#captain james nicholls x you
smolvenger · 1 year
Miss Narracott and The Captain, Chapter One
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Fandom: War Horse
Pairing: Captain James Nicholls x fem! Reader
Summary: It is 1912. You are Y/N Narracott, the older sister of Albert Narracott. You must do what you can so your family can keep their farm. And so your brother can keep his beloved horse. Under financial struggles, you never expect romance to come into your life...until you have a chance encounter with James Nicholls- a Captain with a knack for drawing. But the threat of war lingers in the air...
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Chapter Word Count: 4K
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise
Warnings: A horse ALMOST gets shot but lives. Landlords being landlords. Period Typical Attitudes. But very fluffy with cottagecore vibes and a meet-cute with the captain.
A/N: You can decide if you want to be a member of the family by birth or adoption. I try to make Reader fics as neutral in appearance as I humanly can. I hope you like this! It won't get too super sad or angsty and will have a very happy ending- so enjoy! Comments, asks, reblogs, and messages about my works are always appreciated!
“If the rent’s not paid by October, the farm is foreclosed. And I take the horse, too!” the Landlord had threatened in your kitchen, finishing his tea.
Gritting your teeth, you let your arms fall to the sides. Your mum cleared his cup and saucer. Then she met you where you stood, a frown on her face. You tried to slip your hand in hers. Your younger brother, Albert, was slowly heaving beneath his flannel shirt and overalls.  And your dad only sat at the table, his fingers twitching to get the flask you knew was in his pocket. But even his white whiskers couldn’t hide his own frown.
Those words made stiff and haunted you- all of you.  Just as the Bible verses in embroidery decorated about the house, those words were about you. Staring at you.
Foreclosed. Foreclosed. Foreclosed.
You decided to get a job as a shop girl in the town nearby. Dad and Albert had to work the fields constantly. Too much to mend and do for any other occupation. Mum ran the house with an iron fist. She’d say she’d have to stay at home. She’d say the place needed at least one woman. Not two, you noted-one. You were available. You could do it.
The day you announced you got the job, and that the paychecks would help go to rent, your mum wiped happy tears.  She kissed you.
“All of it’s going to the rent,” you promised her.
“No-keep a little!” she shook her dark head. Strands kept falling form her bun- she was an active woman, always thinking, always working. Even her own hair would not stay still.
“No- all! We all need it!” you refused.
It would be a sacrifice. But a sacrifice that would keep a roof over your heads. Hopefully.
“Whatever you pick- it’s your choice. I’m proud of you, my girl. All of us are…” she said before sweeping you into a hug.
After all, It was what you could do to bring money in. To keep that word from ringing in your head.
Foreclosed. Foreclosed. Foreclosed.
That was the word that motivated you to get up from bed in the morning. You shivered from the chill in your little room. Not that you were unused to getting up early. You lived with your family on a farm after all.
Besides, you loved the farm you lived on. It was a beautiful place. You and your family stayed in a stone house, two stories, thatched with a roof. The rolling green and brown hills could be seen from your bedroom window. You loved watching the sun rise and shine past your lacy white curtains. Stone gates trailed all over the place separating the gardens, shed, laundry area, crop fields, chicken coop, and backyard.
And there was no shame in being farmers, as dad would say. Farmers kept the country going and would for all eternity.
 As you looked up, the morning was shining pink. Peeking down, you could see Dad and Albert, going about distributing hay and making sure the animals were fed. Dad had some hay while Albert was filling his bucket with oats.
After washing yourself with a cloth and hot water, you dressed into socks, corset, shoes, petticoats, skirt, and blouse. You double checked to make sure there were no mud stains on your checked, white and blue blouse and blue skirt. You had to look presentable.
That morning, you sat at the table. Mum ate fast and ran off to begin a mountain of laundry. You were eating breakfast and drinking coffee from a beautiful porcelain cup with a painted flower on it.  Enjoying a moment of peace before your shift began.  There was the sonatas of birds and the rooster outside of a country morning. Accompanied by the clucking of chickens that wandered about the stone pathways on the grass. Albert walked in from outside, wiping off his hands on his pants.
“Y/N! Morning” he cheered. Already his cheeks were ruddy from the exercise and air.
“Albie! Good morning! How’s all the creatures?” you asked.
“All well-all well. Wish us luck- gonna start training Joey today! Gonna put the plow on him. If anyone can, it’s me!” he announced.
He sat down, slabbed a slice of bread with butter, and stuffed it in his face.
It was always dark inside the house. The stone blocked the sunlight except for the windows. Pots were on the ceiling over your head. Your embroidery was decorated over the walls. Over the crackling fireplace was a bookshelf with a book and a tiny clock. You kept peeking at it to make sure you weren’t going to be late for the nine am shift. fireplace. Little potted plants and flowers sat everywhere- inside the house on tables and counters and outside on windowsills. You and mum did you best to make sure the place was cozy. Pretty even. She taught you how to garden and put flowers into little clay pots. You both spent that early spring down on your skirts. Patting the dark dirt over the seeds and watering them.
Albert went to the corner of the kitchen section of the room. On the counter, right before the window overlooking the garden, was a bowl of fresh fruit. He grabbed an apple, shined it on his vest, and bit into it. Then he peeked outside and gasped.
“Y/N-come! Look at the garden! Your flowers!” he cried.
It was a lovely spring day. Looking about, you were glad to see the crocuses you had planted were in bloom. So much beauty even amidst the great stress. You kept only ten percent of the wages and decided to use it on crocus seeds to put in the flower section of the garden. Now it was speckled with the pretty flowers across the grass, nearby the carrots and tomatoes.  
Albert pointed to the window. You got up and your eyes followed his finger.
A little brown rabbit was in the flower garden. It went to one blossom and was chewing away.
“Hmm, should we stop him?” you teased.
Albert shook his brown head. Part of you predicted he would answer this- bless Albert! His soft heart for animals was his best quality!
“No! Don’t!” he cried.
“Well good thing I agree! He looks quite content- cute little fellow!” you commented.
Looking more carefully, it was quite small. Perhaps still a baby. Both you and Albert paused to admire the adorable intruder.
“What should we name should we give him?” you asked.
The rabbit finished the bloom of one crocus. It then hopped forward and began chewing on another. His miniscule mouth nibbling on the leaf of the stem.
“His name should be Peter- just like the old stories!” Albert decided.
“That’s a wonderful name! You always have the best names for the animals, Albie! But… if it’s a girl?” you pointed out.
“Then let’s call her after one of the sisters- let’s call her Mopsy!” Albert said.
“Good idea! That fits the theme!” you laughed in agreement.
Besides,  you were glad the rabbit ate the flowers. Glad it wasn’t one of the crops that would serve as both income and supper. Mum would have had a fit. Dad might have shot it for lunch.
But both of you smiled as you watched the creature breakfast along with the two of you. The little bunny finished his stolen meal and hopped off. It easily squeezed through the wooden gate and escaped.
“I should plant more- give it a whole salad bowl!” you suggested.
“I wouldn’t complain if you did- invite all the rabbit sisters and the mum too!” Albert added on.
It was a lovely day. The air was cool, the sun was out, the sky was blue, and the field was green. All this beauty even amidst such fear. Such stress. Some even whispered of a war. Didn’t the landlord say something about a war? No, that was too much. That must have been your imagination.
“Don’t be late- Y/N! Good luck! Maybe this might be the day you meet a handsome stranger at work!” Albert teased, he wiggled his eyebrows.
You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, the only strangers I meet nowadays are customers! And the men aren’t handsome-I’ll tell you that! And Albie-does he like carrots?”
He nodded, handing you a leftover carrot.
“One tip- offer it to him by turning backwards!” he added.
“Put it in my basket-I’ll see you later,” you said.  
After putting a carrot into your lunch basket, Albert returned to the table. He scooped up more of breakfast and ate a second helping. As you walked out to the stone pathway through the ground, there was a sudden honk from below.
The proud goose, more intent on making mischief than productivity, strutted your way. He blocked your path. He raised his head and flapped your wings as if he was the king of England. He ran- flipper before your feet.
“Oh, please! Let me through! Shoo!” you scolded.
He had to chase anyone and everyone on the farm. And that didn’t stop at the residents. Last week, he charged the landlord and his posse as they left. They fled to their motorcar like he was a giant bull and not a little goose. Both you and Albert tightened your lips at the sight and then laughed about it later.
You, however, were used to Goose’s antics. No other name fit him, according to Albert. He was what he was-Goose. You let him take his beak to nip a bit of your skirt and shake it with his flexible, goosey neck. Then you gave a light tug, and he relented and released. He then flapped his wings again around you. He began honking out again as if urging you to work.
“I have five minutes before I need to get walking! But I’m going to say goodbye to Joey first!” you replied to the gander.
As you made your path to the backyard you heard him honk behind you. Intent on nipping more of your petticoats per his own Goose ritual. But as you got closer, there was the sound of a whinny and the clutter of hooves in the back yard.  The goose gave a goodbye honk in surprise and eyeing the much bigger creature in the backyard, fled.
It was the newest addition. Joey. A beautiful young colt. On his way to growing into a magnificent stallion.  Joey was brown as a rich tree trunk with the white diamond on his snout. Every time you went out to see the young horse, he would neigh loudly and break into a run. It made you back off every time, your hands up as if to calm him. Throughout the day, you and your parents often had to jump back to avoid getting run over as Joey dashed through the yard. Albert insisted he was spirited, but good.
Joey was an Irish Hunter- not the usual breed for farms. Your dad noticed his strength and energy at an auction and bought it, claiming he would become a  plow horse. And how did he buy it? With Rent money. And Joey by now had become the apple of Albert’s eye. The house was at stake based on if Joey could be trained to plow. That is if your own shopgirl wages could not save the farm from foreclosure.
  Dad tried to put a plough over Joey and the horse bucked away. You cried when Dad got his gun to kill the beautiful animal. You, Mum, and Albert all yelled at him to keep him from shooting it that day. You tried to physically hold him back by hugging him, tugging the trigger out of target. Mum let out a scream when Albert got between. Thankfully, he gave in when Albert announced he would train the horse. He was the one Joey would listen to the most.
It cheered you to see Joey alive this morning. Galloping about freely. You knew how happy he made Albert. You wondered if such a wild, free creature would even shine to you. From your basket, you got out the carrot. You leaned your arm over the gate and clicked your tongue to get his attention.
“Here, Joey…how about a treat?” you offered.
Joey clopped forward.
“Here, Joey, come on! Come on, love!” you urged.
He went, but then backed off, shaking his head and long, black mane with a brush of his lips. You let out a sigh. Then you turned around, leaning your hand backward.
“Come on, Joey- you’re going to learn to plow today. You’ll need a little extra strength! I’m not dad-I’m your friend!” you urged.
If you made no sudden movements, it wouldn’t scare him to raise his front hooves and kick your head You heard his feet trotting close to you. Then you felt his wet mouth open and accept the carrot. As you turned around to see him eat it, you smiled.
“Oh-you took it for once!  Good boy! Good boy! And keep being a good boy today- I got to work today… and so do you. But between us, we can help keep the farm afloat- can we?” you wondered out loud.
The horse blinked in response. To think there was something in common you shared with the colt. You gently reached out a hand, and he let you pet his nuzzle.
“See-even letting me pet you for once! Every day you’re improving! You better do what Albert says-I’ll see you later, goodbye Joey!” you wished.
As you walked up the tiny slope to leave, you picked up your petticoat and tiptoed around the mud. You had to look as presentable as you could for a farm girl. Opening the wooden gate, you made your way to town.
You walked down into town, keeping to the sidewalks away from the motorcars. People busied about you, ready to begin their own jobs. You walked right to the shop. Even before opening there were already customers waiting to buy things just outside. Their noses touched the front windows. You went inside to the counter, tied an apron around your skirt, and switched the sign on the window to “OPEN.”
So began another day. Today, you made sure there were catalogues displaying a new selection of dresses for women. It was hard not to drool over them from the corner of your eye. Not to envy the daughters of lords of the land who had the surplus allowances to order them here. You sometimes saw them enter the shop with their maids by their sides.
How you wished you could be a lady! They couldn’t come from a farming family. And even more importantly, they didn’t work. You heard all about them. How you daydreamed about it night and day.
You could live in a giant manor house. You’d have a maid to do your hair and drape you in dresses and pretty jewels. So would mum! And how handsome both dad and Albert would look in tuxedoes at dinner! Mum would have to present you at court. You would come out and get to briefly meet the king and queen themselves! Then you’d go to fancy balls. There would be handsome suitors who would wait in lines outside your door to kiss your gloved hand with their unworthy lips. You would have no concerns except for which pair of gloves to wear. And which eligible bachelor to marry. Then he’d ask for your hand and there would be a giant wedding full of pomp and splendor. Then you’d move into another manor and eat breakfast in bed every day! You would relax and not have to do a minute of work!
Perhaps…you would meet someone if you moved out…or if by a miracle, you got a scholarship to a university or lived in another town, far from Devon…
You knew you did not have enough to move out on your own. Besides, even if you did- how could you? How could you abandon your family when they needed you? When they needed help? Especially since dad had a weakness for wasting money on booze until he drunkenly stumbled to bed in the wee morning hours. The landlord would sigh and remind all of you he ran a business, not a charity. Every time.
But sadly, you had to go back to reality.  You could only fantasize in catalogues and magazines showing off the latest overpriced fashions from London. You did grab an issue to look at during your minutes off. You went down for the post-lunch break. You began to sip on tea, look at the catalogue, and rest your weary feet from hours of standing.
But after you returned the shopkeeper, Mrs. Snow, went up to you in a hurry. And the shop was filled with eager people eyeing all the half-off sales.
“Oh, Miss Narracott! Look what I found!” she cried.
She brought forth a little black book.
“A gentleman was just here-I saw him with it! He placed it down on the table and left without it! He should be right outside- And it’s so busy now- could you please run off and get it to him?” she instructed.
“How will I know it’s him?” you asked.
“You’ll see him in a uniform- like a sore thumb! Please return it to him!” she pleaded.
“What kind of uniform?” you asked.
Immediately, a lady was at the counter with five spools of ribbons. She was frowning and tapping her gloved hand on the wooden surface.
“Just go! Go, girl!” Mrs. Snow urged. She pushed the book into your hands.
You nodded and hurried outside. But you looked around and noticed the people outside. Bowler hats and blouses blended in around you. None of the men seemed concerned about anything. They only got out the pocket watches from their waistcoats to check the time.  
What uniform- a university uniform? A police officer uniform? A chef’s uniform, even? You saw none of those as you looked about.
Curiosity hit you- what was in this book? Maybe he would return. And you could steal a little bit of time to rest your mind from work again.
The book was thin, so it couldn’t be a novel. Perhaps it was a short story? A photo album?
You opened it and saw a pencil drawing of a woman at a piano-it was a sketchbook. But her hair, her dress, and the doily over the instrument was perfection in its attention to detail.
They were some of the most realistic drawings you had ever seen. You flipped past one to find another more beautiful than the last. You saw one of a willow tree- it was as if the tree the were drawn merely shrunk in size. When you saw an old man’s face, each wrinkled line was as if he jumped into the drawing or was in frtont of you. They were nearly perfect. Why weren’t these already in a museum?  You flipped another page-the most impressive of all. It was the drawing of a large stallion,  colored to be a rich black. He was on his back hooves, raising his might front legs into the air.  He was like a mythological beast rather than some common horse. And at the bottom, was some writing.
You were so invested in admiring it, a baritone voice had to break you out.
“Excuse me miss-“
Jumping at the sound, your head went up.
You saw a gentleman. A tall gentleman. And yes- an astonishingly handsome gentleman. He took off his hat, perhaps to show respect in the presence of a lady. His eyes were absolutely piercing in their blueness, as if he could see right through you to your guts. But they were soft, like two sapphires on his lovely ivory face. He had a uniform on- a soldier’s uniform.
“Miss…what is your name?” he asked.
“Y/N Naracott. And you are?” you replied.
“Nicholls. Captain James Nicholls.” He answered.
“Is the sketchbook yours? Left in that shop?” you asked, holding up the book.
“Yes, it is,” he answered.
“I’m so sorry- I work for the shop and was intent on returning it. But I got curious and peeked inside,” you blurted.
With his gaze on you, you felt warm. Suddenly aware of every bit of your appearance and movements. It was everything in your to not go into a giddy panic and flee from bashfulness. You forced your feet still.
“Don’t be, you did nothing wrong…” he said.
Turning to the page with the black horse, you lightly traced it’s outline.
 “The drawings they’re…they’re beautiful! Was it a gift?” you questioned.
“It’s mine. My drawings…” he explained.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! I should have guessed!” you babbled out.
“No, don’t be at all!” he replied. He grinned at you.
Smoothing your skirt, tucking in the blouse, you felt the wind knock out of you at his smile.
“I just thought they were…they were beautiful! My favorite’s the horse here! Horses are so hard to draw- but the way you got his shape, his legs, his body-he’s so lifelike! I thought a real artist must have them- not a soldier!” you added on.
“That’s Topthorn. He’s my Major’s horse. An impressive beast- I had to capture him,” he explained.
He took a step closer. Goodness, the uniform really did make him even more attractive! It made you dizzy. Your mouth moved faster than your brain.
“You should meet my brother. He’d love the horse drawing. We have a new horse and he’s obsessed with-“
 The same lady walked out with a bag of her purchased ribbons from the corner of your eye. It shut you up. Captain Nicholl’s turned to glance at her, and then back at you.
“I don’t wish to keep you from working, Miss Narracott, here- I’ll walk you back,” he offered.
It was not a very long distance at all. But you were grateful. There were worse things than being accompanied by a pleasant, gallant, handsome young captain.
“Are you new in town?” you asked him at the door.
“Just stationed. Staying here for the moment.” he explained.
“Then, welcome to Devon! I hope you like it,’ you greeted.
He nodded his head. He opened the door for you to walk inside.
“I already do,” he replied.
There was a whistle. Captain Nicholls turned his head to the outside. There was another group of men in army uniform nearby. One tall gentleman with a mustache called out.
“Hey! Jim! Stop flirting with the girl and get back!”
You flinched and saw his cheeks turn a little pink. You dipped your head down. Would that phrase cause a scandal- even a small one? On one hand, flirting was completely discouraged between men and women. There was no flirting until you were engaged. Then one could be absolutely sure a gentleman had pure intentions. You could be sure a gentleman wasn’t a skirt chaser and seducer.
But on the other hand- you both weren’t a duke and debutante at a ball. Just two village people having a chat. And flirting…maybe…maybe he did already…notice you…liked you…
“Well, I’ll see you around, Captain,” you said.
“And I you, Miss Narracott. Thank you again for returning the book,” he replied.
He dipped his head, put his hat back on, and left.
“Bless you, girl! Took you ages to find him! But you did! Now- it’s time to get back!” Mrs. Snow urged from the shop counter.
The busy crowd kept you on your feet, but you felt ready. The hours flew until closing. You could deal with even the most demanding customers with a smile on your face. As you flipped the sign to close and returned home, you found yourself looking forward to tomorrow.  Besides, maybe the new captain might return for a visit.  
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lulubelle814 · 1 month
In Every Life - Part 3
Part 2 - In Every Life Masterlist
Present Day (1975)
Everything was on fire.  Smoke and screams filled the air.  He was glad she wasn’t here to witness this, but he knew it’s what he deserved for what happened to her, for trying to move on afterwards.
Glancing over the balcony wall, the building next to theirs was suffering a similar fate.  Thankfully that’s where the chaos and destruction seemed to end.  In the far distance, he saw the city, quiet in the early morning hours.  He could almost spot the neighborhood where they were supposed to live together before it happened.  
Bitter-sweet memories / That's all I'm taking with me / Good-bye, please don't cry
He could hear the music floating on the wind, reminding him of the enormous hold in his heart.
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1 year ago
Valerie needed to get out of her apartment for some fresh air, and it was such a beautiful day.  Grabbing her purse and a book, she headed outside and down the block.
Standing at the crosswalk, she patiently waited for the crossing sign to give the go ahead to cross safely when someone walked past her, evidently not paying attention.  He was, however, jolted back to the present by someone grabbing his arm and pulling him back just as a car was about to hit him.  The gentleman managed to keep himself upright.  Looking at his savior, she was just a tad shorter than him with wavy auburn hair and the bluest eyes he’d ever seen.  “I can’t believe I almost walked straight into traffic,” he exclaimed.  “I’ve never done that before.  I swear.”
She smiled at him.  “It happens to the best of us.”  
Although embarrassed, he introduced himself.  “I’m Robert Laing.”  
“Valerie Hutton.”
“Can I buy you a cup of coffee to thank you?”
She nodded.  “I’d love that.  I was just on my way to get one anyways.”  It seemed fortune favored him this morning.
Once safe to do so, they crossed the street together.  There was a diner she enjoyed going to since she moved to the area a few weeks ago.  Evidently he was also a fan of the same diner.  Sitting down, he ordered a coffee while she had tea.
Looking back at him, she had to ask. “So what made you so preoccupied that you almost walked into traffic?”
She smiled and laughed a little, as did he. “I've got this complicated surgery later this afternoon, and I keep going over it in my head. I want to make sure it goes well.”
Frowning, she was confused. “I'm you're having surgery, should you be drinking coffee? I thought you couldn't eat or drink for, like, hours before going under the knife.”
He raised his eyebrows, confused a bit before it dawned on him. “Oh! I should probably clarify. I'm a doctor. A surgeon actually.”
‘Impressive,’ she thought. “What kind of doctor?”
“A neurosurgeon actually. My patient this afternoon has a tumor that's delicate to operate on, and I want to make sure it goes as well as it possibly can.”
“Well, walking into traffic isn't one of those things, I hope.” Valerie smiled at her own joke. Robert laughed as well. “No, it definitely is not. Thank you again for saving me. I feel like buying you a cup of tea isn't thanks enough. Maybe I could take you to dinner tomorrow?”
“I'd love that. Plus you can tell me how the surgery went.”
“Sounds like a great plan to me.” He realized he hadn't eaten breakfast yet this morning and was feeling a bit peckish. “I'm going to order some breakfast. You're welcome to order something as well. It's on me.”
“Oh, breakfast AND dinner? You really know the way to my heart.” She laughed, as did he. When the waitress came back with their drinks, they ordered some food: pancakes for her and an omelet for him. As they chatted, they ended up sharing bits of their food with each other. 
“So what do you do for a living, if I may ask?”
“I'm a secretary at a law firm. It's nothing fancy, but it pays the bills. I mostly just answer phones, file paperwork, and let my boss know when their clients arrive.”
She was certain at that moment that he’d make an excuse to cancel their dinner date for the following night.  Why would a neurosurgeon be interested in dating a secretary?  Oh well.  She at least got to have breakfast with him.  But maybe he wouldn’t cancel?  While they had just barely met, she had this feeling about him, that he wasn’t that kind of guy, that she wanted to spend more time with him.  What she didn’t know was that he felt the same.  Not about the job comparison but that he also desired to spend more time with her.  It’s like there was some sort of connection from the moment he saw her when she pulled him back just in time to avoid getting hit by a car.
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When their dinner date rolled around the next evening, they could barely take their eyes off each other, playing a bit of footsie under the table.  It was like they’d been together for years and the rest was only minor details.
“How did the surgery go?”  She was genuinely curious, not just asking to be polite which surprised him a bit.  The ladies he usually went on dates with didn’t care about the actual surgeries, more just that he was a doctor.
“It went very well!  Thank you for asking.  I was able to get the entire tumor removed, and my patient is recovering well so far.  That’s all thanks to you by saving me from walking in front of a car while being stuck in my own head.  I quite enjoy telling my colleagues that I was saved by a beautiful woman who agreed to have dinner with me.”
She could help the blush that spread across her cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed.  She wasn’t used to being complimented like that.  Usually when that happened, she was being cat-called by construction workers or getting hit on by random drunks (which is why she steered clear of going to bars at this point in her life).  “You are too kind, Robert.”
“I mean it! You are the most captivating woman I’ve ever encountered.  While I do not relish the thought of being hit by a car, I’m glad it gave us a chance to meet.” She blushed again. “How was your day at the office?”  He genuinely wanted to get to know her.
“It was the same for the most part.”  He raised an eyebrow at her statement, silently inquiring what made it different.  “A new client came in today, and something about him just gave me the creeps.  My boss has different kinds of clients, but something about this guy just ....”  She shuttered. “I’ll be very glad when their business is concluded.  I hope it won’t take long.  Roger was fingered as the guy who robbed that petrol station a couple of weeks ago, but the entire case (from the bits I’ve heard) are largely circumstantial.”
“I’m so sorry, darling.  I can’t imagine what that must feel like.  If he does give you trouble, let me know?  I’d happily defend your honor.”  It was easy to tell he meant every single word.  There was just something about Robert that made her feel safe, like she could run to him with any problem, and he’d solve it for her. Frankly, it scared her a little as well, to feel this way about an almost complete stranger.  The only person in her life that she’d felt this way about before was her dad, but he passed a few years ago, heart attack.  
“I really appreciate that.  Really.  More than you know.”  He could tell from her response that she didn’t have someone like that in her life, and it made him sad and even more determined to be there for her when she needed it.  He decided at that moment that no matter if this worked out or not, he’d be there whenever she needed someone, but there was no way he’d let this incredible woman walk away without a fight should something happen.
Looking at the menu, everything sounded incredible.  She ordered the shrimp garlic pasta while he ordered the lasagna.  Both looked so good that they ended up sharing their dishes.  When she offered some to him on her fork (with the intention of putting it on his plate), he instead leaned forward and ate it directly off the utensil causing butterflies to explode in her stomach.  So when he held up a piece of his lasagna for her to try, she did the same.  It then took everything he had not to just jump across the table to kiss her silly.
To say dinner went well was an understatement.  Valerie didn’t have a car.  So she splurged and got a taxi.  Rather than take a taxi back home, Robert offered her a ride.  When she gave him the cross streets for her apartment, he got excited as it was not that far from his place.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he exclaimed.  “I live on the other side of Creston street!”
“By that beautiful flower shop?”
“That’s the one!”
“No way!  You’re maybe a 10 minute walk from here.  Talk about coincidence!” 
Parking his car, he walked her up to her apartment.  Not wanting to get ahead of himself and scare her, he gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “I’d like to see you again, if that’s alright.”  She agreed, and they made plans to go to the new Robert Redford movie, The Great Gatsby.
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She woke up early the next morning to a light knock on the door.  Looking through the peephole, she didn’t see anyone.  Maybe it was a delivery or something?  Opening her door, she saw the most beautiful bouquet of peonies.
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Tucked inside, she found a card.
These pale in comparison to your beauty.  Thank you for a wonderful evening. -Robert
She squeed so loud with joy that her elderly neighbor opened their door.  “Is everything alright, dear?”
“Yes, sorry Ms. Tully.”  She loved her neighbor.  Ms. Tully welcomed Valerie to the building when she moved in.  Her husband had died some years before, and Valerie took it upon herself to look after her sweet neighbor.  She was small but mighty.  Someone had tried to rob her on the street a while back, and she beat them with her cane, scolding them to the point that they turned themselves into the police to protect him from her.  As it turned out, the police had been looking for the would-be robber as he’d attacked several women to steal their purses.  The arresting officer at the precinct laughed when the robber told him why he turned himself in, not believing an elderly lady would be able to do such a thing.
“Why don’t you come over for a cuppa and tell me about the gentleman who sent those?”  Ms. Tully always had the best biscuits, and Valerie could never turn her down.  After placing the flowers on her coffee table, she scurried over to her neighbor’s place.
As soon as she sat down, Muffin jumped into her lap, demanding pets.  Muffin was an overweight but very sweet calico.  Well, sweet to her and Ms. Tully.  Muffin typically hated most people and had the tendency to lay in the window to judge everyone walking by.  Her mortal enemy was the bird who would regularly sit on a branch just outside the window and mock her, at least that’s how muffin felt.  Okay, fine.  Muffin was a spiteful old bitch who was very picky about who she liked.
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Ms. Tully brought over a pot of tea with 2 cups and a fresh batch of homemade biscuits.  Valerie told her all about Robert: how they met, him taking her to breakfast, and their date last night.  No detail was spared.  
“That’s how I felt about my Steve.  People said love at first sight doesn’t exist, but I can assure you it does.  We met when my friends took me out dancing.  When I saw him, it was like everyone else ceased to exist.  We danced all night, and then he walked me home.”
Valerie loved when Ms. Tully would tell stories about her husband.  She wanted that, a relationship like the Tullys.  The only problem is that other than her neighbor, those stories only seemed to exist in fairy tales.  At least until she ran into Robert.  They’d only known each other a few days, but from the moment their eyes met on that street corner, nothing else seemed to matter.  
It’s not that she was unhappy with her life.  In fact, she was quite content. She had a good boss, a couple of good friends, an elderly neighbor she adored, and an apartment she loved.  If that was all she got in life, she was very happy with it.
“If he hurts you in any way, he’ll have me to deal with.”  Valerie laughed, imagining Ms. Tully beat Robert (who was more than a foot taller than her dear neighbor) with her cane.
“I’ll be sure to let him know.”  She couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when she told him.  It was inevitable that Robert would meet Ms. Tully, and she’d put the fear of God in him.
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Val had to leave.  There were a few things she had to take care of today, namely her laundry.  Her building didn’t have machines.  So she packed up her laundry in a large basket, a book, and a fist full of quarters and headed to the laundromat for the next 3 hours (depending how many machines were available).  When she arrived, there were (thankfully) 2 machines available.  She promptly filled them up and started her wash before tucking away in a chair with her book.  
Not even a few pages in, she heard the door open and felt a pair of eyes on her.  Looking up, Robert was looking at her while holding his own bag of laundry.
“Fancy meeting you here.”  They both laughed.
“I’d think a fancy doctor like you would have your stuff dry cleaned.”
He grinned, loving her snarky remark.  “Just for my suits.  For everything else, I prefer to slum it.”  She couldn’t hold in a snorting laugh which made him smile even more.  He wanted to hear more of that laugh.
Thankfully more machines were becoming free, allowing him to start his own laundry.  While he did that, she cleared out the seat next to her in case he wanted to sit there, which he did.  He’d brought his own book to entertain himself.  Instead, they spend the next couple of hours chatting and laughing.
She told him about Ms. Tully’s warning.  “You’ll have to meet her sometime.  Watch out though.  Her cat hates people.  Well, most people.”
“I’ll be sure to pack my pockets with treats.  My mum had a cat like that, and bacon was the way to his heart.”
“I think bacon is the way to most people’s hearts.”  The entire time they were there, neither touched their books.  
“Normally I try to do my laundry on a Thursday evening, but the surgery ran long.”
“I usually come on a Friday night, but I had a date with this cute guy.”
He raised an eyebrow and smirked.  “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.  It went well at first, but I don’t think anything will come of it.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, he didn't seem to pay attention and almost walked straight into traffic.”  
He laughed.  At some point, his arm rested on the back of her chair.  In her imagination, she could see them doing laundry together for the coming months until they got married.  He’d buy a house with a washer and dryer.  Then they’d do laundry together while taking care of their kids.  She could see the toys strewn around the living room, the books relocated to a little library room that also acted as a home office when he needed to work on paperwork.  The kids would play around the backyard with 
She had to shake herself out of that image.  There was no telling if this would work out or not, and she didn’t want to get ahead of herself.  But it was just such a beautiful picture in her mind.  Little did she know that he was picturing something similar.
“Thank you so much for the flowers.  They’re beautiful!  Peonies are my favorite, especially white and lavender ones.”
“I’m so glad you like them.  I saw them at the flower shop when I was passing by, and they made me think of you.  I couldn’t not get them for you.”  He made a mental note about the peony being her favorite.
When their laundry was done, they used one of the tables to fold everything.  It was hard not to laugh watching him struggle to fold a fitted sheet.  She took it from him and folded it (mostly) for him.  “That’s much better than anything I can do with that.  It seems like they make those things impossible to fold.  Sometimes I just roll it up and toss it in a cupboard.”
“I get that.  I’m not great at folding those, but Ms. Tully showed me how she folds hers.  I can’t do it nearly as well as she can.  That’s about as close as I can get.”  
Robert didn’t care one bit, not even if she had set the sheet on fire or thrown it in the bin.  Running into her at the laundromat made his day.  There was just something about her he couldn’t put his finger on, but being even in her vicinity brought him comfort and helped him to relax.  His colleagues had been giving him a hard time for quite a while, even trying to set him up on dates.  Women would very openly flirt with him as well.  He was just never interested.
She handed the sheet back to him, and his hands brushed hers as he went to take it from her.  That one touch made him forget where they were.  He tossed the sheet carelessly into his basket as he leaned down, placed a hand on her cheek, and lightly placed his lips on hers.  The moment their lips touched was like fireworks.  She leaned up into him, returning his kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.  As he wrapped his around her waist, a distinct coughing sound brought them back to reality causing them to pull apart.  Looking around, the handful of patrons in the laundromat were all staring at them.  “Get a room,” someone said.  Sheepishly, they finished folding their laundry and headed their separate ways.
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Two weeks had passed.  Robert and Valerie continue to go on dates, and he’d kiss her each time he took her home.  Last night he’d taken her dancing, which she hadn’t done in a long time.  Neither had he, in fact.  But they both had so much fun.
Today, however, he was at the hospital.  There was a minor surgery he was performing.  She’d come back from grocery shopping to find Ms. Tully’s door broken open.  Logically she knew she should call the police, but that thought went out the window when she heard Muffin’s meows.  Dropping her bags by her door, she ran into Ms. Tully’s place to find it in shambles.  Muffin came out and led Valerie to where Ms. Tully was unconscious on the floor, bleeding from the back of her head.  She ran over to check that she was still breathing.  Placing 2 fingers on the pulse point in her neck, Ms. Tully was definitely still alive.  Hurriedly, she rang the police, giving them the address and apartment number.  While she waited, she stayed with her elderly neighbor, knowing enough, at least, not to move her.  
The police arrived a few minutes later along with an ambulance.  Valerie answered questions while the paramedics loaded Ms. Tully into the ambulance.  When all was said and done, they let her know which hospital her neighbor would be taken to before leaving her alone.  
Before anything else, she took Muffin to her apartment so that the cat wouldn’t get hurt accidentally by the broken glass and such.  She also took over the cat’s food (putting it in a cupboard in the hall) and litter box (which she put in the spare bathroom).  Now that Muffin was safe, she spent the next couple of hours cleaning up her neighbor’s apartment, trying to salvage what she could.  
Another caring neighbor had seen the aftermath with the door in shambles and, without asking, worked on repairing what he could.  It would stand well enough to appear secure, but in the end, the door would need replacing.  He took the liberty of talking with the landlord who had the door replaced very quickly.  The landlord had a sweet spot for Ms. Tully especially as she was the longest running tennant he’d had in that building with little to no issues.
Once the door was replaced, he left a copy of the keys with Val who would give them to her neighbor.  When all was said and done, she hopped in a cab to the mentioned hospital.  Finding the welcome desk, she asked about Ms. Tully.  She was in surgery as they’d found a brain clot from being hit on the back of her head but the attending surgeon should be done shortly.  The kind nurse said they’d keep her up to date if she was staying, which of course she was.
It was at least another hour later when the nurse told her that the doctor would be out shortly to talk to her.  When the doctor came out, he asked the nurse who was the one here for his patient.  Pointing to Valerie (who had her back facing the nurse), he walked over to her.
“Are you here for…..Valerie?”  Hearing his voice, she looked up, seeing Robert in his scrubs.  She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him.  She began to cry on his chest.  He sat them down and held her close.  “I didn’t think when I saw the name Tully that it would be your neighbor, darling.”  He shushed and cooed into her ear, trying to help calm her down.
“It was so awful, Robert!  I was only gone for maybe 20 minutes to get a few things from the store.  When I came back, her door was wide open…..glass everywhere………”  He continued to console her, trying to help her calm down.
“It’s alright darling.  She’s alright thanks to you.”  He pulled back to look her in the eyes.  “She’s a fighter, that one.  Ms. Tully has a fair number of bruises and a fractured right arm.  The most alarming part was the brain clot from where she’d been hit, but I was able to get it cleaned up.  It’ll take a while, but she’ll recover.”
Knowing that it was her Robert who performed the operation brought her an immense amount of relief.  “I’ve got Muffin set up at my place.”  She thought for a minute.  “Who could have done this?  Who would attack poor Ms. Tully?  IN HER OWN HOME!”
“I don’t know, darling.  I don’t know.  But I’m sure the police are working very hard to find out who did this.  She’s in recovery right now.  I need to go check on her.  I’ll come get you once she’s settled in a room?”  She nodded.
When he came back to the waiting room, he guided her back to his elderly patient’s room.  Being the head neurosurgeon, he pulled some strings to get Ms. Tully her own room.  It even had a view of the hospital garden.
Valerie was happy to see her neighbor awake already.  Robert checked her vitals and looked over the stitches in her head to make sure everything was still holding properly.
“Valerie, I know you’ve been seeing that gentleman you told me about, but I think Dr. Laing here is a real catch.  Just look at him!”
Robert blushed, and Valerie was shocked.  “Ms. Tully!  You just got out of surgery, and you’re trying to set me up with your doctor?”
Ms. Tully grinned as she nodded.  Rather than tell her who Robert was to her, she walked over and gazed into his eyes.  “I suppose you’re right.  He is very easy on the eyes.  I wonder…..”  She leaned up and kissed him.  “Yep, good kisser.  I think you’re right, Ms. Tully.”
Robert wasn’t sure what to do at this point until Valerie broke down laughing.  “Ms. Tully, this is the man I’ve been telling you about, Robert.”  Ms. Tully looked between the two before narrowing her eyes at her doctor.  “If you do anything at all to hurt her, you’ll have to answer to me.  And keep that dingle-doodle to yourself.”
Robert held his hands up in retreat.  “You have my word, Ms. Tully.”
Valerie giggled a bit before turning back to her neighbor.  “Don’t worry about Muffin.  She’s at my place.  I’ve got her food and litter box.  Mr. Jenkins already replaced your door, and he gave me the spare keys.”  
Robert took his turn, this time as Dr. Laing.  “Surgery went well.  You had a clot from the hit to your head, but it’s cleaned up.  Your right arm is fractured, and you’ve got a fair number of bruises.  I’d like to keep you here for a week to make sure you’re healing well.  We’ve also got you on some medications to help with the pain.  Is that alright, Ms. Tully?  Do you have any questions?”
Rather than address her doctor, Ms. Tully looked to Valerie.  “Is Muffin alright?  She gave the man a fright, scratching and clawing at him.  Even bit his ass.  I’ve never seen Muffin move like that before, especially for an old fat cat.”
“She’s good.  I looked her over, and nothing seemed to be wrong.  I’ll take good care of her until you get home.”  It was touching how she was more worried about the cat than herself.  “Is there anyone you want me to call?”
In the end, Ms. Tully had Val call her son.  Robert offered to call himself as he was her doctor, but Val thought it would be better coming from her.  The call was brief, and her son was at the hospital within the hour.
“Mum, I’ve told you that you shouldn’t be living alone!”
She scowled.  “I can take care of myself.  I don’t need a caretaker.  I won’t let you put me in a nursing home.”
Robert interjected.  “I hate to say this, but I agree with your son.  Valerie was fortunate to find you as quickly as she did, which is why you're in better shape than what could have happened.”
Acting like a petulant child, Ms. Tully pointed at Robert.  “You’re officially on my shit list.”  It wasn’t the first time a patient had told him that, and he didn’t mind.  He had their best interests at heart.
“Mum, I know you don’t want to go into a nursing home.  I wouldn’t do that to you, but Diane and I would like you to consider moving in with us.  You’d have your own space, but we’d be near.  I know you want to be independent, but we worry about you.”
No decisions were made that night, but Ms. Tully consented to at least think about it.  Valerie assured her that Muffin was fine at her place, and she’d take good care of her cat.
Since his shift was over and all patients had been checked on, Robert drove Valerie home so she wouldn’t have to pay for another taxi.  Well, that and he wanted to see the state of everything for himself.  Valerie used the new key to get into Ms. Tully’s place.  There was still cleaning to do and furniture to put back in place, but it was enough to rattle him.  He moved the heavy  furniture back in place.  It was evident that whomever broke in was checking loads of places for where the elderly resident might hide money or anything of value.  The overturned couch was no surprise.  His own grandma used to hide cash in her couch.  
They eventually made their way over to Valerie’s place next door.  Robert spotted a folded notice on her door and grabbed it for her.  Looking around, most doors had the same one on theirs.  Handing it to her, she didn’t hesitate to open it with Robert reading over her shoulder.  It was a short message from the landlord advising that there was a break-in, that it was an isolated incident, and that he would be working with the police to find out how the intruder got into the building.
Opening the door, Muffin came running to her.  Picking her up, Muffin sniffed Robert, unsure of him at first until she caught a whiff of both her owner and her favorite person (Valerie) all over him.  She gave him a tentative approval and allowed him to pet her.  Robert gave the cat a quick look over to double check she was okay, which she thankfully was.  This cat likely prevented the intruder from doing more damage to Ms. Tully.
“It scares me that someone broke into your building.”  Looking around her apartment, all he could see in that moment was someone breaking in and tearing her place apart.
“Same.  This is usually a pretty safe neighborhood.”  He could tell she was scared that it might happen again.  They sat down on her sofa, and Muffin curled up in her lap while Robert wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
Taking a deep breath, a thought came to his mind. “I have a proposal.”
She hummed in response as she continued to pet the cat.  Her mind was spiraling with thoughts of what would have happened to Ms. Tully if she hadn’t found her so quickly.
“You’re welcome to say no, but how about you stay at my place for a couple of days?  At least until they figure out how the guy got in and can fix it?”
“I have plenty of space.  You can even sleep in the guestroom.  I promise to be a perfect gentleman.  Absolutely nothing will happen without your express consent.”
She was a bit surprised at his offer.   “We’ve only known each other a few weeks, Robert.  Are you sure about this?”
“I’m very sure.  If you don’t want to stay at mine, I could sleep here on the couch?  I just worry for your safety right now.  I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you.”
It was easy to see the concern in his eyes.  There was no sign of lies in anything he said, and she knew he’d keep his promise.  In fact, it brought her a sense of comfort.  “What about Muffin?”
“Muffin is always welcome.  I don’t have any pets, and she can have the run of the place.”  The cat lifted her head, looking up at Robert as if she understood what he’d said and gave her answer by moving over to Robert and curling up in his lap.
“I think that’s a yes from Muffin.”  They both laughed.  Val packed a few things while Robert loaded up the litter box, food bowl, water bowl, and bag of food for the kitty.  Once she had everything else together, he took her bags to his car as well.  She carried Muffin in her lap during the short drive to his place.
He let her inside before unloading everything from his car.  He showed her to the guestroom while Muffin explored his house, deeming it acceptable.  Robert gave her a spare key.  “I don’t want you to feel like I’m holding you hostage or anything.”
“Not at all.  I’ve just………..okay.  Don’t laugh at me when I say this, but I’ve never stayed over at a man’s place before, not by myself.”
“Why would I laugh at that?  I don’t see anything wrong with it.  If it helps you feel better, I’ve never invited women to stay over, except for my sister.”  He took his hands in hers.  “I know a lot of this is new to both of us, but I swear I won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable.  If you don’t feel alright staying here with me, then I’ll go stay in a hotel so you can be here with Muffin.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.  This is your house, your place.”
“You mean so much more to me.  Just promise me you’ll let me know if something bothers you?”
Valerie nodded.  “Okay.”  He picked up her bags and placed them in the guest room.  She put the litter box in the guest bathroom while Robert placed the bowls in the kitchen, filling one with water.  Muffin didn’t hesitate to make herself comfortable on his loveseat, claiming the entire thing for herself.  Valerie changed into some sleepwear before going back to the living room.
He had changed as well, into a pair of joggers and his old Cambridge shirt.  “I have pizza on the way.” 
They turned on the TV to watch whatever was on (it was an old episode of Doctor Who).  
“How is it that you have this house but no washer/dryer?”  It just dawned on her that with a place this size, it didn’t make sense.
“I started renting this place about 3 months ago, but it didn’t come with them.  I have the hookups for them, but I just keep forgetting to do it until laundry day happens.”
“I’ll go with you, if you’d like?  I don’t know anything about buying a washer/dryer set, but I can keep you company.  We can go on your next day off.  I’ll make a list of local places we can go to.”
He grinned.  “I’d like that.”
Once the pizza arrived, they dug right in.  She was still a little too rattled to be able to eat much, but she was able to consume a couple of slices before she curled up next to Robert, laying her head on his chest.  
He started to yawn and looked at his watch.  It was later than he thought.  He started to get up before realizing she was asleep against him.  Instead of moving her, he reached and grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch to spread over them both.
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When he woke up in the morning, she was gone.  As he started to look around, he could smell something cooking in the kitchen.  Slowly getting up, he made his way towards the amazing smell and found her cooking eggs and bacon.  “I could get used to this if you’re not careful.”
“It’s the least I could do for you letting me stay here for a couple of days.”
While she finished cooking, he set the table.  He really could see them doing this on a regular basis, and it felt good.  “I have to go to the hospital today.  I don’t have any surgeries planned, but I have patients to check on and paperwork to go through.”
“I have to go to work as well.  Do you have time to drop me off?”
Smiling, he could definitely get used to this.  “Of course, darling.  In fact, how about you drop me off at the hospital?  You can come by and see Ms. Tully when you’re off work, and I should be ready to leave around then as well.”
“First you trust me with your house, and now with your car?  You must really like me or something.”  Valerie couldn’t help the giant smile from spreading across her face.
“I really do.  Actually, I……” Taking a deep breath, he continued.  “I love you, Valerie.  I know it hasn’t been long, but I do.  I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”
She placed a hand on his mouth to stop his rambling.  “I love you too.”  With those words returned, he swept her into his lap and kissed her madly, never wanting to let go, not that she minded one bit.  
Pulling back, he laid his forehead on hers.  “I’ve wanted to tell you that for a while but was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same.  I know this is fast, but….”
Valerie placed her hands on the sides of his neck.  “It is, but it also feels right.”  Her words gave him the reassurance he needed.  Leaning up, she kissed him softly before getting off his lap.  “We’d better get ready for work, mister.”
She sauntered off to the guest room to get ready.  As he got ready in his room, his mind was a whirlpool of thoughts.  It’d only been 2 months.  In his previous relationships, he’d always felt this need to run and hide, afraid to commit.  This time it was the opposite.  From the moment they ran into each other at the crosswalk, he wanted to be with her, stay with her for as long as she’d have him.  Knowing she loved him too was the icing on the cake.
A knock on his bedroom door broke him out of his stupor as he was putting on his tie.
“Does this look okay?”  
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“You look amazing.  I’m not sure I can let you out of the house in that.  In fact, I’m not sure I can ever let you leave again.” He smiled, joking of course.  Seeing her look so incredible caused him to forget how to tie a tie.  So she walked over and helped him.  “I could say the same about you, mister.”  
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Present Day (1975)
He could hear screams coming from every direction, but none phased him.  This wasn’t where he wanted to be.  No.  He wanted to be at home with his new bride, but fate had other plans.  Damn fate.  Since that was taken from him, this was where he felt he belonged: alone, waiting for the building to finish consuming him.  This is what he deserved after what he did…..well, more like what he didn’t do.
The only thoughts he allowed to pass through his mind at this point was his beloved Valerie and how much he missed her.  
Tears fell down his face again, thinking of her.  Today was supposed to be their wedding day.
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4 months ago
The lease on her apartment would be up soon.  With Ms. Tully gone to live with her son, Valerie wasn’t keen on staying.  Her landlord was kind and said she could stay longer as long as she gave him a 30 day notice.  While he enjoyed having her as a tenant and didn’t want her to leave, he had too much respect for her.  She’d always been kind to him, on time with the rent, and all the help she gave Ms. Tully when the break-in occurred.  
Looking at her left hand, she admired the ring.  Robert really had great taste.  While she never imagined getting engaged, she had absolutely no doubts that he’s the one and couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life with him.
This afternoon, Robert was taking her to look at a house.  “Why are we looking at new places?  Your house works the way it is.”
He looked over at her from the driver’s seat.  “That’s true, but it’s only a rental.  I’d like for us to have our own little slice of paradise.”
He pulled up to a beautiful cottage.
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To say she was stunned would be an understatement.  This was her dream home!  “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
She got out of the car and started looking around.  He took his time catching up to her, laughing a bit in the process.  “Is it to your liking?”
Valerie was speechless.  Taking her hand, Robert took her on a tour of the house, showing her the bedrooms, living room, kitchen, and such.  Her favorite part though was the garden out back.  “You can decorate or set up however you’d like.”
She turned to look at him. “Robert, I love it, but this is too much.  I can’t begin to imagine what a place like this costs, not to mention decorating it?  Plus there has to be several others looking at this place, too.”
Robert grinned.  “I wouldn’t say that last bit.”
“What do you mean?”  Confusion spread across her face.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.  “Because it’s ours.”
Birds fled at the sound of her squealed excitement and jumped into his arms, nearly knocking him over.  “What?  Really??  I can’t believe you bought this place!  It’s perfect!”
Holding her, he spun around a couple times before kissing her and setting her back on her feet.  “You deserve nothing but the best, my dearest.  The wedding isn’t for another 3 or 4 months, but I know your lease is up.  When I saw this place, I knew it was the one.  It will also remove the need to renew your lease on a month-to-month basis.  That was incredibly kind of your landlord to offer, but we can go ahead and move you in here.  As the wedding gets closer, I can pack up my place to move in once we are married.”
“I love you so much, Robert.  You are the most wonderful man I’ve ever known.”
“I love you, too, my darling girl.  You deserve all this and more.”  He took her hand and guided her over to the garage.  “There’s one more thing.”  Opening the garage, they found a brand new Jaguar.
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“Oh Robert!  You really shouldn’t have.”
“Yes, I should.  You deserve nothing but the best.  Plus, it’ll be easier than trying to juggle one car between the two of us for going to work……..or picking up the kids…..”
“You want kids?”
He smiled and nodded.  “I do.”
“Me, too.”  Rather than rushing up to him again, she sauntered to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and gave him a sweet kiss.
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The next week was filled with packing and moving.  Most of her furniture was sold or donated.  In between everything, wedding plans were being made.  Everything was coming together.   There was even talk about getting a dog.  With so much already going on, they decided to wait until after the wedding to look for just the right dog.
To make unpacking easier, Val had labeled each box by room.  That way when they unloaded boxes, they were put into the room where the contents would be placed.  Hanging up the clothes was easy followed by the kitchen boxes so she could start cooking once she’d gone grocery shopping.
Hearing a knock at the door, she answered it only to find her fiance.  “You know you can let yourself in, right?  Or did you lose your key already?”
“I just didn’t want to walk in on you naked or such.  Not that I would mind, but I figure you might.”
She paused, thinking for a moment.  “Excellent point.  Thank you.  So what are you doing here?  I thought you had surgery this morning?”
He sat on the back of the couch and sighed.  “It got canceled.  When I left last night, she was stable, but something happened overnight, and the patient didn’t make it.”  She walked over to him and gave him a hug which he appreciated.
“I’m so sorry.  That can’t be easy.”
“It’s okay, but enough about me.  I came by to take you out to brunch.  You’ve been working so hard on unpacking and setting things up that I thought you’d like a break.”
She rummaged around in her purse. “I completely forgot to take my keys back to my landlord.  Do you think we could swing by my old place while we’re out?”
Wrapping an arm around her from the side, he leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of her head.  “We can do whatever you’d like.”
They walked out to his car.  Being a gentleman, he opened her door before going around to his own.  The car started with a beautiful rumble, and they made their way into town and to her old complex.  “Would you like me to take them in for you?”  He offered, but she declined.  “I’ll only be a minute.”  She disappeared into the building, coming back out about 10 minutes later.
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After brunch, they decided to go on a ride through the countryside.  There was no specific route or destination in mind.  They just went wherever their hearts told them, or at least until the car was almost out of petrol which they took as a sign to head back.
Robert pulled up to a petrol station.  There were 2 other cars there: one was empty but still running by the front door.  The other was parked off to the side, likely belonging to the attendant inside.  He felt this unease as they pulled up next to the petrol pump.  “I think we should maybe try the next petrol station.  Something feels, I don’t know, off?”
Val patted his shoulder. “It’s alright, Robert.  We’re already here.  Go ahead and get the tank filled while I run in to get us some drinks?  I’ll pay for the petrol while I’m inside.”  His gut told him they should leave right then, but he conceded.  “Alright, but let's be quick.  There’s just something about this place that gives me the creeps.”
She agreed, picking up her purse and walking inside.  He got out of the car and started to fill the car up.  Just as it finished and was placing the handle away, there was a loud bang.  Not even thinking about it, he ran inside.  He needed to make sure Valerie was alright.  As he opened the door, a man flew out, almost plowing over Robert in his haste to get away.  If he’d thought about it for even a second, he would have seen the gun in the man’s hand and the blood splatter on his shirt, but he was too focused on finding Valerie.
His eyes darted everywhere.  Moving further into the petrol station, there she was on the ground, gunshot wound to the abdomen, bleeding profusely.  He dove to her side, taking off his jacket to try to stop the flow of blood, but even his medical knowledge told him there was nothing he could do, but all logic had left him at that point.  The bullet had gone through her kidney causing her to go through hypovolemic shock.  
“So cold.”  It was difficult to understand her, but he could feel her getting colder by the second.  He scooped her up, holding her close in the vain hope that he could keep her warm, keep her alive.  Just as long as she was in his arms, everything would be okay.
As he held her, he kept brushing her hair with one hand, trying to tell her everything was fine, that help was on the way, and she’d be fine, that she just needed to hold on, but her pulse continued to grow weak.  The tears on her face slowed down as she looked into his eyes.
Bitter-sweet memories / That's all I'm taking with me / Good-bye, please don't cry
“I love you,” she squeaked out.
“I love you, my darling Valerie.  Always.”  His tears started falling faster.
He could feel her heart slowing.  “Always,” she whispered with the last of her breath.  Robert held her body tightly, rocking back and forth as he cried, his reason for living now gone.  It took two police officers and a paramedic to get him to let go of her so they could take the body away.
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Present Day (1975)
That was the absolute worst day of his life.  He blamed himself, saying he should have gone with his gut feeling and left to get petrol elsewhere, or at least gone in to pay himself.  Maybe then she’d be here with him or instead of him.  “It should have been me,” he cried to himself.
The foundation was crumbling, the support beams falling.  Robert didn’t care.  He’d only moved to this apartment building because he couldn’t bear living in the house meant for him and Valerie.  Friends and colleagues helped him take care of her belongings and relisted the house while he moved into this concrete monstrosity.  It felt cold and unfeeling from the moment he stepped inside, exactly what he thought he deserved.
The balcony rumbled, vibrating harshly.  Closing his eyes, he accepted his fate just as the balcony on his 25th floor apartment gave way, the building collapsing in fire and dust.
Taglist: @vbecker10
Dividers created by @jiyascepter
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kneamet · 3 years
James Nicholls gives reader (James locked her in the room) a Christmas present with a cute smile. She doesn't want his gift. James is hurt and tells her that she will be trapped in this room until she is thankful for his present.
Trigger Warning: obsession, yandere, forced.
Word Count: 2098
Character: James Nicholls/reader
Summary: James just wanted to give you a Christmas present, not expecting you to dislike it at all.
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POV James
"This is going to be a great night," James thought. He was smiling. Today is definitely going to be a great day. A day that will have to do without any problems and quarrels.
Nicholls, being a rather emotional person, always succumbed to any quarrels. But to the extent of his character, he could also be in the first moments a person who would respond to any tense situation with a cold eye.
He always kept his worldview to himself. In a war in which he killed and the horrors of which he could not forget for many months, no one was interested in the opinion of the people. They said to do, so do it. You're a soldier. Follow the order.
In the regiment, he was not allowed to reveal himself as a person. No one but Major Stewart, his friend, who was practically everything to him, knew of his hobbies. That his talent and desires were directed not to war, but to art.
He was always very pleased and flattered by the paintings that great artists created. Their styles, unusual techniques.
However, James was always interested in one question: where do people involved in great art find the personal muses that inspire them? He always wanted to find the person who would inspire him and whom he might even love and cherish.
But the memories of the war all dampened his mood. They were like something that was unlikely to ever be forgotten or should be forgotten.
James closed his eyes. Fragments of memories flew before my eyes. Mud. Wounds. People. Death.
That wasn't what he wanted. That's not why he went to school and got the necessary knowledge. Not to die so easily. Yes, he could have shed blood for his country, but he didn't want to.
He thought this was the end. I thought about it until I saw a nice girl. You. You were so beautiful in his mind. He could do anything for you. You were his main manipulator, his life. He would cherish you for the rest of your life if you would only listen to him and agree to marry him.
But you were too innocent. Your fighting spirit and your moral values that all people are equal have always interested him. This is extremely interesting.
James greatly admired your clear, virginal mind, your kind and pure heart. He liked to compare you to literary heroines. He loved to read and his favorite character was Anna Karenina from the Russian novel by Leo Tolstoy. He often said that their characters were eerily similar.
The ex-soldier never thought about the fact that he wanted to become someone exalted or famous. His spirit was subject to the spirit of calm and evenly defined actions. Maybe after the war, he could work as an artist and sell paintings, or maybe work part-time at a police station. He would have a happy wife and some cute kids who would cheer him back from work.
Oh, he wanted that wish to come true. After the war, he really had a good job, but a wife... Well, as he understood it, she had no particular prospects of becoming his lover.
And that disappointed him. That girl, you, that he's in love with, doesn't love him? But why? You've spent so much time together. Or so it seemed to James. He didn't want to admit that you and he only saw each other twice.
He sighed and turned his gaze to the brown door he had been hovering in front of for some time. James has prepared a great gift for his beloved. She would have to like him.
Nicholls believed that most women were addicted to gifts. And this is quite natural. And before this gift, it is unlikely that anyone can resist.
He pressed the round handle and opened the door with a slight tremor in his legs. This day should be perfect. He smiled at the thought of how happy you'd be with your new Christmas present. A new book of Shakespeare's plays, along with a small pendant that had his picture and yours on it.
He looked around the room. She was just beautiful. This was exactly what he had imagined the room in which he would sleep with his beloved wife.
The walls were sky blue with small patterns. They went well with the gilded furniture he had purchased not so long ago on a former soldier's salary. The room was decorated in pastel colors. The main decoration of the walls were small, almost imperceptible paintings. They weren't distracted. On the white ceiling hung a small lamp that fit into the interior.
Next to the wall opposite James's standing, there was a bookcase filled with a huge number of books, both English classicism and Russian. You could even find American literature on the shelves.
Right in front of the door was the double bed on which his wife was so beautifully arranged.
He sighed slightly, trying not to draw your attention too much and giving you time to finish reading the page. You were so beautiful in that position. And this outfit! He was so pleasing to the soldier's keen eye. Your dress was simply impossibly simple, but no less beautiful. It was summer. The blue fabric that hugged your waist matched nicely with the lacy white sleeves that reached to your elbow.
He bit his lip, trying to stifle the groan he was trying to get out. You gave him an orgasm just by being there.
James was still a virgin. He promised that he would keep it and lose it only with his legal wife, who according to his criteria should also be clean. He didn't really like the fact that the boys from the academy and even Stuart were teasing him about it, but he understood that he didn't need to be provoked and just follow his principles.
He wanted so much to come up to you and interrupt you, to tell you that he was the only one you could pay attention to, but he knew that would be disrespectful to you. He wanted so much to fix that hair that was so carefully climbing on a clean forehead, or to kiss those lovely lips that you were so diligently licking.
He thought he had lost all hope. That he was the only survivor of his own regiment and Stewart's. Wounded, in ragged clothes, covered in blood, he walked, trying to reach some settlement.
He crawled, one less injured hand clinging to the muddy and wet grass. His entire uniform was covered in the mud and blood of his countrymen who had fought so desperately for their homeland and for its victory.
The man knew that his strength was running out. He had been crawling like this for a kilometer. His breathing was getting worse. My arm and legs were beginning to prick painfully. The right hand was in need of urgent assistance. He needed to get to the nearest house.
His only thought now was to take a single sip of water. My throat was uncomfortably sore. He hadn't eaten or drunk in about a day since they'd started attacking the Germans.
When he reached the nearest big oak, he leaned against it and put his aching hand on his legs, leaning his head back against the tree, which hurt his head unpleasantly.
He didn't remember how he'd blacked out or what. His forces simply surrendered the position. It was at that moment that he realized that it was not so terrible to die. It's just close your eyes and that's it. He would see his soldiers soon.
But still, he regretted that he could not realize his dream and become a famous artist, find a family by marrying the woman he loved, raise children and die happy in a house full of grandchildren.
War is a tough thing. Sometimes he didn't understand why his homeland had to fight the Germans. Why him? But they were not particularly opposed to the fact that the boy from whom he bought a horse, entered the ranks of the soldiers.
"Mister, wake up. Please, mister, don't die," came a soft and soft voice, with a rough edge to it. The man slightly, through force, opened one eye and looked at the girl sitting in front of him. At you.
Standing before him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. A girl who looked like an angel. You were incredible. His artist's eye certainly wanted to express you on paper. Your expressively large eyes looked at him with universal tenderness. Your lips were slightly parted and your brows were furrowed.
He felt an extraordinary reaction. The fear, the exultation, the need and admiration? He found you extraordinarily beautiful.
Suddenly, an insignificant thought occurred to his bright head. He felt, heard, felt pain. Is he alive? Or is it just paradise? Paradise with its sweet angel.
The man's thin, pink-pale lips parted slightly and he tried to squeeze out something, but only a soft sigh came out.
He saw his angel flutter. As he opened his eyes. He saw you get up and start looking for something. He owl tried to speak, but could only utter a groan.
"Drink some water, sir," he parted his angel's lips and allowed her to pour him clear and silver water. "Are you feeling better?" he tried to nod. His angel, his savior, smiled at him and he whispered:
"I'm James, my angel."
You saw the way he looked at you. So gentle, so obsessive, so needy. His blue eyes looked at you as if they were seeing you for the first and last time. They studied you.
You shifted involuntarily on the fur-warm bed. Not that you liked the interior of the house, or rather you found it terrible. The walls were blue, battered, and obviously old. But at least the books made you happy. They were really wonderful. But the interior was the last thing that bothered you.
Most of all, it was hard for you to think that this innocent, beautiful man with such charming eyes had become obsessed with you. He believed that you were in love with him, that you were happy to be his wife.
But apparently James didn't understand your rejection. In your opinion, he didn't accept rejection at all, but he followed orders, so he could easily be manipulated. Especially now. But your desire to be free and live with the person you love was simply impossible. He responded to such statements and requests of yours with a strict no, from which your body shivered.
You didn't know how to justify his need for you. Perhaps because you were his hope, the only person who saved him from torment and impending death. But that's all the excuses you've found.
You knew he was waiting for the moment to give you a Christmas present. You saw that distant look he gave you when he remembered something. Most likely, their first meeting.
You coughed, trying to get his attention. He flinched and looked up from the polished floor to look at you. You swallowed and put away the book you'd been reading.
Nicholls moved closer to the bed you were sitting on. You saw his shifty eyes and his bitten lip.
"My angel," he walked closer and sat on the edge of the made-up bed, taking your right hand in his. He ran his thumb over it and squeezed it lightly, looking up. "Merry Christmas," he held up his left hand and you saw a small box. He pursed his lips and handed it to you. You saw him smile. Maybe he thought you were happy with his gift, but you didn't really want to accept it, knowing how it could turn out.
You shook your head a little doubtfully, lowering your chin slightly. You didn't want to upset him, but you knew you couldn't accept a gift from a kidnapper.
Suddenly, the man's back straightened. The gentle gaze turned frowning. The hand clutched the unfortunate Christmas present. His knuckles were white, and the veins in his neck throbbed.
"I don't need your gift, James," her gaze became more intense. He stood up and straightened his shirt, placing a small box on the bedside table.
Taking a deep breath, he turned and headed for the exit. You raised your head, sending a puzzled look at his back. He turned to face you, holding the door open and leaning against the door frame.
"My angel, why are you looking at me like that? You just have to understand that you will stay in our room until you thank me with sincere gratitude for your gift, " he sent you a smile and closed the door. You've heard the deadbolt locked with a key. "I hope you've prepared a gift for me."
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lokiskitten · 3 years
Marvel, Star Wars...
[ Hello, I am currently in quest of finding a serious, open minded and invested roleplay partner who would be willing to entertain double rps depending on my mood ( I won’t necessarily ask you for a rp if I’m not feeling like handling two of them ). If interested, make sure to check the infos below and read one of my fics to get a peek of my writing style! ]
No god moding. The plot is to be discussed and agreed on together. Communication is also key, so don’t ever hesitate to share your ideas/opinions.
Smut is allowed, and I tend to be comfortable with most topics so don’t hesitate to come up to me with any “taboo” subjects you’ve been afraid to ask for from anyone. Judgment isn’t a thing with me.
OCs are heavily welcome, but please remain rational. I’m extremely attached to realism, and tend to keep things and events logical whenever I write.
Please be literate. I expect one paragraph or more, especially as I tend to write a lot and give much efforts into my answers.
Now that you went through my rules, allow me to present the characters I would have muse for/once portrayed in my writer background or would be willing to give them a shot! :3
CHARACTERS ( classed under their actor ) :
Tom Hiddleston :
Loki Laufeyson | any version
Thomas Sharpe | Crimson Peak
James Conrad | Kong : skull island
Dr. Robert Laing | High Rise
Jonathan Pine | The night manager
Captain James Nicholls | War Horse
Tom Hiddleston himself | young and old
Benedict Cumberbatch :
Doctor Stephen Strange | mcu
Sherlock Holmes | Sherlock
Benedict Cumberbatch himself
Cillian Murphy :
Thomas Shelby | Peaky Blinders
Jonathan Crane | Batman begins
Lenny Miller | Anna
Timekeeper Raymond Leon | Time Out
Sebastian Stan :
Bucky Barnes | mcu
Mickey | Monday
Lee Bodecker | the devil all the time
Sebastian Stan himself
Lance Tucker | the bronze
Steve Kemp | fresh
Michael Fassbender :
David8 | Prometheus/Covenant
Erik Lensherr | x-men franchise
Brandon Sullivan | shame
Adam Driver :
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren | Star Wars sequels
Flip Zimmerman | blackkklansman
Charlie Barber | marriage story
Jacques le Gris | the last duel
Additional characters :
Michael Gray | Peaky Blinders
Harry Osborn, both version | spider man, TASM
Andrew Garfield’s spider man | TASM
Henry Bowers | IT
Michael Langdon | AHS : apocalypse
Billy Hargrove | stranger things
King Louis XVI | the man in the iron mask
Jim Mason | the tribes of Palos Verdes
Alex Summers | X-men franchise
Mysterio | spider man : far from home
President Loki | Loki series
Anakin Skywalker | Star Wars prequels
Thandruil | the hobbit
Legolas | LOTR and the hobbit
Din Djarin | the mandalorian
Michael Scofield | prison break
Achilles | Troy
Norman Bates | psycho
And probably more, so don’t hesitate to ask! ( mostly marvel, Star Wars, etc... )
Genres I like :
- romance
- drama
- action
- science fiction
- daily life issues ( if that makes sense lol )
- horror/thrillers
[ Thank you so much for taking time to browse through these infos! Please don’t be afraid to message me, I promise I don’t bite. Take care :3 ]
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ladyfloriographist · 3 years
Uncommonly Pretty (Ao3 link): Enola Holmes AU where Sherlock Holmes (Henry Cavill) and Dr John Watson (Tom Hiddleston) both fall for Reader (a seamstress newly arrived in London) - or Part 1 // Part 2 coming soon!
Valentine: Captain James Nicholls writes love letters to Reader from the Western Front
Working Girl: Dr Gregory House M.D. meets a younger, curvy Reader at a bar one night
Number 10: Tensions bubble over one night between Prime Minister Peter Laurence (Roadkill BBC 2020) and one of his aides–you!
Promises: Luca Changretta has kept Reader waiting all day, but he makes it up to you
Descent of Man: Commander Joseph Laurence x Reader in a Handmaid’s Tale AU
Sherlock Holmes
Mycroft Holmes
Sir Thomas Sharpe
Jonathan Pine
Dr Robert Laing
Adam (OLLA)
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just-the-hiddles · 3 years
Twelve Days of Hiddlesmas | Day 5 | I’ll Be Home for Christmas | Captain James Nicholls
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A/N: This is done in a completely different style than I usually write as it is a letter.  And it is super short.  Just 288 words.  This header will be longer than it.  So no page break.  I promise most of the fics are longer.  
Pairing: Captain James Nicholls x Reader
Summary: A wartime Christmas letter home.
Warnings: mentions of war
The Whole Enchilada:  @winterisakiller​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @hopelessromanticspoonie @pinkzz123​ @jessiejunebug​ @cherrygeek86​​ @littleredstarfish​ @rjohnson1280​ @the-minus-four​ @wiczer​ @lotus-eyedindiangoddess​ @catsladen​ @coppercorn-and-cauldron​ @gerli49​ @lovesmesomehiddles​ @devilbat​ @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic​ @tinchentitri​ @theheartofpenelope​ @noplacelikehome77​ @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @snoopy3000​ @voila-tout​ @wolfsmom1​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @xxloki81xx​ @thewaithfuckingannoyme​ @kcd15​ @amirra88​ @malkaviangirl​ @evanlys19​ @thejemersoninferno​ @sadwaywardkid​ @is-it-madness​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @peterman-spideyparker​ @caffiend-queen @sleepylunarwolf​ @anagrom​ @bradfordbantams​ @ms-cellanies​ @what-just-happened-bro​ @stubby-toe-589331​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @loki-smut-library​ @imnotrevealingmyname​ @trippedmetaldetector​ @tea4sykes​ @noambition-blog @sherala007​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @cursethedarkness​ @jewels2876​ @fixatedfandomhunter​ @myraiswack​ @lokikenway97​ @groovylokifanficpersona​ @ciaodarknessmyheart​ @bitchcraft-at-its-finest @hanyasnape​ @lokislastlove​ @stuckysdaughter​ @theunwantedomega​ @dryyoursaltyoceantears​ @petitefirecracker10​ @thummbelina​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @krazycags01​ @howaboutash @thehumanistsdiary​ @daddylouislittle​ @flakyfreak​ @sigyn-nightshade @green-valkyrie​ @usedtobegoodfriend96​ @salempoe​ @traumschiffe​ @letsdisneythings​ @arch-venus25​ @thefuckthesaurus​ @karushinekomiya​ @black-ninja-blade​ @worshipping-skarsgard​ @songbirdonamission​ @freakishlyadorable​ @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @big-phat-cat​ @idontevenknowwbro​ @nikkalia​ @lokilvrr​ @slutforhiddlebum​ @make-it-rien​ @nildespirandum​ @kimanne723​ @build-a-bucky​ @ladyacrasia​ @dangertoozmanykids101​ @mandywholock1980​ @vengrl @delightfulheartdream​ @creator-appreciator​ @loki-yoursaviourishere​ @liz-rdwitch​  @luke-windsors-diary​ @pandaxnienke​ @mariekoukie6661​ @7soulstars​ @kiliskywalker666​ @rebbie444​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​ @hufflautia​ @jaysayey​ @what-a-flammable-heart​ @imherefortomhiddleston​ @6heaven6horror6  @megand2017​ @rachelxwayne​ @vipervixxen​ @cartoonlover101​ @velvety-soft-kitten​
Taglists are open! Please let me know if you wish to be added!
My darling,
I am hoping this letter finds you in good health. I appreciated your most recent letter and the news of Mrs. Collins and the errant cow. I can see her in my mind now shooing the cow from the yard. All the boys thought it was funny as well. It is getting colder and colder T and I am grateful for my thick wool coat, particularly at night. How I miss sitting in front of a warm fire in the fireplace with Mother playing the piano and Father reading. And you by my side. I miss our talks, my love. And your smile. The memory of your smile is often the only thing getting me through the days.
I won’t trouble your mind with the horror stories of life in trenches. I have seen things no man should see, and I will be grateful to return home after we win the war and make you my wife and put all this behind me.
Well enough about that. There is talk of there being a Christmas truce here. Can you imagine having Christmas dinner with a German soldier? Although it would not be the strangest thing to happen out here. I am looking forward to seeing what there may be to eat. I overheard Matthews mention the possibility of a Christmas goose.
The light is getting as the sun dips below the horizon. I shall drift off to sleep dreaming of you, my love. I miss you so much and I love you more than anything. And it is your love that is keeping me going. We shall be together when I return. Until then, keep me in your prayers, darling. Happy Christmas.
Yours always,
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merakiaes · 4 years
(Characters and fandoms for which requests are open are below the cut so if you don’t want to read the guidelines, you can just scroll down there. However, I do recommend you to at least skim through the “I don’t write”-section to make it easier for both of us!)
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If you make a request, anonymous or not, you have to leave a comment on your fic. (Read more about why here.) Even better would be if you reblogged it to help get my work out to more readers!, but I will settle with a comment if you, for some reason, don’t want to reblog. 
This means there should always be a minimum of one comment under every requested fic I post - if I see that this isn’t being followed, I’m going to stop writing requests. Simple as that.
With that said, don’t bother requesting if you’re not ready to make this exchange because that’s just unpaid work. 
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Specified and inappropriate/illegal age gaps. Example, an underage student and an adult teacher.
Specified body types.
Body image issues & ED’s.
Male reader.
POC reader.
Specified physical features. (Hair colors, eye colors, etc.)
I try to stay as neutral to physical appearance as I possibly can so that everyone gets an equal chance at emerging themselves into the role, no matter the reader’s ethnicity, height, build, and so on.
Writing plus size!reader and writing about eating disorders and body immage issues is too triggering for me as I, myself, struggle with body dysmorphia on a daily basis.
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Don’t be too vague with your request. For example, a request asking for a fic where “the reader is a character x’s sister”, or "the reader is shy” or”sassy”, is not enough for me to go on. I need a scenario, a plot, an action, an endgame, or a dialogue prompt.
Contrary to the previous point; don’t make requests with too much detail or too long of a timeline, either. I don’t have the energy nor time to write requests that are spread out over eternity and that would end up being as long as a novel.
When requesting prompts from my prompt-lists, ALWAYS include the number and name of the list, not just the quote. The lists you can request for are the following:
Fluff Angst Smut Kiss Hug Common tropes
Don’t get pissy if you request something and I kindly tell you that I don’t write that kind of thing, whatever it may be. I’ve had to deal with this a lot lately and it’s really annoying. All writers have their own, individual preferences, and that’s their right.
Keep in mind all that is written above, and feel free to send several requests if you want to guarantee that you get at least one of them done - some things are easier to write than others and I always appreciate having requests to pick from depending on my mood and current motivation.
Requests are currently open for the following fandoms and characters. Please send in requests!
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Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Luke Alvez
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia
Matt Simmons
Will LaMontagne
Clyde Easter
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Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Peter Parker (Tom Holland & Andrew Garfield)
Loki Laufeyson
Scott Lang
Bucky Barnes
Stephen Strange
Jack Thompson
Bruce Banner
Eddie Brock
Helmut Zemo
Darcy Lewis
Daniel Sousa
Logan Howlett
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Nathan Summers
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
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Paul Lahote
Leah Clearwater
Edward Cullen
Charlie Swan
Mike Newton
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Derek Hale
Jordan Parrish
Peter Hale
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Ben Solo
Armitage Hux
Anakin Skywalker
Poe Dameron
Padmé Amidala
Young Han Solo
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Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Jim Hopper
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Sebastian “Bash” de Poitiers
Leith Bayard
Louis Condé
James Stewart
Prince Henri
Mary Stuart
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Geralt of Rivia
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Lincoln Burrows
Alexander Mahone
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James Conrad
Reg Slivko
Earl Cole
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William Lennox
Sam Witwicky
Robert Epps
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Eric Coulter
Peter Hayes
Tobias Eaton
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Fred Weasley
Draco Malfoy
George Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Remus Lupin (young & adult)
Hermione Granger
Bill Weasley
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Severus Snape
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Sandor Clegane
Jorah Mormont
Edd Tollett
Jon Snow
Gendry Baratheon
Jaime Lannister
Sansa Stark
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Ben Miller
William “Ironhead” Miller
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Santiago “Pope” Garcia
Tom “Redfly” Davis
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Tommy Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Ada Shelby
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James Norrington
Will Turner
Jack Sparrow
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Luke Crain
Steve Crain
Theo Crain
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Dan Torrence (Doctor Sleep)
Detective David Loki (Prisoners)
Floyd Lawton (Arrow)
Smitty Ryker (Hacksaw Ridge)
Captain James Nicholls (War Horse)
Sam Drake (Uncharted)
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Rick Flag (Suicide Squad)
Nathan Prescott (Life Is Strange)
Sweet Pea (Riverdale - first season only)
Jace Wayland (The Mortal Instruments, 2013)
Murtagh Morzansson (Eragon)
Jason Lee Scott (Power Rangers, 2017)
Jesse Zeklos (Vampire Academy)
Matt Campbell (The Haunting in Connecticut)
Nick Jones (House of Wax)
Ludovica Storti (Baby)
Reid Garwin (The Covenant)
Tyler Simms (The Covenant)
Fezco (Euphoria)
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Final Movies Watched List- 2021
Ballet Shoes- 2007, director. Sandra Goldbacher
Alice In Wonderland- 2010, dir. Tim Burton
V for Vendetta- 2005, dir. James McTeigue
In The Heights- 2021, dir. Jon M. Chu
The Avengers*, 2012, dir. Joss Whedon
Thor*, 2011, dir. Kenneth Branagh
Captain America: The First Avenger*, 2011, dir. Joe Johnston
Enola Holmes- 2020, dir. Harry Bradbeer
10 Things I Hate About You- 1999, dir. Gil Junger
Dinosaurs*- 2000, dir. Ralph Zondag
Into The Woods- 2014, dir. Rob Marshall
The Amazing Spiderman 2- 2014, dir. Mark Webb
Batman: The Dark Knight- 2008, dir. Christopher Nolan
Wolverine: X Men Origins- 2009, dir. Gavin Hood
The Heat- 2013, dir. Paul Feig
The Wedding Singer- 1998, dir. Frank Coraci
Pirates of The Caribbean- 2003, dir. Gore Verbinski
X Men- 2000, dir. Bryan Singer
Night At The Museum*- 2006, dir. Shawn Levy
Catch Me If You Can- 2002, sir. Steven Spielberg
The Truman Show- 1998, dir. Peter Weir
Where The Heart Is- 2000, dir. Matt Williams
The Lost Boys- 1987, dir. Joel Schumacher
The Birdcage- 1996, dir. Mike Nichols
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls- 1995, dir. Steve Oedekerk
Raya And The Last Dragon- 2021, dir. Carlos López Estrad, Don Hall
Inside- 2021, dir. Bo Burnam
Wish Dragon- 2021, dir. Chris Appelhans
Interview With The Vampire- 1994, dir. Neil Jordan
Twighlight- 2008, dir. Cathrine Hardwicke
The Rocky Horror Picture Show- 1975, dir. Jim Sharman
Austin Powers in Goldmember- 2002, dir. Jay Roach
The Breakfast Club- 1985, dir. John Hughes
Wayne's World- 1992, dir. Penelope Spheeris
RV- 2006, dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
Bring It On- 2000, dir. Peyton Reed
The Social Network- 2010, dir. David Fincher
Billy Madison- 1995, dir. Tamara Davis
Tommy Boy- 1995, dir. Peter Segal
Beetlejuice- 1988, dir. Tim Burton
Dear Evan Hansen- 2021, dir. Stephen Chbosky
Bruce Almighty- 2003, dir. Tom Shadyac
Joe Vs. The Volcano- 1990, dir. John Patrick Shanley
Short Circuit- 1986, dir. John Badham
Buffy The Vampire Slayer- 1992, dir. Fran Rubel Kuzui
Black Swan- 2010, dir. Darren Aronofsky
Dracula Untold- 2014, dir. Gary Shore
Forrest Gump- 1994, dir. Robert Zemeckis
Shang Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings- 2021, dir. Destin Daniel Cretton
Doctor Strange*- 2016, dir. Scott Derrickson
10 Things I Hate About You*- 1999, dir. Gil Junger
Sing- 2016, dir. Garth Jennings
Black Panther*- 2018, dir. Ryan Coogler
Christmas With The Kranks- 2004, dir. Joe Roth
Clifford The Big Red Dog- 2021, dir. Walt Becker
*indicates rewatched
There you have it folks! All 54 movies I watched this year. Can't wait to see how many we end of 2022!
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burberrybaby · 3 years
ʚ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨 ɞ
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rules and guidelines for requesting a fic! please read through it all before sending me a request. anonymous requests are completely okay as well.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭
your request must be sent as an ask! you can choose whether or not to remain anonymous, and even assign yourself an emoji so i can identify who’s sending the requests.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝
in your request, i encourage to send a few things in the ask. one of which is a pairing, or whom you want me to write for (eg. chris evans x actress!reader or johnathon pine x woc!reader.) sending in a prompt or gif is also very helpful for me for while i’m writing the fic for you, as i can add them in.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐧𝐨’𝐬
if your ask includes a topic i am uncomfortable writing for, i will reject your request. a few things i will not write a fic for include non-con, watersports, and anal. a few i am picky about writing include dub-con, dark topics, and certain au’s.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
chris evans, andy barber, ransom drysdale, steve rogers, johnny storm, (hayden) harvard hottie, ryan (cellular.)
tom hiddleston, loki laufeyson, thomas sharpe, jonathan pine, james conrad, captain james nicholls (war horse,) doctor robert laing.
bucky barnes, charles blackwood, lance tucker, sheriff bodecker, jefferson (once upon a time.)
anthony mackie, sam wilson, bernard garret, king (the hate u give,) captain leo, adrian doorbal (pain & gain.)
henry cavill, clark kent, geralt of rivia (the witcher,) sherlock holmes.
any other mcu character, a few obx characters
if a character or actor you’d like to request for is not on this list, just ask about them!
❀ 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ❀
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redshirtgal · 4 years
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You may remember seeing Lt. Farrell as one of the many rotating navigators on Star Trek. We saw him for the first time in “Mudd’s Women.”   In production order, this episode would have been filmed before the “The Corbomite Maneuver” and originally Dave Bailey was supposed to have the navigator’s chair. But Roddenberry never knew in which order the scripts would be completed and aired. So to make sure there were no inconsistencies, he came up with the character of Lt. John Farrell in case “Mudd’s Women” aired after Bailey’s departure to stay with Balok.
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And actually for a foreground actor, his role was fairly meaty in this episode. The actor Jim Goodwin was a friend of John D.F. Black, one of Star Trek’s Executive Producers as well as the first Executive Story Consultant. Black had often steered roles his way and this part was a good one for Goodwin to display his acting ability. 
It appears Lt. Farrell is an excellent navigator at the beginning of the episode. He helps track Mudd’s cargo ship as it enters the asteroid field and suggests they put a deflector shield over it to keep it from being destroyed. A suggestion which Captain Kirk decides to take even though Scotty warns him it’s going to be too much of a strain on the ship. 
The revised draft of this episode described Farrell as being “a super-conscious twenty-eight-year-old... red-haired, one of those people who fight to put out 100 percent all the time... which is too much sometimes."
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Which means sometimes you get this reaction when Lt. Farrell is a bit nervous ... as in this scene when it appears all the lithium crystals are going one by one. 
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And another one - evidently Sulu and Farrell took a break and were in the corridor when the three beauties sashayed by. As Sulu leads a stunned Farrell back to his seat, he refers to him as Johnny-O. This is the only time we ever hear Lt. Farrell’s  first name mentioned. This was not his original first name though. In the final draft, his first name was Jim and Sulu refers to him as James-O in the same scene. 
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Farrell’s judgment leaves him completely when Magda convinces him to hand over his communicator along with information about the miners. She turns both the communicator and said info over to Harry Mudd which allows him to blackmail Kirk. According to Memory Alpha, there were a few lines cut from this scene. In the final draft, Lt. Farrell tells the charming Magda as they stroll along that he has a girlfriend and also that he wants to grow a mustache. Later in the same version it appears Magda does have a heart when she tells Harry “ "I hope he doesn't get in trouble... he's really very sweet."
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Poor Lt. Farrell can’t seem to shake off the effects of those gazes when the hearing ends and everyone returns to his normal station. He gets dressed down by Kirk because the captain has had to repeat an order twice. Which results in another Farrell wide-eyed expression. 
All ends well by the end, of course. Farrell’s composure returns once Captain Kirk returns to the bridge after leaving Rigel 12. But it’s a lot of fun to see how often we see the whites of his eyes as he reacts to whatever stressful situation he is in.
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Going by production order, Lt. Farrell appears again as navigator in “The Enemy Within.” (strangely, this episode appeared right before “Mudd’s Women”). There was a deleted scene in the final draft right after Geological Technician Fisher calls for help over the intercom. Spock and Farrell are shown on the bridge listening to his call. According to this script, Spock bolts for the turbolift doors and yells back for Lt. Farrell to take over.  Alas, as mentioned, that scene was dropped. Which is a shame because it again establishes Lt. Farrell as someone who is competent and has the respect and trust of both Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. He’s not just some overwrought officer who makes goofy faces. Instead, we don’t see Lt. Farrell until almost the end when the Evil Captain Kirk enters the bridge and sits in the Captain’s chair.  Farrell’s above expression comes from Evil Kirk’s orders to leave the planet, even though that means stranding the other members of the landing party in sub-zero temperatures. 
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About this time, the real Captain Kirk along with Dr. McCoy walk onto the bridge from the turbolift. Knowing he has to act fast, Evil Kirk orders Farrell and James to arrest what he says is the imposter. 
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Once the real Kirk begins advancing toward his evil counterpart, Farrell is really confused and just freezes in position. At one point, he plaintively asks Mr. Spock what to do but Spock ignores him as he watches the drama play out.  Notice that our Lt. Farrell is the only one who seems to actually rise or make any attempt to get up out of his chair during this scene. Another sign that despite his shortcomings in “Mudd’s Women” he really is a fine office. 
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About the time “Miri” was beginning to be filmed, John D.F. Black decided to leave the show. Which meant Jim Goodwin no longer had his friend and sponsor to steer roles his way. Lt. Farrell appears for the last time in this episode, although he is not in his traditional navigator seat. He has taken Uhura’s place at the communications station (Nichelle Nichols was considered a day player, not a contract player. So we did not see her in every episode). 
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But Lt. Farrell does play an important role in this episode. He is the one who relays all the information Spock gives him into the ship’s computer in an attempt to find a cure for the deadly virus that affects the inhabitants once they beginning entering puberty.  Even though Jim Goodwin was assigned to roles originally meant for Anthony D. Call and for Nichelle Nichols, he was also on the receiving end of having parts meant for him given to other actors. Farrell had scenes in the first drafts of both Charlie X and The Naked Time. By the final draft, however, his part in Charlie X had disappeared. And his part in “The Naked Time”? It was assigned to a new character named Kevin Riley. 
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Jim Goodwin came to Hollywood by way of Boston, Massachusetts. He had begun his acting career long before Star Trek, making his first appearance in 1950 on the TV show Starlight Theatre. After that, he had a fairly steady stream of small parts in both television and film. 
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Before Jim Goodwin was seen on Star Trek, he had small parts in two episodes of a popular television western called The Virginian. In “A Man of Violence” he played the role of Corporal Perkins. The teleplay was written by his friend John D.F. Black.  In the same episode, DeForest Kelley was cast as Lt. Beldon, the medical officer for the camp. And Leonard Nimoy played a bad guy named Wismer (seen above lying on his side).  
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Also before Star Trek, Farrell had two appearances in 1964 as a helmsman in the sci fi TV series Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. The above screenshot is from the episode “The Invaders.” 
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As mentioned earlier, Goodwin did have small parts in a number of movies, including Ice Station Zebra (1968), The Reivers (1969), and Emperor of the North (1973), in which he played the part of Fakir (see publicity photo above).  This would be his last movie, although he still was active in television up until 1979 and ended his career with a total of 50 credits.
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Sadly the year after his last film, Jim Goodwin’s death notice appeared in the Los Angeles Times on May 20th, 1980. It is quite scanty but since he was not buried in L.A., it is possible that a larger obituary was seen in one of the papers from the Boston area and from Beverly, Massachusetts.
There does not seem to be any information about Jim Goodwin. Many Star Trek extras had other careers or jobs on the side and continued those when the acting parts began running dry. This may well be Jim Goodwin’s story as well. No mention was seen of him ever appearing in a Star Trek convention, which is a shame, because certainly avid fans would have remembered him and been interested in hearing about his days on the Star Trek set. 
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magicmanias · 4 years
I love your work, you are an amazing writer! I was wondering if you could please write a fanfic about Captain James Nicholls?😁 Like one where he survives the war
You know, I actually have a WIP where this happens. I’ll give you the summary for now, since it’s not at the top of the to-do list:
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I Will Always Find You 
James Nicholls x Nurse!Reader
Extra! Extra! Great Britain is now at war with Germany! Give us your horses and give us your men! Great Britain is at war with Germany! It’s 1914. And your life had only just begun. Finally, you were accepted into John Hopkins Medical School to continue your nursing education--as a woman no less. And August had come at last. You could pack your bags and buy a plane ticket to America and... Extra! Extra! Great Britain is at war with Germany! Nurses will be needed. It was only a matter of time before you received a draft letter. You would be going to war. 
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smolvenger · 1 year
Miss Narracott and The Captain- Chapter Eight Finale (!)
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Fandom: War Horse
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of sex, death, and violence but nothing brutal other than one brief mention that gets a bit vivid. But LOTS of fluff and emotions and crying and hugging. A Happy Ending.
Chapter Word Count: 3K
Series Summary: It is 1914. You are Y/N Narracott, the older sister of Albert Narracott. You must do what you can so your family can keep their farm. And so your brother can keep his beloved horse. Under financial struggles, you never expect romance to come into your life...until you have a chance encounter with James Nicholls- a Captain with a knack for drawing. But the threat of war lingers in the air...
Part One//Part Two//Part Three//Part Four//Part Five//Part Six//Part Seven
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
A/N: Thank you guys so much for sticking with this story for a character who we saw only briefly but deserved much more <3!! I hope you enjoy the finale!!
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract
@eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @infinitystoner @12-pm-510 @meowmeow-motherfucker
November, 1918
It was another long day at the hospital. Not another overnight, but still long. You had an hour to go for your time, as you checked the clock. You headed over to make sure there was a glass of water on each bedside table.
It was simple training. It didn’t take long to get a First Aid and Home Nursing certification. They gave you a uniform of a white cap, a dark dress, and a white apron with a red cross stitched over the chest. Your first days as a VAD were full of fixing cups of tea and changing sheets.
But by now you had sewn flesh together. You had seen men die with their eyes open. You had seen infections that made you feel queasy to look at. Once, you were asked to hold down a man’s leg as it was amputated. You never forgot his screams. They rung in your nightmares for a week. Compared to that, sewing together flesh was easy. Many of the other volunteers were women from families who were not accustomed to hard work. They were in for a large shock and were forced to adaptation. Only a few came from labor or farms, as you did,and could tolerate work for long hours. But it was as if the sight of death had bonded and toughened you all.
With the young men in town away to fight, it was mostly women you ran into. They were glad and grateful friends. Your weekly knitting club for the troops led to much baked goods, playful gossip, released sobs, and vulnerable confessions. You valued the women you met and befriended in your circles, your fellow VAD’s, and neighbors and new in-laws.
But none of them could replace James, of course. James with his occasional visits when he was discharged- visits that ended too soon every time. James with his constant, beautiful letters filled with sketches. Just the last one read.
“My dear Mrs. Nicholls,
Joey is doing well. He’s as fit and stubborn and spirited as can be, no wonder he’s lasted so long. He’s racing alongside Topthorn-not that I’m too surprised about the speed of his gallop. Jaimie sends you his love and good wishes as well.
 I’ve been thinking of you in Somerset. Of the reward to come-to come back to my wife, to come back to you. I hope you recall the Teddy Bear I sent you for your birthday. Yes, it is a children’s toy, but when you miss me, you may embrace him as you would me and kiss him on his head as you would me.  It is a bit of love I send back to you to console you. At least until I can return to your arms and kisses for real.
Do not think of me as less of a man, but I confess, that is what moves me- a future of ours. A house of our own.  Children of our own playing around the living room and getting into trouble. We can play music on the phonograph all we want without the cacophony of guns around us. We will laugh and talk over any silly old thing over every meal. Then we’ll go to bed, and I’ll take you as I did in the grass and we’ll make love without any fear or shame, only how much we adore each other…”
But now it was not only James and Joey you had to worry about. That first year, Albert ran off to join the army. When you found out, you ran to your parents and sobbed as you hugged them. Only sometimes you got a letter from him and you would press your parents for updates.
It only pushed you to work harder as a VAD and take it seriously. Knowing these soldiers groaning in their beds were someone else’s James or Albie. That someone was going to lose their husband or brother or son. And if you hurried and focused on the tasks at hand, you could help save someone’s life. That was what was on your mind when one of the doctors walked into the room.
“Everyone, there is an announcement- all staff must hurry into the lobby,” he declared.
Finishing pouring the last glass of water, you set the pitcher on a table and hurried there. All of you gathered in your uniforms, heads turning with whispers of what it could be. The head of the hospital stood there in the center of the room with a newspaper, he took off his spectacles to face you all. There were tears in his brown eyes.
“Everyone…England is going to sign an armistice this month with Germany and the other countries on the eleventh of this month. It will be the last day of fighting. In short, the war is about to end.”
There was silence. You could hear a few gasps. Every bit of you was vibrating and the breath in your lungs stopped. Finally, there was a cheer and an applause that broke out. Your colleagues wrapped their arms around you and hugged you and you hugged back.
You couldn’t believe it. Had it all been so fast? Yet so slow? It’s over…it’s over…the war is finally over!
But, from that last letter…James sent it just last month. Things could have changed. He still could have been killed! Or Albert too! All you had to do was wait for a final letter or telegram. One last one and it would confirm if James and Albert survived. Or not. In your heart, the war was not yet done. Just a few more days of fear…then it would be settled.
November 11th arrived, and the bells of the church rang louder than any Christmas you had seen. People danced in the streets, threw confetti, and cheered. There was no telegram. But no letter either.  You shook every time the mail was delivered that month. But nothing crucial so far. 
You were enjoying one of your free days eating luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls. There was a knock on the door that made you jump.
“This isn’t when the postman arrives- it’s two hours early. Are we expecting visitors?” asked Mr. Nicholls.
“No, Mrs. Hayter isn’t arriving until tomorrow…” Mrs. Nicholls answered.
“I’ll get it,” you offered, getting out of your chair.
As you took a few steps closer to the door, you heard a sound.
A whinny. A horse’s whinny. A very familiar horse’s whinny. A whinny you had not heard since…since…
Your steps to the door became a run. You threw it open and let out a scream at the sight.
It was James in his now dirtied green uniform. He was standing outside leading Joey by the leash and giving you a salute. Without another word, you ran towards him, almost tackling him into a hug.
“James…James…is it you? Please tell me if this is real! Please-please tell me it’s you!” you begged, your voice breaking into tears.
You felt a hand reach your back. You could smell him, feel him, and hear that voice you loved so much.
“Yes, my darling…it’s me…and I’m not leaving anywhere, I’m staying with you for a very long time…” he answered.
There were footsteps and a shout from his parents behind you. You grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He smelt of wind and the smoke of travel as well as the horse and could feel his hands wrap around your back. You hugged him again and began to sob into his uniform, not caring anymore if it stained. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back so tight. Then he let go and greeted his parents, taking off his cap. Mrs. Nicholls kissed her son’s face a dozen times. Mr. Nicholls was weeping so badly his back shook as he hugged his son, James let him cry and rocked him as he stood. Assuring him, “it’s alright, father-I’m here. I’m back…”
You then turned to Joey and hugged his muzzle. The younger colt in the Narracott farm would have run away the second his leash was freed. But Joey, now a beautiful stallion in his own right, stood still. He accepted you just as he did the last day you saw him.
“I missed you, old boy. I missed you so much! I’m glad you made it- I’m so glad! Albie’s missed you most of all-he’ll be beside himself!”  you whispered to the horse.
You kissed his long snout with its white diamond. He leaned back into you as if to hug you back.
To think, James was back home. Every single neighbor visited to see him all afternoon.  Already at dinner, he was here to eat and compliment the cook. He finished his plate, cupping his wine in his large hand with one palm.
 “Good God, I’ve missed all of you so much…the things I’ve seen…things I’ve heard…I don’t know if I can be in another war after this…” he said.
“This one is over…it’s all bad memories, James…you can rest now…” Mrs. Nicholls said.
“And how is the prettiest volunteer in England? I hope she can rest as well?” James asked, turning to you.
“I was thinking…I do like being a part of the VAD…if they still need help, I’ll volunteer…”
“Oh, of course you can, Mrs. Nicholls,” he replied with a smile.
“You can always tell us what you saw…what was it like-fighting?” your mother-in-law questioned.
James became still and his face was white.
“I saw everything ….my first battle, I saw a man blasted to pieces-his guts flying from the shot of a machine gun…”
He opened up as much as he could. The horrors and violence he had seen. The deaths too many to name. A friend one day was a corpse the next hour. All of you were silent as he recounted.
Both of you planned to return Joey to the Devon farm tomorrow. You both laid in bed after dinner. Too tired for anything more than simply holding each other. You put your fingers through his blonde-red hair. Traced each feature of his to memorize it.
“You didn’t fool around with some French girl, I hope!” you huffed.
His voice was earnest.
“I swear on my grandfather’s grave, there were no girls from any country anywhere near me all that time! Jaimie will tell you likewise…Y/N…may I confide something to you?” he asked.
“I remembered the promise I made you when I left. When it started…”
“Yes, I recall, my dear…”
He turned over to you. Adjusting himself on the pillow so he lay right in front of you. You retreated your hands.
“I kept it. I talked to my superiors. Told them we needed to consider the German’s weaponry and plan accordingly. At first, they said no. I asked them again. They said no again. Then another major came in. He agreed. Then the more they talked to, the more it was agreed. Like common sense. They got permission. They sent spies. We fought with guns when we knew there’d be guns…no surprise attacks. Nothing without strict preparation and knowledge…”
“Did you ever charge your calvary?” you asked. You shifted to be in the blankets from the cold November night.
“Only a few times. But, Y/N, I remembered…I remembered you. And I did my best to survive without disobeying orders. Somehow…well, to be honest, I never went against major orders and even then, I don’t think I was ever caught to be killed as a traitor! But I survived. I thought of you…of how sad you were and how you told me you didn’t want to spend your life a widow. I wanted to keep my word…”
He swallowed. You saw one tear in the duct of his eye.
“You did, James, you did…”
He took both of your hands. He smiled down, seeing you both still wore your wedding bands. Then he placed a kiss on them.
“I wanted to thank you, Y/N…if it wasn’t for that…for you, your promise-if I never met you, never loved you, never married you…I don’t know if I’d be here…” he confided.
You gave him a kiss on the lips. It was probably your fiftieth of the day. But after four years of deprivation, you were glad to be caught up. You positioned him to rest against your chest, wrapping your arms around him.
“My parent’s will cry when they see you tomorrow…when they see Joey, too. We’ll have to ask them if they heard any word on Albie…I can only pray he’s alive now,” you said.
“He’s a natural soldier. There’s a chance he did…” James mused.
You stared up at the white ceiling. The house creaked with the nighttime settling over it.
“To think, James, we have one part of our lives ending. Now there’s a new one. No guns, no violence. A peacetime-just beginning….”
He got up from how you held him, then pulled the blankets over the both of you.
“As long as that peacetime is with you, then it will be worth it…” he said with a smile.
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April 1920. A year and almost a half later.
A new spring was born to match the new decade. Today, it was the perfect temperature of not too hot and not too cold. The tulips, daisies, and crocuses were in bloom everywhere. The field between Somerset and Devon was stunning. You noticed how it rolled on as James drove the motorcar down to visit your family. The brown rabbits hopped around the fields. The river, Innocent’s grove, was such a bright blue it seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. Soon it turned to the wide, sloping streets of your hometown. You waved hello to your old shop friends- Mary, Ida, and Alice all had found loves, marriages, or occupations of their own and were smiling. Of course, you made a quick stop to admire the painting of your husband in the town hall. On one corner, you could read its inscription.
’Joey’- Cpn. Nicholls, Fall, 1918.
All of you then finished the drive to the Narracott farm for a picnic.
Your family, along with a much alive Albert, welcomed you each. You, your husband, and baby sitting up in your arms. She thankfully didn’t make one cry the whole trip!
Dressed in her little white frock and little tufts of hair that looked just like yours, Little Rose Nicholls was the picture of infant health. Named after her grandmother, your mother.
There was never a happier night than when she arrived.  She was born in October of 1919. She arrived and cried her first cry when the clock struck eleven. James ran up to the room the second he was allowed, and her crying calmed down when he held the small baby in a white bundle. He teared up and kissed her forehead, never letting her go until she needed to be fed.
James told you he was glad he survived the war just for that day. He got to live to have her, to see her, to hold her in his arms, to love her.
The newly crowned Uncle Albert took her in his arms and blew a raspberry on her cheek. She turned with wide eyes.
“Can we introduce her to Joey?! I don’t think they’ve met yet!” he offered.
“Yes, of course we can!” you said.
Out all of you walked to the backyard. Harold still waddled about. The War To End All Wars came and went and Harold was still biting everyone’s legs. He did make a few threatening nips of his beak that made Rosie a little scared and she cried. But she stopped when they passed him, and you approached Joey’s field.
“Oof- she’s already getting’ heavy!” Albert commented. “She’s a big girl now!”
“Here, let me have her,” James offered.
Her father scooped her into his arms. Albert whistled like an owl as Joey trotted closer, swishing his long, black tail.
Would Joey make a sudden noise to frighten her? No. The creature seemed to know that she was young and had to approach her with gentleness. How incredible animals had a sense like that, Albert would say! Joey slowed his steps and moved his nuzzle close. Only his breath tickling her cheek.
“Here-this is a horse. His name is Joey, darling. What do you think?” James asked, holding her up and closer to the animal.
Her eyes went wide, and she made a small coo. Joey leaned forward. She reached out a grubby hand and touched his nose, petting him.
“There…there’s my girl, Rosie, you pet him like that,” James nudged.
She kept reaching for him, petting him again and again. Then Joey got out his large, pink tongue and licked her hand. Rose Nicholls smiled and began squealing in delight. Joey let her pet him with her grubby hands. And once she was done, he turned away. James carried her over to show her the farm and the animals.
“Here’s the garden mummy grew up in. She’d see rabbits eating her flowers, like the naughty rabbit eating the vegetable garden in your storybook! If you look, we might see one!”
You couldn’t help but smile. Your daughter was worth every sleepless night and disgusting diaper. James was always there by your side to help you. He knew your child needed her father as much as she needed her mother. In fact, he was already beginning to spoil her! A room in your new house dedicated to her nursery. It had the teddy bear in her cradle as well as any little cloth dolly and book and dress he would splurge on for her.
James decided to retire from being a soldier. The War to End All Wars had done too much for him to endure another. Sometimes he even awoke from a nightmare or jumped at a loud sound. He did find work as a schoolteacher. His gentle authority and calm voice of reason was one his students adored him for. And it meant you could still volunteer as a VAD on weekends. He would grade his papers next to Rosie’s cradle in the evening.
You turned around to see Albert smoothing the corners of the picnic blanket out on the grass. Your father brought over a picnic basket. He looked healthy and cheery-he told you he was going to quit drinking and was on his second month without a sip.
“Here! Foods ready! While it’s hot everyone!” Your mother announced, bringing out the savory pie, fresh from the oven.
All of you sat on the blanket. James handed you little Rosie as you sat down. You bounced her on your lap. James made you a plate and passed you yours. Savory pie, sliced bread, berries, cheese, and fresh produce and jam cake too.
Then your father lifted a glass of lemonade.
“Here-let’s have a toast, eh?”
 You all lifted a glass with your free hand.
“Here-to us. Our family!” he cried.
“To us!” all of you repeated.
James turned to you and clinked your glass again.
“And our little family as well,” he cheered.
“To the three of us,” you agreed.
You received him with a peck on the lips. Then all of you began to help yourselves. Rosie herself was beginning to enjoy the small bits of bread you gave her. She gave a laugh like music and you, and James beamed at her. You took a deep breath. Enjoying the spring weather and the picnic with both families. The one who raised you and the one you had. A family, a happy life full of peace with a living husband who loved you.  
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lulubelle814 · 2 months
In Every Life
Summary: Two souls destined for each other, but life has other plans. Will they find each other and have their happy ending?
Part 1 - Thomas Sharpe x Josephine Morrow
Part 2 - Capt James Nicholls x Grace Narracott
Part 3 - Robert Laing x Valerie Hutton
Part 4 - Professor Tom Hiddleston x Olivia Lambert (coming soon)
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crystallized-iron · 4 years
Fic Recs
I really don’t read as much as I should, but there have been some really great ones. MCU and X-Men recs under the read more.
I think... if I counted right, this is 25 recs here. I may have gotten carried away a little bit. Enjoy.
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Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked by Kellyscams Rating: Explicit
Steve's just moved back to Brooklyn after spending ten years in California trying to make a life for himself as an artist right after high school. Having escaped to the other side of the country following the sudden death of his mother, Steve feels guilty about abruptly leaving all his friends for so long, unfulfilled, scared and nervous about started college at his age, and unbelievably lonely. So when he meets Bucky Barnes, a young sex-worker, at a bar the night before his first day of classes, temptations might be too high to resist.
One night paying for sex with the most sinfully gorgeous guy is nothing to brag to the papers about, huh?
S'not like he'll ever see him again anyway...
And we pulled each other like gravity by hllfire Rating: Explicit
Erik accompanies Charles, Crown Prince of the Xavier Empire, to his first diplomatic meeting on the planet Themis, where he finds out something about the Prince and they end up talking about the past and how their paths had crossed before.
Fill for the Day 1 of Cherik Week: Space AU.
Bitter Sweet by LadyDarkPhoenix Rating: Teen
Bucky comes home from the war, finds out he has a daughter he never knew existed and now he must cope with life after the war while taking care of her.
Alternate timeline where Bucky's rescued after falling from the train, but Steve was never told and goes into the ice anyway.
Broken by NotEvenCloseToStraight Rating: Explicit
It took months of therapy for Bucky to break his Winter Soldier conditioning, and Steve was there for him, encouraging him to talk about his past, his fears, his time as the Soldier. And Bucky talked about everything-- except why the barest mention of an Alpha makes him panic. When Steve brings Bucky home, Alpha!Tony is ready to welcome Bucky with open arms and wings, but Bucky can't look at him, can't be in the same room without his wings flaring out to keep the Alpha away, a broken Omega panicking in the presence of a strong Alpha. But Tony is a good Alpha, and the team pulls together to help Bucky, showing him what it means to be loved, to be healthy and whole, and one day when Tony holds his hand out, Bucky trusts him enough to take it. And Bucky realizes that with a family behind him, with the safety hes found in the Omegas, the companionship from the Betas, and the unconditional love from the Alpha--HIS alpha, he isn’t broken at all. But with a team like the Avengers, tragedy is never far off, and this one rocks the family to their core. How can they fix the broken pieces of their lives when their Alpha is gone?
Close to you, I’m home by OneWithoutAName Rating: Teen
As Erik is searching the manor, he finds something strange in the attic. He knows that he needs to go to Charles, if he wants some answers. After all, why would there be a nest in a small dusty attic room, when there were countless rooms with ridiculously soft beds all around the manor?
Goodbye Brothers by LadyDarkPhoenix Rating: Teen
A look at Dum-e during the events of Iron Man 3 and beyond.
It’s Not What You Think... by LadyDarkPhoenix Rating: Teen
Bucky walks in on Tony dirty talking in the lab but it's not what he thinks.
Letters to Bucky by NotEvenCloseToStraight Rating: Explicit
Stuck in rehab after a near-fatal accident, Tony reaches out via letters to a soldier overseas, and Bucky is more than happy to write back, drawn to Tony for a reason he can't quite name. One or two letters turn into a years worth, then come the phone calls, with Tony quickly realizing that Bucky's voice, with that rolling Brooklyn accent might be his new favorite sound. When Bucky shows up unannounced at Tony's door, one thing leads to another and maybe a confession or two is made. But Bucky's tour overseas isn't over yet, not even close, and they have months more of distance between them. Then Bucky disappears, missing in action, and Tony doesn't know if he will ever get his soldier back. And if Bucky DOES make it home, will he be the same boy from Brooklyn who sent Tony love poems, or has his time away and his injuries changed him for good?
Let your light shine by OneWithoutAName Rating: Teen
Inspired by Moomin TV series from 1990 and the episodes “The invisible friend” and “The invisible Child”. It’s the start of the summer break and Erik, a 13 year old boy living in a small house with his mother in the outskirts a small(ish) English town, is stuck in home because of the rain. The evening seems to get interesting though, when a strange man arrives with an invisible telepath boy and asks them to help him become visible again.
Loving a Vampire by Feelingsinwinter Rating: Mature
In the 19th century, Tony is a greatly appreciated and skilled inspector. His dire need to find the murderers and killers to every case he is given is well known among the people and while it doesn’t always help him to get the answers he needs, at least it makes it easier to convince people to talk to him. When Mary Ann Nichols is found dead, Tony Stark doesn’t know the investigation will put his life in harm’s way, put his marriage with one James Buchanan Barnes on shaky ground and shove him in a situation he wasn’t ready to face.
When a murderer does their best to earn the name of a monster, Tony is ready to do anything to stop them.
My beacon in a storm that is the world by OneWithoutAName Rating: Teen
Erik hated this planet. And he had seen a few along the years as a pilot of the most troublesome research team that had ever existed.
Or, they find a new alien species and Erik catches a bad case of feelings ragarding his relationship with Charles.
Of Broken Dreams and Mended Hearts by Kellyscams Rating: Explicit
When the House of Barnes is left in massive debt after the death of George Barnes, their oldest son and heir, Bucky, is forced to sacrifice his own hopes and dreams by entering an arranged married to Steve Rogers. Steve seems kind enough, has a prominent job in the government, and was even voted Society's Best Catch. But the House Rogers is significantly higher in status than Bucky's family, which means Bucky is marrying up in Society, and marrying up doesn't only come with rewards, it also comes with certain...expectations and losses--some of which Bucky might be willing to do anything to avoid. And those opportunities might come his way.
Unless, of course, he actually starts falling in love with his new husband...
Pirates Heart by NotEvenCloseToStraight Rating: Explicit
The 1700s, the Golden Age of Piracy, and Captain Steve Rogers has all he wants: a ship, a loyal crew, Bucky at his side, and the horizon offering a new adventure everyday. But an impulsive kiss gone wrong leads to a marriage between Steve and Tony Stark, and now Steve doesn't know what to do about ANYTHING. Steve loves Bucky, but something about Tony draws him in. Tony is too innocent for this life, but he picks up a sword anyway. Bucky is Steve's, but when he offers his hand to Tony and now the three of them are something new. When the truth about Steve's mission to ruin the Stark name comes out, Tony runs away, leaving Steve and Bucky behind in search of answers to the secrets hidden from him his whole life-- about his company, about Uncle Obie, about his parents death.
Steve and Bucky cant abandon their mission against Stane and Tony cant deal with the answers he finds in New York. Is this the end? Is Tony gone forever? Or will he leave his old life and return to the sea and the Pirates that hold his heart?
Random Encounter by g33kyclassic Rating: Explicit
Charles is just a typical London commuter...until he sees the most gorgeous man on earth standing a few feet away from him.
Regret is in the past by OneWithoutAName Rating: Teen
Six years after first class, the cold war escalates and the missiles are fired, destroying the world as it was known. Those who managed to live, fight for survival against each other and against the living dead. One would think that the mutants have advantage, but Shaw was wrong in his assumption that the radiation would make them stronger. On the contrary, it made them weaker, their powers only half of what they used to be. In this world of waste land, Erik and what’s left of the brotherhood are trying to survive. It’s five years later, they are cornered by the zombies while they were trying to gather supplies in abandoned town. The situation seems hopeless, until a silver haired boy appears out of nowhere and tells them to be ready to run.
Small Indiscretions (Can Save the World) by LadyDarkPhoenix Rating: Teen
Captain Steve Rogers has defeated the Red Skull but lost his own life in the process, leaving behind a grieving Peggy and guilt-ridden Howard Stark. After looking to Howard for comfort following her great loss, Peggy finds herself facing the scariest mission she’s ever encountered: motherhood.
While this news is devastatingly unwanted for Peggy, Howard sees this as a golden opportunity to give his bride Maria the child she never thought she could have. With a little convincing and promises that she won’t have to be involved with the child’s life if she doesn’t want to be, Peggy agrees to keep and have the baby for the Starks, own personal comfort be damned. She wasn't planning on it being so hard, or finding someone she didn't want to lie to along the way. AKA what if Peggy Carter was more than just Tony Stark’s badass aunt?
The Consequence of Hiding by g33kyclassic Rating: Explicit
Charles is completing his PhD at Oxford when he finds himself in dire need of a new job to support himself and Raven. Erik is a grumpy Mutant Student Counsellor who has yet to fill his student assistant position. Enter Prof. MacTaggert and her matchmaking ways to bring her student and her friend together (in platonic, professional compatibility, of course). Will things stay platonic for Charles and Erik? Only time will tell.
The Funeral by LadyDarkPhoenix Rating: Teen
Tony attends the viewing and funeral of his parents. The other members of the company's board are not amused by his actions there.
The Risks by OneWithoutAName Rating: Teen
Inspired by post on Tumblr It takes Erik by surprise how Mystique doesn't seem to remember just how much Charles has done and risked for them, for their kind. But it seems that Erik wasn't quite aware of the risks either.
The Robot Who Could Feel Pain by slightly_salty_ace Rating: Teen
In which Tony leaves Afghanistan more machine than human. Or rather, Iron Man leaves Afghanistan. To the world, Tony Stark is dead.
Steve is convinced that Iron Man is just a robot with sass because the future is a strange place and he's stopped questioning things.
But when someone from Tony Stark's past returns, putting Iron Man in danger, Steve is forced to start asking questions. Specifically questions about his feelings towards a certain red and gold robot.
The Shared Dream by TurtleTotem Rating: Teen
Charles's cryo-pod malfunctions and wakes him up a century before everyone else. Will he spend the rest of his life alone on a ship full of sleepers? (A Passengers AU.)
The Soldier by LadyDarkPhoenix Rating: Explicit - Read Warning and Tags!
There's something wrong with Bucky. Something very wrong and it may have dire consequences for his friends and loved ones.
Time Falls Away by NotEvenCloseToStraight Rating: Mature
The Battle of New York: Tony flies himself and the nuke through the wormhole and when his suit shuts down and he starts to fall, he knows he's going to die. But then he wakes up in an alley in Brooklyn, two strangers staring down at him in confusion and Tony is sure he is dreaming when he shakes hands first with pre-serum Steve Rogers, and then Bucky Barnes. Trapped in 1942, Tony befriends Steve, and falls in love with Bucky but America is at war, and Bucky and Steve ship out to join the cause. Tony knows all the stories about the Howling Commandos and knows what’s coming for the soldiers, and has to live through history as first Bucky falls, and then Steve disappears. Tony is left alone in the 40's, crying himself to sleep in the house he had shared with his best friend and his lover. But then he wakes up on the pavement in New York, the Hulk roaring in his face, Steve staring down at him, and he has to wonder if it was all a hallucination. When Tony fell through the sky, did he fall through time as well? Why does Steve act so cold towards him? Were he and Bucky really that happy together?
Did it all really happen, or is Tony in love with a life he can only have in his dreams?
We want the same thing by hllfire Rating: Mature
Charles is locked up underground, where his telepathy won't be a problem, deemed too dangerous now to be kept free. Erik pays a visit.
Fill for the Day 2 of Cherik Week: Dark!Charles.
Your Love Alone Is Not Enough by LadyDarkPhoenix Rating: Explicit - Read Warning and Tags!
In an alternative post Civil War, Clint and Bucky fell in love and tried to make a life together. But then Thanos happened and Clint embraced the darkness within himself trying to cope with all his loss.
This is how after Bucky returned, Clint still can't cope with what happened and who he's become. How even though he seems to have it all, his own mind is his now his greatest enemy. Bucky tries to help but how do you help someone that doesn't believe he should be saved?
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Tom Hiddleston's family hero who inspired his name and chiseled good looks
By Craig McDonald & Grace Macaskill 28 MAY 2016 
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There is no mistaking the family resemblance – the same sharp cheek bones, the hint of a mischievous smile and the hypnotic eyes.
And when actor Tom Hiddleston pulled on a WWI uniform for his role in War Horse he became the living image of a heroic ancestor.
His great-great uncle Tom, a shipyard worker who ­volunteered as a soldier, was 21 when he died fighting for his country at the Somme.
Gunner Hiddlestone’s name is engraved on a memorial in the tough Scottish shipbuilding town he came from.
And actor Tom – who played doomed cavalry officer Captain Nicholls in the 2011 Spielberg movie – has drawn inspiration from his humble working-class roots to stay grounded amid the adulation of the showbiz world.
He shares the same name as ancestor Tom, who worked as a plater at Dunlop, Bremner & Co when he volunteered with local unit the Highland Howitzers.
The Howitzers belonged to 260th Brigade Royal Field ­Artillery , of the 51st Highland Division, which hurried to the defence of Ypres in May 1915.
Men serving with the 51st ­Division were among the first British soldiers to be gassed on the Western Front.
Gunner Hiddleston fought with D Battery at the Battle of the Somme, where he was shot on August 27, 1916.He survived and was taken back to a field hospital but succumbed two weeks later to the deadly infection cellulitis.The news was relayed back to his mother Rachel in Greenock’s insalubrious Prospecthill Street. His dad Alexander, a sweet shop owner in the town where sugar firm Tate & Lyle had a huge refinery, was already dead,Vincent Gillen, curator of Greenock’s McLean Museum, said: “Tom’s ­division was one of the first to be gassed so he would have sadly been through a lot before meeting his end.
“We were aware of a possible link with Tom the actor, as there is certainly a family resemblance you can see in the photo.”
His mother Diana Patricia is the granddaughter of Vice-Admiral Reginald Servaes, a Flag Officer commanding the Reserve Fleet, and great-granddaughter of food producer Sir Edmund Vestey, whose family have a 6,000-acre Gloucestershire estate.
But he has never forgotten his father James’s side of his family, describing himself as “a strange hybrid” and saying he feels ­Scottish in spirit. He has spoken fondly of his grandad Alexander who, like WWI hero Tom, served in the Royal Artillery and worked as a plater in the shipyards. Remembering visits to Scotland in his youth, Tom has described how Alexander often took him to a pub where they watched ­football and played darts.
He recalled: “When I went up for his 90th birthday in 2002 he was surrounded by all these old men he played bowls with. “Grandad had his own chair and got very drunk. I’d just left Cambridge and had my first proper acting job – it was a complete culture clash.“I must have looked like a complete p****. But they were all very nice. Grandad said. ‘Ach, I never thought I’d have a grandson on the telly.’ Then he gave me Mint Imperials and a £5 note.”
@thehumming6ird @calgal48 @hiddleshoneybunny @the-haven-of-fiction @lokiwholockfactory @tinchentitri @i-wanna-be-toms-body-pillow @tomkurbikston @devikafernando @purpleshield1548 @nuggsmum @wolfsmom1 @zerofucksclub @ladyoftheteaandblood
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ladyfloriographist · 3 years
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Pairing: Captain Nicholls (War Horse) x femme!Wife!Reader
Warnings: WWI setting, alternate ending fix-it of sorts?, war and death themes, bad for Joey good for James, writing letters (sometimes sexy), yearning, features Major Jamie Stewart (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Captain James Nicholls poured himself a drink and gazed at the sepia photograph. He kept it in his barracks so that he’d always have something to come back to; always, a reason to return to his quarters alive.
He sighed, looking at your photograph. The lighting had been wonderfully golden that afternoon, and your hair had sat so prettily about your face. He picked up the small frame and traced over your image with his thumb.
The urge to write you overwhelmed him. He was certain you hadn’t yet received his most recent letter, having despatched it only yesterday morning—but the desire to feel closer to you was too strong to ignore.
It didn’t ease his heavy heart that the only thing he could do was send you words on a page written by his hand, but the thought of you ripping open the envelope and avidly reading his correspondence before eagerly writing him back compelled him to sit at his desk and scratch out a note.
James loosened the standard-issue khaki-green tie as he pulled a pencil from the top drawer of the desk. He flicked open the top button of the long-sleeved beige-green shirt and ran his long fingers through his neatly-parted, close-cropped, blond hair.
He cleared his throat, and hovered the pencil above the paper, before launching in:
My dearest, loveliest Mrs Nicholls, Today your photograph caught my eye more than it usually does. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you reclined on the chaise in the sunroom, the photographer’s bulb snapping pictures of your angelic form. My sketches of you like that keep me company still. But today was different. I wish the photograph had some way of conveying the colour of your eyes. This is not to say that I have forgotten the look of them. Quite the contrary, dear heart. My memory of the hue of your iris, the fathomless black of your pupil, and the curl of your lashes are of’times the only things that grant me sleep at night in this dreary France. My darling, how I long to see them again. To see the two perfectly shaped crystal orbs in your face and look into them until I lose myself in your soul.
James paused, and supped his drink. He glanced at your photograph on his dresser and a crushing weight descended on his heart.
He gulped down the knot in his throat and continued on:
I count the days until this bitter biting winter is over and we British return home to our loves. We are assured that triumphal victory over the Germans is in our sights and you, my dear one, are in my thoughts always.
He signed his name and addressed the envelope to the home you shared in south Oxfordshire, and it was only when he started to write the date that he realised the significance of the day. He smiled and wrote it at the top of the letter:
14 February 1915
He was frustrated with no where to put the frustration, and cold with no way to shake the chill. James slumped down into his chair and sat with his head in his hands. His eyes burned.
He dragged his hands down his face and groaned. He’d buried too many today.
Alone in his barracks the Captain privately wondered whether King and Country were worth the cost of so much, so many lives, so many lessons on how to break a man.
Recalling the stench of the gas and the death soured his breath in his mouth and sickened his gut.
He visibly shook the thoughts from his mind and reached for the only relief and release he’d come to count on: a pencil and a scrap of paper, and the sepia photograph of you.
My love, the dearest Mrs Nicholls,
My sweet heart, I miss you.
James held the pencil in his hand, poised to say more, paralysed to write it. The blunted nib hovered over the textured paper and he swallowed, picturing your radiant smile, hearing the trill of your laugh.
He coughed. “Write on, Jimmy,” he murmured to himself, more surprised than he should have been at the croak in his voice. He flexed his fingers on the pencil and wrote:
It soothes me some to address you as my darling wife. Please do not think of me a lesser man, but it is a great comfort to me to know that you are mine and I am yours, and you wait for me on the other side. I fear I shall never see the end of it – this wretched mess. Lord knows many of my men will not—not anymore. The snow has given way to the muddy sludge of spring in the land of the ancient Frank and I find myself longing for nought but a flat, hard stretch of Earth to walk our staunch British soldiers through. They are weary, as I confess I am.
James stopped. He rubbed at his eyes and took a swig of whiskey, sighing as it burned down his throat. Cheap, but the best available. He wrote on:
My Joey doesn’t much mind the mud. A beautiful beast and I am lucky to rely on such a fearless creature. I shall enclose a drawing of the noble steed. I am told that soon we shall spot fruiting mulberry trees between the thick French forests of oak and beech. I can’t imagine anymore something so fresh and vibrant as a berry. Ridiculous trifle. Nothing here is as sweet or juicy as you, my love. My darling heart.
James laid the pencil flat on the desk for the last time tonight. He sighed, lost to reminiscence.
Captain Nicholls tipped the glass to his lips only to find it was empty.
He huffed as he put it down on the desk and slid it away, wanting to get up and re-fill it but knowing he has perhaps had too much already.
James looked back at his drawing. It was quite the likeness, if he did say so himself. He hoped he’d gotten the relaxed fall of the towel right and commended himself on your shoulder blades and waist. He added some more details to your hair, and then some more shading to your back and the folds of the rippling towel that covered your lower half.
His favourite part was the way he’d captured your nose and chin, your face turned ever so slightly over your shoulder, your downcast eyes wordlessly beckoning him closer.
Absent-mindedly, James swallowed the excess saliva that had pooled in his mouth—a consequence of his own imaginings. He wished he had even one or two colours to add to your portrait, to bring the plain picture somewhat closer to the rich images he nurtured in his mind.
He wrote your name in the bottom right corner, and underneath it:
After a Bath Cn. JN Artois, Sep ‘15
James sat back in his chair, and as he gazed at his drawing of you he felt the stirrings of arousal, deep in the pit of his gut. He glanced to the side where your most recent reply lay, scented with a fine floral perfume from the array of pressed flowers: orange-toned iris, pink ranunculus, red rose, and purple-hued lavender.
And read them, he had—for what they truly meant.
I love you, you’d said. I’m promised to you. I’m devoted to you, and I want you.
I desire you.
His heart had leapt up into his throat at the small and precious bouquet, and he’d immediately set to work sketching you.
For a few moments James closed his eyes and let his mind drift far and away from the nightmare that plagued his days. He thought about the last time he saw you, on the morning he left Oxfordshire to take the ferry into France. You hadn’t let him out of bed until the last possible moment, and he hadn’t attempted to leave until then either.
He blinked slowly back to the present as his desire grew, then quickly picked up a pencil.
James wrote:
My darling Mrs Nicholls,
My dearest love, tonight I remember the time we danced together in our new kitchen. We’d just moved to Abingdon and everything was new. Your dress that night was full of red blooms and your bright red lipstick dazzled me. We swayed to Sweet Adeline, my darling, do you remember? You smelt like orange blossoms and evening jasmine, I remember.
He sat back in his chair and let the memories crowd him like a swarm of bees: how he’d kissed you and where he’d touched you and the way he’d fucked you so thoroughly that your hair pins had come undone.
You never did find that one rogue button that flew off as he ripped open your dress.
His desire became a hot, burning need—long and thick between his legs. He resisted the urge to touch himself.
It’s cruel, my love, he wrote. The gift of your flowers tantalises me. Memories of you flood my mind like the waves of the ocean flood the sandy shore. Would you do this, loveliest lady? Most sultry sorceress? Would you leave me with your kiss upon my lips and your taste within my mouth, on my tongue to tease and torture me so sweetly? I feel you even now.
James adjusted in his chair as a distracting ache settled at the juncture of his thighs. He was desperately aroused, so stiff and hard, so ready to take you to bed and open you on his cock—to watch you bloom for him like the petals on your soft, pretty flowers. He continued:
Like Henry’s Catherine there is witchcraft in your lips, but also in your deeds, and you enchant me. I ache for your touch, my darling.
James let his eyes fall closed and ran a light touch of his palm over his swollen cock. The sensation shot through him like a bolt of lightning from the Heavens and he shuddered. It had been so long. He pulled his lower lip between his teeth and bit down.
Shall I take myself in hand and think of your sweet cunt? Your hot wet mouth? Your own soft hand? I am caught in your spell—I cannot resist, and I am too far gone for restraint. Dear sweet heart, were that you the flower and I the honey bee, I would horde your nectar for myself and eat all your sugary sweetness until it dribbled down my chin. Darling, how I long to dip my wick in your wax and feel you catch alight.
He dotted the period onto the paper with force, and threw the pencil onto the desk with a groan of frustration.
He breathed hard, panting breaths for a few moments, until he hastily unbuttoned the khaki slacks that confined him.
James decided to finish this letter tomorrow morning.
“Ready, Jim-boy?” said Major Jamie Stewart good-naturedly, crossing one leg over the other and readying a pencil and small stack of papers.
James smiled as his friend and commander settled on the chair beside his cot. The Captain felt as though too much of a fuss was being made; as though he was taking up a valuable bed in the field hospital.
“Now, no funny business,” said the Major, his words in jest and his face faux-serious, “I’ll hear no pillow talk and I will certainly not dictate it.”
Despite it all, James had to laugh. Despite the pain that shot through his arm from his shoulder to his fingertips. Despite feeling like a deserter, a man who abandons his oaths and his friends. Despite wishing for nothing more than to be wrapped up in your arms.
Jamie smiled ruefully. He’d medically discharged that many men that by now, he could watch the emotions at war on their faces. He decided not to let his friend dwell on them. “How shall I start, Jimmy?”
James rested properly against the two flat, uncomfortable pillows beneath his head. He sighed, “My dear love, sweet Mrs Nicholls.”
Jamie scribbled onto the pages.
“First,” said James, “allow me to apologise—no. Not that, sorry Stu—”
Jamie scratched out some words.
“First, I must apologise,” James said, and Jamie nodded, “for the long interval in writing you back. Allow me to explain the delay, dear one.”
“Mhm,” Jamie hummed, his eyes trained on the paper as he wrote James’ words for him.
“There is no cause for alarm. I am well—no. I am… hurt, but recovering. Yes. Hurt but recovering.”
“Hurt,” Jamie echoed as he wrote dictation, “but… re-cov-er-ing… Yes, go on, Jim.”
“Two days past—”
“Three,” Jamie interrupted.
“Has it been three? Truly? Good God. Three days past we launched an attack on the Germans. Joey charged on ahead at a gallop and was struck by artillery fire. I am not sure where—no, Stu. Erm—struck by artillery fire and… and bolted behind the German line. In his panic he bucked me from his back and I fell. I know nothing more of his condition.”
James breathed deeply to steady himself. It would all be far less anxious if he could explain in person, but as it was, he was already behind in his replies to you and the trip back to Oxfordshire—in his condition—would not necessarily be a quick one.
At his friend’s silence, the Major looked up and said, “alright, Jim-boy?”
James cleared his throat and continued dictating his letter. “My injuries consist of a dislocated shoulder and a fractured radius, both on my right side where I came down hard on the ground.”
Jamie looked sceptical. “’My injuries consist’?”
James shot his friend a look and Jamie quickly scrawled the words onto the paper.
“I am to be discharged and despatched from camp shortly. Darling, you can expect me home by the end of the month.”
Jamie smiled at the endearment. “Anything else, my friend?”
James swallowed. “My heart beats to see you, dearest.” Hot tears swelled in the Captain’s eyes as an acute longing pierced his chest. He cleared his throat and looked up at the tent ceiling of the makeshift hospital. “Dictated by Major Jamie Stewart, forwarding address, all my love, Captain James et cetera, et cetera,” he mumbled quickly.
He felt the phantom touch of your hand wrap around his and he held back a sob. He was coming home to you, but the guilt of leaving his purpose, his men, and his commanders chased away any happiness with blazing torches and sharpened pitchforks.
Jamie’s warm hand gripped his shoulder. “James. I know, James.”
“Stu,” said James thickly, his eyes falling closed as warm, saline tears slipped down his temples and into his hair.
Jamie squeezed James’ flesh where he grabbed him, attempting to reassure his friend. There were no words for such moments where immense relief blended with crushing disappointment. Jamie felt his own eyes well with tears to see his strong, brave friend and soldier overwhelmed by such conflicting feelings.
He clutched James’ hand in his. “Jimmy,” his voice cracked on the nickname, but he continued on. “Jim-boy. If we post this tonight, by six o’clock, we can make the express.”
James sniffed and coughed. “Mm? And?”
“And, she’ll get it by Valentine’s Day, all things being equal.” Jamie squeezed James’ hand and gripped tight. “Valentine’s Day, Jim!”
James opened bleary eyes. “Do you mean that, Stu?”
Jamie snatched the pencil and leant the paper on his own thigh to write on it. “Tell me how to spell her name, Jimmy,” he said, “I’ll ask her to be your valentine.”
Note: The song ‘Sweet Adeline (You're the Flower of My Heart)’ by the Haydn Quartet, first recorded around 1908 I think, can be listened to on the YT: https://youtu.be/jRA4fdZytJQ (under 3 min)
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