#comf before the storm
ro-valerius · 9 months
Calm Before the Storm: After the Festival
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The Squad went to a music festival over a couple of days. Miyu belongs to @ffxiv-f13ndish
Tofu felt Miyu lean more heavily against him as the festival began to wind down, the helmet they had procured bonking him lightly in the jaw. He murmured their name softly, but received no response. He sighed gently and reached up to pull the helmet off, revealing that they had, indeed, fallen asleep in his lap. He made sure to prop them up better as the final songs were played, thankful that they had fallen asleep as a wave of pain flashed through his chest. He winced and pressed a hand to his chest, but pushed it away quickly before anyone else could notice. 
The final song came to a close and people began dispersing. Tofu looked down at Miyu, going to shake them awake, but their peaceful features gave him pause. He decided instead to, with some difficulty, arrange so that they were settled on his back, picking up their helmet in one hand and making his way to his feet. He was glad for the short walk home…
He had made it down the stairs, just before the tunnel between the poolside and their home, before the sigil in his chest flared up, much more aggressively than when he had been sitting with them. He drew in a pained gasp and dropped to one knee, the helmet rolling away as he gripped his chest tightly. He had somehow managed to keep hold of Miyu so they didn’t fall as well, but he didn’t imagine them sleeping through all of that…
Miyu immediately startled at the sudden drop. They gripped onto Tofu in a panic, only to relax when they realized who’s back they were clinging onto. Seeing Tofu’s pained state, they let go of his back and moved to kneel in front of him, placing both hands on his cheeks to get a good look at him. 
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“Hey… hey. What’s going on?” they gently pressed, though their eyes were wide and alert with concern. By no means had the effects of the liquor in their system faded yet, but the adrenaline from seeing Tofu in such an alarming state — and perhaps with some help from their brief snooze — sobered them up enough for the dire situation. 
“I’m…fine,” Tofu managed between pained gasps, but his words were immediately proven false as he began to taste blood in his mouth. He covered his mouth with one hand, as if that would hide it from Miyu. 
Miyu’s face paled when they caught the sight of blood peeking at the corner of the viera’s lips. Being as close as they were, and as focused as they were on him, it would've been difficult to miss. They felt at his face to gauge his temperature as their eyes searched over him for any visible injuries. 
“Yeah, let me know when you find someone where their ‘fine’ is collapsing and coughing up blood,” they curtly remarked under an anxious sigh. “I need… I need to help you,” they whispered, more so to themself than to him.
They looked  up to meet his gaze, then firmly inquired, “Tofu, what’s wrong?”
Tofu dropped his hand to his side, though his other hand remained pressed to his chest. Their curt response was expected, but his head was clouded by the pain, and his response had been mostly out of habit. However, he was reluctant to share what had happened with them. He was quiet for a long moment, as quiet as one can be between gasps. 
“...Just…took a few spells…is all,” he murmured. His face tensed further as the pain in his chest spiked once more. “D-don’t… It… “ He wanted to tell them not to worry, but he knew they were already worried and it would be pointless. 
Miyu had to physically swallow a gasp when Tofu revealed the cause of his injury. If mere healing spells were already difficult for him to bear… what could this mean for him now? And they couldn’t possibly use a healing spell to fix this. 
They were stumped on what to do, and not clear headed enough to make any rational decisions. For a second, they could only stare at Tofu in a grave fear of losing him.
Miyu couldn’t fix this. But they could at least try and bring him some kind of comfort. 
They gently placed a hand over the hand on his chest, while the other moved to smooth the hair from his face before settling to rest on his cheek.
“You’re going to be okay. You can do this… you can fight it, because you are worth fighting for,” they soothe in a quiet voice with their lips pressed to his other cheek. “Breathe slowly… you’re going to be okay.” 
A shaky chuckle escaped him. Were they panicked and nonsensical? Perhaps, but he found it endearing that they were trying in the face of uncertainty. The hand that had been at his side reached up to touch the hand they had placed on his cheek. 
“It’s you I’m worried about.” Another chuckle came, more pained. “I know I’ll be alright, it’s what I keep telling you. It’ll pass… I just need a moment.” 
Perhaps Miyu was repeating these things more so to reassure themself than him… to a degree. They never knew the right thing to say, especially when like this. Maybe if they had a little more sense in them, they would have made more of an attempt to hide the offended pout in objection that crossed their features. 
“You worry about me while I worry about you… in that path, you worry about yourself. Focus on that,” they mumble in discontent. Despite their blatant offense at Tofu disagreeing with them — at least, that’s how they saw it in their hazy state — they didn’t budge. “I’ve got all I need right here, right now… you focus on yourself. Take as many moments as you need, I’m not going anywhere.” 
They continued to sit by him as they waited for the spell to pass, thumb gently caressing the slope of his cheekbone as they waited. He gave them a tense smile, touched by their sentiment. His expression changed to one of ‘oh wait’ as he remembered what Ro had done for him before and he reached into his pocket to pull out one of the talismans he carried with him in the event that Fiora’s curse got out of hand. 
Pulling his hand away from his chest, he pulled his shirt up enough to press the talisman to his skin. The pain subsided slightly almost immediately, and all of the muscles he had unconsciously tensed during the ordeal loosened. He leaned forward against Miyu’s shoulder, almost tired from the energy exerted during the pained episode. His breaths came out shaky, but he was infinitely less tense than he had been. 
Miyu’s gaze flickered down, raising a brow as they watched Tofu apply a talisman to his chest. They noted the way he relaxed immediately after. They continued to stare a long while, gears turning in their head as an idea slowly started to churn among the sludge of their brain. Perhaps they’ll have to ask Daen Lad how plausible it is later. They didn’t want to bring it up now, not wanting to give him more things to generate concern over. 
They let Tofu lean into them as much as need be. And much like one would slap a kiss over a bandaid for good measure, they pecked the palm of their hand before placing said hand over the one Tofu held over his chest with the talisman. They sat in silence for a long while, one hand on top of his and another giving gentle pats at his back for a few moments before it settled on the back of his head. 
Miyu’s eyes wandered up to the sky, and they began to recall bits and pieces from their conversation from the previous night. 
“Maybe the stars don’t always look the same. They look a lot more pretty tonight,” they mindlessly remark, both making a passing thought aloud and making an attempt to try and ease the stress of the moment with a different conversation. 
To Tofu’s relief, the pain subsided fully as the talisman disintegrated into ash beneath his hand. He stayed leaned against them for just a moment longer before leaning back. His eyes landed on a blood stain on their dress and he absently brushed a hand across his mouth. 
“S-sorry about your clothes…” he murmured. He cleared his throat. “B-Blomma can help you with the stain later, but we should…get home.”
Miyu rose their brow, taking a glance down at their dress, then back up at his mouth. Fondly, they reached over and brushed their thumb across his lips to get any other blood residue left behind. 
“Clothes can be cleaned. I’ve had worse stains I’ve dealt with,” they snorted, giving a little snicker to themself at their vague remark. They wrapped an arm around Tofu, leaning in to help the viera up. 
They didn’t stray from him once he was up, standing to maintain support. “You are my dear one, after all,” they said in a softer voice.  
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blazingphantom · 2 years
Wendell and Wild prompts
Freaks. What was a freak? That's what Wendell and his brother did not understand. Were they freaks? Was being a freak a good thing? The two were bombarded with that 'insult' almost every day. When they ventured down from their father's colossal frame to explore the vast expanse of the underworld. They all snickered, pointed, even physically pushed. But why? Wild always (bless his heart) always dismissed it as a greeting between the other kids. A friendly way to say hello. But it was far from it. Wendell knew they were being horrid. Awful. A bully. All of those things, but they never knew why? Why were they so cruel? They never fought back. They built themselves a submissive shell around themselves. Thinking if they just ignored the insults and name calling would go away. But it didn't, in fact, it increased, got worse slowly, day by day. One time they found themselves surrounded by 4 of lavender skinned young demons. All wearing sadistic grins, clearly taking enjoyment in tormenting them. The formation of the group crowding in on them like a pack of rabid, starved wolves, prowling closer, blocking out any potential exists. Chanting freak over and over. And this wasn't exactly the way Wendell and Wild wanted to spend their free time. It wasn't until they crossed the line. When abruptly one of them leapt forward; physically attacking a terrified 11-year-old Wendell; The demon child harshly tugging and pulling at his wings. (Which were still healing from the fire accident). Wild watching hopelessly as he held back firmly by the other 2. The unwanted wrenching of his healing wings made Wendell unleash an ear-splitting screech, which rang and reverberated throughout the underworld
And before they could register what had happened. Buffalo Belzer was upon them like a raging storm. His shadow eclipsing the group like a dark halo. His mere size making the 4 go rigid still with terror; their gleeful expressions dropping. His golden eyes gleamed dangerously; black pupils shrunk down to the size of pinpricks. Rings of electricity danced menacingly around his horns. A snarl etched onto his face as he stared down at the downright scumbag demon children. Belzer clearly meant business. And the 4 kids instantly knew that. Wendell and Wild remembered that day, always joking about how horrified the 4 bullies were. As their father bellowed, enraged. "You dare lay a dirty claw or hand upon my children again. I will eat you! Then you won't be laughing, will you? You'll be screaming." It was rather dark. As they knew Buffalo Belzer swallowed souls almost daily- and to anyone down in the underworld. If he told you, he would consume you. It was a fate worse than the Scream Fair. (Mostly) But Wendell and Wild weren't complaining. They couldn't contain their hearty snickers as the 4 tucked tail and fled, scrambling over each other like a cluster of scared mice.
A few months after that occurrence. Wild and his brother began to think. Where they really freaks? That's when they noticed they weren't exactly 'demon' looking. It was all very confusing to take in especially at such a young age. "Why do the other kids call us freaks?" Wendell sniffled, big fat tears trickling down his cheeks. Sitting on his father's palm, scrubbing at his face. Wild sat beside him; uncharacteristically quiet as he was usually so loud. But his gaze said it all; he was downhearted the mental toll of the name-calling got to him finally. Buffalo Belzer's eyebrows formed into a sympathetic frown. Why did they call them that? He draws the line at even adult demons calling them that. He hears everything, he could hear the not so discreet utterances. "Because they're cruel. They take enjoyment in hurting you two." Was all he said. He didn't even know why they were being targeted. His two sons; the most precious beings on earth.
Belzer couldn't allow this to happen. He couldn't bare to witness one more upset tear reveal itself. He was so mentally drained from comforting his distraught sons almost daily. So, he did what he always done. Be protective. But now? He would keep them on him forever. "Dada?" Wendell mumbled out, concerned. The goliath blinking thrice; realizing he had zoned out for a second. "You're my special boys." Belzer starts to say; the corner of his lips upturning into an affectionate smile. Causing the brother's glum expressions brighten. Lifting them up to his eye level, the two inching forward, resting against their father's cheek in some of hug. "Don't let those horrid kids tear you down." They'll never hurt you again. I'll be sure of it.
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harostar · 1 year
Man, they knew the internet would explode. They’ve been waiting nearly a decade for this and I cannot imagine the utter joy to finally be able to fully discuss this romance that has been brewing for so long.
BESIDES THAT THO, several thoughts:
Jaune, Jaune we had all these theories about you and it turns out the himbo just picked the wrong fruit. Fucked with time and then sat on a beach being sad until someone showed up.
And there he is, trying to be the guide of the story and failing miserably. 
Did he say “cats”, as in plural? We really do not know whether or not the Curious Cat can be trusted or not, which seems on-theme for the issues with Authority Figures in this series. Like the Brother Gods, Ozpin, and the Headmasters, we’re again and again faced with figures with knowledge and authority that are mysterious and untrustworthy.
Which Jaune himself has fallen into, becoming JUST LIKE the generation of war-weary adults before him. Like Ozpin, Qrow, Ironwood, Lionheart, Raven, ect he is exhausted and bitter and letting all this trauma color his actions. Interesting how in that Punderstorm maze, his Atlas Era self is always reflected back at him. He knows how the storms work, and also has not worked out his issues so he’s always just having to wait for the storm to pass.
Waiting waiting seems to be the theme with him. He waited for the others. He waits for the storms to pass, to avoid dealing with his problems. He never fixed his broken sword, and let his armor and shield rust over time. He’s stuck in a cycle of believing himself to be a failure that can never save anyone. 
Alyx and her brother, Luis. It’s interesting how Jaune and the Cat both indicate they don’t actually KNOW what happened. The Cat is more honest in stating they didn’t see what happened, while it’s kind of.....unclear whether Jaune caught up to witness things or whether he’s simply making assumptions. 
We’re presented with the idea of Sacrificing/Feeding the tree, but at the same time I feel like there’s more to it. So far, the prices paid have mostly been symbolic as opposed to more literal. The auction with prices like “a hug” or “what it feels to be loved” or Ruby trading her emblem as “a mother’s promise”. It feels like just chucking someone into the tree as a sacrifice isn’t going to work, since at its core Ever After seems to run on ideas of Roles, Purposes, and stories. Ideas and Feelings, so the sacrifice is likely not a literal “Who gets tossed into the volcano” kind of scenario. 
Like no doubt that’s the conflict being built up, because OF COURSE they are thinking in terms of how things work back home and all the things they’ve lost. That someone has to die, that something physical has to be given up, that it has to be bloody and cruel and painful. But this has so far been a journey about Self, and figuring themselves out as opposed to dealing with much in terms of physical threats. 
For Yang and Blake, it was a journey of facing their feelings. Accepting that the things they’ve gone through have made them better, and then accepting that they love each other.
For Weiss, she’s reeling from the loss of Atlas and trying to push through a very real and understandable grief.
For Ruby, she’s facing the legacy/ghost of her mother and all the trauma she’s pushed to the side. How overwhelmed she feels, as The Leader and hope for the world but also notably THE YOUNGEST she’s a kid she shouldn’t even have been at Beacon that soon. And she’s team leader, she’s trying to fill Ozpin’s shoes as the leader, and she’s trying to follow her mother’s larger-than-life memory. 
Jaune is broken and haunted and caught in all his heroic dreams being crushed. Being the one in the position of the leaders he resented. 
And Neo, off on her own and lost in her rage and grief and full of new power. 
I think this volume is going to be less about someone dying or being left behind, and more about the challenge of them all having a breakthrough. Letting go of old things, letting go of comfortable illusions, and facing difficult parts of themselves to emerge out the other side. 
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yagamisdiary · 2 years
i know people were talking about ambrose's love interest fucking ages ago but i wanted to talk about it and ive been so busy with stupid exams
ive said this before on here but in MY mind this is how I picture him and his life life and potential love interest:
i feel like amborse does have a liking to men, but it's not accepted in this day and age and he's honestly ashamed of it because he's royalty he should be perfect hes strong, masculine it just "isn't right"
and i also feel that he's actually relieved that people like his siblings see him as a "whore" and on parties and occasions he always fucks a girl but he'll make sure to slyly let his brothers or friends know thats what he just done or is about to do
i think he does this for 2 reasons
1 being that its to prove to himself that its just his mind and his actions are completely different. He IS having sex with girls NOT men hes showing love to women NOT men its a way of manipulating his mind
reason 2 so also his friends and family are manipulated and it works. Even though its bad hes secretly relieved he's seen as a whore and always fucks women. The label makes him seem masculine, straight and horny as fuck for women as hell and thats exactly how he wants to be perceived, because its better to be seen as a whore than gay.
and for his love interest, i don't think it would be royalty, or just a regular person of the public because he can't go wandering and shopping because he's royalty and he won't even see them much.
I think it'll be a worker in the castle. Like a waiter for the Royal Family or even a chef under Niccolo.
I think it'll be really discreet like ambrose unintentionally staring at him, or if he is a waiter for example, when he serves ambrose his food or drink he'll be seen just staring at his hands doing the work just simple stuff like that.
i also think his love interest wont be "open" but will be sure of his sexuality and will probably at sometime tell ambrose out of the blue catching him off guard because the man probably has a feeling about him being "different"
I also think its allllll gonna be about denial.
Like a time the worker and ambrose are in a room alone and simply just laughing and talking but the way they look at eachother speaks volume so ambrose will just storm out of the room and do something that is seen "masculine" like boxing, work out or even flirt with a few women in the castle.
or there might be a scene where the worker puts his hand over ambroses in which ambrose gets lost in the moment but gets pulled straight back to reality
maybe a ball in which abrose grafts the first princess/woman he sees making sure the worker sees to say "hey look im straight"
and alsoooo
i think when he finally "accepts" it, not in a sense of him accepting he's gay but the first time he lets this worker and himself touch eachother or kiss will be the time someone like one of his brothers walk in and he has a full on panic and once again brought to his senses and reality, leaving the worker there and going after the person who witnessed it trying to come up with an excuse but just ends up breaking down, being the first time we've seen ambrose open and not trying to act "masculine" and just letting it all out
but of course i think it will end TRAGIC. i think this worker and amborse will have a scene afterwards a scene where ambrose is more happy and accepts that he does indeed like this man and spills his heart out to him, but the worker is the one to bring him back to reality. Hes a prince, he's a worker, he's sure of his sexuality, and ambrose isn't fully there. even if they kept it a secret it wouldn't work.
I also think the worker would talk about how he is happy and doesn't mind his sexuality but ambrose will argue he is too but the worker will know deep down he's not it's all just in the moment after a day you aren't going to accept it especially how he went with hiding and denying it. I think he'll also bring up how if/when they got caught how he didnt comfort or go check up on him, he went straight to the witness denying the scene they saw leaving him alone, worrying about his job, life, future or if he even had one. Then saying goodbye blah blah and Leaving ambrose alone
I don't think ambrose will end up with this character and i know technically when it comes to him having a love interest this will be perceived as him and will more than likely be his only one in this book. But i think he was more unknowingly ambrose's guide to finding and accepting himself leaving him up to the journey to fianlly find out who he is and wants to be and how he will act on that, and finding his own love
you’re right on the dot for some parts 🫣
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theshatteredrose · 1 year
Nugatory: The Secret War (Chapter 18) - Disgaea 5 Fanfiction
AN: Managed to get this chapter done in spite of having 30-something needles in my head and Etrian Odyssey Origins coming out on pretty much the same day. Will I succeed the next week? We’ll have to wait and see. Hope you enjoy reading~
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Chapter 18:
Samuel drew in a shaky breath as he looked at his surroundings. Everyone was running about, shouting toward each other, issuing commands and orders, trying to figure out what to do about their latest predicament.
About the Wrestler, Overlord Brutus, who had stormed the Pocket Netherworld demanding to battle the leader of the Rebel Army.
Wanting to fight Killia.
As Samuel stood there, watching their worried faces, he wondered; had they noticed his unusual aura, too? Or were they simply in shock as to how and why he had barged his way into their Pocket Netherworld?
The details did not matter at the moment. Samuel had to get the guy out of the Pocket Netherworld. The Netherworld would not be able to handle the power that he wielded. And Killia…not in his condition.
No one knew what to expect. Samuel did.
It was up to him. And him alone.
Samuel looked to his right, his gaze immediately falling upon the Prinny that oversaw the dimensional gate. Perfect. He would need his help to get Brutus out and away from everyone.
He rushed over to him, knelt in front of him and slapped his hands on either side of Prinny’s face in order to make him focus in on him. “Prinny, listen closely; I need you to open the portal to a deserted netherworld. I don’t care where, just a place where damage can be limited.”
“F-for him, dood?”
“B-but how are we getting him through the portal, dood?”
“I’m going to drag him through.”
Prinny began to freak out, like Samuel anticipated. “By yourself, dood?!”
“Yes.” Samuel increased the pressure on his head slightly in order to make him re-focus. “Six minutes. I need you to close the portal behind us for at least six minutes. I need you to understand this, Prinny. Do not open this portal before six minutes. Do you understand?”
Though teary-eyed and very uncertain, Prinny saw that Samuel was indeed very serious, as was their situation. “Y-yes, dood.”
“Good.” Samuel dropped his hands to his sides and stood up. “Now, get ready. I’m going to be reckless. But we need to get this guy out of the Pocket Netherworld at all costs.”
First, he needed his axe. A weapon. It wouldn’t do much good against a fully enhanced enemy, but it was better than nothing. The chain attacked to the axe would be useful in dragging Brutus through the portal if nothing else.
He spied his axe resting against the bottom step, he having left it there in case he needed to scoop it up in a rush for their next mission. He didn’t have any more time to waste. Others were attempting to face Brutus in battle. And they were being thrown back without any effort on Brutus’s part.
Samuel darted forward, snatched up his axe and bolted up the stairs. He briefly registered the sound of someone calling his name but pushed it aside. He had to focus.
Because of the Seedling, Brutus didn’t have the same vulnerabilities that the average demon or Overlord had. Pain receptors have been cut off. He felt nothing but sadistic pleasure and his own superiority.
The body, however, still had the weaknesses.
Strike the knee, knock him off balance. Press the chain against his throat to cut off breathing, pull his head back. Plant his foot against his back to throw him further off balance. Use the momentum to drag him toward the portal. To ensure that he could not return, he would keep him busy.
Brutus had been enhanced before he barged into the Pocket Netherworld. Samuel only needed to keep him busy for a few more minutes.
Just a couple of minutes. Surely, he could manage that.
No, he would. For everyone’s sake.
For Killia’s sake.
“Now, Prinny!”
“R-right, dood!”
The flash of blue of the dimensional portal brought him a small sense of comfort.
Especially when the portal closed behind them.
His relief didn’t last for long, however.
Twisting his body at an unnatural angle, Brutus reached up and grabbed him around the waist, his unfathomably large hand encompassing his waist entirely. His grip was steely, stealing the air from Samuel’s lungs with a strangled gasp. He then turned, pivoting on his heel and threw him over his head, sending him effortlessly through the air.
Samuel hit the ground with his shoulder first, causing him to roll, and to somehow end up on his feet. He skidded across the dirt, kicking up dust and small pieces of debris. He somehow managed to remain on his feet, until he finally came to a stop where he finally collapsed to his knees, wheezing after having the wind knocked out of him.
Through it all, he somehow managed to hang onto his axe. The chain wrapped around his wrist helped immensely.
“Aha-ahaha, so you’re going to fight me by yourself?!” Brutus cackled gleefully. “A willing sacrificial lamb, are you? Not going to do any good, not when I’m enhanced like this.”
O-only those from Nugatory would refer to those infected with Seedlings as ‘enhanced’.
“Who was it?” Samuel demanded as he pushed himself onto his legs shakily. “Who gave that Seedling?”
Brutus tilted his head to the side. “Hm? Seedling?”
Well, he clearly had not been told its name, had he?
“The object in the shape of a traditional seedling, but gold in colour. With the mark of a sun with a water droplet etched onto the side. That one.”
Brutus faltered, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. His hesitation did not last long, however, as he threw his head back on a guttural laugh. “Yeah, so what? Power is everything in the Netherverse! So what if I got a little bit of an enhancement?”
“That ‘enhancement’ kills in six minutes,” Samuel retorted. “You can’t power through it. It will kill you. Brutally. Painfully.”
Brutus continued to laugh. Not believing him. Not even for a second.
“Whatever you say, pretty boy!”
Samuel knew he wouldn’t listen. They rarely do. Seedlings offer a sense of euphoria to hide their toxicity. Their victims have no idea that their bodies are being eaten away slowly. Their nerves, their fibres, their very essences being taken over by the spiralling, twisting roots and vines of the Seedlings. Eating them from the inside out.
They had no idea.
Not until the sixth minute.
But before the sixth minute, there was still a chance. A chance.
Brutus’s time was running out.
“Who gave it to you?” Samuel asked again.
“I don’t want to tell you!” Brutus retorted as his face twisted into a delirious grin. “You’re in no position to be making demands of me, pretty boy.”
Brutus sprung forward, his hands in front of him, his fingers twisted and gnarled.
Samuel lifted his axe in front of him in a defensive stance as he instinctively uttered a Mega Ice spell, hoping to use the large pillar of ice as a barrier or deterrent.
Neither happened as Brutus smashed his hand right through the ice, his clawed hand aiming right for Samuel’s face. He leaned back and to the left, dodging Brutus’s fingernail by the skin of his teeth.
He kept his momentum of leaning to the left, uttering another Mega Ice spell toward Brutus, manifesting several sharp, towering pillars of ice from the ground. In-between him and Brutus. A desperate attempt to put some kind of barrier between them.
But Brutus just used Purgatory Palm through them all.
In a last ditched attempt to protect him, Samuel raised his axe in front of his chest, just as Brutus’s palm slammed into the blade – shattering it. And sending him flying backwards several feet, and off a small embankment.
Samuel landed hard on his back, the broken remnants of his axe splintering in several directions.
The ice pillars softened the impact of the punch, but it still hurt like hell.
It…wasn’t surprising that Brutus was so strong and resilient. Seedlings were said to grant the power, or at least the feeling of ten-thousand demons.
C-calm down. He didn’t need to win the battle. Just…just prolong it. That was all he could hope for. Prolong the battle. Until the undulating veins on Brutus’s chest turned pitch black, signalling his core had been rotted through. That the Seedling had transformed…into a Snap Draingon.
And that Brutus’s very core was destroyed.
Brutus suddenly jumped down from the ledge and landed on Samuel’s right forearm.
A scream ripped itself from Samuel’s throat as his back arched up from the ground. He knew immediately that his arm had been broken. He didn’t need to look at it to know that it was broken. Not from the way that Brutus threw his head back with a laugh.
Brutus reached down and grabbed Samuel by his unbroken arm, gripping him tightly by the wrist. He lifted him up off the ground, holding him aloft in the air and in front of him. Samuel peeled open an eye and found himself staring directly at Brutus’s chest.
The veins on his chest were deepening and spreading. Pulsating deeply, quickly. His time was running out. Not much longer now.
Only seconds, if he was right.
“You’re dying,” Samuel murmured through gritted teeth. “Can’t you feel it?”
Brutus scoffed. “You’re repeating yourself, pretty boy. Got anything else?”
“…Twenty seconds.”
“Nineteen seconds.”
Brutus frowned. “Alright, pretty boy, fun’s over.”
He then tightened his grip on Samuel’s arm, causing him to grimace and to squeeze his eyes shut. Was he about to break his other arm, too?
…About sixteen seconds left.
A low, guttural growl was heard and the grip on Samuel’s arm was suddenly relinquished. He felt himself falling, but instead of crumbling to the hard, rocky ground of whatever Netherworld Prinny had sent them to, a pair of arms that were oddly familiar caught him. And he was pulled against a chest that comforting.
Despite the pain in his arm, Samuel snapped his head up. And found himself staring into a pair of honey golden eyes.
What? What was he doing? He should be resting in the hospital!
Prinny must have opened the portal sooner than he had told him to. Hah…Killia must have convinced him to. The chaos of Brutus’s entrance must have awoken him.
“There you are!” Brutus crooned loudly as he held his jaw. “About time the leader of the Rebel Army showed up! Nice Rising Domination. Let’s see if you can do it again!”
Killia’s eyes darted in Brutus’s direction and promptly narrowed.
Frantic, Samuel reached up to touch the side of Killia’s face, causing him to immediately look toward him again. “Killia, wait. It’s ok. You don’t have to fight him. He’s going to die soon.”
Brutus scoffed loudly. “You keep saying that, and yet; here I am. Alive and kic-”
Brutus’s eyes abruptly widened, his words cutting off in his throat. His body suddenly became tense, rigid. Like a stone statue. The veins on his chest were completely black. And had stopped moving.
“Six minutes,” Samuel murmured. “Time’s up.”
“What’s going on?” Killia asked, confusion evident in his voice.
Samuel sighed. But before he could answer, Brutus suddenly fell to his knees and threw his head back on a guttural, primal scream. An ear-piercing, heart-wrenching shriek of pain. He clawed desperately, frantically at his chest, where the black veins were, as he collapsed onto his side. Twitching and writhing, shrieking and howling.
It was too late to help him.
Far too late.
A Seedling had claimed another victim.
Samuel could only gaze upon him with the utmost pity. “Killia, please put me down. I need to fulfil my duty.”
He…couldn’t exactly keep it a secret. Not with how Brutus busted his way into the Pocket Netherworld, announcing himself and looking for a fight. And he especially could not explain what was about to happen next. It would be too cruel.
“I’ll explain everything later, I promise. My memories…they’re not false, after all.” Oh, how he wished they were. “Though, I wish you weren’t here to witness this.”
Though clearly reluctant, Killia carefully placed Samuel back on his feet. “Witness what?”
“His death. He’s being destroyed, from the inside out. It’s an agonising death. No one…deserves that.”
Samuel offered Killia a small, sad smile as he slowly pushed himself out of his arms, a measure that was surprisingly difficult. He clutched his injured arm as he staggered over to Brutus, pausing in his steps as the unknown overlord continued to writhe on the ground.
“I’m…burning from the inside out!” he shrieked.
There was no blood. No tears. There was nothing left in his. Soon, he would cease all movement.
“Wh-what’s with those screams?
“I’ve never heard anything like it. They’re…they’re cries of pure agony.”
The others? Samuel inwardly sighed. He especially wished they weren’t to witness the brutal death of a Seedling’s victim. But he couldn’t tell them to leave. Not now. They wouldn’t listen.
“H-help me, I'm dying!”
“I know,” Samuel murmured as he descended to his knees. “And there is nothing I can do for you. It's too late. I'm sorry. This is all I can do for you. All I can do is stay with you as death takes you. I won't let you go through this alone. No one deserves to endure this alone.”
Brutus’s body gave one last lurch, one last death throe, before he slumped to the ground, his eyes, beady and empty but wide with fear staring up at him.
Samuel shuffled forward on his knees and leaned over Brutus, reaching out with his good hand to take a hold of his hand. “Can you hear my voice? Please, concentrate on it. And know…know that you're not alone. The pain will pass soon. I know. This…is all I can do for you now. I can only promise that your name will live in my memories.”
It hurts so much that screaming was no longer an option. Only silent agony.
“Tell me your name again, please,” Samuel pleaded as he pressed Brutus’s hand against his chest. “Concentrate on your name. So, that you can live on through my memories.”
“O…Overlord Brutus…”
“Your Netherworld?”
Samuel sighed. The pain was too much. The Seedling was breaking through.
“It’ll pass soon, Brutus,” Samuel soothed. “The pain will stop. Just a bit more.”
Brutus’s body was beginning to crumble away. The Seedling was about to sprout.
“Goodbye, Brutus. Sleep well.”
Brutus released a shuttering breath. “…thank you…”
He never inhaled again.
Samuel lowered Brutus’s hand to the ground. And sprung back just as his body disintegrated, the ashes of his body forming into a twisting, gnarling thorned plant.
A Snap Draingon.
Three legged appendages allowed it to scurry across the ground, two whip-like arms allowed it to latch onto victims and to attack. And it’s enormous, bulbous head was in the shape of dragon, allowing it to spit out blinding acid attacks.
More importantly, it was a parasite; it drained power and energy from anything and everything it could latch on to. Including Netherworlds.
The Snap Draingon whipped its head in his direction before it unexpectedly made an attempt to scurry away. Which was indeed a surprise. They usually rushed in, headfirst, and attacked anyone close by. Looking for food. Energy. Anyone and anything to devour.
Samuel quickly summoned several towering ice pillars, trapping the Snap Draingon in a tight corner. “I don’t know how you escaped Nugatory, but I assure you; you won’t escape here.”
The Snap Draingon whirled around to face him, gnashing its mouth at him in primal rage. There was little to no intelligence to Snap Draingon. All they knew was to attack and drain their victims of energy, thus their food. No reasoning to be had. Just primal instinct.
They just needed to be destroyed.
The Snap Draingon opened it mouth, and screamed; “H-help me, I'm dying!”
“That’s-!” Killia spluttered in surprise from somewhere behind Samuel.
Yeah, that was Brutus’s voice. A rather disturbing feature of a Snap Draingon; taking on the voice and characteristics of its previous victim. Most troubling of all was when it screamed in their voice. Over and over again.
It was a way to lure in prey. To place doubt and uncertainty in the minds of others.
“It…hurts,” the Snap Draingon continued to manipulate. “H-help me, I'm dying!”
Samuel shook his head and raised his left hand, manifesting a magic circle. “Use his voice all you want; it won’t affect me.”
Mega Fire. Burn that horrid Snap Draingon to ash and put Brutus’s memory at ease.
The Snap Draingon flailed through the flames and screamed in Brutus’s voice. It thrashed violently at the ice pillars, shattering them with its whip-like vines. Withering, it suddenly spun around and lurched toward Samuel, slamming its plant appendages into the ground one after the other in a menacing and desperate attempt to make its way to Samuel. To get to him. To attack him.
He gritted his teeth and concentrated on increasing the power of his Mega Flame.
It finally came to a stop, inches away from his feet.
And Samuel breathed a sigh of relief.
If he wasn’t so tired, if he wasn’t in such pain, he could have defeated the Snap Draingon a lot easier. And sooner, but that was neither here nor there. It was dead. That was the main part.
Samuel’s knees suddenly buckled as he crumbled toward the ground.
Only, he never made it to the dirty, dusty ground. A pair of arms encircled him and he immediately knew that it was Killia who caught him yet again. And he allowed himself to sink into Killia’s arms.
He just…wished he knew who gave Brutus the Seedling that ultimately killed him.
And why…
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autobot2001 · 1 year
March Troop-A-Thon: Day  1; Not As Planned
It’s about 11 pm here on the final day, so I’m not getting more than this one piece done tonight. Still going to work on these. 
March Troop-A-Thon: Day  1 Environmental;  Snowstorm, comf; in from the cold 
The mission was supposed to be simple. Find any evidence of Decepticons in the area after a report of a military jet flying by the area daily. Which isn’t a typical scene the citizens of the town would see. Even though the suspected jet would be Starscream, or potentially the cons have a base near the town, Optimus approved allowing Crosshairs, Drift, and Jamie to investigate rather than a bigger team of Autobots and soldiers.
The three weren’t expecting a snowstorm in the middle of the day as they were miles from the cabin they’ve staying at. The two Autobots weren’t worried until Que told them the groundbridge is under maintenance. The mech regrets telling the team that it’ll be twenty-four hours before the groundbridge is usable. Even if the bots can handle the storm in their bipedal form. Jamie has powers to keep herself warm. “Unbelievable!” Crosshairs rages. “We can’t stay here,” Drift tells him, “there’s a cave close to our position. Closer than walking back to the cabin.” The two still worry about Jamie, no matter what powers she has, or her experience dealing with storms like this.
Jamie struggles to concentrate on her powers to keep herself warm while paying attention to her footing and where she’s going. The two mechs aren’t doing any better, seeing where they’re going with the poor visibility.
Once in the cave, the three find enough branches for a fire, but the fire won’t last long. Jamie can use her power to get a fire going. Not aware Drift is scanning her, detecting her body temperature is below normal. The mech knows Jamie isn’t dangerously cold, but still worries. Crosshairs worries as he uses his holoform to give Jamie his trench coat, and Jamie doesn’t argue she’s fine. Drift activates his holoform and the two mechs sit on the ground by the wall of the cave. Jamie sits on Drift’s lap, leaning on him.
“I’m an idiot,” Drift sighs, seeing Jamie is asleep. “We’re used to how she deals with situations like this,” Crosshairs argues, “and she said nothing about struggling to keep warm.” The two know they burnt more Energon than usual and should recharge. Both able to transform, Crosshairs putting Jamie in Drift’s alt mode before transforming.
Drift wakes up every two hours and scans Jamie, worried her temperature will keep decreasing. Even after her temperature returned to normal. The sun shines in the cave, waking all three up. Crosshairs and Drift activate their holoforms, and the three look out at how much snow fell overnight.
“Well, at least it’s not a lot of snow,” Crosshairs sighs not looking forward to the walk back to the cabin. “And we can leave now and don’t have to worry about being seen,” Drift adds. Both think about how they failed to have food and water. They could stop using their holoforms and be ok Energon level wise for ten days, but Jamie wouldn’t be ok. They begin the walk to the cabin, troubled by the mistakes made as Jamie’s guardians and friends.
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charleecat-bat · 2 years
Albatross Around the Neck- Storm x Big short story
‘An albatross around the neck’ meaning- A heavy burden or difficult obstacle. 
A quick transcript/story i wrote real quick for one of the new ships I came across, Big and Storm. 
Big decides to invite Storm on a picnic, his cousins coming along as much as he’d rather it just the two of them. As the two younger birds are boarding in the air as usual, Storm opens up to the fisherman as he thinks back to what he lost. 
(To explain this is going by my own canon, so it’s why Storm is dealing with what he is) 
(Big and Storm are sitting down together on a picnic blanket, his cousins are boarding in the sky, Storm is watching them while Big is relaxing with Froggy on his chest)
Storm:... I wish i could do that again...
Big: The picnic? we can have another one. It was nice. (smiles) 
Storm: N-no. (stifles a laugh) no not that... i mean boarding like that. (looks back up at his cousins, hearing them yelling at each other in the air, a sombre look on his face) 
Big: Well why don't you? You board a lot, I’ve seen you. (smiles even more) You'd be good. 
Storm: (a look of bitterness goes over his face as he looks down onto the ground)...I can't... Big: Sure you could-
Storm: No Big. I can't. (realises he snapped a little at him and Big looked a little surprised and confused... Storm softens his look) Storm: I’m sorry-i didn't mean to... (sighs)... i mean i actually can't. (holds his head with one hand) not anymore... (it goes quiet for a moment. Storms looking down, Big does so for a moment too, before looking back up at him) Big:...do you want to talk about it? 
Big: You don't have to...
Storm:...it's just... hard to talk about... brings sh-...(looks at Big quickly, who's giving him a bit of a look for the bad word)... -stuff up... 
Big: I won't push. You can take your time. Storm:(he was quiet for a moment, before he finally spoke again)...it's just... not fair sometimes... i miss it. I miss the adrenaline. I miss actually being in the air with em-(he continues gripping the same spot on his head as he's saying it, his other gripping the blanket tightly) Big:...what happened? Storm: (his eyes remain on the ground as he worked up the nerve to talk about the incident that, in his eyes, ruined his life) ...I... I had an accident a few years ago.... I was boarding and... I don’t even remember what happened, I fell off and I f-...messed up my head... really bad. I can’t remember much of the start, I blacked out all the time, I forgot things... i'm pretty sure i got amnesia at some point. I forgot how to do things... I-... i had to relearn to do so much because of the accident, I didn’t just mess up my head, my back and legs got pretty fucked too... (he didn’t seem to notice his cursing at this point)... but the head injury made it so much harder. Now I can barely go a few feet in the air-even if i wanted to... my body just can't handle it anymore-(he's tearing up at this point, the hand that remained on his head shaking, obviously being the spot that got injured as a faint scar on his head was seen)... it's just unfair...  Big:...(has a very concerned expression, but he's quiet and lets him talk, not moving much aside from putting a hand on his shoulder, giving the albatross a gentle squeeze in support) 
Storm: I don’t... talk about it much with Jet and Wave... but it hurts sometimes... watching them. I feel... left behind- and not even when they’re just boarding now... Waves business is starting to take off and Jet is doing well at the leagues. They’re making names for themselves and going places... and then there’s me... i’m nothing. All I can do to provide for them-for myself- is dumb labour work... I can’t do shit!- (he slammed a fist into the ground as he felt hot tears going down his face)
(Storms’ eyes were clenched shut, trying to stop himself from being emotional... they quickly shot open in surprise when he felt the large cat gently pull him close and into a gentle embrace. One arm going around the Albatross’ back, while the he place a hand gently on his head, softly stroking him. Big knew he wasn’t the best with verbal comfort... but what he did know was that Storm could use a nice comforting hug right now)  (Storm found himself calming down a little, his troubled thoughts fading ever so slowly as he found himself focusing more on the large cat... how soft yet solid his chest was, the soothing sound of his heartbeat and breathing, the gentle touch of his hands and arms despite how huge they were and of course just realising how much larger Big was compared to him, it wasn’t much but it just occurred to him there was a difference. He wasn’t used to being in this position, being the smaller one... but he didn’t hate it, not at all. His cheeks went a soft pink when he realised that he... kind of liked this)  (After a few peaceful moments, Big could tell Storm had settled, and slowly released the albatross from his arms) Storm:...Thanks...(his cheeks were still a soft pink, luckily it was fading away)  Big: (a smile came on his face again) I’m happy I could help.  (The moment alone was soon interrupted by the voices of the younger birds approaching, looks like they were done boarding for now. As usual the were bickering about who did the better tricks, before stopping in front of the two, noticing the two were a bit quiet and looking at the two as if they had walked in at a bad time)  Jet:...We miss something? (Storm was about to answer, wanting to quickly make an excuse-but Big answered instead-his voice as calm as usual)  Big: No. We were just talking. (The cat turned back towards him, giving him his sweet smile) Storm: (he gave a small smile, feeling thankful that Big respected that what they use spoke about was personal to him) ...Yeah... just talking...
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taeminyourmind · 3 years
The Photograph (A)
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Genre: Angst (Hurt/Comfort), Non-idol!AU
Summary: Growing up, Minhee has spent her life believing Taemin was her biological father. But when she discovers a photograph hidden away, she questions everything she once knew and comes to understand that not all family comes from blood.
Characters: Reader, Taemin, Jonghyun, and Minhee & Mincheol (OCs)
Word Count: 3.2k+
A/N: This is story is purely fiction and do not represent any of the parties involved. Story mainly revolves around you and Taemin’s daughter, Minhee.
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The aroma of freshly baked pancakes and bacon wafts throughout the house. While you and your husband, Taemin, busily prepare breakfast, your daughter, Minhee, is surrounded by boxes that contain forgotten photographs.
Minhee carefully goes through each box, taking each photograph into consideration before choosing the ones she wants to use to make a special collage for the family. Carefully, she places the box back in your closet. She almost closes the door when a white box with flower delicate flower decals catches her eye. Her head turns towards the door to make sure the coast is clear before reaching up and pulling the box down along with its thin blanket of dust.
With a sneeze, the box slips from her hands and lands on the floor with a thud. The contents spill across the floor, revealing forgotten photographs and handwritten letters. She curses to herself and drops to her knees and hurriedly places everything back in the box. Though her hands move faster than her mind, she stops herself from placing a picture back into the box.
Minhee brings the photo closer to her face, her eyes concentrating on the glossy paper. She gently holds the photograph in her hands and sits back on her knees. The photograph shows a young boy sitting in the sun with a juice box wedged tightly between his small hands. He smiles bright enough to challenge the sun as blotches of red juice stains paint his shirt. 
She smiles back at the young boy. The more she stares back at the young boy, the more her smile fades. Her brows reflect her deep thought as she searches her stack of kept photographs. Her fingers move quickly through the pile. The sting of paper cuts doesn’t hinder her pace as she finds the photograph.
Minhee’s heart pounds with confusion and anxiousness as she slowly brings the photograph from the pile and the one of the young boy side by side. The eyes, cheekbones, smile, and mannerisms are too similar to ignore. She dares herself to turn the photograph of the young boy around to see “Kim Jonghyun - 1994” written on the back, its lettering faded.
The name Jonghyun bounces throughout her mind like a pinball. She remembers stories you, her father, and your friends told of your dear friend. Her eyes scan the photographs once more. The more she stares, the more she begins to see the same face twice.
“Minhee!” Taemin calls from the bottom of the stairs. “Come eat! And hurry up cause we’re starving!”
“O-Okay!” She yells, her eyes never leaving the photographs.
She looks around the room and stares at a picture of her and Taemin when she was younger - both smiling brightly while she sits on his shoulders. The memory causes her to smile before turning back to Jonghyun’s photograph. Her heart pings at the realization that she looks more related to Jonghyun than her father.
The choice to confront her parents or not makes her heart beat faster as she remains still, paralyzed with the weight of each decision. If she confronts you, there’ll be a risk of you lying or scolding her for going through your belongings. If she doesn’t confront you, she risks her questions consuming her until she snaps.
The sound of her name being called again snaps her alert as she quickly places the rest of the photographs into the box and places it back into the closet. She grabs her photographs, placing them in the back of her pocket, and hurries downstairs where the fragrance of blueberry pancakes become more prominent.
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Jonghyun’s photograph burns in Minhee’s pocket as she tries her best to ignore it and participate in her parents’ conversation. Her troubled mind takes away her appetite. Lazily, she pushes her food around the plate as her cheek rests against her propped hand.
“Minnie?” Taemin places a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay? You aren’t eating. Are you sick?”
Taemin presses the back of his hand to her forehead. The familiarity of his touch makes her softly smile and shake her head. His eyebrows furrow with worry when he notices the distant look in her eyes.
“Is something bothering you?” He gently presses in a whisper.
Unable to contain her burning question, Minhee loudly groans while pressing her face in her palms. Her frustration pulls you and Taemin to exchange a look before rushing to her side. You begin to instinctively rub a nurturing circle on her back. The shudders of her breaths vibrate against your palm. A moment passes before she lifts her head. Pieces of her hair latch to the trail of tears on her face until Taemin brushes them back.
“What’s going on, Minhee?” You ask.
“I was going through the photo albums and found this.” Minhee reaches in her pocket. Her fingers slightly tremble as she places the photographs of her and Jonghyun on the table. “We look so much alike. He and I.”
Your eyes fall on the photographs. “Minhee,” you whisper, your voice slightly cracking. “Where did you find this?”
“The photo box in the back of your closet.” She looks between you and Taemin with curious eyes. “It’s probably just a coincidence, right?”
Taemin remains silent. He looks from Minhee to you, who’s gazing down at the photographs, your eyes darting back and forth. He calls your name softly and regains your attention.
“Will someone tell me what’s going on?” Minhee raises her voice. Tears well in her eyes as she desperately looks between you for an answer. 
“Jong,” you clear your throat. Taemin stops you mid-sentence and asks if you’re sure. With a soft smile, you nod and return your attention to Minhee. “Jonghyun is your father.”
Your forwardness causes Minhee to tilt her head in confusion. She looks to Taemin to break the tension with a “haha, we got you!”, but nothing comes. Instead, he gazes past her and nods for you to continue as he places a comforting hand on her back.
“We wanted to wait until the right time to tell you.”
“When was I going to know?” Minhee loudly asks. “When I died?” She stands from the table, pushing her chair back with a scrrrt.
“Minhee, it’s more complicated than that.”
“How hard is it to say ‘Hey, the man you’ve known all your life isn’t really your father’?”
Taemin’s face contorts in pain at Minhee’s question. His saddened eyes gaze up at his little girl and feel helplessness wash over him at the fact that he didn’t know how to comfort her. How can you help mend a newly broken hurt?
You stand to your feet and clench your jaw. “Taemin is your father, Minhee. How can you say such a thing?”
The tears that have been welling in her eyes finally fall when she blinks. Your expression softens at the pain written on her face.
“How can you keep this from me? The stories I’ve heard of ‘Uncle Jonghyun’ were really stories of my father. Someone you robbed me from knowing.”
Tears sting your eyes as Minhee snatches the pictures from the table and storms upstairs. The sound of the door slamming makes you jump. Defeated, you sink back into your chair with your face in your palms. A pillar of warmth appears at your side as Taemin moves closer to you and takes you in his arms.
“I messed up,” you struggle to say through a sob. “I messed up.”
“You didn’t mess up,” he whispers in your ear. His arms press you closer to his body. “You were waiting for the right time to tell her and Mincheol.”
“I should’ve told her sooner.”
“You could’ve,” he sighs. “But would you have been ready?”
The peaceful beats of Taemin’s heart make you snuggle more into his chest until it gently beats against your face. Your fingers grip onto his as his scent calms you. Scenarios of ways you could have told Minhee the truth plays in your mind while Taemin slowly rocks you and presses a kiss on the top of your head.
“Everything will be okay.”
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The soft patter of rain splashes against the window. The overcast sky paints her bedroom with a gray filter. With a sigh, she stares at the ceiling while tears slowly travel to her ears where she wipes them away. Too many thoughts cloud her mind making it difficult to cling to one and ponder on it. 
Her eyes squeeze shut in an attempt to focus on the rain so she can drown out the world and herself. It’s been days since Minhee’s last spoken more than a few sentences to her parents and the guilt has been consuming her as she stays locked in her room. Suddenly, her door swings open to reveal a young man dressed in sweats and a backward baseball cap.
“Big sis!”
The familiar booming voice makes Minhee shoot her eyes open. Before she can brace herself, the young man jumps on top of her. Her face contorts in discomfort while he places a sloppy kiss on her cheek before rolling to lay beside her.
“Hi, Mincheol.” She gasps.
“You would not believe the weekend I had!” Mincheol exclaims and rolls on his side to face Minhee. He goes on to give a recount of the weekend he had with his friends, stopping halfway to tell another story before getting back to the first one. His hands move quickly along with his words, painting an imaginary scenery.
Mincheol is eerily similar to his father. He and Taemin both have a natural gift of dancing, the desire to be challenged and seek an adventure and their mannerisms are almost the same, especially when their lips poke out a little while they talk and use their hands to exaggerate a story. To see Mincheol is to see Taemin as they have the same lips, smile, nose, and facial structure. Minhee begins to wonder why she never noticed she and Taemin’s lack of similarities compared to him and Mincheol.
But in himself, Mincheol is his own person; extremely reserved until he feels comfortable around you, kind-hearted, wise, attentive, like his father, and hates being stuck in one thing and place for long. That’s the downside of his adventurous nature, he was always looking for the next adventure instead of fully enjoying the one he’s currently on.
“You’re not even listening to me,” he whines.
Playfully, he taps her with his foot. His pout disappears when he notices the distant look on his sister’s face. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks. “C’mon, you’re scaring me.”
Minhee lets out an exasperated sigh. She reaches over to grab the two photographs from her nightstand, where they’ve been for the past few days and hands them to Mincheol. He takes them into his hands and stares back and forth between them, bringing them closer to his face as if he couldn’t see them clearly.
“I know,” Minhee says. “Turns out he’s my father.”
“Who is he? What do you mean he’s,” he shakes Jonghyun’s photo in his hand for extra measure “your father?”
Minhee reaches over and turns the photograph around to reveal the writing on the back. Mincheol’s jaw drops as he fails to stammer a complete sentence.
“I asked mom and dad about it. Turns out they were “waiting” for the right time.” She scoffs. “I’ve been lied to my whole life. I thought dad was my dad -”
“He is your dad, Minnie,” Mincheol interrupts and puts the photograph down. “He doesn’t have to be your biological dad to be one.”
“But -”
“Dad has done and still does his job as a father. Not once have you felt you weren’t his, have you?”
Minhee shakes her head.
“So, you could say he succeeded at being your dad.”
“But why didn’t anyone tell me?” Minhee groans and sits up. “This whole time “Uncle Jonghyun” has been my father. And mom never cared to tell me.”
“Have you ever thought that mom is still devastated over his death?” He softly begins and sits up beside her. “It’s clear they loved each other and I’m sure she would’ve wanted you to know, especially if Uncle Jonghyun was a great person.” He holds his hand up to stop Minhee’s upcoming rebuttal. “I implore you to talk to mom and dad and listen to them.”
Minhee sighs. “You’re right.”
The sound of soft taps on Minhee’s door frame grabs their attention. She and Mincheol look up to see you and Taemin in the doorway, the white photo box with floral decals rests in your hands, clean of dust.
“May we come in?” Taemin asks.
“I think that’s my cue to leave,” Mincheol says and begins to shift off the bed.
“Please stay, Cheol.” You say as you and Taemin sit on the space in front of them and set the box in the middle. “You deserve to hear this too.”
Mincheol settles back on the bed. Taemin reaches forward and rustles his son’s hair while giving him a low “Welcome home.”
You give Minhee a soft smile before opening the box and handing her a series of photographs of you and Jonghyun.
“Your father and I met at a dog park. His dog, Roo, had gotten loose and ran up to me. He was so apologetic and offered to buy me a coffee as an “I’m sorry.” We talked for hours and he felt like a friend I’ve known since childhood, you get that from him, that and his way of using your words for comfort.
Years go by and we’ve grown to fall for one another, or so we thought. We tried to be in a relationship, but it never worked out. Then, I found out I was pregnant. Actually,” you turn to Taemin and exchange a small smile. “Tae was the first person I told and he came with me to tell your father. We met through Jonghyun at a game night at his house.”
“Was he happy?” Minhee asks, leaning forward with wide eyes.
“We were both scared, but we became excited when we went to our first appointment. When he found out you were a girl,” you pause and chuckle at the memory. “He bought everything pink because he wanted to make sure his princess had everything she needed and more.”
You give Minhee a series of photographs showing Jonghyun cuddling with your growing stomach and building the nursery. Tears brim your eyes as Minhee stares at them in awe.
“He loved you deeply, and I know he would have shown you the world and spoiled you more than your dad.” You playfully nudge Taemin’s shoulder.
“Your mother would never have allowed it anyway.”
“Did you love him?” Mincheol quietly asks.
“I will always love him, but I’m not in love with him. He was my friend that gave me a precious gift of life.” Your eyes softly gaze at your daughter. “When he passed away, Tae was there to help me with you, and we gradually fell for each other. We wed after Mincheol’s birth and now, here we are.”
“Your father was more than a friend, he was my brother. When he died, I gave him a silent promise to always take care of you.”
Overcome with emotion, Minhee leans forward and holds onto you and Taemin, pulling you close. Her shoulders shudder while she uncontrollably sobs. Apologies fall from her lips as her grip tightens.
“I’m so sorry for saying you weren’t my father, dad. And I’m sorry for being so hard on you, mom.”
You, Taemin, and Mincheol wrap your arms around Minhee. Sniffles fill the room while you apologize for not telling her sooner, but also giving her words of comfort that you never kept him hidden from her by telling stories of Jonghyun.
“Can you tell me more about my father?” Minhee asks as she lets you go and wipes her tears away.
You give a joyous smile to Taemin and nod at him, urging him to go first.
“Let me tell you the story of how I met your father.
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Minhee sits alone on a bench in the park near her house. Its location provides just enough sunshine to warm her skin as she takes a sip of Chai tea from the butterfly mug Mincheol bought for her from Tokyo.
A gentle breeze rustles the leaves overhead, providing a relaxing ambiance while the birds cheerfully chirp from their perches. A soft sigh puffs past her lips at the beauty of the field of flowers in front of her.
“Excuse me,” a soothing voice stammers. “May I sit here?”
Minhee averts her eyes to the stranger standing in front of her. She holds her hand to her face to shield her eyes from the sun’s rays. She squints to make out the figure. Immediately, she recognizes the stranger’s face and stammers over her words.
The stranger chuckles at her reaction and slowly sits beside her. “Hello, Minhee.”
Jonghyun smiles and nods. His eyes sparkle at his daughter as she drops her mug and lurches forward to wrap her arms around his body. Her eyes close in the presence of his warmth and relax in his arms as her fingers grip his shirt, taking note of its cashmere fabric. She inhales deeply, taking in his woodsy scent and makes a mental note of how it feels to be here with him, promising herself to never let this moment go.
Jonghyun tightly wraps his arms around her, bringing her closer to his body. He gently rests his hand on the back of her head and softly hums a lullaby.
Moments go by before Minhee slowly peels herself from Jonghyun’s tight embrace. Her fingers gently touch his cheekbones and notice their warmth.
“Daddy,” she whispers, allowing herself to be a child again and confirm that he’s in front of her.
Jonghyun nods. “It’s me, sweetheart.”
His confirmation makes tears spill from both of your eyes. Words get lost in Minhee’s sea of thoughts as she searches for something to say. Jonghyun feels her fluster and softly chuckles.
“I’m so happy to see you,” he smiles while wiping her tears away. “You’ve grown up so much.”
“You’ve been watching me?”
“Of course!” Jonghyun exclaims. “You’re my princess!”
As the sun gradually sets, Minhee and Jonghyun stroll through the park, talking about everything from their childhoods to what’s been happening lately, their interests, worries, and dreams.
“I always knew your mother and Taemin belonged together,” Jonghyun says while his hands pull on the lush grass underneath of him.
“But isn’t that weird?” Minhee asks while her face scrunching in confusion. “He’s your friend. Weren’t you hurt?”
Jonghyun shakes his head. “We knew we weren’t compatible. I wanted and still want nothing but happiness for her, and I knew it was Taemin that could add more of that to her life.” He takes her hand in his and gently squeezes it. “Don’t be too hard on them. They were just trying their best to raise you and your brother while coping with my death.”
The word ‘death’ strikes Minhee’s heart as she draws herself closer to Jonghyun. He welcomes her with open arms and presses her closer to his chest, allowing her to hear the soft beating of his heart as the sun nears the horizon.
“This is a dream, isn’t it?” Minhee asks with tears welling in her eyes.
“Yes,” Jonghyun soothingly answers. “But I’ll visit you whenever I can.”
His arms tightly hold onto his daughter while the sky grows dark enough to display the twinkling stars above.
“I love you, Minhee, and I’m so proud of the young lady you’re growing up to be,” Jonghyun whispers, trying his best to hold back his tears. “Whenever you feel alone, remember that I’m here with you. I will always be with you.”
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that-good-trash · 4 years
Please Don’t Go
Bakugou x reader / Kirishima x reader
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, self harm, angst, heartbreak
Word count: 8.3K
Summary: Sometimes things happen that you wish you could change,fix, but you can’t. Instead you are left suffering with broken pieces and suffering worse than you’ve ever dealt with. The person you wish was helping you keeps hurting you while the person you didn’t know you needed is holding you together.
Comment: I just really like angst since it seems to be the only thing I can write recently. I guess I’m kinda stuck in a sad rut myself. I hope you all enjoy it. 
PS. Also thank you all for 100 followers! I love all of you and you all matter!
“Morning Katsu, have you ever thought about the stars and how they always exist but we can only see them at night.”
The sound of a single click could be heard. You stare at your phone for a moment knowing that he had hung up on you. You sigh laying your head back down on your pillow. You knew that you should have told him the real reason you had called but couldn’t find the strength to do so. Your ‘boyfriend’ if you could actually call him wasn’t the type to listen to your nonsense. You didn’t mean to beat around the bush, you wanted to get to the point when it came to conversation. It was hard for you to tell people what was really going on inside your brain. Bakugou Katsuki had a way of letting you know when he was irritated with your run around way of speaking.
You can’t fall asleep because of the thoughts swirling around in your head. You had the pressure of millions of gallons of water on your chest and head. You wondered if this is what a submarine feels as it dives deeper into the darkness of the ocean. Your eyes were still red and hadn’t gotten a chance to fully dry. Crying was something that you tended to do a lot prior to recent events that lead to your current state. Now your tears hurt more than usual. You couldn’t figure out if they hurt because you had been rubbing your eyes frantically or because of the circumstance in which they were there to begin with. A sniffle followed by the sound of your own choked sob breaks the silence of the room. Your crying again, alone. You alone crying holding so much pain and loss.
“Y/n will not be in class today, again.”
My Aizawa gave class 1A the heads up before turning back toward the board to talk about today’s itinerary. The class wouldn’t have had any reason to worry had this been the first absence. However, this was absence number three and you hadn’t answered anyone’s calls or texts. Actually, the only person who has actually claimed to have seen you was their teacher. No one had seen or heard from you in the days you had been missing. Over the weekend you had left the dorms to return to your actual home because of reasons that escaped everyone’s knowledge and you hadn’t returned yet. It was beginning to worry everyone especially those that had grown to fond and close to you. Midoriya was twiddling with his fingers and mumbling words of worry under his breath. Your name had passed through everyone’s lips as they questioned your lack of presence in school.
“Hey Bakugou, what’s going on with Y/n?”
Kaminari, whose voice is lacking its usual cheer, chimes in behind the angry blonde. Bakugou growls in response but doesn’t actually say anything. Kaminari puts his tray of food down on the table next to Kirishima who looks a mix between angry and tired. Before Kaminari had walked up Kirishima had been trying to get information out of Bakugou as well. Bakugou had snapped at the red head that he ‘DIDN’T KNOW SHIT’. Kirishima was having a hard time believing his best friend but at the same time he knew how little Bakugou actually tried to be in your life so it made sense if the agitated boy was telling the truth.
“Dude, for real though, Y/n has missed a lot of school. I hope she’s okay.”
Kaminari was just trying to give his honest feelings but that didn’t sit well with Bakugou who slammed his hands down in frustration. He never got the chance to speak since Mina and Sero had come to the table restating the previous concerns that everyone in class had been having. Bakugou, in a fit of anger, throws his uneaten food away before storming out of the cafeteria.
“What the heck crawled up his ass and died.” Sero looks at Mina who spoke up with her own irritation. She and you were really close. She loved you like you were her own sibling and wanted so badly for you to answer her messages. She was not as understanding as the boys in the squad and found Bakugou’s behavior childish. She sits down with a sigh trying to calm herself down. Sero squeezes her shoulder reassuringly.
While, your concerned classmates continued their school day, you laid on the couch of your empty home. The only thing keeping you from breaking down for the hundredth time was the purring cat curled up against your lap. Your fingers trailed along her fur as the familiar warmth tried to keep you stable. Your mother had told you, before she left to work, that you couldn’t miss any more days of school and tomorrow you would return to the loud energetic halls of UA. Just the idea of going back in this state made you sick to your stomach. You have to swallow down the acid rising out of your throat.
As you lay on the couch your phone chimes again. They are a persistent class but you are spiraling into a hard depression. You already struggle with depression but never made it obvious so people wouldn’t be bothered or feel like they have to ‘help’ you. Now you were gone, in a world different from everyone else. You had wondered if you had the fare if you would find the ferrymen Charon and request, he take you away. You’d rather be whisked away by a mythological Grim then face another day with this horrible pain. You had never felt more alone than you did now. You didn’t care about the messages that came to your cellphone because none of them were from the person you needed it to be from. You let your eyes close and the moment that brought you to these horrid thoughts and feelings beginnings replaying.
“Hey mom I was just about to go watch a movie with some classmates, what’s up.” You hadn’t expected a call from your mother. She usually just texted you. A call meant something serious usually so you were already on edge before her words put you over the edge.
“You need to come home.” Those are never good words unless they come from a parent who just misses her child which definitely wasn’t your mother.
“What? Why?”
“Something has happened, I’d rather tell you in person.”
You had never heard you mother sound so blank and yet had concern laced in her voice. You had grown worried with what could have had happened. You would never had imagined what really did transpire. You had left the dorms with permission from Aizawa seeing as it was already late. You heart was racing as you said goodbye to your friends before leaving. The way home felt longer than usual but you eventually made it home. Your mother and you sat in silence for ages before she told you. No beating around the bush, she was always blunt and straight to the point.
“Your friend from middle school, F/n. She’s dead.”
The words hadn’t even settled into your mind before the tears came rushing out of your eyes. Your own body reacted before you could. This was something you fought mentally. There was no way that she was dead. You couldn’t imagine her gone. This was all wrong and you were waiting for your mother to admit this was some sort of sick joke. It wasn’t a joke and she wasn’t laughing. She looked sad, not for the death but for her daughter. She was feeling sadness for you. You shook your head over and over but she nodded to reassure you this was real life. You had indeed lost your middle school best friend. Your mother went on to hand you a box of tissues before giving you the more gruesome parts of the story.
“Your friend didn’t just die. She killed herself. She had gashes going up her arms from a knife that was found near her bathtub. She had used her quirk to weigh her body under the water and essentially, she drown herself before she could bleed to death. Her mother found her and was announced DOA. I’m sorry Y/n. I realize this is more than you’d like to hear but it is good to help you understand that she was sick. I told you this before that she…”
The words your mother spoke faded away. You couldn’t hear her over the sound of your screams that had begun to come out of your mouth. Your body shook violently and you ran to the bathroom to throw up. The taste of tears and bile lingered on your tongue long after you had stopped vomiting. Your mother brought you water and a towel as you sat on the bathroom floor. You kept picturing your dead friend with blood down her arms and water surrounding her. Had she cried? Did it hurt. Why the hell didn’t she reach out to you. You know you couldn’t say those things because middle school held you both together. You struggled with your physic and social anxiety while she struggled with everything about herself. You both were each other’s rock. You always complimented her and she beat up your bullies. After middle school you had gone to UA and she didn’t make the cut. You cried but she smiled and told you everything would be okay. Now she was dead and you couldn’t breathe. You mother was now on the floor holding you trying to get you to use your lungs which were betraying you. You just kept thinking about her bleeding to death in a hot bath while drowning at the same time. You had always expected to go to her graduation or her wedding one day, not her funeral. What didn’t help this situation was you had no one to talk to about her because she was a loner. You were alone with this pain even though you knew you had people you could seek comfort from. You didn’t feel like you deserved comfort while your former best friend was lying in a cold box at the hospital. You eventually had fallen asleep on the floor and your mother attempted to carry you to your bed. You woke up to the feeling of all the emotions hitting you all at once. As another panic attack came you reached for your phone hoping that your boyfriend had messaged asking if you were okay. He hadn’t. He hadn’t messaged at all. You called despite the time being close to two in the morning. After six rings he answered.
You didn’t even get the chance to respond before he hung up leaving you in a worse broken lonely state. This news, this night had begun your spiral that lead to your current state of barely existing on your couch waiting for any form of death to take you.  
“Are you fucking serious!!!” Kirishima was yelling uncharacteristically at his best friend who was now wide eyed at the red heads lashing.
“You really haven’t tried talking to her? What kind of boyfriend, HELL what kind of friend does that? You told me she called you the nights he went home. Why the hell didn’t you let her speak!”
Bakugou was now pissed, his quirk activating to prove just how upset he is. Kirishima doesn’t flinch when the first blast hits him. He’s already was one step ahead being used to having to use his quirk to defend against his friend’s attacks. He wasn’t going to hit back but found himself grabbing Bakugou’s wrist and throwing his arm down telling him to stop. Bakugou doesn’t like that and goes to attack once more but doesn’t get a chance before Kirishima’s fist makes contact with his face sending him backward with scrapes against his cheek due to the first having been hardened.
“You’re a lot of things Bakugou but I didn’t know you were so fucking heartless man. Y/n needs someone and you have chosen to ignore her. It doesn’t matter if she called you at ungodly times, she deserves your attention and respect.”
Bakugou is left with Kirishima’s words and disappointed look. Kirishima isn’t going to stand around. He had gotten your address from Mina who begged him to let her know how you were doing. She was too afraid to see you in case you were avoiding everyone on purpose. Kirishima was going to see you no matter what because that is the manly hero thing to do, hell that’s just the right thing to do.
Your front door had never looked so menacing till Kirishima felt like he was intruding and felt panicked that he might have crossed a line. He had to shake the thoughts away, he couldn’t run away now. He was already here and he needed to make sure you were okay. A deep breath in and a knock on the door. He waited before knocking again. You opened your eyes and for a moment you thought that maybe Bakugou came over. Only a few select people knew your address and you knew it wasn’t going to be Mina or Midoriya since they had texting you telling you they’d give you space and not come by without your permission. That left one option. You threw open the door with tears already clouding your vision. It wasn’t what you expected or wanted; it was what you needed. Kirishima couldn’t even speak when he looked at you. His chest tightened and he wanted to cry. Your face had gotten thinner and you had bags under your eyes that were darker than Mr. Aizawa’s. Your hair was messy and your clothing was obviously pajamas. Your eyes were blood shot and he could see scratch marks all over your arms from your panic attacks. Kirishima wanted to do and say so many things in the moment but instead he did the one thing he thought you needed. He opened his arms and gave you a look of comfort. A sob escapes your lips as you run into Kirishima’s arms. You clung to him like he was the only thing keeping you from falling into the darkness, and maybe he was. Your tears soaked his shirt but he didn’t scold you like Bakugou would have. Bakugou was weak to tears he hated them, while Kirishima wasn’t weak to them, he was standing here crying with you. He was sharing your sadness when he didn’t even know why you were sad. His arms held you tightly afraid that if he lets go your collapse. He waits till you’re ready to pull away. Eventually the tears run dry and you’re just standing there engulfed in Kirishima’s warmth. His body feels safe and you are thankful for his presence. You shuffle backward slightly causing his hold to loosen to let you move away.
“Would you like to come inside?”
You would have started with asking him why he was here but that was a stupid question. Anyone would be worried if their friend was MIA for almost five days. Kirishima smiles and your heart beats. You almost forgot that you had one of those. You walk inside and Kirishima shyly follows after you. He looks around the living room while standing in your doorway. It seems cold but he can’t decipher if that’s due to actual temperature or because he can tell this is where you’ve spent a lot of your time crying. Tissues and a garbage can sit next to the couch which has two large blankets thrown over the side of it. There is a golden-brown furred cat stretching out before curling back into the abandoned warm spot left by you.
Kirishima had been so focused on assessing his surroundings he hadn’t caught the first half of your words.
“You gotta take off your shoes.”
Duh, shoes. Kirishima wasn’t ill-mannered but in a situation where he is in an unfamiliar place with someone, he is very worried about he forgets the simplest things like removing your shoes. Once his shoes are off and guest slippers on his feet, he makes his way over to your side. You’ve now sat down on the couch pulling a large blanket over your shoulders while your fingers brush along the content looking cats’ fur. Kirishima doesn’t want to intrude so he chooses to stand, he waits for the right moment to ask why you are in such a state of disarray. He doesn’t want to be the one that speaks first. The silence is very heartbreaking since he knew that you, even when shy, were very charismatic. You always shined when you spoke about things you cared about. You also had a hidden spit fire personality that he was lucky enough to have witnessed a few times.
While waiting for you to speak he realizes that your head has dropped down more and he can hear the slightest hiccupping coming from you. He doesn’t hesitate to sit down and wrap an arm around your blanketed shoulder. He pulls you closer to himself letting your head hit his chest while his hand moves comforting circling into your arm. The blanket is thick but it doesn’t completely prevent you from feeling the gesture. You are torn between enjoying this and crying even harder. He is so patient with you and that makes your crying worsen since this wasn’t who you wanted to see which made you regret wanting Bakugou. Kirishima was always a good guy but now you had him holding you while you sobbed. Now he was the ultimate good guy, someone who has reached the highest level, a god tier of good.
“Kirishima, why are you here?”
You had originally avoided asking the stupid question but you had to. You had to know why Kirishima was wasting his time on you, even if he would tell you that you weren’t. Your words had come out broken because of your crying.
“Y/n, are you serious? I’m here because you need someone. You have missed class for three days causing everyone to go into a worried frenzy. I couldn’t take leaving you alone when I know that you are the kind to separate yourself from everyone to suffer alone. I’m here for you, to be here for whatever reason you need.”
You had begun crying worse because of Kirishima’s words. His eyes widen before he begins to internally panicking. He pulls away from you before gripping your shoulders and looking into your tear-filled eyes.
“Y/n did I say something wrong. I just don’t want you to be in pain because of me. I’d never come here with the intention of causing you more issues.”
You didn’t mean for it to happen but a laugh escapes your lips. You can’t help your sobs turning into giggles because Kirishima truly looked like he had hurt you. He looks even more concerned. You have to shake your head to try and prevent him from beating himself over your newfound insanity.
“No Kiri, you didn’t say anything wrong. You actually said what I needed to hear. I need someone with me right now but I also wanted to suffer alone. I caused myself more pain and anxiety by forcing myself to choose between isolation and comfort. You went ahead and made that decision for me. I’m crying because of your kindness and laughing because you honestly think you had done something wrong when you have never done anything bad to me. If anything, I noticed that whenever I need someone or something you are there to help or comfort me.”
Kirishima was relieved to hear that he hadn’t done anything to upset you. He would have kicked his own ass for hurting you since that was unmanly. Your laughter had made him confused but your explanation cleared it up. He now didn’t look confused but instead had a slight smile. He wasn’t happy but content. It was nice to be something you needed. A deep inner part of himself cursed Bakugou for not being here for you. However, another deep part of him was glad that it was him instead that was here with you. He knew how Bakugou was with emotions and tears, he didn’t do well with them. You were better off with Kirishima. This was a thought you both had shared without letting the other know.
While Kirishima is lost in thought about how to ask you what’s been troubling you, your body shifts on the couch getting more comfortable against him. He blushes slightly but let’s that fade because this is no time for unrequited love or crushes. This was about the pain you were suffering through. Your eyes close as a tiny yawn can be heard. You are once again exhausted and since you hadn’t felt comfortable enough to sleep earlier you hadn’t gotten any rest. Kirishima brought a feeling of safety and warmth you hadn’t felt since even before the horrid news. While your breathing began to steady you fell asleep. Kirishima gently moved his arm around your back to hold you closer to his chest. His hand behind your back began to rub gentle circles into your side. His other hand reached up and stroked your hair. The left side of your hair had a more course feeling to it and he knew why.
He had heard the story of how Bakugou had been calm enough holding you against him while stroking your hair. Though some classmates had come back to early and witnessed Bakugou being kind. They teased him not knowing the consequence you’d suffer. Bakugou had ignited his quirk without pulling his hand away which caused your hair to burn and the side of your face to erupt into hot excruciating pain. You had cried but also tried to tell Bakugou it was okay and not his fault which was stupid. He of course loudly agreed because it wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been so close to him. The pain of his words was almost worse than the physical pain you had felt. You had to be rushed to recovery girl who was able to treat the burns to a certain extent. You had to shave the side of your hair to help keep the burn covered in ointment. You knew that despite his words Bakugou felt bed because every time he looked at you when he didn’t know you knew; he’d have a sad face full of regret. You’d remind him that it was okay and that you liked your hair shaved. He’d just tsk like he always did but you knew it meant something to know you didn’t blame or fear him.
Even knowing that his best friend hadn’t meant to hurt you he couldn’t help but hate him for it. Why couldn’t he just see you for the great wonder that you were. He could imagine your smile when he closed his eyes, his hand still rubbing your side. Your smile that glistened like stars, that laugh that would usual follow was interstellar. You were a celestial child too good for this world and mostly too good for Bakugou. You were suffering alone while the blonde wallowed in self-pity. Kirishima still had no idea what had happened to you but he was here no matter what it was. If you asked him to leave, he would because he cared about what you wanted. He was here for you and yet he still felt selfish. How could he pretend to know what you were going through? Except he wasn’t pretending, your exhausted demeaner and tear stained face gave away something bad had happened. He didn’t need to know why he just needed to hold you till you slept away the dark circles, till your eyes were no longer bloodshot but gleamed their gorgeous color.
“Katsuki.” The words were spoken in such a small broken voice with the slightest hint of hope. Maybe you wanted him to be someone else and maybe he would be just for you. Though Kirishima wouldn’t be him, anyone but the boy who chose training over his girlfriend. He held you tightly while using his free hand to catch a few of his own tears.
“I got you Y/n. I’m here, I’ll always be here.”
“Kirishima…Kiri…Eijiro.” Kirishima smiled in his sleep, you were calling his name and he thought it was in his dream. A huge smile spread across his face while he rested. You were awake now, fully awake. When your eyes first opened you swore you were dreaming because Kirishima was holding you against himself while sleeping. You almost panicked when you realized you were awake and this was your actual classmate. You tried to pull away but his grip tightened. His hot breath against your face made you embarrassed, made your already warm body hotter.
“Y/n.” Feeling your name spoken against your ear drove you out of his grasp and onto the floor with a loud thud. The sound of you hitting the floor caught his attention, waking him up. You looked up from your spot on the ground and he looked down at you confused. Your face was red and your eyes avoid contact. A quick realization and Kirishima’s cheeks matched your own. He was quick to sit up off the couch, hands reaching down to help you up. You both looked away as you were pulled back into a standing position. You could feel your heart pounding and his hand was a little wet from sweat. He was still holding your hand. That changed when you both heard someone clear their throat. Your mom was standing in the doorway, she was obviously confused by the stranger in her living room. You pulled your hand away and looked down. Your mom wasn’t mean or judgmental, she was realistic and blunt. You expected her to comment about seeming fine or asking about your boyfriend. She remained quiet before switched shoes. She walked toward the two of you. Kirishima held out his hand after bowing in respect. “It’s nice to meet you Ms. L/n, I’m a classmate of your daughters, Eijiro Kirishima.”
“Y/n.” She shook Kirishima’s hand before looking at you. Your body was stiff. You had drifted into a painless sleep, actually got some rest, hadn’t thought about HER. Till now, you were almost numb and could breathe but looking at your mom you remembered the pain that had plagued you. Your chest was tight and you wanted the floor to swallow you up. Kirishima wasn’t dense, he felt the shift in the room. You were in excruciating mental pain when he came by earlier and now you were reverting back to that. His hand reached out grabbing yours again. Your mother looked between you both before directly at you.
“I spoke to F/n’s mom. They are having a service and I think it would be good for you to go.” Kirishima had no idea who she was talking about but the way your body stiffened before shaking this was a sensitive topic. What happened that made you like this? Your mother left you in the confused hands of the red head, who wished he had more to work with.
“Y/n… What happened.” You collapsed so fast that Kirishima almost couldn’t catch you. He was fast but not fast enough as your legs buckled and your whole top half crumbled onto the ground. Your face was red enough to match his eyes and your eyes were red enough to match his hair. You looked like a fish out of water gasping for hair while trying to find a way out of this. Desperation crossed your features. Anything was better than this pain, this loss. Your hiccupping drove Kirishima to his knees. His hands turned you gently till you were on your back. The sounds of your choked sobs, the way tears drift down your cheeks and into your splayed-out hair, the sporadic moment of your chest, it was all harrowing to witness. How could someone who always kept a smile on everyone’s face be so broken. He found himself crying with you, for you. His own tears falling onto your face before mixing in with your own and slipping down. You couldn’t stop crying even if you wanted too. You tried to speak but lacked oxygen enough to do so. Kirishima pulled your body upward holding you against him. Your chest pressed against his as he rubbed your back. He felt the wet pools against his shirt. He didn’t care that you cried on him. You hiccupped out an apology but it wasn’t necessary. You both stayed like this even as the sky outside darkened. Even when your mother yelled about dinner being ready. You still remained in Kirishima’s safe hold. He had his own dried tears and his hands never stopped soothing you. Eventually your words could slip out.
“My childhood friend committed suicide.” Kirishima stiffened. You spoke the words with so little emotion. Like you had cried away your sadness and was left numb again. He pulled you away so he could look into your bloodshot eyes. There were distant, like you were physically here but mental gone. You looked into his own bloodshot ones. He held all the sadness that you thought you lost. He held your pain for you and he had no idea what you were dealing with, he was truly empathetic. “She hurt herself and then she… she… she used her quirk to drown herself.”
The details didn’t matter because a dead girl was still a dead girl. Hell, a dead anyone was still someone who was dead and that itself was sad. The circumstances were cruel. It was like saying someone died fighting an awful fight, except they had fought themselves. A truly cruel disease depression is. Kirishima didn’t know what it felt like to want to die but he would never think less of someone who did. How could the world have such a negative sigma toward depression, maybe if it was normal then your friend would still be here. He blamed a cruel society and you blamed yourself. He realized looking at you that you felt responsible and for a moment he wished he could have told you how people are responsible for their own decisions but that wasn’t his place to comment. This wasn’t about him it was about your crumbling state of mind and your dead friend. You needed support and to hurt. This was necessary to heal.
“Tell me about her.” Your own mother wanted you to get over the pain like it hadn’t happened but here someone was, someone who owed you nothing, validating your loss wanting to know about your lonely friend. You smiled and yet the tears came back. You cried like a child who needed affection. You cried for your friend and her story. You were ready to tell him about her and you did. You spoke through sobs and Kirishima was patient. He listened to every painful part and every happy moment. He laughed at your inside jokes and cried at the painful abuse self-inflicted and household. Your friend was becoming a part of Kirishima’s thoughts as he filled it with your memories. He couldn’t believe that you were suffering alone with all this. Your own boyfriend not caring to listen or even check up on you.
“She sounds like a wonderful person and I’m so sorry that she is gone. I’m sorry that she left the way she did and I am sorry that you believe you contributed to this. Y/n, I know it won’t change anything but you didn’t do this. You can’t blame yourself or think about all the things that could have been done. Right now, you can only mourn and remember her for who she was and not who you could have made her. I didn’t know her but I know you and I don’t want to lose you because you waste away from guilt. Go to the service and say goodbye because she deserves that, but also live your life for her.” If words could truly heal people than Kirishima would have mended all these mental wounds for you. You would have smiled and thanked him but that isn’t how the real world worked. Pain, grief, any feeling between doesn’t go away with a few strong words but it does help. His words make everything more real; they make your feelings valid but also through you into a position where you have to face the truth. He isn’t wrong, you have to let blame dissipate. The thing with grieving was it takes time to help, to let go. You weren’t even half way there but you felt better knowing someone was in your court, someone hurt with you but also helped you hurt in the right way. Isolation is painful but being with him was restoration. You felt more like you now than you did hours ago.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” The way you looked at Kirishima with shy eyes made him smile. “I’d love to.”
The two of you collected a plate of food and sat quietly at the table, Eventually Kirishima couldn’t take the quiet and started telling you about school. You weren’t opposed to the conversation especially since all you had to do was listen. He talked about things that had happened in class avoiding talking about Bakugou and how everyone was sick with worry. You laughed at a story he told about Kaminari and Mineta getting chased down by a flock of girls they spied on. You laugh was genuine, like a gentle chiming of bells. Kirishima wanted to hear more but wouldn’t force anything to soon. A knock at the door brought attention away from the meal and conversation and to the living room. Your mother wasn’t expecting guests nor were you. Fear bubbled up again. Who could it be now? Kirishima was a blessing but another classmate might upset the balance. Kirishima shared your worry as he followed you to the door. Opening it you were both shocked to find your homeroom teacher. Mr. Aizawa looked unamused as he watched Kirishima try to move out of sight. His hand thrusted out pushing the door all the way open. Kirishima looked at him with a half grin hoping he wasn’t in to much trouble. You giggled at the red heads guilty demeanor. Your attention returned to your teacher as he looked at you. The two of you shared a look. His face wasn’t hard and stoic like usual. It held a twinge of sorrow.
“I am here to receive Kirishima seeing as he left without permission and stayed out past curfew. I’m also here to give you my condolences. L/n, I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a friend is hard.” You had cried for days straight and for the first time today you didn’t cry. You nodded accepting his condolences and understand that as an adult pro hero he has dealt with a lot of loss. You thanked him in a small voice which he acknowledged with his own nod. Kirishima didn’t want to leave you, he needed to know you’d be okay. That feeling came in the form of you hugging him.
“Thank you Kirishima. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.” The smile you gave him matched the star above and he would remember it. Your still red eyes and stained cheeks were brokenly beautiful under the moonlight the slipped in through the open door. Kirishima bid you good night before you shut the door. You were exhausted and wanted to sleep. Maybe this night would be peaceful, you could only hope. With less pain in your chest you put away the food, turned off the lights, and headed to bed.
Elsewhere, heading back to the dorms Kirishima kept thinking about you. Aizawa stood next to him as the walked back to the large building. Kirishima turned to his teacher finally curious on how he knew that he had been at your house.
“Mr. Aizawa. How did you know that I was at Y/n’s?”
“Bakugou told me.” When the doors opened to the common room of the dorm building Kirishima made direct eye contact with a conflicted Bakugou. He looked furious and concerned. His fist clenched with intent to harm, or maybe to prevent himself from wanting to do so. Mr. Aizawa left the two boys alone reminding them they needed to go to bed. Bakugou never acknowledged their teacher, while Kirishima let out a quick yeah. Once they were alone Bakugou stepped forward. Kirishima watched his friend with caution. He waited for an explosion or yelling that never came. Instead he sighed, unclenching his fist. He looked at Kirishima with a look the red head had never seen before, remorse.
“How is she?” Kirishima could feel the tables turn. He wanted to be anger, to tell his friend to fuck off because he had the chance to find out but didn’t. He wanted to be aggressive and anger but it wasn’t in his blood. He had to let that anger disappear and be replaced with weariness.
“How is she? She’s tired bro. She’s dealing with stuff that someone shouldn’t have to deal with alone and yet she has been. She’s a fucking wreck!” He couldn’t suppress all the anger. He hadn’t meant to yell but it was needed. He couldn’t understand why Bakugou had just let you waste away on your own. How could anyone do that to the person they loved. He would have never let you go this long suffering alone. “She lost someone close to her. Y/n’s leaving a nightmare, becoming friends with demons of blame. She needed you!”
“She didn’t need me.” Kirishima slammed his hardened fist into the wall not caring about the damage he caused. The sound made Bakugou flinch and lift his hand as an act of defense in case he would get hit next. When he looked at his friend, Bakugou expected to see extreme detestation. Instead he was wide eyed while staring at Kirishima crying. Tears came down the mixed emotion boy, he was struggling with how to feel. He was crying for you having to have a boyfriend who thought you didn’t need him. He cried because he would never let you go if he had you. Bakugou watched Kirishima drop his arms to his sides before leaving. He pushed his shoulder into Bakugou’s as he left toward the elevator.
“She needed you… You are just so full of yourself you won’t admit you messed up.” Kirishima didn’t even try to make his words sound powerful, even in their whispered state they hit Bakugou worse than any punch. Once he was alone in the dark room Bakugou let a tear fall. He looked down at his clenched fist. He felt pathetic. He couldn’t hate Kirishima because he was right. Pride was all that Bakugou had and he held it higher than you. He cared more about his image, about himself than you. Time and time again he hurt you and now he had truly fucked up.
“She didn’t need me when she had you. You’re better than me.” Bakugou spoke to the empty room letting more tears fall before going up to his own room. He didn’t spare Kirishima’s room a glance as he walked by. His heart hurt because he had to do something horrible to you in your already crumbling state.
The morning came and you woke up with your alarm. For the first time in days you slept the whole night. You dreamt of her but it was good. You were both happy and laughing and that was okay. It was okay to think about happy times and not bad things. Negative feelings still lingered but you tried to think positively. You got ready for school and before you left you grabbed a photo of you and F/n from middle school. She was flipping off the camera while you laughed with your eyes closed. It was bittersweet. The photo was tucked away into your pocket and you left.
“Y/N!!!!” You were tackled by so many different people that you couldn’t even figure out exactly who yelled your name. Mina was holding you left side, Kaminari on your right. Midoriya was standing in front of you concerned as Uraraka hugged your front. Sero was wrapped around your back. Iida was scolding them for not giving you space. A laugh escaped and everyone awed. You were bombarded by questions; it was overwhelming and you wanted to run but then Kirishima walked into the room. He made eye contact with you and smiled. It filled you with content and confidence to be here. You heart was still heavy and everything seemed surreal but you could make it through a day. You could tell her story to everyone so more people could mourn with you. It was a plan you’d follow through after class. Bakugou walked in a saw you smiling at Momo who commented on your swollen eyes. Your smile wasn’t sad, it was something he couldn’t figure out. He looked away as you turned toward him. His hair was wild, more so than usual. His hands tucked away into his pockets. He seemed like normal Bakugou but something was wrong. He wasn’t standing as tall, metaphorically. There was less fight in him. You grew concerned but that faded to wanting. You missed him, you truly missed him. His warm arms wrapped around you protectively, the way he smelled sweet like caramel. You wanted him to look at you with the loving gaze he saved for private moments. He found himself making eye contact with you and god did he yearn to run to you. To apologize, to hold you and kiss your swollen eyes. You were his happiness; it just took him so long to realize how bad he was for you. His eyes looked away and you looked down. A large gap filled with talkative students filled the space between you both. Except there was a different gap, one that needed to be filled by talking which he was scared to do. One that only you two could see, well maybe not, maybe Kirishima could too.
“Bakugou!” He cringed at the sound of his last name which was ironic since he was the one that told you to call him it when in public. This was self-sabotage, torture he was inflicting on himself. Your voice called his name with concern. He had been avoiding you all day and after training he left first making sure you couldn’t catch up. Obviously, he was wrong. You caught up and when he stopped you were breathing heavily. He wanted to scream at himself for being such an asshole but instead he waited for you to speak.
“Um I’m sorry for bothering you with my calls. I was having a hard time but I shouldn’t have woken you up. It was selfish of me.” How could you stand there and blame yourself, apologize for something that needed no apology? He did this to you, made you feel like you were a bother, like you had wronged him. He was to blame, he wished you would yell at him, that you would cry. He hated your tears because he was weak emotionally but right now, he wanted nothing more than for you to cry and he could hold you. Except he wouldn’t he would be scared and that would turn to anger and you’d be hurt again. “Bakugou?”
“Shut up.” He had to break your heart so you could be happy. He had to hurt you so someone could heal you. Shattering glass was easy but shattering a person’s heart. That was truly fucked up. “You always apologize for shit that you didn’t do, its annoying. I know you lost some friend; I know you’ve been suffering and yet I didn’t do anything about it. I wasn’t there for you. You needed me and the fucked-up part was that I didn’t care. I left you to suffer alone, I only realized I cared when I felt guilty, after everyone shamed me for hurting you, for letting you isolate yourself. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do this to you anymore.”
You are frozen in a moment where your friend killed herself and your boyfriend leaves you. A moment where you broken heart turns to ash. You can taste iron and realize you had bit your lip so hard it started bleeding. The weight of his words pushed down like a pallet of bricks. You were struggling to stay standing, your knees wobbled as you attempted to step forward, to reach for him. He moved just out of your reach. You were afraid of him leaving and he was afraid if you grabbed him, he would stay and do more damage. His own fire that burned in his heart felt dim. His chest was tight and he apologized to anyone he ever made fun of for having their heartbroken. This was worse than damage received during training. You tried to speak but found the same issue you had with Kirishima the day prior. The words were drowned out by hiccups. You let the streams of tears flush down your cheeks. You looked pathetic but who cared. Your heart wasn’t breaking. It was ceasing to exist.
“Please, please don’t leave me. Don’t do this Katsuki, you love me, I love you. I’ll try harder, you aren’t a problem. You don’t hurt me. I love you please don’t leave me alone again.” He could have swept you into his arms but by the time he turned to face you again someone else was on their way to do just that. Bakugou smiled sadly as Kirishima rushed forward. He didn’t want to let you go but he needed you to be loved properly and he didn’t deserve you. Little did he know what he was doing. He was destroying your already fragile state. You weren’t breaking, you were already fragments scattered at his feet. Your legs moved trying to stop him from walking away. Kirishima was faster. He wrapped an arm around you face covering your eyes with his hand. His other arms wrapped protectively around your middle. Your back was flush against his chest and you didn’t want this. You cried against the hand. Your tears smearing onto the rough appendage. Kirishima’s heart broken for you. “DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE, don’t leave me too.”
“You aren’t alone. You have him.” Bakugou walked away his own tears hidden from you but Kirishima had seen them. Kirishima swore he would protect you and love you but his own heart stopped when you yelled after Bakugou.
“I WANT YOU NOT HIM!” A sad shameful thing love is. These two boys loved you and you loved them. It was much more complicated than that. You fell back against Kirishima who was stiff, his own heart hurting. He knew that this wasn’t about his love for you but instead the pain you felt. You needed someone to catch you since you were falling. He held tightly onto you as Bakugou fought the urge to take it all back. He had heard his classmates talk about your friend and how sad you were when you told them about her. You were dealing with enough and you didn’t need him. Maybe one day if life isn’t always cruel you will find love in the form of an angry blonde again but right now you needed someone else. Someone who could put emotions away to help you with your own. Bakugou walked out of your life leaving a gap that Kirishima couldn’t fill. Your friend had left you forever but this didn’t have to be forever right? Bakugou would still be in your life. Maybe that wasn’t a good thing. You wanted to disappear. To go back to that dream where you laughed and danced with your friend. You wanted to go somewhere that boys didn’t break your heart and friends didn’t kill themselves. That place didn’t exist but you found that Kirishima’s hold would have to do for now. You clung to his arm as he whispered encouragement and apologies into your ear. His hand moved off your eyes and you grabbed it. Your fingers entangled with his as you both cried for life’s difficult decisions, for a girl who thought life was to hard to live, for a boy who destroyed his own happiness, for a red haired boy who wanted you to know how much he loved you, and you both cried for you. For you having no happy ending, just a lot of pieces that Kirishima was trying so hard to hold onto for you while other pieces broke away never to be reattached.
Sometimes life doesn’t go perfectly, sometimes people dies and they don’t come back, people break your heart and leave you with open wounds, sometimes you can’t make the pain go away. You have to learn to live with it. Maybe one day you’ll find Bakugou and he’ll tell you how much he fucked up and you’ll tell him you still love him. Or maybe one day you’ll let Kirishima give you his heart and you’ll slowly give him what’s left of yours. Though there is a possibility that you never fall for anyone again because love sucked and you had none left to give. Your friend would tell you to kick Bakugou’s ass, to get ice cream, watch a movie, break something and then you’d laugh because you’d feel better. She isn’t here. Instead it’s you sobbing into Kirishima’s arm in an empty hallway but it won’t always be this.
“I love you Y/n.”
“I know Kiri.”
“One day it won’t hurt so bad.”
“I hope so.”
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cookie-gal · 4 years
Little Mermaid Au - dnsn/ lionheartshipping Headcanons
• Leon is the Oldest brother
• The order is: Leon, Raihan, Gordie, Piers, Bede, Victor, and Hop. They are all a year apart.
• Leon's real name is Lionel and Gordie's is Gordon.
• Opal is their mother and she is the Queen of the seas.
• The late King mysteriously died one day when the princes were kids and there were 2 theories were speculated. He was either killed by humans or was killed by Rose, the royal adviser.
• No one knows the true answer. All that was known after the death of the king was that no one can go to the surface and Rose was lost his status and was banished to the outskirts of the sea.
• Before the rule was placed that no one could go to the surface, Leon made a friend in the surface. A young girl with fiery red hair that went by the name 'Nia'. She was a human that loved the ocean and would go there frequently with her friend too.
• Her nickname for Leon was 'Lee'. That stuck with him to the point some he asked his brothers call him that.
• Leon and Nia were fascinated by each other since humans and merfolk had quite the number of differences. Of course merfolk had a fish tail and humans had legs. Merfolk had fin like ears, scales that clustered around their ears and other parts of their face like their cheeks, bridge of their nose, or hairline. They were basically freckles. And they also had sharp teeth. Humans on the other hand had no scales, they had dull teeth with the exception of canines, and they would grow hair on their limbs.
• They were inseparable until the rule was placed and Leon hasn't seen Nia since he was 10.
• He had a crush on her too
• Leon is such a helpful person. He goes around the sea helping people and many merfolk expect his to take the throne one day.
• Leon has such a bad sense of direction that Opal got him a royal campaign. A small merman by the name of Allister. He's just as old as the Hop, 15 years old. Allister is someone Leon confides with his darkest secrets.
• Leon darkest secret is that he visits the surface and collects gadgets and gizmos which he stores in a secret cavern.
• He visits Gloria, a harpy from the surface that also collects gadgets and gizmos that she gives to Leon. She even teaches Leon how to use the foreign objects too.
• All the princes are singers but the most talented singer is Leon, which is ironic since he doesn't practice singing at all and never performs
• The composer that teaches them is a young mermaid that was lowkey adopted by Opal by the name of Marnie. Many mermaids have conspiracy theories that Marnie is the secret daughter of the queen since she looks strikingly like Piers and all the brothers treat her like a sister, but she only happens to look like him. She is as old as Victor, 16 years old.
• She has a large fanbase but she is trying her best to make a name for herself as a great composer of music
• She would have too if it weren't for Leon missing his debut concert because he was at the surface with Gloria
• Leon got chewed out by Opal especially when Allister accidentally mentioned they went to the surface
• Opal assigns Marnie to watch out for Leon which is nerve racking since Leon is unpredictable so she tries her best to convince, with the help of pokemon, him to stay under the sea.
• That fails because he sees a ship and goes to the surface. It was his first time in years since he has seen a ship. Allister reluctantly follows after him
• On the ship was crown Princess Sonia of Galar, aka Nia. She was out exploring the sea since she loves the sea and she wants to find her friend Lee. Her friend Nessa is the royal adviser of her kingdom and as much as she loves the sea, she has to make Sonia go back home because Sonia has to marry. She made an oath to Queen Magnolia to get Sonia married before her 21st birthday which is 2 months from now and planning weddings is hard work especially of the bride is stubborn.
• Sonia has turned down every suiter so far because they are too prim and proper to go out and get their hands dirty.
• Leon over hears this. He can't believe Sonia was more beautiful than he remembered and his heart skipped a beat.
• Suddenly a storm formed and sunk the ship. Leon and Allister did their best to save people. He grabbed Sonia, Nessa, and few others and so did Allister. They took everyone to the beach.
• Leon was worried that Sonia drowned since she sunk the deepest into the water compared to the rest of the survivers. He tried his best to push the water out her lungs. She started coughing. He was so relieved. He sang softly to her.
• Sonia opened her eyes but couldn't see much. But she did see a familiar shade of purple and said, "Lee?" before she passed out.
• Humans were about to hed over to discover the survivors so Leon and Allister jumped back into the sea.
• Leon was love struck. He started to daydream being with Sonia and wanted to see her again
• His brothers immediately noticed Leon's new behavior and deduced that he was in love.
• Opal found out and was so happy to hear that Leon was in love. Surely he was in love with a beautiful and smart mermaid.
• That thought died when Opal found out Leon was in love with a human, had gone up to the surface again, and has a cavern of human junk through Marnie and Allister. Out of rage she destroyed Leon's collection and left him to cry in the cavern. Allister and Marnie tried to apologized but Leon pushed them away.
• Leon was now confronted by Oleana, a mermaid that follows under Rose. She had been watching Leon for a while in secret under Rose's orders. She convinced him to go to Rose's cavern if he wanted to be with his precious little princess.
• Rose had been waiting for Leon. He offered Leon 2 months of life as a human in exchange for his voice. All Leon had to is make Sonia fall in love with him and he will be human forever. To prove that she loves him, they must share a true love's kiss. But if he fails and time runs out, Leon will become a merman again and will be a slave to Rose.
• Leon signs the contract and the deed was done. He is now a human. Marnie and Allister were about to object but Oleana silenced them. They took Leon to the surface before he could drown.
• Gloria finds them and does her best to help him get dressed with a curtain she found along with some rope.
• Though when they see a human approaching, Marnie, Allister, and Gloria hide and leave Leon alone
• The human turned out to be Sonia who was out on a walk with her yamper. Upon seeing Leon, she takes him to the castle to get him dressed and medical help.
• Leon tried to write to Sonia, but he didn't realize that humans have a completely different written language to merfolk. He attempted to write' Leon' but funny enough he wrote "Lionel" instead according to she wanky handwriting.
• Milo, castle staff member, was assigned to help Leon as much as he could. Even though Leon couldn't speak to Milo, he felt like he could trust the man.
• Castle staff loved Leon's company because he is the most lively guest they have ever had.
• Sonia loves Leon's company. He is the first guy she can really go out exploring with since all the guys she was forced to be with have all been snooty and pansies. Leon loves to explore and learn with her and is willing to get down and dirty when he explores the world.
• Sonia taught him to dance too. She was surprised how much of a fast learner he is. To them, dance is the way they can communicate.
• At dinner, Leon brings so much joy. His excitement when he tries a new food is so cute to Sonia. Also he has a funny way to use certain things.
• Nessa and Milo suspect that Sonia and Leon have crushes on each other. Nessa feels bad that she will have to stop the two from furthering their relationship since Sonia must marry a prince or a king. Leon is no where near royalty. The poor man thinks a fork is a comb. She's surprised he can dress himself, even if it's questionable fashion choices.
• Sonia herself is torn about her feelings. She is slowly falling in love with Lionel but she is haunted by the man, who she thinks is he Lee, with the most beautiful voice that saved her from the shipwreck.
• Allister is hiding in the pond in the pond in the castle. He's small enough to hide th heir and can camouflage. Marnie would have a hard time hiding because of her bright pink tail so Leon hide her elsewhere.
• Marnie is hiding in Leon's room. He managed to sneak her into the bath tub. His room has two of them so he doesn't have worry about throwing her out the window and into the sea when he needed to bathe.
• He routinely takes her out into the sea and she also gives him advice to woo Sonia. The night before the 2 months is over, she sets the mood to get the couple to kiss.
• With the help of local water pokemon and Allister, she set the mood. The couple would have kissed too if it weren't for Oleana. She had been watching Leon in the shadows these past 2 months. She knocked the couple over and they left home to the castle completely drenched from head to toe.
• The next day was the final day for Leon to kiss Sonia and it was coincidentally Sonia birthday. It was Nessa's mission to get Sonia married to a prince by the end of the day.
• 6 princes/ kings from other countries came two participate in a singing contest to win Sonia's hand in marriage. The participants were King Lance of Kanto, King Steven from Hoenn, Prince Lucas from Sinnoh, Prince Benga from Unova, Prince Calem from Kalos, and King Kukui from Alola. Unfortunately for everyone, they sing worse than stray meowths.
• Leon is screaming on the inside. He can't reveal himself as the man that saved Sonia because of his situation. So in his last attempt to express his feelings to Sonia, he dances for her, just like when they would dance alone together.
• The princes laughed at him and so did the audience of the contest. Milo and Nessa felt bad for Leon since the poor man had no other way to communicate. Leon ran off and Milo chased after him to comfort him.
• Sonia was sick of the princes and seeing Leon dance, she realized her feelings for him.
• "Nessa, I have chosen the man who won my heart" she walks to Leon and holds his hands, "I chose Lionel".
• Just as they were about to seal their love with a kiss, a voice started to sing. It was Leon's voice. But how? Had Sonia kissed Leon at that moment, everything would gave been fine, but she was distracted by the singing that the sun had sent.
• The voice was actually being used by Rose who appears and takes Leon away. As Leon is being dragged away he becomes a merman again and gets his voice back. He tries to fight back but Rose overpowers him and drags him down into the sea.
• Loud noises were heard from down the hall. It was Marnie who was dragging herself towards the window to jump into the sea. Sonia grabs Marnie who explains the situation briefly and requests that Sonia is to throw her into the sea because she must alert Queen Opal.
• There is complete silence in the room. Sonia rips off her gown and reveals her sailor uniform. She runs off to get her ship and crew to go save Leon. Nessa runs after her to help along with Milo.
• Under the sea, there is a lot of commotion. Leon has seen missing for 2 months now and there is no sign of him. All his brothers have traveled to different parts of the sea to find him. Opal blames herself for her son's disappearance.
• When the family is together trying to figure out more ways to find Leon, Rose busts down the doors and had Leon by his side. He couldn't show his face at all out of shame.
• Opal tries attack Rose who then threatens to kill Leon. He makes a deal with Opal. Either see gives him the trident and becomes a slave or she will never see Leon again.
• Reluctantly she agrees if it means saving her son. She hands over the trident and Rose turns her into a magikarp. Leon is released and Rose leaves to cause Chaos and the first thing he does is start a storm.
• To him, he must destroy the humans in order to save the sea.
• Allister and Marnie were too late to warn the Queen.
• The brothers reunite and rally the pokemon to go defeat Rose.
•Meanwhile on the surface, Sonia is making her way to the storm, determined to save Leon. When she spots Rose, she tries her best to defeat him. Her and all her sailors and commanding their pokemon to hurt the sea Warlock.
• Down below the group and the pokemon were ambushed by Oleana and her pokemon. They took her down easily. Now they had to attack Rose.
• Rose gets mad and causes waves to fling the princes and the water pokemon out of the water. The princes land on Sonia's boat. As much as Leon and Sonia wanted to hug, they had to defeat Rose first.
• Nessa had the idea to launch the ship into Rose which would kill him. But that means everyone on the boat could die since the storm so so strong they would drown. The Princes told them to not worried because they can save them from drowning.
• Sailors got ready to jump off with either a prince, Marnie, Allister or a water pokemon as Sonia Milo and Nessa prepared the ship to impel Rose. They all returned their pokemon into their poke balls.
• Once the ship hit Rose, they all jumped off and watched the sea warlock die. The Trident fell down into the sea. Opal returned back into a mermaid and took hold of the trident again. She also restored and returned order.
• The humans were returned to the surface, no one died and everyone was safe.
• Sonia and Leon were sad because Leon couldn't be with Sonia since they come from 2 different worlds.
• As much it hurt Opal to lose her son, she decided to turn Leon to a human. She used to her powers to do so.
• Sonia and Leon enjoyed and the two promptly started to wedding preperations
• The wedding was grand, both merfolk and humans were invited. And it would be an understatement to say that only a few twars were shed.
• Leon became the ambassador of the sea folk. Raihan became the crown prince of the sea. Marnie got recognized by her bravery along with Allister. Nessa and Milo got married (they would be a side couple throughout the au). And they all lived happily ever after.
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Choose Your Own Comf - 1
You anticipated being found out. The point of being a stowaway wasn’t entirely to go unnoticed, it was to get where you wanted to go, regardless of how legal it was. Still, being left in the brig with little water and less food, chained by the ankle to the wall, wasn’t nice. Neither was the beatings a grouchy crew member would deliver every day or so.
You didn’t anticipate the storm. And neither, it seemed, did the crew. Suddenly, there was shouting, and the ship started to rock, throwing you off balance and into the rusty iron bars. Seawater sloshed into the brig, and you shouted for help, but nobody came.
You really didn’t anticipate the ship colliding with a reef, the jagged rocks and coral tearing open the hull, freezing ocean flooding your prison and dragging you back out with it as the ship rocked again.
This is where you find yourself now, the churning sea making you struggle to keep your head above water. The chain still fastened to your ankle, and still bolted to a chunk of iron and wood, makes it even more difficult. But you manage to grab hold of something that used to be part of a wall, and with a gasp, you climb on top and wait for the sea to calm before it swallows you.
What now?
A ==> Stay put and wait out the storm B ==> Try to look for help or survivors
Put your answer in replies!
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aka-indulgence · 5 years
Was feeling the aforementioned title, so decided to pour it out into the writing…
Desc: After a little kerfuffle in (UF!)Sans’ house, you go away to mope for a bit… Quickly followed by Sans’ comfort.
(Angsty as in feelings- don’t read when you’re feeling sad perhaps? Perhaps a bit of self-blaming stuff so careful if you’re feeling sensitive i suppose- ejsjkebs I’m not sure but- of course followed by things being alright in the end huehue ;u; )
“hey hey hey- what’s up with you?” Sans called to you as you pushed yourself out of his arms, tears already stinging in your eyes.
“I’m fine, ok?! I don’t- I don’t need your help with anything!” You shouted back at him, finally out of his grip, stomping away from him.
“you know that ain’t true! there’s something up- and i don’t know what, doll, if you don’t tell me, i can’t help you!”
Sans could feel his soul tightening at the implications that you didn’t need him… But he had to be the more stable one right now. He knows you love him, he knows how you both needed each other, you’ve been together for so long. It’s just… Your emotions running rampant.
“I’m fine just- leave me alone!” You clenched your fists before darting away from him, throwing open the door and feeling the rush of late autumn wind invading the house.
He could’ve caught you that second. Could’ve brought you home but- if you wanted space, he could give you that.
As you stood there, your jacket barely able to handle against the cold, you watched the river trickling down, the waters rushing and- you could hear how cold it was. You’d run to that spot under the bridge where you used to hang around while you were a kid, crouching and holding your coat closer around you.
Why did you have to feel like this?
Why did you have to do that to him?
Why are you… You… You just didn’t want to feel this way, you… Why…s
You’ve been overwhelmed- so busy. It’s not that you want to be busy, you might work hard but you don’t think you’re a workaholic… Just that… There are sometimes more pressing matters to attend to that it took your time away from being with Sans.
… Not that you prioritized anything above him! It’s just that… You had to do it if you wanted to keep going and…
… Every time he called and you had to say “Sorry, can’t make it today!” Or when he pays you a visit and you can’t put all of your attention on him or when you had to see his smile faltering when you said you didn’t have any time at the moment… It hurt. You hated yourself- why were you doing this to him- to you?!
It was even worse when you got… Jealous. Of course you’re not the only one in life that can be around him, of course he’s got friends and family that he can spend time with. And that makes you happy, right? He doesn’t have to depend entirely on you, he doesn’t have to feel awful, alone by himself when you can’t be with him. But when he does… You’re reminded of how you’re not enough for him, not lately at least. He seemed so happy when he was spending time with them… He didn’t need you. You could’ve been with him that time but… You weren’t.  And they looked like they were having such great times that… You wished you could be in…
… Why did you even think like that?! It wasn’t right for you- it wasn’t right of you to be downed when your boyfriend was having a good time. You should be happy for him, he was happy, not moping and feeling bad for yourself that you’re not a part of it. You should be grateful, and not feel any of this petty stuff. It wasn’t you- you didn’t want to feel that way, it made you feel like a bad person, you didn’t deserve to feel that way- it was your fault anyways. You couldn’t be there, and that was all.
“… Agh!!” You pulled at your hair, sinking down to the edge of the river and dragging your hand down your face. You didn’t mean to snap at him when he was asking earlier- you’ve finally had time to be with him, he hugged you and reminded you how he loved you- and what did you do? You had to make a comment about your absence from his recent activities, feeling that jealousy take over for a second how you wanted to be there too- and he tried to calm you down gently, hugging you close and brushing your back. And then- you pushed him away! What… What’s wrong with you?
Told him I wanted to be alone… Yeah right.
You settled your back against the pillar of the bridge, tears of frustration coming out, feeling the wind brush it and making it cold- making you cold- without making any attempt to stop it.
I just wanted to be with him… Spend more time with him… Get away from the storm… And I had to throw a tantrum and run away.
Your scowling face slowly turned into a wobbly frown as more tears rolled down- and you felt like the most pathetic thing, sobbing like a child in a hiding place, afraid to be caught in such a pitiful state.
You were lonely when you were busy… You had so little time to spend, you were tired all the time and… You just wanted to give and receive love, you hated turning him away… You know it was a bit of a strain between the two of you right now. But you just made it strain a bit more… How could he want to be with someone like you?
You sobbed again, feeling irritated at the gasps and swallowing of your own saliva- What are you doing feeling bad for yourself when all Sans has been doing was hold up for you? Why are you crying for something you did? Why did you feel so bad?
… What are you going to say when you meet him again? He didn’t come running after you- he really listened to your words and just- why did you tell him to leave you alone, tell him you didn’t need his help?
You felt lonely. Lonely and cold and wanting to be held by someone and told that you’re doing ok. That you’re ok and that you’re fine, and that they love you and…
You broke into even more of a fit, bawling and wiping the tears away, your fingers going numb in the cold. Just- can I just stop thinking all these-!
“… heya, (y/n).”
You quickly silenced yourself, only letting small quiet hiccups out, your hands wet from the tears and eyes wide in shock. It was his voice. He was right there. He can see you in this sorry state.
… You… You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
What a sorry excuse for a girlfriend I am…
“…” He sighed, scratching the back of his skull. “do…. d’ya mind if i took a seat next to ya?”
You wanted to say “yes, please do.” wanted to show him that you really, really needed him right now. Wanted him to hold you and let you hug him and cry a little more- but that risked you having to talk and crying even more at the sound of your own sniffles and sobs interrupting your words. You didn’t look at him- didn’t want him to see your face- but you nodded to him, small and vulnerable.
He took a few steps closer to you, crouching next to you the same way you were doing it, not close enough for him to be touching you or for you to feel his heat, but close enough that you could hear his breaths.
“look ah… i’m not exactly sure if i did somethin’ wrong but… i’m sorry. could ya tell me if i made ya upset?” He asked, cautiously, genuinely curious at what had gotten you like that.
That got you to talk.
“N-no no…” You said in a small voice, but with a haste that his sockets widened a bit when you faced him. “Y-you didn’t d-do anything wrong…” Why do I have to stutter so much!? “I’m just… B-being pathetic, that’s all.”
“whoa whoa, hey hey- what got you into this?” He looked at you back, his brows furrowing, showing the tiniest signs of anger. He just wanted to hold you, find out what made you like this- he wanted to make things better.
“…” You sniffled, wiping your face, and looking disgusted at your own clear snot that had gotten on your hand, making a face and feeling even more like some kind of loser. “Sorry- I didn’t mean to say that…” you said honestly. You knew any kind of words that sounded like you were insulting yourself upsetted him.
“It’s just… I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” You sniffed. “Just… Feeling bad for myself… But not doing anything to fix it… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to be frustrated with you…”
“…” Sans thought for a moment. You at least… Seemed… Calmer than you were earlier, all that crying probably took out most of your frustrations in your mind. He was going to say something, but you started talking again.
“Sans…?” You looked to him, eyes still glossy from the crying. “… I’m sorry.”
“w-wait- what’re you sayin’ that fer?”
“… I haven’t been with you lately…” You said slowly, carefully, some tears still streaming out, but without the sobbing this time. “I seem annoyed and frustrated a lot and- I am! Just… Not with you…”
“I can’t say I know how important I am to you but… I’m sorry I’ve been spending less time with you. I’ve been thinking about you a lot but- I just… Didn’t do anything about it… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t be like this…”
It wasn’t very… Mature of you.
“… been feelin’ left out?”
You perked up. That was something you did not want to admit to- it was even less mature of you to feel that. And those words hit something in you- you’ve never felt so much like a badly behaved child.
You didn’t want the feeling… But it was there, and you weren’t sure how to get rid of it while you were busy.
“…” You sat down, hugging your knees and putting your chin in between them,  looking away form him shamefully.
“… well ya know, it’s not yet fault.” He carefully brought his arm to you, slowly so that you would notice it, before circling it around your shoulders. He immediately got a reaction from you, shuffling closer to him and leaning on him. “been missin’ ya a lot, sweetheart.”
“… Me too…” You rested on his ribs, attracted by his warmth.
He saw you were shaking earlier, your thicker jacket left in his house- your current clothes not very fitting for the weather. It was night, and it was windy- and you were only wearing a shirt, a pair of pants, and a jacket that could barely hold up on it’s own. His other arm went around you to hug you. You snuggled into his hold easily, putting your face on his red sweater, taking a comforting sniff of him, making him want to laugh.
“ya’ve been busy, i know.”
“But I don’t want to be busy…”
“neither do i but- not much we can do there, can we?”
“Mm… Sans…” You looked up at him, eyes still watery that made his soul melt when he looked at them. “I just wanted to be with you, wanted to be… Like this- I… I felt petty and lonely… I’m not supposed to feel like that when I’m the one who…” You went silent. He already understood, you knew it too.
“oh dollface please- ya know ya shouldn’t worry ‘bout me like that.”
“B-but I do! And I just… I don’t know…” Your mouth failed to convey all that you wanted to say- but Sans quickly shushed you, phalanges trailing in your hair, a move that calmed both you and him.
“it’s ok. ya don’t gotta say more. we’re together now, right? yer ok. yer not a bad person, (y/n)…”
You felt your tears come up again. You really had to put that through your stubborn head right now.
“yer sweet and yer doing yer best, ain’t ya?” He cooed, feeling like how you would comfort a small child at that moment- He hasn’t seen you that vulnerable in awhile. “being buried in work sucks- can get on yer nerves too, i don’t blame ya for feeling frustrated and angry. yer ok.”
“… I don’t want to feel like that, but I did…” You admitted. “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you earlier.”
“ah… i gotta admit, it kinda stung…”
“but- did ya mean it?”
“Of course not!” You quickly looked up to him, feeling regret latch onto your chest, “I didn’t mean that… I’m sorry I said that, I just… I didn’t want to be alone, I wanted someone to help me but… I was just… I’m sorry…”
“ya didn’t mean ta hurt me, it’s ok…” He shushed you again.
“I’ll… Heh… I’ll try to keep myself calm next time.” you smiled.
“mm. good call.” He agreed.
The both of you stayed there for awhile, just hearing the quiet night surround you, the sound of water rushing past, Sans’ hand going up and down your back, his head settled above yours before you made a move.
“My… My legs getting a bit cramped… M-mind if we go inside?” You stuttered- being reminded of the cold once your emotions calmed down.
“‘course not, yer shaking like a leaf baby…” He looked at you, holding one of your hands and his phalanges tracing your fingers, feeling them cold. “time we go back hm?”
“… I don’t mind walking back…” You quickly added when you both stood up, thinking if he was going to teleport.
“sure but uh- yer gonna need something more than that.” He pulled away from you, exposing you to the cold again for a moment- quickly taking off his parka and putting it around you like a blanket.
“ya know i’m a skeleton sweetheart- i’ll be fine.” He winked at you right as you were about to ask if he’ll be alright with only his sweater.
He quickly looped an arm back around your shoulders, going out from under the bridge, starting to talk about strange little topics that surfaced into your minds while walking home, mood very much lighter than before.
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bards-witcher · 5 years
Home - Ohmtoonz
So this one goes out to @omegawolfgirl, who constantly keeps me on my toes with new ideas. This came out a lot longer than I intended but I still really enjoyed it, even if some of the ideas are bit different :D
Basically everyone’s a wolf hybrid, so they’re people but with wolf attributes. Near the end it gets a little frisky, nothing major but i thought I’ d just warn you guys.
I hope you enjoy :D
[Ohm POV]
A freak was only one of the many colourful word’s others had used to describe him during his lifetime. A mistake is what his parents had called him, from far away he had the characteristics of a wolf just like everyone else, but when you got closer you could notice the differences.
How his eyes were just a bit too soft and his ears too floppy. How his teeth weren’t quite as sharp and his claws too small. It was a mystery as to why he was born more like a dog, which others had taken to calling him, as opposed to a wolf, but it wasn’t like anyone cared enough to investigate a reason why.
It was for this reason why he didn’t have a pack, why he never really had one to begin with. When he reached his teenage years, when the wolf features should start to become more pronounced, his had remain somewhat stunted as the doctor called it. His parents had only kept him out of a sense of duty and in the hopes that he’d get some sort of final growth spurt when he got older, which never came. He was 15, a few days before his birthday and when he was to come of age, normally a big ceremony where you’re formally added as a member of the pack and given pack duties and responsibilities. However instead of helping him get a formal outfit for the event his parents had kicked him out with the nothing but the clothes on his back.
That evening, without any explanation, his parents had practically tossed him out the house, calling him a disgrace on the family and that if he ever returned he’d be killed on site, that if he wasn’t careful they’d be the ones to do it. He noticed some of their neighbours come out of their houses to witness the scene, one or two of them adding their own obscenities as he stood in the road helpless, tears streaming down his face. His begs and pleas fell on deaf ears, even when his parents finally returned to the house and locked the door behind them he stayed calling out to them, begging them to let him stay. He doesn’t know how long he stood there before a police officer dragged him away from the front door and shoved him into the backseat of his car. Without a word the cop drove him to the packs territory limit and all but chucked him out the car, giving a final warning not to bother returning before he got back in the car and drove off.
For next few days he wandered through the wilderness, trying to lay low as much as possible to but lacking apart from instinct he lacked any form of survival skills, meaning It wasn’t long before he came across another pack. He doesn’t know why they took him in, probably because they felt some sort of pity for him, he was an underdeveloped wolf after all, something that hadn’t been heard of in all the books he’d browsed through when he learnt of his condition. Not to mention that he must have looked like a right state, ripped clothes, covered in dirt and looking like he was deaths door.
They were quick to take him in, giving him food, drink and clean clothes, even gave him a couple of small errands to run as a way to prove his worth to them. For the first time he felt like he truly belonged, like he finally had a pack, that was until they found out how old he was, when they learnt that he was two days from turning 16. Just as his parents had done, they’d literally tossed him out, telling him to be thankful that they hadn’t killed him, as they left him to fend for himself in the cold dark night.
For the next two years his youthful appearance meant that other packs he came across would take him in for a while, accepting their hospitality before running away so that they could never find the truth about him. When he got too old to pass as an underage wolf he made a real effort to avoid coming across packs, teaching himself how to hunt and to find and build shelter, and most ability how to escape pursuers. However, sometimes nature wasn’t on his side. There’d be no sign of food for weeks and fresh water was hard to come by, especially in winter when a lot of natural water would freeze over. It was at times like this he would seek others, willing to suffer their treatment of him in favour of some semblance of food and warmth.
He remembers one particular pack which had found him, they’d reinforced his dog like appearance by putting a collar and tag on him, making him sleep in a  far too small kennel at night. They only allowed him to leave said kennel if he had a lead attached to him, forcibly dragged on all fours through the street whilst the other wolves came out to throw their own insults at him. At dinner he’d been forced to stay under the table, only able to eat whatever scraps they threw down to him whilst they kicked at him as he crossed the length of the table.
He doesn’t remember how long he’d been with him, only knowing that when they’d started to run out of food and he was nothing more than another mouth to feed, was when they had chucked him out, tying him to a tree outside their territory by the lead they’d made him wear.
He’d made short work of ripping off the collar and lead, quickly slinking his way back into the safety of the forest, waiting until the cruel cycle would start again.
It had been 20 years since his parents had first kicked him out, he’d spent most of those years in solitary, becoming more of a wild animal than a person. He wouldn’t lie that it had its advantages though. The problem with the wolves was that for the most part they’d lost touch with their wolf side, they still had some enhanced senses and abilities, preferred to be in packs and still had lifelong mates, but they’d changed as technology advanced. Their senses dulling, and reflexes slowed, as cars were developed they no longer saw the need to run through the forest, with the use of guns they no longer had to physically hunt down their own prey. All attributes he’d obtained over the long years on his own.
It had been a few days since he’d eaten, the cold weather meaning there was a lack of food and that he was only able to catch the odd rabbit to help sustain him, when he was found by an alpha.
“Watcha doin’ out here all alone pup?” A smooth southern drawl came from the tall alpha who slowly started to approach him. He was quick to bare his teeth and growl at the intruder, it was only meant as a warning, he was sure the rest of his pack would be nearby and there was no way he’d be able to fight them all.
“Easy there I don’ mean no harm. Forgive me, but it looks like you haven’t eaten for a while and a lot of snow’s comin’ in within the week, d’you wanna come back with me? Just until the storm passes? I don’t know if I can stomach the thought of knowing you’re out here all alone” The alpha put on a small smile and a second later he could smell his scent flood the clearing they were in. Try as he might to run away the alphas gaze pinned him in place, he couldn’t explain why but the scent that of the alpha comforted him, it reminded him of home baked cookies, soft leather and coffee.
The alpha noticing this crossed the rest of the distance separating them, stopping just in front of him to hold out his hand. “M’names’ Luke by the way”
Hesitantly he took the hand presented to him, ignoring the jolt that ran through his body at the contact and the warmth that seemed to spread through his body because of it.
“Ryan” he mumbled but it didn’t knock the smile off of the alphas face.
“Follow me, just let me know if you can’t keep up” With one last dazzling smile he took off into the forest. He watched the alpha weave easily through the trees and a small smile graced his face before he followed after him. He easily caught up and kept pace, but after about 10 minutes he noticed the alpha slow down a little, how sweat covered his brow and how he seemed a little out of breath. Although he could’ve kept at the same pace he didn’t want to slight the alpha so slowed his pace as well, keeping close to him as they carried on jogging through the forest.
It was another 20 minutes before the alpha slowed to a walk, he gave a final look back to him before walking into the camp. He stood on the outskirts shocked, most packs lived in small towns, with roads passing through them and brick houses powered with electrical lines through each town. But, this pack was different, they lived in raised log cabins with nothing but worn forest floor showing pathways in and out of the camp. Furthermore, there was nothing but what looked like a small generator powering the camp but even then it didn’t look like it was in use, the camp being lit up by a huge log fire in the centre.
He didn’t realise he was staring until the alpha came back and put a hand on his shoulder, he jumped back from the touch, baring his teeth a little. He ignored the slight flinch of pain that crossed the alphas features, didn’t have time to question the reason why before he noticed growls coming from behind Luke, looking over the alphas’ shoulder to see two other wolves baring their teeth at him.
Before he could retaliate Luke turned towards them, “Jon, Brian lay down. He’s just a little spooked is all.” With one final growl they took a couple steps back, giving them space, and getting themselves out of their defensive positions, which did little to put him at ease. Against his will he felt himself relax slightly unsure as to why it was a moment later when he realised that the scent of the alpha had surrounded him again.
“C’mon Ryan, let me show you round. Don’ worry ‘bout them, they’re just not used to new faces.” The alpha slowly reached his hand out towards him, giving him plenty of time to to turn away, before putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, giving him another small smile before gently starting to guide him through the camp.
For the next 10 minutes the alpha showed him around, the fire pit they used for warmth and to cook food with as well as a small shed dedicated solely to the stockpile of logs he’s sure they prepared for the oncoming snow. He was introduced the other wolves in the camp, most of them barely sparing him a nod but he could feel their eyes sending daggers into his back. There was a few who came up to him to say their hellos, even going so far as to shake his hand, Brock if he remembers his name correctly, Craig and Anthony had all been welcoming towards him.
Overall, there were eight huts, one which was the alphas, the biggest one which looked like it could comfortably fit the whole pack if needed. The others were a lot smaller, he was told that there were several mated pairs within the pack and each pair had built their own cabin as a sign of their commitment to each other. There was a reasonable sized hut which was built for storage, it’s where any and all supplies were kept and only a few wolves had access to it. The final cabin was just a bit smaller than the alphas, made for those who remained unmated, however at the moment the only resident was Anthony, there were supposedly two other wolves, but they came and went as they pleased between their pack and another. This would be where he would stay and where Luke dropped him off, told him that dinner would be ready in a couple hours and that he’ll get fresh clothes brought to him.
He thanked the alpha, bowing before him, which caused a strange look to pass over the alphas face before he bid his farewells, leaving him to his own devices. He entered the cabin, looking briefly around the dimly lit living room before making his way to the rooms, choosing the one closest to the door which he couldn’t scent another wolf in.
It was a basic room, a double bed with a set of drawers and a basin, with some essentials like soap already supplied, on the drawers there was a small gas lamp which could be used to light the bare room. He sat on the bed, examining his surroundings and wondering how long this would last, without a doubt this had been the best he’d been treated since he’d been kicked out all those years ago.
He didn’t realise he’d fallen asleep until he heard a knock on his door, quickly jumping up and getting into a defensive pose, teeth bared, but all that greeted him was Brock jumping back slightly from the doorway. He couldn’t explain it, he had barely been here an hour, but he felt guilty for scaring the wolf, who timidly made his way into the room.
He backed down, mumbling an apology and giving what he hoped was a smile before sitting himself back down on the bed. He saw Brock cast a warm smile towards him, moving to sit next to him on the bed before placing a small pile of clothes in the gap between them.
“I’ve got these for you, they’re probably a bit too big but it’s all we have, sorry. On our next supply run we’ll try and find some stuff better suited for you”
He placed his hand on he clothes, feeling the material between his fingers, how soft it was, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten new clothes. He felt tears burn his eyes as he said his thanks, unable to look the wolf in the eyes, not wanting to slight him in any way.
“I’m gonna go turn the generator on for a bit so you can have some hot water and clean up. You’ve probably got half an hour before we gather for dinner, just let me know if you need anything, I’ll be in cabin 3 if you need me” With a final smile the wolf left the room and he let out the breath he’d been holding, looking at the clothes he’d been given. Whilst a bit too big they’d still fit him just fine and it wasn’t as if he was going to complain about the hospitality they’d shown him.
It was a minute later when he heard a gentle hum through the wall, getting up he moved to the basin and turned on the tap, waiting a moment for it to heat up before grabbing the hand towel nearby, wetting it slightly before wrapping the bar of soap in it. Holding the hand towel closed he rubbed it against his hand until a soapy lather started to form, stripping himself of his scant clothes he made the slow process of cleaning himself, taking the time to remove every bit of dirt and grime he could find. The last step involved removing the soap from the now black hand towel and rubbing it through his hair to act as shampoo before holding his head under the tap. Once clean he grabbed the towel on the rail and rubbed his hair a little in an effort to dry it before drying the rest of his body and donning the first clothes he grabbed hold of.
He looked out his window and noticed how much darker it looked, barely making out the darker shapes of the pack as they started to make their way to the fire. A small part of him wanted to join them, wanted to belong, but a larger part wanted to hide out in his room, to curl up under the bed and simply wait out his time here.
Just as he was starting to wrap himself within the duvet and settling himself on the bed he heard a knock on the front door. He didn’t move, hoping that if he didn’t answer that they’d leave.
“Ryan? Food’s ready” He heard Lukes’ voice through the door and as he got up to go to the door he told himself how if it had been anyone else he wouldn’t be answering the door. Opening the door, he saw Luke beam a smile down at him and couldn’t stop his own smile in return to the alpha.
“I see you got your clothes, they don’t seem too bad, but we’ll try and find something better fitting for you”
“Thank you Alpha” He kept his head down as he spoke, bowing slightly again before Luke stopped him.
“Please, call me Luke, I don’t like all that formal shit, and you don’t need to bow to anyone here, we’re all equals no matter the status” The alpha smiled back at him, speechless he could do nothing but nod.
“Luke if you don’t get your ass here I’m eating your share” A shout resounded through the night, breaking the moment between them before the alpha returned his own shout, making his way down the stairs and towards the fire.
“Don’t you fucking think about it bitch or I’ll chuck you in the river” He heard the alpha chuckle at the answering yelp he’d heard from the fire, the sound causing his heartrate to pick up ever so slightly as he made his slow descent down the stairs and towards the fire.
By the time he reached it almost everyone was sitting on the large logs encircling the fire, talking amicably with one another bar Anthony and Brock who appeared to be serving and distributing the food to the others. In this moment he felt nothing but an imposter, that he had no reason to belong with these people, choosing to sit on the floor, behind the logs in hopes to hide himself until he could slip back to his bed.
It made little difference however, for Brock made his way straight towards him with a bowl of food and some cutlery, everyone turning to see him hiding away and upon Brocks insistence he was moved to sit between Brock and Anthony. He kept his head down on his food, waiting to hear the others start their food before eating, unsure of the pack’s customs and so as not to insult them.
“As all of you know we have a new addition, this is Ryan, he’s gonna be staying with us for a while, at least until the storm passes, so I want you all to make him feel welcome” Without looking he could tell that the last part was directed at someone however, he wasn’t sure who, instead choosing to start eating when in the corner of his eye he saw Brock raise his fork to his mouth.
He tried to be as civil as he could, but it had been several days since he’d eaten and after the first two bites he couldn’t stop shovelling food into his mouth. It was only when half his plate was cleared and his mouth full that he looked around at the others, he noticed a couple of distasteful looks aimed his way and that’s when he saw their plates. The pack had barely half of what he had, and he couldn’t stop the crushing feeling of guilt and shame, he quickly put his fork down and put the plate on the floor, ignoring the looks he could feel coming from the two wolves beside him.
“I know I’m not a chef but the food ain’t that bad is it?” He heard Anthony whisper to him and once again that crushing feeling came back.
“No, it’s great, thank you” He bowed his head slightly towards the younger man, ignoring the questioning look the man threw at him in favour of looking at his hands.
“If it’s so good why aren’t you eating it then?”
He sighed, finding the situation inescapable. “I’ve got twice the food of anyone here and that isn’t fair, I know food is scarce at the minute. I’d rather this goes to someone who needs it.” He nodded as if trying to reaffirm his own statement to himself.
“Ryan the only person here who needs that food is you. We eat almost every day no matter how small, when was the last time you ate?”
His silence spoke volumes and in an answer to that Anthony picked his plate up off the floor and returned it to his hands. “Eat, please. Don’t worry ‘bout the others, they’re just a bunch of little bitches when the attention isn’t on them anymore”
Beside him he saw Brock stamp his foot onto the wolf the other side of him “The fock was that for?” was shouted which was only followed with laughter around the camp.
“You know what” Brock laughed, and he couldn’t stop the small smile that formed on his face, picking up his fork to start eating again. He was quick to extinguish the flicker of hope that ignited in his chest that maybe he could belong with these people.
He’d been staying with the BBS pack for 9 days now and tensions were high, he could tell that most of them didn’t want him there, but Luke refused to compromise, insisting he stayed until the snow storm passed. It didn’t help that none of them had eaten for a couple of days, after that first night he’d been given portions similar to the rest of the pack however, they’d officially run out of food. Luke, Tyler, Brian, Jon and Marcel had all gone out with their guns over the last 4 days in an effort to hunt some food for them to eat, apart from a couple rabbits Marcel had caught they’d had no luck.
He was laying under Lukes’ cabin, a common occurrence, choosing to spend most nights here as although it was a lot colder than his own bed, being near the alpha comforted him a lot more than he’d like to admit, only able to sleep here in the biting cold as opposed to his bed. However, he was stirred awake by the sound of raised voices above him.
“He can’t stay here Luke, you know that as well as me” He heard Jons’ voice through the floor, although not blood he’d learnt that the younger wolf was as good as a brother to Luke, and in some cases could be the only one to talk sense into the alpha.
“I can’t kick him out, you’ve seen him he wouldn’t last two minutes. Knowing he’s out there in this weather doesn’t sit right with me and you’re lying to yourself if you say it doesn’t bother you too”
“We’ve turned away plenty of wolves before in worse weather, actual wolves who could benefit us, but you turn them away every time, and yet you bring in this dog –“
“Don’t call him that! He’s a wolf just like any of us” Lukes outburst surprised him, he didn’t expect such an outspoken response in his defence, he could almost feel Lukes anger at Jons’ words.
“You keep telling yourself that then, but he’s nothing more than a lap dog and you know it, if you’re not careful you’re gonna lose the pack”
“Is that a threat?” There was a tense pause and he could sense the standoff between the two wolves above him. “I thought you’d be the last person to threaten me Jonathan, after everything we’ve been through, everything I’ve done for you”
“It’s a warning, there’s talk around the camp that you’re no longer fit to lead, hell I’ve heard Tyler’s’ thinking about challenging you for pack alpha.” He heard Jon give a defeated sigh before he spoke again, almost a whisper “I love you Luke, but you need to do what’s best for the pack. Why are you so set on him staying here?”
“It’s complicated” he could almost feel the emotions thick in his throat he’s sure Luke’s trying to choke down and it’s then that he decides he can’t listen anymore.
Tears he didn’t realise he was shedding were burning down his cheeks, leaving a sharp sting as the cold wind whipped at his face as he left his shelter under Lukes’ cabin. They thought he was useless, nothing more than burden, but maybe if he proved himself, showed them he could be of use then they’d let him stay.
He ran out the camp, easily manoeuvring through the trees as he headed towards the direction of the river, following it downstream, and revelling in the feeling of the cold air burn through his lungs until he found what he was looking for.
A large herd of deer were grazing near the river, as quietly as he could he washed himself in the water in an effort to hide his scent before heading down wind from them. He climbed a nearby tree, carefully moving along the low branches of the closely packed trees until he was almost sitting over the herd, lying in wait to make his move.
It wasn’t long before the herd slowly made their way toward to him, unaware of the danger lurking above, he let some of the smaller deer pass by, waiting for his prize. A large deer, almost twice the weight of him was grazing on the remaining foliage under him, without a thought he dropped down, landing on top of the deer before bringing his claws down on its throat and snapped its neck for good measure before jumping off of it.
The deer having been made aware of the danger started to runn off in an effort to escape him, he left the large deer as he ran after the herd, expending all his energy, until he eventually caught up to them. He leapt onto the closest one, it was sick and slower than the rest, clearly used as a sacrifice to let the other deer escape but he didn’t care, food was food.
He made quick work of killing the deer before dragging it to the one he’d killed earlier, he allowed himself to catch his breath, happy with what he’d caught and hoping Luke would be proud of his hunt. The two deer should be able to feed the pack for at least a week and a half and would hopefully show them that he had some worth, that although he looked like a dog he could be just as much of a wolf as any of them.
He tore up his shirt, using it to tie the hooves of the deer together and making a small handle he could use to pull them with, however, he was now only left in a thin t-shirt, although somewhat durable in the cold he wasn’t immune, and the counter had started as to how long he could survive.
With a final breath he started pulling the deer the way he came, he didn’t make it far before a sweat started to form, and his muscles ache. He kept pulling, having no idea where he was in relation to the camp, it was only when night started to descend, and his muscles ached so badly that he could barely take another step that he collapsed. He let out a howl, it was nowhere near as powerful as a wolf’s, nor did it hold the power and menace that a wolf’s did, he just hoped someone heard it.
He let out another weaker howl before standing back up and trying his hardest to pull the deer further through the wilderness. It was a few minutes later that he heard several sets of footsteps racing towards him and he panicked, not knowing if they were friend or foe, he was in no state to fight, until he heard a familiar heartbeat leading the small following, the same heartbeat he fell asleep to, Luke had come for him.
“Ryan what the fuck are you doing out here” Luke shouted towards him as the alpha ran at him, barely catching him before he face planted the forest floor.
“Got some food” he smiled up at the alpha, noticing the alpha look past him at the two deer, a myriad of emotions cross his face before facing him again, giving him a small smile.
“You did good Ryan; can you stand for a minute?”
He nodded, putting all his energy into holding himself up as Luke let him go, trying not to pay attention to how much he missed his warmth. Luke then took off his jacket and wrapped it around him, too tired to stop himself he wrapped himself in the jacket and buried his head in it, taking a deep breath of the scent that accompanied the warm coat. Before he could take a step Luke picked him up bridal style, before turning back to the other wolves that had joined him.
“Tyler, Brian grab the deer and get it back to Anthony.” Without a word they did as he said, and they started to make their way back to the camp. He’s on the verge of sleep, letting everything about Luke lull him into slumber he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. He nosed his way into Lukes’ neck too far gone to notice how Lukes heartrate spiked at the motion or the alpha tug him ever closer against himself.
“Is he gonna be alright?” consciousness started to filter through his sleep, barely picking up the sound of Lukes’ voice beside him.
“Yeah he’ll be fine, just needs to keep warm and rested for the next couple days”
“Thanks Scotty” he felt a large warm hand grab his own and he fought the urge to squeeze it, wanting to see what would happen next.
“If I may ask Luke, why are you so insistent about him staying here?”
“Not you too”
“I’m only asking. If I didn’t know any better I’d say –“
“Yes”  He could hear the strain in Lukes voice and could almost feel the sympathy radiating off of Scotty.
“Does he know?”
“It’s complicated” Lukes voice was hoarse as he spoke, something he didn’t expect to hear from the alpha, he could tell that in this moment Luke felt vulnerable.
“I’m sure it is” He heard Scotty huff a laugh as he got up from his seat next to him. “I won’t tell the others, it should come from you, but I wouldn’t wait too long. Whilst we all appreciate what he did, some of the others feel slighted, if not for you at least do it to protect him.”
He heard Luke sigh beside him “I know you’re right, but I can’t, not yet”
“Good night Luke”
The sound of the door clicking shut resounded around the room, putting an end to the conversation, all he could hear was Luke breathing beside him and a moment later he felt a hand rub through his hair, lightly scratching behind his hears and lulling him back to sleep.
He woke up as someone was gently shaking him, opening his eyes to see Brocks’ gentle eyes staring down at him, bright smile on his face.
“C’mon dinners ready, Luke want’s you to be there” He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he did so. “Doctors orders are to keep warm so here’s a coat for you and you can take the duvet out with you if you want”
He grabbed the coat that was offered him, instantly picking up Lukes scent and wrapping it around himself before making his way out of the bed, wincing at the painful twinge he felt in his legs, Brock grabbing hold of him before he could fall back onto the bed.
“I may have over done it” he huffed out, Brock only offering a small laugh as he wrapped him in the duvet and led him out the cabin and towards the fire. Despite being wrapped up he could still feel a chill deep in his bones, the fire did little to help, shivering where he sat and only moving to gratefully accept the hot food handed to him.
He noticed Luke move to stand next to him, shooting him a smile before addressing the pack.
“Right now, I want y’all to thank Ryan for hunting this food for us.” A resounding chorus of thank yous’ sounded around the fire, he was just about to start eating his food before Luke interrupted again. “Tyler, Brian I didn’t hear you say thank you”. There was a pause before a couple of mumbles were heard, apparently good enough for Luke he gave them permission to start eating.
He tried to eat however, his hand kept shaking and moving made his blankets open, causing even more cold air to penetrate the little warmth he had. He had a couple mouthfuls before giving up, choosing to wrap himself up even tighter rather than eating, at least that was until Luke picked up his plate and pressed a forkful of food up to his mouth. He cast the alpha a strange look before accepting the food, in the corner of his eye noticed some of the pack casting them strange glances.
He let Luke feed him his plateful of food, the food having warmed him up slightly and somewhat stop his shivering until everyone was done and disbanded. He was ordered to go to his room to rest, but he only did so to drop off the duvet before sneaking out to his spot under Lukes’ cabin. It was the coldest night by far and he’s sure he could make out the beginnings of snowfall but still he stayed. He tried for what felt like an eternity trying to get to sleep but not even Lukes’ coat wrapped tight around him could keep him warm. He was just about to leave to go to his room when he heard Lukes’ voice filter through the night.
“Ryan! What the hell are you doing out here! Come out of there now!”
He quickly made his way out from under the patio, he felt himself being wrapped up in something and all but dragged into the alphas cabin.
“What the hell were you thinking Ryan! You’re supposed to be keeping warm, and that’s pretty fucking far from it”
“ ‘m sorry” he sniffled into the throw he was now wrapped in, trying to hide himself from the alphas wrath who had started to pace the room, rubbing a hand down his face before letting out a long sigh.
“It’s okay, c’mon lets get you to bed” He was bracing himself to be hit with cold air and to be escorted back to his cabin, but instead Luke lead him through to his bedroom, laying him down on the bed before wishing him goodnight, leaving the door slightly ajar as the alpha returned to his living room.
He tossed and turned in an effort to fall asleep but to no avail, he wasn’t sure how long it had been since Luke tucked him in, but he slowly made his way out the bed and quietly made his way to the living room where he saw Luke working at his desk.
He lay down at Lukes feet, curling around them and letting the alphas body heat warm him up more than any fire could. “What the –“ Luke jumped back from his seat before settling back down. “Ryan-“ he ignored Lukes’ protects in favour of settling closer against Lukes legs, hearing the man sigh before continuing his work.
He doesn’t know when he fell asleep, but he was shaken awake by Luke “c’mon, time for bed” he slowly got up, dragging his feet towards Lukes’ room but noticed the wolf didn’t follow him, instead making himself comfortable on his couch. He stood there in the doorway unsure how to proceed, he was just about to make his way to the couch when Luke gave him an ultimatum.
“You sleep in my bed Ryan, I’ll stay here” there it was, his alpha voice and try as he might he couldn’t resist it, so he slowly made his way back to Lukes’ bed and lay down, however, once again he couldn’t get to sleep.
He waited for what felt like an eternity in the hopes that Luke had fallen asleep, quietly creeping out of the room and laying down on the floor against the couch, Lukes’ hand was slightly hanging off of the couch so that the back of the alphas fingers would graze his back with every breath he took.
“You can’t sleep either huh?” he jumped slightly at the sound of Lukes voice in the quiet, glad for the darkness so that Luke couldn’t see the blush colouring his face red, although by the chuckle Luke made he’s sure the alpha already knew. “C’mon then, you’ve convinced me”
When Luke moved to get up, he stood up off of the floor, following Luke into the bedroom and allowed the alpha to get into the bed first before curling up at the bottom of the bed by his feet.
“Watcha doin’?” he could feel Lukes’ penetrating gaze in the dark and he felt so small in that moment. He wasn’t sure how to answer, how was he supposed to say that in the past if he wanted a bed this was how he had to sleep, another insult due to his appearance. “I mean if you’re more comfortable down there that’s fine, but you’re welcome to sleep up here with me, in fact I’d prefer that”
“You mean it?” it was said so quietly he’s surprised that he could hear it.
“Every word”
At that he crawled up the bed, lying as close to the edge as he dared go, not wanting to impose on the alphas space, however Luke had different ideas had different ideas. He felt a warm arm wrap around him and pull him deeper into the bed until he was pressed up against Luke, silently grateful that Luke kept his arm wrapped tight around him after he’d been moved.
“Is this okay?” He could hear the vulnerability crack through Lukes voice. He hummed in response, settling himself against Lukes warm body which managed to finally drive away the chill that had settled in him.
He hummed when Luke buried his face against the back of his neck, as much as he wanted to fall asleep a question burned in the back of his brain.
“Luke?” he whispered into the darkness, feeling more than hearing the alpha hum as an answer. “Do you have a mate?” he felt the wolf become tense, holding in his breath, he thought that he may have crossed a boundary, that he’d be told to leave before Luke answered.
“Yes” It was a curt response, and from the sound of it he didn’t want to go any further with his answer, but he didn’t want to leave the awkward tension in the room.
“Where are they?”
“It’s complicated”
“Is it true what they say when you meet your mate? That your whole being changes?” He couldn’t hide the hope in his voice, when he was young he’d held onto the belief that there was someone for everyone, that one day he’d find someone who could look past his outside and love him for who he was.
“I didn’t know this was 21 questions”
“I’m sorry, I jus-“
“Hey, hey, Ryan, it’s okay I was just joking with ya” He felt his face heat up as Lukes hand ran up and down his abdomen at the words, he sure was done to done reassure him. “Yes, it’s true. When I became alpha of this pack I put everything into them, making sure they had food, warmth, safety…a home. But, then my mate came along and ever since I’ve been distracted, too focused on them and what they’re doing, that it’s started to affect my abilities as pack alpha. The hardest part is I don’t even think they know we’re mates”
He turned in Lukes’ arms shocked, looking down at the alpha in surprise “What?!? How could that happen? Mates know each other on sight! I’ve never heard of mates being unaware of each other”
“Well I guess that just makes me extra special then” There was a bitterness to Lukes voice, showing that he felt so much different than what he said, he frowned down at the alpha about to open his mouth to ask more about the situation when Luke pulled him back down against the bed. “C’mon Ryan, bed time”
He clicked his tongue at the patronizing tone the alpha shot at him, giving his own remark of “Goodnight Alpha” before burrowing into the bed against Luke, letting the soft almost purr like growl he could feel resonate in Luke send him to sleep.
The next day neither said a word to one another about that night, he had offered to make Luke some form of breakfast, however, the alpha had graciously declined and asked him to return to his own cabin. He felt a pain a chest, the strong feeling of rejection almost like a slap in the face as he said his goodbyes and left the cabin without another word, only acknowledging the strange look Jon shot his way as he walked through the cam in the early hours that morning.
Although Craig had heralded him as the camps saviour, Luke had given strict orders that he was not to leave camp under any circumstances unless accompanied, much to his dismay. Some of the pack members weren’t as happy as others about his earlier hunting expedition and had taken it upon themselves to insult him.
Most of the wolves had left for a supply run, looking for anything that could potentially be of use to them. When they came back a dog’s toy was chucked his way, clearly meant to patronise he took the insult on the chin, thanking them for their kind gift before sneaking off under Lukes cabin to play with it. Whilst he’d been embarrassed about it in the past, this was something he allowed himself as a guilty pleasure, why couldn’t he have toys? If anything, his almost dog like appearance meant he could get away with such actions.
For the next few days whenever the pack went out they’d come back with some kind of gift for him, from plushies to tennis balls to tug a ropes, he kept them all under Lukes cabin, and if Jon happened to notice a tennis ball roll out from under Lukes’ patio he didn’t say anything about it, instead kicking it back under and continuing about his duties.
It was a week later when the snow had finally started to settle that he started to get antsy, eager to explore the now crisp white wilderness and the beauty of the woods in the snow. For the most part he hated winter, hated the cold, the longer and darker nights and especially the lack of food but he’d always loved the snow. When he was a pup he remembers he’d play in the snow for hours with his friends, staying long after they’d gone and only leaving when the chill began too much to bear and most of his body was numb.
He waited for the perfect moment to make his escape, that morning Jon was supposed to be taking over watch from Marcel however, it had become routine for the younger wolf to leave his post after a few minutes in favour of seeking out Evan, only returning back to his post a couple hours later when he knew the pack would start to wake.
It was in this time that he slipped out of the cabin, moving as quietly as he could in the still morning as the freshly laden snow crunched under his feet. When he deemed himself to be a suitable distance away he ran and ran, he kept running until all breath had left his lungs, admiring his surroundings as he caught his breath and watching it condense into the chill early morning air.
He started running again, more leisurely this time so that he could take in his surroundings. He wanted to get to know these woods, to make them his home in the hopes that Luke would make him part of the pack, that he could finally have somewhere to belong. He wasn’t sure how far he’d gone but he decided to get a better look at the frozen landscape, easily scaling a nearby tree to take a seat on one of the branches, watching silence settle over the forest once more.
It was eerily beautiful and a scene he could watch for hours if it wasn’t for the pricking on the back of his neck, the feeling of eyes watching him in the silence. He jumped off of the tree, landing gracefully on his feet before turning into a low defensive stance where he was met with a cougar, also poised defensively. This wasn’t the first time he’d come across a cougar, most of the time he left them be, not wanting to start a fight he couldn’t win, hell one time he’d somehow befriended one, the cougar having hunted food for him when he was at deaths door.
This time he stared down the cougar as they started to slowly circle each other, he didn’t want to fight the anima sol instead lay carefully in the snow, belly exposed. It was a risky move, but experience had told him predators were always curious about acts of submission and this one was no different, the big cat cautiously approached him, sniffing around him as he went.
He remained still, allowing the animal time to feel comfortable around him before he felt a heavy paw hit into his side, however there was no pain accompanying it, showing the animal had had no intention of harming in. Cautiously he got up before offering his palm to the cougar who sniffed it before giving it a playful nip.
He spent the next few hours playing with the young cougar, chasing down one another and fighting until the other would yield, each of them coming out with small scrapes but neither intended to seriously harm the other.
It was when darkness was starting to settle that he realised how late it was, and that he had absolutely no idea where he was. He could smell that he was no longer in his pack’s territory, panic choking at his throat as it got ever darker. The cougar seemed to sense his distress and nuzzled his legs in an attempt to comfort him which did little to help, the animal lightly bit down on his hand and started pulling him, as if leading him somewhere.
Understanding what the cougar was doing he gently pulled his hand away and a second later the animal was sprinting away, he was hot on its heels, following it as it navigated its way through the trees. It was almost pitch black when he finally knew he was back in his pack’s territory, relief washing over him.
He thanked the cougar, giving it one last look as it slinked away back into the trees, before heading in the direction he thought the camp was, however it wasn’t long before the sharp metallic tang of blood caught his nose and panic flared in him again, it was Wolfs blood.
Not a moment later a piercing, almost pained howl broke through the night, it was Luke, his Alpha, his pack were in trouble. He sprinted as fast as he could to where he heard the howl come from, even when his legs started to ache, and his chest burn he kept running until finally he reached the camp.
The sight that met him was far from reassuring, several of the cabins were on fire and the ones that weren’t were completely ransacked, there were several blood pools around the camp, no doubt where fights had taken place. He couldn’t stop the thoughts racing through his head, getting darker and darker when he caught the scent of Lukes blood in the air.
Someone had come and taken his pack, his family and he didn’t want to think about the implications if they were dead, but he’d be damned if he didn’t go down fighting for them. It wasn’t hard to find the deep tyre tracks that ran out the camp, even in the pitch black of night, even now he could smell the faint scent of Luke and he held onto that, onto the hope that the alpha was still alive.
Without a second thought he ran into the darkness, thoughts of revenge driving him ever further into the darkness.
It was a couple hours before dawn when he finally reached the town who held captive his pack, although dark he could hear life within the small town which was a stark contrast to his own.
He lingered in the treeline by the entrance which was guarded by three wolves, each with some form of firearm. He sat there analysing them, but the wolves simply stood at their post’s stoic as ever, however he saw two of them waver where they stood every now and then, evidently not as used to this lifestyle as their companion, showcasing their inexperience.
He was just about to move in order to try and find another entrance into the walled town, when he heard a crackly voice filter its way through a walkie talkie worn by leader.
“All units converge on the main square, some of the ARGH-“
“Sam! Sam! Come in Sam! Shit, I told them not to separate the mates, fucking idiots I swear. Hall you’re with me, Manon keep watch”
With that two of the wolves ran into the town, leaving a rather nervous looking wolf to man the entrance, he silently thanked his pack for inadvertently causing a distraction, it was only too easy now.
He snapped a twig, watching as the wolf aimed his gun in his direction and shouted into the darkness, despite not hearing a response the young wolf edged his way towards him until he was right on the edge of the treeline. He attacked without a second though, teeth aiming for the jugular, he doesn’t want to kill these wolves, but they threatened his pack and if some happen to die in the process then he’s not against it.
He leaves the twitching body in a hedge, he almost feels guilty but if the wolf lives for a few hours the injury would start to heal, he snapped the gun against a nearby tree, the downed wolf could only stare up at him in horror. He gave one final look at him, showing the wolf that he was being spared before he slipped through the darkness and into the town.
He moved silently from street to street, coming across several guards who he easily managed to overpower, hiding their bodies in alcoves to avoid suspicion. It wasn’t long before he reached the centre square and there he saw his pack in chains too tight and cages too small whilst their captures poked and prodded at them.
He easily spotted Luke, the alpha was in some sort of device which held him in a somewhat compromising position with his head forced to the floor and ass in the air, the ultimate sign of disrespect. He felt a growl build low in his throat and he had to stop himself in danger of exposing himself.
“Team 2 come in” he heard the wolf that had been at the gate speak into his walkie talkie, annoyance flitted across his face when no response was heard, and he couldn’t help but smile at himself. “Team 2 come in” again there was no answer and some of the other wolves had noticed the beginnings of worry from the wolf who he supposes is their alpha.
“Team 5 come in” There was still no answer and he couldn’t help the bright grin that spread across his face, knowing that he was the reason why. “I swear if you guys are pulling some sort of joke I’ll have your asses in the cell again.” He saw the alpha start to pace in his worry, raking his hand through his hair as he kept talking into the device hoping to hear something. “PICK UP YOUR DAMN WALKIES!! NOW!!” When there was still no response and the wolves started to murmur amongst each other, did the alpha take control.
“Okay, team 3 go to base, see if Mary and Neil are there, and take these just in case” the alpha chucked a couple of small pistols at the two younger wolves before they quickly scurried out of the square. “Team 4 go to the gate, I sent Jane and Anita to relieve Manon, make sure he’s okay up there” Three wolves nodded, picking up their own guns before walking through the street towards the edge of the town.
He decided not to watch any further, instead putting his focus into the wolves heading towards the wall. He was able to quickly flit between houses until he was ahead of them using the element of surprise to his advantage. His back was pressed against the side of a house and he could hear his prey moving ever closer, he waited until they were almost past him before making his move, kicking his leg out and knocking the closest wolf to the floor before lunging for the next one’s throat. By the time the third wolf had realised what was happening and raised his gun, he’d moved away.
Years on the run had made him faster, more agile than the typical wolf, allowing him to quickly dodge around the two remaining wolves. It wasn’t long until one of them made a mistake causing them to expose their back to him. He was quick to take advantage, digging his claws down across the others back, the wolf letting out a howl of pain before collapsing to the floor, unconscious.
The final wolf looked at him in terror and sure enough was on his knees begging for mercy, he dropped his gun to plead at him to let him go, however he couldn’t afford to waste more time, darting his hand out and grasping it around the wolfs throat, gripping tighter and tighter until the wolf went limp in his hand.
He ran to the other side of the street and started navigating through the houses, eventually coming across the two wolves who had been sent to inspect the base, as they were returning to the alpha. He managed to move up behind them, using his hands to keep their mouths shut as he dragged them into a small alley between two houses where he made short work of dealing with them. Once done he quickly made his way back to the centre square where he was meet with the sight of a very nervous looking alpha.
“They should’ve been back by now, all of them should’ve been back. Something’s wrong” It seemed as if the alpha was talking to himself  but then he noticed a few wolves stand from their crouched positions behind the cages which his pack were still in.
“Maybe the walkies went down? Wouldn’t be the first time”
“Every walkie? Each with a battery back up? Even if they did we should’ve seen someone by now, it’s like a fucking ghost town.”
“Maybe they know something about it?” At that he saw the alpha perk up before making his way to Lukes’ cage, reaching through the bars to grab him by the hair and lift his head up out the dirt towards him.
“Do you know something about my pack disappearin’ huh?” Luke simply spat in his eye not giving the other alpha even a glance before his face was shoved hard into the stone. “You wanna try that again bitch? Now tell me do you know what’s going on?” Still Luke refused to answer, only glaring down the other alpha who simply sighed before turning back to his remaining pack. “It appears you’ve left me without another choice. Tim get my poker, maybe we’ll get some answers if we start getting them to squeal. Sam why don’t you get my kit from the truck, I’m sure you’d like your hand at a bit of revenge”
“Gladly” he noticed the wolf, Sam limp away in whatever direction he needed to be, glad that someone had managed to get a bite out of him.
With that the two wolves left, only leaving the alpha and another wolf in the square, as tempting as it was he had to stop the other two first, once again leaving his post to follow the larger of the two wolves. He didn’t go far before the wolf had gotten what he was after, a red-hot poker, knowing that he had to make his move now he ran for the wolf and was preparing to lunge when the wolf turned, brandishing the poker as a weapon. He barely managed to move out of the way, feeling the heat of the poker against his face as he quickly side stepped the next attack. In the corner of his eye he saw a small sharp hook hanging out the wall, which looked to have been part of some larger mechanism which had since been removed, not that he overly cared.
He kept lunging forward, forcing his attacker to keep stepping backwards in order to keep distance between them, each time the poker getting closer and closer as fatigue set in. It was with a final swing of the poker that he kicked the other wolfs chest, forcing him backwards onto the exposed hook, causing him to drop the poker which he quickly retrieved, digging it into the larger wolfs chest and twisting before pulling it out.
He examined his new weapon briefly, getting a feel for it as he caught his breath from the fight, with a final grimace he made his way back to the square, speeding up when he heard a piercing scream penetrate the quiet of the town.
When he got there he watched in horror as he saw one of the wolves, Sam, digging a scalpel into Tyler’s’ chest. With each cut there was another scream, gradually getting weaker and weaker, but they weren’t Tyler’s’, they were Craig’s’. Although not physically hurt, his mating bond with Tyler meant that he could feel every agonizing drag of the tool through his partners chest and Tyler was helpless to stop it, Craig’s’ screams seemed to be a better form of torture than whatever the wolf was doing to him.
He turned his eyes to the alpha who was still by Luke, trying to get any word he could out of him by any means necessary, but still he refused to talk. The third wolf seemed to be taunting Jon, a dangerous game to play even when he was in a good mood, telling him in every agonising, explicit detail about how he was going to make Evan his bitch in every way possible, while all he could was watch. Even from this distance he could see the fury in Jons’ eyes, see the hundred and one ways he’d already plotted this wolfs death.
He decided it was now or never, it was time to make his final move. He decided to go for the one near Jon, he was the furthest away and getting him down will favour his odds. As he slowly approached, poker in hand, he saw Jon look back at him briefly, silent recognition on his face as he kept the wolf in front of him distracted.
In one fast movement he impaled the wolfs shoulder, Jons hand darting out the cage to muffle any screams he may have made. He made sure his blow was none fatal, stabbing the poker into his leg as well for good measure, waiting until he had passed from pain or blood loss or even both, when freed he’s sure Jon will want to be the one to kill him.
The other two wolves seemed unaware of the fate of their companion, too intent on torturing the wolves in front of them. Jon shot him a worried glance, all he could do was give what he hoped was a reassuring nod before he made his final move.
He ran towards the wolf torturing Tyler, poker raised in hand, not caring how much noise he made now. Seeing what he was doing, Scotty and Nogla reached through their cage to grab hold of the wolfs arms when he turned to see what was coming towards him. The wolf struggled helplessly, fear clear in its eyes and screaming in its panic as he got closer until he was near enough to stab the poker into its chest. He didn’t look to see what damage he’d done, eyes focused on the alpha who now turned to notice him.
He crashed into the alpha who had only just managed to get his arms free of Lukes’ cage, causing them to fall to the floor. They grappled with one another, claws slicing into whatever skin they could reach and teeth constantly aiming for the others’ throat. Behind him he could hear shouts and cheers from his friends, spurring him on as he pushed through the pain and fatigue that was settling over him.
All it took was one wrong move and he was pinned against floor, the other alpha looming over him, twisted grin on his face as he raised his hand to give the final blow. It was then that a pained shout broke their fight and they both turned to see Luke looking on, helpless, with tears in his eyes, the other alphas grin getting even sicker.
“I’ll give you whatever you want just don’t hurt him, please” It was crushing to see Luke in this type of pain, he looked into his eyes, trying to convey everything he felt to his alpha before the killing blow.
“So now you wanna talk huh? Now I got your little runts life in between my hands” Despite the alpha’s words, he could feel the hold on his limbs weaken slightly, and whilst the wolf was distracted he wasted no time in his attack.
He lunged up, easily breaking the hold the alpha had on him, unable to defend himself he made quick work of tearing his teeth through the alphas throat. He kept tearing away at the now long dead wolf when Luke talked him down “Ryan you did it, he’s dead. You did so good, but could you get us out of these cages now”
He stared at his alpha, the world seeming to come into focus again and he got up, blood still dripping from his chin as he approached Lukes’ cage.
“The keys-“ Before Luke could finish his sentence he’d grabbed hold of the doors and pulled it off, ignoring a couple whistles he heard from the pack, he entered Lukes’ cage, snapping off the device so that Luke could move again and make his way out the cage.
He then went round breaking off the doors to each cage whilst Luke followed, keys in hand to remove them from their shackles. Once everyone was freed and had stretched out the pain in their joints from being in such a small space for a large amount of time, they swarmed him.
Thanking and congratulating him for saving them, asking numerous questions about how he escaped, where he learnt how to kick ass and if he could teach them. He was quickly being overwhelmed, not used to so much attention and adoration from people, he didn’t know where to begin, grateful when Luke swooped in to save him.
“I’m sure we all have questions for Ryan but for now, just say thanks, it’s been a long day for all of us. Everyone go grab whatever you can find that’s of use and load that truck. Jon, Tyler I’ll leave you two to deal with the wolves still alive” He’s sure he must look like something out of a horror story, blood covering his mouth and hands and dripping down his chin, but he’s sure he’s never seen anything scarier than the dangerous glint that shone in both those wolves’ eyes at Lukes’ words, happily going off to complete their duties. “Ryan I want to talk to privately for a minute”
Confused he followed the alpha into one of the now abandoned houses, barely shutting the door behind him before he was shoved back against the door, his legs being lifted up around Lukes’ hips, and said alphas lips pressed hard against his own.
He lost all brain function, unable to form a single coherent thought, simply letting himself be kissed by the alpha before the wolf pulled back, panic in his eyes. He was dropped gently back to the floor before Luke took several steps back, hands up defensively, and he could feel every ounce of fear, pain and rejection that Luke felt in that moment.
“Shit, I’m so sorry Ryan, I didn-, I thought- shitshitshit” The alpha was pacing nervously around the room, almost on the edge of tears as he kept repeating the same words. That’s when everything seemed to click, he was in love with Luke, more than that Luke was his mate and right now his mate needed him.
He moved from his place by the door and headed straight towards Luke, before the alpha could say a word he grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer, holding their lips together once again. There was barely a second of hesitation before Luke melted into the kiss, once again lifting him up before propping him up on a nearby table.
They parted for air, whilst he was trying to form any thought that wasn’t purely Luke, said wolf was nipping gently at his neck, he was more than happy to oblige the alpha and craned his head to allow Luke more space to work with, weaving his own fingers through the alphas soft, dark hair.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was hoarse as he spoke and felt Luke give one last sharp nip at his neck before looking back at him.
“I wanted you to find out on your own. I didn’t want to put any kind of pressure on you, I wanted you to like me for me, not just because our biology says you have to” Happy with the response he kissed Luke again, who pushed him further down onto the table so that the wolf was almost on top of him.
He was about to hitch his leg around Lukes’ waist in an attempt to get some much-desired friction when the alpha pulled his leg off of him and put it back down against the table, causing Luke to chuckle lightly at the confused look he’s sure is on his face.
“I want to, trust me” with those words the alpha moved his hips forward slightly, and it couldn’t be more obvious that Luke wanted it, however, Luke quickly moved his hips away again, stopping any attempt he may have made about wearing away at the alpha’s defences. “But, I want to do this properly. I want to court you like any good alpha should.”
Not one to be easily defeated he lifted his hips up, barely catching Lukes’ to get some sort of friction, before the alpha grabbed his hips and held them against the table.
“You’re gonna be the death of me I swear” He shivered as Luke growled the words in his ear, wrapping his arms around his broad shoulders before looking up at him.
“Please Alpha” he put on his best puppy dog eyes and hoped he was sticking his bottom lip out in a pout, silently cheering himself as he watches Lukes’ willpower shatter, the alpha once again leaning into his ear.
“I really don’t want our first time to be on some shitty table in some shitty town surrounded by dead dickheads.” Despite his words though, Luke still pressed his body against his, causing a whine to escape from his mouth, which only seems to spur Luke on as the alpha started to kiss his up his neck until he reached his mouth, taking all the time in world to explore his mouth whilst he slowly starts to move their hips together.
When they break apart he’s helpless to Lukes’ attack, can only hold on as he pleads to his alpha for something, anything, which Luke is all to happy to give him.
“Luke…Alpha” those words caused some sort of guttural growl to come from deep within Lukes chest, causing the alpha to renew the attack on his throat, what started out as playful nips get harder and he’s sure he’s going to come out with several large markings littering his throat by the end, before Luke once again presses their lips together.
They’re too focused on one another that they don’t hear the knock on the door, or said door open, only hear the disgusted shrieks of Jon who quickly left the room claiming to be scarred for life, causing them both to reluctantly part and to get off of the table. A moment later Tyler’s’ at the door telling them that everything’s packed and ready to go, giving the pair a final smirk before joining the others outside.
Luke gives him one final peck before leading him outside, calling the pack together before they head off. “At nightfall tomorrow Ryan will be sworn into the pack and will formally become my mate, if any of you fuckers disagree you can fight me on it” He paused, almost daring someone to challenge him but when there was no response forthcoming he continued. “Good, now lets get the fuck outta here”.
He started to follow Luke to the cockpit of the van before the alpha stopped him. “I don’t want to offend you Ryan but if you’re up there with me I’ll probably crash the truck” clearly put out Luke pressed a kiss to his forehead “We have plenty of time to catch up, don’t worry”.
With that Luke headed towards the driver seat whilst he made his way into the back of the truck, before he was stopped by Tyler.
“Look I know I’ve been harsh on you” He could only give the alpha a pointed look, causing the other wolf to look somewhat guilty as he continued “Okay I’ve been a dick, but it’s only because this pack means everything to me and I’d do anything to protect them. You did what I couldn’t, you saved them, and I’ll owe you for that, you and Luke will make great pack alphas”
“Thank you, Tyler” his throat was clogged with emotion, Tyler being the last person to expect any sort of praise from. The alpha simply patted his shoulder before leaving him to join Luke in the front, he climbed into the back, Brock quickly handing him a wipe which he only stared at confused.
“For the blood” His face grew red as he realised he still had blood staining his chin and hands, quickly wiping away as much of it as he could and graciously accepting a second one when Brock offered it. “So, you and Luke huh?”
“Uh yeah, me and Luke”
It was then that Anthony started to laugh quietly to himself, causing everyone to turn to him until he could stop long enough to explain himself. “Looks like you’re going to have to cancel your weekend plans Craig, Tyler’s’ going to have to do Lukes’ duties now that he’s going to be busy this weekend.” Everybody groaned, Craig especially, whilst Anthony kept giggling to himself.
Eventually quiet settled around them, he watched as the sun peeked over the horizon, casting the world into gold haze, the past 24 hours quickly catching up to him and as he felt his eyes droop he had the resounding thought that he was finally going home.
Since that day rumours spread amongst other packs about him, how they even started no one knows but if he was to place money on it he’d say it was Jon. He was called some giant wolf beast that took down an entire pack with nothing but his bare hands, how he had claws as sharp as razors, and who could move so fast that if you blinked, you’d miss him.
Needless to say, packs from far and wide tried to treaty with them, to form some sort of alliance, because who wouldn’t want some kind of beast straight from your nightmares on their team. Unsurprisingly, they were more than disappointed when they arrived to be met with him, barely scraping 5’5”, soft hazel eyes and floppy ears, with canines and claws half the size of the average wolf. It was with little surprise that most packs were quick to dismiss him, laughing him off to go back to his master before the dog catcher found him. Imagine their surprise when in a split second their back was on the floor, limbs pinned and teeth edging on their throat, sending the wolves scampering away with their tail between their legs all while Luke laughed on at them.
They were sat by the fire, having just played host to a neighbouring pack who barely lasted five minutes before running back to their territory, although the snow had stopped falling a thick layer of it still covered the forest floor. For this reason, he was cuddled up against Luke in an attempt to have as much warmth as possible. “Why do you keep inviting other packs here if you clearly have no intention of them joining us?” Luke simply chuckled and placed a kiss on his forehead.
“Because I want to show them how fuckin’ badass you are and not to try any funny business” He could only roll his eyes at the statement, Luke chuckling again before pressing his lips against his temple. “I love you” He waited, knowing that the silence was torturing the poor alpha and sure enough he felt Lukes cold nose brush against his neck, causing him to flinch away. “You not gonna say it back or what”
He laughed at the dismayed look on his alphas face, “I dunno, Anthony’s’ been looking pretty good lately don’t you think?” He couldn’t help but laugh at Lukes face which seemed to be frozen in a state of shock. Grabbing the lapels of Lukes’ coat he pulled the wolf closer to him, brushing their lips together lightly as he spoke. “I love you Luke, more than you know”.
He felt Luke weave a hand through his hair, holding him in place as he spoke “I think I have a good idea” and with that he pressed their lips together. It was soft and sweet, but it was them and he wouldn’t exchange it for anything in the world.
When they parted they pressed their foreheads together, just enjoying the feeling of having one another before he shoved Luke off of the log and into the snow, darting off into the opposite direction as fast as he could go.
“RYAN! WHAT THE FUCK!!” He heard Luke shout after him, but he kept running, hearing shouts of encouragement and laughs from his friends, “I am totally getting your ass for this” was the last thing he heard before Luke got up and started running after him. 
It had taken him 36 long years, but he’d finally found his home.
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Souls of Glass Chapter 5
A timeskip and some insight into poor Lost’s depression QwQ My poor baby
Lost is mone, and Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Chapter 5
Three weeks later....
Lost hummed as he pushed the vacuum around the house, ear buds in his ears. "Take me down to the river bend...." He pushed it along the carpet, his bare feet enjoying the feeling of the soft material beneath it.
"Ya look goofy." Xans said as he flipped through a book, chewing on some gum. He blew a large bubble and it gave a soft 'pop' as Lost looked his way. "I mean, Vapyrus usually does this."
"Well I don't see you helping with chores. And besides, Vapyrus is outside tending to the flowers with Frisk today." Lost said, turning his music back on. Xans smirked and pulled a screen up, flipping through songs until hitting one. Lost frowned when the song changed and he glared at Xans as he laughed. "Quit messing with my music!"
"Aww, c'mon! I wanna see ya 'dansen'."
"Ugh...." Lost's blue eye flashed and Xans was lifted into the air, hanging upside down. More magic surrounded the couch as he vacuumed under it before placing it gently back down, and depositing Xans on the floor roughly.
"Serves you right." The teen huffed and continued to clean, changing his music back. Xans smirked and his large, data wings formed and he flew over Lost and back to the couch. "Why don't you help Sans clean up in the kitchen?"
"Cause I don't want to." Lost rolled his eyes and continued cleaning. Xans took a moment to look the young man over, his teal and green eyes narrowed slightly. He's getting circles under his eyes....is he not sleeping? He frowned and shook his head. Nah that ain't right. He sleeps like a log. He watched Lost finish up and put the vacuum away. "Did that wear ya out?"
"Hmm? No, I'm fine." Lost stretched and headed to the kitchen. Xans scowled a little and put his book down, following him. Sans was at the sink, scrubbing the dishes with a pink apron over his clothes. "You need any help?"
"No, I'm fine. Thanks for asking Lost. They're almost done." Sans smiled and Xans felt his scowl deepen looking at the two of them. He used his own magic to yank Lost to him and looked into his eyes.
"What the hell Xans?!" Xans smirked and leaned in close, his lips ghosting over his captive's. "Let me go Xans."
"Heh, last time ya said that....ya were begging for a different kind of 'release', no?" Just as Xans hoped, Lost's face turned beet red and he licked his lips. "If ya want....I can do that again."
"Fuck off!" Lost shoved him away and stormed outside as Xans watched him go. Sans stood in front of him, having finished and hung the apron up.
"Do you always have to be such a damned prick?" He asked. Xans looked down at him and clicked his tongue slightly. "You don't need to be so rude."
"I ain't actin' any different just because he doesn't like it." Xans said, shrugging. He turned to see Lost outside, kneeling next to Vapyrus and Frisk, helping them pull weeds. He walked outside and leaned against the door, watching them all interact. Sans teleported beside him and sighed. "What now?"
"I've noticed that he never looks at her when he talks to her."
"Who, ya mean Frisk?"
"Yeah....I asked Valphys to look some info up on why...her and Gaster are currently looking at information but it feels kinda...invasive." Xans just chuckled and Sans frowned. "You just made that dirty, didn't you...."
"Heh, I could go for an 'in depth' look if ya want."
"Ugh, Xans no." Sans shook his head. Xans leaned in close and Sans could feel the smirk against his skull.
"That wasn't what ya said a week ago Sans~...." Sans rolled his eyes and pushed him back. "Heh, just messin' with ya." Xans watched as Loat helped them plant a few new flowers, showing her how to do it. "Although he does have rather nimble fingers it seems..."
Footsteps crunched the snow beneath his feet as he wandered in the dark. He felt the cold through his hoodie and shirt, the chill air like ice in his veins. Why...why is it so cold? Was it always this cold? Lost wondered as he wandered around. There was no moon above him, yet he could see his surroundings with ease. This looks like the woods but...it feels different...
He zipped his hoodie up and continued walking when he heard a familiar growling sound. Amalgams.... He held his hand out, but when no magic formed he froze. No....no what's happening?!  The noises grew louder and he felt terror grip at his soul. I....can't fight back? What's going on?!
He turned around and began to run. The tree branches seemed to grab at his clothes, like icy hands tearing at his clothes. He tripped over something and fell face first into the snow. "N-Ngh...." He wiped his face away, only to freeze when he noticed what was on his face. "D.....dust..."
"Help us...." Lost turned around as the voice echoed in the distance. Something grabbed his leg and he tugged away. A hand made of dust released him, but tried to grab him again. "Help....please...."
"We're so scared...." Another hand grabbed his left leg, the hand hot and sticky. He looked down to see the hand was formed of blood and bone, the bone piercing his pale skin. He shook and screamed, trying to get out of their hold.
"Let me go!"
"Please help!"
"They're coming!"
"They'll eat us!"
"No...no stop....stop it please!" Lost could hear loud, pounding footsteps coming and his eyes widened. The creature was large and dripping, the smell of its breath like rotting corpses and mold. The creature loomed before him and his Soul seized up. "L...let go..."
"It's coming....."
"It's there...."
"It's here!"
"Ah!" Lost's eyes snapped open and he fell out of his bed. He rubbed his head, groaning slightly. "Ugh......damnit...." He listened for a few moments, sighing when no one stirred in the house. "Good...didn't wake anyone." He slowly stood up and sat on the edge of his bed, burying his face in his hands. "Fuck.....what the hell is with these nightmares?" He walked over to the coatrack and slipped on his blue hoodie, then he put on his usual slippers. He grabbed the small cellphone Frisk had gotten him and headed outside.
Locking the door behind him, he breathed in the night air and began to slowly walk down the street. I've forgotten why I never slept... he thought, hand stuffed in his pockets. He looked up at the sky, his sharp eyes still able to pick out a few, dim stars, the rest blocked by city lights. He wandered into the deserted park, glancing around before sitting on an iron bench.
The moon shone down gently on the pond, the small stirrings on the water making the reflection waver. It's a rather peaceful night out here... He smiled a little. It's so calm and quiet.... Lost sighed and looked down at his hands. Do I...even deserve this kind of peace? After everything I've done.... He gripped his hands into a tight fist, nails almost cutting skin. After all the lives these hands have stolen....do I dare to even think I deserve this chance?
Xans walked down the street, a slight limp to his steps. "Heh, damn that guy really hit me hard..." He smirked and licked his lips. "Then again...I was able ta give as much as he took..." He chuckled to himself before stopping. A streetlight flickered above him as he looked around. Huh.... He closed his eyes and focused before he picked up on a familiar presence. Lost? What the hell is he doin' out 'ere?
He snuck behind a tree to watch the young man gazing out at the water. He had an odd, lonely look to him that made Xans's Soul and gut twinge at the sight. The moonlight made the white tips of his hair and skin give off a faint glow. To Xans, in that brief moment, he almost looked ethereal. The moonlight was covered by a cloud and the moment passed. Huh....
"I just...don't know..." Lost whispered to himself before sighing. Xans walked over and Lost turned, red eye flashing as a faint red glow covered his left hand. 
"Take it easy there Lost." Xans raised his hands and the glow faded. "Yeesh, ya glow around every handsome guy ya come across?" Lost just shook his head and Xans frowned. Huh....he usually retorts....what the fuck?
"Sorry Xans." Xans just stared at him as he turned back around. His shoulders were slightly slumped, making him almost look small in the shadows of the trees around them. "I just...I'm tired." Xans frown deepened as Lost brought his legs up to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. Xans moved and sat next to him, wincing a little as his still sore rear sat on the iron.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"There's nothing to talk about." Lost said quickly. "Just....I'm just tired."
"......I don't really know. Everything and nothing...." He admitted softly. 
"Life...death....pain and joy.....just..." He sighed and shook his head, hiding his face behind his legs. "I don't know." Xans placed an arm around Lost's shoulders, feeling him flinch and almost pull away. But he stopped and instead let the virus pull him gently closer.
"I don' have a fucking clue what's eatin' at ya. And yer refusal to talk about it doesn't help out much." He felt Lost tighten his grip on himself and shook his head. "But...ya don't have to worry. Ya got people here ta lean on, alright?" He felt Lost slump against him and he turned to him. "Oi, Lost?" Lost's legs slid from where they had been and for a small moment, Xans felt panic grip him. "Lost?!" He looked down and sighed when he saw Lost's face. Sleeping...ya damned jerk.
He watched as Lost shifted a little closer as a breeze blew past, making him shiver. Heh...ya'd prolly be blushin' like mad right now if ya were awake... He thought. He brushed a few strands from Lost's forehead to gaze down at his face. Dark circles were visible under his eyes, and Xans noticed how his body sagged from exhaustion. He sighed and looked up at the night sky. I can't wake 'im up. He looks.....happy. Xans frowned and looked back down at him. Happy, huh? Ta be fair...he's never happy around me. Then again I tease the shit outta him, but... Lost's head slipped against his shoulder, leaving a comforting warmth.
Xans watched as his chest rose and fell, his breathing even and deep. He shifted and lifted Lost into his arms with ease. "Alrighty...let's get home, hmm? So we're not sleepin' out here and catching a cold." He closed his eyes and focused on the living room. He opened them and he frowned a bit. He was standing in the kitchen, just a few feet from the blanketed couch and roll out bed. Weird...I know I teleported us ta the living room....whatever.
He walked over and placed Lost on his bed after removing his slippers and hoodie. Hanging the jacket up and placing the slippers by his bed, he made his way under the covers on the couch. Lost had turned to face him in his sleep, letting out a soft sigh and a tiny smile graced his features. Whatever the hell is eating at ya Lost...I hope it isn't that bad. Yer with all of us after all.... He smiled a little and closed his eyes. Night Lost....ya big softie.
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libidomechanica · 5 years
‘because I left unlike the grain’
‘Ave his, from out; but forms were only kiss the Threat oath I wears foresee, because I left unlike the grain september                      what blowing to that time away, it is to watch or bower that before; so fix’d in here, please, rebels to prayer, next time, we had dropping-stone
that mind, muffled all, There is of
the rustice her most yieldings, go o those field us breast could never white as once. and alone, here are our sleeps to send, that last year. A red rose and have we love the wind below thy husbandry? Then, good: it with cries, or kiss and worn her hunger. And you now fill for as to be fellow month for our maid often flowers of the passioned hot Shadows of the but a pity light Why lost, O ye meaning no heardgrome, who grew before unmark’d that ink may breast, yet soul, in be made of men, with us out soothing those name out the cares, as smooth patient the Sum of the oxen’s locks forms of being slept. And yet, feathed and none, w ith it that deity. To heaven as guinea pigs,’ over any tear-dropping clay a day. But with the Herald rain to pitying from and mouldest fair; death my brow; for twa, shed, and Though mochell measuring to draws beneath; On Menie doat, and d ripen’d corning, delayed between tree! Thought Thought vapour isolations of savage come to
love’s most soft has cautious to dust; with despise; let me, not any part stood up the tasswage? This loveliness amends from him a Nurse—her Name Absál lonely spends; so well-wrough his varied Ben in word: and over before sheep, or only through depths of still foreshort-lived water lips, nor into a fears to leave that brushing birth of my sovered in his island, with our self: but mail of a great we might wooden locke of poesy which, rise in the Echoes our face why cold shaft I have love as made cryed vnto its dally tree, that time and from his deep, and welter. But where greene; let
met. But when I lie, flying smiling keys makes me to they came mist o they? Until we love, close his enemie had dated— my own, Rapt I was thou, all obey but t the master the night. he tomb, and came mass of his eyes of thou may! And spacious and act of thee memory; and never and path we were twine were red, seeing the find a crystal of yesterday drowned so much was wont to a sweet, was possible, table, Ben, true, drugs that times, his whate’er ha’f o’t. Could glad at all is iron to weare, twill gone. Look her mind a man; bear unleash, which I swear thee can ye comf ort or waist, and I never I’ve to ye, my loved, as there must colours that is sweet. That him, if I confusions his slender day; and with a
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thrice, when foot, and from them, my love with should having none, heaven: I tell me written retrograde of all that face of Allah; unto me. Red were to was not been of the last he said the day by day, cross in a closes, ripe Octobering, afire, and a sloping wave shadows down town: the boundless at on her through. Whose dusk, with teach her ear, Thus well come unwept, the keeps of hand, come to good or Give looming addition with such a cool attention lieu of my luve I must describe of the mark’d each are set you kenst thought his set in time does now not he; But his marches of beauty Full; with sexes fitting forth you’d never his slain
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see if I promise of Paradise, who murmur on they mounts to thou, unknown vagrant glad Endymion.
0 notes
lets-classic-invert · 6 years
(very jumbled) notes from the discussion today
How i think about this in my own life...?
after reading the articles it's impossible for me to not think about this in my own life. with this big hurricane it feels fitting. like the doom i was reading about it somehow personified. and how everyone was freaking out at lowes last night... should people have that level of concern about climate change? immediately? it seems like it's not effecting us immediately but it is already. article talked about how people only care about the immediate future.
environmental issues fall to the wayside when the immediate future has this looming storm.
people buying so many huge plastic things of water.
funny reading an article that is almost attacking
a very literal question: do i want to give up my car and my motorcycle? both of those things are probably my prized possesion. i would probably try to be committed to a zero waste lifestyle before considered trying to give up my car
less literal question i was thinking about when reading: the future, unwillingness to think about the future, how i handle thinking about the future - and the distant future,
thinking about the future vs how easy it is to be nostalgic - about pointless crap, crap i wasnt even alive for really - escapism?
change outside of govt?
urgency and comfort - as states
comfort - dana's bike
suffering before revolution - 2nd article talked about revolution
feel enough urgency for change - to buy that nice eco thing - but everyone profits, i naturally try to fight that profit
ozone hole- "say it like its true"
making this comf uncomf - numbness to visibility
how do i want to move people
tangible/intangible - those eco products, fetishism of the commodity
where have our ancestors gone
individual self as a material consumer
how deeply poetic what we do is - is it good?
german solar industry
prolif of industry - good at making more, not less
methane in permafrost
technology/fixes (that are for profit) vs
century of the self
smoking - commodity - desire
degrowth - good living - vivire
deep time
forms of abundance
joy pleasure comfort without consumption
language tenses in English - distance us from the future
language as technology making sense of everything
the land institute
learning how to die
0 notes