#cappelle calling
petervc88 · 20 hours
Cappelle Calling - 27 mei 2024
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Net als vorige week schoof er weer een oud radiocollega aan: voormalig Man van Maandag Erik Hartman. Samen met festivalorganisator Jasper de Jel schoven zij aan ter promotie van het Waik Me Up festival dat op 23 en 24 augustus plaatsvindt in Wijk bij Duurstede. Erik zal daarbij alternatieve rock uit de jaren '80, '90 en '00 draaien. Daarom stelde hij ook voornamelijk de playlist samen met alternatieve rocknummers uit deze drie decennia. De LP van de Week was 'Street Fighting Man' van Simple Minds uit 1989. Waarvan ook de DisCovered afkomstig was.
Terugluisteren kan hier.
Dit was de playlist:
Uur 1:
The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You Young The Gaint - My Body Duran Duran - Hungry Like the Wolf Simple Minds - Kick It In (LP van de Week) Urban Dance Squad - Deeper Shade Of Soul Simple Minds - Biko (DisCovered) Claw Boys Claw - Polly Maggoo The Cure - Just Like Heaven (Filmplaat - uit 'Adventureland' ) The Style Council - Walls Come Tumbling Down Simple Minds feat. Lou Reed - This Is Your Land (LP van de Week)
Uur 2:
Pearl Jam - Rerviewmirror Gang of Youths - the angel of 8th ave. Simple Minds - Mandela Day (LP van de Week) The War On Drugs - In Chains Peter Gabriel - Biko (DisCovered) Naughty By Nature - O.P.P. Echo & The Bunnymen - Lips Like Sugar A Flock Of Seagulls - Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You) The Waterboys - Fisherman's Blues Simple Minds - Belfast Child (LP van de Week)
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Cappelle Calling is iedere maandagavond van 20:00 t/m 22:00 te horen op Radio 90FM. Iedere woensdagmiddag wordt de uitzending herhaald van 18:00 tot 20:00. Suggesties voor DisCovered of De Filmplaat zijn welkom via de Facebookpagina van het programma of via [email protected].
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dumbdomb · 26 days
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an intentional misspelling referring to both the exclusionary and inclusionary form of anti-trans and anti-intersex feminism on this website.
Gender critical feminists advocate what they call "sex-based rights," arguing that "women's human rights are based upon sex" and that "these rights are being eroded by the promotion of 'gender identity.'"
Gender critical feminists generally see gender as a system in which women are oppressed for reasons intrinsically related to their sex, and emphasize male violence against women, particularly involving institutions such as the sex industry, as central to women's oppression. Holders of such views often contend that trans women cannot fully be women because they were assigned male at birth and have experienced some degree of male privilege.
(...) the existence of intersex conditions does not impact the usefulness of sex categories.
Although trans people were active in feminist movements in the 1960s and earlier, the 1970s saw conflict among some early radical feminists over the inclusion of trans women in feminism.
Carrera-Fernández and DePalma argued that "the increasingly belligerent popular discourses promoted by TERF groups since the 1970s [are] appropriating feminist discourses to produce arguments that contradict basic premises of feminism."
Claire House noted in 2023 that "key streams within trans exclusionary women’s and feminist movements increasingly engage in collaborative action with right-wing populist-centered anti-gender coalitions, which include right-wing religious, conservative, and right-wing extremist actors."
In February 2020, 28 feminist and LGBT groups in France co-signed a declaration titled Toutes des femmes denouncing trans-exclusionary feminism, saying that "questions disguised as 'legitimate concerns' quickly give way to more violent attacks" and that "it is a confusionist and conspiratorial ideological movement using the cover of feminism to disrupt real feminist fights.
Gender Critical Feminism Wiki (source)
A Radical Feminist View of Gender Ideology - Maureen Young on The ACL Australian Christian Lobby (ACLOBBY)
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How Liberal Feminism Turns Into Fascism by Alice Cappelle
Women's March: Feminism V. Womanism by Joya G
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providing the above information is not an act of hatred, and i do not condone sending hate to anyone for any reason whatsoever! i am not interested in changing anyone's mind, and this is not an invitation for debate or challenging any person's beliefs. if you disagree with anything in this post, you can block and continue scrolling. there is nothing ill-intentioned in the above info and i don't hate anyone for having different povs
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One thing I would like to explore, but is most likely too complex for me to tackle on my own, or all at once, is the popularity of the word TERF as a tool against feminism as a whole. This will be explored, of course, from a trans positive point of view.
My main point of interest is one brought up by Alice Cappelle in her recent video “Who gets to reclaim slurs?” (which you should definitely watch - I won’t repeat all of her points verbatim but they’re more than worth listening to). Viv Smythe, who is credited with having coined the term TERF in 2008 (although she claims that it is likely she was merely the first one to use it on a blog that still exists, source: TheGuardian), meant the term as a “deliberately technically neutral description of an activist grouping“. She adds “we wanted a way to distinguish TERFs from other RadFems with whom we engaged who were trans*-positive/neutral, because we had several years of history of engaging productively/substantively with non-TERF RadFems.” (Quote: TransAdvocate) In a comment published on one of her own blog posts about the topic of trans-exclusionary feminists in 2008, Smythe added: “After a bit more reading, I think the trans-exclusionary set should better be describe[d] as TES, with the S standing for separatists. A lot of the positions that are presented seem far too essentialist to be adequately described as feminist, let alone radical feminist.” In her article on TheGuardian in 2018, she mentioned that the term “TES” didn’t catch on, theorising that the term wasn’t ambiguous enough to.
In her video, Alice Cappelle brings up the way in which the acronym “TERF” has been reclaimed by those we now view as TERFs. Alice proposes: "They took advantage of the fact that they were still referred to as feminists to position themselves as the minority within the movement." She uses the Twitter profiles of self-proclaimed TERFs as examples - they use positive terms such as “happy lil TERF” and cutesy heart emojis in the colours of the suffragette flag. (A term with a history of having been reclaimed, as she mentioned in passing earlier in the video.) She goes on to describe that "[...] their feminism is super limited. 90% of what they do is comment on pro-trans videos, articles, tweets, and it's always the exact same thing: "We don't know what a woman is anymore" and "Why do we say people who menstruate, and not women?""
In fact, in my experience, many so-called TERFs - whether they reclaimed the term or are being called such by another party - are not actively feminists, if they are feminists at all. In many cases, the acronym is used to describe any transphobe who turns out to be a cis woman. Recently, a YouTuber I watch regularly (...whom I will not name for this is not meant to be a call-out post), a cis lesbian whose content and public image show a history of being a trans ally, misspoke about a trans man she had read about. While it is evident that I can’t speak for her true opinions and intentions, it immediately struck me when I saw commenters claim it might turn out that she’s a TERF. Having watched this YouTuber for years, I recall her mentioning in older videos that she didn’t involve herself with feminism, and I certainly don’t recall her content being specifically feminist. There is, in fact, no argument to be made whatsoever that she’s a radical feminist; though I mentioned the claim that she wasn’t involved in feminism came from older content, there exists a chance that she still doesn’t take the time to educate herself on feminism, period. Yet, when these commenters saw the possibility that she was transphobic, they used the word “TERF”. My question is: why? Is it because she’s a woman, or perhaps because she’s a lesbian? Is being sapphic now synonymous to being a radical feminist? Because that sounds to me like a can of worms I don’t even want to touch. In truth, the history of lesbianism and political lesbianism is also a complex issue, which I won’t explore in-depth for the time being (though I will clarify that I’m very much criticising the idea that just because a woman is attracted to women in the year 2022, she should automatically be labeled a feminist), but I will express worry that people, many of them queer, I assume, being this YouTuber’s viewers, are willing to turn against lesbians and feminists - and that worry is one of the main sources for my wondering about the impact of using “TERF” as an insult against women.
As a note, I will add that I don’t align this train of thought with the debate of “TERF“ being a slur. As philosophy of language professor Veronica Ivy mentions: “The idea—it seems to be—is that ‘TERF’ is a term used to denigrate women, and so it is a slur. However, this is an absurd, nonsensical view of the nature of slurs.” (Source: The Epistemology of Propaganda, PhilPapers) While I may bring up the problematic ways in which any word that can describe women and/or feminism negatively winds up being used against any and all women, claiming that “TERF” is a slur is also a blatant misuse of the word “slur”. In criticising TERFs’ claims that the acronym be a slur, Ivy mentions: “[Radical feminists who don’t accept trans women as women] were labeled by fellow (cisgender) radical feminists as TERFs. This point is important, since many contemporary TERFs accuse trans women of coining the phrase/term—and, ludicrously, claim that ‘TERF’ is a misogynistic slur.” Ultimately, the “TERF is a slur” debate is one based in ignorance, if not full-on lies.
In her article Radical Inclusion - Recounting the Trans Inclusive History of Radical Feminism (source: TransAdvocate), trans historian Cristan Williams describes the blatant misuse of pioneering radical feminist opinion leader Andrea Dworkin’s work by TERF activist Sheila Jeffrey. “While she credited Dworkin as being her inspiration and spoke at length about Dworkin’s pioneering book, Woman Hating, she also denigrated the bodies of trans women and asserted trans medical care to be unnecessary. During her entire presentation, Jeffreys never once noted that—in the very book Jeffreys cited as being the inspiration for her activism—Dworkin advocated that trans people be given free access to trans medical care or that Dworkin viewed gender identity research as being subversive to patriarchy.” In the same article, Williams uses the example of Olivia Records, a radical feminist lesbian separatist music collective described as the pioneer to the 1970s-era women’s music movement, which “was itself trans inclusive, and [...] paid for trans medical care.” As she explains, Olivia [Records] endured “threats of boycott and violence from TERF activists who demanded that the collective become trans exclusionary”. Sandy Stone, a trans woman member of Olivia, was regularly threatened, and it culminated when a TERF group named The Gorgons came to a show in Seattle with guns, to be thankfully stopped by Olivia security - which had been seriously increased due to their violent threats.
What becomes evident to me is that radical feminists and TERFs are not and historically haven’t been synonymous. It cannot be denied, however, that trans-exclusionary subgroups have always existed near radical feminists, and nowadays transphobic women continue to co-opt the name, despite arguably putting less and less effort in appearing feminist at all. That being said, TERFs have always been, and continue to be a hateful group with every intent to harm other, non-transphobic feminists (and let’s not forget their willingness to perpetuate violence against trans women directly). By claiming to be the “true” radical feminists, not only do they undermine the image of the movement, but they also give themselves otherwise non-existent credibility. My argument is: by forgetting that TERFs are, in fact, not representative of historical radical feminists, we are being played by them and contributing to harming feminism and radical feminism as a whole. By letting transphobes rewrite history (as if they don’t do that enough already), we are contributing to a world in which feminism will be misinterpreted as transphobic and, as such, passé - a movement to leave behind as humanity becomes less ignorant. To cite Cristan Williams once more: “When promoting the idea that TERF activism is radical feminism itself, it becomes difficult to clearly see the courage of the women of Olivia who endured months of threats of boycott and violence from TERF activists who demanded that the collective become trans exclusionary.”
By exploring this question, I have myself learned more about radical feminism. The truth is, I had been led to believe to a certain degree that TERFs were the only radical feminists. While I dissociated them from the word feminism on its own - which fewer and fewer people even attempt to do nowadays - I had come to view “radical feminism” as synonymous with “trans-exclusionary radical feminism”. While I still have much to learn about the presence of current trans-positive/neutral radical feminist groups, I am now better informed about the history of the movement. To be honest, this will be a helpful tool to me, a cis woman, when cis men are ~nice enough~ to accept that I’m a feminist, but still have to remind me that “feminists have a history of being radical”. With my pre-existing knowledge of the strides allowed by radical feminists - even those with views that may not hold up today - it will be easier for me to defend our history and current positions now that I’m clearly aware that transphobes were never representative of radical feminism, and even strived to hurt it. Transphobes, or trans-exclusionary separatists (TES) as Viv Smythe put it in 2008, were always a hateful group of their own, with a historical wish to absorb radical feminists indeed, but no success or direct link whatsoever; our goal should be to ensure they still do not succeed.
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antonio-velardo · 7 months
Antonio Velardo shares: After a Long Intermission, a New Act for a Flagship Paris Theater by Laura Cappelle
By Laura Cappelle The Théâtre de la Ville, now named for Sarah Bernhardt, reopened after a seven-year renovation. But its once-radical approach to dance is now less of a calling card. Published: October 24, 2023 at 10:27AM from NYT Theater https://ift.tt/NjLHADX via IFTTT
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pureimaginefic · 9 months
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October 2003
“Here we are” Jodi said to Natalie as they pulled up in front of the school, Natalie looked out the car window nervously.
“Can we go home? I’ll start tomorrow I promise” Natalie said to her.
“What’s wrong?” Jodi asked.
“I can’t go in there like this, I need new clothes” Natalie said to her.
“What are you talking about you look great” Jodi said to her.
“Mom, please?” Natalie pleaded.
“Natalie, we have been shopping all over this town for the past week, you look fine, come on, we’re going to be late” she said.
Natalie reluctantly unbuckled her seat belt and trailed behind Jodi up to the school’s entrance taking everything in, students filled the hallway before heading to their morning classes, Natalie studied their faces, a few glances being cast her way.
“Here we are” Jodi said as they entered the school’s main office, they approached the circulation desk.
“Can I help you?” the school’s secretary asked.
“Yes hi, I’m Jodi Cappel, I’m here to meet with Principal Lewis about my daughter starting school here today?” Jodi said to her.
“She’ll be with you in a minute, have a seat” the secretary said cheerfully.
“Thank you” Jodi said before she and Natalie took a seat on a bench “Honey, don't worry everything will be fine" Jodi said.
"Easy for you to say, you're not the new kid in school" Natalie said to her.
"Honey it's still early in the year, you'll be okay" she said pushing her hair back from shoulders.
The door to the principal's office opened and the principal came out "Well hello there, you must be our new student" she said to Natalie.
“Yes she is” Jodi said standing up to greet the principal "Hi I'm Jodi Cappel and this is my daughter, Natalie" she said.
“Hi” Natalie said to her timidly.
“Well hello Natalie, and welcome to Hilridge, come on in and we'll get you all set up for your first day" she said leading them to her office, Jodi squeezed Natalie's arm as they made their way to the principal's office "Please have a seat" the principal said gesturing to two chairs in front of her desk.
"Thank you" Jodi said as they sat down.
"Okay Natalie I received your transcripts from your old school and it says here you are starting the sixth grade today" she said, Natalie nodded "I know you're nervous, it's not easy transferring to a new school, but you are going to be just fine here" the principal said to her, smiling at her warmly.
"Thanks" Natalie said to her.
"Okay, here is your locker assignment, your class schedule, and I would be happy to show you to your first class.”
"Wonderful" Jodi said "okay, mom if I may have a word with you first, Natalie if you'll just wait outside while I talk to your mom" Natalie looked at Jodi.
"It's okay sweetie, I'll be right out okay?" Natalie nodded when the door opened.
"Janice, Harry Dorough is in the nurse’s office with yet another bloody nose courtesy of Damien Winchester.”
She sighed "Not again, thank you, I'll deal with him later" the secretary nodded "In the meantime could you take Natalie out to the front office please?”
"Sure" she said smiling at Natalie as she ushered her out the door "Here you go dear, she’ll just be a minute" she said taking Natalie outside.
“Okay” Natalie said to her.
“Okay here we go” a woman said opening the office door, leading a young boy in ahead of her “Have a seat, remember to keep your head back” she said as he sat down next to Natalie on the bench.
"Are you okay?" Natalie asked.
"Oh yeah I’ll be okay, this happens all the time" he said to her.
The door to the principal's office opened and Jodi stepped out followed by the principal "Harry, are you alright?" she asked.
"I'll be okay" he said to her.
"Are you okay to go back to class or do you want us to call your parents?" she asked.
"I can go back to class, don't worry, I'm actually getting used to this" he said to her "See you around" he said to Natalie as he left the office.
"Okay honey, I want you to have a good first day okay?" she asked Natalie.
"I'll try" she said.
"I'll see you later okay?" she asked.
"Bye mom" Natalie said as Jodi kissed her cheek.
"Sharon can you see Ms. Cappel out?" the principal asked her secretary.
"It was nice meeting you principal Lewis" Jodi said to her.
"You too, and we're going to get Natalie settled in right away."
"Wonderful, have a nice day" Jodi said following the secretary from the office.
"Ready?" she asked Natalie.
"Sure" Natalie said standing up, she lead her from the office and down the hall.
"Okay now...once we flip the fraction upside down we..." the teacher said when she was interrupted by a knock at the door.
The principal came in with Natalie behind her "Sorry to interrupt" she said.
"Oh no problem.”
“Kids, we have a new student joining us today, this is Natalie and she just moved here from Orange County, let’s make her feel welcome” Principal Lewis said to the class.
“Thank you Principal Lewis, welcome Natalie” the teacher said to her “There’s an open seat right there if you want to take that one” she said.
“Thanks” Natalie said to her the principal lead her to the desk next to Bradley's.
"Mr. Littrell...staying out trouble I hope?" she asked.
"I'm trying" Bradley said smiling at her.
"Have a good day" she said to Natalie as she left the room.
"Hi" Bradley said to her.
"Hi" she said.
"I'm Bradley J." he said.
"I'm Natalie" she said to him.
"Here you go Natalie" the teacher said handing her a book "Now if you don't understand anything or have any questions don't hesitate to ask okay?" she asked.
"Thanks" Natalie said to her.
"Bradley you want to catch Natalie up on what we've been doing?"
"I guess" he said to her.
“It’s okay, we were doing this at my old school too” she said to him shrugging.
“Oh okay…can you help me?” he asked.
She smiled at him “Sure” she said.
The bell soon rang and the halls began to flood “Hey do you know where locker 214 is?” Natalie asked Bradley as they left the classroom.
"Oh yeah that's right near mine" he said “I’ll show you” he said Bradley flipped the combination lock around and pulled the handle but the locker wouldn't open, he then slammed his palm on it, opening it immediately "These things are ancient" he said to her.
"Thanks" she said.
"No problem" he said “You saved me back there” he said to her.
“So where’s your next class?” he asked, she handed him her schedule "Oh hey I'm in this one too" he said.
"Bradley J." Neilson said approaching him.
"Oh hey" he said "Neilson, this is Natalie, she's new" he said introducing them.
"Hi" she said smiling at him.
"Hi" he said as his face blushed.
"Natalie this is my best friend, Neilson Carter" Bradley said to her as he wrapped his arm around Neilson’s shoulder.
"Neilson?" she asked.
"Yeah I know, it's really weird" he said to her.
"No, actually it's pretty cool" she said.
"Thanks" he said as his face blushed once again.
"She's in our next class" Bradley said to him.
"Oh well, let us take you" Neilson said to her.
"Thanks" she said as she followed them down the hall.
"Okay everyone settle down" their teacher said as Natalie stood up in the front of the room with him "I'm sure everyone knows this by now but we have a new student joining us, this is Natalie Cappel" he said "Uh Natalie, there's a seat open right there for you" he said.
"Okay thanks" she said sitting in the desk across from Neilson.
The bell soon rang once again and everyone began to get up from their seats, Neilson stayed sitting with a dreamy expression on his face.
"Is he okay?" she asked Bradley.
"Yeah he'll be fine" he said to her.
"Do you know where room 305 is?" she asked.
"Yeah, just down the hall to the left" he said.
"Thanks, I guess I'll see you later?" she asked.
"Yeah" he said as she left the room "Hey lover boy" Bradley said to Neilson, waving his hand in his face.
"Huh? oh...what happened?" he asked.
"Class is over" he said.
"Oh" Neilson said standing up and getting his backpack Bradley began giggling "What?" Neilson asked.
"You like her" Bradley said.
"I do not!" Neilson said.
"Yes you do" Bradley said.
"Shut up I do not" Neilson said.
"Oh please you should've seen your face" Bradley said to him.
"Walk" Neilson said turning him towards the exit and pushing him out of the room.
"Why didn't you come get me?" Kyle asked Harry as he inspected his battle wounds.
"I'm fine" he said.
"I told him to stop picking on you!" Kyle said irritated.
"He's going to pick on me Kyle, there's nothing you can do to stop it" Harry said.
"Hey loser" Damien said approaching Harry "Aww poor little nerd boy, I hit you too hard?" he asked.
"Leave Harry alone now" Kyle said to him "I thought I told you the next time you messed with Harry, you'll mess with me" Kyle said to him.
"Ooh...I'm shaking, big bad Kyle" Damien said as he pushed past Kyle.
"Okay everyone take your seats I have a very special announcement we have a new student joining us today from Orange county, this is Natalie" the teacher said.
“Fresh meat” Damien said to his friends as they snickered.
"Alright that’s enough” their teacher said irritated “is there a seat open anywhere?" she asked.
"She could take this one" someone behind Kyle and Harry said, a girl raised her hand in the air.
“Thank you Wendy” the teacher said as Natalie made her way towards the lab station.
“Hey, I know her” Harry said.
“How? She’s new” Kyle asked him.
“She was in the office this morning” Harry said to her.
“Hi” Natalie said hopping up on the stool next to Wendy.
“Hi, I’m Wendy” she said sweetly, smiling.
“Well hello there” Damien said approaching Natalie, Wendy rolled her eyes.
“Hi” Natalie said to him.
“Welcome to Hilridge, I’m Damien Winchester” he said.
“Winchester?” Natalie asked.
“That’s right, my family’s pretty well known around here “maybe I can give you the grand tour sometime” Damien said.
“Is he bothering you?” Kyle asked her.
“He’s definitely bothering me” Wendy quipped.
“Damien why don’t you back off the new girl? And stop bothering Wendy?” Kyle asked him.
“Yeah go be creepy somewhere else” Wendy said to him, he sneered at all of them before walking away.
“Thanks” Natalie said to Wendy.
“No problem” she said.
"Hey again" Harry said to her.
"Oh hi" she said to him.
“Sorry we couldn’t talk much earlier” he said.
“It’s okay, you were pretty busy bleeding” she said.
“Yeah…I’m Harry” he said “And this is Kyle.”
"So...how's your first day so far?" Kyle asked her.
"It's okay I guess" she said shrugging.
"Make any new friends?" Harry asked.
"Kind of" she said.
“Don't worry about Damien he's a jerk " Kyle said to her "If he ever gives you any problems just come find me, I'm pretty good at handling him" Kyle said to her.
"Thanks" she said.
“Okay everyone let’s get to work here” their teacher said as everyone became quiet.- Who's That Girl
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linguistlist-blog · 11 months
Calls, Unlocking Evaluative Morphology: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges
Call for Papers: Plenary speaker: Bert Cappelle For this workshop, we invite empirically-based studies, with a special focus on methodological approaches (e.g. corpus-based or experimental) to unlock the domain of evaluative morphology and evaluative semantics. Case studies on understudied evaluative functions and values, as well as from understudied languages are particularly welcome. The workshop is free of charge. On March 13, there will be a tutorial on data visualization by Stefan Hartman http://dlvr.it/Ss5db6
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overlooked-tracks · 2 years
Premiere: Sarod Artist and Producer Alam Khan’s Wide-Eyed ‘Akash’ Music Video
The following article has been posted on September 17, 2022 at 12:12AM:
An Overlooked Tracks News Finding: Here’s an article you might have overlooked. Having a partnership with NewsAPI, we try to catch music entertainment news for you to view, read and possibly enjoy. We will continue to find what’s available in the world of music entertainment, concert information and music releases. But obviously you – the listener and reader are the biggest source for news in your area, so if you can share with us. For right now, look at what we found for you:
“From The Rolling Stone – India Magazine Website – Premiere: Sarod Artist and Producer Alam Khan’s Wide-Eyed ‘Akash’ Music Video”
The Indo-U.S. artist teams up with filmmaker Avani Rai for the cinematic song off his new album ‘Mantram’
San Francisco sarod player and composer-producer Alam Khan
The year 2022 marks the centennial of the birth of Indian classical legend and sarod pioneer Ali Akbar Khan. A hundred years on, the legacy and boundaries of the sarod are still being pushed forward by his own. The late maestro’s son — Bay Area-bred sarod player, composer and producer Alam Khan — has launched a cinematic new album Mantram this week and it’s accompanied by an engrossing music video for the opening track “Akash,” directed by photographer and filmmaker Avani Rai.
Interestingly, Rai and Khan’s connection goes one generation back, when the former’s father — photographer Raghu Rai — worked with Ali Akbar Khan at different times over the years. Alam Khan says he and Rai connected online to collaborate, leading to not just the music video for “Akash” but also a series of NFT videos which are being released via a platform called mysterious.xyz. “After making this series of videos set to select tracks off of Mantram, we decided to do one more longer video for ‘Akash.’ […] The music and visuals of Mantram are a whole vibe to be experienced.” he adds.
Released via Canada-headquartered South Asian music label Snakes x Ladders, “Akash” sets a captivating pace for Mantram and visually, Rai dives right into the child-like wonderment in her protagonist’s eyes. Set in Mumbai, Khan says about the video, “From his mundane day of riding in auto rickshaws to taking a train ride, everything is fresh, beautiful, and filled with possibility as we are all one people under the sky through a child’s eyes.”
Mantram was originally conceived in 2019, when Khan began composing for a contemporary Kathak dance production with the Chitresh Das Institute in San Francisco. Collaborators on the eight-track album include Carnatic vocalist Aditya Prakash, sarangi veteran Ustad Sultan Khan, drummer Sidecar Tommy aka Tommy Cappel, bansuri player Jay Gandhi and tabla artist Nilan Chaudhuri, among others. Khan — who has previously released hip-hop-informed music as part of the duo Grand Tapestry — adds about the album, “While some of the pieces are more closely based off of ragas, it is a departure from ……
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and can be found on the Overlooked Tracks website: https://ift.tt/9xXTyqF. Check out more music news from Overlooked Tracks! Music Headline News, classical, Legend, San Francisco
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phuuji · 7 years
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Cappelle-la-Grande, HDF
From my photo series Legal Issues. // Legal Issues (song)
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
Pointe Magazine Article: Chloé Lopes Gomes Speaks Out About Racial Harassment at Staatsballett Berlin
By: Chloé Lopes Gomes As Told To Laura Cappelle
Date: December 1, 2020
(tw: racism, anti black racism, abuse)
In November, the French dancer Chloé Lopes Gomes went public with accusations of institutional racism against Staatsballett Berlin, first reported by the German magazine Der Spiegel. In the article, several anonymous dancers confirm her account. Lopes Gomes, 29, who trained in Marseille and at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy, danced for the Ballet de l'Opéra de Nice and Béjart Ballet Lausanne before joining Staatsballett Berlin as a corps de ballet member in 2018, under then co-directors Johannes Öhman and Sasha Waltz. After the company told her in October that her contract, which ends in July, would not be renewed, she shared her story with Pointe.
I didn't know I was the first Black female dancer at Staatsballett Berlin when I joined the company in 2018. I learned that from German journalists who came to interview me almost immediately. I grew up in a mixed-race family—my mother was French, my father from Cape Verde—and I was educated to believe that we all have the same opportunities.
My brother and my sister also went to prestigious dance schools [her brother, Isaac Lopes Gomes, is now a dancer with the Paris Opéra Ballet], and I didn't really think about my skin color while I was training. I spent four years at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy. I didn't necessarily feel safe in the streets in Russia because people stared at me, but I was still awarded scholarships and my teacher loved me.
I quickly realized that auditions and company life were a different story. The day after my audition in Berlin, in early 2018, one particular ballet mistress told a colleague of mine in the company that she didn't think the Staatsballett should hire me because a Black woman in a corps de ballet isn't aesthetically pleasing. This ballet mistress was in charge of the corps, and for over two years, she discriminated against me because of my skin color.
That colleague warned me before I started, but I was hopeful I would also work with other ballet masters. No such luck: I was under her supervision 90 percent of the time, and we started with Swan Lake. I was one of six new women, and the ballet mistress immediately took a dislike to me. She bombarded me with corrections, and when the premiere arrived, she told me that all the women needed to color their skin with white powder. I told her that I would never look white, and she replied: "You'll just put on more powder than the others."
I spoke to Johannes [Öhman, co-artistic director at the time], who decided I should stay as I was. The ballet mistress took the fact that I went to him as an affront, as if I'd undermined her authority, and she started saying overtly racist things.
Since I didn't speak German and she didn't speak English, we communicated in Russian initially, so my colleagues didn't understand when she would say casually: "You're not in line and that's all we see because you're Black." And then, when she was handing out the Shades' veils for La Bayadère, she got to me and laughed, in front of other dancers: "I can't give you one: The veil is white and you're Black."
I again told Johannes, who said it was unacceptable but explained to me that she had a lifetime contract, which means you're untouchable in Germany. Johannes asked if I wanted him to talk to her, and I said no, because I was worried it would get even worse.
I was so anxious and unwell that I ended up with a metatarsal fracture. I should have been back after two months, but six months later, I was still in pain, and the doctors didn't know why—until a neurologist told me it was linked to stress and prescribed antidepressants. Suddenly, the pain went away completely.
Johannes left Staatsballett Berlin abruptly last January. On the day he announced it, the ballet mistress told me that now I was going to have to use white powder. I ran into the current interim director, Christiane Theobald, in a hallway while in makeup for Swan Lake. She asked why I had whitened my skin and said that I wasn't supposed to do it, but the ballet mistress was in charge of rehearsals and didn't leave me much choice. I felt like the company's ugly little duckling.
This ballet mistress also had me and a few colleagues re-create a painting of a Black dancer surrounded by white dancers. When I asked what the photo was for, she said she wanted to show her friends that they had "one of those" too in the company, as if I were a zoo animal.
My colleagues didn't want to take the picture, but there is an atmosphere of fear in the dance world. The ballet masters are the ones who are in the studio with us all the time, who hold the keys to our evolution. If you're on a one-year or two-year contract, it's very easy for the company not to renew it, whereas some ballet masters are employed for life. They're more privileged than even some directors, and that creates a power imbalance: We should be on an equal footing contract-wise.
The Staatsballett doesn't have a safe way to report discrimination or harassment, and there was still blackface in the repertoire when I joined. In Nutcracker, some children were required to paint their faces black, while I stood in the corps behind them.
I was called to a pre-dismissal meeting with Christiane Theobald in October. She did not dance professionally, so she said she relied on the ballet masters' advice. I was told that they needed to let some dancers go due to COVID, and that I would be happier in a smaller company, because I hadn't been onstage much. I explained why that was, and what had happened to me. She admitted it was terrible but said my race wasn't the reason they were firing me.
I know I was fired because I'm Black. From the beginning, I didn't stand a chance. Christiane Theobald is part of an old-fashioned system: She has worked for the company's administration since 2004, and she let me go even after I told her about the racism I encountered. My contract runs through July 31: I've been cast in reduced, COVID-friendly versions of Giselle and Swan Lake and I still want to work.
There is still this idea in the ballet world that you have to suffer to make it. We—the younger generation—can't accept that anymore. Ballet must reflect society. I don't want to be abused just to be able to dance. I want to be happy in my life, not just when I step onstage.
Editor's note: In a statement to Pointe, Theobald, who cannot comment on personnel matters, says that an internal investigation into Lopes Gomes' allegations is underway, and that the company plans to conduct antiracism training and workshops for all employees. "I am sorry to see that there is an employee at the Staatsballett Berlin who had to endure a very stressful situation for a long time and that the situation could not be resolved beforehand. Discrimination and racism is a highly sensitive issue that is of importance to society as a whole, including the Staatsballett Berlin. It is very important to me to live a discrimination-free corporate culture and to implement it where it does not yet exist 100 percent."
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petervc88 · 8 days
Cappelle Calling - 20 mei 2024
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Oud 90FM collega Erik Uit De Bosch schoof bij mij aan. Vroeger schoof ik altijd voor mijn programma bij hem aan in zijn programma Uit De Bosch In De Lucht. Het grootste gedeelte van de playlist was door hem gekozen, op een paar nummers na. Bijvoorbeeld van de LP van de Week: Hoe Sterk Is De Eenzame Fietser van Boudewijn de Groot uit 1973, vanwege zijn 80ste verjaardag. De DisCovered stond in teken van een andere artiest die 80 jaar geleden werd geboren: Joe Cocker.
Terugluisteren kan hier.
Dit was de playlist:
Uur 1:
Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains Billie Eilish - LUNCH Ultravox - Passing Strangers Boudewijn de Groot - Terug Van Weggeweest (LP van de Week) Bruce Cockburn - Lovers In A Dangerous Time BAP - Kristallnaach Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends (DisCovered) Claw Boys Claw - Rosie Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - Up Where We Belong (Filmplaat - uit 'An Officer and a Gentleman') Artists United Against Apartheid- Sun City Boudewijn de Groot - Wat Geweest Is, Is Geweest (LP van de Week)
Uur 2:
Freddie Mercury & Montserrat Caballé - Barcelona Billy Joel - Prelude / Angry Young Man Boudewijn de Groot - Het Spaarne (LP van de Week) Ce Soir - You Took Me By Surprise The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends (DisCovered) Latin Quarter - New Millionaires Boudewijn de Groot - Jimmy (LP van de Week) Midnight Oil - Gunbarrel Highway ABBA - Waterloo Telex - Euro-vision Boudewijn de Groot - De Reiziger (LP van de Week) Son Mieux - Dancing At The Doors Of Heaven Psychedelic Furs - Goodbye (Dance Mix)
De documentaire Against The Odds van ABBA, waarover ik vertelde in de uitzending, is hier te bekijken op NPO Start.
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Cappelle Calling is iedere maandagavond van 20:00 t/m 22:00 te horen op Radio 90FM. Iedere woensdagmiddag wordt de uitzending herhaald van 18:00 tot 20:00. Suggesties voor DisCovered of De Filmplaat zijn welkom via de Facebookpagina van het programma of via [email protected].
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queenanneslace4 · 4 years
The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth
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Summary : Shakespeare’s characters of Romeo and Juliet are thrust into the the fairy-tale realm of Once Upon A Time.
Warnings : None
@dontshootmespence @reiding-and-writing
The Enchanted Forest was an excellent place for secret meetings. The kingdoms of the Montagues and the Capulets were in the middle of yet another brawl, but as was always the case with feuding foes. nevertheless, that could not stop the most powerful force in the world.
“Cuh caw!” called a young gentleman who was clearly not a crow.
“That is the least convincing signal you have ever made!” A pretty young lady with chestnut hair and sparkling green eyes came out from behind a tree, smiling as her true love discarded his poorly made tree disguise and ran to her. Romeo of Montegue picked up Juliet of Capulet, carrying her like a bride over the threshold as they kissed among the everlasting pine tree oasis.
“Have you heard the news?” Juliet asked as he gracefully set her down. Romeo shook his head and her smile faded. She knew the boy rarely kept up on politics or news, but he really needed to pay attention when the fate of their very world was on the line.

“About-” she looked his way while searching for any prying ears, “Tybalt’s curse?” Again her secret boyfriend looked dumbfounded, though a great deal of anger was added to the mix.
“What is that cousin of yours planning this time?” he asked. The so called prince of cats was a dark wizard, but he had never done anything too diabolical with his magic.
“He plans on destroying this world and moving us all to another, destroying any possibility for happy endings for any Montegue or for-”
“Us,” he finished. The lovers held each others’ hands and tried not to show their fear. Suddenly, his honey colored eyes lit up and a happy grin spread across Romeo’s face.
“My truest love, I have an idea! You have heard tales of… the Dark O-”
Juliet quickly covered his mouth with her hand, her face a mask of rictus panic. “Do not speak of that wicked friar.”
“Too late, my child!”
The pair turned to see a man in what appeared to be friars’ robes made from leather and dragon skin. His hair was slicked back and in his hand he held a vial of pink glowing liquid. Romeo, who still put a good deal of stock in chivalry, hid Juliet behind him and drew his dagger. The blade quickly evaporated into smoke. 

“How rude,” intoned the friar. “I have heard your pleas and I am willing to help you.”
"Why would you do that?” asked Romeo, trying not to appear as terrified as he was.
“Because young Tybalt will succeed in casting his spell, but you two being together… this means a great deal to me. Don’t ask why- you won’t receive an answer. Still, I have a potion that will allow you two to reunite in the next life, and if you give me one thing, you may have it.”
“And what is that?” Juliet asked, peeking out from behind her true love who was futily trying to shield her.
“Do you still have your masks from the masquerade ball, the night you first met?”
In fair Verona, Maine, USA, Roderick Monty leans over the hospital bed of Judy Cappel, his secret girlfriend. After her family tried to force her to move to Texas, she swallowed a bottle of nail polish remover before they could take her away. The boy traced her cold lips with his thumb, holding back the plethora of tears she would never see him shed. He choked back sobs so hard he began coughing
This is it, “I can’t breathe without her.” He thought. Roderick thought back to his dagger at home, a present from a Renaissance fair, and how the dull thing could probably do the job if put enough force behind it.
He turned to leave. He was not supposed to be there anyway, with not being family at all and Judy’s parents hating him. As he slid his hands in his pockets, he felt something.
“Hm? I thought I emptied these.” He whispered to himself as he pulled out a venetian mask keychain, the small thing impressively decorated, and its blue lines and swirls reminded him of Judy’s matching red one. Roderick closed his fist over the keychain and gazed at his girlfriend in her hospital bed. He shuffled over, needing to give her one final goodbye as the heart monitor occasionally beeped. He bent over and gave her one final departing kiss.
In the mist of the kiss, golden light radiated from the pair. The world shook, and all throughout Verona, people remembered lives that seemed only a vivid dream.
When Roderick - no, not Roderick but Romeo - lifted his head, he saw large, caring emerald eyes staring back at him, fluttering first in confusion, then settling on hope.
“Romeo?” Juliet asked. She raised a quivering hand to his cheek stained with fresh tears, feeling the face of her true love for the first time in decades.
“Juliet!” he cried, taking her hands in his. The two kissed once more, starcrossed lovers aligned by true love.
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sciatu · 4 years
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Si era detta che voleva vederlo ad ogni costo. Aveva chiesto perciò a degli amici se conoscevano una guida per visitare la chiesa  di Santa Maria Degli Angeli detta anche Chiesa della Gancia dalla deformazione latina di  ospizio dove i frati francescani, lasciati i loro conventi fuori le mura di Palermo trovavano un ricovero verso la fine del 1400. Le raccomandarono una ragazza che l’aspettò in via Alloro, proprio al centro dell’antico quartiere Kalsa dove gli arabi una volta avevano la loro cittadella. Trovò la ragazza dove le aveva detto e lei incominciò a parlare senza mai prendere fiato facendole vedere tutti i palazzi nobiliari che davano su quell’antica via compreso quello dove Luchino Visconti aveva girato la scena del ballo del Gattopardo. Arrivarono alla chiesa che come molti edifici religiosi siciliani era nata in uno stile rinascimentale, poi gotico ed infine, causa diversi disastri occorsi nella costruzione delle catacombe, rifatta nel più evoluto barocco siciliano. Dentro la chiesa, la guida le fece visitare tutte le varie cappelle, piene di stucchi, di tele, di statue dei più grandi artisti protagonisti del barocco seicentesco:  Vincenzo Bongiovanni, Antonello  il Palermitano, Antonino Grano, Olivio Sozzi, Filippo Tancredi, Vincenzo da Pavia, Pietro il Monrealese, Gaspare Firriolo, tutta una sfilza di nomi e di opere incredibili, ma lui non c’era. Arrivarono all’altare e da li la guida le descrisse gli stucchi dietro di esso e l’organo posto all’ingresso della chiesa. Alla fine decise che era meglio chiedere perchè le cose da vedere erano tante e la guida avrebbe continuato per ore. “Scusi, vorrei vedere uno stucco del Serpotta, un piccolo putto vestito da frate... sa dov’è?” La guida l’osservò stupita “Venga alla cappella dello sposalizio ...” le disse portandola in una cappella a lato dell’altare maggiore e avvicinandosi alla piccola cancellata  apri la porta accostata entrando e indicando in alto il bordo color oro le chiese “Intende quello?” Lei alzò gli occhi e finalmente o vide. Era li sereno come da quattrocento secoli era sempre stato, ad osservare quei pazzi dell’umani che all’altare si scambiavano promesse di amore eterno. Piccolo, paffuto, con la veste da frate forse troppo grande per la sua innocenza, e come lei aveva sempre pensato, era bellissimo. “Si, proprio lui....- rispose alla guida mentre lo osservava estasiata - .... grazie”.
She had told herself that she wanted to see him at any cost. She had therefore asked friends if they knew a guide to visit the church of Santa Maria Degli Angeli also called Chiesa della Gancia by the Latin deformation of hospice where the Franciscan friars, left their convents outside the walls of Palermo, found shelter towards the end of the 1400. They recommended a girl who waited for her in Via Alloro, right in the center of the ancient Kalsa district where the Arabs once had their citadel. She found the girl where she had told her and she began to speak without ever taking a breath showing her all the noble palaces that overlooked that ancient street including the one where Luchino Visconti had filmed the Leopard dance scene. They arrived at the church which like many Sicilian religious buildings was born in a Renaissance style, then Gothic and finally, due to several disasters occurred in the construction of the catacombs, rebuilt in the most advanced Sicilian Baroque. Inside the church, the guide made her visit all the various chapels, full of stuccos, canvases, statues of the greatest protagonists of the seventeenth-century baroque: Vincenzo Bongiovanni, Antonello the Palermitano, Antonino Grano, Olivio Sozzi, Filippo Tancredi, Vincenzo da Pavia, Pietro il Monrealese, Gaspare Firriolo, a whole host of incredible names and works, but he was not there. They arrived at the altar and from there the guide described the stuccos behind it and the organ placed at the entrance of the church. In the end she decided it was better to ask where it was, because there were so many things to see and the guide would continue for hours. "Excuse me, I would like to see a stucco by Serpotta, a little putto dressed as a friar ... do you know where he is?" The guide looked at her in amazement "Come to the wedding chapel ..." she said taking her to a chapel on the side of the high altar and approaching the small gate open the door next to it entering and indicating the gold-colored edge at the top asked " That one? " She looked up and finally she saw him. He was as serene as he had always been for four hundred centuries, observing those madmen of the human who at the altar exchanged promises of eternal love. Small, plump, with a friar's robe perhaps too big for his innocence, and as she had always thought, he was beautiful. "Yes, just him ....- answered the guide while looking at him entranced - .... thanks".
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oureyesclosed · 3 years
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usoftay · 5 years
💗💗💗Attention @taylorswift 💗💗💗
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Hey Taylor! I know, you see things like this all of the time, but this is the one that I’m hoping you see the most. I won’t make this too long, because I want people to actually read it.
This is my little girl, Alex. You are her favorite person in the entire world. I’m pretty sure she loves you more than she loves me 🙄😂
She does a pageant (not the crazy glitzy kind.) called National American Miss. Nationals are this coming week! Pageant check in this Saturday. We are driving all the way to Anaheim from Nebraska.
The video is of her doing her introduction. She is so proud of it! This was her shortly after learning. Since then, she has improved 113% 😉
She spent countless hours raising the money all on her own just so she could go. We almost had to cancel because it was just too expensive. We figured it out and are making it work. She practiced for hours to perfect her introduction and interview skills. She did so much volunteer work, just because she loves helping others. It makes me so darn happy.
Since the AMA’s are Sunday, you’ll be super close to us. I think it’s about 30 miles away. I know I should even ask, but I know this would mean the world to her(and this stressed mama)!
I was wondering if maybe you could come by and surprise her and tell her good luck on the competition? I know she is just a little bit nervous and I know you could help calm those nerves and get her pumped up! I know it’s a lot to ask and I’m sorry, but it’s you...and you always somehow manage to do amazing things.
I’m sure your schedule is insanely busy and you’ll be all over the place the next couple of days preparing, but I figured I should at least try. Trying can’t hurt at all, right?
I have to try. Hopefully we will see you very soon. Love you so incredibly much, @taylorswift 💗 @taylornation
Also she still is just a little short on her sponsor fee so if anyone wants to help we would be so grateful 💗 gofundme.com/alexmurillo
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pureimaginefic · 2 years
🎓Graduation Season: Class of 2010 🎓
Into the night Desperate and broken The sound of a fight Father has spoken.
“Kel…Kellie” Kevin said getting her attention.
“Huh?” she asked looking around confused.
“You okay? You’ve been spacing out for the past couple minutes” he said.
“Oh yeah, sorry, just thinking” she said “All those years ago being a scared teenager, not knowing if we could be parents or not” she said to him.
“Seems like another lifetime huh?” he asked.
“It does” she said.
We were the kings and queens of promise We were the victims of ourselves Maybe the children of a lesser God Between Heaven and Hell, Heaven and Hell.
“For some of us, these past couple years had been some of our hardest…we’ve had to grow up much faster than expected but with the strength and encouragement from those closest to us, we were able to make it through and be standing here before you.” “In preparation for today I was lucky enough to have my mom show me the speech she gave at her own graduation and in her speech she talked about how I was her hope for the future, how one day she wished to be sitting where I was, watching me get my diploma and I'm proud to say she is" Harry said.
Into your eyes Hopeless and taken We stole our new lives Through blood and name In defense of our dreams In defense of our dreams
Tears fell down Christina's cheeks, Howie reached over and squeezed her hand tightly as they smiled at each other. Christina blew her nose and dabbed away the mascara tears from her face.
“And she was right, all we can give right now is hope, hope for the future, thank you" Harry said as he walked away from the podium. Everyone clapped as he took his seat behind principal Wexler.
“Thank you Harry, very well said…and now it is time for the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the conferring of diplomas, as I call your name, please come up and accept your diploma” Principal Wexler said returning to the podium.
We were the kings and queens of promise We were the victims of ourselves Maybe the children of a lesser God Between Heaven and Hell, Heaven and Hell.
"Natalie Arielle Cappel" Principal Wexler announced as Natalie made her way towards him, taking her diploma from him and shaking his hand. She turned her tassel to the other side of her cap, Neilson grabbed her and held her tightly, giving her a kiss. Harrison Drake Dorough" Harry came up from behind and shook principal Wexler's hand, accepting his diploma, he then moved his tassel to the other side of his cap. Howie and Christina applauded him, Howie recording on his phone, Christina wiped tears away from her face.
The age of man is over A darkness comes at dawn These lessons that we've learned here Have only just begun
Bradley Jason Nickolas Littrell" Bradley came to the front of the stage, accepting his diploma and shaking principal Wexler's hand.
“I can’t believe this is happening” Vicki said tearfully as they applauded him
“yep…we did it, we got him through high school” Brian said to her.
Bradley stopped as Neilson grabbed him into a hug, he then picked Natalie off of her feet and set her down.
"Adam John McLean" Adam made his way towards principal Wexler and shook his as he received his diploma.
Melissa sobbed as he walked across the stage “come here, it’s okay” AJ said holding her “hey, at least we’re not grandparents” he said when she began to cry harder.
We were the kings and queens of promise We were the victims of ourselves Maybe the children of a lesser God Between Heaven and Hell.
"Kyle Michael Richardson" principal Wexler announced, Kyle made his way to the front of the stage, shaking his hand and taking his diploma.
“So, would you change it? You know if we could go back and do things differently?” Kevin asked.
Kellie looked at him and smiled “Not one thing” she said.
"Ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to present the Hilridge High School graduating class of two-thousand and ten" Principal Wexler announced to everyone, they then took their caps off and pitched them up into the air.
We are the kings We are the queens We are the kings We are the queens
-Pomp & Circumstance, Ch.34: Kings and Queens of Promise
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