#cavalry elf
So googled cavelry cause I was thinking about Maglor’s gap.
Google asked if I wanted to know the most successful cavelry in history and I was like “yeah, why not, I’m a nerd.”
And so I just learned about the Winged Hussars, an elite class of Serbian Mercenaries who fought for Polish and Hungarian lords in the 1600’s, won every battle they fought and already look like they came from a fantasy novel:
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Those wings actually served a purpose besides looking badass (and therefore being intimidating, so that is a valid purpose): the wooden frame protects from blows from behind, and the feathers create a sound that spooks enemy horses.
So Maglor the bard warrior cavelry guy absolutely had, if not feathers, like reeds or bells or whistles or all three tuned to create a song that would alarm dark things, not just horses.
They fought with extremely long but hollow metal lances, which were HORRIFYINGLY reported to spear five people in one go.
They became obsolete when fire arms became accurate enough to hit fast moving targets at distance, but until technology advanced to that point they never lost a battle.
So. Headcanon for Maglor and the elves of the gap.
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igorlevchenko-blog · 2 months
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Morrowind: Redoran Watchman
Along the rock-strewn roads Of Western Gash Through tracts of ash And streams of molten stone With pikes on guard They ride toward Blight-kissed Falasmaryon
P.S: The full set of armour of the Redoran Watch is featured in "Tamriel Rebuilt".
P.P.S: Digital painting. Made in Krita (5.1.5). Feel free to repost, re-upload etc.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Lifecraft Cavalry
"I do not ask you to be tame. I only ask you to be true." —Rishkar, Peema renegade
Artist: Svetlin Velinov TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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tellusd20 · 7 months
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Dismounted Elven Dragoons by Rei Naldi
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littlejuicebox · 4 months
Another random bit of drabble that popped into my head. An AU where Tav is a druid and Astarion is a Baldur’s Gate Magistrate, tasked with overseeing the seizure of Emerald Grove.
I don’t know that I will have the power/desire/energy to turn this into an actual fic at any point but damn it’s a good plot!
It was highly unusual for the grove to receive visitors.
The announcement had come just after breakfast. One of the young scouts rushed into your quarters unannounced, eyes widened in panic.
“Archdruid Octavia, there are several cavalrymen at the front entrance, demanding to speak to the elders of the grove!” The youngling exclaims, pulling anxiously at the front of his robes.
“Calm down, dear one.” You murmur, lifting your gaze from the tome you’d been studying, “Has someone notified Archdruid Halsin?”
“Yes, the other scouts are all there at the front with Master Halsin. He asked me to fetch you.” The scout responds hurriedly, “There are about twenty five cavalrymen and one carriage. They refused to leave and threatened to break down the gate if they did not have an audience with the elders.”
You furrow your brow and stand. Perhaps this was more serious than you’d initially thought. It wasn’t unusual to see a few soldiers pass by the grove, but more than a dozen would surely be cause for concern.
You follow after the young scout, and up the stone steps of the grove. By the time you arrive at the front entrance, nearly every druid in your compound is gathered behind your mountain of a leader.
You push your way through the crowd and toward Halsin. A quick examination of his face reveals he’s bearing an uncharacteristic grimace and furrowed eyebrows. His hands are balled into tight, massive fists, one of which is clutching a scroll of parchment. You have known the other druid for more than a lifetime; it’s quite unusual to see him so tense.
This cannot be good.
Halsin’s eyes are focused on a well-dressed High Elf with perfectly coiffed silver hair. The smaller elf seems so out of place in the wilds, with his heavily embroidered doublet and dark leather boots that have probably never touched unpaved earth until this very moment. You almost laugh at the ridiculousness of it.
The stranger is eyeing the First Druid with a cocky smirk on his face, red eyes glimmering in some sort of entertained delight. Your nose wrinkles in distaste as you assess this unwelcome visitor. You quickly decided that you hate this man. You’re sure the pompous High Elf wouldn’t look nearly as smug if he didn’t have the force of two dozen cavalrymen standing behind him.
And then the arrogant man speaks, and you decide that you loathe him.
“As the declaration states, you have three months to vacate the grove. Should you have any further questions, I will be staying at the only inn around here. It’s located in that sorry excuse for a village, not more than a mile north; I have been charged by Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard to oversee the smooth transfer of this land to the city of Baldur’s Gate, so I shall remain there until this is all over. Ask for Astarion.” The silver-haired elf states, his tone oozing with an air of superiority, “Now, my men and I shall be off.”
Astarion turns and one of the escorts opens the door to the carriage, which he climbs into without even a glance behind him. Then the cavalry is off, headed in the direction of the aforementioned village.
Halsin watches the parade leave the premise in stony silence. Then he turns around, eyeing the crowd of druids in frustration.
“Don’t you all have work to do?!” His thunderous voice roars out to the others, causing even you to jump in shock. Everyone else rushes out of the First Druid’s line of sight as he stomps away from the gate. You trail behind the Wood Elf, brow furrowed.
“Halsin, what is going on? What did that elf mean, vacate the grove?” You ask, running an anxious hand through your hair.
Halsin shoves the crumpled scroll at you with a huff, “This isn’t good, Tav. The cities of Elturel and Baldur’s Gate have formed an alliance. They are demanding we relinquish our rights to this land.”
You hurriedly read the scroll, heart pounding in your chest with so much force that you think it may actually explode. Emerald Grove is the only home you’ve ever known; you cannot fathom life any other way in any other place.
“Can they really do this, Hal?” You ask, voice cracking with worry. You finally lift your gaze to the Archdruid, and the defeated look on his face causes tears to well in your eyes. If the greatest druid you’ve ever known is already this hopeless, then you already fear the worst.
Halsin sighs and closes his eyes; you know he must be praying to the Oak Father for wisdom and peace in this moment. Then he focuses on you once again, voice low and unsure, “I don’t know if they have the rights, Octavia. But what I do know is that if the force of two cities’ militaries are upon us… we will have no choice. I must meditate on this matter further; please excuse me.”
You watch as the First Druid walks away, no doubt headed to his favorite meditation spot by the Chionthar. You look down at the scroll still in your hands, re-read it once more, and then tear the pompous piece of parchment in two before tossing it into the dirt.
Halsin could meditate all he wanted, but you were going to smite that stupid silver-haired bastard.
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heroineimages · 1 year
Let's Recruit a Fantasy Army!
Hey, so here's a poll idea, let's assemble a multi-racial fantasy army. I'm curious what the break-down will be.
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laoih · 2 years
I don't mind adaptations, and I don't mind people doing different things with adaptations. People can say "we made this adaptation the way we liked with our own ideas". They can say "the source material didn't work as a series so we changed a lot". They can even say "the source material was outdated in our eyes, so we took it only for inspiration but then did our own thing".
However, be honest about it.
If you create a series only inspired by some of Tolkien's writings, but ignore essential parts of it, you shouldn't claim that you stay as close to Tolkien's writing as possible or promote it that way.
At SDCC the showrunner Payne said:
“So, one, always back to Tolkien. And two, when Tolkien was silent, we tried to invent as Tolkienian a way as possible."
Yet they even ignore those parts where Tolkien wasn't silent. If you always go back to Tolkien like you pretend you do, then
why is the Second Age reduced from more than 3000 years to about 1500?
why is Sauron's reign in Middle-earth reduced from more than 1500 years to the span of one short Númenórean life?
why are Hobbits playing a part in the Second Age when Tolkien explicitly said they only became relevant towards the end of the Third Age? And Harfoots are a variety of Hobbits, Tolkien explicitly wrote that.
why is the Elf Adar leading Orcs? There was never a cooperation between these two peoples out of free will, even in the case of Maeglin it was because of Morgoth's influence over Maeglin after his capture, and neither Sauron nor Morgoth can do that now.
why do two Durins exist at the same time when according to Tolkien's writings Dwarves believe that they are reincarnations of each other?
why do the Dwarf-women don't have beards when Tolkien explicitly wrote that they have beards?
why do many of your Elves have short hair even though every Elf where the hair length was described by Tolkien had long hair?
why is Galadriel portrayed as "brash" and "angry" and "full of piss and vinegar", as running around wielding a sword, when at this time she is thousands of years old, has been Melian's student, has mostly avoided the conflicts in the First Age, and it's in general unlike what her character has been described as? Female characters can be strong characters even when they don't act like their male counterparts.
why does Celebrimbor look like an old human with pointy ears when Elves are supposed to be ageless and more beautiful than the average human?
why does Elrond look more like a teenage leprechaun with light-brown hair than an Elf who is thousand years old and has dark hair? At the time of the creation of the Rings of Power Elrond was already leading Gil-galad's armies into battle.
why is Gil-galad wearing so much gold, when in Tolkien's writings he is associated with silver? The casting also shows too much age for an Elf who is certainly younger than Galadriel.
why is there a large Númenórean cavalry with heavy armour when Tolkien wrote that the Númenoreans used horses in war only for couriers and light-armed archers?
why is Galadriel riding with the Númenorean cavalry? While Galadriel had contact with Aldarion, she was not involved in the military afairs of Númenor and there was no longer contact with Númenor during Pharazôn's and Míriel's time.
why is Míriel ruling as Queen, when Pharazôn took the throne directly after Tar-Palantir's death?
why does Pharazôn have a son with the Quenya name "Kemen", which is even a part of a Vala name, when Elvish was completely avoided by those in Númenór who hated the Valar and the Elves?
...and these are only a few things I could spot in trailers and interviews, and it's only the things that Tolkien wrote about – I'm not even going into the things that they think are Tolkienian but that Tolkien was silent about. These aren't things that had to be changed for a series adaptation, because they can all be done as Tolkien wrote it if you wanted to.
You can change things in your adaptation, but be fucking honest about it.
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peachmimosaart · 5 months
Had some personal head canons about Night Elves and ranks in two of their major organizations. Wanted to establish design notes for myself for when I draw characters in the future.
Ranks: Cadet - Basic armor. No flourishes. Sentinel - Feathers are added to the uniform. Ranger/Huntress - Two claws are added to the uniform, as are gems to the belt and helmet. Ranger is elite infantry while Huntress is saber cavalry. Captain - Two more claws are added to the armor, for a total of four. Gems are added to chest. Captains oversee units or smaller areas. Commander - Two more claws are added, for a total of six. Commanders oversee several captains or entire regions. The General is the highest ranked commander. Text in image below: When a night elf reaches 100 years of age she is inducted to the Sentinels for the next 100 years. Uniform color is based on the environment of where they are stationed. If they stay with the Sentinels after the mandatory 100 years, feathers are added to their uniform, the feather color are their choice. When a Sentinel receives a rank, claws and gems are added to their uniform to easily show this rank. More gems and claws are added as rank goes up. Sentinels also chose gem type and color, though pure white gems are reserved for Priestesses of the Moon. White moons must be clear on a priestess's armor.
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Sisterhood of the Moon
Ranks: Maiden - Blue robes, decorated with dark blue sashes. Maidens cannot be initiated until the woman in question completes her mandatory 100 years in the Sentinels. Sister - After their training is complete, they receive their white moonsilk robes and can choose the color of their sashes- so long as it's a dark color. The longer the women serves as a priestess the more platinum jewelry she accumulates. Mother - A leadership position. Overseers of a shine, temple, or village reach this rank, and their sashes are pastel. Elder - Their robes and sashes are completely white. These Priestesses oversee entire regions, much like a Sentinel Commander. The High Priestess is the highest ranked Elder. Cleric- Not a rank, but a type of Priestess that is also a member of the Sentinels. (Though time spent in the Sentinels is a requirement of joining the sisterhood, there is not a need to remain in them once finished with their required service.) Text in image below: Robes of the Sisterhood of the Moon made of moonsilk and are decorated in platinum jewelry. Platinum is considered Elune's metal due to its scarcity and its resilience, and is reserved for priestesses and holy jewelry.
The longer a woman is a priestess, the more jewelry she is ordained with. Initiates are called "Maidens" and wear blue robes, to emulate the Blue Child.
Once they are formally ordained, they wear white robes and become "Sisters". Sisters have dark sashes, their choice of colors. Sashes lighten as the priestess's rank goes up, indicating the glowing brightness of the moon. Rank is less about power and more to indicate chain of command.
When a Sister becomes a leader of some sort, like of a shrine, village, or organization, they become a "Mother". Mothers wear pastel sashes.
Elders are the highest rank, reserved for priestesses that oversee an entire region. Elders and the High Priestess wear all white. Clerics are a subset of priestesses that are warriors, not a rank. Their sash and armor clearly display their rank, and veteran priestesses wear armor coated in platinum.
During Imperial times, robes were wrap dresses that emulated moonbeams wrapping around the body, and arcane magic allowed for ethereal effects. Cloth color denoted the rank of priestess.
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Sea Of Flames🗡Bakugō Katsuki
A’ranhil, Ithilien, Doritah,  April 5th First Age ,,Histessë lamyëa i lómeo lindalë           á hilya i ómalin íre cuivëa i sérë síra enfainëa i yáreo cálë síra líralvë i oireo lindë..’’
Once it was a massive nation housing just over a million souls, the capital of an elven empire reaching from ocean to ocean. Now, it was a slaughterhouse, it's population reduced to that of a few hundred. In all his years as a warrior, Bakugō Katsuki had never seen such carnage. The very streets weren't visible under the endless puddles of blood, the sewage systems clogged up with severed limbs, and the houses were unrecognisable under the layers of shit, gore and blood that covered them. Wordless, mighty, he waded through the corpses piling themselves up on the streets. He looked at the face of every single one of them. Men, women... children. Most of the children had not even been killed by the barbarians, but by their own mothers and older siblings, who well knew what fate awaited them once the massive walls of the city were finally breached. The blonde Chief walked further towards the alley where his mount was. A massive black dragon, so much larger as the war-elephant it was feasting on. Truly, nothing could have prepared the elves for these monsters, with their fire-breathing breath, massive claws and razor-sharp teeth, that could easily destroy a whole army. Cavalry charges were utterly ineffective against them, Rhinos ended up dead within seconds of being grabbed by their claws, and elephants could not reproduce fast enough to match their numbers. The powerful warrior let out a high-pitched whistle, commanding the beast to come to him. It did, and with a little assistance by its wings, the blonde one settled upon his saddle on the back of the mystic creature. Riding through the rest of the city, he came across his fellow men, who were busy looking for surviving comrades in the piles of corpses littering the streets, and killing any elf they found to be still breathing.  Bakugō Katsuki rode further. As he crossed the alleys, he saw his peers celebrate their victory in different ways: some were decapitating the dead bodies and piling up the heads into huge pyramids, others were found bathing in the blood of their enemies, but most of them were painting. They weren't painting pictures, oh no. They painted the city red. Thousands of his fellow warriors had taken up brushes, soaking them in the blood of the former inhabitants of the great elven city, and soaked everything they could find with their own guts. He rode past the pyramids of severed heads, piling as high as the tallest buildings. He rode past the dead elven soldiers who were hung upon the statues of their heroes with their own intestines. He rode past the few surviving elves, mostly women and small children, who were paraded in chains through their own city as trophies. He rode out of the Gates of the city, and took one last look upon the once green walls of the breathtaking Kingdom Doriath’s, which were now in the process of being painted with blood. It was all silent. ,,Chief.‘‘ Kirishima Eijiro, his right hand man, stained with blood, dirt and sweat, has lowered his red head with respect, the huge axe lies quietly in the warrior’s hand while his equally red pair of eyes look wearily up at his leader, his king. There’s... something that might interest you.’’ It was not a smirk adorning the blood-stained lips of the dragon king, it was rather an expression of complete satisfaction. Of pure bliss. ,,Show me.’’
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The first thing the woman notices is a hot, glowing pain. Her head is pounding uncontrollably. Blood is rushing through her ears and she’s sure a few of her ribs are broken. An unbearable burning extends abruptly from her right leg to the upper side of her hip and makes the young she – elf hurriedly gasp for air. Pure bare panic begins to extend through her flabby limbs – she is alive. Oh Morai – Heg, Nin gwerianneg. ( You betrayed me ) A painful cough creeps out of her throat while the redhead convulsively tries to open her heavy eyelids. How much time has passed? A deep emerald green shows itself to the world, but only sees faint outlines in the never ending darkness. A cell, no - a tent? Where am I? The more thoughts flit through her torn mind, the worse the huge throbbing behind her temple became, which is why a sudden feeling of nausea overcomes her. It comes so fast, that the only option her body allows her to, is to throw her red-haired head aside as far as she can to empty the rest of her stomach. In return she covers herself with her own vomit as a heavy fit of coughs shakes her fractured soul. A pathetic veil of tears begins to lay over the deep green of her eyes, which she holds stubbornly in check with a firm pinch of her sagging eyelids. She should be dead. Buried under the weight of thousands corpses of her folk. Leithio nin, Morai – Heg ( Release me! ) Desperate sends the she – elf a heart – wrenching prayer to the goddess of the underworld, guardian of souls to take her, to bring her to the glorious hall of her ancestors. But no answer came, there is just this heavy defeating silence. The pain of her right leg seems to only worsen as an unbearable heat flits over her trembling limbs. With a heavy cough the redhead then gently tries to lift her broken body into a better position for her leg, but unfortunately without success. With a painful croaking on the burst lips, the woman eventually drops her head exhausted against the blood-stained ground of the foreign, huge tent. No matter where she is or how much time has passed. The immortal body of the she – elf has reached its limits and is too weak to start the process of self-healing. It's hopeless. ,,oh Vanír.. what a tough beast you are, princess of doriath.’’
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Rings of Power episode 6 absolutely eviscerated some of the tepid goodwill the show had slowly been building in 4 and 5, the chickens of the show’s slapdash worldbuilding have come home to roost.
The cavalry charge is the worst of it - poor townsfolk of the southlands losing to the orc army, All Hope Is Lost, and then at the last minute Galadriel & Numenorians ride in to save the day! Its just like the Rohirrim in ROTK, right? But none of the work has been put in to have it make a lick of sense. The townsfolk *never communicated with any outside party* about the orc raids. Galadriel has never been to the Southlands, has never met any of these people. She knows, and convinces the Numenorians, that ~something~ involving Sauron is happening down there. They know orcs are there and killed people in the past, but not, like, actively, right now. Where they would be? Who knows? What are they up to now? Who knows!
Yet the Numenorean expeditionary force of only 300-500 men lands in the Southlands somewhere (which btw is Gondor & Mordor combined, to get how large it is), and immediately hard ride, stampede tempo, off to save this town they have never heard of and have no contact with.  Absolutely ludicrous, there is never even an attempt to justify this. 
Its just one of many baffling decisions too - Halbrand, the exiled Southlands royalty, arrives as part of that army and everyone in the town goes All Hail Our Lost King and...they have literally never mentioned a king before. No “ah in the old days the kings would have stopped this” or “if only we had a true leader”, no nothing, they are an anarcho-syndicalist commune and always have been until discount Aragorn shows up and suddenly they are fookin kneelers. 
The show is obviously unconcerned with the idea of things making sense, but i’ll take a stab at why its so bad on this front. Certainly the “surprise” factor plays in here - the show is obsessed with the idea of ‘twists’, thinking that if you know something is coming its not exciting. Its ironic that they tried to play that card for a cavalry charge, because their predecessor LOTR is the shining example of the opposite being true. The Ride of the Rohirrim is painstakingly built to, the mustering, the tactical planning, the personal emotional stakes, pre-battle speech, all of that builds up impact. They have learned every lesson wrong here.
But it does go deeper, to the ‘structure’ of a fantasy epic Rings of Power believes it has to align to, in particular having a “common folk” perspective. One of the really shoddy worldbuilding choices was for the Southlands to have no political organization whatsoever - no lord mayor, no council, no standing army, nothing. It makes no sense, until you realize the rules: the show must have some working-class folk who rise to power. Bronwyn the human villager and her guard elf lover Arondir serve that role, nobodies who lead peasants against the orcs. But them leading the peasants never made any sense; why didn’t they have existing leaders? Bronwyn in particular has absolutely no qualifications for the role whatsoever, besides inexplicably being the only townsperson to own dyed fabric and a dress with spaghetti straps, but she double-plus has to lead because Girlbosses Slay and her and Miriel needed to fistbump over their diversity wins. However, if the Southlands had an existing political structure, that would be hard to swing in six episodes...so it just doesn’t. Bronwyn leads by sheer inertia.
Which means the Southlands has no political org, which means it has no political ties, no connections, no infrastructure, no ambassadors. It can’t send out word to neighboring kingdoms requesting aid, Bronwyn doesn’t even know what those are. It can’t have a real strategy as its borders and assets don’t exist. Its an extremely foolish decision, its writing a political story (war is politics) without any political actors, to hit a storytelling quota, and it really really shows.
...also the black sword artifact, which Adar and everyone is fighting over due to its mystical properties, turns out to be a key for a dam lock that refloods a river leading to a volcano. Writers of this show, I don’t know how to tell you this, but dams? Are not magic? If you wanted to unlock a dam, you can just *do that with the dam unlocking mechanism*, you don’t need a magic black sword that sucks the blood of its wielder. Its completely useless, a total non sequitur, I cannot believe they wasted our time with that. Such a dropped ball. 
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kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
I think Maglor is inherently just so fascinating. Here is an elf who has been swallowed by war, whose family is characterised with fire burning and devouring (Maedhros disappearing into the fiery chasm, Feanor's soul too hot for his body or his mother's to bear) and in order to prevent this in an act of what I see as a denial of his worth- because everything he has done in the act of obliging Maedhros at the end was useless, and he was too late- I think that as he wanders at the Sea, he wants to be water.
(And yet he will not let himself. He followed until he could not anymore because he was the only one left- Maglor defers to his brother Maedhros. Possibly guilt from Sauron's imprisonment of him, Maglor's refusal to try to rescue him.)
Because Maglor is not soft- he held the most vulnerable spot in the mountains at Beleriand. He led the cavalry, there- he is Maglor the Mighty! Maglor the Minstrel, the Gold-Cleaver- and there is something else to point at his power because he is a musician and what is Arda if not Song? He can be nice; all of the Feanorians had kind sides to them. But they were swallowed by the horrible decisions they themselves made and this is why I like them so much.
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Poll: Round 1A #7
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Evellyn, Luel, and Sahar:
"They're childhood friends. Evellyn is the princess of Nobilunia (on the moon), and sneaks out to meet the others and explore. Eventually they head too near the Forbidden Dark Place where the Darkness Dwells, and Evellyn gets snatched by monsters.
Luel (apprentice knight) runs after her, and Sahar (apprentice wizard) sends for help before following. They find her and successfully stall until the cavalry arrives, and then the Evil Sorceror appears. He's captured, but not before hitting Sahar with a Beam That Makes The Seeds Of Evil Sprout Deep In Your Heart.
Some time later, Evellyn and Luel start dating. Sahar… might have been driven to bitterness and resentment by fear that they'll leave him behind or might have been straight-up possessed, but on their wedding day he(?) summons an army of demons to attack the palace.
Luel is forced to kill him.
Sahar's death curses the kingdom, transforms Luel, and makes Evellyn vanish. Luel stays on the moon for a thousand years, protecting the trees and flowers, until one day he realizes he's forgotten Evellyn's face; he cries for the first time since the attack, and from his tear grows a flower that Evellyn is reborn inside. Her tears reverse his transformation, and they settle down on the empty moon.
Why do I have so many emotions about a gd picross fairytale.
(Note: it's pretty clear that 1 and maybe 2 were written before they'd figured out the backstory that's in 3 and 0/Prologue; I tend to read 1 as the story as told in-universe by someone who didn't really know them.)"
Andreth and Aegnor:
"anyway, Aegnor is an elf and Andreth is a mortal woman, and Aegnor's brother convinced him to break up with her because of the mortal/immortal thing. Both of them remained sad and bitter about it for their entire lives, with Andreth eventually challenging Aegnor's brother to his face about the matter, but Andreth and Aegnor themselves never saw each other again. Aegnor ended up dying before Andreth did anyway, as he was killed in battle, and he chose never to return to life - despite that being a thing elves can do - because of his grief that she wouldn't be there. Aegnor's brother went on to die helping another human/elf pair get married. Go figure."
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wearemercs · 2 years
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A cavalry by Pirata
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mtg-cards-hourly · 8 months
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Gladehart Cavalry
Artist: Dan Scott TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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wujczak · 10 months
Warmaster High Elf heroes
10mm metal Warmaster minis
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Two sets put together with some variance in color and basing / group composition
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5gr Polish coin set up on 20mm base for scale. Last photo features three additional bases of Silver Helm cavalry with heroes mixed in.
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moyokeansimblr · 5 months
Contessa Pleasance Cavalry "Download"
So criminalmiik asked (idk why I can't @ you) if I could share the "vampire girly in the red dress" and first I packaged her all up but then I realized her face template is the base template in that it hasn't been altered or blended with any others and I don't really feel right uploading her with an unchanged face template that I didn't modify myself in any way. Idk if that makes sense. So I figured the next best thing was to share links to everything she has so she can be recreated.
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Of course her dress is the maxis female grand vampire dress, can be found by going in debug. She's pictured with falkii's 4t2 squea beatle eyes and I believe she has custom color 15, and her skin is the default replacement vampire skin from knowledgeaspirations lilypad set. The cc hair she has in that post is a part of platasp's clay defaults. I haven't replaced the hairs again yet since switching to non-clay so she has the maxis hair again now.
And lastly, the most important part, her face template is Figs non-default version of Trapping's Long Ear Elf (I initially thought it was the other one from that post but upon closer inspection it's the LEE...both are cool nonetheless).
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Her eyebrows are poppet defaults of one of the maxis brows, not sure which. She doesn't have any makeup on or anything. If you're really curious she's a Pleasure asp in Strangetown and I screenshotted some of her stats in simpe. ACR hasn't randomized her gender preference yet.
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