#colors so it’s all the same now but i have to do it again :)
httpsserene · 3 days
Speaking of Mr. Daniel, we all know that he injured himself a while ago. How about the reader faking an orgasm because she doesn’t want to tire or injure him? Daniel frowns immediately upon noticing, but the nurse kicks you out because it’s past hours, and he's longing for the reader. He tries to grab the reader to come back but winces in pain, proving the reader's point. Your pleasure is extremely important to him so he’ll stop functioning if you said otherwise.
𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖊'𝖘 2𝕶 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 | 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖊𝖑 𝕽𝖎𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖔 𝕰𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
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𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐆𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩, 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬
Summary: When Daniel isn’t feeling well, it’s no hardship for her to take of him. Except this time, he broke his hand and is proceeding to be an absolute nightmare to take care of. They haven’t had sex since before the accident in Zandvoort because she’s afraid that somehow she’ll end up aggravating his injury. Daniel, however, has convinced himself that he only exists to bring her pleasure. So, she comes up with a plan to soothe his service dom tendencies. Enter, Operation Fake Orgasm. How hard can it be? Spoiler alert: she’s a terrible actress. Pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!black-coded!reader(her skintone isn't referenced but she has braids.) Content Warning: 18+ only. mdni. explicit sexual content. orgasm/delay denial. hurt/comfort. caretaking. servicedom!daniel. discussion of pain medication, injuries, and hospitals. dom/sub undertones. sub/shy!reader. praise kink mentioned. sensual beard shaving (it's hot). wet dreams. somnophilia. safe, sane, and consensual. oral sex (m and f receiving). vaginal sex. fake orgasm. mentioned multiple orgasms. Word Count: 3.6k words
Author's Notes: if the tags scare you, i promise it's not that bad!
secondly, thank you for the patience concerning the delay. my sister is doing a lot better now! she had an allergic reaction to pollen; she inhaled so much that her lungs freaked the fuck out on her, and i was in the hospital from 9am-9pm all day. finally got back home so i'm posting it, way late, but at least it's on the same day.
to make up for it, even though my lil sis was nearly taken out by the environment (i'm joking i love her i'm just being a big sister rn), i am releasing episode four on friday! and episode five on either tuesday or wednesday next week!
i hope you all like this episode xxx
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The sound of bedsheets ruffling contrasts with the monotonous beeps of the heart monitor filling the sterile hospital room; the noise is more than enough to have you snapping your head away from your phone to look at your boyfriend. Daniel’s awake and he meets your eyes with a soft groan. You coo at him softly, squeezing his hand gently as he reorients himself.
“What time ‘st?” Daniel croaks out. You cringe at the sound of his dry speech and quickly hand him the glass of water resting at his bedside.
“It’s getting late, baby,” you hum, not failing to notice the slight wince he does when his cast knocks against the bed rail, “I sent Michael back to the hotel not too long ago, around 7. Charles, Lando, Max, and Oscar came and kept me company while you were in surgery. Oscar, I think, was pretty shaken up still—to me, I could tell he felt a little guilty that you’re here with a broken hand and he’s as right rain—so, maybe when you’re more clear-headed you can reach out to him. Yuki and Michael were here the first time you woke up. Still, you were so high on your pain medication cocktail, that I think you were hearing colors and seeing sounds,” you break from your ramble, suddenly standing and reaching over the bed to press the call button, remembering the nurse told you to alert her as soon as he woke again.
“Yes?” Daniel offers, unsure of how to respond to the edge in your tone, “I’m feeling better by the way—.”
A hysterical giggle slips from your lips, and you can see the regret wash over his face when you meet his eyes with a crazed look, “Forgive me, for not asking how you were feeling right away Daniel. It’s almost like, my brain isn’t working properly because I’m fucking worried about you. Yeah? I watched you crash into the barriers, and I heard you in pain—I called everyone on your team to get updates and nobody answered! So, I got on the next flight to Zandvoort after Michael finally texted me with updates, with no luggage, just my phone and a change of clothes—so forgive me, for not checking in on you right away, after you didn’t call me once,” you blink rapidly and Daniel softens, clearly it was a terrible time to deflect with humor, he just hates to see you worry about him, that’s why he avoided calling. He’s usually the one taking care of you.
“A-are you feeling better, though?” you ask shakily, deflating quickly at the sight of his warm brown eyes, “You’re going to set off every metal detector for the foreseeable future.”
“It’s like a 6 out 10 on the pain scale—”
“That’s what I’m here for,” the nurse interrupts in accented English, smiling at the two of you briefly before she moves to Daniel’s side and catching him up on the outcome of the surgery and discussing pain medication. 
“Visiting hours ended an hour ago,” the nurse speaks to you directly, “Did nobody come to escort you out?”
You shake your head in surprise, the time on your phone reads 9 PM—you have no recollection of time passing that quickly since Michael left. Gathering your few belongings, you lean down to kiss Daniel gently, “Be good for the doctors and nurses, Danny. I’ll be back in the morning, okay?”
“No, what—she can’t stay?” Daniel begs the nurse, and she frowns at him apologetically.
Ruffling his hair, you continue, “It’s not her fault—she’s just doing her job. And, we’re besties now,” Daniel stares at you confused, “She’s been coming to check up on me the entire time you decided to cosplay Sleeping Beauty so if you decide to be difficult overnight, she will not hesitate to snitch on you to me. Understand?”
Daniel swallows before nodding jerkily, “Can I have another kiss?”
It’s an easy ask for you to fulfill; but as your lips barely brush his, Daniel hisses out in pain. He tried to use his left hand to pull you closer to him, obviously aggravating the injury. You exclaim worriedly and he tries to pretend that the flare of pain wasn’t that severe. But, as the nurse reassures you that the pain meds will kick in and he’ll go right to sleep, you’ve already decided: that hand will never be in a situation that causes Daniel unnecessary pain again. 
You tell Daniel that same sentence on the flight back to Monaco. He assumed that meant you’d force him to wear a sling or have it constantly cushioned and elevated (which you did anyway). However, he should’ve asked you to elaborate because he was completely blindsided to learn that you really meant all situations. 
You may have gone overboard the first week. You’re well aware that his hand is the only broken thing on his body, but you pamper him as if he’s bedridden with the most severe flu seen in the last century. You cook and order him hearty meals, you have alarms set for when he needs to take his medication, you shower with him to make sure he doesn’t wet his cast—where nothing sexual happens, you killed the vibe the first time he insinuated shower sex in conversation, mentioning the statistics of shower-related deaths—you quickly fulfill all of his requests, even if it’s sitting through a movie you find tasteless; yet, you refuse to fulfill one: sex. 
The doctor pulled you aside while Daniel was getting dressed to be discharged and told you to make sure he’s very careful with his arm, slow and controlled movements only, nothing abrupt. 
And, if there’s one word to describe Daniel during sex, it would probably be abrupt. 
He can’t keep his hands off of you when he’s uninjured. From your first time with Daniel, he showed and proved just how much your pleasure is important to him—he made sure that you understood that he lives and breathes to make you satisfied. But, you also know that he’d ignore his pain if it meant he was making you feel good; and, that’s not something you can risk, not with an injury that could affect his career if it doesn’t heal properly. 
You’ve reiterated that to him multiple times when Daniel tries to deepen kisses, hoping you’ll forget about your stupid sex ban and let him make you feel good. He’s not used to going this long without making sure you’re sexually satisfied. You don’t even allow him to guide you through masturbation, because you know you won’t be satisfied with it even if you get off—it’ll only lead to you falling into his lap begging for more. 
On the eighth day, you’re sitting in Daniel’s lap on the couch, rubbing ointment into the bruises left by the seatbelts of the car. You thought he was focused on watching the entire Dutch Grand Prix he missed out on, not thinking much of how he’s toying with the length of your braids with his uninjured hand. 
You think nothing of the soft sighs, moans, and groans he’s letting out of his mouth as you lightly massage him. All of these noises are common reactions to a sensation that feels good. It sucks that they happen to sound very similar to the moans Daniel makes when he initially fucks into you. You’re just a girl with needs that Daniel never fails to take care of; you’re not used to this, for the same reason Daniel can’t understand why you won’t let him get you off. 
Then, Daniel gasps out a soft ‘fuck’ that has no reason to be sounding that lustful and you start to squirm in his lap. You mindlessly continue to massage him, not exactly proud of the way you continue to strain your ears to hear his noises—and on one particular shift of your hips, you brush across his hard-on that wasn’t there a few minutes ago, and automatically fly off his lap.
In the frantic movement, Daniel tried to use both of his hands to keep you in his lap, irritating his broken hand. You flutter around him worriedly, your words a mix of chastising and displeasure. You don’t hesitate to say that this is exactly why the sex ban is in place (Daniel pleaded that it was a fluke, but you’re not eager to put that to the test).
Three days pass before Daniel deems you relaxed enough to have another attempt at seducing you into an orgasm or two. He approached you in the evening after you had watched him like a hawk as he took his pain medication. He wants you to shave his beard. It’s grown out some since he hasn’t shaved in a week or so. You’re not a professional beard shaver or anything, but you can imagine it’s difficult to shave your face with one hand. And of course, you’d jump at any opportunity to help out your boyfriend and allow him to relax and look pretty. After an unnecessarily long tutorial, Daniel pretends to have 100% faith in your skills and lets you take the first swipe across his cheek. You painstakingly use slow movements and light pressure, not forgetting to pull his skin tight with your other hand and clean the razor off with every stroke. You feel him tense underneath you as you ready to attempt shaving along his jawline. 
Pulling back at the last second, you make to smack his shoulder before hesitating and pinching him instead (it’s his left arm, you don’t want to jostle his cast resting on the bathroom vanity), ignoring his yelp you nag him, “Well, don’t act like I’m about to gouge your throat out or anything! I can feel you freeze up underneath me—it’s not like I want to cut you. I already have to stare at your ugly face every day, I don’t want to make it worse.”
Daniel pretends to be offended at your attack and the two of you bicker back and forth before settling down. The fake roast session calmed Daniel enough that when you brought the razor to his jaw, he remained relaxed. 
You smoothly shave the small area of skin and turn to clean the razor when Daniel speaks softly, “You’re so good,” a slight pause follows, “at this.” 
The praise tingles down your spine and you think nothing of it. Except, it continues. With nearly every swipe along his jaw, he continues to murmur praise with lidded eyes and an alluring tone. Whispers along the lines of ‘good girl,’ ‘just like that,’ ‘you’re so sweet to me,’ and paired with his stare dancing across your face, you dread the moment you finish shaving him. As your razor ventures down his throat, the air grows thick with intimacy. It’s the result of your boyfriend trusting you to repeatedly brush a blade along his throat and your unfortunate kink for praise and acts of service. With the last brush of the razor, you gently set it down on the vanity, exchanging it for cloth you wet with hot water. Ringing it out thoroughly, you gently begin to wipe Daniel’s face avoiding eye contact. When you swipe around his lips, you get distracted by their flushed color, a result of when Daniel bit his lip to make the skin underneath taut for you to shave. His tongue slips out to wet them and you can’t help but smash your lips to his.
It feels euphoric. You’re kissing him frantically, moaning into his mouth without inhibition, and you can feel him laugh as he struggles to match your desperate pace. His hand squeezes at your waist, anchoring you yet furthering your desperation at the strong grip as you try to climb him like a tree, tugging at his hair, shirt, pants, anything you can reach. At this point, Daniel would’ve had a hand in your hair, tugging at your scalp sharply a couple of times to rein you in and move you to his rhythm. You’re a little lost at the missing sensation and you pull away to pout at Daniel like you always do when he spends too much time teasing you.
It takes one look at his blown pupils, smug smile, and heaving chest before it jogs your memory. You step backward quickly to put space between you guys, raising a hand when you see him open his mouth, knowing he’s only going to convince you to get naked for him.
“I’m going to bed,” you state with a pointed finger, “You, are going to get in the shower, with cold water, and think about what you did wrong. And! You will not wake me up for sex.”
Daniel’s face falls, and you can tell he expected you to break, “Wait—you don’t let me shower by myself, what if I fall?”
You turn and leave the room, “It would be divine intervention. Karma, for trying to get me to break my rule.”
Daniel doesn’t wake you when he slips into bed, but you lose the benefit of going to sleep early when you jolt awake before sunrise. Your mouth is dry and your panties are embarrassingly wet. You can’t recall a single detail of your dream. Still, your legs are trembling at whatever scenario your brain decided to torment you with. 
Fuck it. Or fuck him, literally.
That makes sense. You’re going to ride Daniel, it’s the perfect position to make sure he doesn’t move his arm. You work him up beforehand so hopefully he won’t last as long; Daniel has unparalleled stamina usually, but with you constantly denying him for a while…he may wind up quicker. As soon as he cums, you’ll fake yours as well—because he’s only pleased if you're satisfied, otherwise he’ll attempt a round two. It’s that easy, right? You turn on your side and stare at Daniel, his face relaxed as he sleeps. Your synapses start firing as the plan comes to life. The two of you have discussed somnophilia, more on you as the receiving party. Daniel, of course, offered himself to you on a silver platter—any taste of you using him to get off? That’s always going to be a yes from him. So, yes. It is that easy.
You pull the duvet down to the edge of the bed and quietly shift to hover over Daniel’s thighs, never more thankful that he decided to wear only briefs to bed. And that he’s already half-hard; you’re extremely happy that the two of you don’t have a hand on how creative your dreams can get. He doesn’t shift when you pull his cock from underneath his briefs, carefully dragging them
down just enough to not be a bother. He stays under as you get him hard, it only takes a few strokes and some teasing along a vein on the underside. You rise slightly, sucking on two of your fingers before bringing them to rest along your entrance. It’s an annoying experience, you can’t remember the last time you had to stretch yourself out—Daniel’s spoiled you. The feeling of your fingers inside of you is underwhelming, the slight tinge of pleasure would be multiplied if it were him instead but; this is not for you. You are simply performing tonight.
You slide your fingers out and decide on getting Daniel as close to the edge as you can before he wakes up. You lean down to mouth at the head of his cock, knowing it’s incredibly sensitive and the sensation pushes him to the edge quicker than anything else. It can’t be more than a couple of strained minutes—your eyes and ears peeled to make sure you don’t miss any signs of Daniel starting to awaken. Thankfully, you feel him start to pulse along your tongue, a sure sign that he’s getting there.
You pull off, taking a second to breathe as you rest your head on his hip. With one last reassuring exhale, you move to straddle him, one hand underneath you to guide his length to your pussy. The second his head pops into you, you let out a pitiful whimper, eyelids fluttering shut, and your legs begin trembling again. Another realization hits you as you struggle to silently take all of Daniel.
You can’t recall a single time Daniel had forced you to be quiet. He’s always trying to make you scream his name. If he needs to hide your noises he muffles them with a hand over your mouth or his fingers in your mouth. Naturally, you use his tricks and do the same. With two of your fingers shoved in your mouth, you quiet your sounds as your ass meets your (somehow still) sleeping boyfriend's thighs. It feels like he’s in your throat; you know that no matter how long it takes you to make him cum, you’re going to be aching tomorrow. You begin to grind against him, whimpering softened around your digits. You slowly increase your rhythm up to a bounce, doing your best to squeeze around him—Daniel has mentioned before that he can’t resist cumming when you feel like you're trying to keep him inside of you and never let him pull out.
It must work because suddenly Daniel’s hips rock up into yours, and he’s awake with a singular breathy moan of, “Yes—oh, I thought I was still dreaming.”
You laugh airily, letting your spit-slicken fingers fall from your mouth and drop to press against your clit (you’re not actually, you’ve missed it by a mile but it’s all about convincing Daniel), avoiding meeting his eyes knowing Danny will assume it’s under the pretense of you being shy (once again, yes you are incredibly mortified, but you know he’ll be able to tell that you're faking this in a split second).
“H-how long,” Daniel moans out crackly, his abdomen contracting underneath you, “Have you been at this? ‘Gonna make me cum already.”
You nod frantically, moaning out loudly as if you’re on the edge as well. Daniel gets his feet planted and thrusts up into you forcefully enough that your moans turn real. Throwing your head back so he doesn’t see your face in case it gives you away, you continue to moan out exaggeratedly as you feel him cum inside you, pitching your voice and shuddering as if you released as well.
“What the fuck was that?” Daniel commands quietly.
You slump forward, sliding off his softening length and nuzzling into his neck to pretend like you didn’t hear him and to hide. He lets you avoid answering the first time he asks. He takes his good hand and fists his hand in the braids along the nape of your neck and tightens his grasp enough to get you to gasp.
“Mhm. When you cum, baby,” he starts softly, “That’s the quietest you ever get during sex. Usually, it’s because you choke on your breath, even though I remind you to breathe through it every time. You do this cute little thing where you try to slam your thighs shut around me, it doesn’t matter if it’s my hand, my head, or my hips, you try to crush me. It’s also one of the only times during sex when you make eye contact with me on your own, well depending on what position I have you in. I won’t repeat myself.”
You mumble into his chest fitfully before sitting up, “I didn’t want you to hurt your hand, okay? That’s all. During sex, you can never stop touching me and I was afraid that somehow you’d treat your hand a little too roughly and then, boom, you’ll never drive a Formula One car again—”
“Calm down, babe,” Daniel soothes you, bringing his right hand to massage your hip, “I think you’ve overdramatized my injury in your head a little bit. Firstly, I don’t even care if my hand suddenly fell off—genuinely, never deprive me of making you feel good. That hurts me more than my hand aches. Secondly, this entire time I didn’t even move my left hand off the bed. See?”
You look down at his hand and nod once. This entire time you enforced a needless sex ban when you could’ve been riding a high every day.
“Now, if you could be kind enough to let me restore my ego,” Daniel taps you on the ass so you rise to kneel over him, “C’mere and sit on my face.”
You hesitate, the thought of pretending to deny him crosses your mind, but you already shorted yourself of one orgasm tonight. That’s how you find yourself riding Daniel’s face, embarrassingly almost losing control of your legs at the first knock of his nose against your clit. Your boyfriend has mastered the skill of eating pussy and that’s why you feel no shame in just how quickly a few targeted thrusts of his tongue and the pressure of his nose have you shattering apart above him. And as Daniel said, you do choke on your breath as you climax, your legs tighten around his head as well—and you don’t have the strength to be humiliated at how he knows your body better than yourself.
Daniel guides you off his mouth and lays you down by his side only using the uninjured arm, and the care and strength behind that movement sends you shaking again through the aftershock and come down. 
Daniel coaxes you onto your back and nudges your legs open to slide in between them. He trails the fingers of his right hand across your fluttering folds, before spreading you open with two fingers, enamored at the way your relaxed entrance winks at him. 
“You can give me one or two more right? I think you need a reminder of how much I thrive off of making you feel good, pretty girl. Let’s see how many more I can get out of you before the sunrise.”
taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems @lorrari @inloveallthetime @mindless-rock @biancathecool @barnestatic @my-ylenia @katekipshidze @darleneslane @lovingaphroditesworld @smoothopz @vetteltea @tallrock35 @iloveyou3000morgan @smartstupyd @spideybv28 @lh383 @loomiscorpse @hiireadstuff @namgification @gg-trini @whatamidoingwithmylife-ramdom @multi-fandom-rando @sweatrevenge5436-blog @bokutos-babyowl @oliviah-25 @landoslutmeout @love-simon
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© httpsserene 2023
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cuubism · 2 days
I've been sitting on this little happy ficlet for absolute ages because there was a time I thought I might incorporate it into another fic. That seems increasingly unlikely though, so here it is.
The Dreaming was beautiful when Dream was happy.
It wasn’t always beautiful, though Hob would never say those words to Dream. It was always magnificent, always awesome in the old sense of something grand and beyond understanding. It was terrifying sometimes, too. But in Hob’s opinion, the Dreaming was really only beautiful when Dream was happy.
Like now.
Lying on his back in the wildflowers, bare arms thrown back above his head, dressed down in a black t-shirt and long flowy skirt, feet bare. Happy crinkles at the corners of his closed eyes, the barest hint of a smile that might have been bright as the sunrise for how it looked on Dream’s usually subtle face. The bumblebees and dragonflies that kept landing gently on him and brushing off again in cheerful spirals, as if delighted by their creator’s presence.
Hob had never been to this part of the Dreaming before, which, admittedly, wasn’t saying much when the Dreaming was effectively infinite. Dream had brought them to an expansive field of yellow grasses and rowdy wildflowers of green and teal and mauve and a hundred other colors one would never see in the waking world. It wasn’t Fiddler’s Green; it was wilder than that: rock bluffs dotting the fields in the distance, an endless grey-blue sky that was clear for now but threatened to tip towards rain at any moment, sweet warm wind that tugged on Hob’s hair with grabbing hands. A fierce, untamed landscape holding itself gently, for now.
That was the way Dream was beautiful, Hob thought.
He leaned on his elbow, looking down at Dream’s peaceful expression where he lay beside him. As he watched, an iridescent wasp lit upon Dream’s nose, its six sharp legs stark against his pale skin. Hob moved instinctively to scare it off, before remembering that this was the Dreaming, and stilling his hand.
The wasp didn’t try to sting Dream, of course it didn’t. This dream space lived on the border of danger, but wherever it touched Dream, it turned soft, indulgent, adoring.
Dream opened his eyes to look at the wasp. He didn’t say anything to it, at least not in any way that Hob could understand, but he stroked a very light finger along one filigree wing, and it flitted off again, away back to its hauntings.
In its absence, Hob traced a fingertip down Dream’s profile, in much the same way he had touched the wasp. Dream’s eyes fluttered shut again at the touch.
“They all love you,” Hob said.
Dream hummed. “I feel a particular accord with this landscape,” he said, a ghost of a smile on his lips at Hob’s words.
“Yeah, it reminds me of you. More than the Dreaming as a whole usually does.”
Hob sat upright and tugged Dream up with him, brushing strands of grass from Dream’s hair. Then he kissed him softly on the lips and said, “Constantly on the verge of thundering.”
Dream grumbled under his breath, something about making it rain in Hob’s flat later. Hob just kissed him again, this time on the cheek, saying, “That wouldn’t be the most fun way to end a date, darling.”
“I suppose not.” Dream leaned back to meet Hob’s eyes, his expression now glinting with mischief. “I did have other plans. But if you insist on thundering.”
He blinked, and the sky split open with a tremendous crash, rainwater pouring down in a torrent that soaked them both immediately to the bone. Hob noted with amusement that Dream was letting himself get wet, too. His shirt was sticking to his narrow frame, skirt clinging to each bend of his legs. And his normally fluffy hair was unmentionable.
Hob grinned widely at him, water streaming over his nose and lips, dripping into his eyes. “The things you will do just to have your way.”
Dream’s eyes narrowed in challenge. “Must I have you struck by lightning, as well?”
“C’mere, you.” Hob dragged him into a hug, wet and sticky and clinging, as the rain kept pounding down and sinking into the grass around them. Flowers were nodding under the weight of the droplets, and the corners of the sky had gone dark and grey — but Dream was happy, was the thing. Hob could tell by the way he let Hob manhandle him into the hug, pressed the side of his face against Hob’s, the twitch of a smile on his lips that Hob could feel against his cheek. Storms in the Dreaming were so often indicative of Dream’s sadness or rage, and it was thrilling to be caught up in one that was born of playfulness instead.
The rain was even warm.
“You’re so beautiful,” Hob told him.
“Everything you say is at random,” Dream complained, somewhat hollowly considering he still had his fingers clutched in Hob’s dripping shirt.
“Nah. You just don’t understand the incredibly complex workings of my mind.”
He could sense Dream’s eye roll without having to see it.
“Isn’t it simple enough to just know that I always think you’re beautiful?” he asked, quieter now and almost hushed out by the rain. “It’s like the sky. It’s really always beautiful, but sometimes you catch it at a certain angle and you think, oh.”
“I am, in fact, also the sky in the Dreaming,” Dream said — just to be ornery, Hob thought. But then he said, softer, “You have a gentle perspective of me.”
It was true, Hob thought, that most might not look at this tempestuous landscape with generosity, might not be so easygoing about its overbearing rain. But Hob saw Dream smile and all he wanted was to tip his face up into the storm.
He ran his hands through Dream’s sopping hair. “You can count on that.”
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the-muppet-joker · 2 days
how do you feel about my little pony? they arent horses
They aren't horses? THEY AREN'T HORSES? Ok. Google what a pony is right now. Yeah. Horses, right? Science refutes your claim as if it were swatting a fly. They can disguise them with wings and horns and bright colors all day long but that doesn't hide the fact that they are fucking HORSES. I hate that show for several reasons:
Horses. My painful and tumultuous history with horses aside, they are also demonically constructed creatures. Look no further than the four HORSEmen of the apocalypse in the book of Revelation: Famine, War, Conquest, and Death. I think these are fairly obvious parallels to the four Princesses Luna, Cadence, Celestia, and Twilight in that order. I can elaborate on this if truly necessary but I feel the symbolism is clearly delibrate on the part of the creator. Which brings me neatly to my next point.
Corrupting the youth. Dressing up horses as magical and colorful creatures is not accurate to reality. The creators of the show have done this for the same reason vaping companies have added sweet flavored vapes to their stores: to appeal to children. Yes, it is a sick world we live in. Besides, all of the conflict is dumbed down and all villains are conquered with friendship. It's in the fucking title. The message is clear: fighting will get you nowhere. Be passive and friendly. Do not fight the establishment, befriend and placate it and maybe one day your oppressors will reward you for your obedience. "Friendship is magic." Your propoganda makes me sick.
Before you argue with me that the show's message is to teach children kindndess, think again. I was bullied ruthlessly by bronies in middle school. They would chase me and sing that fucking "My Favorite Pony" song by Hank Green because they knew it Pissed Me Off. Those ponies do not represent any of the elements they claim to. Rarity is clearly a greedy capitalist. Flutteryshy is not kind she is merely a pushover which is NOT the same thing. Pinkie Pie does not spread joy she is a selfish hedonist who acts like a child. Rainbow Dash is not loyal. She strikes me as a "fuckboy" and would likely sleep around and break a lot of hearts. She is clearly a lesbian and would therefore only harm women so I am not upset by this, just amused. What the fuck is Apple Jack honest about? Apples? Magic is not even a virtue nor is it real and besides I fucking hate Twilight Sparkle most of all she is annoying and I could probably take her in a fight.
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toadmudwing · 2 days
timeline of me trying to draw the same thing for several years straight
Figured I'd go through my own old attempts at Joy Ang's style and review them publically; not only would it probably help someone, I get to giggle at how bad my old art used to be! Onwards.
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This was attempt no. 1, and it SUCKED. Thin neck, absolutely no chest, overdid AND underdid all of the shading, didn't even get Toad's colors right, FORGOT THE NOSE RING. Beautiful, beautiful stuff.
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Attempt no. 2 was significantly better, although the anatomy was deeply fucked and the eyes were massive. There are definite improvements over the other one, but overall the line quality remained poor and the anatomy was horrific.
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ATTEMPT NUMBER THREE. This one was so much closer than the other two, but still a swing and a miss overall. The eyes were once again oversized, the shading was patchy and still didn't match Joy Ang's style, and the head was perhaps too angular. There are still a lot more things about this that I like, though, and we can only go up from here, right?
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WRONG attempt number four SUCKED. The lines were awful and the face was too short and narrow. I kind of like how I did the bottom jaw, though. Portrays the snout being narrower than the end of the face. Let's try this again.
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AUGH oh god those scales why are they so small. And, I see we have reached the opposite problem we had before, with the eyes being TOO small now. Also too far down. <3 Let's take a break from this, for a few months, and then try again.
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And, for reference of where we are now, this one. It has its own dedicated post, but I figured it needed to be in the timeline, too.
something something practice makes perfect something something. okay carry on with your day. let me know if you want me to do the same thing with mike holmes' style, there's... actually a lot more attempts for that one
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NSF-W??? oho boy, we are going CRAZY over this.
Anyway!!! Aftercare fluff with Genshin most brutish sweethearts (Shenhe, Rosaria, Sara and whoever else your heart desires dear friend).
(Genshin Impact) Aftercare with Shenhe, Rosaria, and Sara
All I have to say: Ow.
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(Shenhe) "...S/O, are you alright?"
Both Shenhe and S/O are covered in sweat, though they were the only one panting heavily.
Shenhe's stamina was nearing superhuman levels, so she wasn't as affected, at least not physically.
Mentally? She was still trying to come down from cloud nine. At first she was worried that she hurt S/O, before feeling them cuddle into her.
After cleaning up with a spare towel (or three), Shenhe held them close to her chest, not really caring too much that their face was getting smothered in her breasts.
Feeling their heartbeat so close to hers was all that she needed, allowing the corners of her lips to grow into a small smile.
(Shenhe) "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself...Did I do alright?"
(S/O) "Hah, I think more than alright, Shenhe."
Truthfully, Shenhe wasn't perfect in bed, but she didn't need to be.
All she needed to do was show S/O that she loved them, and that was done with flying colors.
And really brutal strength.
S/O would be ungodly sore the morning after.
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Rosaria brushes the hair out of her eyes, slowly taking in deep breaths.
She felt the bed shake from S/O relaxing into the bed, their body involuntarily shook from the pleasure and cold air in the bedroom.
Rosaria rolled over to her side, her rather large chest squishing up against S/O as she gave them a smirk.
(Rosaria) "Felt good?"
(S/O) "Where did you learn...?!"
She only chuckled in response before her finger pushed against their lips gently.
(Rosaria) "I'm not telling."
Her finger trailed down from their lips before tracing their neck down to S/O's waist, her smirk only getting bigger.
(Rosaria) "But thanks for helping me sleep, that helped a lot."
She'll worry about cleaning later, right now she was too tired to care, and S/O probably felt the same.
Rosaria will at least make sure their bed is clean, but as for the marks on S/O? That's their problem.
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Sara has trouble facing S/O's direction, but she still nuzzles her head into their neck.
Blushing even more so when their hands hug her waist, and both their bodies are once again making contact.
(S/O) "Sara, are you okay?"
(Sara) "Just fine...you?"
(S/O) "Well, other than the fact I may not be able to walk right tomorrow, I think I'm fine."
Sara clicked her tongue at their teasing, but that only made them hug her tighter.
(Sara) "...W-We should clean the bed before going to bed."
She gets up from their embrace and suddenly feels a lot more embarrassed about the lack of clothes now, instinctively moving to cover herself before feeling S/O's head rest on her shoulder.
(S/O) "Right behind you.~"
(Sara) "Change the sheets before you start at least."
Sara rolled her eyes before gently pushing them off, a crimson hue adorning her cheeks the rest of the night.
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accio-victuuri · 3 days
xz chongqing photos candies 📷
thank you to xz for sharing some shots from his homecoming! he honestly didn’t have to, he could have just spent time there as he deserves but he is so amazing so we got so many photos!!!! i also think this has something to do with him trending, cause some people saw him eating at a roadside stall.
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which kinda reminds us of when wyb was seen in the wild, eating food and just chillin. they both have that simple happiness ya know. doing normal things and i hope they get to that as they are in the same city right now. 🙏🏼
now let’s look at some clownery ⬇️⬇️⬇️
gege is really out here making us all suspicious! 😂 cause look at his lovely selfie. so handsome! but in the background? i mean— it might be yellow or the a different color but the lighting makes the notes behind him look pink and green. the same combo that yibo wore during the olympics event!
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and he has plausible deniability again because it’s just behind him — how could he know? he was only taking a random selfie! but is he really?
i swear sometimes he is so sneaky. 👀
since it’s live photos, there was also a flash of green after for this other one. and ✌🏼sign which is wyb’s usual too.
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the next one i noticed too cause the installation (p1) is interesting so he could have shared the whole thing right? for the artistic value. but he focused on the expression and that orange ball — making it look like a meme you could use or maybe edit it out. it reminded us of the popular memes related to wyb lately. yes! this is real! even verified accounts and others are using these cuteee wyb memes and expression packs. 😂😂😂
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i wouldn’t put it pass him to edit it into wyb’s (p3) then use it while texting him. lol. cpfs are cackling over this one cause it proves he knows how people are loving his memeable boyfriend!
not sure if it’s true or some bug, but apparently the set of photos was posted twice 10:31 and 10:32. why are you absent minded xz? who are you with? where are you??? tho i think xz has staff who can do this for him, i feel like for personal posts and when he is off work — he does it himself.
the photo he took, it has an ad screen beside it where apparently wyb’s milkground is playing!!! 🥹
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it was a short trip for xz back home but i hope he had fun! now he is back in Beijing with the love of his life!
i’m kinda nervous what will happen after their time together lol. they might go crazy again 🙃🙃🙃
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siconetribal · 6 hours
Put it on My Tab (15)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Terrible drivers, Picking on someone not your size, Jason being cute while trying to look cool, Stupid cupid strikes again
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
As always, a huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me. @vbecker10 , thanks for always listening and helping with all my idea rambles! This story sold have been stuck off not for you.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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The evening traffic was not horrible, Jason had anticipated that it would be worse. The only terrible thing was the expensive brightly colored car that had cut him off when he tried to turn into the parking lot. Had it not been for his quick reflexes, he would have been forcefully acquainted with the pavement. He glared at the car as it took up two spots from poor parking. 
There’s no shortage of dumbasses here. He purposely parked a few spots away from the crazy driver when a well dressed woman came stomping over. Her mouth was moving and her eyebrows were furrowed, but he could not hear a thing thanks to the music that was currently playing through his helmet speakers. I’m guessing she’s pissed and trying to blame me for her shitty driving. He watched her arms flail about, motioning to the car that nearly hit him and his motorcycle. When she gave it a rough nudge in an attempt to knock it over, he frowned. Standing up at his full height, he looked down at the woman who stumbled a few steps back when she saw just how much bigger he was than her.  He scoffed at her attempt to try and paint him as the villain, but the lack of an audience only made her look even more ridiculous.
Huffing and puffing, she turned on her pointy heel and stormed into the cafe. Jason could only shake his head in response to the crazy person, grabbing something from one of his saddlebags. He carefully placed it in his jacket pocket, making his way inside and into the line. Normally he would’ve taken his helmet off by now, but he wanted to surprise a certain barista. What was not planned for was the rude customer causing a scene, the same person who nearly hit him with a care. Seeing as no one wanted to step up, Jason took matters into his own hands.
“Why don’t you call him? Since you say you know him so well, call him. Let him know that you’re harassing his employee for doing her job and following his rules implemented in his establishment.” He cut into the conversation, stepping forward as others made room for him. The look of shock on Y/N’s face when he removed the helmet was plenty of reward for his noble act, but he was selfish and wanted to do more. He wanted to see more of her reactions, but first he needed to get rid of the eyesore. 
The woman flinched at first, but when he removed the helmet her attitude completely changed for a third time. He noticed the flushed color on her face from all her shouting was quickly softening as she stood taller and fixed her clothing. It was painfully obvious that she found him attractive now that she saw his face and it took a good level of control to not roll his eyes and curse her out for making a mess wherever she went.
“I know how this might look just walking in, but she has been quite insolent this entire time. I am merely trying to teach her her place.” She was calmer, but her tone was cloyingly sweet. It made him feel suffocated and uncomfortable.
Don’t do it. She’ll tack on to Y/N and that’ll only cause more problems. “Not from what I’ve seen since you walked up here. Did you forget you nearly hit a biker with your car and cursed them out? Hi, that biker was me. Now, get your drink and sit quietly or leave, or you can call the owner and he can check the CC footage to see what happened. You pick,” he kept his tone leveled and firm. Any attempt of her flirting with him was clearly useless and he was not going to even entertain being anything except cold and disinterested. Her face paled and she ran off to the pick-up counter,
“Thanks for the help. I’m sorry you had to step in like that.” The genuine smile of relief she gave him was a direct shot to his heart. It injected warmth into his veins and filled his chest with immeasurable pride. There was also an ache underneath it all, but he pushed all of it aside to focus on the conversation.
“Don’t mention it, I told you, I save damsels in distress. You just happen to be in distress more often than most.” He smirked and winked at her, earning an eye roll in response. “I’ll have to insist you clock out for the rest of the day though. You look exhausted and after all of that, you deserve a free night at the least.” The two other employees were quick to jump in and assist him in trying to get Y/N out. Seeing as they had it under control he simply stepped aside and waited for her to come around after clocking out when his ears perked up at a particular word used to describe him. She’ll correct it, there’s no point in expecting anything else. Though he was smiling, that odd sting from earlier was back. Yup, any moment now. He sighed, waiting…and waiting. Only to hear the door open and close with no argument from Y/N. The next thing he knew, he was being dragged out into the chilly autumn night.
Wait, she didn’t correct them?! Does she not mind it? Well now, I guess I’m just meant to play the role.  Her coworkers waved and wished them a good night. Y/N refused to look back while Jason was grinning to himself. The first time he played the role of her boyfriend was way back when she was being harassed by some older guy who slipped something into her drink. Now he was being mistaken for it and it made him chuckle.
“What are you laughing at, oh great capeless crusader?” She scoffed, turning to face him as soon they were outside the doors. “Well, whatever drink you wanted to get is cancelled now. Sorry about that, you can head to some other coffee shop if you want. You don’t have to spend time with me or anything, I’ll just cross the street and play at the gaming lounge.” She pointed to the strip mall which he went to on that fateful day thanks to the IP address.
“And what kind of boyfriend would I be if I just bailed on you like that?” The grin on his face only grew into a smug smirk as she scowled back at him.
“The kind I actually have, nonexistent.” She managed to retort.
“So you’re single.” He mumbled to himself. Good to know. He logged the bit of information away as he looked across the street at the dying strip mall. Slipping his hands into his jacket pockets, he felt the smooth wrapping and paused for a moment. “I came all the way here to give you this.” He slipped his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a sandwich bag with a zipper lock that held three dark squares in it. It was the brownies she had joked about earlier. “I’ve gotta make up for my lack of texting somehow.” He handed the baggie over to her and watched her carefully hold it in both her hands, wide eyed and smiling. Another direct hit to his heart at the purity and innocence of her happiness.
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Y/N carefully cradled the confections in her hand, afraid to smush them even just a little bit. It was a simple gesture that made all the stress and frustration from the day quickly melt away. She really did want a brownie after talking to him about it, but the last thing she would have thought was him bringing her some. “Did you make these?”
“Yeah, I dabble in baking from time to time. I live on my own and living off of fast food has lost its appeal.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “They aren’t anything super fancy, I didn’t wanna risk putting in something you can’t have or you just won’t like.” Y/N ducked her head in hopes to hide the blush that was warming her cheeks as she gently placed the treats into her bag. She knew her initial judgment of him was not the kindest due to the coffee fiasco, but he proved himself to be someone more respectable and straightforward.
“Thank you, you really didn’t have to though. But if it helps, you did earn some points.”
“I’ll take whatever I can get. So, did you really want to go to the lounge or is there a chance I can sway your decision?” 
“Oh, what do you have in mind?” Y/N felt her facial temperature was more regulated at this point so she looked up at his face once more. He’s really too handsome for his own good. The price to pay for seeing it so often is pretty steep though.
“Maybe dinner, my treat? There’s a really great diner not too far from here. I always hit it up when I’m in the area.” She carefully considered his offer, looking over at the lounge. It had been a while since she last logged on and her usual buddy was nowhere to be found. She was hoping to possibly catch him tonight, but she knew there was no promise that he would be online. Biting at her lower lip, she tilted her head side-to-side as she debated on what to do. 
There’s a slim chance that Arkham_Knight might be online, but he could just message me and I can check on it later. Hottie Toddie over here actually brought me brownies and helped me with a horrible customer. She took a deep breath and turned her attention fully to Jason.  “Sure, let’s go to the diner. But uhm, how are we going to get there? You came here on a motorcycle, right?” I'll log in tomorrow, we usually meet during the week anyway. 
“Yeah, we’d just ride my bike. Why?”
“I’ve never been on one. All I know is you sit on it like you do any bike.” She rubbed the back of her neck, her gaze falling to the ground once more.
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“I promise I’m a skilled rider, you just need to climb on behind and hold on tight.”
“Hold on tight? To what?”
“To me.” He offered her his hand. Seconds ticked by like minutes as he watched her look between him and his hands. Though he was very cool and confident in what he was saying, he was a mess inside. She could easily reject him and this would be an embarrassing mess. The thought of her declining felt wrong. He wanted her to say yes, he was wishing for her to say yes. The waiting was making him nervous and he was grateful that his gloves hid the cold sweat on his palms. “So, what’ll it be?” There's no reason for me to get nervous. 
“Mmm, ok.” He swallowed the sigh of relief that threatened to come out as she placed her hand in his. He wrapped his fingers around and instantly noticed how much larger his hand was compared to hers. 
“I’ll keep it slow, I don’t wanna scare you on your first ride. You’ll be wearing the helmet, too. It’s not far, so you don’t need to worry about me.” He rambled a little as he led her to his prized vehicle. “You can keep your bag in one of the side bags here.” He popped one open for her and she quickly deposited her items in it. As soon as she was done, he slipped the helmet over her head. It was a bit loose, but he fastened it as tightly as he could under her chin.
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When the world suddenly grew muffled, Y/N nearly panicked. Thankfully the weight of the safety accessory helped her realize she was not fainting from exhaustion.
“Woah, this is a lot heavier than I expected. Are you sure it’s safe for you to not wear one? We could just call a taxi or take the bus?” She offered, fiddling the way it fit on her head. It's this hour a fish feels in a fish bowl? I kinda feel like I'm swimming in it. “It’s moving around a lot.”
“I’ll be fine, just don't move your head too much. Now, just follow my lead. You’ll need to sit real close and hold on to me.” She watched as he effortlessly straddled the bike, her gaze dropping to his muscular thighs that became more prominent now that he was on it. 
Quit staring , she scolded herself and looked further sken at her own two feet. It's a good thing I’m wearing pants. She nervously inched closer to the vehicle and hesitated before swinging a leg over. She teetered a little from the added weight to her head but managed to keep her balance and sat safely behind him. Her heart jumped into a bit of overdrive when she realized she was unable to touch the pavement when he straightened the bike. Reflexively she wrapped her arms around him and gripped as tight as she could without trying to hurt him. Though that fear was hard to believe now that she was reminded of just how solid he was. Now her heart was racing for an entirely different reason. She only hoped he was unable to feel or hear it.
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Tag: @vbecker10@wordsfromshona@harlequin-hangout@harpy-space@tild3ath@gone-batty-fics@princessbl0ss0m@dakotali @antiquecultist
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teallinum · 3 days
Lady Tilley Arnold theory
spoilers alert I guess
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The main point of my theory is: Lady Tilley Arnold was her own "deceased" husband.
I know I know, but listen to me, the Bridgerton's makers do everything on purpose, every little detail of the clothes, environment, decor etc. And I have a bunch of prooves for my theory.
I don't know if that's a trans situation or just her wanting to be in that particular social role, but let's go.
1. Ok, the thing I noticed the first. Her cleavage zone looks unsual for the show. Her dresses look a little bit different than everyone's else. Less showing. And even when the cleavage aloows to show some boobs, that part of the dress often seems to be a little bit empty (which contrasts with the usual Bridgerton "push-up the boobies as much as possible" style a lot). Like the dress looks like a right shape, but her chest looks flat.
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2. Her room. It's dark colors. Green, brown. Do you know which rooms have the same color scheme in this show? Men's rooms. Anthony's cabinet, Colin's cabinet, Colin's bedroom, Lord Fetherington's cabinet and bedroom. Only the red curtains look a little bit too bright/a little bit off, like if someone added them without redecorating the whole room to just slightly change the mood.
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3. "I was married. He died." she said. Not "My husband died" or "I'm a widow", but this interesting wording. Sounds a little bit odd and smooth to tell the truth not telling the truth. Like old me died, new me is here right now.
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4. When Benedict meets her for the 2nd time, she's looking at the statue. Again, most things on this show are intentional and meaningful. And that scene took to long to be just random. She's looking at the statue, that looks like a Venus statue. And Venus is who? Feminity, all the woman things. If she was ment to be "not so feminine lady" that won't be a first thing to choose for her to stare at, u know. Then why is she looking at it? Because she's glad to be who she always felt she is. Just a suggetion. Or maybe it's connected to the Androgyny of Venus in some statues? Idk, I'm not a Greek mythology pro, but that seemed to be an interesting scene to me
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5. "Well, then you have misjudged me. I am all for brute strength. In fact, I much prefer it to aimless talking" she says. Which is interesting too. And right after that their dance happens. And it feels to me that there happens a conversation without words between them. While they're dancing, at some point she takes the male role and leads the dance. Benedict looks condused at first, but accepts it and they dance like this. (all the females are to the right, all the males are to the left, except for them) Was it "an action" instead of "the words" to discuss something?
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6. The music while they're dancing. I've seen some complains of the showrunners reusing the music from the season 2. People say like that was the family moment etc. etc. But I rewatched that scene from the 2nd season (during the Bridgerton+Shama ball when no one came and they danced with each other) and it was not about the family. It was about the harmony, the harmony with yourself and being whoever you feels right to be without looking at what is and what is not appropriate for the sosciety. Which suits Lady Tilley and Benedict's dance if my theory is correct pretty nicely.
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7. During their making out scene in her bed, her chest is covered with the cloth. Bridgerton show is usually not too shy to show nudity and if they need to not show female body, they prefer to use pretty underwear, but not such trick as cloth. Interesting, that in a promo for the 2nd part of season 3 she's in the bed wearing the drak robe. Which is again not too Bridgerton-y or feminine.
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8. While in her bed, Benedict is on the righ side of the bed and she is on the left one. I was rewatching the older season and noticed that every time they show the spouses' bed there's the husband who's on the left side of the bed (Violet Bridgerton, Mondrich, Bassets, Kate+Anthony). Why? Because that's originally her part of the bed since you know... my theory.
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9. "You're MY solicitor" she says to a solicitor when Benedict visits her. Usually solicitor works with male only. In the Queen Charlotte spin-off show Lady Danbury even says that solicitor would probably refuse to talk to her, so she decided not to sign her name saying "Better he think I'm an impolite man". And you know what? At the same time there's a person who looks at the inheritance documents and search for the frauds. What if he has questions to her "husbans"'s will papers and now her solicitor has to provide her some better papers to convince the inspector. "I shall retern with things in order" he replies. She also asks Benedict if he came to "overcharge her as well", so she either has a lack of money or she has to pay her solicitor an overcharged sum. What if it's the silence fee?
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10. Well, and their first interaction with Benedict was "My apologies, I thought you were a... - A man?". And that's her first line ever in the show is. You may say "C'mon, teal, she's just a lady with male interests", BUT! the only scene that points at it is this one. She's pretty feminine all the other times and everyone of the ton talks to her like she's a lady. No shade. No judjment (like when they speak about Eloise during previous seasons or Anthony joking on Kate being able to shoot). If that was the point there would be more than one moment/line pointing at that.
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I hope you enjoyed my little theory. Anyway, the 2nd part of the season is just in a week from now and we'll find out if I'm right or wrong UwU
Thank you for your attention~
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allurilove · 3 hours
Hello! can we get yandere!rich!boyfriend x rich!sunshine!reader where reader got extremely kind with this new student at their school…
got my idea from korean’s drama hierarchy thoo..🤓
Sure thing! I’ve seen a bit of that show on tiktok lol, and it looks cool.
It wasn’t odd for him to see you be so giddy. You were always nice to everyone around you, and even more to the less fortunate. He crossed his arms, and leaned against his car as he watched you like a hawk. He saw how your eyes would shine, a big smile on your face, and the way your body was awfully close to the new student made him uncomfortable.
He felt like he had a good reason to be upset. Most of the time people thought you were flirting with them when you were just being friendly. He had to save and steer you away from uncomfortable conversations and situations. Your boyfriend silently got off his car and approached you two. He stood behind you, and his hands in his pockets as he looked at the student you were taking too.
They looked average. They didn’t own anything flashy, and nothing stands out from their clothing except for a bangle bracelet on their wrist. It looked cheap. Your boyfriend watched them try to continue the conversation, they slipped in compliments, and asked numerous questions about the school. So, the fact that this total nobody even believed they have a chance with you annoyed him. His body tensed up as he saw their hand reach for yours, and he instinctively pulled you towards him. Your boyfriend just smiled, pretending that everything was alright, but the tight grip on your wrist said otherwise. He’s not the one to cause a scene, and he wasn’t about to argue with someone he considered to be beneath him.
The fact that you gave anyone the time and day was fascinating. Usually, someone of your status and wealthy background is prone to be a bit snooty. That’s how he’s like after all. There was no use in talking to someone that could barely relate nor afford the privilege and lifestyle you two had.
“Do you mind if I steal my partner for a second?” Your yandere boyfriend said, his brow raised, and really it wasn’t much of a question. He was telling the other student to leave. Just atleast trying to be less of a dick about it.
Before the person you were taking to could say anything, he pulled you with him as you two now walked inside the school. “You don’t have to talk to strangers, you know?” your boyfriend sighed as he had you walk behind him. His hand still on your wrist as he used his body to shove through the crowd of students.
“They’re not a stranger. They’re a fellow student-“
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes. “Tch, same thing. Everyone is a stranger if they aren’t me.” He pushed you into an empty classroom, and he made you sit down onto a chair he pulled out for you. “Do you have to befriend everything that breathes? Are you not satisfied with just me?”
His hand smoothed out your school uniform, and he fixed your red colored tie. “I’m just trying to protect you. No one cares for you more than I do.”
“You agree, right? That I’m the best thing that has ever came into your life.” Your boyfriend dropped this hand down to your thigh. “I love you… and I want everything good to happen to you.”
“Don’t talk to anyone else ever again.”
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gachawolfiebloom · 22 hours
A Grumpy Troll and A Prince
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Chapter 5: Escape Artists
Tags: Comedy, action, adventure, and romance
The guards walked through the halls past the burning torches. One in particular looked quite strange. It was actually Three and Four in an adequate disguise. They used their hair to swing over to a shelf at the other side of the hall, without drawing attention of course. Four looked around and asked Three "Where do you think our friends are?" This time he didn't notice that Four had said they were his friends too because he retorted back with a sarcastic comeback.
"If I had to guess, I'd say inside a Bergen's stomach."
Four groaned and placed his hands on his hips in a sassy way. "Could you try to be more positive!? Just once. You might like it." Three swung around and shot back "Okay. I'm sure they're not only alive, but about to be delivered to us on a silver platter."
Four didn't get the memo and instead breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. That wasn't so hard was it?" Three smacked his face once again from how irritating this was getting. How was he this stupid!? The prince's hug time bracelet went off and he gasped. "Three!"
"Really!? Hug time aga-" Four immediately shushed and told him to listen. Multiple chimes with faint colored lights could be seen around a corner. "There they are!" Now who's the smart one Three? He rushed off while Three blinked for a few seconds and ran off after him.
The captured trolls were all huddling together in quivering fear while their bracelets went off. Many bergen guards were busy setting the tables and fixing the lights on the ceiling. "This is going to be the best Trollstice ever!" X cheered. He flattered himself with his excellent idea while his royal entertainer walked by his side and FM pushed the cart with the cage on top. Mr Puzzles instructed "Tomorrow is Trollstice everyone and it must be perfect!"
"Yes Mr Puzzles!" He smirked to himself and the commanding orders reminded him of when he was so high and mighty all those years ago...before the trolls had made their escape... "It feels great to be ordering everyone around again!"
Three and Four slipped down onto a chandelier and the prince was the first to spot their friends. "Three look!" He studied the cage and tilted his head. "They're alive?" The two ducked down before anyone heard their whispering and Four said "And on a silver platter. We were both right."
It always bugged Three to be shown up, but him being right on a sarcastic note seemed to not nag him as much. 
Mr Puzzles knew that his plan was working, but if he was really going to win the king over, he needed more convincing. With his devilish charm, Mr Puzzles pulled out a worn out piece of cloth and said "To mark the occasion your highness, I found your old Troll bib." What was the king going to do with an old bib now!?
Apparently, it somehow won X over as he took it out of the TV man's hands and stared at it in awe. "Wow! I bet it still fits-" He tried tying it around, but it was a little too tight. Within seconds, the bib had exploded into millions of little pieces and a faint sound of giggling could be heard. X angrily turned to see Mario laughing until the others shushed him. "Oh so you think that's funny do you? We'll see who will be laughing when I eat you all!"
Mario's laughter turned into sheer panic and his friends expressed the same. X then raised an eyebrow. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7....8? "Mr Puzzles, this won't be enough to feed all of Bergen Town!" Sweat drops played on Mr Puzzles screen while the king had another thought. "How do we have Trollstice if there isn't enough trolls!?"
Mr Puzzles patted his head and reassured "There's plenty more where that came from your majesty. I can just go back and grab more!" Four gasped as he realized that the TV guy was right. Because of him, Mr Puzzles knew where they lived and could capture them all. He shared a worried glance with Three, who he could tell was sharing the same thought.
"Are you sure? Because I promised everyone a troll." Mr Puzzles quickly shut that problem down by sticking his hands out, defensively. "No! No! No! It will all be taken care of!" He then eyed the cage deviously. "If I was truly worried....would I do...THIS!" He slammed open the cage and grasped tight onto Tag6.
Three quickly pulled Four down as Mr Puzzles turned towards the chandelier. He could have sworn he saw...
The suspicion was shut down when X eyed her and said "My first troll!" Mr Puzzles handed the troll to the king and said "Go on. Eat up King X. Enjoy a taste of true happiness." X started to raise Tag6 up to his mouth while the others whimpered. She was suddenly saved for a moment when X asked "Shouldn't we wait for Trollstice?" The others breathed a sigh of relief.
Mr Puzzles then tried to entice him by putting Tag6 in a taco. "Yeah, I guess." Mr Puzzles looked in excitement as once again, the king raised her up to his mouth. "But my dad said the first time should be special." Another wave of relief. Mr Puzzles was starting to lose his patience as he poured hot sauce on the poor troll. "Well you're the king now."
"Yeah, I am!" Here we go...any second now... "But I think I should share this moment with all the kingdom." That was the last straw. In irritation, Mr Puzzles shoved the taco in his mouth. "JUST EAT IT YOU BUFFOON!"
The guards started playing some really cringe Mexican music and Mr Puzzles stuck a sombrero on X's head and maracas in his hands. Twirling him around the room for a few seconds, Mr Puzzles took X into the hall, but before they left, he turned and commanded "IM! Lock these trolls in your room and guard them with your life!" He make a slit neck gesture and told him "If you lose them, YOU'RE DEAD!"
FM quickly nodded and said "Yes Mr Puzzles!" He rolled the cart toward his room while Four was standing there, horrified.
Tag6 couldn't be gone. She just couldn't. He refused to believe it. "Three! We have to save her!" He pulled the prince back and asked "Save her from what!? His stomach!?" Four pointed back at him. "We didn't see him chew or swallow!"
"Face it Four! Sometimes people go into other people's mouths and they don't come out! If we go after Tag6 now, we're going to get eaten." Four could feel tears building up in his eyes and turned back towards the door. Three's expression softened a little. "I'm sorry. It's too late for her." Four looked back and saw the Bergen, pushing the cart with the rest of their friends.
Okay, back on track. Four dove off the chandelier as Three tried to grab him and watched over the side. "Four!" The prince slid down the railing of a ladder and slid on a spoon across the table until he was hitching a ride with the servant. Three quickly followed, jumping off the caps of the guards and swinging over, right next to Four. They shared a quick smile with one another's before the cautiously observed FM going down a flight of stairs until he reached his room.
The two hopped off as FM set the cage onto a counter, when a voice rang out. "SERVANT!" What did that TV head want now? Multiple dishes came crashing down onto FM as Mr Puzzles shot back "Wash these dishes for Trollstice! The King is inviting everyone...except you." FM couldn't take the abuse. He had hoped that just for once, he could finally hang out with X, but he was mistaken.
In a fit of tears, he collapsed onto his rickety old bed with muffled cries into the pillow. Four was trying to sneak over to the cage with Three, but stopped to watch the heartbroken Bergen, feeling quite sorry for him. Three stopped in his tracks as well. "Four? The hell are you doing!?"
FM wiped the tears off his face with his sleeve and took out a picture of X from his drawer.
"I've been alone with you inside my mind."
A fantasy plays where fm is spinning around with X in his arms.
"And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times!"
Flashbacks now from when X was walking past FM's window.
"I sometimes see you pass outside my door."
FM wishes he could just tell X how he felt, but instead watches from afar.
He's been doing this ever since they were kids.
"Is it me you're looking for!"
"I can see it in your eyes."
He scrubs a plate to see a faint reflection of X laughing and smiling.
"I can see it in your smile..."
"You're all I ever wanted and my arms are open wide!"
Even when X was yelling at his guards, FM found him irresistible.
Cause you know just what to say and you know just what to do."
"And I want to tell you so much...I love you."
FM kept crying into his pillow until he eventually wore himself out and fell asleep.
Three was confused, but Four thought it was adorable. "Aww he's in love with the king." Three gave him a deer in headlights look and said "What are you talking about!? Boys don't love other boys!" Why did he blush a little when he said that?
Four rolled his eyes and shot back "Well maybe you don't know everything about the Bergens!" There was no time for bickering so the two immediately ceased their argument and snuck past FM to the cage. Three pulled back the cover and Four shouted "Guys!"
"FOUR! You came to save us!"
He nodded and cheered "Let's have a celebration!" Three ran up and went "SHHHH!" Mario went down to a whisper and said "Let's have a party right here with spaghetti." Three grabbed some kind of Usb to use as a key and said "There is no parties going on here!" He set down the huge lock and replied "The sooner we get you guys out of here-"
"The sooner we can save Tag6!"
The noise startled FM so much as he awoke instantly. "Hello?" All of them froze, praying he wouldn't look in their direction. Thankfully, sleep got the best of FM and he dozed off again. "Is it me you're looking for...
Once it was safe again, Three opened the cage door and told Four "I know that you're looking for the fun and laughter here, but let's face it. Tag6's been eaten!" Mario walked past, whispering "They put her in a taco!" Meggy followed. "It was horrible." Luigi put a hand on the prince's shoulder and said "Sorry Smg4. Tag6 is gone."
Three sighed and said "Four? How can you possibly think that Tag6 is still alive?" He spun around and responded "I don't think she's alive, I hope she's alive and that's enough." Three really didn't get it. "How do you always look on the bright side? There is no bright side here! None!"
"There's always a bright side!"
A light then flickered on as FM was standing there with a lamp in his hand. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"
Oh crap. They were spotted...
Chapter 6: Coming Soon
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whiteheartlight · 22 hours
(An intro scene for a story I've written bits and pieces of, but might not ever post in full. About Jaller and his guilt, mostly.)
It was the burst of color, Jaller realizes later, that woke Kongu up entirely.
The appearance of the Toa Hagah inside the Skakdi fortress didn't register with any of them as anything other than a nuisance, as far as he knows. Hahli took Norik to the ground like she had never had any other goal in life, and the rest of them rushed hotly into battle after her. He remembers Hewkii whooping, glad to have a break in the monotony, glad to have an enemy to throw against the wall, but then Kongu put that ax into Kualus's shoulder, and wow, fireworks. Kualus was silver and pure bright white one moment, and then the next – an explosion of purple ichor splattered across himself and Kongu both, and Iruini yelled so loudly it echoed in Jaller's audio receptors for long minutes after.
“Mata Nui,” said Kongu, as Kualus crashed to the ground with a choke. “Kualus, I – I – Mata Nui. What... are we doing?”
“Kualus!” Iruini darted between the battle to get to his brother, even as Gaaki knocked Nuparu solidly out on the other side of the room. Jaller's mask warned him of the loud sounds of oncoming Skakdi, but he couldn't think to say anything about it. Two minutes ago everything in the world made sense. Now something's wrong.
“Bomonga?” Hewkii asked in bewilderment, his spear slipping out of his hand. “Why are we fighting?”
“Easy, all of you, take it easy,” Pouks shouted over everyone. “Okay, stop, you're okay. Something got in your heads. Kopaka sent us to help. We're going to get you out of this, just try to think clearly.”
Hahli shook her head hard and regained herself – she's always so sturdy like that, always so determined to bounce right back. She hurried to help Iruini with Kualus, falling to her knees beside them and trying to tend the injury. Jaller remembers pushing back from Pouks to get a better look, morbidly enthralled. Kualus was struggling to breathe. Kongu pierced him deeply, from his shoulder towards his throat.
“Jaller,” said Norik, approaching and grabbing him harshly, clasping his shoulders tight. “Jaller, look at me. We need to know who got in your heads like this. We will figure everything out, but we have to handle whoever is controlling you to get you all free.”
“Will he die?” Jaller asked instead of replying. “I've never seen Matoro bleed like that.”
Something flashed over Norik's face. “Brother, it's Kualus.”
“I tried to stop him from leaving,” Jaller tried again, sensing that they weren't understanding each other. “I would have died instead of him. Don't you believe me?”'
“Jaller – ”
“It's the – the big mutated thing with the gold skin,” Hewkii rasped, interrupting them. “Norik, there was some kind of prophecy. They combined a group of beings in energized protodermis. I don't know where the psionic powers came from, but the moment it was created, it was in our heads. We didn't even have a chance to fight it off. It will do the same to you – we should run!”
“The lot of us have plenty of experience fighting off psionic influence,” Gaaki said. “Roodaka couldn't turn us into Rahi, and this being won't turn us into servants.”
“Pouks,” Norik said. “Your mask – you'll match its powers, if only for a few minutes, and then you can make sure everyone's mind is clear. Bomonga, grow, intimidate it. Iruini, find it.”
“I need to stay with Kualus and keep him breathing,” Iruini protested.
“I'll do it, I'll do it,” Kongu said, voice increasingly thin. “I – I'm so sorry, I never meant – I'll help, I swear, please – ”
“We all would have saved him if we could,” Jaller insisted, grabbing Norik's arm. “It's my fault, not theirs.”
“Jaller, listen, you have to keep it together for your team. We're going to get you back to safety, little brother, I swear.”
Yes, Kongu came back to himself in that flash of ichor, and so did the others, he thinks, but Jaller felt so hazy, so lost, alone in that moment. Wasn't the Gold-Skinned Being in charge? Aren't things better that way? What has his leadership ever led to but Ice Toa dying at his feet? He blinked and saw purple ichor, golden fire. His brother eaten alive by the destiny he led him to.
Norik turned away from him, readying his siblings for another battle while the others tried to orient themselves or help Kualus, whose ichor was pooling on the stone floor, approaching Jaller's feet. The door on the other side of the room slammed as a pair of Skakdi came up the stairs to interrupt their reunion, and Hewkii and Pouks both charged at them together. Jaller turned away and left through the other door. He needed to get back to the Gold-Skin. That was where he belonged.
“Jaller!” someone called after him, but he didn't know whose voice it was. He still doesn't. In his memory, the next few minutes seem to pulse like a heartlight, throbbing through his head, so clear and so warped at the same time.
“Fire Toa,” said the Gold-Skin, who was coming down from its tower already. It grabbed Jaller by the arm, yanking him towards it. The second it touched him, he heard himself gasp, and he was glad he came back to it. Of course he belonged to this being. He didn't know his own name. He was just the Fire Toa who served it. Its grip on his arm was painfully tight. “Why are your siblings free?”
“There are invaders,” he managed. “They'll come to fight you too. Experienced Toa with masks to rival your powers – you should run.”
“Run? I can handle another five Toa.”
“Six,” Jaller corrected.
“Oh, yes, I forgot you're missing a piece of your set.” It pulled at Jaller again, and he resisted the urge to scream: it was gripping his arm so tightly he thought the metal might be bending. “Well, they'll destroy the fortress, I suppose, there's no getting past that. Trouble of dealing with Toa: there are always more of them. But I so love to have the elements tamed under my hand.”
“I can be useful,” Jaller said, trying to breathe through the pain.
“Yes, maybe you can. You know what a Nova blast is, don't you, Toa of Fire?”
“Yes,” he said. He's so grateful it always knows the right next step. “Yes, that would work. The others could try to stop me, but that would give you time to prepare for them.”
“Very well, then, but no room for error.” It touched his mask and he choked on a wave of power, nearly crumpling, and it let him fall to his knees. When his eyes flashed open, there was nothing left in his head but its command.
“You don't need to survive it,” it added, turning away from it. “In fact, maybe you shouldn't.”
“Yes,” he remembers saying. “I understand.”
And he did understand, very clearly. It was all he understood. The need to destroy himself.
Gold light eating him alive. Destiny is always sacrificial. He heard himself laughing. He understood completely.
He thinks Norik held him to his chest and screamed. He thinks their armor grew soft against their bodies. But it's hard to remember beyond what he's been told. Really, in his memory, there is nothing else there but the heat.
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notachair · 13 hours
ANALYSIS: On Armand's Dubai (interview) outfits
I don't know if this has been done before, but I'm doing it regardless. I have been thinking about the way Armand's been clothed compared to Louis in the Dubai setting through S1 and now in S2. So here's an attempt at an analysis of the fits Armand's been wearing throughout the series in these scenes... In comparison to Armand, who goes between black-white-maroon(-navy blue), Louis is always in full black during Dubai*, it's his color in Dubai. I find it interesting how the outfits interplay and visually sets a role for Armand during this timeline, within the setting of the interview.
*Though there was one shot where he throws a glass on a painting where I thought the shirt might have looked more maroon like Armand's E3 shirt but… I'm uncertain about that.
Season 1
In S1, in his role as Rashid, he constantly wore his black fits, all the way up to and through the moment in the finale where he rids himself of the gloves and brown-coloured lenses. There is some variety to what shirts and robes he wears on top. He starts with something more similar to the other servants of the household, though unbuttoned somewhat at the neck. There's also of course the iconic deep V-neck, a display of the chest we continue to see consistently in S2 Dubai. Also, we cannot forget his key accessory; the ipad <3
My overall thought around the full black fits, is that they work as a visual representation and conformity to the Louis household and to Louis himself. Or rather a reverence, a subservient role at Louis' service. A visual "I'm at Louis' side and at his service". Louis and Armand's true relationship, and the tension in it from the disagreement over the interview, does leak through his clad self. But I wouldn't say it discounts the representation, as he functions within the stretched boundaries of his disguise, of (fake) Rashid. Perhaps one could also note on the double layers.
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S2. Episode 1
Interestingly enough, the next time we see him- he's in stark white on top (gray white-striped slacks) (do iron your shirts though richlings). This color arrives together with an open disagreeable snarkiness towards the progress of the interview- we are told Armand didn't want Louis to do the interview. They're checkered, white to Louis' black, at odds (note that I say at odds, not enemies).
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Eventually, after Armand's left and Louis' proceeding little emotional breakdown in front of Daniel, we get a scene in their bedroom. I'm not so sure how far the bedroom outfits display the same function as the interview fits, but I'll just note that Louis is again in black, and Armand in a white shirt with stripes, additionally to red pants (with a pattern!). Here they proceed to form a bridge, through Armand giving in some by offering his help and support at Louis' side with the interview.
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After their bedroom conversation, they enter the room (and the interview) together as a united front- both wearing full black (black slacks). I see this as a visual representation of this unity they arrived at. I would add though, that Armand's shirt is just a tiny bit lighter than the full black which he'd worn previously in S1, one might say a dark gray. Though... it really may just be the fabric?
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S2. Episode 2
Same fit throughout the episode as the last one from E1. The E1 ending fit lay the groundwork for the changed mood for the rest of E2, even though it ends more tense at the end. Armand is continuously at Louis' side here, and whatever disagreement is had, appears playful, rehashed, or otherwise softened. They're affectionate and awfully sweet as they recount their first encounter and early flirting (lmao to that scene of their "young friends"), getting a little lost in the memory of each other even. (As a small note, I'd say Louis learns something new about Armand here too)
If the shirt really is a dark gray, one might consider it an in-betweener of Louis' black and Daniel's consistent grays. Having reeled in some of that Daniel antagonistation. Though Armand's at Louis' side here, he does gently restrain Louis' ire towards Daniel, and even offer some comfort, during that last scene where he was "put back into place", where they refound the young interviewer of the 70s which they could have say "what happened next?" in no time (✔️mission accomplished guys!👏)
S2. Episode 3
In ep 3 however? He's suddenly wearing a loose maroon shirt (black slacks) throughout the episode, both through his one-on-one with Daniel and together with Louis. It's a dark colour, but I find the colour here curious as I'm a little uncertain how I should place it (it looks quite good btw XD), but it's clearly its own colour here in a sense.
He enters the scene and the interview on his own this episode, and proceeds to share part of his own odyssey (his use of it is so curious, cut brashly short and adjusted a bit for simplification, there's a purpose here. Multiple I believe. It works as a context parallel to the continuation of the Loumand romance and of the covens fallout. I'm also lowkey thinking it works as a vague mini parallel to his earlier background with Marius. The cycles of uprooted ground for him...). This was done through no true prompting of Daniel ("The question was; how do vampires hide from google, not how did Lestat break his heart").
Louis and Armand still appear very much united, and almost lost in each other again as they recount more of their developing romance (and ect.), though Daniel's being distracted by Talamasca hacker files. I'd say we've gotten to an achy part of Armand in E3, his bleeding heart I suppose. From his history with his coven and the fumble with Lestat, as well as his new opened heart to Louis 150 years later in the recountings. ("I locked away those words (I love you) for another 150 years. And then he arrived... and shattered that lock. This is what frightens me the most about you" OH LOVERBOY).
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S2. Episode 4
In this episode he's wearing doubles layers, black on top of white (a nice fit again btw, he looks unreal), with dark gray striped slacks. Or, I noticed that the robe is actually a navy blue with black lapels at the front. And we see that's he's a little more disagreeable again during this part of the interview, where he's also actively contradicting Louis' own responses to Daniel's questions. They only truly butt heads until the moment with the pictures happen. Why this change again? I suppose... the upcoming event of what happens to Claudia might get them in a Mood. Though nevermind the Lestat shit, like... I suppose it parallels back to the troubles of their non-committed relationship in the recounts of the past, which is only "resolved" by their ending scene ("I want you. I want you more than anything in the world" "Are you sure about that, Arun?" "Yes, maitre" CRAZY BTW). It's sort of a more vulnerable appearance this episode, and the tensions/triggerpoints apparent in their relationship is on display again. But now it's with a greater context and awareness of its particulars. Much ouch.
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After the moment with the pictures, we only see Dubai loumand again as they're fighting in the bedroom (apparently a quite silly one, which I admit is a relief and funny XD), which is a stark contrast to the new agreed commitment in their relationship and dynamic in Paris (crossed in different directions there). Armand's quick to bite back on the passive-aggressive comment that slipped, something that had clearly been built up throughout the episode (if not longer *cough*). I wonder... Anyway, they're in the process of removing their shirts, Armand's already got the black outer robe off and is working off his white shirt. Meanwhile, Louis is fumbling with his black shirt. Again, uncertain about the bedroom scenes, but I'd note that Armand was reaching out towards a blood-red shirt, rather than the white shirt with stripes that we'd seen in E1 or the maroon shirt of E3. Might it be a little pointer to the role he'll pick up in the story for E5? In the 70s? Regardless of his actual appearance during the Dubai timeline next episode, and whether or not this is just bed clothes. Indicative of a more... passionate and bloody role, something of a... "dark, twisted tenderness", as said by Assad, in a recent interview talking about E5 (much recommended read!).
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Onwards & musings
I suspect for ep 5, Louis and Daniel will largely spend the interview focusing on whatever happened in the 70s on their own, and proceeding to build a united front between them against Armand as has been teased.
Talking about what's next though; ofc, it's... uncertain how much we have from the last few episodes, if... any actually. But from the glimpses we get of Dubai which has not been seen yet- he's again in full black, which I find interesting though not too surprised.
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I don't know, I'm just really excited for what's next XD I'm really curious what they'll be doing for the final episodes for this marriage of theirs, and the role Armand's had in this odyssey of recollection here. Their relationship and the shit they've got going on deeply intrigue me 😊
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synthshenanigans · 22 days
You Sound Like Louis Burdett is a banger song I wish it was real 💔 [looking at you spotify]
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skeleton-less & textless versions ✨ wahoo ✨
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liquidstar · 5 months
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Between commissions I finally managed to finish this OC set of parent characters! If the looks aren't enough to show you who their kid is, the background colors match them ^_^ but of course more details below!
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Name: Thuban
Name origin: The former pole star, before the north star (Polaris), it's name means "Large snake" and is referred to as the “Dragon's tail”
Pronouns: He/him
Age: N/A
Relation: Raised Polaris, though they're not related by blood and have a somewhat distant relationship, until he suddenly went MIA
Weapon: Spear (Same as Polaris's)
Ethos (Power): N/A
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: Make no phallic jokes about the large snake thing and you'll be rewarded
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Name: Ananke
Name origin: A moon of Jupiter, named for the mythological spirit of necessity, inevitably, and compulsion
Pronouns: She/her
Age: -
Relation: Bella's mother, she raised her to be a warrior
Weapon: Bardiche
Ethos (Power): Indomination (The ability to freeze the movement of objects and people, and lock them in place)
Flaw power is based on: Her strict enforcement of obedience through authoritarianism, and a lack of concern for the wishes of others
Notes: She believes in tough love. It's better in the long run to give your kid strength rather than affection.
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Name: Rhea
Name origin: A moon of Saturn named after the Titan known as the mother of the gods
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 38
Relation: Saiph's mother, though she gave him up to the guild when he was very young
Weapon: None
Ethos (Power): None
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: Was unable to take care of a baby at the time, and gave Saiph to the guild. She wishes she'd visited beyond that but it's probably too late now...
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Name: Arche
Name origin: One of Jupiter's moons, it's name comes from the muse of new beginnings and is associated with springtime
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 7
Relation: Saiph's half-brother. Neither currently knows the other exists
Weapon: None
Ethos (Power): None
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: He's just a little guy. He likes flowers and playing with toys. He wants to be a cool hero like his dad
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Name: Poerava
Name origin: A star in Tucana, the Maori word for a black pearl of mystical beauty and perfection
Pronouns: She/her
Age: -
Relation: Al's mom. She mostly raised him on her own while her husband was with the knights.
Weapon: None
Ethos (Power): None
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: Probably the best parent of the bunch if we're being real.
#Finn's ocs#Finn's art#oc references#i wrote the descs while w the kids so hopefully they make sense. my attention was split#but anyway here in the tags I'll talk about the designs in relation to their kids lol#polaris is emulating thuban moreso than anyone else. her color scheme and outfit motifs are the same as his- they ARE his#her original outfit is clothes she took and diy'd into her own so she could go off into the world and well presumably look for him at first#the truth is she always wanted to see the world that's why she loved maps. in a way this was an excuse. in another way she was just lonely#but doesn't understand loneliness. also the fact that she's not his daughter by blood is part of that#bc of her actual parents (not as relevant character-wise) she sees all relationships as temporary and she has issues connecting#ananke i wanted to mostly look intimidating in a way that Bella really isn't#Bella puts on skull hairties and fishnets and stuff but she's very much. a cute softie trying to look edgy. she has pink twintails#she's so different from her mom in pretty much every way but she still did have that ideal of strength drilled into her#still her take on it is softer. she's the team leader now but she's really pretty lenient aside from the important No Killing rule ofc#w Rhea and Arche i had a bit of a flower theme. pussywillow (lol) means motherhood and buttercups mean childishness#so. mother and child#but rhea is interesting bc she's raising a whole different kid now that she's in a different place in life#if you do the math she had Saiph young. and it was alright for a while until his dad (again not as important) died#so she didn't have support or money. but she had a connection to the guild because his dad's old sword teacher is a member (hmm)#but she was too scared/ashamed to visit. she just left him his dad's old knife because that's all she had (THE KNIFE IS IMPORTANT)#arche is her kid with her second husband and her new beginning. this will cause some inner problems for Saiph when he meets them...#Poerava was kinda designed to have rich lady vibes because remember Al's family is practically nobility#but more importantly she's designed to look like a mom. with the low ponytail and tired eyes#the black pearl of her namesake as the centerpiece of her outfit too#again she's got the healthiest relationship with her kid here by a longshot#but i mean don't worry Al still got the daddy issues so he's not getting away unscathed#I already drew Taurus with the zodiac knights though so i didn't feel the need to reintroduce him#anyway Mira really has 0 connection to any family at all she was found as an orphaned baby after a monster attack#obviously she had parents but beyond town of origin it's unknown who so she has no connections to any sort of past parental figure#the guild is her one and only family and that's how she wants it. she wants to be with them forever the past doesn't matter
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crebbyhermit · 5 months
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jan 2024/oct 2021
vici redraw
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misc photo diary stuff.. also this unintentionally all matches sort of lol.. warm toned photos?
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