rapidhighway · 18 days
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HI, i'm just gonna drop this in your lap and run actually, a future AU
Part 2
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triona-tribblescore · 5 months
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Some pieces inspired by this design I made of Mikey a while back~
Idk its some sort of fantasy wandering/guardian au? thing? I might explore it more later~ :>
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improbable-outset · 4 months
sooo i was thinking about a scenario with soft dom!miguel, reader is stressed and needs help to unwind after a long week. she hasnt ever fully been in a subspace before and tries it for the first time with him bc he just wants to turn her brain off and make her happy😫
I’ll do you one better, anon 🥹
Filth undercut 🔞👇🏼
Imagine you and Miguel experiment with different positions and you suggested to ride him.
You didn’t know how to do it properly and you didn’t want to do it while his dick inside you just yet, so you practice on his thighs.
This toned thighs were getting wetter from your slick as you kept rolling your hips over it. Your clit was starting to rub over his leg and you tried to put more pressure on the bundle of nerves to add to the bliss.
You kept at a steady pace, feeling your folds rubbing over his legs and your clit getting wet from yourself.
Miguel, on the other hand, was laying on the bed and kept his hands on your hips as you continued to ride his thighs. His cock was twitching in front of you as he kept watching you on top of him.
One of his hands reached over to rub your clit and twisting it expertly with his fingers. The sensation made you lose your bearing a little, adding to his mounted ego.
“Keep riding me mi vida, just like that…”
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starlos-hat · 4 months
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i love them
my friend @timetogetfeisty gave me this idea so you should totally check out her posts!! ^_^
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tereruhana · 6 months
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scourge-sympathiser · 2 months
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i gor a laminator
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ohceeli · 2 months
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Bon Voyage!
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hikiclawd · 1 year
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scene redraw
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demiesop · 6 months
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. . . . .
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Just another one (spin-off comic of "what if" if they met back then which in canon they never did)
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rizzgukgak · 5 months
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9-1-1 ‣ S04E14: "Survivors"
bathena + buddie parallels
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
video call (3tan) | myg
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title: video call   pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime | sundress season | yoongi’s interlude | forfeit | flutter  rating/genre: pg ; fluff ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: “yoongi did exactly what you wanted, calling in the morning even if he didn’t need to be up, and waiting until you called at night to talk until you slept.” — excerpt from forfeit  note: just a peek into how one of those calls went before the night of the house party we left off at in forfeit💕 writing this was a nice break from other projects—and life in general—and my hope is that you find some comfort in it like i have. especially now.  note 2: this would make a lot more sense if you’ve read the three tangerines series! you could just read it as is, but you wouldn’t have all the context<3 and there is a lot! warnings: language, yoongi on the phone is back :)))), some of the shit he says but nothing major. just more fluff than i can deal with so now i’m making it everyone’s problem LMAO🤪 drop date: february 26th, 2023, 7:27pm est word count: 2.9k💙
“You in bed now?” 
Incoming Video Call: Yoongi
Right away, you sigh at the words on your phone, snapping your eyes shut while lightning zings through your chest.
Why are you nervous? You’ve literally seen him naked and on top of you, and this exact same call scenario happened last night. How is he still giving you butterflies this way? It makes literal zero sense.
Probably because he wasn’t wearing a goddamn shirt on the call last night, but—
Just relax. Relax.
Determined, you prop your device with a pillow, lying on your side and fixing yourself out of habit before answering. 
When your screen lights up with his dark video, you watch as he stares—fully clothed—with half his face in a pillow. 
One you can’t believe you’ve rested your head on before. 
You can’t see much, but what’s illuminated appears so soft—his features, his hair, the downward slope of his broad shoulder. All of them a delicate blue. 
And just like that, calm washes over your tired limbs. 
Exhaling, you settle your head down to mirror him, noticing how your bed is a little too cold. “You’ve probably been in bed for hours already.” 
Uh huh. 
You wait with a smothered smile, setting it free when he speaks again, 
“Just one.” 
“There it is.” 
“I should still be working, but. I gave up for the night.”
“For the studio?”
“Nah. Just something I started earlier.”
“Oh, okay. Breaks are good anyways.”
He makes a sound in agreement, and you’re surprised he was able to say all of that so easily. 
But then a bunch of questions cascade into your brain through a firehose.
Like what does this new one sound like? How does Yoongi work on songs and decide what goes where and which instruments to use? Does he write the lyrics first, or have a beat in mind already? Where does he get inspiration from? You wanna know all these things. 
Remembering the track he showed you earlier this week, you have no doubts he’s gonna make another one just as incredible. 
But you don’t know if asking him anything about his music is good etiquette or not, so you hold off on any actual talk about it. 
That can be saved for another time.
“Today better than yesterday?” 
Stilling, you blink at your phone while warmth from your covers radiates over your skin. 
How can he render you speechless even during the most normal of conversations? If you’re both in this for the long haul, there’s no telling how long it’s gonna take until you’re immune to his genuine curiosity and consideration. 
Forever, most likely. 
Because yesterday wasn’t the best Wednesday you’ve had, and you may have vented a little too much as a result. But when you apologized, he quickly assured you that you did nothing wrong, and also may have been the sole reason you slept so well. 
Shyness lowers your gaze. “Better. My coworker actually said sorry for once.” 
“Also! Now I get to lead a new project,” you proudly divulge. “And guess who was assigned to the team.” 
Yoongi lets out a knowing hum with closed eyes, and you cackle at his response so abruptly that you have to smush your lips together.
“Get his ass then.” 
“Yeah, his ass is mine.” Shifting so that you can support your grin on a palm, you backtrack, “Nah, I need to be good for now. But if I get offered this job? Fuck it.” 
His eye slides open again, and it manages to look beautiful with just his phone’s reflection embedded inside. 
“You will,” he predicts with confidence, reaching up to rub at his lid before settling down again. “You don’t need those people anyways.” 
“They need me, though.” 
It’s true. You’ve been integral to all the projects popping up that even the ones you aren’t directly a part of are ones you’ve been consulted on.
And that exposure has helped you, for the most part. The relationships you’ve fostered there are honestly the only things keeping you from leaving. 
Well. They were. But it’s time to finally be paid more for what you’re doing, and it took a lot of talk with your friends—and your brother, for that matter, even though he keeps saying he’ll handle things—for you to realize that.
How would those conversations have gone with Yoongi if you had them? What would he have told you? 
A soft breath drifts through the line.
Then another.
“If you always put other people first, you’ll end up with more regrets than you think.” 
He would’ve just solved the whole damn thing.
You didn’t even realize your vision was lowered until he spoke, and your eyes lift to see him now propped up on his elbow. 
And you almost feel like crying. 
“Okay,” you whisper, a new flame of hope flaring to life in your chest. “I’ll try to remember that.” 
“And I’m not saying be selfish all the time. But you should be when you need to be.”
Deep in the confines of your heart, you’re starting to arrange some furniture. 
Of course, some already exists because you’ve gone through this process already. But with every one of his words that resonate, your house grows larger, and you’re determined to make each and every room just as comforting and wonderful as him.  
Delightfully frustrated, you let out a tiny growl before whispering rough, 
“How do you always know what to say?” 
Yoongi simply furrows his brows, slight grin squished into his palm. “You already know the answer!” 
“I’m an old man, remember,” he explains with a drop in expression, and your sudden breathy laugh covers his mini rant as he shifts in his bed, “Hold up—you know what? Listen. You always call me old, but I never hear wise. What kind of bullshit…” 
Dear god, he’s gonna get you in trouble. Your giggle reaches your stomach when you cover your mouth the second time. “Affectionately!” 
“Affectionate, my ass.” 
“It is!” 
Fucking hell. 
He’s pouting now. 
Your chest breaks into a million pieces while simultaneously melting into your sheets, suppressed laughter hurting your face in the best possible way. “Awhhh, babe,” you console through a grin. “I won’t say it anymore, okay?”
Slipping into a smirk, he flips a switch, “Don’t sweat it. But next time you do I’m calling you baby girl.” 
An arrow pierces right through your heart. “Oh, yeah? No matter what?” 
“Uh huh.” 
Fuck, he’s good. You’re gonna think twice about saying it now since you know for a fact he’d keep his word. And that little nickname cannot be uttered in public. 
“Fine. You win this time,” you huff, lip spreading with mischief before you taunt, “Old man.” 
Yoongi’s eyes flicker back to the screen before he pokes a cheek with his tongue. 
“You’re gonna be a problem, huh.” 
Of course. You plan on it. Without an ounce of regret, you confirm, “All ninety-nine of yours.” 
His low laugh will never fail to make you squirm.
“Can’t deny that.”
But your cheeks finally feel normal again, and you break into a yawn before settling down into your pillow, arm numb from being bent too long. 
You can hear Yoongi lazily rapping the song you referenced, and you burst into a tiny chuckle, joining in at the end of each line.
He really has the perfect voice for this. Without even trying and half-asleep, he’s making you feel thoroughly entertained. You could honestly do this with him for hours. 
When did you both start getting so comfortable? 
It feels like you’re just hanging out with one of your closest friends, like the two of you weren’t off-limits to each other, or weren’t just on the brink of a massive fallout. 
Is this what you would’ve missed out on if you walked out? If you didn’t fight as hard as you did? 
You mentioned being friends that night.
And you weren’t kidding when you said what you did. Even if things didn’t end up magical like this, you would have been grateful just to be in position. Yoongi’s so different from how you thought he would be, and yet very much the demon you’ve been warned about. 
Suddenly, he pauses to tsk, and his comment snaps you out of your recall, 
“Peak Hov.”
“Mmhmm. Well—”
“No, wait, this and Blueprint.”
“Yup. That’s what I was gonna say.”
“Mmhmm. I’m telling you, I know my old school shit.” 
He blows out air in offense immediately. “Old school, huh.” 
“You know what I mean.”
“I know. But damn, I wasn’t wishing you were here before, but now…”
“Alright, you shut up.”
Mirth leaves him in a hiss, mouth curving in a slant that makes you desperately wish you were there, too.
Talking with him… Has gotten so easy. 
You want it to be easy forever. 
Eyes slipping shut, you feel more comfortable asking this without looking, 
“Are we friends?”
You open your eyes a tad but still don’t look at your phone. “Like… What I said the other night, about… You know. Being your friend if you didn’t want this anymore. Are we friends, like.. now?” 
There’s silence on the line. 
And even more after that. 
When you glance at your screen, you find that you weren’t the only one not looking at your phone. 
Because Yoongi’s staring down at his bedsheets, too, and you don’t know why you feel like zooming right over there to give him a hug. 
You’re about to apologize for asking until he finally answers, and your heartbeat might’ve just woken your brother up,
“I wouldn’t date anyone that I didn’t consider a friend, doll.” 
You’re asleep. 
That’s what’s happening. 
This call isn’t actually real you’re just dreaming there’s no way Yoongi just busted out the one word that you have been side-stepping this entire time just like that?
Tae’s probably cackling in his sleep.
“You—Umm, what did you—” 
You remain flabbergasted as Yoongi just laughs on the line, and he shakes his head before you hear the crunchy rustling sounds through your speaker, 
“You’re so cute.” 
“Hey, you can’t just”—a hand covers your face while your legs kick blankets—”I didn’t know you were gonna say all that!” 
“Wait, are we not seeing each other?” 
You’re crumbling at the goddamn seams. “I mean—”
“If we aren’t then I read all of this way fucking wrong.” 
“We are, we are,” you agree, biting your lip while attempting to keep your heart from fluttering out the window. “But we never said… Dating.” 
“Mm. I guess we technically aren’t, but. We’re gonna be soon enough.” 
“Oh, my god,” you gasp into your hand, not wanting to witness the proud smirk you just witnessed through your fingers. “You’re just doing this to fuck with me, huh.” 
“Hundred percent.” 
“You suck.” 
Raspy laughter makes you smile, and you shake your head while still feeling like you’re closer to your ceiling than your bed. “I can’t believe you said that.”
“You don’t date,” you easily answer, “That’s like—If you made a dating profile that would be the only thing you’d say.” 
“Well, damn.” He huffs. “I mean, facts, but damn.” 
You watch as he settles in his pillow, one lidded eye still visible. And you snuggle into yours, imagining having this conversation in the same bed instead of a separate one. 
How much time has passed? You’re fully aware you should’ve been asleep awhile ago, and yet you don’t ever want this call to end. 
“It’s just what everyone says about you,” you murmur, biting your lip. “Well, about you and my brother. And it’s definitely true in his case.” 
Yoongi breathes once. Twice. “People say a lot of things.” 
“I just haven’t felt the want or need to, so I haven’t.” You hear the crunch as he shifts his arm in front of him. “But I wasn’t kidding. I really am into you, babe.” 
“I’m into you, too,” you admit with a whisper, mouth curving upward before you squish your entire face into your pillow.
You miss the smile directed right at your little flail, but you hear it all in his voice, 
“Nah, I’m going to sleep. I can’t do this.” 
“You’re one to talk!” you blurt into your pillowcase before turning your head. “Don’t go, though.” 
“Nu uh. This isn’t good for me,” he counters, the tip of his grin and some teeth showing over his pillow and making you suffer multitudes. “It was much easier when you were having a bad day.” 
“Wow, hello?”
His stupidly attractive laugh gives his rudeness a pass. But only just. “I’m kidding, babe. But you really should go to sleep.” 
You sigh. “I know.” 
“And charge your phone.” 
“Mmhmm,” you exhale, grunting in effort when you reach over to grab your cord. When you click it in, you hear him ask a favor,
“Call me in the morning?” 
“I got you.” 
“Wait a second,” you halt him. “You didn’t tell me about your day.” 
Yoongi huffs through his nose before rubbing his face on his pillowcase. When he’s visible again, he blinks a few times. “Just more studio stuff.” 
Breathing out, too, you take a moment before asking with voice soft and eyes closed, “Like what?” 
“Uhh. Some recording sessions, then more projects we got sent over.” 
“Damn. Booked and busy.”
“Pretty much.”
“Sounds so cool.” 
You hear a tiny hum of agreement, then some shifting. With eyes shut, you don’t realize where he moves the phone, so you’re startled when he sounds a lot closer, 
“You should swing by sometime.” 
You didn’t expect him to say that. 
Conflicted because of multiple reasons, you give a tiny, “I could, probably.” 
“Honestly, you can always come when it’s just me. You could stop by a lot once you get that job, too.” 
Why the fuck does this man have to be this way! 
Completely buzzing all over, you break out into your second pout of the night. “Ugh… You are hyping me up way too much.” 
“So? What else am I supposed to do?”
Goddamn this man.
Smiling, you simply sigh and fold your legs up to your stomach, mind swimming with peace you haven’t felt in so long. 
This is another thing that doesn’t make sense: even though Yoongi isn’t physically with you, he’s making it feel like he is. And you’ve never experienced this type of comfort—a kindling hearth you can lie next to when it’s cold. 
You miss him, and you want nothing more than to be there, but you aren’t sad about it. 
Because his words are enough to cover the distance. Enough to lull you to dreamland even when your reality is somehow better. 
At least, in some aspects, like the one taking up your phone screen.
“Fine,” you say in sleepy surrender. “Do it more, please.” 
As comforting as he is, those chuckles and deep night tones are lethal as fuck over the phone. 
“Send me pics and I got you.” 
“Not a chance.” 
You shut him down, but still somehow get another stupid laugh to suffer through. 
Fuck. How are you ever gonna win against him? This isn’t fair at all.
“God, I could listen to that all day.” 
Face contorting in amusement, you peek and ask with disbelief, “Rejection?” 
“Uh huh.” 
“You’re so weird.” 
“Second thoughts?” 
“Yeah,” you joke before getting attacked by yawns. “May have to… put this whole dating debate on hold. I’ll, umm… get back to you tomorrow.” 
“It’s already tomorrow.” 
Oh, shit, is it really? You really have to sleep now. 
“Well… Then...” You feel the slight weight of exhaustion rest over your body, and your shoulders relax as you drift further and further away. “Ah, I can’t think anymore.” 
Yoongi’s breath fans out of your speaker before he moves his phone again. “Good. Go to sleep, doll.” 
You don’t think you can last another minute. Sleep is about to claim you. 
But you get two more words out before its victory, 
“Night, baby.” 
Then you succumb to rest.
What’s crunching…
Forcing your eyes open, you check to see if you somehow ate chips or something, wondering where that sound came from and where you’re even existing for a second. 
But that’s when you see your phone lying next to you—hot as hell, screen still bright. 
And the video call with Yoongi still on a full two hours later.
tbc. :) 
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ahhh did we like the surprise !! 💌 would you like to buy me a 🍊?
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A/N: figured i’d bring back 3tan yoongi sooner for a little bit! i could tell some people were missing him (me. i’m the people.) so i just figured we could have a little taste before the main course of the storyline, yk? and just having him sleepily/lazily rap 99 problems on the phone? BYE WHAT ELSE WOULD YALL WANT HIM TO RAP TO YOU ON A VIDEO CALL BC IM SPIRALING. anyways, back to working on 3tan10!! wish me luck and pls give me all the strength you have<33 A/N 2: huge ass thank you to everyone supporting this whole journey, whether that’s liking/commenting/reblogging/messaging, recommending this series to people, telling me how it makes you feel, or even wanting a physical copy of the series once i get all that sorted😭 also, the kofi is literally no pressure :D pls don’t feel obligated unless you truly wanna support me in that way and if you’re in a good position to. i appreciate anything i receive there! ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that are too shy to reblog with a review, comment on this, or send a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a comment dropbox :D feedback can be as short/sweet or as long as you’d like! ⇥ here! ++ more links: ⇥ three tangerines masterlist ⇥ masterlist 
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Kiss me in the D-A-R-K, dark tonight
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buglaur · 1 year
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galaxykiller22 · 5 months
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Smg3 and Smg4 holding hands is a really cute but simple idea and I thank @anonymousfudanshi for this idea that I would have probably not have thought of so thank you and hope you enjoy this drawing because I enjoyed drawing this. ✨Byeee✨.
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bakubunny · 8 months
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a mini kirishima hc. it’s nasty, this is ur warning. thx @dcsiremc for contributing to my everlasting brain rot for this precious man. ❤️
cw: rimming, facial, cum wearing, dilf!kiri, daddy dom!kiri, degradation, praise, aged up characters, f!reader
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daddy/dilf!kirishima makes you rim his ass because he knows you love it just as much as he does. he will deadass sit his sweaty asscheeks on your face after a workout, pull your head into him if he’s laying down, and spew the filthiest degrading talk you can imagine. his voice is low and rough as he grips your hair hard. he’s jacking off and groaning as you do, growling about how he’s gonna blow his load all over your fucking face. by the time he’s done grinding his ass into you, you’re so wet and pathetic and that he takes mercy on his pretty girl. he makes you cum so hard with his hands and mouth that you see stars while he stares at your fucked out, cum covered face.
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tag list: @callm3senpaii @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc
let me know if you’d like to be added. <3
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dxrkl1ght · 10 months
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Guess who just leveled up
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Decided to rebuilt Sun
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Moon was the only survivor
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