#coc 2019
lewanarta · 4 months
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Just Hille enjoying his big moment 🥳 [Lake Placid, 11.02.2024]
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da1systhings · 10 months
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no bcs when this man’s first graced my screen back in 2019…? i was hooked (hooked around his coc-)
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Masterlist for More Recent Meta
My old essay masterlist was written during the time I was still actively playing Choices, and often went into detail on the diamond scenes of certain characters. But in more recent years, I began writing essays stemming from asks I recieved. I couldn't put them in that masterlist because it was too full by then, and over time all my essays/meta posts became difficult to track. I thought it would be a good time to compile them in a separate place.
Many of these essays were written around 2019-2021, and a lot may have happened since the writing of those. So do understand that some of them were written at a time when the full story was not out, but the arguments behind them often still hold.
I will keep adding to this list as and when I find more essays.
Choices and Race
Fear of the Second Book (ft. Sloane Washington)
CoC and Fandom Hypocrisy (ft. Xanthe)
What White Woman are Allowed that WOC aren't (ft. Aurora Emery)
A Litmus Test to See Which Characters Writers/Teams Care For (ft. Zoey Wade)
PB and Fronting Diversity
LGBTQ+ Issues and Choices
My Issues with The "Playersexual" LI Term
Cordonia and Sexism
Cordonian Nobility and Their Upbringing
TRR's Alternative LIs: The Romances that Didn't Happen
Character Specific Essays
The Character Who Provided A Counterview
Rebel Goddess: An Appreciation of Sloane Washington
Nadia Park: The Moral Epicenter of Perfect Match
Hana and the Effects of Controlling Parenting
Hana Lee: A Study in Erasure (an ongoing essay series)
How Retconning Madeleine Harmed Hana
Using Hana's Pain to Generate Sympathy for Penelope
A Breakdown of the Madeleine-MC Confrontation
To Be Not Heard: Kiara, Penelope and the Question of Validation
Kiara Theron: The Character that the Fandom Loves To Hate
Why There is a Disdain for Kiara
PB's Obsession with Keeping Kiara Away From Liam
Monuments, Memory, Meaning: King Liam and Historical Sites
Drake's Retcon
Who is A Forced LI
The "Sucky King" Argument
Princess Lena
The Beauty of Hayden's Harajuku Scene
Hayden's Breaking Point: Unexpected Tantrum, or a Long Awaited Catharsis?
The Hayden Young Project (an upcoming essay series)
Scene Compilations: Book 1 | Book 2
Essays (coming soon!)
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 7 months
Let's talk about Shoma...NHK edition...
Two 2nd places and Shoma is in the GPF. He had a much better free skate than at CoC. So it should be something to be happy about. But clearly I am not.
If you have seen my post from CoC you know that I am not upset about Shoma getting 2nd, I am upset about the way he got 2nd. Fight me on this but in any other tech panel of the season he would have a 195+ score for his skate, if not even 200. (And if you looked at the tech box it was 106 TES and that would have given him a 198 score even with those PCS) I don't want to speculate about any political games or anything, for now I simply want to believe Shoma was simply disliked by the tech panel ppl.
(And btw I like Yuma a lot and I am happy he is back! Iif one is winning over Shoma, I am happy if it's Yuma just not like this and this isn't Yuma's fault ofc, so nothing against Yuma.)
What's most sad about Shoma's silver today is that it made him question competing and his abilties. 😭😭😭
He felt good about his performance and then tech panel completely deflated all positive feelings. His comments are so defeated. Ofc he is Shoma so his reaction is still polite and everything and he smiled at Yuma and interacted like normal. But still this is a new low. He perfomed good, he did all combos, landed the 4F and Axels that he was insecure about in the practice, even yoloed a 4T which alone shows his superiority bc who else can do that??? And yet it wasn't enough for the fcking judges to give him high scores.
We all knew Shoma wasn't gonna skate forever and I always knew that it could very well be his last season, but his comments didn't sound so final, so I thought there was maybe a tiny bit hope he'd still continue. But today I am not even sure he will not retire after Nats. I have my doubt he would neglect the opportunity if he's selected for Worlds but if you'd ask him today he probably won't go. Pulling a Tatsuki Machida never seemed more real...and part of me wouldn't even mind. I would lie if I say I won't be sad about Shoma's retirement, but all I really want is him happy and if competing isn't making him happy anymore...better retire on own terms than the Jfed and ISU waving you goodbye by lowballing you...
I hope though that while his comments now are negative, that he will rethink the attitude bc it's not him who has reached a limit or who isn't capable of better scores, it's a fcking judging mishap. Keiji said his 4Loop was brilliant and rotation clean, Shoma himself said he was surprised about the 4Lo and 4T being called (as he could see his landing), Stephane shook his head at the score, no it's not your fault Shoma. And I hope he gets the prep talks of his life by his surroundings!
There are two ways this could lead to, Shoma being on the verve of retiring and motivation for competition is completely lost or Shoma is fired up and rebounds stronger than ever from this disappointment with new fire. As Shoma fans we have seen many ups and downs of Shoma and usually Shoma always came back stronger. Ppl saying that's the end for him after IdF 2019 -he went on to win JNats, ppl saying he is done at WTT 2021 proceeds to win an Olympic medal and World Gold 2022, let's see what happens now...atm a positive way seems impossible but after a few days the world may not seem as dark...
I am truly furious for his 2nd place and petty me who thought I could stand seeing Shoma in 2nd is now completely on skating gods pls let Shoma win all Gold medals from now on as perfect revenge arc 🔥🔥🔥
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other-eye · 10 months
Ya know I guess my claim to fame is meeting Joe Kerry in 2019 at a house party. Makes sense bc I live in ATL.
Every time I see stranger things fanfic about Steve, all I can think of is seeing this man do the most coc@ine I’ve ever seen a man do 😅
What’s funny is people think I’m lying, don’t believe me if you want, I’m just telling you my encounter lol
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masonjarsmoments · 4 months
Have you ever been to a ski jumping competition? If yes, did you enjoy it?
Oh hi! Didn't expect to actually get asks so thank you so much 🥺
Yes I've been to several ski jumping competitions. Funnily enough I didn't made it to one before I moved to Norway in 2018 even though I live quite close to Willingen and my Grandma is from there as well but I didn't want to go on my own at first and when I met people through the internet it wasn't possible because of uni and work.
But I went to two COCs in Oslo ( my first live competition experience and Aschi won and made it into my personal top five that weekend - oh boy I miss him)
Then I went to Raw Air in Oslo in 2019 and the Norwegian Championships that also were held in Oslo because of bad weather in Trondheim. My best friend asked Robin if he wants to take a picture with me because I was too afraid and he was so confused because he didn't expect that anyone wants to take pictures with him because he wasn't that known yet (even though he was on the team at Holmenkollen and won )
And in 2020 i did Raw air again even though we were not allowed to be in the Arena at Holmenkollen because of Corona but I also had Tickets for Lillehammer that year and since they did not sold that many tickets we were still allowed to be there so I was able to see Peter winning. 🥺 (Also Antti said I will get his bib but then his second jump wasn't that good and he was sad and forgot 😭)
Sadly still was not able to go to Willingen because of both Work and the fact that I had quite a hard time really enjoying the sport for a while but its definitely planned for next year. And depending on how the Grand Prix is planned this year I will probably go to Klingenthal but that depends if it's at the weekend where my Cousin is getting married or not (because I am afraid it is because it's usually around that time)
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Understanding SASO and SABER Certifications: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction to SASO and SABER Certifications
In the ever-evolving world of international trade, SASO (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization) and SABER (Saudi Product Safety Program) certifications have emerged as pivotal components for ensuring product compliance and safety within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). These certifications are crucial for businesses looking to enter or expand their presence in the Saudi market. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of SASO and SABER certifications, providing essential insights for businesses aiming to achieve compliance and secure their foothold in the region.
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What is SASO Certification?
Overview of SASO
SASO, established in 1972, is a governmental body responsible for setting standards for products, services, and measurement systems in Saudi Arabia. The organization's primary goal is to safeguard public health, safety, and the environment by ensuring that all products entering the Saudi market adhere to stringent quality standards.
Importance of SASO Certification
SASO certification is mandatory for a wide range of products, including electrical appliances, automotive parts, building materials, and more. Obtaining SASO certification signifies that a product has been rigorously tested and meets the necessary safety and quality standards established by the Saudi authorities. This certification is a testament to a product's compliance with international standards and its suitability for the Saudi market.
What is SABER Certification?
Introduction to SABER
SABER is an electronic certification and conformity assessment system introduced by SASO to streamline the process of obtaining product certification. Launched in 2019, SABER aims to enhance the efficiency and transparency of the certification process, reducing the time and effort required for businesses to achieve compliance.
Role of SABER in Product Certification
SABER serves as a digital platform where importers, manufacturers, and certification bodies can manage the entire certification process online. Through SABER, businesses can register their products, submit necessary documentation, and track the status of their certification applications. The system also facilitates communication between stakeholders, ensuring a smooth and efficient certification process.
The Certification Process: From Registration to Approval
Step-by-Step Guide to SASO Certification
Identify Applicable Standards: Determine the specific SASO standards relevant to your product category. These standards outline the technical and safety requirements your product must meet.
Select an Accredited Laboratory: Choose a laboratory accredited by SASO to conduct the necessary tests on your product. The laboratory will evaluate your product's compliance with the applicable standards.
Submit Documentation: Prepare and submit the required documentation, including test reports, product specifications, and technical files, to the SASO certification body.
Product Testing and Evaluation: The accredited laboratory conducts rigorous testing of your product to ensure it meets the specified standards. Any non-compliance issues must be addressed and rectified.
Obtain Certificate of Conformity (CoC): Once your product passes the testing phase, a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) is issued. This certificate is essential for customs clearance and product entry into the Saudi market.
Navigating the SABER Certification Process
Register on the SABER Platform: Create an account on the SABER portal and register your business and products. Provide accurate and complete information to facilitate the certification process.
Product Classification: Classify your products according to the relevant technical regulations and standards. This classification helps determine the specific requirements your product must meet.
Select a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB): Choose an approved Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) to conduct the necessary conformity assessment procedures for your product.
Submit Required Documents: Upload the required documentation, including test reports, product images, and technical files, to the SABER platform.
Conformity Assessment: The chosen CAB reviews the submitted documents and conducts a conformity assessment. If the product complies with the relevant standards, a Product Certificate of Conformity (P-CoC) is issued.
Shipment Certification: For each shipment of the certified product, a Shipment Certificate of Conformity (S-CoC) must be obtained. This certificate ensures that each batch of products entering the Saudi market meets the required standards.
Key Benefits of SASO and SABER Certifications
Enhanced Market Access
SASO and SABER certifications provide businesses with a competitive edge by ensuring their products meet the stringent quality and safety standards of the Saudi market. This compliance is crucial for gaining market access and expanding business opportunities in the region.
Improved Product Quality and Safety
Adhering to SASO standards and obtaining SABER certification guarantees that products are safe for use and meet high-quality benchmarks. This not only protects consumers but also enhances the reputation of the brand.
Streamlined Certification Process
The introduction of the SABER platform has significantly streamlined the certification process, reducing administrative burdens and expediting product entry into the Saudi market. The digital nature of SABER ensures a transparent and efficient certification journey.
Increased Consumer Trust
Products bearing SASO and SABER certifications are perceived as reliable and trustworthy by consumers. This increased trust can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, driving business growth and success.
Challenges and Considerations in Obtaining SASO and SABER Certifications
Understanding Regulatory Requirements
Navigating the complex regulatory landscape of SASO and SABER certifications requires a thorough understanding of the applicable standards and technical regulations. Businesses must stay updated with any changes or amendments to ensure continuous compliance.
Document Preparation and Submission
Preparing and submitting the necessary documentation for SASO and SABER certifications can be a meticulous and time-consuming process. Accurate documentation is crucial for avoiding delays and ensuring a smooth certification process.
Product Testing and Evaluation
The rigorous testing and evaluation procedures conducted by accredited laboratories and Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) are essential for achieving certification. Businesses must ensure their products are thoroughly tested and any non-compliance issues are addressed promptly.
Ongoing Compliance and Renewal
SASO and SABER certifications are not one-time achievements. Businesses must ensure ongoing compliance with the relevant standards and regulations. Regular renewal of certifications is necessary to maintain market access and uphold product quality.
In conclusion, SASO and SABER certifications play a vital role in ensuring product quality, safety, and compliance within the Saudi market. By understanding the certification processes, adhering to the relevant standards, and leveraging the benefits of these certifications, businesses can successfully navigate the complexities of international trade and secure their position in the Saudi market.
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woobests-blog · 4 months
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Rev Up Your Ride with Coc Catback: Unleash the Power of BMW X5 G05 ,0t 2019-2023 – Stainless Steel Valvetronic Exhaust System for Supreme Performance! Introducing the ultimate performance upgrade for your BMW X5 G05 ,0t! 🔥 Our Coc Catback Exhaust is here to enhance your driving experience like never before. Crafted from premium stainless steel, this high-performance Valvetronic system is designed to deliver exhilarating power and an extraordinary sound. Unleash the beast within your car with our precision-engineered exhaust that ensures maximum efficiency and durability. Upgrade your driving experience now! 💯 #BMWX5 #HighPerformanceExhaust #UnleashTheBeast
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HIM Training Institute uses MEDICAL CODING Review and Training Courses for the U.S. accreditation assessments. Visit us at the 4F The Study by Enderun, Podium Mall, Ortigas Center (back of SM Megamall). #himti #medicalcoding #medicalcoder #philippines #manila #cebu #middleeast #cpc #coc #cca #ccs #cic You can likewise call us at www.himti.ph|[email protected]| 635-3609|0917-990-1971|0949-782-5764
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ausetkmt · 5 months
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Beginning in 2017, an alarming and ongoing period of rising homelessness has continued into 2023. The unprecedented crisis demands attention from the federal, state, and local governments from across the country.
This was the primary takeaway from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s 2023 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) Part 1, which was released on December 15. The AHAR Part 1 compiles data from Point-in-Time (PIT) Counts conducted nationally in January 2023. To help tell a fuller story of homelessness in America, this blog post offers 12 key data points from this report and additional federal data.
Understanding the Severity of the Current Crisis
Several data points highlight the severity of the current rising homelessness crisis:
653,104 is the number of people who were experiencing homelessness during the 2023 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count. This figure represents a record high since homelessness data collection began in 2007.
12 percent is how much homelessness increased over the course of one year (between the 2022 and 2023 PIT Counts). Another record in the history of data collection, the previous high was only 3 percent and occurred between 2018 and 2019.
64 percent of Continuums of Care (CoCs) reported increases in unsheltered homelessness. This effect is not isolated in cities: more than half of rural and suburban communities saw their numbers go up as well. The increase in unsheltered homelessness was largely driven by increases among individuals (up 10 percent), including people who are chronically homeless (up 18 percent).
46 percent of older adults experiencing homelessness (age 55 and over) live unsheltered. Current reporting for 2023 marks the first time the PIT Count collected data about this age group, which represents 21 of the overall homeless population. Older adults are more likely to be unsheltered than people aged 34 and under.
60 percent of CoCs reported an increase in homelessness among unaccompanied youth between 2022 and 2023. The New York City CoC indicated the largest increase, having 75 percent more unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness than in 2022. Previously avoiding the rising homelessness trend, 2023 marked the first year that youth numbers increased since 2017.
40 percent is the amount Asian/Asian American homelessness increased between 2022 and 2023. This growth is the largest among all other racial and ethnic groups. Latinos follow this group with another notable increase in homelessness (28 percent). Asian/Asian American and Latino numbers have mirrored the trend in recent years of rising overall homelessness—however, these groups have felt the shift far more severely.
How Did We Get Here?
Other federal data points illustrate the reasons for current rises in homelessness:
Between 2020 and 2022, there was a dramatic 30 percent increase in the number of people entering homelessness for the first time. An expiring federal eviction moratorium (in 2021) and the phasing out of federal COVID relief likely contributed to rising hardships.
Some cities have sounded alarms about surging homelessness among migrants. And, as the Baby Boomer generation retires, researchers have observed that a growing number of people are experiencing homelessness for the first time after age 50 (at least in some parts of the country). These trends likely impacted the 2023 PIT Count.
Only 61 affordable units are available to every 100 extremely low-income renters in the United States. America is in the midst of a long-term affordable housing crisis. Many people are seeking, but simply can’t find housing.
$63.33 per hour is how much an earner(s) would have to make to afford a two-bedroom apartment in the nation’s most expensive housing market (Santa Cruz, CA). Although not quite as high, other major American cities don’t fall too far behind — and their rents have been escalating during this period of rising homelessness. Rents in major cities outpace what low-income people earn. Many households are rent-burdened, spending more than 30 percent of their income on housing. Research has shown that higher levels of rent burden are associated with increased homelessness.
Amid Increases, Data Shows Progress on Homelessness
The recent data is distressing, but various data points in both the 2023 AHAR Part 1 and additional HUD reports suggest that certain progress is occurring, and systems are experiencing success in their efforts to end homelessness:
27 percent of CoCs experienced reductions in overall homelessness between 2022 and 2023. Thus, not every region is being impacted by the rising homelessness trend. Entire states made significant progress—Louisiana reduced homelessness by 57 percent, while Delaware reduced homelessness by 47.4 percent.
Some regions experienced marked progress specifically related to unsheltered homelessness: the Jackson, MS CoC reduced unsheltered homelessness by 81 percent, and the Chattanooga, TN CoC reduced its unsheltered homelessness by 54 percent.
Between 2021 and 2022, there was an 8 percent increase in the number of people who exited homelessness into permanent housing. Systems have been successful in their goal of connecting people to housing. Unfortunately, over the same period, there was a 26 percent increase in the number of people newly becoming homeless. Systems just weren’t able to keep up with the growing demand for their services.
During the current period of rising homelessness (since 2017), there was a 24 percent increase in the number of permanent and temporary beds available through homeless services systems throughout the country. Providers have successfully expanded their reach—but as noted above,they haven’t had enough resources to keep up with the unprecedented crisis.
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emhastranger · 10 months
ARTDUMP PART 3: Still from 2019-2022 Drawing with pens have become one of my absolute favorite mediums to work with. Especially with how many details I can add. 1-2: My post apocalyptic OC, I have to draw her again soon! 3: Drawn during winter, I live in northern Norway. 4: I wanted to play with parrerns. 5: Yes this was drawn during the pandemic, how did you know? 6:Drew myself while waiting in an airport, this is what I looked like and how I sat. 7: One of my Dnd Characters, a Divination Wizard. 8: Orphans for a CoC campaign I never played. 9: Again, obsessed with DETAILS
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regioonlineofficial · 11 months
De gemeente Amersfoort werkt samen met inwoners, professionals en organisaties aan een inclusieve stad. Een stad waarin iedere inwoner zich thuis voelt, zichzelf kan zijn en op een eigen manier mee kan doen. Met dat uitgangspunt stelde het college van B & W de Regenboogagenda 2023-2026 vast. Hierin staan acties om de komende vier jaar inclusie en acceptatie te vergroten, met in het bijzonder aandacht voor de Amersfoortse LHBTIQA+ gemeenschap. Micheline Paffen-Zeenni, wethouder Diversiteit en inclusie:"Ieder mens mag er zijn en moet zich welkom en veilig voelen in Amersfoort. Ondanks alle inzet, worden mensen uit de regenbooggemeenschap op veel terreinen nog altijd sneller buitengesloten dan anderen. Zij krijgen vaak ook te maken met onveilige situaties of geweld. Dat kan en mag niet. Daarom moeten we met elkaar blijven werken aan een veilige stad voor iedereen en optreden tegen uitsluiting en discriminatie. Met de Regenboogagenda maken we daar werk van, samen met stad en inwoners." Speerpunten 2023-2026 De komende vier jaar richt de gemeente zich op drie speerpunten: Veiligheid bevorderen van de openbare ruimte, gebouwen, leef- en woonomgeving door het versterken van de samenwerking met o.a. politie, BOA's en het promoten van het platform 'We blijven onszelf' van Art.1 Midden Nederland en COC Midden Nederland voor het melden van incidenten.  Jezelf kunnen zijn op school, stage, werk, sport en recreatieve plekken. We kijken wat hiervoor nodig is en gaan met betrokken organisaties aan de slag. Meer sensitieve en persoonsgerichte zorg, hulp en ondersteuning voor LHBTIQA+'ers door bijvoorbeeld training van professionals. Totdat de nieuwe Transgenderwet van kracht is, vergoedt de gemeente voor Amersfoortse transgender personen de kosten van deskundigenoordeel en -verklaring (totaal circa 400 euro) voor een wijziging van geslachtsregistratie. En in bepaalde gevallen is een eenmalige vergoeding mogelijk voor het wijzigen van een identiteitsbewijs. Gezamenlijke agenda Mensen uit de LHBTIQA+ gemeenschap, andere inwoners en organisaties in het Regenboogplatform werkten mee aan de Regenboogagenda. Uit hun bijdrage blijkt dat er weliswaar meer acceptatie en openheid in de samenleving is gekomen. Maar actief beleid lijkt nog steeds nodig omdat Amersfoortse LHBTIQA+'ers op verschillende levensterreinen nog steeds uitsluiting en discriminatie ervaren. Amersfoort Regenboogstad Sinds 2008 is Amersfoort een Regenboogstad. De afgelopen jaren zette de gemeente met de Regenboogagenda 2019-2022 al in op het ondersteunen van LHBTIQA+-jongeren, informatie over LHBTIQA+ beter beschikbaar te maken voor inwoners en professionals, mensen te wijzen op het belang van het melden van misstanden en er is gestart met activiteiten om zorg meer gender- en LHBTIQA+-sensitief te maken.
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kyannetwork · 1 year
In 2019, KYAN was created as a working group in partnership with community allies. The objective of the working group was to “end youth homelesness” and raise awareness about the conditions that lead to homelessness. KYAN sponsored leadership opportunities, created economic development activities for YYA (Youth and Youth Adults) and supported the development of a YAB (Youth Action Board). The original youth representative, along with the majority of the participants in the working group, had learned experience with “housing variability”, and made the attempt to participate in a series of Zoom meetings hosted by various agencies with the understanding that their participation was going to result in “authentic dialogue” that led to humane “procedural changes”. The youth action board was developed in advance of the launch of the 100-Day Challenge in Monroe County, FL.
The 100-day challenge was created by HUD housing in 2017. The HUD project was designed with the following series of goals:
Form a “Youth Action Board” (YAB) with youth and young adults (YYA) that have learned homeless experience. 
Engage YYA meaningfully in every part of process. Those processes included: planning, policy development, implementation of ideas, community outreach, and evaluation efforts. 
Be open to listening and having authentic conversations about what works and what is lacking in the current homeless response system for YYA.
Compensate YYA fairly for their time and expertise based on a living wage and considering all costs associated with participation in meetings. Those costs included: transportation, childcare, lost wages, phone/internet access, etc. 
Help YYA build leadership skills and connect to leadership opportunities in the community. Those opportunities were defined as COC (Continuum of Care) and the 100-Day challenge initiative. 
Our partners independently created a 100-Day project with the following objectives:
“In 100 days, Monroe County will permanently house 5 homeless, un-accompanied youth aged 16-24 with connections to supports (e.g. employment, life-skills training, education, behavioral health, etc), of which 40% will be people of color, LGBTQ+, and/or have a disabling condition and 20% will be previously involved with the Departments of Juvenile Justice or Children and Families.”
In 2020, our partners officially wrapped up their participation in the 100 day challenge. KYAN continued to operate and support engagement with YYA and the efforts of the YAB; with the understanding that the engagement of YYA would be authentic and meaningful. The point of the youth action board and the youth representative, was to deliver feedback; about the demographic of individuals needing services and the types of coordination that needed to occur in order to effect change on a federal level. This feedback, was to supposed to come from the perspective of people who understood the situation. The goal of KYAN was to take the understandings from the working group, observe the impact of the 100- day Challenge and execute a strategy for a self-sustainable alternative.
All association with our “partners” ended in 2023 with the inability of the parties to formalize a MOU. We do not consent to the use of our name as an acronym in association with the YAB; that is active under the purview of our former associates. We do not believe that that categorization of individuals by economic status is humane. Furthermore, we value growth and development, and we are committed to creating a positive standard of social participation. KYAN is a separate entity that is using the understandings and input given by the participants of the 100-Day Challenge to create a physical environment, in a manner that is:
Establishes Agency
These objectives align with the HUD Housing Research Report finding that “there is no single system that can prevent or end youth homelessness alone….”, and that the following series of amended best practices should be imperatives moving forward:
Leverage existing working relationships and connections between systems to bring a new focus. 
Formalize and operationalize new partnerships through memoranda of understanding (MOU)
Gain buy-in for cross-system work at multiple levels, including direct services staff, management, and system leaders. 
Consider how to identify and support YYA who are not connected to any system. 
The 100-day challenge failed to meet the expectations of most of the original participants. KYAN has determined that following the majority of the HUD housing recommendations would be an exercise in futility and lead to further exploitation of a particular demographic within our target demographic. Consequently, we have determined that using specific language leads to “predatory practices” and targeting individuals using a “compassionate approach” is patronizing and diminishes the value of any organization dedicated to the perpetuation of culture, and lifestyle development.
The majority of the understandings from the 100-Day challenge apply to individuals exiting the foster-care system. Individuals that lack natural support systems need a network that will provide with them with tools and experience needed to start over in a different environment, or renegotiate their social status. Being introduced and described as “ formerly in…” is not conducive to a positive social experience. Unless these individuals have the tools to negotiate the terms of their inclusion into society, stigma will continue to follow them. Participants should not be coerced into “going along” with actions that often go against their desires and interests; in the interest of the preserving operational integrity of organizations that “serve the community”. This type of operational procedure contributes to the cycle of duress being perpetuated and exacerbates individual trauma. It is our goal to have an integration experience that does not utilize aggression.
Trauma should not be the focus of any project designed to empower individuals. While there may be certain realities that a person may face, those “issues” should not be the crux of the service provider’s goals. Establishing agency should be the imperative of organizations working towards building criteria that define operation success. Language is an indelible part of creating supportive understandings and fostering trust. Using language that does not create social barriers is the cornerstone for establishing a successful alternative support option. 
Feasibility Measures for Key West
Key West has a high population of elderly resident. As a result of this information, KYAN is defining “youth” as individuals aged 21-42. 
Key West attracts a high number of neuro-divergent individuals as a result of its social atmosphere, those individuals have a tendency to have delayed emotional intelligence. This delay results in a inability to accept a certain level of responsibility until later in life. 
The presence of a military base and its accompanying support systems, has created a need for certain individuals to explore the necessity of a transitional career. Individuals who chose to pursue a career path outside of their training, have a tendency to struggle with social factors that go beyond personal development. Former military personal have given their “developmental years” in service to society and require an environment that is sensitive to their needs and capable of supporting of their “mid-life” transition.
There are a significant number of individuals who struggle with personal identity, their efforts to enter society are hampered by an inability to successfully navigate their individuality. The struggle to understand and establish an identity consumes the “early years” of social development, making a successful social integration unlikely to occur before age restriction policies for supportive services expire.  
By age 24, individuals in Key West age out of all community/art spaces that foster creativity and personal growth experiences in a non-competitive environment. In addition to this, the stigma associated with organizations that use “trigger” words to define their services and label their clients, cause an avoidance of the opportunities these groups can provide.
Acquiring “safe space” to provide consistent services is logistically impossible without direct ownership of property. Due to an anomalous housing environment and the logistical requirements associated with “providing services where needed”, it is improbable that qualified professionals are capable of meeting individuals in their  personal environment . Professionals willing to provide consistent services in a neutral location are unable to do so, because  leasing and sharing space is an unsustainable way to provide uninterrupted service.
The demographic of individual most “at risk” for “housing variability” are upcoming professionals who have the skills and capability to do well. However, limited housing options, lack of a supportive social network and the constraints of existing options make their presence in Key West untenable. Retaining a qualified individual from this particular demographic will require access to additional resources, or third-party understandings.
There is no such thing as a “permanent exit” from housing variability in Key West because of the precipitation in the environment. Any solution needs to include an interim measure that transitions and re-transitions participants in the event of weather emergency; while maintaining their ability to profit and benefit from economic activity. 
Key West is “rural” environment. It is located 100 miles from the nearest major hospital, and its’ geography and political climate are not conducive to major development opportunities involving low-income housing. “Housing” does not have a brick and mortar solution in Key West; non-traditional housing alternatives have a significant impact on relieving the burden of the immediate lack of sufficient housing. Furthermore, the majority of local participants are capable of establishing their own opportunities. Housing considerations are a mandatory necessity to retain qualified staff and supportive services teams. 
Individuals that need housing and would otherwise be willing to participate in a program that provides housing, decline for the some of the following reasons: 
They do not want to have to live under a curfew. As adults, they feel that they deserve to be treated as such and curfews violate their autonomy. In some cases, curfews interfere with available job opportunities.
They have an “emotional support animal” that is not a “service dog” and cannot have their animal in residence with them. 
They do not want their housing to be tied to an agreement that requires they attend classes, counseling or workshops to maintain their residence. They want the stability of an assured housing environment, as long as they pay their bill. 
They use substances and do not want to be told they have to leave the property to have a “cigarette and a hot toddy”. In many cases, having to pass a drug test for marijuana use disqualifies the candidate. 
The stigma associated with being in a location that is actively advertised as a “low-income” opportunity limits social capital in the local community. Many would rather deal with the indignity of discomfort than be “labeled”. 
Participants have to agree to be categorized as a condition of their housing. (i.e. LGBTQIA, Race, Creed, Ability, etc.)
Participants are under the supervision of an individual as a consequence of their participation and are required to submit to the whims and understandings that individual may impose on their lifestyle. 
The cornerstone of Life Skills training should be to provide tangible skills and material development opportunities. Without adequate Life Skills training there are certain individuals who will never achieve the level of personal responsibility mandatory to establish themselves. Life Skills that are beneficial for people that lack natural support systems include:
Time Management: scheduling, organization, WPS systems
Budgeting: tax preparation; money management; banking
Lifestyle Economics: nutrition; workouts
Etiquette: using cutlery; style; social protocols
The working group participants have requested that the following parameters be met in accordance with their housing needs:
Pet-friendly housing
Lifestyle Receptive
No government or religious organizational structure
The participation of the individuals should be entirely dependent on their ability to do the following:
Maintain creative output
Contribute to creating a positive and stimulating atmosphere
Fulfill a series of obligations to maintain a sustainable environment for the organization. 
Create a startup that has a solution based approach to solving the problem,  and uses the preceding understandings as benchmarks for success. 
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Complaint against the alleged frauds by the RBI-appointed CoC for DHFL: a letter to the SFIO
Posted on 08/03/2023 To  The Director, The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) Sub: Complaint against the alleged frauds by the RBI-appointed CoC for DHFL Dear Sir/Madam,  This is for your kind attention regarding the RBI-appointed Committee of Creditors (CoC) for the Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Limited (DHFL), which was constituted in November 2019. Throughout the time of 19…
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🍸🍹🇨🇵Je vous présente aujourd'hui un nouveau cocktail  🍸🍹🇨🇵:
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Le Spritz à la Française
Un apéritif familial fabriqué en France
Le CHARLE est un apéritif familial né dans un petit village du Lot.Apéritif incontournable de notre famille depuis des générations, il offre une intense saveur fruitée au goût naturel.Idéal pour un apéritif en famille ou entre amis, il apporte fraicheur et délicatesse grâce à son surprenant mélange de fruits.Sa recette originale se transmet de génération en génération: le CHARLE est issu d’un subtil assemblage de fruits rigoureusement sélectionnés pour leur qualité et complexité organoleptique et transformés en liqueur.
Le CHARLE peut se boire en Kir ou en Cocktail.
Lancé commercialement en juin 2019, le CHARLE veut incarner le “Spritz à la française” et est déjà à la carte de prés de 500 restaurants dans le sud-ouest.
Ingrédients :
- 50 ml liqueur Charle de @liqueur.charle
- 75 ml de méthode traditionnelle Saint Péray @domainemnchevalier
- 50 ml d'eau pétillante
- Glaçons
-Garniture (orange)
Préparation :
1/ Mélanger tous les ingrédients avec des glaçons dans un verre à pied de préférence.
2/ Décorer avec une tranche de fruit (orange).
Enjoy. Cheers
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞
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loginmoney · 2 years
Hướng Dẫn Cách Đăng Nhập Tài Khoản Google Vào Cốc Cốc Nhanh
Ứng dụng Cốc Cốc là gì?
Cốc Cốc (trước đây gọi là Cờ Rôm+) dựa trên nền tảng mã nguồn mở Chromium nổi tiếng, được phát triển bởi các lập trình viên Việt Nam và được duy trì bởi Công ty TNHH Công nghệ Cốc Cốc.
Tính đến năm 2019, Cốc Cốc có hơn 23 triệu người dùng. Người dùng yêu thích Cốc Cốc vì Cốc Cốc có tính bảo mật cao và được sử dụng bởi nhiều trình duyệt web khác như Opera và Google Chrome.
Nhìn chung, Cốc Cốc về chức năng và tính ổn định rất giống với Chrome. Điều này là do chúng được phát triển trên cùng một nền tảng mã nguồn mở Chromium.
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Đồng bộ dữ liệu giữa Cốc Cốc và Chrome
Chính vì sự tiện dụng giữa 2 trình duyệt web Cốc Cốc thì bạn có thể đăng nhập tài khoản Google vào Cốc Cốc để đồng bộ dữ liệu giữa hai trình duyệt một cách dễ dàng thông qua quy trình các bước sau đây:
Bước 1: Mở Cốc Cốc trên máy tính. Giao diện chính hiển thị biểu tượng hình người ngay bên cạnh hình thu nhỏ của trình duyệt (hình dưới). Nhấn chuột trái vào biểu tượng này và chọn Đăng nhập Cốc Cốc.
Bước 2: Xuất hiện cửa sổ đăng nhập. Đầu tiên, nhập tên tài khoản Google của bạn. Nhập địa chỉ email đăng nhập của bạn vào ô trống và chọn Tiếp theo. Nhập tên đăng nhập và mật khẩu của bạn sau đó bấm chọn đăng nhập.
Bước 3: Quá trình đăng nhập thành công. Thay vì ảnh gốc, bạn sẽ thấy tên của tài khoản mà bạn đã định cấu hình trước trong Chrome.
Bước 4: Đợi Cốc Cốc tìm và tự động đồng bộ các cài đặt, dịch vụ mở rộng và dữ liệu của bạn trong tài khoản này.
Bước 5: Bây giờ hãy mở Chrome và kiểm tra xem mọi thứ đã được đồng bộ hóa chưa.
Phiên bản mới nhất của Cốc Cốc có một mục trên thanh dấu trang có tên là New Tab Closed (biểu tượng tròn màu xanh có mũi trên cùng). Nhấp chuột trái vào mục này cung cấp một cách nhanh chóng và dễ dàng để mở một hoặc nhiều tab đã đóng gần đây.
Ngoài ra, áp dụng cách mở lại các tab đã đóng trên trình duyệt, mỗi tab phải được mở lại theo thứ tự đã đóng, và tính năng này của Cốc Cốc cho phép người dùng chọn nhanh và trực tiếp một trang cụ thể (có thể mở lại từng tab mà không cần mở). các tab theo thứ tự).
Link bài viết: https://loginmoney.net/cach-dang-nhap-tai-khoan-google-vao-coc-coc
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