#but yeah to me Pearl always looks a little bit insane. as a treat
pachnychnyszek · 4 months
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insane Australian postmaster outside storage room window. normal Tuesday evening in hermitcraft server.
Drawn during Skizz's last (20-2-2024) stream!
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edsbacktattoo · 9 months
But also your tags on my analysis,,, 👁️👁️
I have Since Shifted on things a little bit after making that post, because I've seen others point things out, as well as noticed differences myself.
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There's speculation right now that the man in blue in the top picture and the man with his back to the camera in the bottom picture are the same person. And the current speculation I've seen right now is that it's fucking Hornigold.
But I also wouldn't be surprised if it's like, some other sort of threat too? Like some sort of British Admiral or someone else out to get the lot of them? Or maybe they're entirely different people shdjks BUT I'M LEANING TOWARDS THERE BEING SOME SORT OF CONNECTION,,,
Because like, the Wee John shot comes right before Ed's barrel shot. So I'm like 👀👀👀
I was so ~*~swept up~*~ by the beauty that is Wee John in drag in that first shot that I didn't really pay attention to the surroundings. If you look closely, it doesn't really look that much like a party anymore, but some sort of hostage situation/attack. Or maybe it WAS a party, but then whoever the hell that is crashed it.
Because Wee John's hands seem to be bound, someone appears to be tied to the mast, Roach looks like he's having a Bad Time in the foreground, etc etc.
And I THINK it's the Revenge? So like, they were partying, and then chaos ensued, or something along those lines.
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Ed looks desperate, man. And the lighting and his costume/makeup all match up. And because he's wearing the fucking pearls, and has his hair back, and doesn't have his makeup on, this makes me think that ALL of this is in the latter half of the season.
His desperation also makes me think that whoever the fuck THAT is captured/did something bad to Stede. Like maybe...
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Whatever led to him screaming like THIS. ((I know there's a high possibility it could be something funny like a crab getting a little 🍆🦀 or something equivalent. BUT ALSO, WASN'T A TORTURER CAST?????))
Anyway, TLDR, they were trying to have a nice party, whoever the fuck that is crashed it and fucked with the crew and/or did something horrible with Stede, and Ed is fucking PISSED ABOUT IT.
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((dude if that is the case, and like, they haven't fully made up, yet ed goes absolutely INSANE trying to protect stede??? that's one of my favorite tropes so i'll be in the Ground hope you know that))
anyway kiss kiss smooch smooch rolling into my grave <3
JODI JODI YAAAAAAY I ALWAYS LOVE LOVE LOVE WHEN YOURE IN MY INBOX!!!! it means i’m in for a good time! and MY GOD did you deliver!!!
i’m obsessed with this theory! i think you’re right - this very well could be Hornigold, which would explain Ed’s desperation and unease. It would also explain the barrel situation. “He treated us like dogs — worse than dogs.” Maybe this is finally his chance to get back at this prick.
In terms of the party on the Revenge:
Talent show? 👁️👁️
Maybe they’re finally doing what they were going to before everything went to shit. It would explain Wee John in drag! Maybe Hornigold seizes the The Revenge midway through? This also means that this could happen post reunion, which explains the pearls and the hair tied back.
I can’t recall if it was a torture or an executioner that was cast! Does anyone have that info hiding anywhere? You could be right about that too Jodi! Hornigold’s taken Stede captive and Ed has to get him back even if they haven’t made up yet, or something along those lines.
WAIT! What if the beach gunfighting scene is them returning to each other after all that?
If I think about this any more I’m going to die 😌👍 this response was not nearly as coherent as what you’ve presented here, but we’ve been in the clown car together since the start so I’m starting to think we could communicate telepathically at this point.
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 6
To say that I was doing well after I left Derek’s house would be a lie. I really don’t understand why it hurts so much. We barely knew each other outside of a few encounters. Was it just me that felt the aching in my chest? I want to believe that he felt the same thing, but that seemed selfish. That I wanted him to miss me. That I dreamed of him showing up at my window and begging to see me. But that wouldn’t be real, that was a fantasy. Derek would never act like that. That was just my fantasy. 
I promised Stiles I wouldn’t get romantically involved with Derek, but it was more painful than I have ever imagined. 
I sat in Coach Finstock’s office while the school day went on. Relacing the netting on the crosses that were used in case any of the players broke their own. The repetitive movements were mind numbing so it was probably for the best. I could zone out and not think about Derek. 
Tonight was parent teacher conferences for some students who weren’t doing well academically, both Scott and Stiles were a part of that list. But who could blame them? One of them was a werewolf and the other was friends with the aforementioned werewolf. The weeks seemed to run together, it didn’t even feel like autumn yet, but we were halfway to winter. 
I had stayed away like I promised. The only times I even heard about Derek was from what Scott told Stiles. They were both planning on finding the alpha and taking him down together. That would be good for him. Good for both of them. I have been feeling so many emotions since then. A lot of anxiety and anger. But they never felt like my own. I sighed and rested my eyes for a minute, the repeated movements slowing my brain down enough to sleep on Coach’s desk. 
The man in front of me was badly burned, one side of his face was pink and muddled, much of his hair was burned on that side. 
“I need your help.” Derek’s voice echoed, “If you can hear me, I need you to give me a sign. Blink. Raise a finger. Anything. Just… Just something to point me in the right direction, okay?” The man, his Uncle Peter, stayed in the same position. 
He sighed, “Someone killed Laura. Your niece, Laura? Whoever he is, he’s an Alpha now… but he’s one without a pack, which means he’s not as strong. I can take him. But, I have to find him first.” Still no response. 
“Look, if you know something, just give me a sign. Is it one of us? Did someone else make it out of the fire?” 
Still getting no response, he became agitated, “Just give me anything! Blink! Raise a finger! Anything!” He growled, reaching for the man, “SAY SOMETHING”!
“Hey.” I jolted at the sound of Finstock’s voice. He stood in the doorway of his office. 
“You alright, kid?” He asked, his eyes went from my face to the crosse that I was aggressively fixing the net on. What was that? Was I… seeing what Derek was seeing? No, that was impossible. Insane even. 
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine.” I went back to relacing, tugging the knots taut and reaching for a lighter to burn the ends of the string so they wouldn’t unravel. 
“Do I need to kick his ass?” He asked, his large eyes looking a little more crazy than usual. He was trying to seem threatening, but I wasn’t threatened by his booming voice and looks anymore. He was alluding to someone not treating me right but it couldn’t be further from the truth. 
I chuckled a little, “No. It’s not his fault. He’s going through a lot right now.” I stood up and placed the crosse in the spare locker with the rest of them, “Besides, I probably shouldn’t be dating considering the last guy I was dating murdered my parents and tried to murder me.” The humor was dark, but what a way to cope. 
“Any news on that guy?” He stood up straight, walking to his desk. 
“Nope. I think he skipped town. He’s the feds' problem now.” 
“Does Stiles want to be a doctor?” He changed the subject, he was looking at a paper in his hand. 
“Uh… Not that I know of.” I shrugged. 
“Because he wrote a detailed history of male circumcision on his economics test.”
I got out late, well past the time the student teacher meetings were over. Filing records, grading a couple things for Finstock and ordering more pearls for the upcoming games since we were running low. These days really run together, especially when you’re trying to forget most of the year that happens. 
Speaking of happening, was I really seeing the same thing Derek could? It didn’t make sense. They were just random dreams. Like the one the other day where Derek was speaking to this woman about how she didn’t kill his sister. That was just a dream. But… Why could I feel sadness? Sadness, guilt and pain.
I got home, seeing that Stiles’ Jeep was nowhere in sight meaning that he was off to do more werewolf nonsense with Scott. I trusted Scott to keep him safe, but that didn’t mean I wanted Stiles running around where there was an alpha on the loose. 
That night I made dinner, ate, saved two plates for Uncle Noah and Stiles and sat in the living room. They were running a story on another body that had been found. A bus driver killed in an animal attack. They were calling it a mountain lion. A mountain lion was more likely than a werewolf normally. But here we are. Officially werewolf capital of the world. I turned off the TV and laid back on the cushions, closing my eyes. Maybe a couch nap would relax me a little, it would kill my back in the morning, but I would be able to tell when Stiles came home. 
Scott and Stiles were walking towards me across the school lawn, playfully pushing each other. 
“I’m gonna kill both of you.” Derek’s voice said, “What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?” He was frustrated and angry, but also a little scared. Finding the alpha is what he needed to do, at the same time though, this person got the jump on Laura. 
“Sorry…I didn’t know it would be that loud…” Scott said sheepishly. 
“Yeah, it was loud… And it was awesome!” Stiles cheered. 
“Shut up.” Derek barked.
“Don’t be such a sour wolf.” Stiles mocked. 
“What’d you do with him?” Scott asked, looking around me. 
“What?” Derek asked, I turned to see an empty backseat, “I didn’t do anything…” I saw Scott and Stiles’ eyes widen as pain exploded through my back. Blood gushed from my mouth as I was lifted up. I was coughing and choking on my own blood. Pain and fear were running through me, my heart pumping so quickly causing more and more blood to gush from my mouth. The last thing I saw was the world rushing by me as I was thrown towards the school wall. 
I woke up before I made impact. My heart was racing and my back ached. I reached behind myself awkwardly. The only thing I felt was the raised bumpy scar from my stab wound. So it was just a dream, but it felt so real. So…Was it real? Did I just experience Derek…
I looked up at the clock and saw it was well into the early morning. I got up and made my way upstairs, Stiles’ door was slightly open and there was still light inside. I just went in, panic already starting to build in my chest. Stiles was sitting at his computer, he turned and looked up. He looked like he had a long night. 
“Stiles, is…” I swallowed thickly, “Is Derek d-…Dead?” My lip was trembling. He opened his mouth to answer then closed it.  He avoided my eyes. 
“I really don’t know.” He explained what happened at the school that night. How the alpha attacked them and chased them around the school and that when they got out, Derek’s body was gone. 
“I don’t know if he crawled off somewhere or if the alpha dragged him away before the cops showed up. But I’m pretty sure I won’t have to go back to school until Monday. We tried to blow the alpha up. And we also kinda blamed Derek for it.” 
I shook my head and chuckled, “Nice. Throwing a dead man under the bus, after all he’s done for me.” 
“It wasn’t my idea!” He shouted in a hushed tone, “We thought he was dead for sure. But now I don’t know. Besides, we couldn’t give up the big secret to a hunter’s daughter, a dick, and Lydia who has been through enough already.” I nodded and left the room. He called after me but I couldn’t be in the room anymore. Just… they could have blamed anyone. A rabid animal even, but they were blaming Derek. I closed the door and leaned against it, slowly sliding down until I met the floor. My chest felt tight and I wanted to cry. I had cried so much lately I didn’t know if I could. My emotions were running so high and it was so confusing? Why was everything so different? 
It was Monday morning and tonight was another full moon, meaning Scott was jumpy and could turn at any moment. The night before they had gone off to “hang” but Stiles was really bad at hiding the alcohol he had taken to get drunk with Scott. 
I was eating cereal at the kitchen table when Stiles came down. He was groaning and definitely hungover. 
“Booze doesn’t pay, does it?” I smiled. 
“You’re more chipper than usual.” He grimaced a bit, holding his head. 
“Not chipper, just really good at fakin’ it.” I went in for another spoonful. He looked away, hearing Uncle Noah coming through the kitchen on his phone. 
“We are watching his family’s house. Maybe he’ll wind up there?” Uncle Noah looked up, seeing Stiles, “Give me a second.”
“Don’t you have a test to get to?” He asked. 
“What’s going on? Did you find Derek yet?” Stiles asked, more pep in his voice. 
“I’m working on it. You go take your test.” He said firmly. 
“All right, Dad, listen to me-” Stiles stood up.
“Go!” He shouted, I had never heard him shout before. 
“This is really important! You have to be careful tonight, okay? Especially tonight.”
“Stiles, I’m always careful.”
“Dad, you’ve never dealt with this kind of thing before, okay? At least, not like this.”
“I know. Which is why I brought in people who have. State detective. Go take your test.” Stiles grumbled but grabbed his book bag and left the house. Uncle Noah sighed and went back to his phone call as he followed Stiles out the door. 
Later on in the day, Stiles texted me. He probably shouldn’t be, especially with his test. 
STILES: Scott had a panic attack about Allison. He said he might kill someone.
I sighed, my thumbs dancing over the phone screen. 
(Y/N): Then we’ll chain him up so he can’t get out. I’ll pick up some chains at the hardware store.
After a stop at the hardware store, I got to the lacrosse fields where Coach Finstock was looking over a list. 
“How’s the pink-eye epidemic?” I asked. He rolled his eyes. 
“Real good, half of my players had to go on the bench. Goddammit, Greenberg.” I looked over the list. 
“Who’s Bilinski?” I squinted at his sloppy writing. 
“That one.” He pointed his pen towards Stiles. 
“You put Stiles on the first line?” I smiled, perhaps my subtle hints had worked. 
“Yeah, and we made McCall co-captain.” 
I blew air out of my mouth, “I’m sure Jackson shit a brick.” 
He shook his head, “Yeah, he’s not taking it well.”  I shrugged and made my way over to the bench where Scott and Stiles were in the middle of a conversation. I didn’t join, just listened in. 
“Yeah, she likes you. She’s totally into you.” Scott smirked. Stiles grinned, clearly excited. The She in this scenario could be none other than Lydia Martin. But there was something about Scott’s tone that threw me off. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lydia making her way to her seat in the bleachers, pulling out a compact mirror and fixing her lipstick. I didn’t want to believe that Scott would do that to his friend, but the facts were pointing towards it. 
Practice seemed to be going well, that is until Scott got pushed over during a practice run. I could practically feel his anger from across the field. 
“All right, you’re up, big boy! Let’s go!” Coach called. Scott retaliated this by knocking into another player, and sending him hard on his back. I winced, intaking a breath through my teeth. 
“That’s it, McCall! That’s the spirit! You earn it! Earn it, McCall!” Coach grinned. Maybe this is why we had so many players on the bench. Coach could see victory when Scott played. It was Stiles' turn on the offensive against Scott. With the full moon so close, I don’t think their friendship would do Stiles any favors, he shoved Stiles away just as hard and fast as the other player. Each time he got a goal. The next player, Danny, also was a victim of werewolf rage since Scott hit him in the face, sending him to the ground. I grabbed Coach’s whistle and blew it, calling for the play to pause. 
I jogged up to Danny and knelt down, some other players surrounded as well. 
“Danny, can you hear me?” He nodded slowly, holding his bleeding nose. I stood up, “Take him to the bench guys.” I walked back over to Stiles and Scott. 
“Everybody likes Danny. Now everybody’s gonna hate you.” 
“I don’t care.” Scott said smugly. Stiles shook his head and went back to the benches. 
“What the hell is your problem? You make co-captain and it goes to your head.” I shoved his shoulder. He breathed out, his eyes glowed yellow 
“You don’t want to mess with me right now.” 
I narrowed my eyes, “Is that a threat?” He smirked, his eyes going up and down my body. 
“It could be.” I looked at him in disgust. 
“First Lydia and now me? You’re a really shitty friend, Scott.” I made my way back to Stiles who was staring back at the bleachers. Jackson and Lydia were talking. 
“He did it.” He whispered. I squeezed his arm lightly. It was going to be a long night.
That night, Stiles and I went to the McCall’s house to get prepared for the full moon. Stiles carried a duffle bag to the best of his ability, even though it had the steel chains  and locks I had bought. One of the only reasons I came was so if I needed to I could get him out quickly. The other was because I didn’t know how he would react to the situation with Lydia. Stiles unlocked the door and went inside. Did Mrs. McCall know he had a key?“
Scott?” We heard her call. Mrs. McCall turned the corner and saw us in the hallway. She was in her scrubs, probably going in for a late night shift.
“And (Y/N).” I waved.
“Ah.” Her eyes went to Stiles' hand, she pointed, “Key.”
“Oh, yeah, I had one made.” Well, that answers that question. 
“That doesn’t surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn’t surprise me” And then, like a buffoon, Stiles dropped the duffel bag with a heavy thud. 
“What is that?”
“Uh, school project.” He lied. Mrs. McCall, who either believed the lie or just wanted to change the subject, asked: “He’s okay, right?” 
“Who, Scott? Yeah, totally.” Stiles lied.
“He just doesn’t talk to me, not much anymore. Not like he used to.” She said somberly. I could only imagine that’s how my mom felt when I went into high school and into a phase where parents were uncool. 
“Well, he had a bit of a rough week.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Yeah. Um, okay. Uh, be careful tonight.” 
“You, too.”
“Full moon.” She looked out the window. Stiles and I stiffened. 
“There’s a full moon tonight. You should see how the ER gets. Brings out all the nutjobs.” 
“Oh.” He breathed out, both of our shoulders dropped.
“Yeah…” She said awkwardly. 
“You know, it’s, um, actually where they came up with the word "lunatic.”
We opened the door to Scott’s room. Stiles dropped the duffel and turned on the lights. We both jumped when we saw Scott sitting in his computer chair. 
“Oh my god.” I put a hand on my chest, trying to catch my breath. 
“Dude, you scared the hell out of us. Your mom said you weren’t home.”
“I came in through the window.” he said blankly. Stiles and I shared a glance. 
“Okay, um, let’s get this set up.” Stiles bent down to get into the duffel bag that was near the radiator, “(Y/N) got the heavy duty stuff.” I kept my distance from Scott, staying right by the door, ready to grab Stiles and book it. 
“I’m fine,” Scott said, causing us both to stare, “I’m just gonna lock the door and turn in early.” We all knew a door wouldn’t stop him, he had other plans in mind. 
“Are you sure?” Stiles asked, “Cause you got this kinda serial killer look goin’ on in your eyes. I’m hopin’ it’s the full moon taking effect cause it’s starting to freak me out.” 
“I’m fine.” Scott repeated, “You should both go home.” 
“Alright, we’ll leave.” He stood up then stopped, clearly trying to put his back up plan into motion, ‘Well would you at least look in the bag and see what we bought? You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don’t.”
“Just in case you’re feeling a little anxious.” I smiled. Scott got up and walked to the duffel bag. He bent down and pulled out the thick, metal chains. 
“You’re thinking I would put these on? Chain me up like a dog?” He snarled and dropped the chains. 
“Actually, no.” Stiles quickly pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and slapped him on Scott’s wrist, chaining him to the heater. I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him away when Scott lunged. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” Scott growled. 
“Protecting you from yourself.” Stiles sighed and glared, “And giving you payback. For making out with Lydia.” And there it was. Maybe I should have checked the bag for other items he bought. He went downstairs, leaving me and Scott in the bedroom. 
“(Y/N), uncuff me!” He struggled. 
I shook my head, “Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. I don’t have the key.” 
He lunged and growled, causing me to jump. I looked away, embarrassed that I was showing him that I was afraid. But I was afraid. I’ve known this kid practically his entire life and he was turning into a completely different and dangerous person. 
“You like that? Hmm?” He hummed suggestively. I shook my head, talking to him was probably going to just make things worse. Thankfully, Stiles had come back…with a dog bowl.
“I brought you some water.” He said, pouring water from a bottle into the bowl and setting it down in front of Scott.
“I’M GONNA KILL YOU” Scott roared and threw the bowl at Stiles.
“Stiles…” I whispered. The situation was getting dangerous. 
“You kissed her, Scott! Okay? You kissed Lydia. And that’s my…The one girl that I have-'' Stiles shook his head, “You know, for the past three hours, I’ve been thinking it’s probably just the full moon, you know? He doesn’t even know what he’s doing and tomorrow he’ll be back to normal. He probably won’t even remember what a complete dumbass he’s been. A son of a bitch. A frickin’ unbelievable piece of crap friend.”
“She kissed me.” Scott interrupted. 
“What?” Stiles looked so betrayed. 
Scott grinned menacingly, “I didn’t kiss her, she kissed me.” Stiles glared and walked out of the room, I followed behind. 
“She had her hands all over me, she would have done anything I wanted! ANYTHING!” Scott’s voice rang through the house. Stiles paced back and forth outside the door. 
“Stiles?” Scott called through the door, “Please let me out. It’s the full moon, I swear! You know I wouldn’t do any of this on purpose. Stiles, let me out. This is starting to hurt. You said it, Stiles, it’s the full moon. It’s Allison breaking up with me. It’s not just a break, she broke up with me. It’s killing me! I’m feeling hopeless. Just let me out.” Stiles paused, looking towards the door. I looked him in the eye, shaking my head. 
“He’s just trying to make you feel bad.” 
Stiles nodded, “I can’t.” He called. 
“No! No no no!” Scott shouted, followed by screaming. And then silence. Stiles opened the door, Scott was gone. Only broken handcuffs remained. I grabbed a set of chains and started going downstairs. 
“Stiles, stay here.” 
“(Y/N)!” He called, grabbing my arm before I went out the door. 
“Stay put.” I glared, shutting the door behind me. Scott was a sweet kid normally. But if I needed to keep Stiles safe and if that meant knocking out a couple of his teeth then I would. I went around back to his window and followed the path of broken grass into the woods. I gripped onto the chains tightly, ready to swing if I needed to. My plan had been to knock him out and chain him to a tree. Not sure how well that would work though. 
I stopped in a clearing, having lost the trail. Behind me a twig snapped. I’ve always been an act first, ask questions later in these situations. I swung the chain, cracking Scott across the face. My eyes widened at the state of him. Like Derek, he had coarse hair growing down his cheeks, the bridge of his nose was scrunched up and appeared more animal like, his brow bone protruded. His jawline though? Still weird. 
Scott’s head had swung to the side with the chain, he looked back slowly, and glared as he spit blood onto the ground. The scrape on his cheek healed almost immediately. 
Ha ha, I’m in danger.
“Scott.” I said cautiously, taking a slow step back, “You know me. I’m your friend.” He wasn’t moving closer, but he also hadn’t stopped looking at me with his glowing yellow eyes like I was food. 
“So, uh, you blow off your steam. Do some running, clear your head, that good stuff. And I will see you tomorrow. Okay?” I smiled nervously, he didn’t answer, “Okay.” Now it was time to run since I had gotten myself a decent head start. I turned and ran, hearing a roar and footsteps behind me. I threw the chains back over my head, hoping to trip him or hit him in the head. That didn’t seem to do much since he didn’t slow down. 
All at once I was body slammed to the ground and turned on my back. Scott was sitting on top of me, leaning down he roared loudly in my face. His large pointed canines shone in the moonlight. 
I screamed, shoving and kicking at him, “SCOTT! SCOTT PLEASE!” He thrusted a clawed hand down towards my chest that I barely caught. He seemed slightly confused, but pushed down. I whined, using everything I had keeping his sharp claws from my chest. I couldn’t even breathe.
“Scott, please don’t hurt me.” I begged through my teeth. He roared again, raising his other arm to strike when something flashed across my vision. Whatever it was, it knocked Scott off of me. I gasped for air, my lungs and  muscles were screaming at me. The two began to fight, growling and snarling. I sat up, scrambling to get out of the direction of the brawl. I couldn’t see much in the dark since the clouds had covered the moon, but whoever it was got Scott on the ground, roaring down at him. The other stood up straight just as the moon’s light peaked through. And there stood Derek Hale - tall, proud, and very much alive.
Read part 7 here!
Oh boy, who could have seen that coming? Anyone who’s seen season 1, that’s who. 
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are appreciated!
Comment below or message me about being on the taglist :)
You Saved Me tag:
@aestheticeggs (hi eggy)
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drawlfoy · 4 years
The Wonders of Ohio P.6
masterlist (catch up on parts 1-5 here!!)
request guidelines
pairing: draco x reader
request: my original idea :))
summary: y/n’s senior year was going to be great, but her British exchange student is a little weird. this is NOT a non-magic AU. draco’s still a wizard in this fsjifkszfjkd
warnings: language, fainting, bad driving, mentions of drinking and drug use
a/n: eeee this is such a fun bit to write. thank you all so much for being there for me. this is definitely one of my favorite fics i’ve written since it gives me so much creative liberty and the fact that i get feedback and readers for it...just warms my heart. if you’re reading this: thank you so, so much for sticking around. i might come around with more oneshots soon. anyways i hope you enjoy the initial descent into the real real plot. also fluff will be coming soon i promise but i wasn’t lying when i said this was slowburn
tags tags tags @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @icintliviinyiniilsiji @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural
word count: 3.4k
song recs:
a pearl -- mitski
movement -- hozier
revival -- deerhunter
Draco was crying.
Or, at least, someone was. The gasps coming from just a wall away were apparent, but Y/N could hear a voice that didn’t quite sound like Draco--which had to be a trick of the mind, because there could be no one in there but him.
She rapped on the door against her better judgement to be met with a flurry of movement--fabric rustling,  and a soft pop that echoed through the air.
“Draco? Are you alright in there?”
Y/N found herself wishing that he wouldn’t open the door. After the Homecoming ask, the last thing she wanted was to see his stupid pretty face again, but she was a good host sister. Emphasis on sister.
To her shock, the door swung open. Just a few inches, just enough for her to see the pile of black shredded paper in the middle of his room and a drained looking Draco glaring back at her.
“Can I help you?” His once pristine white shirt was gray in some places, like he had rubbed ashes on it. 
“I just thought--did you burn something?”
“No. What is it?”
She looked at him a bit closer. His eyes didn’t look red rimmed with the dead giveaway of a crying session, but they looked close. The furrow in his brow was from worry instead of his usual sternness and he kept nervously pulling down at his left sleeve. 
Draco wasn’t crying, but he was about to.
“I…” There was something deeply unsettling about seeing Draco so uncollected and fidgety--almost like seeing a fish out of water or an American conservative with an adequate understanding of class struggles.The air was charged with something yet again, so much so that Y/N could feel the hair on her arms stand up. She decided to avoid damaging his masculinity any further. “Nothing. It just smelled a little like smoke. I wanted to make sure you weren’t burning a candle or anything. You know how my mom is about that.”
He continued to stare at her.
“Would you like me to leave you alone?”
Well, that was embarrassing thought Y/N as she made her way back down the hall and to her backpack. I get rejected twice in one day. Smooth.
The days following were profoundly more uncomfortable. Breakfasts became uncomfortably akin to the Silent Game and Draco stopped coming out for tea in the evenings. The drives to and from school were decorated only by occasional bits of small talks or grumbles of exams. In short, Y/N knew that she had overstepped a boundary and Draco was pulling back.
School had finally become crazy. Y/N’s life became so entrenched with letters of recommendation and 200 word supplements that the Draco shaped hole in her life was bearable. After all, she was fine before he came, and she was fine now. She’d been silly, allowing herself to fantasize about a kid with some serious trauma and family issues that clearly had personal things that handle before he thought about getting all cozy with someone who was not in the slightest compatible with him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
If someone turned a glass of whole milk into a human, that person would be Chad. He was the poster child of an “American” boy--tall, warm blonde hair, slightly tanned skin, and cornflower blue eyes. 
But his personality? Not so much. 
“My beloved husband!” Y/N called out as she saw him speaking to her mother in the foyer while Draco glowered in the corner. She bounded down the stairs in record time, leaping into his arms as her strappy heels swung from her hands. He smelled of cotton and laundry detergent. 
“Hey nerd,” he said, swinging her around in a circle before setting her down. “Did you finish the Econ homework? I was hoping I could take a picture before I leave…”
Y/N drew back to smack him on the shoulder. “You disgust me.”
“You abuse me.”
“And I’ll do it again,” said Y/N. She had forgotten how funny he was. 
“Oh, you two,” Mrs. Y/L/N cut in, stepping between the two and pressing the boutonnière into Y/N’s hands. “Always bickering like a married couple.”
Lizzy snorted from the top of the stairs where she was struggling to stuff a light jacket into her purse. “Hot take.”
“Hold still,” commanded Y/N, holding the pin and attempting to attach it to his lapel. “I’m literally going to accidentally stab you. Cut it out.”
He made a face down at her. “Do it. You won’t.”
“Oh? I won’t?”
“Y/N,” Mrs. Y/L/N’s exasperated voice warned.
“I’ll refrain, but only because the rug we’re standing on was my Grandmother’s,” Y/N said to him, her voice dripping with sweetness. “Consider yourself lucky that you’re not on the tile.”
“I’ve never been more thankful that my late grandmother-in-law had such impeccable taste.” 
“Suck up.”
“Oh, because you’re such a rebel.”
“It’s called motivation!”
“Honey, I want a divor-”
“For Christ’s sake, stop flirting or I’m going to puke,” a cool voice cut in. The group turned to see Sylvia standing in the doorway, clad in a flowing black dress that just barely ghosted over the top of the floor. 
“You look radiant, darling,” Mrs. Y/L/N said.
“And we weren’t flirting,” said Y/N.
Sylvia sent her a little wink before walking to sit down on the couch across from Draco, who was currently perched cross legged and looking profoundly uncomfortable. 
Sylvia, Lizzy, and their dates all opted to take Lizzy’s car to the city while Chad, Y/N, and Draco took Chad’s. The plan was to drop Draco off at the school with ample time to prepare him for the uniquely traumatic experience that was ASB sanctioned after school events, and to the plan they stuck.
“Yeah, go ahead and treat me like your chauffeur, “ scoffed Chad as Y/N slid into the backseat next to Draco. The sports car was surprisingly narrow with hardly any space between them. If she wanted to, she could easily rest her thigh against his.
“It’s called being polite, dear,” said Y/N, flicking the back of his head before turning to face Draco. “You’re really gonna commit to this? Major props, but, like...you really don’t have to go to this if you don’t want to. You can even stay home. I know how to sneak you back in.”
Draco rolled his eyes. “I’m here for the American experience, right?”
“Hate to break it to you, but there is no uniform American experience. It’s all personalized, and I don’t know if you want yours to be seasoned with 14 year olds T-posing in a circle to...I don’t even know. Chad, what kind of music do they play at those places?”
“Fuck if I know. I don’t go to them either.”
“It’s fine. I told Heather I’d be there.”
“Ooookay, whatever you say,” Y/N said. 
They rode in silence for a few more beats. The wind outside was uncharacteristically strong for an early October day, and it looked like a storm was brewing. In their rush to get to the dance on time, they had neglected to take precaution against the wind and ran outside to Chad’s car without a second thought. Draco’s suit, while posh and put together, had clearly bore the brunt of this choice. His tie had become slightly rumpled and his hair mussed, a look that was all types of wrong on him.
“Draco?” she asked. He snapped to attention. “Your tie is all undone. Can I…?” Y/N motioned to his neck.
Wide-eyed and frozen, he met her with, “er...sure.” 
Y/N leaned forward, trying to think past how her thighs were just barely touching his. Her corsage (a tasteful red, thank you very much) bumped against his chest, flattening a bit. She wasn’t very familiar with ties--she’d never had to be in her past experiences--but whatever his was made of, it was expensive. The fabric felt silky and impossibly smooth in her hand as she carefully untied it.
Chad took a sharp turn into the school drop off lot, prompting Y/N to nearly topple into Draco’s chest. His arms shot out to steady her and retracted so quickly that she was left wondering if she imagined the whole ordeal. 
“So it’s true,” said Chad from the front. “Nerds do have bad upper body strength.”
“Shut up,” she responded. Her cheeks felt unbearably hot as she tried her best to focus on tightening Draco’s tie and ignore the fact that she was close enough to smell his cologne--a soft pine, she observed--and feel the shadow of his breath on her face. His hands were clasped together lap, tight enough to turn the knuckles white. 
It was an odd feeling, getting butterflies in her stomach while she was touching a boy that wasn’t her date as Chad careened towards a parking spot and pulled in so violently that Y/N almost went sprawling into Draco again. She looked up at him, getting ready to crack a joke about the absurdity of the situation or the questionable driving; instead, she found herself staring up into his eyes. 
His normally pale eyes looked darker than usual--his pupils were insanely dilated--but that was because it was dark in the car. Obviously. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N could see his chest rising and falling with an urgency that she hadn’t noticed before.
“Do you want me to uh..fix your...your hair, too?” Y/N said, mentally cringing at how she stumbled over the sentence. To be fair, his hair was ruffled and out of place. It wasn’t like she was making an excuse to touch it or anything.
To that, Draco jerked away from her, his back brushing up against the opposite car door. “No. No, it’s ok. I’ll fix it myself.”
Y/N was sure that her face was tomato red.
“Alright buckaroo,” Chad said from the front, his nonchalant demeanor never more appreciated. “Your hot date is here. Get out of my car. We have a busy day of antiquing ahead.”
Any semblance of casualness left Draco’s body as his eyes widened. “Antiquing?”
“Yeah, remember the place I took you to right after you came here?” asked Y/N.
“Er...don’t you have anything better to do?”
“Excuse me?” She sat up straight so quickly that she felt her hair come slightly undone at the nape of her neck. “That’s rich, coming from the kid going to a school dance as a senior.” 
“It’s probably not going to even be open. It’ll be late by the time dinner’s over,” he said. 
“Since when do you care? Honestly, quit acting weird,” Y/N responded, scootching away from him as he made no effort to get out of the car. 
“I’m not--it’s--erm, nevermind, forget about it.” He cleared his throat, straightened his tie, and brushed off his lapels. “Heather must be waiting for me. Goodbye.”
After a little struggle, Draco managed to best the slightly confusing door handle of Chad’s car and was out the door. Y/N slid across the seat and out with him, shutting the door and grabbing the handle for the passenger side. 
“Y/N?” Draco’s voice called before she had the chance to fully get in and tell Chad to book it. 
“What’s up?”
He took a few steps forward, pausing just a couple feet away from her. His eyes were cast to the rain puddle ridden cement. “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid, okay?”
“I should be telling you that, king,” Y/N quipped. “Your first real American dance. If you go to any after parties, make sure to watch your drink. Don’t take any substances from strangers--or, anyone, really--”
“Y/N, he’s not a chick.” Chad, his hands still perched on the steering wheel, turned to peer out at her. “He’ll be fine. I think they have beer in Britain.”
“Well, whatever. Have Heather text me if I need to pick you up anywhere. And don’t get in any cars with someone who’s been drinking!”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming.” She slid into the car, turning one last time to say bye. Draco was already gone. “Only if I drive.”
“So Heather and Draco, huh?” 
Y/N scowled at Lizzy as she speared a piece of her salad particularly viciously. “I don’t know if it’s like that. I think he’s just being polite, or whatever. I think British people are just like that.”
“Why are we even talking about that boy?” Chad asked. “He’s got that whole Timothée Chalamet dying Victorian toddler aesthetic if Timothée was blonde and had a perpetual stick up his ass.”
“In a hot way, though,” said Lizzy, her eyebrows wiggling. Jonathan scowled at her side. “Oh, don’t be so jealous. As if I’d ever go for a kid who doesn’t even know what Snapchat is.”
“I don’t understand what Heather sees in him,” Chad continued, his fettuccine plate long forgotten. “He’s got the personality of a wet rag, and she’s so bubbly and...I don’t even know. Do you guys get what I mean?”
“Draco’s got personality,” said Y/N. 
“Not like Heather.”
“It’s not his fault he’s reserved. He’s actually really funny.”
“And that’s what I like to call rose-tinted glasses,” Chad said, gently poking her cheek. 
“Hey! I’m the one who lives with him.”
“Whatever. Let’s just call for the bill. I’m not hungry anymore.” Chad folded up his napkin, placing it on top of the tablecloth and ignoring Y/N’s protest as he got out his wallet and placed a credit card on the table. “It’s on me, guys. You know how my parents are. They’re just happy that we’re all getting together again instead of holing up in our rooms.”
“Thank god junior year is over,” Sylvia added. “That’s really kind of you. At least let me get the tip?”
As the group bickered over the payment options and flagged down the waiter, Y/N noticed her phone lighting up with a notification.
Heather, 6.48pm: Hey girly! Sorry to bug you on your night but Draco wanted to check in and ask where you guys are/what you’re planning on doing tonight.
“Who’s that?” Chad asked, looking down at the little paragraph in the gray message bubble.
“Just Heather. Draco wants to know what we’re doing. Probably because he’s realizing how sucky dances really are and is about to beg us to come pick him up.”
He snorted. “Yeah. Poor kid.”
Y/N typed out a quick “we just finished dinner and are heading to the antique place now. lmk if i need to pick him up earlier” and tucked her phone away in her purse. As much as she resented it, she couldn’t help but wish that Draco wanted to join them instead.
“Are you guys ready to beat it and hit up that antique place?” Marvin, Sylvia’s date, asked. She rolled her eyes and sent him a lazy smile.
“You sound like a dad.” 
“Off like a herd of turtles, baby,” Y/N offered, gathering her things as they made their way out the restaurant door. “Not gonna lie, this place doesn’t show up on Google Maps or anything. I think I know how to get there but none of you guys are allowed to make fun of me if I take too many wrong turns.”
“No promises,” said Chad, winking down at her and giving her shoulder a little squeeze. 
 As they walked, it became profoundly obvious that Chad and Y/N were the only two who weren’t officially an item. Lizzy and Jonathon were walking hand in hand while Sylvia and Marvin whispered in each others’ ears when they had to wait for crosswalk signals. While she had great chemistry with Chad, nothing ever felt real with him. It always felt like an act.
Perhaps the tension between them was because of that one time they kissed and never talked about it again in freshman year after a particularly nerve wracking competitive math round before she quit--something that she wasn’t exactly going to shout off the rooftops for the masses to hear. Or maybe because he pushed her away right after and said it was a mistake. 
Whatever it was, Y/N and Chad were decidedly not romantically involved. She had been shocked when he’d even bothered asking her for the night. Granted, they were always pals and it shouldn’t have been awkward, but drawing the comparisons between her and the other girls was making the evening very uncomfy. Y/N couldn’t help but pray that Chad was going to be the one to break the ice.
“Where the fuck is this place?” he finally said, much to Y/N’s glee. His grace and manners were absolutely unparalleled. “It’s cold and I’m sure it’s going to start raining again.”
“It should be just a few more blocks and then to the right,” she responded. “Sorry. It’s cool as fuck, though. I promise it’s worth it.”
“This is just her ploy to lure us all away from civilization to off us,” Sylvia said, turning around from a few feet in front of them to raise her eyebrows at Y/N. “Eliminate the competition before college apps even begin. I’m impressed, honestly.”
“Now you’ve gone and ruined it all,” she fired back. “Thanks, Vy.”
She was relieved to see that the antique store couldn’t be missed, even if she tried. The sign, a worn and friendly gold, was illuminated by large lights. The words “My Grandfather’s Attic” had never looked more welcoming as Sylvia gripped the door and ushered them inside.
The moment Y/N stepped inside, something felt...different, kind of like the hair-raising feeling she got when she was around Draco. The electricity in the air she felt with him could easily be explained away by the fact that he was, for lack of a better term, the most stunning person she’d ever seen, but perhaps she was slowly getting over him. Perhaps…
She turned to see Chad, his honey blonde hair spilling over his forehead as he focused on a basket of vintage buttons that seemed to glimmer in the light. The furrow in his brow--the same one that she’d been so familiar with after seeing him solve countless math problems--appeared as he examined the basket, turning a red button around in his fingers, soft and and sprinkled with writing calluses. 
Maybe it had been Chad all along. Maybe Draco was just a detour. 
Before she did anything she regretted, Y/N turned and made her way back into the store. The set up was the same as she remembered--interesting and foreign objects hanging from the walls, ceilings, and congregating in baskets and overflowing shelves. She didn’t even realize that she had migrated over to the opposite side of the room until she felt the solid, cool wood of the black box from her dreams pressed into her hand as she turned it over and traced the strange white sign that was etched into the front. 
The sound snapped her out of her trance to see...Heather and Draco? He was jogging towards her despite the fact that he was wearing a full suit. Y/N made an absent note to make fun of him later. 
“Why are you--”
“Put that down!” He stopped a few paces away, his eyes darting around the store at a frantic pace. “We need to leave.”
“Why? Honestly, if you wanted me to pick you up, all you had to do was…” She had to take a breath to steady herself. Her body felt like it was filled with static. “All you had to do was ask.”
“That’s not...ok, just put it down,” he commanded. “Please. Just put the box down. We need to go home.”
“No! This is my last homecoming. I’m sorry your experience wasn’t great, but I don’t...I don’t, uh, appreciate…” The lightheadedness hit, so suddenly that she almost fell. 
“Fuck, are you okay?” Draco was right in front of her in an instant, his eyes scanning her face.
“I feel...” She took a shaky breath. “I feel...starry?”
The last thing she remembered was Draco trying to tug the box out of her grip, his other hand warm on her shoulder.
And then everything went black.
final a/n: so draco got a howler and some wack stuff happened, huh? tell me what you think. 
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Erik sending the Reader vids of him beating his dick and he nuts on the screen
Warnings: SMUT
Okay so the last one was appealed llab. It’s the gif I posted with it which was perfect and tumblr wants to fuck shit up. ANYWAYYSSSSSS enjoy this nasty smutty love that my beautiful friend @goddessofthundathighs wrote up and let me tell you it’s good 😩😩😩😩😩💦
Like, Comment, Reblog 💖
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New Moon. Your favorite time of the month because it allowed you to cleanse yourself old old energy and set new goals and manifestations for the weeks to come. This particular new moon fell on your favorite day of the week: Self-Care Sunday. You had already spent the day pampering and treating yourself with a fresh mani/pedi and new weave, now it was time for your spiritual bath. Since you and Erik had just called it quits, you decided to focus on love. You started by saging your bathroom, making sure to focus on the corners and around the doorway. Next, you added 6 drops of jasmine oil and honey to the water; 6 being the number of love. You then added your rose bath salts and rose quartz stones to the bath. You finally lit your jasmine incense and submerged yourself in the water.
On all night // quarter five //
I’d be insane if I let you hit // I need you
Should be here // For my regretful morning
The sweet scent of the Strawberry Pound Cake candle you recently purchased from Bath & Body Works invaded your nostrils along with the jasmine as your body sank down into your bath. You closed your eyes and began visualizing yourself in a loving relationship while placing the rose quartz over your heart. You had your Me & Somebody’s Son playlist on full blast and were currently being serenaded by Ari Lennox when your phone buzzed against the toilet.
“You up?”
You stared at the words that accompanied the lewd video before rolling your eyes in annoyance. Of course Satan Incarnate would text you some shit like this while you were trying to relax. Jackass.
Though you were no longer an item, he knew how much watching him jerk off turned you on. You loved the way his face scrunched up in pleasure, his bottom lip wedged between his teeth sent a chill straight to your core. Damn him! You had half a mind to ignore the message and roll back over until those 3 dots appeared again.
“If you gone ignore a nigga, at least turn ya read receipts off, y/n.”
“Nigga fuck you!” Your fingers fired back before they found their way between your legs.
Up late, again // Head on my chest, hand on my ass //
Up late, again // Back it up on you, breathing fast //
Oh, up late again, yeah // Tell me how it is when back it up there // It up there (mmh)
“That’s what I want you to do,” he responds with the grinning devil emoji followed by another video. You hesitantly clicked play, only to find him stroking himself faster and now moaning your name.
“This dick misses you, y/n. Daddy misses the way them walls hug mah shit when you ridin’ and the way that fat ass bounce up and down.”
You were really turned on, now. He was completely naked except the thick Cuban link choker around his neck and the gold pinky rings you got him last Christmas. He had been back home so his accent was heavy on his words. It made your pussy throb. His tongue passed over his bottom grill as his hand squeezed his thick shaft. Your mouth watered as you watched the beads of pre-cum ooze from his tip. That was the last straw before you stood from the bath and took a seat on the side of the tub. You grabbed the shower head, turning it to the massage setting before placing it between your legs. You mewled as the water pulsed against your already throbbing clit and were just finding your groove before your phone buzzed again. Another message accompanied by another video.
“You playin’ wit mah pussy, y/n? You know you can’t do dat without Daddy’s permission.”
“You ain’t my Daddy no more..”
“I’m always Daddy, you just stubborn.”
Erik was always unnecessarily arrogant. You loved and hated that about him. He was one of those niggas that knew he was fine and had no problems flaunting his good looks. It was the one thing you two argued about the most. You hated the way women fawned over him and how he ate up the attention. He always dismissed your claims, accusing you of being insecure. He was a certified asshole, but he was yours and you missed him.
Make your easy to North Hollywood // Target lingerie //
Kissing your lips // Dipped in Backwood tips
I been crushing on you // We can fake watch the news, if you like
You watched the videos on a constant loop, allowing the shower head to bring you closer and closer to your peak. You were almost there when another message came through.
“Come see me..”
You stopped. Although you wanted him to break your back like a glow stick, you knew how things would eventually end. You and Erik were a never ending cycle of toxicity and although the dick was bomb, you didn’t want to bring that into this next phase of your life. You placed the shower head back in it’s holster before stepping out of the shower. Your inner freak was cursing your entire existence, but you knew you had made the right decision. You wrapped a towel around yourself before grabbing your homemade Shea Butter to moisturize your skin. He sent more videos, but you ignored them as you got ready for bed. You were about to power it off for the night when a final message caught your attention.
“This could’ve been you, but you playin’..” You clicked play on the video only to be met with ropes of his cum shooting towards your face. His moan was deep, animalistic almost as he finished himself off. He smirked devilishly at the screen, revealing his fronts before speaking again.
“Wanna lick it off? I know you want to, ma. I know that mouth is drooling right now. Damn, girl, you just love being stubborn when you could have been on your knees catching all my nut in that pretty little mouth. Got me cumming on my phone.” Erik thumbed some cum from his phone screen, rubbing it along the tip of his dick slowly. “You see that? That’s your mess to clean up. Keep playing with me if you want to. Watch how you come running to Daddy.”
You wanted to resist, but your inner freak couldn’t be sated by your fingers and vibrator alone. Erik had permanently ruined sex for you, his arrogance and nastiness were in a league of their own. He was the only man that had ever made you cum just from talking. You quickly slipped into your favorite Fashion Nova lingerie set and grabbed your keys from the nightstand. He FaceTimed you as you slid behind the wheel of your pearl white Porsche Panamera, the only one of its kind in the garage of your apartment building.
“Yes Daddy?” You answered sweetly.
“Thought I wasn’t Daddy no more,” he replied with a smug grin that made you roll your eyes.
“You want me to come through or nah? Cuz I can get back in my bed,” you snap.
“Get back in the bed, then, y/n. I ain’t the one that wanna cum right now.”
You shot a piercing glare to your phone screen, which made his grin even more smug.
“Yeeah, that lil pussy throbbin’ ain’t she? She wanna feel this thick ass tongue sliding up and down, fuckin’ that lil hole like I would wit my dick, don’t she? Yeah. You want Daddy’s face all in it, my beard soakin’ wet wit ya juices. Don’t be shy, you can tell Daddy what you want.”
You bit your lip, staring at the phone with pleading eyes as he spoke.
“You want this dick, pretty girl? Just say the word and I’ll be on my way. I know how much you miss ridin’ this dick in my G Wagon.”
You whimpered uncontrollably at the thought of the last time he fucked you in the back of his truck. He had your legs on his shoulders, digging out your pussy like he was searching for a buried treasure. Even when you came, his powerful thrusts didn’t stop.
“Spread dem legs fa me.”
Without hesitation you did as you were told, reclining your seat back so that he had an unobstructed view of your dripping wet center.
“You gone make dat pussy cum fa Daddy? You gone make a mess in ya front seat like I did in this chair?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned as you drove 3 of your fingers into your entrance. Under his commands you flicked and fucked yourself until you squirted all over your front seat and phone screen. You were so caught up in your pleasure that you didn’t realize he had left his place until you heard 3 raps on your window. You readjusted your clothes before rolling the window down, only to be met with his fat, throbbing dick.
“Give Daddy’s dick a kiss, pretty girl.”
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress @chefjessypooh @chaneajoyyy @pananegra @theblulife @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah @eyeknowmywrites @crowngold @njadakillthiscookie @blktinkerbell @luvanxi @sheisexcellent1 @chocolatedippedinhoney @brandithecrystalgem @dababydababydababydababy @soulfulbeauty19 @btitannaaa @sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted @harleycativy @rbhp @thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone @palmstreesallday @skylahb @bakaris-shorty @nizzle-mo @truglori @queenflaws @ljstraightnochaser @theegoldenchild @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @nickidub718 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @rent-emspoons​ @abluesforlyssa @abeautifulmindexposed @fd-writes @chasingsunlight​ @sickaddiktions @munteanhore @xo-goldengirl @tiava143 @33kiara​ @honeytoffee @asiasblackworld727 @momobaby227 @informalmelancholy @soulshinechronicles @hearteyes-for-killmonger @goddessofthundathighs @soulfxll @whazzzupmyhitta
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This was an imagine originally given to @nahimjustfeelingit-writes in which Erik sends the reader videos of him masturbating. She couldn’t figure out how to start it so I decided to try my hand at it, and thus, this filth was born. 😈😘
New Moon. Your favorite time of the month because it allowed you to cleanse yourself old old energy and set new goals and manifestations for the weeks to come. This particular new moon fell on your favorite day of the week: Self-Care Sunday. You had already spent the day pampering and treating yourself with a fresh mani/pedi and new weave, now it was time for your spiritual bath. Since you and Erik had just called it quits, you decided to focus on love. You started by saging your bathroom, making sure to focus on the corners and around the doorway. Next, you added 6 drops of jasmine oil and honey to the water; 6 being the number of love. You then added your rose bath salts and rose quartz stones to the bath. You finally lit your jasmine incense and submerged yourself in the water.
On all night // quarter five //
I’d be insane if I let you hit // I need you
Should be here // For my regretful morning
The sweet scent of the Strawberry Pound Cake candle you recently purchased from Bath & Body Works invaded your nostrils along with the jasmine as your body sank down into your bath. You closed your eyes and began visualizing yourself in a loving relationship while placing the rose quartz over your heart. You had your Me & Somebody’s Son playlist on full blast and were currently being serenaded by Ari Lennox when your phone buzzed against the toilet.
“You up?”
You stared at the words that accompanied the lewd video before rolling your eyes in annoyance. Of course Satan Incarnate would text you some shit like this while you were trying to relax. Jackass.
Though you were no longer an item, he knew how much watching him jerk off turned you on. You loved the way his face scrunched up in pleasure, his bottom lip wedged between his teeth sent a chill straight to your core. Damn him! You had half a mind to ignore the message and roll back over until those 3 dots appeared again.
“If you gone ignore a nigga, at least turn ya read receipts off, y/n.”
“Nigga fuck you!” Your fingers fired back before they found their way between your legs.
Up late, again // Head on my chest, hand on my ass //
Up late, again // Back it up on you, breathing fast //
Oh, up late again, yeah // Tell me how it is when back it up there // It up there (mmh)
“That’s what I want you to do,” he responds with the grinning devil emoji followed by another video. You hesitantly clicked play, only to find him stroking himself faster and now moaning your name.
“This dick misses you, y/n. Daddy misses the way them walls hug mah shit when you ridin’ and the way that fat ass bounce up and down.”
You were really turned on, now. He was completely naked except the thick Cuban link choker around his neck and the gold pinky rings you got him last Christmas. He had been back home so his accent was heavy on his words. It made your pussy throb. His tongue passed over his bottom grill as his hand squeezed his thick shaft. Your mouth watered as you watched the beads of pre-cum ooze from his tip. That was the last straw before you stood from the bath and took a seat on the side of the tub. You grabbed the shower head, turning it to the massage setting before placing it between your legs. You mewled as the water pulsed against your already throbbing clit and were just finding your groove before your phone buzzed again. Another message accompanied by another video.
“You playin’ wit mah pussy, y/n? You know you can’t do dat without Daddy’s permission.”
“You ain’t my Daddy no more..”
“I’m always Daddy, you just stubborn.”
Erik was always unnecessarily arrogant. You loved and hated that about him. He was one of those niggas that knew he was fine and had no problems flaunting his good looks. It was the one thing you two argued about the most. You hated the way women fawned over him and how he ate up the attention. He always dismissed your claims, accusing you of being insecure. He was a certified asshole, but he was yours and you missed him.
Make your easy to North Hollywood // Target lingerie //
Kissing your lips // Dipped in Backwood tips
I been crushing on you // We can fake watch the news, if you like
You watched the videos on a constant loop, allowing the shower head to bring you closer and closer to your peak. You were almost there when another message came through.
“Come see me..”
You stopped. Although you wanted him to break your back like a glow stick, you knew how things would eventually end. You and Erik were a never ending cycle of toxicity and although the dick was bomb, you didn’t want to bring that into this next phase of your life. You placed the shower head back in it’s holster before stepping out of the shower. Your inner freak was cursing your entire existence, but you knew you had made the right decision. You wrapped a towel around yourself before grabbing your homemade Shea Butter to moisturize your skin. He sent more videos, but you ignored them as you got ready for bed. You were about to power it off for the night when a final message caught your attention.
“This could’ve been you, but you playin’..”
You clicked play on the video only to be met with ropes of his cum shooting towards your face. His moan was deep, animalistic almost as he finished himself off. He smirked devilishly at the screen, revealing his fronts before speaking again.
“Wanna lick it off? I know you want to, ma. I know that mouth is drooling right now. Damn, girl, you just love being stubborn when you could have been on your knees catching all my nut in that pretty little mouth. Got me cumming on my phone.”
Erik thumbed some cum from his phone screen, rubbing it along the tip of his dick slowly.
“You see that? That’s your mess to clean up. Keep playing with me if you want to. Watch how you come running to Daddy.”
You wanted to resist, but your inner freak couldn’t be sated by your fingers and vibrator alone. Erik had permanently ruined sex for you, his arrogance and nastiness were in a league of their own. He was the only man that had ever made you cum just from talking. You quickly slipped into your favorite Fashion Nova lingerie set and grabbed your keys from the nightstand. He FaceTimed you as you slid behind the wheel of your pearl white Porsche Panamera, the only one of its kind in the garage of your apartment building.
“Yes Daddy?” You answered sweetly.
“Thought I wasn’t Daddy no more,” he replied with a smug grin that made you roll your eyes.
“You want me to come through or nah? Cuz I can get back in my bed,” you snap.
“Get back in the bed, then, y/n. I ain’t the one that wanna cum right now.”
You shot a piercing glare to your phone screen, which made his grin even more smug.
“Yeeah, that lil pussy throbbin’ ain’t she? She wanna feel this thick ass tongue sliding up and down, fuckin’ that lil hole like I would wit my dick, don’t she? Yeah. You want Daddy’s face all in it, my beard soakin’ wet wit ya juices. Don’t be shy, you can tell Daddy what you want.”
You bit your lip, staring at the phone with pleading eyes as he spoke.
“You want this dick, pretty girl? Just say the word and I’ll be on my way. I know how much you miss ridin’ this dick in my G Wagon.”
You whimpered uncontrollably at the thought of the last time he fucked you in the back of his truck. He had your legs on his shoulders, digging out your pussy like he was searching for a buried treasure. Even when you came, his powerful thrusts didn’t stop.
“Spread dem legs fa me.”
Without hesitation you did as you were told, reclining your seat back so that he had an unobstructed view of your dripping wet center.
“You gone make dat pussy cum fa Daddy? You gone make a mess in ya front seat like I did in this chair?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned as you drove 3 of your fingers into your entrance. Under his commands you flicked and fucked yourself until you squirted all over your front seat and phone screen. You were so caught up in your pleasure that you didn’t realize he had left his place until you heard 3 raps on your window. You readjusted your clothes before rolling the window down, only to be met with his fat, throbbing dick.
“Give Daddy’s dick a kiss, pretty girl.”
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lu-undy · 4 years
If you have time, Perle goes missing for a wee bit and spy is freaking out looking for her and so sniper looks in a place where no one really goes and when he finds her, Perle had kittens, if you want
Here we go for Perle is a mum!
When he heard the knock, Spy ran to his door and opened. 
"Please come in!"
Sniper's eyebrows jumped in surprise as Spy practically threw himself in his arms.
"What's wrong?" 
"It's Perle, I haven't seen her in days and I fear the worst has happened to her…" Spy buried his head in Sniper's chest to hide his distress that was nonetheless very clear. 
"C'mere, love." Sniper hugged his lover and led them both on the sofa where they took a seat. 
"Now, when was the last time you saw her?" 
"A few days ago… Oh, and to think I told her off…" Spy said, his voice full of regret. 
"What happened?" 
"She kept on meowing through the night, she drove me insane! I had to lock her up in the kitchen."
"And then?" 
"And then I went to sleep. When I woke up, I opened the door and couldn't see her anywhere. I didn't think much of it but it has been days now and I am worried to my bone marrow!"
"Calm down, love, I'll help you look for her. We'll find her, c'mon." 
They roamed through the Frenchman's suite, searching and calling out for Perle, but to no avail. 
"She might have gone out through the cat door. Let's search the base." Sniper said, seeing the grief in his lover's eyes. 
And again, they went everywhere. In the living room, they looked under the couches where their colleagues were sitting. 
"What are you lookin' for lads?" Demo asked. 
"None of your business!" Spy snapped under the pressure. 
"Mates, you haven't seen a fluffy white cat lately?" Sniper explained. 
They shook their heads.
"We'll let you know if we do." Demo answered. 
"What? Spy's cat, you mean?" Scout asked and both Sniper and Spy turned to him. 
"Oui, have you seen her?!" He asked gasping. 
"What, you lost your cat? I thought you always had control of everything, eh?" Scout taunted. But Spy was too worried for jokes. He leapt at his younger colleague and tackled him to the floor with both his hands on the young man's throat. 
"I dare you to make fun now, Scout, you just try." He said, boiling with rage, straddling Scout's body on the floor, his teeth gritted hard. 
"Spy! Stop it!" Sniper went to separate them but Spy's eyes still flashed threateningly. 
"Scout, you say something of the sort again when her life is at stake and no respawn or medigun will fix what I will do to you!" He furiously shouted while Sniper still held him back. 
Their colleagues around were stunned by how angry Spy could get. They helped Scout up and Sniper took Spy outside of the base to get some fresh air. 
"Love, what was that? You can't throw yourself at Scout like that, you know he's all talk and nothing serious…" .
"Oui, I know. But I can't help it. Not when Perle is at stake." 
"Don't say that, we live in the middle of the desert. No one comes or goes so she can't have been run over. Besides, she's way too clever for that." 
"Pff…" Spy leaned back on the base's front door and let himself sink down. Sniper crouched down and put a hand on his lover's shoulder. He looked around them. 
The orange and dry desert spread as far as the eye could see. Only the cacti dared interrupt the sea of dust. The cacti and Sniper's van. There was a small puddle of oil on the ground next to it. It reminded Sniper to ask Engie about it. He was about to turn his head to Spy again when a detail caught his eye. 
"What the hell is that…?" 
Sniper let go of Spy's shoulder and walked to his van. He crouched down and looked carefully. 
"What is it?" Spy asked as he joined him. "Oh mon Dieu! It's her footprints! Paw-prints? Footprints? It's her!" 
There was a trail of paw prints that led further underneath the van. 
"Perle?!" Lucien shouted excitedly. He laid flat on the floor, ignoring the dramatic effect of the sand on his suit. "Here she is! Perle! Ma chérie, ma petite, ma belle!"
[My sweetheart, my little one, my beautiful one!]
"Meow!" She answered, curled in a ball of fur.
"Viens, ma chérie." He called but she didn't move. 
[Come, my sweetheart.]
Sniper laid on the floor next to him when a strange noise made them both frown and squint. 
"Pearl, was that you…?" 
"It sounded like a squeak," Spy said. "Much like the noises she made when she was a - oh mon Dieu…"
[Oh my God…]
Perle unrolled her fluffy tail that she had wrapped around her and revealed a litter of kittens. 
"She's got kittens!" Sniper exclaimed. "She's a mum!"
"Ooh!" Spy exclaimed, with tears in his eyes. Perle rose to her feet and grabbed her babies one by one, bringing them out of underneath the van and next to her masters. "Mon Dieu, oh, Perle, ooh!" 
Sniper saw Spy's tears roll down on his face. They both sat side by side and waited for Perle to gather her four babies. 
"Congrats, luv, you're a dad!" 
"Non, non, mon amour," Spy wiped his face with the back of his hand. "We are."
"We are dads?" Sniper asked. 
"Oui…" Spy leaned on Sniper's shoulder. "Oh, look at them… They are adorable and so small, so fragile… Can they open their eyes?" 
"When was it that she was meowing like crazy?" Sniper asked. 
"Three days ago, why?"
"That's when she gave birth to them, I think. She might have wanted to draw your attention for you to be there and help her but eh…"
"Oh merde…" Spy realised. "Did I tell her off right before she gave birth?"
"Yeah, I think you did. And remember when you thought she was too fat and you started feedin' her less?" 
"Merde…" Spy blushed out of embarrassment.
"Don't worry, I fed her behind your back. Left cans of cat food next to the van. I'd always find them empty the next day."
"You knew she was pregnant?" 
"Nah, only had doubts. When she got really big, I wondered… But then I thought that if she was pregnant, we'd know sooner or later."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Spy asked. 
"I wasn't sure…" 
Perle curled in a ball of fur on the ground, in front of them. 
"I do apologise, Perle, I behaved like a simpleton. I should have listened to you. I… I treated you badly and thought you were just any other cat. But non, you are one very fine lady." Spy approached his hand to her and he let his gloved hand run through her fluff. Soon, he heard her purr.
"I think she forgives you." 
"She is too kind. I underfed her for weeks, I yelled at her that other night and left her alone to give birth to magnificent children when she needed my help and yet, she still chooses to forgive me…" 
"Yeah." Sniper answered. 
"Meow." Perle raised her big blue eyes to her masters and purred under their hands. 
"Wanna go back home, pretty cat? You'll be better inside with your babies." 
"I will fetch something to carry them." Spy said. 
"Look in the van, love, you'll find a basket." 
A few minutes later, all were back in Spy's smoking room.
"You should get a change, Spook. Your suit's covered in dust."
Spy looked down at himself and winced. 
"Ah, oui… You too."
Sniper looked down and smiled. 
"Guess we should get clean, eh?" He wrapped his arms around Spy. 
"Hands off, I am disgusting like that…" He snickered.
"Nah, you can't be disgustin', y'know that? You're always gorgeous…" Sniper led Spy to the bathroom. "And sexy…" He pushed the door and both of them entered. "And delicious…" 
He pressed his lips on Spy but the Frenchman gently pushed him back. 
"Do you accept?" Spy asked. 
"Do I accept what?"
"The custody of those young kittens with Perle and me?" Spy was looking up to his tall lover who softened. Sniper cupped Spy's face tenderly and stared lovingly in his eyes. 
"Of course I do, you silly. I love you… Now, may I kiss the young dad?" 
Spy raised a surprised eyebrow. 
"I am far from young, Sniper." 
"May I kiss the old dad, then?" 
Spy smiled. 
"Rude, but honest." He said. "And yes, please do kiss him, I heard he had a terrible day of worries today." 
"Sounds like he needs comfort." Sniper bent down and squeezed the Frenchman between his arms as he kissed him.
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mordellestories · 4 years
Give a Beetle a Bone
It was a fucking disaster, is what it was! It wasn't like Betelgeuse's plans had never gone to shit, quite the opposite; his plans ALWAYS went to shit in some way or another, but this time? This time took the fucking cake ! Getting eaten by a sandworm just moments away from being free as a bat at dusk, now that's a story to tell the grandkids–wherever the fuck those little turds were. How could this be the end? How could he have gotten so close, only to come out of the other end of a giant, very satisfied, striped asshole? At least one of them enjoyed themselves. He shuddered at the memory of being squeezed right out into a steaming mountain of sandworm shit.
What was he supposed to do now? Wait his turn with the other deadbeats in waiting room 8, just to get bitched out by the cunt-of-an-ex-boss? Again?! No. No freaking way. This was it. This was the last straw that broke the corpses back, and Betelgeuse was ready to go to war .
The riled up poltergeist shot out of his chair, still in tatters from his meet and greet with the jaws and intestines of that legless, enthusiastic fucker on Saturn. (The beast actually took a liking to Betelgeuse once he was out. Must have grazed the thing’s sweet spot or some shit.)
"I'm not gonna stand for this," Betelgeuse said with righteous determination while standing. "I'm the ghost with the most!" He beat his chest with an angry fist and stomped his foot on the ground. "I do what I want when I want, and none of you dupes can do a thing about it!"
"You!" Miss Argentina shouted from the reception. "I can hit this big red button right here and send you right back to where you came from if you like," she grinned wickedly.
Betelgeuse held up his hands in surrender. "Woah! Not necessary, babe," he winked, exposing his grimy overbite. "I'm just gonna hit the john, maybe have some grub, and I'll be right back." He chuckled slowly and dangerously, placing his hand to his chest and straightening. "Cross my heart and hope to live," he cackled wildly and popped into the midplane between life and death. Time to pay up, betrothed. His shrieking laughter rang through time and space as he zeroed in on his target.
He landed in a darkroom. It took a few moments to realize he was trapped in a negative hung to dry.
"You ruin my art, and I'll ruin your afterlife," droned a familiar feminine voice from afar.
Betelgeuse craned his neck every which way to catch a glimpse of the snot-nosed, betraying, little shit. The backstabbing kid was gonna feel his wrath from here to kingdom come– HOLY HANGIN' GEMSTONES BELOW!
A slim form was hunched over a table, examining her work with a Buddhist monk's calm and concentration—jet black hair pulled up in a messy bun, chocolate eyes, moonlight pale skin, and grown up in every way that counted in his books!
Mother o' pearl, look at those tits!
"Yowzers!" Betelgeuse let out, followed by a sharp whistle. "How long was I in that literal shithole," he grumbled and scratched his head, utterly confounded.
"Eighteen years," Lydia replied dryly, not sparing a glance in the poltergeist's way, making Betelgeuse feel entirely insignificant.
It was insulting. It was infuriating. It was-it was-it was... It was a massive turn on , and Betelgeuse was instantaneously stiff in more ways than one.
He leered in her direction, even though she was still ignoring him, and scanned her top to toes again, shaking his head in bewilderment. Betelgeuse hummed with approval. "May I just say, you're lookin' like a beetle on a cracker ta me right now, babe. Ya sure as hell didn't get your pop's looks, thank my lucky stars," he mumbled the rest.
Lydia arched a brow, the only sign she had heard him at all.
Lordy-lord! That stoic, unperturbed, porcelain face was making him itch in all the right places.
"I wondered when you'd have the stones to come back," Lydia murmured absentmindedly.
Oh, this bitch was messing with the wrong dead man. "Is that right," he drawled with a sneer. "Well, honeybun, your wait is over. Time to ta hold up your end of our deal."
Lydia scoffed with the tiniest smile, her complete amused disregard for the poltergeist going straight to his dick.
Look at me, look at me, look at me! Betelgeuse shook himself and tried to sound as menacing as possible and not like he wanted to grovel at her feet and beg her to scratch his head like the flea-infested dog he was. "Sweetums," he warned, "I think you remember what I'm capable of–hard to forget, I'm sure. I'd watch yourself if I were you."
This time, Lydia did turn her gaze up to meet the ghost, but the look on her face was far from frightened. There was a wicked glint in her hooded eyes, but the rest her face remained as impassive as ever. "What are you going to do? Summon a merry-go-round and a jumping mice circus? Dress as a clown? Oh, wait," her brow furrowed slightly, "you're already in costume."
Oh my god... Cupid had aimed a long-range missile right between his legs and shot his cock up to the heavens that didn't exist a moment ago.
Betelgeuse actually needed to swallow for the first time since he'd keeled over. His jaw was slack, and his eyes were bugged out. He needed to get this shit under control, or he was gonna roll over and let his tongue loll out of his panting, rabid mouth. He cleared his throat and adjusted the lapels of his ruined wedding tux.
Lydia had the decency to keep eye contact, but it unnerved him, and that was just insane. "Listen, kid, uh, woman, uh, pretty lady," he stammered, "I bent the laws of nature for you, saved your friends, scared your folks straight, I'm due some compensation, okay?" Betelgeuse couldn't get over sounding like a handyman being gypped out of his hard-earned cash by an unsatisfied customer. "We made a deal," he all but whined.
The medium raised a single brow and smirked, giving Betelgeuse her undivided but callous attention. "Poor Betelgeuse," she cooed.
The ghost could not suppress the electric sparks from shooting out of his ears at the sound of his name on those pretty pink lips.
"Oh, baby ," Betelgeuse drawled, desire gripping onto his sanity and wringing it out like an old dishrag. "Two more times, and I'm yours," he breathed with manic, pleading eyes. "I'll do anything, and I mean... anything," he pronounced while whipping his arms open to make it abundantly clear.
Betelgeuse could feel Lydia's eyes appraising him, and he was suddenly, painfully aware that he looked like he'd been chewed and shat out of a Saturn giant. She was looking at him like he was a bug–and not in a good way.
Betelgeuse latched onto the intrigue like a lifeline, because that's exactly what it was! "Anything," he swore and knew he'd follow through because-holy shit-she was gorgeous. To prove his point, he blinked a bouquet of roses into Lydia's arms.
Surprise registered on Lydia's face and then a smile, and fuck, he felt like she'd given him a treat for being a good boy.
"Cute," she deadpanned and let the flowers drop to the floor, "but cliche."
Betelgeuse snapped his fingers, a box of chocolates manifested next, which Lydia snorted at.
A wave of his hand brought a generous shower of jewels and gems.
She rolled her eyes.
Betelgeuse snarled. "Aw, c'mon! Waddya want?! Dresses?" All manner of old fashioned gowns fell onto Lydia's lap. "Just say the word, and it's yours."
Lydia seemed somewhat pleased with the wardrobe above everything else, but it still wasn't the reaction any other woman would have had. Hell's bells, this woman was hard to please! He hit all the staples, didn't he? What else could a chick want?!
"Hmm," the stoic beauty hummed and shrugged, "I dunno, Betelgeuse ."
"One more B-word, snookums," the ghost pleaded.
She sighed dramatically. "I'm not very impressed, and I honestly have everything I've ever set my mind to," she looked at her nails and then dead in his eyes. "Except..."
Betelgeuse pressed his face up against the photo's barrier, squishing his crooked nose and fogging up the image. "Tell me," he purred, fire igniting every cold bit of his soul.
Betelgeuse let out a high-pitched wheeze and shot a hand to his dead heart. "Me?! Fuck, babe, ya got me! Hook, line, and sinker! Let me outta here!" He clawed at his prison and whimpered.
Lydia's grin was downright evil, and the ghost shook in his boots. "I'm not going to marry you," she clarified. Betelgeuse deflated but waited for her to continue. "But, I'll let you out every once in a while if you're a good boy."
Good boy. "Want me ta be good? I'll be good for ya. I'll sprout wings and a halo for you, babes."
"I don't think you understand," Lydia chuckled and shook her head, bemused. "I'll own your soul, you'll be my errand boy for all of my whims, and I decide if and when you get to come out to play."
"Yes." Betelgeuse had said it without hesitation, and no follow-up.  
Lydia's eyebrows disappeared under her bangs. "You can't be serious," she narrowed her eyes. "I'm offering you scraps!"
Upon snapping his fingers again, Betelgeuse's ears grew and flopped over, a tail sprouted out of his ass crack, and a collar with the name Lydia in big neon green letters wrapped around his neck.
"As long as those scraps come from your table, Lyds, I'll sit, rollover, and even play dead for ya." He grinned wide, let his tongue roll out past his chin as he panted, and let out a needy bark.
It was obviously the right thing to do because the passive woman burst out laughing. It was music to Betelgeuse's new doggie ears. He was so in trouble.
"Okay," she let out on a breathy giggle. "Then we got a deal... Betelgeuse ."
The ghost cackled and cheered. "Aw, yeah! It's showtime, babes!"
Mordelle on Ao3
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kerenitychan · 4 years
Tumblr media
this is stupid lol but like , i've been drawing everybody wearing the friendship bracelets so i feel like i owe y'all an explanation as to why the *fuck* squid would be wearing/have made one in the first place. i'm still working of a picture of the gang actually making them but yeah. basically the friendship bracelets act as a "you see this squid? , this is a symbol of you're stuck with us and we have your own permission to kick your butt if you act like a jerk" they don't wear them a lot cus, ya know all them bracelets can be kinda uncomfortable and annoying but they do wear em every now and then especially when they've planned an outing cus friendshippp
" BECAUSE I LIKE YOU! " Squidward heaved , trying to catch the breath he lost in his tantrum as he defeatedly locked eyes with the man before him . Spongebob scoffed. He wasn't even sure anymore when the fight started or what it was about but it sounded like his teal haired opponent was reduced to his last trump card, again. The one he knew would usually defeat the sponge, but not this time. He was so tired of this. " Yeah yeah I know, *hmpf* 'you don't really hate me' even if you regularly remind me. And maybe somewhere deep down you can stand me. I get it Squid you have that revelation twice a year, it's getting old. " He sighed crossing his arms as he tore away his gaze to look at the floor in disappointment whilst the other blinked before reaching out, more in an attempt to materialize answers from thin air then anything else, as he started again, still panicked and frustrated. " H- no! It's not....Agh! Look I don't! UGH  why do you have to make this so DIFFICULT! " " I'M making this difficult!? This ...this-this SHERADE has been going on for 10 years squidward! " Cerulean eyes pierced trough carmine ones with a look of rage, confusion, and frustration as the man threw up his freckled arms in desperation before they slunk back to his sides with a huff of defeat. To which the guilty scowl on the cephalopods face deepened. " Look I-ugh. I was TRYING to say that I like you. Not just that I don't hate you, which I also don't... do? Too many negatives. ANYWAY...I...I uhm....I don't like admitting defeat I- I uh, I guess... ehm an-  and I have a  hard time accepting things sometimes ... and I guess- I guess I just bottle things up until I explode... " He grimaced and looked around, vaguely gesturing . " Which is why we're discussing this stuff at 3 AM in the pattyvault instead of at home like normal people, ...I guess. " Sponge blinked a bit snapping out of it...oh yeah, right, squid was sneaking out and eating patties behind everyone's backs instead of ordering one every now and then like a ding dang normal person because for SOME INSANE REASON  he seems to insist people will ... will... NEPTUNE KNOWS WHAT HE THINKS PEOPLE WILL DO WHEN THEY FIND OUT HE LIKES PATTIES! HE'S JUST BEING SO- SO ARGHHHG! That last grunt escaped it's mental confides and rolled out between the gap of his buckteeth. " I just. I don't get it Squidward you ALWAYS do this. With everything!!! With anything you KNOW is fun!!! With everyone you know you actually like!!!  with....     With me...  Forget it, I'm just gonna...  go count the sesame seeds, I suppose.  Just... Don't fill up on patties until you explode again. " He turned around shaking his head with a sigh to head to his destination, but was brought to a halt by a suction cupped hand wrapping around his wrist " Spongebob wait!" A sigh. A grimace. A deep breath. " I. Am. Sssorry.  There, I said it, I'm sorry! I don't want whatever this is to keep going either! I just.... I am.... I am afraid of change, I guess?  You always say things will be fine but what if they're not???  I'm not lucky like you Sponge!  Destiny always seems to want good things for you but my karma is ATROCIOUS.  KELP! I could land in a hospital just for thinking about my karma! "  " Well then that's even more reason to try!!! Your "karma" wont get better if you don't! " " Ugggghhh I, You- This-  GAH! Can we talk about this some other time!? All I'm gonna get out at this rate  is more nonsensical rambling I'm gonna regret saying because: It's LATE, I'm EXHAUSTED and I STILL haven't     had a darn krabby patty! " " Then just eat the darn thing and get on with it because I'm not letting you chicken out again! "  " Can you at least close the door for a minute and give me some privacy! "  " YOU ARE GOING TO EAT A 🐬ING BURGER,WHAT PRIVACY!? " Oh... wow... a... that was... that was a swear. ....Spongebob just swore. ......uh-oh. Squid's really gotten himself thrown in the deep end now. He gulped nervously before submissively nodding and taking a bite of his burger... oh sweet mother of pearl it was good!  Neptune! Why does he always deprive himself of things he wants so bad?  Oh, right. Because he always has to make a big show of telling everyone that he actually hates the things he likes and he would DIE of mortification if he ended up having to admit defeat like a.... like a loser. With a light shake of his head he brushes off the thoughts and focuses on savoring the taste of his burger... 1 because he really needed one and wants to enjoy it. And 2 because ...ehm... he's a tad scared for what awaits him when he's finished. Spongebob was rarely enraged to the point of screaming,.. to the point of swearing and when he was he was a force to be reckoned with, Squidward knew that much. He peeked over in between bites to see his colleague standing there, arms crossed and impatiently tapping his foot, he was scowling so hard his buckteeth were hidden behind a pout and his eyes were squinted to half their normal size.  " How is it? " It was near impossible to gauge what kind of reaction the blonde wanted by his intonation, he was curt, near emotionless, ... Sarcastic? Squidward gulped down what he was chewing and smiled sheepishly.  " Just as good as I remember...heh. " " Hmmhmm. I bet. " Oh boy. With another awkward chuckle squid finished his burger before taking a deep breath.  " Had your fill? " " Heh, eh y-yeah. I kinda want more but I don't want a repeat of the last time. " " 3 times. " " H-huh? " " you loaded up on patties until you had to be hospitalized THREE TIMES. " The freckled man's gaze got the octopus who normally towered over him shrinking in shame before him. Just a little short of going into a fetal position.
" Why do you do this Squidward? What on earth does karma have to do with you being a stubborn seamule about things until they go horribly wrong!?  You could just order a damn patty every now and then, EVERYBODY loves krabby patties, no one would blame you! But no mr. Tentacles is too good for a krabby patty, mr. Tentacles would rather be miserable until         the kettle boils over and he loses control! " That got a huff out of the other who gathered some courage to stand up straight and glare back. " That mocking mr. Tentacles talk is exactly why! Because I am trying to uphold an image here, and the moment I don't live up to it I know damn well that everybody here will jump on the opportunity to remind me that      I'm just a poser! That I'm not actually the hot shit I pretend I am! That I'm lucky they even tolerate me breathing the same water! That I should feel honored anyone is willing to admit they're acquainted with me! That   I don't actually have any talent! That I'm....that I'm just.... That I'm a nobody! A filthy peasant! A wannabe show-off! That I'm a-a ... a...  That I'm a LOSER.  " Squidward clenched his fists, sniffling trough heavy breaths, he's not sure when it happened but he started crying. Oh Neptune this is humiliating. He feels kinda dizzy, oh please don't ink! This is bad enough as it is! As he looked up defeatedly his eyes met blue ones, glittering from the moisture collecting in them as a scowl made way for a worried frown. Great, somehow sympathy felt worse then rage. " Squidward... " " No, please just...  don't. That's what I meant with 'I'm just going to ramble'. Pretend I didn't say anything. I gah- " He yelped as he suddenly found himself in a tight embrace. Of course. He grunted uncomfortably and squirmed a bit trying to break free from the surprisingly strong hold his normally rather weak companion had. " Sponge I'm serious let's just pretend tha- " " Nu-uh! We, we're done pretending anything! Squid please! Talk to me about these things! " Two watery blue eyes look up at him, accompanied by a deep frown and trembling lip that only deepen the pained feeling in the octopus's chest. " Please. I'm here for you Squidward. " Gahhhh why does he always! Why is this always so! And he just! And, oh blowfish. He's crying again. " That's the damn problem here ! You have Patrick and Sandy and your parents and whatever stupid friends you made in your clubs to fall back on if you mess up! I..... " He sighs and against his better judgements, feels himself lamely hugging back, tiredly resting his chin in fluffy bottle blonde hair as he looks up at nothing. " I can't go to mother, she's not getting any younger and she's worried about me enough as it is, I can't stress her out more....  Father would just tell me to stop being a baby and man up... he'd mean it well but that doesn't mean it's any help. And "friends" I have acquaintances I guess, people I know by name that are willing to say hello to me.... I used to think Eugene was my friend but he's chosen being a boss over being a companion time and time again  so... I only really have only one friend... and he's used to me not treating him as one. So what if.... what if I did make an effort? And he starts expecting things from me, but I start chickening out or relapsing or decide I can't do it after all and he finally gives up on me!? I wouldn't blame him... I would have given up on me years ago... but I'm not sure what I'd do when I end up being completely on my own in this ..." Oh jeez... now Sponge feels bad. Obviously Squid has been struggling with this for a long time, he could tell he'd been struggling with his own happiness ever since he met him really... he pouts and gives his tall friend a comforting squeeze. " Well... have you tried talking to him about it? " A lame chuckle was the response before  he was slightly pushed back so the teal haired man could look at him with an awkward lopsided smile and a shrug. " I'm trying to right now. Heh. " A blink. 'Trying to right now'? Another blink. 'Only one friend that's used to not being treated as one' ? The gears in his spongey head were turning. 'I would have given up on me years ago'? With one more blink the short man started looking around wide eyed before carefully pointing at himself with a trembling hand. " Muh... me? " " No I'm talking about the krabby patty. yes you! Ever since you moved in next door... well before that really, ever since your little weirdo butt started "growing his first house" next-door you've been pestering me day  and night! With your incessant laughter and unconstrained joy and endless creativity and unmatched imagination and- and... and I just... I just... I kinda wish I could have been a part of it...  without having to be the mature adult that's too good for your childish games I guess? " Squid shrugged sadly before his friend released his grip on the hug, to instead take hold of his hands and make determined eye-contact. " You still can be part of it squidward... it's not too late, I told you didn't I? You're one of my best friends, I'll always have your back. You don't have to act a certain way or do specific stuff to be a mature adult you know? I've seen you Happy and exited before.... not as often as I'd like. But that's when you feel most you  when you're in a good mood and forget about who you 'should be ' for a moment.... I want to help you feel like that more often. " A soft sad chuckle left the octopus who shook his head and rubbed his teary eyes with his free hand. " You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. " " I think I've got a pretty good idea. " He chuckled back with a playful look. " Wait hold up I have an idea! " " Huh? What are you doing? " Squid blinked watching his...friend. Yeah, his friend. As he fumbled with something on his wrist before tugging at squid's arm. " Now, I want this one back because Patrick made it for me but that's gonna be our first friendship exercise! " He beamed a shiny bucktooth grin revealing the colorful macrame bracelet he transferred to the other's wrist. " Tomorrow you me and Pat are gonna get together and we're making this friendship official with a 3 people set! Oh maybe we could finally convince sandy to join, she never wants to do crafts with us.  She always says it's boring and starts karate chopping everything." " Wait- hold up, what? Friendship exercise? Official? Crafts? Karate chopping? " " Well yeah! I told you mister! No more pretending anything, we're gonna go out there as friends and you can be tsundere about it all you want but that's final " " I can be what about it???? Wait no never-mind that! Look don't you think you're going a bit fast here???? Do we have to do this, like... now??? And so... publicly???? " " Yesss we dooooooo~ " The blonde singsonged as he playfully flicked the other's nose " No more snail-footing around squidward! You're miserable and as your friend it is my duty to help fix that! So starting tomorrow we're doing this friend thing and you're gonna try or so help me I WILL get the                   ticklebelt! Nyahahahaha! " A sigh turned into a chuckle as Squid shook his head before he erupted in laughter along with his freckled friend... oh boy. What has he gotten himself into now??? " Hawhawhaw! " " Nyahahahaha! " " Hawhawhaw! " " Nyahaha. But seriously, I will. I  know where they keep the spare key to the mermalair. " " Huh? "        
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cchellacat · 5 years
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick. It even makes me rhyme. I hate it- I hate the way you’re always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh; even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call, but mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you; not even close; not even a little bit; not even at all.”
This was my prompt for @littledarlinhavefaithinme 10 Things Challenge. Sorry it’s so late my love xx
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“I hate you!”
“No, you don’t”
“Yes, I do....”
Bucky slides out from under the counter, pulling his hair back and snapping the elastic around it.  Darcy stands in the doorway, hands on hips and silently fuming.
“Fine, why do you hate me today Doll?”  He drawls it out, Brooklyn accent thickening as he cocks a brow and gives her a slow grin as he prowls closer to her.
Darcy bites her lip trying to stop the smile from forming, fuck it makes her knees weak when he looks at her like that.
“That, right there, that is why.”
Bucky frowns, consternation clear on his face.
“What?  What did I do?” He reaches out and catches her wrist, tugging her playfully till she falls against his chest.
“Don’t talk to me like that!” She uses the now close proximity to poke his chest ineffectually with one pointed finger.
“Like what?” Bucky rubs his nose to hers before dipping and stealing a fast hard kiss that makes her moan low in her throat, her whole body now molding itself to his.
“Like you know what I look like naked, damn it!” She pushes away from him as he chuckles into her mouth and he lets her go with a reluctant sigh.
Darcy stomps off, cursing under her breath, Bucky is left feeling slightly confused.  To be fair he often feels confused, especially since he started hooking up with Darcy. 
He watches her go, hips swaying and licks his lips...  he does know what she looks like naked, like a god damn fantasy. He’s determined she’ll give in eventually, let him take her out, date her, do things the right way. He knows she’s everything he ever wanted, but he also knows she’s wary of relationships, scared that if she falls for him he’ll just be another one of the jerks who used her and cast her aside when they were done. It drives him crazy the anyone has used her like that because she’s perfect to him in every way.
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Bucky steps off the elevator running vibrainium fingers through his hair, it’s shorter than he’s had it since ‘45.  It was strange watching the last of the Winter Soldier fall away as Natalia cut it this morning, like he was shedding his old life, or maybe even reclaiming his first. 
He holds a tray of coffee in his free hand as he searches the labs for Darcy.  It takes him longer than usual to find her, getting stopped by a half dozen people, most of them staring and smiling at him and trying to flirt, at least till they suddenly seemed to realize who they had come onto, then they’d make excuses to get away. 
Darcy finds him before he finds her, the sound of her heels clicking purposefully have him turning to greet her.  He’d know that Staccato rhythm anywhere, she walked with a purpose and vitality that exuded confidence, he’s come to appreciate that little twist of heel in her step, it makes him smile just hearing it. She stops in front of him, scowling.
“I hate you!”
“Doll, you wound me,” he brings a hand to his heart, “I brought you coffee.”
He turns on that old Barnes charm and offers her the tray. The way she eyed him actually had him a little unnerved for a moment and he wants to fidget, she always makes him feel this way, like he’s some bug under a microscope being assessed and judged, but she’s been looking more and more confused with each meeting, like she doesn’t understand why the other shoe hasn’t dropped yet, doesn’t get why he keeps coming back no matter how much she pushes him away.
He smiles anyway, tilts his head, taking in the pretty picture she makes in her black dress, it’s all business today which means she’s got meetings with some of the department heads. His girl practically runs the R&D department, there’s not a project she doesn’t oversee and secure funding for and the scientists love having her around, the place would be a mess without her.
Darcy grabs the coffee and glares half-heartedly, red lips pursed, watching as he runs his hand nervously through his hair again.  She makes a choked noise and bites her lip.
He kept coming back, kept chasing her, she doesn’t understand why, he’s had her, multiple times, it seemed he’d spring up out of nowhere regularly and it wasn’t just for sex.
He kept bringing her flowers and chocolate and... fuck, he always seemed more interested in making her cum than taking care of himself. If she wasn’t careful she’d get her heart broken. She’d been through this too many times before, men always got bored of her, they only wanted her for sex and she’d come to accept that.
She enjoyed sex, I mean why shouldn’t she? It didn’t have to mean anything and sex with Bucky was insanely good, like, ruined her for all other men good.
Then there was the fact that he wanted to talk to her, listen to what she had to say and would laugh at her stories, always asking for more, it made her nervous. He was slowly turning her world upside down with his sincerity, but he seemed determined to wear her down, to convince her to him a chance... maybe it’s time to stop running.
“You cut your hair.”  She stated, shooting a nasty look at Pearl from accounting who sidles past, winking at Bucky as she goes. Darcy reigns in the urge to slap her or make some snippy comment about taking a picture and refocused on Bucky as he shot her a smug smile, damnit. He seemed to know what she was thinking.
“Yeah...  Felt like I needed a change.”
“I hate it.” She sounds less certain this time, eyes filling with heat as she really takes in the change. Jesus Christ, he looked hot. All she wanted to do was run her hands through it, maybe give it a hard tug while his mouth was between her legs. She closes her eyes briefly and tries to think of something else.
“You hate my hair sweetheart?” 
He knows she doesn’t. Sees the way she curls her tiny fists as though holding back from something.
Darcy rolls her eyes and shakes her head, there was no way she was going to let him see that he was finally getting to her. He has that self-satisfied smirk in place like he thinks he’s won something.
“Did you have to cut it like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you just dropped out of a GQ cover shoot, no one is getting any work done, they’re all too busy staring at you.”
Bucky’s lips lift into a crooked grin, she looks cute when she’s flustered, he can see her resisting the urge to run her own fingers through the new cut.
“Here,” He digs in his pocket and brings out a pack of peanut buttercups, holding them just out of reach.
Darcy swears and reaches for them, he holds then above her, teasing her with her favorite treat.
“Thought you hated me Doll...”
“Give me the god damn candy Barnes.”
“Give your best guy some sugar, sugar,”
Darcy presses her lips together, stifling a giggle from the cheeky smile he gives her and stands on tiptoe, kissing his lip's quickly. He grins like he just won a prize and drops the treat into her hand, enjoying the childish glee which suffuses her expression. He grabs her hand in his and she follows along beside him right up until he suddenly scoops her up and tucks them both out of sight inside a supply closet.
Twenty minutes later a disheveled Darcy emerges from the closet, her shirt askew and her hair loose from the bun she’s had it swept into earlier. Bucky follows her out, catching her arm and pulling her back in to steal a soft heady kiss before letting her go again.
“Dinner.” Its a demand, not a question.
Darcy bites her lip, eyes bright and finally, after two months of trying to convince her he was serious about them, she nods her head.
“Saturday night, pick me up at seven.”
Bucky whoops and swings her up not caring a bit that half the techs in the labs were staring at them.
He’s got it, a proper date, he’ll plan the whole thing out. He wants to show her how special she is, that he’s not dating her on a whim or to satisfy some carnal itch, she makes him giddy, the way she smiles, how much she cares, she makes him laugh, to him, she’s everything.
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“Jesus Bucky!  Not so hard!”
“This damn car’s older than I am.”  he gripes, foot pressed to the floor as he wrenches the wheel again, taking them round a corner at speeds Darcy could have lived without.
“I hate you!  I am never letting you drive my car again!”
“I love you too Sweetheart, now pass me my gun and hold the wheel.”
Darcy shrieks as the hail of gunfire strikes the back window and does as she’s told.  Worst first date ever!
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“Would you stop that?”
“Stop what?”
“Staring at me.”
His shoulders rise nearly to his ears as he shrugs uncomfortably and looks away.  The tiny confines of the jet make it hard to put any space between them, which is what Darcy had been trying to do since their clusterfuck of a date two weeks ago.  Every time she got him cornered he ran, he couldn’t now though.
Eyes cast down again she pretends to read her book.  He’d ignored her trying to talk to him when they first boarded, she’d given up trying an hour later when it seemed all she was going to get were noncommittal grunts.
This time only ten minutes pass before she feels the weight of his eyes on her again.
“What?”  The demanding tone ricochets in the tiny compartment like shrapnel.
Blue on blue caught stubbornly as his mouth tightens in a thin line.
“Nothing.”  He finally mutters, looking away, fingers tapping aggravatedly on his thigh.
Darcy slams the book closed and leans forward.
“Hate me, I know, I finally got the memo doll.”
“Oh don’t try that bullshit with me, Barnes, seriously, what is your fucking problem?  So what if the date went badly?  You’ve not spoken to me since you left me in medical.”
“You nearly got killed!”
“I know!  I was there!”
“Than why are you trying to talk to me?”
“Because all you’ve done for two weeks is make puppy eyes and run every time I track you down!”
“I nearly got you killed Darce...  I didn’t know what to say.”
Darcy rolls her eyes hard and leans over, pointed finger once again poking his chest.
“You say, let's try that again Darcy, this time without the kidnapping and murder grenades.”
The look of confused surprise is adorable.
“You’d still want to go on a date after we got shot at?”
Darcy throws her hands up and leans back, crossing her arms.
Silence reigns in the compartment, heavy with unspoken words.
“Pick you up at 7 on Friday?”
Darcy’s brow arches, her arms falling as she sighs.
“I hate you.”
“It’s a date.”  he grins before tugging her out of her seat and into his strong arms.  Darcy yelps as she’s moved to straddle hard thighs, her heart racing already in anticipation of what was coming next....namely her.  She smiles as his mouth covers her in a playful teasing kiss and melting into his hold wraps her arms around his neck, relieved to be back where she belonged.
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He’s always in her apartment, it feels likes he’s all but moved in permanently.  His books sit on the coffee table, a gun safe takes up a previously empty space under the kitchen counter, there are numerous knick-knacks from around the world he somehow has time to pick up from whatever mission he’s been on recently, littering the surfaces. 
Darcy throws off her jacket and kicks her shoes off, wandering down the hallway to the bedroom.  Just as she enters the room she finds herself suddenly tripping, gravity catching her and hauling her down. 
“Easy sweetheart, I gotcha.”  She’s caught by a warm, wet wall of muscle, her momentum now pressing every inch of her to him.
“Christ on a cracker Bucky, what the hell...” looking down she spies the combat boots that have been left loitering in the entryway to the room.  Where on earth had he come from?
“I didn’t think you’d be home yet doll.”  She takes in the damp hair and naked chest, beads of water still clinging to skin.
“Seriously? Are you trying to kill me?”
“Sorry doll, forgive me?”
A long-suffering sigh escapes her, she’s too tired to tell him off for leaving his boots lying around.
“One condition-”
Before she can complete her demand he produces a bar of chocolate, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he lets her go.
“Okay and I-”
A glass of wine is pressed into her hand like magic.  Darcy squints at his all too innocent expression, mouth opening to-
“’m not a mind reader, just know what my girl needs after a long day.”
“I hate you.” she replies without any ire.
Bucky smirks.
“Love you too Doll.”
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She’s never going to live this down, he’s told her a dozen times not to leave without her tracker, telling her she’d get her ass kidnapped.. again.  God, she hates it when he’s right.
The cell is dimly lit, but oddly comfortable considering she’s been kidnapped by what she assumes is probably some previously thought defunct offshoot of Hydra.
Six hours later when the sounds of fighting break out and the thick steel door swings open she’s too thankful to say it out loud.
Bucky strides through the door, murder etched on his face and scoops her up without a word.  Darcy just clings to him, thankful to wait for the lecture on personal safety till later.
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He told her he was away on a mission. It’s why when she spots him, she decides to follow him.  He’s meant to be in Egypt, not New York.
He loses her on 5th Avenue and she mutters angrily all the way back to the Tower. 
When he appears the next morning she pretends like nothing happened, like she hadn’t seen him in the city and he acts like he hadn’t lied to her about it. 
Silently she begins to count down the days till his things will surely disappear from her apartment before it’s only him left, the last thing to leave. 
Darcy distracts herself with work and Jane and corralling her merry bunch of mad scientists, putting off the inevitable. 
She’s going to enjoy whatever time they have left.  In the deepest part of her she cries and tries very hard to hate him for the lies.  She thought he was different, she thought he was the one.
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Bucky pats his pocket for the fifth time and fidgets in his seat.  The restaurant is half empty and the table service has been terrible.  But it’s the place he’d first met her, although he’s not sure she remembers as they dither over ordering dessert or heading home to raid the freezer for ice cream.
“Have we been here before?”
The sudden question snaps him out of his reverie and he glances across the table.  She’s been subdued lately, but he hasn’t been able to figure out why.
“I was wondering if you’d remember.”
“Remember what?”
“First time I saw you.  I was having lunch here with Steve and Stark.  You blazed in and threw Starks drink in his lap.”
She tilts her head quizzically.
“This is where...  I don’t even remember you being here.”
“We weren’t introduced till the week after, you stormed right back out again after making him sign some papers.”
“Oh..”  Her bottom lip is caught between a flash of white as he rubs his palms over the sides of his thighs.  When she looks away he stands, coming round the table, dropping to one knee.
She turns back, eyes widening at his new position and location.
When he reaches into his pocket for the ring she gasps, one hand covering her mouth and the other gripping the tabletop.
With the worst possible timing, a passing waiter trips over Bucky’s foot, sending himself and a tray of food crashing to the ground, leaving Bucky kneeling there, covered in carbonara, mouth half open and a blue velvet ring box in his hand.
He gapes, horrified by the turn of events then closes his eyes.  When he opens them again it’s to the sound and the sight of his girl giggling helplessly, head shaking as she laughs. 
“Omg, your face... baby...  oh my god were you going to propose?”
“What do you mean were, sweet cheeks, this is it, this is my life. I swear to god my Ma must be watching this from heaven and having a fit.  My life's a disaster Darce, but you make everything better. I don’t want to do it without you.  Even if it means getting coffee for breakfast and ice cream for dinner for the next sixty years.  Marry me, Darcy, make me the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.”
She nods her head, still laughing, tears streaming down her face while he struggles to fit the ring on her finger.
“It’s beautiful Buck... when did you even have time to buy it?”
“Took a day a few weeks ago instead of taking the op in Egypt.  Spend it scouring every jewelry store in Manhatten.”
The ring is new, but the design is old.  A princess-cut diamond flanked by garnet petals sparkles in her finger.
A curious expression drifts across her face at his answer and she bites her lip hard before swooping forward and kissing him.
“I hate you,” she whispers lovingly into his mouth.
Warmth spreads in his chest.
“Gonna need you to do that for the rest of my life Doll.”
“Not gonna be a problem soldier.”
They pay and go home to eat ice cream.  A long hot shower later they fall asleep on the couch where they were cuddled up reading to each other. Bucky snuggles her close and throws a blanket over them, thanking every deity he can name for giving him a second chance and her.
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The phone is clutched tightly in her hand, the shape of it indented in her skin.  Three days, five hours...  That’s how long she’s been waiting for him to call and tell her he’s okay, that he’s holed up in some safe house or podunk hospital with no internet or cell service.  She taps the glass, checking her call history before swiping and rechecking that the settings are right, the ringer’s on, she’s not on silent or do not disturb...  Grabbing the wire beside her she plugs the phone in to charge, again.  How many times had she done that now? 
The phone rings, some telemarketer, she declines the call, furious that it isn’t him, that it might have stopped his call from connecting. 
Running her hands through her hair she gathers it up, snapping one of Bucky’s hair ties around it in a sloppy bun. 
The quiet of the apartment is getting to her. She stares out the window, watching the silent rush of life sixty stories below.  It doesn’t make sense, how can everything look so normal, how can everyone else still be moving, living?
Cold cups of coffee are scattered around the apartment, keeping company with the small momentoes of their life.  The book he’d been reading to her before he left, her socks left under the coffee table where he’d thrown them after he’d peeled them off her feet, intent on stripping her bare before he’d fucked her into the couch the night before he left.  Her bag and shoes left at the door beside his combat boots, the ones he kept for weekends when he drove his bike upstate, her perched behind him, arms tight and body pressed into the soft leather of the jacket that hung on the peg beside her fluffy cardigan and the Gryfindor scarf she’d knitted for him last Christmas. He was everywhere, in every corner of her life, every crack and crevice, he’d wormed his way in, inch by subtle inch until she couldn’t remember what it felt like before she’d known him. 
The soft wrap of knuckles on wood has her spring from the armchair.  Opening the door the pale face of Natasha Romanoff stares back.  Darcy steps back, silently allowing the women to come in. 
“Why don’t we sit.”  She’s never heard Natasha so quietly calm before.  The other woman is usually three parts snark one part sincerity.  Arms crossed, Darcy stands her ground, shaking her head. 
“Where is he, Natasha?”
The widow tries to place a comforting hand on her arm but she angrily shrugs it away.
“He’s gone Darce...”
She whips round to see Steve framed in the doorway.  He looks wrecked, face bruised and bloodied.  It’s the way he looks at her, his eyes full of silent sorrow and apology that makes her prickle.
“No.”  Darcy doesn't know if she’s denying the words or refusing to accept what he’s saying without speaking, but she shakes her head, futilely repressing the welling panic and grief threatening to overwhelm her.
“I’m so sorry.”
“No,” she snaps, “you don’t get to say that.  He’s not dead.”
“The building was blown up Darcy.  The whole thing collapsed and the fires were raging for over twelve hours...  Even Bucky couldn’t survive that.  We looked for him, no one saw him get out before it went up.  There are no reports of anyone matching his description in any of the medical facilities within a hundred miles of the explosion.  It’s been three days.”
Steve’s begging her to understand but what her heart tells her is that she can not give up on him.  Not yet, not ever. 
Bucky promised he’d come back. He’s never broken a promise to her, he’s not going to start now.
“He’ll come back.  He always does.”  The finality of the statement ends the discussion and both level sympathetic glances at her which she pointedly ignores.
They leave her alone, the apartment door closing quietly as she finally lets her knees fall out from under her.  Bone wrenching sobs burst forth from her lips as her body heaves out her worry and grief. 
“I hate you...  I hate you so much right now...  I hate how much I love you.  You have to come back to me so I can tell you that...”
Whispered words of loss fall around her like ash.  She hates it.  She hates how alone she feels.  Hates that he made her need him.  Hates that when he’s not around it feels as though her world is falling apart. The engagement ring winks mockingly from her finger.  A promise of a life together.  He has to come home, he just has to.
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~Six Weeks Later~
“I love you.”
Words spoken into heated skin as pre-dawn light suffuses their bedroom.
He came back, he’s all around her, every inch of him pressing into her.  The affirming sounds of harsh breath, low moans, the symphony of skin against skin as his body slides over hers, fills her with warmth, relief, happiness. 
His hips, safely cradled in hers, his cock buried deep in the tight, silky heat of her leaves him undone and yet complete, grounded, he’s home. 
It’s slow, drawn out.  They make love with each touch and kiss, breath life back into each other with each joining of their bodies. 
Climax closes in for them both, her back arching further, meeting the increased pace of his thrusts as she clings tightly to his shoulders.
His body tenses as the tingling feeling creeps up his spine but he holds back, waiting... When he feels her finally begin to cum, he lets go, her walls clamping around him like a vice as he pounds faster, his hands gripping her ass so he can push deeper and then it hits, not a breath of space between them, bodies shaking and moving through it, his pelvic bone pressed hard on her clit as she gasps his name, her legs tightening around his waist, keeping him locked in place, he couldn’t get away if he wanted to, she was so tightly wrapped around him.  He empties himself inside her, filling her up, some primal satisfaction that she’s full with his seed, that the scent of him will cling to her for days.
The scent of sex and satisfaction lies heavy in the air.
They lie there as the sun rises, bodies replete and at rest as the light slowly fills the room.
“I love you.”  She says it again and he kisses her softly, slowly, burning the memory into both their minds.
“You don’t hate me anymore?”  He asks her lightly and she rolls her eyes, sighing.
“ I hate the way I don’t hate you; not even close; not even a little bit; not even at all, because I never hated you.  I hated that I fell in love so fast.”
“I loved you from the minute I saw you, doll, I’m never going to leave you again, I promise.”
She runs a hand through his hair gently, taking in the sincerity in his eyes.
“You can’t promise that.”
He shushes her with another kiss.
“I told Steve I quit.  No more active duty.”
“Are you serious?”
“Can’t risk it, not anymore, not when I’ve got you.”
“I’d never ask you to-”
“I know, it’s why I’m doing it.  You deserve to be happy and so do I.”
She’s speechless, but it doesn’t matter, all that does is that she’s not going to lose him again.
“Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you.  You might take over the world if I didn’t. My tiny megalomaniac.”  He teases.
Darcy blushes hotly.  He’s mostly teasing she decides after a moment, after all, she’d taken everyone out of her way to keep the search for him going, even against all the evidence.  If she hadn’t he’d still be rotting inside some Hydra prison cell. 
His eyes crinkle with mirth as he rests his forehead on hers and she wrinkles her nose.
“I hate you.” 
The End.
@omnomsauruswrites   @eurynome827   @loricameback   @southerncross47
@book-dragon-13   @spacemansam   @jobean12-blog   @grimeysociety   @noquirkyurl   @collinsstanharbour  @marvelous-meggi  @marvelgirl7
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sir-skarsgard · 5 years
Prompt List
My list of prompts that I’ve found on the internet or from movie quotes for one-shots; pick a character, pick one or more dialog prompts below and send in a request! Maximum prompts per request is three. 
List of character I will do: 
Axel Cluney (Deadpool 2)
Bob Gray (IT) 
Henry Pearl (Battle creek)
Gordan Merkel 
Mark (Assassination Nation) 
Mickey (Villains 2019) 
Roman Godfrey (Hemlock Grove) 
The Kid (Castle Rock) 
1: “Sometimes I get sad and I don’t know why. I’m sorry.” 
2: “I hope you find the happiness you pretend to have.” 
3: “I would love you in any shape, in any world, with any past. Never doubt that.” 
4: “If your life had a face I’d punch it.” 
5: “Do you have any fucking clue what you do to me?” 
6: “Sometimes I wish I could turn back time. Not to change anything, just to feel some things twice.” 
7: “I feel like I should stop thinking about you, but I can’t” 
8: “It’s a classic. He/she loves someone else.” 
9: I think you’re enough. You’re enough for you. You’re enough for me.” 
10: “I have nothing.“ “You have me. Am I not enough?“ 
11: “ I shouldn’t be jealous, he/she isn’t/aren’t even mine to be jealous over.” 
12: “Who am I to be in love when your love was never for me?” 
13: “Except for being a bit fucked in the head, I’d say he/she’s normal.” 
14: “I love you. I knew it the moment I met you. I’m sorry it took me so long to catch up.” 
15: “Words... how little they mean when you’re a little too late.” 
16: “It’s a party. So I’m pretending to have fun.” 
17: “When was the last time you were hugged?” 
18: “How can someone just not be there anymore?”  
19: “That wasn’t very romantic. Kind of gross too.” 
20: “I’m not a person you should fall in love with.“ 
21: “I don’t mind you breaking my heart.” 
22: “Do you know how it feels when the person you love the most tells you that you shouldn’t love them?” 
23: “Just admit it; you want to kiss me.” “Or maybe you want to kiss me and you think using reverse psychology is going to make me kiss you.” 
24: “Did you really just push that guy/girl off the couch so you could cuddle with me?” ‘Yes.” ‘This is why I love you.” 
25: “Is there at particular reason you’re in my room half-naked?” 
26: “Oh, would you look at that. There’s nowhere to sit besides my lap.” 
27: “Can I have some of that blanket? I’m freezing.” 
28: “Why are you so jealous?” 
29: “What’s the matter, love?” “Nothing, I’m just a little sad.” “Come here.” 
30: “I know I’m supposed to be mad at you, but I miss you so much.“ 
31: “What did I ever do to you?” 
32: “I’m just scared that you’ll leave me one day.” 
33: “I wanna kiss you so bad right now.” “So then kiss me.” 
34: “I can’t sleep. I had a nightmare again.” 
35: “I can’t have a proper conversation if you’re shirtless.” 
36: “Holding you in my arms is the best feeling in the entire world, and I don’t ever want to give that up.” 
37: “You know I’d never leave you. I love you too much and I’m too selfish to walk away.” 
38: “Did you... shit, that was smooth as fuck.” 
39: “You’re better than my favorite fictional character, and that’s saying a lot.” 
40: “You may not be my first girlfriend, but you‘re the only one that matters.“ 
41: “Out of all the things I like to eat, you’re my favorite.” 
42: “I always joke around because it makes you smile and I love seeing you smile.” 
43: “Why are you so quiet around me?” “Because I’m worried I’m gonna say something stupid and scare you away.” 
44: “Stop looking at me like that!” “I’m sorry to have to be the one to inform you, but that’s what eyes do.” 
45: “My mom would love you.” 
46: “I’ll always be there.” 
47: “You can miss someone and still be mad at them.” 
48: “The more people you let into your life the more they can just walk right out.” 
49: “Why are you like this?” “Unresolved daddy issues.” 
50: “I was being sarcastic.“ 
51: “It’s no big deal.” 
52: “You scared the shit out of me.” 
53: “Thanks, but no thanks.” 
54: “That’s easier said than done.” 
55: “Wow, you look like shit. What can I do for you?” 
56: “I don’t believe in love at first sight, but if you’re willing to walk by again I think I can make an exception.” 
57: “I loved you.” “You did what?” 
58: “Listen.” “What am I listening for?” “Nothing, I just wanted you to shut up.” 
59: “We need the cavalry.” “I am the cavalry.” “Fuck you mean you’re the cavalry?” “I’m all that’s left.” 
60: “Do you think you could ever love me again?“ “I never stopped loving you.“ 
61: “I need a favor.” “I already gave you a favor and you got my girlfriend shot.” “She’s alright.” “And? That doesn’t change anything.” 
62: “You have this smile.” “What kind of smile?” “The type of smile that would be cruel not to kiss.” 
63: “Sorry I’m not a heartless bitch like you.” 
64: “I’m sorry I wasn’t the friend you deserved, but you were the friend I needed.” “You’re saying that like you’re never going to see me again.” “I’m not. I’m leaving.” “But you just came to make amends!” “No, I came to apologize.” 
65: “If you think, for even a second, that I wouldn’t risk everything for her/him, then you’re wrong.” 
66: “I love you.” “I love you, too.” “Do you?” “Hey, you know you’re mine.” “Yeah, but are you mine?” 
67: “People are so quick to leave. It doesn’t matter if they're all you have.” 
68: “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you while I was hurting.” 
69: “It hurts so much, and you don’t understand how much it hurts. You don’t care because it’s not happening to you.” 
70: “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t just sit here and wait for you to come back.” “I don’t want that either.” “Then stay!” “I can’t.” “Then leave. Leave and do not come back.” 
71: “I love my boyfriend/girlfriend more than anything in the entire world and I would die for him/her, but I know that’d make him/her sad, so instead I’m gonna live for him/her.” 
72: “What can I say? I’m irresistible.” “And yet, here I am, resisting you.” 
73: “You don’t get into a relationship to mess around and cheat you get into a relationship to search for that one person you love more than yourself. And I know now that that’ll never be possible for you, because you’re incapable of loving anyone besides yourself.” 
74: “Give it up and she lives.” “You’re an idiot if you think she can’t take care of herself.” 
75: “Don’t tell me you're afraid.” “I was born afraid.” 
76: “Go ahead. Do what I can’t do.” 
77: “I don’t want to speak to you anymore.” 
78: “This is everything!” “No, he/she is everything.” “You’re going to give all of this up for him/her?” “Yes.” 
79: “”You wouldn’t understand. its a secret.” “I wouldn’t understand or it’s a secret?” “You wouldn’t understand (character), it’s a secret.” 
80: “Thinking I had the heart to care for you was your first mistake, followed by countless others.“ 
81: “I can’t figure out what you are.” “Excuse me?” “Good influence or bad.” 
82: “I’m scared of sex, but not because I think it’s going to hurt, but because I’m uncomfortable with my body and I’ve never been naked in front of anyone before.” 
83: “Does he/she really think of her/him as just a friend?” “No, he/she’s in love with him/her, he/she just won’t admit it.” 
84: “All I ever really wanted was for him/her to love me.” 
85: “Nothing is going according to plan!” “That depends.” “On what?” “who’s plan you’re talking about.” 
86: “You intrigue me.” “I’m not very interesting.” “Funny, uninteresting people don’t usually have to say that.” 
87: “Why is he bleeding?” “Because he’s an idiot.” “I didn’t know idiocy cause people to start spontaneously bleeding from a gash in their (body part).” 
88: “That is a terribly, horribly, incredibly stupid idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.” 
89: “He/she’s an idiot, I’m an idiot. We’re co-presidents of the Club Idiot.” “Don’t you mean the Idiot Club?” “Exactly.” 
90: “He/she’s crying. What do I do?“ “Go comfort him/her.” “How?“ “Start with hugs.“ “With what?“ 
91: “You know you’re in love with her, right?” “Since when?” “Since pretty much always. That’s why I’m breaking up with you.” 
92: “Will you hit him over the head with a frying pan?” “I believe the technical term for that is ‘will you murder him’.” “Fine, then. Will you murder him for me?” 
93: “I would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties of your life.” “You’re the worst at this comforting thing.” 
94: “You don’t strike me as a professional criminal.” “That’s what makes me so good at it.” 
95: “Literally everything about that is illegal.”  
96: “Why are you doing that?” “Doing what?” “Treating me like a person.” “Because you... are one...?” 
97: “My mascara is too expensive to ruin by crying, but just know I am feeling a lot of things on the inside.” 
98: “Did you bring us here to die?” “Obviously.” “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.” 
99: “Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?” “I don’t know. Probably both.” 
100: “That’s not funny.“ “I thought it was.“ “You don‘t count. You stared laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw.” 
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imaginedisish · 5 years
Bizarre Love Triangle, Chapter 1 (Bandersnatch) (Colin Ritman x Reader) (Stefan Butler x Reader)
|Chapter 2|
A/N: Heyyyy guys!!! Sorry this took so long to get up! I hope you enjoy my FIRST MULTI CHAPTER FIC!!!! It’s based on two anon requests, one regarding Stefan x Colin x Reader, and another about Colin and the reader working for Tuckersoft and falling for each other. To those two anons, I hope this satisfies your requests :) The title is based on the New Order song of the same name, btws... Okay, that’s all! Thanks guys! Enjoy! Get ready for one hell of a bizarre love triangle... 
Summary: You and Colin are best friends, and have been for quite some time. One day, he introduces you to Stefan Butler, and you immediately fall for the emerald eyed boy. However, Colin quickly becomes jealous, and drama ensues...
Warnings: Maybe some language, mega canon divergence, jealous!Colin. That’s it for now...(smut will happen later y'all so just be ready for that) 
Word Count: 2,224 :)
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Sunlight creeps through your curtains, the rays stretching their glowing arms across your bed, brushing against your face. You eyes reluctantly open, and you turn over in your warm bed. You look over to the clock. 
7:29 am, it reads.
“Dammit,” you sigh, pushing yourself to sit up. Suddenly, your alarm starts blaring throughout your flat. You groan in annoyance. 
I know when to go out, know when to stay in, get things done, David Bowie sings “Modern Love” from the little clock on your nightstand. You can’t help but dance along. 
“Never gonna fall for! Modern Love! Walks beside me!” You sing along with the song cheerfully, until you hear a knock at the door. You assume it’s just the neighbors complaining about the noise. You trod over to the front door, and open it hesitantly. 
To your surprise, it isn’t the neighbors. A smile stretches across your face.
“Colin!” You wrap your arms around the pretentious blonde boy, and he lets out a small chuckle. 
“You’re chipper this morning,” He says, beaming. You giggle as he hands you a cup of coffee. You open the door all the way, and motion for him to come in. He does so, and you shut the door behind him. 
David Bowie’s voice still rings throughout the flat as you pull out a chair from your kitchen table. Colin does the same, sitting across from you. 
“Thanks for the coffee,” You say, and Colin nods in response. You and Colin were best friends. You had been through grade school with each other, then high school, and even college. You two faced every hardship and challenge life threw at you together. You held his hand when Kitty left him, and when she took Pearl with her. He refused to leave your side when your mother passed away, when it felt like your life was falling apart. You told each other everything, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. 
Now you two worked as game designers at Tuckersoft, an up-and-coming video game studio. Your coworkers had a bad habit of putting Colin on a pedestal, never telling him the truth or their honest opinions on what it was that he created. The other women working in your office were either head over heels in love with him, or incredibly intimidated by him. The men who worked in your office either wanted to be him, or be liked by him. 
You, however, made sure to tell him the truth. It was almost your responsibility to deflate his ego every now and again. You weren’t intimidated by his abilities, nor would you ever let how you feel about him get in the way of work. You cared about him too much to allow a game of his to flop, so you always gave him your honest opinion on everything he produced, and he always listened. 
“Oh, I forgot something!” Colin says as he reaches into his army green messenger bag. He pulls out a plastic bag. “I picked this up for you.” Colin smiles, passing the plastic bag over to you. 
“You didn’t have to do this,” You say, your gaze meeting Colin’s deep blue stare. 
“Go on, open it.” Colin beams up at you. You smile back, opening the bag, the plastic crinkling under your touch.
You’re shocked as you pull out a first edition copy of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, and Transformer by Lou Reed on vinyl. The Bell Jar was one of your favorite novels, since you fell in love with Sylvia Plath in high school, and you had been searching for Transformer for months. Unfortunately, you failed to find it each and every time you and Colin went out to search in the shops. You were amazed to say the least. 
“C-colin, h-how…” You trail off, still in awe at Colin’ gift. 
“The Lou Reed is first edition too,” Colin says, pointing to the record in your hand. Your jaw drops. “That was a part of the first batch to be pressed.” He adjusts his silver glasses nonchalantly, sitting back in his seat. 
“Colin this is incredible. You really shouldn’t have done this. I mean it must have cost you a for-,” Colin cuts you off. 
“Don’t worry about cost.” Colin stands up from his seat. “Drinks at the pub after work? I want you to meet a new friend of mine.” 
“Yeah, sounds good,” you say, standing up as well. Colin walks over to the front door. 
“See you at work,” Colin says, giving you a two finger salute from his forehead with one hand, his other on the door knob. You smile, waving goodbye as he walks out. 
The day goes by relatively quickly. Still, you count the hours until you get to leave, looking at the clock every five minutes, expecting an hour to go by each time you take a glance. 
Finally, five o’clock hits. You gather your things, and head over to Colin’s cubicle. 
You reach his cubicle, but Colin is nowhere to be seen. His things are gone, and his computer is off. You assume he left early, and was most likely already at the pub. You make your way out of Tuckersoft, and onto the streets of South London. 
You put your headphones on as you walk down the street, Panic by The Smiths masking the chaotic noise of the city. 
After a short walk, you approach the pub. You take your headphones off, and place them in your brown messenger bag as you pull open the door to the pub. 
A head of spiky blonde hair immediately catches your eyes across the bar, and you walk over to him.
“There she is! The woman of the hour!” Colin says cheerfully, a beer in his hand. You can’t help but let out a small laugh. 
“So who am I meeting, this evening?” You ask, a smile plastered across your face. Colin puts his beer down. 
“My friend, Stefan. He works for Tuckersoft now. He’s that kid producing his own game at home,” Colin states matter of factly. You nod your head. “Here he is now! Stefan!” Colin stands up, waving to someone behind you. You turn around. 
His eyes glow in the dimly lit pub. It’s almost as if they were carefully crafted with millions of emerald gems. His brown hair his a cute, fluffy mess. His pale, thin, red lips curl into a small smile. He nervously waves, and makes his way towards you and Colin. 
“You didn’t say how cute he was, Colin!” You jokingly punching the blonde boy across the shoulder. 
“Hey, that hurt! You better watch yourself, (Y/L/N),” Colin says, making the I’m Watching You, gesture with his hands. Stefan finally reaches where you and Colin are. “Hello, whizkid!” Colin pats him on the back. 
“Hi, I’m (Y/N), Colin’s friend,” You say, extending a hand out towards Stefan. 
“I’m Stefan,” he says, accepting the gesture, taking your hand in his. “Colin has told me a lot about you.”
“Likewise.” You smile at him, hesitantly releasing Stefan’s hand from yours. “So how come I don’t see you around the office?”
“I w-work from home. I prefer working alone,” Stefan says, his eyes still shining brightly. 
“I think I’d drive myself insane working at home,” You say back, giggling slightly. 
“Music and books tend to keep me sane,” Stefan says, a shy smile slowly spreading across his face. 
“What do you listen to? Any favorite authors?” You ask. 
“I like Frankie Goes to Hollywood quite a bit, Talking Heads as well. I love Bowie, though. And of course The Beatles, Lou Reed,” He pauses. You can’t help but grin. He likes exactly what you like. “My favorite novel is probably Bandersnatch by Jerome F. Davies. That’s actually what I’m basing by video game off of. It’s a chose your own adventure.”
“That’s amazing! Davies was a genius,” You say back to the fluffy haired boy. 
“He really was! Well enough about me, what about you?” He says, his shyness fading away. 
You talk about Joy Division, The Cure, The Smiths, Queen, Sylvia Plath, J.D Salinger, Ernest Hemingway, and more. Everything you say, he agrees with. Everything he says, you agree with. You two were really hitting it off. 
Colin wasn’t saying much. His lips practically never left his drink. And when they did, it was simply to ask for another. 
“I’ll be right back, going to hit the washroom,” Stefan says. You nod, and turn back to Colin. 
“Are you alright?” You ask Colin. He turns to face you. 
“I’m fine,” He says harshly, turning his head forward again. 
“D-do you know if…” You trail off. “If Stefan is single?” You say finally. Colin whips his head back towards you. 
“What? Whizkid? No way. You’re not actually into him, are you?” Colin says, anger in his voice. You’re confused as you search Colin’s eyes for some sort of explanation to his rash behavior. 
“Why are you acting like this?” You question, annoyed by Colin’s reaction. Colin shakes his head in disapproval.
“He’s single, sure, fine, whatever,” He says, his cheeks becoming extremely red. You don’t understand what the problem is. Colin introduced you to Stefan, so what was the big deal? 
“Did I do something?” You ask Colin. You and Colin never fought. He never once treated you like this. You were extremely taken back. You frown, upset. Colin recognizes the sadness in your face. 
“No, no. I-I’m sorry,” He says, trailing off. Colin fiddles with his beer, and turns his head back to face the barkeep. “Another, round, mate.”
You see Stefan walking back towards the bar. A few seconds later, he reaches you and Colin, but doesn’t sit down. 
“It’s getting late, I think I’m going to head out,” Stefan says apologetically. You hear Colin mumble a finally, from behind you. 
“It was great to meet you,” You say, smiling. “But don’t go just yet, I have something to give you.” You grab a napkin from the holder in front of you, and you reach into your messenger bag in search of a pen. You quickly write a set of numbers on the napkin, handing the paper to Stefan once you’re done. “This is my phone number, call me.”
Stefan takes the napkin from your hand, beaming with joy. “Y-yes, t-totally. I-I w-will,” He stutters. Stefan says goodnight, waves, and walks away. 
“Y-yes, t-totally. I-I w-will,” Colin mocks as the fluffy haired boy walks out of the pub. 
“Colin, come on. I thought he was your friend. Aren’t you two close?” You question curiously. 
“Well I’m not the biggest fan of my two closest friends leaving me to be a third wheel,” Colin states, annoyed. There was a certain nervousness in his voice that you hadn’t ever heard before. It was almost as if Colin was lying to you. You knew he wasn’t telling you the complete truth. 
“Are you sure that’s it?” You ask, expecting him to say something more. 
“Yep. Now can we get out of here?” Colin puts 15 pounds on the bar top, and hops off the stool he was sitting on. “I’ll walk you home.” 
The walk home was quiet. Colin usually had something to talk about, but not tonight. After a few minutes, you reach your building. 
“Thanks for walking me home, Colin,” You say, smiling slightly. Colin steps forward, wrapping his arms around you. 
“Anytime,” Colin says into your neck, sending chills down your spine. This wasn’t like him. Something was up. You pull apart from his embrace. 
“Get some sleep, okay?” You say to him. He nods in response. He must’ve just drank too much, You think to yourself.
“Goodnight, (Y/L/N),” Colin says, walking away.
“Goodnight, Ritman,” You shout. You make your way into your building and up to your flat, unlocking the door and stepping inside. 
The minute you pass through the doorway, your phone begins to ring. You walk over, picking it up. 
Who could be calling so late? You think to yourself.
“H-hi, (Y/N)?”
“Stefan!” You can’t help but smile. 
“I-I h-hope it isn’t t-too l-late,” He stutters nervously. 
“No, not at all. What’s up?” You ask, your smile growing wider. 
“W-well, I-I was wondering if you,” He pauses. “I-if you w-wanted t-to go on a d-date sometime time?” You eyes light up with excitement. 
“Yes!” You practically scream. “I’d love to!”
“Does tomorrow at six work for you?” Stefan asks, no longer stuttering, his nervousness fading away. 
“Yes, that’s perfect, more than perfect, even!” Your heart flutters in your chest. 
“Great. I’ll pick you up at six tomorrow,” He says, excitement in his voice. You give him your address, and solidify the plans. You say goodnight, and hang up the phone. 
Then, your mind lands on Colin. Let’s just hope he doesn’t freak out too much, You think to yourself. How on earth am I supposed to tell him about this?
You try not to think about Colin’s opposition to your newfound relationship as you get yourself ready for bed. 
You were going on a date with Stefan tomorrow, and that was all that mattered. 
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kaisooficrec · 6 years
👻🎃🕸️Halloween Fic List 🕸️🎃👻
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Hey pumpkins ;) KFR has compiled a special list for this year’s Halloween of all all hallow’s eve aus and spooky/dark fics :) we only picked a handful of supernatural and horror due to the vastness of both genres, but we promise we’ll update the list in case a new halloween fic emerges! Happy trick & treating~
halloween themed fics w/ costumes and parties: 
I Don't Belong In Heaven - hallowen party au, have some fallen angel jongin on kyungsoo's lap (public sex, w: use of drugs/aphrodisiac)
Candy Coated - a really popular halloween au! basically sekai throw a halloween party and invite their crushes over, they compete with each other in who’ll get on what base with their other half jgjfjg it’s very funny and jongin is all soft and mushy with kyungsoo ^^
My Boo - lol this is hella great halloween pwp, jongin dresses up as a ghost, and goes with his boyfie soo to their friends’ party and kind of ditch them in the backyard to have fun on their own :ppp 
PumpKing + Little Devil - halloween specials (fluff and then smut) related to timefortea’s millionaire’s matchmaker :) they carve pumpkin and then go to a halloween party :~)
Make It Double - family au, parents kd are making halloween special for their baby ^^
kaisoo halloween drabble - sweet fluffy slice of life where kd celebrate halloween outside of their apartment!
Conceiving An Idea - jongin goes to sm’s halloween party and misses his hyung (smut ;)
vampires and pumpkins - a sweet drabble with vampire!kd and they can’t decide what to dress for halloween!
do not tempt me - jongin is not able to attend sm halloween party due to his leg injury but he gets home to a surprise (crossdressing soo as a girl)
someone call the doctor - soo’s friends decide to throw a halloween party but soo isn’t feeling well (and ‘doctor’ jongin will tend to him *u*)
You’re Under Arrest (For Stealing My Heart) - genderswap (girl!soo) decides to dress as a sexy inmate for halloween au
Undressed - genderswap girl!soo who is a teacher and goes to a party only to come home with (unknowingly) one of her students
Give Me a Sign - college boyfriends go to a halloween party on campus ^u^
Give It 2 U - another crossdress!soo smut, jongin goes to a halloween party without him because soo doesn’t like halloween but he has fun on his own when jongin gets back
Halloween is a Magical Holiday - pwp + cross-dressing, seems like dress ups r taken v seriously in many halloween au :--) d.o is jongin’s favourite camboy (exhibitionism, crossdressing, college au)
Halloween’s Happening - sm halloween party with all exo members in costumes and kd smut again jfjdf
And To All A Good Night - this is where jongin dislikes halloween while kyungsoo loves it and they clash during pumpkin carving
Imagine That. - nerd + bad boy au, there is a part where they dress up for a party, jongin is a sweet puppy and bad boy kyungsoo is just super soft for him ^^
Halloween Fictober by bookishvice, these are halloween ficlets which are ult adorable, feat. kid kaisoo go trick and treating and more!
then some supernaturale fluffy, not-very spooky ones:
All Hallow’s Meet / (AFF) - ghost au / soulmate au, very somber and bittersweet, just beautifullll
Spooked - it’s basically fluff and a bit crack so not spooky?? kyungsoo has to go to a haunted house in the woods :D
Wading In Scarlet Lust - noir psychological vampire au. jongin comes from a royal family where his siblings and parents abuse him. he lives a miserable lonely life but then a dark soul with crimson eyes lures him promising freedom and a chance to revenge 
Spice Up my Party - we’re not done yet with halloween party au! tmi au inspired, jongin is a shy shadowunter and kyungsoo a party loving warlock who doesn’t give up on pursuing jongin ;) i luuuv
Stitch Me Up - zombie jongin has a crush on an adorable vampire in a town ^^
By the Power of Love - wizard soo has a crush on jongin and wants him to like kyungsoo too so he makes a potion! but does jongin really need it? ;)
Salt Circles - boyfriends but also demon hunters kaisoo drabble ^^
Let’s End It Together - supernatural ghost au and haunted house au! horror-ish but it’s not scary i promise!
Don't Wave No Goodbye (You loved me then and I love you now) - miss minty-pixie’s incredible ghost au! kyungsoo is a ghost and it’s said that the person who loves you can see you...it’s not his bf sehun who can see him but jongin, his bestfriend :o
Cute Vampire - vampire au drabble with confession ohh yeah and childhood friends kd
We Pick Ourselves Undone - zombie soo wants to find love but it's hard with his appearance until he meets jongin, the sweetest non-judgemental vampire ever ;;;;;;; soft!!!!
Who You Gonna Call? - ghostbusters au and both have a crush on each other but are too oblivious! fluff and comedy!
Virus - soft zombie au where zombie!soo is very nice and doesn’t want to eat jongin’s brains hehe
You Breathe Life Into Me - flooff! Kyungsoo is a zombie who wishes to find love, so he approaches a matchmaking agency and finds Jongin, a fellow zombie who has a loose jaw, but a tight hold on his heart ♥
It Will Come Back - A thunderstorm one night brings more than broken branches to Kyungsoo's doorstep (vampire!au)
you're like caffeine - fluffy ghost au where ghost!soo lives in jongin’s room
Kyungsoo hates Halloween (until he doesn't) - kyungsoo is forced by his friend to go to a ‘haunted’ house but then meets cutie jongin in there ;)) 
I don’t get mad, I get even - by kyungharem (she has more horror stuff:’), Kai cheats on Kyungsoowith Baekhyun and Kyungsoo gets even (warnings: gore/torture)
A Psychopath, a Psychopath, He Says He Loves Me - Psychopath!Kai, Sociopath!Kyungsoo, they both have their issues (warnings: gore, horror, dub/non-con, hinted daddy kink)
He’s my Black Pearl - Kyungsoo is a fisherman in a loving relationship with jongin and does not believe in urban legends about seafood and oysters. one day he scraps his knee which he bandages, not thinking how serious it can get. (warnings: gore, loss of mental stability, kind of amputation) this fic...wow
Across - hitman!Kyungsoo and convenience store worker!Jongin, and neither of them knows what they are getting into (warnings: gore, violence, stockholm and lima syndrome, abuse)
Teddy Bear, Say Goodnight - demon!Kai thinks the souls of sinners are the tastiest (warnings: horror, nightmares, mentions of gore/violence)
Deep Breath - a drabble, kind of a ghost au
Presents - jongin meets a cat hybrid at his friend’s halloween party but doesn’t know there’s more to the hybrid than he thought (feral!soo, dangerous!soo)
ground zero - After moving away from the city, Jongin meets someone who only asks for him to read his favorite book (tw for self-harm)
throes of insanity - mental institution, psycho!jongin, kyungsoo is supposed to help jongin who has schizophrenia and others are afraid of him
Mine - school au, kyungsoo really likes jongin, his friend and considers him his pet (psycho!soo umm this fic holy moly)
After Life - Kyungsoo and Jongin have been long time lovers, only that on a rainy day, Jongin passed away in a tragic accident, leaving his soul looking for Kyungsoo (!!!aaaaa!!!)
Keep Your Eyes Open - ghost!au, when Kyungsoo woke up, he hadn’t expected to find out he was dead. Or spending the rest of his life trapped in a house. (AHS inspired)
Beneath My Bed - two shots with two alternative endings! kai is the ‘bed monster’ ;)
In Pace Requiescat - battle royale inspired. kd and friends go camping which turns into a survival game
Watching You - Jongin always sees Kyungsoo, even when the rest of the world doesn't. (tw: for possible gore)
under your skin - psycho!jongin, kyungsoo meets jongin in a psychology lecture and falls in love, but little did he know...:o
Thy Soul Shalt Not Rest - ongoing, murder mystery. jongin and kyungsoo were supposed to be on a date but everything changes when they find a body in a park (fuuudge this rly thrilling so far!)
- Admins J + Cupcake
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Twist Of Fate - Ch05 - (Trixya) - katyahzamo
A/N: Fake instagrams for Trixie and Katya were made because I am that extra: click here for Trixie and here for Katya.
A reminder: Trixie is a hairdresser and Katya is a struggling photographer slash yoga instructor. Lesbian AU. Read the chapters on AO3 and/or come hang out on my tumblr katyahzamo. Comments are welcome and encouraged!
“I didn’t see you like this in a long time. Are you sure that last cup of coffee wasn’t too much for your skinny ass?”
Violet is sitting on Katya’s old couch, legs tucked under her elbow propped on the back, watching Katya come out with the fourth outfit that evening. It’s almost time to leave for the event and she has nothing to wear.
“Oh shut up. How long did it take you to look like that before you came over?”
Katya’s best friend is sitting there looking like a goddess, as always. Even in long, loose black pants her legs look amazing, and the emerald corset clings perfectly to her thin torso. With her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she looks effortlessly beautiful, and Katya doesn’t know whether she wants to bang her or envy her. Maybe a little bit of both.
“I literally just put on the first thing I found. But no, I’m serious bitch, since when are you obsessing over the color of your dress?” There’s a gasp then, making Katya turn away from staring herself in the mirror and back at Violet.
“Wait– do you have a date? Did Katya Zamo finally meet someone? You never go to these things. Is a girl making you go?”
Typical Violetta. She’s been set on finding Katya a girlfriend ever since they stopped dating each other in college, and at the same time discovering no one Katya dated was good enough for her. Violet was four years younger and they met in one of Katya’s art classes, hitting it off immediately. Their relationship was short, mostly sexual, and it ended up evolving into a friendship based on mutual understanding and never-ending support.
Violet believed in Katya when she went to rehab for her alcohol addiction post-college, believed in her when she had one dead-end, low-paying job after another, supported her when she finally bought her first professional camera and insisted Katya take all of her pro shots, despite photographers lining up to work with her. She was the first one who told her Sharon was a piece of shit who did not treat Katya right, and the first one who came running in the middle of the night when Katya called her after Sharon packed her bags and left.
Despite being hot-headed, arrogant and a bit of a narcissist, all qualities many people find off-putting, Katya loves her very much and knows her big ass heart is in the right place. Even though she’s not in town five months out of the year, she’s been Katya’s rock throughout the last year of her and Sharon’s relationship, and after it ended, too, even more so than Ginger.
“Fuck off, I don’t have a date. I just—I don’t know. I miss being around people and loud music. I miss going out with you, bitch, even though you always leave me for a threesome whenever we do.”
Katya wishes she had a date with her hot hairdresser, but wouldn’t say that out loud, for fear of having Violet on her case about it for the rest of the night. She’s already had issues not blushing when she told her that Trixie’s back and is the main reason her hair and bangs are short again.
Violet’s face falls in disappointment at the answer but takes a sip of her mojito and shrugs, not looking sorry at all.
“Girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do. There’s going to be a lot of agency girls you know tonight, Fame, Shea, Naomi. They’re all coming to see Pearl’s set. She’s like this, huge DJ from the West Coast. I heard she even toured around Europe and Australia. The lesbians go insane wherever she goes.”
Katya laughs, discards another black dress and fixes her hair instead. She’s been walking around the apartment in her underwear for an hour and a half now, ever since she got out of the shower and blow dried her bob straight.
“You know lesbians love hot DJs, Vi. Didn’t you date one last year?”
“Yeah, I still have fond memories of her ass when I get lonely.”
Katya wheezes and smacks Violet’s knee as she passes by her and disappears into the bedroom again.
“Wait, I know!”
She hears Violet yell after her and hears her shuffling as she gets off of the couch and walks into the bedroom, pushing Katya a little bit to the side to take a look at her messy closet.
“Oh god.” Katya laughs, but lets Violet dig through her clothes and sits on the bed instead, watching her. It doesn’t take long for her to find what she was looking for, and soon enough she’s holding a lace bralette Katya hasn’t worn in years and a pair of black shorts to match – she is fairly sure Violet was the one who bought this for her birthday ages ago.
“Here, put that on. Do you still have those red shoes? You should get them and— this.” She pulls out a black lace see-through button up and puts it on the bed gingerly, grinning.
“You’re going to look smoking hot in that. Now hurry up, we’re going to be late for Pearl.”
The line outside of the club is huge – it stretches out for an entire block and Katya thinks that lesbians (and gay men, and everyone in between) are going insane over this Pearl girl. She’s curious to see her now and to hear her set, and at the same time nervous because Trixie is going to be there. When Violet went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup while still in her apartment, Katya spent five minutes staring at her own abs from all angles, exposed through the see-through shirt. She thanked yoga for keeping her in shape, and was actually a little impressed at how long her legs looked in the outfit Violet chose.
Once they parked the car and headed for the entrance, Violet saying they would let her in once they recognized her, Katya’s phone buzzed and she dug it up from the little purse Violet made her carry with her.
Unknown: Hey Katya, it’s Trixie :D
Unknown: We’re already inside, table reserved close to the bar
Unknown: Bob put you and Violet on the list so just tell the bouncers
Unknown: See you soon!
The message is followed by a string of flower emojis and Katya showed the message to Violet, who grinned.
“Bob coming through as usual, I love that guy.”
Katya is too excited to tell her that it was probably Trixie who insisted they were put on the guest list, and says nothing until after they are let through.
“Violet! Katya! Finally!”
Pairs of hands grab each of them by the wrist in the dimly lit room, purple lights flashing to the rhythm of the music Katya has never heard before, and it takes her eyes a moment or two to adjust. She really should have just gone with glasses instead of her contacts, but Violet insisted. Katya is sure that her friend wants her to get laid tonight.
Two pairs of hands that stopped them belonged to Shea and Courtney, both from Violet’s modeling agency, both tall and gorgeous, and Katya is suddenly glad she dressed the way she did. They take turns in hugging both of them; complimenting Katya’s hair, Violet’s outfit and telling them they arrived just in time for the party.
“We were late because Katya took forever to decide on an outfit, so I ended up doing it for her.”
“Girl, you did an amazing job. Katya, you look stunning!”
She doesn’t remember Courtney having an Australian accent, mostly because they met only once, briefly, when Katya did a job with Violet and Fame several weeks before. She remembers Shea better, because Shea insisted on Katya joining them for lunch, saying she reminded her of her Russian girlfriend, Sasha, who was on a world tour traveling with her theatre troupe. Shea is the one complimenting her now, leaning back a little to take a good look at her outfit.
“Court’s right, you’re definitely giving me a Black Widow spy realness here. You should be in the photos with us next time.”
Katya’s laughing and waving her hands in protest.
“Hell no, I’m the one making art happen and I’d like it to stay that way, thank you very much.”
“I’m not sure about that, I bet you’d be a great model.”
“In Russia, maybe.”
“Well you know, you gotta start somewhere.”
They’re all laughing and for a moment Kaya forgets that she’s supposed to be nervous about Trixie. It doesn’t take them long to reach the bar and order drinks, cocktails for the three of them and a soda for Katya.
“Vi? I’m going to find Trixie and her friends, thank her for letting us know about the list. You coming?”
“I’ll come by later. Pearl’s set is starting soon and I really want to see her up close. If you know what I mean.”
Katya wheeze laughs, and Shea and Courtney join her too. Violet is known among her friends for having a thing for DJs and musicians in general, so having her at least flirt with Pearl sometime during the night would hardly come as a surprise to anyone.
“You can try, girl, but I hear she has a girlfriend she met on the road this year. Apparently they’ve been together since January.”
“Shea, since when has that stopped her from getting laid?”
Katya can hear them bantering about Violet’s sexscapades even after she walks away, making her way through the crowd, looking for one particular blonde head, her drink gripped firmly in her hand. She sees her before Trixie even looks her way, and reluctantly has to acknowledge the butterflies acting up in her gut again. Sweat is already forming on the back of her neck and she’s blowing the bangs from her eyes, praying that she still looks semi-decent, despite the stuffy air and nerves.
“Katya!” Their eyes meet just when the host walks on stage to announce Pearl, and Katya knows she has a very small window for conversation before the place erupts. “You made it!”
“Yeah, I tried! How are you?”
“I’m great, yeah. Katya, these are my friends, Shangela and you know Adore, right?”
Adore, yes, that’s the name of the girl who took the photo of her haircut back at the salon the week before.
“Hey girl, looking fine!” Adore yells over the host’s voice when she pulls Katya into a hug, which surprises her a little but she hugs back all the same. She looks young, younger than Trixie, and gives off a grunge vibe that Katya approves of immediately. Her voice is slightly drawn out; just as she remembers from the first time she met her.
“You too!” Katya says, aware that Trixie’s eyes are on her.
“Oh you’re the Atomic Bland girl they put up on Facebook, right?” Shangela hugs her next and Katya reciprocates. She is a tiny, compact woman with a blindingly beautiful smile and hair that reaches past her waist. Even in heels, she is smaller than Katya, but her energy definitely makes up for her height.
“Is everyone calling me that now?” Katya asks, eyes wide and grin wider, glancing over at Trixie.
“Hey, you came up with that yourself. I’m giving your brand the recognition it deserves.” Trixie shoots back, and Katya isn’t nervous anymore. This feels right, and easy, and she has not been this relaxed in a public setting in a painfully long time.
Any other attempt at communication is drowned by the crowd once Pearl walks on stage, and the club explodes with girls (and boys) everywhere shouting her name and whistling, making Katya wonder how on earth she never heard about her before. Not that she was necessarily immersed into the pop culture that much, not even the LGBTQ+ one, sticking to the 70s, 80s and early 90s obscure music, but every single person in this place seemed to know exactly who Pearl Liaison was, making Katya, once again, feel like a grandmother. As soon as the music starts playing, everyone rushes to the dancefloor, and judging by the genre, it’s easier to pinpoint why she didn’t know about her in the first place.
She left her tolerance for electronic music go when she graduated college and stopped drinking, but even she has to admit that Pearl is good. She commands the room so easily, and the way she holds herself reminds of days when Violet preformed burlesque, full of confidence and full of love for her audience. It helps that she is hot as hell, too, platinum blonde hair tied up into two buns on top of her head and makeup so good even under the harsh clubbing lights. It’s no wonder whatsoever why she’s so loved by every single girl in this place.
“Holy shit she’s good!” Katya yells over the music, leaning over to Trixie and Trixie nods, sipping on her vodka soda (or so Katya assumes), her hips swaying to the music a little bit.
“Girl, I wanna dance!” Adore yells from the other side of the table and Shangela agrees, taking her hand and pulling her into the crowd that’s somehow even bigger than it was five minutes ago. Katya wants to ask Trixie to dance too, but she is somehow still unsure how Trixie will react if she suggests it.
“Do you want to dance?” Trixie seems to be reading her mind again, and a slight shiver goes down her spine when she feels those pink lips so close to her ear, and Katya’s nodding without a second thought. They leave all of their things with the bartender that Trixie seems to know (who does Trixie not know, Katya wonders) and head to find either Adore and Shangela or Violet and the rest of her gang, Katya’s goosebumps permanent  when Trixie takes her hand and tugs her along.
They don’t find any of their friends and after a while they stop looking. This close to the stage Katya can barely hear herself think, which might be a good thing after all, seeing Trixie’s cleavage up close like this, pale, soft flesh glistening with sweat as she dances right across Katya with her eyes closed, feeling the music with her entire body.
Katya dances too, but her eyes don’t leave Trixie’s face looking angelic under the strobe lights that pulse with the music and the bodies moving all around them. She can feel the beat in her ears, her throat and deep behind her ribs, thinking briefly about how good dancing to this music must feel to people who took things stronger than alcohol tonight. It makes her sober ass exhilarated now; though Katya’s sure it’s not just the music making her feel this way.
Trixie’s long, blonde hair is suddenly in her face as she turns her back to her, hips swaying and slightly grinding against Katya’s front, and she has the urge to howl. There’s no reluctance in her fingers that move to grip Trixie’s hips, letting them guide her own steadily, and just when she thinks she might die and ascend to heaven, there’s a voice in her ear, yelling.
“Hey bitches, having fun?”
Trixie pulls away from her immediately, her face beet red from what Katya assumes is the heat, and Violet is grinning that teasing, shit-eating grin Katya recognizes very well.
“Where the hell have you been?” Katya yells back as loud as she can while Violet hugs Trixie, trying to appear fine and not turned on at all, but the look on Violet’s face tells her that she’ll have to go to the washroom and fix her face as soon as possible.
“Up front!” Violet yells back, her glare drilling inside Katya’s head, as if mutely asking what it is she interrupted just now. Katya blinks at her innocently, so she rolls her eyes and continues. “Fame and Naomi were asking for you, do you want to join us?”
Katya is tempted to say no but she doesn’t want to prompt Violet to ask more questions than she undoubtedly will the moment she catches her alone, so she looks at Trixie instead. Trixie is looking at Pearl who just switched the songs and smiled at the crowd, dancing to the beat of her own music, and then looks back at Violet.
“Sure! I have no idea where Adore and Shangela are, I’ll have to find them later!”
“Adore, the blue-haired chick? Yeah, they’re with us, she did Shea’s hair for the photoshoot this week!”
They make their way to the larger group, with a little bit of trouble, when the beat changes to something softer and easier to dance to. Naomi and Fame pull Katya into a hug and are introduced to Trixie. Soon after they are all dancing together, making Katya think how much she missed being surrounded by a lot of girls. A lot of friends, too, just having fun and not thinking about anything past that night. Trixie doesn’t come as close to her for the rest of the set.
At one point during the night and towards the end of Pearl’s set that has lasted more than two hours, half of the group breaks apart to get more drinks and retrieve Trixie’s, Katya’s, Shangela’s and Adore’s things from the bartender and move them to the models’ booth, half remains to hang around on the dancefloor, and Katya goes to pee and fix the makeup that is undoubtedly melting off of her face at this point.
She is aware that everything will hurt from all the dancing in the morning, but her mood has been at the all-time high for hours. She happily recalls a moment when Naomi wrapped her arms around her neck and danced closer to her than even Trixie did, and the way Trixie’s eyes followed their every single move, and the way she quickly looked away when she noticed Katya looking back.
Katya feels like she’s deaf once the ladies’ bathroom door closes behind her, and can feel her own pulse in every inch of her skin. Once in the stall, she hears the door open again and finds herself wishing it’s Trixie.
It’s Violet.
“So when were you gonna tell me you’re in love with Trixie Mattel?”
Here we go.
Violet’s perfectly shaped eyebrow is quirked, arms crossed on her chest as she leans on the bathroom counter, watching Katya wash her hands.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh bitch, you’re telling me that dry humping and eye fucking the entire night was nothing?”
Her words are slurred and Katya realizes that for those two hours she has forgotten that other people drink. Not needing to drink to have fun seemed like a possibility for the first time tonight after years of dreading of going back to places where she’s the only sober one. Trixie has been drinking the entire night too, even stumbled over Katya’s foot as she headed back to the bar.
“We’re just friends, Vi, it’s not that serious.”
“When was the last time you danced like that with me, your best friend?  I call bull. shit.”
Katya laughs at the whining tone and shakes her head, turning to face the other.
“Oh that’s what this is about. You’re jealous.”
She should know better than try to deflect. Violet probably knows her better than Katya knows herself, and is currently having none of it.
“Whatever makes you sleep at night, honey. But I’d say you should definitely go for it. Now give me a hug.”
Katya holds the embrace for couple of moments longer and Violet squeezes her back before heading for one of the stalls.
“Are you okay by yourself in there?” Katya calls when she hears Violet fumbling with her pants on the other side of the door.
“I’m fine! I’ll go backstage to look for Pearl, she’s almost done. You go be with your girlfriend!”
Katya wants to protest but that’s a futile battle with a tipsy, determined Violet, so she just pushes the door and goes to find the rest of the group.
Almost everyone is sitting at the private booth, some of them on their phones, others talking to each other, and Fame is on some boy’s lap, laughing at whatever he’s saying in her ear. It takes her one look to notice that Trixie is not here, or Adore for that matter, so she sits next to Shangela who pushes a new bottle of Coca Cola her way.
“You okay, girl?” Shangela looks up from her phone and at her and Katya nods.
“Oh yeah. I’m texting Adore’s girlfriend, Bianca, she’s on her way here to surprise Adore.”
Katya looks around to see that the majority of the crowd has gone back to their seats, only a handful most persistent ones still on the dance floor. DJ Pearl’s spot on the stage is empty now, the music coming from the speakers probably a part of a club’s regular playlist.
“Isn’t she a little late for the party? Where’s Adore anyway?”
She actually wants to ask where Trixie is, but if Violet saw right through her immediately, she doesn’t want one of Trixie’s friends to clock her too.
“Bianca’s a stand-up comedian, traveling around the country a lot this time of year, and Adore had no idea she’s back, she just flew in this evening.  That’s why it took her forever to come here. Adore’s probably outside, smoking. She’s found her weed friends so…”
Shangela motions dragging a smoke from the blunt and Katya laughs, thinking how she could use a cigarette too. She decides to stay to see where Trixie is and get her to go outside with her so they can talk properly.
Trixie doesn’t come back for a while, and Katya uses the time to talk to Shea who comes to sit next to her when Shangela goes to the bar to wait for Bianca. Shea talks to her about her portfolio, Shea’s girlfriend Sasha and her theatre troupe, yoga and everything in between. She has no idea how much time has passed when she sees Violet running in her high heels across the dance floor and hears a group of girls’ delighted screams when they spot Pearl coming from backstage right after Violet.
“That bitch.” Shea shakes her head, looking at Violet’s face when she struggles to pass through a group of Pearl’s fans, her eyes landing on Katya and she darts her way.
“Did you bang her backstage you fucking sl—“ Shea starts but Violet cuts her off with her hand raised as she squeezes into the booth besides Katya, sandwiching her with Shea on the other side.
“You’re never going to believe who Pearl is dating.” She says, but Katya isn’t listening or looking at her.
Katya is looking at Trixie who’s on the dance floor now too, phone in her hand, taking a photo of Pearl and two girls, all three of them raising two of their fingers in a ‘peace’ sign. The girls take the phone from Trixie’s hand and giggle, then walk away, and suddenly Pearl’s in Trixie’s personal space.
Katya doesn’t want to register what Violet is saying as she sees Trixie’s arms wrap around Pearl’s neck, she doesn’t want to acknowledge Trixie’s lop-sided smile or the way Pearl’s arms hug her small waist and pull her close. She feels heart (or is it bile?) rise up her throat when their lips meet and a round of ‘awwwwww’s erupts from the onlookers. She only barely registers Fame who came back and took a spot next to Shea and Katya looks away only when she hears her speak.
“Am I the only one seeing Pearl Liaison kissing Trixie Mattel right now?”
Katya is outside only moments later, and she hears a startled yell from her right, only to realize she’s probably banged the back door open. Outside, away from the music, it must have been loud.
“Katya, you scared the living hell out of me!”
Adore’s bambi eyes are big, and blood shot, but she’s smiling at her anyway and comes over to hug her tightly. Katya hugs her back hesitantly at first, but relaxes a little bit when Adore continues hugging her drunkenly, and for a full minute Katya thinks Adore might have fallen asleep on her shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Katya rasps, surprised she didn’t throw up instead, rubbing Adore’s back gently and trying to blink away the image of Trixie kissing the most beautiful DJ in the world.
“Oh yeah, ‘m fiiiiiiine. A lil’ drunk.” Adore draws out and finally pulls back, the lack of her body heat leaving Katya shudder, and not entirely because of the chilly night air.
“You sure?”
“Mhmm. Just had a smoke with some people and had to stay, fresh air, all that. What about you? You look like you just saw a ghost.”
“I’m okay, I just needed a smoke.”
Her hands are shaking as she lights up the cigarette after Adore refused one for herself, and her breath is shaky as she exhales the smoke, trying to remember any of the breathing exercises her past therapists taught her.
“Is Pearl done?” Adore asks, and Katya feels her stomach drop to her ass at hearing the name.
“Yep, just saw her with Trixie and the fans.”
Adore nods and blinks once, twice, and then her eyes widen in a delayed reaction. If Katya wasn't as pissed, or as miserable, she would have laughed.
“Ohhhhhh, right. You sure you’re okay?”
Several things happen in Katya’s head then. Adore is Trixie’s friend, she realizes, so she probably knew all this time that Trixie had a famous DJ for a girlfriend. It’s probably the reason all of them are here, because she knows Trixie doesn’t listen to electro, and Adore definitely doesn’t look like she listens to anything but Nirvana. They’ve all come here to support Trixie’s girlfriend, and Katya has made an ass out of herself, flirting with Trixie, and holding her hand and dancing close to her to the music Trixie’s girlfriend was playing.
The way Adore looks at her now makes her think that she has somehow clocked her feelings, because if Violet has done it, everyone else must have too, and now Adore feels sorry for her and Katya can’t stand it.
“Yeah, I’m good.” It comes out a bit sharp, and she feels bad about it immediately.
Her hand reaches out to squeeze Adore’s wrist gently, knowing the younger girl will forget all about Katya’s trouble as soon as she sees her girlfriend who’s somewhere inside, waiting to surprise her.
“You know what, Shangela was looking for you by the bar, she says she has something urgent to tell you. I think you should go back inside.”
“Yep. It’s good, I promise.”
Katya manages a grin and even a laugh as Adore hugs her one more time and practically runs inside. She’s a good person, Katya thinks, and good people deserve good things happen to them. What was that bad that she, Katya, put out into the universe for it to treat her this way, she has no idea.
Katya: I’m going home, I’m tired.
Katya: Can you pick up my stuff and bring it over tomorrow?
Violetta: heu btch, f cuorse
Violetta: r u k?
Katya: yeah, just tired. You ok with taking an Uber?
Violetta: ys
Violetta: gna go with Fame n Shea
Violetta: I’m sry
Violetta: fr Trxiie
Katya: Good. Talk to you tomorrow. Text me when you get home
Violetta: u to bitch
Violetta: love yuo
Katya feels like she will definitely throw up once she gets home. She fights to hold it back the entire drive back but once she gets back to her small, shitty apartment, all she can do is take off her boots and put her almost-dead phone to charge. She texts Violet only when she’s in bed, an hour later, having smoked half a packet of cigarettes and still fully clothed, staring at the ceiling and assuming she will never sleep again.
Katya: Got home safely. I love you too.
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floggingink · 6 years
Riverdale, “Chapter Twenty-Five: The Wicked and the Divine”
Jughead has seen more “mob movies” than I have, so I can’t verify his “classic trope,” but he’s speaking my language
I found Archie’s Devil Wears Prada errand-montage zippy and playful, much like Hiram Lodge himself
especially the direction of the construction guy’s arm clapping Archie’s shoulder to add movement to the swerving transition (not a technical term) as he steps into the trailer
Hiram’s soft V-neck sweater is, I assume, cashmere
Veronica’s look is so inseparable from collars and pearls that she has a collar made of pearls sewn into her dress
RAS wanted a Veronica-confirmation episode, so by God, he is getting one, and Veronica’s age be damned! Hiram and Hermione wanted “the same monsignor” from Veronica’s baptism, who I guess has been on leave at the Vatican for five years okay!
Archie wants to know if Veronica will have “to memorize stuff”
Veronica’s confirmation sponsor is her grandmother, which is par for the course, as is volunteering at a soup kitchen for her like 8 hours of required community service. I also had to write a report on Saint Lucy and pray a rosary in front of an abortion clinic. Veronica probably won’t have to do that, since you can’t say abortion on Riverdale
do soup kitchens have any actual paid employees, or are they all stocked with kids who just need volunteer hours/Matthew Goode’s character from The Good Wife in his spare time wearing that blue sweatshirt to characterize him as being “just that nice”?
Hiram is such a fucking soap opera star when he says Veronica has made him “the happiest father ALIVE.” like, alive?
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on FP’s kitchen table is the same kind of half-gallon of milk that Jughead was drinking from the morning after his birthday party. the Andrewses kept a spare half-gallon of skim milk just for Jughead in their fridge? the nicest thing Fred ever did for him
Jughead doubts it: Jughead is VERY sassy with Sheriff Keller and FP loves it!!!! because Jughead can have an anti-authoritarian ’tude WITHOUT NECESSARILY being “a gang member” at that particular moment!
FP is so crisp and put together! FP looks GREAT! what up though, Gladys?
wow I can’t believe Jughead’s article wielded so much political power that its legal ramifications echo throughout the entire episode, as if Jughead were Nellie Bly
“CAN I GET A QUOTE?” this is the Jughead that FP plainly adores
Jughead and Betty both drink skim milk, so, their wedding will be soon
are men on webcams actually fool enough to ask the webcam girls if they can MEET IN REAL LIFE? I have no knowledge about this world, but I would imagine the answer would be “Have you ever seen a film, ever?”
50 Shades of Betty: Betty looks pretty great in that severe black fucking wig and I still want an apology from Chuck specifically about dissing the wig
“Catholic chic” means veils optional, like the stole in black tie
What damn high school in America: Jughead doesn’t have to wear the preppy Lodge uniform, I see? shame
Best costume bit: Betty’s heart sweater is possibly my favorite thing she’s ever worn. I want it BADLY
“DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER”? IS THERE SOMETHING HE WROTE THAT WASN’T TRUE? ARE YOU ~NOT~ BUILDING BOWLING ALLEYS ON NATIVE AMERICAN LAND? I will fucking suit up and be Jughead’s lawyer on this. as has been demonstrated, I have seen every episode of The Good Wife and can probably practice law in Illinois (for instance I know that in Illinois you only need one-person consent to secretly record a conversation)
I love Betty and Jughead being in the same room, of course, but Betty’s gentle, poking “And...did you?” is EXCEPTIONALLY cute. Betty is so cute. and sometimes scary
Jughead’s least clueless moment of the season so far is him looking back knowingly at Betty when she says maybe he would do it to “avenge Toni’s grandfather”
Jughead kind of looks great leaning against the window. like the lighting or something. God, please let me one day see the two of them making out with Betty in her cheerleading uniform
okay, I thought Betty and Jughead, IT WAS IMPLIED, had already had sex, because I was shown them waking up together after they had slept together in the trailer. apparently they LITERALLY slept together. APPARENTLY THEY HAVE NOT HAD SEX YET. I should have known, from the sleeper biceps, that Jughead was still pining IN THIS WAY, FOR THAT! I should have KNOWN Betty had not RIDDEN JUGHEAD INTO THE SUNSET YET. fuck! what am I doing!
Every triangle has three corners, every triangle has three sides: I also emotionally defend Betty’s ecru lie about not having “done anything” with anyone since the breakup since, as one will recall, immediately after her and Archie’s kiss they stared in horror at each other and have not talked about it since, thus cancelling it out as a real kiss (this is also a statute of Illinois law)
Hermione Lodge has some sort of skinny gold Lothlórien belt on over her deep merlot blazer
Archie > Dawson: Archie is sweet when he apologizes for making Pop double-check the order: “It’s more to make sure I get everything right.”
Archie hears Pop’s slip about Hiram being “the boss,” but other things happen and he FORGETS! at what inopportune time will he remember? when he’s physically embracing Jughead Jones?
although couldn’t Pop just play it off like Hiram is Archie’s boss? think on your feet, Pop
for the record I love Agent Adams and his whole deal. his plan is so insane that it might be brilliant. I just do still wish he were being played by either Sterling K. Brown or Max Greenfield
he doesn’t appreciate Archie’s attitude: “Is there a problem?” yeah, uh, Archie’s like twelve years old and not a trained undercover field agent? I love this stupid shit
oh, everyone’s being evicted from Sunnyside? if only Jughead hadn’t driven the southside’s only lawyer out of town with Kenickie Murdoch’s switchblade
according to everyone’s facial expressions, Veronica is under the impression she is doing good political maneuvering inviting the McCoys to her confirmation, Hermione is stunned she did so, Veronica really wanted to sing a solo, and Josie doesn’t know why she has to fucking apologize for anything
Josie being Veronica’s “gift” from Mayor McCoy is horrifying
Sixth period is Intro to Film: Cruel Intentions is a fantastic Catholic standard, containing as it does cocaine, “experimental” girl-on-girl French kissing, Ryan Phillippe’s ass, the line “I'm the Marcia fucking Brady of the Upper East Side and sometimes I want to kill myself,” and implied step-sibling fucking, all of which I think Riverdale should include more of
the blue and red lighting inside the Wyrm is still nice. does the Wyrm even count as a dive? strippers probably wouldn’t waste their time at dives
wow there are some true beards in this crowd
okay…..the idea that Tall Boy is a better suspect than Jughead…...because he’s physically taller…..is singularly the most fantastic thing…..I have ever heard…..
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: the sound of Archie shifting on the leather of Hiram’s couch is real good
Gay?!: Ben? who the fuck is Ben? who is BEN? who the fuck?
OH MY GOD Jughead got in to see the mayor AGAIN! is Ethel Muggs her secretary???
Jughead interrupted Mayor McCoy eating her salad at her desk
for like the third time in the series she says she’s “always liked” Jughead, which, fat lot of good that’s done him
in Riverdale there is a red uniform at the soup kitchen, because even THE POOR must abide by aesthetics
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Archie doesn’t know what cutting cigars means
Archie’s shoulders are nice under that polo
Betty’s plan about “treat it like a missing person’s case” and making it like this snooping Blue and Gold intrigue thing is of course welcome as a pretense for the two of them working together (on the show’s part), but in reality it’s just the fucking bare minimum that THE AUTHORITIES should ALREADY BE FUCKING DOING THEMSELVES
at this point I went to bed and had a very gripping, sexy dream about Veronica and Jughead. Veronica and Jughead
“Damn good coffee”: Hiram floating having to “bring Archie in” on the Lodge Family Tammany Hall is only slightly less absurd than the Federal Bureau of Investigation having already done so. what does Archie need to be brought in on, exactly? he’s just Veronica’s arm candy. he barely knows what a cigar is
while it is STILL ODD that Veronica has done a 180 on her accepting her father’s criminality, she still holds Archie up as a beacon of goodness, because, like I said, shoulders, polos
Jughead’s “order of the Ophidians” as he tapes up the Missing poster is either, so far as I can tell, an extremely obscure MMORPG reference or he’s just calling them snakes, but like, in Latin
Penny didn’t die of gangrene from her blistering wound like on the Oregon trail? probably a plus
FP is in some deep pain here. this is so far beyond his worst fears about Jughead joining the Serpents that he like never even fucking considered—I NEVER FUCKING CONSIDERED IT, IT WAS FUCKING RIDICULOUS
I certainly don’t think Penny’s terms are like, PARTICULARLY OUT OF LINE
ooooh Jughead’s little snipe at his father for fridging Jason!
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I can’t believe the sixth season of The Wire takes place in Riverdale and doesn’t even have Sonja Sohn playing Agent Adams
Alice’s angel wing-white Founding Father blouse and Betty’s textured peach sweater
Hal is REALLY skittish about Chic, considering that HE’S HIS SON, SO FAR AS WE KNOW. but Hal hordes important information until the bitter end, so he probably just knows some shit
The Blossom Whoever the fuck’s spawn: “He’s a stranger. That’s my beef.”
“It’s been ~some time~ since my last confession” is usually the most accurate clocking I could give as well
I love the very dangerous clusters of candles inside the confessional
These students are legally children: NO ONE is helping Veronica. Veronica is trying to “find her thing” like, in the dark, lit by votive candles
I loved the circle of beautiful mob wives drinking wine and talking about how praying to “the Almighty” for “forgiveness” makes them feel better #aspirational
Hiram isn’t fucking around with Mr. Man “disrespecting Pop Tate.” Pop Tate is an angel, doing his best out here in a chaotic world. his poutine is probably great!
Archie’s stuck using the wrong kind of plunger
Poppa Poutine says Hiram lost his “mojo” in “the joint”
is Poppa right? is Hiram weak? if you subtract the Andrews boys, he doesn’t seem to have any problems
The 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie was a masterpiece: Josie is back with killer witchy earrings, a lovely dress, and a fierce hold on the remainder of her personal agency
of course it’s “Bitter Sweet Symphony” but with harps. you know the Verve doesn’t get any royalties from that song? are the Rolling Stones the worst band in the world?
the back of the church is bathed in purple, the altar is yellow, the monsignor is in BRIGHT PALM SUNDAY RED, and this is what church should have always been like
Fwoopy hair is the best hair: Hermione’s strong-shouldered structured white jacket is amazing and Jughead forgoed his hat, to be respectful
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: slightly strangely, Cheryl isn’t there at all this episode, but what we are truly robbed of is seeing what she would have worn to the confirmation
Veronica has a SUPER-SWEET very light pink/purple manicure!
Summer + Blair = Veronica: you better believe when Veronica was asked if she renounced Satan I was like, IS SHE GOING TO LOOK AT HER FATHER AND STORM OUT OF THAT CHURCH????? I THOUGHT SHE MIGHT!!!!!
instead I got an amazing thematic light show about Veronica choosing to believe in Archie’s unflagging internal compass and following his light (“the light of the Lord”!)
Veronica was rich: Veronica does look like a fucking angel up there
wow, Dilton isn’t DJing the afterparty? weird
why are Betty and Archie standing together AT ALL?
Abuelita is 100% right about pinching Archie’s cheek and Archie goes with it because he is respectful
Jughead eats: Jughead is so tormented he neglects the buffet!!!!!!
Jughead’s suit is very nice. I like the progression of his wearing better and better suits
Betty takes the news of Jughead’s CONFESSION that he “cut” Penny pretty stoically, as she did boil a guy once
Closed Captioning tells me the junkyard guy’s name is “JUNKYARD STEVE,” MY MAN
“If only we lived in a town where the answer could be no.”
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Jughead in his leather jacket OVER HIS SUIT JACKET is pretty good!
Hermione hauling Veronica back for the photographer
Archie looking up from behind the closing art deco elevator doors
The female gaze: Archie is of course so handsome and perfectly proportioned in his suit. his handsomeness is such a given that I take it wholly for granted, like how when not suffering an allergy attack I can breathe from both nostrils but when one hits and I’m sneezing up my guts I’m like, air coming in from both nostrils? true bliss, I’ll never forget it again
God, did he get rid of his tailored cranberry Blossom suit? not the WORST crime committed in Riverdale, but probably worthy of eviction
Fifth period is AP English: as @hangingonyourwords noted, Archie knowing the word “coup” is VERY surprising! GOOD, ARCHIE
Hiram Lodge is, I think, listening to that song from Carmen while pouring himself a stiff drink, the massive Rory Gilmore portrait of Veronica over one shoulder and the blue light of an antipodean sea streaming in over the other, using a rotary phone to call in A MURDER
Tall Boy having to suffer interrogation by Jughead, whom he surely must have always despised, is his final indignity 
Jughead calls Betty “one of us,” which has not been given enough fanfare by ANYONE in the show! Betty is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT as much a Serpent as Jughead, unless Jughead’s mother is a Serpent, except that she hasn’t had to shout their stupid rules into someone’s face yet
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: “YOU HAVEN’T ANSWERED MY SON’S QUESTION.”
the poor Serpents have been twisted around rich northsiders’ fingers for so long that they don’t have any fucking idea what to be doing when NOT at the behest of a blackmailer or bribery. I don’t know what it means to be a Serpent except that it means you’re poor and comely. and VERY civic-minded
“You’re a Judas, Tall Boy. And an idiot.”
Gay.: Sweet Pea raises both his arms to vote
FP’s gonna run Tall Boy out of town. a word of advice: one town over is not far enough
hell, Archie’s seen all those mob movies too! he and Jughead must’ve watched them together while Jughead was sleeping in his bedroom
Archie’s speech to Veronica is GOOD, ARCHIE, and what Veronica gets out just reinforces my thought that Hiram is literally starting a second town under Mayor McCoy’s nose, which would concern me expect that it has been definitely shown that even after things are executed on Riverdale I confuse myself and am invariably exactly wrong
I would probably kiss Archie too if he looked at me like that and said “I’m with you,” which I think explains Betty
Jughead’s suspenders? a startling plus!
I like the quietness of “Maybe we can ask Veronica on Monday.” it reminded me of Archie’s face-saving some-other-time-definitely promise to go to the library with Jughead
“Maybe we should just investigate quietly until we know more.”
BLESSED BE THE CHILDREN and Jughead’s brusque scoff at himself for saying “my darkness”
in a move that the last few episodes haven’t shown him as having enough sense to make, Jughead puts his hand, not on Betty’s hand, but directly on the skirt of her dress
also Jughead knows that dress zippers have a point where you think it’s gone all the way down but really you’ve got a little further to go otherwise you can’t get the waistline over the hips? Jug’s got a little bit of game going on!
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I like the silhouette of Jughead’s Adam’s apple
while Jughead is doing an excellent job delicately checking in with Betty’s sacral chakra, with his bare hand, I don’t want to overlook either his own gently crossed ankles as he holds her or his AMAZING SOCKS
when Betty tells him she needs to tell him something, he EXHALES a “What?” before he says “What is it?” WHOOP
she is missing a pretty sick meatloaf or pork of some more at her mother’s dinner table
I didn’t think there was a physiognomically scarier white guy around than Chic himself, but I was wrong!!!! it’s definitely that guy at the door!!!!!!
oh shit, Archie sort of got somebody (else) killed. this is like when Jughead didn’t mean to but definitely got somebody’s face beaten in by Tall Boy and Serpent Baby—holy shit what happened to that kid!!!! where did Serpent Baby go???
in the shot bingo of Riverdale, the middle box would have to be Betty coming through her front door and pausing because she hears something suspicious
Mädchen Amick, MÄDCHEN AMICK: the squishy sound effect of the rags on the wet floor? her perfect hair? her bright blue turtleneck? “Elizabeth, did you lock the front door?” Alice is already three steps ahead!!! Alice Alice Alice!!!!!
Alice and FP have now both cleaned up somebody else’s murder’s cranial blood (I’m assuming Chic clocked this guy, which means it was probably Melody), further proof they belong together
Please protect Betty: Betty fucking Jughead probably saved her life
Next week: Cheryl shoots a bow and arrow!!! into my heart!!!!!!!!!
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zalrb · 7 years
Yard Trolls Tho {TVD 1x03 Review}
Hi all! Welcome to the third review of TVD season 1. Considering that I haven’t like sat down to watch a full episode of the past seasons of TVD in a few years and my memory might not be the greatest I think I will start with my usual disclaimer: I will write my thoughts in real time so if I make a mistake at the beginning of this post, it will be corrected by the end. There will be anti-Damon and anti-Delena sentiments (I’m only mentioning these two because it’s the beginning of the series), and in light of recent events I feel the need to say that there may be some anti-Jenna sentiments too. I will probably bring up other shows and call attention to misogynoir, racism, anti-blackness etc. Ready? Let’s go.  Tumblr deleted my numbering for some reason but it's 2:20 am so I will fix it tmr. I remember when I saw this scene --- when Caroline tries to leave the room after Damon bit her, on YouTube and people were commenting on how “comedic” it was that Caroline grabs a lamp and tries to hit Damon in the face with it and how the jokes he’s cracking are so funny and I think when I first saw this scene air I thought it was vaguely funny too but it’s completely horrifying. Caroline is traumatized and hurt and is fighting to escape her attacker who throws her back on the bed to attack her again. Like it isn’t comedic at all. Vicki how are you acting indignant because you’ve been playing with Puppy Jeremy’s emotions for how long and he’s like did you sleep with me because of the drugs? It’s a valid question! Omg I don’t exactly know why but I find it so hot that Stefan goes up to Elena, “Good morning, Elena.” Then, “Good morning, Bonnie.” I lied, I know exactly why. It was polite and inclusive and that is fucking hot. I have it paused on Stefan looking at Bonnie and he just has this gaze that makes me all tingly for Paulerina/Stefonnie purposes. And it’s a DIFFERENT gaze than his SE gaze. LMFAO. “What are you doing, standing there looking like one of those little yard trolls.” “Gnomes”. Maybe because it’s 1 AM but I just find that exchange hilarious, like there are tears of laughter. “Yard trolls” Tyler? Omg. Do we see them in a class other than history at all throughout the show? Elena’s face when Stefan answers that Pearl Harbour question, like omg my boyfriend is so smart and he saves me from embarrassment teehee. She is SO giddy. “Years and years of crossword puzzles, it’s a loner thing.” They tease each other and flirt, like DErs are TRIPPIN. In fact, is Tanner the only teacher we see? Besides Alaric who is Tanner’s replacement? “First my girlfriend, now my team.” Matt doesn’t even give off the vibe that he’s a captain. It’s really disturbing seeing Caroline kiss Damon and get out of the car. Lol Paul looks hot with mussed hair and dirt smudged on his face. I actually wish we could see more of a Matt and Stefan friendship. Another Stefan shirtless moment! “Very Emerson the way you reveal your soul with so many adjectives.” Like the only Damon line I like until season 7. Ian’s hair is becoming less offensive. Seriously, when Stefan is murderously angry with Damon but doesn’t do anything about it, Paul turns into a fucking statue. I find it insane because I think it really shows how much rage Stefan is actually in but he’s containing it so he has to become, like, inanimate. It’s very inhuman and done really well. I didn’t notice this before. Kat’s eyes are beautifully big. That wardrobe though 😒 Salem witches ... Let’s not address that they would be enslaved, like Tituba and Mary Black but whatever. I find it unbelievably disturbing that Caroline and Damon look more like a couple than Damon and Elena ever did. Matt, HOW are you friends with Tyler? He treats your sister like SHIT. That Elena and Damon conversation is like ... I guess. I mean, if they want to say Elena hates cheerleading now because it’s not her life anymore that’s fine, I get it, but it legit just looked like she was confused because she didn’t know the new routine. And how would Damon see her at practice when he drove away before they actually began doing the routine? Something Elena should find creepy but whatever. OK so I know this makeout is just a dream, which sucks, but it really speaks to the Dobsley chemistry, they’re really in sync and when Stefan moves his hands up Elena’s legs when she takes off her shirt, I always find that incredibly sexy. Also when Stefan starts to take off his shirt, something about it I find really hot I think it’s because they’re so sync. And then Damon’s face ruins it. I also find it telling that when Damon terrorizes Elena with that dream, it’s not just that he inserts a sex dream of him in her head, he lures her into a false sense of security with Stefan and then shocks her with his face. Like he goes through all these levels to fuck with her. “There must be a shred of humanity in my brother, somewhere, but how do I make him see it and how do I protect her?” This is 1x03, guys. So Damon’s “You decided I was someone worth saving” speech is bullshit. Julie and the DErs and the show and then eventually Stefan act like Elena was the first person since Damon’s turn who believed he had good in him. When Stefan had BEEN saying, “Damon it doesn’t have to be like this.” “Damon can we just leave it.” ANYWAY. Also I just realized that Elena doesn’t find it a little bit awkward that Damon and Stefan dated the same woman? She’s just like “You lost her too”? And Damon is older. OK. My cat just walked in meowing and dropping one of my old beanie babies by my bed. It distracted the hell out of me. Oh look the DE necklace that Stefan had forever and gave to Elena, the only person he ever wanted to give it to. Seriously, Elena just looks like she feels SO good because of Stefan. “And you’re not in uniform because?” Great delivery. Tyler is such a dick. Like. Wow. Although Jeremy using a bottle is a bitch ass move. “I’m fine!” “Yeah you smell fine!” And Elena just lets Jeremy walk away. He tried to use as a bottle as a weapon and he’s drunk af, girl go after your brother. “Caroline may have some really annoying traits but we’ve been friends since the first grade and that means something to me” yeah, until you sleep with her rapist. So a lamp barely has an effect on Damon but Elena slaps him and his face whips to the side. “You’re not going to hurt her Damon because somewhere deep down, you feel for her” HOW? HOW WOULD YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT. They spoke to each other like three times! HOW? DE IS SO MANUFACTURED. But Stefan really fucking tried with Damon, man. “You hate me because you loved her and you torture me because you still do and that is your humanity” like he’s taking every fucked up thing Damon has done to him and trying to make it a case for his humanity, like he TRIED. I know we keep saying Damon wasn’t that petty in season 1 but he was kind of fucking petty in season 1, fam. Bonnie’s devastation at predicting the death is done so well. Seriously, the Vicki and Jeremy relationship just makes me deeply uncomfortable. That forehead touch before Stefan and Elena hug is everything. I like how Damon invading Elena’s bedroom and stroking her face like a fucking stalker is supposed to show that he has humanity. Like whet? It’s also a really anticlimactic way to end the episode. Yeah TVD doesn’t really pick up until 1x07. OK so I did the first two reviews and I will review 1x04 tomorrow!
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