upsteadlover4 · 10 months
Chapters: 38/? Fandom: Chicago PD (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton, Kim Burgess & Adam Ruzek, Stella Kidd & Kelly Severide Characters: Jay and Will Halstead's Mother, Maeve, Jay Halstead, Hailey Upton, Natalie Manning, Will Halstead, Trudy Platt, Hank Voight, Adam Ruzek, Kim Burgess, Kevin Atwater, April Sexton, Ethan Choi, Violet Mikami, Stella Kidd, Maggie Lockwood, Owen Manning, Randy "Mouch" McHolland, Kelly Severide, Joe Cruz (Chicago Fire), Christopher Herrmann Additional Tags: Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton Fluff, Domestic Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton, Marriage, Love, Best Friends, Multiple Partners, Detectives, Happy, Sad, Angst, Heartbreak, 21st District Police Station (Chicago PD), Family, Children, Celebrations, Reunions, Adoption, Violet - Freeform, Violet Upton, past trauma, Jay Halstead and Hailey Upton get their shit together, ronald booth - Freeform, A happy ending upstead deserve, Wisconsin cabin, all the feels Summary:
When a what-should-be typical case sends Hailey's haunted past flying into her life once again, how will she deal with it? Hailey wants to be able to make amends for her past regrets and make a life that is full of happiness, joy and love, but will she be able to do it? With Halstead and her work family by her side, let's follow Hailey as she navigates life with an unexpected twist.
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im-goofball · 1 year
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I am doing this expresion meme challenge. Give me a face and a one piece character to draw!
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brutalizers · 4 days
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Mike Faist and Josh O’Connor behind the scenes of ‘Challanegers’ 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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francisforever2014 · 16 days
i can understand why some people wouldn’t love challanegers but i fundamentally think that it’s bc they didn’t experience it the way i did. in a slightly gross independent movie theater with only your best friend and this other group of friends who were reacting to the entire movie like it was a football game
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juno-of-wonderland · 4 months
I send you a picture of my cat and you assign a Yandere character that would love us both
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If us are like you cute cat? Ok, have a list:
1_Idia and Satan
4_other from diasomia and Leviathan
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Limit - 700 kcal
Zjedzone - 710,4 kcal
Splaone - 300 kcal
Woda - 2l
Śniadanie - pół banana
II śniadanie - pół banana I jogurt
Obiad - pół bajgla i sałatka
Kolacja - pół Bajgla
Regres, progres i znowu regres. Eh.. trzeba się wziąść w garść! Zgodnie z planem mam zacząć dietę two week challanege ale zmieniam to na lunabelle diet. Rozmyślałem o przejściu na purple skinny girl diet ale wizja jedzenie 1000 lub 900 kalori przez około 12 dni była dla mnie straszna.
Co tam u mnie ciekawego, będę przekuwać uszy! Jej ! Zwiękrze szanse na pobicie mnie za wygląd!!! Sumie chce przekuć sobie tylko jedno ucho .... lub dwa. Jeszcze nie mogę się zdecydować. Ogólnie dzień był całkiem okej. Nic ciekawego dzisiaj się nie działo. Miałem kartkówkę z polaka, dobrze mi poszła . Dzisiaj było wyjątkowo spokojnie
Cały czas myślę o tej diecie purple skinny girl diet. Jakby jak dla mnie to są wysokie limity a nie chce się demotywowac ale boję się że jak jutro zjem 500 kcal to będę mieć znowu Napad i będę twkiwc w tym cholernym błędnym kole w którym ma się co dwa dni napady I załamanie psychiczne.
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g0om · 3 days
trying not to call my ult a beutiful amazing angel for 3 second challaneg failed
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lukexmyersx · 11 months
AU Challanege [Wave’s End]
“Yeah that was fucking horrible, but at least you tried.” Luke said with a chuckle and looked at his friend and then back at the person who he was teaching how to cook. “Seriously man, the best part of cooking and baking is that you can always learn and grow your skills.” He said with a smile. “We’ll pick this up tomorrow, alright?” He asked and helped his student clean up.
“Now that my student is gone, you wanna go get a beer or something? The food was awful and I feel like I need a beer to wash it away.” He said wiht a laugh and went to the bar with his friend.
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sketchwithjo · 5 years
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Second batch #100headschallenge #gouache #painting #sketching #sketch #pen #pensketch #drawing #illustration #challanege #sketchbook #art https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwujy43AM8V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oi5cf4f0rci8
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dontcallmejoel · 6 years
[[ new rp thread wish: I wanna write a dialogue-less thread ]]
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gorillageek27 · 3 years
Ruby: (maybe if i do the jack o challaneg jaune will be all over me like a fly to a wall) *smirks*
Ruby: *posing but strugglibg* (this was a bad idea)
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astroaquarium · 4 years
Mercury Through the Houses 🧚🗣
And what preoccupies your mind...
1st house: Your apperance and how others percieve you; You worry about and have anxious energy surrounding the impressions you make on others, which outwardly manifests as such, because of this you are likely to come across as very intellectual, witty, and fast-paced (either mentally or verbally).
2nd house: you spend much of your time thinking about your core values and beliefs, particularly the values you hold yourself and others accountable to. You have a strong moral compass and expect others to too. You may find yourself thinking a lot and/or worrying about finnances and money, in particular, those that are attachted to material goods which hold special value and meaning to you, this could be; home, car, and other status symbols which represent your worth and place in society.
3rd house: curiosity fills your mind, you spend your days wondering why is this? And why is that? You have a natural wonder about the world and are constantly in search of the answers to the myserty of the world. You may find yourself thinking and/or worrying about your siblings.
4th house: your past takes up a lot of your thinking time, looking back on all the could have, should have moments that have long gone, this can be a source of anxiety if it is done so as a debilitating coping mechanism. You may also find yourself thinking and/or worrying about your family members, in particular your primary caregiver (not always the mother).
5th house: your think a lot about your hobbies, the good times and what you like to do to escape in your freetime. Often a bit of a daydreamer, those with this placement put a lot of mental enegery into their creative pursuits, and often worry about their creative abilities.
6th house: you think a lot about your daily routine, your to-do list and all the tasks you have to complete to get through the day. You may often put a lot of thought or worry into the carrying out of your routine without disruption or with the condition of your own or others health and wellbeing. This placement can be indicative of hypochondria.
7th house: you spend a lot of time thinking about your relationships with others, how you connect and the intricacies human connection. You may often find yourself worrying about and or putting a lot of thought into your personal romantic and professional relationships and how best you can relate to others.
8th house: you think a lot about topics that are typically off-limits, taboo, or secretive. This may manifest internalising your deepest hidden desires or secrets, and putting a lot of mental energy into this. You may worry or put a lot of thought into your death, or death itself (either literally or metaphorically), you might also think a great deal about money, in particular inheritances.
9th house: you are preoccupied with your own philosophies and ways of life, this might be spiritual or religious in nature. You may spend a lot of time worrying about or thinking about how your beliefs define you or can be communicated and shared with others. This can also indicate success and interst in higher education, and spending a considerable ammount of time dedicated to this.
10th house: your reputation. You think a lot about your status in society and the workplace and how to get up in the world, and to climb the literal or figurative corporate ladder. You deciate a lot of time and energy thinking and owrrying about your public apperance and want to be seen as an intellectual. You may come across as very studious, quick-witted, and nervous to collegeues and society in the workplace.
11th house: you think about society at a global scale, what is happening to the world? Climate change? World hunger? You are all over societal humanitarian challaneges and spend a lot of mental energy deciphering and worrying about what has come of the world? How you can communicate this to your peers? And how to change this? You may also think a lot of your goals and aspirtaions, and in particular how they allign with society as a whole.
12th house: you spend a great deal thinking in general, you are a born thinker and do so often, althought your thoughts are not always clear and accessible to you, they may often feel lost as soon as they arrive. Often jumbled and disorganised your thoughts can mesh into your dreams and sometimes be hard to untangle reality from dreamland. You may be anxious or spend a lot of time thinking as a form of escape or putting a lot of energy into escapist tendancies (drugs, alcohol, over sleeping, isolating yourself, self-harm etc.) for this reason you may have trouble facing or communicating flulidly what you are running from.
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beauvilliers · 4 years
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storrmy · 4 years
Day four of the Chole Ting challanege and it’s both gotten easier and harder.
We got this tho
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disneydatass · 4 years
You’ve seen those I keep buying books even tho I have a stack of unread ones staring me in the face every night posts, you’ve read about the constantly buying cute notebooks, but now comes a new challaneger-the endless buying and then not playing of video games...
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doctorgerth · 5 years
May I have a matchup please? INFJ, Hufflepuff/Slytherin cusp. I’m asexual. I am shy at first but open up with people I know and have a Resting Bitch Face so I don’t make the best first impressions. Compassionate, kind, mom-friend, I however have a dark humor and sarcastic type of jokes that sometimes can either make people burst a gut or it flies over people’s head. I love sweets and love writing and always hoard empty notebooks and books. I dress modestly and am always down for adventures.
Yes you sure can, sweet friend! I’m again so terribly sorry at how long it’s taken to get this out to you. I hope you enjoy x
Your match is…
Mihawk (INTJ)
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You and Mihawk match so well because you are practically the same person! INTJs and INFJs make great pairs as introverts tend to stick together and understand each other the best. Your introverted natures make for great quality time as that is what you both seek from one another. You two don’t need lavish parties or wild adventures to enjoy each other’s companies. Quiet time in the library by the fire, reading/discussing books, and drinking wine is all he could ever need with you. Mihawk usually prefers to be alone, but after meeting you, he wants you to at least be in the same room as him most of the time. Your missing presence makes him feel incomplete, empty, though he wouldn’t put it in those words. He simply just likes to have you around, your serene presence calms him.
Mihawk isn’t a very open or emotional person. This isn’t a problem for either of you as you are both mature enough to meet in the middle. You tend to coast on your feelings, relying on them to guide you through situations. While Mihawk can respect that, he can’t necessarily relate. He tends to analyze situations for what they are and trust his gut instincts. This distinction in your relationship doesn’t ever harm it however, as you two use your differences to balance each other out. When you are upset or particularly emotional, Mihawk will gladly make you think logically about your feelings, encouraging you to analyze them and find a solution. When Mihawk is stuck in a situation between logic and emotion, you’re there to remind him that his emotions are important to follow every now and then. These compromises make for great comfort that you two seem to only find in each other, which he appreciates.
Now, just because Mihawk isn’t typically openly emotional, it doesn’t mean he is completely void of emotions. When Mihawk manages to trust a person, he trusts them wholeheartedly. You being his lover, he trusts you with his life, therefore he feels safe to be emotional around you. He would normally find it difficult to discuss what he’s feeling, but he truly appreciates that with you, he can talk about anything. He’s still not a very touchy person, but he doesn’t mind giving you sweet pecks of affection every now and then; your forehead, cheek, nose, lips, anywhere on your face really. He’ll do it so casually it catches you by surprise every time! He wouldn’t admit it, but he does it to get a cute blush out of you. At certain times, he’s not opposed to you curling up in his lap while he’s sitting in the chair. He’ll simply hold you and continue with his reading, rubbing small circles into your thighs with his free thumb. This is a very rare occasion, only happening when he’s feeling particularly sweet.
Mihawk is truly romantic without even meaning to most of the time. He’s a true gentleman, always pulling out your chair for you at dinner, fixing you a glass of wine, carrying you to bed when you’re tired, etc. He’s also a really great dancer, especially ball room dancing. He’ll put on the record player and just pull you to him, swaying and dipping you along to the classical music. Speaking of, he is definitely a classical music kind of guy. He has it constantly playing throughout the castle. Being a Spanish man, he’s also really good at tango dancing though it takes a lot of convincing (and wine) to get him to show off his moves. His accent will slip every now and then, calling you cute nicknames like, “Mi amor”, “Mi vida”, or “Cariño”. No matter how terrible your Spanish is, he always gets butterflies when you call, “Mi rey”.
Your dark humor is actually one of his favorite things about you. Not many things make him laugh, but your sarcastic and witty jokes/comments always makes him crack a small smile. It’s even funnier when your joke goes over someone’s head. He can’t hide the amusement of the sheer confusion on their face. You two like to challanege each other in witty banter when you’re feeling playful, and it’s about 50/50. Strangers think you’re being hateful to one another, but you two are truly relishing in each other’s intelligence and humor.
Other potential suitors:Ace (ENFJ): Every introvert needs an extrovert in their lives! You two have practically the same mind and mannerisms, his are just more extroverted than yours! While introverts tend to feel drained around extroverts, Ace makes sure that never happens. He’s very in tune with your feelings and knows when your social/emotional meter is depleting. He has a very strong and passionate personality, which makes life for the two of you very exciting and adventurous. You two are both very emotional, finding it safe and easy to discuss your emotions with one another, which makes for less arguments since you two are great at communication. You two share a lot of the same passions and care for others!
Rosinante (INFP): Rosi is a bit reserved, much like you, but you two were somehow so magnetically drawn to each other, finding it so easy to open up. Rosi’s life is bit more optimistic, which makes for a little sunshine in your life. Your dark humor really catches him by surprise, which makes for a great laugh for you seeing his shocked and confused faces. Your enjoyment is enough to make him laugh, even though he doesn’t understand your humor at all lol Rosi really loves meek and modest women, so your personality and clothing choice really warm his heart. He also finds your RBF amusing - when he catches your face in RBF mode, he’ll look at you and give you a silly face, causing you to break into a smile/laugh every single time. He finds it so adorable to see you crack.
Robin (INTP): You and Mama Robin are practically the same person. RBF, dark humor, love of books, mom-friend tendencies…this makes you two get along so well. Since you see a lot of yourselves in one another, it makes it easy to understand yourselves better and seek to help better each other. Like Mihawk, Robin loves to spend nice quality time with you. She’ll gladly read you work and will always support you through your writing process, she’s your biggest fan! Robin is more of a logical person, always seeking information, which can make for some deep conversations between you two that you both cherish. Your emotional side is something she adores in you, as she’s had to swallow her emotions and face terrible situations. She finds it captivating that she can seek solace in you so easily. You two also make for some great moms in the Straw Hat crew!
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