stealingyourbones · 2 years
Tim Drake finds a suspicious thermos full of weird green goo at WE and brings it to the cave run some tests on it. He finds that the green goop contains a cocktail of many of:
- The elements vital to fear toxin, several of the identifiable elements from the Lazarus pits
- One of the less-crucial ingredients from Joker Venom
- A natural poison in a potency that would make Talia faint
The liquid also contains a number of elements that the Bat Computer can't identify and a weird amount of caffeine and some non-harmful but very confusing ingredients. Tim is now panicking at how this doom liquid got into WE and how it even came to be. He finds out a few days later, when he sees one of his employees with a very similar thermos. Jazz Fenton, a recent hire in the HR department. He mentally goes over what he knows about her; Kind, sweet, recently moved to Gotham, great at her job, clean background check. He's about to go up to her and ask about where she got that thermos when she lifts up the thermos, twists off the cap and. Drinks. It. Tim is trying to get his bearings when Jazz sees him staring and worriedly asks if he's alright. If he's alright. He asks what's in the thermos and she tells him, "Oh, it's this homemade energy drink. Nothing else wakes me up quite like it. Kind of an acquired taste, though." Tim just nods and goes to his desk, a little catatonic, and does a much deeper dive into Jazz's background.
Basically: Jazz has an ectoplasm-based energy drink made with some ghost plants from Sam's greenhouse, and the only reason she doesn't die from drinking it is that she's very liminal. Tim finds a Jazz's misplaced thermos and freak out because a normal human would drop dead just from looking at this liquid wrong. Shenanigans ensue. Jazz is just annoyed that she lost a thermos because she doesn't quite comprehend just how deadly her "energy drink" is.
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taldigi · 2 years
Hang on a minute, I just read through the Faverolle & Madamouselle reference document, and I might be crazy, but there was a comic in there that Plagg came back cursed after the magic-rules-rewrite and made friends with Brie. Is there an eventual Black Cat!Brie in that au?!
(With how Brie is a fan of her timeline’s LB and CN, she might try and help Nyx regain her sanity, but I’m a Bunnyx fan, so that may just be wishful thinking. I just think the two original-timeline-miraculous holders interacting would be cool)
(At this point I’m just making an au of an au in my head. lol)
I did a Lilo and Stitch redraw with them a few times using the variants of characters from Fav & Mads!
I think they would be fun together, a chaotic little duo- but I'm afraid they can't be canon, as much as I want them to be!
and Nyx.. idk how far I want to take Nyx. I think her fate being absolute is fitting for the kind of person she is- who's insistent that her timeline is the "correct" one, so she's always in a loop of trying to destroy AU and abnormalities.
But, like you said, that's what AUs are for!
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kingprinceleo · 1 year
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vampire au- jaw drops to the floor. eyes pop out. sound effect of AWOOGA AWOOOGA /ref
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pknn18 · 3 months
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a meme i made after watching the @quinton-reviews sam and cat episode
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a-topaz-cat · 2 years
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An actual character design woah
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With color
My main premise for this guy is he’s like top cat from Hanna Barbara but instead of scams with his cat friends he straight up robs people lol
He’s also 4”7 too lol barely taller than two volleyballs lol
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9la1df-c3 · 1 year
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Picture of Harriet taken at my grandmothers
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ijinks · 1 year
Tooniverse Music Leitmotifs! 🎶🎵
If my comic was an actual cartoon, the entire soundtrack would be composed on a Moog Synthesizer.
I’ve always loved Jean-Jacques Perrey’s work. It’s so weird and toony! Most of the Tooniverse’s music leitmotifs are inspired by his work.
Here is what would play for a specific character or situation…
🎼 Character Leitmotifs:
🖤 Ijinks H. Iwerx: Hectic Joker - Jean-Jacques Perrey & David Chazam
Her theme music would sound just as weird and awkward as she looks! Ijinks is a troublemaker who causes problems on purpose to mess with her toony creations!
❌⭕️ Jaycee Pawman: Kittens on the Moon - Jean-Jacques Perrey & Dana Countryman
Jaycee is childish, playful, skittish, and a little strange. Her imagination runs wild and she finds creative solutions to problems, or jumps to crazy conclusions.
🇨🇦 Cat Canada: Agent 29’s Escape - Jean-Jacques Perrey & Dana Countryman
Her leitmotif has a vintage superhero vibe to it. Perfect for springing into action!
👻 Wayne Gates: Funnygated - Jean-Jacques Perrey & Cosmic Pocket
Ghosts are often associated with the Theremin instrument, and Wayne is no exception. Wayne’s leitmotif is a synthesized Theremin-based melody that plays whenever he’s doing something awkward and nerdy or over-explaining something.
⭕️❌ Ella Pawman: Sentimental Trip - Jean-Jacques Perrey
Ella’s leitmotif would be something nostalgic and happy, but also sad and wistful. It would showcase her long life of accomplishments and struggles.
🐌 Dr. Hans Sans Panzer: Music of the Planets - Jean-Jacques Perrey
Dr. Hans Sans Panzer is a very intelligent, unhinged, revenge-driven mad scientist. He’s also a chronic insomniac and isolated in a underwater laboratory. Dr. HSP discovered the Tooniverse’s secrets through reality-defying physics and invented teleportation. A leitmotif like the one above showcases how his maniacal mind works!
🐝 Beeball: Waltzing the Weasel - Jean-Jacques Perrey
Beeball is a very dumb character, so he gets a very dumb “Pop Goes The Weasel” leitmotif! I can imagine a montage of him stupidly messing everything up, or explaining his flawed logic to someone while the above music plays.
🌲 Mayor River Moon Willows (and 🌻 Sierra): Edith Von Aachenburg - Jean-Jacques Perrey & Dana Countryman
It’s the perfect theme for being stuck with an airheaded hippie in a bureaucratic “city hall” environment!
💰 Hugh Forric: Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy
Hugh is associated with the classic piano piece “Clair De Lune”. His leitmotif would be a remix of various parts of the song to fit a situation. I can imagine this perfect, delicate song starting to hit sour notes whenever his ego is challenged.
💖 Diana Diamondhart: Sobre las Olas (“Over the Waves”) - Juventino Rosas
She’s associated with classical music, much like her ex-husband Hugh. This piece in particular is associated with both a delicate waltz, and a violent ocean surge. This showcases Diana’s two-faced personality.
🦌 John R. Deergutt: Electronic Can Can - Jean-Jacques Perrey & Gershon Kingsley
Here’s the leitmotif for Canvasville’s news anchor John R. Deergutt! Imagine a theme like this playing while shenanigans happen during a live broadcast!
🕵🏿 Tips Fedora: The Mysterious Mr. Him - Jean-Jacques Perrey & Dana Countryman
You can’t get more mysterious than being a literal shadow with eyes in a detective outfit! A theme like this would play whenever Tips is sleuthing or revealing confidential information to others.
🎼 Situational Leitmotifs:
😎 Cool montage: The Unidentified Flying Object (Remix) - Jean-Jacques Perrey and Gershon Kingsley
🫢 Gossip, misinformation, “game of telephone”, etc.: Gossipo Perpetuo - Jean-Jacques Perrey
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Wait, we can send you cat photos? Here’s Boo.
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Sorry got a bit spooked there, boo startled me a tad.
What a lovely little pal! Such a photogenic kitty <333
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linuxtldr · 2 years
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what if cats wore fedoras
unrelated but i don’t know what the fuck this ad was i just watched on youtube. this girl was covered in mud (i hope it was mud) and she was jumping on this guy’s back. i’m scared mom pls come pick me up
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yuliagus · 2 years
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(via Minimalist Veszla the adorable dog - Printable Bucket Hat by Yuliagus)
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pomefioredove · 27 days
Hi hi! I have a request
Could I ask for romantic headcanons of dorm leaders(expect melleus) with a so whos melleus's younger sibling and when their on a date all they see is the disamona gang is spying on their date
AHHH help this is such a fun request!! diasomnia stakeout that lasts 5 minutes because sebek starts yelling the second he sees you holding hands with someone
summary: malleus' younger sibling type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, azul, kalim, vil, idia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not yuu
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𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
so we all agree that Riddle is probably the best choice? right?
as in, the least likely to get in trouble with the Diasomnia fam
Riddle, as a partner, is a perfect gentleman. won't even hold hands with you until a certain point in the relationship
(I mean, we're talking about Victorian England-level courting here)
out of everyone, he's the least likely to raise concern
...and yet.
it's probably Lilia that gets everyone worried
Riddle is a little... uptight for his tastes, after all, and Lils doesn't want you squandering your youth on rules and expectations
and so, he leads the great date stake-out
...for a completely inconspicuous mid-afternoon walk through the Heartslabyul rose gardens
you, of course, find all of them peeking at you from over a hedge almost right away
and just barely manage to shoo them off before Riddle sees and dies of embarrassment
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𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫
it's honestly a miracle that there even is a Leona Kingcholar left to date, rather than a pile of ashes on the ground
(Malleus is a terribly overprotective older brother)
...and he's quite convinced that Leona is dragging you around just to annoy him, specifically
so, what's he gonna do? not spy on you with the whole entourage?
he just needs to make sure you're okay, that's all
you, of course, knew that he didn't like the arrangement from the start, so you've already got an eye out on your dates
by the second or third, both you and Leona can tell you're being followed
...much to his annoyance
it takes a lot of "family meetings" with Lilia mediating before Malleus makes his peace with it
for now, anyway
so help him, if that oversized house cat hurts you...
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𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨
everyone is... a little concerned that this is some kind of power play on Azul's behalf
Silver is probably the most worried, being in the same grade as him and knowing how tricky he can be
the original plan was to sit you down and express his concerns to you, and somehow that got turned into Lilia convincing everyone to wear fake mustaches and fedoras and spy on one of your dates in the lounge
(Malleus agrees because he thinks it's funny. Sebek agrees because Malleus does. poor Silver is powerless to stop it)
of course, you notice them right away
that's like... a given
besides the terrible disguises, Lilia and Malleus keep laughing and Sebek is white-knuckling the menu while trying to stay quiet
after that, you have a nice sit-down with everyone to discuss your personal boundaries
Silver gets his talk, after all :)
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𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐥-𝐀𝐬𝐢𝐦
Lilia's failed attempts at convincing everyone that Kalim is a totally great boyfriend (wingman of the year, everyone) obviously don't work well
listen, Kalim is great. it could be a lot worse!
but also, uh...
his life tends to be a little hectic
the last thing the Diasomnia fam needs is for you to get poisoned
...or assassinated in some other grotesque fashion
so, of course, they tag along to a few parties, some dinners here and there...
they get caught pretty quickly, but lucky for them, Kalim is a great host, and so he invites them to just. join the dates
(much to your horror)
Sebek and Silver argue about who's going to taste your food for poison first
which Lilia ends up doing, anyway
(even if it is poisoned, it won't have any effect on him. he might even like it more)
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𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
Vil is probably the second safest option on this list
...and, of course, he gets scoped out for the same reason number one does
Lilia considers him just... too strict. I mean, he's young! you're young! you shouldn't be acting like grown-ups, you should be frolicking
or whatever it is kids these days are doing
when the four follow you on one of your way-too-nice dates, Vil is the first to notice
he's definitely annoyed at first, but comes to find the situation really funny
it's like paparazzi, but if the paparazzi were your extremely strange found-family, who are also wearing fake mustaches and pretending to be tourists at the table behind you
he'll let it slide, just this once
...but maybe you'll have more indoors dates for a while
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𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝
Idia has already taken the necessary preventative measures
i.e., never actually going out for dates
if you want to eat something together, you can just come to his room for ramen and anime. what's so great about cafes and restaurants, anyway?
if you need some new scenery, he'll design a VR room for the two of you
it's pretty hard to spy on Idia- he's got a hell of a custom-coded security system on all of his devices
and besides that, Lilia was the one who set you two up in the first place. why would he be worried?
...okay, maybe the rest of the Diasomnia fam is a little concerned that you're dating someone who hasn't seen the sun in years
but you can handle yourself!
(he may still be receiving hundreds of very strongly worded and untitled emails from Sebek, though)
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“scarlett sparks” lowkey reminds me of mlp tbh. like it sounds like a name one of the characters on the show would have. i mean it’s a nice name, but yeah that’s just what it reminds me of lmao
Oh god, I remember My Little Pony. I remember that it was airing when I was in high school, and my Improv Team was obsessed with the show, that was how I got into it. (That was also how I got into Skyrim, funnily enough.) and they even had a thing where everyone in the club got nicknamed after one of the characters. Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, etc. (I was Discord, if anyone was wondering.) In fact, I have a bit of a funny mini-story about this.
When I was in high school, I was consuming a lot of Moffat Era Doctor Who, specifically the Eleventh Doctor. So I thought bowties were cool, (I still do, because they are) as well as hats. I had a whole hat phase. To be specific, I liked trilbees because my friend would wear them, as would a Doctor Who review channel I enjoyed called Mr. Tardis.)
...You might already know where this is going.
As I left high school, I became aware of the "nice guy" archetype. The creeps who claimed that they were the only nice guys out there, that women sucked because they only dated assholes. A lot of these people watched MLP, and also wore fedoras. It was at this point that I realized that I was a male-passing MLP fan who wore trilbees and had always prided themself on their kindness, on being a "nice guy."
...I unceremoniously ended my hat phase on the spot and stepped out of the MLP fandom, never to return. That was not a message I wanted to send about myself.
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goodfelinescomic · 2 years
After the lights go down low
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