davegraney · 1 year
WA dates for @davegraney  and @clarecmoore Moodists-Coral Snakes-mistLY. New album, In A Mistly. February 10th-Lyrics Underground,Maylands February 11th The Vault,Kalamunda February 12th The Duke Of George,East Fremantle. Rock album. Rock show. Bass, drums, guitars, vocals.
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coralsnake · 4 months
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One Last Fight
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trashclownart · 2 years
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jeanniemarieblaha · 2 years
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Happy Solstice, Everyone! May your Summer be full of laughter and play. If you’re feeling that life is just too heavy and serious, get outside. Really and truly, it’ll serve you huuuugely! These two don’t know how people clear their heads if they don’t get outdoors. 🤯🤪🌵🌴🦎💚 Mama Nature has an epic way of recharging and soothing simultaneously. Lighter hearts = lighter minds. So explore a new area where you haven’t been yet. Fresh eyes will give you fresh perspective. Never know what new answer might come to you while you’re out breathing and hopping by jumping cholla droppings (cacti). And, oh ... Coral snakes. For example. BJ still doesn’t know how that Coral decided to peacefully let me pass by within 2 inches of his/her raised head. I think it’s because BJ began quietly singing, “🎵 Move 🎶 towards 🎵 me. 🎶 Very 🎵 calmly ... 🎶 “What?”, I asked. “🎵Walk 🎶 to 🎵 the 🎶 middle 🎵 of 🎶 the 🎵 road 🎶. Don’t 🎵 look 🎶 down. 🎵 I’ll 🎵 tell 🎶 you 🎵 why 🎶 in 🎶 a 🎵 moment 🎶...” 😅🤣 I knew that he is a charmer. Just didn’t know that he is an actual snake charmer. 👨🏽‍🎤🎶🐍🎵💚 Tee, hee. 😆🤣 Here’s to a stellar laughter-filled Summer for you, too!! Love, Jeannie and BJ 🌵🌴🦎💜💙 #Summer #SummerSolstice #LongestDay #NorthernHemisphere #GetOutside #PlayOutside #Nature #Outdoors #LighterHearts #LighterMinds #Cacti #JumpingCholla #Cacti #Snakes #CoralSnakes #Arizona #BJBronstad #SnakeCharmer #DigitalRainMan #JeannieMarieBlaha #AngelCowgirl #StillLovesSnakes https://www.instagram.com/p/CfGIWdHrMeZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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snekafka · 9 days
(bro I found out about this game a DAY after last registration window ended 💀 been waiting and stalking this site ever since)
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(isn't he so edgy 💜)
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venenosaecia · 1 year
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Olá Herpetolovers! Vocês cobraram a sequência d'A Festa e aqui está! Percebam que há uma semelhança muito grande entre a Venenosa e a coral-verdadeira representada na tirinha. E é isso mesmo, algumas corais-falsas imitam muito bem as verdadeiras, em um fenômeno chamado mimetismo. O mimetismo é quando uma espécie se assemelha a outra para obter vantagens na natureza. As corais verdadeiras e falsas são um exemplo disso. Elas desenvolvem características semelhantes para enganar predadores ou presas e sobreviver no ambiente natural. Não recomendamos tentar diferenciar entre uma coral-verdadeira e uma falsa-coral. É melhor considerá-la sempre como uma coral-verdadeira e evitar manipular o animal. Se precisar capturar o animal, é importante buscar a ajuda de um profissional capacitado. A @venenosaecia é um projeto conjunto da @herpetocerrado e da @o.qstudiun. Estamos procurando voluntários para traduzir nossas publicações para espanhol e francês. Você pode encontrar informações biológicas sobre nossas personagens na página @herpetocerrado! Esclarecemos que esta obra não tem relação com a personagem homônima da Record TV. #venenosaecia #herpetocerrado #cerrado #serpentes #serpent #serpiente #braziliansavanna #udi #brasil #brazil #snake #coralsnake #comics #comicbook #quadrinhos #gibi #snakebite #ofidismo #BandeDessinée #bd #SaveTheSnakes #historieta #savana #hq #tirinha #humor #falsascorais #coralverdadeira #herpetologia #comedia (em Uberlândia - Minas Gerais, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPp7gWup8Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wabaka · 4 months
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"Caught in your Gaze" This hauntingly beautiful print captures the captivating sadness and betrayal within Medusa's eyes as her serpentine locks twist and coil around her protectively. A Medusa idea that popped into my head and wanted to be drawn. Prints will be available in my shop
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davidhawkinsaudio · 11 months
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8.2.23 @ Coral Snake
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almostasenior · 1 year
Yellow, Red, Stop!
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View On WordPress
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buartworks · 1 year
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Toxic: poison hemlock and coral snake. Watercolor and micron pen, 11"x15", 2021 . . . . . #toxicbouquet#poisonhemlock#coralsnake#snakeart#snakepainting#hemlock#toxicrelationship#watercolors#watercolorart#micronpenart#micronpendrawing#bottle#transparent#buartworks#bethanyumbarger#poison#artistsinportland#pdxart (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUdKZRuGFB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freesia-writes · 4 months
Master List of Clone Wars/Bad Batch Fanartists, PART ONE
Part Two here!
Hi guys. I'm always trying to remember all the AMAZING talent we have here, so I wanted to try to put together a master list of the fanartists in this particular realm. If you have any to add, yourself included, you can either comment or reblog it and I'll add it to the list! Or, if you're not active anymore or wish to be removed, feel free to let me know. 💙 I'll put em in alphabetical order so they're easier to find.
Edited to add: DANG, I can only tag 50 peeps at once. And it keeps giving me an error message even with fewer than 50. What the heck?
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coralsnake · 4 months
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We mustn’t give up on him.
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littlefeatherr · 4 months
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Hunter with first prompt fill by @freesia-writes
Forgive Me - Echo x Medic Reader by @knightprincess
Stars Beyond Number Masterlist - Complete - Echo x Riyo, Captain Gregor x Cerra by @dystopicjumpsuit
Masterlist of Hunter Fic Goodies by @freesia-writes
As Iron Sharpens Iron by @arctrooper69
Sunset Over Pabu by @skellymom
Close Combat Part 1 and Part 2 by @isthereanechoinhere96
Strawberry Seduction by @isthereanechoinhere96
It wasn't love at first sight by @vodika-vibes
Two Hearts Beat as One by @soka-writes-things
Adjustment Period by amadacientistapproaches
Magnetic Pull by The_Absent_Minded_One
The Transport on the Left by @thecoffeelorian
Gonky decided to pick up some stragglers on his way out of prison by @queenjiru
You're My First and Last Dance by @perfectlywingedcrusade
We Mustn't Give Up On Him by @coralsnake
Crosshair and Omega by @unapologetically-sober
I'm Staying Until She Wakes Up by @tikkisfanart
He's babysitting by @clownbloody
TBB x 4 by @animepopheart
Crosshair and Varel by @zaana
TBB S2 Helmut PNG by @stars-n-spice
Commander Wolffe by @keelifallen
Hunter and Omega by @catdoesarts
it really gets to me that omega has probably watched her brothers grow up by @gil-estel
Echo in Art by@delicateartisantrash
Les misérables by @blessyo4
Lost But Not Alone by @ars-de-elysium
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bunjywunjy · 2 years
Any fun facts about my "local" venomous snake Micrurus mipartitus? (We call them rabo de ají: "chili tail" since. They have a red tail)
oh, a baby!
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the rabo de aji (or "redtail coralsnake") is in the same snake Family as cobras are, and is venomous enough to kill you if you get bit!
there's a folk legend that says that the actual bite is delivered by its bright red spicy chili tail, which is actually just what the snake WANTS you to think!
you notice how both the tail and the head are bright red?
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yeah, the rabo de aji is hoping you get confused which end is which and that you spend your one (1) free action in a strike against its tail instead of its head, sparing its vital organs and leaving you open to an immediate counterattack from their actual face!
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queenjiru · 4 months
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A lil late crimmus gift for @coralsnake of her OC’s Kam and Zel with their favorite sniper
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venenosaecia · 2 years
Venenosa e Cia #002
 PT | EN | ES | FR (you see in the pictures).
Sequência da @venenosaecia. Informações biológicas dos animais representados você lê na @herpetocerrado.
Clique aqui | Click here | Haz clic aquí | Cliquez ici
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As publicações serão quinzenais, sempre às terças-feiras e simultâneas nas redes da  @herpetocerrado e da  @venenosaecia. A partir de janeiro a tirinha será publicada exclusivamente nas redes da Venenosa.
ROTEIRO:  @biorider
ARTE FINAL:  @o.qstudiun - @jimmyrus13
INGLÊS: @pedroh1986
ESPANHOL: indefinido - seja voluntária(o)!
FRANCÊS: @analucia.comendadora - seja voluntária(o)!
Esta obra não tem qualquer relação com a personagem homônima da Rede Record.
OBS: publicada originalmente em 22 de novembro de 2022 no Instagram (Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQ4goPLHqW/?next=%2F)
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