#but her intenseness would jar him kinda bad
millylotus · 11 months
Secret Son John Constantine
Inspired by @herbatahleb's funny little fanart
As the title says The Everlasting Trio have a child and his name is John “Hellblazer” Constantine
He’s making his parents proud
John was born of a kind of soul blood pact between the three, he got his blonde hair from Sam, his eyes from Tucker, and his overall appearance is a mix of the three of them
John grew up to follow in Tucker & Sam’s footsteps of magic, he’s a born sorcerer unlike them though
His relationship with his parents is generally good, but because of how he treats his soul his relationship with Danny has deteriorated
They argue about this alot, John’s soul is his own and what he does with it really isn’t any of Danny’s business, Danny has the concerned parent vibes of the parent of a sex worker, their fears are founded but they need to trust their kid to know how to take care of themselves
John hates visiting home because of it, Dani will sometimes drag him back home for holidays but he doesn’t stay long
Sam & Tucker try to get them to get along but it isn’t really working
Then one day Danny gets accidentally summoned by the Justice League
John doesn’t recognize the summoning circle as it buzzes to life, he doesn’t know what type of creature or being will pop out. If they’re good or bad, or even merciful but he knows they’re strong from the intricate design or the circle. So he recklessly jumps forward, pushing Hal out of the binding circle so the Lantern isn’t bound to the summoned being.
John takes the binding with a scream of pain, feeling electricity shoot up his spine.
He can hear the Leaguers shouting his name, he’s vaguely aware of Jordan supporting him. But what he hears clearest was the voice of a man he most despised in the world at the moment.
“Really John? You didn’t have to do that, he would have been fine.”
John closes his eyes tight and breaths deep, he looks up to the voice and looks into the toxic green eyes as they met his own brown ones.
“Good to see you too Father.”
The green eyed being rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, “Yes, hello Son. It’s great to see you again as well.”
The League had only heard a few things about John Constantine’s family. They knew he had three parents who’re polyamouros, that he has an older sister and an aunt. Besides that all they have are silent grumblings about “Father won’t like this” when he does something risky.
But to see a young filipino man probably no older than twenty, floating over John “Hellblazer” Constantine and looking down on him like a disappointed parent. It was jarring.
Wonder Woman was the first to say anything “John, could you perhaps explain what just happened?”
John and his father broke their intense eye contact to look at Diana, who barely flinched at the sudden attention, the others behind her weren’t so fearless.
Constantine sighed carefully stepping away from Hal, “This is my Father.”
Hal snorted, “Yeah we got that man.”
“Yes John, introduce me to your friends here.”
Danny is generally snarky when meeting the League, he makes some weird comments about John hanging out with superheroes, that could be construed as rude
The others are kinda pestering John about who his dad even is, while John is more focused on getting the fucking bind removed
He eventually has to ask Zatanna for help
Danny for the most part is hanging out with the League while John’s working
Someone calls him Mr.Constantine and Danny quickly corrects them saying that isn’t his last name
Which sparks a whole conversation of John’s last name, which Danny isn’t about to say cause real names have power and such
Danny sees John working closely with Zatanna and asks if he’s with her or not, John is beyond embarrassed and even worse is when Danny brings up King Shark, mentioning that Dani really liked him too
John snarks back that then King Shark should have just gone for her instead of him since Danny was so adamant about King Shark being such a great son-in-law
Things get awkward quick as the two snark back at each other while everyone else realizes where John gets it from
It almost becomes a screaming match before the League has to break it up before they go to far
John ends up just calling Sam & Tucker so they can just break the binding
It’s a tense few minutes before they get there, and the League just kinda has to sit there as father & son fume not looking at each other
When Tucker & Sam get there they see the two not wanting to talk to each other at all
Leaguers are not reeling at seeing John’s other parents who he also vaguely looks like but also not
As the two work on the binding John & Danny are being passive aggressive
The two decide that John & Danny need to spend some time together to get this shit figured out
Sam : Alright that’s it *Sam & Tucker stop working, Sam has her head in her hands and Tucker is leaning far back* Danny : What? John : I’m sorry? Tucker : You two have been fighting for far to long, you’ve probably forgotten why Danny : I know exactly why, it’s because John doesn’t know how to treat his soul right! John : By The Ancients! You’re still on about that Danny : Of course! Sam : Will you both just SHUT UP! *Silence* Sam : We’re not breaking the binding, you two are going to stay stuck together Danny : Sammy! John : Mama, Papa. Please don’t do this! Tucker : Nuh-uh, this happening, you two are getting a some father-son bonding time for the week! John *distressed*: Why! You can’t just– it’s not fair! *Sam & Tucker loosen up a bit, looking to John softly* Sam : Baby it’s alright, we’re not trying to punish you we just want you & your father to actually talk things through Danny : It feels like your punishing me Tucker : You are his father, you will be the civil one in this so don’t you fucking dare get any lip *Danny goes silent* Sam *sigh* : We’ll be leaving now Tucker : Good look you two The two leave, then silence Danny : Do you still have that demon house of yours? John *sigh* : Yeah I’ll show you a room for your stay
Most of the story is really just about John & Danny learning to get along again
Danny has to finally trust his kid to know what he’s doing with his own body
And John realising that his dad just wants to keep him safe & stuff
By the end of their basically grounding the two have begun to mend their relationship, Danny promises to come over and visit along with inviting John back home to the zone when he feels like
I've been meaning to post this for awhile now & it's just been sitting in my drafts until I finally remembered it.
Hope you liked is! :]
Main Story Index [It's kinda messy but it's got links to most everything]
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nyxthejinx · 1 year
"don't call me that Kaeya… and stop following me"
-Both were walking along a path through the jungle of Sumeru, the Cavalry Captain went to Sumeru on a small mission and ended up meeting his little sister. Even though Scarlet told him to get away from her, she wasn't doing anything to get away from him beyond that. Her resentment towards him was visible, but it was not so intense that she wanted to cut off his head, as she would in Diluc's case.
"…" -the blue-haired didn't know what to do, when he saw her by chance his blood froze, he wanted to tell her that he was sorry, he didn't defend her, he wanted to tell her that he would return and that his arms would always receive her at home, he didn't have to return to the vineyard, he just wanted his little sister again-
….. "Kaeya! Kaeya! Look! Look! I caught them all by myself!" -A little redhead with chubby cheeks and a smile that was missing some milk glasses, she showed a jar to her older brother, the jar was full of Crystal Fly- "O-Oh for the Seven… Birdie, that's too many…" -He realized his smile faded, thinking that his older brother didn't like his gift- "Just the amount I need, come on to prepare a gift for Diluc, dad and he left since dawn and will be here soon" -Both brothers returned to the vineyard mansion, having in mind to make some hair clips for their brother and father-
…. "You know… I always dreamed of touching the stars, I wanted to see what was holding that veil… and now that I know… that we know… I just want to burn everything until there's nothing left…" - A mist-shaped creature encircled the redhead's shoulders, as she sat on a tree branch high up. She smiled a little when the creature stuck its tongue out of her like a snake and touched her cheek- "you're also anxious little friend… don't worry, when the day comes I'll help quench your thirst"
"Perhaps… We should go back home, maybe Lisa can-" -the crack of a large branch breaking interrupted him, the creature had wrapped itself around a nearby branch and had destroyed it-
"You put him in a bad mood, tch… you're indelicate Kaeya, I don't have to talk to you…" -The creature became small around her neck, and the redhead decided to jump from branch to branch along the dense jungle fast way to go-
"Birdie…I'm…I'm sorry…" -He didn't know what to do, he had just witnessed something really terrifying, his little sister seemed to keep inside her something worse than what once tormented Collei, he had to report this to Diluc , even if it was only a small chance that there was, he would do anything to get his family back, although he had no right to this-
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Kaeya ffs 🙄 you're so privileged compared to Diluc and you still manage to fuck up I can't 😭 like, every one of the harbingers is a sociopath more or less, and yet they manage to handle a pubertal hyperactive gremlin perfectly.
Also, how cool is the idea of an animal manifestation of the archon remnants. Not only does it add charm to the "charming" fatui already, but kinda brings up flashbacks of collei from the manga yep yep big slay for this one.
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loousir · 3 years
[Naga] Snake Bites
Naga Male x Bold (& kinda dense) Artist Male Reader
Setting: Mostly a Naga's cave deep into a forest.
Warnings: Soft lime at the end (marking/mate), bad (was the first oneshot in the original book), slight mention of naga attacking reader
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The fall breeze blew gently, tossing some fallen leaves around some worn shoes. The man who wore said shoes brushed away the strands of hair that had fallen into his face. He stared out into the woods, eyes following a gorgeous path until it disappeared.
"Hope you don't plan on goin' out there, " An older resident said. They were at the edge of a small cabin town. Some houses we're newer than others but that didn't seem to bother anyone. The houses were decently spaced and it was pretty active for being where most elders come to retire.
The man shrugged at the other's comment and adjusted the large hiking bag on his shoulders. "You shouldn't. Most don't make it back." The other male rolled his eyes and looked back to the elder. "I'm well aware of what lurks out there." He turned away from the other and set out on the path.
The path almost instantly secluded anyone who walked it from the chaotic world around it. He examined the terrain and all it had to offer, collecting some things along the way. His side bag was full of odd rocks and a book that had some pressed foliage, now had ones he hadn't collected before.
The walk was peaceful. Birds chirping as the wind rustled the leaves. The path was mostly covered but the leaves caused rays of light to shine through, giving him inspiration. He eventually found a spot to rest and decided to paint the path he was walking. Once his bag was set down, he pulled out a roll of canvas and laid it as flat as he could.
There were some paints and brushes in a holder in the middle of the roll and he smiled softly as he picked them up. He opened the bag and pulled out what he thought he needed as well as a small jar that held water to clean the brushes.
Close to 30 minutes had passed when he got a slight chill down his spine. He paused his painting and looked around. His eyes only saw the woods so he somewhat hesitantly went back to painting. After another 40-ish minutes passed, he finished his first of few paintings.
Luckily, the breeze dried his paints quicker than he had anticipated. He very carefully added a few layers of a sealant he had and let it dry. The same chill from earlier came around again but it was a bit more intense. He looked around as he finished cleaning and putting things away, noticing something in the distance.
Whatever he was looking at disappeared and he sighed as the now dry canvas was gently rolled and placed back onto the bag. He stood up, stretched, and continued his mostly peaceful walk, forgetting what he had seen earlier.
Some hours had passed, his periodic breaks allowing him to gain inspiration for future paintings. It was just after noon when he decided to make his own path. He pulled out a book and wrote directions so he could find his way back. In the process of creating his own path, he stumbled upon one of the most stunning places he'd ever seen.
It was a small, oasis-like area that had a magical feel to it. He stopped what he was doing and found the perfect spot to paint the scene in front of him.
While he painted, some birds had visited him and even a small snake had managed to befriend him and his paints. The snake had coiled gently around his wrist while he worked which made him smile.
The man had sat and painted the space for another 2 hours, finishing at around 2 o'clock. His (e/c) eyes looked up to the sky and he sighed, sealing his now finished work before packing everything away.
The snake was still on his wrist, not even bothering to leave so he just dealt with it. He continued on his own path for another hour. It was still fairly bright when he found himself at the entrance of a cave.
The small snake uncoiled itself and slid into a pocket on his cloak. The cave went deeper but he was cool with not going into it since he was going to leave soon anyway.
He stayed at the entrance and found a nice area to sit and relax, maybe get another painting done of what the cave looked like. It was gorgeous after all, nature framed the entrance perfectly, leaving some vines to hang down, moss covers rocks and small fungi scattered every so often.
He decided on just relaxing as he set his stuff down and leaned against a wall.
Soon enough, he had dozed off into his dreamland.
I ssswear I'll kill that woman...
Ssshe won't leave me alone...
The large, gorgeous albino Naga slithered through the leaves, carefully making his way to his home. He had noticed some newer prints, clearly from something with two legs, but he didn't pay too much mind to them.
He reached the cave and sighed as he entered. Bright blue eyes scanned the area and his heart sank to his stomach when he saw a (tall/short/avg) man with (h/l) (h/c) hair leaning against the wall.
Pleassse dear godsss tell me he iss alive...
He quickly made his way to the motionless body, not noticing said body's items not too far away.
If ssshe killed another human to try to pleasse me... I ssswear...
As he was lost in thought, the other stirred thanks to his intense staring and slightly heavy breathing. The human yawned and stretched his back slightly as he looked up to the Naga with a slightly annoyed expression.
"Is there something you need?"
The Naga jumped slightly and stared down at him with shock but also joy, happy he wasn't dead.
"I apologize... I wasss afraid you had passsed..."
The Naga paused for a moment while the other rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
"Wait... You aren't... Afraid of me?"
The (h/c) shook his head and looked up to him again. "If you don't mind, I would like to take my leave." He said placing his hands on the ground in preparation to stand. The Naga stood speechless, staring at the smaller human sitting in front of him.
"Can you move please?"
With a nod and small apology, the Naga moved away from the male who carefully stood and stretched his limbs.
The white and yellow snake watched as the other took out a small pocket watch, that the small snake from earlier was now holding on to, and checked the time. "When the hell did I get so late..." The man mumbled to himself. The time read 8:11 and judging by the lack of light it was night time. He slipped the watch and snake back onto his pocket.
"Well, I better get going." He said grabbing his bag and putting over his shoulder. The Naga still stood, watching as the male walked to the mouth of the cave.
He looked back to see that the other had slithered closer and held a worried look on his face. "P-please don't leave! Y-you can't!"
"Oh yeah, and whys that?"
"I would rather not find sssuch a beautiful man ssslaughtered on my cave-step in the morning..."
Said beautiful man turned to look at him, slightly shocked at the statement.
"Pleassse just ssstay with me till the morning and I'll essscort you back to the village..." He looked frantic and genuinely seemed like he cared.
With a sigh, the other looked to the pleading blue eyes and said, "I don't bunk with strangers. I'll be fine." He turned and walked out of the cave, leaving the Naga shocked and frozen.
"Wait! I'm ssserious! Pleassse!" He followed after the human and froze once again when he saw him pinned by the she-devil herself. His bag had been tossed to the side, most of the contents falling out. She had him wrapped in her tail and smiled as he struggled to get free.
His shy demeanor had dissipated rather quickly. The small snake had gotten out of the other's pocket and hid in the nearly empty bag.
He suddenly lunged towards the woman he hated so much. She clearly hadn't noticed him before then and threw the human off to the side, his body slamming into a tree. The two of them fought as the one tossed aside slowly passed out, struggling to stay awake.
Soft hands gently rubbed his back as he awoke again. His (e/c) eyes looked around the best the could but they didn't see much other than a wall. His whole body was sore but those hands were working wonders. The room was warm and whatever he was laying on was extremely comfortable. He closed his eyes and let out a pleased groan.
The hands froze and pulled away quickly, making him turn his head the other way. A set of bright blue eyes were staring with surprise that the male was awake. "H-hello there..." The human smirked and slowly blinked, "Hey sexy, why'd ya stop?"
The blonde blushed and looked away. "I dessspissse that remedy ssso much..." He mumbled as his hands carefully went back to massaging. "Mmm... I'm soooo tired... Will you cuddle with me?"
"No... Just go back to sssleep human..."
"Mm... Oh-kay."
A soft warm light lit the room, if you could really call it a room. A rather noisy yawn resonated from a still fairly sore male. He carefully stretched and sat up, almost instantly laying back down.
"Fuuck me..."
His hand fell from what he now knows as a large hammock. Soft locks brushed against his fingers and without thinking he gently combed them, enjoying the soft and cool feeling on his slightly rough hands. The owner of said locks leaned into the hand, clearly not realizing whose hand it was.
The two enjoyed each other for a moment before the blonde realized the situation. He pulled away and sat up, looking at the still sleepy human in his bed. "Are you feeling better? Do you need anything?" He asked leaning in slightly.
"Something to drink, and maybe a name?" The Naga nodded and got a cup of water first. He sat up in the hammock carefully and crossed his legs slightly. Looking around, the room was neat yet cluttered with various items. He spot his stuff and cautiously, yet somewhat reluctantly, left the hammock to inspect them.
He sat on the large plush rug and rummaged through his own things, glad to see that everything he had was still there. Other than his canvas. He panicked slightly and looked around, immediately regretting the sudden movement.
Laying back, he closed his eyes and sighed. Mr. Naga came back and looked at the other on the ground. He hovered over him slightly till he opened his eyes. "Here, it'sss fresh ssspring water."
"Thank you." He said carefully sitting up and drinking what he was given.
"My name is Sssyerca." The other nodded. "(Y/n). Do you happen to know where my canvas is at Sssyerca?" He asked mimicking the way the other said it. Syerca blushed and nodded, moving over to a small table to grab it. (Y/n) stood up carefully from the floor and followed him to said table.
There was a large couch, clearly made for the naga, that (Y/n) sat on. Syerca sat next to him, and (Y/n) leaned on him, closing his eyes as he took in the snakes, surprising, warmth. Said snake blushed and looked down to the (h/c). He gently took the cup from (Y/n)'s hand and set it on the table.
"I hope you don't mind that I may have looked at your paintingsss..." (Y/n) shrugged and looked up to Syerca, one eye pressed against his side. "Are they ok? Physically?"
"Ah, yesss! They're fine. And quite beautiful if I might sssay..." Syerca said with a soft tone. (Y/n) smiled and looked down to the rolled canvas. He stood up and Syerca watched as he stood on the opposite side of the table. "Lie on the couch and get comfortable. Let me grab something real quick." He said walking over to his bag and rummaging around for a moment.
Syerca hesitantly did as the painter asked and made himself comfortable on the couch. (Y/n) found all of the supplies he needed and set them on the floor next to the table before sitting on his knees. "May I make a request?" He asked looking up to Syerca. The Naga nodded as he watched (Y/n) unroll the canvas. "Look cute and don't move till I say you can." Syerca blushed and adjusted slightly so that he was looking at the other.
(Y/n) started to put blobs of color onto the canvas. Syerca watched as the soft yellows and whites turned into his tail, then tans to his chest, and so on till it had gotten to his head, his face still not painted.
It had been close to 2 hours by that point but neither had seemed to notice the time go by due to being entranced by the painting. "Syerca. Could you look at me? Don't look at the painting." (Y/n) said, starting at the other's eyes. He blushed softly and looked into (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.
Syerca took this opportunity to examine the human closely. His (e/c) eyes we're soft yet focused, while his (h/style) (h/c) hair moved slightly with his gentle head movements. He blushed and bit his lip slightly as he looked at his lips. They were a soft pink color and we're parted slightly as he worked, the occasional blep happening due to his focus.
Many minutes had passed before (Y/n) looked up and said. "Alright. You can move again." Syerca snapped out of his trance and looked down to the canvas. (Y/n) cleaned up as Syerca turned the canvas to look at properly. His eyes shined as he looked at it closer. "The amount of detail iss amazing..." (Y/n) looked up and smiled. "You can have it if you want it. I'll put it on a frame and sign it if you do." He said with a small laugh.
Syerca looked up as his eyes widened slightly. "Really? That would be lovely..." (Y/n) nodded and said, "I'll have to head back to my home though. If you'd be willing to come with me I could do it today." He went to get his pocket watch to check the time when he heard Syerca get off the couch. (Y/n) though nothing of it but tensed when he was hugged from behind.
He turned his head slightly to look at Syerca who buried his face into the crook of (Y/n)'s neck. "Uh... What are you doing that for?" The other stayed silent for a moment before responding. "I know thisss is extremely sssudden... But... Would you be willing to become my mate?"
"... What would be in it for me?" (Y/n) asked looking to Syerca who pulled away. "Protection from any other Naga, free-range of my territory... It will finally let me rid thisss world of that vile woman that attacked you..." He said mumbling the last part. His eyes looked to (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes and the other said,
"So you wanna be my boyfriend?"
Syerca was quiet before he broke out in laughter, his eyes closing as he did. "Yesss... I-if that'sss what humansss call... Call matesss." (Y/n) looked up and shrugged. "Ok. I'm single anyway." Syerca smiled and hugged him, gently pressing their foreheads together. "Would it be ok for me to mark you?" He asked quietly, looking into (Y/n)'s eyes.
"I-I don't know what that entails but um... Sure..." (Y/n) gently wrapped his arms around Syerca's bare torso. He gently rubbed the others back. It was smooth but the occasional line like bump came up, telling there was a scar there. Syerca leaned down to (Y/n)'s neck and placed soft kisses under his jaw. (Y/n) gasped and shivered, slightly tightening his grip on the male, not expecting what he did.
Syerca continued to kiss before mumbling, "Sssorry... But thisss might hurt..." (Y/n) was about to speak up but Syerca bit down on his neck, his canines sinking in. (Y/n) gasped and let out a small moan of pain as he hugged him. Syerca pulled away slightly and licked the spot where he bit. It left a tingling sensation behind and (Y/n) felt a bit weak after.
"Are you ok..? The mark will tell that your claimed... My ssscent will remain and only be picked up by other naga..." He gently brushed (Y/n)'s hair back. "I wish you told me that's what you were going to do..." Syerca looked away and sighed, "I didn't think you would allow me if I told you."
(Y/n) looked up to him and moved his hands from the others back to his cheeks. He gently rubbed them with his thumbs. Syerca smiled and (Y/n) smiled too. His thumbs gently rubbed over Syerca's lips, they were thin but still nice. Syerca smiled more and stuck his tongue out, showing it's slit. "I don't know what's in that... Saliva of yours but it made me feel pretty good."
Syerca moved (Y/n)'s hands from his face and interlocked their fingers. "Also what's with you and making me feel good?" He asked, resting his face on Syercas chest. "I apologize... But... Thank you for letting me... M-mark you." (Y/n) pulled away and looked up to the others eyes. "Let's get to know each other before we call it official though." Syerca nodded and rested his forehead against (Y/n)'s.
"I'll take you back to your village a little later. For now, let'sss get to know each other... Like you sssuggested..."
Definitely not my fav but hey
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makoodlesarchive · 4 years
bad dragon
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here i am delivering content that NO ONE ASKED FOR !! this is nasty and i got super embarrassed just writing it but i hope you enjoy it anyway
honestly no one look at me, just let me indulge in this in peace
pairing: kirishima eijirou x fem!reader
word count: 10k
warnings: blowjobs, penetrative sex, virgin kirishima, lots of cum (like, a ridiculous amount), breeding (kinda), size kink?. it’s not exactly anthro bc everyone is human here but uhh non-standard genitals, i guess? kirishima has an unusual dick: pls see here for reference      OR     check out the amazing fanart for kiri’s dick !!
Tip Jar!
  dragon dick kiri masterlist!
                            »»————- ♡ ————-««
Kirishima Eijirou was a perfect gentleman. He bought you flowers, he opened doors for you, he gave the sweetest goodnight kisses, he ate you out so good he had you seeing stars. You had the biggest, fattest crush on him, and you would be embarrassed about it if it weren’t for the fact that it seemed, at least for the most part, to be reciprocated.
The problem was Kirishima never let you touch him.
Whenever the two of you ended up in bed together, with the door firmly locked behind you, Kirishima insisted on sliding under the blankets and eating you out so enthusiastically he had your legs shaking in no time. It’s not like you would ever complain about that, but it definitely bothered you that he was never up for doing anything else. You would see the blanket shifting around as he jerked himself off furiously under the sheets as he tongue-fucked you, but whenever you tried to coax him out from beneath the sheets you were turned down with a soft, apologetic little smile.
You figured it must have something to do with his apparent commitment issues. Everytime you brought up the possibility of being a couple, or anything more than what you currently were (which, tragically, was nothing; just two friends occasionally getting hot and heavy) he brushed you off or changed the subject with a beautifully sunny smile and a laugh, so bright and cheery that you were successfully diverted every single time.
And it was fine, really. You liked Kirishima a lot, so you were totally willing to put up with a few odd idiosyncrasies. And okay, sure, if you were being totally honest with yourself, of course you wanted to be more than friends that flirt and kiss and mess around a bit. You couldn’t even technically call each other fuck buddies because he wouldn’t fuck you. But he was so sweet, and so handsome and kind and his tongue was so so good, that you would take whatever you could get from him. 
At least, that was until one afternoon.
April had brought with it blue skies and sun showers and warm breezes, and as the weather begins to improve your friends take to lounging out the front of the apartment complex. After graduating, renting places in the same neighbourhood just seemed like the next logical step. On days like this, where you all come together just to chill out in front of the complex, it seems like the best idea in the world. As you watch Kirishima chase Kaminari around the lawn, the two of them howling with laughter, something a little wistful twists in your stomach. It’s a familiar feeling, easy enough to shove away normally, but today for some reason you just feel… melancholy.
Maybe that’s why you do something you would never normally do. You turn to Bakugou, who’s aggressively chewing on candy as though it insulted his mother, and say, “Hey, um. Does Kirishima… does Kirishima ever talk about me?”
Bakugou’s jaw stills, and he turns his head very slowly to look at you. He looks mildly disbelieving, which is understandable. The two of you get along just fine, but you’ve never asked him anything personal before. “Why the fuck are you asking me that?” he demands through a mouthful of half-chewed toffee.
You shrug jerkily, suddenly mortified. Why are you asking something like that of Bakugou, of all people? “Never mind.” you say quickly, praying that he’ll just let it go and you can both move on and forget that you had ever asked such an embarrassing question.
A silence stretches between the two of you, long and taut, broken only by Mina giggling as she shows Sero something on her phone a few metres away. You could curse yourself for making things awkward between the two of you when you had been on relatively good terms, but then Bakugou turns to look at you so abruptly that you startle a little. “Look,” he says, jaw working absently as he chews his candy. “He likes you just fine, okay. Why aren’t you having this conversation with him, huh?”
You can’t quite meet Bakugou’s eyes. You don’t know how he can be so forthright all the time. “Um. I’ve tried, but he always changes the subject.”
Bakugou swears softly, glaring out across the lawn at Kirishima as he chases Kaminari, throwing grapes at his back. “I ain’t a relationship counsellor, okay? I get that it must be hard that he doesn’t cum when he’s with you or whatever, but you seriously need to work that out with him. What am I meant to do about it?”
“Right,” you wince, your body hot with embarrassment. Your mind sticks on something he just said though, and you turn back slowly to frown at him. “He… he doesn’t cum?”
“Hah?” Bakugou scowls at you, clearly annoyed that you’re still having this conversation. You’re not about to let up though, because you hadn’t known that.
“I-I didn’t realise that he didn’t-?” you trail off, mortified and horrified in equal measures. You had assumed all those times that he was jerking off under the sheets that he was getting himself off but just didn’t want you to see. You had never questioned the lack of mess because as soon as you were done he always left for the bathroom, returning a few minutes later with damp towels to clean you up with -- you had assumed he cleaned himself up in those moments of absence. How the fuck had you never noticed?  Why did Bakugou know when you didn’t? Oh god, had he and Kirishima talked about this?
Bakugou’s expression shifts as he apparently realises that he had just revealed something you hadn’t been aware of. “Oh.” he says, and his annoyance seems to have evaporated, only to be replaced by an intense discomfort. “Well. It’s not that big a deal, or whatever. I’m sure he still, uh, enjoys himself- fucking hell, can we stop talking about this?”
“Yeah.” you say a little numbly. You feel so stupid. Why had he never said anything to you? You had been under the assumption that he liked you back, but maybe you were totally mistaken. Maybe seeing your naked body turned him off to the point that he couldn’t actually cum even if hidden under the sheets and not looking at you. Maybe he never actually wanted to do any of that with you in the first place. There’s a stinging pressure building in the back of your eyes, and you have to look down at your lap and blink hard to stop yourself from doing something stupid like bursting into tears in front of Bakgou -- you don’t think either of you would live that down. “Uh. I think I’m gonna head up to my room, I’m really tired.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened a little, “Wait, are you-”
“I’ll see you later,” you smile and try to keep your voice as normal as possible, but even you can hear how forced you sound. You stand quickly and brush yourself off before heading back inside; you have to consciously slow your pace so that it doesn’t look like you’re running away, because you really don’t put it past Bakugou not to chase you down for cutting him off like that.
You bump into Jirou on the stairs and babble out an apology, escaping back upstairs to your apartment before she can ask you if you’re okay. The last thing you need is an audience for your imminent breakdown, but thankfully you don’t see a single other person on the way to your place. You shut the door to your room tight and lean your forehead against it to take a deep breath. It doesn’t do much to calm you down, so you turn and make a beeline straight for the bed. Throwing yourself dramatically on top of your bed covers feels a little cathartic, so you allow yourself the luxury of being dramatic as you bury your face into your arms and sigh. 
God, you wish Kirishima would have just talked to you instead of grinning that stupidly bright smile of his and changing the subject anytime you tried to talk or ask about the thing the two of you had together. At least then you would have been able to deal with any upset that may have been caused by that conversation by yourself, and you wouldn’t have had to get all upset in front of one of Kirishima’s best friends. God, how were you ever gonna look at Bakugou again?
You know that stewing by yourself like this isn’t going to help sort this situation out, but you just can’t find the energy to start thinking about what you’re going to do next. You don’t want to start thinking about that at all. You just need some time to yourself, just a little while to relax and breathe and just not think because if you start thinking you’re pretty sure you’re going to cry. You feel impossibly stupid.
When you hear a knock coming from the door, you want to bang your head off the wall. You can’t imagine anything worse than having to talk to someone and pretend that everything is fine right now.
“Y/N? Hey, is everything alright? Bakugou said you ran off.”
Aw, shit. Maybe you can imagine something worse.
You sit up sharply, staring at the door. This was so typical. Of all the people in the building, Kirishima is the last person you want to talk to right now. So of course it stands to reason that he would be the one to follow you straight to your apartment. “Everything’s fine,” you call back quickly, trying hard to sound like you meant it, “Hey, I’m just tired right now. Can we talk later?”
“Bakugou said you were upset.”
That traitor. You clench your jaw and scowl at the wall. “I’m-”
“I’m coming in, okay?”
“Wha-?” you stand up quickly, but Kirishima is already coming in and closing the door behind him. “Kirishima, I don’t-”
“Okay look, Bakugou said you were upset with me and I’m really, really sorry,” Kirishima blurts quickly, hands up in the air as if he’s being held at gunpoint, “He’s actually pretty annoyed at me right now, but he’s right, and-”
“I’m not-” you start, then pause to gather your thoughts. Bakugou was right, especially when he said you had to talk. And it was important this time that you didn’t let Kirishima divert you like he had been doing. “It’s not that I’m upset with you. Not really. I just- what are we even doing?”
“What do you mean?” he asks, so softly that it’s almost a whisper.
“I-” you swallow hard, brace yourself, “I really like you. I like spending time with you, and I’ve told you, or at least tried to, that I’d really like to, well, be- um, be more than whatever this is. And obviously I would totally get if you don’t want that, a relationship and stuff, but I want you to just tell me! Just say it, instead of changing the subject.”
“Wait, baby, please.” Kirishima steps forward quickly and stops just short of touching you, a bare few inches between you. “I like you so much, I never wanted you to feel this way. I just- it’s difficult to explain-”
“Do you...” you start to say, then sigh. You can’t believe you’re actually going to ask this, because it makes you sound so desperate, but you really need to hear him say it, “Do you not find me attractive?”
Kirishima makes a startled choking sound, “Wha-? Are you kidding? I find you so attractive! You’re so pretty, and your body is- is really nice, why would you think-”
“You never look at me when we’re in bed and-” you start fidgeting, horribly awkward. “I just want to be able to touch you.”
Kirishima steps forward, closing the distance between you and dropping to one knee. “Baby, I’ll do whatever you want,” he says, his hands coming to rest on your hips as his thumbs stroke circles into your skin. “You want me to touch you?”
“No.” you squeeze your eyes shut in frustration, realising that he had misunderstood. “I mean. Bakugou told me that you never cum when we’re together.”
When you open your eyes again, you see that Kirishima has gone stock still. His mouth is a little open, and you can see his throat working as he seems to fight for something to say. Very slowly, he gets back to his feet. “He shouldn’t have said that.”
You stare at him, at a loss. “Is it because-” you start, then trail off as you realise that you don’t even know what you’re trying to ask. You just want him to start talking so that you can stop asking all these stupid questions. “If you don’t want to have sex with me, you only have to say so, I would never pressure you into-”
“No!” Kirishima blurts, jolting forward. The suddenness of the movement seems to startle the both of you, but Kirishima recovers faster. “God, no, that’s not what this is!”
“Then, why?” you whisper, thoroughly confused. You had hoped that talking it out would help get some answers, but if anything you’re even more confused and insecure than you had been before he came to your room. “Did I- I mean, if I’m doing something that’s-”
“It’s not you.” Kirishima interrupts, covering his eyes with one of his large palms and leaning away from you. His hand is trembling a little, almost imperceptibly. “It’s not you. It’s me.”
The statement hangs in the air between the two of you like it’s a tangible presence. You stare hard at Kirishima, but he doesn’t remove his hand from his face. He looks a bit like he’s going to be sick. “What do you mean?” you ask quietly.
You’re guessing that this is where you get the ‘You’re great and all but I’m just not ready for a relationship. It’s got nothing to do with you though, I need to work through my own stuff’ sort of speech, and you have to brace yourself for it. Instead, Kirishima says something that you had not prepared yourself to hear in the slightest.
“I’m sorry.” you say, a little bewildered. You’re certain that you heard that wrong. “Could you- could you say that again?”
A flush has begun to crawl steadily across Kirishima’s face, made all the more prominent by the contrast of his hand pressed to his eyes. His ears are so red that they blend right into his hair. “I said,” he says, then takes an inhale, “That you’ll break up with me if you see my dick.”
You don’t actually know how to begin replying to that. For one, breaking up would require you to be in a relationship, which is something that he has been avoiding for a while now. You decide to address the bigger problem first. “Why would I want to break up because of your dick? Why would you even think that? Do you think I’m that shallow?”
“It’s got nothing to do with you being shallow,” Kirishima says slowly. You get the impression that he’s measuring his words, and his uncharacteristic reticence has you on edge. “It’s just that- I’m not, well, normal.”
You stare at him, a little taken aback. Kirishima had always had some issues with self-confidence, ever since middle school, but you’d always thought he’d worked through that in UA. You had never heard him talk about himself like this. “What’s that supposed to mean? Eijirou, lots of people are self-conscious about what they have going on downstairs. It doesn’t mean-”
“No, you don’t get it,” he interrupts. His hands have started twisting up the hem of his shirt, wringing it out and wrinkling the material. He’s frowning, and clearly starting to get agitated. “It’s not that I’m self-conscious about it- well, I am self-conscious about it, I guess, but it’s for a reason! I mean it, it’s not exactly… standard.”
Your face scrunches up in a frown before you can stop it. Not standard? “You’re worried it’s too small?” You guess. Your gaze drops to the crotch of his pants, where he’s subconsciously folded his hands. “Too big?”
“Um.” Kirishima lets out a nervous little laugh, several octaves higher than normal. “Yeah, I guess. It’s… it looks weird.”
“Eijirou,” your voice is soft now, most of your frustration melted away by the sight of Kirishima’s anxious fidgeting, “We live in a world where physical mutations are the norm; you really don’t have anything to worry about.” You pause for a moment, but Kirishima doesn’t respond immediately. The silence builds, until you try to break it with a light-hearted, “How weird can it be, really?”
Kirishima’s throat works as he swallows hard, but he’s nodding so you at least know that he’s listening. When he does speak, his voice is so low that you have to lean closer to him to catch what he’s saying. “I just don’t want to ruin this.”
Your heart twists, and the last of your frustration straight up disappears. You take a breath to steady yourself, then step forward and place your hands gently on his chest. A tremor works its way up his spine at your touch, but you don’t remark on it. “Kirishima.” you say firmly, and when he looks up and makes eye contact you try to keep your gaze as strict as possible. “You really have no idea how much I like you, do you? God, I like you so much, it’s stupid. I’ve wanted to be with you for so long. I mean, even if you never wanted to have sex I would understand, so long as you talked to me about it. Your dick is not gonna stop me from liking you, idiot.”
The fear of rejection is still plain to see on Kirishima’s face, but there’s something lurking just underneath that looks like hope. “I’ve never… I’ve never been with anyone like that.”
“You haven’t?” you ask, genuinely surprised. Not only is Kirishima perfectly sweet, he’s also extremely attractive. As an up-and-coming sidekick in Fatgum’s hero agency, you knew that he had no shortage of admirers. Even before that, in UA, you knew there were always people who had their eyes on him. He was so bright, he was hard to miss. 
He laughs, scrubbing at his eyes with his knuckles. “Uh, no. I mean, I’m not totally inexperienced. I mean, I’ve done oral and stuff, and I think I’m actually pretty good at it-”
“You are definitely pretty good at it,” you chime in, nodding and trying not to laugh at the flush crawling up his neck.
“I enjoy it, too!” he says quickly, as though trying to reassure you, “I enjoy it a lot. But I’ve never- I mean, no one’s ever touched me like that.” You feel your mouth drop open in honest shock. A little part of you couldn’t help but feel reassured that it wasn’t you he had a problem with, but that was mostly drowned out by surprise. Kirishima rushes on before you can speak, as though trying to say his piece before he runs out of steam, “It’s not that I didn’t want to, it’s just that it’s never seemed worth the fallout. Especially with you. I’m happy with being with you in whatever way I can, and I don’t want my stupid dick to scare you off or-”
“Oh my god, Kirishima, stop,” you say, and this time you really can’t hold back your laugh. “Your stupid dick isn’t going to scare me off. God, I can’t believe this is why you never let me touch you.” you step closer and press a soft, close-mouthed kiss to his lips. You hadn’t realised just how tense Kirishima was until he relaxed a little into your touch, the stiffness in his shoulders easing out as he sighed into the kiss. You pull back just a little, just enough that you can give him a cheeky smile. “Want me to give you your first blowjob?”
Kirishima’s whole body tenses right back up as his eyes shoot wide in surprise. “What?” he squeaks out, his ears turning scarlet.
You take his hand in yours and tangle your fingers together, before tugging him gently towards the bed. “I want to,” you assure him quietly, “No matter what your dick looks like, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.” Kirishima says as he sits at the edge of the bed. He’s breathing a little faster now, either from excitement or nerves. You’re guessing it’s a bit of both, because he’s clinging on tight to your hand even though he looks like he’s about to bolt. When you hook your fingers around the waistband of his shorts, he catches one of your wrists with his free hand. “If you- you know, if you change your mind after seeing it, just know that I won’t be mad or anything.”
He’s so quiet and earnest that you feel your heart melt a little looking at his nervously hopeful eyes. You take your hand back and climb onto his lap, pushing your fingers into his wild mop of hair. It’s the first time you’ve ever been close with him like this -- usually he would give you a sweet, gentle kiss and then dive between your legs, always keeping a frustrating amount of distance between your lower halves. This time though, he doesn’t try to divert you away. His hands grip your hips tight, and he leans his head into your touch. “I wish you would stop expecting me to push you away.” you murmur into the side of his neck, peppering little kisses into his skin. Kirishima lets out the smallest, choked off sounding whine at that, and tilts his head so that the long line of his throat is exposed. You take the hint, and start trailing kisses all along the soft skin at the base of his neck. “I told you, and I meant it; I want to be with you.”
Strong arms wind their way around your back and pull you close until you’re sat right over Kirishima’s crotch. You don’t even think it was intentional on Kirishima’s part, but you won’t pass up the opportunity when it presents itself to you. His shorts are bulging a little right in the centre where he’s starting to get hard, and you lower yourself down so that you’re grinding over him. He gasps at the contact, and his hips jerk up into you. “Oh, shit. I want you, so badly.” he gasps, his forehead dropping down to rest on your shoulder.
You have to admit, what you can feel through his shorts is… intimidating. ‘Yeah, I guess,’ he had said when you asked him if he was worried about his dick being too big. Judging by what you could feel pressing against you, that was a massive understatement, and he was only half-hard. You ghost your hands down over his sides, feeling his ribs expand with his breaths, sliding down until your hands reach the waistband of his shorts again. You push them down over his hips, and he lifts himself up to help you, and then he’s just in his impressively tented jockstrap. You smile reassuringly at him as you tug down the jockstrap, and then his cock springs free of the waistband and you pause.
“Oh.” you breathe.
“I know that it’s-” Kirishima begins to visibly panic, his hand reflexively shooting down to try and cover himself as he tries to sit up.
“It’s okay.” you say quickly, recovering from your surprise as quickly as possible. You still feel a little off-kilter as you slide off his lap to your knees in front of him. You know that you’re staring at his cock wide-eyed, but you can’t quite help yourself. It’s… well. It’s definitely not standard.
You reach out, your hand hovering uncertainly over his cock because you barely know how to begin. It’s thicker than a soda can, and long. Delicate ridges and swirls decorate the underside, with a series of bumps along the top. When you finally do grasp him in your hand, you’re rewarded with a barely stifled gasp and a hot spurt of precum that dribbles down his cockhead to your fingers. You use both your hands to explore his length, fingers trailing over all those strange ridges. The bumps along the top are apparently sensitive, because when you rub your thumbs over them Kirishima gasps and his hips thrust gracelessly into the air.
“Sorry!” he blurts as his cock dribbles even more precum. There’s so much of it that it looks like you actually used lube or something to slick up his cock, but you guess that this must be normal for him because he just looks embarrassed. “I- it’s sensitive, I guess, um- I usually put down a towel, because I tend to get, uh, messy.”
The way he says that and the connotations of it has your thighs squeezing together, and you take a deep inhale through your nose. It’s unexpectedly hot. “Gotcha.” you smile at him, trying to put him at ease as you return your attention back to his dick. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind if you make a mess.”
“Oh, shit. Uh, okay.” Kirishima says, and his breathing has gotten noticeably heavier now. He’s almost panting as he leans back on his elbows, craning his neck so he can get a look at what you’re doing. There’s a curious swell around the base of his cock that just seems to be growing. One of your hands travels down to it curiously, splaying over it and then rubbing it at it experimentally. His hips rock forward sharply, a huff of breath leaving him as he grunts a muted, “Fuck!”
The precum is oozing almost continuously now, spilling over with nearly every stroke, and your rubbing at the swollen base seems to be pushing even more out. It’s obscene, the copious amount of it and the way it’s stringing down onto your hands. If this is the amount of precum he produces, you can hardly imagine the amount of cum he’s going to produce. You wonder if ‘messy’ is another understatement.
You finally lean forward and lick an experimental stripe up the underside of his cock, lapping at the ridges and swirls. The moan that’s ripped out of him is needy and so desperate -- his stomach muscles are tensed with the effort he’s putting in to keep from rocking into your mouth, but his cheeks are flushed and his own mouth is lolling open, his eyes squeezed shut. You take that as your cue to take all of him in your mouth as best as you can, suckling at the tip before swallowing him down. You get about halfway before you have to pull back and try again. Your mouth is stretched obscenely wide around the girth of him, and you swear you can feel the weight of his dick pulsing on your tongue.
“Oh god, oh baby, oh Y/N,” Kirishima is babbling nonsensically, his head thrown as his hips make the sweetest little aborted rocking motions, like he wants nothing more than to let go but is trying his best to restrain himself for your sake. “Feels so good.”
You suck him as best as you can, but your jaw is starting to ache from being hinged so wide. You alternate between stroking his length and suckling on the head of his dick, tracing the swirls and squeezing the bottom. The swell at the base of his cock has engorged even further, and you prod at it curiously with one hand as you work his length with the other. It’s firm but oddly spongey, and everytime you poke at it Kirishima’s whole cock twitches.
When he gasps out your name you pull back and look up at him. He’s trembling, his shirt rucked up past his bellybutton and his gaze fixed unwaveringly on you. “You okay?” you ask softly, rubbing your thumb along one of the ridges under the head of his dick.
“Yeah,” he breathes, reaching down to cup your face. His thumb swipes over your bottom lip, and you realise that a string of saliva and precum is dripping down your chin. “But if you keep going I’m gonna cum.”
“Isn’t that kind of the point?” you laugh, and press a kiss right on his slit. His hips twitch and you dodge backwards just in time to avoid him taking your eye out with his hard on. 
“Sorry!” he looks mortified, and you can’t help but find his nervous fumbling absolutely adorable.
“Don’t worry about it.” you smile as you kiss your way down his shaft, prepared now for the intermittent jerking of his hips. You get to that swollen part at the base and place your mouth right at the bottom of his cock, before wrapping your lips around it to the best of your ability and sucking.
You had guessed that this swollen area was sensitive thanks to his reactions earlier, but you’re not quite prepared for the shout he lets out or the way his hand grabs onto the side of your head as he damn near rides your mouth. You’re totally startled by the reaction, but given the amount of times that you’ve done the same to his mouth you’re only too happy to indulge him. Plus, it’s the first time you’ve ever seen Kirishima fall apart like this. His cock is dribbling precum at a rapid rate the more excited he gets, and thick strings of it are pouring onto your cheeks. You think you should probably feel a little grossed out, but seeing Kirishima open-mouthed and panting as he rides your face like he’s hasn’t got a single other thought in his mind has you so turned on that your panties are getting sticky and uncomfortable between your legs. You stick your own hand between your legs to try and relieve yourself of some of the heat coiling up in your stomach, but the way that Kirishima’s rutting into your face throws off your coordination.
“Oh god, please, baby, please, put it back in your mouth, I’m gonna- fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna cum, please-” He begs, his head thrown back as he gasps.
How could you ever deny him when he pleads like that? You pull your head out of his grasp and sink your mouth back down on his cock, and then you just hold there and breathe as steadily as you can as Kirishima’s cock throbs in your mouth. His hips spasm, pushing his cock further into your throat. It almost feels like he’s getting bigger, as if he’s growing down your throat.
Kirishima is still babbling, a steady stream of senselessness about how good you’re making him feel, how beautiful you are, how lucky he is, until he cuts himself off with a gasp of “Baby, I’m- I’m-” and then he’s silent, his mouth hanging open as his whole body strains.
You try to suck him through his orgasm, but you are utterly unprepared for the sheer quantity of cum that erupts from his dick. Despite your intentions, you have no choice but to pull off his cock, choking a little on the cum that actually managed to get up your nose. You stroke him through it, feeling dazed as you watch him cum. You know it’s dripping from your chin, running in rivulets down your face. You wonder if it’s coming out your nose.
Kirishima seems to come forever, humping into your fist and whining and moaning the whole time. When his cock finally gives its last, exhausted spurt, his body falls limp against the bed. He’s gasping for breath and staring at the ceiling, looking like his soul had been ejected from his body along with the insane amount of cum. You notice the swollen part at the base of his cock has deflated almost entirely, to the point that it’s hardly noticeable anymore.
You climb up on the bed beside him and nudge him with your knee, a little concerned. “Eijirou? You good?”
When he looks at you, there’s a goofy smile splitting his face. “I have never been so good in my whole life.” His smile freezes as he catches a proper look at your face, caught between surprise, embarrassment, and something else. He reaches out to your face and swipes his fingers through the mess on your face. “Oh god, I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t be!” you hasten to assure him, squeezing his wrists. “It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen!”
Kirishima stares at you as though he almost doesn’t believe you, but his cum is painted across your face and dripping down your chest, so he’s not in the best position to argue. “I told you I tend to get messy.” he breathes out a laugh, and then leans forward to kiss you, apparently not caring about the taste of his own ejaculate.
You hum into his mouth, your thighs clenching in excitement. “Eijirou,” you whisper into the kiss. When he pulls back, you bite your lip and smile at him, “Next time, will you fuck me?”
Kirishima inhales sharply, and his grip on your hips tightens to the point that the pressure is near bruising. “You really want that?”
“God, yes.” you blurt, shifting so that you’re straddling his stomach. You lower yourself down so that you’re grinding against his bare skin, and you can see the exact moment that he realises you’ve soaked through your panties.
He groans, and pulls at your hips to encourage you to grind against his stomach harder. “Shit, sweetheart. You don’t think it’s… kind of gross?”
“I didn’t expect the amount of cum,” you confess, wiping at your face with a helpless laugh, “But no, I don’t think it’s gross. I like it.” You whimper as Kirishima’s thumb slides over your swollen clit, the glide made smooth thanks to the slickness of your own arousal.
Kirishima is looking up at you as though you had hung the moon, and it’s hard not to get a little embarrassed under the intensity of his gaze. “Okay,” he whispers, “If you’re sure.” He glances down with a small frown, his lips twisted thoughtfully, “I don’t want to hurt you, though.”
“You won’t.” you kiss his nose, grinning as it wrinkles up under your lips. “We’ll make sure I’m stretched.” you glance over your shoulder at his still wet, softening cock. Even now, the size of it is intimidating. “And lube,” you conclude, “We’ll use lots and lots of lube.”
“Yeah,” he breathes, a smile starting to light up his face. He presses a sloppy kiss to the base of your throat, and you can feel the smile against your skin, “Yeah, okay. I’d really like that.” There’s still cum everywhere, all over your hands and chest and face and splashed across Kirishima’s legs and stomach, but he doesn’t seem to care about the mess in the slightest as he rolls the two of you over so that he’s hovering over you. The kiss he presses to one of your breasts is impossibly soft, and you tilt your head back and sigh as you feel his fingers trace over the lips of your pussy. “I’m so lucky to have you.” he whispers, then pushes himself down your body.
As his tongue flicks over your clit, you smile. It’s definitely you that’s the lucky one here.
Kirishima’s complicated relationship with his genitalia had started in middle school. Up until that point, he had managed to remain blissfully unaware that there was any kind of abnormality in his nether regions. That changed one day in the locker rooms.
Having never paid any particular attention to what he had in his pants, Kirishima hadn’t thought anything of changing out with the rest of the boys in his class, as unabashed as any middle-schooler that hadn’t developed a sense of self-consciousness yet. He didn’t notice the whispers or stares until one of his friends nudged him hard. “Dude,” he said, glancing between Kirishima’s legs and then away, curiosity and mild revulsion mingled on his face, “What’s wrong with your thingy?”
“Wrong?” Kirishima had echoed, discomfort beginning to prickle beneath his skin. He hadn’t realised there was anything wrong with his genitals. He covered up quickly and finished getting changed, but the stares lingered.
No one said anything more about it to him, but by the end of the day rumour had spread that Kirishima was weird down there.
He had, like so many boys his age, taken to the internet to do his own research. It felt like a punch to the gut when he realised that his classmates were right -- his dick looked nothing like the dicks that all the guys in the videos he found had. There were exceptions, where the person’s genitals were affected by their quirk, but they were always full-body quirks that made it pretty obvious that what you were gonna find down below would be non-standard. His genitals didn’t match his body or his quirk, so his classmates must be right when they say that he’s weird with those grossed-out little laughs.
He learned pretty quickly to keep that part of him to himself, to change out quickly and efficiently in such a way that no one would ever see the parts of him that he’d rather keep hidden. He welcomes physical contact because he’s still an affectionate guy, but he’s always careful about the distance he allows between himself and others just in case they brush up against him accidentally and somehow feel that he’s different. When the boys in his class start excitedly talking about girls and other boys, and how nice it’d be to have a girlfriend or boyfriend, Kirishima tries to stay out of it. He doesn’t want to wonder about something like that when he knows that if someone were to find out his secret they’d be totally grossed out.
High school comes hand in hand with experimentation though, and Kirishima is lonely and touch-starved. He doesn’t want to avoid touch for the rest of his life out of fear that someone’s going to know. So he allows himself to indulge a little; he’s popular with girls in UA, a fact that surprises him. Unlike the girls in middle school, they haven’t heard the rumours that there’s something wrong with him, so they smile and chat to him and even flirt. It’s exciting and new and he allows himself to have just this -- he kisses them and he makes them feel good, and then he retreats when they look for more because he just can’t give it to them. 
When he tells you all this, you could swear that you feel your heart crack right down the middle. You hadn’t realised how lonely Kirishima was, wrapped up in a self-constructed blanket of self-loathing and disgust. You knew it had taken a lot of trust for him to open up to you like he had, but you hadn’t realised just how much. It makes your chest fill with some undefinable emotion, and you just want to hold him and never let go. 
You’re more determined than ever now to show him exactly how much you care about him, and exactly how much any physical anomaly doesn’t affect the way you feel in the slightest. You’ve been stretching yourself methodically and carefully every night of the week that has passed since you gave him his first blowjob in preparation to finally have sex with him. You just want him to feel good, and you don’t want him to worry about hurting you. And now, tonight, you’ve decided that you’re ready for it.
Bakugou’s the one that answers the door when you knock at their shared apartment, and his face does something funny when he sees you. He lets you in without a greeting, and yells for Kirishima as you shut the door behind you. It’s definitely a little awkward, because your last proper conversation was that day when he told you that your now boyfriend didn’t get off when you were together, but you smile and ask him how he’s doing all the same.
He just grunts at you and sprawls out on the couch, his attention fixed on his phone. You don’t try to make any further conversation, because you figure he probably won’t respond and you can hear Kirishima crashing around further down the hall anyway. You’re about to slip down the hall towards Kirishima’s room when Bakugou speaks again, surprising you. “You talked.”
You pause, confused for half a moment before the memories of your last conversation come flooding back. “Oh. Uh, yeah, we did.” 
Bakugou nods, still staring at his phone. You hover uncertainly, unsure of whether you should continue to Kirishima’s room or if Bakugou had something else he wanted to say. You don’t have to wait long; Bakugou puts his phone down and turns to survey you closely. “If you’re still here, then I guess you didn’t freak out.”
“There’s nothing to freak out over.” you say defensively, thinking of how sensitive Kirishima is about his body.
“I never said there was!” Bakugou snaps back instantly. You both glare at each other, but you don’t respond further. You came here for one reason, and that reason was not to start a fight with Bakugou when your boyfriend was waiting for you in the bedroom. When Bakugou speaks again, it’s with an awkward edge to his voice. “Whatever. Just don’t be an asshole to him.”
You realise that Bakugou is just trying to look out for his friend, and the revelation that you’re receiving Bakugou’s awkward attempt at a shovel talk is enough to have you reeling. “As if I would be,” you say, “I really like him.”
“Good. Fine.” Bakugou picks his phone back up and you take that as a dismissal. You’re just about to leave when he says, “By the way, keep it the fuck down. I don’t care if you’re taking dragon dick or if it’s Shitty Hair’s first time getting his dick wet, I don’t need to hear that nasty shit.”
His crudeness has you flushing hot with embarrassment, but you don’t dignify him with a response. You slip down the hall and up to Kirishima’s bedroom, knocking softly on the door before letting yourself in.
Kirishima is in the process of trying to stuff a pile of clothes into the bottom of his wardrobe, and he slams the door shut and whirls around when he hears you come in. “Hey!” he beams at you, trying to kick aside the pair of underwear that’s stuck in the edge of the wardrobe door.
“Hey, you.” you greet him. You’re still a bit flustered from Bakugou’s comment, but you hide it as best as you can as Kirishima sweeps you up in his arms and pulls you into a sweet, close-mouthed kiss.
In the week since you blew him the first time, the two of you have alternated between your apartments and spent almost every single day together. Some days you just touched each other with your hands, other days you used your mouths on each other. You still hadn’t gotten fully used to his enormous loads of cum, but he seems at least to be getting more and more comfortable with your touch. Even now, his hands trail up your sides as he presses eagerly into you; this boldness would have been unheard of coming from him only a week ago, but neither of you are under any illusions about what the two of you are going to get up to this evening.
You wind your arms around his neck and melt into the kiss, relishing the contact and the wet slide of his lips against yours. As his hands trail from your hips to your lower back to your ass, you feel the hard press of his lower abdomen nudge against you. You pull back and grin at him, “Someone’s impatient.”
Kirishima flushes, but he doesn’t pull away or deny it. Progress. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.” he confesses quietly, reaching up to nudge a flyaway tuft of hair out of your eyes.
“Yeah?” you grin, delighting in his openness. You take a small step back and look down at where his bulge is tenting the front of his sweatpants. “How long have you been like this, baby?”
“Pretty much since you texted me telling me you were thinking of coming over.” he says with a cheeky little smile, nudging his face into your neck and nipping at the skin there. “So, an hour and a half? Give or take.”
You hum as you cup his hardness through the cotton of his joggers. He groans and his hips jerk into your palm, as sensitive as ever. “Hey,” you murmur, “Wanna fuck me?”
Kirishima’s whole body twitches at that, and you swear you can feel his cock jump in his hand. “Now?” he asks, his voice gone a little hoarse from surprise and arousal.
“Unless you’d like to wait?”
“No! Now is good!” Kirishima says hastily, reaching out to hold your hips as though he’s afraid you’ll disappear. “God, now is so good.”
It’s really hard to hold back your laugh as you watch him scramble towards the bed, tugging you along with him. He’s excited, that much is obvious, and you really can’t blame him -- he’s gone so long thinking that he would never get to have this, that he would never be accepted like this. You want to give him everything.
His hands start fidgeting with the sheets as soon as he sits back on the bed. You straddle his lap and take his hands in yours before leaning in for a kiss, hoping to distract him from any nerves or self-doubts before they can take a hold of him. He hums happily into your mouth, squeezing one of your hands in his and using the other one to wrap around your waist and pull you closer.
“I’ve thought about sex with you so many times,” you admit when you pull away from the kiss. You reach up and stroke a line down the bridge of his nose, then push back a lock of his hair; it’s freshly washed and ungelled, lying fluffy and loose around his face. He’s looking up at you like you just hung the moon, open-mouthed and soft-eyed. It’s such a sweet look on him, and you love watching it contort into pleasure as you sink down to rub yourself against his hard on. “I want you to feel good.”
Kirishima makes a choked off whining sound in his throat as he grinds up into you. “You always make me feel good.” he says. You can feel his cock thickening and filling out against you, and judging by how clearly you can feel him, he’s foregone the usual jockstrap or protective cup he uses to try and hide his shape in his pants. 
You reach down and pull at his sweatpants -- you manage to get one leg off entirely, but the other gets stuck halfway down his left thigh and you’re too impatient to keep pulling at it so you just abandon it in favour of reaching for Kirishima’s now exposed cock. You’ve gotten familiar with the thick ridges and bumps of it over the past week, familiar enough for your fingers to seek out his sensitive spots without even looking.
He moans as you touch him, and dips his hands into your pants so that he can squeeze at your ass. His grip is a little too hard, bordering on painful as he bites at your neck. He pops open the button on your pants and shoves one of his hands into your panties, rubbing at your clit with his thumb and trailing his other fingers along your slit. 
You rub at the bumps along the tip of his cock, and you’re rewarded with a little squirt of precum. It dribbles down your hand and onto the sheets, and you wonder if maybe you should put down some towels to try and keep the mess contained. But Kirishima is letting out the softest little moans as he tries to rut into your hand and rub at your clit at the same time, and you decide that ruining the moment to lay down towels just isn’t worth it. A little mess is a small sacrifice to make.
When his fingers finally dip inside you, you feel his whole body tense up and still. “Baby,” he says, his voice soft and a little stunned, “You..”
“I stretched myself out before I came over,” you finish for him, pushing your hips back so that his fingers sink all the way inside of you. The lube still inside of you makes the slide effortless, and the look on Kirishima’s face is absolutely priceless. “I’m ready when you are.”
Those words elicit another little spurt of precum as Kirishima’s cock twitches in your hand. When you glance down, you see that the base of his dick is engorged and painful looking, and it only seems to be swelling. You only get to look for a moment though, because then you’re being flipped on your back and Kirishima is looming over you. “Oh, baby, oh shit,” he grits out through clenched teeth as his cock rubs up against the back of your thighs. “Are you sure you want to?”
“I want to, I want to so bad,” you promise him, kissing where you can reach on his face. You reach down and grip his cock, guiding it to your entrance, “Go slow, baby.” You’re so excited when you first feel the tip of his cock press into you that you’re not sure if the gush of wetness is from your pussy or his precum. You’re so turned on that you wonder if the amount of lube you had used was overkill, but then the length of him starts to stretch you out and you decide that yes, you absolutely did need that lube.
As soon as the tip is in, Kirishima stills over you. His head drops down, forehead making contact with your shoulder as he groans. You rock your hips experimentally, your breathing gone a little ragged as you realise that you can feel all those fleshy bumps and ridges, but Kirishima snatches at your hips instantly to still you. When he speaks, his voice is strained, “I’m not gonna last.”
Affection bubbles up in your chest as you look at his flushed face, his misty eyes. He’s practically trembling from the effort of holding back. “It’s okay,” you assure him, looping your arms over his shoulders and tracing little patterns into the skin of his back, “You don’t have to, it’s your first time. We have all the time in the world to go again and again, as many times as you want.”
Kirishima makes a garbled little noise in the back of his throat, and then he’s kissing you so sloppily and enthusiastically that drool begins to slip down your chins. It’s a little gross, but considering how much cum you’re going to be covered in soon enough you can’t be too fussy. When he pulls back, it’s so that he can look down and watch where his cock is entering you in increments.
The slow, inexorable stretch of it has your breath catching in your throat. You throw your head back on the bed and focus on keeping your breathing as steady as possible as he presses into you so, so slowly. After exploring the length of him with your mouth and hands, you knew he was big, but apparently knowing and feeling are two completely separate things. You feel like you’re being stretched impossibly wide, and when you glance down you see that he’s not even halfway in. 
Kirishima pauses suddenly, his breathing coming in short pants. You think that he’s just taking a moment to collect himself, to pace himself, but he’s frowning down at where the two of you are connected. “I dont- I don’t think I’ll fit.”
“Oh, you’ll fit.” you declare, jaw set stubbornly. His dick was already partly in you, and like hell were you giving up now. “Don’t worry. Keep going, Eiji.”
“You’re so…” he groans as he edges his hips forward, rocking his cock another inch inside of you, “So tight, you feel so wet and warm inside, oh god, so good, so good.”
The stretch is starting to sting, but you’ve prepared yourself well for this and it’s not so bad that you can’t breathe through it. When he bottoms out inside you, the tip of his cock hits your cervix and your whole body jerks hard at the dull ache it sends up your spine. “Fuck!” you cry out, your hips humping back into Kirishima’s of their own accord. You can feel every damn ridge and swirl grinding against your insides, and you clamp down hard around him, gasping. “Oh, shit.”
You’ve never felt so full in your life, and Kirishima’s cock doesn’t even fit all the way inside you. You wonder if you’re about to split in two. Your thighs are splayed obscenely wide, and you can feel your own body trying to suck him in further but there’s nowhere else to go because he’s filling you up so completely. Your chest is heaving as you pant for breath -- your thoughts have turned a little muddy, but even now you can see that Kirishima has frozen, his face tucked into your neck as he shudders with deep, panting breaths. Your shoulder feels wet, and you realise that he’s drooling on you.
“Eijirou,” you groan, “Move.”
His first thrust is hesitant, exploratory. He apparently likes what he feels, because he lifts his head up so that he can look at you properly. He looks totally blissed out, his eyes a little unfocused, and his expression alone shoots a bolt of heat straight between your legs. You breathe out a curse and move your hips down and into him, trying to encourage him to fuck you properly. When he thrusts forward again, the movement is accompanied by a vulgar squelching sound, and you realise that you’re probably being filled up with his precum. The thought makes you moan quietly, tightening up around him. 
Kirishima grunts and dives down so that your chests are pressed together, his arms pushing your legs up and to the side, and then suddenly he’s fucking into you for real. His moans sound like they’ve come straight out of a porn video as he shoves his cock as deep inside you as possible before pulling out and doing it again. All you can do is gasp against him as the breath is driven straight out of your lungs by his desperate humping.
His movements are nearly feral, jackhammering into you at a pace that probably should feel punishing but instead has you hiccuping out moans on every stroke. The size of him and the speed at which he’s fucking at you is overwhelming in the best possible way. He keeps gasping your name in between moans, his jaw lolling open as he pants for breath. “Oh, baby girl, you feel so good, so good for me. You like this?”
“Yes!” you wheeze, clinging to his shoulders as he rails you into the mattress. It’s better than you ever could have hoped for, and you’re nearly sobbing from the sheer sensation of it all. “Oh god, don’t stop!” You feel your abdomen drawing tight, heat beginning to build rapidly in the bottom of your belly, and you practically throw yourself down to meet his thrusts. “Please, I’m gonna cum, make me cum, Eiji!”
Kirishima practically snarls at that, his hand snaking down to your pussy even as he keeps rutting into you. His hand finds your clit and starts stroking at it hard and fast at a pace that matches his fucking. “Fuck yes, I wanna feel you cum on my cock.”
You know you’re starting to shake apart, his cock and his fingers too much for you. Your body is strung taut, your orgasm so close you can virtually taste it. As he feels you clamp down around him Kirishima lets out a whimpering moan, and with that you’re totally gone, head slamming back on the bed as you let out mindless, breathless little choking moans. It feels like your vision totally wipes out as you convulse in Kirishima’s arms, hips twitching wildly. 
When the euphoria of your orgasm finally subsides, you feel so totally fucked out that you hardly know which way is up. It takes you a moment to become aware of the way Kirishima is humping into you desperately now, hunkering over you and groaning. Feeling his cock slide in and out of your over-sensitive and still twitching pussy is almost too much, and you know you won’t be able to take much more of his relentless pounding. You clench around him as tight as you can and cup his sweaty face in your hands, smiling at the open-mouthed look of pure need he’s giving you. “Are you gonna cum inside me, Eiji?”
Apparently that was the correct thing to say, because you can see the moment that he hurtles completely over the edge. He shoves his cock as deep as he can get inside you and then he’s crying out as he begins to empty himself inside you. He keeps rocking, even though his cock is crammed as far into you as it’s possible to get, and you tremble and gasp as you feel his cum spraying inside you. It feels totally filthy, and there’s so much of it that you can feel it leaking out and down your ass even though Kirishima’s cock is still plugging you up. There’s so much cum that you actually start to wonder if your birth control is going to still be effective. You almost expect it to start coming out of your ears.
It seems like he’s cumming forever, and eventually he has to pull out because you’re just too full. As soon as his gradually softening cock is pulled free, it seems like a veritable bucketload of cum streams out of you and makes a mess of the bedcovers. It’s simultaneously really gross and really, really hot, and you don’t have the energy to unpack that so you just lay back and watch as Kirishima’s cock continues to dribble cum all over his legs and your abdomen. The swollen base of his cock is deflated now, and his dick eventually gives one last twitch and then he’s finished. 
He collapses on top of you, sweaty and soiled with his cum, but you don’t complain as he wraps you up in his arms and kisses your temples, murmuring soft, mindless praise into your hairline. “Are you okay?” he whispers, “Did I hurt you?”
You laugh a little, still winded. Your pussy is feeling achey from being stretched so wide, and you’re definitely going to have trouble walking tomorrow, but it’s the best kind of hurt imaginable. “You did everything just right.” you say, giving him a tired smile. “How was it?”
“If I could stay in your pussy forever, I would.” he says solemnly, the barest hint of a smile pulling at his lips.
You laugh properly at that, and roll over so that you’re lying across his chest. “Yeah? Well, I think you’ve just ruined me for all other cocks in the world. No one's ever gonna compare to how good yours feels.”
With your chin on his chest, you have a clear view of the way he flushes at your words, and the vulnerability that creeps into his expression as he looks at you. “Really?”
“I just came so hard it felt like the world was ending.” you grin at him, then press a teasing kiss to one of his pecs. “Yes, really.”
A smile breaks out on his face, toothy and dorky, as if he can’t believe his luck. “So… Would you want to do it again, maybe? Sometime?”
The smile you return is so wide it feels like it’s about to split your face. “Yeah, Eiji. Without question.”
It’s hard to kiss when you’re both grinning like total idiots, but the two of you make a valiant effort all the same. The ridiculous amount of cum painting the two of you is beginning to dry and flake off your skin, and it's definitely kind of gross but you’re so happy and sated and tired in that moment that you’re pretty sure nothing on earth could ruin the moment for you. Not even Bakugou when he comes pounding at the door and yelling obscenities in the form of noise complaints.
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deexchanel · 3 years
Word Count: 2,923
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader
Warning: Swearing, arguing.
Summary: Y/N rides along with Sam, Zemo and Bucky to Madripoor.
A/N: I know this episode is over used but I write this and I just wanted to give you guys something after been absent for so long. My birthday is next week and I’m excited. Enjoy this one-shot.
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They followed Zemo to his personal jet. An older man stood at the end of the stairs waiting on their arrival.
"So all this time you've been rich?" Sam asked looking at the jet. Y/N walked between him and Bucky behind Zemo. She hasn't really been talking to Bucky because of their argument.
It was basically about how he disappeared on her. He left without warning. The only reason the previous couple is around each other now because Y/N was there when Sam gave up the shield and decided to stay by his side through the journey. That’s how she ended up here on a plane with someone that broke her heart.
The reason why Bucky left because he’s scared to love. He’s scared that’s she was going to leave him because of his past since it was too much for her. So Bucky left and still hasn’t told her the reason why he did.
"I'm a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country." Zemo replied then spoke to the older gentleman in Russian. After the men greet each other the trio followed Zemo into the jet.
Bucky placed a hand on Y/N’s lower back to help her up the stairs, but she pushed his hand off. She had every right to be mad at him. Y/N really loves Bucky but he can't just leave her whenever he gets the chance.
Y/N sat in the chair in front of Zemo with Sam beside him and Bucky beside her. She nervously looked out the window, Y/N isn’t a big fan of heights.
"The fridge is out. But I will see if there is some good food in the galley." The man said to Zemo who replied in Sokovian. My nerves were getting really bad, She starts to fumble with her fingers.
"Y/N you okay?" Sam’s voice laced with concern. She turns to see them staring at her like a worried parent. Y/N gave them a small smile trying to ease their worries.
"I'm fine."
"Just checking Y/N. Why don't you tell us about where we are going Zemo?" Sam asked looking at Zemo for answers.
Zemo opened a book, "I'm sorry, I was just fascinated by this. I don't know what to call it but this part seems to be important." He pulled a little book that was inside the bigger book holding it up.
"Who is Nakajima?"
Bucky swiftly gets up wrapping his gloved hand around his neck. Y/N’s eyes widened from seeing how worked up he got up from that. All the nervousness about flying left her body.
"What the hell James??"
"If you touch that again, I'll kill you." Bucky seethed then unwrapped his hand from around Zemo's neck sitting back down. Y/N rolled her eyes at how dramatic he was. Deep down she wished it was her he was putting into place but no one needs to know that. (Our little secret.)
"I understand that list of names. People you've wronged as the Winter Soldier." Zemo said obviously not phased by what just happened.
"Don't push it," Bucky warned glancing at him then towards Sam.
"I've seen that book. It was Steve's when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What'd you think?" Sam amused but Bucky kept a straight face.
"I like '40s music, so..."
" '40s music? You definitely need to put me on some good music then." Y/N said engaging in their conversation. She thought it was kinda cute that he held on to the book Steve had. Bucky gave her a small smile.
"Whenever I get the chance, I will. Just for you."
Y/N bit her lip to keep from smiling to keep up the ‘I’m mad at him' act. But it wasn’t working.
"You didn't like it?" Sam asked shocked.
"I liked it." Bucky said giving him the face of 'duh I liked it.'
"It is a masterpiece, James. Complete. Comprehensive. It captures the African-American experience." Zemo said in the most formal way possible. Y/N gave a humorous smile nodding her head.
"That was one of the best ways to explain it."
"He's out of line, but he's right. It's great. Everybody loves Marvin Gaye" Sam agreed as if Bucky didn't agree. Y/N laughed at what he was doing.
"Sam, why are you still going on about it? James literally agreed."
"I like Marvin Gaye." Bucky continues looking at him.
"Steve adored Marvin Gaye," Sam said bringing up another memory of Steve.
"I have to go to the bathroom. Excuse me." Y/N held up the finger going to the mini bathroom. She struggled so damn hard in that small ass bathroom trying not to fall on her ass. Y/N soon came out to hear them talking about Madripoor.
"What's up with Madripoor? You talk about it like it's Skull Island." Sam questioned looking between the two who used to be villains.
"It's an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a private sanctuary back in the 1800s." Bucky starts while Zemo finished telling them the information.
"It's kept its lawless ways. But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone."
Y/N glanced at Bucky who tensed up at those words. I knew it was going to be hard on him. Sitting back down in her seat, She moved the hair that was in her face.
"So who do I go as?"
"Miss Sapphire, one of the richest lady there. She models for every company you can think of." Zemo said showing Y/N a picture of a woman who looked exactly like her.
"Ooo I think I'm going to like this," Y/N smirked looking at the outfit that she was going to have to put on. She knew Bucky wasn't going to like it but oh well, its part of the job.
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Y/N was beside Sam as they walked down this empty bridge. She kept sneaking glances at Bucky because he looked so good with his new arm. Y/N didn’t know she staring too long when his eyes linked with hers. She quickly looked away, face turning really hot.
"We have to fix this. I'm the only one who looks like a pimp." Sam complained touching his suit. Y/N rolled her eyes, her feet were starting to hurt from walking for so long.
"Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp," Zemo said. Y/N’s walk began to turn into limping which made her fall behind a little.
A little "Ow." came from her mouth, grabbing Bucky's attention. He slowed down walking beside Y/N.
"You okay?"
"I'm good."
"No, you're not. You just said 'Ow'. What's wrong?"
"None of your business James. I'm okay."
"So you’re calling me James now? And I know your feet are hurting Y/N. Let me help."
Y/N decided to be stubborn even though she wanted to get off her feet so badly. "It's always been, James. I'm able to handle myself, I can take the pain."
Bucky rolled his eyes, in a matter of seconds, Y/N was in his arms bridal style. Not in the mood to argue, Y/N looked everywhere but him.
"And it's Bucky to you. It's always and forever going to be that to you."
"Before you left, it was Bucky. Now it's James. You know what, I can walk myself." She moved but his grip tightened not wanting her to get out of his arms.
"No, I'm going to continue to carry you," Bucky said but Y/N didn't respond which made it quiet between them. She fought the urge to look at him since she was mad.
"I saw you looking at me and my arm."
She looked up at him fulfilling her urge and they made eye contact. Y/N quickly looked away nervously "Um, no I wasn't."
Bucky let out a laugh, "You indeed was."
"Was not."
"Was too."
"Was not."
"Was too."
"Guys! for the love of God, shut up!"Sam scolded from in front of them.
"He started it!" Y/N replied back like a little kid. Bucky laughed a little then sigh.
"Y/N, you've barely said a word to me today. Did I do something?"
She scoffs getting irritated from that dumb-ass question. "DiD I dO sOmEtHiNg?? Huh? Bucky stop talking to me before I say something I might regret."
"What? Y/N I just asked a question." Bucky said in defense. She huff rolling her eyes, 'a dumb ass question at that'
"No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There's no margin for error." Zemo explained as the car came into view on the bridge. Bucky placed her down on her feet when they neared it, opening the door for Y/N who climbed in the middle seat.
"Here we are."
Walking into the bar they could feel the intense stares. Bucky glared at anyone that looked in her direction. Y/N had to fight off any instinct to grab his hand. It wasn’t the appropriate time to do it.
You could hear the whispers of the crowd looking at them. "Is that the Winter Soldier?". Zemo guided them directly to the bar. A tall dark skin man walked over to the trio so they could order.
"Hello, lady and gentlemen. Wasn't expecting to see you, Sapphire and Smiling Tiger."
"His plans changed." Zemo nodded towards Sam. "We have business to do with Selby."
The bartender looked at Sam,"The usual? Anything for you Ms. Sapphire?"
Sam nodded his head while Y/N replied, "No, Thank you." The bartender turned around grabbing a dead snake out of a glass jar. She covered up her mouth to keep from gagging. Y/N turn to Bucky shaking her head no.
"Ah, Smiling Tiger, your favorite." I heard Zemo say from behind Y/N. She would’ve laughed but Y/N wanted to puke at the moment. She knew Sam had drunk it when Bucky looked the other way to keep from I guess laughing.
Y/N moved to the side of Bucky when a man walked up to Zemo from behind. "I got word from on high. You ain't welcome here."
"I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me." Zemo then pointed towards Bucky.
"New haircut?" The man asked but Bucky just stared.
"Or bring Selby for a chat." Zemo continued his deal. The man walked away not even giving an answer.
"A Power Broker? Really?" Bucky finally spoke up.
"Every kingdom needs its king. Let's just pray we stay under his radar." Zemo explained.
"Do you know him?" Sam whispered not wanting to give himself away.
"Only by reputation," Zemo replied. "In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner."
Y/N leaned against the bar with my back facing the crowd. She felt a hand being placed on her lower back. The other hand moved Y/N’s hair from the side to show her neck.
"Sapphire, baby, we didn't get to finish from last night. Let's get out of here."
Y/N prepared to punch him but stopped herself when she heard Zemo say "Зимний Солдат, Атака" ( Winter Soldier, Attack.)
Y/N turn around to see it was a different man this time. He had a smirk on his face, as his index finger touched her bottom lip slowly then used the rest of his fingers running down her exposed chest.
Y/N had never felt so disgusted in her life. His fingers stopped on her boob when Bucky's metal hand swiftly grabbed it, crushing his hand.
You could tell that Bucky was so angry for him even getting close to Y/N. The man grunts out in pain as both of them walked away from her while Bucky still clutched on his hand.
The pair shared a quick look. The way he eased back into his Winter Soldier character bothered her a bit. Maybe he had it like a switch?
Y/N winced not really wanting to see none of the combat taking place so she turned around with her back facing the crowd.
She didn’t want him to feel he can protect her all the time. Y/N didn’t want to seem so dependent on him especially if he isn’t going to always be in the picture. When Y/N needed him, he wasn't there. Getting out of her thoughts when Bucky slammed the man that touched Y/N on top of the bar holding on to his neck, eyes never leaving his face.
Everyone around them starts to take their gun off safety. Y/N’s heart starts to pound as she looked around. Zemo placed a hand on Bucky's arms whispering.
"Stay in character or the whole bar turn on us."
Zemo says something else in Russian which makes Bucky let go of the man. "Selby will see you now." The bartender announced.
"Thank you," Zemo said then walked off.
"You good?" Sam asked Bucky concerned. He looked at me but Y/N quickly glanced at them then followed behind Zemo not uttering a word.
Turns out Y/N wasn’t the one she wants to talk to since she was just some famous model. She had to stand in the hallway and wait on them. Y/N was so uncomfortable, especially with what she had on.
Y/N heard a gunshot which makes her kick in the door. Both Bucky and Sam aimed the gun at her then lowered it.
"What the hell happened in here?!" Y/N asked seeing the bodies on the floor.
"We'll explain later, let's go," Bucky said grabbing her hand and they all walked out of the building. They walked through the streets hearing surrounding people phones going off
"This is not good," Zemo said looking around at the people who looked on their phones. They near the end of the street when bullets aimed at us. Bucky pulled Y/N to him as they ran in one direction.
"I can't run in these heels!" Sam yelled while he ran.
"You better learn today!" Y/N yelled back holding on to Bucky's hand since it was in the heat of the moment, not wanting to let go.
Sharon help killed off the bounty hunters they had on us. At the moment Y/N was in the bathroom getting ready for the party she was having. Finished with getting dressed, she walked out of the bathroom running into a hard chest.
"Oops sorry!"
"It's an okay doll."
Y/N gave him a small smile then began to walk to the room where everyone else was until Bucky grabbed her hand.
"Why didn’t answer my question from earlier? What did I do?"
"You know what you did Bucky. Is there I need to say?"
"I think I know what I did? I don’t know Y/N. Just talk to me. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
"To answer your dumb-ass question, you did do something wrong. You act like everything's okay between us when it's not! Bucky, you left me. Like disappeared on me without explaining why!"
"I knew telling you that I was leaving would crush you. I didn't want you to be hurt over the fact that I left." Bucky rubbed his hand over his mouth.
"Leaving you was the best way to protect you. I'm feared by many but that still doesn't mean you aren't going to be a target to hurt me."
"Best way to protect me?! You leaving hurt me way more than what you think it did. You're worried about protection but not focusing on my feels. You said you love me but you left like it wasn't nothing." I groan flustrated raising my voice. He couldn’t look at Y/N and it raised her suspicion.
“You’re lying Bucky? What is it? What is the truth.”
“Y/N... Please.”
“Bucky tell me!”
"I was scared Y/N! Scared that you were already planning to leave because of my past. I know I shouldn’t have left when you needed me but I didn’t know what to do. You deserve better than me Y/N.” Bucky confessed as his head dropped. I placed my hand under his chin so he could look me in the eyes.
“Bucky I could’ve told me. You leaving hurt me more than what you think it did. I love you and that means that I’ll understand anything you’re going through. I don’t deserve better, and I don’t want better. I want you Bucky. You’re not alone in this baby I swear.”
Bucky pulled Y/N to his chest, as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m so sorry baby. I love you too Y/N so much.” He kissed Y/N’s forehead.
“Oh and I wanted to kill him so badly but I knew you weren't going to like that so I stopped."
"You know me so well."
Bucky apologized again, “I’ve missed you so much. I can’t wait to make up.” He began to kiss on her neck making Y/N tilt her head to the side so he could have more access.
"Hm, I'll accept it if you dance on the dance floor with me."
"No! God no. I'll do anything but that. You know I don't like dancing." Bucky pulled back groaning but she gave him the puppy eyes.
"Please? Or I'm going to stay mad at you."
Bucky rubbed his hand over his face, "Fine."
Y/N smiled jumping in his arms and they rested under her butt to keep her held up.
"Yayyy!! This is going to be fun."
"I’m only doing this for you baby.”
“That’s the best part.”
This took a long ass time to edit but I hope you guys like it. Like I said earlier I know this episode is overused but I had written this when tfatws was still airing so yeah.
I’m posting something since I haven’t posted in so long.
If this one-shot doesn’t make sense let me know cause it’s almost 3 am while I’m trying to edit and add stuff to this and I’m so sleepy 😂
Thank you for reading!
Stay slutty my friendsss 💕
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violetnotez · 3 years
Haaaaiiii! I don't know if you've done this before, but can you do a headcanon with Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kaminari (separately) dating a slim thicc reader who's waaaaay to kind to everyone for her own good? Sorry if that was specific lol. It just suits my life.
HC: Slim Thicc + Overly Nice Reader | BNHA
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Shop Owner Note: The fuq how did you describe me in four words lmaoooo-I really liked this idea alot!!!!! Also I only did Bakugo, Izuku and Shoto caus emy brain got fried, so hope thats okay!
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Midoriya most definitely drink his respect women juice
He was raised by his mother after all
doesnt mean the boy cant be a little perverted-
He just loves your body!!!!!
How can he NOT love everything about it, from the way your school tights slightly squeeze your thighs to the point where he feel like he cant breath
Or when you wear his shirts and its tighter around the chest and flowy around you waist
Mmmmmm lets not forget your hero suit- this man would probably kiss the shoes of the person who made your suit
Cause DAMN they really made it as tight as possible and he just loves it sm
Lets be real this dude has probably popped a boner by accident just thinking about your hero suit 😶
He is very much respectful about you and keeps his raging hormones horniness to himself
He is ALWAYS making sure you feel comfortable in your relationship, whether its from holding hands to cuddling, he will always make sure you give your consent
Now, when it comes to your kindness, this is something Midoriya probably loves the most about you
But he does find it really concerning when he notices you say “yes” to everything somebody asks you to do for them
And running yourself down, not looking as energetic as yourself
He is very observant, so he notices little things that signal you are little overwhelmed 
Like your clothes arent as perfectly ironed as they used to be, you seem to be forgetting your own things while remembering to bring everybody else’s, your smile seems strained, and you just look stressed
He is so incredibly empathetic- it pains him to his s/o look so distraught 
It does anger him a bit that these people can so easily take advantage of you, and not even care that you arent feeling your best because of what they asked of you
But he swallows down the anger, offering to help you with whatever you need at your dorm room
He tries to make it as stress free as he possibly can, bringing your favorite snacks and playlist of music to calm your mind
But at some point hed give you a very gentle talk,,,,
He knows you havent been feeling too great, whether you deny it or not, and he wants you to know that its perfectly okay to not say “yes” to every person
He knows you mean well and you want to help everyone out of the generosity of your heart, and he loves that about you
But you as a person are important, and you come first over anyone
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
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Like Midoriya, just LOVES your body
Like cmon, how can he NOT
Dude is a ass+boob man change ma mind 
At first he deifnitely denies it-
Him??? Stare at your ass??? Pshh he was looking at the oven baka, if anything your ass was blocking his view-
You would know you caught him red handed cause he face would get redder than Momo’s hero suit and he would actually stutter—-
Which would make him extrmeely annoyed and he’d be cussing a storm+be in a grumpy mood for an hour or two
But once you two get more comfortable in your relationship-
He will have use every opportunity to just be meannnn
And by mean
I mean turn slapping your ass into some sick game
Like if you dont yelp and cuss him out whats the point?
Once he slapped you so hard he legit left his big ass hand print on your butt cheek and you were about to slap his smug ass back....
But off a 50ft building  🙃
Also a big softie too
Like when you to cuddle he loves cuddling into your chest 🥺🥺
To him it’s just so comfyyyyyyyyyy
Honestly, Bakugo can’t understand at all how you can be so nice to people
It confuses him???? But he finds it really....nice???
Like half the stuff you do for people Bakugo wouldn’t ever dream of doing
He knows he’d either give that person an intimidating, dirty look or just laugh at them, cause yeah right he’d waste his time with their stupid problems
But you are totally different than him-you had a lot more patience and sympathy than he had, always coming to everyone’s rescue it seemed like
He finds it attractive and to him, it confuses the hell out of him how he does
But what bothers him is how much time you spend away from him
He won’t ever admit it, but he feels lonely when you’re not around
And what’s even worse-is by the time you do hang out with him, your too tired to even properly pay attention to him after running around and doing everything for everyone else
Bakugo the Attention Whore
One day this dude would have enough, as he’s been getting the bad end of the stick for a good couple of weeks——
He just barges into were ever your at, and doesn’t give to shits what so everrrrr
Bakugo has one mission in mind: getting his s/o back
Wouldn’t acknowledge anyone but you, grabbing your wrist and yanking you out of the room even if your protesting with him
“The hell are you doing Bakugo, let go-“
“No 😠”
“Pleaseeeeeee I was in the middle of working on something-“
“I said NO 😠😠😠”
Angry Pomeranian Activated
Once stop dragging you until he locks you in his room, forcing you to hear him out
He HATES being emotional or open, but at that, he starts spilling his guts through gritted teeth and choppy sentences,,
Saying that you waste too much time in thise “extras”, that they don’t deserve as much time as you give them, and that you have more “important” things than do all their work for them
*cough cough him being the more important thing
But hoenstly, you feel a little bad for him,,,,,
So you compromise with him and promise you’ll spend more time on him
He’s pretty happy with that,
but now he takes it one step further to make sure you deifnitely have enough time to hang out with him
If he’s around when someone asks you for help, he’ll cut them off and lie straight theough his teeth, saying you two have a “date” and squeezing you close to him with an iron grip
“Wait-Bakugo-we didnt have a date planned-“
“Tsch, now we do-“
Shoto Todoroki
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I have said this timeeee and timeeee againnnn
But Shoto really is the definition of innocence
So really, it wouldn’t ever dawn on him on how killer his s/o’s body is
He’s just kinda like....yeah I know they have a butt and chest? Doesn’t everyone?😶
This poor Boi someone help him
It only really sets it after a few months of being together that he’s actually really, really in love with your body
Like how did he never notice how good you look in leggings?
Or how soft and comfortable your chest is?
And why does he want you to squeeze him with your thighs? 😳
Hormones are ragingggggg
And also veryyyyyyyy protective over you
Shoto is very observant and quiet in social situations, usually opting to check out his surroundings instead of trying to be sociable
So he’ll catch from time to time classmates commenting on you and your figure, and it never sits very well with him
At first when these incidences happened he was very conflicted, not understanding this intense jealousy and need to protect you
But after a while of contemplating his feelings, he understood it was because he was protective of you
And ohohoohohoh
This man is PROTECTIVE
He does little things you would never reallly notice until you actually do
Like when he takes you home after hanging out or a date, he lingers a little longer outside your door to make sure you’re inside safely
Or when you’re walking together he will make sure your walking inside the street and away from the cars
Also has a tendency to grab your waist or your hand when a group of men come your way
He just gets paranoid okay 🥺🥺🥺
And because he’s so protective, he doesn’t practically like that you’re being taken advantage of sometimes because of your kindness
Especially when it comes to other men
On a few occasions Shoto has spotted you in a sticky situation with a guy who was being a little too close for comfort
It would make you uncomfortable of course, you had a boyfriend you already loved a lot-
but you felt kind of bad just being a total bitch to this guy who desperately wanted a chance
So you’d just awkwardly laugh and smile with their stupid pick up lines, trying your best to be polite but also show you weren’t interested
But Shoto at this point has radar for when your in trouble, and just pops out of nowhere 💀
He’s not the type to flaunt his relationship by impulsively kissing you or anything like that, but he’ll show it in subtle ways
Like calling you “dear” or wrapping his arm around your waist
Honestly, the look of pure relief and comfort in your face shows more than Shoto could have ever done,,,
And that Shoto was deifnitely someone that was more than just a “guy fiend” and soemthing like that
Also Shoto would give them a look that could kill and that instantly scares the shit out anyone lmao
These dudes faces would deflate like balloons real quick, cause at this point everyone knows who Shoto Todoroki is
And how the hell can they compete with that
Instant “oh shit my bad” type energy
After those incidents, Shoto locks down way harder
He practically has you glued to his side, and he doesn’t let go
Like at all
Get used to it cause for the rest of the day Shoto is gonna be following you around like some body guard 💀
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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notgalaxii · 4 years
How about... how do the brothers act around their crush?
This one was super sweet to write I- I love them 👉👈. Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoy 🤞💕✨
Lucifers crush is the absolute hardest to tell
To the untrained eyes and ears, it seems like he's just being himself, but to those who are close to him, it's a little obvious
Lucifer tends to be more caring in a loving way than in a strict, "do what I say" manner
It's less of "Go to bed so you can go to school and not disappoint Diavolo" and more of "Get some rest, it's not healthy for you to stay up so late."
He also tends to be a little more expressive near his crush
Lucifer's signature knowing smirk twists up a little higher, and his eyes glimmer with not only pride but a bit of satisfaction and compassion around them.
He makes sure to give them small compliments
Typically his pride wouldn't allow him to endorse others, but with them, oooh boy
He will let them know how they look ravishing in such a nonchalant way; it seems like it's nothing
But to him, it could be everything
Bonus: He stood up to Diavolo once for his crush. Sort of.
Diavolo had given them a list of tasks to do and Lucifer felt like it was a bit much
"My lord, do you really believe that some of these are the best idea?"
It wasn't much but lets just say that Satan and Mammon were near by and their jaws hit the floor.
A mess. He acts like an absolute MESS around them
When he's just walking down the hall, he's composed. All of a sudden, his crush walks by him and awakens this sense of "I must embarrass myself at all times around this person and then punch myself about it later."
He hypes himself up around his crush
"Hah, of course the GREAT MAMMON can open this jar for you! Bow down, little human. Revel in my strength!!" he struggles to open it a little as well
In more serious and personal moments, Mammon is very sweet
As sweet as he can get when he's still trying to aggressively deny ANY sort of feelings
"Don't ever doubt yourself. You're my human, which means you kick ass. I wouldn't pick a human that WASN'T a total badass. N-not that I particularly picked you out of a crowd- YOU FORCED ME INTO THIS."
Bonus: If Mammon has a touchy crush, he would absolutely melt into their hands as he aggressively blushes at them
They'd get close enough to play with his hair and he'd be jelly on the floor
Would get super sad if they left and forgot their hug because he got used to oh how soft they were
Leviathan tries the absolute hardest to hide it
Unless you count Mammon but come on, is he really trying?
Leviathan's biggest tell would be that he tries to share his otaku passions with his crush
Because if he likes them, they've gotta be into that kinda stuff, right!? They're definitely not a normie and would absolutely LOVE his Manga collection
Would play it off nearly as tsundere-esque as Mammon
"I've decided that you're really nice to me, so I'm going to let you come over today and play video games with me. I have a super special raid spot saved for the two of us!!"
He tries pretty hard to impress them with his vast knowledge on obscure animes and idols
Levi would be at his crush's beck and call
"I saw you called me, I was in a dungeon but I tried to finish it as fast as I could!! What did you need~?"
Definitely a blush-a-tron 3000
All of his crushes are anime characters! How does he deal with someone he likes IN REAL LIFE!?
I'll tell you how, he sticks his hand over his face and tries to freeze time with his super secret power that he has yet to unlock and probably never will.
Bonus: Leviathan tells Henry 2.0 about his crush every time he spends time with them
"They touched my hand Henry, they touched my hand!!" blushes just thinking about it.
Satan is ✨gentle✨ with his crush.
He's pretty insecure about how intense his anger can be when it comes to people he doesn't want to hurt, especially if it's a human.
Satan will try to show them his softest side in hopes that when they meet his wrath, they can anchor onto the fact that he's not that bad
That being saaaaid, if he senses their discomfort whatsoever, he tries to put out the flames of rage that are constantly brewing inside of him
And then offer to take them to somewhere to hopefully make them feel better.
"You seem to be tense. How would you like to join me on a little excursion? We could go see the new art exhibit that just opened up."
If that doesn't work, he invites them to his room to drink tea and maybe just chat
If they're into reading, he'll offer to let them look at his collection and maybe even pick something to borrow.
Satan is also pretty playful with his crush
Sometimes he'll say something a little mean just to get a reaction out of them, then immediately reassure them to the max that he was messing around.
"And I should be seen in public with a human because?"
"I was kidding!" He'd chuckle, bringing a mischievous finger to rest on his lips, "I only wanted to see how you'd react. I'd love to go somewhere with you."
Bonus: Satan's best pranks are with his crush.
Satan would definitely catch feelings with someone that challenge his brain and make him think bigger. He'd fall for someone bold, adventurous, and smart.
So combining the two of them makes for some of the most CREATIVE pranks
"So you guys are telling me that you switched the body of Mammon and a random woman on the street and then made a bet with Asmo that he couldn't seduce said woman... who had Mammon in her body."
Asmodeus would make his crush so obvious that everyone just thought he was messing around
He'd shower his crush in praise all the time
"Look at you! So beautiful!"
"Tell me, doll, have I ever let you know that your face is so symmetrical? Oh and your nose is so cute!~"
But oh, he gets f l u s t e r e d by them
If they compliment him back, he'll have a brief moment to blush and try to recover immediately
I feel like Asmodeus isn't as narcissistic as he leads on, like part of it is an act. Honestly, he might even be a little bit insecure about a few things so he buffs up his narcissism to distract from it.
That being said, he probably doesn't buff his narcissism around his crush that often
He puts the focus on them
Tries his best to listen to absolutely everything they have to say
Will make sure that they know he's always going to be there
Bonus: Asmodeus will always dress up his crush when he gets the chance to be absolutely stunning, but then gets really jealous when they go out and people start staring.
"Ah! It seems like they're admiring my work a little too much! I think if these dogs aren't put on leashes anytime soon, I might just have to take you back home. You wouldn't mind some alone time with Asmo, would you?~" The last sentence slips his lips in a very smooth and almost sultry tone.
Beel is so fucking precious please lord save me from this puppy
He would talk a lot around his crush
Boy has so much to say, I'm telling you
He's just never found the person to listen
His crush would be THAT person
The rest of the brothers would watch like "What drugs did this guy take? He usually only opens his mouth to eat something or say he wants to eat something."
Beel would also be VERY protective around his crush. Nobody would say anything to them ever because Beel would be looming over their shoulder like "Say it and I eat you."
Bonus: Everyone talks about Beels s/o being an amazing chef but just imagine him falling for someone who can't cook?
Like even though the food is bad he will sit there and eat absolutely eVERYTHING THEY MAKE
Because hes supportive and just wants to make them smile
A weird combination of flirty and shy
Sometimes Belphie will tease his crush a little like Satan would, making comments just to see their reaction
But Belphie would see how long it would take for them to catch it instead of immediately reassuring them
He would crush on someone who doesn't mind his lifestyle of napping a lot, taking things slow, and not really caring so he'd be comfortable with them
Sometimes if his crush was sweet to him he'd get a little blushy and shy
Bonus: Imagine Belphie with an insomniac crush who can't sleep at night and takes random naps during the day
They get really tired cause they couldnt sleep the night before and Belphie asks them to come nap with him
He'll get them a pillow and everything to help them sleep at night
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
The Devil Looks After His Own (Ch.1)
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Little Steve Harrington is so lonely he tries summoning a demon with a ritual advertised on TV--but luckily, it doesn't work, and a buff, non-human nanny hired by his mom shows up minutes later.  Years later, they're best friends, and Steve still doesn't know the truth.  For @magniloquent-raven​!
When his dad finally locked him out of the office, Steve spent the morning sitting in the hallway playing with his Legos.  When his stomach growled, he knocked quietly, and his dad’s voice on the phone continued, so he went in the kitchen to forage.  He found Cheez-its, and olives, and a tightly wrapped triangle of gooey cheese that tasted good in the middle, but had gross, chalky skin, so he licked the middle out and stuffed the rest down the side of the garbage. 
He walked back into the front room and flipped the TV on, just to make some noise.  “In the future,” came the syrupy voice of the man on the screen, “—we’ll have robots to be our helper-friends!”  He chuckled to himself, leaning back in his leather chair, and folding his arms on his huge wooden desk.  “But that doesn’t work for us now, I hear you say.”  
The camera zoomed out, and he waved to a woman with curly hair and long fangs, sitting on the edge of his desk.  She was wearing way less clothes than the man was, and Steve frowned, wondering whether she was cold.  “Our summoning spells are assembled by real lawyers, and airtight!” the man said, and the woman nodded, smiling, and holding up a picture with a lot of numbers and lines.  Steve squinted at it guiltily—he’d seen the man’s ads before, and he mostly remembered the picture, probably.  
The helper-friend lady looked nice, he thought.  
“Too good to be true?  We even include offerings!  Bat eyes, tears of the innocent—” he said, smiling and holding up jars, as ‘ethically sourced from internment facilities’ scrolled across the screen.
Steve frowned around, and then grabbed his LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, the most complex set he owned.
“Honey,” the man told the woman on screen, and she opened a can of soda, and poured it over her own head, still smiling.  “Perfectly compliant,” he said.  “And just wait, there’s more!  Any purchase comes with a matching, complimentary summoning sigil for a protective home guardian!  Just drip a drop of fluid—” he winked at the camera, and it showed something red splashing across the page, as his voice suddenly screamed “Augh-no!  Don’t—”
Steve had already grabbed the remote and hit the fifteen-second replay, and began drawing out the picture.  He hit it again and again, coloring in different colors, and wishing people in commercials didn’t always yell.  He drew the circle carefully with a piece of thread from the long fringe on a throw-blanket he wasn’t allowed to mess up, then folded it carefully again, grimacing.  He colored in the crosses with a different color so it looked nicer, and drew the little castle wall-looking-bit.  He added a horse.  
When it came time to drip fluid on it, he clicked the TV off, and got a juice box from the fridge, figuring apple juice was way less gross than blood, and it wouldn’t ruin his picture.  
Steve stared at the picture, holding the juice box, and thinking.  He imagined not eating alone.  He imagined the nice lady smiling at his Legos—maybe she’d like the castle set, he thought, like in her picture.  He’d just summon her for a little, he thought—just a few minutes, enough to make them both a PB&J.    
His stomach growled—again—and he frowned at his dad’s office door, sighed, plonked the Camaro in the middle of the picture, and squeezed the juice box to spray over it all.  
Nothing happened.  Steve stared at the picture for a long moment, his eyes welling up with tears, and then kicked the couch.  It felt like his foot broke from the impact, and he spun around in a circle, muttering a lot of words he wasn’t allowed to say in the house.  He hopped into the kitchen, sniffling, and got out the peanut butter, jam, and a spoon—but instead of getting the bread, he sat on the floor in front of the sink.  
He felt a sinking sensation of guilt as he stuck the spoon right into first the jam, and then the peanut butter, sticking the whole spoonful straight in his mouth and licking it off.  Once he’d licked the spoon, he stuck it back in the jar, his heart pounding.  The peanut butter was crunchy and salty, and the strawberry jam was stickily sweet.  He wondered whether his mom would check the bread and know, and cried harder as he chewed, hugging his knees.
The floor in the front room creaked, and he startled so hard the spoon jabbed hard between his upper molars.  He scrambled to his feet, fumbling the lids back on the jam and the peanut butter and shoving them under the sink, his heart thudding in his chest, but nobody came in.  
The couch squeaked softly, and Steve edged to the doorway, the big spoon hanging forgotten from his mouth, to see a tall man with horns and no clothes at all lying across the couch, right up against the forbidden throw blanket.  He raised his eyebrows—they had shiny jewelry in them—and breathed out smoke, indoors, as he looked up at Steve.
He then yelped and scrambled to fall with a thud over the back of the couch.  “The fff—what are you doing here, kid,” came his voice, from behind the couch.  “Where the—where on earth are your parents?!”
“Unhm,” said Steve, who hadn’t ever seen a man wear so much jewelry before, and wondered how much it hurt to have jewelry in your dick.  He took the spoon out of his mouth.  “Uh.  Dad—dad is—in there,” he pointed vaguely toward his dad’s office, his eyes still fixed on the horns sticking up past the back of the couch.  “Do...do you want me to...get him?”  
The naked man popped up behind the couch again, looking kind of mad, and Steve stepped further back, watching the golden chains and jewels glint in the light from the window.  “...you look very pretty,” Steve said politely, and the man groaned, grabbing the blanket as he stood, and wrapping it around his waist like a towel.
“Why the—why are you here,” he hissed, and Steve swallowed.
“I’ll go in my room,” he tried to say, but it came out kind of a weird whisper, and he realized he was starting to cry again, so he turned away, and the man scrambled from behind the couch.
“Wait!  Kid,” he said, and Steve stopped to see him step and spin kind of gracefully around the glass coffee table without catching the blanket on it.  All his nails were pointed, and painted black.  “I’m sorry—” he cut off, staring down at Steve’s picture, and the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28.  
“...what’s this,” he asked, like maybe he was mad again, and Steve wondered, suddenly, whether his mom had forgotten to lock the door, and the man was a naked burglar, looking for clothes to steal.  
“I wanted to meet the TV lady,” Steve admitted, trying to take it, but the man snatched it up.  “Um, are you—are you a burglar?”
“Am I—” the man glared at him—his eyes looked like fire, weirdly, the blue fire on the stove—but he didn’t look mad at Steve, yet, so Steve just bit his lips together.  “...you drew this?” the horny man asked, more quietly, and Steve nodded.  “Why?” he asked, and Steve knew he was in trouble—even if the man wasn’t supposed to be there, grownups always told each other when Steve did something dumb, like steal the TV man’s picture, which was the point Steve realized he was a stealer, a thief, like on TV.  America’s Most Wanted, he thought, his heart pounding.  
“Why draw this?” the man asked softly, crouching down, and Steve sniffled again, wiping his eyes.  
“He said a friend would come,” he admitted, wondering whether kids had their own jail, or whether he’d be in the one with all the guys from movies, who chased teenagers with chainsaws and knives.  
“You wanted a friend?” the man asked, but even softer, and Steve nodded, clenching his fingers in the sides of his pants.
“I didn’t mean to steal it,” he whispered.  “I won’t do it again.”
“...okay,” the man said.  “Don’t—don’t cry, it’s okay, are—are you okay?” he held his hands up like he was gonna touch Steve’s shoulders, then crossed his arms, frowning.
“I’m okay,” Steve nodded, wiping his nose on his sleeve.  “...are, um,” he asked, cautiously, “—are you supposed to be...in here?”
“Uhhh,” said the man.  “Definitely not naked, right?” he laughed, kinda nervously, Steve thought, and he snapped his fingers.  The throw blanket turned into shiny fringed pants.  
“Ohhh,” Steve whispered, impressed.  “How’d you do that?”
“Oh,” the man said, grimacing.  “Um, let’s talk about you summoning demons, okay?”
“...okay,” Steve nodded, sighing, but then a thought occurred to him.  “Uh, do you want a PB&J?”
 As they ate, the man spread Steve’s picture on the table, with the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28.
“So this is a circle to summon the demon Belial,” he said, low but kind of intense, like Steve was in trouble, but mostly he looked sort of worried.  
Steve swallowed his bite of sandwich.  “...it’s not exactly the same,” he pointed out, a little sulkily.  “I added a horse.”
“...so you did,” said the man, turning it to look.  “...look, summoning demons is very dangerous—”
“My dad says there aren’t bad demon summoners,” Steve told him.  “He says there are bad plumbers, and bad strippers, but if you’re talking to somebody, and they summoned a demon, they must be good at it, because you’re talking to them, and—and he was on TV—”
“Strippers,” said the man weakly, and Steve realized he was being rude to his guest.  
“I’m Steve,” he said.  “What’s your name?”
“...Bel,” said the man, then, hurriedly, “Bill?”
“My mom likes Billy Idol.  And Billy Joel,” Steve suggested, and the man nodded.
“That’s a normal name that I definitely have,” he nodded, grimacing, “—Billy, I’m Billy.”
Steve considered this.  
“Are you listening, though?  About demon-summoning?  Even a lot of adults have a hard time with it—” Billy started again, holding Steve’s LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 to his chest like it was a present for him.
“The guy on TV said it was for a helper friend,” Steve told him, feeling a little guilty, but really not too much, since it hadn’t even worked.
“Steve,” Billy said, pressing his hands together over his mouth.  The chain hooking his earring to the ring in his lip swayed and made a bell sound, and Steve stared at it, then remembered to nod.  “Okay,” Billy said.  “Could you promise me you won’t try to summon any more demons?”
“My dad says—” Steve started, again, but he cut off guiltily as Billy slumped back in his chair, groaning.
“Look,” Billy tried again, rubbing his face.  “Summoning demons isn’t like inviting somebody over, okay?  They have to come.  Now imagine if someone called you up to—” he frowned down at himself, biting his lips with pointed teeth, and cleared his throat.  “Uh,” he said, swallowing, and snapped his fingers with both hands—and all the jewelry vanished.  Even his cool horns were gone, Steve realized, and he had clothes on, a little tiny black shirt that showed his belly button, and shiny plastic-y silver pants.  
It was disappointing, but Steve looked into Billy’s flameless eyes and blunt-toothed smile and politely said “...you still look nice...I guess.”  Billy snorted a laugh.  “...I’ve never seen pants like that,” Steve offered, and Billy frowned down.
“What’s wrong with them?” he asked, then shook his head.  “No, wait.  Okay.  What if you don’t want to go somewhere—”
“People make me go places all the time,” Steve said darkly, remembering the week before, when his mom had drug him in for a haircut that made him look like G.I. Joe.  He rubbed his still-fuzzy head, glowering.
“Uh,” Billy said, trying not to smile, but spinning the tires on the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, and Steve was a little proud that he liked it so much.  “Okay, a stranger.  What if a stranger makes you go somewhere you don’t want to go?”
“That’s kidnapping,” Steve said, breathlessly, his eyes huge, and Billy pointed the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 at him.  
“Yes.  When you summon a demon, you’re kidnapping them, okay?  And they can’t leave unless you let them go.”
“But the man on the TV said—” Steve whispered, then stopped, remembering how he’d made the almost-naked woman pour soda on her own head.  Steve covered his mouth, suddenly realizing she might not have wanted to be almost-naked, maybe the man had taken her clothes off, like Steve with a doll.  “Oh no,” he whispered.  “I’m so glad it didn’t work!”
“Ah, yeeeah,” Billy said, grimacing.  
“Um,” said Steve, reaching a hand over to retrieve his prize LEGO kit, and Billy snatched it back.  Steve narrowed his eyes.  “You were looking for my parents, but my dad didn’t say you were coming over, are you my mom’s friend?”
Billy winced, grimacing.  “Where is she?”
“She’s at work,” Steve told him.  “Daycare is too expensive, so over the summer I have to be good.”
“Wait, are there any grownups here?!” Billy asked, looking horrified, and Steve nodded, pointing down the hall again.
“My dad.  He locks the door.”
“...What if you drown in the bathtub, or try to eat your own fingers, or something,” Billy breathed, and Steve glared at him.
“I’m not little,” he hissed, sliding forward in his chair a little, so his toes reached the floor.  “I’m not a baby.”
“You don’t need a friend, you need a nanny,” said the recently smoking, horned, pierced and tattooed man before him.  “And that’s, uh, that’s why your mom sent me.”
“...did she really send you?” Steve asked, narrowing his eyes, and Billy crossed his arms on the table, hugging Steve’s LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 against his chest.  
“Yeah.  Yeah, she did,” he said defiantly, and Steve relaxed a little, because Billy sounded like a teenager, just a bigger kid, really.  “She said to put less peanut butter and jelly in your sandwiches,” he pointed to Steve’s overflowing PB&J-bread-burrito, looking smug, “—and just make another sandwich.”
Steve gasped, staring at him, and feeling absolutely betrayed.  “You tricked me!  Why’d you let me make it!”
“It’s okay, I won’t tell,” Billy said, and Steve’s heart was won.
 Billy won it further when he scooted his plate aside to admire the LEGO 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28, and Steve drug him back to his room to show him the kits he had.  “Come on,” he said, excited and rude, and Billy slowed way down, grimacing, and flickering back to his pretty bejeweled self, with horns.  
“How about you ask if I wanna do things,” he said stiffly, slowing almost to a stop, and smoking more around the eyes.  
“Oh, yeah,” Steve nodded.  “Sorry.  Can I show you my room?”
“Or maybe, ‘Hey, Billy, want to see my room,’” Billy suggested, taking a deep breath.  
“Okay,” Steve nodded.  “Want to see my room?”
“Sure,” Billy nodded, relaxing like it was some big relief.  
It occurred to Steve maybe it was.  “Sorry,” he said quickly.  “I’ll be polite, I won’t get you fired.”
“Um, yeah,” Billy laughed, shaking his head.  “Maybe don’t, uh, order me around.”
“Yeah,” Steve nodded, thinking hard about it, so he’d remember.  “I won’t say ‘Billy, pick me upOOF—” he wheezed, as Billy yanked him into the air with one arm around his waist.  “Sorry,” Steve wheezed, his feet kicking.  “I-I’ll say Billy would you, sorry—”
“Shit!  Damn it, I mean, uh, sorry,” Billy said, grimacing, and sat Steve back on his feet, straightening his clothes.  
“I’ll remember,” Steve told him, wide-eyed, and then, because Billy looked guilty, “It’s okay.”
 He tried hard to remember, and he usually did, because Billy got all tense and weird if Steve forgot, like he was trying to move underwater, and Steve had to yell “If you want!  If you want!” as Billy grimly bit into the crunchy, burned eggs Steve had made.  
“That was disgusting,” Billy told him, that time, and Steve couldn’t stop laughing, waving his hands.
“Okay, okay, can I—can I just tell you you can ignore me?  I won’t tell, you can just—just do things if you want to—”
“...you sure about that?” Billy asked, snorting softly, like Steve might be kidding, and Steve nodded frantically.  
“Yeah!  Yes!  Don’t, um, don’t eat any more eggshells, I’m sorry!”
“...okay,” Billy said, smiling down at him.  “When am I not supposed to listen?”
“Uh,” said Steve, blinking at him.  “I mean.  You should—you should always listen—”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Billy said, rolling his eyes.
“No, you should!” Steve told him, grabbing Billy’s hand and tugging it.  “What if something’s gonna hit you in the head?  You should listen,” he nodded, thinking about it.  “But once you listen, you should decide what you want to do.”
“What if I wanted to...eat you?” Billy asked him, reaching down to tickle Steve’s stomach, and Steve yelped, giggling.
“You won’t eat me,” Steve told him, leaning into Billy, to give him a hug.  “You’re nice.”
Billy sighed, and hugged him back, tightly.
 Billy was better at some things than other people, like clothes, Steve thought, because Billy was always pointing people’s outfits out, and explaining how they weren’t as good at picking them.  He wasn’t as good at other things, though.  Steve sat down one night to heated-up pasta sauce over Cheerios, and he didn’t want to say anything, but he was pretty sure that wasn’t right.  Billy gave Steve’s mom a glass of water that was completely frozen because she said she wanted it iced, and when Steve’s dad told Billy to make burgers, Billy didn’t buy buns, or tomatoes, or anything, and he threw the meat in the pan until it caught fire.  
Steve was pretty sure none of it was a joke, because Billy frowned between the glass and Steve’s mom, and grimaced over the burgers after Steve’s dad stomped away, and Steve caught him whispering into the phone to the neighbor, hiding half in the fridge like nobody was gonna notice it was open.  
“Billy,” he whispered, and Billy jumped, as Steve crouched down next to him.  The breeze from the inside of the fridge was nice, but it hardened all Steve’s suspicions, because no grown-up had ever left the fridge open, he was pretty sure.  
“Yeah,” Billy muttered back, guiltily.
“...how old’re you,” Steve asked, and Billy flinched.  
“Older than you,” he shot back, and that Steve was willing to give him, because Billy wasn’t human, and some things lived different amounts of time, like trees.  
“Are you a kid too?” Steve asked, and Billy glared at him.
“No,” he said defiantly, and Steve nodded slowly, raising his eyebrows, until Billy groaned, deflating, sitting against the edge of the fridge and letting his legs sprawl out across the floor.  “Look, I’m trying—”
“I won’t tell,” Steve said, reaching out and squeezing Billy’s hand.  “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“...teenager...maybe,” Billy admitted, grimacing.  
“Okay,” Steve said, nodding.  “Billy,” he said, trying to sound like a parent, or a teacher, and Billy’s shoulders hunched.  “You need to tell me you need help,” Steve said, putting his hands on his hips.  “I can help with things like human food.”
“You are human food,” Billy said, fondly, yanking Steve into a hug.
 Most of the people that did magic like Billy ate kids occasionally, Steve found out, as he was reading his Dictionary of the Magic Realms that night under the covers, by flashlight.  Maybe they were mean kids, Steve thought, or maybe Billy was just way nicer.  “Are you a fairy?” he asked the next morning, and Billy laughed.  
“Depends on what you mean,” he said, grinning over.  “Is that slang for—”
“Can you fly,” Steve interrupted, because that seemed the most important, and Billy cocked his head.  
“...actually, I probably could,” he said, considering.  “Not like you mean, though.  I don’t have secret butterfly wings, or anything.”
“Oh,” Steve said, because he'd been privately imagining Billy as they’d first met, with the jewelry and the horns and wings, and it seemed to fit.
“...do you want me to have wings?” Billy asked, sitting aside the dish he was drying, and bending down sideways to try and meet Steve’s eyes.  “I can change form—”
“No!” Steve told him, waving his hands.  “No, I know you like looking like...that.”
“...that,” Billy said, raising his eyebrows as he looked down at himself.  “You saying I need to do better?”
“You’re just—normal,” Steve said quickly.  “Instead of pretty.”
“Instead of,” Billy growled.
“I mean,” Steve yelped, waving his hands.  “Pretty with all the jewelry!  And the horns.”
“I was gonna say,” Billy said, reddening.  “If you’re saying I’m not pretty—”
“Of course you’re pretty,” Steve said, rolling his eyes and sighing, but grinning, too.  He patted Billy’s shoulder.
“Well,” Billy said, clearing his throat, and turning back to the dishes.  “All right, then.”
 A few days later, Billy was moving the kettle off the flame for hot chocolate, and a big gout of steam belched up over his arm, which shimmered into all over scales.  Steve yelped and grabbed him, yanking him over to the sink, and ran water over it, all the while panicking.
“Billy, are you a mermaid?!” he asked, spraying Billy’s arm, and trying not to cry.  “Are you a mermaid, are you okay, are hot things bad for mermaids—”
“I’m okay,” Billy told him, turning off the water, and hugging him close.  “I’m not a mermaid, Stevie, I’m not hurt.”
“O-okay,” Steve gasped, grabbing Billy’s arm to run his fingers over it.  “You—you’re okay,” he whispered, leaning into Billy’s hugs.  “...are you a...lizard?  Or a snake?”
“Nope, not exactly,” Billy said, snorting a laugh, and Steve groaned.
The rest of my Harringrove works
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myth-carver · 3 years
Brief thoughts on c3e1 and the new folks........
Overall: Eh, it was okay. CR has a winning formula with their style of actual play, they're almost always a joy to watch onscreen and that was no different last night, but I came away feeling more like I was watching a oneshot or another ep of ExU rather than the new Critical Role campaign proper. Not super into the new cast and very disappointed that literally half the table is reused people we've seen before -- I enjoyed ExU's cast but that was sold as a separate thing and seeing them here is jarring, especially absent the rest of the Crown Keepers. Between reused characters, all the new permanent changes to the format, not even being 100% certain who in this cast is going to stay or later go at this point... It just kinda feels weird :/ But I'm excited for the Marquet setting and it took me a really long time to warm up to the c2 cast too, and it's early days yet. So I'm willing to have my mind changed, and fortunately for me, I'm more a fan of the cast themselves than any particular characters they've played anyhow. Taking a wait and see approach overall.
Imogen: She seems sweet, I love her character design, I'm very partial to purple hair lmao. Other than that I don't find her that interesting so far but Laura is a good RPer so she'll probably be fun to watch. Maybe she'll be able to join Orym in stewarding the group's brain cell lol.
Laudna: Marisha's doing an accent??????? She sounds amazing and I love the performance. Laudna certainly has a lot of intriguing stuff going on, I enjoy a character with mysteries to dig into. She doesn't inspire me fannishly but I'll look forward to finding out what her deal is. I'm ngl I'm super disappointed that all three of our girls this time are really femme though.
Ashton: Kintsugi earth genasi is an absolutely inspired concept that I hope Taliesin patted himself on the back for a lot because he Earned It. That said, aggressive punk with anger/authority issues is a trope I find super super annoying and he's already rubbing me the wrong way constantly :/ I hate that I'm just not into the only human-adjacent nonbinary character on the main cast, it really sucks. It's also driving me crazy how much the colors of his costume intensely do not match his green and purple and gold body even slightly lmao, it's really unpleasant to look at.
FCG: This is now an FCG hate blog, lol not really but holy shit I hate this character so much, Mr. Riegel I'm literally already tired of your joke character after less than 1 episode idk how I'm going to endure a whole campaign of them. Liam why would you do this to us 😩 a lot of people seem to love them a lot so lmao I'm anticipating for me this is going to be a Caduceus situation where my resentment of the character increases due to never being able to get away from posts about him. I don't want any more robots on my fantasy show, if I wanted robots I'd go watch an actual play of a sci-fi tabletop game instead...
Orym: Best boy from ExU returns, which is cool since I super wanted to know more about him in ExU, but wow does it suck they decided to actively make ExU a worse show by not going into half the cast's backgrounds and leaving it literally an incomplete story to accommodate bringing these cast members into c3. If that was the whole purpose of ExU why not just announce that instead of being coy like this??? The way ExU ended left a really bad taste in my mouth and honestly dampened my interest in seeing more of these characters. That said though, my love for Orym at least somewhat remains and Liam is usually the cast member whose character taste matches my own the most, I look forward to seeing where he takes Orym in the future. Also, if our speculation about his OOC origins during ExU turn out correct, cool to have the first gay male character on the main cast.
Dorian: Other best boy from ExU and a surprise appearance by Robbie! All three of the ExU folks I thought meshed with the CR style amazingly and it's fun to get to see him again. Very curious what dirt FCG apparently seems to have on him. And I wonder when we finally get to learn his real name... 👀
Fearne: I overall don't like Ashley's RP, which I know is ironic because I love Yasha so much lmao. But I feel like Fearne is, of everyone Ashley's played on stream, the character that seems to most match with her personal style and comes most naturally to her, it's fun to see her RP with such confidence. She's really good at invoking the fey vibe, both the sweetness and comedy and the undertone of menace. That said, Fearne's general behavior hammers my secondhand embarrassment squick absolutely like crazy lmao and it's going to be rough to have to watch that for an extended period, I find her frequently almost painful to watch tbh. I'm excited that a fey in the main cast means we'll be seeing Feywild stuff though!!! Maybe even my eladrin warlock's old patron Lady Elmenore 👀
Bertrand: Sorry man I didn't care about you in the oneshots and I still don't lmao, too obnoxious for me. It heavily seems like he's here as a guest though -- I just hope this doesn't herald something weird like Travis finishing his appearance and then bowing out of the cast, please bring a second character when you're done being an NPC Travis don't go away :(
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dreamylyfe-x · 3 years
I think you're right that Ian isn't intending to give Mickey an ultimatum (although their plotline in that episode description on amazon prime is literally "Ian gives mickey an ultimatum", lmao) but I do think it has the same effect, at least how mickey is interpreting it. I do think Ian is clearly manic in that episode, the way he slams his hand on the table when he says "because!", for instance, feels very in line with how Cam had been portraying him for the rest of the season. And because of that, and the eagerness with which he beats up Terry, I think we could interpret Ian as asking mickey to come out at the bar that night, consequences be damned. Or it could just be him laying down a boundary. What he wants from mickey in that exact moment is completely open for interpretation. Season 4 is so brilliant because in contrast to season 3b, where all of their relationship was told exclusively from Ian's perspective, in season 4 Ian's story is told from mickey's perspective, as he and the audience puzzle over why his behavior is so dramatically different. We can't really know what he's thinking.
So what did Ian expect from Mickey exactly in that moment? It's a question I think about a lot in terms of the wedding too. Ian is so optimistic it hurts after they have sex in that episode - I really can't even imagine what Mickey refusing to get married and/or coming out at the wedding would have looked like. Couldn't put my finger on why I get this instinct, but I think chances are much greater that they would have died. (Ian isn't great at picking moments to dramatically confront Mickey, but Mickey never really gives him much choice, eh?) Both characters had to experience season 3 to get to 4x11. Ian's fear all throughout season 3 has given way to rage, rage that fuels him to run towards terry beating mickey in 4x11 where he ran away from it in 3x06. And Mickey being unable to get Ian to stay, having to confront his feelings for him through the pain of losing him, made him completely unwilling to go through that again. Regardless of what Ian expected from Mickey in that scene, it's clear how mickey is choosing to interpret it. Ian's just going back home, but to mickey he might as well be leaving for the army the next day.
So I think only the prospect of losing Ian again enables Mickey to come out the way that he does, in this extremely dangerous situation. I guess my question to you is - would he have come out at all if Ian hadn't established that boundary? Did he need to be forced to choose, or would Ian have eventually been able to keep gradually coaxing him? I think Mickey seeming to accept that Ian's family is pretty much on to them is encouraging, but you're right, what the hell was he planning on doing about Terry? I'd love to read an alternative coming out scene fic some day, but that scene is too good and the alternatives probably too depressing for anyone to want to write it.
Hey! These are all great points. You’re right, the “because” is really jarring... I do think Ian might always be pretty eager to beat up Terry. 
The same effect element... Yeah, and that’s why I understand the use of the word “ultimatum” -- but at the same time, when you have this kind of crisis in a relationship where something is a dealbreaker for one party it just functions that way. I am a little addicted to Reddit relationship advice subs and that fight rages in the comments all the time. “She’s giving him an ultimatum” “She’s telling him what her expectations and boundaries are!” -- and all of that has me a little intense about the term. Conventionally, ultimatums are bad and boundaries are good. But a boundary definitely suggests there is an expectation that, if not met, means the end of the relationship. I do think intent matters a lot and one thing that I feel is not talked about much is how unwilling Mickey is to actually engage the conversation. So I get why it escalates. it’s hard to talk critically about Mickey’s side without it being interpreted as an attack on him -- but I do think Ian’s reactions are fed by the fact that Mickey isn’t willing to engage any conversation about what’s happening. He just wants to go “do this thing” and then pick up where he and Ian left off. 
Which is *exactly* what he was saying when he got married. And Ian didn’t say “don’t get married or I’ll join the army” but he did beg Mickey not to do it and when he did... Ian left and joined the army. 
That key question -- does Mickey come out without this pressure -- is a good one and I’d love to hear what other people think. But for me? That answer is “probably not. Or not for a good long while.” -- The ask that sparked this whole thing (I think) was me considering what happens if Mickey doesn’t come out, and my answer was “if Ian is around, he comes out.”
And if Ian isn’t... Then I think he doesn’t. There’s no carrot. This is why I said a few times that Ian loving Mickey is key to the whole equation. not in a “saviour” way, but as a part of Mickey’s journey. If being gay -- For Mickey, whose father has literally pistol whipped him and forced him into being a husband and father over the issue -- is JUST about who he’s attracted to, I don’t see why he WOULD come out. It’s like when people advise kids whose parents will disown them over their sexuality to wait until after college to come out. For Mickey, he should come out when he gets out of the dangerous situation. And when the heck does that happen without Ian? 
Being with Ian is the reason to come out. Ian can't stand a half-measure with Mickey (and I do think that’s very sincere. I don’t think Ian can stand to watch Mickey be someone else’s husband) and Mickey doesn't want to lose all the things that his relationship with Ian gives him. Sex he can get -- but he wants the friendship, the affection, the connection and the love he gets from Ian. Enough to literally risk his life. 
I had a conversation with @whaticameherefor a few days ago about how The Alibi is kinda the safest place for Mickey to come out. Because he has witnesses and Kev is there to call the cops. There really is no safe place for him while Terry isn’t in prison. Which again, doesn’t mean this isn’t all the things about it that are problematic, but Mickey survives this because the cops show up and haul Terry off again. 
Anyway! I actually have two fanfic plans that involve this question so I can’t say much more without getting spoilery. But I am so interested in this question and love hearing from people about it. Loved everything you had to say. In the end, Mickey’s coming out scene is EPIC. Raise your hand if you can recite the entire “Guess What We’ve Been Doing Daddy?” scene by heart. 
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amintyworld · 4 years
Dark Prince - Switcheroo AU Oneshot
A/N: Hello hello this is your author Minty here! Just wanted to give a quick thanks to @aimasup for letting me use her Switcheroo AU on the Creativtwins for this cheeky lil oneshot. The AU is about if the split occurs, but Roman and Remus were assigned opposite traits to represent - Roman being a dark side and Remus being a light side. This was really fun to write and took a lotta work, so I hope ya’ll enjoy! - Minty
Summary: Roman never wanted to be the villain. 
TW: Abandonment, Child abuse (Kinda, tagging just in case), sexual innuendos, Injury, exclusion, slight insanity, slight repressed homosexuality, cursing, putting life in someone else’s hands (As always, let me know if I need to tag anything else!) 
Roman’s first memory was of pain, of needles all over his body, and then… a kick. He remembered making a small whimper as he curled into himself, weak and tired, the kick hurting more than it should’ve.
“Get away, you disgusting pervert! Get away from Creativity!” Someone yelled sharply, and Roman slowly opened his eyes, wondering what he could’ve done and where he even was. He was in a room, a room filled with stuffed animals and children’s drawings and… a man. He was wearing a cardigan with a grey sweatshirt wrapped around his shoulders, kneeling to help up someone else… someone who looked like him. “Creativity, are you alright? Oh, you poor thing, don’t worry, we finally got rid of it…”
Creativity? Wasn’t… wasn’t he…?
The kid shook a bit, weak like him, looking to the man in wonder and curiosity. “Creativity.” He said, repeating the word as if to understand it. “I’m… I’m Creativity.” Creativity tried to stand, nearly falling before the man caught him. 
“Careful.” The man warned. “You might be a bit weak, that was a little intense. Here, let me help.” The man slowly picked up Creativity in his arms, then his gaze fell upon Roman, turning into one of disgust, making Roman’s heart begin to break. What… what did he do?
Creativity followed the man’s gaze. “Hey, who’s that?”
“Someone bad we don’t need anymore. Come on, Creativity.” They left, and Roman tried to move to get up, to follow them and maybe try to understand, he didn’t understand...
The next thing he remembered was gloved arms wrapped around him, lifting him up, and he looked up to see a man with half his face covered in green-tinted scales and a yellow snake eye that made his body tense. The man looked down at him warmly, sensing his fear. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.” Roman looked at the man, and his eyebrows furrowed. 
Roman liked Janus a lot, he was one of the few people who’ve ever really shown him kindness, plus he smelled like vanilla. Despite his off-putting scales when they first met, Roman had really warmed up to the other side. Janus was funny and a really good cook - leading to Roman’s obsession with Peanut Butter, even to the point the poor parental side had to hide it constantly or else all three jars would be gone by the end of the day. 
As their bond grew, so did Roman - he learned all about the others, ‘the light sides’ as Janus called them, and even the foretold Thomas. “Do you think I could meet him one day? Meet Thomas?”
“Uh…” Janus looked uncomfortable by the question, struggling to find the words to speak. 
“I’m sure if I explain everything to him, maybe he can clear things up with Patton, maybe we could all get along and be happy again!” Roman smiled, jumping a bit on the ripped up couch. 
“Roman…” Janus said, taking a breath. “It’s not that simple… Thomas… he…he doesn’t like us.”
“Why? You’re really nice, and… and-”
“He doesn’t like us because he doesn’t like what we represent.” Janus said, comfortingly rubbing circles on the back of the child’s hand. “Until he likes us, it’s no use trying to talk to him. That’s why I… well, why I’ve kept us hidden from him, why he doesn’t know about you… if he did, he could summon you and mock you and hurt you-”
“Will he ever like us again, Dee?” Roman looked up to Janus with sad eyes, the same sad eyes the deceitful side saw the day of the split. The eyes that made him help the kid so long ago, to endure the risk of insult and injury, to protect him. Janus met those eyes, and for once he didn’t have the heart to say the harsh truth. 
“Maybe, Ro.” Janus gave the kid a comforting smile. “Maybe someday.”
That’s how it was for a while - Janus and Roman against a world who hated them. Their own little family of acceptance and love. Janus would play with Roman, sing songs and teach him the right way to hiss. Roman would comfort Janus when he’d return after being summoned by the Light Sides, and bring him into the Imagination for adventures, and work on training with his new abilities as they presented themselves to him. 
It was one of those days in the Darkscape, Roman now fourteen, when the two were watching a movie that the most unusual thing happened. With a slow rise up in the living room stood Logan - tie messed up, bags under his eyes, holding a tiny seven year old in his arms. The child in question was wearing a large black hoodie, hood up and head buried into Logan’s chest, crying. 
The two on the couch stood up quickly. Looking over toward Logan, who was looking around the place blankly. Roman was about to give him a piece of his mind for entering unannounced, bothering them, but Dee held up his arm to block him. “Don’t. It’s not worth it.” He said harshly under his breath. He looked over toward the intruder. “What brings you to our neck of the woods, Logic? I thought your kind made it crystal clear we weren’t welcome.”
“I am… sorry to enter unannounced, Deceit. I do believe this is one of yours.” Logan said, adjusting his glasses with one hand and walking over, the other arm supporting the child. Moving his arm, the child looked over to the two others, his lip trembling and tears in his eyes. Janus’s heart broke at the sight as he moved closer. “What’s his-?”
“Anxiety. His name is Anxiety.” Logan said. He slowly began to hand the child over as he calmed to sniffles, only for the action to make the child in question burst out crying once more. Janus slowly moved and held Anxiety as he made grabby hands to Logan. 
“Pwease, I’ll be good! I’ll be good, don’t leave me!” Anxiety cried, and Janus held him close, shushing him and trying to soothe his tears, looking up to stare daggers at Logan. 
“Is that all? Or is there another helpless child that ‘moral compass’ of yours wants to abandon?” Janus spat.
“Deceit, you know as well as I do that this is the best thing in the end for Thomas.” Logan said, rubbing his forehead. “It’s dangerous for Thomas for all of you to be out, he’s not ready-”
“A seven-year-old child is dangerous for Thomas?!” Janus said, looking angrier and angrier by the second. “For Logic, you don’t seem to be making any sense.”
Janus jabbed his finger at Logan’s chest. “Now get out of my face and my home before things get so messy even your faulty ‘logic’ can’t fix them.” Janus’s voice was full of pure rage, and Logan’s blank face broke into more of… pity.
“I am sorry, Janus.” Logan simply said before sinking out, leaving the three of them alone. 
Janus’s anger dissapated quickly as he rubbed Anxiety’s back, heading to sit back on the couch. “Shh, shh, it’s okay…” Roman just stared at Janus in shock of the altercation between the two, he’d never ever seen Janus talk like that to anyone before. Janus looked up at him. “What?”
“Please… p-please don’t h-hurt me-!” Anxiety shook, looking up at Janus, then to Roman. Janus gave them a sad look, realizing what Patton probably told this poor kid-
Roman slowly reached out to him, smiling. Virgil’s reddened eyes met his as he looked up, moving toward Roman as Roman cupped his cheek softly. “I promise, no one’s gonna hurt you, okay?”
For a moment, silence fills the room as the child hesitates before his shaking small voice answered Roman. “P-promise?” Anxiety said, holding up his pinkie. Roman pinkie promised him, smiling warmly. 
“I promise.”
Roman yawned as he slowly made his way down to the kitchen, smiling as Virgil walked past him, eyes glued to his phone. “You know, you’d think with those dark circles under your eyes, you’d be the one yawning.”
Virgil gives a slight smirk at the playful remark. “Fuck off, playboy.”
“Well… I mean you’re not wrong there-” Roman shrugs, mischievously grinning. “I do like playing with a boy or two!” Roman finished with a wink at his brother.
Virgil nearly snorted at the retort, hiding his smile underneath his phone. “God, you’re disgusting-!”
“Right back at you, My Chemical Ro-Mess.”
The two sat down at the dusty dining room table as Janus walked out wearing a scaled apron with the words ‘Snake me’ written in flowy black cursive, carrying two plates of eggs and toast. He set them down in front of the two sides, turning to head back into the kitchen, ruffling Virgil’s hair as he went. “Cream and sugar for both of you, right?”
“Yep.” Virgil said, popping the ‘p’ slightly at the end. 
“Yeppers, Jan-Jan!” Roman answered before taking out his own phone to scroll through some… “tasteful'' photos. He liked thinking of their strong hands running down his chest or through his hair…
Janus came back out with the coffee as he sat down to eat, dealing out the drinks. The little family ate in a comfortable silence as they always did every morning, Janus only breaking it for a second to check their plans for the day as he spread a bit of Crofters on a piece of toast. Virgil answered first, putting down his phone for a minute. “Besides work and stuff, I was thinking about maybe putting up some new posters in my room, I’ve been getting into Evenasence.”
“Do you need any help, shadowling? I know the ladder’s not completely stable…” Janus asked.
“Shortie-” Remus smirked as Virgil just rolled his eyes at his older brother. 
“Nah, I’ll be fine, I usually give it extra support even when it wasn’t so loose.”
“If you’re sure… Roman?”
“Just gonna hang in the Imagination.”
“You hang out there a lot lately…” Janus remarked smoothly between bites. “Something you’re not telling me?”
“No, no! Dee, I’d never-” Roman sputtered, but Janus just raised his eyebrow.
“Roman, I’m the Lord of Lies. You can’t seriously think I won’t be able to spot one from a mile away?”
“It’s nothing serious, really. Just… uh… I made a friend?” Roman admitted with a sheepish grin.
“Friend…?” Janus asked.
“Uh… yeah! Katy, one of the townspeople in the kingdom, we hang out all the time-” Roman said, beginning to get up quickly. “Anyway, she’s probably waiting for me, I should go.” Roman chugged the rest of his coffee and quickly walked off. “See you guys at six!”
Janus’s eyes narrowed. That boy is hiding something, something big. Virgil just looked at the hallway entrance, where he disappeared to. “That was… weird.”
“You said it.”
“Think he’s gonna do something stupid?” Virgil asked, concerned. 
“I dunno.” Janus answered. “Just… check on him when you get the chance for me, okay? I know he likes handling things by himself, but the Imagination’s not completely his domain. If the light sides find him… I’m afraid things could turn ugly.”
“You got it, Chief.” Virgil said, worries already building up in his mind about what his brother could possibly be doing.
Roman sighed. That was a close one. 
It’s not like he didn’t want to tell them, it’s just… he didn’t think they’d really understand. Roman let out a small sigh before grabbing his bag and sword, and heading through the door to the Imagination. He began the walk as he did every day along the path, smiling at the winged rabbits and the frogs who croaked glitter - some of his best ideas, he’d say. 
As the animals became quieter and quieter, he couldn’t help but feel guilt at the edges of his stomach for making Janus worry. He knew that lying as necessary, to make sure they’d never get found out, but if it doesn’t make his stomach churn sometimes. Maybe, when he got back, if he could convince him, he’d finally be able to tell Janius. Maybe it was silly to hide it from him, maybe he’d really, truly understand.
“Hey, Roman! Up here!” His twin looked down at him from the treehouse, smiling and waving in his green and white uniform. He waved, returning the smile as he sat on the ladder, pulling the rope as he ascended, entering their little hideout. As soon as he put the basket down, he was bulldozed to the ground with a giant hug, making him laugh. 
“Remus, come on! It hasn’t been that long-”
“Two weeks is like… forever in brother years.” Remus responded, tightening the hug for a moment as Roman returned it. 
“Yeah, I’ve missed you too, Rem.”
The two sat down on the picnic blanket, relaxing as the cool wind blew through their small shelter, snacking on Crofters and bread, as well as a few sodas and candies Remus smuggled from the Mindscape kitchen. Roman played a bit with the crisp autumn leaves that blew inside, practicing lifting them up and folding them into shapes.
“Ro, do you ever wonder what it was like… before?” Remus asked, drawing Roman’s attention away from the star he was folding. 
“Before? Before what?”
“Before. When we were together.” Remus said, chewing on the jam-stained bread thoughtfully. 
“Oh.” Roman said. “I’ve never really thought about it, I guess.”
“We had the whole Imagination just to us, no hiding or running away. No one telling us who we were.” Remus said. “I just think about it sometimes. Daydream, really - what they had looked like, what they did, how everyone used to be. I’d ask more about it, but Patton…” Remus' face fell. 
“Hey, we don’t need him.” Roman said, placing a comforting hand on Remus’s shoulder. “We’ll figure it out together.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks, Ro Bro.”
“Oh, I meant to ask,” Roman said. “I just barely got away to get here, Janus was onto me. I was… thinking, since he’s been so open and honest about everything to me-”
“No.” Remus said sternly. “Roman, we can’t. No one can know about this.” His face was a mixture of anger and fear. “Do you know what they’d do?! Roman, they don’t want us to be together, they don’t want us to get along or be happy!”
“But… but Janus isn’t- he’s not one of them!” Roman insisted, getting angry. “If I recall, your little Patton threw us out! Janus… Janus hasn’t done anything except be there for me and Virgil, he wants to protect us!”
“Roman, no.” Remus said. “That’s what he told you.” Roman’s fists clenched in anger, looking toward the ground. Janus wouldn’t lie to him, he wouldn’t-! “Don’t you ever think it’s weird how Dark and Light sides were already made up? How Janus and Patton were both ready to just... take us away?” Janus wouldn’t… he wouldn’t, he promised! “This whole thing was a setup to change who we once were, don’t you see? Patton, Janus, and Logan… they all made us split!”
“That’s not true!” Roman yelled. “Janus told me he’d never lie, he told me it was the truth!”
Remus’s face turned dark. “Roman, he’s the Lord of Lies, don’t you get it?! He was a liar from the very beginning-!”
Then, suddenly, Remus was on the ground, holding his jaw and looking up at his twin with shock. Roman looked down, his hand pumping with adrenaline from the punch. It was only a moment, but Roman could see the pain on his brother’s face, and his anger quickly disappeared. “Remus, I’m-”
“Remus…?” Roman’s heart dropped at the voice. Patton. Suddenly, a whip wrapped around Roman’s arms as he was pulled to the floor, volt shocking through his body, making his breaths slow and body cower. “Remus, are you okay?!” He could only hear footsteps behind him as he struggled to sit up, getting zapped every time he shifted. So his intended ‘he’s fine’ could barely be heard.
“I’m fine, Dad.” Remus said, looking down at Roman, worried. 
“Oh Remus I was so scared this morning when I woke up and you weren’t there and things had been stolen, I just knew you were kidnapped by Janus, but… it seems his little protege had other plans.” Patton rambled, looking over Remus for any bruises or injuries like a worried mother. “It’s okay now, you’re finally safe.”
“Dad, please let him go, I wasn’t kidnapped.” Remus said, pulling away from the cardigan wearing side. “He’s done nothing wrong, you’re hurting him!” Remus rushed past Patton to Roman, seeing drops of blood slowly coat his skin as his breathing began to slowly decline. He grabbed his pocket knife and cut the whip, releasing him as he simply slumped to the ground. “Roman, oh my god-!”
Patton simply watched with odd curiosity. Remus helped him sit up a bit, having his weak body lean on him. Roman let out a small coughing fit. “Remus, n-no…” They’d held the secret for so long, they coudln’t give in now!
Remus turned to Patton. “Dad come on, we have to help him!”
Patton slowly walked over, cupping Remus’s cheek. “Oh Remus, what did he do to you?”
“I knew they were bad, but I never throught they’d stoop so low.” Patton said. “Brainwashing a child…” Patton held Remus’s hands as they stood up, Roman on the floor. “Remus, they’re not good - Deception, Lust, Anxiety - they twist and manipulate your mind, that’s why I sent them away, to protect us.” Patton softly tucked Remus’s hair behind his ear. “I failed. I’m... sorry.”
Remus just looked toward the floor, taking a quick glance at his brother, his mind full of thoughts. “Dad, I…”
“I… I don’t know what they told you, and I don’t know if you’d believe me, but I promise you they’re nothing but a family of lying rats.”
“But… but Roman-”
“He doesn’t care about you, and it’s hard to say if he ever has.” Patton said. “Remus, there’s a reason the split occurred. You were being insane, lying and cheating, it wasn’t you. I had to save the real you from him.”
“Save me-?!”
Remus looked over at Roman and the two just looked at each other for a brief moment. “R-remus, I swear... I’d never-”
“Roman, what’s going on here?!” Virgil barked, his weapon Roman had created for him in his hands - a shimmering back bow and silver feathered arrows. Roman struggled to get up against the wall as Virgil entered, notching his arrow quickly and aiming at Patton. “What did you do-?!” He growled. “Where is he?!”
Patton slowly raised his arms. “Don’t shoot, though I’d think your kind wouldn’t hesitate to let a few fly against me, hm?”
“If you so much as hurt a hair on his head, I swear-”
“You’ll what? Kill me?” Patton slowly approached, the arrow pushed slightly against his forehead. “I wouldn’t be surprised, Anxiety. Or should I say Paranoia?”
“Stop avoiding the question and-!”
“V-virgil…” Roman managed weakly, falling to the floor as he took a step, making Virgil turn and rush toward him, taking off his dark sweatshirt and trying to help the bleeding from the electritcity, trying to find some way to help him. 
“S-shit-!” Virgil cursed under his breath. “Roman, hold on-”
Patton just looked over at them with anger. “They’ll never change, Remus. It’s in their blood - torturing the innocent with their thoughts and lies and fear. Twsiting reality for their own benefit. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, a part of me thought if I didn’t... I’d protect you.” Patton sighed, turning to Remus with a sad smile. “Let's just go home.” Patton walked past the two dark sides on the floor, and yet Remus stayed frozen. “Come on, Remus. Let’s go.”
Remus slowly approached Virgil and Roman as they slowly got up, Roman leaning on Virgil slightly for support, both just looking at Remus. “Remus, I-”
“Save it.” He growled. “So, this is really it, huh? I was dreaming of such a happy past to be found, for both of us.”
“But it seems I was nothing but an idiot to believe you, to believe that you were innocent.” His stared turned cold. “All this time, everything we’ve done, everything we’ve been through-”
“Remus, you can’t honestly believe-?!”
“You’re the reason we split, aren’t you?!” Remus snapped. “You’re the reason there’s light and dark sides-” Remus’s voice slowly began to rise with his growing anger, tears going down his face. “You’re the one who brainwashed me into thinking you actually cared!”
“Remus, please…” Roman begged, tears forming in his own eyes as he could feel his heart break into a million pieces at his brother’s words. It can’t be true, it just can’t, he couldn’t have-! Roman grabbed Remus’s wrist as he turned away, prompting Remus to push him to the ground. 
“Get away from me, Lust.” Remus practically spat, disgusted.
With that, they left, leaving Roman alone on the floor, crying. Remus actually left him. He believed Patton over him, he hated him, he abandoned him, he didn’t even... love him anymore. Virgil sat next to him, pulling him close and comforting his big brother as he cried, remembering his own day of abandonment and letting a few tears shed down his cheeks. “You don’t need him anymore, Roman. We don’t need any of those assholes, okay? They’re all the same - stuck up pricks.” Virgil spat with venom. “Fuck him.”
Soon enough, Thomas had grown into an adult, and Janus’s concealment of them was getting weaker by the day. Roman and Virgil were scared - they just wanted to do their jobs in peace, and not have to face the constant fear and harassment that loomed over them all their lives. Janus tried to comfort them, but even he was nervous.
One day, they couldn’t find Virgil. Janus and Roman tore through the entire Darkscape and Imagination looking for him, scared of what they might have done to him. Janus had ended his frantic search on the floor, bawling and shaking like a leaf as Roman tried his best to comfort him. “Don’t worry, Jan. Virgil will come back, okay? Virgil’s gonna be alright.”
Janus could do nothing but weep, sniffling. His mouth opened to say something and yet nothing ever came out. His heart felt hollow, and his mind was filled with worry for his family, his son.
Virgil eventually came back later that night, a little stand-offish at first than normal. When he saw Roman and Janus, however, he rushed to their side and apologized, hugging all of them tightly. Finally, Janus found the words as he hugged Virgil tightly, afraid if he let him go he’d lose him again. “Don’t ever leave me again, okay?!”
“O-okay…” Virgil said as he hugged him back, his eyes full of a few tears themselves. “I… I promise.”
They decided that they needed to be on guard, Thomas could summon any one of them now. Their new plan was to try to stand up against the light sides and Thomas, and to stand by each other through thick and thin. So it was - Virgil would get summoned when Thomas needed him and return, telling them all what occurred. 
It was around dinnertime on a crisp autumn night when Virgil didn’t return. Worried, they waited as long as they could, the night getting later and later, eventually eating without him, thinking maybe Thomas had a rough night. Virgil showed up not too long after Janus began doing the dishes, looking pensive. “Virgil, thank god you’re okay, we were worried-” Roman said, walking up to give him a hug. Virgil held up his hands to stop him. 
“No Roman, I… I need to think.” Virgil said, something in his voice Roman couldn’t place. 
“But… but you missed dinner, and-” Roman said, but his protests were in vain as Virgil awkwardly held his arm. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m… I’m not that hungry. I don’t mean to worry you both, sorry I’m late.”
“It’s fine, Vee.” Janus smiled. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Virgil smiled back. “If...If you need me, I’ll be upstairs, okay?”
“O-okay.” Roman said, a small comforting smile on his face hiding his confusion. 
Roman was alone. 
He knew he was right about them, about the light sides, and yet… yet more and more his family believed them, and… and they left. Virgil changed and moved in with them in a heartbeat after they’d saved him - he wouldn’t even need to be saved if it wasn’t for them in the first place - Vee said they changed. They were more open, accepting, that they loved him. 
All Roman could see was fake lies. 
When he called it out, Virgil left with an angry rip of his old sweatshirt, leaving Roman wondering what he did, what they did to him. Janus followed suit soon after, claiming that Virgil was really right. Did everyone forget what they did?! Did everyone forgive them so damn quickly for YEARS of torment, of abandoment?! It wasn’t.. It wasn’t fair! 
Roman was alone. He was sad, upset, angry...crazy? But finally, after all this time, sane. 
He finally knew what they wanted - a villain. Someone to point at and laugh at and crtisize and hurt. Roman couldn’t help but laugh, oh how it all made so much sense! They wanted someone to blame for everything, and still they’re blaming him. Roman’s tears dried as his chuckle echoed throughout the Darkscape. 
Well, if they wanted a villain, they’d get one. 
Roman snatched up Janus and threw him in the cell, his back making a satisfying crack as it hit the iron bars at the other end, leaving the scaled side to fall into a heap on the floor, letting out a soft groan. Virgil rushed over to help him, shaking like a leaf. “Janus-”
Janus coughed as he sat up again, struggling to get the air that was knocked out of his lungs back. “Roman, let us go! This isn’t funny anymore, let us out right now!”
“The pathetic thing is that you still think it’s a joke, Deceit.” Roman laughed, walking over toward the mirror to put on his crown. His hair was tidy and a crisp black prince outfit stood in place of his normal clothes as he fiddled with the collar, admiring his reflection. “I’m afraid your presence here is, well, essential to my plan.”
“P-plan…?” Janus questioned. “Roman whatever you’re going through we can figure it out together, okay? We’re a family-”
“Don’t you DARE utter that word again, you lying snake-!” Roman snapped, looking toward him with a cold sharp stare. “You choose those...those bastards over your own family, you left me for them.” His fists clenched as he hit the bars hard, making Janus jump and Virgil to cling to his side closer. “You don’t GET to be my family anymore.”
“Roman…” Roman could hear the emotion forming in Janus’s voice as he turned away to look out the window for a second before grabbing his sword to sharpen. “Roman, why…?”
“Why?!” Roman pointed his sword at Janus accusingly. “You both abandoned me and left me alone for people who hurt us, who kicked us toi the curb when things got tough.” He steadied himself, slowly calming his demeanor. “But, I guess i really should thank you both. Without you two, I’d have never realized my true role in all of this.”
“Oh, haven’t you heard, Jan?” Roman smiled slyly. “It seems as if I’m cast as the villain right now, what a shame. Would’ve really rathered playing the hero, but I guess you take what you can get these days, hm?”
“Roman.” Someone growled. Roman heard a voice from behind him, and just from the tone he already knew who it was. He wasn’t scared. He was playing his part beautifully, as he was always meant to be. He turned just as Remus struck with his morning star, weapons clashing. Remus looked extremely angry, and Roman couldn’t help but smile. 
“Wondered when you’d show up.”
“Let them go, Roman.” Remus growled, looking ready to pounce. Roman just let out a soft chuckle, turning into a giggle, soon his crazed laughter filled the room, making Remus hesitate in shock and confusion. “R-ro…?”
“Oh, what a hero! Man, we should have been playing this way from the start, this is so much better!” Roman laughed. “Would’ve done without ripping out my heart and feeding it to me, though. Notes for next time, ey?”
“Yeah, maybe not draw it out too much. Really make my life hell near the beginning and save us all some trouble, yeah?” Roman smiled, clashing swords with his brother. 
“This isn’t some game, Roman!” Remus shouted. “Release them right now, or…”
“Or you’ll what? Finish me off? Would be a bit of a gruesome scene for the kiddies, no?” Roman asked casually. “A bit dark for the hero, isn’t it?”
“H-hero…? But.. but I-”
“Well, please Remus, there’s no need to insist here, if you really like that ending, who am I to stop the famous hero’s wishes?” Roman calmly smiled as he dropped to his knees, dropping his weapon and kneeling his head. “Uh, maybe make it a bit quick, if you will? It’s my first time with a beheading before.”
“Roman...I…” Remus looked down to his twin, head bowed, and then to his morning star. “Roman, stop it! This isn’t right-!”
“Right? Hm, where have I heard that one before?!” Roman yelled, snapping to his feet to grab Remus’s neck and slam it into a nearby wall. “Guess you were smarter than you knew back then, huh? The bad of what we used to be…” Roman gestured to himself with a snicker. “It’s all right here, baby.” With a bit of creative magic he’d chained Remus by the neck, laughing as he snatched Remus’s glistening silver and green crown as he slowly lowered it over his head, turning pitch black. “Finally, after all these years, I get to take something from you, brother.”
As he marched toward the balcony, his shadow crossing over the iron cage as the two former dark sides huddled together in comfort and protection. He walked out as the sun slowly began to rise over Remus’s… no, HIS kingdom. He smiled as he watched his subjects come out of their houses, as he sat on the railing, legs crossed.
“People of Creativia, there’s been a slight change in management as of late-” He began. “As of now, I, Roman, am your new ruler and crowned Prince, and I hereby demote the status of your former ruler Remus to outlaw.” He heard murmurs from below. “Now, with that out of the way, let a new era of fear and evil plague this once happy town.”
“Welcome, everyone, and meet your Dark Prince.”
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anxiouslynumbme · 3 years
Carmuel: Short Story Review
Well, that was an experience. A beautiful, heartbreaking experience. It was amazing on all levels. That was all I wanted. I knew they weren't gonna end up together, that was never the problem. The issue was with how they ended it, and now their ending actually feels true to their story and what they've been through together. We didn't have any illusions, we just wanted a proper storyline for them. We finally got it. Kinda. So I just gotta say, thank you to the writers and creators for realizing your mistake and actually fixing it. Definitely not a common thing that happens with showrunners, so credit where credit is due. I still can't believe it, actually. Few things I want to discuss: Listen, don't get me wrong, the airport scenes were utterly cute and funny. But a bit too much for me, and not just because it's a cliché or whatever. No, it's the tone shift. The few scenes Carmuel had together in s3 were intense and angsty, and Samuel is dramatic and brooding when it comes to these things, I can definitely see Samuel trying hard and begging Carla to stay, (I was surprised he didn't chase her more during season 3), but not with this sunny disposition. So Samuel's upbeat, happy behavior was confusing at first. But while Samuel seemed a little over-the-top, Carla balanced it out by staying in character and made the whole thing work. And I did love a lot of the dialogue. "Love of my life.", "Give me one reason.", "Now give me one to convince me." And I loved that they touched on the fact that Carla doesn't owe him anything because he made a "grand romantic gesture". You can't put someone on the spot publicly, pressure them, and then make them the bad guy if they say no or refuse in any way. So that was awesome. It's just very important in general, regardless of Carmuel. Anyway, their chemistry is so fucking stunning that they actually pulled the airport trope off. It's Carla and Samuel, they make everything and anything so beautiful somehow!
I didn't enjoy the score with the sex scene. It wasn't bad or anything, it was just. . .weird. I guess they were going for hot, intense, and sad. But unfortunately, the music only came off as sad and lacked the hotness aspect of it, so it was a bit jarring. But I'll let it slide. Because. Hot. Damn. That. Scene.
I hated the fact that they didn't talk about the shit that happened to Carla in season 3. Though I did expect they wouldn't, so I wasn't surprised, just predictably disappointed.
But when it comes down to it, honestly, every single second was my favorite part. Just because of the mere fact that they were on screen together, the whole thing was fantastic! It was beautifully shot, and the acting. . .wow. The acting was remarkable. Especially Ester, my God, that last scene! I felt her emotions through her voice, her facial expressions, body language. All of it. Just a wonderful job! I know I sound like a broken record, but their chemistry is truly insane. Their moments were so intimate, I genuinely felt like I was intruding. I also really wanted them to play that drinking game for at least 40 more minutes, just keep asking each other questions until I've had my fun. That short story was the most normal thing they've been through. Two very young people, crazy in love, grasping at straws and trying hard to avoid thinking about adulthood and how much it's gonna change things. The whole rich/poor thing was just the surface that covered deeper issues. They latched on to how different they are, or how they don't fit, and all that. But the main thing was, they knew it wouldn't last, so they made their problems bigger than they probably were to avoid getting hurt. They were no different than normal teenagers who have to say goodbye because life is knocking on their doors. And, you know, reality sucks. And another sad part is, they never really had a chance to have a real, long relationship to see what it would be like to actually stay and work through arguments. They were wrapped up in each other for a week, and at the first sign of trouble, they both snapped. And once again, that was actually raw and grounded. They were just scared. They don't know how to be together in the real world, they both have their issues, and a lot of growing up to do. And they were mature enough to know it.
They had their week of love and intimacy, but it was also a reality check, so now they have a glimpse of what it would be like to be together without all the murder, deception, and betrayal. Now they just need to work on themselves, live life, experience things, learn, and then maybe someday, they'll find their way back to each other. Because that was how it was built up, and that's how deep their connection is. They'll always hold each other within their hearts. Carla and Samuel are that relationship, the kind of relationship where you know that if these two people ever cross paths again, or are ever in the same vicinity, it's happening. They're getting together. It's inevitable. I loved and enjoyed their short story so much! If watching it over and over again is any indication. It was sweet, hot, intense, funny, sad, and realistic. They did them justice, even if we didn't get that very important conversation that needed to happen—I'm okay with it. Way, Way better than their other ending, that's for sure. 
It was magnificent.
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elles-writing · 3 years
Late night dinner
A/N: I wasn't - I am not, is better to say - really confident about myself for past few days. I don't know what is it, but I need comfort. I didn't wanted to bother anyone to write me comfort fics, so I've decided to do it myself. There will be some triggering topics and angst, so if they could be triggering for you, please don't read it. It's mostly for myself, but if you find yourself in this situation, look for proffesional help please and take care of yourself. Your body is your home, so take care of it well. This fic is also kinda put together and the ending is quite cutted, but I felt the need to write it down.
Genre: angst, some fluff
Warnings: beginning of eating disorder, negative self-talk
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Y/N was sitting alone. There was a candle in front of her, as well as plate of soup. Though her stomach was empty, she didn't felt like eating. She stared at the plate with already cold soup, and sighed. She felt tears in her eyes, and quickly blinked, to keep them away. She stood up and decided to change.
She felt lucky there wasn't almost any light, only the single candle on the table. She didn't wanted to bother by her body that much. Time she spended around other people, looking into mirrors on her reflection made her feel insecure.
She tucked herself into the bed and opened a book. She could not concentrate. Her thoughts were swirling in her head, though she didn't made any effort to catch any of them and think of it properly.
She almost fell asleep. Sound of someone opening the door send shivers down her spine, and she quickly grabbed dagger on nighttable. She was ready to protect herself, wide awake.
"It's just me," Kili whispered to the silence of the room. Y/N nodded and placed the dagger and book on the nighttable. She tucked herself back to bed.
"You left the soup untouched," he said. Y/n just shrugged her shoulders.
"I thought you may want it if you would be hungry," She didn't looked up and soft frown appeared on his face. He may not be the most thoughful when it comes to his behaviour - Kili didn't thought much before he threw himself into action - but Elle's behaviour was concerning him.
He noticed.
And he cared.
A lot.
He watched her, how her hair created curtain around her face, softly. She was quietly picking on the skin around her thumb.
"Is everything alright, Amrâlime?" She just nodded, and didn't said anything.
Kili knew she sometimes wasn't in a mood for talking, and he decided to not push on her.
He changed into his pants for sleeping, blew off the candle, and climbed to bed. There was moonlight illuminating the room, as the clouds moved, and he got to see his beloved, as she lied on her side, knees under her chin, and tears running down her face.
"What is it, princess?" He whispered. She looked at him, but when he tried to hug her, she shook her head.
"No, please," she let out a sob. Kili sat up.
"Amrâlime, I'm worried about you. You almost don't eat and drink, you are constantly sad and spend most your time away from anyone. I want to help you," his voice broke at the end. Y/N opened her mouth, then closed it. Then she whispered.
"I'm-it's not-"
"It is important. It's destroying you," he softly brushed her cheek by his thumb.
"I'm just...I'm not as pretty as other girls, I'm not as talented...I-I don't feel like I'm worthy...that...um...your love, and-" Kili softly cupped her face. He had serious expression.
"What are you talking about? You are the most beautiful and talented lass out there." She frowned and opened her mouth to argue, but Kili cutted her off.
"You are worthy love. Always." He kissed the tip of her nose.
"You work hard, put your passion and imagination into everything you do. I'm proud of you," he said and kissed her forehead.
"No, it's-it's not, I'm not doing enough," she let out a sob. Kili got an idea.
"This head has a lot of ideas, lovely thoughts and the biggest critique inside." He kissed her forehead.
"These eyes has the most beautiful colour, see things in many different ways and shine in gorgeous way anytime you get excited," Kili softly kissed her on closed eyelids.
"This nose can smell all the flowers and cakes and pasteries from the bakery in Dale, and so much more." he kissed the tip of her nose and softly touched it.
"Plus, it's the cutest nose I've ever seen," he grinned.
"Now, these lips give the softest and sweetest kisses and speak in different languages, but can swear as well," he kissed her softly on lips. Kili felt little smile forming on Y/N's lips, and his own widened. She looked up at him and there were sparks in her eyes. Mission almost accomplished.
Y/N's stomach grumbled and she instinctively catched his hand. Another tears formed in her eyes.
"Ow," she muttered, but Kili catched it.
"How long?" He asked. His eyes intensively looked into hers.
"I, um," she tried to pull away, but he didn't let her.
"How long have you been without food?" He repeated his question, with even more concern in his voice.
"A-almost four days," she whispered. If Kili would be futher, he wouldn't even hear it.
He let go of her hand.
He was shocked, to say at least.
"Not a big deal," she muttered, but her voice was full of tension. She pulled the blanket over her shoulders and tucked herself to bed.
"Look at me," Kili said with tears in his eyes. Those were tears of sadness, and anger he couldn't help to his One sooner.
Elle looked at him. She regretted it immediatelly.
Kili's bottom lip was trembling, his eyes were watery and full of tears.
"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He cupped her face carefully.
"Because I'm not enough," she whispered and let out a sob. She closed her eyes. Kili rested his forehead against hers.
"You are more than enough, trust me. I cannot lose you," he whispered. He wanted to cuddle her close to his chest, but she started to pull away.
"Why are you pulling away? I want to hug you," Kili softly brushed her hand.
"I'm fat, I'm ugly and-"
"No. I have no idea where did you took that from, but you aren't fat and ugly at all. You are beautiful, Amrâlime." Y/N let Kili to pull her into hug. She closed her eyes and inhaled his smell. Kili started brushing her hair.
He let her sob and cry into his chest. He hugged her and kissed the top of Y/N's head.
"I'm-I'm so sorry," she cried out. Kili frowned.
"What are you apologizing for, Amrâlime?" When she didn't gave him any answer right away, he kissed her forehead and brushed her cheek by his thumb, wiping off her tears. Y/N's stomach growled.
"What about some late snack - not that you wouldn't be one, but from the kitchens, hm? Whatever would you like." Kili kissed her cheek.
"That's so kind of you, Kili. Thank you." She pecked his cheek.
"There's no need to thank me, Amrâlime. I want to help you to be okay," He got out of bed and brang his sweater.
"Here. Put it on, Y/N, so you aren't cold." Y/N nodded and put the sweater over her head. It made her feel good - the sweater smelled just like Kili.
"What about you?" She asked when they were about to leave their chambers.
"I will be fine, don't worry."
They walked hand in hand. The halls of Erebor were quiet, and though she knew there was a lot of people, somehow they all slept by now.
When they turned to kitchens, she cheekily asked Kili.
"How do you know the way so well?"
"Good sense of orientation," he grinned.
"Durin's didn't got much of that," she muttered with a soft laugh, and Kili had to smile too. He looked at her.
He missed her smile and laugh.
When they came in, they noticed some apples, pie and bread around. Kili looked at Y/N to ask what she would like, when he noticed her face. Her face fell, as if she had inner battle with herself.
"It's okay. There must be also some milk," he said and told her to sit down, when he was preparing warm milk for her.
Y/N sat there by the table and looked around. Of course she wanted to eat the food, but she felt bad for it. She felt like she was too thick and didn't liked it.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a mug of warm milk placed in front of her, along with a spoon and jar of honey. Y/N looked up. Kili nodded at her, and she pulled the mug and jar closer.
She looked down to the honey and took one spoon of it, carefully pouring it into the mug. She felt Kili's gaze on her all the time, even when she almost started drinking.
"I can't drink if you look at me."
"I want to make sure you are okay."
"It's not like I'm not going to drink it." Kili furrowed his brows. Then, he got up and seated her on his lap, placed his arms firmly around her waist.
"Is that better?" He placed his chin on Y/N's shoulder. She nodded.
"Much better."
When she finished drinking that one mug of milk, she suddenly felt the desire to eat, more. She got up and looked over the kitchen. She smiled when she noticed boiled potatoes and rest of cold chicken.
Kili insisted on helping her, so they made a whole dinner in the end.
When they came back to their chambers, Kili tucked the covers around them and hugged Y/N close to his chest. He softly kissed her behind her ear.
"If anything happens, please come talk to me. You are not alone, never. I don't want you to suffer," he said. Elle laid her face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his smell. Kili drew small circles over her back.
"You are just perfect the way you are, Amrâlime."
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belpheroo · 4 years
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Title: Fear & Loving in Devildom, Part 1 Pairing: Belphegor x MC Rating: 🍋 Summary: Belphie is guilt-ridden, but also horny. Funny how often those two things coincide when you catch feels for the girl you killed. Notes: Another sequel to A “maybe” and On the Way to a “Yes”. Why do all my mature fics have pictures? No idea. But enjoy this edit of Belphie with an “o” blush. This... is basically a pwp at this point.
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In hindsight, perhaps the kiss was ill-advised.
This was the first thought that slipped through Belphegor’s mind when he woke up, a human girl asleep in his bed, wrapped up tightly in blankets to keep her roaming hands at bay. Having to result to bunting in this day and age was truly incredible, but so was this girl’s intense desire to get him out of his clothes.
This. This was his punishment. His personally designed hell within Hell.
That is what he told himself as he lay, aching and wanting underneath her just the night before. He’d even risked touching her as she did him, over her clothes, but still enough to make his body respond and thrum with heat. She had gotten her hand down between them, palming him through his pants before he managed to tear her hands away and roll over to recover, half curled in on himself and groaning with frustration.
Just take me, she had said. Brazen, foolish, irresponsible human. She had no idea what that meant when spoken to a demon. He couldn’t be his own self-control and hers!
Instead, she ended up straight jacketed into a fluffy blanket and he counted backwards from 5000 until his body calmed and he felt sleepy again instead of wired and awake.
Like he said. Hell.
Of all the people who had to understand humans in… this matter, Asmo was Belphegor’s only hope. He caught his brother between RAD classes and he was all too happy to take in the gossip.
“There is this… student.” Belphegor began carefully.
“Hmm?” Asmo hummed, eyes sparkling with interest.
“She— we… okay, look. We kiss. We touch, but she keeps pushing for more and I don’t know how to talk her out of it.”
Asmo looked positively beaming and the sight alone made Belphegor start to think he had made a huge mistake.
“Aww, Belphie! I’m sure if you just explain to her that you aren’t ready she will listen! Though I can’t imagine what is holding you back…”
“Oh no, I’m ready. I’m always one provocation away from fucking her to death, that’s the problem. I gotta get her to stop wanting me so I don’t get the opportunity.”
Asmo stared, silent and wide eyed.
“… is that a euphemism for your eagerness or an actual concer—“
“Actual concern.”
“Why in the world do you think having sex with her will kill her?”
“Overzealousness? Superior strength? Going demon in the moment?”
“Really?!” Asmo gasped for dramatic effect, “You think you would? Sheesh, you really do wanna bang this girl!”
“Good! I’m so proud of you! Though… I still don’t get why you think that would hurt her. A good ole RAD girl isn’t going to wilt like a delicate flower over you, Belphie. You aren’t exactly Lucifer.”
Ah. Asmo thought he was referring to another demon. Why wouldn’t he? There was only one human female in Devildom. He thought to just come out with it, to say who it was, but then it struck him that within a day every one of his brother’s would know his predicament and if Lucifer heard he’d be imprisoned in that damn attic for the rest of his life.
This was… a calculated error.
“Yeah. Uh. Guess you’re right. Just… been awhile.” Belphegor said, trying to back off the topic.
“I’ll say. I never pegged you for the type, Belphie.” Asmo said, tone going sing-song as he waggled an eyebrow at him.
“Well if you need any fun treats for the occasion you just let me know. I have a whole assortment of condoms, flavored and regular! Also some things to help spice things up… but maybe we’ll save that for your second or third go.”
“…I regret speaking to you.”
Asmo clapped his hands together joyfully, “Then my job is done!”
By the end of the day, Belphegor actually had considered for half a second turning himself into Lucifer on his own. He dreaded each ticking hour, knowing full well she would come bouncing up to him, smiling slyly with her greedy little mitts ready to grip and pull and hold him down while she sealed her lips over his again and again the moment they were alone.
He’d fallen asleep once during a make-out session. That’s how often this madness was occurring, but he liked it too much to stop. He liked her too much to stop. The time where he had supervised visits with her was long over by now and with how little time they had left until the end of the year, Belphegor treasured every single moment he had her all to himself.
And yet, he was wracked with anxiety that he’d hurt her. Again.
Classes ended for the day and sure enough by the time he was halfway back inside the House of Lamentation she was waiting for him.
“Beel is in your guys’ room.” She said, and Belphegor made a soft sound of understanding.
“And Mammon might come poking around if we go to my room.”
He knew where this was going.
“Soooo… you wanna go take a nap in the a t t i c?” She spelled out the word, careful to keep her voice down with the other brothers funneling back home.
“I’ll just go nap in my room.” Belphegor said, trying to keep his voice even and nonchalant.
“…oh. Okay.”
Belphegor restrained a groan at the disappointment in her voice, shooting a direct line of guilt into his chest.
“You can still come with me,” he continued, “Beel would be happy to get some time alone too.”
She pouted, but kept her voice quiet, “Belphie, I want a kiss.”
“You always do.” He said, meaning to sound begrudgingly affectionate, but instead it came out more exasperated. Her cheeks flushed but it had nothing to do with embarrassment.
“I think I’ll just go hang out with Mammon then. You go take your nap.”
He felt his heart sink a fraction.
“… you don’t do the same kinda stuff with Mammon do you?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” She said, voice stiffening and doing nothing to ease the faint edge of jealousy spreading in his chest.
“I mean, do you ask him to kiss you?”
“Sometimes!” She said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one side as she cocked her hip.
“I like Mammon. I hug and kiss people I like.”
“… are you serious?” His voice was hushed but harsh.
“It’s not like I belong to you, Belphegor.”
It wasn’t intentional, but within a second there was a sudden surge of a sulfuric smell and his visage changed, horns curling at his temples and his tail swishing violently around his ankles until it snaked out and wrapped around her ankle. She yelped, stumbling so that he had to catch her.
“What did you say?” He hissed, holding her tightly against his chest, his grip unyielding and hard enough to make her breath flutter in her chest.
“…I don’t belong to you.” She repeated, voice low and her eyes narrowed. There was no fear in her tone and in her gaze was a familiar heated sparkle that jarred Belphegor with recognition.
She was toying with him.
“Upstairs. Now.”
Her lips spread into a sensuous smile, self-satisfied and smug.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” She said, pulling back. Belphegor refused to let her go for a few seconds, just to remind her of the strength in his arms and that she would leave when he allowed it.
The sudden possessiveness passed him as quickly as it came and he let go of her quickly, remembering himself and trying to quell the anxious feeling that had replaced the emotion in his chest.
Belphegor gave her a wilting look, shoulders sagging just a fraction in disappointment at himself for being so easily baited. Regardless, he followed her up the stairs, trying to keep his eyes off the way she was deliberately swaying her hips with each excited little half jump up the steps.
When they got to the attic door she turned to press her back against the wood, hands behind her back on the doorknob.
“I don’t really do that stuff with Mammon.”
Belphegor said nothing.
“Just you.”
He made a gruff sound, stepping forward and pressing against her as he took hold of the doorknob over her hand and pushed it open. She stumbled, but kept herself up right with a giggle as she unzipped her jacket and tossed it on the floor before sitting on the edge of his old bed.
She was working on the little snap buttons on the side of her ankle boots, kicking them off with a smile as she leaned back on the heels of her palms.
She spread her thighs open slightly, flashing her panties from beneath her RAD uniform skirt. They were pastel pink and made with delicate lace. Slowly she slipped her thumb under the hem of her thigh-high socks, sliding them down just the smallest fraction.
“You still wanna nap?”
He said her name, not soft and sensuous but firm and serious. Her expression changed, brow furrowing slightly as she slowly closed her legs.
“…We need to talk.”
“I’m sorry, it’s not… it’s nothing bad it’s just—“
“Belphie.” She sat up, raising a hand to stop him. Her other hand patted the side of the bed next to her, “C’mere. I’ll behave myself, I promise.”
Her tone had changed too and it was enough to help ease the tension arching through his body. With a sigh, Belphegor sulked over and sat next to her, shoulders falling forward.
“I’m not dumb, Belphie. I know something is up, but I figured when you were ready you’d just tell me… which was probably not how I should have handled it.”
She gently took his hand within hers and after a moment, he curled his fingers around her own.
“I like you. I really like you, Belphie. I wanna be with you because I like you so much, not because I’m… ya know.”
“I was gonna say ‘thirsty as fuck’ but that sounds better!”
Belphegor chuckled despite himself and her smile became genuine and amused. It helped relax him.
“I still don’t get you.”
“Because of what happened?”
“Not specifically. I’m worried that…”
Why was it so hard to say to her? He’d told Asmo easily but now looking at her he felt the words get caught in his throat.
“You’re worried if we’re intimate you’ll accidentally hurt me.”
Belphegor sighed.
“Demons are stronger than humans. When our emotions are heightened that raises ten-fold.”
She smiled and suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. Belphegor started at her, wide eyed.
“You’re just so unbelievably sweet, you know that?”
He sputtered because he did not know that! A scowl flashed over his face as he shook his head.
“That is not a word anyone has used to describe me for a very, very long ass time.”
“There is absolutely no way you’re going to hurt me you big idiot.”
“Y-you don’t know that!”
She only laughed, leaning in to rest her cheek against his shoulder. He stiffened, sitting up straighter as he felt his face go hot. How could she laugh at him over this?! It was a serious situation!
“You do love me.” She said, rubbing her cheek against him, “Sometimes I wondered, ya know? You’re always so damn aloof!”
Belphegor didn’t even know what to say, opening and closing his mouth several times before he settled on a frustrated groan.
“…you don’t understand anything, per usual.”
She sat back from him, a curious look on her face as he turned towards her. She yelped as he shoved her down, pinning her to the bed, his hand gently finding its way around her neck and keeping her firmly in place. He straddled her thighs, using his own legs to keep her down before looming over her with a look in his eyes that made her pulse jump beneath his hand.
“‘Love’ doesn’t begin to describe what I want. I have owned your death and now I would own your life. Your body. The very depths of your soul. I want everything you have to give, I want the things you wouldn’t give to anyone else.”
His hand tightened, but not enough to cut off her breathing. The placement of his hand did more to cut off her blood flow then her breath, making her head spin as she looked up at him through her eyelashes.
Belphegor leaned down to press a kiss to them, her eyelid fluttering shut beneath his lips.
“Are you prepared for that? Are you ready for what it means to be mine? …I don’t know if you are.”
He kissed her, gentle and slow. The softness of the kiss was cut short suddenly when she set her teeth into his bottom lip, sharp and hard enough to almost draw blood. Belphegor jerked back, a growl in his throat. She smiled mischievously up at him.
“Careful. I bite.”
“You’ll beg too.”
His voice was a low rumble, turning her head to the side and latching his teeth to the side of her bare neck. He was not gentle, sucking fiercely until he was certain the skin would be bruised and red. She whimpered, but the sound was more pleasure than pain as he worried the sore spot with his tongue.
“Belphie…” she keened, “…make a pact with me.”
“Finally,” He said, breath hot on her skin, “You begin to understand.”
“Give yourself to me.”
“That’s my line.” Belphegor whispered, releasing her neck and gently running his fingertips through her hair. She mirrored the touch, trailing her hand into the hair at the back of his neck and curling her fingers there. Her other hand rubbed a path up his chest, massaging into his skin as she fisted his shirt into her grip.
“It’s mine too.”
How had he resisted this for so long? How could he have denied himself the touch of her bare skin against his? She was so unbelievably soft, despite the harshness in which she gripped her thighs around his waist. Her nipples pebbled hard when he pressed his chest against hers. He could feel the heat radiating from between her legs against his hips, but he’d yet to possess her yet. Belphegor was more focused on leaving his mark on her neck and across her collarbone, making her as spotted as himself.
Her hand curled at the base of one of his horns, finger brushing against the ridges of it. He liked her touch there, his tail curling around her calf gently if only to give himself another point of contact.
The pact was already made. The sensation of connection was strong now, tying him to her and her whims, though she had yet to make use of it. She liked him being in control, she liked him making decisions for her in this moment, letting her just enjoy the sensation of touch.
She’d left a mark of her own, right at the juncture of his shoulder and his neck, but Belphegor would wear such a bite with pride, even if he did give her a small punishing spank to the side of her thigh when she gave it to him.
“C’mon… c’mon…” she panted, rocking her hips against him in a bid to slide the length of him up against her core.
“So impatient.” Belphegor said with a soft laugh, “You make it so difficult to treat you nicely.”
He hefted her up, turning unto his side and then his back. He sunk comfortably into the bed, hands stroking up and down her thighs as she sat above him.
“Take care of it yourself… I’m tired.”
“Lazy cow.” She mumbled, but hardly had a reason to complain now that she was in the perfect position to get exactly what she wanted. He rose up his hand and smacked her on the backside, earning himself a rock of her hips.
“Come here then.” She sighed, sitting up on her knees. Her hand wrapped around him, taking her time to feel the soft silky skin and admire how hard it was beneath it. Belphegor hummed contently, kneading his hands into her hips as she guided the tip of him between her legs, letting his head just barely kiss her folds.
She was ungodly wet, using his head to rub against her swollen bud before she pushed him back towards her entrance and slipped down, inch by delicious inch. His tail tightened around her leg, his throat working as a groan wracked through his throat at the sheer tightness. The hot, textured feel of her walls, clutching and spasming as she adjusted to him was as close to the celestial realm as he was ever going to get again.
Belphegor ran his hand up her stomach to her breast, gently palming over the soft delicate skin and thumbing her nipple until it was swollen and pink.
She rocked a few times, slipping him in to the hilt until she was sitting perfectly flush against his hips. She rested one hand back on her own calf, leaning back to angle her hips just so. Belphegor took the time to admire where they were connected, wet and glistening. She rose and fell slightly and he moaned at the mere sight of himself disappearing into her.
She sought out his hand with her other, lacing their fingers together as she lifted again and slid down onto him in slow, agonizing thrusts. He let the hand on her breast fall to her hip, helping to hold her steady as he occasionally lifted his hips to push up into her when she came down.
Her face was a picture of absolute ecstasy, lips parted and kiss swollen, skin flushing prettily from her cheeks down to her chest. She was always so god damned lewd, but nothing about this was for show. Belphegor knew he looked positively wrecked himself, expression painted with the pleasures of comfort and sex.
They moved together, slow and relaxed and relishing in the simple enjoyment of being connected. She’d been right. Belphegor had never felt so safe. From himself and from the world. Here with her, here inside her… he had never felt so perfectly content. Her soft chants of ‘yes’ and quiet moans was a sweeter sound than any angelic choir.
Her breath came quicker, head lolling slightly to the side as she lost herself in the rise and fall of her own hips. Her pace was losing its steady rhythm, going fast and then slow as she found an angle that made his head rub right up against the bundle of nerves against her upper walls. Her thighs trembled as she whimpered out a soft cry. She was clutching tighter now, unrelenting and steadily rising as her thrusts became shallow and short.
Belphegor pushed his shoulders down into the bed, bracing himself as he rocked upwards, edging her on as her pink skin turned ever more red and blotchy.
“Fuck… I’m going to cum. Belphie… Belphie…” She gasped with complete abandon, “Belphie, I’m going to cum.”
God dammit, if she kept talking like that, so was he. He smoothed his hand down from her hip to her center, pressing the pad of his thumb firmly against her clit. He didn’t even have to rub, the touch alone snapped the cord of tension, spasms wracking over her body and clutching their way down the shaft of him as she broke apart.
Belphegor’s eyelids fluttered closed just so she wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing his eyes roll back in his head. His balls pulled tight against him as his cock flexed and jerked and he came inside her. Belphegor held back a cry in his throat at just how rapidly he was spurting, pulsating erratically as she practically milked each drop from him. Exhaustion nearly immediately overtook him, but he resisted the burden of his Avatar through sheer force of will.
“Ow…Bel…your tail..” She mumbled, tugging gently at the side of his tail. He had wrapped it around her so tightly her skin was indenting. Belphegor let go immediately, holding an arm around her to keep her in place as he sat up and checked the damage.
“M’okay.” She said, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling her nose against his hairline, damp with sweat. Belphegor sighed with relief, hands running up her back and down a few times before he wrapped his arms around her.
“You okay?” She asked, voice quiet in his ear.  He nodded, strands of his hair tickling her cheek as he did so.
“I love you.” Belphegor said, as simple and direct as if he were stating the sky were blue. She wouldn’t have expected it any other way.
“Goodie.” She said with a deep breath, giving her hips a little wiggle around him. He was still hard, but knew he would soften soon. Belphegor felt the slow slide of wetness as his own cum slid down his shaft from inside her, messy and warm.
“You feel so good.” She cooed, pressing kisses to his neck, open and hot.
Alright. Maybe it wouldn’t be that soon.
She used the pact to tap out by the sixth round, thighs creamy and wet and trembling. Shame. He had hoped to make it a solid seven.
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gogoseijoh · 4 years
losing: pt. 3 - kageyama x reader x tsukishima
summary: you have to sit down and have a tough conversations with your boys.
genre: angst
word count: 2k
a/n: sorry this took so longggg. can you guys tell me if this is still interesting? the reason it took so long is because i got kinda self conscious about my writing, so please please please leave some feedback! i want people to enjoy reading what i write, so if there’s anything you want to see from this series! it’s probably only going to have one or two more parts after this, unless people really wanna see more :)
part 2, part 4
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You didn’t know if you could take any more of the awkward silence. You were sitting on your bedroom floor, arms crossed and eyes glancing over the two teenagers in front of you expectantly. They were both staring at the ground, Tsukishima pulling at the fluff of your carpet and Kageyama playing with the hem of his sweatpants. They had been quiet for at least five minutes, having no words for you after you asked them what on Earth was going on with them. They looked like children who had been heavily scolded, eyes glazed over with a forced look of innocence in order to try and lessen how furiously you would go at them when they eventually told you the truth. Your stare was like Medusa’s, turning them into stone where they sat and keeping them from opening their mouths to speak. Neither of them had ever been so scared of you. There was no reason for them to be, really. You were just worried about them.
It took another five minutes of silence before you realized your mistake. The two of them were never going to speak up in front of each other. Both of them put up steely fronts, though through different ways, and their gentlest sides were reserved for you. You loved that about the two of them, that they were not easy to win over. It made you feel so incredibly special to know that these two young men who were so quick to isolate themselves found comfort in you, but it was a double-edged sword. There was no chance you would get anything out of them until you were alone with each of them. You turned to your brunette best friend, eyes softening slightly at how worried he looked. “Tobio,” your voice broke his concentration on counting the stitches on his pants, and he looked up at you, “Go home. I’ll come over tonight, I just want to talk to Kei by himself first, okay?” Kageyama let out a hefty sigh, nodding his head and silently standing to move towards the door. He took one last look at you on the floor, not missing how his absence was letting you scoot closer to the blonde, and his heart sank. A voice in the back in his brain was telling him not to leave, to stay and hear what Tsukishima was going to say and make sure it was the truth, but was that worth upsetting you more? He wanted to be selfish, but he couldn’t do that to you. Kageyama felt the distance between you two growing with each step he took, and he only hoped you wouldn’t let it stay that way, or worse, let it widen even more.
Tsukishima visibly relaxed when Kageyama left the room, his hand finding yours when you moved closer. The situation caused his eyebrows to draw together, concern etched on his sharp features. The idea of losing the girl he liked before he even had her was making him anxious, and he couldn’t even blame it on Kageyama. If he lost you, he didn’t think that he’d ever be someone’s first choice again. That’s part of the reason he found himself so annoyed when Kageyama approached him. You had been friends with him your whole life, so what were you doing with him? It may be naive of him to think that two friends can’t only be that, but to him, it was only natural that two people who have spent so much of their lives together would develop feelings for each other. Kageyama clearly felt something strong for you, so where did your feelings stop? Was he really not the first choice at all, but a consolation prize for you when you thought that Kageyama was out of your reach? He didn’t want to believe that, not when you were so kind. It was impossible. Tsukishima’s thoughts ran rampant until you moved again, your hand coming to hold his cheek. 
“Kei, are you alright?”
God, even your voice was sweet. Tsukishima nodded, “Yes, I’m fine.” You could practically see the thoughts bouncing around his skull, but you were interrupted by him before you could ask once again for reassurance that he was okay. Tsukishima’s voice was the thinnest you had ever heard it, and the two words that passed his lips shocked you, “I... I’m sorry.” Your heart could’ve stopped right there. Those weren’t words he used often in sincerity, but he was saying them to you. You weren’t even sure why he was saying.
“What for?”
It was a genuine question, Tsukki thought. The most you had seen of his tussle with Kageyama was the threat the setter was about to make, and the intensity both of them were filled with. Tsukishima took a breath to gather his thoughts, then began speaking, “I have been trying to figure out for myself what you see in me and why you’ve chosen me when you have so many other options. You’re the opposite of me. I have my reasons for how I act, and I’m sure you do, too. I’m just surprised. That’s part of what we were arguing about in the club room.” This was bluntness you had been waiting for, and you had suspected he was keeping it from you to not hurt you, but you were glad he was speaking freely now. The rolling of his eyes and a huff broke your train of thought, focusing back on his words, “I know Kageyama is your best friend, (y/n). I don’t want to take that away from you, but I just... I don’t know how I can get along with him.” There was venom seeping into his tone now, which was familiar, but it wasn’t one he had used when talking to you before, “Are you going to wake up one day and realize you made a mistake choosing me?” This was the first time you had ever seen this side of him. You hadn’t expected him to be so insecure, not that anything was wrong with that, but it was jarring. Tsukki’s walls were breaking down in your bedroom, and your heart was swelling. He came off so aloof in his everyday life, and for the most part, he truly was, but how many people knew what was behind that facade? It became so clear to you all of a sudden. It was jealousy, hot and bubbling under the surface of his cool demeanor. The surprise on your face must’ve spurred something in him, because he spoke up again, “You have to know how he feels about you, (y/n), no one is that oblivious.”
“I know,” you muttered, wringing your hands as Tsukishima took his turn to revel in shock, “Maybe there was a time I had feelings for him, but I don’t anymore. I know what I feel for you now, though. I like you, Tsukki.” You had moved closer and closer to him on the floor throughout the conversation, and now you were on your knees, reaching out to wrap your arms around his neck. He welcomed your affection, his own arms taking their place around your waist. You stayed like that for a few minutes, just taking it in. 
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, and you could feel the rumble of his chest as you pulled away, “Would you... Would you be my girlfriend?” Tsukishima was disgusted by the uncertainty in his own voice, but when he heard you say yes, it was worth it. You wrapped him back in your arms, happy with the outcome of this conversations, but knowing that it would make the conversation you had with Kageyama later even more difficult. You enjoyed yourself for the next few hours though, relaxing with your new boyfriend as he returned to being his sarcastic and teasing but kind (at least to you) self. It felt easy with him, even as your thoughts wrestled with each other, trying to figure out what you would say to Kageyama when he inevitably asked about you and Tsukishima.
Later, you were sat on Kageyama’s couch, awkwardly exchanging anxious glances with him. You had told him that he could start talking when he was ready, and he sure was taking his sweet time. You didn’t want to push him though, so you let the silence be until he eventually cleared his throat and began to tell you what was on his mind, “You know how much I care about you, right?” You nodded, and a relieved sigh left his lips, and he continued, “It hasn’t been easy, seeing you with him. I feel like I’m getting left behind. You’ve been my best friend for my entire life, and I don’t plan on letting you go, no matter who you date.” Kageyama felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest with how you were looking at him, “It felt like he was just talking to you to mess with me, but I know that’s stupid. You are so awesome. Of course he likes you.” He wished he could keep his train of thought straight, but new things kept popping into his mind. “Why are we friends, (y/n)? I mean, we’re so different, are we just friends because we’ve been told we have to be?”
You felt tears building in your eyes at that, your emotions worn thin from all the serious conversations you’d been having lately, “Is that what you think? That I’m being forced to be your friend?” You paused, sniffling as quietly as you could, “Yeah, you’re an asshole sometimes. You get so snappy for no reason and treat other people like they’re beneath you every now and then. But I have stayed by your side always. I have defended you to everyone who has ever said something bad about you in front of me, because I truly believe that you are a genuinely good person who is super ambitious and doesn’t know how to talk to people. I still love you, though. We have been with each other through everything. Why would I stick around if I didn’t want to be your friend, Tobio? I don’t care about your flaws, because I know who you really are.” 
Kageyama could only stare at you with a dropped jaw, eyes roaming your face in search of any ounce of insincerity, but there was absolutely none to be found. His hand came to your shoulder trying to calm you with minute physical affection, “Okay, I trust you, (y/n). I’m sorry. I know you care about me, sometimes I just get worried that you’re going to realize how much better you deserve from a best friend.” 
“I don’t want better or whatever, Tobio, I just want you to stay my best friend,” you leaned into his touch, and your mind made the connection of how truly similar your two boys were. It was comforting in a way, knowing that even if they put up a good front on the outside and act like there is nothing they have in common, they both have the same insecurities at their cores.
You spent the night like you did before Tsukishima entered the picture, lounging on the couch with a movie on, even though you talked through most of it. You realized he was right, that you had been neglecting him as your infatuation with Tsukki grew. It was a night just for the two of you, something to make it feel normal again. It was difficult for Kageyama, trying to ignore how you checked your phone more than before and how more of your conversation focused around things you had done with or talked to Tsukishima about. His heart felt like it was breaking when he turned to you to ask you a question, “Uh, Tsukishima told me that he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend. Did... Did he ask?”
“Yeah, he did,” you tried to focus on the screen ahead of you and not look back at him, so that you wouldn’t see the sadness in his eyes, but you turned when he asked another question. 
“Did you say yes?
“I did, Tobio.”
Your words sat heavy in the air between you. Kageyama nodded, trying his best to look happy for you, and he should be happy if you’re happy, right? You had just confirmed that you weren’t going to leave him behind no matter what, so why did he still feel so broken inside?
taglist: @hearteyesfortobio​ , @hisokasmaid​  , @kiritokunuwu​ , @killkurzyackerman 
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derelictdumbass · 3 years
Supply Run
Pairing/s: Tyler Ronan/Dean Sinclaire
Summary: Dean and Tyler go to the store for a supply run.
Warning/s: Very vaguely/briefly infers past child abuse
"Are you getting more snacks?"
Tyler turned to the right as Dean's voice stole his attention, his hand hovered over a bag of salty chips and Dean couldn't help but think he looked like a raccoon with his hand caught in the cookie jar; especially with the cute look of surprise etched into his face. Those green eyes blinked in that mesmerising way they did before he looked back to the accused bag and away from Dean's amused gaze.
"Uh yeah? We're almost out?" He finally said, grabbing the bag and straightening up with a bashful smile on his face. Even at his full height he was just two inches shorter than Dean, who with the help of his favourite pair of boots stood even taller than normal. Tyler had gotten used to tilting his head up a fraction to meet Dean's chocolate brown eyes but still felt a trickle of embarrassment over it, or perhaps it was something else that he was trying very hard to ignore.
Dean let out his signature huff of a laugh, hands resting on his hips and smile growing wide. Tyler swallowed thickly as Dean's eyes crinkled with his smile, his lopsided grin and the playful shine in his eyes always managed to knock Tyler off his feet for a second.
"Oh jee I wonder why?" Dean snorts, his tone accusatory as he turns and starts sauntering back down the aisle. Tyler scoffs animatedly and follows after him, eyes on the back of his head and watching the way his dyed red hair bounced as he walked.
"Hey Alyson was eating just as much as I was," Tyler defends himself, coming to a stop as Dean swivels and pretends to inspect something on one of the shelves. He snickers at Tyler's quick throwing of Alyson under the metaphorical bus, the siblings always pointing fingers when it came to food.
"Ah yes, just like our lovely Goblins to scarf down all the food and leave none for their poor beloved fox," Dean laments, throwing a hand up to his chest and leaning towards Tyler again, the scent of pine and charcoal invade Tyler's senses and it takes him a second to playfully push the taller man's shoulder. Dean grins as Tyler rolls his eyes, hoping the heat rising to his cheeks wouldn't become visible.
"The bag was on the coffee table you could have had some at any time, what, do you need me to feed you now?" Tyler jokes lightly, walking forward as Dean carefully strode backwards in front of him, his grin only widening at Tyler's words. The thought of Tyler hand feeding him made his heart stutter, a nervous laugh escaping and hopefully sounding less shaky then he felt.
"I wouldn't complain if you did," Dean answers in what he hopes is a smooth manner and Tyler can't tell if his old friend is flirting with the way his eyes flick up at him or if he's just being himself. Either way his own heart skips a beat and his own nervous laughter escapes his throat, shoving Dean once again and causing him to hop as he balances himself.
As Dean finally puts both feet on the ground he barely dodges someone walking inside, letting out a small yelp as he falls back. Tyler quickly catches his shoulder to steady him and after Dean let's out a quick apology he and Tyler both look up at the stranger only feel their breaths catch in their throat.
A much older man gazes at Dean with a hard to read expression, brown eyes identical to the young man's look over the two through thick glasses. His thinning grey hair is combed back and his stocky frame hidden under winter clothes, the beard on his face hides makes it hard to see the expression on his weary face. Tyler can't remember the last time he saw the man standing before them but he can remember the anger bubbling under his skin as memories crash down on him.
Tyler's grip on Dean's shoulder tightens, in a protective comforting manner as he steps closer, ready to step in between them if he needed too.
"Hi, dad," Dean mutters out, his voice completely drained of it's previous playful energy and bright eyes dull as they steadily held the older man's gaze. Tyler couldn't help the way his jaw tightened, it was a small change in demeanor on the outside but Tyler could almost feel the huge shift on the inside. Dean's confidence blew out like a candle, all the charm he had to throw around shriveled away and it made Tyler furious to see him impacted in such a way.
"Mr Sinclaire..." Tyler gives his own acknowledgement to the man, if only to get the focus off of Dean for a second and allow him a moment to breathe. The older man almost jumps, as if he hadn't seen Tyler at all and his eyes squint in blurry confusion at him. It takes him a moment but soon his eyebrows raise in recognition and his mouth opens and closes for a moment like a drowning fish.
"Ollie, is that you?" He sounds shocked, Tyler wasn't surprised no one had alerted Dean's parents of his arrival. They had never been on speaking terms.
"It's, uh, Tyler now," Tyler quickly corrects him, biting his tongue and keeping anything else he wanted to say to himself. He dropped his hand from Dean's shoulder as he pushed himself further foward, instead holding Dean's hand gently and squeezing it in hopes to bring him back to the present. Dean's tense shoulders relax the tiniest bit and he offers Tyler a small, thankful smile as his dad glances at their hands and clears his throat quickly.
"Ah, I see. Well it's good to see you, you look... Well," The older man says awkwardly, offering what the younger men can only assume is a smile.
"Yeah, thanks..." Tyler replies in a similar manner, failing to find the energy for a fake smile and simply nodding before glancing between Dean and Tom at the register, who happened to be poorly disguising his eavesdropping.
"Well, we were just leaving so..." Dean says after sucking in a deep breath, pulling Tyler to the counter and quickly yanking his wallet from his pocket. Tyler watches as Dean hands Tom the cash for the snacks, his brows furrowed now and eyes feeling far away. He remembered seeing that look on his face a lot when they were younger, usually right before he had to go back home.
"Right, uhm! before you go, your mother wanted to know if you're going to make it next week," Dean's dad moves out of the way of the door as Tom hands Dean his change. Dean seems to grimace as he stuffs the coins into his wallet, letting out a small sigh as he stepped away from the counter. Tyler followed, moving ahead of him to the front door and feeling the cold air hit his face as it opened.
"Uh, I don't know dad I'm kinda busy helping Tyler and Alyson clean out the old house... I'll try but, no promises," Deans says, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looks back at the man one last time. The older man nods, looking down at the ground and rubbing his hands together as he takes a step further back into the store.
"Right, sure. I'll let her know,"
"Yeah 'kay... Bye,"
Tyler is almost thankful for the nip in the air, it cools down his heated skin as he and Dean walk back to his car. The air is tense and the only sounds that are heard is the crunching snow beneath their feet, the wind rustling the trees and the bag of chips hitting Tyler's leg as he walked. He didn't know why he was so angry, nothing about that interaction had been too bad, but something was still eating at him.
"You didn't tell me you're parents were still here," He says, not looking at Dean as he walked. Another deep sigh left Dean and he could see him roll his neck in attempts to work out the tension from his peripheral.
"I kinda thought it was a given? You would have been the first I told if they left or... you know," Dean trailed off and Tyler shook his head gently. He stopped in his tracks and Dean paused a step after to turn and look at him.
"So wait, you still have to see them?" Tyler asks, finally meeting Dean's eyes again and he immediately feels guilty for pestering him from the sheer tiredness in his eyes. But that makes him need to ask even more because if that small interaction alone wore him out like this surely it wasn't good for him to be around them at all.
"I don't, have, to Ty... I visit... Holidays and birthdays, you know..." Dean sighs, shrugging his shoulders and looking back at the store with a gentle frown. Tyler took a step forward, free hand lifting up to gently grab Dean's arm as his eyes became serious.
"And they don't-"
"They couldn't even if they wanted to Tyler," Dean cuts him off quickly, his gaze matching his intensity as he grabbed Tyler's hand, "I took those kickboxing lessons remember? And besides, they're old and frail now, the worst they do is say something bigoted and tell me I've gained weight every now and then," Dean's tone is light and he gives Tyler's hand a comforting squeeze. Which is ironic seeing as Tyler wasn't the one dealing with them, but Dean knew Tyler worried about him, just as much as he worried about Tyler.
Tyler nodded at his words, letting them soak in and calming down a bit. He knew it might have been rash to assume the worst but with how many times Dean had arrived at his house covered in bruises when they were younger he just wanted to be sure.
"That's still shitty," He says after a beat, allowing his hand to fall and for Dean to straighten up and step back.
"Yeah but it's only for now, moving soon remember? Soon we're all gonna be in the big city together paving our futures together and I won't have to give them more than a phone call every now and then," Dean smiles, his eyes slowly brightening back up as he spoke about the future. He smiled as he began carefully walking backwards, Tyler following and allowing his own smile to return.
"I guess you're right, as long as you're okay i'm happy I guess," He hums, watching Dean almost run into his own car and laughing as he stumbles.
"Well I am very okay, 'specially with my favourite Ronan back in town," Dean grins as he steadied himself against the car, unlocking it and opening the drivers side door, all the while keeping his eyes locked on Tyler's. Tyler grins, a whole greenhouse of butterflies letting loose in his stomach as he mulls over those words.
"Your favourite? Wow, I'm telling Aly," He quickly recovers, teasing gently as he opens the passenger door and chucks the chips on the dash. Dean gasps as Tyler slides into his seat, sitting down quickly and punching him very lightly in the arm.
"Don't you dare, goblins don't snitch!"
"And fox's don't lie,"
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