#but ultimately I’d think it’s the friends to lovers burn
knightcallie · 7 months
Baldur's Bounties: Nicknames
At any point in life, one was given a nickname. It may be a shortening of a name, or perhaps it described something. That something could be of anything: circumstances, personalities, a moment in time, the body, favorites... Weichei contemplated the ones he has accrued over his lifetime and ones for his companions.
Weichei has been compared to a star before. He was not like the sun, something gentler. But he was not like the moon, something not so melancholic. The bright freckles on his cheeks had earned him the nickname of Starcheeks by Einar Cadmus, the paladin who gave it all up for music. His penchant for cannons and explosions earned him the name Starburst by Relentless Makatza, the gunslinger grandpa. 
His partners don’t really use the star nicknames from their own language (stellino, sternchen), using his love of cherries and his family nickname. ‘Cheri’ was typically called sweetly, fondly; but he could remember the calls of exasperation and shrill shrieks. ‘Mauschen’, the little mouse of his family. He was so small compared to his absolute giants of his family, and his ever moving inquisitive ears.
But for some reason, ‘Starlight’ slips out of his lips terribly easy for the vampire spawn of the camp. Astarion, little star in elven. Star was an obvious nickname, but for some reason, Starlight, was the one that left his lips. Wyll can take calling Astarion ‘Star’ or ‘my star’.
He can remember when he first called Astarion that, it earned quite an inquisitive look. It was like seeing the stages of grief on that pale face, but not those exact emotions. Then, a bit of a forceful bark of a laugh. “That’s cute darling.”
Then he kept calling him that throughout the adventure, earning some teasing queries from the other companions. He honest to gods don’t know why it came to him so easily, but nicknames were just also a 2nd nature to him. Damon was Dage (his big brother), Dalmond, Macadamon. Lor was just lengthening it and making the names just as ridiculous. Asperitas was Peri, Pear. Volna was Voli, Vol, Spines. Beaulieu was Beau, Bear. Damiano was Dame (either sayings), ex-husband/exie/my mistake (an extremely funny explanation), dancer. Vierna was Vie, Vienna. Yasdia was Ya-ya, Yazzy. Temerity was Mer, always Mer.
His new companions also had nicknames, though some may be kept to himself. 
Lae’zel was Lae, Zel, Lae’bel. Though, he’s not sure she’d be too keen with the nickname Toad being said familiarly. Suddenly, his heart ached at the memory of sharing custody of a frog and toad with Voli. They named them Missile and Toad respectively, especially fitting when Vetleviola came along.
Shadowheart was Orchid, Doe, Heart. He does shorten it to Shart from time to time in his journal. He’s sure she’d be appalled and punch his arm for it.
Wyll… bill… Duck, he landed with duck, and it stuck. The warlock hearing his reasoning admitted it was silly, but then when he explained that it also meant “dear” or “darling”, he softened. 
Karlach was harder to pin, having drawled out Karl. Lackey could be seen crossed out heavily in his journals. Fireball could be used, or perhaps comet. He’s working on it, maybe Chath (drow elvish for fire) would work.
Gale took some doing. They have been calling each other bookie, for their love learning and infodumping when allowed. He could see the wizard be an Eres-blessed, majorly at that. He could’ve been Eres’ Passion, and perhaps that’s why he called him Iris.
Halsin was Hal or Bear. He did remind him of Beau, he has seen large elves before. He married Beau, and his Vaddy was built like a tank. Though in his sleepy state, he has called the wood elf Sisi.
Jaheira reminded him of a grandmother, Oma slipping easily from him. She could complain and argue she was not that old, but she holds Joma close. She was probably around his parent’s age, maybe a little older. He’s also called her Heira, she doesn’t make as much fuss.
He’s told the group the whole splattering of names he’s been given. Weichei had become Weich, Cher, Cheri, Cherry, Cherries, T’puuli, Cher bear, Little Whistle, Silver Silence, maus, mauschen, little maus, triel, little triel, starcheeks, starburst, son, Batty, pup, puppy, little bat. And more he couldn’t quite recall. He’s lived 250 years, made so many friends across the trade, taught so many. 
He wondered, if the others were jealous of the type of life he’s lead. Out of everyone, he didn’t have a terribly tragic past, an abuser in his life. He’s grown up poor and constantly moved in a trade considered dangerous, but those were circumstances. His deity was quite different from the others, well the pantheon overall from his home was vastly different. They actually listened, but some do have iffy times with responses. As Eres’ passion, he was granted the blessing to be able to talk with his goddex often. Though, because the pantheon was different here, he needed a magic source to even be strong enough to get a signal.
He’s been called “my passion, passion” before, but that’s because he was chosen to be that. But hearing it fall from Gale’s lips did leave a warmth in his chest, a twinkle in his eye. Wyll took the various forms of Cheri, the familiarity just felt comforting as he leaned into the man. Astarion kept using “darling”, but that was kinda for everyone. But, he has taken to calling him mouse, finding it quite amusing especially after learning why.
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twopoppies · 5 months
Are the any new fics (within the last couple months) that are good? I’m in a reading drought and I feel like I’ve read every Larry fic there is :( I got so desperate I even thought about looking into f/m fics..
I think I’m just going to use your ask to post my year-end favorite fics. Hope you don’t mind.
It’s been a tough year for me, and I haven’t gotten to read a ton, but these are all excellent.
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Secrets, Santa? By @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 19K) disaster gay Harry in all his bumbling, endearing glory still manages to make his incredibly hot boss (Louis) fall for him. This one has snappy dialogue, great internal monologue, and scorching smut. I’d expect nothing less from this author.
your lips in the low light by etherealbliss / @givesuethemoon (E, 21K) It’s been a long time since I read a Larry Uni AU, and this one checked all the boxes. This author managed to really capture the immaturity and obsessive emotions of university age lovers arguing and breaking up, and making each other jealous, and fucking and fighting some more, and ultimately making up. Harry is bratty and sensitive and Louis is dense and long-suffering and they’re perfect for each other.
Scorpions et Madragores by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter (E, 23K) Read the tags and author’s note on this one because there are some themes that could be triggering. This is a dark fic and Harry is a pretty creepy vampire, but the story is very well told and there’s a happy ending.
2 a.m. texts by everysingleday / @sun-lt (T, 30K) This was very sweet and very funny and had just enough sexiness (although I wouldn’t have minded more. LOL!) Link is to a download.
The Doppel Effect by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright (T, 6K) the concept for this fic was so original and a really compelling read, I can’t help but hope the author gets inspired to continue this ‘verse.
Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky (E, 227K) This one’s got all the tension and drama you’d expect of a World War II story—life and death high stakes, friends and lovers unexpectedly torn apart, battles and heroism, plus the added stakes of classism and homophobia—then add a slow burn, high risk, scorching love affair spanning years. If you want a story that’s complex and fantastically researched, plus lovers to root for, read it. It’s long. But I couldn’t put it down. When I finally did, I picked it right back up and read it twice more. It’s that good.
one conversation by fondleeds (NR, 1K) This really is just a couple of scenes, and the story is open-ended, but, if for no other reason, read it for the beautiful way the sentences flow. My notes on every fic of theirs begin with: “I wish I could write like this.”
Night Shift by banaanipoika (E, 9K) This was incredibly sexy and beautifully written. I loved that there was such a unique setting with so much descriptive language making me feel like I could smell and feel everything in that hospital room.
On The Pull by @homosociallyyours (E, 4K) Short, but really sexy and just the right amount of bittersweet and hopeful. Loved the characterizations and the smooth writing. So few people write canon Larry these days so this was a nice change of pace.
Devil in my brain, whispering my name by @lunarheslwt (E, 9K) i i thought this author struck a great balance between the dirtiness of a demon defiling an angel and the way the angel gave in to his desire to be defiled. Super sexy.
pull you closer (kiss me harder) by @sunshineandthemoonlight (E, 6K) This was absolutely beautiful — just the perfect amount of tension and wistfulness to make me tear up. But then it was sexy and full of hope at the end. I loved how Louis supported Harry and gave him exactly what he needed (and really, H gave Louis what he needed, too).
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dearly-somber · 6 months
Haircut | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. slow burn, fluff, f2l (friends-to-lovers), humor, found family, angst, drama, eventual romance, eventual smut, high school!au
-> w/c. 1982
-> rating. 13+
-> a/n. This ended so silly so goofy smdhjaheb
-> warnings. None!!
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Aug. 14th, 2022 @ 19:49
-> fin. Thurs., Nov. 20th, 2023 @ 04:43
-> edited. Fri., Dec. 1st, 2023 @ 12:55
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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“You’re kidding right?”
Jungkook pouts, looking down at his hands with a furrow in his brow. “No…”
Y/N laughs, rocking forward to smack his knee familiarly. “You seriously got detention because your hair was too long? That’s ridiculous!”
“I know,” he whines, running a hand through said hair and sighing deeply as he lays back with his legs crossed, splaying his arms over the bed.
Y/N giggles as she stands, sympathetically patting his shoulder. “Is there really no way out of it?”
“Not unless I can book an appointment before school tomorrow.” Y/N cringes. “Yeah,” he sighs.
It’s so dumb. He didn’t get in trouble the entire week! Not one teacher mentioned it, and then during his last period on a Thursday evening, bam! Detention slip. And, obviously, it was from his least favorite teacher, Ms Kang, who he was pretty sure hated his guts for no other reason than she couldn’t fuck him. He’s honestly surprised that she hasn’t been reported for sexual harassment yet, but he swears if she touches his shoulder in class one more time…
Jungkook’s brought back to the present at the sound of drawers opening and closing, his attention piqued. The thing that spurs him into motion is the realization that Y/N is rummaging through his drawers and she might accidentally happen upon his underwear.
“What’re you looking for?” he asks, pushing up off the bed to sit with his feet hanging off the side.
“A comb.” She closes his sock drawer with a sigh. “Do you have one?”
His eyes flit to the hand she has wrapped around the dreaded underwear drawer handle. “In my bathroom. Why?”
She mutters to herself, “‘Course it’s in the bathroom, why didn’t I think of that?” Then, louder, “Wanna comb your hair first.”
“‘First’?” Jungkook repeats quizzically.
“Mm,” she hums, turning to him with a smile. “Gonna cut it for you.”
His eyes widen. “Seriously?”
“Sure!” She pulls him into the bathroom by his wrist, crouching to dig through his sink cupboard and turning back to him with a smile on her face and a comb in her hand.
“Uh…” Jungkook isn’t sure what to think. Does he like it when she plays with his hair? Yes. Does he trust her with his life? More than yes.
But his hair?
“I think I’d rather just go to detention…”
She punches his arm with a shake of her head. “My dad’s a barber, dickhead. I’m gonna get the water ready so long—can you change into swim shorts?”
“I…” Jungkook wants to say no and drag her back to bed so they could watch their silly little dramas and forget about how their plans to go to the movies tomorrow would be canceled because of some stupid detention slip, but Y/N’s eyes are sparkling and her voice is light, so he groans instead.
She smiles knowingly, turning her back to him as she starts fiddling with the handles in the bath, the water running as he goes to change, closing the bathroom door behind him.
He pulls his pants down and briefly considers changing out of his boxers before ultimately deciding to keep it on under the plain black swimming trunk he pulls out of his bottommost drawer.
He’s a little nervous for whatever Y/N has planned, but more than that, he’s excited. Whatever this is, he can feel deep in his stomach it’s going to be domestic and likely set his wolf off in the most pleasant way.
As he enters the bathroom, his eyes fall on Y/N. She’s standing inside the bath with her pants rolled up just under her knees, her shirt sleeves rolled up above her elbow, a comb and a bottle of shampoo in her hands.
“Well?” She beckons him closer. “What’re you waiting for?” Jungkook lets out a baffled laugh. She leads him inside the bathtub before gently pressing down on his shoulders so he’s facing the wall with his back to her, his legs crossed in front of him.
He feels Y/N slot her feet next to him, feels how her legs cocoon his arms. The water is pleasantly warm around his lap as she begins brushing through his unruly strands of hair.
She giggles softly. “I can’t believe you didn’t cut your hair,” she says, running her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I didn’t think it was long enough to get me in trouble,” he grumbles with his eyes closed. “We grow our hair out all the time, so no one thought it would be an issue.”
Truthfully, Jungkook didn’t want to cut it because he knew Y/N liked it long, and wanted an excuse to keep it that way.
She tsks playfully, dragging the comb from the very top of his head (literally an inch short of his forehead) all the way down to the shorter strands of hair at his nape. “Guess it gives me an excuse to play with your hair, huh?”
“Guess so,” he mumbles, his chest warm and bubbly. “I didn’t know your dad was a barber,” he says.
“I guess it’s never really come up in conversation,” she replies, setting the comb aside and reaching for the detachable shower-head. She tests the temperature on her palm, water dripping onto the side of Jungkook’s arm before she interrupts with a little gasp, “Shit! I forgot about your shirt.”
“It’s fine.” Jungkook waves her off. “I’ll change into a different one when you’re done.”
“You’re sure?”
Jungkook imagines Y/N skeptically biting her lip. “Alright. Lemme know if the water’s too hot, yeah?”
Jungkook grunts as a reply, a soft noise leaving his lips without him meaning to at the feel of the water on his scalp.
She runs her fingers over his head, cupping her hands over his eyes to stop the water from going into his face.
“Did…did your dad teach you how to do all this stuff?” Jungkook asks, his brows furrowing as his wolf croons at the way Y/N lathers shampoo into his hair.
“Yeah, kinda,” she replies focused-sounding. “He took me to work sometimes, so I watched him a lot. Picked up on most of it that way, if I wasn’t asking questions.”
“That sounds really nice,” he mumbles distractedly, smiling softly at the image of baby-Y/N being taught how to wash one of those Barbie head’s hair properly.
“It was.” She makes sure to get the shampoo in the hair behind his ears as well. Jungkook can’t help but sigh contentedly, unable to find it in himself to care when Y/N giggles teasingly.
“You good?” she asks, a smile in her voice.
“Feels really nice,” Jungkook replies softly, his heart probably beating slow enough to make a cardiologist worry for his health.
After Y/N lathers the shampoo on, she rinses his hair out, applies conditioner, rinses that out, and then gently taps his shoulder. “C’mon Wolfy, let’s go downstairs.”
Jungkook smiles wide at her offended pout, throwing the towel she hands him over his shoulders. “Nothing, nothing.”
“Whatever,” she humphs. “Go down to the kitchen when you’re done changing so we can cut your hair.”
Jungkook salutes. “On it!”
“Okay, you ready?” Y/N asks, excitedly snipping the scissors next to his ear.
Even though Jungkook feels his stomach drop, he puts on a brave face. “Let’s go!”
Y/N grins, running the comb through his hair one last time before pulling the longer strands of hair at the nape of his neck between her forefinger and middle finger, waiting a second before quickly snipping off the hair.
“Your hair’s gotten so long…”
“Should you be talking right now? Shouldn’t you focus on not cutting off too much?”
“Yah!” Y/N laughs in disbelief as she smacks his shoulder with the fist she has closed around the comb, tsking disappointedly as she continues snipping at his hair. She moves strategically around the back of his head, eventually maneuvering around to the front to cut his bangs.
“Seriously though, your hair’s grown a lot. I didn’t think you’d ever let it get this long.” She brushes through his hair again.
“Why?” he asks with closed eyes, both to keep the conversation going and also out of genuine curiosity.
She shrugs. “I dunno. You just never seemed like a long-hair kinda guy? It looks good on you, though. The long hair, I mean.”
“What else would you mea—stop hitting me!” Jungkook pouts as he brings a hand up to rub at his bicep, scowling under his bangs.
“Just…shut up. Stop nitpicking everything I say.”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Don’t be mad, eh?” He reaches out to tug at her shirt, smiling satisfied when she huffs defeatedly and pats his hand before she starts cutting bangs.
“All hairstyles look good on you, though. It’s kind of unfair, actually.”
Jungkook scoffs, letting his eyes drift closed as Y/N grabs the blow-dryer (which he assumes she brought down from one of the bathrooms) and plugs it into a socket on the wall. She starts it up, then immediately stops.
He turns his head to the side to look at her. “What?”
“I’ve never thought to ask, but does the sound not hurt your ears?”
Jungkook frowns for a second, then lights up in understanding the next. “Oh! No, not really. It’s loud, sure, but you’d have to have really sensitive ears for it to hurt.”
“Ah, okay.” Y/N nods as she puts one hand on his shoulder, standing behind him. “Just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t hurt you.”
As the blow dryer turns on and drowns out any attempt at conversation, Jungkook can’t help but smile to himself.
She doesn’t want to hurt him. That’s a relief. Hopefully, she won’t have to. Soon, right? At the very least, Jungkook knows any hurt isn’t intentional…
“Alright! We’re done!”
You set the dryer to the side as you pull the plug out of the socket, walking around to look at the finished product of your hard work, only to find him asleep.
You smile softly at the way Jungkook’s chin rests against his chest, lips slightly parted in sleep. His hair is not only shorter now (even though you kept some of the length, because you couldn’t find it in yourself to cut it all off), but it’s clean and fluffy and it makes you want to run your fingers through it.
Which you do—you reach out and card your fingers through his bangs and over his scalp, just kind of fondly staring at him while he sleeps, before realizing that that might be a bit weird.
“Jungkook?” Your voice is softer than you meant it to be, but you don’t mind. He’s so innocent when he’s asleep, it’s kind of awe-inducing. “Kookie?”
“Mngf?” Jungkook’s eyes open blearily, confusedly sitting straighter in his chair as he takes in his surroundings.
“I’m done, Koo. Go lay down on the couch if you’re feeling tired, you’ll hurt your neck.”
He grumbles something under his voice as he gets up from the chair, towering over you (damn his long legs).
Your eyes widen in surprise when Jungkook sleepily stumbles toward you, nuzzling into your neck as his arms wrap weakly around your middle. “Thanks, Bunny.”
You’re beyond happy that Jungkook can’t read minds, because in that moment you find yourself—for the split of a second—thinking about Jungkook in a not-so-best-friend way. “Sure, Kook.”
He drags himself to the couch, unceremoniously climbing over the back and flopping onto his stomach with a loud oof.
You press the back of your hands to your cheeks in order to cool them down, shaking yourself free of the stupid butterflies in your stomach as you grab a broom and sweep your best friend’s auburn hair out to the backyard.
Stupid haircut…
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andydrysdalerogers · 4 months
Cross-Check ~ Chapter Nine
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Andy Barber x OFC Leighton "Leia" Andrews
Andy Barber is having the best year of his life. His game is on point. It’s gets to play with his best friend and his fiancé just... dumped him?!. 
Reeling from a sudden change in status, Andy decides it’s time to just focus on hockey. Until his best friend's sister comes out with news that rock the entire organizations world., 
Andy has always carried a torch for the untouchable Leighton but in her hour of need, is now the time to shoot and score or risk getting cross - checked again? 
Warnings: Cheating (but not by the MCs); slow burn; friends to lovers eventually; SMUT!; pregnancy; jealousy; handsome goalies, evil exes...
A/N: The tag list is open!
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
Previous: Chapter Eight - Nothing But Lies - Andy/Leia
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chapter Nine - It's Complicated - Jeremy/Leia
Week 18 
Being an NHL goalie is a triumph. Thirty-two teams have only two goaltenders on the roster, and I am lucky to have one.  Well, when you’re this good, there isn’t any luck involved.  It also helps that Linus Ullmark and I have undeniable chemistry in goal.  
That being said, I also have a reputation in the public of being this sweet adorable, caring guy. Not that isn’t true or anything but that is my public facade. Don’t get me wrong, I love being with the kids at charity events or even with Linus’s kids. But that’s not the man that people, especially women, see. I’m a bit of a player. I never wanted to be tied down to one woman. I have good looks, enough money and enough charm that, if I wanted to, I could find a new bunny every night.  
But there is always one that is the standard.  The ultimate goal.  
You know, when I decided to fuck Leia Andrews, I didn’t think it would get this complicated. She was a smoke show, a dime. Something that was unattainable. She was a gorgeous, curvy beauty, with long coffee colored hair and amazing green eyes. She was beautiful, both in looks and in personality. She was a business owner and worked for the team. If she was available, only an idiot would let her go. She had been in a relationship for most of the time I knew her.  
Until her brother let it slip that she was single.  
Fuck yeah, it was my shot. My chance to fuck this girl and be able to say that I fucked Luke Andrews’s sister. My badge of victory. 
Her being pregnant was not on my bingo card.  
When she told me she was 15 weeks pregnant, i was stunned. She never gave any indication that she was pregnant. I was pissed. I mean, who wants to fuck a girl when she’s pregnant with some other guy’s baby? 
But I was supportive. I mean, I can’t be a douchebag in front of the public, what would that do to my image? I have a few sponsorship deals in the air that I need to think about in the bigger picture. Plus, having Leia, showing myself as a family man might not be a bad idea. Or so said my publicist.  
I like my life the way it is now. The freedom to be around, fuck around, party whenever I feel like. I didn’t sign up to be a father.  At least, not right now. Eventually, maybe, yeah, I’d do the dad thing. But I don’t want to be forced into it.  
I’m sitting at the Red Line, a rare night without Leia.  She, Stella and Luke’s fiancé Miranda, went out for a girls dinner. I can trust her to stay away from guys, especially Barber.  They’re on the outs right now but I have no idea why.  Leia just said they had a difference of opinion and until Andy apologizes, she won’t speak to him.  Fine by me, really, because the entire locker room besides Andrews knows that Barber is in love with his sister. And I’d rather not have my captain winning the girl right now.  
I wave my hand at Mark for another beer, and I look up to see some highlights of the Tampa Bay vs Minnesota. I snorted seeing my old teammate, Craig Bailey, shitting the bed. Man is a tool. He sleeps with Barber’s fiancé and then she dumps him because she wants to stay in Boston. My buddies are all playing pool and wave me over. I lift my beer to let them know I’m finishing it when I feel a body next to me.  
A blonde had taken a seat next to me. I subtly check her over. Long blonde hair, great rack and long legs displayed from tight jeans. She gestures for the bartender and orders a whiskey, neat. I smile. “Rough day?” 
She looks at me and I note the way she takes me in, and I smirk. It's never hard to trap a butterfly. She finally looks back at my eyes and gives a soft smile. “Sorry.” She blushes and fuck is she gorgeous. “Uh, yeah, rough day.” She tucks back a piece of her hair but some of it misses. I took the opportunity to add some charm. I tuck the last piece behind her ear.  
“Wanna talk about it?” 
She huffs a quiet laugh. “Not really. I just want to forget about it and him.”  
Rebound girls are so easy.  
“Sorry to hear that. Let me buy you another.” I waved at Mark, and he nodded, moving to pour two more drinks. He sets them down in front of us and I raise my glass. “To bad days, may they be a distant memory.”  
“Cheers to that,” she says. We drink and she giggles. “I’m Charlie,” she offers her hand.  
I take it and lift it so I can kiss the back of her hands. Chicks dig shit like that. “Jeremy. It’s nice to meet you.” I take another drink. “So, if you don’t want to talk about your bad day and obviously bad guy, tell me something else about yourself.”  
Her eyes brightened at the attention. Fuck, its just too easy sometimes. “I’m a financial adviser. Work at Schwab. Luckily, I live alone downtown and i have a dog name Peaches.” She smiles at me shyly. “What about you Jeremy?” 
“Well, I work for the Bruins Hockey Club, so I travel a lot. I also have my own place, no girlfriend, no dog because I don’t have anyone to take care of it.  Well, I guess my best friend’s wife could do it while we’re away but I don’t want to leave her with that burden. And I’m drinking because my life took an unexpected turn and I’m contemplating what I’m going to do.” Yes, I lied a bit about the girlfriend thing but did I really?  
“Sounds like you’re having a rough day as well.” She gives a little flirty smile. 
I’ve got her.  
An hour later, Charlie and I were laughing at the bar, a little tipsy, feeling good. She leans into me. “Wanna get out of here? We could go back to my place?” 
Who am I to deny a beautiful girl? 
“Lead the way, gorgeous.”  
I haven’t had sex since I started dating Leia and I was primed and ready to go. I mean, it's not like we were committed to each other, right? I like Leia but a commitment like that is something I’m not sure I can do at this moment.  And at this moment, I have what I am looking for: a good fucking time. I took Charlie’s hand and led her out to a cab.  
I’m not ready to be father or be responsible for another person just yet. Opening the cab door, Charlie smiles at me before planting a sultry kiss on my lips.  A kiss that goes straight to my groin. I moan a little at her body pressed against mine. Fuck, it's going to be a good night.  She climbs in and I follow, missing the fans taking pictures.  
As I walk out of her apartment later that night, wiping her lipstick from my mouth, smiling at that fact that most of it is actually around my cock, I send a message to Leia.  
Jeremy: I hope you had a good night beautiful 
I mean, I don’t have to let her go right away. At least, not until I get a taste. Who know? Pregnant pussy could taste sweeter than the one I just had.   
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Week 19 
I hate fighting with my best friend. Andy has remained in a sour mood when he is out with the team but when he sees me, he tries to talk to me. I just don’t let him.  I know I should be the bigger person and hear him out but right now I want to be petty.  His words hurt me so much. Doesn’t he understand that I just want to find true love? 
I guess he doesn’t know that I had hoped it would be with him. I’ve actively had dreams about him, seeing us together raising my kid, cupping my cheek so I look him in the eye when he tells me he loves me. Even a few naughty ones, thinking of how that beard would feel between my legs. No, i can’t think like that. He ruined that for us with his words.  
On the other hand, Jeremy has been a little subdue with me. I know the news of my pregnancy shocked him but he said he would stand by me. We haven’t been seeing each other as much; he says he’s busy with commitments and a road trip. But I miss hm. Luckily, I have a date with him tonight.  
Andy was out when Jeremy arrived for our date. I took in his outfit, all black with a hounds tooth pea coat. Delicious. “Hey handsome!” 
“Hey beautiful.” He sounded down and my smile fell a little at his tone.  
“Everything ok?” 
“Yeah, practice was brutal.” He smiled weakly. I nodded, totally understanding. The Bruins are on a three game skid. Its early in the season, but you want to nip losing streaks in the bud. “But,” he continued, “seeing you is making me feel better. You’re coming on the trip right?” 
“Yes.” It will be brutal. Flying at almost five months pregnant is going to suck but this is the job I signed up for.  
He kissed my hand. “Don’t worry. The team will take care of you.” He started the car and drove us to a quiet restaurant in downtown. I feel at ease knowing that Jeremy will help me while we are away.  I know my brother will check in but the thought that Andy will avoid me hurts more. My mood is meloncoly at the thought and I stay quiet during the drive.  
Jeremy made a reservation and we have a quiet booth in the back. We talk about nothing really as we order and Jeremy orders himself a scotch. I frown a little. It’s unusual for him to drink when we are out because he is usually driving but I don’t say anything. He gets up to use the restroom and I check social media for traffic on the post I have put up.  Everything is looking good until I see a new article from the Boston Globe sports section. 
I click on the article and read.  
Goalies don’t usually score but it seems like Jeremy Swayman didn’t get that memo. Swayman, backup goalie for the Bruins has been rumored to be in a relationship with Leighton Andrews, sister to assistant captain Lukas Andrews. Miss Andrews is a bright star in the PR world, being the social media manager for the Bruins as well as her own company, providing services to many businesses and athletes.  
The rumors of their relationship started ten weeks ago when they were spotted chatting before a game, looking rather cozy. There are also rumors that Miss Andrews is pregnant, although that has yet to be confirmed. 
The puzzling part is the photo taken by @Bruinsfan4life just a few days ago with Swayman leaving the Red Line Bar with an unidentified woman, holding hands. The climbed into a waiting cab and left.  
What is going on with Swayman and Andrews? Is it all a farce or is Andrews wallowing in shame that her baby daddy is leaving her? Only time will tell. 
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I thought that Jeremy and I were solid, moving forward. I thought that he was ok with the baby. I stare and stare at my phone until I hear someone clear their throat. I look up to see Jeremy is back and looks concerned. “Are you ok?” 
I shake my head and then hand him the phone. “Care to explain?” 
He looks over the article and sighs. “That was just a friend.” He throws back the rest of his drink and signals for another. I glare at him.  
“A friend.” I look at the picture again. It is of Jeremy and this woman. She’s blonde, model like. They both have big smiles as they are wrapped up in each other. “What’s her name?” 
Jeremy chokes for a moment on his new drink. “Her name is Charlie. The photo... the photo is just after we hugged.  Nothing is going on.”  
“Right,” I scoff. I look away from him, trying to keep the tears away. Fucking hormones.  
“Right,” he repeats. “Like you’re not screwing around with Barber.” My head snaps back to him. “I know you want him, Leighton.” The way my name twists in his mouth is disturbing. He’s never said it that way and I don’t like it.  
“Andy is just a friend.  A friend that I’m not even speaking to.” I cross my arms over my chest.  
“A friend? Really? That guy has wanted you since the day I joined the team. I’ve seen how you were before with him.  All the hugging and kisses to your forehead or cheek. Just a friend right? Bet he’s the father of your baby too.”  
“How dare you! I told you the truth about the baby. You said you would be there. I thought we were in a relationship!” I hissed at him. The waiter comes by and drops off our plates. I push the food around.  
Andy was right. Jeremy was not the wonderful person I thought he was. Jeremy sighs and my eyes go back to him. “Look, i know we’ve been seeing each other but we never defined what we are.” He shrugged. “I thought it was casual. I mean, you never slept with me so were we really that serious?” 
That one hurt.  I stare at my plate, wishing I had just listened to Andy and his warming about Swayman. "I guess then maybe, we should just be friends. I mean, why would you want to be with a pregnant chick when you could have all the uncomplicated stuff." I can’t stop the tear from falling. I wipe it away.  
“Look, Leia, I just don’t think I want to be a father right now.” He tries to take my hand but I pull away. “I mean, you’re cool and everything but we were never going to the next level. I don’t know if I could sleep with someone who’s having another man’s baby.  And now I’m going to be taking a hit because you weren’t honest from the beginning.”  
“Oh, so what were you going to just sleep with me and throw me away? Your teammates sister?” 
He shrugged. “I like you but I don’t do relationships.”  
That was the death blow. I calmly stood up and pulled my coat on. “I’m sorry for ruining your life.”  I pulled a couple of bills and threw them on the table. “I guess I’ll see you at work.”  
He looks scared at my calm look and tries to backpedal. “Leia...” 
“Goodbye Jeremy.”  
I walked out of the restaurant and I had no idea where to go. I started to walk toward the park, just needing some fresh air. I hated that I did this to myself. I hated that Andy was right. I was upset with my brother because he must of known Jeremy was like this. But mostly, I was sad because I sacrificed so much for someone who wasn’t worth it. Again. And I was now alone, again. Why can’t I find someone who loves me for me, faults and all? I keep getting all of the jerk. Where is my price charming? I wish the one I have wanted all my life wanted me too but he has made it clear that I am just his best friend. Even so, he’s never let me down 
I rubbed my belly, trying to feel some comfort. But I knew there was only one place where I always felt complete. I hailed a cab and gave an address.  
The house was dark save for a light in one of the window.  I hope they were still awake. I knocked on the door. It took a moment but then the door opened.  
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luaspersona · 1 year
january bts archive ♡
welcome to my january bts fics recommendation list! before we start, i’d like to say a few things 🥰
⇢ my blog is +18, so even if this list has some sfw stories please, minors do not interact!
⇢ this month alone i think i’ve read around two stories per day at least, but to better organize my recs i settle on 10 works per list, especially since i know i won’t be able to keep this rhythm once my classes start and i want all the lists to have the same length
⇢ this list only has fics i reviewed (reblogged) in january. it won't have ongoing series (or series i haven't finished yet), although i plan on making a series rec list in the future.
⇢ think there's some fic missing? let me know! (also, please send me hobi recs!! 😭)
⇢ lastly, this isn't in any particular order (although is somewhat the order in which i read those works).
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All because of you
authors ⇢ @taegularities and @hoebii pairing ⇢ seokjin x reader genre ⇢ fantasy (HP!au); friends to lovers; fluff; smut rating ⇢ +18 | minors do not interact word count ⇢ 8.3k summary ⇢ They say food is the ultimate way to someone’s heart. It would be a shame if Seokjin didn’t at least try to confirm this belief. why i loved it ⇢ this fic was a huge surprise in the sense that i didn’t know i could love seokjin even more. the way rid and melody wrote this filled me with so much warmth, but then it was pure sexyness and world wide handsome handsoming. the dialogues are amazing, but the descriptions? the way they set the mood? it’s impossible not to be drawn into the story as soon as you start reading it. ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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Two in One
author ⇢ @here2bbtstrash pairing ⇢ hoseok x reader x jimin genre ⇢ smut (threesome); friends to lovers. rating ⇢ +18 | minors do not interact word count ⇢ 12k summary ⇢ you finally have a much-needed smoke session with your best friends, just like old times. you’re also pretty sure they’re gay… right? why i loved it ⇢ i’m sure this is one of the best examples of good mood setting i’ve ever seen. m does an amazing job here of making us interested and into all the characters involved because they are just so sexy and smooth and fucking cool. not to mention this is one of the best threesome fics i’ve ever read and well… it’s fair to say i’ve read a few 👀 ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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author ⇢ @casuallyimagining pairing ⇢ yoongi x reader genre ⇢ fallen angel!au; strangers to friends to lovers; fluff; angst; smut. rating ⇢ +18 | minors do not interact word count ⇢ 21k (divided in two chapters) summary ⇢ If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then where does that leave you? Spurned by your ex-fiance, you seek the one person who can help. But as it turns out, the price of revenge may be a little more than you bargained for. why i loved it ⇢ this fic deals with a lot of heavy topics in such a touching and heart clenching way. the imagery courtney evokes here is no joke, and the atmosphere is set in a way that makes it unable for you to stop looking. the descriptions, the pace, everything is… ugh, just flawless. ⇢ my review: part 1 | part 2 (with spoilers!)
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author ⇢ @euphoricfilter pairing ⇢ jungkook x reader genre ⇢ friends to lovers; fluff; smut rating ⇢ +18 | minors do not interact word count ⇢ 5.5k summary ⇢ If Jungkook would have known an unintentional orgasm would have led to this, then he would have begged you to work out with him sooner. why i loved it ⇢ i went into this expecting a filthy mindless smut, and received the most pure longing in the forms of astronomical analogies and posthumous promises. jungkook’s perspective here is just so honest and genuine and it makes you fall in love with this couple as if you've been with them from the moment they've met (it's a slow burn encapsulated in 5.5k words). i was so surprised and it made me so happy to read this.  ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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Photograph you in this light
author ⇢ @yoongiphoria pairing ⇢ jungkook x reader genre ⇢ fluff; some angst rating ⇢ free to all audiences, but the MJ's blog is +18 only word count ⇢ 0.5k why i loved it ⇢ fun fact: i had a full meltdown because of this fic lmao. it took me less than two minutes to read it and two business day to get over this and i honestly feel like i lack the words to live up to it (i did say a bunch of stuff in my review tho, but i strongly recommend you read the drabble first). ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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The one with Jungkook, his son, and the lightbulb
author ⇢ @eoieopda pairing ⇢ jungkook x reader genre ⇢ fluff rating ⇢ pg-13 word count ⇢ under 1k why i loved it ⇢ this is just the cutest fucking dad!au i’ve ever seen. jade writes this in such a creative way that they were able to capture years of relationship and love in such few words. i almost wanted kids after reading this lol (so i backed away immediately 🥴). ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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Thus with a kiss…
author ⇢ @uarmymoonlight pairing ⇢ jungkook x reader genre ⇢ fantasy!au; historical!au; forbidden/secret relationship!au; angst; fluff; light smut. rating ⇢ +18 | minors do not interact word count ⇢ 899 summary ⇢ two times Jungkook got so lost sliding his hands through your soft skin and staring into your gentle eyes, that he had to fight to remember the stories of brutal cold-blooded and dead-eyed killers his brothers raised him up with. stories of your kind. why i loved it ⇢ this has one of the best opening paragraphs i’ve seen in fanfiction. it’s just so good and the fever dream way it’s narrated fits the story and its theme so well that you can’t help but be swallowed by the events. although this is just a teaser for an upcoming fic, i do think it stands tall on its own, because it suggests so much and crafts such a nice world already. i just know that i'll be revisiting this a lot.  ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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Velvet cherry
author ⇢ @jeonqkooks pairing ⇢ jungkook x reader genre ⇢ exes to lovers; agent/spy!au (non-specified); some fluff; angst; smut rating ⇢ +18 | minors do not interact word count ⇢ 5.9k prompts ⇢ “call me that again” & “lay down and stay still” why i loved it ⇢ i think this is one of the firsts — if not the first — jen fic i’ve read. i was mesmerized by her control here. the way she conducts her scenes are so interesting, and how she throws us in the middle of jungkook and the reader's story and we’re able not only to catch up but to feel like we were there all the years of the relationship. ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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Tales of broken hearts
author ⇢ @taegularities pairing ⇢ taehyung x reader genre ⇢ exes to lovers; childhood sweethearts; fluff; angst; smut rating ⇢ +18 | minors do not interact word count⇢ 24.8k summary ⇢ “Love has become a noun again.” When a work trip brings you back home, you don’t expect for anyone to await your return or remember you. But despite the time apart, Taehyung still does — still looks at you the same way he used to five winters ago. why i loved it ⇢ i’m not sure i loved it as much as i am sure i was completely destroyed by this. it took me hours to finish it ‘cus there were times i had to stop to try and remember how to breathe. it’s one of those stories that just stays with you way past the last word and you wanna hug each and every character until you squeeze all the sorrow and sadness out of them. it’s fucking good (and it has a happy ending, so rest assure you won’t die). also, this fic made me stop reading rid's work for a while 'cus otherwise i just know this list would be all hers lol ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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Holiday Inn
author: @bangtanintotheroom pairing: hoseok x reader genre: non-idol!au; rap group!au; humor; smut; strangers to enemies to lovers rating: +18 | minors do not interact word count: 37.6k summary: If it’s not the loud music, it’s the constant rapping. If it’s not the constant rapping, it’s the hysterical laughter. And if it’s not the hysterical laughter, it’s the moaning and screaming women. How the hell hasn’t your neighbor been kicked out yet? Oh right; he’s a beloved rapper.  why i loved it: this fic is just delicious. it happens in the course of five days — that start out as the worst but soon become the best ones of the reader's life! and hoseok here… let’s just say there wasn’t much sunshine and i never thought i’d love an asshole version of hobi THAT much. although it’s a longer fic, the pace is really good and it felt like watching a movie: the tension rising and the events escalating in such a delicious and continuous way that a shorter version could never provide. ⇢ my full review (with spoilers!)
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richincolor · 11 months
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New Releases
July is shaping up to be a great month for exciting YA reads! What's on your TBR list this month? Here are the new releases coming out tomorrow, 7/11!
I'd Rather Burn Than Bloom by Shannon C.F. Rogers
Packed with voice, this is a powerful coming-of-age YA novel about a Filipina-American teen who tries to figure out who she really is in the wake of her mother's death.
Some girls call their mother their best friend. Marisol? She could never relate. She and her mom were forever locked in an argument with no beginning and no end.
But when her mother dies suddenly, Marisol is left with no one to fight against, haunted by all the things that she both said and didn’t say. And when Marisol sleeps with her best friend's boyfriend—and then punches said best friend in the face—she's left alone, with nothing but a burning anger. And Marisol is determined to stay angry. After all, there’s a lot to be angry about. But as a new friendship begins to develop, Marisol reluctantly starts to open up to her, and to the possibility there’s something else on the other side of that anger—something more to who she is, and who she could be.
A Song of Salvation by Alechia Dow
From the author of The Sound of Stars and The Kindred comes a YA space opera about a reincarnated god and a grumpy pilot on a mission to save a beloved space DJ and stop an intergalactic war.
Zaira Citlali is supposed to die. After all, she’s the god Indigo reborn. Indigo, whose song created the universe and unified people across galaxies to banish Ozvios, the god of destruction. Although Zaira has never been able to harness Indigo’s powers, the Ilori Emperor wants to sacrifice her in Ozvios’s honor. Unless she escapes and finds Wesley, the boy prophesized to help her defeat Ozvios and the Ilori, once and for all.
Wesley Daniels didn’t ask for this. He just wants to work as a smuggler so he can save enough money to explore the stars. Once he completes his biggest job yet—bringing wanted celebrity Rubin Rima to a strange planet called Earth—he’ll be set for life. But when his path crosses with Zaira, he soon finds himself in the middle of an intergalactic war with more responsibility than he bargained for. Together, Zaira, Wesley, and Rubin must find their way to Earth and unlock Zaira’s powers if they’re going to have any hope of saving the universe from total destruction.
All the Yellow Suns by Malavika Kannan
A coming-of-age story about a queer Indian American girl exploring activism and identity through art, perfect for fans of Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe.
Sixteen-year-old Maya Krishnan is fiercely protective of her friends, immigrant community, and single mother, but she knows better than to rock the boat in her conservative Florida suburb. Her classmate Juneau Zale is the polar opposite: she’s a wealthy white heartbreaker who won’t think twice before capsizing that boat.
When Juneau invites Maya to join the Pugilists—a secret society of artists, vandals, and mischief-makers who fight for justice at their school—Maya descends into the world of change-making and resistance. Soon, she and Juneau forge a friendship that inspires Maya to confront the challenges in her own life. But as their relationship grows romantic, painful, and twisted, Maya begins to suspect that there’s a whole different person beneath Juneau’s painted-on facade. Now Maya must learn to speak her truth in this mysterious, mixed-up world—even if it results in heartbreak.
My Week with Him by Joya Goffney
From Joya Goffney of  Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry, comes a stirring YA coming-of-age, best friends-to-lovers romance about a girl named Nikki who plans to run away from small-town Texas, but ultimately finds that her oldest friend, Mal, just might be the one who’s been there for her all along. Filled with heart and humor, this novel captures complex family drama, friendship, and love. For fans of  I Wanna Be Where You Are  by Kristina Forest and  Counting Down with You  by Tashie Bhuiyan.
Nikki can’t wait to leave Texas and follow her dreams of a music career . . . After a painful betrayal by her sister and a heated argument with their mother, Nikki is kicked out and finds herself homeless. She decides to go to California to pursue her singing career. When her best friend, Malachai, discovers her plan to flee Texas, he begs her to spend the remainder of spring break with him. He believes that over the course of a week, he can convince her to stay in Texas, or to at least graduate high school.
But their plans are interrupted when Nikki’s little sister Vae goes missing. Nikki is forced to work alongside her difficult mother as they set off in search of Vae, with Malachai’s support. Will Nikki find a reason to stay in Texas, or will this spring break be the last time she sees them? Through her emotional journey, Nikki ultimately finds the love she’s always been missing and discovers the power of her own voice.
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threeletterslife · 10 months
Hii! It's me again. I was curious how you came up with this? Was the whole series your idea or someone elses, or mabye where you found your inspo and such. And when you started writing it, did you come up with all the plots and stories yourself and did you have doubts on it? OH and also how did you come up with all these characters and fantasy like places and stories and names?You're welcome to answer or just ignore tho. Whatever is nice for you! 💓
wellllll this is quite a long story, so buckle up!
i consistently write a journal documenting my journey with lod, so i will be copy-pasting excerpts here. i am planning to post the entire journal once lod is finished (right now, it is 37+ pages, but it'll definitely be much longer lol. not sure if people would even read the full thing, though.) FYI: below the keeping reading line, words in red omits spoilers (aka the chapers i haven't posted yet) and words in green are commentary (since i wrote this journal a couple years ago)
tl;dr: i was bored in quarantine and had a lot of motivation, so i came up with lod. the entire series was my idea, but i found inspiration from other fantasy/magic series. i did have doubts when it came to plotting, but i had a couple of friends who proofread. coming up with everything was definitely a process—i explain it in detail below:
November 1st, 2020, Sunday was the day I created the first LOD-related Google Doc. I remember for the longest time, I wanted to write an ultra-long series. I had no idea what this series would consist of—the only thing I did know is that I wanted it to be a slow burn. Of course, I began dabbling with the idea of the internet’s most beloved trope: enemies to lovers. I realized that I don’t exactly have much of an interest in developing a story based on modern-day happenings. If this series was going to be long, I wanted to go all-in—that is, I wanted to play around with some extensive world-building. Though I admit I have some experience in world-building, I say this with a grain of salt because I’ve never actually expanded upon my new universes. (Most of my world-building work has been through the Society Series, which included seven stories that ranged from 2k-29k words. And 2k-29k words are barely anything compared to the long series I wanted to write.) So I took on this challenge of creating an entirely new world with new nations and cultures and people.
Except I didn’t know where to start. I think I found it the easiest to figure out who I wanted to write. I definitely wanted to write a somewhat angsty relationship (definitely something on the lines of enemies to lovers). So I knew my main characters had to have a lot of spunk to them. I still wasn’t so sure about the setting, until I realized how interesting it would be to write a story about a war. I’ve never quite done that before. I accepted the challenge. And with this setting in mind, I began to piece together my characters. I typed out a quick: general!yg (26) and general!yn (23) into the Google Doc. It was actually smooth sailing from there.
1.1 Castings, Genres and Plotting
I created two nations: Solaria and Darlae and then split them up as the elemental magic group and traditional “wand” magic group. I wasn’t so sure how to build upon the magic, though. I decided to leave that problem up for the future me. Meanwhile, I assigned Yoongi the role of the cynical, cold yet somehow gentle Solarian General. Of course, to add some *spice*, I cast our OC as the kindhearted, passionate Darlaean General. I took a lot of inspiration from Avatar: The Last Airbender and the Harry Potter franchise but ultimately decided that I’d create my very own system of magic (somewhere along the line). I did know that the Solarians would control the elements and the Darlaeans would use what I later called their birthstones to do their own form of magic. But other than that, I literally let alone the magic. I figured I’d begin to create the magical guidelines when I felt more comfortable with the other parts of the story.
From November 1st to the 7th 2020, I plotted every day. But these were very general plot points—mostly to map out where the story would go. I came up with an introduction that I felt was a good hook, and from there, I focused a lot on moving the plot along. It’s a little problematic considering I didn’t exactly flesh out my characters yet, but I thought it would be better to just word vomit than stay stagnant. I realized I could tweak the plot a little (or a lot) after I got my ideas out. So then, I made the whole storyline of OC’s lost memory, Yoongi being suspicious of her, her feeling a little lost in Solaria, then her assimilating and gaining Yoongi’s undevoted trust. The plot was very much centered around her and the Solarian General. I remember being stuck at a particular plot point, however. It was after the fact that OC went into battle and got “captured” by the Darlaeans. I knew she’d meet her past lover (Jungkook) and it’d be a whole angst parade. But there were a few complications that are plot spoilers of the latter half of the second act, plus acts III and IV, so I will not share them for now. Just know that it wasn't until January 2nd to 14th of 2021 that I finally configured the ending of LOD
1.2 Creating the Title
I also came up with the title on January 10th. I had some possible choices too: ​​Forgotten Memories, Lost Memories, The Legends of Two Kingdoms, Legends of Magic, Legends of Darlaria. At first, I really wanted to incorporate the motif of memory in the title. [Reasons are redacted.] But then I started brainstorming some ideas and realized putting ‘memory’ in the title sounds cheap/an attempt to sound overly deep. I didn’t like it. So I realized I could branch off and talk about the nations. The Legends of Two Kingdoms gave me Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities vibes and I was not there for that. Legends of Magic sounded straight-up stupid. But then came Legends of Darlaria. It clicked. I was so happy with that and it stuck like glue.
1.3 Fleshing the Plot Out
1.3.1 Creating the Acts
January 12th, 8:38 AM, I copy-pasted my plot doc into a new doc specifically for chapter divisions. By 8:46 AM, I had created three acts. Act I is OC’s time spent in Solaria. Act II encompasses the entirety of OC’s stay in Darlae. Act III is the ending. I didn’t flesh out any of the chapters/parts. In fact, I spent the next several days splitting my story into parts. And by January 26th, I had all 65 parts basically fleshed out (plus the epilogue). It ended up being 57 pages, 33 more than my original 24.
January 16th, I first came up with the idea of having four acts instead of my original three. I felt like if I stayed with three acts, act II would be unnecessarily long. [Redacted discussions about acts III and IV].
1.3.2 Major Creations and Edits
From then on, I worked on my chapter divisions doc sporadically. I skipped the whole month of February. Then, I only worked on it twice around the end of March. I remember this was because I was losing a lot of motivation for Legends of Darlaria. I had completed a lot in a pretty short amount of time: creating a title, creating functioning characters, creating a 65-page plotline, etc. It was safe to say that I was (a) getting tired of it (b) realizing my ideas weren’t so great as I had originally thought they were. It also might have had a lot to do with college decisions and online school burnout. I remember I was just tired all the time—even though I was getting more than enough rest. Legends of Darlaria felt so… bland. Every arc I had, I felt like it had been done before, and there was nothing really special about my characters either. In fact, I started to worry that they were really, really starting to look like Mary Sues (especially the OC). 
But I got ahold of myself and began working again, picking up momentum. I entered the chapter division document (my main doc) on April 19th, ready to get back on track. I remember, I felt kind of lost, then. I wasn’t sure if I should add any more details to the plot or whether I should even take parts of the plot out. I felt like to change one little detail, I had to change a billion other things. So in the month of April, I remember obsessively reading over the document and editing every little piece of dialogue, sentence, plot point. I even built upon my characters. On April 19-22, I gave them zodiac signs, IQs and their place of birth. Zodiac signs were easy. For OC, her stubborn nature and willingness to stay grounded made her a Taurus, which is perfect considering that she has an April birthday (in order to have the diamond birthstone). I didn’t plan for that to happen, but it did happen to work out. Yoongi’s an obvious Aries; head on his shoulders, also stubborn and pretty tough (redacted information). I always imagined Jungkook as a Virgo (which he is in real life). On April 20th, I created the five sectors of Solaria—literally on a whim. Each element would get its own sector and there would be a heterogeneous capital sector. Coming up with the names for that was so fun. I basically looked up “names that mean [insert element]�� and created my own variations from what I found on the internet. Needless to say, the names did not disappoint. (I’m usually shit at coming up with fantastical names, so this was an improvement on my part.) This was how I was able to figure out that Yoongi’s birthplace is Aithne; OC and Jungkook are both from Darlae, a huge kingdom with no separate cities/sectors [that obviously got changed later LOL]. Figuring out their IQs was a roller coaster ride [even though honestly it shouldn't even have been a huge deal since IQ doesn't define intelligence whatsoever]. In the beginning, I gave OC the highest IQ of 133. Jungkook had the lowest of 127 and Yoongi had a 131. But I thought about those numbers for a long, long time. (The funny thing is, IQ is not even remotely important to the story, so I have no idea why I was fretting so much about it.) But two days later on April 24th, I edited the IQs. Jungkook now had the highest of 131. Yoongi had the lowest of 127, and OC had 130. I remember realizing that I didn’t want the nations’ militant leaders to be too above average; that’s not how usually the military works. But I did want their IQs to be a little higher than average, too—because let’s face it—these characters do some smart shit in the story. But I ended up bumping Yoongi down the IQ ladder (for reasons that are purely intuitive; I can’t explain them with words). Jungkook went up (because I realized he’s one of my most intelligent characters), and OC is just right behind him.
1.3.3 Art & the Quest of Smut
No one asked for this, so I will be omitting this excerpt LOL.
1.3.4 An Obscene Number of Things to Fix
April 27th, I fleshed out the five sectors of Solaria, creating their relative sizes and different ecological biomes. (I literally remember researching the different biomes during my math class—it was a nice bio review!) I also realized I needed to take the initiative on my still ever-so-present dilemma that Legends of Darlaria felt bland. I was ruminating about the reason it could come off as bland for months. But I finally got somewhat of an answer. It was definitely because there was too much focus on the main characters; the side characters didn’t get the time of day! I also thought that the main characters’ flaws were not well-portrayed enough in the plot. So, I came up with a list called ‘THINGS TO FIX.’ It consisted of 10 bullet points: (1) yn’s not good with kids, (2) [HUGE FUCKING SPOILER], (3) [another spoiler LOL], (4) the ending drags on too much, (5) [semi-spoiler but omitting just in case], (6) sprinkle in stuff about sectors, (7) [more spoilers bruh], (8) add seokjin to the flashbacks, (9) add more female OCs, (10) figure out dates/times
(1) OC gets to meet children in chapter 5 where she voyages to the capital with her General. But I realized, it doesn’t make much sense for OC to be a kid-person. Even when she was young, she was mature for her age, and she had to grow up quickly due to the death of her mother [changed this to her parents' neglect instead]. She never got a chance to be a child. So it would make sense for her to be awkward around children. She doesn’t know how to treat those mini-adults!
(2) Nope
(3) Also nope
(4) Semi-spoiling the ending, so will take out just in case
(5) Also a semi-spoiler...
(6) I just created the different sectors, so I realized that now has to be integrated into the story.
(7) Oops also a spoiler
(8) Seokjin is a character we barely see in the whole story, which sucks because his character has so much potential. Even though I didn’t write it down anywhere, I always internalized that Seokjin is a misunderstood character. (Kind of like Jungkook.) He has a lot of potential and is a highly disciplined individual, but doesn’t quite understand how to interact with others. I think he’s a very “rigid” character. He likes to follow the rules. He likes to obey orders. I think a pivotal point in his character is when [REDACTED]. But since Seokjin is such an interesting character, I want to put him in the flashback scenes. He must have played some role!
(9) I knew for a while that Legends of Darlaria would not take in place of a patriarchy. Men and women are literally equal. So it was just sad to see more male characters than females. But that may have something to do with the fact that this is a BTS fanfiction and I kind of promised myself to include all seven men. So, of course, there is an imbalance. My concern, however, was coming up with female characters who could be seamlessly integrated into the plot.
(10) I realized while writing this longass series (which I had no idea would be in several months), I would also have to write descriptions of the setting. But the setting also includes the weather. How am I supposed to write about the setting if I don’t even know what season the chapter is taking place? This last bullet point perhaps stressed me out the most. (For some reason.)
1.3.5 Fixing and Creating New Characters
I worked on LOD basically for the rest of April—almost every day. I was really big on weaving the to-fix points into my plot. I remember I made 81 edits in one day trying to sprinkle in bits of the sector stuff. I also changed a lot of the dialogue and the choices the characters made for them to stay true to their character. At the beginning of May, I focused a lot on rounding out my main characters and fleshing out the world-building. I created a money system, which, I have no idea why I made (but whatever. I guess it made my world feel a little more real to me). I added three things to my to-fix list: (1) add more bits of confident yoongi, (2) add more yoongi character flaws (his willingness to surrender/give up), (3) add more yn character flaws (too trusting, overthinks, workaholic). I still felt like my main characters were Mary Sues (except Jungkook LOL). So I realized to make the audience sympathize with them and root for them, I had to make them seem more human by giving them notable flaws. 
I took a break for a couple of weeks and got back on track in the middle of May. On May 18th, the Lieutenant of the Solarian Army Kang Doyun was born. I didn’t really know much about her other than the fact that she speaks her mind and is a generally likable character. The same day I created her, I also decided that ultimately, she has to die. Originally, I planned it so that OC and Doyun do not know each other too well. That would make it easier for OC to take Doyun’s place as the Lieutenant when she dies. In hindsight, I realize that is definitely not how the military works—even in a fictional nation. But we’re going to let my past self be in blissful ignorance. [Which is why I changed it later so OC never becomes the Solarian Lieutenant General LOL.]
May 19th, Hana was born. She was created for the sole purpose of tripping up OC because she’s so similar to Hajin. Immediately, I knew I had to design her as a very likable character. In fact, I added to my to-fix list: make ALL characters more likable/complex. By the end of May, my original 24-page document became 71 pages. 
I worked on the document for three days in mid-June. Mostly, I was working hard to polish up the plotline; my goal was to slowly get rid of all the bullet points from my to-fix list. I worked on the document for one day in July—mainly to add to some important plot points. I think at that point, I thought I was basically done fleshing out the story.
Anyways, the rest of this journal is me doing a breakdown of each chapter I've written in LOD, which can get quite tedious, so I won't include that. Hopefully, this gives you a better background of how my idea came to be and knowledge of some of my pre-writing processes!
I began writing LOD after I settled into my college dorm, and three years later, I'm in my apartment still writing. I will most likely finish and wrap up this story when I soon after I graduate and begin working full-time
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roleplay-today · 3 months
° + 𝚏𝟷 𝚛𝚙 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 ! 🏎️ 🏁
hi everyone, 21+ writer looking for other 21+ writers in any tz who are looking to explore some f1 shenanigans! i’m a cis woman myself, but welcome any and all partners + characters. my ideal partner writes 3+ paragraphs, is ready to do some mutual plotting and has some knowledge on f1, but doesn’t need to be an expert! personally, i’m semi-lit to literate, match the length of my partner’s replies and can write anything from sms conversations to long novella replies. i’m slow-ish with replies, but more than compensate with enthusiasm towards our characters and our story! i especially love making pinterest boards and edits.
i’m looking to write mxm slow burn enemies to lovers, with a long, overarching plot line that follows a season (many seasons?) of f1. i’d like to include all the juicy drama that comes with two people at the top of their sport competing for the ultimate prise: the drivers’ championship!
i’d like to add some nsfw elements, but i’m totally comfortable with fade to black. kinks are welcome, if we have a chat about them beforehand. i’m okay with some age gap, and would actually like to explore something like that! however, i’m looking to write against a character that is not overly submissive, twink-y, and who is preferably a switch or top! generally, i’m not too invested in the dynamics often related to mxm shipping, and would like to steer away from the stereotypes! it would be interesting to explore the shifting dynamics between two people who are both used to being the best, who do not compromise, who haven’t come to f1 to make friends. i’m thinking they could start off at rival teams, but eventually end up driving for the same one! ahh the drama, lol.
as a note, both characters should be 25+ as a personal comfort thing!
if this has caught your interest give this a like, or better yet, message me over at satsumatsuma on d/iscord!
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eeclare · 1 year
Haikyuu fic Masterlist
I’ve been reading Haikyuu fanfics for YEARS, and I think it’s finally time to share my ultimate wisdom. This post is still super ongoing because I’m not nearly done reading fanfics, but this is what I have to recommend so far :) part two is here
Part three is here
Part four is here
Part five is here
Part six is here
Part seven is here
I’ll include the summary, rating, word count, and my own comments on the fic (as well as the pairing)! Obviously there are going to be “cult-classics” on here because even though I’ve been in the fandom for a long time, I recognize that there are always going to be new fans (as long as there is at least one more season left lol) and they deserve the “generically” good ones! I’ll label the ones I love the most with <3
Extra little disclaimer: this whole list so far is JUST IwaOi. I was planning on doing the whole master list all in one but then I considered how long I’ve been reading/bookmarking fanfics for and realized that if I put all of it in one this would take me about 6 weeks to fully complete. I’ll link the rest of the list as I complete it/them :) Anyway, enjoy!!
Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru
Long Overdue <3
Word count: 4,528
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi hits his rut.
I have to admit (in the least creepy way possible) I have a soft spot for A/B/O dynamics. Most of them are written weirdly well and they always get the relationship dynamics just right.
Word count: 3,170
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The journey of friendship and love over the years wherein Tooru rejects Hajime 5 times followed by the 1 time he doesn't.
This one’s short and sweet and I think it captures Iwa and Oikawa’s relationship quite well. It starts when they’re just little babies and tracks their development from childhood friends to lovers.
The Secret Omega
Word count: 17,387
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Now, staring down at the cheery label which promises no regrets, Iwaizumi ironically but sincerely regrets every decision which lead him here. In particular, his annoying as fuck best friend. Who absolutely, definitely, no matter what, cannot find out that Iwaizumi is an omega.
Yet another A/B/O fic (prepare yourself). God this one is good. Love alpha Oikawa and omega iwa dynamics, and I think this fic captures it perfectly. I’m always in it for angst and this one features a lot of inner turmoil from Iwa’s perspective.
In The Telling
Word count: 6,131
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Muggleborn Iwaizumi could not be less impressed with pureblood Oikawa Tooru.
I’m also a sucker for HP AUs (though there won’t be as many as I’d like in here). Again, this captures Iwa and Oiks in all their glory but with a Harry Potter twist. Please read it, you’ll regret nothing (little to no angst btw, other than the general “they’re getting to know each other and Iwa hates Oikawa at first” stuff).
Thirty Years and Change (The Games of the XXXIII Olympiad)
Word count: 19,309
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It’s July 10th, 2024, and Oikawa Tooru is an Olympian. His smiling face airs on an NHK promo every 45 seconds. He’s captain of the national men’s volleyball team, reigning star of the professional leagues, and he hasn't spoken to Iwaizumi Hajime in two years. He has, however, sent Iwaizumi tickets for the 2024 Los Angeles Summer Games.
This is set in the future (but pls keep in mind this was written WAY before the recent reveal of what the characters end up doing career-wise) where Oikawa is a world rebound Olympian. Iwa and Oikawa are N/C at the beginning of this so please also keep in mind that this one will be an angsty slow burn, but with a happy ending.
Your Words & My words & Our Words
Word count: 3,613
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; Chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi Hajime has the most embarrassing soulmark known to man.
This one is SO funny. No angst, just feel-good fun.
I Was Born In Love With You
Word Count: 1,682
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa and Iwaizumi are finally reunited at the Olympics.
Short and sweet and full of cheese.
What you Came for <3
Word count: 108,825
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; Chapters 26/26
Summary: Iwaizumi finds himself torn between his career and Oikawa Tooru, straddling the line of professionalism and duty. Iwaizumi has the responsibility to do the right thing, but it it's becoming more and more unclear what the right thing actually is. He has to choose a side, and his decision could save or end more lives.
Cop Iwaizumi and bad guy mafia boss Oikawa. Honestly guys, almost anything ever written by Deathbelle is a cult classic in the Haikyuu fandom. At least to me, anyway. This one is angsty and smutty and well written and overall just incredible. I URGE you to read this one. I also only put a small portion of the original summary in here so if you want to read the full one click on the link and check it out ;)
Saw you at the Fish Market
Word Count: 14,218
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa befriends hot part-time worker Iwaizumi and tries to impress him both off and on the court, in hopes of more.
This one I will admit to only have read once, but it was really cute and really funny with some reallllly light angst sprinkled in there. I honestly read this back in 2020 so my memory’s a bit fuzzy on it but I think it still deserves recognition!
Word count: 14,920
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed: chapters 9/9
Summary: They had been planning this reunion for sixteen weeks, four days and six hours. Or so. Not that Oikawa had been counting, or anything.
Part 1 of a really great series. This one is a bit longer but it’s really cute and I love it. Long distance Iwa and Oikawa make for slight angst and heavy mutual pining.
Kireiji: や
Word count: 11,427
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “You know, going undercover only works if we haven’t met.” Oikawa inwardly groaned. Where was his scotch when he needed it? “I’m here for someone else,” Oikawa said, turning around to meet Iwaizumi’s eye. “Don’t flatter yourself thinking I would dress up like this for someone like you.”
This one is the reverse of What you Came for with cop Oikawa and yakuza Iwaizumi. It’s in the POV of all the characters in the fic and is definitely interesting to read. This one IS a popular one so chances are you will like it!
And Suddenly, We Were Strangers
Word count: 17,926
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "sorry, it's just... you’ve been amazingly kind to me these past few days. ...but i'm still not sure who you are.”oikawa tooru's handed a beige invitation, gold lettering decorating the edges and words that make his heart drop as his gaze lift. he's sitting in a hospital bed and with his mind hazy, he's only sure of three things: his name, his visitor is attractive, and this can't be happening. "i'm iwaizumi." the visitor looks away. " ...your fiancé."
This on is really sad and kind of heartbreaking. Amnesia AU where Oikawa doesn’t remember Iwaizumi. Another rather popular fic in the community, it has angst on angst on angst but with a happy ending. Pretty much a hurt/comfort fic.
Word count: 2,741
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi walks out of the Shibuya train station and finds himself staring at a massive digital ad flashing REIGN’s pretty-boy grin. He’s all dressed up in Kouda Mikako’s signature bold style — dark, ripped drop pants under a hooded, pale-yellow tunic and turquoise jacket. Iwaizumi is a hundred-percent sure if he tried wearing that outfit, Hanamaki and Matsukawa would laugh him out of Tokyo. On REIGN, though, it just — it works.
They’re idols/music artists.That’s it. That’s my commentary.
A Drunken Confession and a Warm Embrace
Word Count: 3,431
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: There’s one night where Oikawa stays at home for once, and Iwaizumi is being driven home. Matsukawa brings up the topic of Oikawa, just as a joke, expecting Iwaizumi to complain a little...and Iwaizumi starts going on and on about Oikawa, what he loves about him, and how excited he is to get home to him.
Drunk Iwa confessing his love for Oikawa. This one is so funny I swear!
Are you Listening?
Word count: 4,224
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: 30 times oikawa said i love you and 1 time he didn't have to
This one is SO cute. Literally zero angst just cute and short and sweet and deserves a read.
Trial by Fire <3
Word Count: 76,811
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 14/14
Summary: (lawyer!AU - in which Iwaizumi loves his objections, Oikawa is beautiful, and they have more chemistry than two opposing attorneys probably should.)
Remember when I said that there were going to be cult classics in here? Yeah. This is one of them. So incredibly written but tbh the ending made me so MAD. Not because of sad stuff or anything actually bad happening, I just don’t like how a lot of authors always make Iwa out to be the bad guy when Oikawa is the one fucking up or being over dramatic. Other Than that though, go read this fic if you haven’t already. Right now. Do it.
Four Numbers
Word count: 1,388
Rating: General audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: When Oikawa leaves his phone over at Iwaizumi's, Iwaizumi is shocked at what he finds inside.
Iwa snooping in Oik’s phone. No angst here and no slow burn. Good for if you want something a little shorter and sweeter to get you through the day.
It’s Tradition
Word count: 3,916
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Every year, without fail, on Oikawa's birthday, Oikawa has somehow gotten a kiss out of Iwaizumi.
Another fan favourite! Definitely worth the read! Another fic that shows the progression of their relationship from childhood friends to lovers!
The Great Photo Race
Word count: 3,306
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa realizes that he doesn't have a single terrible photo of Iwaizumi on his phone, and challenges the volleyball team to get the worst photo possible in a week.
It’s giving Barney and Robin from that one episode of HIMYM. Super fun and funny fic!
Papillon <3
Word count: 6,867
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "Father says I have to go meet new royals today.” “Who?” The boy said it so easily. With a little bit of a bite. But Tooru wasn’t sure if that was because he was angry, or because he was an alpha. “The…Iwaizumi family…”
Another A/B/O and popular enough (the A/B/O while present in this, can be pretty easily ignored though if you’re not into it. Still such a great read). I read this for the first time in the eight grade. Another childhood friends to lovers progression fic but this time make it royal. So so so so so good. Hands down one of my fav IwaOi fics of all time!
Call Me But Love <3
Word count: 4,507
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa's Soulmark says Hajime, but Iwaizumi's doesn't say Tooru.
Angst on top of angst but with a tooth rottingly happy ending. Do yourself a favour and read this because you will never ever regret it. The tags kind of spoil why their marks done match up but at the end of the day, it’s still an incredible fic.
Deck the Halls with Mistletoe (Leg all Your Burdens go)
Word count: 2,013
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “My boy,” she says, cupping her hand to his cheek, pride in her voice. “I’m so glad you’re home, Tooru.” “Me, too,” he lies easily, summoning a smile that she doesn’t care to look beyond, and lets her pull him into another hug. Pleasantries are exchanged and she tries to get him to stay downstairs for dinner, but he waves her off easily enough with the excuse of jet lag. With promises of getting some sleep he lugs his bag up the stairs and lets himself into the bedroom. Iwaizumi Hajime is sitting on his bed.
ANOTHER fic where Iwa and oiks become estranged. Angst with a happy ending tho so what can I say.
Do You See Yourself as a Daddy? <3
Word count: 4,266
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Actually,” Oikawa straightened, brushing his fingers down Iwaizumi’s biceps, “One more question, Iwaizumi-san. Off the record, of course.” “And that would be?” Oikawa leaned in, so that their lips were nothing but a breath apart again, his lashes practically touching Iwaizumi’s, “How exactly do you fuck your men?”
I don’t know if the_madame is considered a traditional Haikyuu cult classic author, but holy fuck should they be. I’m serious. This persons fics saved my life. Their works are so good I literally will suck their penis as repayment. You will almost never find better iwaoi fics than from this person. I wish they were still as active in the fandom as they used to be but honestly, they could never write a fic again and I’d still be satisfied lmao
High Rise
Word count: 14,077
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 7/7
Summary: Oikawa followed his ambitions and found himself as a pro-player on the 28th floor of an apartment block, alone, soothing that solitude with occasional visits from old friends and their adorable dog. Then someone new descended into his life, right on the other side of the glass he spent so long staring out of.
Sooooo freaking cute. Cannot say that enough. This fic deserves way more recognition than I feel like it gets. Please love it as much as I do.
Stumble into the Sun <3
Word count: 3,680
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “So,” Hajime says, as he peels off his uniform shirt, letting it fall on top of his gym bag. “Have you guys ever heard of like, someone being turned on by people saying nice things to them?” Matsukawa slams his locker shut. “Oh my god,” he says.
THIS ONE IS SO FUNNY but also hot at the same time. I love it.
Everything With You
Word count: 14,591
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: For years, being Oikawa’s best friend has worked out fine. Hajime is hopelessly in love with him, but it’s enough. Then Oikawa—who, by all accounts, has never been anything but determinedly, assuredly straight—gets a boyfriend. Or a boy friend-with-benefits. Hajime doesn’t know, and he doesn’t give a shit about the definition.
This is such a great fanfic. So well written, so much angst, so many emotions and the perfect amount of comfort at the end.
Yellow White Red (Camellia/Gardenia)
Word count: 9,012
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: An impressively annoying young man starts frequenting Hajime's flower shop. It goes downhill from there.
This one is funny and sweet with basically zero angst. Highly recommend this read (especially since it has SO many bookmarks compared to ur average fic lol)
Dinner and a Movie <3
I’m being 100% honest here when I say that you don’t need a summary to know that you HAVE to read this fic. Remember when I said that the last fic has so many more bookmarks than the average fic? Yeah. Compare that to this one and it blows it WAY out of the water. Seriously. Just do yourself a favour and read it.
Just Hear Me Out <3
Word Count: 7,679
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: To stimulate Japan's low birthrates and take most of the guesswork out of dating, a beeper system was biologically developed in people's wrists, an audible confirmation to show romantic compatibility. Iwaizumi's beeper has been going off for Oikawa since they've been kids. Oikawa's has only ever been silent.
Whoever the chef is of this fic, I’m gonna kiss ‘em. Completely immaculate. AMAZING soulmate AU. It’s angsty but has such an amazing ending seriously do yourself another favour and read this fic too.
Darlin’ your head’s not on straight
Word count: 13,658
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa teases Iwaizumi about a childhood promise he made to marry him when they were older, except suddenly it's not really a joke at all.
Funny and cute and funny and cute and cute and cute and cute.
Have Mercy on Me
Word count: 10,592
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hajime gets the Hanahaki disease.
Very angsty but it does have a happy ending and the friendship dynamics between everyone is really nice to read. Love fics like that.
Kiss me Cause you can
Word count: 3,362
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “I just dared you,” Yahaba said offhandedly, like he was commenting on the weather, “to kiss Oikawa-san, Iwaizumi-san.”
It’s really just precious and again, the dynamics between all the characters (while minimal) is really nice to read.
Take Shelter
Word count: 4,888
Rating: N/A (but really teen +)
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hajime's always loved Tooru. He's just always been prepared to let him go.
Some domestic fluff + angst to get the heart strings going. I’ve seen this one recommended in other lists before but honestly, I feel like this one doesn’t get recognized as much as it should.
By the Time You’re Eighteen <3
Word count: 4,219
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Tell you what,” Oikawa continues. “If you still haven’t been kissed by the time you’re, say, eighteen, /I’ll/ kiss you.”
This one is sugary and sweet and I just love it
Terrorist Cat
Word count: 1,526
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa generally isn't very good with animals. Iwaizumi tells him it's because they can sense his true nature. But there is one animal that takes to him. And it's a nightmare
It doesn’t actually *say* that they’re together in the tags but like. They are lol
Sing For Me
Word count: 9,863
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The last place Oikawa thought he would end up in would be a dingy bar covered in sweaty clothes and forced to stand around sweaty people; but here he is, standing under soft purple and red lights, body close to overheating and nothing to combat the exhaustion but a room temperature bottle of water.
If you’re looking to read for the plot, you’ve come to the wrong place
Press ‘1’ to get a call from your drunk best friend
Word count: 5,400
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Press '2' to hear him talk about you for thirty minutes, press '3' for him to compliment your ass, and press '4' for more options.
Another drunk fic for these two! Really funny but also wholesome I love their friendship in this one!
Of Pick Up Lines and Idiots in Love
Word count: 1,867
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: All these notes and pick-ups lines were seriously starting to piss Iwaizumi off.
For the lols
Not about to go looking
Word count: 2,523
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hajime wants to tell him right then, to say: “I love you and if I ever do meet my match it’ll probably be the worst fucking thing that ever happens to me.” He gets as far as opening his mouth when Oikawa interrupts again.
Really cute and wholesome. I love “unrequited” soulmate AUs :)
Word count: 10,812
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Iwaizumi Hajime is a junior doctor suffering through his medical rotation, and Dr. Oikawa Tooru is his insufferable mentor. Medical AU.
It’s funny and slow burn and I just think it’s neat.
In April
Word count: 28,782
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Tooru dates people and it takes Hajime a while to figure out why he hates it. Like six years.
Where Iwa is an emotionally constipated moron. They both are.
4 Times Iwaizumi said I Love You and 1 Time Oikawa Beat Him to the Punchline
Word count: 10,686
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It's absolute, complete fluff nothing else
Not so short, but sweet. I’ve always liked this fic, their relationship is just so fluffy and sweet in this
Call Security!
Word count: 18,658
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 5/5
Summary: In which Oikawa has a crush, Iwaizumi has no interest, and a chain of shoplifting incidents brings them together.
DeathBelle DeathBelle DeathBelle (mall workers AU)
Blind Allegiance <3
Word count: 3,419
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: When Oikawa had set out to make a name for himself in the gritty underworld of the yakuza, he had demanded respect with a smile on his face, a gun in his hand, and Iwaizumi by his side. Anyone on the outside looking in would have wondered why Iwaizumi had sacrificed so much – his family, his morals, his future – for Oikawa’s twisted ambitions. They wouldn’t have understood why Iwaizumi had made his decisions, and he wouldn’t have expected them to. Sometimes even he wondered how he’d ended up there, caught up in the violent affairs of the yakuza. He wondered, but when he looked at Oikawa, everything became clear.
OH MY GOD DeathBelle is literally Jesus
We’re Falling
Word count: 4,316
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In their third year of high school, Oikawa starts looking at her best friend a little differently. If only Iwaizumi was looking back.
I don’t usually read gender bends but this person did it quite well (I’m my opinion)
Word count: 3,995
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: After a night out, Iwaizumi and Oikawa get a little closer
THIS IS ANOTHER GENDER BEND FIC!! It’s just that this one is smutty.
Rookie Mistakes
Word count: 5,277
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa is a menace, Iwaizumi is running out of patience, and the two of them struggle to find a way to work together.
Another cop AU but they’re BOTH cops and then they have sex
The Worst
Word count: 1,465
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "Oh, fuck, you're not Mattsun," he chuckled, running his fingers through his head of sweaty hair. "Shit, sorry man, didn't mean to–" "Don't worry about it." Iwaizumi blinked to get the blurriness out of his eyes and found one attractive piece of man meat sitting next to him, cupping his chin in his hand. He stuttered, clutching onto his empty shot glass like it'd keep him from falling off the stool. "Tooru. You?" "Hot," he replied, his lips moving faster than his brain. "Uh, Hajime. You're hot. I'm Hajime."
Do I realllly remember reading this one? Not completely. Do I vaguely remember it being good? Yes absolutely! Read it and jog my memory lmao
Word count: 808
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa cries during sex sometimes
Short, cute, sweet.
la lune <3
Word count: 1,698
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Years after graduating high school, Iwaizumi Hajime suddenly finds himself on an unfamiliar couch with a terribly familiar ache in his lower back.
So angsty and yet so nice to read. Another vaguely estranged IwaOi fic that I like quite a bit.
The Art of Silence <3
Word count: 2,767
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Hanamaki and Oikawa make a bet where Oikawa won't talk for 24 hours and Iwaizumi learns that maybe he knows Oikawa a bit better than he thought he did.
Ugh so sappy and cute. Everyone is just happy. No angst to be seen here, folks. It’s also quite funny lol
The Time Oikawa was Late
Word count: 2,157
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa gets into an accident on his way to visit Iwaizumi, and puts Iwa-chan under unnecessary stress.
Royalty AU! It’s quite short but I like protective Iwa so :P
Word count: 4,182
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Tooru gives birth and his friends Freak Out
IM SO SORRY this is an Mpreg fic. I’m not proud of myself either, guys. And also, this is less IwaOi centric, than it is just about the couple’s dynamics with Maki and Matsun. I don’t usually enjoy Mpreg centric fics but this one was good.
Word count: 1,013
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa just wants Iwaizumi to pick him up with those strong arms and fuck him against a wall. So Iwaizumi does.
Just straight up porn no plot. Or I guess, porn is the plot.
I’m the satellite you’re the sky
Word count: 3,227
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: That made it finally dawn on Iwaizumi how much Oikawa wanted this. How much Oikawa wanted him. The thought hit Iwaizumi hard and he pulled away with a quiet gasp, moving his arms to grab Oikawa before he could speak. He held onto the other tightly, his chest heaving slightly and his voice coming out hoarse. “Stupid Oikawa. I’m not going anywhere.”
Sickeningly sweet. Seriously.
Word count: 2,476
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hajime Iwaizumi commits the ultimate snapchat sin and somehow gets himself a boyfriend in the process.
Ugh so cute and funny
New phone who dis
Word count: 57,747
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 25/25
Summary: Oikawa texts the wrong number when complaining about Ushijima, and then keeps texting Iwaizumi.
This fic is so fucking funny. Is it a cult classic? Technically no, but it really should be.
Kotov Syndrome <3
Word count: 50,023
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 9/9
Summary: Corruption is brewing in Seijou's police force. Oikawa Tooru, the captain of Special Investigations, is put onto a case where he cannot afford to fail.
Cop/detective AU but Oh. My. God. This is such and exceptional fanfic. It doesn’t even feel like a fanfic it just feels like you’re watching criminal minds (almost). The plot doesn’t dig too deep into the romantic relationships of the characters but good god is this fanfic amazing!
If you wanna be
Word count: 15,108
Rating: Teen +
Status: completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa tries to play matchmaker for Iwaizumi and fails. Spectacularly.
Makes me kick my legs out and giggle like a small child
How to Catch an Ace by Oikawa Tooru <4
Word count: 8,201
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Oikawa writes a guide for Kageyama, Matsukawa and Hanamaki read it, and then proceed to tell him how rubbish it is.
Guys this is literally so damn funny. Oiks tryna give Kageyama romantic advice is one of the best things ever.
Read it and weep
Word count: 14,075
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi Hajime writes an abrasive critique of golden boy Oikawa Tooru's terrible self-help book. What happens afterwards is a testament to how horrible Iwaizumi's luck really is.
LOL enemies to lovers but in a funny way
Move your Body
Word count: 28,107
Rating: N/A (technically explicit)
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: In which Iwaizumi comes out and Oikawa has a great idea and subsequently questions his own sexuality with surprising results...
This one is funny and smutty and has a bit of plot if you squint
Hot Mess
Word count: 2,245
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi discovers the beauty of rimming.
Hot mess is right
Rationed breaths
Word count: 3,740
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi knows the arch of Oikawa's back when he stretches, knows the smooth muscles of his thighs, knows how his shirt sticks to him after a long summer practice: he knows it all. He thinks about it a lot. More than he should, probably.
Well written porn. That’s all.
Word count: 3,792
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi is insecure about his height. And Oikawa has to fix this.
Momma Needs His Dick
Word count: 1,998
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Having two kids doesn't leave much time for Mom and Dad. And Tooru really just can't take it anymore.
THIS IS A PART OF A SERIES!!! Technically I think you COULD read this as a stand alone, though. It’s A/B/O and takes place in a universe written by the_madame and it’s so so so damn good. I AM going to save that main fic to the series for last on this list though because I love it so much.
Hands-on assessment
Word count: 4,978
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi is Oikawa’s professor-with-benefits. And maybe something a little more.
I hate student teacher relationship fics, but I read this one and it was actually pretty good.
The Truth is Out There
Word count: 3,066
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "I work at NASA," Hajime said, setting down his coffee. Oikawa immediately jumped up and slammed his palms against the table. "I'll suck your dick if you tell me about the aliens."
There is no smut in this, despite the summary. This fic is funny and light hearted and I see it on fic rec lists all the time. There is a good reason for that though. Definitely worth the read. Short and sweet :)
Say My Name <3
Word count: 2,685
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi is about to flip a pencil at the top of his head, but he notices a slight blooming of color on the portion of Oikawa's cheek—the portion he can see—and it dawns on him that Oikawa might actually be embarrassed to use his first name. Normally Iwaizumi would normally leave it be; Oikawa isn't ready, that's okay. But some part of Iwaizumi decides that he has a way to sate Oikawa's boredom, and earn himself a nice treat all in the same instance. Something devilish swirls in his abdomen, and he pushes back from his chair, motioning towards the brunet beside him. “Oikawa, I'm gonna take a break.”
In defence of our overgrown garden <3
Word count: 2,595
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Ushijima tries very hard to be a good neighbour to the new tenants next door.
This fic made my cackle in public. And I’m not even exaggerating. It’s so goddamn funny I can’t begin to describe to you. I have never laughed so hard at a fanfiction in my life. Ushijima is just so oblivious and he just wants to be a good neighbour and Oikawa just HATES him for it. Again, not a fic that’s focused on the romantic relationships of the characters but it’s beyond worth the read.
I Choose You
Word count: 9,315
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: There's a tiny clock on his wrist, bright red numbers. It's supposed to tick, supposed to move, supposed to tell him when he'll meet his soulmate. The time will run to zero when they've met, moving numbers will become stationary—the ticking that signified uncertainty transforming to the silent stability of forever. Iwaizumi Hajime's clock hasn't ticked for as long as he can remember.
So so so good. This one is a bit of a classic to us og Haikyuu fans. I don’t see this one get mentioned very often but it needs to be read more for sure.
In This Safe Space (Stay for a Minute) <3
Word count: 23,744
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Oikawa is a fairly well-known cosplayer, Iwaizumi is the irritatingly talented doujinka who regularly spots errors in his costumes, and their booths keep ending up located beside one another at conventions, much to Oikawa's dismay.
I love this one. The friendship dynamics, the couple dynamics. It’s also really funny and really cute! I see this on almost EVERY fic rec list and this is one fic that I genuinely think deserves its spot.
Tokyo Boy <3
Word count: 16,655
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: A story about longing, and how not even 5,487 miles, a sixteen-hour time difference, or a 'casual' label can stop a stubborn heart (or two?) from falling in love.
A long distance love story that has had my heart since I read it in 2017 :)
Mind Reader <3
Word count: 40,800
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 4/4
Summary: After Iwaizumi is knocked out by a volleyball to the face, he discovers he can now see what people are thinking.
Iwa is such a fucking idiot in this I love it so much. This is another classic (or at least I think so) and it’s a well deserved one. It’s funny and cute and smutty and perfect.
You’re looking like you fell in love tonight
Word count: 34,930
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: in which iwaizumi pretends to be oikawa's boyfriend.
ANOTHER classic… I like this one but it’s not a love. It’s really popular and it’s good, just not one that I think about often when I’m trying to rec fics
When You Wish Upon a Star
I’m not even putting anything else here other than it’s a body swap AU and you HAVE TO READ IT. It’s a cult classic. It’s funny. It’s witty. It’s sweet. Read it now.
The Courtship Ritual of the Hercules Beetle
Word count: 66,307
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 3/3
Summary: Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
Would this really be a master list if I didn’t put this fic on it?
We Shine Like Diamonds <3
Word count: 26,733
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa is nine when he first hears the word. The boys on the playground whisper it like it's dirty, like the way they daringly mutter the word fuck and then look over their shoulders to check their parents hadn't heard.
This fic is probably the ultimate coming of age fanfiction (in this fandom at least). It really tugs at your heart strings and makes you want to give Oikawa a big hug and it will make you very happy in the end.
The Most Inconvenient Way to Find One’s Soulmate
Word count: 10,577
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: After falling out of another relationship, famous actor Oikawa Tooru, decides to just skip the dating and find his soulmate. Posting a picture of your soul mark on Twitter may work for some people, but if you're an actor what really happens is an influx of people pretending to be your soulmate, as Oikawa quickly finds out. It's a good thing Suga is a fan, or else Iwaizumi may never have known that his soulmark matched the one of the actor he didn't really like.
This one’s kinda funny and I did enjoy it a lot. It’s not my favourite but it is memorable! Def a classic as well
Conquering the Great King <3
Word count: 105,691
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 17/17
Summary: Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction. Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"
I bet you were wondering when you were going to see this fic on my list. I was contemplating not putting it on because at this point everyone has already read it (I mean, it is THE Haikyuu fanfiction) but on the off chance you come across this and haven’t read it, you haven’t lived, dude.
Anger Management <3
It’s literally just porn, guys (really good porn)
Word count: 72, 716
Rating: Explicit
Status, Completed; chapters 13/13
Summary: Within the first few months of his stay, Oikawa gets caught up in a war between cellblocks, becomes a prime target, and must decide just how far he's willing to go to protect Iwaizumi Hajime.
Oikawa is literally Iwaizumis bitch. Yet another DethBelle fic. Are we even surprised anymore?
Worthless Pride <3
Not bothering with the formalities here. It is explicit and long but for the love of GOD read this fic. Cult classic for a reason, I tell you. Brb gonna go reread it rn actually
Moral Ambiguity <3
Word count: 16,713
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa Tooru, a decorated forensic psychologist, has never met a criminal he couldn’t break. He knows how they think and he’s an expert of persuasion. Japan’s most famous serial killer, Iwaizumi Hajime, may be the exception.
FUCK does this fic make you think. I feel like this one doesn’t get mentioned enough so here you go. Not for everyone for sure, but if you’re looking for intense and thrilling, you’ve found it.
The Loyalty of a traitor <3
Again skipping the formalities. Again, it is explicit but holy crap is it ever good. It has 17 chapters (and is fully completed). Do you know how many cult classics DeathBelle has written? Because holy fuck I swear they are like half this list.
New Flame
Word count: 69,805
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 13/13
Summary: Working as a server at a high-end restaurant in Kabukicho means that life isn't always as uninteresting as Oikawa hopes it might be. But the job pays well, his manager is understanding of his university schedule, and Oikawa takes pride in being able to meet some of Japan's most prominent businessmen even if he doesn't really care for what they do. That is, until Iwaizumi Hajime takes an interest in him.
Essentially just 13 chapters of porn with very minimal plot. I have read it a couple times tho and every time you read it the more plot you find if you squint real hard.
When I Fall to My Feet <3
Word count: 23,284
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 3/3
Summary: Oikawa is tired of being rejected and wants to move on from his incredibly disappointing first time. Luckily, his best friend knows a thing or two about sex, and is willing to lend a hand (and a tongue, and maybe other things).
This is soooooo good. This is one of very few trans fics that I’ve read that involve smut that doesn’t come off incredibly gross and fetishy. I think it’s pretty close to perfect.
Long Over Due <3
Word count: 4,528
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Iwaizumi hits his rut.
Okay okay, yes it’s A/B/O. But arguably, some of the best fics are A/B/O and I will die on that hill. This one is smutty and features aggressive Iwaizumi and that just makes me happy for some reason.
Cigarettes and Soda <3
Word count: 28,661
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 10/10
Summary: Obnoxiously wealthy and completely incapable of holding his liquor, Oikawa Tooru stumbles upon the type of guy he hates the most. Because who in their right mind would smoke and cover themselves in tattoos?Apparently, his name was Iwaizumi Hajime. And he had reasonable cause for blackmail.
I think this is the first Iwaoi fic I’ve ever read! This is once again by my all time favourite author the_madame and god is it good. I this is the fic that influenced me to read all the others! It’s like bad boy Iwa and preppy Oiks and it’s really sweet and kinda funny in some places. There is obviously angst since it’s a blackmailing AU so enjoy that part too!
Seijoh Inc <3
Word count: 40,591
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 17/17
Summary: In which Ushijima should keep his mouth shut, Hanamaki possesses extreme patience, and Iwaizumi decides that perhaps Oikawa isn't quite as irritating as he initially thought.
Ahhhh another classic, inevitably by DeathBelle. Seriously so good. If you liked their other works that I’ve recommended so far you for sure enjoy this (if you haven’t read it already).
Something Like Us <3
Word count: 28,916
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 10/10
Summary: Friends since childhood, Oikawa and Iwaizumi now live together, both playing for the National Team. It's no secret that athletes who are bonded perform better. So if the two of them happen to bond... It'd be for the good of the team, right?
Damn is this good. Mutual pining. Friends to mates to lovers is a great trope!
A Place to Call Home <3
Word count: 191,554
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 44/44
Summary: Oikawa Tooru doesn't need an alpha. He's doing fine all on his own. And the past four years of being a single mother have proven that this is exactly what he wanted from life. Of course, life has a way of not always going as planned.
This is it guys. The last of my IwaOi centric fic recs. A Place to Call Home is probably my favourite fic for this pairing. The angst is good, the characters and development are amazingly written. There’s some BokuAka on the side for good measure. And yes, it is A/B/O in a sense that is hard to ignore but if you’re going to read anything on this list it has to be this one. It is genuinely amazing. Oikawa is a single parent in this and Iwa is some random alpha dude that wants to be a part of their lives. Seriously just so fucking good I cannot stress that enough. Plus, as a bonus, the author wrote Oikawa’s son aged up with his own love interest in a fic as part of the series. Something to Call our Own is such a good companion piece and I just love it so much. It’s 11/11 chapters of pure tooth rotting fluff. I have never seen this fic recommended before but it seriously needs the recognition. Please please please read this!
Okay, this is it. I know that I labeled this as a master list (and let’s be honest, it is) for all of Haikyuu but this is just the first part. IwaOi is my weakness and therefore I HAD to give you this many recs. I’ll link the rest of the parts of the master list as I complete them :)
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darkdoverpseeker · 4 months
° + 𝚏𝟷 𝚛𝚙 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 ! 🏎️ 🏁
hi everyone, 21+ writer looking for other 21+ writers in any tz who are looking to explore some f1 shenanigans! i’m a cis woman myself, but welcome any and all partners + characters. my ideal partner writes 3+ paragraphs, is ready to do some mutual plotting and has some knowledge on f1, but doesn’t need to be an expert! personally, i’m semi-lit to literate, match the length of my partner’s replies and can write anything from sms conversations to long novella replies. i’m slow-ish with replies, but more than compensate with enthusiasm towards our characters and our story! i especially love making pinterest boards and edits.
i’m looking to write mxm slow burn enemies to lovers, with a long, overarching plot line that follows a season (many seasons?) of f1. i’d like to include all the juicy drama that comes with two people at the top of their sport competing for the ultimate prise: the drivers’ championship!
i’d like to add some nsfw elements, but i’m totally comfortable with fade to black. kinks are welcome, if we have a chat about them beforehand. i’m okay with some age gap, and would actually like to explore something like that! however, i’m looking to write against a character that is not overly submissive, twink-y, and who is preferably a switch or top! generally, i’m not too invested in the dynamics often related to mxm shipping, and would like to steer away from the stereotypes! it would be interesting to explore the shifting dynamics between two people who are both used to being the best, who do not compromise, who haven’t come to f1 to make friends. i’m thinking they could start off at rival teams, but eventually end up driving for the same one! ahh the drama, lol.
as a note, both characters should be 25+ as a personal comfort thing!
if this has caught your interest give this a like, or better yet, message me over at satsumatsuma on d/iscord!
like or reach out if interested !
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findroleplay · 4 months
° + 𝚏𝟷 𝚛𝚙 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 ! 🏎️ 🏁
hi everyone, 21+ writer looking for other 21+ writers in any tz who are looking to explore some f1 shenanigans! i’m a cis woman myself, but welcome any and all partners + characters. my ideal partner writes 3+ paragraphs, is ready to do some mutual plotting and has some knowledge on f1, but doesn’t need to be an expert! personally, i’m semi-lit to literate, match the length of my partner’s replies and can write anything from sms conversations to long novella replies. i’m slow-ish with replies, but more than compensate with enthusiasm towards our characters and our story! i especially love making pinterest boards and edits.
i’m looking to write mxm slow burn enemies to lovers, with a long, overarching plot line that follows a season (many seasons?) of f1. i’d like to include all the juicy drama that comes with two people at the top of their sport competing for the ultimate prise: the drivers’ championship!
i’d like to add some nsfw elements, but i’m totally comfortable with fade to black. kinks are welcome, if we have a chat about them beforehand. i’m okay with some age gap, and would actually like to explore something like that! however, i’m looking to write against a character that is not overly submissive, twink-y, and who is preferably a switch or top! generally, i’m not too invested in the dynamics often related to mxm shipping, and would like to steer away from the stereotypes! it would be interesting to explore the shifting dynamics between two people who are both used to being the best, who do not compromise, who haven’t come to f1 to make friends. i’m thinking they could start off at rival teams, but eventually end up driving for the same one! ahh the drama, lol.
as a note, both characters should be 25+ as a personal comfort thing!
if this has caught your interest, give it a like and i’ll reach out, or, better yet, message me over at satsumatsuma on d/iscord!
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findyourrp · 4 months
° + 𝚏𝟷 𝚛𝚙 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 ! 🏎️ 🏁
hi everyone, 21+ writer looking for other 21+ writers in any tz who are looking to explore some f1 shenanigans! i’m a cis woman myself, but welcome any and all partners + characters. my ideal partner writes 3+ paragraphs, is ready to do some mutual plotting and has some knowledge on f1, but doesn’t need to be an expert! personally, i’m semi-lit to literate, match the length of my partner’s replies and can write anything from sms conversations to long novella replies. i’m slow-ish with replies, but more than compensate with enthusiasm towards our characters and our story! i especially love making pinterest boards and edits.
i’m looking to write mxm slow burn enemies to lovers, with a long, overarching plot line that follows a season (many seasons?) of f1. i’d like to include all the juicy drama that comes with two people at the top of their sport competing for the ultimate prise: the drivers’ championship!
i’d like to add some nsfw elements, but i’m totally comfortable with fade to black. kinks are welcome, if we have a chat about them beforehand. i’m okay with some age gap, and would actually like to explore something like that! however, i’m looking to write against a character that is not overly submissive, twink-y, and who is preferably a switch or top! generally, i’m not too invested in the dynamics often related to mxm shipping, and would like to steer away from the stereotypes!it would be interesting to explore the shifting dynamics between two people who are both used to being the best, who do not compromise, who haven’t come to f1 to make friends. i’m thinking they could start off at rival teams, but eventually end up driving for the same one! ahh the drama, lol.
as a note, both characters should be 25+ as a personal comfort thing!
if this has caught your interest give this a like, or better yet, message me over at satsumatsuma on d/iscord!
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landosgirl97 · 2 years
Would you be comfortable with doing a set accident blurb?
You are chase’s friend and ended up being an extra on the set something happens during your scene and chase has to give you cpr?
Soooo.. I'm a sucker for friends to lovers so I also made this friends to lovers. I hope you don't mind! Please enjoy.
*Reader’s POV*
Chase had managed to get me on as an extra on Outer Banks and I was so excited! I get to hang out with him and the cast all week filming this party scene which ultimately ends in a fight between the kooks and pogues as usual. I literally can’t imagine a better way to spend my time than with him. 
I watched as he walked into the makeup trailer and took in the sight of him. His shirt was unbuttoned, showing his toned torso and the blue bandana hung from his neck deliciously. He had on swim trunks that did nothing to hide his juicy thighs and tight butt from sight and I swear my breath caught in my throat. I only paid attention when he broke my stare. “... earth to Y/N?” A blush crept up my cheeks as I knew he caught me staring. “Uhh.. hi! How was your scene?” He laughs and sits in the makeup chair. “Good! We’re shooting the fight scene next though so you’re up. Are you ready for this?” I nod my head as I sip on my water and stare into space, daydreaming about the man sitting mere feet from me until he breaks my reverie again. “Time to go film, ready?” I stand and follow him out to set and into the van as they drive us to the location. I watch Chase talk to Austin on the way. The way his full lips moved, the way his tongue swept out to wet it before he spoke, I let my eyes wander as I watched his large, muscular hands move as he spoke, imagining them doing much more than what they were at that moment. 
The van came to a stop and I hopped out first, hoping to put some distance between Chase and I until I felt his hand grab my wrist, “hey Y/N/N, can we talk after this scene is over? I have something I want to talk to you about.” I just nod my head as he lets me go and we get in our places. There is supposed to be a fight between Topper and John B over Sarah, but with me being a kook, I stood behind Topper, taking his side in the whole argument and watching it go down. 
After I heard “action” everything seemed to be a blur. I was too busy watching John B be mad at Topper, jaw set, eyes glaring, and body rigid, to pay attention to what was happening around me. Next thing I know, Austin’s elbow lands square in my chest and I fall backwards into the water. His elbow having knocked the wind out of me made it impossible for me to catch my breath and I could feel my lungs burn as they filled with water. I finally blacked out and can’t remember a pretty big chunk of time. 
*Chase’s POV*
I watched in horror as Y/N/N clutched her chest in pain and fell into the water. I didn’t even wait for them to call “cut” before I ran over, plunging into the cold water after her. When I was finally able to get to her, she had passed out and was no longer breathing. Austin helped me get up onto land and lay her down. I immediately felt for a pulse but felt nothing. Her lips were starting to turn blue and I started pumping on her chest immediately. I was trying to count my compressions out loud like I knew to do but also call for a medic at the same time. I could barely see what I was doing through my teary eyes. “Y/N! Y/N, don’t you do this to me! Don’t you dare!” I kept pumping hard on her chest, leaning down to give rescue breaths. Never did I think that the first time our lips met, I’d be giving her CPR. I came back to pump on her chest, watching my tears and snot fall onto her shirt as I continued shouting at her. “Please, please don’t do this! Wake up Y/N! Wake up!” I gave her two more rescue breaths and looked up as I saw the cast standing and huddling around us, hoping she’d come back. Drew finally jumped in, starting a new round of chest compressions as I moved her hair out of her beautiful face and do just the breaths. I continued to beg her to come back to me, ultimately collapsing into the sand with my cheek on her forehead, almost wailing. I had lost the love of my life and hadn’t even gotten a chance to tell her yet. I leaned down to give another set of rescue breaths when she started coughing. Drew and I helped set her up so she cough and vomit up all the water she had swallowed and breathed in.
*Reader POV* 
All I remember when I came to, was the sudden urge to vomit. I sat up and coughed and vomited up all the salt water I had inhaled. My body was so tired that I collapsed into the body next to me. When I looked up, I saw Chase holding me into his chest. “Chase.. Why are you crying? Are you okay?” I reached my hand to his cheek, wiping away the tears as they streamed down his face. “I thought I lost you..” he muttered. I tried to laugh, but ended up coughing and cringing at the pain in my ribs. “I wasn’t going anywhere, what would you do without me?” Chase looked me in the eyes and suddenly leaned down, capturing my lips in a feverish kiss. I could’ve sworn my heart stopped again when he kissed me but when we pulled away, it was definitely still beating. “I love you, Y/N. I was crying because I love you and I thought I lost you. I can’t live without you.” I pulled him down for another kiss, pulling away and placing a hand on his cheek. “I love you too Chase. I love you too.”
Tag List: @pankowforlife @wannabestarkeysgirl @my-baexht-ls @bethoconnor @samxslaughter @tishanas-darlings @jjmaybank63 @outerbankspov @slutforsmutsstuff @hoebx @adventuresinobx
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callivich · 2 years
Hi Calli. Gonna go ahead and give you a question as well because I love reading people’s responses to stuff like this lol.
What would have been your dream Ian x Mickey centered storyline that didn’t happen on the show? Could be a storyline that exists but wasn’t explored as much as you wanted, or something entirely new.
For me personally, I look at S10 a little bitterly because I feel like their storyline in that season could have been amazing if certain things didn’t happen/were expanded on more or tweaked.
Hi Danielle! Thank you so much for asking me a question! 💖
This is a very tough question! My answer is I have 1 million different storylines I wish where written 🙈😂
Leaving aside the fact that Shameless is an ensemble and there are many different characters and storylines to be explored, here’s some I’d loved to have seen if there was time on the show:
Early seasons - it’s clear they had a sort of friendship as well as a sexual relationship, so more of them having fun and getting to know each other.
Anything canon divergent after s3. Either the dreaded episode didn’t happen or they ran away together, or they just talked. (At the same time, I think the aftermath of what we actually saw was painful and difficult and horrible but probably quite realistic to two teenage boys dealing with such a trauma.)
It’s obvious Mickey shouldn’t have been arrested for what happened with Sammi. So anything canon divergent from this point where he and Ian are broken up but then reunite (because, they would) - totally slow burn and not something we’d see on Shameless because there wouldn’t be time but I’d love to see them slowly but surely coming together.
Tbh, in terms of the show which did seem to focus more on Ian and Mickey in s10 and s11, I have to agree that a totally different storyline from s10 onwards would have been amazing. (I mean, essentially the writers were creating a new show - no Fiona, Ian and Mickey back together, Carl and Debbie really growing up etc, it’s a turning point for the show in a way, it kinda changes.)
I think a really interesting storyline, post- prison, would have been to cut Paula and have Larry be the parole officer for both of them. I’d love it if we’d see them working at the same place - trying to adjust to a world outside prison and a world where they’re absolutely openly together outside of their families/the Southside neighbourhood. They’ve gone from a tiny prison cell to the same workplace and things are very different but also very much the same. It would be a nice exploration of them as a couple in workplace and in a post-prison world where they are still finding their identities after lockup. Lots of bickering and humour but some emotional moments too (especially a better proposal!!)
I’d also love to have seen a s11 storyline where they were really planning the business together as well as planning on moving out. I wouldn’t expect them to be entirely on the same page - I would imagine there would be misunderstandings and arguments (but no exceptionally harsh words or violence because I think by this point they might not be great at communicating but I think they would at least try not to do those things)- but ultimately it would have been nice to have a season where they really, truly are trying to build their future together. I get the writers were trying to show them figuring out marriage but it sometimes felt that there past was ignored or that they had regressed as characters or that they were there to be funny despite their past storylines. So, it would have been nice to see them working together as a team, as lovers, husbands, best friends, as they planned or explored their future.
I will stop here because I could go on forever, there’s really so many storylines I’d wish we had seen! Thanks for the great question! 💖💖💖
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adanseydivorce · 1 year
5, 8 and 14 because i love chaos
5, 8 and 14 because i love chaos
5.what is your favorite overused trope?Honestly I’m pretty easy to please when it comes to popular romance tropes (that aren’t insta love obviously). I love slow burn enemies to lovers friends to lovers a combination, I love opposites attract when it’s done well, fake dating, even miscommunication trope is fun and angsty when it’s for a ship I genuinely love.
8.do you prefer happy, bittersweet, or sad endings?
Obviously it depends on the story in question but more often than not bittersweet endings tend to be my favorite. Take the end of Clockwork Princess for example… it’s the perfect version of this (and I think it’s why every tsc finale since that one has disappointed people, because they fail to balance an earned ending for the story and characters, one that has a lot for the reader to be happy with and find satisfying with genuine pain and a feeling of loss… and I say this as someone who wasn’t disappointed by Chain of Thorns since my expectations for this book were in a realistic place, but who Was disappointed by Queen of Air and Darkness for not being that this is also telling of how much more invested I was in TDA as it was coming out and how conversely TLH for me is fun but not as serious for me as TID and TDA.) I used that example because of reactions I’m seeing to CoTh but you get my meaning a good bittersweet ending can be really satisfying. 
14.name a fandom, ship, or character that you love that others would send you hate mail for liking.
Well I’m really not relevant enough on this website to garner hate mail over anything. Definitely the most controversial thing I ship (and I ship it pretty hardcore too) is Spuffy. Dair is a ship I love that are unreasonably disliked by some, Bamon ig is divisive according to some people and Blackstairs is considered a little polarizing though not to the extent of tv ships. Devi x Paxton is the less popular NHIE ship and it’s the one I prefer so that could count. I enjoy Klaroline sometimes even though it’s not my favorite pairing for either Caroline or Klaus (I’m more of a Steroline Klayley ultimately) but it is a ship that garners a lot of criticism some unquestionably valid.
as for characters I mean I love Rory Gilmore and Jenny Humphrey who are both pretty despised by their fandoms. There are probably a lot of female characters I like who could be in this category but I don’t have the time to list them all.
unpopular fandoms… well a lot of my fandoms are things plenty of people don’t like but also things that have a fair following. So I’m going to go with a piece of media I don’t often talk about: I don’t actually think I’d get hate mail for liking this series but I know it is kind of unpopular and that’s the Mara Dyer trilogy which is a series with a lot of problems that I do love, or at least I did when I read them.
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ofdemonsandangels · 1 year
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I posted 914 times in 2022
That's 914 more posts than 2021!
101 posts created (11%)
813 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 913 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 804 posts
#berserk - 382 posts
#griffith - 234 posts
#guts - 175 posts
#griffguts - 128 posts
#d.gray-man - 124 posts
#violetposts.exe - 94 posts
#yuu kanda - 55 posts
#banana fish - 48 posts
#alma karma - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i also think that post-eclipse griffith would say yes too but golden age griffith would perk up like a dog and drag guts to his chambers
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fuck a breakup, have you ever seen a white haired twink and a bisexual himbo with massive tits miscommunicate with each other so badly that it leads to a massive blood sacrifice, everlasting trauma and heart aching gay longing?
145 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
A Masterlist of My Favorite GriffGuts fics
Hey fellow GriffGuts shippers! I know that it can be really hard to find some decent fics for our favorite disaster ship so I thought I’d compile a list of my personal favorites. 
Give Me A Reason to Stay by philatos
"Guts, do you love me?"
Griffith’s quiet words broke through the clear night, shattering the comfortable silence that had surrounded them.
“What?” Guts was taken aback, nearly spraining his neck with how fast he turned to look at him. “Griffith, what on earth-”
“It’s a simple question Guts, one with a yes or no answer." said Griffith, sitting up. "Do you love me?”
My comments:
I love it when Griffith is aware of Guts’ feelings for him and knows that he also has feelings for him. It’s just 2k words of GriffGuts goodness.
by the throat by cainight
Nothing feels right anymore. There’s something wrong with him, he knows it, and it rots in his brain and leaks into his dreams and he fears for the day even Guts can’t quiet it, because he knows that day is coming.
My comments:
Griffith has vivid visions of a life he must’ve lived and it terrifies him. This fic made my uneasy in the best way possible. I really do love my angst and fluff but I love it when there’s a little horror in my GriffGuts fics.
All that we could have been by philatos
If it were anyone else, he’d have let them go, true to his word that staying with him was ultimately their choice.
But not Guts. Never Guts.
He was going to bring him back, by force if it came to that. How dare he leave? He was his and his alone!
My comments:
Do you wish that Griffith had ran after Guts to plea with him one last time instead of sleeping with Charlotte? I’m sure we all do, which is why this fic is so damn satisfying.
the things we say to others by applecrumbledore
“So you were lovers,” Serpico said. He imagined how Guts might cut him in half for asking—if he'd use one of his smaller knives and take his time, or insist on using his sword and hack up half the room.
Guts finally looked away. “Does it matter?”
My comments:
Post-Eclipse GriffGuts taking about each other with their respective parties? Hell fucking yeah.
A Burning Hill by officialrohankishibe (BastardFrog27)
See the full post
226 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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So Berserk is coming back
285 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Shout out to Katsura Hoshino and Jun Mochizuki for creating gorgeously drawn manga that take place in the 19th century and tackles trauma in a way that leaves you crying every time you think about it because of how real it feels
322 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
broke: Guts and Griffith balance each other out. They’re like black and white, day and night. 
woke: Guts and Griffith’s relationship can’t be labeled because what they are to each other goes beyond the realm of friends and lovers
bespoke: Griffith is a god whose only connection to his humanity is the mortal man who almost made him lose his dream. The only person who can make him feel anything, as a supposedly heartless and emotionless god, is Guts. The most powerful character in Berserk is Guts, who has the ability to make even a god feel restless. A kingdom won’t satisfy Griffith, but Guts surely will.
355 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
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