#but they're bickering old men. sorry
octakiseron · 1 year
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the dying gasp
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ddejavvu · 2 years
What if hotch wants to date reader but isn't sure about the age difference but then in a game of truth or dare btw the BAU he finds out that she already dated someone older than him and she didn't mind the age gap and it gives him courage to ask her out (I just used she out of habit, feel free to make it gender neutral)
"Truth," The devilish glint in Penelope's eyes as she repeats your choice has you second-guessing it, "How old is the oldest person you've ever crushed on?"
"Oldest," You hum thoughtfully, visions of an ex flashing through your head, "Well, I'd have to go with Sean. Dated him for a while, he was in his fifties."
Aaron's flooded with instant relief. Not only that one, you don't seem to be turned off by an age gap, and two, that his brother Sean is definitely not the Sean you're talking about. He's sure he would find it hard to kiss you if you'd kissed his brother first.
You ignore Spencer's look of what you're slightly afraid is disgust, and Morgan's sharp wolf whistle. Emily takes a sip of her drink instead of responsding, but JJ smirks at the new information about you.
Penelope's jaw drops, in her typical dramatic fashion, looking much like a scandalized cartoon.
"Fifty? And you dated him? My god," She gasps, suddenly short of breath, "That's, like, an old man!"
"Pardon me?" Rossi cuts in, not entirely fond of the concept of the game in general, much less when it results in his friends demeaning him, "Fifty is not old."
"Yes it is," Penelope insists, "Did he have back problems?"
"Older men know how to treat women," You point out, sipping from the juice box the bubbly blonde had so kindly bestowed upon you, "Most times they've done it before."
Aaron's certain he'd have treated you right if he were still 18, but he doesn't tell you that. It wouldn't have taken any aging on his part to come to some divine realization that you're something special, but he mulls over your penchant for older men while you bicker with the blonde.
He's not into you because of the age gap. He's sure it would look that way, he's sure it does to Dave who's not particularly shy about his own tastes in women. But he lets himself forget the taboos around the pairing, and gives in to a brief domestic fantasy that clouds his vision, locking his eyes onto you.
You tuck Jack into bed with the same precision and care that he does, making sure that every corner of the blanket is as tight as it can go without suffocating the boy. You kiss him on the forehead on your way out, and Aaron fondly does the same, his lips pressing to where your own just landed. He turns out the light in his son's bedroom and finds you already undressing in your shared closet, but he pays more attention to the way that your body looks in his shirt than it does out of it. He grips your hips, tugs you in until your lips are mere inches from his, and-
"Hell-ooo," Hotch sees a hand waving in front of his eyes, and snaps back to attention to find that it's yours, "Are you okay?"
Your voice is a laugh, the sound sending his heart pounding even though you mean it accusatorily. He nods, zoning back into the room and finding all eyes on him.
"Yes," He finally breaks eye contact with you, shaking his head slightly to clear it, "I'm sorry. I must have lost focus."
"I'll say," Dave snorts, but for subtlety's sake Aaron doesn't bite back. You're still looking at him, though, so he glances back over, and you restate your question.
"Alright, Hotch, truth or dare?"
"Truth," He answers by default, and his team members deflate. He's not sure why they think they're going to get away with asking him to lick a toilet seat, like they challenged Reid to do, apparently he's smarter than the genuis.
"Truth," You sigh dramatically, but brighten up as you think of a question, a meaningful glint in your eyes as you ask, "Okay fine, how young is the youngest person you've ever crushed on?"
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theredengineapologist · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! 💙❤
Of course, I had to do something Jameward for the occasion. Even though this meme is literally called "Understand my Ship in 5 Minutes", I still wanted to include some commentary/headcanons because I've been DYING to talk about them forever. So if you're interested, read on under the cut!
(Also, please note that the interpretation of the characters depicted here is specifically for my AU, TTTE: Sudrian Boys)
NAMES: For the sake of making sure their names fit in the boxes, I used the last names they picked for themselves before they got married. When they do eventually get legally married, they'll combine their last names together (a conclusion they got to after much bickering). So respectively, they will be James and Edward Hughes-Pettigrew.
James is GAY. GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY. Sorry not sorry, but there is not a woman-liker bone in his body.
Edward, on the other hand is bi. Part of me thinks he tends to prefer the company of men, but maybe that's just because there's significantly more male engines on Sodor. Also he is nonbinary. This will be something I explore later. But to summarize, Edward never felt entirely male in the strict sense that humans define it. However, he felt the need to be the consistent, steady, "old reliable" his peers saw him as, so he never questioned what others chose to call him. This changed when "The Great Shift" happened (aka, the engines learning to shift into a human-like form). Edward saw an opportunity to experiment with his presentation, and so he had a brief stint where he tried going in the opposite direction, presenting as a woman named Alice. As fun as it was, however, he found that it didn't feel quite right either. To him, "Edward" was where he felt most at home. He's not a man or a woman, he is just "Edward". Edward uses "he/they" pronouns because those feel the most neutral to them.
HORNY LEVEL: I will not be elaborating.
AWKWARDNESS LEVEL: I don't think Edward and James ever really had an "awkward phase". Before they got together, they always felt comfortable with each other as close friends would. They never really had that thing of "oh I want to tell him I like him but I also don't want him to know". Edward always knew he liked James, he just didn't say anything because he didn't think James was interested. And once James admitted to himself that he liked Edward, he confessed and it was all smooth sailing from there. To be honest, not much changed when they moved from "close friends" to "boyfriends". They still act like close friends, just with added kissing privileges.
JEALOUSY LEVEL: At the point where they're at in their relationship right now, both James and Edward are pretty secure, so it's rare for either of them to act jealous.
From Edward's perspective, he knows that James is young (relatively speaking) and very attractive, so it's hardly surprising to see that other people would try to flirt with him. There's a small pang of jealousy that comes from him thinking James would have preferred someone younger or stronger, but that quickly goes away once he sees James return to being on his arm and very proudly proclaiming he's already spoken for.
From James's perspective, he thinks Edward is the real catch between the two of them. Plus, it's not often that other people would try to shoot their shot with the silver fox. So when other people do try to get a little too close for comfort, James would certainly be stewing in jealousy. If the feeling gets to a certain point, he'd probably make himself known. But once they get home, the situation gets explained out, and they're cuddling on the couch with a blanket and some tea, James finds he can let go of the jealous feeling relatively quickly.
BIG SPOON/LITTLE SPOON: Majority of the time, James is the little spoon. He likes to be held and Edward LOVES holding him. James's favorite thing is when Edward keeps their hand on his chest. But occasionally, they do switch places, especially if Edward has a particularly hard day. Sometimes Old Iron wants to be cuddled too.
LENDS/BORROWS CLOTHES: Both of them tend to steal borrow clothes from each other, but under different circumstances.
At home, it's relatively commonplace to see Edward walking around in one of James's pants, shirts, or even his prized red coat. But more often than not, these are cases of Edward just picking them up of his own accord and James just letting him have it.
Outside, it's James who more actively does the borrowing and Edward who does the lending. James likes to go out ✨IN STYLE✨ without taking into consideration pesky things like the weather. So when James (inevitably) gets cold at night, Edward is the one to lend him his jacket.
PET NAMES: They don't use pet names often, but they do use some of the more basic ones on occasion. For James, Edward would sometimes call him "Jamie", "darling", "dear", or his personal favorite, "love". James usually calls Edward by his full name because Edward prefers it, but sometimes he might slip in an "Eddie", "baby", or a "kitten" in there just to make the old man flustered.
AFFECTION THROUGH WORDS/ACTIONS: This one might seem paradoxical, but let me explain.
James is more receptive to affection through words because he's used to being dismissed. In his worst moments, he can be pretty down on himself as his insecurities eat away at him. At times like these, Edward knows exactly what to say to help James pick himself back up again. It's especially meaningful because Edward absolutely means everything he says. He's not the type to lie just to make James feel better. He's honest and straightforward. If James did something wrong that needs calling out, Edward will tell him (politely of course). So when Edward tells James that he's wonderful or that he's a "really splendid engine", he 100% means it. And you can tell from just the look in his eyes that Edward loves his red boyfriend SO DAMN MUCH.
Conversely, Edward is more receptive to affection through actions. Edward is always the one out caring for everyone else and tends to forget to care for himself too. But at the same time, he's very much the type to never ask for help (even if he needs it). James knows this, so he goes the extra mile to help take some of the load off. If Edward is especially tired one day, James will step up and do Edward's share of the housekeeping without being asked. He'll volunteer to go supervise Bill and Ben so that Edward can take a day off. He'll fix up a warm bath for Edward after a hard day. Anything to make sure Edward is taken care of, James will do it. Not only that, but James is also the one planning most of their dates. ;)
Edward NEVER had any plans to confess to James. Romantic relationships are uncommon amongst engines since there's no real use for them. Plus, he didn't think James would be interested in a plain old iron like himself (as he views himself anyway). So Edward was just content to just feel his feelings and never act on them.
James, on the other hand, took several years to both realize and accept that he was in love with Edward. But once he got to that point, he confessed fairly quickly. Sure, there was a normal amount of hesitation and worry that Edward might not feel the same. But he was about 90% sure that Edward loved him back so he didn't end up worrying that much leading up to the confession.
CAN'T DRIVE LOL: Even as engines, they can't drive themselves. Plus, they know trains are the superior way to travel. So if they ever need to go somewhere while shifted into humans, they just catch one of their friends' trains. I don't think they've ever even sat in a car before.
COOKING: Edward loves to cook (especially baking). It was one of the first hobbies he picked up after learning how to shift and he would often make meals to share for the entire Steam Team. James, on the other hand, can cook, but not nearly as well as Edward. He doesn't know as many dishes as Edward. Even the ones they both know, James's, for some reason, aren't as good. The only time James would ever take over cooking is if Edward is feeling too exhausted to do so. There's a mutual acknowledgement between them (and also the rest of the Steam Team) that Edward is the superior chef (and he also enjoys it more). So if he can help it, James prefers to leave the cooking to Edward.
PDA: James absolutely LOVES PDA. He will take literally every opportunity he can to dote on Edward in public so that the entire island knows that they're together, much to Edward's embarrassment. Edward secretly loves the PDA too, and he appreciates how proud James is to be his boyfriend (and later husband). But Edward would never admit it. He tries really hard to at least appear decent in public. That said, when the opportunity arises, Edward does like getting to flip the script and fluster James in front of onlookers.
OVERPROTECTIVE/CHILL GOING: Both are more than reasonably protective over each other, but for different reasons and under different circumstances.
James gets into accidents relatively often, usually as the result of his own dumbassery. So Edward has gotten to a point where he's not too concerned if James winds up in an accident again. He'll still worry a little and warn James to be more careful next time, but Edward knows after a trip to the Steamworks that his boyfriend will be good as new again.
It's when they're shifted into humans when Edward becomes more protective of James.
Because of the way James looks, it's unfortunately not uncommon for James to get harassed while shifted as a human. When this happens, Edward goes into full protective mode to make sure his beloved stays safe. Thankfully, it doesn't happen too often. But it does happen often enough that Edward feels like he has to keep close watch of James while they're traveling after nightfall.
James, on the other hand, always has a bit of worry for Edward at the back of his mind. He knows Edward is capable of handling himself, but he also knows that Edward is old and doesn't recover from accidents as quickly or easily as he does. He worries that if the damage is too great, Edward could be scrapped. So if Edward were to end up in any sort of accident, James would go ballistic. He's puffing over right away to make sure his beloved is okay and may or may not have a fierce word with whoever caused the accident. The same thing goes when they are in human form. If Edward were to end up in some sort of fight, James would put himself in harms way to make sure Edward is protected (even though in human form, Edward is actually physically stronger than James).
RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE: Neither of them had any relationship experience before each other, they were each other's firsts. You can maybe argue that Edward has slightly more experience because he's had crushes on other people in the past, but fleeting attraction that is never pursued could hardly count for true experience. Their whole relationship is something that James and Edward are navigating together. It's new and at times a little scary, but there's nobody else James and Edward would rather be with than each other.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
Writers' Iron Chef #7: Teamwork
[PROMPT] They had to work together so they were going to have to learn to get along
[ADDITIONAL PROMPT] “You’ve only heard his point of view. You never asked mine.”
[TIME LIMIT] Optional 10 minutes prep time, 30 minutes writing time, optional 10 minutes editing time.
Pairing: Pero Tovar x F!Reader
Rating: T, allusions to sexual acts, some saucy language. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ MINORS DNI.
Notes: Written for Writers’ Iron Chef Prompt 7.
I was missing our dirty man and his Guerrera, so here's a fun little scene further along in their courtship. They're up to their old antics, and William gets to third wheel it.
LJ’s Writers’ Iron Chef Masterlist
Rules and Prompts
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“You ask him.”
“He does not have the same liking for me as he does for you.”
“That is a sorry excuse, you have known each other longer.”
“But you know he holds a soft spot for the fairer sex.”
“For Lin-Mae, maybe.”
“I will truly perish at this rate.”
“Fine. But you must ride alongside.”
William smirks as your horses’ hooves clomp to a faster pace, pulling alongside his own steed as if your bickering didn’t reach his keen ears.
“William, if you would humor us for a moment…” you say, putting on that diplomatic smile you reserve for well-paying customers and men about to lose their loins. 
“We agreed to riding through our late meal so we would arrive on time. The wedding is tomorrow, and the bride’s father did not pay for an absentee escort,” he chides. Your shoulders slump, face falling into its more comfortable sullen expression.
“Easy for you to say, you enjoyed a hot meal before the ride. Pero and I had naught but dried meat and water to fill our bellies,” you bemoan. 
“You would have had the same, had you not missed breaking fast. Why was that again?” William asks, his knitted brows comical as he watches your eyes widen. Pero coughs beside him, an embarrassed clearing of his throat. He knows where you were, the mussed hair and bits of straw clinging to your leathers a signal to ignore his companions’ disappearance. You and Pero had been taking leave of William as often as was polite, disappearing early in the evenings and sneaking off to “bathe” some afternoons. He’s thankful you honor him with discretion, not stumbling upon your bodies entwined, but he’s no fool either. 
“I was eating something else,” Pero chuckles deep in his chest, pulling a salacious gasp from your lips. William’s laugh covers the daggers you shoot from your eyes, though real ones would come soon if Pero was any bolder.
“In any event,” you growl, darting your eyes back to William, “should a convenient moment arise and food be presented, could we spare a few moments to sup? I would even eat on horseback, as poor as it is for digestion.” 
“Our time is running out, and there is no place to stop between here and there.”
You groan, leaning back to stare up at the barest glimmer of stars beginning to dot the deep blue sky. “This is the last time I let my cunt choose instead of my belly.”
“You did not complain then, mi guerrera,” Pero shoots back with a smirk. William is certain he has never disliked being between the two of you more, and that’s counting the time he broke up one of your quarrels.
“You can choke on it next time, mi amor,” you say back, oversweetening the endearment like it will somehow sate your hunger. William sighs loudly and cracks the reins in his hands.
“To end this bickering, let’s say we ride double time. We’ll make it there by last meal, and you can both give me the gift of silence while your mouths are full.”
William is barely done speaking when Pero urges his steed into a gallop, taking off along the well-worn trail. You swap a look with William, who shakes his head good-naturedly.
“You know, Pero sings your praises every chance he gets, especially when you cannot witness it,” he hums, both horses’ gaits picking up. “But I cannot understand why you put up with him some days.”
Sitting up taller, you pin William with a thoughtful look he’s rarely graced with. You prefer sharp glances, rakish grins, hard stares and blood-soaked grimaces, but rarely a look so warm that he can feel it on his face. Making a curious little noise, he cocks his head.
“You’ve only heard his point of view? You never asked mine.”
“I’m asking now.”
Eyes back on the road and the cloud of dust fast settling, William recognizes it all at once.
“I have never been loved so completely as Pero does. It is a battle, but one we always win. I will take every bad day, every foul joke and snarl, for one more with him.” With that you slap the reins and take off after your other half, sharp and graceful where he is blunt and brutish. 
For so long William wondered what kind of person would return his heart, and it took a trip to the East to discover who that person was. As he catches up, both your teeth bared in laughter at the overwhelming joy of being alive, he gives thanks that his old friend has found the same.
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she-likesorchids · 1 year
For Keeps: Chapter One
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Pairing: Frank Castle x Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warnings: Violence, Kidnapping, and other organized crime stuff. Frank and Matt bickering like an old married couple. Eventual threesome. Bisexual Frank Castle and Matt Murdock. They're vigilante boyfriends that live in a bunker.
Summary: Being the daughter of a New York politician with a heavy hand against organized crime puts a target on your back, and one night The Kitchen Irish finally get you. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen and The Punisher rescue you, and they vow to keep you safe. But, what happens when feelings get involved?
Author's Note: Written for the Thirsty for Cox server March challenge. The prompt is "Oh, I'm sorry. Was that too much?" There will be a part 2 and maybe a part 3. Special thanks to @stress--relief and @itwasthereaminuteago for being my muses and helping me whip this into something readable. I love y'all to the moon and back!
Likes and kudos are appreciated, but comments and reblogs are golden!
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Hell’s Kitchen is your home, for better or for worse. It felt like things were worse more often than better, but it is home nonetheless. You loved this city like you would love an unruly teenage child: you desperately wanted it to get its shit together, but you adored it unconditionally. Because your father was a politician with a heavy handed stance on organized crime, there was always a target on your back. The mobs of Hell’s Kitchen were all chomping at the bit to take a politician’s daughter for ransom to get back at him, and one night, the Kitchen Irish succeeded. 
You were walking home after your volunteer shift at the homeless shelter when a car screeched to a halt beside you, then two masked men jumped out and grabbed you before you could even reach your pepper spray. They gagged you and put a burlap sack over your head in an effort to keep you quiet, and to keep you from seeing exactly where they were taking you. You thrashed like a fish out of water in the backseat until the men tied your wrists together and one of them cracked you in the back of the head with the butt of his pistol, knocking you unconscious.
Read the rest on AO3.
Tagging the TFC crew! @skvatnavle @munsonownsmyass @e-dubbc11 @pedrito-friskito @itwasthereaminuteago @mattmurdocksscars @mindidjarin @thisishellfire @a-bang-for-your-bucky @saintmurd0ck @idrinkcoffeeandobsess
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angelumcaedis · 3 days
Lips are for Biting Here (91510 words) by angelumcaedis, LuciferSaidDance Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Alastor/Lucifer Magne | Morningstar Characters: Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Other Hazbin Characters make brief appearances, Helluva Boss Characters make brief appearances Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Anal Sex, Aromantic Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Non Sex-Repulsed Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Oral Sex, Blood Kink, Biting, Rough Sex, Light Bondage, old men drinking and bickering, dick measuring contest turns into a Dick Measuring Contest, and they were both switches, (un)successful mutual manipulation, mansplain manipulate malewife, Pain Kink, Porn With Plot, it's not out of character if they're wasted, greyasexual alastor who fucks to assert dominance, cowboy standoff whistle, BDSM, Sadism, Masochism, They're both a little fucked in the head and that's okay, Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane, Power Imbalance, Rivals With Benefits, POV Alternating, Sexual Violence, Consensual Evisceration, Exhibitionism, Alastor is in Hell for a Reason (Hazbin Hotel), Addiction, Smoking, Recreational Drug Use, it's just weed, Shotgunning, Shapeshifting, Lucussy, Lucifer Magne | Morningstar Has a Vagina, when he wants one, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Using sex to cope, Voyeurism, Somnophilia, Dirty Talk, Public Sex, Crack Treated Seriously, Watersports, Desperation Play, Piss kink, Wing Grooming, Wing Kink
Summary: Lucifer decides he ought to take a more active role in his position as King of Hell, and he asks Alastor for advice on the political scene in Pentagram City. Alastor never shares information for free. Drinks are had, agreements are made. They fuck about it. Things continue to escalate.
Chapter Summary: The boys continue to prepare for the dinner party they're hosting. Lucifer bends the rules of Hell for Alastor like the simp he is. Alastor tells Lucifer to get his head out of his own ass and develop "better" coping mechanisms like the rest of us, God damn it. Lucifer, for his part, opens up a bit about what it was like to be damned.
Happy Sunday, Sinners! New tags highlighted in red above. The piss kink is @sleipnir-in-disguise 's fault, but I'm an enabler, so. Enjoy, perverts (affectionate).
Available to registered users of the Archive only, so make sure you're logged in before clicking through! Sorry to anyone w/o an account.
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remyfire · 10 months
hi remy!! another 🎲 for beejhawk perhaps? lol :-)
(FINALLY GETTING BACK TO THESE a little at a time, please forgive me for the wait!
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You get! A kiss on the nose! Have some post-war established forties-something men because I keep putting BJ through the blender in everything else. They deserve this)
Hawkeye is dabbing away the last of the shaving cream that got pushed to his neck when something about how he shifts makes the bathroom light hit him at an odd angle, and like a moth to a flame, his gaze skitters right to...it. To be fair, it's almost impossible not to see it, what with it being right there on his face, taking up an unfair amount of real estate, but...it. There it is. Unavoidable.
Every day, he seems to be noticing something else about how his body is changing that gives him pause, but there's still a wide array of options that can take his mind off it—maybe even prove that however he's seeing himself in the mirror is completely untrue. Admittedly, a lot of it has to do with the doting attentions of one extremely enthusiastic lover who, once he's told what the trouble is, will go out of his way to demolish Hawkeye's uncertainty with all the subtlety of a wrecking ball.
Part of that tremendous ease BJ has with Hawk's worries probably has something to do with the decade and a half of experience they have with each other, truth be told. Still feels unreal, when he really considers it. From the minute Rudyard Kipling slithered through the air between them, it felt as if Hawkeye had known BJ Hunnicutt for his whole life. But just like anybody else, they had to fight and claw their way through bickering and misunderstandings and double speak and just downright assholery before they could finally get here, to a charming house in California where, against all odds, they appear to be able to spend the rest of their lives side by side.
They get to be together. They no longer hesitate about sharing the most minute thoughts of affection. God, with the ever shifting landscape around them of free love, how it's permeated down to Castro Street, they're able to even have public dates in a way that Hawkeye had never truly thought would become real. Dates surrounded by people just like them, everybody looking out for each other, smiling as they wander down the sidewalk or into a restaurant by the sheer power of the fact that they can just...hold hands. Kiss. Wrap their arms around each other's waists and claim and know down to their very depths that everyone around them is doing the same.
In a way, it's funny. On nights like this, where Hawk's less concerned about how close he can stand to BJ in public without interlopers starting to whisper, it seems to open up his mind to notice, again, those strange aspects of living in a body that's changing right before his eyes. Love handles. Shiny stretch marks on his thighs. Silvery hair.
And the things that aren't changing, but just becoming more apparent every day. Like...nose.
"How's it coming?" BJ asks as he wanders in from the bedroom, fingers cleverly securing his tie.
Hawk turns his head this way and that, eyes not moving from his face in the mirror. He ponders. Frowns. "D'you think my parents should've named me Rudolph?"
"Like Valentino?"
"No, like..." Hawk blinks and finally turns his attention to Beej. "Really?"
BJ shrugs with a little smile. "Well, yeah, hello." He strolls in and tucks himself up close to Hawk's back, resting the side of head against his. "You seeing what I'm seeing?"
It's all but impossible to look away from BJ's handsome face through the glass, actually, the way his grays have brought out the elegance of his mustache, how deeply the wrinkles at the edges of his eyes sink in when he grins like this. He's so solid. Safe. Sexy as hell. "You know what it does to me when you wear that tie, right?"
As his eyes turn into smoldering diamonds, Beej's lips curve into a lethal smirk. "Sorry. Losing my memory in my old age. You'll have to remind me later."
"You'll be lucky if I let you get out of the car before I'm fucking reminding you," Hawk teases.
BJ keeps his gaze right on Hawkeye's as he leans forward and presses a hot kiss behind his ear, the kind that makes Hawk hum and go a little weak in the knees. "We have a reservation," BJ reminds him, as though he's not touching the small of Hawkeye's back to keep him steady and press him into the bathroom counter all at the same time.
"Fuck you," Hawk murmurs.
BJ laughs, winks, then steps away to let Hawkeye get a deep breath to settle himself. It would be a shame to miss out on some amazing cheesecake when he can just let BJ get through dinner unruffled and then blow him in the front seat, if Hawk's back'll let him.
Maybe it won't. But wouldn't it be fun to try?
Hawkeye hangs up the hand towel, but the moment he looks back at the mirror to check his hair, his stirring thoughts go dead silent. "Really, though." As he lifts his chin, a combination of the lightbulbs they use in the bathroom and his skin, warm from the California summer, makes the very tip of his nose seem even more bulbous and flushed than usual. "Look at this."
BJ hums in question. He settles his hand on his waist as he leans into the counter for a better angle. "At what?"
"This! Are you kidding?" Hawkeye gestures at his nose more grandly than he did that new bike he bought Beej for Christmas the year before last. "Look at it."
"What about it?"
"I swear it's getting redder. Bigger. I don't know." As Hawk screws up his face, his expression briefly reminds himself of a cat, disdainfully analyzing the food that was just set before it.
BJ chuckles. "I really have no idea what you're talking about. It looks exactly the same as it has since the first day I met you."
Somehow that's an even more horrifying thought, that Hawk's gone this long thinking he's some handsome, sexy ladykiller—mankiller? That one doesn't flow as well. Maybe neither of them do. He shakes his head to try and dispel the thoughts before they can go racing away from him. "Okay, sure. Forget it. It's fine." It's not. He's fixating, stuck, compulsively spinning his mind around it so that even when he looks down to grab his bottle of cologne, all he sees in his head is a bright red berry stuck at the end of a crooked hose.
Beej makes a quiet sound—one that Hawk instinctively understands to be his problem-solving hum—before he slides a hand into Hawkeye's back pocket, against all odds managing to get his thick fingers in no matter how form-fitting the trousers currently are. "I think I could pick just about any part of you out of a lineup."
Hawkeye snorts, the corners of his lips quirking despite himself. "Oh, yeah, kind of like weeding out the weird freaky misshapen apple from the bunch."
He cocks his head, considers another angle. "Because when Erin's not visiting, I'm allergic to anything that's not a bathrobe."
"Close," BJ murmurs, his tone shaking only slightly with a repressed laugh.
"Okay, okay, okay." Hawk waves through the air. "I'll bite. Why?"
"Because you ruined any other body for me."
Hawk pauses, still clutching the bottle of cologne, staring hard at the faucet.
"You're not gonna believe me. But try." BJ nuzzles Hawk's cheek, the words inescapable from so close. "When Erin and I swung by SF MoMA the last time she was here—when you were pulling that emergency shift, remember?—I kept having this feeling when I was walking past some of the paintings, the sculptures. I couldn't really figure it out. It's all gorgeous stuff. Erin kept pointing out some of the most incredible details I've ever seen. She's got an eye for it, I swear. But it took me until I got home and came into the bathroom and you were in the tub, and I just...I saw you, and I realized that every person depicted in those masterpieces, yeah, sure, they were objectively lovely, and also they stirred nothing in me. They were some of the most lifelike pieces I've had the pleasure to see, but they were so incredibly fake. They couldn't hold my attention because they weren't you."
All at once, Hawk can't bear to look at him, turns his head completely away. It's strange. It's so fucking weird how they've been together all this time, and yet there are moments where BJ will see him so vividly that Hawkeye half-wonders if he's been walking around in a blur up until then.
But Beej's palm finds his cheek then, and Hawk feels it all the way down to his toes. No, there's nothing fuzzy about life for him. He's been seeing in brilliant clarity since Kimpo.
Slowly, slowly, BJ guides Hawk back around, like a planet rotating toward the sun, and the moment they lock eyes, Hawkeye finds his face so gently cradled in both of BJ's massive hands. Suddenly there's no thoughts of noses, of stretch marks, of sore backs. There's just a silent invitation to look and be looked at in turn.
Hawk can't stop himself from resting his palms on BJ's softening waist as he drinks in the sight of him. It's incredible how impossible it is now to separate the potent reaction he has to the lines on his skin from the way his muscles melt in relief that he's here at all. As Hawk falls deep into his blue stare, his blood sings for him as though they're magnetized. There's so little distinction between the visceral physical attraction and the comfort that he can tell now has only come from time, time, and more time.
BJ thumbs over Hawkeye's skin. "You know what this face reminds me of?" he asks quietly.
Hawkeye considers. A single butterfly begins beating its wings right at the base of his stomach. As desperately as he's trying to flip through his mental rolodex to find a joke, a quip, the combination of BJ's touch and the longing in his gaze stops any playful comments stone dead. "No."
"It reminds me that you're here. You're real. You're not some dream." Those stunning eyes wander palpably all over Hawk's expression, from his forehead to his cheeks to his chin, leaving no part of him unloved. When BJ's fingers brush along the creases at the edge of Hawk's eyes, Beej bites his bottom lip for a moment. "That we made it. That we're living. That no matter who was taken from us, we're still marching forward together. That every day, there's a part of you that changes—just a few dozens of billions of cells—" The casual nature of that number makes Hawkeye chuckle, makes BJ's grin widen. "—but that even when you change, you're asking me to come right along with you. Because you don't need me to stay the same. And neither do you. Because what matters is we're making the choice every day to love the man we see right there, right in that moment, and finding we never want to make another decision but to stay. To learn each other's minds and passions and bodies over and over again."
The fervency of Beej's words pick up the longer he talks, and Hawkeye leans into him, bumping their foreheads together with a shuddering exhale. "You're such a bastard," Hawk finally manages to whisper back, smiling so broadly that his cheeks hurt. "How do I follow up something like that? What am I gonna say, ditto? C'mon. It's not enough that you took all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes, but you've gotta take all the perfect words too?"
"Look who's talking," BJ repeats in a voice that's so lush, so sweet that Hawk could never doubt it.
BJ cups Hawk's cheek more deliberately, and without another thought, Hawkeye closes his eyes and purses his lips, waiting for a millionth kiss from the man he gave up so little for and yet gained so fucking much from. But there's no gentle brush over his mouth. Instead, faint but intimate warmth presses right to the tip of his nose, and Hawk, already at the edge of emotional overwhelm, feels his legs buckle as he gasps and leans his weight into BJ.
Beej catches him, because of course he does, his arms wrapping around Hawkeye's waist in the exact space that was made for them. He busses their noses together, back and forth, and Hawk drags up fistfuls of BJ's shirt over his spine, pulling it out from under his belt, and lets out a whimper.
"I love your nose," BJ whispers, the heat of his words tickling Hawk's face. "I love your grays. I love your wrinkles. I love your figure, all the soft parts, all the knobby bits. I've never felt like this about anybody in my life. And every day, there's something new about you that lights me on fire. So hush. The next time you see something you don't feel like belongs on your body, you just come find me, and I'll make sure it feels plenty welcome, huh?"
Hawk barks out an unexpected laugh. "I love you so much. You asshole. We've got a reservation that you made. We don't have time for me to blubber up with the waterworks."
It's the silence between them that's always been a warning. Hawkeye risks a glance and finds BJ already smirking at him, toothy and dangerous, and just as Hawk's heart starts to flutter, he's already hopping away—but not before BJ finds his ticklish belly and grazes over it.
"No!" Hawk cackles without thought, leaping from one foot to the next in a shot of adrenaline that makes him feel like he's barely thirty again. "Don't you—don't you dare!"
"I'm just making you laugh," Beej taunts as he comes after him. He makes an impressive lunge, but Hawk manages to spin out through the bathroom door and scamper across the carpet. "Aw, c'mon, babe—"
"Menace! Dick! Ass!" When BJ makes another grab, Hawk somehow manages to duck under his arms. "Pri—no!"
As Beej catches his wrist at the last possible moment, he drags Hawkeye in and pins him gently up against the hallway wall with his broad form, kissing his nose, his cheek, his jawline. "Love you," he breathes.
Thoughts of cheesecake rapidly slipping away, Hawk tips his head back with a shivery laugh. "Love you too—" And then cuts off with a squirm the second his evil lover presses fingers into his waist. "Hate! HATE!"
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 1 year
hi I am here in your inbox and asking u about ur otps to get more ships in law (not sorry) SO: 3, 12, 27, 38, 45, 51 for plantcest or kniveswood (you can do both if you want to go off - which you should)
OTP Asks
Plantcest first :)
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
I want to say no, their clothing styles are hilariously incompatible once they start developing identities outside of each other--Vash is all leather and punk bondage gear, while Nai likes edgy space-age fashion. This is not to say that Vash doesn't wear earrings that look like Nai's knives as a little reminder of home or that Nai doesn't wear Vash's clothes when he misses him. This is because Nai's love looks like crawling into Vash's skin.
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
When they were younger, not at all. We all know about the middle. When they're together again after so many years of fighting, the arguments are few and far between. Nai knows how destructive his anger is. He knows how it pushes people away. And Vash's own temper is so slow to trigger that unless they get to a boiling point after days and weeks of little slights, he keeps it under wraps.
The fights get physical--of course they do--and in the end, Vash needs to disappear after a while. It took Knives a long time to internalize and trust that Vash would always come back. And once he does return, they talk--and it feels like pulling teeth, usually, but they can't lose each other. Not again.
27. Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
Knives. Vash can drink most men under the table and Knives is "one glass of wine at dinner" kind of guy.
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
You'd think it would be Vash who's the vanilla one. This is wrong. Vash is deep in the BDSM scene withh hardcore masochistic kinks and Nai can and will fly into a panic attack if he hurts Vash during sex. They're still both absolute freaks (adoring) in bed, though. I still need to write about Nai going into topdrop...
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
Yes, as a matter of necessity. They're used to lonely nights. That doesn't mean they enjoy it.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
A gun left in a drawer instead of holstered at the hip.
Aaaand for Kniveswood:
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Knives would never wear Wolfwood's ratty suits. He would rather di- HEY GET OUT OF MY CLOSET VASH!! NO THAT'S MINE!! I SWEAR THAT'S MY BUTTON DOWN WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW IT'S WOLFWOOD'S--
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
All the goddamn time. These two bicker like they breathe. Knives apologizes with actions before he'll ever say the words "I'm sorry," and Wolfwood will find something like all the chores in their apartment done without a word and dinner sitting on the table for him, still warm, when he comes home. Wolfwood begs forgiveness because he's Catholic and because Knives is into it.
27. Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
Still Knives. Wolfwood and Vash are old drinking buddies.
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
Knives. While Wolfwood's nerves have long been crossed when it comes to pain and pleasure, Knives is the one who likes seeing Wolfwood tied up and bleeding. Wolfwood's content with kissy missionary even if he enjoys a good session now and again.
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
Yes. They're very independent people, I think. This doesn't mean that Knives doesn't enjoy being the little spoon.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Wolfwood always shows up when Knives needs him; no questions asked. Knives never lets this go unrewarded.
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
9, 25, 27, 40 and 47!
Sorry for the delay !
So keep in mind I may have more than one ship for those but the rule is to pick one so I'll just say one for each !
9. Would be toxic in real life but it fits them in fiction
SkekSil X SkekUng from the Dark Crystal franchise. In the movie, I can't help but see them as very angry bitter exes who still have feelings deep down (SkekSil didn't kill him and SkekUng not only stopped the others who were about to rip him to shreds and accepted him back in the court later) hidden under anger, insults, fights, revenge and humiliation not helped by their common ambition : wanting to become the new Emperor. They regularly fight as much physically as verbally and hatefuck inbetween and feel cheated when one fucks someone else even if they are no longer together, but that doesn't stop them both to move on and to enrage the other. But even when they were together in my HC or even in @dracocheesecake's and mine Native AU in which they are still together, they would angryfuck, backstab each other, argue very often, kill one's enthusiasm and even going as far as hitting. But they are evil bastards, it just FITS them and feels "sexy" and funnt for them y'know
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25. Power duo in their profession
Dogamy and Dogaressa from Undertale. A canon married couple ! They are very in love with each other often kissing and being affectionate and if you choose to kill one the other is extremely sangry feeling empty but determined to avenge the other by killing you and being more dangerous than when they were 2, but they still are very professional and not blinded or distracted. They are equally good at their Royal Guards job, don't stray from their mission, form a very good duo attacking in sync with a good strategy to get their enemy, they are not just a couple they are a duo
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27. Dumb and dumber
Scratch X Grounder from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. NO They're not brothers, they're not more brothers than the other robots who still get together but nobody say a thing like Breezie and Junior, why is it any different for them ? That said, they're absolute dumbasses who keep bickering because that's all their artificial brains can do, but they do care, have very sus moments that had teenager me go "BRUH" and THEY EVEN MADE A KID TOGETHER
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40. Old married couple
SkekGra and UrGoh from The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance. They technically are the same person but when splitting with their own personalities they feel whole together and want to feel even closer by wanting to fuse back. SkekGra fucking became GOOD for UrGoh and his morals which is a huge exploit from a Skeksis who are meant to be the darkest part of UrSkeks, and UrGoh himself isolated himself from the other UrRu because he wanted to be as active as his other half rather than waiting like the others. They also bicker over anything or are annoyed without being too much annoyed, and are old funky men. They have been together smoking weed and playing puppets for centuries in the middle of the desert so I guess it counts as old husbands
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47. Soulmates
Jen and Kira from The Dark Crystal. Not only was it fate that they would meet, restore peace and more or less "repopulate" as the 2 last of their kind (even if the sequel comics had them childless with lots of Gelfling popping up from nowhere), they have an instant connection, not just a cliché love at first sight but the first time they see someone of their species, the first time they can be as intimate as dreamfasting, learn from each other, and finally know happiness. True soulmates
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s12e22 who we are (w. robert berens)
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i don't usually read the summary on netlix (or elsewhere) but "undying trust" had my brain snap into focus in no time flat.
working with their torturer, whatever man. no worse of an offense than the whole bmol plotline 🤪
SAM I mean, I've read half a dozen purification rituals in the last hour. If we used one of those on – on our blood... DEAN Then what? Revirginize it?
was thinking too about that whole born again virgin episode (9x08) because of course they've done that before!
DEAN You know, it wasn't long ago, I thought we had it made. We saved the world. We got Cass back. We had Mom back. I mean, it wasn't perfect, but still, we had 'em. And now... SAM Now they're all gone. And Mom, what they did to her... I just fell for their company line. Man, I... I saw what they were doing, and I – and I thought, Hunters on that scale, working together... how much good we can do. And once I was in, I... I just followed. 'Cause it was easy. Easier. DEAN Easier than what? SAM Easier than leading.
the relief of letting someone else make some decisions is a big one, if you can do it. the idea of leading feels a little out of left field though since it's basically just him and dean on equal footing and occasionally working with other people? being independent contractors vs employees
SAM Is this how you pictured it? The end? DEAN Oh, you know it's not. I always thought we'd go out like... Butch and Sundance style. SAM Yeah. Blaze of glory.
never not gonna dwell on how dean actually goes out.
good for dean, finally gets to use his boom stick
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and good for us, this exchange of looks. surprisingly cute and sweet
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and tada look at that our heroes are safe at the last moment all wrapped up in ten minutes. on to next drama, stopping mary from killing jody and the rest of the hunters. old mom not allowed to kill new mom
JODY When she clocked me out of the blue, I thought she was a demon. I had no idea that brainwashing could be so thorough. DEAN Jody, she... I'm so sorry. JODY It's not your fault.
man, i really have come to love jody and her dynamic with them. within the story, bobby obviously played a bigger role for them as a parental figure, but for me kim rhodes is so good at connecting with them and playing up that kind of particular familial teasing/bickering/fondness - she makes me believe that she really is family to them. not just the, we like you, so we're adopting you thing they do with everyone they come across these later seasons.
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samantha smith also doing a job at being creepy killer mary, so serene
TONI The Mary that you know, the good Mary, she's hiding behind impenetrable psychic walls. And I'm afraid these walls... Well, they can't be torn down with grenades. Your mother can't be saved.
if cas could pick out the hallucifer from sam's brain, surely he could fix mary's brain too. especially with a baby lucifer powerup, right. (oh no, come to edit, we're doing it with the power of love!)
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WALT Well, damn. ROY We haven't seen you guys since – DEAN Since you killed us. No hard feelings.
awkward. in the flashback they just show them getting both shot in sequence, i'd forgotten they killed sam and then argued over leaving dean alive, decided against it and went ahead and killed him too. 5x16. me thinking is dean glancing at his chest remembering how he got shot 🥲
well sammy's getting a big, "he's a leader" speech
SAM Um, so my – my brother and I, we – we, um... No, you know what? I called you here because people... um, our people, are being slaughtered. And we're next. The British Men of Letters, they came here because they thought they could do our job better than we could. And they hooked us with their flashy gear and their tech. Most of you had the good sense to turn 'em down. I didn't. They said they wanted the same thing we wanted, you know? A world free of monsters. That's not what they really wanted. They want control. They want to live in a world where they can sit in some office and decide who gets to live and who gets to die. And they've killed people. They've killed innocent people just because they got in the way. They think the ends justify the means. But we know better. We know hunting isn't just about killing. It's about doing what's right, even when it's hard. So we go by our gut, right? We play by our own rules, and that scares them. That's why they want us dead, 'cause we're the one thing they can't control.
all right. at least the music wasn't too much. the words though? it's just too much.
SAM I want you to follow me. Take the fight to them. To hit them before they hit us. We go in fast and hard and we fight and we beat them down until they give up or until they're dead. Look, they're well-trained and well-armed. Some of us might not make it back. But we will win. We will take down the bad guys because that's what we do. They're scared of us. Yeah. Good. They should be.
by this second part, i started giggling. so out of nowhere and cliche
and today, we celebrate our independence day or perhaps but the waters receded
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my brother in sweat, poor jared. jensen slackin on towel duty. wonder if he struggled with the scene or just that it's a long speech so more time to be sweating visibly
DEAN No, my leg busted up the way it is, I'm no good in a fight. SAM I-I'll take a jacked-up Dean Winchester over any 10 other Hunters any day.
aww, sammy
DEAN Yeah. I saw you. You're ready for this. You show those sons of bitches who's boss.
this separation is a little contrived but okay, not going to complain that we get a nice moment out of it. the very special episode where sam gets to slip into a leadership role and succeed and dean gets to be the proudest brother/partner
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DEAN You got this. Come here. You come back. SAM Promise. DEAN Bitch. SAM Jerk.
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well that you come back / promise is what made me cry. and wasn't in the copy of the script linked on the wiki (production draft). so thank you to to whoever brought that about
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oh no they've deployed a sweet little chunk for sam now i'm really going to cry. also know a conversation that's coming since i've seen gifs of it many times
they made this bmol bed so maybe a big dumb shootout action sequence was the only way to lie in it but it sure is a lot less... compelling, compared to what dean's doing. course, every time we're in the old house with mary (2x20, 5x16) it's in an episode i sobbed my way through. so. that's doing some of the work for them here too
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DEAN You lied to me. I was a kid. You promised you'd keep me safe. And then you make a deal with Azazel. Yeah, it saved Dad's life, but I'll tell you something else that happened. Because on November 2, 1983, old Yellow Eyes came waltzing in to Sammy's room, because of your deal. You left us. Alone. 'Cause Dad was just a shell. His perfect wife? Gone. Our perfect Mom, the perfect family... was gone. And I... I had to be... more than just a brother. I had to be a father and I had to be a mother, to keep him safe. And that wasn't fair. And I couldn't do it.
DEAN And you wanna know what that was like? They killed the girl that he loved. He got possessed by Lucifer. They tortured him in Hell. And he lost his soul. His soul. All because of you. All of it was because of you.
(i know this isn't the point, he's just trying to get through to her, but my little hand mentally raises like this was all far beyond any of their control)
DEAN I hate you. I hate you. And I love you. 'Cause I can't – I can't help it. You're my Mom. And I understand...'cause I have made deals to save the ones I love more than once.
trying to think of when he's done it for someone besides sam.
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DEAN I forgive you. I forgive you. For all of it. Everything. On the other side of this, we can start over, okay? You, me, Sam. We can get it right this time. But I need you to fight. Right now, I need you to fight. I need you – I need you to look at me, Mom. I need you to really look at me and see me. Mom, I need you to see me. Please.
jensen did good with this one. later seasons he seems to not quite get there as intense with the emotions all the time like he did in early seasons, but he definitely got there in this one. and that was a long speech too
glad we didn't need to face any more redemption arc with torturer lady, killed ignominiously offscreen (ok i had to look up the spelling/definition to doublecheck and realized in my head i had dropped an entire syllable AND listening to the pronunciation had it way wrong. good thing i've never tried to say that out loud lol at best i think i was thinking ig-NO-muss-ly instead of ig-no-MIN-ee-uss-ly)
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here at least is a throwdown that i can get behind, we've got many reasons to hate this dude and wanna see dean beat the shit out of him
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get him, mary
huh. interesting they had jody kill evil bmol dr hess lady too
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! elusive triple hug. sammy's having a real moment
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SAM Mom. You don't have to be scared of me. (Sam walks over and hugs Mary. Dean walks over and places a hand on Sam's shoulder) DEAN Glad you're back, man.
no bonus winchester packed hug in this script either
well. that had a lot of good family hurt/comfort for me personally, and pretty light on the hurt. thank you, show. i will take it and jam it all in my pockets.
so are they gonna wrap up lucifer next episode, or is that setting the stage for next season? i have very little idea of what happens in these late-late seasons. vaguely, that a kline descendant is involved. not much more than that
(yikes just scrolled to the top of this post, this is very long)
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rozetheeuwu · 2 years
HI sorry idk if ur still wanting questions but i thoguht of another i rlly wanna know
What characters that didnt get any/very little interactions in game do you wish got to have some time together?
I'm not sure if you time together with the player or with other characters so I'm gonna do both. ;w;
Characters I wanted to have more time in general:
Would've loved to see more of them and learn more about them and their past. We mainly see Blake's childhood from Cal's perspective and what we do learn from Blake is that their father was abusive. I would've loved to see how it was like for him and how he felt more in detail. I also wish there was more than 1 post game quest with him. Don't get me wrong I loved the quest with him and Cal finally just talking about what happened and getting a fresh start, but it would've been fun to hang out with just him some more.
Also really wanted to see more of him in the future >:( Give me (Slightly) mellowed out Blake!
Same pretty much goes for Zero and El. Fuck, both only got a sidequest that's optional depending on the choices you make in game. I pretty much never actually got the Zero sidequest on my own (A friend lend me their savefile to check it out though!) Did you know he got an Articuno just for Lumi? That's so sweet!
We do get an amazing lore from El in the reshiram route, but still kinda sad that we didn't get more.
We did see quite a bit of Ace, but they disappeared after the sewers and wasn't seen again until late postgame!
I wanted to interact with them more and see more of them!
All we know from Sirius's past is told to us by other characters/diaries. And that's not much. Wish we could've seen a bit of him during the celebi or Dialga/Palkia sidequest or something.
Sigmund: We did get a lot of info on him during the Jirachi quest but we didn't get to interact with him at all after the events in Tanzan.
I mean, we can get friendship points with the man, just for him to die no matter what you do.
I wanted him to pay for his actions and see his mistakes during postgame. I wanted him to realize what he did to Saphira, her sisters and the other kids was abusive and that he apologized for it or something.
It just feels... Sad and empty now.
Character interactions with each other I wanted to see:
Cal and Blake:
I know pretty much most of Blake's encounters involves Cal but I just wanted to see them be brother's again working on their relationship, ya know? Or at least a scene in the future where they're close again...
Blake and Heather:
We did see them together in Blake's character ending, but since that's optional I'm putting it here anyway. Would've at least wanted to see one more interaction.
Radomus and El:
Haha, funny old men go bickering.
Titania and Shelly:
I love them so much, I want to see them talking about books or something.
Serra and Shelly:
Same reason as above, but less excited about that.
The rivals:
The shenanigans... We could've had them in a postgame quest where you had to chase a legendary trio or something.
Would've been so funny!
Noel and Shelly:
Idk, they're friends but we never get to see them interact much!! I want to see their friendship!
Zero with any of the fellow (ex) team meteor members:
Would've been so fun to see him be awkward as shit around them
Like they don't know him as his own person, they know him as ZEL
Elias and Taka:
Gimme it, they should talk about Solaris and the past or something idk!!! Let Taka and his other dad El talk!!
Elias and Terra:
Purely because of the future scene.
Ace and Ciel:
This should speak for itself. I need this.
Samson and literally anyone:
Unlike Terra and Ciel he pretty much knows no one there as much as he knows them. Let him and Victoria arm wrestle. Let him and Blake take shots. Let him carry Shelly, Heather, Noel and Anna at the same time.
There's probably a lot more that I can't think of right now, but yeah.
Hope I answered your question properly sdkgjdkflg
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angel-inked · 1 year
Silenced Fire, Chapter Five: Thorn in the side
Sorry about no wip yesterday, our drying machine quit and we had to move things out of the way to be able to get the old one out.
Anyway instead of a wip, enjoy another chapter of Silenced Fire.
(Previous, next)
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @hecatemoon87 @wandawiccan60 @potter-solomons
Howard cleaned Forrest' cuts, scratches and scrapes. Making sure everything that is supposed to be inside his little brother stayed, well, inside his little brother. Finally Howard straightened his stance "Well Jack, we outta let Forrest tend to his lady friend here" he teased. Forrest didn't retort, he shot his brothers a glare causing them to hurry out of the room more so than they already were. "Just ignore them, there's a reason I'm the brains of this operation" Forrest grumbled. "Oh, they're quite alright. My sister would've done something similar" Rose replied, taking a seat next to him. Forrest felt his breath hitch, he was never the best at socializing. As he said, he's the brains of the operation, he prefers building stills and thinking up new recipes for the brothers to sell, he supposed he was a hand at talking his way out of trouble or a fight, two things that seemed to be one in the same to him anymore. "You okay? You look pretty beat up" Rose asked, cuping Forrest' chin with her hand and carefully tilting his head to get a better look at the freshly cleaned cuts. "Yeah, that's because I did get beat up, you're sister... um helped me" Forrest explained, purposely leaving out the whole Maggie shooting his attacker part. "Well, she was always good with that pistol of her's" Rose replied, staring straight ahead, the look on her face saying she was deep in thought. "Yo.. you know about that?" Forrest questioned. "Yep, Maggie told me herself. I'm not some wimp, ya know?" She smirked. "I.. I didn't think that for a second" Forrest stuttered, noticeably nervous, well, at least he thought it was noticeable. He wasn't actually sure if Rose noticed, she didn't seem to but he figured she wouldn't mention it if she did, after all she was trying to get Forrest to hire her!
"So, what made ya want to take this job?" Forrest asked, remembering this was supposed to be a job interview. "Well, ain't got nothing else to do, besides pretty sure Maggie wants me out of her house anyway" she explained, fidgeting with the fabric of her dress. Forrest narrowed his eyes and Rose seemed to notice his confusion "ya know that house that burnt up on the other side of town?" She asked. "That was you?" Forrest exclaimed. "Yep, my fiance bought the house but whoever built the damned thing didn't know much about wiring" Rose replied, leaning her chin into the palm of her hand. "Who's you're fiance? Maybe I know'em" Forrest said quietly, regaining a little if any confidence. "Millard, Millard Nullings" she replied, her bright expression wavering. Forrest knew Millard alright, they sat beside each other in school. He also knew that when the house went up in flames, Millard went up with it "I'm sorry for your loss" Forrest murmured, clearing his throat, not sure what else to say.
"It's alright, I mean it's not but it is what it is" she smiled. They sat in silence, that is until they heard a loud thud and the smashing of glass upstairs. Forrest rushed up the stairs and Rose followed, "Howard? Jack?" Forrest called, cursing Howard internally for taking off with his sweater with his brass knuckles still in the pocket. "We're alright" Jack exclaimed, Forrest rushed towards the sound of his baby brother's voice. Upon opening the door, he found his brothers cleaning up broken glass jars next to a knocked over shelf on the floor. "Howard backed into it" Jack explained. "No, you pushed me" Howard countered. "Did not" Jack spat. "Now both of you just shut up and clean up your mess, I don't wanna be hearin' anymore arguin', alright?" Forrest explained, a stern look was all it took to get the two grown men to silence their bickering.
"I'm sorry you had to see all that" Forrest mumbled, as he and Rose trudged down the last few stairs before landing on the barroom floor. "It's alright, at least nobody's hurt, well, let me rephrase that. Neither of you're brothers are hurt" Rose smiled, making Forrest bite the inside of his bottom lip. "Since we didn't get to talk much, how about you come back tomorrow and I can give you the run down on things" Forrest explained. "Really? Does that mean you want me for the job?" Rose exclaimed, a hopeful expression on her face. "Yep" Forrest nodded, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me, I mean I..." she trailed off. "Hey, save you're breath. You don't need to thank me, and I'll make sure those two knuckleheads upstairs don't interrupt us next time" Forrest explained, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Right, I'll see you tomorrow. Come on olive" Rose replied, calling the pit bull that followed along behind her loyally by name. As soon she was out the door, Forrest exhaled sharply and went back up the stairs to his office, he collapsed back into his chair. Why? Why did Rose make it feel like he was suffocating? He wasn't sure. She seemed so.. understanding, even when Howard and Jack made a mess of things. Damned emotions, Forrest thought he did away with those years ago, back when his mom.. well.
"Oh shit" Forrest sighed, running his hands through his slicked back hair. His brothers had been teasing him about his hair that morning, Howard couldn't understand why Forrest put that much effort into his appearance everyday, considering he wore his hat ninety-nine percent of the time. Forrest was meticulous about how he looked and presented himself, his mom had been like that. In 1931, this was what was expected of the women, but for a man, especially one with the background Forrest had, nearly unheard of. But, like with most things in Franklin County, Forrest was the exception, though he didn't much care what other people thought or who looked, he was mostly just trying to please himself. If he thought he looked good, he felt good. He usually was the most put together of the brothers, Jack is very casual and Howard usually looks like he got black out drunk, passed out then woke up and slapped his hat on his head. Howard always looked so thrown together, one time Forrest actually made him clean up because the three brothers were headed past the hills for a shine deliverie, a deliverie that wasn't a dive joint for once, this was one of they're higher paying clients, so Forrest figured that making an impression was a good idea, what he didn't account for was Howard beating the snot out of two police officers who caught the brothers with a four stack of shine filled wooden crates in the back of their truck.
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bratdoll666 · 2 years
Chapter 2: Professionals
Part 1 / wattpad
Note: This is the last chapter of just them on a job, I promise. The plot starts in the next chapter~
TW: violence, swearing, mentions of blood, death
"So for mom's birthday, I was thinking we should take her out to a nice, fancy restaurant. I was thinking Greek.", Lemon says to his brother who's leaning against the wall opposite of him, too occupied by his book to hear more than just the last word of that sentence.
"Greek.", Tangerine echoes absentmindedly, trying to re-read the sentence Lemon distracted him from.
"Yeah, the place around the corner from the house, remember? It got new owners and now it's like this rich people place."
Lowering his book, he looks at his brother, only now starting to engage in their conversation., "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"
"Mom's birthday", Lemon repeats. "We should take her out to dinner."
"Why doesn't she bake a cake or something and we gift her some shit she doesn't need anyways? That's tradition, innit?"
"Her oven's broken. Fuck, bruv. I told you this last week already. You never fucking listen."
"Oh yeah, I still wanted to tell you that I have a job next week so you'll have to send my regards to her. Save me a slice of cake.", Tangerine replies, proving the point that he, indeed, never fucking listened. Or maybe he was simply in an especially bickerish mood today.
There's a short pause in which Lemon contemplates going on a tension about how this is typical Gordon behavior but he decides against it. Instead, he just stares at his brother and says, "You forgot our mom's birthday."
"I just got a good job offer. Pay's well."
"You forgot our mom's birthday.", Lemon repeats, this time more slowly, almost as if he was speaking to a stubborn child. And sometimes talking to Tangerine, who would actively twist the narrative until he was no longer wrong, really felt that way.
Tangerine opens his mouth in protest but when he sees that Lemon wouldn't be backing down from this, he simply lets out a huff. Lemon would let a lot of things slide with him but when it got to their mother, there really was no budging.
"Okay, maybe I got the dates mixed up. ", he finally half-admits to being wrong. "It's not like it's always been on the same day."
Sitting in the corner, completely neglected by the both of them, their target is tied to a heater. The twins had been tasked to simply abduct the guy and hold him in a place until he got picked up by whoever. It didn't really matter. But whoever was supposed to pick him up was sure taking their sweet time and it got to the point where they weren't even acknowledging him anymore for the sake of bickering with each other. Only when the guy lets out a groan do both of their heads spin around to look at him.
"Oh, no. Don't mind me. Just good old me waiting to be executed, that's all.", the man says trying to sound indifferent, waving his free hand casually in their direction.
"If that's all...", Tangerine says under his breath, turning back to Lemon to continue their senseless arguing but this time he's the one to be neglected.
"They're not gonna execute you, man.", Lemon says and for some reason, it almost sounds like he's consoling the man. "They would've paid us to do that. Trust me, you're fine."
He shoots a look at Tangerine, thinking his brother might have something reassuring to say but is only met with an expression that he's definitely seen before. It was a well-stirred mixture of anger, confusion, and utter disappointment that Tangerine usually portrayed whenever Lemon did a no-no so big he couldn't even believe it at first. As per usual, this expression directly translated to: You didn't read the briefing I sent you.
A gunshot cuts their interaction short and the man who had seemed almost hopeful just a second ago was now as executed as humanly possible. It was quite the comedic timing but neither of the twins could get himself to find the humor in it.
A group of men makes their way into the room and while one of them approaches the twins, the rest already begin to clean up the mess. He puts his gun back into the holster that's conveniently hidden by his jacket and starts talking.
"Sorry for the delay, there was a traffic jam. I know, not very professional of us but's what we hired you two for, eh?.", he says and they simply nod in agreement. "So. The payment went into your account and boy, that number sure made me rethink my career."
They all chuckle at that, more for the sake of maintaining good business relations, rather than because the man had actually said anything remotely funny. A handshake from Tangerine and a "good luck" from Lemon later, the two of them are on their way back home. Only when they're sure they're out of earshot, does Tangerine speak up again.
"You really thought that they'd pay people like us to go get this guy just so they could all have a wee little chatter?", he asks, shaking his head at his brother in disappointment but not surprise. "That's the biggest load of bullocks I've heard in a minute."
Tangerine lights himself a cigarette to calm his nerves a bit before rehashing the info from the briefing. And, as if trying to prove how well prepared he himself was, he does so in great detail. The guy they had abducted or the delivery, as Tangerine charmingly put it, had basically been lurking around some mob boss's daughter, putting some lullabies into her ear about how they should run away together. But not before doing some shopping in daddy's safe, of course. That had been some years ago and now intel that had been in the safe suddenly started popping up here and there.
"The reason we were hired-", Tangerine says, finally getting to the point of his entire monologue, "- is because they had no idea where to even start looking for the bloke. They wanted him dead but couldn't get to him, so instead, they hired some professionals to get him to them. They wanted to take him out themselves and we offer delivery based on the contract. End of story."
"That guy was a Diesel then.", Lemon concludes, grossly oversimplifying the story his brother had told him for the duration of his cigarette.
Tangerine sighs and flicks his cigarette into the street. "Shut up, Lem."
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schooldance101 · 5 months
The Christmas Gala
The Christmas Gala- 
Summary: So Daisy  decides to ask Bruce if she can invite her friend to the gala, because they're boring. He says yes and panic (from her friend) begins.
You can choose if Daisy or Priscilla are the reader character. 
Bruce Pov-
     It was supposed to be a peaceful morning, but of course it wasn't, it never is. I have my breakfast in silence because miraculously everyone is asleep. Have a few hours before my meeting with the party planner for the gala.  Then Daisy bolts down the stairs that might just match Flash's. She started talking really fast about something. 
"Slow down Daisy, I can't understand you" 
"Sorry, What I was saying was, Could I invite my friend Priscilla to the gala next week?"
"If I say yes will you leave me alone?"
" Your friend can come to the gala", She thanked me and  went on her merry way.
Daisy Pov-
" Cella guess who said you can come to the gala"
"WHAT, He said yes I only agreed to going because I never thought your dad would actually let me come, plus you were getting annoying"
" He was tired, Father would do anything for me to go away from him when he's tired, You know about my stubbornness, I don't give up"
At this point Priscilla knows she should have remembered, and she is defeated. Then for the next hour she panics about everything from her outfit to what my family would think of her. Bold of her to think I give 2 $hits what my family thinks of my friends, also she's the sweetest person ever, anyone who could hate her has something wrong with them. Wait... actually you might  want to scratch that, I mean my family is....not the most mentally stable people, but whatever.
In the end she decides to wear one of her aunt's dresses from a high school dance. It's green and I decided to wear one of her grandma's red dresses I found at her apartment.
Everything is set now, just wait a week.
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Priscilla Pov-
I arrived at 5:30 p.m,  Daisy told me to get there so she could bring me inside. So I’m with her because if you didn't know her house is freaking huge. Also that is about the time the gala starts, evidence that only a few people are here. So now she and I are in the corner talking and waiting for her brothers to get there so we can meet or in Damian’s case actually talk to him( Bruce and her met when she dropped Daisy’s dress off during the week). 
Damian and Daisy go to Gotham Academy, which isn’t surprising because that’s where all the rich kids go, and I go to Gotham public school, (I don’t know what name it sooo, basic it is). But because the schools are pretty close to each other the extra curricular stuff is combined so, I see Damian in the halls sometimes, or he will briefly talk to Daisy, while I am next to her. But never actually got introduced if you want to get technical.
I see 2 men coming toward us, 1 is tall, with black flowy hair, the other is slightly shorter, also black hair, but his hair is longer in the front, the rest is shorter. So if the world’s stalking information is correct the taller one is Dick and shorter one is Tim. They say hi, we’re introduced, and they continue their conversation with Daisy joining, while I zone out people watch. These rich people make some interesting faces when they think no one is looking.
Daisy pulled me out of my thoughts, because apparently I was so out of it I didn’t realize Jason and Damian had arrived. Jason was by far the tallest, about 6 ft, from what I could tell, black hair with a white streak, and a bunch of scars. Daisy introduced me and Jason sat next to me while Damian had Dick sit between him and Jason. Interesting. 
An hour or So later all we bickered with each other, more of them arguing with me once in a while adding my opinion, and a lot of old people (40-60’s) kept looking at us. I mean…these guys and Daisy are admittedly  attractive, but have a little respect people. I am just chilling when Jason whispers in my ear.
“So what do you think of the higher class?”
“Interesting, a lot of the adults look like they are eye fucking the people at this people”My response causes Jason to burst into laughter, and when asked what’s so funny, he tells them, and basically to sum up the rest of the night we talk, the oldies continue being creepy, and etc.    
All photos from Pinterest
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
Being the manager of Idols! DSMP *✧・゚*
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This is an AU where all the DSMP members are idols in groupss/duos/trios. I was inspired by some fan arts and tik toks about the Dream Team or SBI being idols
❝ Dream Team ❞
Managing the DT is not really a challenge
They get along, they respect your times, they're professional when they need to be
The only problem is calming down Sapnap and George whenever they start bickering
They'll be half way through rehearsal and BOOM all hell breaks lose
Maybe a move went wrong, or they bumped into each other, or just...idk they felt like bickering
You thank the gods for Dream, he somehow always manages to calm them down
But sometimes he'll join in on the fun, and all of a suddem they're all 5 year olds.
Dream will start randomly singing about being an animal, George will break down in weird dance moves and Sapnap is just... Sapnap
They show you off. So much.
Once you were trending on twitter as #DTManager because the trio decided it was a great idea to drag you in the middle of a concert to sing with them
Very embarrassing but very wholesome
❝ Clingy Duo ❞
You need an entire life supply of advil, I am so sorry-
You have two kids to take care of
Rehearsals are...a mess
Tubbo will come in time or he'll be super late. No in between.
And Tommy is always late. Not even once as he come in time
You think that's bad? You now have two children in a room togheter.
You have a break every 5 minutes because they either got the move wrong, they got distracted by each other or they just wanted to
They'll literally break into doing bits in the middle of a dance just cause
But even with all of this chaos, they were always amazing on stage... somehow
An inside joke of the Clingy Duo fandom is them giving you a carrot plushie whenever you were about to get mad at them
"Have a carrot, please, calm yourself-"
Yes, this happened many times, even in pubblic
There's a whole compilation for it :D
❝ Skephalo ❞
Let's not beat around the bush...you third wheel them most of the time
Bad is a sweetheart. He'll come in time and even bring you your favourite drink in the morning
Sometimes he even brings you his homemade muffins
And then there's Skeppy, a menace.
Sometimes he's late, sometimes he's not
Sometimes he cooperates, sometimes he doesn't
He's a wild card
Bad will help you with him tho, dw
They'll also sometimes suggest costumes for the concerts
And, no matter how much you want to say no because some of these costumes are beyond weird, you can never say no to their puppy eyes
You decided to compromise and made them dress up only for one song
They dressed up as muffins.
They once even dresses up in duck onesies for an interview, paparazzi loved every second of that.
And they gained more attention so, who were you to complain
❝ Sleepy Bois Inc. ❞
They aren't that bad to manage, well except Tommy but let's look on the bright side
Phil is always early to rehearsals, you two even chat and have tea while waiting for the others
Techno is sometimes early like Phil or he'll come right on time
Wilbur comes on time or, on the days that he has to pick up Tommy, he'll be a bit late
And Tommy it's Tommy. Need I say more?
Not much chaos during rehearsal, unless Wilbur feels mischievous that day and joins Tommy in annoying you, Techno and Phil
You once heard Wil scream "take it off, yeaaah" at Techno while they were changing. All the other staff members looked at you with a 'wtf' face.
The fans see you as a parent figure to the other four
So now whenever something happens the four will call on you, kind of like Tommy calls on Phil
Yes, Phil also joins in on the fun sometimes
Techno, Wilbur and Tommy on the other hand do it all the time
There are many pictures on all social medias of you taking care of the four men
Even compilations of "SBI's Manager being a parent"
Needless to say you have become part of the family
You also love to steal Tristin from Phil
❝ Crew/Feral Boys ❞
You need more then a lifetime supply of advil for these 5, oh god
We already know how Dream, George and Sap are
Quackity and Karl both come on time for rehearsals, they're never late, they follow your rules
But you could look away for one minute and once you turn back they're all suddenly dancing the macarena, just cause
They're all pretty different so there's a lot to choose from for the fans
But because of this factor you have encountered some...idiots, yes, let's not call them fans
You are pretty close with the group, not only are you their manager but you're also their friend
So when the five first heard that you got attacked and hated on from some group of idiots because "you were to close to their husbands", they could not stand back and watch
They quickly came to your side, defending you and stating that if anybody ever acted that way towards you they will personally take action
#welovey/n trended worldwide, reporters were going crazy over this act of kindness from the idols
And fans loved and supported you so much that at the meet and greet after the incident a lot of them asked for you to be in their picture too
The boys are very proud of you, and vice versa of course
I really love this AU and would love to write more about it T^T If you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me <3
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horanghoe · 3 years
Hey it's been three days but I'm still not over wolf soonyoung 😭 you really did suchhhhhh a good job !! The whole fic was so sweet I was wondering if they ever fight ? After being in a relationship for sometime? If they do, what do they generally fight abt and who tries to resolve the fight first? 👉🏼👈🏼 You don't have to answer these if you don't wanna!!! I'm just obsessed with your fic 😭😭😭😭😭
Hmm, to be honest I feel like for the most part they don't really argue. Like, I see their interactions more as loving bickering more than a full blown disagreement.
But ok let's say it does get to that point. I can see a full argument insueing when they're in each other's space too long, or Soonyoung’s pride has been questioned. Gemini men in general are fragile in confidence behind their image, so try their best to look neutral as much as possible. Or, I can see y/n as a character being upset when underestimated.
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main masterlist
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Two years have passed since the original chapters. You and Soonyoung had settled, lives weaved together with fine strings of fate.
But your freedom was being questioned.
Such is the role of an Omega, you supposed. But you're filled with shock and dread at the way the large table discusses your fate.
"For Y/N to be left unattended in public is against the morals of Wolves. Just because she's been marked doesn't mean she's free to travel into whatever den she pleases."
Seungcheol spoke in a calm tone. He was colder than usual today. Jeonghan oddly seemed put off to speak, observing the discussion of your position within the pack, but uncomfortable enough not to put himself in the discussion.
The last year was spent integrating into the pack. They were, for the most part, shocked by your ability to stand your own, some not realising that you were in fact turned, not born a Wolf. This caused some friction when it came to older, almost 200 year old wolves with one big snobbish stick up their assesnin terms of your rights within the pack.
Some stated you had been overstepping your boundaries. Getting too friendly with other members. Minghao and Jeonghan especially.
Seeing your old friends (of whom you had had no idea were wolves), was also adding to the heat under some people's collars. Hence this meeting was called, to discuss you as if you weren't there.
Your mate seemed sore. Unable to look you in the eye while his pulse stayed annoyingly calm. Like questioning your free will at a table of fourteen wasn't the most absurd thing you had gone through in your life.
As time went by, you found less and less reason to stay quiet, and the fear and sadness morphed into an anger that was getting harder and harder to swallow down.
One particular comment almost made your whole body tick. Well, it did.
"Not to mention y/n's heat." Vernon stated calmly. "If she exits the building without knowing it's almost time, then she'll be susceptible to other males, or even worse. In that state, she may say agree to things with a stranger that she wouldn't even think of usually."
Oh, that was beyond funny.
"Sorry to interrupt," You pierced the air around you with your voice after clearing your throat. Your voice trembled with a strength that only your mate and Minghao sat directly on your other side could pick up. Both males turned to watch you, attempting to shut you down quickly with body language. But you couldn't stand it.
"just a few things to add. For one, I'm not a feral fucking animal." That upset some heads.
"Second, I'm obviously going to try and defend myself here, but I think some of you are forgetting I was turned. Meaning I am and will always be, predominantly human-ish, over acting like a born Wolf."
Seungcheol leaned back in his chair. You were not supposed to speak here, but he acknowledged your spirit.
"And thirdly." You pierced a gaze into your mate, before turning back to the others.
He hadn't spoken in the two hours sat here and it was driving you mad. He avoided your eyes, but sat upright in his chair. He would bend his knee for you, but in front of his brothers, he was torn by moral duty.
"I do not need a bodyguard. I can say with my full heart that I'd love nothing more than to stick my heel straight into a filthy males eye socket, then beat him into the next week."
Seungcheol smiled, running his knuckles over his lips. He didn't doubt you would. But your heart was being wounded, such a discussion not natural to you as it would be a female Wolf. He could see that as clear as day.
As if speaking had filled your gauge of passion that much quicker, you rose to your feet with the slightest inclination of a bow. A soft growl rippled across Soonyoung’s throat, but there was no conviction behind it.
He didn't want you to step down, he just needed to protect his own image.
Seungcheol bowed his head in response, patient to hear your words. An upturned palm silenced Dino, the youngest member, from speaking up against such rudeness.
"I'm not sure if this is entirely a sane debate. Thirteen males, most fully indulged Alpha's, discussing a female Omega's fate. I would prompt you to look at this as it truly is; is this a debate about control, or feminism? Because I refuse to be stepped on.
"Think about your sister's, think about your mother's. And then make your decision on whether I should have the right to freedom."
There was a sadness and anger so deep, that you needed to leave before you grabbed someone by the collar.
Soonyoung was truly at a cross roads. He knew in his packs morals he should be angry that you weren't submitting to the pack's organisation or hierarchy - you had a limited right to speak here - but he knew in his heart what your freedom meant to you. In your human heart, they were discussing your freewill. But in Wolf terms, it was merely a routine check of facts.
His fingers gripped your wrist as your turned to move your chair. Pressure points against your skin that forced you to peer down at him.
His eyes spoke more than his mouth ever could, begging you to stay and listen for the respect of his family. But you were no pet.
You knocked his hand away with pain, shaking your head.
What pained you the most was that he stayed seated, until the end of the discussion. You never knew that he did so to gather everyone's opinions, see whom he would have to convince out of hours, whom was already in your court.
But as Soonyoung arrived at the apartment, high on the skyline of the city now that he had progressed as an Alpha, a pang of guilt struck him.
His entrance caused you to stick your head in the fridge. Hell, your whole body, in an attempt to ignore his presence.
He placed his keys in the bowl, shrugged off his blazer, kicked off his shoes and walked down towards the kitchen/living area with apprehension.
"Y/N..." He sighed, looking to get this out of the way as soon as possible. He had found approaching you before feelings overtook you was the best way to life. It seemed like he was a little too late. "Talk to me -"
Soonyoung jumped as you peeled back, slamming the fridge door with enough conviction to make it wobble.
"Fuck off Soonyoung." You said plainly with a deadpan expression and a sing to your voice. You turned your back to him before the volatile emotions turned into tears, instead taking a breath and pushing it into anger.
"Unless it's about the outcome of the lads feminism debate, I don't wanna hear it"
Soonyoung sighed softly through his nose, moving to grab your wrist as you moved away.
"Y/N, please -"
You grumbled, turning and shoving him back by the chest. But your tone cracked, voice betraying your force to push him away.
"Stop touching me. You've hurt me Soonyoung. The way you sat there saying absolutely nothing, doing absolutely nothing, when my life and freedom was on the line... you know what that means to me, but you just sat there!"
Soonyoung couldn't hide the sheepish smile on his face, despite your energy pooling off in waves. Anger is a secondary emotion to sadness or fear, he remembers you saying.
"Please get off me." You mumbled, face scrunching as your heart twisted. His fingers curled around both of your wrists, resisting your pull to get away. It was like you were being pulled into his orbit.
He was being kind and you hated how it made you crack. Because you weren't truly angry, but afraid. He could see through the faćade, straight into your heart.
He used his tentative grip on your arm to tug you towards him. The action threw you off balance - not expecting your mate to pull an angry you into his space - so you stumbled straight into his torso.
Your hands gripped at his crisp white shirt, trembling but unsure how to move. Soonyoung let you be for a second, before engulfing you in his arms, nuzzling his cheek against your forehead.
"I'm sorry I upset you. I do know what it means to you, and I wasn't going to watch you be limited just because of some stupid rules." He spoke in one big sigh.
A patient smile on his face as you grumbled, the conviction of a growl not there, tears streaming down your face. You shook your head, needing an output of emotion.
Your fist met his toned stomach, but it was weak. He grunted softly, nuzzling your neck.
"B-but you said nothing! Like, what the fuck!"
He smiled, kissing your cheek and holding you still as you trembled. Your voice was hot with emotions, a sob ripping across your chest.
"If that was me, i-i'd fight for you, Soonyoung! You looked like a coward!"
He thought for a second. Ahh, you had took his observational silence as a fear of speaking.
"Calm down for a second, listen to me." He prompted softly, causing a loud whine of frustration and a fist to his rib to appear in sequence.
"I was waiting."
"Fuck off Soonyoung, what shit-" Despite your trembling growl that told him you couldn't hear him right now, he continued.
"Me, Hao, Han, even Jiho-"
"All of you can do one as far as I'm concerned!" You garbled, unsure now whether to sob and collapse into him, or stand your ground and keep a distance from his chest. He smiled against your hair, nuzzling your hairline. The action caused you to whine.
"You passed the trial, they're going to let you do whatever you want." He decided to put simply, pulling back to watch your face.
You stilled, mumbling a confused "What..." before a kiss to the nose and a boyish smile caught your eye.
"Yeah, the boys - they really like you, pup." You scoffed at the pet name.
"But I thought - everyone was saying negative comments I thought -" Soonyoung shushed you, pressing his cheek against your own.
"You think too much. It was just a routine check, as you're new to the pack. If you were an asshole there's no way they would've been that lenient. But you're not, so. They were."
He glanced at your creased brow, releasing a hand from his chest to swipe at your own face and snotty nose. A tear stripped down your cheek, Soonyoung moving to wipe it away.
"I think, because no one fully explained it to you, you took it way more seriously than what it was. And got yourself way too upset in the process."
He paused.
"It's fine and I love you, Y/N. I'm sorry I didn't explain things very well. I can see now why my actions seem... cowardly. I'm sorry that I upset you."
No answer, but your cheek fell to his chest with a sigh of breath and a scoff, head shaking gently.
You were such an idiot.
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