#chapter 1030 spoilers
chenziee · 1 year
Attempt #idk-how-many to see if this finally shows up in the goddamned tags because I care about this verse and this fic okay
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Once again, I bring you an offering of some extremely soft Lawlu with a dash of Law being embarrassingly in love (which really isn't any different from canon), feat. Law taking some romantic phrases and little bit too literally.
This is part 3 of the vivre card/Ashes of Life series but as usual, you absolutely don't need to have read the other two for this to make sense!
! Manga spoilers for chapters 1030 onward, mostly 1043 and 1044 ! Light angst with a happy ending and a lot of comfort :)
[ Read on AO3 | Full Series | Ko-Fi ]
The Skull Dome of Onigashima was shaking, pieces of rubble and wood falling off the ceiling and walls. It was no wonder with all the fierce battles that were going on—really, in Law’s opinion it was more of a shock that the building was still standing after their fight with Kaido on the roof, the All Stars and Tobi Roppo going wild all over the place, not to mention the Straw Hats. They were probably doing more damage than all their enemies combined. Hell, Straw Hat himself came crashing through the goddamned floor only minutes earlier riding a pink fucking dragon.
How very Straw Hat-ya, Law thought to himself with some undeniable, if questionable, amusement.
“The fuck are you smiling about, Trafalgar?” Eustass asked with disgust.
Law scowled, quickly wiping the smile off his face as he looked at his tentative ally. “Speak for yourself,” Law shot back, eyeing the manic grin on Eustass’ lips. 
He was surrounded by idiots.
First Straw Hat and Roronoa, now Eustass—all of them a bit too happy to pick fights with people for no reason for Law taste.
Although, Law didn’t have much room to talk.
Huffing to himself, Law stood up to his full height, leaning Kikoku’s long blade against his shoulder as he took in Big Mom’s large, threatening presence. She was staring down at them, hair aflame, sword in one hand, thunder cloud in the other. Random things brought to life were dancing at her feet, all of them laughing and taunting him and Eustass. A wide smile was plastered on her face, a smile that couldn’t be more different from the one Straw Hat always wore whenever facing a strong enemy. It was icy cold, born not of the thrill of battle but of pure bloodthirst, lacking any care for anything or anyone.
Law much preferred Straw Hat’s idiotic, excited grins even though they always gave him a headache in the end.
“You have that disgusting expression on your face again,” Eustass said with a click of his tongue.
“Fuck off, Eustass-ya. Focus on the enemy,” Law retorted but he schooled his expression back to neutral.
What was he even doing, thinking about Straw Hat while he had Big Mom raging and ready to kill right in front of him? How stupid. But somehow, he couldn’t help but feel lighter because of it. Because that’s what Luffy did, wasn’t it? Making people stop doubting themselves, giving them hope when there was none, pushing them forward when they saw no path ahead.
Even now, he was on the roof fighting Kaido after he was already defeated twice, stubbornly charging forward to show the way to all the warriors fighting inside the Skull Dome. He would beat Kaido no matter what it took, no matter how many times he got beat down—he would always bounce back like the rubbery idiot he was and finally bring dawn to Wano. And Law had no doubt that he would succeed.
Shaking his head to clear it, Law chased all these useless thoughts away. No matter how confident in their—and Luffy’s—victory he was, they were still facing two Emperors.
Really, having fought them both, he could describe them as nothing but monsters. And honestly… It was fun. And even if it meant he had to work with Eustass, he would make sure to drag Big Mom down from her perch, from the comfortable, untouchable seat of an Emperor of the Sea.
The Rocks’ era was over two years ago.
Now, it was their era to claim.
Flexing his hand, a smirk pulled on Law’s lips. How much would it take to dethrone two relics of a time long gone? How much to claim their seats?
He was sure they were going to find out soon.
He was going to bring Big Mom down right here, right now. And then he was going to watch Luffy as he tore the rest of the old world down.
Gasping for breath, Law finally let himself drop to the floor, completely spent. For a moment, he wondered if he could just pass out and sleep for a week now—he deserved at least that after overusing his awakened powers and sending Big Mom who knows how far underground, right?
He heard his crew cheer from somewhere but he didn’t bother looking in that direction; he only closed his eyes, leaning his back against the rubble as he relaxed. Now the only things that remained was cleaning out the fodder, the All Stars, and Kaido.
Law took a deep breath, focusing his Observation Haki to gauge the situation. Honestly, it was near impossible to tell what was even going on inside the Dome but he couldn’t say he cared. It was enough that he couldn’t find either King’s, Queen’s or Jack’s presence. Beside that… the only thing that mattered to him was the roof.
“Straw Hat-ya,” Law muttered, finally opening his eyes to stare at the ceiling where he could sense Luffy’s and Kaido’s Voices.
They were both much weaker than they were at the start of this night but they were still raging to go… although Law could tell Straw Hat was about as exhausted as Law himself. It wouldn’t be long for that fight to be over as well.
“Captain! Are you okay?!” Bepo asked with urgency as he fell to his knees next to Law to check him over.
Law only hummed noncommittally, barely paying attention while he focused on the Voices above. Why were there three now?
And then… there were only two again.
And a split second later… only one.
A single Voice.
And it wasn’t Luffy.
Law’s eyes widened as he shot up, ignoring his protesting body that refused to move. He needed to make sure. 
Law paid no attention to Bepo’s cry, the mink probably shocked from the speed and suddenness of his best friend’s movement, but Law just didn’t care. Not now.
“Room,” he growled, a tiny sphere appearing around his hand for a second before it flickered out of existence again. Law clicked his tongue impatiently, before trying again, "Fucking—Room.”
Finally, his power listened to him and a Room came to life, holding stable, and Law continued, turning his hand up to his chest. “Scalpel.”
“Captain, what are you doing?!” Bepo cried in alarm.
“Not now, Bepo,” Law snapped.
“Have you finally lost it, Trafalgar?” Eustass asked then, voice mocking.
“Shut up!” Law really didn’t have the patience for any of them right now. He could feel his heart being a mile per second as he took it out of his ribcage, his breathing shallow while his mind went completely blank, his vision narrowing until he could barely see anything. “Hold this,” he told Bepo absent-mindedly before he dropped his heart into Bepo’s lap.
He could hear Bepo fumbling to grab it, probably terrified something would happen to the organ with it being treated so carelessly by its owner.
Law, however, simply reached into the hole that was left in his chest, searching—searching for something that should be so easy to grab but that he simply couldn’t find. It couldn’t be gone, it simply couldn’t… Where is it? Please no no no—
Finally, his fingers touched something that didn’t belong in the crevice and Law quickly took it out, clenching it in his fist for a moment. He was scared to look at it. He could already feel it—he could feel the burn, feel the size, feel it falling apart. He didn’t want to look but there was nothing else for him, nothing to do, no way to avoid it. Fuck, he could hear it from his Voice anyway.
He was just so scared.
Taking a shaky breath, Law opened his hand to look at the piece of paper on his palm—or what was left of it.
“Did you seriously just pull a vivre card out of your fucking chest? Are you actually insane?” Eustass asked with his voice completely blank and Law could just imagine the weirded out expression he was probably wearing right then. But then, Eustass continued, “Wait. Don’t tell me that’s—”
“Straw Hat…” Bepo breathed quietly, carefully.
Law didn’t react to either of them. He only gulped heavily, watching as the tiny, oh so tiny piece of paper moved weakly across his palm, getting smaller with every second as the edges burned more and more. There was barely anything left. Barely enough to hang onto any hope.
“What are you doing?” Law growled, but he could barely hear himself. There was a hum in his ears, a white noise that didn’t mean anything, didn’t serve any purpose but to drive him even more mad.
He refused to believe this.
The paper had to be lying.
There was simply no way, no way that Luffy lost.
No way that his life was about to disappear, leaving behind nothing but a few specks of ash.
He had to do something. He blindly reached his free hand, searching for Kikoku, getting ready to get up but his legs weren’t listening to him. He didn’t have any strength left to even move, much less fight.
And then… it was too late anyway.
“No—” Law could barely let out before the last bits of paper scattered into the air, leaving behind nothing more than the ghost of the feeling of burning embers on his palm.
For a moment, it was like time had stopped. Law couldn’t breathe, couldn’t hear, couldn’t feel anything. He only sat there motionlessly while Bepo panicked beside him, Eustass cursing somewhere so very far away. And still, the only thing running through his mind was no, this can’t be happening.
What kind of sick joke was this?
They had come so far; they brought all these people together, they pulled off this raid, they beat all the strongest enemies… The only one left was Kaido and up until this very moment, Law had no doubt he would witness yet another miracle of Straw Hat’s own making.
He never even considered this possibility. If he had known, he would have never—
He shouldn’t have left the roof.
He should have helped.
He should have been there.
But he didn’t and he wasn’t and now he was here; alone. Left with nothing but a hole in his chest and a few pieces of dust on his skin that were just a reminder of what used to be a solid chunk of paper—one full of life which was stronger than any other, with determination to pull through anything and still burn brightly like the sun.
So why? Why did this happen?
Law barely flinched when the ceiling came crashing down and Kaido’s booming voice demanded Momonosuke’s head, declaring Luffy’s death in the same breath.
It wasn’t a surprise to him, after all. It didn’t fucking matter what Kaido said at this point.
“It was a short-lived dream…” Eustass muttered.
“Suppose it’s the cold, hard reality. We have nothing left,” Law replied, voice completely void of emotion. He still couldn’t tear his eyes away from charred, black remains of Luffy’s life-force still clinging to his skin.
“Fuck this. I’m going to fight, Trafalgar. I’m not surrendering just like that,” Eustass announced, slowly getting to his feet even though his movements were sluggish and wobbly.
And Law knew—he knew that was the right thing to do. He, too, was going to fight. This was no time to sit here and be completely useless…
But before he could so much as look up, something stopped him. “What the—”
Completely frozen, Law could only watch with wide eyes as specks of dust and ash gathered in his palm, swirling in place as if guided by a non-existent gust of wind. It took Law a long moment to realise what was happening; and how could he? It was ridiculous, completely unheard of, and if Law didn’t see it happening in real time, he would never have believed it.
But there it was, the very same vivre card that had burned down to nothing a mere minute ago, back in one piece as if nothing happened and only growing bigger each second.
The wave of powerful haki that followed seemed almost redundant then. And when the deafening beat of a drum started echoing in his mind, Law had no doubt what was happening anymore. Or well, he still had absolutely no idea what was even going on but he did know the most important thing.
“Fucking idiot,” Law sighed as his fingers curled into a fist around the full-sized, alive vivre card, clutching it close.
“What’s going on? What’s this sound?!” Bepo asked, paws on his ears as he looked around with confusion.
“Just Straw Hat-ya doing something ridiculous. Again. Don’t worry about it, he’s really going to finish it now.” Law let go of a tired breath, finally allowing himself to relax again. He felt so exhausted… As if the fight with Big Mom wasn’t enough, Straw Hat just had to go and make it worse.
He was going to have a word with this idiot when this was all over.
“Uhm, captain?”
Cracking one eye open, Law glanced at Bepo, humming questioningly.
Bepo fumbled for a moment, looking like he was trying to pick something up while absolutely terrified to touch it. Only when he managed to raise his paws up, did Law realise why. “Sorry. What—what about your heart?”
“Shit I completely forgot,” Law groaned, forcing himself to sit up again before he reached over to grab the organ from Bepo’s awkward hold to put it back in place. “Thanks.”
“Freak,” someone noted.
“Fuck off, Eustass-ya.”
Whatever Law had expected to happen when Straw Hat had come back, it sure as hell wasn’t that. He still wasn’t sure what did actually happen but watching Luffy, with his hair and clothes pure white, jump and run around, change sizes however he wished, bend the very laws of nature to his own will, and laugh like a maniac the whole time… It was both completely surreal and perfectly Straw Hat at the same time.
And watching him now, having fun during the celebratory festival as if nothing happened…
Law just felt so tired.
“Captain? Are you okay?” Penguin asked when Law got up from the ground where he and his crew had been drinking at the sidelines of the heart of the festival.
No, Law's mind immediately supplied but he bit his tongue, refusing to let the word slip out.
“I need a break,” Law said without elaborating.
Penguin looked like he was about to press him but when their eyes met, he deflated and nodded, making Law sigh in relief. He really didn’t feel like explaining the frustration he felt right then—not to his crew, not to his friends, not to anyone. He was sure Penguin, Shachi and Bepo could understand what was on his mind either way, after all the time they’ve known each other. 
Without another word, Law turned around and left, leaving the noise and energy of the festival behind. He didn’t even know where he was heading, he simply knew he needed to get away; get somewhere where he could breathe, where he didn’t have to put up a facade of being alright.
Because he wasn’t alright. Not after Onigashima; the fight with Kaido, Big Mom, and everything after… It was too much. And with everyone celebrating and all the stress falling away, it was getting impossible to hide.
He really didn’t want to see anyone but of course, it couldn’t be that easy.
“Torao!! Finally found you!”
Heaving a deep sigh, Law stopped in his tracks, rubbing at his forehead. He already felt a headache coming; he wasn’t ready for this conversation but he knew there would be no point in trying to run away from this stubborn idiot. He always had a way to find Law wherever he would try to hide.
“Straw Hat-ya. What is it?” he asked when the other captain stopped next to him, out breath but with a wide smile plastered on his face and Law hated how his heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“I just wanted to see you! Your friends said you went on a walk so I thought I’d join you!” he announced proudly.
Law didn’t respond, he only turned away and started walking again. 
“Oi, Torao. Wait for me,” Straw Hat said, obviously taken aback by Law’s lack of communication.
“Then keep up,” Law shot back. He wasn’t even sure why he was being so short with him but he was just so annoyed.
They walked in silence for a moment and Law could feel Straw Hat’s gaze on the side of his head the entire time. He wanted to snap at him to stop staring, to just go away but somehow… he didn’t even care anymore.
He wasn’t surprised when Straw Hat finally spoke up, probably unable to bear the silence anymore, “Torao. What’s wrong?”
Law closed his eyes momentarily, praying for patience. He couldn’t say anyone was listening to him, however, and he felt his blood-pressure raising as he gritted his teeth. “Take a fucking guess,” he hissed.
Straw Hat tilted his head to the side, his eyebrows scrunching up into an adorable frown—one that only made Law even more annoyed. “I won’t know unless you talk to me, Torao…”
“Fine! You want to know what’s wrong? You’re what’s wrong!” Law finally snapped, running his hands through his hair in frustration, knocking his hat off in the process but he didn’t even care. “What the fuck were you thinking? You just let Kaido push you to that point without asking for help and without anyone even fucking knowing! And then what happened?!”
“Tora—” Straw Hat started before stopping himself. He quietly watched Law as he started pacing back and forth and continued ranting.
“Actually, I don’t even want to know what was running through that empty goddamned head of yours. Probably fucking nothing because you never think. You never stop to plan anything, never even wonder what might happen! Did the fact you already lost once and ended up in a fucking labour camp mean nothing? Why are you always so fucking reckless—”
“Law!” Straw Hat finally called before he grabbed Law’s arm, forcing him to stop in his tracks. “Law, look at me.”
“Fuck off, Straw Hat-ya. Let me go!” Law growled, trying to pry his arm out of Luffy’s vice grip without much success.
“No! Law, please. Look at me. We won. We’re both fine, all of us are fine. Nothing—”
“Don’t you dare say nothing happened!” Law interrupted as he finally yanked his arm free to instead point at Luffy’s chest, poking him hard just above his heart with every word that followed, “You. Fucking. Died.”
Silence followed his final statement. Luffy simply looked at him in silence, those large, honest eyes seemingly peering right into Law’s soul and taking him apart to the last atom while Law only stood there, glaring back at him as he panted lightly, out of breath after his tirade. He didn’t even care if he sounded pathetic and childish; he was just so angry. Angry and frustrated and tired and so scared.
It took a full minute before either of them moved but finally, Straw Hat opened his mouth, speaking quietly, “But I didn’t die, Law. I’m here now.”
Law clicked his tongue. “Luffy, you fucking died. Your vivre card burned to nothing in my fucking hand and I could do fuck all about it.”
And that was the entire heart of the matter, wasn’t it? That Law didn’t know until it was too late, that he couldn’t do anything about it, that he was completely and utterly helpless. Helpless in supporting him, helpless in protecting him, helpless in bringing him back.
It was only thanks to luck, the absolute ridiculousness of the Gum Gum Fruit, and Straw Hat’s endless willpower that he was even standing in front of Law right now. Law couldn’t do anything to support the love of his miserable fucking life when he most needed it.
He knew Luffy wouldn’t have wanted his help in the first place. He knew the best thing he could have done in that situation was to take care of Big Mom. He knew.
And yet…
“I’m sorry,” Luffy said finally, voice serious.
Law sighed heavily. “No, you’re not.”
“Well, I mean—” Straw Hat folded his hands behind his head, a small pout appearing on his lips— “I’m not sorry about picking a fight with Kaido, he deserved it!”
“See?” Law groaned while rubbing the bridge of his nose. Why was this idiot so—
“But I am sorry I scared you. Really.”
As soon as Law heard those words, it was like all energy drained from him and his shoulders sagged. He didn’t even care anymore; he just wanted to sleep and not have to think about any of this. Why was he even so angry in the first place? It was all done and over already. No what-ifs or alternatives could change what really happened and Luffy was right—they were okay now and everything worked out.
So what did it matter?
Clicking his tongue, Law turned away. He wanted to pick up his forgotten hat and just leave but before he could so much as lean down, Luffy’s fingers closed around his wrist, stopping him. He looked at him questioningly but before he could so much as say anything, Luffy shook his head, tugged at Law’s hand gently… and smiled.
“Come here,” he said quietly, opening his arms in invitation.
Law scowled, not moving a muscle but he didn’t protest when Luffy took a step closer, his arms snaking behind Law’s back and pulling him into a hug. It still took him a moment but soon, it became impossible to fight the warmth and security of Luffy’s embrace and he let himself relax, sinking into the feeling.
Letting go of a shaky breath, Law buried his face into the crook of Luffy’s neck, his arms coming to wrap around Luffy’s waist, pulling him closer. Suddenly, Law realised this was the first time he had touched Luffy since before the battle of Onigashima—really, when was the last time? Probably in the Amigasa village the morning before the raid, when they had exchanged a quick kiss before they each went their own way, to their own crews and their own ships.
After the battle, Luffy was unconscious for days and being cared for by Tony; there was no reason for Law to hang around. He really only got to see him earlier today once the festival started but Luffy being Luffy, he barely said hi to Law before he ran off to raid every stall he could get to.
Maybe… all Law needed was to feel his warmth, touch his skin, smell his hair—make sure he was real, solid, breathing.
That he was alive.
“I’m not going anywhere, Torao,” Luffy mumbled quietly as he slowly ran his fingers through Law’s hair.
“Back to stupid nicknames, are we?” Law asked instead of acknowledging his words.
Straw Hat snickered. “You love it!”
“Fuck off, Straw Hat-ya,” Law sighed.
At that, Luffy only laughed harder. “I love you, Torao.”
Law clicked his tongue, his fingers curling into the fabric of Luffy’s yukata. “Shut up.”
“No. I love you!” he sang, his voice shaking in amusement.
“Fine!” Law snapped. “I love you too. Happy?”
“Yep!” Straw Hat announced proudly and Law could just picture the impossibly bright, blinding smile that was undoubtedly plastered on his face. “Now I just need some of the meat Sanji was cooking before I left to chase you…”
Law groaned. And here he thought they were having a moment… “I take it back. I fucking hate you.”
“What?! But I was going to share with you!”
“I don’t want any,” Law said and despite himself, a smile pulled on his lips.
“But it looked so tasty,” Straw Hat whined.
With an amused huff, Law finally pulled away from Luffy, taking in the adorable pout that was adorning his lips. He didn’t resist the temptation to kiss it away.
But, even after they separated, the unhappy expression stayed in Luffy’s face and Law chuckled, shaking his head at the sight. “You can have the meat, I don’t care.”
Immediately, Luffy’s face split into that blinding grin that made Law fall in love in the first place and he cheered, grabbing Law’s hand to drag him back towards the festival. Law barely had the time to grab his hat off the ground before Luffy’s rubbery pull gave him no choice but to follow.
It was hours later—hours during which he was forced to literally wrestle a laughing Luffy away from the food stalls and their desperately crying owners, only to instead end up goaded into playing many of the available games with Luffy, the Straw Hats, his own crew, Kaido’s son, and Eustass of all people—that Law realised the weight he had been carrying around for days had lifted.
And he wasn’t tired anymore.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 year
Butter Pecan
Butter Pecan by CitrineDiamondEyes
Today, he was in the lead and she was following him, and he felt drunk with the possibility of being loved enough to be chased after, to be wanted just that much.
Words: 1030, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Pre-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Pre-Relationship, Fluff, slight angst if you squint, they are in love your honor, Chat has the hots for Ladybug, that's it that's the fic, no spoilers for season 5 don't worry, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, LadyNoir
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47135197
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rssspockuhura · 1 year
I Find The Map and Draw a Straight Line
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Spock/Uhura tag is used in ref to S/U as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Currently there is no way to filter and exclude feeds on Ao3 to get only S/U F/M works.Solution. Read at your own risk.
by TUNiU
In fics, often Nyota seems to lose out when Spock realizes his T'hy'la in Jim. What if she recognizes Spock and Jim are a package deal and decides to become theirs? Takes place as a series of what ifs between Spock and Nyota watch over a comatose Jim.
Words: 1030, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Spock (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura
Relationships: Spock/Nyota Uhura, James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk/Nyota Uhura, James T. Kirk/Spock/Nyota Uhura
Additional Tags: Star Trek: Into Darkness Spoilers, Threesome - F/M/M, Daydreaming, Psychic Bond, the time before happily ever after, Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47660041 via AO3 works tagged 'Spock/Nyota Uhura' https://archiveofourown.org/works/47660041
Need an Ao3 invite? Don't want to wait? Get one via LiveJournal or Dreamwidth. Remember to check out the Spuhura fanworks community on livejournal. Follow rssspockuhura for Spock/Uhura fanworks from around the web.
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ao3feed-spirhura · 1 year
I Find The Map and Draw a Straight Line
by TUNiU
In fics, often Nyota seems to lose out when Spock realizes his T'hy'la in Jim. What if she recognizes Spock and Jim are a package deal and decides to become theirs? Takes place as a series of what ifs between Spock and Nyota watch over a comatose Jim.
Words: 1030, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Spock (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura
Relationships: Spock/Nyota Uhura, James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk/Nyota Uhura, James T. Kirk/Spock/Nyota Uhura
Additional Tags: Star Trek: Into Darkness Spoilers, Threesome - F/M/M, Daydreaming, Psychic Bond, the time before happily ever after, Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47660041 via AO3 works tagged 'James T. Kirk/Spock/Nyota Uhura' https://archiveofourown.org/works/47660041
Remember to check out http://kirkspockuhura.livejournal.com and link your fics.
Need an Ao3 invite? Don't want to wait? Get one via LiveJournal or Dreamwidth. Remember to check out the Spirhura fanworks community on livejournal. Follow ao3feed-spirhura for Kirk/Spock/Uhura fanworks from around the web.
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
Roomy room de la (v)room (v)room (1030 spoilers) - Law’s attack names
Okay, so things might change with translation, but I have a one piece crack fic where Law, Luffy, Robin and Marco are the deluxe vehicles of a devil-fruit driver public transport company. Law’s special ride is called the Roomy room de la (v)room (v)room.
Now, I’m only reading on scans, so it might change, and there also might be kana significance to Law’s new attack, which is called Kroom!
It is probably kana for Chrome in Dutch and maybe relates to chromium complexes that are found in some analgesics. Law’s Mes (blade/knife/scalpel) technique is Dutch too and the Dutch influenced modern medicine and language in Japan a fair bit. I could be wrong, but am running with it for now.
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However, my google searches also brought up two anaesthetists, one called Kroom (Scottish) and one called Froom, and funnily enough, Froom was one of two doctors who suggested a “Novel local anaesthetic analgesic technique for tongue-tie”.  A surgery that is most often performed on infants and toddlers, fitting for Big Mom, especially in the way Law pierced her and the attack affected her (speech patterns).
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Anyway, my point is, aside from all that, Law’s next attack could be called Broom! It’s where Kikoku turns into a broomstick and Law flies away on her. 
We know that the attack called MUSHroom! already gave him his hat. 
Of course when he and Kid get married (no, I don’t write that type of fic, but just run with it), they’ll both be under the effect of the Groom! manoeuvre. 
I’m sure it works better in the Japanese. I’ll edit the story link in once this is posted. (done).
Just editing in: @txorao had the following to say
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that ‘small room’, operating internally, I guess, and manipulating things that way is a way to explain the attack name, if ‘k’ means small. Just using deepl I’m getting kleiner Raum for small room. And I’m not saying deepl is the expert!
Anyway, will wait for the scans, or some meta on the Japanese that is used if it uses a kanji (Law’s attacks don’t seem to, I think).
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sanjiafsincedayone · 3 years
SaNami theory: The power of love
After recent chapters with Sanji awakening his powers and his reactions to it I am very curious to see how Oda is going to solve this. He is going to need to address it in some way and give a good resolution for Sanji’s current inner turmoil. My idea is that if Sanji figures out that his powers come from his emotions, and he realizes that he is nothing at all like his brothers, he might accept his powers and be willing to use them moving forward despite his hate for Germa. I think Nami could be used as the trigger for Sanji to understand his powers and then also feel comfortable with who he is even with the powers.
I have little faith in this theory actually happening, mostly because it's too shippy for Oda. But I couldn't get it out of my head and felt it worked fairly well, so I ended up writing it down.
What we know at this point is that Sanji is awakening his Germa powers and that he doesn't want them. This means that Oda will likely have to deal with it in some way so that Sanji accepts them. It also needs to work with what we saw happen in WCI and be done in a way that feels like it makes sense for Sanji’s character.
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Sanji doesn’t want to use the Germa powers, but he already has, so he seems open to change his mind if the reasons are good enough. Of course it’s very different if his whole body changes, and I totally understand Sanji’s worrry and fear of turning into something like his brothers.
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He doesn’t want to “be a moster like them”, which means he might need to see the difference between himself and his brothers and come to understand his powers as something good. (Unless Oda actually goes down the route of Sanji losing his emotions, but that would mean a whole lot more drama and inner conflict for Oda to solve.)
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The thing is that here Sanji says that he doesn’t want to lose his emotions, and that is likely his biggest fear. So, if instead he doesn’t lose his emotions, but understand that his emotions is what awakened his powers it could make him accept them. Oda writes out “I need to figure out what caused this” so it’s likely Oda has a specific reason for why it happened, and will show Sanji figure it out.
At the moment it seems Usopp and Nami got separated, and also that Sanji is moving away from his initial fighting spot, this makes it possible for them to cross paths during Sanji’s fight with Queen and while he tries to understand his current powers.
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But now I want to go into a bit more small things that make me think this could work and that Oda might have foreshadowed it.
To start off, I think that if there is one person Sanji could consider becoming a “monster” for to begin with it’s Nami and he’s said as much before.
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The first time Sanji meets Nami he says that he is willing to become a devil for her. Later in Skypiea he repeats a similar sentiment about becoming the devil of the blue sea if Enel hurts Nami. 
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Then again we have Sanji in Thriller Bark catching on fire when he learns about Nami being kidnapped and that Absalom wants to marry her. We've in other words seen Sanji being prepared to go very far for Nami's sake and him already seemingly getting powered up by his feelings.
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We also know that Sanji’s feelings have made him stronger before in other examples, perhaps most notably with his attack “Hell’s memories” which is literally fueled by anger. 
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But also the fact that his fire powers are described to be because his “passion burns hotter than flames”.
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Basically, Sanji’s fire power at least seems to stem from his emotions. If his new awakening is also because of emotions I think that would work in line with Sanji’s character and be something he can accept rather than if it’s the opposite, that his Germa powers will remove his feelings (which is of course another possibility). Still, at least to some extent Sanji already seems to gain power from his emotions.
You have other small examples of this, for example the cigarette burning more when Sanji is speaking to Capone about his family, or even something as silly as Sanji getting a speed boost after touching Nami’s breast in Punk Hazard.
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“What kind of source of power do you call that?” It’s possible these small moments with Nami have been foreshadowing for something that’s about to come.
Now looking at what seems to have triggered the awakening of Sanji’s powers he specifically says he has felt strange since the second time he wore the Raid suit. 
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If I am not mistaken he wore it the second time when he saw Nami naked in the bath (the first being when he fought Page 1 and third being when he saved Momo), and it’s possible his strong reaction might have triggered his powers in some way. I just wonder why it would be so specific as Sanji feeling off after the second time in particular.
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It might sound silly, but it wouldn’t be too odd for Oda to make Sanji’s pervertedness/love into a source of power. The thing I think speaks the most against this is why the Raidsuit would react to feelings when Judge clearly never meant for his children to have feelings at all. Still, it’s possible Sanji’s feelings have always been the thing to power him, and now with the raidsuit on these Germa powers get more easily dragged out of him so to speak.
Looking at the current situation it’s possible that if Sanji realizes that 1. the second time he wore the suit he saw Nami naked, and 2. he gets a second moment with Nami now that somehow makes him feel different he could connect the two and figure out it was Nami and his emotions that triggered it when he wore the raid suit in the bathhouse.
I also think that out of anyone Nami might be one of few Sanji is willing to change for. Again, he has basically already expressed it a few times, how far he is willing to go for her. So if he gets put in a situation where Nami needs him to use his powers, he might put her above anything. It’s also possible that Nami could be used as a way for Sanji to understand the source of his powers, if it’s true that feelings are triggering them.
Nami was there in WCI and has even mentioned Sanji being different from his brothers. If Sanji realizes that feelings is in fact what makes him stronger and has triggered the latent powers it will still work with Sora's wish and show how Sanji is both different and in a way better than his siblings specifically because of his love.
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If Nami can help Sanji realize that it’s not what he has in common with his brothers, but what makes them different is what’s important, then he might be able to overcome his problem with changing. We know he already is changing and it’s likely going to be permanent, so in the end Oda will have to solve this in some way for Sanji to move forward. If we are lucky Oda might use Nami in regards to Sanji finally accepting himself as he is and help him change his perspective.
It also matches with Sanji's theme of "Love is a hurricane" and cheesy as it might be the "power of love" being a source of strength for Sanji. Which we have seen expressed before by Sanji’s zombie in Thriller Bark as he jumped in to save Nami.
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In the end I just felt it could all match up rather neatly.
Sanji can come to understand that his powers come from his feelings. Not that he will lose them and become like his brothers.
Considering the timing it’s possible that what triggered the awakening was when he saw Nami naked while wearing the raid suit.
Sanji can start to accept that his kindness and emotions is what matters and makes him very different from his family, just like Sora already expressed.
Sanji’s powerup will be related to his love and want to protect.
Nami is one person that knows about Sanji’s family and has seen the difference between him and them.
Nami is someone Sanji has been willing to become a devil for before and it could have been foreshadowing from Oda.
So that’s it. The power of love (or perhaps lust?) could be a trigger for Sanji’s powers and Nami might be part in how Sanji realizes this and also accepts the powers as a part of himself.
Thank you for reading, and let me know what you think. Any possibility at all of this happening or am I just dreaming up shippy scenarios?
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teazingsassy · 3 years
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spoilers for 1030 but uh....noooo dont die ur so sexe
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theladyofsorrows · 3 years
Puppy Yamato compilation from the new chapter cuz he's adorable and everyone should see him
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inuarashi · 2 years
Just so everyone knows, this is brook’s last panel
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one-piecee · 3 years
ONE PIECE #1030 - Part Two
Let's just go ahead and talk about Law and Kidd now,
(part one is on my blog, and I just talked mostly about Kinemon and Kanjuro)
We start off with Kidd getting hit by Big Mom's Ikoku Sovereignty and not to be completely biased her, this just showcased to me how absolutely strong Zoro was on the roof when he took both Big Mom's and Kaido's Sovereignty and held it off for a few moments.
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Now enough of that... Kidd getting hit by the Sovereignty sends us back to a flashback (as it often does) where Kidd and Law (probably moments before this) discuss their devil fruit awakenings. Very... casually.
Kidd asks Law if he can "awaken his abilities" and apparently, yeah, he can.
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I knew that Kidd and Law had to get some sort of power-up since Luffy got Conquerors coating, and since they definitely can't get I was wondering what they would get... I wasn't expecting this to be honest. I knew it would come up somehow, ever since Doflamingo showed us his awakening, but I'm not sure I like the way it was revealed.
It seemed to casual? As a flashback, and a normal conversation too. Just a simple "can you do this" and "yeah sure, it's a lil hard tho." I wouldn't call it an ass-pull because it's definitely something they need at this stage of the show, and I think I understand Kidd having it more than Law. Kidd we haven't actually seen too much, certainly not as desperate as this (you could argue up on the roof versus Kaido and Big Mom but that was at the beginning of battle, and so to pull out a "last minute act" wouldn't make sense). Of course I won't argue with this, because we've seen the strawhats pull out moves from out of nowhere midbattle, I just hoped the reveal wouldn't have been this anticlimactic. (and I mean them revealing that they can use it)
The powers on the other hand...
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I absolutely loved Law's power, where he could stab Big Mom and then affect her insides with the incision of the blade. Kroom was the name of the move, and I can't wait to see that animated.
Kidd on the other hand...
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I really liked the idea of him making big mom some sort of magnet and drawing all the steel boards, and other iron in the area to her and creating this big crash (because now we see that he can affect other people's bodies too, rather than drawing everything to himself, which is actually really cool and new) BUT it just wasn't a very interesting (for lack of better words) finishing blow (for this chapter, I definitely don't think BM is over yet, it would be too easy). Because in the end it's just "let me crush her with a lot of metal again" so I wasn't too impressed by that, personally...
Best part of the chapter? No break next week!
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Spoiler Ch. 1030
Everybody annoyed with the fact that Kin and Kiku aren't dead saying that "nobody dies on One Piece" "Oda never kills anyone"
Law & Me:
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What about Cora-san, huh?
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brave-symphonia · 3 years
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Oh, wow. Law drew blood from her. That’s actually really impressive.
And Kid turned her into a magnet.
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vioreo · 3 years
A weekly ritual one piece readers perform is praying to the animation gods that toei doesn’t mess up a certain scene, this act can last up to 30 minutes to 5 hours.
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
kidlaw vs lawbin, chapter 1031 spoilers (a few official panels added)
Like, y’know, you ask your man to die for you
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And he does back Kid up and how. I mean, it works for both of them. Then Kid demands that Law uses his powers to get him out of the falling girders and metal stuff he’s attracted to Big Mom and which collapse on top of her.
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And Law does.
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And Law asks a pretty pertinent question, especially considering they’re meant to be using their powers in tandem
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The official release is a little softer, and I know it’s official, but they leave out a lot of nuance at time. Anyway:
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And maybe it’s better in the official release, but Kid’s still basically: you share your powers, and let me know about them ‘n all, and I’ll keep my info to myself, thanks. Ugh. I mean, I know they’re both pirates, and Law isn’t any nicer a lot of the time, but sometimes I don’t get this ship (even though I generally like it).
I think Law’s face above is surprise at Big Mom stirring rather than at Kid’s words, and I love the way he ends up sitting once he gets his breath back (kind of. He’s still panting). He has the best yoga poses. Anyway. So. The Robin side of the story.
Below is a screen cap from Dressrosa, and Law seems to be as knowledgable and also wary of CP0 as Robin is.
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And this is who she’s currently facing, and we know it’s bad news due to the message from Rob Lucci a week or two ago telling them to capture her.
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And then back from chapter 996 it was revealed that Law and Robin had a chat about the initial D. and also about the Road Poneglyph, and we know from way back in Sabaody that Robin’s got a keen interest in the Will of D in addition to, or as part of the True History, or the Void Century, etc.
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That’s from chapter 507, but she also apparently asks Luffy about it in Alabasta. And we know that she and Law had this exchange, and that Law cut a swathe through the fighting to beeline to where the poneglyph might be in Kaidou’s castle in an effort to find clue to the meaning of his middle initial, or the meaning behind the expression and impression of people who have it.
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And his cute little bear hoodie, shirt thing! And so then we get this reveal with Big Mom (or strengthening of his resolve):
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I’ll try to put a link to the colouring artist’s twitter in the comments. Kid’s back to “we’re” again. And he doesn’t care what it costs, but it seems that Law’s part of that we’re (which he’ll need to be if they’re going to win). But it’d sit a bit better if he lost some of the bluster. But then, Kid wouldn’t be Kid, right? But I wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of push me/pull me. Anyhoo, any shipping is speculative of course. And here’s the official. Again softer, and including the both of them.
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Japanese is a pro-drop language, in that sentences are grammatical without a subject, but it can become vague as to which subject is intended in a sentence. So I’m betting that’s what happened. However, the official gets the official input, so I’m assuming Kid was talking about the two of them, as shown in the panel above. I’m still sure Law said something like the “true history” though.
But yeah, Law and Robin’s paths are aligning, even if he’s fighting with Kid at the mo. I mean, Law goes well with so many.
And regarding CPO, Brook’s helping Robin at the moment, but remember this look from last week?
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Hmm. I’ll do the Sanji stuff in another post. The angst was delicious.
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superdimentio777 · 3 years
One Piece chapter 1030 : Big Spoiler Talk on THAT !
Careful now ! There’s big spoilers on a certain event that happens in Chapter 1030 down there ! Don’t look at the text, don’t look at the tags, don’t look anywhere ! 
We good ?
Sooooooooooo... Kinemon and Kiku being alive, eh ? That was... totally expected, why are people getting so mad about that ?
I mean it’s been said again and again, the Shadows of the Past will disperse when the Dawn comes back. Does it look like the Dawn is there ? That Oden’s wish has been accomplished ? Nah. And besides, while Kiku’s death would have been tragically honourable, Kinemon’s was super anticlimactic, there was no way it could have ended like that. Plus hey, Kanjuro finally croaked. So there, you’ve got a death.
As for the body split-up, well, I find it not only hilarious, but logical. After all, Law didn’t patch Kinemon together. HE DID HIMSELF. Kinemon’s dumb luck strikes again ! This is Buggy-level at this point, and I adore it ! This gag’s been set up for over nine years, just WOW !
I can understand some people being mad about yet another fake death (Pound’s still irritates me), but this is one that not only makes sense, but could lead to a true heroic death down the line. Because yes, I think the Red Scabbards are going to die, all at the end. If THAT doesn’t happen, then I will join the ranks of the upset. 
But for now, this is FINE. We’ve got a plethora of awesome fights coming up (even one that happened right there), and the Red Scabbards simply have a role they still have to accomplish. Hence why they’re alive. 
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theladyofsorrows · 3 years
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