#common guillemot
birdblues · 2 years
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Common Guillemot
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alonglistofbirds · 3 months
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[2616/11080] Common murre - Uria aalge
Also known as: common guillemot
Order: Charadriiformes Suborder: Lari Family: Alcidae (auks)
Photo credit: Eamon Riordan-Short via Macaulay Library
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realkaijuhavecurves · 11 months
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Some snaps from my trip to Gotland
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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11th June 2023: Cemlyn 
Photos taken in this set are of: 1. Arctic Tern, what a joy to get exquisite views of a great number of these iconic birds nesting today, always such a thrill to see. For only the third year ever I’ve seen this shiny and imposing species and it’s a very welcome 204th addition to my year list. A big part of my year so far. 2. Another tern species key to today which I’ve had a top year for, Sandwich Terns with a lovely chick. 3, and 7-10. Views at this attractive and varied coastal spot. 4. My first ever purple sandwort at the car park, a pretty one to see. 5. Yellow-tail moth caterpillar which was lovely to see, another first for me. 6. Mute Swan. 
Other highlights as we took in the smell and sound of a seabird colony that I adore as my favourite type of birds were of course Common Terns too in the colony and Black-headed Gulls and their bigger chicks that it was interesting to see swimming around the lagoon, Mediterranean Gull and a single Kittiwake. Black Guillemot, great views of male and female Red-breasted Merganser, Oystercatcher, Little Egret and Grey Heron, brilliant views of Sand Martins, Meadow Pipit and Red Admiral, Meadow Brown and Common Blue butterflies, Five-spot Burnet and Silver Y moths, Swollen-thighed beetles and briefly Common Lizard were other highlights here on a day we saw so much. It was an epic day of flowers too and other highlights here were wall pennywort, my first ever sea plantain, restharrow, wild cabbage, wild carrot, red and sea campion, herb-Robert, foxgloves, my first lady’s bedstraw of the year, thrift, bird’s-foot trefoil, honeysuckle, English stonecrop and amazing yellow-horned poppies at the shore which I was over the moon to see. I’d seen their leaves before but never the flower so this was a big moment today. A fantastic and precious time spent here on our much anticipated return after this wonderful wild site wowed us two years ago. 
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Most such helpers are nonbreeders; others have tried but failed to breed, while some have finished raising their family or are also taking care of their own chick.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
Although it is difficult to draw firm conclusions without detailed study of individual birds, most males that engage in homosexual behavior in these species are probably functionally bisexual, since they are usually already paired with a female (although a few Common Murres who participate in such activity may be unpaired).
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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pkmnprofloblolly · 9 months
Hello! Trainer from Alola here, big fan of your work. I was wondering; is there any evidence of any legendary pokemon being related to other pokemon? For example, does Rayquaza share any DNA with other dragon pokemon? (I know it would be extremely difficult to get any rayquaza DNA fhshfjd) Or are pokemon like that entirely their own species?
the answer is, as with many things on this blog.. it depends!
"legendary pokemon" aren't really a cohesive category like, say, a type or a taxonomic group. the only common factors are that they tend to be very rare and that they have legends about them. as our examples, let's use two groups of hoenn legendary pokemon: latios and latias, and groudon, kyogre, and rayquaza.
latios and latias (like other pairs such as nidoqueen and nidoking, or volbeat and illumise, latios and latias are sexually dimorphic members of the same species) are indeed related to other pokemon- they're birds! specifically, they're in the auk family, which are a group of generally stout, seafaring birds like guillemots and puffins. this may seem strange- the latis appear to have wings and arms, and no legs, very unlike birds. however, if we take a look at their skeleton, the connection becomes much more obvious:
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what we generally interpret as arms are actually the lati's legs, the thighs of which are obscured by flesh and feathers. while they use their wings to steer and for some lift, the latis generally stay aloft with their psychic powers rather than traditional flight, which is why they can hover in place. this has freed up their legs for use in manipulating objects, and they are rarely seen standing on their feet. because they mostly rely on hovering, their legs no longer have the strength to hold their large bodies up for very long.
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these pokemon are indeed exceptionally rare, having very low population numbers in only a few regions, and spending most of their time over open ocean. like many pelagic seabirds, they breed on only a few small islands, like alto mare off the johto region and southern island off hoenn's south coast. their populations are on the upswing, though, in large part due to concentrated conservation efforts on those islands. point being, though, they are indeed just animals. rare, powerful animals, but animals nonetheless.
many legendary pokemon fall into this camp. articuno, zapdos, and moltres, lugia and ho-oh, heatran, and various others.
conversely, the so-called weather trio of hoenn: groudon, kyogre, and rayquaza. these three are even more rarely seen than the latis, only having been sighted in recent times during their clash in hoenn nearly two decades ago. despite the three's resemblance to other living pokemon, as far as we know they are entirely unrelated to any known animals, or even any other life on earth.
this is known because evidence of these pokemon have been found dating back over 3 billion years ago, that is to say over a billion years before multicellular life even existed. gigantic fragments of footprints attributed to groudon have been sighted alongside some of the earliest fossils we know of of early bacteria. modern physical samples from these pokemon- the extremely few that have ever been recovered- have never resulted in any dna evidence, and appear in structure much more similar to inorganic matter.
as it stands, it appears these pokemon arose some time early (relatively speaking) after the earth formed, being (as opposed to natural living organisms) animate representations of the forces of nature themselves. a similar condition is often assumed for some other grandiose legendary pokemon, such as dialga and palkia, though much less tangible evidence exists for their presence in prehistoric time, so this is mostly an assumption based on their infrequent appearances & legends surrounding their origins.
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audible-smiles · 6 months
Avian Pied Beauty
Behold: In no particular order, and for no particular reason, I give you thirty of the most dramatic, elegant, and visually interesting black-and-white bird plumages on planet Earth.
Pied harrier
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2. Black-and-white warbler
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3. Black-headed ibis
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4. Black-and-white hawk-eagle
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5. Black guillemot
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6. Razorbill
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7. Pied avocet
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8. Magellanic penguin
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9. Hairy woodpecker
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10. Common loon
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11. Snow goose
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12. Black skimmer
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13. Black phoebe
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14. Australian Magpie
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15. Australian pied cormorant
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16. Pied kingfisher
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17. Pied thrush
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18. Oriental magpie-robin
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19. African pied wagtail
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20. Black-and-white mannikin
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21. Pied crow
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22. Oriental pied-hornbill
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23. Pied bushchat
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24. European pied flycatcher
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25. Pied butcherbird
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26. Pied falconet
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27. Pied-crested tit-tyrant
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28. Pied wheatear
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29. Indian pied starling
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30. Chinstrap penguin
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whatsthebird · 2 months
What's the Bird?
Location: Monterey, California
Date: July
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We ask that discussion under questions be limited to how you came to your conclusion, not what your conclusion was.
Happy Birding!
Keep the game alive! Submit a bird HERE
Bird-136 graciously submitted by @officialukraine
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birdblues · 4 months
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Common Murre
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thebusylilbee · 24 days
I just got tagged by @motsimages thank you <3
Last song: Hind's hall by Macklemore, it's been on loop since its release.
Relationship status: Single.
Sweet/savoury/spicy: I'm not a huge fan of spicyness tbh I think it's overrated. To be clear I am not white and my parents occasionally eat ULTRA spicy so it's not even that I wasn't accustomed to eat early in life, I just don't like it that much. But I am reasonably tolerant to it, and enjoy it when it's mild.
Favorite color: I'm very into "vert d'eau" these days !
Last movie/TV show: Last movie I watched is La sociedad de la nieve, dir. Juan Antonio Bayona (2023). really well made ! the crash scene especially... these people had much more will to live than me
Last thing i googled: "uria aalgae", the scientific name of the Common guillemot, because I wanted to check what its name is in french.
Current obsession: Kendrick Lamar's discography I guess ? I'm trying to catch up.
i'm tagging @pia-writes-things @caleblandrybones @petrichorandarson @damedanedameyodamenanoyo @eyeldritch @meanmisscharles @priestin
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roachymochi · 4 months
Elden Meshi - rating the Lands between creatures by the meal they could provide - 1/???
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Eatable but awful. There's barely any meet on these bones and they look like they'd taste dusty. Nerds who want to learn more about their meal will realize the shocking fact that they could actually be human-like, so eating them is morally dubious.
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Eatable. These hawk look perfectly healthy so their meat is bound to be nutritious.
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Eatable. Actually give meat in-game I think? definitely a safe bet for the hungry adventurer.
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Dubious. While crab is eatable ingame and in real life some of the crabs in the game look really diseased and some are turned to stone. Proceed with extreme caution to avoid food poisoning or broken teeth.
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Eatable. They look healthy and well fed.
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Eatable but awful. They definitely are not healthy, and some of them are extremely diseased. It's also possible they mostly fed off human meat recently since these are war dogs. Probably not a great choice.
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Eatable with some creativity. Definitely not a conventional meal, but these large bug could become a great experience in the hands of a crafty cook. They hang out in dirty place, so be sure to clean them thorougly.
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Eatable. Just like the war hawk above, they look fat and healthy, and they are easy to hunt too.
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Not eatable. There's almost no meat in there, and you'd catch every disease just by touching them unprotected. Also human meat is a taboo.
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Dubious. Like the smaller crabs above, some giant crab are diseased. Catching one is really dangerous, but it would be a true feast.
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Dubious. Will they do have a lot of flesh, these animals do NOT look healthy. Also they feed on human blood. Don't even think about it unless you're starving.
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Not eatable. These flower are full of a potent poison and also have magical power, which does not seem like a good sign. A very careful herborist could do make some drink or seasoning with interesting property out of it.
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Delicious. These are basically sea chicken. Easy to catch and full of fat tasty meat.
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Eatable. These owl look big, but they are actually very skinny under the feathers. At least they are healthy. Don't try to eat the eggs though, they aren't fresh and you'll get food poisoning
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Eatable with caution. They spread poison mist as a defense mechanism, and they look quite gross. An experienced cook could probably get a meal out of them though, and they are huge and easy to catch.
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Not eatable. These rat look majorly diseased and half rotten, plus they hang out in filthy place and are feeding on human remains. You could technically eat them, but the meal would kill you.
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Eatable. Big legs, probably delicious if fried. They are really cute though, so some maybe be reluctant to eat them.
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Delicious. Healthy beasts, and it's common knowledge that sheep make a good meal. Be careful if you try to the milk though.
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Not eatable. This is a human undead turned into sludge from decomposition but still animated. What are you even thinking ?
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Not eatable. You can't feed your body by eating a spirit. Maybe it has some effect on morale, but good luck trying to cook it.
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Dubious. While bugs are eatable, these may not be natural. Require further investigation or the opinion of an expert.
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Eatable. Be aware that since some think them sentient, cooking them is a culturally risqué move.
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Eatable. They look healthier than the dogs, but wolf meat probably doesn't taste very good.
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These are literally just guys. Eating humans is culturally frowned upon.
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While calling them literally just guys may be subject to debate, it would definitely feel like cannibalism. Probably only has a last resort, and you'll be haunted by the guilt for a long time.
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Not eatable. It's just stones or metal animated by a mighty furnace. Could make some great cooking apparatus though.
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Not eatable. it's animated stones. Plus they hang out in catacombs, so it's not ideal health wise.
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Not eatable. These are literally dudes, and again eating people is morally dubious. Also they are all turning into stone and that can't be healthy to eat.
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Dubious. They are not human, but the cannibalism is still there. Also they don't look healthy at all.
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Again, it's a guy. Don't eat guys it's not polite.
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ruttotohtori · 4 months
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Etelänkiisla/common guillemot 🇫🇴 / Sony α55 (paikassa Vestmanna)
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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04/01/2023-Blog 2 of 2: Portland Bill 
Following on from my previous post, icing was applied to the cake of another monumental day of birdwatching to start our year. Six more super year ticks awaited; started in the car park where alongside a Pied Wagtail and sweetly flocking Starlings the second picture in this photoset shows these were a couple of Rock Pipits. On a brilliant run I’m on for seeing these birds I got some exquisite views of this rustic coastal bird, I took the first picture in this photoset of one which I was pleased with, a fitting moment to bring me to 90 birds seen this year. Another Rock Pipit of the multiple ones we saw today by the rocks further round inspired me to a glorious moment as we looked for the Purple Sandpipers here. Upon sight of the pipit I reminisced about the only time we’d seen Purple Sandpiper here prior to today on New Year’s Day in 2020 when I recall well Rock Pipit at this part too. Within minutes of me thinking that I spotted the dark domed head of a Purple Sandpiper and we saw two in this wild weather tucked onto rocks and as we watched them for a bit one was in two pools of water. It was an honour to get cracking views of our first this year of this cherished, fine coloured and classy wader. A gem unearthed on the rocks and seen so well. It’s interesting to have again seen these somewhere other than the mighty ones of Southsea where we usually see them after we saw them here in 2020. I took the seventh and eighth pictures in this photoset today of these birds. 
Out to sea here we got more brilliant Gannet views and used the blustery weather to our advantage to see another of my favourite birds of my favourite type the seabirds Guillemots sailing over the water always a good bird to see early on in a year as we have done here before. One of my moments of the year also occurred when we spotted a few slender, smaller, black-tipped gulls flying by. A phenomenal sighting of another of those seabirds I adore brought in pretty close to land by the weather perhaps, Kittiwakes in winter plumage. This was an epic bird to see and one I did not expect to today, or even this year with no specific seabird holiday planned. This is the first definite Kittiwakes I’ve ever seen in southern England (I thought in hindsight I may possibly have seen one here in December of 2020 in similar conditions but could not be sure). As a bird we mostly see on holidays to far flung coastal parts of the UK (for us) in spring this is my earliest ever sighting of one in a year. With the euphoric high and heartfelt joy of seeing these birds this is one of my species and moments of 2023 so far and sets it apart as something different to other years.
Who also saw the Kittiwakes were a lovely and kind couple of birders we got talking to who had been to all of the locations we did interestingly as well as elsewhere, and they kindly alerted us to Common Scoters out to sea. In the back of our mind as one we did see here before in 2019 we spotted a dozen or more Common Scoters flying over the sea which was an honour, not a bird I am ever guaranteed to see in a year but one I am fond of it was so good to get it seen as they don’t usually feature in our start of years so it was something else different. I really have been lucky with ducks so far this week with so many species seen which is a great theme. In return we had showed the couple the Purple Sandpipers earlier on which felt good. Our final year tick of the day, a Portland specialty, came when we unsuccessfully looked for the Little Owl but saw regal Ravens.
It was nice to see a beautiful purple flower here too which I took the tenth and final picture in this photoset of possibly a beach aster or seaside daisy, and it was special to like others enjoy the dramatic conditions at this rugged and beautiful bit of coast. Seeing spraying waves including jumping into the air as they met rocks was brilliant, and really made you immersed in the wild. I took the fourth, fifth and sixth pictures in this photoset of views here today. There were also extremely beautiful sky scenes over the open landscape and sea here with the creamy sun which the third picture in this photoset shows, a bright full looking moon as the day went on dominating the sky and getting hazy as clouds built more later I took the ninth picture in this photoset of it, wispy long clouds that had started to form when we were at the harbour earlier and a bit of red as the sun set which was lovely to witness. It was especially interesting seeing that on perihelion day when the earth is closest to the sun which I’d not heard of before seeing it on social media tonight. I enjoyed all the lights as we descended down from Portland at darkness. What a fun, packed and adventurous day which I am so thankful for. I hope you all had a nice day.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Rock Pipit, Guillemot, Purple Sandpiper, Kittiwake, Common Scoter and Raven of the year, Gannet, Buzzard, Herring Gull, a few Great Black-backed Gull seen well, a delightful scene of several Oystercatchers on a field on the way in as we saw here in 2020, Cormorant a key bird seen today, possibly Shag, Carrion Crow, Jackdaws seen well, Starlings, another passerine bird as it got dark we didn’t quite see what and Pied Wagtail.
Part 1 of today’s post about our time at Portland Harbour and elsewhere on the isle of Portland today is here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/705552650108846081/04012023-blog-1-of-2-portland-harbour-and-reap
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
About 10 percent of all Common Murre matings are forced copulations been a male and a female other than his partner, and on some days each female is subjected to such a rape attempt nearly every hour.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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Common Murres and Laysan Albatrosses spend eight to nine months of the year at sea (often in large flocks for Murres).
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"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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