealing a few bites, should you be successful.
You weren’t successful.
Instead, you had gotten yourself tangled in the net, forcing the Heron to get König as the only one with suited hands and fingers to help you free yourself instead of tearing the newly mended net into pieces.
He had laughed at the sight of you.
“Did I catch myself a bride?” He teased and you felt yourself going from irritated to relieved knowing that König would save you.
“I might have done that for you, dear.” You wiggled, showing how you had gotten yourself stuck, “Can you help me?”
He bowed down and traced the knots and threats with his eyes before tilting his head in concentration.
“May I?” he asked, and you nodded, your lips suddenly too dry and brittle for words.
His fingers felt warm on your body, not clammy like when he passed you something right out of the waters or unpleasantly hot like steam for a burned pot.
It was as if his hands belonged on you as they glided over the curve of your waist, your hip, your legs. You lowered your gaze as he untangled you, unsure if you could not breathe from the tight net around your chest or because you forgot how to. König was so close and you wanted to lean into him, stay bound in his arms. The tight threats on your skin made you feel like drunk as he moved your body with his hands like he needed to.
It was over so quickly.
“Thank you,” You rasped coarsely and he turned away from you, leaving as quickly as he had arrived to continue his work on the Half-palace.
That night was the first time you had dreamed of him. A few blurry thoughts and dreamy images of König coming into the house instead of always guarding your sleep. You felt breathless and confused as you woke up and stared at the all-familiar ceiling and not König leaning over your bed, asking you to stay the night. With you.
I am doomed. You thought as you tried to ignore the heat and warmth in your chest and abdomen, burning persistently with dreamy temptations.
It will never happen. Get used to your maidenhood for it will stay. Just be a friend to him like he had become to you. Nothing more.
And like a friend you had continued - pushing and locking your desires away deep within you where you kept all those little other maiden secrets.
Instead, you tried to be like you had always been. A nice smile there, a joke here. Physical touch grew rare between you as you kept away from him, not daring to taste more of his warm skin and feeling like a thief every time you accidentally did.
Sometimes, it could not be avoided when he asked for your help.
“Why are you building along the island in the lake and not just on it?” You had asked as you helped König with his hair one day. It had become a nuisance to him while building and he had requested your help to comb and braid like you did with your hair to keep it out of the way.
That’s what friends do. They help each other out. This is normal.
He shrugged, sitting before you as you weaved.
“Don’t you like plants? I saw you grow them at your house. Thought you liked that.” He answered.
His words coaxed a smile out of your concentration pressed lips.
“Yes. I do like that,” You said. “Thank you very much.”
He nodded and you protested he shouldn’t move around so much or else you would not be able to braid his hair properly which had resulted in him groaning but stilling under your fingers.
When you were done with the braid, you tied it with a band you had knotted and dyed for him.
Little things friends do for each other.
You were finished with braiding his hair. Yet you did not want to be.
He was so close, his shoulders strong and that pleasant warmth like his hands had on your body as they leaned against your legs. It would have been easy to lean forward and embrace him as you bathed in his oh so warming presence. You could whisper that you liked him. That every new discovered piece of König was precious to you. That you trusted him and that you wanted more than what he had offered.
And then you did nothing.
Foolish girl. Foolish, foolish girl. You scolded yourself as you stepped away. He is just friendly. You are just a lucky girl marrying a man that became a friend. Don’t be a burden.
Embarrassment flooded you every time the memory arose despite your best attempts to suppress your amorous thoughts and turning to more pragmatic things.
You needed a new dress to marry in. Your old clothes were fine to work in or crawl around the forest. But it would not do for a wedding. More importantly, it would not do for your wedding. You might marry a man from the swamps and waters, but your mother would not stop haunting your dreams if you would not at least attempt to do your part in looking like a proper bride the day you married. So, you spent much time behind the loom spinning and weaving in the hopes of at least finishing something resembling a proper dress until your fingers bled, while you did not even attempt making a kokoshnik in time. I will be his show-off wife. Nothing else. I just need to look and play my part as well as I can - you reminded yourself as you worked on your dress, bloody and in misery while trying to not think much about your life after the wedding.
It was best to forget that part. Best to forget how you had giggled with friends talking about who had kissed whom. Best to forget how you had tasted lips before. None of that for you anymore. You would be a married woman soon – unharmed, unkissed, untouched.
What else could you ask for?
You would be a proper woman with a palace!
You stilled, the spill in your battered hands.
Oh my, you would be a proper woman with a palace!
The dread and horror of it washed over you as the realisation caught up to you. How were you supposed to run a palace on your own? And what was it like to be a proper woman? Suddenly you were hit with the grief of missing your mother who would have known. In your despair you wished for Baba Yaga back. At least Farah was alive and would have had answers for you.
But your mother was dead, and Farah was away. You did not know how to reach the lady of the chicken legged house, not even able to write a letter because you hadn’t mastered that yet except for a few scribbled words König had taught you until now.
No, you were on your own.
Desperation was another persistent memory of those hazy days, waved into your mind like the blood-red stains into your wedding dress.
But there was hope.
Every evening you walked with König, nearly swaying drunk from his attention, and talking about your days, wondering what the personal sacrifice was that König had to do to save you from potential drowning.
“Is it maybe some kind of pendant for me to wear? A pretty stone from a riverbed you kept or some magical jewellery that can protect me?” You wondered aloud as you slowly walked the little beach at the lake.
“It sounds more like you would like to wear something pretty.” König responded.
“Well, I wouldn’t object.”
He chuckled, a deep grumbled sound - like bubbles coming up from the bottom of a forgotten pond.
“I am sure I can dive and find you some pretty stones in the water if you want, Bride.” König said, “but I have none now for I never had use for them. So, I cannot sacrifice what I never possessed or cared for.”
You sighed.
“I suppose just something pretty out of the water for me to wear would have been just too easy, wouldn’t it?”
“We can try it out.” He suggested.
You eyed the lake you walked along, the Half-palace rising in the middle of it surrounded by water – so much deep water.
“No thank you,” You squeaked.
He hummed.
“I am sorry, you know.”
You glanced at König.
“I am sorry how we met and how I…” He tried.
You watched him as the mighty King of Everything from Under the Water searched for words. How he struggled with those dreadful and disrupting things in your odd coexistence.
“I am sorry for being so careless back then and nearly drowning you,” He finally said, “I regret how I, a Ruler from the Waters, instilled you with a fear of water. You will be the queen of a kingdom you not only cannot enter, but fear. And that is because of me. I am sorry.”
You stopped. And with it the memory, floating away like a piece of driftwood.
A part of you wished that you remembered what had happened that evening.
Maybe you said something funny or forgiving. Like that you did not blame him or that fear of water was well deserved considering unkempt men from the swamps lived there to snatch away women as brides. Maybe not. You wished you remembered anything, but your memory of those hazy days was slipping out of your fingers as you floated down through the water and the last bubbles of air escaped your screaming lungs.
This was it. Foolish girl. Foolish, foolish girl. You thought to yourself and closed your eyes. I should have said something. I should have been brave when I had the chance.
Cultural Context Notes
A kokoshnik is a crown worn by eastern european women* of often high status. It’s an old tradition of complex significance so who and why it is worn has changed and shifted since at least the 10th century. The Kokoshnik is part of the traditional Slavic Russian wear. However, it is not a ‘just Russian’-tradition and to say it’s just Russian plays into many cultural imperialist norms perpetrated by mostly Russian nationalists. I read this crown as an important symbol for female dignity and power, noticeably showing up in resistance and empowerment movements in the region. Since it is also a very traditional and romanticised headwear, the kokoshnik can be found among more right-wing, nationalist, and the local equivalent of the ‘trad wife’ movements as well. The kokoshnik has a wide variety of shapes, colours, and decorative elements on it, depending on the region and taste. Also, I personally don’t think that those who have no ties to the region and no interest in learning about us but just want to wear a kokoshnik as a pretty costume, should do so as this head wear is loaded with complex cultural codes. Eastern European heritage and culture is open, and everyone is welcome to participate, but it comes with the commitment to learn and be respectful as well.
At least among Russians it is rare for men to braid their hair, but we can do whatever we want here. This is the gender affirming masculinity hair braiding edition. Also, doing each other’s hair is something done mostly among family and very close friends.
The German word ‘Hochzeit’ = wedding is a compound word of the word high / highest and time. Historically many important festivities were ‘highest times’ or highly honoured celebrations but at some point the wedding as the ‘most highest time’ linguistically stayed. In at least Russian folk traditions, the time for engagements was in spring with the wedding then following in the high time of the year so the summer when lavish celebrations outdoors with good food and enough space for everyone was possible. Kind of leaving this here for a bit of folk practice background on why König and protagonist not really plan but just follow the cultural norm of marrying in the foreseeable future of this summer.
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kaihuntrr · 10 months
The Sea Prince: Pirates’ Factions and Empires’ cast. Concepts!
Hello!! It’s been a while since I made a worldbuilding post, and because this AU is currently being revised, I’d like to welcome the side characters who will be making their appearances throughout the story! Firstly, I’d like to talk about the changes between Pirates SMP and Empires SMP to properly fit the vision of this world. These are still their main concepts until they’re (eventually) designed and fully realized, but this is what their general faction/ personality is like.
The factions exist! They’re split between the navy and hunters, given Team TIES are naval commanders, they should have some powerful people with them while the Red Canaries (ehehe they’re all bird names) deal with their rival group.
The shorter version is; Kites and Kestrels are Hunters, Herons are a special class of navy, and Nightingales are voyagers. Their characters and the Empires cast will be used for further development in the story. :D
I’m not well caught up in the characters of Pirates so they will not be gaining a description. The Empires cast will as I am more familiar with them!
* - special case
Here’s the general idea of the factions;
Formed out of shared interests, contracts, or skill, there are countless factions throughout the world. Like any faction or guild, they can be hired together to cover all their bases and work with each other’s strength. It’s not often this works, but they’re contractually obligated to do their jobs, so they keep their heads down. These groups and crews were formed naturally and hence, want to work with these specific members if ever brought on to jobs.
(This is still subject to change; the general idea is the same tho!)
Kites: Formidable and boastful.
Prioritizing strength, this faction of rowdy hunters are no stranger to the wilds of the ocean. They enjoy the thrill of the hunt and fighting evil monsters. This specific group cannot work with any hunter crew due to the belief of their superior strength and does not ask for help. They are particularly annoyed by the Canaries, thinking them to be spoiled and pampered due to being funded by the King himself. Hopefully their paths don’t collide. Hopefully.
Etho (formerly)
Kestrels: Relic of the past.
Some members of this great faction were once Ren’s old crew, they thrived in a lavish lifestyle their hunts have provided them. A strong leader with a fierce second-mate, they were unstoppable. It was like this for a few years, but after their Captain’s death it hasn’t been the same. Their second-mate soon left to be in his former crew, and they are unsure what the future may hold. If they ever cross paths with the Canaries, especially with their former second-mate, threats of violence look over their heads.
Ren (deceased)
Martyn (formerly)
*Scar (associated with the group in the past)
Nightingales: Explorers and Navigators.
Away from hunting and fighting, they simply want to travel and make it easier for people to get from place to place. They are a talented group who design and create machinery for travel and everyday use, but also spend their times in exploring and charting maps; a very versatile group indeed.
Herons: Elite Intelligence.
A group of very few, but strong leaders. They are special cadets from the navy who succeeded past their peers and are given special attention from their commanders as they train to, hopefully, lead in their place one day.
Cleo (formerly)
Mumbo (formerly)
Finally, we get to the Empires cast. Originally this au was only a Life Series x Empires fic due to some interesting dynamics the characters would have with some side characters, but pirates opened up a new opportunity and fills up some plot holes! I did say the Empires cast are getting their descriptions, so here they are!
‘Mythical ‘Myth’ J. Sausage.’
‘Humble’ and ‘polite’ are the first things he’d say about himself. He is particular in living the high life and wants to continue living up to his faction’s name. He can’t stand hanging around Martyn, so he openly makes fun of him for his own ego.
‘Joey Graceffa.’
Brought on by Myth/Sausage, Joey fits the bill of a Kestrel. He enjoys singing, but doesn’t do it as often as, “they don’t deserve to hear his voice”. He’s boastful and full of pride, joining Myth as he berates the former Kestrel. He doesn’t really know who the blonde is however, as he was brought to the crew a bit more recent.
‘Orion ‘Oli’ Sound.’
A wildcard. He’s eccentric and very chaotic, bringing all the energy into the Kestrels. He once challenged by Joey into a sing-off, and despite the other winning, Oli takes it in stride and forms a friendly(?) rivalry with the other Kestrel, making good laughs for everyone.
‘False Symmetry.’
A mechanic with big dreams. She helps build prosthetics and assists with any type of machinery, as she enjoys her time tinkering with any type of device. She likes to make herself useful, and would often go for a passive response to try and change things for the better.
‘Pix Rift.’
A researcher deep in his own thoughts. He joined the Nightingales out of their shared belief and interest in exploring, accompanying them in journeys and to breathe the open, fresh air towns and cities don’t have. He takes notes of all of his adventures but tries to keep up with his personal responsibilities, as it seems he can’t keep up with it usually.
‘Katherine Elizabeth.’
A vagabond hunter with no ties to anyone or anything, supposedly. She’s excitable and fun loving, adoring the thrill of the hunt and returning home to her girlfriend with a satisfied grin on her face. She makes her living like a mercenary would, sometimes it’s jarring that someone as upbeat and optimistic as she is also kills monsters for fun and a way to earn payment.
‘Shelby Grace.’
An explorer. She’s curious about the world due to living a relatively sheltered life and greets the world with open arms. She’s incredibly shy and prefers to explore on her own, but she wouldn’t mind traveling the world with her girlfriend.
‘Gemini Rose.’
A delightful person to be around but stirs up tricks with her twin brother. She means no harm to anyone she comes across, lest her overthinking get the better of her, and she’s all in to see the world despite the horror stories of the ocean. She’s not scared! If she’s with her brother, nothing is impossible.
‘fWhip Rose.’
A menace, but a fun one! He’s usually the one who initiates the schemes between the twins, but also the one who gets into the most trouble. Be it his reckless attitude, he’s not afraid to stand up for himself.
And that’s all I can say about them! Pirates has opened up so much ideas for the AU going forward, and I’m excited for you all to see! In the meantime… here’s the reveal of revised Act I’s titles and mini arcs, I can’t wait to show you what they all mean and contain >:)
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Can you tell a little more about the future AU May and June and their adoptive parents?
feverish and not even sure where that doodle came from. here's some odds and ends tho
people assume the fashion designer would like everything Just So, all neat and tidy, and the long haul fisherwoman who's off sailing for moths would be fine with controlled chaos
dead wrong
the INSTANT May docks in Duckburg her anxiety spikes because she can just FEEEEEL June's messy work space
May dropping off a bucket of sea serpent scales, filling the bucket with soapy water, whipping out a mop and dust pan, and attacking her little sister's room with all the wild, furious intensity of someone trying to bail out a sinking ship
Donald likes helping but usually gets tangled up in the vacuum cord at some point
June hides booby traps for May to find in her messes. Just to have a little fun
You know how much she's been missing her sister by how many and how complex the traps are
While May is busy cleaning (and clearing) her room, June has a tradition of going on May's ship and hiding nice little nick-knacks all over it- a cool rock, a candy bar, a cursed knife Webby brought home from her last adventure... just fun surprises to break up May's extremely regulated life at sea
Daisy knits May a new wool sweater every year, and May always tears up when she get it
Donald not only has a dozen pictures of all his kids in his wallet, he also has pictures of May's first catches and allllll the clothes June has ever designed.
He talks to May about sailing to make sure she's being safe and doing okay- He listens to June talk about clothes design and construction afterwards, to calm down and distract himself from thoughts of May fighting sea monsters.
June understands that fashion trends are a thing but since they're a thing that doesn't often align with her interests she chooses to ignore them and just make what she likes
She never gets super well known as a result and doesn't mind at all
Miss Glamour admires her confidence and ends up hiring her as an assistant after Daisy starts up her own business- which nobody understands, since June doesn't cater to Glamour at ALL and the vibe is more "doting grandmother happily has tea with her headstrong and irreverent grandchild"
Daisy and June do mother-daughter martial arts exercises every morning and evening, before and after work, to stave off the carpel tunnel, and Daisy still has no idea how she survived so long without it
May tries keeping a logbook while out sailing but usually ends up writing another paperback spy novel instead (penname: Gray Gullson) 
Beakly is a BIG fan
Beakly has no idea why May keeps wanting to have teatime chats with her about the old spy days but enjoys them quite a bit in any case
June kindly pretends not to understand why her sister needs to know if you could sew secrets or poisons into dress
and she puts May’s latest novel draft back into its hiding place when she accidentally finds it
she also edits the draft for spelling mistakes and leaves suggestions in the margins, in May's own handwriting, knowing it'll freak her sister out when SHE finds it
they make an effort to be together for the anniversary of Black Heron's "disappearance" (June paradropped onto May's ship from the Sunchaser once) but still aren't sure how they're supposed to spend it
they always call or visit with Daisy and Donald the day afterwards though
"...you ever think about what we would do, if she came back?"
"Disappoint her, probably. We're not exactly super villains."
"I hope we'd fight her."
"I think we would. I mean, if she tried to hurt mom or dad..."
"Or Webby or the Sabrewings."
"The boys too."
"Ducks and McDucks. Beakly."
"I guess pretty much anyone, really."
"We do have a lot of people to fight for these days."
"Maybe she'd be proud of us for that?"
"Probably not."
"Well I'm proud of us."
"Yeah. Me too."
"And I wouldn't trade Donald or Daisy for anything."
"...I miss them."
"Same. Let's go home."
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Main Masterlist III
Critical Role - multi party dancer!reader // multi party Father’s Day // little one afraid of storms // there was one bed 🛏 // modified memories // Song: Insider angst // saying I love you to them // sacrificing yourself for them // snowball fight
Vox Machina - Percy and you expecting // sick Percy // Percy and Vax wedding // Percy angst // sister of Everlight // writing, kiss prompts with Percy // prompt ask for Archibald // close call with Vex’ahlia // layers of clothes // supportive Vex’ahlia // Percy in the rain // baby first word // facing a meltdown // one year birthday // siren seduction // baby on the way // Orthax horror // Percy confessing to childhood friend // in the acid room // sibling helping with proposal // yandere Percy + Trevor // perchalia smut // Percy drabble // selkie reader // if baby VM cried // ticklish Baby VM // sacrifice for them // vex and shy reader // ADHD reader // vampire reader // scanlan soulmate // love song // vax’ildan angst // Vax saving you // telling them they’re the best // surviving with Archi and Percy // playing with Little One
The Mighty Nein - cowboy traveler // Caleb taking care of you // close call headcanons // caleb leaves you // Caleb and librarian reader // Caleb saving you // expecting with Caleb and Essek // Molly with reader and kiri // Marion and babenon with poison master // Fjord with familiar // Fjord as a father // Cadeuces with aroace reader
Crown Keepers/Bell’s Hells - birthday baby // secret crush on Orym // Dorian and Ashton expecting // reader saving Cyrus // Will and Orym proposal // hugging crush // unwanted visitor + MN // poly with Dorian + Dariax and Orym // bell’s hells baby antics
EXU Calamity/Rings of Brass - Loquatious headcanons //
Dune - Paul atreides HC’s
The Martian - mark watney smut
The Dragon Prince ✨ - Soren + maid!reader // Chitty chats
The Sea Beast - letters from the sea 🌊
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit - boromir angst
Exophilia 👹 - shadow monster
Star 🌟 Wars ✨- ahsoka + Ezra + Rey headcanons //
Spider Man NWH - yours, mine
Arcane/League of Legends - jinx angst headcanons
Blood of Zeus - heron headcanons // bubbly personality with ⚡️//
Assassin’s Creed - Christmas with the crew 🎁
Castlevania - drunken mishaps with VM and Cass // kissing headcanons // at the fair // pregnancy headcanons
Alucard - hollow knight sequel // dragon reader part 3 // season 4 Alucard // playing with Alucard’s fangs // hollow knight p3 //
Trevor - fatherly Trevor // Trevor vs wolf //
Hector - dragon reader //
Isaac - love story //
Genshin Impact - drunk headcanons // on your period // fluff + smut fic // pregnant headcanons // yandere scaramouche
Nezha Reborn - love at first punch
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porter-pumpkim · 1 year
Amphibia Owl house crossover AU,
Blights of Amphibia
so, an AU I came up with, not an original concept but eh I find it fun,
for some reason the box is on the boiling isles, maybe Leif thought both herself and the box would blend in better so she could hide the thing and it would just get lost in the magic artifacts.
later in the story the box is found by the blight siblings, most likely Edric and Emara rummaging around the night market, possibly even sold to them by Eda. (This comes from that scene in knock knock knockin on hootys door, where the calamity box makes a cameo appearance on one of Eda's shelves in the background right before the Luz and Amity boat ride)
Edric and Emara take the box home with them, showing their cool find to amity, most likely cause of the "cool gems" on it, meanwhile Amity protests on where they even got it, but the twins brush her off and open it, BOOM! cue intro!
Surprisingly our main character is Edric! who got the calamity gem of heart, and landed near Wartwood, shocked, frightened, and yet surprisingly free feeling, this lovable idiot wanders the woods accidentally horrifying frogs and damaging his self-esteem until one of his traps accidentally catches Sprig. Cue the first episode!
During the story of this AU Edric is adopted by the Plantars and quickly becomes Sprig and Pollys chaotic magical older brother, to Hop pops annoyance. most of the episodes are probably Edric causing problems on purpose, getting himself in trouble, and having to fix it.
Also, I'm pretty sure Edric is goanna be best friends with One eyed Wally.
As for Amity and Emara.
Amity landed near Toad tower. becoming the gem of strength, it took some serious effort on the toads end to try and capture her due to her abomination magic, which the toads had never seen before, and where quick to inform Captain Grime about. Grime was incredibly curious of Amity's power, and what Amity even was, questioning her on if any more like her where out there, and finding out there where when he found Edric's shoe near Wartwood, still amity is stubborn and won't admit any information on her siblings.
Similar to Sasha, Amity used her experience with social manipulation on the toads to put them on her side, although her approach included less sugarcoating and a bit more aggression in her tone and words, she wasn't as successful as Sasha, but she at least had Percy and Braddock on her side.
The day the herons' attacked amity was quick to fight them, scrounging any materials she could for some sloppily put together abomination goo. Amity's skills in combat, her power, and formerly shown ruthless and cunning nature impressed Captain grime, and he decided to convince Amity to help defeat the herons, and after the battle offered her a position as his lieutenant in the toad army, to rule over Frog valley with almost ultimate power, and of course, being raised in a household where power and rank are everything, amity agrees, and joins the toad army.
While in the toad army amity goes even further down the rabbit hole of living up to expectations she would rather not in the name of keeping her rank than she was in the series, as she's changed her success strategy from purely academic, to military, still using emotional manipulation and other tactics when needed, but also using her abominations to scare frogs and toads into submission.
Emara ended up in Newtopia as the gem of wit.
Emara was also very stunned and confused after opening the box and suddenly landing in what appeared to be some kingdom entirely different from the boiling isles, as everyone appeared to be weird demons as far as she was concerned, not a witch in sight.
something that stung even more was that as soon as the residence of Netopia saw her, they started screaming about her being a hideous monster. Emara tried to explain herself to those who found her, but now she sounded like a monster that hit its head too hard and was a little nuts. A representative of Newtopia, Lady Olivia, was sent to check up on the commotion caused by this strange newcomer, claiming the king wanted to see her, understandably, Emara was worried, but figured eh, why not? if things went wrong enough, she could just poof out with some illusions.
Emara and Andiras don't really have the same click as Andrias and Marcy, though Emaras sarcastic and whitty nature does slightly remind him of how Leif was before everything went wrong and she touched the box, leading him to still have a connection with her, although a different one, he is also interested in her power, as Emara probably set up some illusions during their meeting, no doubt a selling point Andrias used in convincing the core she could be useful to them if kept alive.
During Emaras stay she was excited by having what seemed to be true freedom for once, although not being a great bridge builder like Marcy, she probably took up any adventures and jobs that seemed exiting, most likely ending up on the war ship with General Yunnan, fighting the giant snake, and dealing with the creepy cult, possibly even getting her own variant of Joe Sparrow, completely unaware of Andrias's bigger plans for her, and her siblings when she finds them.
I do want to draw more of or make comics of this AU when i have time, but I really wanted to just talk about it first, I still have some arks to work out, such as if any of the siblings knew what the box would do, or some of the character arks, plus what happens when they go back to the boiling isles, especially when it comes to Edric trying to find a place for the Plantars without Odalia kicking them out.
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stupidsalmonn · 1 year
Now I find myself
In the wild unknown
With the frogs and toads
And I'm far from home
But there's so much here to discover
One leap after another
Hop into the adventure
Gotta ribbit, ribbit
Jump on in it
Welcome to Amphibia
Life don't get much crazier
When you're a normal girl
Living in another world
What you gonna do?
You gotta ribbit, ribbit
Jump on in it
Welcome to Amphibia
Life don't get much crazier
So ribbit, ribbit live it in
I showed up here in the swamp
With all these nasty weird toad dudes
Their boss, Grime, threw me in jail
With only bugs for food
But then I helped fight these monster herons
And taught Grime to be a charmer
I gave up despairing
'Cause Grime made me lieutenant with this dope armor
I trained the toad army
I overworked them 'til they cry
Every morning, I would teach them tai chi
And do frog jumps 'til it hurt
All the toads adored me
We even made these custom t-shirts
I got my own palace
With this much improved cuisine
Now the toads all treat me like their queen
Woke up in Newtopia
Where I fell down a flight of stairs
Broke my leg, but luckily
The newts had free public healthcare
So I became a loyal ranger
And I fought this creepy cult
Kept folks out of danger
Slaying this killer cobra with a catapult
I lived on a warship
And became a flipwart champion
Soon I was a king's trusted advisor
I studied salamander brains
Tried bug appetizers (yum)
And for fun DM'd some campaigns
Okay, if you wanna pick up the longsword, I need you to roll for a strength check because your character is like a little wood elf and uh... This'll be fun eventually, guys, trust me!
I love it in Amphibia
So much adventure still to see
Hope nothing ever bad happens to me
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regnumaves · 1 year
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
OC emoji asks | accepting
Oh, absolutely. Tibarn's behavior towards others has an absolutely massive range, going from the gentle and doting older brother figure that he is towards Reyson and Leanne, all the way to the hateful wild beast or sub-human, as they would call him, towards those who disrespect and discriminate against the laguz.
It's interesting to see that Tibarn's attitude towards others can shift pretty quickly. In Path of Radiance, he goes from the beorc's greatest enemy who may or may not have been thinking of going to war against them, to lending Ike his most trusted men and becoming his faithful ally in the span of one chapter, as soon as he realizes that Ike is not an enemy of the laguz and was trying to protect the Herons. But then, on the other hand - no matter how far we are into the games, no matter how much time he has spent fighting alongside the good beorc, Tibarn's boss conversations against certain enemies (ahem. Lekain) have him embody the savage beast that they accuse him and his people of being, speaking openly and joyfully about tearing them to shreds in retaliation for their crimes against the laguz.
The way I look at it, Tibarn's behavior towards others often mirrors the way in which they treat him. If you respect him and his people, and are willing to aid them when they need help, you will get the exact same in return with honesty and earnest. If you want a monster, you will get a monster.
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i-imade-a-thing · 2 years
Amphibia All In Details!
Anyways, here some details I noticed in this ep, spoiler below!
The ep opened with the same music as Reunion flashback
The punk girl and boy from reunion and Maggie can be seen in the school scene
The lights in dance party scene is green and pink....no blue
One of the poster said "SAT prep every Thrusday @ 2:30"
Pepper Ann and other background characters from ss3a can be seen in the crowd during invasion's arrival
Bibsy plushie can be seen in one of building (they use the same scene from Sprig birthday)
Love Choice 2 from the episode Civil Wart
Mr. X speed dial on the phone include Mom, Hubby, Boss, Teri, and Micky D's (probably mcdonalds)
Anne got another yellow shoe, a gameboy, and teens magazine in her locker
When Anne stared at "Who am I?" Anne's theme played
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Millennium Puzzle from Yugioh, Megatron from Transformer, golden compass with disney's castle, LAMENT COFIGURATION FROM HELLRAISER
After Marcy got the map and start walking, Marcy's theme played
Polly probably use the same spotlight from the beginning flashback since it use the same color
"Anne hanging out with us, monster of week stuff", literally season 1
Sprig will be devastate when Anne leaves
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The left screen said "Kinds robot" "Kills 0" and upper screen said "power overwhelming"
Andrias' newspaper company is "Newstopian", on it wrote "frog election looms" with toadstool picture and "Frogaduke" "I cant see the show"
The pin Marcy gave andrias can be seen on irl marcy's journal
Olivia having mom energy
Marcy probably reminded Andrias of Leif in a way
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"Heroes chosen with the might shall be given a chance to abandon our plight"
"Who need friends when they have ever lasting power?" callback to The Core and The King
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Sasha's graffiti
When Anne order Frobo to get Plantar away from herons, Anne's theme played
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Anne's wearing Link's outfit (The Legend of Zelda) and Sasha's wearing Edelgard (Xenoblade)
When Anne is giving peptalk to Plantars to fight, Anne's theme played
When Plantars charge in, Anne's theme played
The bus Boonchuys are on have "suspecious island 2" poster
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Ayo lighning mcqueen
Jenny's armour have the letter "J" on the shoulder pad
when andrias open his mech it use the same sound effect from Ben 10 Omniverse' upgrade lmao
When Anne pull up her "Who am I?" paper and start her speech, anne's theme played
Anne mentioning Santa Claus, a callback to Froggy Little X-mas
Anne's principal have stockup toilet papers, chicken soups, water perification tablets, and power generator
When Anne powered up, u can see see lotus flower-shaped aura
Dr. Jan, Humphrey, and Terri can be seen in the crowd watching them fight
Anne vs Andrias fight is beautiful thematically, a fight between someone who powered by heart and someone who have broken heart
When Anne got knock out, the TV screen said "All hope lost"
During second wind, Anne's first punch let out lotus flower aura
When Marcy said "This isn't real is it?" Marcy's theme played
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Lotus flower, everywhere
Leif come up with the name "Plantar" by switching "L" upside-down
There's around 8 frogs in Wartwood at Leif's time
She change her name to Lily Plantar
One of Leif's grandkid have similar hat to Sprig's but red
Also Leif's husband look like HP when he's old
Andrias know that even if he has a change of heart, there's no erasing what he'd done for the pass 1000 year
I like how you can see multiple mind in the core "Hey aldrick your son is losing the will to fight!" "that weakling!"
Darcy getting powered' down use the same scream as when the core upload itself onto Marcy
"Open your heart, and follow it," Andrias proceed to open his mech suit and embrace the punch from heart gem's user
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He smiled before embracing it.
Even Anne is shock by this
Molly Joe, Jess, Ally, Humphrey, Dr. Jan, and Terri can be seen cheering when Anne won
In the scene with Maggie, one of bystander is wearing Bibsy World shirt (reference to Disneyland)
Andrias' voice crack when he said "Marcy, you must save Marcy"
When Marcy woke up(when the camara showed Grime and Plantars), Marcy's theme played
When Anne said "thing's change" both Marcy and Sasha look away for a second, however Sasha smile afterward (a little faster than Marcy), also afterward Anne's theme played
When they're doing group hug, Anne's theme played
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Bufo, Priscilla, Pearl, Bella, and Gertie can be seen fighting alongside the rest of Amphibian
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Also for someone who the other version, there's an end credit for this episode
ANNNND THAT'S ALL IN! This episode make me cry during Andrias scene, the newt who STAB Marcy....HOW! There's also so much great moment and hype moment AAHHHH!! I LOVE THIS SHOW! The animations, musics, voice actings...everything is perfect! Man I can't wait to see the final episode next week!
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elizabeethan · 3 years
Weather the Storm
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An Overboard Addition
For @the-darkdragonfly because it’s her birthday!!!!!!! 
What started as a fluffy little addition to Overboard, one of my more popular fics that Kay loves, became something… angsty as heck. But not to worry, there’s more where this came from.
There are brief mentions of miscarriage in this piece. Please take care of yourself and remember you’re always welcome to message me with questions.
Thank you endlessly to @donteattheappleshook​ for beta-ing this
Rated E
~8600 words
Read on Ao3
Read my Other Stuff
Emma pulls the cable knit sweater over her head and smoothes it over her hips, noting the way it falls perfectly just above her ass in her tight jeans and smirking at her reflection in the mirror. Killian loves when she wears his clothes, and she can’t wait to drive him mad in front of his crew for the entire day. 
  “ Bloody hell ,” he breathes as he walks into their bedroom, stopping short with his hand on the door handle. She smirks again, turning to face him with a smile. 
  “Like my outfit?” 
  “You stole my sweater,” he accuses, although she can see the way the corner of his lips tick up with a small smile he tries to fight off. 
  “The cream color matches so well with these black jeans. Don’t you think?”
  Stepping towards her, he shakes his head as he eyes her up and down. “I must say, I agree.”
  “Hmm,” she hums with false pensivity, pouting her lip. “You don’t look very happy.”
  Wrapping his hands over her waist, he pulls her close to himself until his hips press against hers and she can feel that he is, in fact, quite happy. “Perhaps that’s because my beautiful wife is trying to make me late for work.” 
  She giggles as their lips collide, his hands sliding up the back of her sweater so that she can feel the cold metal of his new wedding band chilling her skin. Her giggling subsides when his tongue slides against her, the sweet, bitter taste of his morning coffee waking her senses and making her fingers tighten around the hair at the nape of his neck.
  She grinds her hips against his hardening length, causing him to groan as his grip on her tightens, bringing her even closer to him and making her want to shed the cozy sweater she borrowed and toss him onto the bed they share. “Killian,” she breathes into his mouth desperately, scratching her fingers down into the black and silver hair on his chest. 
  He bites on her bottom lip before pulling away, effectively making her head spin at the loss of contact between them. “You can’t trick me again, temptress. It’s time to leave.” 
  “ Trick you?! When have I ever tricked you?” 
  Pointing a finger at her, he eyes her down suspiciously and says, “A lady as tantalizing and mysterious as you must certainly be some manner of siren, or vixen, or--”
  She cuts him off with a kiss, pulling at the collar of his sweater with her greedy fingers. “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not a bloody mermaid. I love you. ” 
She feels him sigh, his breath washing over her face in a soothing warmth, and he nods. “Aye. I suppose I sometimes just can’t wrap my head around how lucky I am to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world.”
  With another hum, she closes her eyes and presses a final, soft kiss to his lips. “Well, get used to it, buddy. You’re never getting rid of me.”
  “Now, hurry up. You’ve made us late.”
  “Good morning, wife,” Will greets cheerfully, dropping a chaste kiss to Emma’s cheek and shooting Killian a smirk and waggling brows. “I sure am excited to have you on board with us.”
  “Me too,” Emma smiles. “I think I’ll be your good luck charm. How many are we catching?”
  “If we don’t catch three, you may not be invited back,” Robin jokes. 
  With a scoff and a roll to her eyes, she says, “Please. As if you have any say. My husband can’t say no to me.”
  “Can’t blame him,” Will agrees. 
  “Alright, that’s enough,” Killian mumbles as he drops the bag they brought into his quarters. “There’d better be bait on this deck.”
  “Aye, Captain. Caught it meself this morning while you and the wife were--“
  Killian laughs when he realizes what’s happened; when he sees the small heron flopping across the deck upon Emma throwing it at Will, successfully shutting him up. 
  The sun shines brightly against her skin, causing her cheeks to pink as she lounges on the bow, giving him a distracting view as he tries to navigate through the sea of weekend fishermen to his favorite secluded spot. Sure, she’s still fully dressed, but something about seeing her in his sweater makes the hair on the back of his neck stand on end and his jeans feel tight. 
  “No funny business while we’re on board, aye Captain?”
  Killian grumbles inaudibly in Will’s direction, rolling his eyes, and demands, “All the lines had best be out, Scarlet.”
  “Aye, all but the ones on the bow. Don’t want to disturb the beauty.”
  “Stop looking at my bloody wife,” he grumbles, earning a smirk from his deckhand. 
  He meets her later, when Will and Robin have completed their tasks and find themselves lounging on the deck waiting for a bite. His heart flutters when he watches her turn towards him, a beaming smile decorating her face and the color of her eyes catching the sun. He smiles back, crawling across the small, slightly slippery expanse of the deck. “You look nice and warm.”
  “You look nice.” 
  He chuckles softly at her blatant flirting as he moves to lie beside her on the deck. “May I join you?”
  “Please do.”
  She’s quick to move beside him, the towel she brought to lounge on scrunching between them as she curls up to his side. She smells of sea and sunscreen and something that’s so painfully her that his arms move involuntarily to wrap around her, his lips pressing a firm and longing kiss to her temple. “I’m glad you came,” he murmurs, his voice barely audible to even himself over the sound of the crashing waves. 
  “Me too,” she agrees. “It’s nice. Your job doesn’t seem too hard.” 
  “Oh, aye?” he laughs, rolling her so that she’s on her back beneath him, cognizant not to throw them overboard. He knows she’s joking; she knows how difficult and dangerous his work can be. But her playfulness is impossible to ignore. “About as easy as being the Sheriff, I’m sure.”
  She giggles under the weight of him, her grin beaming in the sun until he consumes it with his own lips. He slides his tongue along her bottom lip, suddenly taken by the comfort that being with her brings him. The gentle touch of her wandering hands sliding up his back, pushing his sweater away, sends a shiver down his spine. The cold weight of the white gold rings on her finger reminds him of how far they’ve come. She’s his wife . 
  “You know,” she growls against his mouth, “The waves will probably have a very interesting effect when we do it later.” 
  He bites down on her bottom lip, just a bit harder than he means to and drawing from her a whine and giggle all at once. “And what have you done to deserve that?”
  “I’m your good luck charm,” she says confidently against the shell of his ear, one hand sliding from his rear to the front of his trousers and squeezing until he breathlessly ruts against her palm. He’s always awestruck by her, but the way she can make him behave like this despite knowing that his mates are just on the other deck makes him feel like a teenager again. “You’re gonna catch big today, baby. I can feel it.”
  “Aye, you’ll feel it alright.”
  Her laughter rings through his ears again, but the blissful sound is interrupted by the raucous shouts of his mates announcing the small blips on their radar. They’re marking fish, several tuna swimming beneath his boat, and it kills him to pull away from her in favor of checking the bait and praying for a hookup. 
  “We’re on!” Will screams excitedly, and he can hear the scream of the reel being pulled out by a sea monster. 
  Emma scurries from beneath him, hastily hurrying towards the starboard side so that she can head back towards the deck. She’s always excited to see him work, to see what goes into his livelihood, and she’s made him promise to let her reel at least once. 
  Will jumps on the reel while Robin pulls in the others, careful not to allow the lines to tangle, and Emma stands beside the wheel while Killian steers. He needs to stay on top of the fish so that they don’t run out of line, he explains, and she watches his careful and diligent movements, his sweater dampened by the ocean spray and clinging to the muscles in his shoulders. She can’t help but bite her lip. 
  He asks her to take the wheel and she’s nervous, worried that her screwup could mean their loss. But he directs her perfectly, telling her when to put the boat into neutral and when to reverse, where to steer and when. Eventually, Robin shouts that he can see the fish, and her eyes bug out of her head at the sheer size of it. She’s seen plenty of tuna at the docks, many of them several feet longer than she is tall, but to see one in the water is stunning. 
  Killian takes the harpoon in his grip, lining it up and setting his jaw tightly in concentration. His brows draw close together, his empty arm lifting in front of him so that he can visualize the course to his target, and in a move that’s almost too quick to comprehend, he draws his chest and shoulder back and launches the harpoon into the water, grunting deeply as he strikes. 
  Her cheeks go red. 
  Her husband is so damn hot. 
  They work together to hoist the beast onto the deck, it’s sheer size and weight overpowering and breathtaking. They measure its length, and Robin calls out that the fish is 112 inches, a record for the Jolly Roger . 
  “You are lucky,” Killian laughs, pointing at her playfully as he stands. He bounds towards her, scooping her up and spinning her carefully as Will and Robin groan quietly. She giggles as he kisses her everywhere, his lips landing on her cheeks, her nose, her lips… she can’t get enough of the love he has for her. 
  They catch one more fish while she’s sunbathing, their joyous, celebratory shouting music to her ears as she listens to the sounds of her husband’s success. Neither of them have very conventional jobs, but she couldn’t be prouder of him, of them , for making a life together that they can both take pride in. 
  He worried when she took the job as sheriff, the last one being killed in the line of duty not settling his nerves one bit. It was the fuel for one of their first fights as a couple, a few months before their intimate beach wedding. And although the argument was difficult, she never once doubted that they would work through it. 
  They’ve worked through plenty of things, hardly any of them actual disagreements. The one thing she worried may have caused turmoil between them turned out to be nothing at all. Her shy confession that she’s never desired to have children was met with unconditional understanding and kindness, his words nearly drawing tears to her eyes each time she thinks back on them. 
  “ I planned on spending the remainder of my life alone. I never really had an opinion either way. I’ll be the happiest man alive if I just get to spend the rest of my days with you.”
  They married mere months later, her parents and brother on her side and his mates on his. She would’ve been happy enough to have it just be them and them alone, but he reminded her of what being there would mean for her family. Calling them that still sits strangely with her to this day, but ever since she and her father opened up to one another, her relationship with her parents has been much improved. 
  All she ever wanted was love and understanding. She has that, and so much more, with her husband, and there’s really nothing more she could ask for. 
  The sun’s nearly set by the time they make it to the docks, Emma’s father waiting for them and giving a friendly wave when he sees them approaching. Her arms slink around his middle while he steers them towards the dock, head resting on the sore space between his shoulder blades. She pushes a firm kiss there, then another, her fingers clinging to his sweater as he shuts off the engine. 
  He lets out a soft, gentle chuckle when she kisses his neck just below his ear, knowing she must be on her toes and just barely able to reach. She isn’t especially short, not much shorter than he is, but the way he can envelope her in his arms sends happy warmth through his veins. She kisses the space between his shoulder blades and scratches against his stomach as he navigates next to the dock and waits for Will to tie them off. 
  “Got two big ones for ya, Dave!” Will shouts when they arrive, and Emma kisses his back once more before pulling away to greet her father. Standing at the wheel, they aren't in David’s direct line of sight, and for that, Killian’s grateful. He can’t ever get enough of his wife’s touch, but he also doesn’t love the idea of her father watching them. “112 incher! Gotta be a thousand pounder!”
  “Let’s see,” he returns as Emma steps onto the dock, taking her father’s hand for support. 
  “Hey,” she says as she leans in for a hug. It’s taken her a while, but she’s known her parents for over a year now, and she’s finally starting to become more comfortable with them. It was difficult at first, knowing that she was given up and replaced by her younger brother a few years later. But she and her parents have had a series of eye-opening conversations, and she’s found herself more and more willing to accept the love that they want to give her with each passing day. 
  She’s grown increasingly closer to her father over the last few months, finding that his unconditional acceptance of her warms her heart in ways that she never expected. Truthfully, despite being raised by a mother who loved her endlessly, having her father in her life changed everything. She wouldn’t have it any other way. 
  “Good day?” he asks when he releases her. 
  “Very good. I’m good luck.” 
  “Of course you are,” he chuckles, turning on the crane so that they can lift the massive fish out of the boat. Once it’s dressed, it weighs in at just over 800 pounds, Will and Robin shouting and high fiving each other and Killian gently resting his chin on her shoulder from behind to press a kiss to her cheek in quiet celebration. She doesn’t miss his grin, the one that carves deep lines into his cheeks and the sides of his eyes, and all she wants to do is turn around and hold him tight, never content to let him go. 
  They’re offered a hefty price tag for their catch, the smaller of the two weighing almost 500 pounds, and each of them celebrate with more high fives and hugs. Once the boat is cleaned, Killian sends Robin and Will home early for their hard work. She finds her place behind him again as he drives the boat through the harbor, navigating expertly through other boats and docks until he finds his place at the dock just outside of the home they share. 
  “We have to go to dinner tonight,” she remarks when the engine stops and a calm silence settles over them both. “My mom is cooking.” 
  “Aye, love,” he agrees softly, turning to face her and placing both hands on her hips. She lets her fingers trail along his jaw, combing gently through the hair spread across his face that’s getting too long to be considered stubble. 
  “I like this,” she whispers. 
  “You don’t think it makes me look like an old man? I haven't shaved in days.” 
  With a coy smile, she says, “I didn't say it doesn't make you look like an old man, I just happen to like my silver fox of a husband.” 
  He hums doubtfully, rolling his eyes and giving her a shy smirk that makes it impossible for her to stop herself from pressing onto her toes and kissing him. His beard scratches against her chin when they deepen it simultaneously, the burn delicious and enough for her to crave his mouth everywhere , but they don’t have time. He has to finish putting the boat away and she has to head to her parent’s house to help with dinner. The knowledge that the honeymoon is truly over sets in, and she pouts when they break apart. 
  “I love you,” he whispers, his forehead pressed to hers and his breath washing over tingling lips. 
  He can never fail to make her heart race in her chest, beating so forcefully against her ribs that she’s relying on the strength of his arms to hold her up. “I love you, too,” she whispers back, letting her eyes flutter shut against the wind whipping against their hair and in response to the sudden and palpable tension between them. It’s begging to be broken, each of them craving the touch of the other, needing to express their love for each other however they can, but there’s no time. “How long will it take you to clean up here?” 
  “No more than an hour.” 
  “We don’t have to stay at my parents’ long,” she murmurs, her lips nearly touching his with each word. All she wants is to be with him. It isn’t just a sexaul desire that she has for him; she needs to be with him. She needs to be touching him. She can’t stand to be apart from him, or to sit in a room with him and not be touching him. 
  “It’s alright, my love,” he whispers. “Being with your family is important. Despite how desperately I crave you, I'm willing to wait.”
  “You might be, but I'm certainly not.” 
  He laughs loudly, the sound of his glee cutting through the noisy waves and making her heart soar and her grin grow painfully. “I’ll meet you there. I won’t be long; I promise to make quick work of the old girl.” 
  She nods, kissing him chastely despite her desires and humming in agreement. “As long as you promise not to make quick work of your decidedly much younger girl.” 
  “You make me sound like a predator,” he laughs.
  “No, I told you: you’re my sexy silver fox husband and I'm your young, gorgeous trophy wife.” 
  “Of course, my love. Whatever you say.” 
  She lets out a giggle, a sound that would have been so unlike her a year ago, kisses him once more, and regretfully pulls away from him. “I love you,” she says again. “I’ll see you in an hour. I’ll be the one looking devastatingly beautiful.” 
  “As usual.”
  “Your dad called,” Mary Margaret announced once they had gotten settled, each of them standing side by side preparing dinner. Emma has been put on chopping duty, and she’s decidedly avoiding the onions. “He said Killian made out very well today. That’s great.” 
  “Yeah, they did really well. Two fish were over a thousand pounds.” 
  “Wow,” she smiles, stirring the pasta after pouring it into the boiling water. “That’s impressive. You guys will have a nice nest egg soon enough.” 
  Emma purses her lips as she finishes chopping a carrot, nodding slowly and unsurely. “I guess. I mean, we both have savings.”
  “Oh, I know,” her mother says, taking the chopped carrot and tossing it into a skillet as Emma starts working on the cursed onion. “I meant more for… extra expenses,” she clarifies unhelpfully, giving Emma a presumptuous smile. 
  She stays quiet for a few moments, trying to consider her mother’s words but letting confusion take over as she tosses the onion into the skillet and Mary Margaret adds olive oil. Moving to the sink to wash her hands, she says, “I mean, we’re happy at the cottage. Maybe Killian would want a new boat soon.”
  With a soft giggle as she tosses the vegetables together, Marg Margaret adds a can of tomatoes, causing a raucous sizzle. “Honey, I was referring to… I mean… maybe a baby is in our future? I can’t wait to be a grandma!”
  Emma chokes on her own breath, reaching for her glass of wine and taking a generous swig. “Well, grandma, we’ll have to ask Leo to hurry up.”
  “Leo,” she laughs, shaking her head. “He’s too young. You, on the other hand, are happily married and at prime child bearing age.” 
  “Mom…” Emma starts, laughing awkwardly. “I’m not having kids.”
  The horror with which she drops her spatula into the skillet, as if what Emma just said is the most unbelievable piece of information she’s ever heard, sends a wave of anger through her veins. The complete shock in her mother’s face at her desire not to bring a child into this world makes Emma’s jaw nearly hit the floor. 
  Mary Margaret had a baby and gave her away. How could she expect her daughter, the very one who was left abandoned for years, to have a child herself? 
  Emma’s never wanted kids. She’s always felt this way, like if she had a baby and something happened to her, they would grow up exactly like she did. How could she bring a baby into the world and risk putting them through what she went through? 
  How could her own mother not understand that?
  “You’re not?”
  “No,” she answers definitively, the set of her jaw almost painful. 
  “Oh,” she says with a soft nod. She adds beef to her bolognese in silence, a thick tension settling in the room. 
  The quiet is awkward, and the longer it lasts, the angrier Emma feels. It’s because she knows what Mary Margaret is thinking. She knows that she’s hurt by Emma’s announcement that she doesn’t plan on having children with her husband. She’s having trouble believing it; she’s struggling to see why Emma wouldn’t want to experience the joys of motherhood. 
  It’s annoying, and it’s making Emma angry, but nothing compares to the rage that waves through her when Mary Margaret speaks again. 
  “Does Killian know?” 
  Her eyes bug out of her head, the glass she was holding dropping onto the countertop too loudly. “ What?”
  “I just… I wondered if he agreed…”
  “We’re married, ” she answers immediately. Her voice is low, almost a growl in her throat as she tries to stay calm. 
  “I know, I just…”
  “You just thought that maybe I tricked him into marrying me? Maybe I didn’t tell him my foolish idea to stay childless until after we’d tied the knot? You thought that my desire to spend the rest of my life with my husband and with the freedom of not having kids comes second to a man wanting an heir?”
  “ Emma, I never--”
  “You didn’t have to! You didn’t have to say a thing. Did you really think we wouldn’t discuss something like this before we even got engaged?”
  With a sigh, she says, “Sweetheart, of course. I misspoke. I’m sorry. I was just surprised.”
  “Surprised?” she asks, trying to calm her voice. 
  “I mean… I just figured you two would want that. It seems like a natural next step.” Emma’s quiet for a moment, making herself even out her breath and preparing to respond calmly before her mother speaks again. “And I’ve seen how happy Killian seems to be around little Alexandra.”
  She feels her heart rate picking up again, and she forces herself to take a moment, having a sip of wine before responding. “So, you’re saying he couldn’t possibly be happy unless I pop out a few kids?”
  “Oh, honey… that’s not--”
  Her answer is too slow. She can’t defend herself immediately or easily, and that’s all Emma needed to know. 
  “Okay, I get it,” she says quietly just as David opens the door followed closely by Leo. 
  “Everything okay?” her father asks 
  “Great,” she grumbles sarcastically. “Enjoy dinner.” 
  She doesn’t turn back, grabbing her wallet and moving past her brother without so much as a word, ignoring her mother’s pleas for her to stay with them. With her family. She can’t. 
  It had only been forty minutes by the time he finished, proud of himself for making such quick work of cleaning his vessel. The image of his stunning wife sitting across from him at the dinner table, surrounded by the family she never thought she’d have, was enough motivation for him to hurry up and meet her. 
  At least, he thought that was his plan, until he hears angry footsteps stalking against his dock and he knows there’s no other person they can belong to other than his fiery wife. She has a penchant for heated anger, and the sounds she’s making are unmistakable. He only pities whomever put her in such a state, and prays that it wasn’t him. 
  She reaches the edge of the dock, hands in fists on her hips and jaw set tensely as she stares down at him. “What’s wrong, my love?” he asks, hearing her barely-audible growl in response. 
  She stalks onto the boat, jumping the few feet onto the deck, and approaches him quickly. Before he knows what hits him, her lips are on his, tackling him against the wheel of the boat and making him thankful that the engine is off. 
  Her fingers find the hem of his sweater, easily tugging it over his head and exposing his bare arms to the chilly harbor air. He lets out a surprised grunt when her hands land on his stomach under his shirt, scratching through the smattering of hair lower and lower until she grasps his belt and pulls his hips against hers. “Love,” he grumbles against her mouth, and as he opens his lips to speak, her tongue finds his. 
  She deftly undoes his buckle, humming into his mouth and pushing him until his back is against the exterior wall of the cabin, her hands moving from his belt up to his chest beneath his shirt. A groan escapes her throat through their tangled lips as she lets her palms explore, moving from his chest around to his back and sliding down until she can tug his shirt off, too. He shivers, partially against the cold but mostly in response to her. 
  “Emma,” he tries again as she drops lower, her tongue swirling against his nipple as her fingers undo the button and zipper of his jeans. “Baby--”
  She bites him, making him hiss and surely leaving a mark. “I need you,” she says once she’s looking up at him, her eyes dark and desperate. “Now.”
  “Bloody hell,” he breathes as she drops to her knees, lifting her own shirt off and exposing her hardened nipples to the bite of the evening air. She pulls his jeans down effortlessly, his cock springing to attention responsively despite her surprise attack, and he feels his pulse quickening as she bites her lip at the sight of him. 
  “Fuck,” she says before licking a long strip up to the tip, sucking it into the heat of her mouth. He shudders, his hands finding her hair and tangling into it, trying hard not to take control. She whimpers when he hits the back of her throat, her eyes meeting his in the dim moonlight. 
  His head falls back against the window when he sees her stirring on her knees, tucking a hand into her leggings and swirling it over her clit. He’s suddenly consumed with a need for her, a need to taste her, to hear her sing for him. He pulls on her hair and she moans around him, making him pant and tug once more before she releases him with a smirk on her swollen lips. “What is it?” she asks, her voice rough in her throat. 
  Breathless, he shakes his head minutely, intent to find out what’s gotten into her eventually, but also just as intent to be the thing that’s gotten into her and suddenly not feeling very patient about it. He releases his grip on her hair and moves his palms to her cheeks, brushing them with his thumbs before encouraging her to stand again. “Off with these,” he insists in a growl, pulling on the elastic waistband of her leggings as she stands and letting it snap against the small of her back. She yelps playfully, finally smiling and letting out the soft giggle that he always craves, pushing her obvious anger to the side for a moment. 
  “Aye aye, Captain,” she murmurs, catching his lips with hers again and swirling her tongue against his just as she had done against the tip of his cock. It makes a shiver run up his spine. 
  He hums, the sound rumbling through his chest, and says, “Ah, so it’s the Captain you want?” as his fingers find her sopping core. 
  “I need you,” she returns desperately. Her nails dig into the skin of his shoulders as he spins her, pushing her back against the wall he was leaning on and dropping quickly to his knees before her. He couldn’t even begin to consider not giving in to her. He needs her more than he needs to breathe, ready to drop anything at a moment's notice to pleasure her if only to be rewarded with the sinful, intoxicating sound of her moaning his name. 
  Her fingers cling to his hair, her hips bucking forward towards him as soon as his mouth latches onto her swollen clit, and he says exactly what he knows will make her squirm. Pushing her hips back, he chastises, “Behave, love.”
  He’s met with a breathless, desperate whimper, Emma dropping her head back against the window behind her as he swirls his tongue over her. Her hips continue to dance over his mouth as if it’s impossible for her to remain still, and she pulls his hair particularly hard when he hums against her sensitive flesh. “Don’t stop,” she begs, one hand in his hair and the other bracing herself against the wheel tower. When he curls a finger into her, dragging it out against her tight walls and then thrusting back in, she lets out a shout and bucks her hips again. 
  He bites the flesh of her inner thigh as punishment and moves his mouth back to her core before mumbling, “Be good for me, that’s it,” and earning another moan and shudder. He feels her tightening around his finger and takes it as a cue to add another, making her cry out his name. 
  With a few more thrusts and strokes of his tongue, he feels her tense, her legs quivering under her own weight as she lets out a high pitched, nearly silent scream, her brows woven tightly together and her jaw dropped. She’s so stunning like this, his wife, and he has to slow his ministrations over her clit so that he can get a good look at her falling apart above him. 
  There’s nowhere he’d rather be. 
  “There’s a good girl,” he says into her sensitive flesh, earning a full-body shiver and another soft, needy hum. “Alright?”
  Her chest is heaving, her breasts glowing in the moonlight under a sheen of sweat, and she shakes her head. “I need you,” she says again, dragging him up to her and falling back against the wall when he stands against her. His lips find hers easily when she drags him to her, and she hums against his mouth as her tongue explores against his. 
  “You’re very needy,” he agrees into her mouth, earning a nod. “And I perish the thought of not delivering.” 
  “Good,” she mumbles. The gasp that escapes her lips when he picks her up doesn’t stop her from locking her ankles around his hips. She groans when he slides into her, and it feels like coming home. They fit so flawlessly together, he can’t help but to groan as well and drop his head to the window she’s pressed against, his lips pressing to the top of her shoulder. “ Fuck. Don’t stop.”
  This is never an easy position to be in, especially with his age and with the waves of the harbor making him unsteady on his feet. Needing to support the weight of the both of them is difficult, but the way she clenched around him makes it infinitely worth it. He’s still rather fit for his age, exercising daily through his job, and he’s always glad for it when he can elicit these sounds from his wife.  
  She claws at his back desperately, begging to get closer to him despite it being impossible. With each thrust, she bites onto his shoulder or sucks on the lobe of his ear or kisses his neck, a moan that must be too loud meeting each drive of his hips. He pivots his hips just slightly so that he’s certain he’s supporting her weight, then moves one hand from the back of her thigh and presses his fingers to where he knows she needs him. The action earns another clench of her muscles and a cry of pleasure, his name ringing in his ear as she calls for him and tells him she’s close. 
  “Harder,” she begs, and it’s a clear indication that something’s happened to upset her. She doesn’t want it like this unless she’s bothered by something. Unless she’s hurt by something. He obliges, content to let her use him for the comfort that she needs as he drives into her harder, making the boat rock and creak against the dock. He’s only glad that it’s his own private property, lest the whole town hear them. 
  “Killian, I’m--” her words catch in her throat as the circles he draws quicken. 
  “Come on, angel, come for me. I want to feel you come on my cock,” he says into her ear, knowing that his words and the whispering breath on her skin will bring her to the edge. 
  She bites his shoulder, most definitely leaving a mark but successfully stifling her cry as she shudders around him. He feels her muscles tensing with her orgasm and he continues his ministrations on her clit for as long as he can, reveling in the jerking movements that her release is eliciting before he can’t hold on any longer. He spills into her, cursing as he does, at the feeling of her taking everything he has to offer and clinging to him as if seeking more. 
  They stay still for a while, longer than he can keep track of, until his legs begin to shake under the weight of the both of them and he has to release her thigh from his grip. She drops down to the deck but doesn’t let him go, continuing to hug him close to her and nestling her head into the crook of his neck. He lifts his hand to cradle her gently against him. 
  “I love you,” he reminds her pointlessly. She already knows. 
  She hums, nodding against his neck and pressing a soft kiss there, one that drastically contrasted the way she was touching him moments ago. “Sorry for jumping you. I love you, too.” 
  “Aye,” he laughs, scratching his fingers over her scalp in the way he knows she loves. He feels her shudder against him, either because of the sensation or because of the evening breeze blowing over her bare skin. “Is that something you’re ready to talk about?” 
  He feels her shaking her head immediately, before he even finishes his question, and he fights off the urge to sigh, choosing instead to hold her closer to himself and press a kiss to the top of her head. He knows if he waits long enough, she’ll sigh and give in, but at this second, she isn’t ready to talk. He’ll wait for her. 
  After a few moments of calming silence, the only sound between them the gentle waves lapping against the boat and the wind swirling around them, she lets out a frustrated groan and lifts her head. She stares into his eyes, the emerald jewels difficult to read. “You’re too emotionally mature for me,” she finally says as she walks into the cabin in search of a tissue. 
  He laughs lightly, following her closely, and responds, “You know the deal, my love. You’re only allowed to fuck me through your feelings if we talk about them afterwards.” 
  Rolling her eyes, she turns towards him, shamelessly exposing her nude form to him and making him wonder how it’s even possible for a man his age to shorten his refractory time. “ Way too mature.” 
  “Come,” he requests, holding out his hand to her once they’re cleaned up. 
  “I just did, thank you very much,” she responds with a smirk, one that tells him that she’s fighting tooth and nail against any conversation remotely related to her feelings. 
  “Twice, if I recall.” He grabs a knit blanket from the small tattered couch in the cabin and takes her hand, guiding her outside and towards the starboard side of the boat. He climbs up and onto the bow, Emma following him closely until they’re lounging in each other’s arms and he’s able to wrap the thick blanket over them. He loves her confidence, her complete comfort with herself evidenced by her silent refusal to get dressed despite them being out in the open, and he’s happy to stay naked with her if only to feel her soft skin against his. 
  “I love you,” she finally whispers into the quiet settled between them. “A lot.” 
  He pulls her impossibly closer, every part of him touching every part of her, and responds, “I know you do, darling. I’ve never doubted that.” 
  “I just--” she sighs, dropping her head dramatically against his chest. The moonlight shines against her hair, making it appear even more platinum than usual. “I love you. I love our life together.” 
  “Angel,” he breathes, “I wouldn’t trade our life together for anything, you know that.” 
  “I need to tell you something,” she whispers against his skin. “Something about my past… when I was young.” 
  “You know you can tell me anything, Emma. I’ll never judge you, especially not for something that happened when you were young.” 
  She stays quiet for a moment longer, her fingers gently tracing patterns over his chest and through the black and silver hair peppering over his skin. She’s always had a fascination with his chest hair, never able to keep herself from touching it when it’s exposed to her. Aside from the comfort it brings her to comb through the soft, thick hair with her fingertips, it also serves as an effective distraction against her nausea at the thought of opening up to him. 
  It’s ridiculous, really. He’s her husband, for goodness sake. She’s never felt this comfortable around anyone in her entire life; not her parents, not the woman who raised her. He’s successfully broken down nearly every wall she put up, and she feels the guilt settling deep in her gut as she considers breaking down this one and letting him see her whole truth. 
  “Killian,” she whispers against the gentle sea breeze. “I’m… I’ve never wanted kids.” 
  She feels him breathe out softly and nod, and she wonders what he’s thinking. Is it relief? Is it regret? 
  “I know, my love,” he comforts. “We’ve talked about this.” 
  “I know, I just… I never told you…” 
  “Emma, your reasonings are entirely understandable. I respect the decision you’ve made, and, as I've told you, I’m perfectly content to live out the rest of my days with you as my wife, with or without a child.” 
  “But would you be happier if we did have one?” she asks, suddenly needing to look him in the eyes as she presses up onto her elbows and stares. The moon glistens off of his deep irises, the darkness making them appear as though they’re the color of the ocean tonight. The way they shimmer makes her fall in love with him even more. 
  “What is this about?” he asks, his hand lifting to cradle her cheek, and she leans against his palm and presses a kiss to the inside of his wrist. His answer isn’t an answer, not really, and it serves only to drag out her feelings of guilt and insecurity. 
  She sighs and closes her eyes, entirely unable to look at him when she finally admits the truth. “When I was 16, I had a boyfriend. He was a real piece of work… I think it was part of my teenage rebellion phase.” He laughs softly, brushing his thumb over her cheek and letting her continue without interruption. “He and I… I mean… he was my first. It sucked, every time, but… I got pregnant.” 
  She bites her lip and opens her eyes, and she’s met with unconditional understanding. 
  “It’s alright,” he whispers, easily able to read the emotion she feels as she opens up to him. 
  “I didn’t want it; I’ve never wanted kids. And when I got pregnant at sixteen by someone who was no good for me-- not to mention too old for me at the time-- I knew that I really didn’t want kids. And I planned on giving it up for adoption because I knew I couldn’t handle raising it.” She bites her lip again, sighing and lying back down onto his chest. “I never told anyone. I thought, maybe I could hide it,” she laughs. “I never told Ingrid or Neal. I just found out and waited a few weeks and hid how shitty I felt. I just kept hoping that it wasn’t happening to me; that it was a dream and I’d wake up soon. And then…” 
  She gulps, tugging on the blanket so that it’s tucked under her chin, needing to be covered and held together. He reads her again and pulls her closer to him, squeezing his arms around her back and providing her with comforting pressure. “It’s alright, my love,” he repeats in a whisper. 
  She doesn't even realize that the tears have started to fall until she feels a warm wetness on her cheek against his chest. With a sudden sniffle, one that catches her off guard, she says, “And then one day I woke up and… it was gone. It was like I wished it away and it worked. I don’t even know how far along I was because I never went to the doctor, but it was… It was gone.” 
  He sighs again, his hands running up and down along her spine to gently soothe her as she breaks, crying into his chest and whimpering at the loss of something she didn’t even want in the first place. “I wanted it gone and it… I did that. It’s my fault.” 
  She never wanted to have children. That fact hasn’t changed. But when she found herself pregnant and wished that she wasn’t, her wish came true. And she’s never stopped regretting it. 
  “Emma,” he whispers, “I'm so sorry.” 
  “I didn’t want it,” she says again. “I wanted it to go away and then…”
  “That doesn’t make your loss any less painful, love. Even though you weren’t ready to have a child, you still suffered a loss. That was still something terribly difficult that you had to go through alone.”
  She nods, because he’s right. It was impossible, and she’ll never forget the feelings of guilt and regret and complete failure. With another sniffle, she says, “and today my mom asked when we’re having kids, like it's something we should be doing, and I just…” 
  “It made you angry. And hurt? Misunderstood, perhaps?” 
  “Yes,” she breathes in relief. He’s always understood her, unlike anyone she’s ever known. “And she talked about how happy Alexandra makes you and it was like she thinks I'm hurting you by not wanting kids.” 
  “You’re not, Emma. I promise you, you can never hurt me.” 
  They’re quiet for another few moments, and she lets his gentle breathing and his soothing strokes up her back and the soft waves beneath them lull her into a sense of calm. Being with him never fails to bring her back down to earth, guiding her from her fear and anger and pain and into a place of love and consolation. She can weather any storm if he’s with her. 
  “I never… I never want to feel like that again. I always knew that I didn’t want children, but that experience really… I mean, it really solidified that for me.” 
  “I know what you mean, darling. I never had a specific desire to have children myself. I would have, if you’d wanted to, but it’s never been something that I’ve found myself needing.” 
  She nods and wipes a rogue tear away. “I sure am lucky,” she remarks, caught in a sense of disbelief at the fact that she gets to call herself his. 
  “Aye, about as lucky as I am.” 
  “I just can’t,” she whispers after a moment. “I never wanted to, and now I just… I can’t do it.”
  “I know, angel. And you never have to feel that way again, I promise.” 
  “I can’t,” she repeats pleadingly, her arms tightening around his middle and her nose pushing impossibly further into his neck. She’s desperate to turn it off, the anguish that tortures her too great, and he’s desperate to help her. But there’s nothing he can do but hold her and let her cry in his arms until she’s spent, powerless to stop her pain. It kills him. 
  He whispers that he loves her into her hair, letting anger consume him for a moment as he considers her words and the fact that her terrible, too-old-for-her boyfriend did this to her. He wants to find the man and make him pay for the sobs wracking his wife. For taking advantage of her when she was just a child and making scars that still seem fresh a decade later. It’s unfair, and he feels his anger through the tips of his fingers as he tries to console her with gentle touches and soft words, unsure of what else he could possibly do. 
  He’s angry with her mother, too, for the things she said. The words that reopened an old wound when it could’ve stayed closed off in the deep pits of her mind. But he knows that the only way for her to heal is to feel, despite how difficult it clearly is for her. 
  It’s an experience that has haunted her for years, something she won’t easily move past and may never fully get over. He understands that, can empathize with her torment and guilt over her loss, and he only hopes that being here for her is enough. 
  When she calms, her breathing steady again and the tears no longer dampening his skin, he feels her let out a heaving sigh and press a kiss to his chest. “I’m sorry,” she finally says, her voice croaking after her sobs.
  “Please never apologize,” he begs. All he wants is for her to be open with him, something he’s requested countless times. Now she has, and he can never express to her what it means that she trusts him. “Thank you for telling me.”
  She nods into his chest and hugs him close to her. “Thanks for letting me blubber,” she answers sarcastically. 
  “Emma,” he starts. “You know you can blubber to me about anything.”
  It earns him a soft giggle, the sound ricocheting off the water and the smooth surface of the boat and landing in the cockles of his heart, warming him from the inside out. 
  “I know. It’s just that… Well, I know this is nothing like your brother…”
  “Don’t say that,” he pleads. “We can’t compare our losses or the pain they bring us. This was painful for you. You’re allowed to feel that no matter what anyone around you has gone through.”
  She nods with a dejected sigh, obviously letting exhaustion overtake her after the long day that they’ve had. Between leaving before dawn, spending the day wrestling sea monsters, and the emotional and physical activity in which they’ve just partaken, he doesn’t blame her. He feels it too, although she would point out that she’s much younger and more energetic than he is. 
  “You missed dinner, my love,” he points out. “Why don’t we order in? Head home and have a shower?” 
  “A bath,” she says softly. It’s a brilliant idea; being on the water is certainly settling a chill in their bones. 
  “A bath, then,” he agrees. 
  She remains still for a minute more before shuffling over him, lifting onto her elbows and showing him her face. She looks stunning, blackened tear tracks and swollen eyes and all. He gives her a smile, one that’s genuine and reserved only for her, and cups her cheek with his palm. She leans into it immediately and kisses the inside of his wrist again, making his heart skip a beat. 
  “I love you,” she whispers. “More than anything or anyone. You’re perfect.”
  “If you feel that way about me, then you better not argue when I tell you I feel exactly the same about you.”
  She smiles, finally, and nods into his palm. “Okay,” she concedes softly. “Can we get onion rings?”
  “Naturally,” he agrees. 
  When they get home, he tucks her into the couch under a warm blanket, endlessly dedicated to her comfort. He presses a kiss to her forehead, lingering there for just a moment before a knock on the door interrupts them and draws him away. He answers, Ruby delivering their dinner and smirking knowingly at his disheveled sweater. They’d dressed quickly after he’d placed the order, needing to hurry home with the knowledge of how quickly Granny works. 
  He places the bags on the coffee table before her, removing two grilled cheeses and a large order of onion rings and giving her a smile as he returns to the kitchen to fetch some drinks. She can’t imagine their life not being like this. She can’t even begin to picture a scenario that would make her happier than this. It’s taken her plenty of time to come to terms with her feelings, the realization that not every woman needs to crave raising a child of her own. She’s realized that it doesn’t make her broken, thinking like this. It doesn’t make her a bad woman, or a bad wife. 
  “There we are,” he says gently when he sits beside her, leaning toward her and pressing a long kiss to her temple. “My beautiful wife and my onion rings. What could be better?” he asks sarcastically, making her chuckle and snuggle into his side. 
  “Nothing, I hope,” she murmurs insecurely. 
  “Absolutely nothing.” 
  Eventually, she’ll go back to her parent’s house and apologize for her rude exit. She’ll apologize to her mother for her sudden and unexplained outburst. Maybe she’ll even explain her reasoning, although she doesn’t really feel that she should need to. 
  But for now, she’s perfectly content to sit here on the couch with her husband, enjoying their takeout and trash TV if only because it means that they get to spend this time with one another. That’s the only thing that matters to her. 
@courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @superchocovian @itsfabianadocarmo @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @jrob64 @onceratheart18 @xhookswenchx @winterbaby89 @swampmedusa @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy @love-with-you-i-have-everything @shireness-says @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @ouatpost @daxx04 @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @therooksshiningknight @eeteeaytay @xsajx @itsfridaysomewhere @alexa-fangirl-forever @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight @qualitycoffeethings @rapunzelsghosts @spaceconveyor @badcats-andmice @batana54 @sailtoafarawayland @deckerstarblanche @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx
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kookies2000 · 3 years
My thoughts on the final. 8 out of 10 for me and here's why.
Positives first.
The villains. I love Bradford as a villain and his plan really was flawless. To me, Bradford is the scariest type of villain there is. Scrooge trusted this man for almost his whole life. Trusted him enough to be in charge of his money, and secrets. Only to get betrayed at the end. This is an actual thing that happens in real life. People we love, people we know for our whole lives, could just suddenly become horrible people and our love and trust in them breaks. And it hurts like crazy. And that's Bradford right there. He was close to Scrooge and betrayed him. Now the fact that Bradford never saw himself as the villian adds more to why these types of people are horrible. They blame others for their misfortune or for their bad traits. Like how Bradford told the family to look what they made him into after he grew into a monster. He's trying to put the blame on others instead of acknowledging that he's doing this to himself. Like at least the other villains like Glomp Gold and Magica know their villains. They're self aware unlike Bradford. Bradford doesn't like the thought of being a villain so he blames those that see him as the villain. Like dude! You imprisoned Gandra for indefinitely, trapped Ludwig Von Drake who just wanted to talk things out with you, imprisoned innocent people like Panchito and Jose. Why those two? Just because they were tricked into performing a concert at The Feast of the Flower? He straight up murdered his agents, and threw Donald in too. Not to mention he played a part in tearing the family apart once. And he keeps justifying it by saying "I'm not a villain". Which makes it worse! You can't just say you're not a villain or that others are trying to make you look like the villain. If you're not the villain then there's no need to say it. So yeah, I enjoy Bradford as a villain because he's the most realistic of the three main villains we had. Someone who has some good points but executes them poorly.
I also enjoyed the other villains like Phantom Bot and Pepper. I ship these two so much. 💖. Pepper being her talkative self and speaking her mind while Blot is being the strong silent type. My favorite line is also from Pepper "Look Blot! He's a full grown man with the strength of a baby!" I LOVE YOU PEPPER!!! And Blot being his aggressive self is enough for me. And thank you Lena for setting Gene free! Rockerduck being his spoiled self was also a treat. Having his servant fight for him and ordering a drink while he fought. 😂 Don Karnage was his lovable singing self, also he is dead now right? No way he survived that plane crash. Congratulations Dewey, you murdered a man while singing just like I always knew you would. Heron was also great. There's no doubt in my mind that she had some kind of attraction to Bradford after that "Oh Bradford, how villainous 😏" before dying. There's just something hilarious about Heron gracefully accepting betrayal and death like that. 😂 Steelbeaks was great. Finally using that smart ray on himself and still being the imbecile he is! Glomp Gold, Magica and the Beagles special appearance was also a treat.
Ok so our heros! I have to talk about Drake, Fenton and Launchpad! I love Drake for his balance of goofiness and heroicness. He's clearly a man who wants what's best for everyone and loves to be in the spotlight as well. Not to mention just how much fun it is to watch him being all goofy. He may have a child-like side and loves being the goofy hero he is, but he has his serious moments. Showing that just because you have a child-like personality doesn't mean you're not mature enough to handle serious situations. Just the way Drake comforted Fenton by telling him he isn't alone on this, to let others help him warms my heart. He knows Fenton so well and grew a personal connection with him. To the point where he refuses to believe Fenton is Gizmoduck. 😂 Poor guy is in denial. I feel bad for him because he's always in GizmoDucks shadow, which is why I screamed so loud when he and GizmoDuck shared the spotlight in the beginning of the fight with Steelbeaks. Great moment! And Fenton! I adore him and I love him so much more after this episode too! He was always the man with a heart of gold and always put others first. And they added even more to his character by making him such a romantic towards Gandra. I'm 100% sure she was on his mind throughout this whole adventure. Just the fact that he says it out loud that he wants to rescue her and his first reaction when they landed at the Lost Library was to rescue the prisoners was adorable. We all know he wanted to go save the prisoner's to find Gandra. Yeah I know he also cares for everyone else just as much but Gandra will always hold a special place in his heart. And then we have the moment with the two in the end credits. Just pure adorableness! Falling together, Fenton becoming GizmoDuck and catching her like he always does!!! Ah I can't help it! These two are cute!!! I also like how Fenton never did get to rescue her but it was Huey and the others that did and then she helped on rescuing the others. Breaks that whole damsel in distress cliche. I'm so sorry Fenton that you didn't get your shining armor moment, maybe next time? Then we have Launchpad. That guy finally had his shining moment. He was so insecure about not being a superhero that he couldn't see he was the one that inspired Fenton and Drake to become heros. That moment was so sweet and the fact that Launchpadpad became Gizmoduck was what made it perfect. And I loved how he crashed the suit too. 😂 and even the Gizmo Suit has an attitude "Eh, close enough."
Then we have the kids. Each one had their moment and I loved it. Violet was under used I'll admit, just wish they used her more. Like her woodchuck knowledge or her book smarts to find their way out of a maze, open a certain door to another room or help Lena out. Lena had her moment as well, making the airplane invisible showing just how powerful she has become. And let's consider that she nearly got killed by Phantom Blot in the first battle but this time she was able to battle him much better. Friendship really is her magic. Boyd is my favorite! I just love how him being just a head didn't even bother him one bit. Instead, Lil Bulb just uses his body to create a bobblehead Boyd. Let's not forget that "Take care of your brother." line. That one line made my heart sing. Louie was very realistic, "That is not at all comforting. I do not want to die." and he was also the same sharp boy we all know and love. I love the scene where he's pep talking Dewey into winning the battle against Don Karnage. And then we have Dewey flying the Sun Chaser by himself, fully embracing his talent. I'll talk about Huey and Webby later. Scrooge, Donald and Della also had their moment to shine as the original three! Loved it so much, just watching these three fight one last battle together was enough to almost make me cry. Beakly also had her moments like getting the chance to tell Webby the truth, even though it was a trick. I love how she wanted to make sure everyone was safe and went to fight F.O.W.L on her own only to learn her lesson near the end. The lesson that she can't keep secrets forever and she has to have trust in her family in order to win. And sure enough this lesson came from her oldest friend Scrooge Mcduck.
The humor was also the best! I loved the fact that Manny is actually some world ending monster and what does he have to say? "People change man! I just want to live a normal life!" 😆 I never expected Manny to talk let alone his voice sounding like that. And then we have the Gargoyles reference "I live again!..... Again!" Loved that, gold right there. Then we have Von Drake who admits that he isn't dead all because he doesn't have time to die! Oh if only life were that easy! Gyro was comedy gold as well with his line "When they do something right, they're heros! When things get too hard, we're children!" 😂 Love you Gyro!
Ok so one thing I have an issue with. You all know what it is so I'll make it as short as possible. Webbys backstory. I didn't like it. I have no issue with her being a clone and that Beakly found her, but Scrooge's daughter? It was unnecessary and here's why. Scrooge was already her father. He took care of her as his own, protected her, kept het happy, and was a wonderful role model to her. She was already his official none blood daughter. Making her Scrooge's blood related daughter does nothing to improve her character. If they wanted her as a clone, they could've done something else. Like maybe she could've been the clone of a well known F.O.W.L agent that died or disappeared. So F.O W.L tried to clone that agent by creating Webby. Nothing would need to change either, Beakly could've still found her, took her in and kept her safe with Scrooge. Webby would still have an identity crisis thinking she's the clone of a F.O.W.L agent and is destined to be a F.O.W.L agent. If they wanted to add June and May in, then use that same reason. Cloning F.O.W.L agents and raising them to be the evil like them. Or what about this? Use Beakley's story about her daughter. How Beakley wasn't there for her as much as she wanted to and maybe one day F.O.W.L talked Beakley's daughter into joining them. Making Beakley regret not being there for her daughter more. When her daughter tries to leave F.O.W.L she disappears all of a sudden. But then Beakly finds a baby clone of her daughter (Webby) and she takes this as a second chance to raise her daughter again. I'm just saying, anything would've been a better back story for Webby other than being Scrooge's clone. And as for Huey, he should've been the one to find the papyrus. Branford had him in his grasp. He had managed to manipulate Huey into helping him, so why not have him grab the papyrus. He is a direct descendent of Scrooge so why complicate things by having Huey talk to Webby? They weren't even sure if the papyrus was going to show itself to Webby!!! HUEY WAS RIGHT THERE BRADFORD!!!! It was so easy!!! Kidnap Huey, manipulate him into helping, then lock him up with Gyro, Drake and Gandra!!! I'm not saying I didn't enjoy Huey and Webby here, I did. Huey using his woodchuck knowledge allowing his brothers to find him and Webby using the skills her granny showed her made me proud. I love seeing these two using the skills they learned while living in the mansion.
Other than that, the final was great and I loved it. I just wish Webbys background was different and more unique than being Scrooge's daughter. Oh! And the end credits were wonderful! I love how the poster was basically a foreshadow of it!
 8/10 I loved the finale!
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itsagrimm · 1 year
He Who Comes from under the Water
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Chapter 6 - Safekeeping
Monster!König X she/her afab Reader
CN dead fish
Notes for better understanding at the bottom!
Beta-read by @queenquazar. She is a writer as well and does amazing work which you should definitely check out.
2,3 k words
The water ran playfully past your bare feet dangling in the little stream. You had taken off your shoes, sitting at the grass covered bank while watching König fish. It was shallow, but you could not bring yourself to go deeper than this. König of course did not mind the water, hip deep, and comfortably towering as he straightened victoriously like a tree surviving the flood to pass you one sorry little flapping creature after another, asking you with much elation if that sorry thing would do for lunch.
“A Pike? Yummy.”
“No, not the Rodd. Too much bone.”
“Please don’t make me eat a snail.”
“Another Pike! How did you manage to catch a second one so quickly?”
As the caught fish collected in a basket next to you, waiting to be gutted and prepared, you leaned back on your elbows. It had been a… strange morning.
König had come inside your home for breakfast, only to reveal you might die due to the dangers of being his underwater queen. His words had felt like getting pushed back into a dark pit you had barely managed to crawl out of moments ago. Every time you gathered back your strength, something happened, and you were back where you started. But unlike you, König was not as quick to give up and dragged you back up once again from the pit.
 In fact, you wondered why he had not given up on you, just leaving you to find himself a better, more suitable, queen? No, König was bent on keeping you alive, jumping up from the kitchen table declaring ‘I have an idea’ and running out, shouting for the Heron. Confused, you had stayed where you were, only for König to run back in again, lifting you up in a surprising hug accompanied with a ‘you will live, you will live’-chant. You had squeaked in surprise, and he nearly dropped you on the floor, mumbling an excuse before running out again and returning what felt like no time with a bit of fresh birch bark, asking you for a knife.
“It is to write a letter.”
Confused, you passed him a kitchen knife and he started scratching symbols into the soft bark with it. The little blade looked so ridiculous in his large hands, like a dainty daisy in a bear’s claw. Despite it all, you laughed. A desperate little laugh fighting its way out of your lungs.
He looked up.
“What is it, Bride?”
“Nothing. Your hands are so big and the knife so small. That is all.”
He leaned back.
“Would you prefer to write yourself with this tiny knife in your tiny human hands?”
“I can’t,” you replied shortly, still giggling. What a stupid question.
“Why? Can you only use a knife to chop fish?”
“Yes,” You dead panned and smiled softly, the easing laughter helping you with your heavy mood, “I can’t read. Women do not read or write. Don’t you know? Only men can and Ivar, the village teacher, never allowed girls, despite my brother being a student of his and practising at this table next to me. I still was never allowed to attend.”
König frowned under all the messy tangled hair.
“We should change that. Downstream in the cities, everyone knows how to read and write - man, woman or whatever you humans can be. It would be good for you to learn it - but not today. The Heron will not be able to guard you. They have to deliver this letter and hopefully give us the help we need for you to stay alive.”
He paused, his eyes shifting from the pragmatic to a soft questioning gaze.
“Would you like to spend the day with me instead, Bride? I promise, I’ll keep you as safe as the Heron.”
And that was how you ended up wandering the forest with König. Watching him search for trees to fall for the palace with his big axe, while you followed collecting berries and harvesting herbs with your little, tiny kitchen knife until you grew tired and rested at this little stream.
A little splash of water to your face made you squeal in surprise, and you opened your eyes.
König stood before you, a huge catfish under his arm struggling to get free and splashing water everywhere.
“Don’t fall asleep in the sun, Bride,” König chided softly. “You will get a headache from it. The old man complained about it all the time.”
You giggled. “Yes, grandfather liked to have naps but never chose a good spot for it.”
You got up to move into the shadows of a willow for a quick nap.
König nodded approvingly, the catfish under his arm joining in in an attempt to get free.
“Can you make a fire before you nap? It is not my strong suit and, unlike me, you don’t eat raw fish.”
Surprised you turned to König. The man who appeared to be able to do anything – scare away Ivar, summon speaking animals and swamp lights, catch fish and lift heavy wood – did not know how to make a fire.
“No fire under the water, remember?”
You paused before nodding.
That made sense.
The catfish nodded too before finally wiggling out of König’s grip and slipping back into the water.
With a curse König dived after it, leaving you to make a fire.
With practised ease you build a little pile before lighting it up and feeding it more air and dried bark until it was big enough to sustain itself.
Casually you grabbed a few sticks, sharpened them with your knife, gutted and cleared the caught fish and skewered the pike meat wrapped in some of the herbs. It would make for a great meal and you felt your body going from tired to awake enough for food and an eventual nap afterward.
König emerged from the stream and stepped on land, his unhuman appearance mostly covered by a dripping cloak except for the shimmery wet skin from the water and the sunlight.
“No catfish?”
He grumbled something in defeat before sitting down next to the fire.
“You need to teach me how to do this fire and cooking thing, Bride. Could be useful.”
“Oh yes, I will,” You promised, “Who else is supposed to make meals while I sleep?”
He chuckled.
“You humans are so delicate – always needing rest, food, shelter, air, water – but only the clear sweet waters and none of the green or salty ones. I wonder how you make it through the day laughing. Your lives are so harsh.”
“It is pretty okay being a human.” A grin spread on your face as you shrugged. “Better than coming from the water and having to munch raw catfish. Oh wait, the catfish got away. Guess you’ll go hungry, love.”
The word slipped out of you before you could think - a little treacherous word telling of little, treacherous dreams in your little, hopeful heart.
You looked down, pretending to concentrate on the fire and picked up one of the sticks to grill the fish.
“Be kind and do not let me starve, maiden.” König called out playfully and picked up one of the prepared sticks. “How do you do this?”
You showed him how to hold the fish without burning it, reminding him he had to turn it once in a while, so the fish will be cooked from all sides, and explaining how you used the herbs on the meat.
“And no bark?” König asked after your explanations.
“No bark.”
You looked up at him, his features hidden by his hair and hood. Except for his mouth with gleaming sharp teeth turned down in an unhappy frown.
Very sharp teeth.
You shivered, the reality of your fiancé’s inhumanness hitting you in the face like water from the struggling catfish desperate for life.
“Humans do not eat bark but if you like it so much, do what you want.” Your voice went thin as you spoke, a strange lump of fear and worry weighted down deep in your gut.
“Say, König,” you started. “What exactly is so dangerous about me becoming your wife?”
There, the words were out.
Hanging in the air like the skewed fish over the fire, slowly burning and sizzling away skin – painful and inevitable, unless doing something to prevent it.
König sighed.
“My brother,” he explained with a defeated tone, “Can be very pessimistic. He said I might accidentally kill you by drowning. But,” He looked at you, his eyes clear as ice piercing through any doubt. “I will not do that. I promise you are safe with me and there might be someone who can help with removing that danger. Also,” He continued as a careful, toothy smile grew on his face. “So far I have at least somewhat succeeded in keeping you safe, right? You are here and not hurt or hidden away in the house. Not saying I’ve done it perfectly but…” His voice rippled off in waves, making your eye brows narrow slightly
“It is good enough for now… right?”
You stared into the fire, thinking about König’s words. Yes, you were afraid. His otherness sometimes confusing you, or making you withdraw from him in fear. But never had he done anything to harm you.
At least not willingly.
Yes, there were accidents and mistakes. But, he tried to keep you safe and looked out for you. You could not remember anyone being so honestly interested in you and your well-being. Not the villagers who dropped you the moment you became uncomfortable for them. Not the boys you had kissed in secret, or girlfriends who had stopped visiting you when you started to cry more than you laughed from all the death and misery in your life. And certainly not your family who loved you, but kept you as their obedient child to help at home and carry any expectations they placed on you without opposition. That included your beloved grandfather who promised you to someone without asking your permission, counting on you to just follow his command. Love was complicated. You missed your family, your friends and old life. But there was bitterness thinking about them now. The old house had become as much a sanctuary as it was a prison.
Being with König was not that different: like an axe to build a new palace or yield as a weapon.
Yes, it was unfortunate how you had come to be the Bride of the King from Under the Water.
And maybe it would be your death.
But so far, your engagement has come with much more grace than you had ever known.
“Do not worry, my love,” You whispered those words with a grim dedication to all that it might include. “I know you are keeping me safe, and I trust you will continue to do so.”
The silence of your words weighed heavy as you stared into the fire without seeing the flames.
A hand touched yours and you jerked up. König had moved closer, carefully lifting your hand with the skewered fish up and away from the heat.
“I am not much of an expert on fire but this looks like you could light yourself up like that,” He declared with a soft ring as if trying not to smile. “You said it yourself - ‘turn it so it does not burn’. I would do a poor job keeping my bride safe if I let you burn your fingers now.”
You blinked in confusion, before adjusting the grip on the stick in your hand under his large right palm.
“Thank you,” you mumbled.
He kept his hand around yours - warm, strong, pleasant - and you hummed in approval as his other wandered around your shoulder and pressed you closer to his side.
My bride. My bride.
That’s what he had said.
The words rang pleasantly in your ears as you nuzzled into Königs chest.
Cultural context notes:
König writes in Old Church Slavonic. Old Church Slavonic is the basis of many the Slavic languages written form. It was ‘created’ by two monks named Methodius and Cyril (That’s why the modern alphabet is now called Cyrillic) who were tasked with helping to convert the Byzantian Slavs in Moravia to Christianity. To do that they translated several religious texts, most importantly the Bible, into Old Church Slavonic which could be understood by the Slavs. Old church Slavonic is really cool and can still be understood by many modern speakers of Slavic languages despite coming from the 9th century. Also, the Polish band Batushka / БАТЮШКА sings in Old Church Slavonic if you want to know what it sounds like.
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
your wips game post, i would like to hear more about super powers au and mama Joyce series (you are such a good writer, I just found you on here but your blog is one of my favorites)
oh anon you’re so sweet! thank you!
peculiar children/super powers au- this requires a bit of explanation, so there will be a prologue as part of the fic when it’s posted, because this au is very complicated.
It’s based on an existing series, where some people are born with certain powers, abilities, or appearances because they have a second soul. Those people are called peculiars, or syndrigasti in the old language, and they are forced into hiding from both normals and from their enemies, fellow peculiars who have radicalized against the structure of their society by killing the women in charge.
These women are the governmental body as well as headmistresses. They’re called ymbrynes, and they can transform into birds and create and maintain time loops with their powers. They are tasked with watching over peculiar wards by hiding them in time loops so they won’t be killed or attacked.
The first group of men who rebelled were attempting to gain independence from time loops as part of their revolution, but botched the recipe, causing a loop to collapse. The collapse turned hundreds of peculiars into monsters called hollowgast (which for all intents and purposes of this fic are now the demodogs) that consume the second soul of peculiars until eventually they turn into wights, or versions of their original selves without their powers.
The premise of the fic is that Billy is the son of one of those men and a young ymbryne who were involved in the loop collapse, so at 17 he’s an orphan who becomes loop bound.
Except nobody wants him in their loop, being that he’s the son of a very notorious wight and he’s a dead-raiser (meaning he can resurrect corpses for a period of time, either with their own consciousness still or as a zombie like being he can control), which is considered to be an undesireable peculiarity, and he gets turned away by countless ymbrynes after what’s typically a very short stay in their loops.
He meets Max in a 1940s loop, and he gets told when he leaves to take her with him because she’s difficult and challenges her ymbrynes rules. The two of them become a package deal, which makes it even harder to find a place to stay. Not really for Max though, she’s a pyrokinetic, a defensive peculiarity, and everyone wants her for when the demodogs come knocking, but she refuses to stay without Billy.
So they’re wandering again, sitting on the curb in the present day outside of a time loop in Muncie, Indiana because the demi-ymbryne (a woman who can control time, but can’t turn into a bird) had told them they were at capacity. She seemed genuine enough, and actually called another ymbryne in a nearby loop to come pick them up.
That ymbryne is Joyce, or Miss Heron (that’s the bird she turns into), who collects undesirable peculiars like Billy, such as those with useless abilities for battle, peculiar siblings who refuse to be separated, and those with lots of trauma from loop raids or wight experimentation, all the difficult cases nobody else wants. Her wards other than Billy and Max are the party and Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve, whose powers I won’t reveal yet!
Things look good in the Hawkins loop for a little while, but before they can adjust to actually having a place to stay for once, especially because that place is in the 1980s and they’re not used to technology and such because of when they’re from, (Billy was born in the late 1800s, and loop bound in 1908, and Max was born in the 1920s) trouble with the wights comes up, and there’s a very long and strenuous effort from the kids to survive, and to save peculiar kind! Along the way we also meet Brenner, Tommy and Carol, Kali and her gang, Suzie, Murray and Alexei, and Hopper!
Basically, this story is ridiculously long and action packed, but I think it’s a pretty cool premise that I’m excited to share!
mama Joyce series- There’s four parts to this one, they’re all relatively short so they’ll be posted as one fic, and it centers around the different ways that Joyce helps Billy. It sort of acts as a three and one, because the first three all take place in Melvald’s, where Billy is seeking her out for help, and the last one is in the hospital, where she came to him without needing to be approached first.
It’s overall very short so I don’t want to spoil much, but it features a lot of internal conflict from the both of them, like Billy not trusting Joyce in the least bit, thinking she’s just helping him because she’s like Karen, and Joyce having to fight her instincts to tell Hopper what Neil Hargrove does to his boy and put an end to the whole thing. Fair warning too that this fic is also bashing Billy’s mother and Susan.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
The Viscount and The Witcher pt.2/4
(Note: Reposted from my old blog. The rest can be found on my Ao3 or on my pinned masterlist)
Geralt of Rivia was still splattered in blood and gore when a terrified young boy had run up to him the inn, the stench of his fear had made Geralt grimace as it blended horrifically with the bitter scent of werewolf blood around him. The boy had passed him a letter and then run off before Geralt coin even offer him a spare coin.
He’d reread the letter a few times already, it was just that ridiculous.
“Who the fuck is Dandelion?” He grumbled and stuffed the letter into his pocket.
The Viscount de Lettenhove. He’d heard whispers of the Viscount, he was an unusual sort. The man had practically given away half his fortune against the advice of every banker and lawyer that was employed by his family, and by some miracle, or pure dumb luck, the man had ended up doubling his wealth before the year was out.
Geralt scoffed.
He was probably some stuck up arrogant prick, most of the upper class were. Geralt hated when the contracts took him to Royal courts and fancy castles. It was there where the difference between man and monster was barely perceptible, even to him.
The only up side is that they had coin, which was more than could be said for the villages. Although even then they were less likely to give it up. The infamous Viscount, however, Geralt mused, would probably throw the coin at him before he’d even entered the room.
And this Dandelion fellow seemed to know a thing or two about monsters. Geralt hid a smile at that thought. He wasn’t often that his clients knew that a Lycanthrope could sometimes be cured of their curse. Even less wanted to explore the option of breaking the curse. Humans were not that forgiving.
He considered a bath before heading to the castle but the glare that the innkeeper was giving him changed his mind. He’d probably be more likely to get a nice warm bath at the castle at any rate. This Dandelion fellow already seemed completely infatuated with the idea of a witcher.  Hopefully he would have some sway with the Viscount.
It wasn’t a long ride to the centre of the Lettenhove estate but Roach was not impressed with his decision not to bathe. He’d only had her for a few weeks and he was still getting her used to monsters and magic, apparently the scent of a blood-soaked witcher was a step too far for her. She stomped her feet and whinnied every few steps until Geralt managed to calm her with Axii. The trek was smoother after that and soon enough the castle came into view. He hopped off her back and tied her to the fence. The stablehands would only flee at the sight of him and it really wasn’t worth the fuss.
He hadn’t even managed to raise his hand to knock on the door before it flung open. A troubadour wearing a plum coloured doublet bowed extravagantly before him. The heron feather in his hat flopped so slow that it brushed the ground and the lute case slipped off of his back and tumbled to the floor with a twang of the strings.
When the bard looked back up of him Geralt was taken aback.
He was beautiful. His face was similar to that of the elves. Geralt couldn’t be sure that the man wasn’t an elf, or at the very least a half elf as his ears were covered by his hat. His blond hair was gently curled and fell just above his chin, but it was his eyes that drew Geralt’s attention. They were the brightest blue that Geralt had ever seen. If he had to make a comparison then he would say they were cornflower blue but honestly that didn’t do them justice.
Dandelion smirked and adjusted his hat before his tongue flicked between his lips. Geralt gawped at the movement before his witcher training kicked in and he regained his composure.
“You Dandelion?” He asked.
The bard beamed. “You got my letter!” He laughed melodically.
Fuck the lute. Geralt had never heard such beautiful music as this man’s laugh. He cursed at himself mentally.
“Get a grip.” He muttered under his breath. “The wraith? Do you know what kind?” He asked, steering the conversation straight to business. “Any witnesses or ideas who she is?”
“Witcher!” Dandelion pouted and put one hand on his hip. “You cannot be expected to fight like that! You might have deadly wounds hidden under all that….” The bard gestured at all of him. “and quite frankly I can barely look at you without my stomach turning.”
Geralt hummed. “A bath would be welcome, but the wraith?”
He frowned if the house was haunted then surely the Viscount would want the wraith gone as a matter of urgency.
Dandelion looked up at the sky, the sun still hung high in the stay and stuck his tongue whist he thought, then he flashed Geralt a dashing smile that made his pulse spike ever so gently.
Damned bard.
“Not a problem, dear witcher. She won’t be out until dusk. I promise you have time to bathe, and then I’ll gather the witnesses and you can do your witchering!” Dandelion said with a flourish.
Geralt grunted as he considered the new information. “Nightwraith. Unusual for them to be in a house. They usually prefer rural areas.”
Dandelion laughed, his heartbeat running faster in his chest. Geralt raised an eyebrow at the blond. Something wasn’t right here.
“Well, it might not have been a wraith.” Dandelion admitted and twirled a lock of hair in his long elegant fingers. “It was an educated guessed. Come along, witcher, I shall call for a bath!”
Geralt tilted his head. “Where’s the Viscount?”
Dandelion froze for barely second. Most humans wouldn’t have noticed, but Geralt had sharper senses. Dandelion flashed him a devastating smile and put his hand on his hips. “Away on business.”
Geralt sniffed the air and growled. He grabbed the troubadour by his collar and pushed him against the wall. The man was the same height as him so his feet weren’t lifted off the floor but that didn’t matter.
The bard was lying to him. He reeked of deceit… and arousal?
Geralt swallowed, wondering if coming here had been a mistake.
“Tell the truth.” He growled.
Dandelion pawed at his hands. “Witcher! I must insist you let me go this instant! You are getting blood all over my clothes!” The bard protested. “At least have a bath before pinning me to the wall.” He added with a wink before looking back down at the mess of his doublet and whining pathetically.
“Fine.” Geralt growled. “But I won’t kill any monsters until you come clean, bard.”
Geralt trudged upstairs after Dandelion. The bard followed him into a room with a large brass tub that the servants were already starting to fill up. The water wasn’t steaming as much as he liked but he could always use Igni to heat up the water. He peeled off his armour and bloody undershirt before he realised that Dandelion was still in the room, and watching him.
He raised an eyebrow at the troubadour.
Dandelion blushed. Despite his protests and babbles about feeling sick at the sight of blood, the man was clearly aroused. His blue eyes were dilated and there was a flush to his skin that made Geralt’s own blood run a little faster. His eyes were drawn to the troubadour’s neck. He’s never found someone’s neck so attractive before but fuck he wanted to leave marks all over that pretty elegant neck, show the world the bard was his.
He growled under his breath at the thought. The bard was not his. He did not want the bard to be his. It had just been too long since he’d frequented a brothel, made it harder to think straight.
Dandelion had taken off his bloodstained doublet and was now parading around the room in just his shirt and trousers. There were specks of blood on the collar of his shirt but it had mostly been shielded by the plum doublet.
“No, no. No problem.” Dandelion smiled coyly.  “Just enjoying the view.”
Geralt hummed but decided to let the bard have his fun. He finished stripping down, chuckling at the barely audible whimper from the blond as he took his underclothes off, and slipped into the tub.
It was heaven.
He sank under the water to get the majority of the gore from out his hair before surfacing for air. Dandelion was watching him intently from the doorway.
“I could help, you know? With your hair, or back.” Dandelion suggested breathlessly.
Geralt appraised the bard’s obvious aroused state. “Can you behave yourself, bard?”
Dandelion nodded, the feather in his hat bouncing along with the movement. “Oh yes. Absolutely. I will be a picture of innocence, the young maiden’s that hunt unicorns will be envious of my ability to behave.”
Geralt smirked. “Fine. You can help.”
“Excellent choice, dear witcher!” Dandelion sang happily.
Dandelion helped to wash the blood from his hair. Geralt snarled as the bard dumped an extra bucket of water over his head without warning. He had been expecting the man to take a little more care in his work but he seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. After that Dandelion threaded his long, troubadour’s fingers through Geralt hair and gently pulled at the strands, massaging his scalp, until his hair was once again a glimmering silver and Geralt was practically purring under his ministrations.
“You’re Geralt of Rivia!” The bard exclaimed. “The Butcher of Blaviken.”
Pain shot through Geralt’s heart but the bard was still not afraid.
Why was he not afraid?
“Oh no, that won’t do at all. You are no butcher, dear witcher. You are glorious. You are… the White Wolf!”
Geralt hummed. “Do you ever shut up, bard?”
Dandelion laughed and stroked a finger along Geralt’s shoulder. “Only when my mouth is otherwise engaged.”
Geralt lurched away from Dandelion’s touch as if it had burnt him and he leapt from the bathtub. It was only years of self restraint that kept his own arousal in check. “I thought I told you to behave.” He growled. “It’s getting on, I need to talk to the witnesses.”
Dandelion pouted. “You are no fun, Geralt.”
“The Viscount asked me to hunt a monster, not fuck his bard.” Geralt smirked at the blond, delighting in the ever-deepening blush on his cheeks. His eyes were now almost completely black and his scent was permeating the air, thick with lust and desire.
“Oh I am quite sure, Lord Julian wouldn’t mind.” Dandelion simpered.
“Witnesses.” Geralt hissed through gritted teeth as he began to pull on the spare shirt that Dandelion’s servants hand provided. His armour still needed cleaning but at least he no longer had blood smeared over his eyes and hair. “Who are they?”
Dandelion finally admitted defeat with a sag of his shoulders. “Right this way, Geralt.”
Julian’s plan to meet a witcher was going swimmingly, and it was even the infamous Geralt of Rivia! To the gods, the stories about Geralt’s molten gold eyes did not do them justice and his hair, now it was clean, was shining brighter than moonlight dancing on the glittering surface of the ocean. He was toned from decades, maybe even centuries of hunting monsters. His skin was littered with scars, each one hiding an adventure that Julian so desperately wanted to unveil.
Julian’s plan to seduce a witcher was not going so well.
He’d flirted outrageously with Geralt, and the witcher had certainly noticed, he’d even called Julian out on it. To Julian’s dismay, Geralt seemed entirely focussed on the hunt. He was currently questioning the ‘witnesses’ better known as Julian’s poor maids. They’d only had a few minutes to memorise the backstory to the ‘nightwraith’ and they were making a hash of their lines. Geralt hummed and grunted in the right places but didn’t press for any details.
Julian nodded at his stable boy who’d appeared in the door way to the sitting room. It was up to the gardeners and stablehands to create the effect of a wraith in the upper levels of the castle. They were to use bellows to create gusts of wind and Julian had helped set up a few trip lines that would knock some of the ornaments off their shelves.
“Dandelion. A word?” Geralt stood up abruptly and left the room.
Julian cursed and scurried after him. “Excellent work everyone. Just Excellent!” He called to his staff on the way out.
Geralt was waiting for him in the foyer. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Geralt?” He asked with a lick of his lips.
The witcher’s eyes followed the movement of his tongue, just like he’d hoped they would. Perhaps his plan of seduction was going better than he’d realised. He bit his lip, pretending to be anxious about what the witcher had to say.
“Dandelion. What the fuck is going on here?” Geralt’s eyes were boring down into his with such intensity that Julian felt as if all the air was being sucked from the room.
“Whatever do you mean, darling?” He replied, capturing a blond curl between his fingers.
“Cut the bullshit, bard. None of your so called witnesses could confirm what the spectre looked like or where it tended to appear. There are no recent deaths around the time the wraith first appeared, which is anything between a week ago to yesterday depending on who I ask, and even older corpses were buried correctly and none of them had unfinished business.” Geralt slowly walked towards him. “There’s no monster here, and the Viscount is not away on business. You’re lying to me, bard. Why?”
Julian blushed.
“What is it? Some kind of dare? A trap?” Geralt growled. “or some sick little fantasy of fucking a witcher?”
Julian stumbled backwards against the wall, praying to any god that was listening that his body wouldn’t betray his arousal. Geralt was now effectively pinning him against the wall and Julian could feel the warm breath of the witcher brush against his cheeks. “No!” He cried. “No. None of that.”
“A game then?” Geralt asked with a tilt of his head.
“Of sorts.” He admitted.
“Where’s the Viscount?” Geralt asked.
“Present.” Julian gave a small wave of his hand.
Geralt snorted. “You? You’re just a bard!”
“Oh I wish.” He sighed wistfully. “Oh the adventures we could have had, you and I. Sadly, a dream that was lost before it ever began.”
Geralt hummed and finally stepped back, Julian felt as if he could breathe again and he sank to his knees with a helpless whine.
“I heard you were in the area. I just wanted to meet you, to not be myself for two damn minutes.” Julian admitted. “Dandelion was going to be my stage name.”
Geralt remained silent.
“I swear I just wanted to talk. I didn’t know how else to get you here. Witchers hunt monsters. They do not attend a Viscount’s estate for wine and dinner.” Julian finally dared to meet the witcher’s eyes. They were still blazing with amber fire, and Julian was like a moth drawn to that flame.
“I never wanted this life, Geralt.”
“That’s why you tried to give it all away?” Geralt finally answered.
“Yes!” Julian exclaimed. “A fat lot of good that did. The Lettenhove estate has never been so wealthy. It’s a miracle they’ve not sent assassins after me!”
Geralt just turned on his heels and stalked out of the doors with his swords on his back.
“Geralt wait!” Julian ran after him.
Geralt turned round slowly with a smirk on his face.
“Next time, make sure there’s a monster.”
Julian gaped at the witcher as he sauntered to the stables.
“Next time?” He repeated breathlessly.
Challenge accepted!
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rwby-au-zone · 4 years
In the Garage of the Xiao Long Auto Repairs Shop, rock music was blaring from as a mechanic was working on the undercarriage of a car, a man in a military uniform walked in with a folder under his arm before turning the music off.
Ruby Rose, unamused: If this is about that simulator accident, I already helped fix it.
???, pressing his foot on the trolley board to pull her out from under: Actually, they told me to try and get you back.
Ruby, staring up at her old friend: Sun? I thought you were in engineering not recruitment.
Sun, rubbing the back of his neck: They thought this grease monkey would have a better time dealing with you than some stuffy officer.
Ruby, wiping the grease off her face with a rag: So, why do they need me? They have plenty of mechanics with you and the others.
Sun, handing the folder to her: Special Assignment, they want you to pilot something. Guess crashing a flight simulator through a wall gives a good impression.
Ruby, flipping through the pages: I told you, I was testing a fix I did to the coupling and it came off the hinges. Could have happened to anyone.
Sun: You also set an unofficial record on one of the toughest sims. Definitely got Ironwood’s attention.
Ruby, stopping on the vehicle specifications page: Haven’t seen a jet like this before. Do they really think it’ll stop one of those big monsters?
Sun, fiddling with a wrench from a nearby toolbox: They didn’t tell me the whole story with it, some special projects group is working on something else. You’ll just be flying support with a squadron. To be honest, they had us fit some kind of control unit into it, and some kind of microwave emitter.
Ruby, closing the folder: No idea what this “White Heron” is supposed to do to fight off kaiju, but I’m not one to turn down a challenge. When do I start?
Sun, secretly happy to be working with her again: A couple weeks, we just gotta hope your new partner also agree.
Ruby: Partner?
Elsewhere, in a mental hospital working on research into psychic phenomena, a patient sat on the side of her bed, watching a familiar soldier walk in
Weiss, turning away from her sister: I thought father ordered restrictions on who was allowed to visit me.
Winter, placing a folder on a table next to her sister: He did. He was also the prime benefactor for this facility until G-Force wrote the check.
Weiss, reluctantly reaching for the folder: I take it that they made some excuse due to psychics showing up around the first sighting of Godzilla?
Winter, placing her hand on top of Weiss’: Before you read into any of this, you have a choice. You can sign up to help with a special operation, or you can move in with me as a civilian. No strings attached.
Weiss, pulling her hand back with the folder: Father blames me for what happened to Whitley, and used me being a psychic as an excuse to have me committed, I am going to show him and the world just how strong I am.
Winter, giving off a small sigh: Very well, I’ll support you in whatever you choose. Training will begin in two weeks. Until then, I expect you to become acquainted with the contents of the file. I’ve also arranged for you to move into an apartment with your new partner on this project. Hopefully, this will give you a sense of normalcy after so long.
Weiss, smiling for the first time in months: Thank you, I look forward to this new start.
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orleans-jester · 3 years
A Savage Christmas
@cryptid-killjoy  @wicked-legacies
This was the first Christmas that Summer would be able to remember in which she had a parent. Even her grandmother seemed more cheerful than usual. The whole River and Delta debacle had an effect on the whole family. But they were putting that all behind them. The cop that stayed stationed outside until River was caught had done a good job of deterring any vandalism from happening, which it had in the first couple of days. Rather than repaint the front door, Thomas was able to hang Christmas lights around it, which gave everything a cheerful glow. Summer wanted to help in everything - it was a good distraction for her. She hadn’t heard from River since the night everything had happened, when he had insisted that he was okay, and it weighed heavily in her mind. But sod it all - it’s Christmas!
They put up a tree. It wasn’t Summer’s first tree, but her grandmother had stopped putting them up when Summer turned eleven. ‘You’re old enough for Christ to be the reason for Christmas’, she had said. Well, Thomas had gone out and had come back with a real tree that barely fit inside of the town home, surprising his daughter and mother. “It’s what Rapunzel would have wanted,” He said, when asked about it, and in return, he was gifted a kiss on the cheek by who was becoming his very best friend. Though he had been back almost two months now, Summer and Thomas had yet to have an argument. And they weren’t going to change that on the holidays.
Underneath the tree would be a few wrapped presents - shopping for Summer was hard when she would just get names thrown at her wherever she went. So she did most of her shopping online, so she did have something for everyone. Even for River. Thomas had caught his mother trying to throw that present away and scolded her - River was a good kid, despite what had happened. Even maybe because of what had happened. And Thomas wasn’t going to let his dementia-riddled mother affect his relationship with Summer.
On Christmas day, Thomas would excuse himself from the morning festivities to give Flotsam a call. He wasn’t sure if the holiday was something that they even celebrated, but he would would wish them a happy one anyhow. Flotsam and his kid were the only real ties that he had to the city anymore. He didn’t reach out to anyone else, not even John Smith. He touched base on where they were when it came to the River and Delta situation, and what they were going to do if the war really was brewing. He was arms in, ready to go fighting if he had to. He found something to fight for again.
For his daughter, he went to the old storage facility, and got some things out that used to be Rapunzel’s. It was hard going through the memories. The guitar that she had bought on a date. The keyboard that she had bought for him but he lost the heart to play. A few more dresses, and pieces of jewelery. Including the engagement ring, which Summer now wore on her right hand. The two instruments would be set up in her room for her to practice on. For his mother, just a couple boxes of chocolate and perfume. He knew his sister well enough to only get her vouchers for a hair cut at a fancy salon, since she didn’t like bulky gifts.
Summer had gotten Thomas a brand new wallet, since he needed it after his old one had been ruined when he took his long rest. It had a wolf on it, of course. She was trying to consider herself less of a monster, and it was easier when she knew and admired someone else who was like her. Her grandmother got a new cardigan, her aunt got some scented candles and a necklace, and she got her best friend Figaro a custom pair of Doc Martens.
But that wasn’t all. She was too nervous still to approach the Laveaus, especially with River missing, but she would put some presents for them by their door. The label clearly said her name in pretty, girlish handwriting. One for each of them, including a little letter.
Flotsam and Jetsam, I’m sorry for judging you too harshly when I found out the truth about my birth-father. I was deeply hurt, but that’s not really an excuse. I gained a father, a better one, one like me and that’s because of all that you had done. I really do owe you a lot. Thank you so much. Summer Savage
Included in that package were some homemade snickerdoodles and chocolate chip cookies. She didn’t know their tastes.
Cinderella, I’m sorry that we didn’t get to meet outside of my initial interview, but I have heard a lot about you. I hope that maybe you have heard of me too, or this is going to be very awkward. Either way, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and I hope to return to your school soon. You’ve made a home for me in a way that I haven’t ever had in my life. You’re an amazing influence, not just on me but on River as well. Summer Savage
Included in the package to her were some of the cookies, and a box of her father’s favorite teas - being from England, he preferred the leaves over the bags, and knew many fruity varities, which he would help her with.
Chip and Dale, For my lovely parents, I hope that you like this. It’s not as good as the real thing, obviously, but I don’t know many zookeepers. Still, maybe you’ll meet one and they can let you take the crocodiles out. Domesticated ones might be fatter and tastier, I don’t know. Summer Savage
Included in the package were two crocodile stuffies and tickets to the zoo to see the critters.
River, I don’t really have the words. I just hope that you do get this one day. I ordered it especially from you from my place - maybe it could be one of our places. The comic book store. I think of you everytime I go in there now. Seems a bit safer than trying to go through the woods on your property and find the heron. I miss you. Please try to find a way to let me know you’re okay. Summer ‘Motherfucking’ Savage
Included in the package would be a reproduction of the actual Vampires Everywhere comic from lost boys - as well as something that was difficult to track down and had taken up the most money. Another reproduction from the film - that of the best jacket in it. Marco’s jacket.
Lizzie, I haven’t met you yet and I’m so sorry about that! I’ve heard all about you though and I do hope that we’ll be terrific friends. You have an amazing family, and I’m sure that your holidays are going to be great. I didn’t get you a gift because I don’t know your tastes well enough but I would love to get coffee or milkshakes sometime, when things are a little more settled. Summer Savage
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