#but they all show up together because cursed trio were all together getting ready and complementing each other
wonijinjin · 5 months
light a flame: a christmas special (ot13)
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author’s note: merry christmas to every one of you guys! hope you have a wonderful holiday, filled with love and peace.
synopsis: celebrating the holiday of love and family together, featuring you and seventeen, and of course a lot of the usual mess and chaos.
word count: 1.7k | genre: humour/crack, fluff | pairings: seventeen x gn! reader (platonic!) | warnings: mentions of alcohol, accidents (nothing serious happens), cursing
“jeonghan, catch these lights!” dk shouted to his friend while balancing more things in his hands than humanly possible. “i cannot catch them right now, my hands are full too you dummy!” he older replied, but it was too late, the long rows of sparkling lightblubs landing on his shoulder somehow, magically being able to stay there. “these fairy lights are the ones we are gonna put on the tree? i thought we agreed on having the colorful ones this year!” joshua questioned with a puzzled expression behind jeonghan, trying to get dk to listen to him while running around the living room of the house. “myungho and mingyu said it isn’t aesthetic enough for pics so they ditched the original plan, guess the information didn’t reach you.” the tall man answered while shrugging his shoulders. “well-“ “oh my god hoshi what are you doing? i already told you that we cannot put tiger stripes on the gift wrappers! now look at how these look!” cheol sighed, massaging his temples with his hands. hoshi pouted upon hearing cheol’s scolding, but accepted his fate and stopped his actions of wrapping everything in the patterned papers. “mingyu be careful, THE TREE MINGYU!” wonwoo shouted when seeing minghao chasing the big man with a spider he found in one of the decorations’ containers. “minghao put that stupid spider down! i swear if you trip i won’t take you to the hospital!”
this was the scene which welcomed you when arriving to jeonghan’s house to help the boys prepare for the holidays, which you intended on spending together. upon stepping inside a shadow almost knocked you over. “yall look who is here!” the youngest of the men stated, voice filled with excitement when realizing that you had arrived to help them decorate. “i think you really need my help, don’t you? becase this is a bigger mess than usual.” you chuckled after hugging dino, to which he nodded and giggled, motioning for you to make yourself at home as usual.
“listen up kids! we gotta make this fast. okay, the bss trio should cover the decoration of the room, and jun and vernon can do the tree, since jun is one of the tallests here and no way in hell i would let mingyu do it, his clumsy ass would cause an electric fire.” you gestured, learning from the scene of him running around you witnessed not long before. “hey! this is very mean!” the human puppy replied, sulking at your words even though he knew you were right. “mingyu and shua are in charge of the cooking, wonwoo can you help them?” you looked at him adjusting his glasses while giving you a silent thumbs up, showing that he is okay with the role of the little helper. “great, thanks.” the ones whose names had been called got to work while you discussed the remaining tasks with the rest of the group. “we definitely needed you here, suddenly everything is organised and is in place. you should be the leader, let me switch with you.” seungcheol said while walking up to you, smiling coyly. “do you think my nerves are trained enough for this chaos? because i am already exhausted.” you laughed back at him, getting ready to run some errads in the meantime.
two hours later the whole house was dressed in pretty lights and christmas themed ornaments everywhere you could imagine, providing a friendly atmosphere, the only missing pieces to the puzzle being you and the 13 men, getting together on the couch and chairs, celebrating another year in each others’ embrace. however, before you could fetch all the boys into one place you noticed that suddenly everyone’s sight was focused on seungkwan who had started dancing in the middle of the room, doing the mean girls’ choreo for jingle bell rock; of course the other two members of the well known gag trio had to join so the three of them gave a show to you and the members, slightly traumatising yall in the process. “what do i hear from the speaker?” after the ending fairies hoshi screamed so loudly basically everyone could hear it, even the ones who were in the process of bringing the food (which was an amount that could feed a whole town) to the living room. dk sang in a head voice. “it’s timeeeee!” everyone who had been watching the events unfold with mouths open lost it at that moment, bursting out laughing about how well he impersonated maria carrey in her iconic song without which christmas couldn’t start. “you are insane!” dino said while wheezing hard, trying not to choke on his water. you hurried to his side and patted his back when you saw that he was actually struggling to breathe, thankfully avoiding a crisis which would’ve resulted in a disaster for all of you. “look you almost made poor chan choke! your show was great but enough of jokes for at least now, please. let’s keep it together.” you said in a strict manner but with a warm expression. “you heard it! after the liquor and champagne yall are gonna be wasted anyways, let us have a little break before the full chaos.” woozi laughed while patting your arm, silently indicating that he was sorry for the boys’ acts. it was no big deal to you in reality; you loved these idiots who always made your days brighter since you got to know them, even when they made a mess which you usually had to endure; you didn’t mind.
“okay, is everyone ready for the secret santa?” scoups yelled out, gathering the kids from the different parts of the huge house. you went to your seat which was next to jun’s, on the left end of the couch, just next to the tree since the more responsible members thought you sitting there was the safest option before one of them knocked the whole thing over (it had happened before too many times, and yes it was drunk mingyu every single time). “i will start!” seungcheol raised from his place, taking one of the boxes from underneath the tree, marching towards his victim who seemed to be wonwoo. “so i got wonwoo, don’t wanna make this sappy and longer than it should be, you know i love you and how thankful i am for you, just open it!” he handed the gift to the latter who after getting rid of the wrapper revealed a headset to the others in the room, the one he had been talking about for months. “this is making me emotional i swear. thank you brother, i will cherish it and use it well!” he thanked his friend, giving him a hug. the rest of the secret santa event continued in this manner, the spirits not even once broken since the presents were all so great. at last it was your turn to stand in the middle, holding a bag close to your chest, looking at vernon adoringly. “so i am sure you already know who i got since i am like almost the last one to give, vernon i hope you like it.” in the bag amongst other items was a matching set of a hoodie and a beanie which you knew he loved and collected, along with a pair of ripped jeans as his previous pair was destroyed while filming a notoriously funny dance pratice. “wow, these are just my style, thank you so much.” his gummy smile was enough for you to know that he indeed was happy, hurrying to give you a big hug despite being on the rather not so physical side. after finishing the circle you told the boys to stay put for another moment and hurried out to the kitchen, bringing in 13 small boxes which contained a secret gift from you to all of them. “although i know we agreed on everyone buying only one present i couldn’t stop myself. i am so grateful to have you all in my life, and i know how hard you guys work day and night, and another album of yours is coming out soon anyways, so i hope you don’t mind that i bought these a little earlier-“ “OH MY GOD ARE THEY WHAT I THINK THEY ARE?” hoshi screamed in surprise, already putting two and two together. “yes.” you answered shortly after giving them out. “these are your new seventeen rings, since christmas is the holiday when we celebrate love, friendship, and family i thought it was the best timing for them to be revealed and put on.” you grinned “oh and by the way, i have a matching one too, not exactly the same, but similar so i would always remember you guys during the year even if we cannot see each other for a longer period of time because of your schedules.” you barely finished your monologue when the boys attacked you with big hugs, knocking the leftover air out of you when they squeezed you tightly. “darling this is truly our best christmas as a whole, i cannot emphasise it enough how much we love you. thank you for being here and putting up with us every year.” joshua said after breaking apart from the big mass of limbs. “let’s put it on, they are so pretty!” minghao said.
“may we have a good year next time too, and may we stay together till death! to us!” dk lead the toast, being already full with delicious food from the dinner, standing confidently in the room, raising his glass along with the rest of you. crinkling sounds filled the house while you cheered and drank; you looked around, tears welling up in your eyes like the holy spirit just got to you in time, realising once again how lucky you were to have them. it is true; they might be loud and chaotic, but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
“OH SHIT” “here we go again, he broke the glass.” “how are we gonna clean the rug?” “good job…” “get him away from the tree i am begging you.” “NOT THE TREE! MINGYU DON’T-“ “THIS IS THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW FOR FUCK’S SAKE!” “and here i thought we would have a decent christmas for once…”
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mermaidchan05 · 5 months
Vesuvia Weekly: LI and Apprentice Dynamics
Finally getting to join the party started by @vesuviaweekly!
(fair warning I love writing about this kind of stuff so there are a looot of words here lol)
Meleia & Asra
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(sketch by the amazing @missrabbitart it's wonderful I love it so much)
Truly two halves of a greater whole.
Soft soft soft soft soft
They're both each other's first love, which is really cute.
(And both of them were super awkward about it at first because neither of them knew how to actually Talk to people)
Meleia loves Asra's wanderlust. Life is never boring with him.
Asra adores the way Meleia throws her all into whatever she cares about, be it as mundane as a sewing project or as huge as protecting the people she loves from the likes of Lucio or the Devil.
And on the subject of sewing... they're both crafty people!
Meleia makes her own clothes and Asra knits, so the two of them combined are a force to be reckoned with.
Meleia has a lot of self-confidence issues for a lot of reasons. Asra's always been there to help her through her rough spots.
Neither of them have a good sense of direction, so Faust and Forge (Meleia's familiar, a fennec fox) always end up doing most of the navigating when they travel.
They love reading together, making things together, exploring together, dancing together... they'd basically do anything and everything together.
(Except cleaning. Asra leaves stuff everywhere, and Meleia likes to keep the shop neat. It's about the only thing they have teasing arguments about.)
To Meleia, Asra is home. She can truly be her awkward and shy and geeky self around him, and she appreciates that more than she can ever say.
To Asra, Meleia is a beacon of light and joy. She cares so deeply about things and people, including the little kid who grew up alone on the docks.
Songs that remind me of Them: "A Whole New World" from Aladdin, "All I've Ever Known" from Hadestown, "Curses" by the Crane Wives.
My other apprentices are under the cut!
Damian & Julian
In a nutshell, they are that one scene from Coco.
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(Drawing by me, it's a redraw of the final panel of this old thing)
In all honesty, though, they tease each other but they are very much in love.
They're both intelligent and leaders in their fields of study.
Damian's an alchemist, Julian's a doctor... their styles have more in common than Julian ever thought at first.
They can and will be found having intense discussions about various practices in both medicine and alchemy using highly technical terms that no one else in the room understands.
They were a dream team when working to find a cure for the plague. Except for the arguments where Damian insisted that the plague itself must have been magical in nature and Julian was firmly convinced it was nothing more than a disease.
Damian's stubborn, and never afraid to show his anger or annoyance, but Julian always has a way of making things up to him. And they never stay upset or mad at each other for long.
Both of them are musically inclined, Julian with his vielle and Damian with his guitar. So whenever emotions are too strong for words, they connect through playing together.
Julian is all for the drama, while Damian's humor is more dry and witty.
Julian is the only person who can get Damian to dance on a table.
Songs that remind me of them: "I See the Light" from Tangled, "Inferno" from Promare.
Chimalus, Nadia, and Portia
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Chimalus and Nadia art by the fabulous @ace--of--swords!
I've talked about Chimalus' dynamics with Nadia and Portia before, but I wanted to go into more detail about the polycule here :)
Dream Team 2 Electric Boogaloo
Chimalus and Portia are both always at the ready to help Nadia with whatever plan she has, be it city reservations, the next Masquerade, or just a picnic out in the garden.
Chimalus is the Heart of the trio, with their pure loyalty, good judgement, and a particularly kind heart.
Both Nadia and Portia admire Chimalus' quiet strength and clever mind. No matter how tough the problem, Chimalus finds a way to keep a relatively cool head and work their way through it.
Whenever Chimalus' lingering trauma pops up from their dark past, Nadia and Portia are always right there to help them through it.
Portia loves "dragging" Nadia and Chimalus off on adventures. Not that Chimalus or Nadia complain.
Book buddies!
The three of them basically have their own book club. They always meet up as soon as they're done reading the current book and chat about it over snacks (and usually tea and/or wine).
They all bond over animals, too! Between the palace horses, Chandra, Pepi, and Chimalus' familiar Skye the bluebird, they have quite a few critter friends to fawn over together.
Songs that remind me of them: "More With You" by MALINDA, "Running With the Wolves" from Wolfwalkers, "To the Ends of the Earth" by Natewantstobattle.
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littleoanh · 2 years
Lovely imagine the bonten trio seeing reader in a suit for the first time
Also hello! I hope you're well beautiful!! <3
A/N: Hello Zee darling 🥰!! Oooh, yessss this is a great idea! I hope you don’t mind this isn’t as long as my other writings. I wanted to keep it short and cute :). 
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Suit & Tie
Characters: Bonten Trio x gn!Reader
Warnings: Mention of blood [no graphic details], cursing, alcohol consumption and Bonten Trio is feeling some kind of way about you ;). 
Special Thanks: EB for helping me proofreading and beta reading!
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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“Are we all ready?” Ran grabs his car keys and wallet from the counter, tonight there’s a party thrown by Bonten’s business partner and their attendance is mandatory. The Bonten Trio and you had gotten ready at Ran’s penthouse since it was the closest after finishing up a messy mission together.
“Not yet, [Y/n] is still getting ready.” Sanzu’s droopy eyes are closed with his head leaning back on the couch, dreading going to this boring formal business party. He rather be partying at their clubs and going wild.
“[Y/n], what’s taking you so long?” Rin's voice booms through the bathroom door, he hears movements in there but how long does it take to get ready?
“I had to take a longer shower because of all the damn blood that got in my hair.” You respond through the door. Sanzu got carried away during the mission and unfortunately… you were standing next to him, in the splash zone. “I’ll be out in a couple minutes.”
“Take your time.” Ran being the most patient one of the three, he was the second to the last one of the four of you to be done. He understands it takes time to look perfect. Ran and Rin are having their own conversation while Sanzu is relaxing, they hear the bathroom’s door open.
“About damn time-” Rin stops his sentence and his lilac eyes widens, Sanzu’s droopy eyes are now open and Ran’s jaws are slack. You walk out of the bathroom wearing a black dress shoes, burgundy dress pants, a crisp white button up shirt, burgundy vest, a jet black and burgundy blazer and a black matte tie.
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Holy shit… Ran couldn’t take his lilac eyes off of you, he never looked at you this way before. Not that he didn’t find you good looking because you are, it was just you two are just friends. Nothing more. But the way you stride out of the bathroom wearing that suit and tie with confidence makes you even more attractive. Something about your suit makes him gulp. Probably the way it enhances your snatch waist or how shows off how lean and tone your body is. God damn, he lightly chuckles while his eyes trails your body up and down. Now that you have caught his attention, he wants nothing more than to throw you against the wall, run his hands over your body to explore, and kiss you.
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His words are stuck on the tip of his tongue, his impatience and vexation dissolve when you tug your black matte tie to loosen it up a little. What the… his cheeks blush, how did you do that? Making him feel all shy and shit. You never made him speechless before, now his heart is racing. He’s transfixed on watching you adjust your tie. Did your neck always look so smooth and kissable?  He doesn’t know how to react or what to say. His brain is malfunctioning, unable to form any words. He feels like a dumbstruck creep just staring at you. His lips are moving but still no words. He licks his lips subconsciously, trying again to talk but to no avail. He’s hoping someone else will say something before they think something is wrong with him. 
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Sanzu’s breath hitches when you fix your cuffs, something about your fingers or your hand is oddly attractive to him. Why is this simple gesture makes Sanzu want to manhandle you and skip this stupid party? Scratch that, maybe he should be grateful this party was happening or else he wouldn’t have witnessed this suit on you. Either way, this suit looks as though it was made for you. No one else can pull this off except you. In a way, he feels jealous to be sharing you with others tonight but you deserve to bless others with your graceness. He will have to remain by your side all night to make sure no one puts their dirty hands on you. Maybe you’ll put your sinful hands on him instead.
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You stare at the Bonten Trio wondering why they are just staring at you. “What’s with the staring?” Scrunching your eyebrows together, no one had said anything in the past three minutes. The trio snap out of their trance.
“Nothing, we were just admiring your suit.” Ran’s charming lazy smile appears on his lips, Rin only nods in agreement and Sanzu kicks himself up from the couch. “It looks good on you.”
“Oh,” You take another glance at your suit again, “thanks, I guess.” Nonchalantly shrugging off his compliment. “Let’s go before Mikey kills us for being late.” You walk past Sanzu and the brothers heading straight for the front door. Everyone watches you, having newfound feelings for you. Ran, Rin, and Sanzu all look at each other, somehow understanding they all now have a crush on you. 
“Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on with the Bonten Idiots?” Koko asks you while sipping on whiskey and watching Sanzu, Rin, and Ran either running around to get you something to eat or drink or scaring away random strangers who want to talk to you. The moment you all make it to the banquet hall, they suddenly start acting very strange around you. They follow you around like lost puppies. When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, they want to come along too. 
“I honestly have no clue, they have been acting like this since we got here.” Drinking your choice of alcohol beverage. Koko takes a glance at you, noticing how perfect you look in your suit and tie. That has to be it, feeling certain the Bonten Trio have crushes on you. He keeps this to himself, leaving you to be oblivious of their attraction to you. It’s more fun this way, he takes another sip of his whiskey and spots the Bonten Trio approach you and try to fight for your attention.
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
Network: @tokyo-ballroom & @tokyometronetwork                                                 
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The Eclipse, Blood Moon, And Harvest Moon Show
Pairings: DJ Music Man/Blood Moon, Glamrock Bonnie/Harvest Moon
Word Count: 1,160 Words
Summary: Learning Minecraft goes hilariously when four people don't know what they're doing. Eclipse and Sirius go shopping.
Warnings: Death (in game and mentioned), Nightmare, Anxiety Attack, Cursing, Abuse (mentioned only), let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 6: Minecraft Chaos With Lunar and Sirius & Shopping Haul With Sirius and Eclipse
"Hello and welcome to the Eclipse, Blood Moon, and Harvest Moon Show, everyone!" Blood Moon greeted.
"Today we're playing Minecraft with Lunar and Sirius. Today is she/her for me and he/him for Siri." Eclipse clarified.
"For Vessie, we found a way to download Minecraft for them so they can play with us so today is a five-person game for once." Blood Moon announced happily.
"I showed them how!" Lunar happily announced.
"I still have very little idea of what to do." Sirius admitted. Filming was hilarious.
Lunar was chasing a specific bee and dying for it over and over. Sirius kept following the others around and watching what they were doing. Eclipse had managed to create a fully functional Death Star, which had terrified the others so she had gotten rid of it.
Harvest was constantly falling through the world after having dug completely through under their spawn point. Bloody was hoarding sheep and breeding them for a killing machine he'd made Eclipse build after the Death Star.
It ended with the lot of them laughing and giggling like kids as Eclipse remade and activated her Death Star and razed the world. Blood Moon and Harvest had even split from each other due to how much they were laughing and Sirius was trying to hide his chuckling and failing watching a sheep of Blood Moon's falling through the world.
"Alright, everyone, that was today's episode. Just sibling shenanigans. Like, comment, and subscribe for more episodes of the Eclipse, Blood, and Harvest Show." Lunar did the outro for the trio still giggling their asses off at the chicken trying to escape the Death Star's beam.
Once the giggling finally tapered off, they all calmed down and had to take a few minutes more to calm down instead of starting right back up giggling. Sirius was shifting uncomfortably and hands seeming to hide his chest. Oh.
"Girl day suddenly?" Eclipse asked.
"Yeah." Sirius admitted.
"Here." Eclipse handed her a spare sweater. "I should take you to get dresses. I've been meaning to go shopping and get some." Eclipse told her.
"Okay, yeah, we can, I guess. I have money in my account still." Sirius agreed.
"My treat. I have like seventeen thousand left from my last sale."
"Oh, I couldn't that yours-"
"Sirius, we can't possibly spend 17k in one go getting dresses. I'm treating you, come on. We'll get dressed in something comfy and we'll go shopping." Eclipse assured her and dragged her off to her room, putting various clothing on the bed for Sirius to pick and choose from to get dressed.
"You pick anything you want, whatever feels comfortable and easy to get off since we'll probably have to try the dresses on and make sure they fit." Eclipse told her.
"Yeah, okay. Um..."
"I'm not looking, I'm getting dressed too. Can't leave in the jester suit." Eclipse reminded her as she got off her sweater and put on a much more comfortable top and jeans rather than her jester pants. While she was zipping her boots, she checked on Sirius pulling on boots of her own.
"We're the same sizes. It'll be easier to trade then." Eclipse smiled.
"Well, we're practically twins but aren't most models the same size?" Sirius asked.
"No, the twins are a little shorter because of the nanobots. And Lunar just...Lunar has hooves half the time with his tiny form." Eclipse relayed.
"They're shorter? I didn't even notice." Sirius noted as she stood in the boots.
"Alright, ready to go shopping?" Eclipse asked.
"I'm ready."
Shopping was fun, the two looking through together was much akin to kids in a candy store, shoving dresses at each other to try on and Eclipse and Sirius leaving having gotten more than plenty of clothes for both themselves and each other.
Eclipse's new favorite was the short black dress with rhinestone straps and a moon and star pattern all over it. Sirius' ended up being a black crushed velvet dress with a sort of cage on the neckline and lace on the bottom of the skirt.
Both returned giggly and happy and showed off their new clothes to their brothers, Lunar even complimenting Eclipse's new dresses and the twins fawned over Sirius. It was a nice time all around, which Lunar took Sirius back home after so she could go home to her brother after two days away, something her brother may be worried about.
Eclipse went to bed that night pleased with herself, she was happy seeing Sirius so happy with herself. But Eclipse ended up waking from a nightmare of her father at nearly 2 in the morning. She couldn't seem to get back to sleep but she could hear one of the twins up.
Eclipse got up, wandering to her siblings' room, seeing Harvest Moon awake and Blood Moon likely dead asleep and snoring in their head. She laid herself against Harvest, sniffling and they simply held her and brought her to their own bed.
"What's wrong, Clipsey?" Harvest asked softly.
"Nightmare about KC. He came after me again. He tried to kill me." Eclipse explained.
"Clipse, that won't happen. We'll protect you, I promise." Harvest promised her.
"I know, but what if you aren't there? What if he sends you two off and he hurts me again?" Eclipse asked.
"Then we'll take care of you after again. And I won't stop Bloody from going after him. That fucker is not welcome anymore. He is not our father, he is a virus. He hurt you, he can't possibly give a good enough excuse for that." Harvest explained.
"Why me? Why does he hurt me? He loves you two so much but he hurts me. Why does he hurt me?" Eclipse asked, she was breaking back down again into tears, burying against her sibling and Harvest simply rubbed over her back and held her closer.
"He's an asshole, Clipsey. I don't know why he hurts you and not us, but I know there's no reason that he could possibly give that would make it okay. You're his firstborn, he should love you even more than us. But, even if he doesn't, we do love you. And we'll protect you with everything we have."
Eclipse choked a sob. Even if her father didn't love her, the twins did. Her little sibling loved her, they would protect her. She didn't want a shield in them but it felt so much better to know they would protect her. Eclipse felt like the weight was gone from the nightmare. It was still there and it was still scary, but the heavy weight of vulnerability was gone.
"I love you too." Eclipse managed to choke out.
"Get some sleep, Clipsey. It's late, you need some rest. We'll be here the whole time." Harvest assured her and they rubbed over her back a bit more, slowly urging her more and more to sleep until she was asleep against them.
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lokrow · 2 years
Hades Tigers: SC 0 - part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Global fic content tags: Injuries, violence, necromancy, mild gore, blood, character death, reflections on life, im-/mortality and love, mentions of alcohol, smoking and corpses.
Day 2: Noon
Shrimp tried not to laugh as Dagmar sat awkwardly in the too small folding chair Rat had set out for them, she looked over the one room apartment Shrimp and Rat called a home. There were shelving units keeping everything from clothes to books to the plates Rat used to set the table. The tall tigress felt her size entering a space clearly designed for the diminutive Rat and Shrimp as the young women busied themselves about her to make sure she was as well accommodated as they could make her feel, while she was far too scared to budge and risk damaging anything.
"Do you have any allergies or food triggers?" Shrimp yelled from the kitchen, some of those words were alien to Dagmar in the way the younger woman used them. While the tigress' fur showed little of her age, she was simply of a different time. Nevertheless, she understood the general context of the query and shook her head. "She says no!" Rat relayed as Shrimp's hand popped through the doorway with a thumb up. "Food ready in…  Whenever it’s ready!" She confirmed, immediately followed by the sound of a cutting board being struck with the sharp end of a cleaver repeatedly.
“How long have you been singing for? It was really pretty!” Rat awkwardly opened, sitting in one of the other folding chairs. Dagmar was almost scared to open her mouth, it was the first time since being cursed that someone had complimented her singing. But were they complimenting the result of the curse? Or somehow was it that it was losing effect? Dagmar feared finding out. If only because she wasn’t sure which outcome she preferred.
“My… Ahem, My whole life.” Her voice felt rasped with the uncertainty as it came out, sitting stiff in her own chair. “So… thirty…eight years?” Dagmar wavered, indicating some uncertainty. “But can you… hear it?” Dagmar saw Rat’s eyes narrow in a smile, like she tried holding her laugh. “Well of course I can, you were singing.” Rat said with a chuckle.
Shrimp peered over through the doorway to see Rat laughing and Dagmar looking confused if only briefly. Shrimp couldn’t hear over the sound of sizzling oil, a boiling kettle and the kitchen fan spinning at full speed. But when she peered through again, both Dagmar and Rat appeared to be laughing together. Shrimp smiled and nearly added bell peppers to the sink rather than the frypan in her distraction. “Rat, could you get me the feta cheese from the fridge?” Shrimp asked as she sautéed with one hand and turned the oven up with another while yet another combed through the nearby cupboard for breadcrumbs and chili flakes. .
Rat’s natural shyness seemed to have shed completely away as the trio wandered the streets of Hades. Shrimp’s bell pepper pie had been filling yet light and they’d opted for a walk to relieve Dagmar of the cramped position she put herself in to fit in their chairs.
“How long have you been doing ballet?”. The question was asked innocently, but Dagmar could notice in both the women’s reactions that she’d hit a chord most dissonant. Rat’s bright mood darkened, the window in her fur dimming noticeably. Her kinked tail coiled up into her hand where she pawed at the old injury reflexively. Shrimp while not seeming so personally affected shifted from gleeful to worried. Three arms wrapping around her girlfriend and holding her hands with two more. Rat let go of her tail to hold Shrimp’s hand and it coiled around Shrimp’s own tail. All this in only a few seconds yet to Dagmar, it felt agonisingly slow and all the while she couldn’t think what there could be to correct. “I’ve been doing ballet for 15 years, since 6, Rat’s been doing it for 10, since 11.” Shrimp spoke for both of them, finally looking up at the tigress to see extreme remorse for an error she still didn’t understand she’d made. “Rat…” Shrimp held herself back. “... Let’s go to the docks first, it’s Rat’s story to tell if she wants. Wanna call one of your friends, Love?” Shrimp smiled reassuringly and Rat quietly nodded. “I don’t really know how she does it but we can always go where we want quicker like this.” as Shrimp finished the sentence and before Dagmar could ask her to clarify, the city block they were standing on lifted as though carried by unseen forces. Rat’s eyes were closed and the windows in her fur seemed to flicker at regular intervals. She opened her eyes to look up and behind her as if seeing something that wasn’t there.
Except it was. Shrimp and Dagmar both quiet, one out of respect and the other out of curiosity, Rat alone could see the Architect behind them. Rat nodded, as if in silent communication. She knew this Architect, the Rat King of Hades. A towering spectral agglomeration of fur, flesh, stone and glass with looked at her with myriad eyes. Her ears fluttered as she heard the chittering of its masses, a simple question. “The docks, please.” Dagmar looked to the sky where Rat had been looking, Shrimp simply too used to it to try to discern the shape looming over the buildings around them, though Rat had described it a thousand times in a thousand different ways. To Rat’s eyes, the gigantic mass of rodents that formed the Rat King’s head seemed to nod and as some rodents ran along the upper layers of its shape to pass on the message, slowly the city block began to move. 
It would have taken the three of them hours to reach the docks from where Shrimp and Rat’s home was beforehand. Yet with only a twist of the Rat King’s body, Shrimp and Rat’s home was now a street corner away from the docks. Dagmar turned as they descended to see where they had come from and already another city block was lowering into the space they’d left behind.
Bones crack. "You should stop this." Doom's hand presses into Julia's back, realigning her spine magically. "Each repair is taking longer than you're letting me work. At this rate, a single punch might break your neck." Doom warned, her voice stern as she passed her hand down her wife's back.
It had been a good few handful of years in Hades now. The Doom Ellis that arrived jaded and cynical was… well, no less jaded or cynical. But she wouldn't have been able to predict that in taking a job as a ringside medic for a prominent professional wrestling promotion she would meet Julia.
At the time, a fantastic entertainer, Julia walked, talked and wrestled like she had no care for the people who came to watch her or her own body. Because both of those were true. Her magnetic personality and frequent need for medical care had drawn them close, but it was Julia’s retirement from pro-wrestling following unrecoverable injuries which had cemented their relationship. Doom stuck by Julia as the fighter graduated from kayfabe to shoot fights in the alcohol infused mud of an underground fight pit. Why she had, she wasn’t sure. She simply had. And fight after fight, healing session after healing session, the two women had grown closer, inseparable even. There was a connection between them hardened by Julia’s fights and forged in the soft heat of Doom’s healing magic. The knowledge she’d been taught from her family’s work on corpses translated now to preventing death. It was an unforeseen change of discipline, one she knew her family wouldn’t approve of. One that had taken meeting the love of her life in the land of the dead to accomplish.
Doom smiled a rare smile as her hand readjusted a pair of dislocated ribs, to Julia's audible displeasure which Doom cared not for in this moment. "How long has that been nagging you?" Doom's tone was chastising, she could tell those had been out for a while, Julia didn't much care for the injuries she picked up in the pit as she cared not for those she used to pick up bumping in and around a wrestling ring. With how often she fought compared to when she let Doom fix her back up, it wasn't uncommon for Doom to find old injuries that she only noticed when they became too hard for Julia to no-sell.
Julia groaned, a spasm coursing through her back as her wife’s magic pulled at cracked bone and thinning ligaments, restoring tissue slowly and with more care than her body was used to. “Chica… You worry too much.” she hissed as Doom realigned a vertebrae.
“I wouldn’t have to if you took care of your body.” Doom sternly replied as she tapped on Julia’s shoulder blade, a dull thud resonating through her chest. Julia turned around on the table, looking up at Doom’s cold eyes, she smiled as Doom came around to stand behind her.
“Why would I when I have you to take care of it?” Julia’s bravado dulled as Doom’s cold hands passed through the fighter’s hair to link behind her neck, Doom’s expression darkened still. “I really wish you’d cancel this so I can work on your neck.” As she felt around, Doom felt the state of Julia’s neck. It was worse than her initial assessment. Her lips thinned in disapproval, they’d fought about Julia taking on fight after fight whether she won or lost, whether she was injured or not, whether she died or lived. “You know that’s not happening…” Julia’s dull black eyes slowly blinked as they looked at each other, faces close. Doom sighed and some of her hair fell lightly onto Julia’s face. Julia started raising a hand to place the strand of hair back over her wife’s shoulder when Doom interrupted her. “Don’t. Move. I already don’t get enough time working on your neck, if you move you’ll make it harder for me.” Julia’s hand drops slightly as Doom closes her eyes to focus, Her magic coursing back and forth between her fingers and through Julia’s neck, as if weaving tissue back. “Your neck is hanging by a thread, you should let me work on this today.” Doom’s tone was stern and her face was firmly expressionless despite her apparent concern. Julia sighed, raising her hand to place Doom’s hair back over her shoulder. “That’s not happening.” Her tone was harder, her eyes more determined. “I have a fight in 10 minutes.”. Doom rolled her eyes and slumped slightly over Julia, she could feel the slow breath over her shut eyelids. “Your hair is getting long again. Need to redo the twists?” Julia’s smile is audible, Doom sighs again. “Please stop moving.” Julia smiles wider, disregarding her wife’s advice and raising her arms to link her fingers behind Doom’s neck as Doom has behind her own. She cranes her head up, pulling Doom down slightly to kiss her forehead as she pulled her own head away from Doom’s hands. “Julia!” Doom’s voice is irritated as she raises up, dispelling her magic. Her face is firmly set and lips thinned in the only external indicator of her emotions. She breathes out, calming her effusion as Julia sits up on the table, rolling her head on a barely healed neck. “Ah, all new. See, Chica, no need to worry” Julia smirks as she hops down the table and slides her clothes back on. A banging thud cracks the table as Doom slams her fist onto the table. “Julia, stop fucking with me.” Doom’s eyes shine with an electricity Julia hasn’t seen since their last fight. “Why do you care so much about honouring some poor sod in a muddy pit? You’re an underground fighter, not the main event of the show anymore. You’re not fighting for money, there’s no fame to be had here and there’s certainly no honour in knocking out cocky drunkards with delusions of fame for a drink and a few obols. So why are you so determined to run your body ragged in pointless fights?” Doom’s eyes betrayed no emotion despite her words, a quirk Julia was well accustomed to now, Doom looked stern and distant from her own emotions and Julia had to pay attention to her word choice and body language to understand the person behind the outward shell. “Chica, do you really think I have an answer for you you’ll be satisfied with?” Julia stepped towards Doom, just then, a swelling roar flowed through the closed door of the locker room. “They want a fight. I’ll give them a fight. It’s that simple.” Julia clenched her fist, it wasn’t that simple but she was not a woman who dwelled on what she saw as empty ponderings. “I know what I’m good at and what’s fun. And that’s fighting.” Julia rounded past Doom, kissing the other woman’s forehead as she passed her. She opened the door, pausing and turning around before shaking her shoulders at Doom who rolled her eyes. “Just enjoy the show, Chica.” 
Day 2, Dusk out now.
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creamecream · 5 years
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*Off to the Celestial Ball.*
Ivy belongs to @r-enegadedbi
Farren belongs to @shinynymphia
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huneekrispee · 3 years
Where is my lover?
Pairing: c!Dreamwastaken x gn!Reader
Summary: Living outside the Dream SMP, far from the war and chaos, Dream was able to find comfort in you. One day, he leaves, promising to come back to you. It's been months, now you're left wondering... where is my lover?
Warnings: cursing, use of dream's real name, spoilers for the Dream SMP Finale, tiny bit of fluff at the start, angst
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I've been watching Attack on Titan recently, and the song 'Call Your Name' has me in the feels :( Sorry for being away for so long :( School has been an ass to me, I hope you enjoy it!! -Hunee <3
Also! Please don't mind the pronouns in the song! This is a gender-neutral fic, I merely just wrote the song lyrics as they are :)
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She lost her brother a month ago
His picture on the wall
And it reminds me
When she brings me coffee... her smile
I wish I could be with her until my last day
In the forest, a cottage lays peacefully in a secluded meadow near a running stream. The tall trees lay their shadows onto the grassy floor, leaving marks from the sun. Water solemnly runs along, moving to its next destination through the stream. Grass rustles and a soft sigh is heard.
Stretching his arms above his head, a man clad in green slowly sits up, emerald eyes darting around. He yawns. "(Y/N)!" He's now standing up, searching for his lover. Dream's hand reaches down to grab his mask left abandoned on the grass, quickly putting it on.
Preparing his sword, his hand on the hilt, Dream slowly steps toward the cottage. He rests a hand on the door, waiting for something, anything.
A scream is heard.
He now slams the door open, netherite blade on full display, ready to attack. Looking around, he notices no one but (Y/N) in the cozy home, with a kettle on the ground next to them. Lowering his guard, sighing with relief, he sheathes his sword once more, walking over to his distraught partner.
"Are you alright?" Removing his mask, he takes their hands in his. Dream looks at them. (Y/N) looks down, taking their hurt hand out of his. Sighing, Dream quickly leads them over to the sink, running the tap. "What happened?" The coldness of the water helped soothe the burn. "I just, accidentally burnt myself with the kettle. It's okay, I'll live, Clay."
The man remained silent. The only sound heard in the cottage was the running tap water. After treating the burn on their hand, Dream leads (Y/N) to the chair on the side of the room. "You. Sit. I'll finish doing whatever you were doing. You just sit there and take it easy, you just burnt your hand." Bending down to their height, Dream stands face to face with (Y/N). He narrows his eyes slightly. He was always like this. Whenever (Y/N) got hurt in any sort of way, Dream was always on it, almost suffocating them with his overwhelming protectiveness.
They sighed, avoiding his eyes. "I- I was just... I just wanted to make you a coffee this morning. I know you're going to be busy later, so I wanted to make sure that you were energized for your work." Fiddling with their bandaged hand, (Y/N) smiled gently. "I see how you're always so dedicated to the stuff you do, and I wanted to return the favor, even if it's just a cup of coffee."
Dream's eyes softened. It was true, he was dedicated to his work. Running an SMP was hard, especially with some people interfering with his plans recently. He had plans to take power over the server again. Finding and taking everything his people were attached to was difficult, but at least he had (Y/N) to come home to. It was all for them. It was worth the hard work and pain just to see (Y/N) smile at him, showing him their love.
"It's okay. Thank you for wanting to do that, but you don't have to." Running his hand up to their cheek, he smiled. "I do all of my work for you, to help make a safe place for you. Once I sort out the rebellious people, I promise, I'll come back to you, and we can live together in my SMP." (Y/N) gazed up at him, looking into his eyes. They smiled, beaming at the idea.
"Alright! I promise I'll wait for you! I'll always wait for you. I love you, Clay."
"I love you too. I promise I will come back to you. Always."
He would do anything to see that smile on their face all the time.
She said she gave all her love to me
We dreamt a new life
Some place to be at peace
But things changed... Suddenly
I lost my dreams in this disaster
It had been two days. Two days since Dream had left. (Y/N) had since then tended to the flowers and read a few books Dream had gotten them from a faraway village.
'I wonder what he's doing now?' Looking up at the sky, (Y/N)'s mind began to wander. What was dream doing right now? Maybe he was still on his way back to his SMP? Or maybe he was trading with villagers for resources?
They smiled. Dream had been one of (Y/N)'s lifelong friends turned partner. They had met when (Y/N) used to live in a village as a child. (Y/N) was nine and Clay was ten. Dream had gotten into a rough fight with two skeletons and a zombie. He was stumbling around, trying to find help for his injuries.
That was when (Y/N) appeared. Hearing the boy's cries, they ran out of their family home, taking Dream into the house to be treated, screaming for their parents to help him.
They had grown up together as best friends after that. Meeting George and Sapnap, the group loved to go on little adventures together and play their favourite game: manhunt. Dream would always insist on running, with George and Sapnap chasing after him. Sometimes, (Y/N) would join them, but they quite enjoyed seeing the trio panic during the game. It was fun.
A couple years ago, Dream visited (Y/N), saying that he was starting up his own SMP, a place where he and his friends could have fun and just be themselves all the time. The two of them spend hours in (Y/N)'s room, talking about their big plans and ideas for the SMP. Dream wanted to build a cottage near a stream, and live there peacefully with (Y/N). They were shocked, Dream wanted to live with them? "Why?" They asked.
"Well, because of... I'll just show you."
That was the day Clay had kissed (Y/N) for the first time.
I'm crying
Missing my lover
I don't have the power
On my side forever
A month had passed. Nothing from Dream. Usually, he'd send a message through on their server communicator, asking how they were and informing them of his journey and new discoveries. But that didn't happen, not this time.
It was hard. Clay had been such a big part of their life that sometimes they found it hard not to worry about him. They knew he was strong, he could take down armies of people, but everyone had their limit.
Raising the iron hoe, (Y/N) swung down, making way for the new seeds of crops that would grow over the next few months. Wiping their forehead with their sleeve, they sighed.
All they wanted was for Dream to be safe, and for him to come back home once he finished his business in the SMP.
Oh Where is my lover
And I got no power
I'm standing alone, No way
Calling out your name
Heavy pants of breath echoed throughout the underground bunker. He was panicking. It wasn't supposed to go like this.
The plan was to kill Tubbo and make Tommy give him his disks.
It all went to shit when Punz showed up with backup, showing the people of his SMP that had turned against him fully.
"W-woah! Okay! Tommy, calm down!"
The blonde boy didn't listen, hands gripping the axe of peace and lifting it high above his head.
"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you Dream, right here, right now."
Dream silently gulped. For once, his plan failed. It backfired on him and blew up in his face. 'Sorry (Y/N). Guess I'm not coming back tonight.' He just wanted this to be over. He just wanted to be back in the cottage near the stream, sitting with his lover.
His green eyes darted around to everyone in the room. They looked disgusted, some disappointed, others angry. He knew this would never change. He would never get his SMP back. They hated him. Wanted him gone.
"Does Y/N know you're like this?"
His breath hitched. Eyes went wide.
Sapnap had stepped forward, sword out, pointing it threatening at Dream. "Do they know just how bad you are? How corrupt you've become?!" He was yelling at this point. Sapnap was upset as well. It was hard to believe that his best friend would do all of these bad things, it hurt to betray him, but he had to do what was right.
"S-stop. Stop talking about them."
For once, Dream was vulnerable. He hated it. He was always so soft when it came to them. When it came to (Y/N). Sapnap knew that. He had seen it when they were together, how happy dream was when he was with them, following them around like a lost puppy, longing for their love. It went both ways, (Y/N) was the same.
"Who the fuck is- Nevermind. Dream. Give me one good fucking reason why I shouldn't-"
"Tommy stop." Sapnap stepped in again. "This is important to not just me but for another person as well." Tommy stepped back, axe still prepared to lash out just in case. Tommy kept muttering to himself, something about a green bastard.
"Dream. Where is (Y/N)? You said they would join the SMP with us, but they're not here, nobody has seen them, probably besides you. You said that they changed their mind about the SMP, or was that a lie too?"
Dream gulped, words caught in his throat.
"Tell me, you bastard! Where is (Y/N) and do they know?!"
"No. They don't know. All I wanted to do was protect them from something I knew would happen. The wars, the chaos of the SMP. They didn't need to be a part of that. I didn't want them to get hurt."
It was almost like a plea. Dream's voice was quiet like he didn't want them to hear what he was saying. Sapnap stepped back, somewhat satisfied with his answer. He was also upset, he hadn't seen (Y/N) in years, not since before the SMP started.
Tommy finally stepped forward.
"Now. Tell me why I shouldn't kill you, Dream."
"I can bring people back to life. I can bring Wilbur back."
I said I gave all my love to you
We dreamt a new house
Some place to be at peace
But things changed... Suddenly
I lost my dreams in this disaster
Three months. It had been three long months without him. (Y/N) would spend every other night crying in their bed, missing him. They missed everything about him. No messages from him on their communicator. No death messages about him either.
They had never thought that three months could feel so long.
Surely he was busy doing stuff that would mean the world was safer for them. That's what he always said. He said that he worked for them and that he promised that they could settle down and make a new cottage near a different stream, closer to the SMP.
He said he needed to dig out the rebellious people and make his SMP a better place.
All (Y/N) could hope for was that he was safe and doing okay.
We don't know what is wrong tonight
Everybody's got no place to hide
No one's left and there's no one to go on
All I know is my life is gone
Dream was not feeling safe and right now he was feeling anything but okay.
Tommy had just broken his mask. Split down the middle, from the axe of peace.
He didn't want anyone to see his face, no one but (Y/N) and the people who had already seen it before he started wearing the mask.
His mask was his safe haven. A facade he could hide behind. With it gone, there was now no place for him to hide.
All he had done was tell Tommy that he could bring people back to life. When he mentioned Wilbur, Tommy seemed shocked, but then he seemed to come back to his senses after remembering what Wilbur was like before he died.
He went crazy. Insane. All because of Dream and his stupid motives. He only fueled Wilbur's change, encouraging him to blow Manburg up after Jschlatt took over. Thank God for Karl destroying the button the first time. The second attempt was successful and sealed Wilbur's fate as a psychotic, destroyed ex-president swayed by the masked man into committing destruction.
Tommy was angry at that. At the fact that Dream would even think about bringing back Wilbur.
Enraged, he brought the axe down onto Dream's cowering figure.
I'm crying
Missing my lover
I don't have the power
On my side forever
Sitting up, (Y/N) slowly looked around the room. It was the same as always; no Dream insight. They woke up every day with a feeling of hope that they would turn around and see Dream at the door, back from his trip.
The situation was too much. (Y/N)'s breaths quickened, eyes blurring up with tears, the salty water slowly dripping down the sides of their cheeks. They let out a dry laugh, bringing up their sweater paw hands to their face, wiping the tears.
They stared at the sleeve of the hoodie they had on. It was green.
It was his.
He always left a spare here, just in case.
It always came in handy when (Y/N) missed him.
They sighed, flopping back down onto the bed, curling into themselves and the hoodie. It smelt like him. He always smelt like a run through the forest, with a hint of saltwater and citrus.
It was comforting.
He was comforting.
The tears wouldn't stop. Every time (Y/N) wiped them away, fresh ones would keep coming. Where was he? Was he okay? It was all they could think about.
(Y/N) hugged themselves, hoping to recreate a hug like his. It didn't work. It never worked.
Nothing could ever compare to his hugs.
Still sobbing, (Y/N) cried themselves back to sleep, despite it being morning.
Not like they had any motivation to do anything without the assurance of him being okay anyways.
Oh Where is my lover
And I got no power
I'm standing alone, No way
Calling out your name
(Y/N)'s communicator went off.
Dream was slain by Tommyinnit.
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basilly · 3 years
christmas in july | sbi x reader , wilbur x reader
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summary: wilbur gets into the christmas mood in july and of course everyone had to join in
note: hdbsdj ok i heard tubbo and ranboo (confirmed) are now a part of sbi and my brain started going brrr and ik its not xmas but- here we are
tommy, tubbo, and ranboo are around 8 in this and it is a reader x wilbur :)
pronouns: they/them
warnings: cursing
not edited
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. the whole 'christmas in july' started all because wilbur was in the christmas mood
. phil and the trio would be walking by his bedroom when he hears christmas music playing out of it
. curious, he knocks and opens the door
"wilbur? you know its july right-" "i know! i just got hit with the christmas mood. the lights, decorating the tree, christmas traditions, . . ."
. as he trailed on, phil swore he saw tubbo's eyes grow so large and full of excitement
. soon enough, tubbo is tugging on phils shirt
"phil phil phil! can we have christmas now?" "not til december tubzo."
. it was like a lightbulb flashes above wilbur's head
"what about christmas in july! we can do all the christmas stuff, but in july!"
. the kids were hooked- it really didn't take too much convincing though
. except techno-
"what the actual- why are we doing this?"
. so, wilbur IMMEDIATELY called you and let you know of your plans
. you had been childhood friends with techno and wilbur, so it was no surprise to anyone when you showed up to help
. although once you and wilbur kinda of (?) got together, techno's been the third wheel
. first things first, decor
. tubbo would throw tinsel all over the tree while tommy ran around doing garland
. granted they cant reach very high though, so only the bottom looks decorated-
. ranboo and wilbur are hanging up ornaments higher up
. when it comes to the star, ranboo tommy and tubbo would stack up on one another to put it on
. very cute, lots of pictures and camcorder moments
"be careful tubbo- you got it?" "mhm!"
*whispers to phil* "did you get that on camera?" "of course i am."
. tommy definitely knows about wilbur's crush and he tried to hang up mistletoe wherever he could
. at one point when he is on wilbur's shoulders, he points wilbur over to your direction
"hi tommy! looking real tall on-" "KISS KISS KISS KISS"
. he whipped out mistletoe from his pocket
. wilbur's blushing so hard and you're just laughing, although flustered
. you press a quick kiss to his cheek before walking off to hang up the wreath
. and of course, you need yo go shopping for gifts and items!
. for secret santa ofc
. wilbur would go around SCOURING for your name and trading
"come on techno, just give me y/n's name. please."
. once he does, everyone gets ready to go to the store
. aka phil gives the trio money and they drag techno around because techno doesn't care what they buy
. phil goes off on his own and buys everyone matching christmas pjamas
. but ranboo was pannicking a lot because he wanted his gift to be perfect
. before they do the gift exchange, tommy insisted on baking cookies
. techno was forced into helping you with the cookies-
. he just keeps knocking things over and you're just stifling giggles
"techno have you ever baked before??" "y/n i only make make potatoes-"
. just staring at one another, covered in flour and frosting
. fhsjkf matching pjs and decorating cookies <333
. wilbur teaching the trio carols and they're so off-key but also SO CUTE
. philza again with the camcorder and techno is ringing the bells while they sing
. techno's just like -_-
"do i have to do this phil?" "yes, it's for the memories." "can't we just make them another time?" "techno."
. and finally it's gift time!
. wilbur got you something you've had your eye on for weeks
. techno got everyone dirty potatoes that we wrote your name on in sharpie
. tommy gave everyone dirt
. tubbo and ranboo, being the sweet ones, gave out handmade gifts
. except for tommy who screams "FUCK YOU!"
. philza got custom socks and mugs
. after the gift exchange, it would be time for their movie marathon
. aka lots of cuddles
. philza and tubbo cuddling on one end, you and wilbur with tommy in the middle, then ranboo slightly cuddling up to techno
. techno is trying to get used to the contact, but his angry facade def breaks
. as the night gets later, wilbur has a bit too much eggnog
"hey, you know what? santa think you guys suck. like the worst!"
. tubbo is about to cry and tommy has his jaw open
"santa HATES you and thinks you guys are SHIT." "WILBUR SOOT."
. you try to shut his mouth and he just has a cheeky grin
"kiss me then-" "EW THATS GROSS!"
. tommy doesn't know how to feel anymore-
. to add onto it, techno just adds,
"haha santa isn't real."
. absolutely breaks the children
. philza quickly pulls him aside-
"techno you better shut your trap, i will murder you."
. the boys look at you for reassurance
"santa is very real and he doesn't hate you guys, you've been very good."
. needless to say, christmas in july felt more eventful than regular christmas
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this is such a long post fjghsdk @dysfunctionalcrab @yamturds @cr0wbonezz-wr1ting-inc @mitzimania @inniterhq @cherios @acidtabletz @chubbity @ttakinou
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
-petpet- Hope you’re getting good rest and feeling a bit better today! 😴👍
Descendants of the Trio AU:
For your comical entertainment, consider if the sibling squad (Space, Illinois, Heist, Date + Yancy) ried to prepare an elegant dinner at the Manor. Together. It could’ve been for a holiday or just something done on the fly. “Brotherly bonding.”
Oh, how about for Eric’s birthday? If anyone could unite for a cause, it would be for Eric.
Picture Heist and Illinois competitively cooking but getting nowhere in putting anything on the table. They often forget about the food, because they’re too busy criticizing and critiquing the other’s technique. (Heist did make a pretty decent breakfast in HWM, but Illinois exploring the world may have made him feel a bit educated in terms of cuisine. On Illy’s own, he feels like a Kraft Mac ‘N Cheese kinda guy, but you can’t tell me that the man doesn’t know fine spices from all the mummy tombs he’s explored.)—Everything’s debated: Salt-pepper ratios, what to season your pan with, which ingredients are acceptable in a dish, etc. 
Space has to take charge by giving Heist and Illinois a recipe book of various things (per Eric’s preferences) to stop their bickering if they were to get anything done.
Date is in charge of decor. Maybe that ability to make romantic items appear becomes useful…Maybe it doesn’t. If he has to go to the store, it’ll be with borrowed money. Of course. (I wonder if Dark gave the boys specialized ‘Markiplier Inc.’ credit cards in case of an emergency.)
Yancy inherits Wilford’s ability and fondness for baking, so he’s got it covered for the birthday cake and desserts. Something about the  camaraderie makes him feel nostalgic for doing these sorts of things for his prison fam, so he’s having a blast! (I like to picture Yancy would always be a little awed to work with /actual/ fresh ingredients—like fruit.) Just hopefully, he’s well-versed with /modern/ kitchen appliances, you know? I’d think he’d be more comfortable with gasoline stoves and ovens than the electric ones.
Space is busy making sure the Manor doesn’t burn down and ensures everything is put together in time. He hadn’t felt this much urge to have his fire extinguisher ready in a very, very long time. Definitely feeling the stress of his father to keep the boys on task without property damage.
No, Dark doesn’t know a thing about anything of this. So, when he enters the Manor with Eric—It’s a bit of a surprise for him too.
—Melody anon
*bumps head into the pets like a cat* :D Thank you! I do feel better, got a little sleep last night this time XD
I think Ego Manor has older appliances honestly, because half the people there still struggle with what a Flip-phone is sometimes. So Yancy should be very comfortable!
Date's ability helps a little bit, probably. Eric likes flowers, so those are easy, and he can probably get tablecloths and napkins folded into animals and stuff like that. But for streamer and such, has to go to the store (he does indeed have a Family Credit Card, most of the money comes from Bim's shows and The Googles getting money in in various ways, from Stock Market to straight-up hacking banks)
Space has a new respect for The Captain after this XD He had already respected them anyway but now it's tripled.
Heist and Illinois for sure burn everything before Space takes over XD Burn or undercooked trying to get done faster than the other. Probably they both somehow curse a dish by accident too. Stop playing with mysterious ancient items, boys!
Dark doesn't know how to react at first, and then hears Space organized it all and the next day gives Space a pair of his old cufflinks from when he was mayor. "I noticed you needed them when you wore that suit last night," is all he says about it.
He's very proud.
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ratmonky · 3 years
Unsafe Words
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: dubcon, mind break, obsession
AO3 Link
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Flowers were more beautiful when they first bloomed in springtime. The colors that would faint over time would be vivid and the smell they produced wasn’t like any other. Their aroma was as delicious as a luxurious perfume but yours were sweeter than all of them.
Inumaki stroked his cock with one hand and held your panties up to his nose with the other. Your smell was enough to make him feel intoxicated but inhaling it as he pleased himself made the experience even more ecstatic.
In his mind, he was fantasizing about going on a date with you, eating your favorite dessert together, and chatting about the future ahead of the two of you.
You would laugh at all the jokes he made to hear you laugh and brush your fingers on his forearm in a flirty manner, looking at him with a smile and suggest to him that the two of you get out of here and go somewhere more private. Somewhere where you could give him all your attention.
Would you take all of your clothes or would you rather have him undress you?
He knew you would actually rather want him to tear your clothes off of you.
He hadn’t seen much of your skin and the uniform you wore didn’t help his fantasies. Inumaki could only try to imagine what color your nipples were or how supple the flesh of your thighs was.
His cock twitched in his hand as he bit back a moan.
Too much.
Inumaki tightened his grip on the base, refusing to cum yet. He still had time. It would be meaningless if he came so early.
He pressed his face into your soft pillow, inhaling your faint scent. Ahh, that would be how you smelled if he were to inhale your hair?
His grip on your panties loosened and he focused his attention on your pillow as he turned around in your bed. With his face buried deep in your pillow, he reached for one of your plushies.
From the first year in the school until you became third years, he always wanted to be a little closer to you. Not like how you treated your lower classmen. He wanted more than that.
Instead of ruffling his hair and calling him a friend, he wanted you to pull his hair and make him the center of your world.
Panda and Maki had noticed the way he looked at you. They knew him as long as you did yet you were still clueless.
He hadn’t thought he would feel this way about any person at any point in his life but here he was, humping your plushie in your bed.
He wondered what would you do if you knew exactly what was going through his head during a day. Because all he could think about was bending you over the closest surface and making you moan out his name in a prayer.
When his cock twitched, warning him that he was close, he didn’t try to stop himself this time. He pushed his hips forward staggeringly as he came on the plushie with a groan, his breathing completely out of control.
He still had time, didn’t he?
By the time you came back from your shopping trip with Maki and Kugisaki, your room was as you left it, or at least you were too careless to notice your missing panties from the laundry and the icky acidic smell surrounding your plushies.
You were clueless.
So much so that it hurt him.
There wasn’t much time left until the third years graduated and left. Once the two of you graduated, you wouldn’t call him for obvious reasons. What did you have to talk with him about anyway?
All he could say was gibberish.
He hated it.
“You’re okay?” Panda noticed that he wasn’t eating.
“You sure?”
There was a moment of silence before Panda spoke again.
“You know, I heard (name) is going to move to Fukuoka once we graduate.”
He didn’t say anything.
“It’s far away from Tokyo, isn’t it?”
The day of graduation came but Inumaki didn’t make a move.
You moved away and he stayed.
Maki kept talking about your new life to Inumaki while he was unable to feel happy for you.
Years passed but Inumaki couldn’t move on.
It had been a hectic day at work and he was getting ready to take a shower when he got a call from an unknown number. This was the fifth time they were calling. He wanted to ignore it because the person on the other side wouldn’t understand him if they weren’t one of his friends but whether it be curiosity or boredom, he answered.
“Ahh, you picked up!”
Inumaki’s body froze. He felt like his limbs turned into stone.
“Hellooo? It’s Toge, right?” It was your voice.
“That was for greetings… Right? I kinda forgot about your language, haha. I’m sorry for calling you this late. Are you doing fine?”
“Salmon.” His lips were trembling. You sounded excited to talk to him.
“I see! I’m doing fine too, I moved back to Tokyo! I got a super small apartment and everything, I moved all of my furniture myself, can you believe that?”
“Tuna tuna!”
“I know right!” you laughed and let out a small sigh. “Anyway, I called to ask if you would wanna meet up? I thought we could catch up and I could show you my apartment. Maki and the others said they were free this Saturday, how about you?”
“I-... Was that too many questions? I’m sorry, I’m just excited you answered the phone.”
He opened his mouth but amongst the many things he wanted to say to you, he could only speak gibberish. He closed it again.
“Are you there?”
“Do you think you’d wanna come to my place for a reunion slash housewarming party?”
“Tuna mayo.”
“Is that a yes?” You sounded hesitant.
“Great! I’ll.. I’ll text you the address, don’t bring anything, I just wanna see you and others. It’s been so long!”
“Tuna tuna.”
“Ahh, I missed you all so much. Fukuoka was no good. I feel like I belong in Tokyo with everyone.”
He agreed yet again and silence fell. It must have been tiring to hold a conversation with him. Most people gave up after their first try, it felt too much like a one-sided conversation.
“I should go,” you said, he could hear the smile in your voice. “It was really great to hear your voice again, Toge. I hope it was the same for you.”
Yes , he thought.
“Okay… I’ll see you on Saturday, I’mma text my address to you, and please save my number! We might work together in the future, who knows!!”
“Tuna tuna!”
You hung up.
Inumaki held his phone up to his ear for a moment longer even after you ended the call. His eyes slowly landed on the tent on his pants.
You had missed him. You wanted to see him.
A second later his phone buzzed in his hand.
[New Message]
Unknown Number: [ADDRESS] i live on the fifth floor but there isn’t an elevator TwT you will have to walk up the stairs SORRY >v<
His lips curled up into a smile.
His hair took an hour to style yet it looked the same. He had even bought a new styling gel, ugh, what a waste of money.
Apart from that, Inumaki found himself in front of the apartment building, unable to push the door to get inside.
“Inumaki, great to see you again,” Fushiguro’s voice startled him.
Inumaki turned around to see the large group heading this way.
“Yeesh, did you drown yourself in body spray?” Maki covered her mouth. Kugisaki next to her laughed and continued teasing Itadori until they arrived at the building’s door.
“Ah, it’s good to see you again. When was the last time we saw each other? A year ago?” Maki walked past him and opened the door herself. “Probably,” she answered her own question.
There was some small talk going on, everyone was talking to him but his eyes were going back and forth between the presents everyone was holding. He stared at the bouquet of roses in his own hand.
“What did you buy?” Kugisaki asked Fushiguro.
“A toaster.”
“Lame.” She turned to Itadori to ask him what he bought next.
“I bought a toaster too…”
While the two boys were arguing about how one of them had to return their gifts, Maki placed a hand on Inumaki’s shoulder. “Panda’s coming too.”
Ah, his expression must have contorted into something vile. She perhaps thought he was only worried about Panda’s whereabouts.
“Which floor was it again?” Kugisaki asked no one specifically.
Inumaki held five fingers up.
“Let’s get going then!” Itadori smiled, “Feels like we’re wasting time here when we can catch up altogether.”
The trio started climbing up the stairs first, leaving Maki and Inumaki to walk behind them.
“They’re still the same, huh?”
“I heard (name) invited some people from Kyoto over as well but none of them could make it.”
When he raised a brow Maki explained further.
“Curse season in Kyoto, I think. Mai was complaining about having to work overtime and all.”
“How did she manage to choose the only damn building in Tokyo without an elevator!?” Kugisaki groaned.
Maki chuckled, “It’s barely in Tokyo, and honestly, do you think she could afford one with an elevator?”
The trio started laughing. Inumaki smiled too.
“Hey,” she said, turning back to face him. Her voice was quieter. “You smell nice and not like an animal. I can't believe you finally took a bath without anyone telling you. Wait or was it because you wanted to smell nice specifically for today? For her?”
When Inumaki blushed, she burst into laughter.
Itadori was about to ask what they were talking about back there but they had already arrived on the fifth floor.
There were four different doors but they could easily tell which one was yours from the bright colored poster you had taped on it.
“What does it say?” Kugisaki couldn’t read because Itadori and Fushiguro were trying to take pictures of it.
“Welcome back Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College graduates,” Fushiguro read out loud.
“Put some feeling to it!” Itadori whined. “There are like five exclamation marks on it, you have to read it-“
The door he was pointing at opened.
“I told you I heard them,” you said with a giggle. Panda was already inside laughing quietly. You greeted them all, smiling from ear to ear before moving away from the door to invite them inside.
The younger trio walked inside first, then Maki hugged you, said something Inumaki couldn’t hear.
His eyes were on you, admiring how gorgeous you were.
“Aren’t you coming in?” you said then noticed the flowers in his hand. "Aww, Toge, you shouldn't have."
He gave the flowers to you, his cheeks flushed faintly pink as he walked past you to enter your home.
Inside, Panda and the trio were arguing about how he had gotten there before them.
“It’s a secret!” Panda yelled.
“He came from the roof so he wouldn’t be seen,” Maki replied as she hung her coat.
Laughter filled the apartment.
Inumaki felt at home, it had been so long since he heard the lively chatter of his friends.
“I’m glad you could make it,” you said, fixing Itadori’s jacket he had left on the floor instead of hanging it like everyone else.
“Salmon.” His pulse went haywire.
“I don’t know if you like beer or cognac but we have both.” He stared at you a little longer than usual so you elaborated. “When I left my job in Fukuoka, some colleagues bought me a cognac bottle. It’s bitter but I didn’t wanna waste it.”
“Heeeeyy, (name)!” Panda yelled, “Tell the youngsters to drink apple juice or something! They’re drinking from our stuff!”
“I have more beer in the fridge!” You turned around on your heels and walked into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase, speaking louder so they could hear you through the thin wall. “Besides, aren’t they old enough to drink?!”
You peeked inside the living room to see what was happening.
Both Itadori and Kugisaki clinked their cans of beer, ignoring you while Fushiguro nodded in your direction to confirm.
“Then I don’t see the problem.” You took your place next to Maki.
Inumaki meekly walked inside, sitting between you and Panda.
“It’s nice having everyone together again.” Itadori smiled
“It really is,” you agreed. The beer tasted the best when you were with friends.
“You are so heartless, (name). You left us to move to Fukuoka.” Panda pouted as he leaned onto your shoulder, crushing Inumaki who was in the way.
“They offered me better pay.” You patted on his head, carding your fingers through his thick fur.
He leaned into your touch, humming softly. “Since you’re back here, money clearly doesn’t buy happiness.” he snickered.
“Money can buy happiness,” Kugisaki argued. “You can always buy the new fashion trends and new makeup. Don’t ever say that!”
Panda lifted his head to argue with Kugisaki while you used the opportunity to give out beer to anyone who hadn’t gotten one and you gave one to Inumaki, his fingers brushed against yours as he took it from you.
Maki gave an exaggerated sigh, “We came here to celebrate (name)’s return and her new place.” Everyone stared at her and she continued. “Let’s make sure to make her new house feel like a home.”
You listened to your friends’ cheers as they all cracked open their cans of beer, taking sips, chatting, and singing along to the faint music from the television program Panda turned on.
It would be genuinely hard to bring the gang together like this but one call from you had been enough since you were everyone’s soft spot in the group.
Years had passed.
You tried to not get lost in your thoughts and answered Maki who asked you what you were doing now that you moved here.
“Well, I couldn’t go back to working with Nanami since he finds me annoying.” You tried to humor it. “I live in a one-room apartment in the outskirts of Tokyo as you can see and work as a temporary sorcerer under someone Gojo introduced me to.”
Maki laughed, “What did you expect? Everything would be unchanged and that you’d get a job immediately?”
“I think she’s complaining about working for someone Gojo introduced her to.” Fushiguro theorized while holding his chin.
“No, she’s bummed out about living in a one-room apartment.” Itadori joined the nonsense.
“I’m just sad that I had to leave Fukuoka to live in a one-room apartment in Tokyo and work for Gojo’s friend!” you whined.
“Just like we guessed,” Maki said.
With another sigh, you rolled your eyes.
“You got yourself a boyfriend yet?” Kugisaki’s question made everyone look at you.
“I didn’t have time to find one,” you spoke behind your beer can.
“Talking about boyfriend…” Panda hummed, “Inumaki had a huuuge crush on you back when we were still students.”
“I completely forgot about that,” Maki feigned being clueless and punctuated her words by smacking a balled fist down onto her other hand. "I remember it now! How nostalgic! Inumaki always stared at you and all."
“Oh, really?” Your face softened as a faint color of pink tinted your cheeks, eyes landing on the young man who was blushing all the same. “You liked me?”
Inumaki kept nodding as if to agree with what they were saying.
“I never noticed,” Fushiguro said.
“Me neither, Inumaki is really good at hiding his feelings because he doesn’t talk much.”
“Well, that was in the past,” Kugisaki replied. “Some high school crush doesn’t last forever.”
Before anyone else could comment on the topic, Panda changed the subject, finally getting his claws on the cognac bottle to drink the last bit.
That still didn’t stop the two of you from blushing.
As the night dragged on, the chatting continued but as the time was getting late, people had to get going.
Itadori and Fushiguro left first when Sukuna’s vessel revealed to be the type who couldn’t hold his drink.
Maki and Kugisaki left together, Panda had told you that they lived together. You didn’t ask too many questions but you could tell why.
Panda took his leave right after the two girls left. He congratulated you once more before saying goodbye and leaving from where he came.
“I guess it’s only the two of us left,” you said, standing beside Inumaki after you put the presents on the kitchen counter for further inspection.
“Tuna mayo.”
“You can sit on the couch, I’ll go get some more snacks,” you informed, leaning forward starting to collect the empty beer cans but Inumaki got up to help you clean the table before finally, he slumped on the empty couch while you prepared something in the kitchen.
You entered the living room and walked around the couch to put a tray full of snacks and drinks on the low table. It was obvious he didn’t want to leave yet and you didn’t have the heart to bring up the fact that you had to get up early.
“You look different,” you said as you sat next to him, leaving a small space between. “I mean, obviously you would but unlike the others, you look more mature.”
He stared, waiting for you to continue.
“Nevermind.” Panicked, you instead reached for your beer.
Inumaki grabbed his remaining beer and chugged it until the can was empty.
Then you followed his lead to finish your own beer, once your own can was also empty, you both put the cans on the table. You felt slightly dizzy from the alcohol, you regretted drinking it too fast. You were quite lightweight after all.
You looked up at him with your cheeks tinted with a faint red from alcohol and stretched your arms. “So… you used to like me,” you said.
He clasped his chin between index finger and thumb and pretended to give the matter some serious thought. “Salmon.”
You laughed, something he hadn’t thought you would do. He hadn’t realized it until now but the two of you always had found it easy to have fun together. You were patient and you always listened to him. Always.
“I used to have a crush on you too but I didn’t think you liked me.”
Your words petrified him. The way you looked at him was indescribable, he had never thought he would see this expression on you.
You continued after a momentary silence, cheeks blushing furiously. “I mean… I don’t know, forget about it. It’s in the past. It was in the past. You liked me in the past. As Kugisaki said, a crush from high school doesn’t last forever.”
Inumaki opened his mouth to say something but he closed it when he noticed your stare at him.
“You…” you continued as Inumaki looked at you and spoke without thinking. “You still like me.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a fact.
He felt a little embarrassed, he was way too nervous. You were both drunk and it was just an observation. Nonetheless, he went warm all over, eyes wide in surprise. His heart was hammering through his chest. He was sure he was going to die of a heart attack.
There was a small moment of silence before he placed his hand on top of yours. He couldn’t hide his excitement, he was here, alone with the woman he loved. He had the biggest smile on his face and he was as red as a tomato. Ah, his friends would make fun of him if they hadn’t left so early.
He was being too obvious about liking you.
“You’re too close,” you remarked with a giggle, trying to cover your embarrassment.
Everything was happening too quickly for his head to catch up. He was already embarrassed about the whole of his feelings being exposed and now when you were looking like this in front of him was off-limits.
He couldn’t hold back anymore. He finally had you back, he was too scared to let you go.
“Kiss me,” he said, startling you.
A sudden rush of shivers running down your spine left you panting and you moved forward without even wanting to. Your body was moving on its own, your lips parted and pressed against Inumaki’s.
Your pulse quickened in both panic and confusion as his lips moved against yours, hesitant yet still hungry to taste you greedily. He pushed his tongue inside, savoring your taste as your entire mouth moved without your will.
His hand moved on your neck petting the hair strands falling down to your nape. Something closer to a laugh escaped him, it was the first genuine laugh you had heard coming from him.
He pulled himself back and you finally gained back control on your own body but something still felt foreign. Your head was dizzy. “Toge,” you managed, “I think you had too much to drink.”
“Fish flakes,” he responded.
Taken aback by his remark, you were quiet for a moment before making a move to get up from the couch. “You should leave.”
All of his remaining logical thoughts jumped out of the window as he sucked the air through his teeth, making a loud whistle sound. “Don’t move.”
Your body froze on the couch in the position you were. Your face flushed red as he carefully placed a hand on your hip and he started to lean closer to your face.
You watched him tilt his head. Slowly but at the same time desperately, he moved his hand. His hand slipped under your shirt, just enough so that his fingertips brushed the skin above your abdomen, and he whispered. “(name).”
Hearing your name come out from his lips made you feel euphoric. This was the first time he called you by your name and you wanted to hear it more.
Inumaki moved closer to you with a lustful haze in his eyes. He was already breathless for finally having you this close to him.
You felt the same way, being under him made you feel like you belonged there. It all felt wrong, this wasn’t a normal day where you were feeling aroused. You were with Inumaki and he was groping your tits. You kept trying to think rationally but your mind kept telling you that this was all you needed.
Inumaki was everything you needed right now.
Inumaki stared down at you, studying every detail of your face while he balanced himself on his balled-up fist. Your eyes and your skin, your hair around your head in a halo.
His chest heaved as he struggled to handle the new sensations you were giving his body.
You stole a quick glance in his direction and squeaked in surprise when his smoldering eyes stared back. Frozen in his place, he did nothing but look down at you under him. He sighed, he was already a little tired from everything he had done today. He was also very drunk but here you both were.
Inumaki leaned in for another kiss, his hand still cupping your tit. This time, you kissed him back, realizing that you could move again. Instead of using it to your advantage to push him away, you pulled him closer.
His weight started to settle on top of you and only then you noticed something poking your groin. You broke the kiss and looked between your bodies to see him supporting an erection beneath the fabric of his pants.
Your mouth opened and you gasped.
Inumaki took the opportunity to snake his tongue down your throat once again. You started to acknowledge what he was doing. He was rocking his erection against your groin as he kissed you. Your eyes widened. You could feel everything .
Somehow that made you moan into the kiss. His cock was achingly, impossibly hard. You moved your hips to his clothed erection begging to be released.
Although none of you said anything, both of you were thinking the same thing.
I want you.
It took less than a second for him to take off his shirt and start to fiddle with his belt.
You unbuttoned your shirt before hiking your skirt up as he was hurriedly pulling his pants down. As soon as he managed to kick them off, he pulled your panties down with force.
The way he was acting so desperate to get inside you made your breath hitch.
Wrapping a hand around his cock, he looked down at you to embed this sight of you into his mind. Another thing he had never thought he would see.
He couldn’t wait any longer.
Inumaki lined himself on your entrance and snapped his hips forward. Both of you groaned for different reasons.
“Toge,” you whispered, hands reaching out to hold onto his shoulders. “Be gentle.”
He wasn’t listening. You only realized that he wasn’t listening when he pulled himself back and thrust inside your pussy mercilessly.
A moan left your lips.
His virgin cock was being squeezed by your gummy walls, there was slick blood dripping from your pussy to the couch which told him how you had been waiting for him just as he was waiting for you.
Good , he thought. I would’ve killed them if someone other than me took your innocence.
At this moment, Inumaki was happy to know that he was the only person who had been allowed to see you like this. An animalistic snarl rose up from the pit of his stomach and he started fucking you frantically into the couch.
The pain of your hymen being torn completely forgotten, you exhaled roughly, it was too much, his rough rhythm and his cock stretching you out... it made your body undeniably aroused.
You wanted more but his cock was already twitching, threatening to spill his load inside of you. He cursed internally, it was too soon. He wanted more, he wanted to treasure this moment more.
His hips slammed against yours with force, each thrust filled with desperation to hold out a little longer so he could feel your heat surrounding him.
Nevertheless, it was futile. He could never stop himself from cumming when he had been yearning to do this for so long.
Inumaki grabbed the back of your knees and pushed them down until he got you into a position where he could fuck you deeper. He still wasn’t done indulging in your pussy, not yet.
Each and every time he thrust up into you, you moaned out his name just the way he had thought you would in his fantasies.
His pace picked up speed, he was close. He wanted to tell you who you actually belonged to by being deep inside of your guts. He grabbed your hands that were trying to push him on his chest and placed them on his shoulders instead. He leaned in closer to you, giving you the chance to wrap your legs around his hips.
Now, you were shaking your hips, moving to meet his thrusts. Gradually his cock started painfully throbbing inside you when you clenched around him. You were unable to hold onto anything but him, you were moving with him on the couch with each thrust.
“Cum on my cock,” he growled, not realizing the actual power behind his words.
You could feel the toe-curling pressure of orgasm almost immediately. A gurgle forced its way up to your throat and your body started shaking again, submerged in waves of hot tremors as white pleasure building in your gut suddenly took over your senses.
Your mouth opened in a silent cry while your legs shook uncontrollably around Inumaki’s waist. Disgustingly sloppy sounds as he thrust inside of you were all you could hear. Your ears were burning while you tried desperately to hold onto something to not completely lose yourself.
Gummy walls clenching around his cock were now threatening to suck him dry. Inumaki could no longer resist your pussy, he snapped his hips forward until they were flush against yours one last time. The tip of his cock kissed your cervix thanks to his cock being buried deep inside you in this position.
Thick seed spurted out from his cock and spilled inside your fertile womb, the warmth was irresistible, you could only think about being filled with his seed.
Inumaki brushed your matted hair out of your face and leaned in for a kiss, still rocking his hips back and forth inside you. You sloppily kissed him back until he broke the kiss to admire the look on your face. You found yourself staring at the heavy droplets of sweat that had made his bangs stick clumpy on his forehead.
When he finally pulled out of you, no matter how small your couch was, Inumaki managed to cuddle with you.
As the two of you were catching your breaths you completely forgot about having to get up early tomorrow or how you were still half-dressed or how uncomfortable the couch actually was. All of those thoughts were pushed back to the furthest parts of your mind while you buried your face in Inumaki's chest, steadily noting to talk about safe words with him in the future.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 3
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sexual mentions, smut, 18+, daddy kink, fingering (fisting?), f!receiving, alcohol, cursing, LONG WRITING PIECE, Bakusquad a teensy wheensy bit ooc, BAKUGOU BEING A BIG ASS SIMP
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Summary: After the classroom moment, Katsuki’s been doing everything he can to get you back. You’ve both come to terms as friends who are mutually pining for one another, but how long will it take to finally be found by one another?
A/N: Y’all I just have to keep saying thank you to all of you. The love and support is incredible and I never expected my one shot to be so likeable. Anyways, this piece is what will bring the whole story together. Just HELLA fluff. Hope you enjoy!
A/N: If you guys are curious as to what I put for Y/N’s quirk, I’ve titled it Phoenix. She has all the abilities of a Phoenix, like fire powers, regeneration, and flight ability with beautiful wings of fire that can come out on command. Honestly, her quirk isn’t really a big deal in the story but if you wanted to know, there you go.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“I fucked her in the classroom,” Bakugou so calmly said while taking a sip from his water bottle.
Kirishima felt like he was gonna faint. He told his friend to talk to her so they could make up. He didn’t expect him to dick her down.
“Wow Kacchan, didn’t know you were an exhibitionist,” The electric blonde said while nudging Bakugou in the arm with his elbow.
“I’m not......well-“
“Katsuki” Kirishima said with a warning tone because he did NOT want to hear about his friend’s kinks.
“Right. Anyway, it was fine. No one was there...actually why weren’t you guys there? We all had class you idiots.” Bakugou asked.
“Mr. Aizawa told us the day before that we were going to meet up in gym gamma for an all day training sesh. So we were all shocked when one of our best fighters didn’t show.” Kirishima explained.
“Well nobody told me we were having an all day session.” Bakugou complained.
The group then raised their phones showing the texts sent to the group chat the boys of the Bakusquad shared.
8:47 a.m.
🦈 : Bakugou, tmr is all day training in the gym. Make sure you’re there
11:21 a.m.
🕷: You gonna be in the gym wit us tmrw Bakugou?
2:10 a.m.
⚡️: Sooo we’ll see u in the gym tmr Kacchan?
After some silence and Bakugou’s soft “oh,” Bakugou asked another question. “Well why wasnt Y/N there then?”
“Just like you, the girl wasn’t in class the day before so she didn’t know. She spent the day interning with Hawks.” Sero stated while taking a break from his bag of chips.
‘Hawks huh? Guess it made sense. You both had bird-like quirks, so you guys go well together’ The blonde thought to himself.
“But enough of why you weren’t there, tell us what happened with Y/N,” Sero added on.
“The hell? Why are you so invested in how I fucked her?” Bakugou said with attitude.
“Not that man,” Kirishima intervened, “we wanna know what happened after.”
“We also wanna know which desk you fucked on so we could avoid the cum splatter.” Kaminari said, earning a wack to the back of his head from Sero.
“Well I thought we were gonna make up and get back together,” Bakugou started and the trio of boys stared right at him as if he was going to open some buried treasure.
“But I guess she’s not ready for the relationship again. At least not yet. She said she wanted some time and then she’ll come back to me. All I gotta do is wait.” Bakugou said while getting comfortable in his spot on the common room couch.
“Says who?” Kaminari added.
“ ‘scuse me?” Bakugou asked.
“Who says all you gotta do is wait?” Bakugou looked at his idiotic friend.
“She did, Dunce Face.”
“Well you could wait for her, but if I was you, I’d still treat her like my girlfriend.” The electric blonde stated.
“Huh?” The entire group asked.
“Bakugou look. Give Y/N the time she wants, but you could still treat her like your girlfriend. It’ll remind her of the times you had and it’l-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there Kaminari.”
As the group turned towards the doorway, they saw Y/N. She seemed to have gotten back from some extra training considering she was still wearing gym attire and her duffel bag was still on her shoulder.
“Hey Y/N, just got back from the gym?” Kirishima kindly started up a conversation with the girl.
“Yeah. Had to take a shower there too to save some time. I’m heading back out to go on a late night patrol with Hawks after I drop off my bag, but I can spend 2 minutes to explain something to you, dorks.” You started walking towards the group, more specifically behind Bakugou’s seat.
“I’m gonna make this real simple. Katsuki and I don’t need a grand plan to get back together. We just need some time,” when you finally made it behind Bakugou, you gently wrapped your arms around Katsuki’s neck area, “besides, Suki knows I’ll always come back to him. He’s my one and only after all, right?” You said the last part while looking at Bakugou.
“Right.” Katsuki proudly replied.
You leaned in to give him a little hug from behind and pecked his cheek before walking off to your room.
Katsuki couldn’t help but smile and watch as you walked away. He knew you guys would end up back together. All he has to do is wait. But his moment was ruined by a certain dunce face.
“Damn dude, what the fuck kinda dick did you give her to get her to act like that with you?” He shockingly asked.
“SHUT UP!” Bakugou screamed as his two other friends laughed.
Ever since, Bakugou and You grew closer and closer. To others, it looked like exes who stuck to being friends. Best friends, if anything. Y’all played together as best friends, fought and bickered like best friends and looked out for each other and loved one another like best friends. But in reality, you and Bakugou were just falling for each other even more day after day. Yes, it was clear to you both that you were already in love with each other, but damn y’all didn’t know love could grow so strong.
Bakugou stuck to his word though. He was doing whatever it took to get you back, and yeah. Maybe he took a little bit of Kaminari’s advice and continued to treat you as his girlfriend. The only difference was that he didn’t and couldn’t claim you so it kinda hurt him but he was ok because he knows what’ll happen in the end.
So now we have this Bakugou who’s at your every beck and call, even when you don’t call. Thirsty in the middle of class? Bakugou’s got your favorite drink with him on standby. Craving something special? Bakugou will learn how to make it for you. Tired after a hard day’s work? The angry Pomeranian was there to carry you back to the dorms. What a simp.
And there goes the bell for class. As students walked into their respective rooms, the students of 1-A notice the two entering.
“And here comes Bakugou holding the door for his lady,” Kaminari spoke aloud.
“Hey man, they’re not dating, remember?” Sero reminded him.
“Yet. That’s the exciting part. 2 lovers, patiently waiting for each other. And Bakugou being so willing to drop everything just for Y/N, and Y/N willing to tussle through challenges for Bakugou. Ohh it’s so romantic!!” Mina said with a squeal and excitement.
“Bakubro really doesn’t want anyone else but her....they’re gonna get through this!” Kirishima hopefully said. “If they don’t I’ll beat his ass myself after all the shit I went through for this relationship. You know, THE RELATIONSHIP IM NOT EVEN IN!” He said loud enough for Bakugou to hear.
“Those idiots,” Bakugou growled. “CANT A GUY JUST SPEND SOME TIME WITH HIS GIRL WITHOUT SOME CRACKHEADS WHISPERING ABOUT US?!” He yelled at the group. But with that last comment, you raised your brow.
“So I’m your girl, huh?” You said with a sly demeanor.
This caused Katsuki to blush like crazy. “You know what I meant you little dumbass!”
“Yeah, I’m a dumbass. But apparently I’m your dumbass.” Your snide remarks were beginning to drive Katsuki crazy.
“Ok, that’s it!” With that, Bakugou grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the classroom before Mr. Aizawa came. As the 2 left the room, the boys of the Bakusquad knew exactly what was about to happen.
“Annnddd they’re they go. Off to a place of sweat and ecstasy.” Kaminari sighed.
Ever since that time in the classroom, you and Bakugou have had sneaky links here and there for the past few weeks. A little make out session in the kitchen, a little grinding in the common area, some receiving in many different places. However you were both cautious and made sure it never went beyond that. No vaginal penetration with a penis!
Though you both said you weren’t dating yet, it was obvious where you both would end up.
“What do you mean?” Mina asked.
“It’s nothing you have to worry about, just let them do them.” Kirishima explained.
Fortunately, only the Bakusquad boys were aware of these secret meetings. Once Bakugou told them of the classroom sex, they could tell whenever you two were interested in doing the deed with one another. They also steered clear from Bakugou’s desk. When they found out you both had gone to town on it, they made sure to never go near it unless they knew Bakugou cleaned it up thoroughly.
“Mm...Suki..” you breathed out in between the heated kiss.
Here we are in the storage closet. Y/N seated on top of a small standing shelf with Katsuki standing over her and his fist deep inside her.
Katsuki was in the process of marking your exposed breast and enjoying the feeling of your soft walls around his hand. He couldn’t help but speed up his movements.
“P-please....slow down-“ you were cut off by your own moan and cry of pleasure as his fist hit a sensitive area.
“Oh c’mon, you know you love it. You also know you shouldn’t have given all that sass. You knew exactly where it would lead ya,” he spoke as he continued to bite and suck at your nipples. “But I bet you wanted this, didn’t you. You little slut.”
His fist sped up even more and went deeper than before earning loud cries to leave your mouth.
“Ahh...fuck! Y-yes! I wanted this so bad...ohh shit Suki!” You cried out. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten and Katsuki knew what was coming right from the look on your face. He quickly pulled his fist out and dropped his head down to meet your glistening cunt, and continued to finish you off.
“Shit....you taste so sweet.” Katsuki couldnt help but eat you out as if you were his last meal. He groaned as your hands went to tug at his hair to push him in deeper. As he stuck his tongue out to enter inside you, your hips moved on their own and began to grind against his face.
“Yes...yess oh my god..just like that Suki please,”
Katsuki was desperate for more and so his hand went to your clit. He viciously rubbed at it until your legs began to shake.
“F-FUCK!... oh yess...ah!” You let out.
“Let me taste you....come inside my mouth like a good girl and let daddy taste you.” Katsuki demanded.
And you did just that. You released the white honey all on his tongue and Katsuki lapped at every drop, sucking you dry. As he finished his meal he kissed your cunt and continued to kiss you up your body from you stomach to your chest to your neck until he reached your lips. He gave you a passionate kiss, all tongue and love, and you could taste yourself. He was right. You were sweet.
During lunch, the Bakusquad, including Y/N, all ate together and had friendly conversations and arguments as usual.
“Man that steak hit the spot!” Kirishima exclaimed with a breath of satisfaction.
“I bet your already full too, huh Kacchan. Bet you already had your fill of Y/-“
As the tray slowly slid off of Denki’s face after so rudely being thrown at him (curtousy of Sero) he was revealed to an angry Kacchan.
“Shut up dunce face!” Bakugou yelled.
“You’re one to talk Suki. If anyone should shut up, it should be the one with the booming voice.” You said as you ate your udon noodles.
“ME?!?” Bakugou exclaimed.
“Yes you ya dummy!” You retorted.
“You wanna go shitty woman?!?” Bakugou said while standing up now.
“Bring it on Blasty! I’ll take you on any day!” You replied while standing on top of your chair to beat his height.
‘Typical,’ the Bakusquad thought.
You guys would go from lovers to enemies in a split second with a besties vibe somewhere in between. The fun and teasing bickering went on like this for awhile and has been happening for awhile too. But at the end of the day, there was no real beef between you two of course. Just a mutual pining that involved some attitude.
“Man, you guys have so much energy. Cant you guys tone it down, we’re pretty sure you shouldn’t be so energized after you both just fu-“
Sero was shut up with a tray (revenge from Denki) before he could finish his sentence and expose the soon to be lovers’s dirty secrets.
“I KNOW!” Mina popped up. “How about a beach day?” The pink alien girl suggested.
“Huh?” The entire group said while Y/N and Bakugou sat down again.
“A beach day! We all have pent up energy and some of us wanna relax so why not get everything out at the beach? Oou! And let’s go at night, it’ll be way cooler and so much more fun. Plus, that’s the best time for us to sneak out!” Pinkie explained.
“The hell do you mean sneak out dumbass? It’s a Friday, if we wanna go the beach, we can just go on Saturday, tomorrow.” Bakugou said.
“Jeez you moron, wheres the fun in that. Look this may seem a little wild since we’re hero trainees and all but how about we take a car to get to the beach?” Mina proposed.
“Mina, we’re under 18. We can’t drive.” Kirishima said.
“Legally. But Bakugou here knows how to drive! Remember that one time Mr. Aizawa made him pull the travel bus around the corner because he was too tired to bring it himself?” The alien girl reminded the group.
“Not only that, but Denki’s parents are outta town!” The girl added on.
“Oh yeah! We could totally take my Dad’s car! There’s definitely enough room in there!” Kaminari said.
The group was now starting to get excited. Except for one blonde of course.
“No way. Like you said Pinkie, we’re hero trainees. We can’t risk ruining ours or UA’s reputation just for some trip to the beach.” Bakugou said while downing his rice bowl.
“Aww c’mon man!”
“Whaaat but pleaseee!”
“Seriously dude?”
“Awwww :(“
The group all said in unison. But Bakugou wasn’t cracking. He wasn’t going to risk his career as a future pro just for a quick trip to some sand and sea.
That is until he felt a tugging on his sleeve. When he looked to his left he saw Y/N holding onto his sleeve with a pout and puppy dog eyes. His heart was about to blow.
“Please Suki?” You whined.
You basically embodied the “🥺” emoji. Bakugou had to turn away so he could deny your request.
“Mm mm” he said while staring out the window next to the table.
You let out a huff of frustration while looking towards your group of friends that were staring at you in desperation. You guys were going to get that beach day.
So you pulled onto Bakugou’s arm and pulled his side into your soft pillowy breast. You reached up and whispered into his ear to make sure no would could hear your next words. With a seductive voice, you spoke.
“Please daddy?”
And now here we are. The Bakusquad currently on a road trip to the beach at 9:45 p.m. Y/N riding shotgun, Mina and Kirishima in the seats behind you, Kaminari and Sero in the third row right infront of the trunk, and Bakugou behind the wheel. He was just thankful that there was almost nobody driving around here or else they would’ve noticed this young group of teens driving late at night. He was also very thankful that during lunch yesterday, nobody noticed his raging boner after Y/N whispered in his ear.
“Oh my gosh!! We’re almost there!” Mina squealed from behind.
Although it was almost 10, the weather was still really warm so it would be a fun night. Just the moon, the stars, the sand and sea, and your best friends. Perfection.
“Oh! Suki, you missed the turn for the shortcut.” You pointed out.
“No I didn’t dumbass, we’re taking another shortcut.” Bakugou replied.
“Umm, says who exactly?” You retorted.
“The one driving this damn car, now settle your fine ass down before I kiss you.” Bakubitch replied with.
“Ok, just because you add a little flirt and flare to your reply doesn’t mean your in the right.” You stated.
“Oh but I think it does.” Bakugou came back with.
“Oh! Okay Bakubitch, I don’t know who you think you’re getting smart with-“
“I know exactly who I’m getting smart with, teddy bear.” Katsuki said with a smirk on his face.
“.....Fight me. Fight me right now.” You deadpanned while obviously joking.
“I’ll beat your ass any day of the week you shitty woman-“
“Except you’ll LOSE Bakubitch.” You added.
“You wanna fight that bad, huh shitty woman?!” Bakugou now started yelling in a very Bakugou manner.
“I do! I really do Katsuki! Bring it on Explosion boy!” You said
As you and Bakugou started going at it with your words in the car, the squad was starting to get a little tired of this endless pining. JUST DATE EACH OTHER ALREADY. Mina finally snapped.
“OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT?.....I’m just gonna say it.” Mina started with.
‘Huh’ You looked behind you while Bakugou took glances from time to time in his mirror to see Mina as she spoke.
“Why don’t you cut the horse shit, and get to the part where you admit your feelings for each other?” She added on.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh spare me, spare me, spare me!” Mina went on with. Then, Kirishima joined in.
“Yes yes Y/N, he’s a brute, I know-“
“Hey!” Bakugou interrupted but Kirishima just continued.
“He probably reminds you of a bad relationship and gosh you’d like a real nice man to settle down with,” he added on.
“But admit it! You’re real curious to know what he’s like in the sack nowadays!” Kaminari joined in.
“You idiots are dead meat,” Bakugou said.
“And you! HA!” Mina began to speak. “Well you’re just a big man baby who’d rather act tough then show his true feelings because the last time you opened your heart, you got hurt.....OWIE” Mina said in a baby voice.
“And now,” Sero began, “rather than admit these feelings, you’re dancing around one another with this mind numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual.”
Mina spoke once more.
“So PLEASE, for our sake, either quit your bickering, or PULL OVER, TEAR OFF THOSE CLOTHES, AND GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY!!!”
“Aye, I said what I said.” Mina concluded with her hands up at her side in defense.
As Bakugou and Y/N blushed ferociously, the squad behind them finally settled until Bakugou sped up, swerved the car and hit the brakes.....he was parking.
“Oh look, we’re here.” He said.
As he turned around to look at the group, he saw his friends all mixed up and thrown around the van.
“You guys good?” Y/N asked as she turned around in worry.
“Ugghhhhhh.” Her friends replied, clearly a little bruised.
“Alright then, let’s get going!” Y/N said with a sweet smile and exited the car.
After everyone had changed into their swim suits, everyone began setting up. The girls stayed behind with Denki to help set up the towels and seats and bring out the coolers, food, and tables. Bakugou, Kirishima, and Sero went out to collect firewood for the bond fire they were gonna make.
As you looked around the beach, you were glad that nobody was around. You guys could be as loud as you wanted, do what you wanted, and just have an awesome night. And the fact that this was a wild beach meant that there was so much more to do. You guys could go cliff diving, mountain climbing, or forest roaming. No lifeguards to stop you.
As the guys came back with fire wood, Mina and Denki pulled out the cooler.
“Hey guys~, guess what we have!” Mina said.
The group watched as Denki pulled out various beers, wine coolers, and a bottle of Hennessy and shot cups.
“Alcohol?” Kirishima asked, “where’d you guys get that.”
“We grabbed it outta my garage fridge. My family likes to turn up a lot so we also got some spares hanging around,” Kaminari explained.
You guys weren’t first time drinkers. You were high schoolers and you’ve been to parties so of course you guys have already had your first taste of alcohol. Hell, even Bakugou had some before. What can he say, he couldn’t help himself after he saw his friends seem to be enjoying themselves a little too much after getting drunk the first time.
As you started the fire with your quirk, everyone else began to get comfy near the blazing flame. Denki was the last to sit since he went to grab his acoustic guitar to play some tunes. When he finally sat down he began to sing a song.
“Let’s sit around the campfire and sing our campfire song! Our C-A-M-P—“
“NO!” The group all yelled.
“Oh alright!” The electric blonde huffed.
The group all laughed and Kaminari then began to play a chill melody on the instrument. The group was happy, laughing, enjoying themselves and having so much fun...well one of them did have something on their mind but nonetheless still enjoying themselves.
Faces were being stuffed with delicious food, alcohol was being passed around, rounds of shots were being downed like water, and everyone was having a good time. A little game of truth or dare started up and ended after Kaminari and Kirishima both threw up in separate bushes after being dared to kiss each other by Mina.
“Never again,” Kaminari said.
“Yeah I’m good with never having to get kisses from my bro again.” Kirishima sighed.
“Oh whatever you big wussies. It was a fun game while it lasted.”
Everyone laughed in agreement.
“Alright well,” Sero spoke, “we all came to the beach, why don’t we get to the main event. I’m gonna go for swim, you guys in?”
As everyone agreed they all started walking to the water. Well except for two people. As Y/N was walking to the shoreline, a hand stopped her as it grabbed onto her arm.
“You idiots go, me and Y/N are gonna join you later.” Bakugou said to the group and they all said their ok’s and went in. “You, come with me.”
As you and Bakugou walked back to the car, he asked you a question.
“So..you’re not drunk are you?” He asked precautiously.
“Just a little tipsy but I’m still in control. Still aware of everything, so no. I’m not drunk.” You answered.
“Ok cool.” He said as he got into the driver’s seat. Once you finally got in and buckled up, he drove off. In the middle of the drive, you asked him a question this time.
“Hey Suki? Where are we going?”
“I found a special place while I was looking for wood. I wanna show you.” He simply stated.
As he continued to drive off to wherever you rested your hand on the center between you and Bakugou and let your face sit in your right palm as you stared out the window. The songs playing throughout the car gave it a loving and chill vibe. You enjoyed the comfortable silence.
As you continued to stare off, you felt Bakugou’s hand intertwine with yours. You looked back and saw he was blushing while holding onto the steering wheel and staring at the road. Man, he was so hot. In nothing but his swimming trunks as he leaned into his chair and drove off. His defined abs and chiseled chest was definitely eye candy. His giant veiny hand gripped the wheel and his jaw was so sharp as he turned and looked around for other drivers. Yeah, Bakugou was definitely one of those people that looked attractive as hell when they began to drive. You looked down at your hands and squeezed his. You were really enjoying this car ride.
When the car came to a stop, you finally noticed how you were in the middle of the forest.
“Where are we Suki?” You asked him.
As he grabbed your hand he spoke, “just follow me teddy bear.”
You guys walked for what felt like a good thirty minutes until you came across.....a cave?
“I know it doesn’t seem like much but wait until you see the inside.” Bakugou said. As you walked in, you finally realized where he took you. A gorgeous crystal cave. Its colors were shining and its gems were sparkling. All the walls were covered except for the top where there seemed to be an opening. It was letting all the moonlight enter the cave causing the crystals to sparkle even more, including the giant pool of water at the center of the cave.
“Suki it’s beautiful,” you said in awe.
“Yeah, knew you’d like it,” He began.
You both sat down at the edge of the pool just dipping your legs in and enjoying each other’s company.
“Y/N.” Bakugou said.
“What’s up Suki?” You asked.
“I can’t help but keep thinking back to what Mina and the others said in the car.” He admitted.
“What? About pulling over and tearing off each other’s clothes?” You chuckled.
“No. About our feelings for each other.” Bakugou said as he just stared at the pool.
“Oh. That.” You calmly said with a hidden smile and soft blush.
Bakugou grabbed onto your hand before speaking again.
“Y/N I really, really, really, really, really love you....a lot. And I’m so sorry for everything I said and did,” Bakugou started.
“Suki....” you softly said while looking at him. You noticed he was staring down at your arm where your now tiny burn mark was. A scar that won’t be forgotten and a memory that was permanently burned into your skin. Literally.
You saw how Bakugou cringed at the sight of it.
“I am so, so sorry for everything. I don’t even know what I could say that could even make up for what I did. Every night memories of what happened keep coming back to me and I’m still in complete shock that I could even do that. To you of all people! The love of my life....I’m just really glad that you said you’d come back to me and that you gave me another chance to get close with you again. I know I said I would wait for you for as long as it takes but I don’t wanna wait anymor-“ Bakugou was cut off as you raised his head to give him a deep kiss. As he kissed you back, Bakugou put everything he couldn’t say as words into that kiss, hoping you’d understand.
When you finally pulled away, you leaned your forehead onto his while staring into his ruby eyes.
“I don’t want to wait anymore either, Suki.”
With that, Bakugou gave you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. He pulled you in for another kiss and a tight hug.
“So....you’re mine again?” He asked.
“I was always yours Suki. You’re my one and only after all, right?” You teased.
“Right.” He proudly stated. Katsuki Bakugou finally got his girl back. He finally got his love of his life and his teddy bear. His world felt like it came back together again and he no longer felt lost.
After you both spent more time in the cave, exploring, finding all the gems, and enjoying your renewed and fixed love, you and Bakugou found yourselves back in the same spots you were sitting in when you first arrived.
With his eyes closed, chin resting on your head, and an arm wrapped around your waist, with you cuddled into his side and leaned onto his chest, you had a realization.
“Oh hey, Suki.” You said.
“What’s up teddy bear?” He asked with his eyes still closed.
“We never got to go swimming” you said with a pout.
As he opened one eye to look at you, he noticed your adorable pout and the simp in him came out along side with the devil.
“Alright then princess, let’s go for a swim. We have this crystal pool all to ourselves so why not?”
As you gleamed with excitement, you excitingly got up to jump into the water but before you could, Katsuki stopped you.
“Not so fast princess. Our little game of touch and tease is over now since your mine again. I wanna make up for lost time,” he said with a smirk.
“So you’re saying...?” Y/N asked confused.
“We’re going skinny dipping.”
At first it shocked you but then again, this is Katsuki we’re talking about. So you played his little game.
“Maybe your game of touch and tease is over but mine is still running.” You said with a smirk as you walk towards him. You placed your hand on his toned abs as you began speaking again.
“You wanna go skinny dipping Katsuki?” You then slowly went up to whisper in his ear.
“Then let’s get in daddy.”
As you walked away from him you started to undress yourself in a seductive manner. You started with your bikini top, pulled on the string to untie it and tossed it to the side. As you stepped to the pools edge, you did the same to your bikini bottoms and looked over at Katsuki. You didn’t fully face him as you spoke, but as you were holding up your chest pretending to cover yourself up, you showed just enough cleavage to get him riled up.
“You coming or not?” You teasingly asked before you stepped into the water letting its surprisingly warm temperature surrounded you. You had an idea and used your quirk to turn the pool into a hot spring. As the steam surrounded you, a blush from the heat began to show on your face and Bakugou couldnt hide his hard on inside his thin trunks. He undressed himself and entered the now spring.
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ktheist · 4 years
Tumblr media
title. “it’s armani, not polyester.” | m
pairings. ceo!jimin x secretary!reader x ex-boyfriend!director!jeongguk
inspired by. conan grey’s heather.
genre. e2f - f2l , office romance, sugar daddy-baby-esque.
words. 10.6k
warnings. explicit content (obviously). mentions of alcohol use. 
concept. a retelling of conan grey’s heather in its future days.
story time.
“that’s your ex?” wendy blinks once before proceeding to openly ogle the - as per jennie’s excited text - ‘tall and handsome as hell cutie’ who’s in the middle of speaking to irene who seems to be sporting a larger-than-her-daily smile as her body moves as she nods and laughs and nods again, “i mean - i was expecting some hobo looking guy with spectacles bigger than his head and snot running down his face.”
with a cringe, you shoot her a much needed side eye, “okay first off - ew,”  throwing your gaze back at jeongguk, “second off, we only dated for like three months before everyone started sleeping with everybody.”
“like orgies and shits?” this time, it’s her turn to cringe.
“no,” you roll your eyes, “i mean we had our first fight, he slept with my best friend so i slept with his brother who was dating that best friend.”
“oh,” you can almost feel the way her eyes shift from you ex to you as you continue to type on the computer, “guess no more family dinners.”
“it gets better,” you feel a creep up your face as you turn to meet her wide eyed gaze, “me and his brother got into the same college and we decided to stay friends and now his mom knows me as taehyung’s best friend instead of her second child’s ex-girlfriend.”
by the end of it, wendy’s jaw is quite literally on the floor, missing her chance to greet the cutie who’s obviously led here by irene. standing up, you fix the man who seems to have turned into ice, “thank you, irene, i’ll take it from here,” without even missing a beat you give jeongguk a once over, admitting his worth of the nickname he’ll soon forth be known as in the office, “mr. jeon, mr. park is thrilled to meet you.”
jimin didn’t exactly say that - he only yawned when you briefed him about the interview with the possible new tech guy before dozing off in the passenger seat for the rest of the ride.
“you work here?” thawed from his initial shock, jeongguk hurriedly tries to catch up to you when he sees you walking towards the double doors of your boss’ office which is just twenty feet away.
“oh no, i just deliver pizza and happen to know where the ceo’s office is,” and that marks your second eyeroll for the day to which jeongguk’s lips tuck into a blatant sneer.
before he even finished his “someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed”, you’re already knocking twice on the door before strutting into the room where jimin’s face lights up at the sight of you before returning to its unsmiling state when his eyes lands on something over your shoulder.
“mr. park, mr. jeon is here for the interview for the management information systems director position,” you hand him the ipad with jeongguk’s resume opened and ready for inspection.
jeongguk pretends not to see your feigned smile as you pass him but before you manage to exit the room, a voice stops you, “oh, miss ____, do you mind telling  irene to make me an extra strong coffee?”
“i can make that, mr. park,” you announce, eyebrows threatening to weave themselves together at the peculiar order.
jimin only chuckles, “miss ____, you and i’s definition of extra strong is vastly different,” but before you can debunk it, he’s already complementing his insult with a praise, “you make the nicest chamomile tea though.”
all while jeon jeongguk stands in the middle of the way yet he’s the last thing you see and probably the last thing jimin notices.
“that’s fair,” with a nod and an amused smile, you leave through the door, knowing full well jeongguk is more than able to distinguish between what’s a facade and what’s not.
and he may very well be the first to call bullshit on your too respectful interactions with your boss.
jeongguk gets the position. naturally, he would - he graduated at the top of his class, became valedictorian, dished out an inspiring speech to which taehyung showed you a video of when you were having your trimonthly meet up a year a ago.
he was a cutie with brains and brawn. his department sucked him in as their new director and colleague in no time. the news of the new tall and handsome as hell cutie who apparently looks better than most people in suit has spread to every other department with wendy and irene liasing between the rumors - considering the fact that they take the ‘first interaction’ privilege.
perks of being part of jimin’s secretary trio, you suppose.
the aforementioned man peeks up at you with a smirk, his leather black salvator snaking up the side of your black mesh pantyhose as you stand in front of him and just until five seconds ago, were briefing him about his meeting with the representative of the manufacturing company for the new chip.
“miss jisoo will be here in two hours and she’ll be discussing the direct materials cost, direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead - that’s where i’ll need you to pay attention because maque it is known for their concrete bargains but exceptional product outcome.” you inform.
“mr. park,” his eyes snap to yours, “my eyes are up here.”
you’re not sure what he sees, but it may or may not have something to do with your unyielding force but flirtatious tone - either way, he lets out a surrendered chuckle.
“i got it - bargain, get the cheapest overall cost but the best production,” he says before guiding your hand that’s under his chin to his mouth, taking your pinky finger between his pearly whites.
“good, call me if you need anything else,” you nod in approval, lips curling into a satisfied smile before summoning your hand back to your side.
the sound of your heels reverberate against the walls as you make your way to the doors but before you manage to step one foot out, he’s calling out for you, “____,” voice unsettlingly calm but his words couldn’t have been any more overbearing, “i expect the same amount of dedication for your... other line of work.”
you would have let that smile tuck into a knowing smirk, would have given him something to look forward to - enough to keep him on his toes for the rest of the day but not enough to be a distraction to his tasks. if not for the sight of a flock of wavy black hair and darkest brown eyes.
“mr. jeon,” your voice may have rose a pitch higher but you’ve managed to school it into a pleasant smile, “how may i help you?”
jeongguk’s eyebrows falter just the slightest bit as a flash of confusion mixed with suspicion crosses his face before he plainly says, “i have something to discuss with the ceo about my work.”
“i’m not sure how things work at your previous company but you need to schedule a meeting with mr. park before anything else but i’ll be glad to navigate you through your scope of duty since mr. park will redirect me to you anyway,” you say simply, noticing how the man’s eyes flit towards the tinted grey glass with three horizontal parallel line down the middle where one can distortedly see jimin’s body turned towards the glass the way it had been when you last saw him.
clearly, he’s watching this unfold through the same see through space.
“it’ll just take a sec - i promise,” jeongguk sounds halfway annoyed with your insistence.
when he takes a step to the side, you take another to the same side, “mr. jeon, this kind of behavior - and on your first day, at that - isn’t something you need on your record and i didn’t make that policy, it was mr. park,” with a the slightest tilt of your head, you let the smile turn into a snide one, “and since you’ve been going around chatting with your new coworkers, you should know a thing or two about how seriously mr. park values one’s descipline during work.”
he shoots you one last pondering look, tongue forming a gentle protrusion in his left cheek like he’d unconsciously do when he’s debating to do the opposite of what he’s told by first agreeing and then finding another way to get what he wants.
“fine,” his shoulder line jolts as he shrugs, hands shoved into his pocket as a strand of hair falls over his forehead, “i need a list of names of the people in my department as well as the last twenty year’s worth of projects held by the company.”
the smile you have on threatens to split into a disgruntled sneer at his ridiculous demand. ten years is the maximum amount of time someone would take to review and understand the workings of the company. fifteen is a stretch because there’s a chance of a change of policy. but a record of the past ten years means you’ll have to do some digging in the storage room since not all files were digitalized and being the new director of the IT department, jeon jeongguk is not oblivious to that very fact.
“i’ll have them on your desk by thursday,” you announce and he reiterates, “i need them by tomorrow.”
and that’s the last straw for you - letting out a sound between a scoff and a snide laughter, you place your hand on your hip, “huh, are you crazy?”
“i mean, as the new director, i need to learn the ropes of the company asap, no? don’t tell me you can’t even do that?” a smile creeps up jeongguk’s face, one that mimics that of a predator who’s caught his prey walking straight into his trap, “and all that talk about discipline.”
the contemptuous chuckle at the end is what boils the blood in your veins and before you know it, you’re spouting out words that you instantaneously regret as soon as they come out.
“of course, i’ll have them on your desk by tomorrow.”
you curse underneath your breath as you sniffle from the remnants of the sneeze. fourty-three minutes in and you’re already on your nth sneezing fit. index finger flitting across the labels on the box, it takes you three nose scrunching and five boxes down the shelf to find a light blue label with ‘1998′ written next to a ‘september’.
well, that’s the second month of the year 1998 that you’ve managed to locate. the process repeats itself for a good twelve more minutes before you hear the screech of the in-need-of-oiling door and the echo of footsteps against the quiet walls before a tall, black haired figure steps into your periphery.
he’s looking as fresh and crisp as the tie hanging around his neck while you’re pretty sure your updo hair is halfway to giving out to gravity with how you’ve been moving boxes of files around.
“so what are we looking for?” jeongguk begins unnervingly calmly.
but you’re not one to turn down a hand, “anything blue with a label of 1990 up till 2010 - oh and they come in months.”
instead of complaining or at least making his displeasure known, the man simply starts searching the shelves five feet apart from you.
and so it goes, your file searching journey with your ex slash newly appointed coworker. multiple scenarios rushed through your head when you first heard jimin’s excellent review after jeongguk left. the elder man had been typing away on his mac when you’d come to pick up the empty mugs of coffee when he’d passingly say, “you know, there’s something about him that the other candidates lack - where’d you find this guy?”
but you never thought that being stuck in the files room alone would ever come up with this outcome-
“i heard you were the one who recommended me,” that voice of his is as sweet as the first drop of nectar but instead of the boyish tint, it’s tinged with a taste of wine and masculinity.
it’s familiar yet foreign all at once.
“then you must know all three secretaries were required to pick someone to recommend the job for,” with that, you twirl on your heels, a partially full box in your hand as you strut towards the desk where its blue shaded comrades awaits.
“so i’ve been told,” and that’s how you know jeongguk’s initial casual nature was just a facade to conceal his guilt-ridden conscience, “why didn’t you tell me? you didn’t even sign your name in the email - you never mentioned anything -”
“it’s nothing personal, guk,” you cut him off, back on him you pretend to rummage through each individual file of the recent box you’d found, “we needed a new IT director and you fit the criteria but if i gave out any indication that i was the one who reached out to you, your decisions might be affected by that - even just the slightest bit and that’s the last thing i want,” you say simply, “not to mention we pay better - so you get it, right?”
when you twirl around to face him, arms crossed over you chest, ass leaned up against the desk whilst your left knee slants to rest over its right counterpart, you finally meet the man’s curious doe eyes. they’re marred with the signs of life but still as exuberant and beautiful as the first day he stopped you in the hallway. his smiles are more expensive now and he doesn’t shyly look down before talking to you but he’s still the same high school heartthrob you’d had the fattest crush on.
and that’s the thing about high school and the matters of the heart - they’re meant to stay in the past as a fond yet foolish reminder of the things you would do when you were 16.
“i can’t have my guy prancing around the office like an uncivilized raccoon and ji- mr. park is extremely particular about time,” you sigh, throwing your gaze to your blood red soles if only because you can’t hold his gaze longer than this, “trust me, i don’t do things to inconvenience you just because i should have some kind of personal vendetta against you - i don’t.”
“wonder why i have been getting the opposite vibe from you ever since i came,” his shoulder line jolts slightly as he shrugs, eyes rolling but the tiniest smile on his face tells you that it’s all a good natured jest.
“i’m sorry - every time i look at you, it feels like i went back to being that high school girl who lashed out at everyone and everything,” it’s the way his eyes sparkle like stars at your words that drives you to quickly add, “my therapist told me to take a step back every time i feel like saying something mean to you because it’s just my own defense mechanism - i’m still working on it.”
“oh,” is all he says before a blanket of silence wraps around the both of you. it goes on for the longest moment with jeongguk’s unfocused yet heavy gaze on you.
he does that - staring off at something when he’s processing information and knowing his ex-girlfriend who he cheated on now goes to therapy, isn’t something one hears everyday.
“well, let’s get these,” you light tap the box on your left, “to your office - i’ll have the intern pick the rest later.”
“oh-” almost as though snapped from a daze, jeongguk blinks. one. twice. until he’s rushing to your side to get at least two boxes, one piled on top of the other, in each arm while you choose to only carry two.
when he finally finds his words, the first thing he says it -“you don’t have to get me all 20 years of record - 10 is enough and if you walk me through how things work, i’d be really grateful.”
you scoff, a smile on your lips before he mimics yours, “are you like, concerned about me cause i told you i’m seeing therapist -”
“me? concerned? about you?” his body moves along with his eye roll but his tone lacks the sarcasm he’s intending, “not in a thousand years.”
jeongguk is concerned. he tips toes around you like you’re the thinly veiled ice over a lake of emotions. as though one wrong move and you’ll break. and that’s how you know you’re not the only one who’s changed and grown with the years you spent apart.
the jeon jeongguk you knew couldn’t care less if you’d fallen into the darkest depth of your ruins - only because you’d hurt him just as much.
though you haven’t got to the point of having lunch together like wendy and irene and the entire team from his department had, you’ve had moments in between  coming back from lunch with jimin and just before lunch hour is up where you’re in the pantry with ice cream in your hand and your phone in the other.
while you’re sure no one would be coming around this time of the day, jeon jeongguk finds away to surprise you with his sudden appearance. strutting in as if he doesn’t notice you, picking up the instant coffee packet only to place one newly stirred coffee cup between you and him as he sips his own that he made with the one he’s apparently gifting you.
“why?” you narrow your eyes at him, suspicion filling every inch of your curled lips.
“oh you know,” his shoulder line shrugs and you realize he’s grown a few inches taller because his shoulder fully past your head, “cause i heard you like your coffees with cream too.”
“how do i know it’s not poisoned?” still dubious, you keep your eyes on him like a hawk - nothing can get past you, not even a nervous gulp.
but instead, he throws his head back, sighing, “___, you literally saw me make them.”
“i don’t know, you’re acting kinda sus, guk,” you insist, phone screen long dead as you take one last bite of the ice cream before tossing the stick into the trashcan.
“sus? me?” his free hand comes flying up to his chest as he looks at you in disbelief.
“give me yours,” you finally announce, hand struck out with your palm facing upwards.
“whatever, idiot,” he shakes his head still, despite failing to hide the tiniest smile that begins to tuck on the corners of his lips before placing the cup he’s been holding on your awaiting hand.
“yay,” you grin, delighted before taking  one long sip and breathing out in satisfaction, “i live another day.”
and so it goes, the light banters between moments in time. luckily for you, jeongguk is all round charmer that makes anyone and everyone - men, women and non-bonarys alike - who’s talking to him smile from ear to ear from something he says. possibly a compliment, possibly an agreement to what the other party was saying.
nobody suspected that either of you knew each other prior to this and that’s one less office rumor to look out for. you offer to help jeongguk settle in, murmuring names of the people who greets him so that he’d greet back with their informed name, seeing their faces light up a bit more at the realization that their new boss’s recognition.
“aren’t you with park 24/7? how do you know everyone in this company?” he asks one fine morning after you both got to his desk.
“i’d say it’s talent but i basically had to memorize them overnight right after i joined,” you shrug, “it wasn’t easy but you realize the difference it makes in everyone’s performance when they think their boss knows who they are.”
“so that’s the kind of person park is,” jeongguk nods whilst clicking on the ‘transfer files’ option on the screen of his computer.
“mr. park isn’t like the devil boss from hell - he’s just really self-disciplined,” you correct.
“if he was then why did he make you memorize the names of his employees?” he shoots you a look, one that says ‘you know i’m right’ to which you only roll your eyes.
“the same reason why he needs three secretaries to do his bidding - he’s too busy,” you shoot him a ‘no, you’re not’ look before sticking out your hand after the files are finish being transferred.
“how come i only get one?” his eyebrows knit together in a mixture of dissatisfaction and confusion as he places the usb drive into your hand, not quite showing any signs to take his own hand off just yet.
“maybe ‘cause you’re not that important?” you shoot him a similar ‘you know i’m right’ kind of manner and before he can even say anything, you’re curling your hand over the drive before twirling on your heels.
“ouch, you know that kinda hurts,” a voice comes up behind you and almost like a tidal wave, your apology comes in a second too soon, “really? sorry, i went too far-”
before you can even finish your words, you’re left rooted in your spot. a few feet away from the glass encased room where most of the executives and their secretaries are seen stepping in.
it’s the chuckle that reverberates against your eardrums that washes away your initial guilt like sand on shore, “you’re so-” jeongguk pauses, staring at you with eyes you can’t quite decipher and a flash of emotion you have never seen him make, “you’re so soft, you know that?”
“that wasn’t funny, jeongguk,” you fix him a hard stare, arms crossing over your chest.
“sorry - what i meant is,” and that’s the thing about the two of you - ever since you’d admitted your faults, jeongguk has followed your lead to apologize first. pride seems to be the last thing standing between the two of you at the moment - and it’s times like these, where you’re willing to listen and he’s willing to explain, that you think you might just escape that dark dwelling you call your past.
“miss ___,” a familiar voice drums in your ears, a hand on your lower back pulling your attention from the man in front of you to the attractive devil that’s on your side. the infernal spark in those dark eyes of his disappears as soon as he turns to - “jeongguk, i take it miss ____ has been a great help with the presentation you’re about to show us?”
“yes,” the aforementioned man nods, a look of unadulterated confidence making its way to his face as it replaced the lingering stare where jimin’s arm disappeared behind you, “i couldn’t have finished it this fast without ___.”
at jeongguk’s words, jimin lets a smile slip onto his strong features, making him look less like the unapproachable man he’s known for, “i’m looking forward to it.”
it’s only after jeongguk is walking a few steps ahead towards the open doors of the meeting room and jimin’s hand has long left your body, does the man murmur under his breath, “i’ve received applications for jeongguk’s secretary position, do you mind looking through them for me? though... i left them at my place - if you could come up with me to pick them later after work, it’d be great.”
“really?” you quickly say, before realizing it’d come off too excited for a request of overtime so you clear your throat, looking around the vicinity to see if anyone noticed, “i mean, yes, i can do that - i can drop by for a few minutes.”
“perfect,” his eyes disappears into crescents as the corners of his lips tuck higher before you part ways - him taking the seat at the end of the oval table while you head over to the computers connected to the projector, shoving the drive you’ve had trapped in your hand into its port.
“i’ve heard some things,” jimin’s honey voice is barely the subject of your conscience as you watch his lithe fingers working around the buckle of his belt until one end hangs loose before he pulls on the other, the sound of leather against fabric cutting the air like knife.
after jeongguk’s presentation which was met with praises and positive responses by the board, jimin had easily approved of the proposed updates on the - as the first would call it - a tad bit out dated data base. when the wendy, irene and the rest of his team was about to head out for dinner to celebrate their well earned success, you’d belatedly told them that you couldn’t make it because you had to drive jimin home.
seeing as it was a norm for the head secretary to also take on the role of the ceo’s chauffer, nobody questioned it.
nobody but the latest addition to the company.
jeongguk looked like he wanted to say something, stared at you a little longer as you fixed him and the rest of your leaving coworkers a ‘have fun, guys!’ kind of wave. but you suppose that could wait.
“i didn’t think you’d be one to pay attention to rumors,” you manage to say, swallowing heavily as you tear your gaze from jimin’s apt hands that are looping the belt into its buckle.
“this one’s a little bit interesting,” the chuckle he lets out is sinfully innocent compared to the way he slips the looped belt through your head and pulls on it, forcing the leather material to envelop your neck like a collar, “something about you and jeon having a special relationship.”
“that’s-” the words gets stuck in your throat when your heart leaps up at the slightest tuck on your neck, almost as if he’s saying to ‘choose your words carefully, dove.’
“it’s a matter of the distant past,” you say, sending a grateful prayer to the gods for allowing your voice to sound unbothered.
“didn’t seem like what the rumors are saying,” his breath fans your face as he whispers against your ear - you have to clench your fists together to stop the shivers from wracking through your body, “but that’s alright - at the end of the day, it’s my name you’re screaming.”
a moan escapes your mouth when a pair of plump lips press against yours. sparks in your veins and passion in your heart. before you know it, you’re blindly grasping onto the zipper of of jimin’s trousers, salivating at the thought of a part of him you know too well.
“please, daddy, let me suck your dick,” you plea, eyebrows knitting together with a sort of yearning and frustration from how achingly patient the striking blonde man in front of you is.
if it were up to him, you’d be soaking up the carpeted floor with your arousal throughout the night and he’d still manage to edge you on until you’re begging to come.
but that’s the thing, either way, you’re going to be begging for him. and you’d learned earlier on that you gain less from holding onto your pride than holding onto jimin’s dick.
with your mouth, that is.
it’s the morning after that - that you curse yourself for not putting any restraints to your carnal desires. in your defense though, begging and pleading jimin to push you to your limits seemed like an irresistible option at the time. that is, until you’re digging out what clothes you have in the drawer in your allocated room only to find most of them catering to the neck-to-just-above-the-cleavage-reveal kind of look.
so you opt for scarves - the bruises aren’t bad but the first days are always the hardest. and jimin notices the way you’re craning your neck from side to side as you keep your eyes trained on the red light that’s about to turn green anytime soon.
“does it hurt?” the saccharine sweet voice drips with honeyed concern whilst his hand goes to massage the back of your neck.
you hum in appreciation, “that feels good.”
“maybe i should’ve been gentler,” the tinge of remorse in his voice doesn’t go past you.
“that’s not even where it hurts most,” you giggle, feeling the familiar tingle in between your legs but you manage to push it to the back of your mind as you say, “but you know i like it when you’re rough.”
jimin only laughs, head shaking at your blatant confession. and so the mini massage session continues until the car starts rolling into motion. you go on with your morning routine of reminding him of the list of things he’ll have to do and people to meet for the day.
it’s only after you’ve parked the car and turning off the ignition that your phone dings with a notification of a ‘you received 50, 000 dollars from park jimin’.
squealing, you hop out of the car, heels click clacking against the concrete as you mini run towards the blond who’d slipped out of the car a second earlier.
“thank you, daddy!” you grin, hands wrapping around his arm as he chuckles softly, eyes disappearing into crescent moons.
“i booked you a session at lotus nirvana for the weekend,” he says a minute later as you stand in front of the elevator.
“oh my god,” you gasp, jaw hitting the floor, “the lotus? really?”
“and you can bring a plus one,” he boops your nose with his index finger, making you scrunch it because of the ticklish feeling it leaves.
“you’re the best!” you stand on your tip toes, placing a kiss on his cheekbone just before the elevator stops one level below the ceo and chairman’s parking level, revealing none other than jeongguk in a dashing cobalt blue louis vouitton suit.
you’ve managed to detach yourself from the now-unsmiling ceo who shoots the newcomer a brief smile as a greeting when jeongguk takes longer to look between you and his boss before finally stepping in.
“morning,” you greet with a wave, hoping to brush off the elephant in the room.
the man echoes back your words but nothing else - at least until you reach the 19th floor where jimin turns to you, hands in his pocket, “miss ___ i need to discuss something with you in my office,” just before you’re about to point out the sunken eyes in the younger man’s appearance.
“yes, mr. park,” you say in a heartbeat, before mouthing a ‘catch you later’ to the brunette.
in the next few days, you’ve opt for a variety of scarves to match your outfit. but more importantly, to hide the darkening bruises around your neck as you style your hair to hide what the scarves can’t.
it’s times like these that you keep your distance from people, choosing to stay in front of the computer unless jimin calls for you. whether to ask for if you’re up for having lunch with him, to inquire about the meeting he has or simply to just say “i miss your chamomile tea.”
at that, you can’t help but let the giggle break through your iron wall of a facade, “that’s what you called me for?”
the man’s eyes flit to the right for the briefest second, as though in search for a better answer which he finds none of before meeting your own, “yep, that’s what i called you for.”
“you’re so cute, daddy,” you gush, before placing you ipad down on the desk, hands coming up to frame around jimin’s cheeks as they turn round from the smile that slips onto his face, “i’ll make some for you tonight!” but then your shoulder line falls, eyebrows coming together, “wait - i have dinner with jeongguk tonight.”
“you mean jeon?” he raises an amused eyebrow to which you nod, hands falling away from his cheeks.
“i’ve been avoiding him these past few days and i think he’s getting a little suspicious about us spending so much time together - he thinks you’re... forcing me to do things,” you sigh - just this morning, the black haired cutie caught you in the middle of your way to your desk, pulling you to the side with a set of concerned eyebrows knitted together, “are you okay?”
you took a moment, eyes roaming around the vicinity as though it’d help spot the reason to this abrupt intervention before looking back at him, smiling cluelessly “...yeah, i’m fine.”
he let go of your arm to push his soft tresses which seemed to be missing its usual slick gelled look today, “the ladies have been saying park tends to work you to the bones every few times a month - like right now, and that’s a normal thing here?”
and because it wasn’t the kind of question you got asked often - people just accepted and were even glad that it wasn’t them that jimin was calling to his office every hour throughout the day, you had to take a moment to ponder on your answer “...yeah, it’s normal.”
“and you don’t care?” jeongguk’s blinked, mortified.
“i mean, that’s my livelihood right there so...” and you shrugged.
“i don’t know, i don’t like him,” his shoulder line tensed as he turned his body towards the wall sized window, eyes casted towards the neighboring skyscrapers.
“why?” was all you said - you’d understand intimidating. strict. unapproachable to describe the words jimin is, but no one’s ever confessed to outright disliking the man. but then again, you are the closest person to jimin in the company, no employee would risk getting fired because they blurted out their dissatisfaction towards their ceo to his head secretary.
“there’s just something about him that rubs me the wrong way,” instead of shrugging like what 17-year old jeongguk would have done, this older version of him didn’t even stutter.
you suppose one’s confidence and sense of reasoning - even though there wasn’t any particular reason for him to dislike jimin-
“...something about a ceo calling his head secretary ‘miss’ while he casually address everyone else by their name but never really talk to anyone beyond business matters while nobody’s has a single bad thing to say about him,” when jeongguk’s obsidian eyes fell on you, it was as though the background faded and you found yourself trapped in a glass cage - unable to run away from the truth he seemed to possess, “especially the person he’s overworking the most.”
“well,” there’s this habit that you do - laughing in the face of crisis and this was damn well a crisis because, “if you feel that way then you feel that way.”
“is there something you want to tell me?” he pressed on, speaking under his breath, “if you need help, you can always come to me.”
and that was when the laughter broke into a fit and you’re holding your stomach and his shoulder with your other hand, “jeongguk - i’m fine, really,” there was a tremble in his eyes as self doubt crept up his conscience, which meant whatever you were doing was working, “listen, how bout we go for dinner tonight with wendy and irene? i’m late but i wanna hear how your first staff dinner went.”
you managed to escape jeongguk right after his ‘...yeah, sure’ before mrs. yoo came up to you to ask about the arrangements of the seating for the upcoming corporate dinner. it’s in five months but preparations must be made in advance.
“if he’s starting to notice that means i’m not the only whose got his eyes on you,” the sweet honeyed voice pulls you out of your memories, almond shaped eyes staring at you with a sort of emotion you can’t pinpoint.
and for some reason, you felt the need to clarify where you stand and where jeongguk stands, “we were kids when we started dating - we know better now that both of us clash like two magnets on the opposite poles if we go beyond what friends are.”
“you know i have the utmost respect for you,” butterflies set flight in your stomach when jimin guides your right hand to his lips.
the place you end up going to is called han chu where it’s most famous for its variety of chicken-based cuisine which happens to be irene’s boyfriend’s family’s long standing business. it’d been packed with people, mostly those who’d got off work like yourselves but apparently, they have a different room for adhoc visitors who popped up out of nowhere.
“irene’s taking a long time at the washroom,” wendy announces, a small, jealous pout on her lips as she sticks her chopsticks into the rice bowl before you and jeongguk exchange a knowing look with each other.
since her boyfriend works here, you’re pretty sure that everyone in the room knows irene, in fact, did not go to the washroom. and wendy isn’t too secretive about her want for a man she can call her own to which, two bottles of soju later, she slams her glass against the table and confesses, “i’m so lonely, i want a boyfriend!”
by then, irene’s already back and chiding the younger woman about how she needs to stop drinking so much because apparently, at jeongguk’s congratutional dinner, she was that coworker that drank herself silly and might or might have not blurted out something about jeongguk’s exceptional proportions in front of the entire IT department.
“___! you’re single, right?” the way jeongguk’s hand seems to be take longer to pick up one of those spicy-sweet chicken even though he was gobbling them up like there was no tomorrow just five seconds ago, doesn’t go unnoticed by you, “let’s go to a mixer! i’ll text my friend to include our names for one this weekend.”
this time, the way jeongguk’s visibly tensed shoulder line is no coincidence.
“i’m good, thanks,” you chuckle, patting the woman’s shoulder.
irene on the other hand, looks increasingly worried about her fellow coworker as time passes. it’s when wendy starts to gulp down the soju straight from the bottle that you step in, swiping it out of her hands and placing it back down on the table.
“alright, that’s enough for tonight, let’s get you home” at that, you shoot irene a signal with your eyes, counting a short ‘1,2,3′ before you both hoist her up to her feet, directing her arm over your shoulder while irene does the same with the other one.
“i’ll get the car - you ladies wait at the front of the restaurant ” jeongguk announces, just as you step out of the room.
“thanks, guk,” you fix him an appreciative smile, grateful for not having to drag the half-conscious woman’s body all the way to the parking lot.
“you know, he’s been staring at you the whole night,” a voice giggles - and seeing how wendy can barely even open her eyes, that could only mean that it’s the only other woman that’s holding her up that also decided to let out such absurd statement.
“that’s cause i was sitting next to wendy - who by the way, isn’t exactly a quiet drinker,” you roll your eyes, before a separately realization hits you- “you didn’t drink.”
“well, i can’t really at the moment,” the brunette’s voice takes a gentler turn as you watch her free hand clasp her stomach.
“oh my god,” jaws on the ground, you’re not sure if you’re even blinking, “you’re pregnant? how long far along are you?”
“a month, me and jae were discussing how we’re gonna tell our families,” she meets your wide eyed gaze half-heartedly, “and if i’m going to continue working after i give birth.”
“either way i’m so happy for you,” you reach out your free hand that’s not wrapped around wendy’s waist to which the elder woman accepts, squeezing your hand just hard enough for you to feel her fears and excitement and overflowing joy flow through you, “you and jaebum are gonna be the best parents.”
“i never really said it but you helped me a lot when i just started,” the tears in her eyes makes them look like sparkling stars in the midnight sky, “and you’ve always been so supportive - seriously, ___, thank you.”
“stop,” you squeak in between holding your breath and holding back your tears, “i’m gonna cry.”
“if you cry, i’ll cry,” irene is already pulling her hand away and fanning her face, glimmering eyes turned to the sky.
it’s a moment later that a car rolls to a stop in front of the two of you. the window rolling down, revealing an extremely concerned jeongguk, “what happened?”
the “it’s a girl thing” comes a few moments later, particularly after you slipped into the passenger’s seat next to him while irene sits at the back with wendy’s head in her lap.
by the time you reach wendy’s apartment building, irene announces that she’s staying over at the first. if only to look after the drunken woman and make sure she’s okay.
“are you sure?” you ask to which she nods, murmuring something about how wendy couldn’t survive without her hungover soup if she didn’t stay and make it.
wendy manages to sober up and walk with irene holding her hand. and with the way she’s slow-waving at you, you take it as your cue to leave too.
“call me if you need anything, okay?” is the last thing you say before the two of them step through the clear glass door.
the rest of the ride is filled with silence, save for the faint sound of low volumed music in the background. 
that is, until one of you decides to break it with a kind of heartwarming concern you thought already left his mind, “so are you okay?” he peeks at you from the corner of his eyes, as if to check if the tears were still there, “you were crying just now.”
you can’t help but laugh, “don’t worry - they were tears of joy.”
“oh?” only then does he allow the smile to tuck on the corner of his lips, “what about?”
“i don’t know if i can say it,” you feel your own lips curling, “not my story to tell.”
“okay,” he nods, “as long as you’re okay.”
and so the silence returns but this time, it’s no where suffocating or makes you want to hop out of a moving car just to get away from the man you thought you could never stand to be alone with five months ago.
at first, you told yourself that it was for the good of the company - that you didn’t need to be friends, civility was enough. but then you had that talk in the storage room - both equally tensed but both grown out of their youthful impatience into someone who was willing to listen and learn.
and you realized that you work well together - too well, in fact, that jeongguk’s own secretary would come to you even after four months of working with him, just to ask you if he’d prefer his coffees black or with cream.
but you suppose it was because this was her first job after graduating - you were used to taking notes of the littlest of things jeongguk did because that was what worked best for jimin. that, minus the already known facts about jeon jeongguk that you’d gathered during your two years of knowing him and three months of dating him.
and it’s almost as though the plants and the stars align, as the car comes to a stop in front of your apartment building and as he pulls the brake before turning his upper half towards you, “i had a great time tonight.”
“me too, guk, and thanks for driving irene, wendy and me home - you’ve become quite the gentleman,” you chuckle to which the corners of his lips upturns, while his eyes casts itself down to his hands before they meet yours again.
“it was the right thing to do,” but then you can’t escape his eyes - those obsidian eyes that seem to reach through the windows of your soul effortlessly.
“well,” the smile may have been forced but it’s still comes from the heart, “i better go in.”
“yeah - yeah you should,” he nods and you thought you’re just imagining things - irene’s initial observation might or might not have gotten to you.
but just as you’re about to open the door, hand on the handle, jeongguk speaks again, “i was hoping,” at that, you turn to him, “you and me,” you can only hope he can’t hear the sound of your pumping heart, “we could try again, you know?”
you’d like to believe that you’ve gone past that part of your life where you hurt and you hurt others back - the ones that tried to help you, pull you out of that darkened cocoon that you grew so accustomed to.
like to believe that it took a bit more nudging for you to break through the cocoon and that was okay - everyone needed a little bit of help at some point of their life. yours happened to be when you were sixteen hitting seventeen. and even now, you still need help to fly - to let your wings flutter through the wind without breaking and hitting the hard cold ground.
but all of a sudden, you find yourself that same cocoon you thought you abandoned with the ugliest dark brown and maroon walls - the color of the school mascot that seemed to be the symbol of the baseball team’s undefeated victory throughout the year. and all because taehyung’s brother, jeongguk just joined the team.
and you were just one of the many girls who had her eyes on the ace. except your best friend was dating the captain so you sometimes joined her as she watched him practice. until jeongguk noticed you. until he lift you up and broke you down.
“jeongguk,” you say, heart erratically clawing against your chest - obsidian is the color of jeongguk’s eyes as he waited for your answer with bated breath, a rap song is playing in the background, smooth is the material of the handle of the door under your fingertips, marc jacobs is the perfume that faintly wafts from jeongguk’s collar and sweet is the taste of peach soju you had, “i think it’s best to maintain a professional working relationship instead.”
almost as though being pulled from a trance, jeongguk recoils, eyes blinking once before he blurts out a “yeah,” then, a moment later, “yeah, that’s probably the best - sorry for-”
“it’s fine,” you shrug.
“-making everything awkward.” he finally stops.
“i’ll see you on monday,” you say - not so sure if it’s the right thing to say, but jeongguk nods, echoing your words, “yeah - see you monday.”
and with that, you slip out of the car, heels clicking against the ground as you tread towards the door without looking back.
monday turns to tuesday and then tuesday turns to an abundant of weeks. your interactions ceased to a strictly professional, work-based relationship. jeongguk talks to you only when he needs clarifying where his own secretary can’t give him an answer.
you go to him when his secretary is doing a job that requires her to go mia for the day. wendy and irene are well aware of the sudden shift in your dynamics but if you’d gladly told them jeongguk was your ex-boyfriend then you gladly told them what you told jeongguk that night.
your only regret was taking away their own friendship with jeongguk. none of them went out for dinner with him because they were torn between their loyalty to their colleague-turned-friend and the boss whom they were halfway to befriending if not for your complicating the whole thing up.
“but you decided to keep your peace instead of the peace around you and i’m proud of you for choosing yourself first,” jimin had told you as he traced patterns on the dip of your back.
and you might or might not have cried and fell asleep in his arms that night before cancelling your appointment with your therapist with the next day and choosing to have it at the end of the month like you were supposed to. ever since then, your relationship hadn’t been all that physical.
“i think i need time for myself,” you’d told him in the middle of getting stuck in traffic with unmoving cars on either side of you, “but i also still want to see you.”
jimin who’d been staring out of the window mindlessly had turned to you - instead of asking you to repeat what you’d said because he barely caught it, he’d fixed you the warmest of smiles, “it’s been over a year, ___, didn’t it ever occur to you that i wanted more than just sex from this? from us?”
if there was something park jimin was, it was arcane. mysterious - just as you thought you figured out his wants and needs, he makes a 180 and surprised you in ways you never would have seen coming.
“doesn’t it bother you that i’m... this?” there was no word for it - for being yourself but also feeling like someone entirely different all at once.
“no, it doesn’t,” he’d look straight at you as he said it, “i know you probably don’t feel like it right now, but let’s go on a walk by the han river.”
and that was where you talked about your feelings and what you could and couldn’t give while you nibble on the fish shaped bun that was wafting with heavenly scent throughout your walk until you found the stall.
jimin still wanted to pay you for the times you’ll be spending together even though there won’t be sex invloved. 
“we still have another few months of the contract, if i don’t pay you then i’d be breaching it,” he’d argued with crescent shaped eyes and the most beautiful smile.
“alright but i’m paying for dinner and lunches from now on,” and there was no changing your mind.
so it goes, you work in the day and leave with jimin for the night. he’d steal away your mac and you’d steal away his but for the most parts, you’d do work in the same room. he’d stop and stepped out only to bring you a cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows and you’d pay back with chamomile tea.
then came the annual dinner which marked five months since that night. he’s decked in a stylish cut black tux with a blue sheen reflected under the light. paired with a glass flute of white wine, he’d probably already won at least three hearts only an hour into the commencement of the dinner while your teeth clamor at the low temperature of the hall.
you’re halfway ready to curse yourself for foregoing your crop blazer in jimin’s car all because you remember been too warm in it - but that was last year and the air conditioning needed fixing - when something warm engulfs your open shoulders.
“jimin,” you blink, recalling the last man talking to a board member just a moment ago before you’d stepped out.
“you should’ve told me you were cold,” he chides and only then do you notice the lack of blazer on his vest-hugged body.
stealing a glance into light poured room, you briefly stand on your tip toes, hands wrapped around the man’s arm as you pull him down to meet your halfway.
“thank you, daddy,” with that, you step away, feeling the rush of heat on your cheeks and the thrill of adrenaline in your veins.
“you’re welcome, dove,” and as soon as he goes back inside, he’s swarmed with other guests who must have wondered where the star of the night went.
and you would have turned to the cityscape if not for the glint of light trapped in glass.
“jeongguk,” your voice is strained, so you clear your throat and put on a smile to cover it up, “how long have you been there?”
a scoff follows your inquiry, “you’re not 16 and a guy giving you his jacket doesn’t mean jack shit, ___.”
at the uncalled for response, you subconsciously tug on the center front of the blazer, “first off, it’s armani, not polyester,” you say, not missing the way his eyes twitching at the comparison - he used to lend you his jackets and sweaters back when you were dating, “and whatever i do with my personal life is none of your business - i don’t have to explain myself to you.”
another scoff hits the air as he steps out of the shadow and into the sliver of light that pours from the hall and onto the veranda, “so all that talk about maintaining a professional relationship were just excuses? because you couldn’t get over the past?”
“the p -” you almost choke on your words, “the past when you cheated on me with my best friend all because i said taehyung was in the right for getting mad at you over you ruining his only chance to get into one of the best theater school in the world?”
“it’s cause of you!” the fact that his voice rose doesn’t go unnoticed even to him as he looks around and only after making sure that nobody was listening, does he continue is a hushed but harsh tone, “i slept with heather because you pushed me to her. if i wanted someone to point out the many list of things i did ‘wrong’ i could’ve just went to my parents.”
you sigh, “that’s the problem, guk-” 
“don’t call me that, you don’t get to call me that,” he shoot backs.
“jeongguk,” you rephrase, fingers fiddling with each other until you’ve hit the ten-second mark, “what we had was toxic. we needed so much work on our self-esteem and personal traumas but we turned to each other hoping the other could fix it and all we did was make it worse.”
“please, you were the one who was so insecure about heather - you think i don’t realize how you look at her? how you compare yourself to her when all she did was be your friend?” it takes everything in you not to flinch at his choice of words, “what personal trauma,” he laughs dryly.
“that’s what i’ve been working on but i’m not the only one flawed -your parents,” you say, choosing to ignore the first part of his retort, “them constantly paying more attention to your brother just because he was older and achieved a little bit more than you did. and everyone else who compared you to taehyung’s ‘legacy’. so you turn to the only girl who noticed you,” there’s a flash in his eyes, one that burns bright with anger - just like it did all those years ago.
but you pretend not to notice, “and i was so caught up with the idea of a boyfriend of my own - a guy that didn’t choose heather over me that i did everything i could to keep you. i was toxic to you because i agreed with everything you said, i put down others while i lifted you up but as soon as i tried to fix what i’d done,” you heave out a sigh, “one push - that’s all it takes for you to fall right out my arms and if that wasn’t enough i hurt you by sleeping with taehyung.”
the last thing you see is the boy the with maroon and brown jacket, staring right at you with eyes prickling with tears and face flushed pink but no words come out from his clamped mouth.
so you turn you back on him like you did five years ago. you turned your back on jeongguk and you don’t look back.
you find jimin somewhere amidst the crowd, conversing with a guest from your rival company.
“mr. park,” his eyes focus on your tight-lipped smile as soon as he sees it, you don’t even have to say another word when he excuses himself and you, not even sparing a glance at the guest before his hand finds itself on your waist, guiding you through the room and into the empty hallway since all the guests have arrived and jimin was supposed to deliver the opening speech before you took him away from it.
you barely remember the ride to his place and how he’d sat you down on his bed, kneeling right in front of you with eyes overflowing with concern.
smooth is jimin’s skin under your fingder pads when you touch his face. plump is his lips that you kiss and sweet is the taste of his mouth from the red wine you’d seen him down at the beginning of the event. the woody scent of bleu de chanel that you got him for his birthday last year is what fills your senses.
but they’re gone too soon.
“are you sure?” jimin’s eyes bore into yours, searching for something - something you can’t pinpoint.
“jimin, please, i-” and that’s all it takes for him to press his lips harder to yours, one hand groping your breast while the other pushes the weight of the jacket off your shoulders.
the room is silent.
save for the tapping sound of your fingers across the keyboard. that is, until another pair of hands capture them and brings them across your chest in a hug whilst you giggle at the ticklish sensation of deep violet strands brushing against your cheek, “let’s have dinner together tonight.”
at that, your mouth clamps shut, body recoiling to the side to meet a pair of almond eyes, “don’t you have dinner with chairman of samsung tonight?”
from the way jimin’s lips purse together into a pout, it seems like you hit the nail right on its head, “you quit being my secretary - you should let me lie to you and say i’m free so we can have some ‘us’ time.”
“nope,” you shake your head, breaking free from the man’s grasp before looking at him pointedly, “you’re not going to skip a meal with one of the most influential person in the world.”
“how’s the website going?” he attempts to change the topic, eyes focusing on the sequence of letters and numbers on the screen of your mac as if he understood what the codes say.
yet you humor him, “it’s going okay, though i can’t seem to figure out how to configure the servers.” 
it’s been six months since you’ve quit the job. three since you permanently moved in with jimin and one since you’ve got the paperworks done to open up your own joined business with irene. she decided to follow your footsteps to quit even though wendy was basically clinging onto her legs when she came over to pick up her belongings with a growing belly and a sort of radiance on her face.
naturally, the position for co-secretary was opened and applications were flooding in, so much so wendy had to beg you to meet with her somewhere just to review them together.
“i don’t know how to read people,” she lamented, “i do the technical stuff and you do the mind games - by the way,” something flashed in her eyes as her voice lowered into a whisper, “how did you to it?”
she meant, the explosive and tea-worthy news of how you and jimin came to be.
nobody knew about you and him until much much later. when you were free to go out to dinners and social events together with your hand on his arm and him strutting in with a never-before-seen smile. more jaws dropped that afternoon than the money raised for the event.
jeongguk is still the director of the IT department - you left to keep your peace but you’d also hope to keep his. because that’s the thing about past loves and open wounds. they hurt and they bleed with just the right words as knives but it’s how you choose to treat them that heals you.
and though your way of healing is by tearing a piece of yourself over and over again until you grow a new, steeler part that doesn’t mean you loathe the parts you’ve chosen to cut off. 
as such, you don’t hate jeongguk - you still want him to live life to his fullest potential. you still want him to thrive like a wilting flower after a rainstorm.
you just didn’t want to - can’t be part of that life.
“my father used to say, ‘if you find yourself in a dry spell of ideas’, take a break,” jimin’s voice is laced with a sort of playfulness as his eyes disappear behind crescent moons, “particularly in mauritius.”
“you did not book a plane to one of the most beautiful islands in world,” you can feel your cheeks hurting from the growing smile that creeps up your face, “did you?” 
“our flight scheduled to leave at 2 in the afternoon tomorrow,” he sweeps you up into his arms like you weight nothing at all.
“jimin!” a yelp escapes your lips in between him twirling around and the background moving too fast whilst your arms find their way to his shoulder, “you know i can’t hide a whole ass romantic getaway from my mother! what am i going to tell her when her unemployed, supposedly single daughter starts missing our daily calls because i was too busy vacaying?”
“a month,” jimin adds, head bopping against yours - you’re not quite sure when he stopped twirling, “we’re staying there for a whole month.”
“oh my god,” at first, excitement flashes across your face, then worry follows a second later, “what about your schedule? it’s gonna get pushed back - the phone calls wendy’ll have to make!”
“lisa’s in charge of the phone calls,” he means the new addition to his line of secretaries.
“doesn’t make it okay to give her all the work!” you say, not quite as passionate about someone you’ve never met as he gently lowers you, arms still banded around your waist whilst your foreheads touch.
“after we come back, i’ll make arrangements so your parents could come here - so i could meet them,” he steals a kiss from your half-open mouth.
“you’re kidding, you’re gonna meet my parents?” you echo, halfway into believing that you’re hearing things if not for the way his recently dyed hair bounces as he nods.
“i need their blessings first, don’t i?” he says, chuckling.
“after banging their daughter into the bed every single night, you’re gonna need a whole lot of those,” you pat his hair, in a ‘good luck’ kind of manner - your father isn’t the most welcoming and your mother won’t be as pleased to hear the out-of-the-ordinary ways you fell in love.
a bout of chuckles later, he’s swiping you up in his arms again as he carries you towards the familiar hallway where your shared bedroom lies while you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“but daddy, it’s still morning,” you giggle.
“didn’t stop you from begging for my dick yesterday, did it?” the corner of his lips curve into a smirk.
note. story time (a short post where i talk about the background of the fic eg. why i decided to write it, the overall message of the fic etc.) is already up (queued along w the fic)!
i’m aware that armani is a brand and polyester is a clothing material so it technically can’t be compared together but in a deeper sense, armani’s material is more comfortable than polyester so it works (pls make it work) ahahahahahaha
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theravenclawlover · 3 years
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader; Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: +18, heavy smut, cheating, angst, fluff, descriptions of violence, guns, strong language, and gore (?).
Word Count: 3,225.
Summary: Reader and Steve have been dating for some time. One day Steve leaves for a mission. A moment between Bucky and the reader might disturb the order of things, and not for the best.
Chapter Number: 1.
Chapter Title: How It Started.
A/N: Second story I ever wrote! This is one is sad and might trigger some people due to its themes. The warnings above should pretty much cover all the things this short book will contain. Please refrain from reading this if you are not comfortable reading this type of stuff. I want to say thank you for the love 'Monster' got (especially the smutty last chapter). Show some love to the rest of the chapters if you can, I would really appreciate some feedback.
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If you would've told me a year ago that I would be in the middle of a love triangle, I would have laughed so hard. But now I wish that someone would've warned me about that mission a year ago. Before I start telling you what's wrong I'll tell you what was right…
I'm an Avenger. I was recruited at the same when Sam, The Twins, and Vision were recruited, so after the whole Ultron incident. Our superiors were Steve and Natasha. Within a couple of months, we all became a family. We all cared about each other; friendships were strong amongst those who lived at the compound. I loved every single one of those idiots, no matter how much at times I would want to strangle them. I had different kinds of fun with every single one of them.
But I got closer to one of them in particular, we got so close to the point of dating. My superior Steve Rogers. Steve was the sweetest guy in the world. We didn't start dating until I had reached six months of being an Avenger. To be honest with you almost everyone started dating each other after the sixth-month mark.
Steve and I were in a serious relationship no doubt. Everything was great, we had fun all the time, we trained together a lot, and we had many missions together. The first time we told each other ' I love you' was not until one of Tony's parties at the tower…
You and Steve were standing next to Clint, Thor, and Natasha. You were all talking about how things had gone down in the latest mission. It was the usual, tracking down any clue of HYDRA and there still lurking agents.
"I can't believe Y/N actually went for it. She was so tiny compared to that dude. He was even bigger than Cap here," said Clint with a voice of amusement, still not believing the fact that you actually ended up beating the crap out of that HYDRA brute.
"I will not lie, I was about to back out once he got closer because I don’t have a death wish like some of ya’ll,” everyone laughed as you almost glared at Steve, “but then I was like 'no can do, Cap is watching’ and also, mama ain’t raise no bitch."
Now everyone present laughed a lot harder as Steve rolled his eyes at the way you responded.
"We knew you liked danger, but damn, I would’ve gone the other way," said Clint as he down the rest of his drink.
"Lady Y/N was graceful in battle. And most importantly, she survived! Let's toast brothers and sisters!" said Thor give a loud cheer as he passed his Asgardian drink to Steve while giving you a loving smile.
"Cheers to Lady Y/N!" Everyone raised their glasses as Clint did his best Thor impersonation which only made the real Thor laugh.
"Hey, Steve, wanna dance?" you said while putting your now empty glass on the counter.
"Oh, umm, I don’t know,” he scratched the back of his neck, “I'm not a good dancer."
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow before grabbing his drink and putting it down on the counter next to your empty glass and grabbed his hand before he could give you any more excuses.
"Don’t worry, I’ll teach you,” you stopped in a little spot where you could dance without anyone bumping into you, “and besides, It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”
The music that had been good for some liberating dancing was now shifting to a more slower-paced rhythm. You looked at how Steve sported a soft blush as he realized the music had shifted.
"I guess we gotta slow dance now," you said shyly while putting your arms around his neck. He hesitated for a second before his big hands placed themselves on your hips.
"Y/N, I'm not a good dancer, I would hate to step on—" He didn’t finish his sentence as you stepped closer to him. Slowly, you and Steve found a slow rhythm. It was a little messy, but you didn’t mind that. He was trying.
"Steve, I want to dance with you, I don’t care if you don’t know how. I'll teach you what I know,” your eyes were locked with his, a soft smile gracing your lips, “You’re my boyfriend and I think I have the right to dance with the man that I love."
In an instant, you were blushing as you realized what had escaped your mouth. Steve has stopped moving and you noticed the ever-growing smile on his beautiful lips that matched the captivating glint on his blue eyes. He bent down and in seconds you were putty, legs going weak as his lips were on yours. It was a soft but passionate kiss the two of you shared that night. After the two of you had run of breath, he pulled you out of the dance floor. You left the party a lot earlier than planned.
After that night things got much better in the relationship. That is until months later when Fury called Steve, Natasha, and me for a mission. It was about where Bucky might be hiding from the world. The second Steve was told the mission was about finding his best friend, he was ready to risk his all to get him back. And the mission did go okay; Steve had to fight Bucky at first but some words from Steve and Bucky relaxed. We coaxed him into coming with us with the promise of helping him. After some months of constant care, Bucky got better. He had his memories gained most of his memories back with the help of Steve and his psychiatrist. He was well aware of the fact that the Winter Soldier could be triggered any second, and the team was constantly in the search of answers on how to remove that from his brain or whatever.
I was happy that Steve had his best friend back and I spent a lot of time with them because Steve wanted that his best friend and best gal to get along. We were a great trio, the whole team teased us with every single thing. The running joke with Tony was that we three could satisfy each other sexual fantasies. The only thing I could do was laugh as I tried to hide how embarrassing it all was. Bucky would smirk and blush, and Steve would just hide his face and call Tony an idiot. But it pained me to admit that you had thought about it before, and the guilt wouldn’t let me entertain the idea past rogue kisses and minor sexual activities. And that was where all my issues came from.
Steve, Sam, Pietro, Wanda, and Natasha were sent on a mission last minute. Timetables had moved and they needed to leave within two hours after Fury had told them everything they needed to know. The mission had them out of the country for a week. You guessed it was top classified as Steve couldn’t say anything about it except that it involved HYDRA. It had taken all your strength not to pull him back into your room as you gave him a long good-bye kiss.
That week was really something new for you. For the first time since Bucky joined the team, he wasn't training with Steve or Natasha. Which meant that the next best option was you.
"Hey, tiny, umm can I ask you a question?" Bucky’s voice came from behind you. You turned your head from your spot on the couch and smiled up at him.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Steve is gone and so is Natasha as you know. So, I was wondering if you could train with me? It's okay if you don’t want to," he quickly added as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sure, why not.” You got up from your spot on the couch as you gave him your devilish grin, “I gotta warn you though, I'm pretty good at knocking big guys down."
"If I can handle Natasha and Steve, I’m pretty sure I can take you, tiny.”
"Trust me, Barnes, I can be a little tougher than her. Just ask her.”
Bucky let out a pained grunt as he landed on the training mate once again.
"Damnit, tiny, I think you almost broke my back there," he said while he tried to stand up without showing how beat up he was.
"Nah, that’s just you grandpa," you said while you grabbed your water bottle, “are you giving up, Barnes?”
"Oh no, Doll. I'm going to put you down at least once," he said as he now stood ready for another round.
"Let’s see, Sergeant.”
With one last grin from him, he sent the first punch. I grabbed his right arm with my left hand trying to make him lose a little balance by pushing his arm out of the way. And that’s how it went for a couple of minutes, and you were getting a little cocky as he was getting messy with his punches out of his frustration. You smirked when the ‘perfect’ idea crossed your mind. You decided to do ' The choker' which is how you called Natasha's move with her legs. You managed to do it just as flawlessly as she did. But you had forgotten that he trained with Natasha more than he ever did with you, so it was no surprise he was able to get out of it. He turned you, your crotch was directly covering his face. And that kind of shocked both of you. The next thing you knew, your back hit the mat, and Bucky on top of you. If anyone were to walk in, the position you two were in would have definitely given them the wrong impression.
Bucky and you just stared at each other not making a move or saying anything. After a while of awkward silence, you tried to move your legs so Bucky could stand up. He reached forward trying to stand up at the same time you moved. You felt it: his dick was hard.
You cursed yourself at how fast the idea of him getting turned on by the position you were in had you ruining your underwear. You couldn’t help but gasp when you felt his boner touch your lower area as he tried to move again. This time he didn’t wait for you to move or anything, he detached himself from you and left you there. Before you could say anything, he had grabbed his stuff and walked out of the training room shouting a quick ‘thanking you’.
That night, you got off by the thought of having sex with Bucky. And while you finished with a shout of his name, Bucky had done the same while he came with a shout of your name.
That week that Steve was gone went extremely slow for you. The sexual tension between you and Bucky was too strong that you were afraid someone will notice how you two were acting around each other. You were feeling guilty because you had masturbated every night with the thought of your boyfriend's best friend. You were trying hard not to think of Bucky that way, but it was kind of hard when everything he did made you horny. You were dying inside and by the end of the week, you were 100% sexually frustrated.
Steve and the rest of the team got back around nine Saturday night. Steve was a little surprised not to see you waiting for him, but he shrugged it off thinking you were probably asleep. With that thought in his mind, he went to see if he could steal a kiss from you before waking you up. He got to your room to find your bed empty, but then he noticed the little note on your pillow.
Hey Cap,
In the shower.
Steve had to hold his groan when he saw you through the glass door. He could see the silhouette of you. You were naked, wet, and roaming your body with your hands more than necessary as you had no soap, just water.
"Doll," said Steve in that husky voice of his that made you weak on your knees.
You opened the glass door, finally revealing your full nakedness to him, not caring that some water was wetting the bathroom floor.
"Welcome home, Captain. Wanna take a shower with me?" you said in that sweet voice you always conjured up when you wanted something from him. Your hands slowly trailed up to your breasts as you looked at him hungrily. A week had definitely been too long for you.
Steve didn’t say anything as he almost ripped his suit off while never breaking eye contact with you. In no time you had an extremely turned-on Captain America. He stalked toward you, his body entering the compartment of the shower stall. He was right in front of you, all naked and dirty from his mission. The water was now falling on his messy blond hair, making him close his eyes for a second as the water ran down his face, down his long neck, down his broad shoulders, down his hard pecs, down his long torso, and down those abs, and finally down his hard cock that curved upward.
"You’re staring, sweetheart,” Steve’s teasing voice brought you back from your daydreaming. “Do you like what you see? Did you missed me?"
Steve got closer to you, and in a husky whisper he proceeded to ask you, “did you miss my fat cock inside of you? Did you miss me fucking you raw every night, huh, Y/N?"
Your legs were slightly shaking at his words and you knew you were dripping wet, but you weren’t going to allow the night to go with just you trembling in need.
"Well yes, Captain. I did,” your thin fingers roamed the hard arbs you loved to scratch and bite whenever you could, “I missed sucking, gagging, and riding that fat cock of yours, Captain. I missed how it stretched my tight pussy. And God knows how much I’ve missed the feeling of you spilling your cum in my mouth and inside my pussy."
You definitely broke him.
"Kneel down, I want you to suck this cock," he commanded with such hunger leaving no room for argument. He was taller than you for like a whole foot, so you kind of had to squad to reach his cock. Steve remembered this as he saw you and before you could grab a hold of his cock, he cleared the little sitting area and sat there for your benefit.
You placed yourself in between his legs, giving the tip of his cock a sweet kiss before you flatten your tongue as you dragged it from the base of his cock to the very tip.
"Fuck,” he groaned as he grabbed your wet hair and tangled it with his thick fingers.
Your lips wrapped around the head of his cock and you sucked hard. This made Steve groan your name loud enough to resonate in the bathroom. You loved his sounds, they just made you wetter as you relished in the way you were making him feel. Your right hand went to play with his balls, applying some pressure which added to his pleasure. His thighs were shaking the more you sucked and the more you played with his balls.
"Shit, Y/N. I’m going to cum." His grip on you got a lot more tighter which made you moan. This sent vibrations up his cock and just like that, he came with a whimper as he told you to swallow it all. You did without much convincing.
"Get up," he ordered in between breaths. You did and as soon as you had he pulled you in for a hard kiss. He moaned at the taste of himself on your lips and tongue. You pulled his hair as he pushed against the wall, trapping your body against his hard torso and the cold wall. Then his lips were off you and he flipped you, you back now facing him.
"Tell me what you need from me, love. Do you want me to fuck you with my tongue or with my cock?" he whispered into your ear as he sucked on your earlobe and kiss the side of your neck. He left small bites as he went.
"I want—” you moved your head giving him more room to bite and kiss, “—your cock, Captain. Please, fuck me with your cock."
He hummed in your words as one of his hands traveled down your stomach in search of your slit.
"Fuck, Doll. You are soaked," he said while teasing your entrance with his fingers. You moaned at the contact, but his fingers left not soon after. Before you could whine in complaint, you felt the tip of his dick. Both of you groaned as Steve pushed the head of his cock, but you whined his name when he pushed the rest of his dick in one swift thrust.
"Shit, Steve,” you clawed at the wall as the back of your head rested on his chest, “please, baby, move.”
"Oh fuck! I’ve missed this. I missed being inside of your tight pussy.” Steve was fucking you with deep and hard thrusts, your pussy swallowing his length greedily wanting to keep him there. You were trembling as your legs were going numb, and Steve noticing this grabbed your hips steady as he continued to praise your cunt.
"Cap, I'm going to cum! Baby, I want you to cum inside of me please!"
Steve bit your shoulder as he positioned himself better, that way he could hit your sweet spot rapidly. He was grunting as he sought out your orgasm before he let himself fill you up with his cum. A couple more thrusts and Steve had to hold you still as your legs gave out when your orgasm hit you. Your cunt spammed around his cock too tightly that Steve followed suit as you milked his cock of his cum.
After you had finally regained your breathing, Steve helped you shower as you both talked about his mission while both of you stole kisses here and there. Steve was home, and he was happy.
Once you two had finished in the shower, Steve had fallen asleep the second his head touched the pillow. You looked at his tired face, a sweet smile crossed your lips seeing him rest. But you weren’t as tired as he was, so your mind went back to your day’s musings. Before Steve had come into the bathroom, you had wondered how things would go if it had been Bucky who found the note. You hadn’t thought of him while Steve and you were together, no, but now you couldn’t help but think the way Bucky would sound, feel, and taste.
You contained a groan at your own thoughts. You needed to confront this, and you needed to do that before things got worse for you. or him. You wanted to tell Steve, he needed to know. It was only right, he never lied to you. Why would you keep this from him?
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diamaker-moon · 3 years
Moving Forward — Chapter 7
Chapter Seven
Revealed... (pt. 2)
"Enchanttréx, I am Hawkmoth. You've been betrayed by the person your loved one, I'm giving you the power to expose any secrets that were chosen to be hidden away from the world. In return, you will bring me ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous. Do we have a deal?"
"Yes, Hawkmoth."
The purple substance covered the woman in a wedding dress, and when it was gone it left a woman, who has an intricate gold flower-themed headpiece, long black hair that reaches up to her mid-back, a flowy white to black gradient dress, gold strapped heels, white laced gloves that reach up to her forearm and a veil in front of her face.
"It's time to let yourself free from your secrets!" Enchanttréx exclaimed making the nearby Parisians run away in fear and alerting the heroes.
— previous chapter... —
It took quite a while for Ladybug to get to the scene. People were shocked to see Ladybug with a new suit design. Instead of her previous red skintight jumpsuit with black spots. It was changed to a much more detailed suit.
She still wears a skintight jumpsuit but now she had two-inched heeled thigh-high black boots, solid black colour on her waist with inverted red spots instead of black, solid black gloves and her top looks armoured, her collar turns to swan-necked design still black in colour with red lining. Her hair is now tied in a ponytail that reaches up to her mid-back with two red and black ribbons sticking out of the ponytail acting as the antennas, her mask stayed the same.
Ladybug was worried about how to defeat her since she's alone and has no one to trust with the cat miraculous.
Meanwhile, inside the Agreste Mansion, Adrien was frantically searching around his room for his kwami, he kept looking back to his TV watching Ladybug fight the Akuma alone.
"Plagg! Where are you?!"
He didn't notice Ladybug capturing the villain with her yo-yo and snatching her headpiece with the veil attached and breaking it, freeing the Akuma. She captured it then cleansed it and used her miraculous cure to fix everything, reverting the villain to her civilian self in her wedding dress outfit.
She spent a good twenty minutes defeating the villain alone.
The reporters were pushing each other towards Ladybug to get an interview.
"Ladybug! What's with the new outfit? And where is Chat Noir?" Nadja Chamack asked.
Ladybug was about to swing her yo-yo to leave but was bombarded with that question. She sighed and took notice that she only had three minutes before she detransformed.
"The suit is just an outfit change, no need to worry about it. About Chat Noir... He has been relinquished of his miraculous, I have found out about his misdeeds in his civilian life and how he acted during the battles, I had no choice but to take his miraculous for he became unworthy of wielding it anymore. I need to go, I'm about to detransform." She said before waving and finally swinging away.
Adrien was staring at the TV before looking at his hand with the silver ring. He lost his miraculous. He can no longer be Chat Noir.
"Hey, that's a good record!" She said after she had swung to her balcony then detransformed once she stepped inside her bedroom. The kwamis are patiently waiting for her while they eat food.
"He probably heard the news by now..." Marinette mumbled.
"Do you regret it? Taking the miraculous back?" Wayzz asked.
Marinette was in a daze for a moment thinking back to the good memories of them. The day they became heroes, how he supported her, protecting her from harm, their playful banter, everything. But even if she returns the miraculous to him, she can't trust him again. Not now, at the very least.
"No... I have a duty to Paris as Ladybug, but it is also my duty as Guardian to make sure that no miraculous will be used for evil."
Wayzz was pleased. When he first found out that his previous Master was planning to pass to a teenager the Guardianship of the Chinese Miracle Box, he was worried. It will be a huge responsibility for a teenager especially someone who has quite a future to reach, but Marinette has proved him wrong.
Marinette was busy sewing Clara Nightingale's commission not noticing that it was nearing dinner time. Allegra kept glancing at their dormmate's closed door, wondering if Marinette didn't like them, but it was easily dismissed since they have spent quite a while together, thinking that maybe the girl was just busy.
"Hey, Al. Is Marinette still in her room? Dinner's almost ready." Allan said.
He was mostly the cook since it became his habit to always cook with his mother. He had cooked them a lot of meals and sometimes experiments with recipes, but it always turns out good. Claude was preparing the dinner table and Félix was busy reading a book while sitting on a one-seater couch in the living room. 
"She's been in there for quite a while, she might have the soundproof on," Allegra said.
"She might have a commission she's doing." Félix interrupted. Feeling all eyes turn on him.
"How do you know that?" Claude asked in a teasing voice.
"I looked her up to see if she has any social media accounts, I found out she's an aspiring designer with quite the accomplishments." 
The trio was shocked. Allegra was immediately on her phone and searching her dormmate's name on the internet. She was shocked to see her name attached to a famous singer, rockstar, and even a fashion critique!
"Well, try and call her again, Dinner's ready," Allan announced.
Allegra was about to go when Félix beat her to it. She was shocked once again that their resident snob roommate is showing quite the attention to Marinette but she just shrugged it off. Félix stood in front of her door for a minute or two before he knocked.
"Marinette?" Felix called.
Inside, the girl didn't hear the call, but the kwamis did. They flew towards her to inform her that someone is calling her from outside her room. That was when she noticed the time. But it was too late...
The moment she placed down the dress she's embroidering neither her nor the kwamis that was near her, heard her unlocked door open.
When Marinette, whirled around she then froze, staring with wide eyes towards the blonde who was staring at her as well with his hand on her door's doorknob.
The Kwamis were staring at the two and in shame. Plagg was in the middle of swallowing a Camembert wedge then stopped and stared at the guy on the door, Tikki was nibbling her cookie but then paused.
"Uhm... I can explain...? They're... dolls...?" Marinette nervously said.
Félix blinked at her twice before answering, "Dolls? Dolls that are floating and... apparently can eat on their own..."
Marinette bit her bottom lip before breathing in hard. She grabbed Félix's hand then closed the door and made sure it is locked.
"Don't tell me..." Felix started.
Marinette avoided his gaze, "Then... I won't tell you." She said before giving him a sheepish smile.
Félix can only stare at her in bewilderment. His new dormmate, not only an aspiring designer who was done a lot of commissions for famous people, but is also someone important based on the number of the 'dolls' near her.
"Please, Félix... you can't tell anyone!" Marinette pleaded.
"What exactly are they? And how come there are so many of them?" Félix asked.
"... They're kwamis. They are the ones who give powers to Paris' superheroes..." Marietta hesitantly answered.
"And they are so many because... They are under my protection now..." She added.
He stared at her before looking at the dolls— kwamis that are still staring at them. And then looked back at her pleading face, he then also remembered the news of Ladybug relinquishing Chat Noir's miraculous, meaning that she's alone in the battlefield, she's alone against Hawkmoth.
"You're Ladybug... Paris' remaining hero." He said in conclusion only to have it confirmed by her when she looked away to try and avoid his gaze.
"Marinette... what you need is a team. A support team, base on your announcement earlier, you are alone against Hawkmoth. For now... think about it, if you need help, we're here to help. Let's go, dinner's ready." He said before opening her door and gestured for her to go with him to the dining area.
Marinette stared for a second before following him outside of the room, leaving the kwamis inside her bedroom.
"Oopsie...?" Trixx said nervously.
Plagg continued to eat his cheese before saying anything, "Well, the cat's out of the bag."
Some of the kwamis laughed at Plagg's statement, while Tikki looked at him with a deadpanned expression. "This is worrisome! Her secret's exposed!" She said.
"Tikki, calm down. This could be helpful to the Guardian. She could gain a new set of temporary heroes." Wayzz said.
Meanwhile, a seething brunette is pacing back and forth in her room. She cursed Ladybug in Italian for almost ruining her then cursed her in french!
Earlier in the day, Lila, Rose, Juleka and Alix were together getting ice cream from André, when Enchanttréx came across them and hits her with the Akuma's powers. Lila started spewing out the truths while the rest of the girls are gaping at her.
She couldn't stop talking. She spewed out how she threatened Marinette in the bathroom, how she got 'injured' after being 'pushed' by Marinette, her thoughts about the class like how stupid they were, and many more. From her peripheral vision, she saw Ladybug stopped for a moment and glanced at them before swinging away.
Rose was mortified by what she heard.
Juleka was mumbling a lot and glaring at Lila. They didn't even notice her opening her phone and started recording the conversation, not even Lila noticed her.
Alix's angry expression was evident, she openly glared at the Italian brunette.
After a few minutes, the cure was cast, and Lila was trying to fix the situation but the other girls backed away from her and started walking away. Lila stood there for a while before running to their apartment and here she was now.
"That damn bug!" Lila shouted.
Rose and Juleka are currently on the Couffaine Houseboat— The Liberty. Juleka was comforting Rose whose crying a river on her shoulder while keeping an eye for any Akuma coming near. She tried to calm down the blonde, but Rose won't listen. Due to Lila's confession, it was clear that their previous findings were... real.
"Please, Rose... Calm down for a moment..." Juleka pleaded.
She then noticed her brother leaning on the doorway of his and her cabin. Luka Couffaine was starting at the scene in front of him. Deep inside, he was disappointed by his baby sister's choices. Instead of letting her other friends know, she hid it. He doesn't know why Juleka did it, he wanted to trust the girl's decisions, but Luka didn't know if it was the right thing to do.
"... What happened?" He asked, even though he might already have the answer.
Juleka stared at his brother's eyes before answering.
"We made a mistake..." She mumbled.
"She was right... That Lila was a liar, an Akuma happebed earlier, and Lila startes spewing a bunch of things... But..." Juleka added.
"No," Luka refuted.
"You said it yourself, Jules. You became aware of the situation, that someone in your friend group is a liar. Marinette only did what she was supposed to do, she tried to warn you all but only to be dismissed. You can't blame anyone else, Jules. You were warned by a friend, but you chose to go with everyone else and dismissed her claims. Then soon you knew about it, but didn't tell the others. You can't blame Lila here, you were the ones who believe her without any proof. You messed up. That's what happened. And I don't even know if you can still fix your mess..." He added.
Juleka could only drop her head lower due to shame. Rose who was listening to the conversation of the siblings, couldn't stop the aching part in her heart. Both of them know. They were at fault. Not Marinette, not Lila, but for them. They messed up, and by the time they realized their mistake, things might have been too late already.
Alix was back at her house, starting at a rolled-up banner in the corner of her room. A banner made by Marinette. She couldn't believe herself, if not because of that day's Akuma who knows when will they find out.
She pulled out the pocket watch given to her. In her head, she wished that she could turn back time, back to when Marinette was their friend and was warning them about Lila. She wished that she had the Rabbit Miraculous in her hands but she also knows that is a selfish thing to do.
Alix made a mistake. She doesn't know how to solve it. She didn't even know if she could even apologize for her mistake. For once, she desperately wishes that Bunnyx will appear and tell her about the future.
All three girls know that next school morning will be different from what they're used to... And it may not be the same ever again.
The next morning came, Alix, Juleka and Rose were quite surprised that Lila hasn't arrived earlier than them. Alix immediately went to Kim and Max and explained what happened. Everyone could see that the trio that has two troublemakers is in a serious conversation, they could see Max typing furiously on his phone.
Juleka and Rose, however, went to a small group of their classmates. That group consists of Ivan, Mylene, Nathaniel, and surprisingly Sabrina.
But they were more surprised. Sabrina was telling the other three that Lila Rossi is a liar, but due to her reputation that is tied mostly to Chloé Bourgeois, people find it hard to believe. But when Juleka and Rose confirmed it, they were shocked, to say the least. Finding out that a classmate of yours enjoys toying with you to make themselves look popular can put a negative taste in your mouth. They didn't know that Nino arrived, they only noticed when Ivan saw Nino and his left hand raised, looks like to wave to someone, but frozen in his spot.
"... Nino...?" Mylene cautiously asked.
Instead of answering, he pulled out his phone and continued typing. They thought he'll text his girlfriend, but they saw him searching on the internet. Adrian saw his best friend and immediately went up to him, but was surprised at what he was doing.
"What's going on?" He asks.
"Finding out that one of our classmates is a pathological liar..." Rose answered.
Adrian only tilted his head. Juleka who was now being more observant saw his reaction. He wasn't surprised nor agitated that they were being fooled. As if he knows already.
"... Adrien?" Juleka called.
They all looked at her even though he only called the blonde boy. He answered why and looked at her curiously.
"... You knew... Didn't you?" Juleka boldly asked.
Adrian stilled. He started at the goth girl and avoided her eyes. The others saw it and slowly backed away from him.
Adrian looked at Nino, his eyes were pleading him to stay, but Nino shooked his head.
"You knew... Why didn't you say anything?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Nino whispered harshly instead of screaming to avoid making a scene.
Nino looked back to every interaction they had especially when Lila is the topic and when they are blaming Marinette for bullying the new student. Now he understands why Adrien was so quiet, why he was looking at the ravenette then soon avoided the girl's gaze. He looked at the blonde boy in front of him and thought to himself that he doesn't know this person in front of him anymore.
"Marinette knew. She knew that you knew... That's why she was looking at you every time! I thought she's just trying to plead that she's innocent but actually, she's pleading to you to say the truth!" Nino mumbled.
The others stared at Adrien for a moment before looking away, either in shame when they heard Marinette's name or in anger and don't want to do anything stupid. They all slowly left leaving a stunned Adrien and a silent Sabrina. She looked at him and stared. Soon she left as well, while she was walking she was texting Chloé of what happened and about Adrien's knowledge of the situation long ago. Chloé was furious, she thought at least the boy will have the decency to tell a friend or her but he kept it a secret and it led up to this.
Adrien's phone pinged, he pulled it out and was shocked to see what message was sent to him.
Chloé:  I don't know you anymore, Adrien. You knew but said nothing to anyone, not even to me. What kind of friend even are you?
Adrien heard the bell, and reluctantly dragged himself towards his classroom, he saw Nino seating next to his desk, but when he sat down the DJ didn't acknowledge his presence like before. Adrien looked to his right and saw Chloé frowning and ignoring him as well. He thought back to Chloé's last sentence in her message.
She was right. He knew from the very beginning, but he didn't side with the victim, instead, he sided with the bully. What kind of friend even was he? He didn't know either.
Chapter 6 — Moving Forward: Masterlist — Chapter 8
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Hair of the Dog
The problem with having a goat as a pet was that Eskel had a goat as a pet. It was usually wonderful, Lil Bleater was a menace and Eskel loved her for it. Alas, some days she was a little more than he bargained for. Visiting Geralt on the farm was always a delight, it was one of the few places Bleats could explore without a leash and Eskel knew she was safe.
All in all it was a great day, a rarity for the whole extended family to get together. Geralt had Yennefer and Jaskier with him, they were playing pass the parcel with Ciri, except whenever they unwrapped her, it was always a dirty nappy rather than a fun treat under her layers. How Eskel ended up with a family where both his brothers had two partners was a mystery, it was perhaps why he was still a bachelor with only Lil Bleater as his companion, Lambert and Geralt had soaked up all the appeal for themselves and left none for Eskel.
"Where are the Gremlins?" Eskel asked, looking around. The Gremlins were also known as Lambert, Aiden and Cahir. One at a time and they were manageable but the three together wreaked unknown havoc and destroyed an alarming number of clothes between them. If they ever wore safety pins through clothes, Eskel knew it wasn't for aesthetics at all.
"Last I heard they were heading for the barn. Cahir was going to see whether the new pony is ready to be worked yet." Somehow Geralt sounded resigned and they all knew that while the trio might have looked at the gelding, they were most definitely going to be making out or more in one of the empty stalls.
Rolling his eyes, Eskel nodded. "I'm not risking that. Tell them I said goodbye and that Lambert still owes me a drink next week, will you?" He clicked his tongue and watched as Lil Bleater blatantly ignored him in favour of hopping over puddles. Just because she was having too much fun and still full of energy despite a whole day of charging around didn't mean she got to keep going. Resigned to his fate of chasing his goat in order to get her home, Eskel lumbered off, trying to look like he wasn't approaching her with intent. Needless to say, it didn't work. With expert ease Lil Bleater avoided him, bounding just out of reach. Even worse, he brothers were watching and Eskel wanted to growl at them that they might as well help if they were going to watch. Thankfully he managed to grab his wayward goat, only for her to protest in the worst possible way, she threw herself onto the ground. Normally Eskel wouldn't mind but she chose to roll in a puddle, her white fur soaking in the muddy water and staining it.
"Well shit."
Dripping goat firmly leashed, Eskel stared at her. She watched him unrepentantly for a moment before trying to nibble at her leash. Eskel had learned the hard way that he needed a metal chain leash for her, nothing else survived her incessant chomping. There was no way he could take her home like that, and hosing her down wasn't going to be much good as she's just drip more water in the car and make it smell even more of wet goat.
Thankfully he always had a towel or two in the boot so Eskel could pat her mildly dry but the puddle hadn't been simple mud and water, only heightening the stench. Thinking about his poor tub, Eskel knew he wouldn't be able to give Bleats a bath. The one time he had tried, he'd needed to buy a new shower curtain and invest in some repairs to the tub. Little goat hooves were not compatible with his bathroom. Stashing her in her travel crate, Eskel pulled his phone out and searched for possible solutions. The most sensible was a pet groomer, alas the three numbers he tried all refused to deal with a goat. Some days Eskel cursed himself for not having a more traditional pet.
"You trying to get a groomer?" Cahir sidled up to him, eyes glinting with the promise of mischief.
"Yeah, but it's not like anyone wants to bathe a goat." Not that Eskel was bitter. He didn't expect Cahir to laugh.
"You just haven't asked the right one. Come on, I'll introduce you to someone who'll help. Just follow my bike."
It was easier said than done. While Eskel had heard stories from Lambert about the strange love affair Cahir had with his bike, it was a whole different thing to see it. Having witnessed it, Eskel had to wonder whether there were four in that relationship rather than three as he'd originally thought.
Hair of the Dog looked like a bit of a shithole if Eskel was honest. It was out in a small industrial park near a village, wooden cladding faded and looking in desperate need of a paint. Helmet under his arm, Cahir barged in without a care for the sign that declared the place closed.
"Scales!" He hollered, impatiently holding the door open for Eskel. "Got you a client."
Not quite knowing what to expect, Eskel's eyes widened when a man larger than him appeared, scowling at Cahir.
"What did I tell you about my opening hours? And fucking hell what is that stench?"
Cahir leaned against the wall with a shit eating grin and gestured towards Eskel and Lil Bleater knowingly.
"That's a goat." It was possibly the dumbest thing anyone could have said.
"No, I'm a human called Eskel," Eskel shot back, a little irked.
The laugh was warm and genuine as the owner of the grooming parlour caught on. "Letho. Who's your stinky companion?"
Somehow Eskel found himself charmed by the fact Letho didn't baulk at the fact he was being presented with a goat. He even invited Eskel to stay and watch the whole process of washing and drying his pet. What struck Eskel was how gentle he was through it all, talking to Bleats as much as he talked to Eskel.
"Wouldn't have clocked you as a dog groomer," Eskel admitted while Lil Bleater was enjoying her second rinse.
"Didn't peg you as a goat owner."
"Touche. You like dogs?" Which was a ridiculous thing to ask, given that Letho's work involved a lot of dogs and possibly a few cats. However, Letho shook his head.
"They're alright. But I wouldn't own one."
"Guess again."
Eskel squinted at Letho. "I can't really say I can picture you with a parrot."
Another laugh and Eskel found himself quite fond of the raw honesty in it. He waited patiently for an answer though.
"Tell you what-" Letho suggested, "-let me finish up with my last client and then I can show you, if you're interested. It's a snake."
"I only inspect trouser snakes on third date," Eskel said, peering around. "If I had known you'd had other clients, I would have happily waited."
The spray of water was playfully turned on him, barely missing him. "It's you, you numpty. I'm closed on Tuesdays, that's admin day." A soft flush spread across Eskel's cheeks at that and Letho continued, "If I put Gully down my trousers, I don't think she'd ever forgive me. And I don't think she'd fit. She's a reticulated python."
"As long as she doesn't eat Bleats, I think we're good." Eskel had no idea about snakes but, given the size of Letho, he could imagine him with a large snake, no pun intended.
In the silence that fell on them, Eskel looked around again with a frown. "Did Cahir go?"
That had Letho looking up too. He left Lil Bleater to dry, quite thrilled at the prospect of having a fluffy goat stepping out of the dryer soon, and wandered out into the reception area. On the desk was a note.
"You owe me a drink. Maybe two. We told you you'll like him."
Groaning, Letho threw the note away but not before Eskel saw.
"That sounded ominous."
"The Three Fucketeers have been trying to set me up for a while. I resisted. Guess they win."
Grinning, Eskel shrugged. "They don't have to know that, do they?"
That had Letho looking up too. He left Lil Bleater to dry, and wandered out into the reception area. On the desk was a note.ion out no matter how hidden. Which led Eskel to the conclusion that if he couldn't beat them, they could join them. It was very unlikely they'd want graphic details so, with great confidence, Eskel met Letho's rather large snake. And he met Gully too.
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galaxy-lilies · 3 years
I love you're Karlnapity Stardew Valley au! I don't have any serious ideas I just love picturing them working on the farm together. Tending to crops, feeding animals, etc. Domestic stuff. Also after the reveal Karl doing this while in cryptid/half cryptid form.
Oh! I just had thought a thought! Karl relaxing in crptid mode with Sapnap and Quackity and someone suddenly comes over. Sapnap and Quackity have to quickly hide Karl and try their best to not have the visitor find him for a bit/the whole visit because for whatever reason Karl is stuck in cryptid form for these somewhat comedic purpose
omg yes! maybe karl was able to inherit the farm but the previous museum/library owner retired and passed it on to karl as well. The three just tending to the farm and the animals. quackity’s favorite animal is probably a duck, sapnap a void chicken, and karl maybe one of the slimes if they have a slime coop or a blue chicken. 
Initially the chores on the farm are slightly overwhelming, that is until karl (literally) stretched himself thin and covered more area. Things got easier when the greenhouse was fixed up. 
Karl didn’t frequent the farm too often, the place often overrun with trees and debris. It wasn’t until the three started getting serious with each other did they start slowly clearing up the place (it was quite fast too with three people helping out and being in a relationship with the local blacksmith who helped upgrade the tools as he found more ores).
In terms of cryptid antics, maybe someone wanted to drop something off as housewarming gift once all three move in. The three were dozing off by the fireplace when they hear knocking on the door. Sapnap and Quackity expectantly turn to Karl to turn back into his human form but he was tired from harvesting the last crop of the season he was all sluggish in his cryptid form. The two started to panic and they started to panic even more when the person knocked on the door again. 
They end up doing the “place person in bed and pull up the covers so no one suspects anything and say the person is feverish” method and Sapnap opens the door revealing the bench trio + SBI. 
The panic rose even more.
Philza greeted sapnap and quackity, handing them a few largemouth basses he caught in the morning. Tommy looks around and asks where karl is. Quackity hastily says he’s sick and is resting in bed. Tommy rose an eyebrow. “He was fine the other day, he can’t possibly be sick.”
He elbows his way past sapnap and quackity, tubbo and ranboo following behind. (ranboo hastily apologizes on the way).
Tommy greets karl and feels karl’s head. He sees some of karl’s purple skin showing through and he calls over to sapnap and quackity saying something like “wow karl must be down with a horrible fever, he’s so red he’s almost purple.” 
Philza chastises Tommy but Tommy’s comment did garner a snicker from Wilbur and an amused hum from Techno. Philza apologizes for Tommy’s behavior but he says he can check on Karl to see if he’s alright. Sapnap quickly says he’s fine, he’s just tired. 
Eventually they all leave and sapnap and quackity are relieved. karl finally comes through enough to transform back but then they hear a horrified cry. The three whip around to see tommy gawking before getting pulled down by ranboo into a bush. 
Sapnap rushes outside but the three teens are faster than him. He curses under his breath and he’s about to run after them until karl places a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about them, sapnap, it’ll be fine.” 
Sure enough he was right. 
By the time the teens had ran to Philza’s fish shop, philza was already ready to tell the kids off. He gets them to understand that the three husbands were trying to just live comfortably and ratting them out like that would be unfair. The three teens agree and decide to head out to the mountains to hang out a bit. 
As the three teens leave, Philza smiles, his shawl falling away reveal dark grey wings. “Those kids are going to be the death of me,” he laughs. Wilbur phases into existance, floating around philza. “I’ll say, and I’m the one who’s already dead!”
The teens eventually head to the saloon, blacksmith, and museum to apologize to the husbands and promise to keep their secret (even if it’s in ridiculous ways lmao)
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