#corporate future
rezqrecovery · 4 months
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Hi everyone
i realised I never posted this here - anyone who has been interested in the worldbuilding and hypertext storytelling I've been doing over at rezq.space may be interested in this excerpt from a longer form story I am working on.
The overall story broadly concerns Thom, a depressive young doglike guy trying to work and live in the dystopian hypercapitalist spacefaring future where gravity is rationed, the value of money pinballs unpredictably from second to second, and patent trolling causes shortages of basic staples. Originally a gig worker for a last-mile space courier based on what was once known as Earth, he becomes a deep space rescue worker by default when the entire business that he was contracting for is bought out and shut down by REZQ, a new breed of ruthlessly profiteering company. REZQ putatively provides recovery services to people whose spacecraft get into trouble in deep space, but they are more controlling, ruthless, and . Alone and untrained aboard the giant empty vessel Angel Fish, can Thom keep his job - and his mind?
This excerpt concerns a short bit of context and scene setting on Thom's home planet (we would know it as Earth, but its name changes according to who happens to be sponsoring it at that time). I'd be really keen for any feedback or thoughts on any element of this. I'd like to continue it but it's obviously early days, and it's always hard for original setting things to find an audience if they don't conform to things that are already wildly popular. Thank you!
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lolcatsaestheticdump · 3 months
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ask-opsys · 5 days
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
I think what might actually help the families of trans loved ones is to actually engage with where the trans person is at - especially if the family isn't quite understanding yet. When I came out, I was completely alone in figuring out my manhood. I had peers and I had exposed myself to so many trans people who explored gender, and while it was amazing, it isn't quite the same at times. I grieve quietly, sometimes, about all the missed opportunities that might have just made it easier for my family to have seen how utterly happy I was. It took them a very long time to actually notice that I was happy, especially once I got on testosterone. I'm lucky that they saw that happiness eventually, and slowly accepted it. My manhood is completely detached from their influence, both to my relief and chagrin. It's sad to me that I learned to shave from a kind online stranger, somebody who didn't even have a father and yet, I do. I have a father. I grieve at the loss of a potential shared experience. I grieve about the pain I went through when I was in that stage of transition, especially because it was raw and vulnerable. I grieve that many trans people today are traversing the path I had to, because it's sometimes lonely (even when you do have other forms of support).
It's hard to know that I will never have gotten my sense of being from my family. In many ways, it has severed a lot of connection with them because there were so many times that I was begging them to see happiness when they were focused on the idea that I was almost in a state of purgatory - flesh which felt warm but held no familiarity to them. I don't harbor ill-will toward them, I hope I don't leave the impression that I despise them. I understand what they felt, even if I can't conceptualize it myself. However, it's a raw wound in my heart, and I don't want to leave anybody else feeling that way, either.
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weeklyvocaloid · 2 months
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Week 4: Kaito!!!!
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kingdomoftyto · 10 months
I've started and deleted three drafts now trying to get my thoughts into a coherent recommendation, but there's just so much.
Let's start with the basics: You should read the graphic novel if you're a fan of the original show. You just should. It's new content of your old faves, and I'm telling you now that the art and writing are great and that you should give it a shot based on that alone.
But as for exactly why I'm losing my mind over it this much...?
It... feels like watching the show. But a version of the show unafraid to explore its own worldbuilding. A version of the show where continuity and character growth matter. A version of the show without jokes written by people far too old to understand mid-2000s teens.
And it is actually, honest-to-goodness funny. I went in fully braced for a badly shoehorned "fruit loop" one-liner, and instead I got incredible deadpan asides like this:
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The art, too, manages to perfectly ride the line of looking enough like the original style to be convincing, but improving on the expressiveness of the characters' faces and actions to elevate it to something arguably better than the show:
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(Like, I'm being so serious when I say the fight scenes are among the best I have ever seen in comic form. I'm the kind of person who tends to go for anime over manga because the fights are harder for me to follow in little sequential snapshots, but I can tell exactly what's happening in these battles AND they still look super cinematic and cool.)
And the story. Man, the STORY.
I won't spoil any of the plot here, but it's... really good. A little winding and goofy toward the beginning, but once things get serious, it really grabs you and refuses to let go til it's done. (Much like the best episodes of the show! Funny how that works.) It has a satisfying conclusion, but it also leaves a massive door open to continue telling more stories in the setting.
And I want more stories in this universe. The threads being dangled here might be even more enticing than those left by the original show. There is potential here for an INCREDIBLE series of comics.
We just have to prove how badly we want it.
If you can't buy the book yourself right now (it's relatively cheap for a graphic novel--I think it was about $15 even with tax from my Barnes & Noble), then please at least let other fans know it exists (I wouldn't have had any idea if not for tumblr) and keep the hype going on social media. I'm stoked to see that DP is trending on tumblr, at least, and I hope the same is true elsewhere. It's a small thing, but it's something corporate decision-makers take note of.
Fingers crossed we get to see more someday. This is one series that deserves to come back from the dead.
But, whether or not we get that continuation: welcome back, Phandom. Congrats and happy release day. 💚
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blorbocedes · 2 months
it is pretty fascinating redbull who is unbeatable on track is going through an internal implosion of absolute power corrupting like straight out of a moral fable. lol
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st4rstudent · 2 months
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April and May is a busy month
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rochenn · 2 months
1. for the choose violence ask game?
1. the character everyone gets wrong
ONE THOUSAND YEARS JAIL FOR TCW WRITERS for getting that absolutely GOLDEN layup in AotC and then NOT doing jack fuck with Dooku. They looked right at Christopher Lee's deliberately nuanced portrayal in that movie (within the script's and direction's limitations which were indeed very limiting. Have I ever mentioned that George wasn't too good at writing Dooku either?) and did NOTHING. They made him a Saturday evening cartoon guy in the Saturday evening cartoon and I am inconsolable
I cannot get over how they squandered his potential!! And Asajj's by extension, too. And why do I have to cling to CW 03 for any screentime of them both even just existing in the same room? Like genuinely do we ever see them physically next to each other? They're supposed to be master and apprentice bro something went terribly wrong here!!
Also to bend this back to the fandom and to beat a dead bloated decomposing horse: Obi-Wan. Novels have been written about his fanon alter-ego so I'll just say that most people actually write him just fine until any type of relationship emerges! Ppl want to swaddle this spiritual master and veteran shock formation leader in a blanket so bad they gotta nerf him to hell so someone can take loving care of the shadow of his former self lmao
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bossbot-fanclub · 3 months
Sometimes I think about how the mod Chip has installed in him is mentioned to be "partially successful". Which in my eyes definately feels like it is the reason why Chip when in Personality Override mode is the way he is...Which in itself really shows how corrupt C.OG.S INC is when it comes to how it does things.
I mean we've seen other stuff with how it cuts corners at the expense of its employee's like with Buck for example in regard of the repairs.
It does make me wonder though why Chip was made to have this mod installed in the first place? it even says on his profile page in the additional notes section. "He'll be onboarded into the position of regional manager once the necessary modifications are finished."
Which I find to be curious considering his past employment history at S.C.R.E.W., B.E.L.T., and C.R.A.N.K. He works well in leadership based positions so why did C.OG.S INC feel the need that he needed this mod?
I feel like it's not really addressed enough when it comes to Chip and what his deal is...but if anyone else found something that I might have missed or have their own thoughts on the matter...feel free to share!!
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thisisrealy2kok · 10 months
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Might not be in the Y2k aesthetic, but where else are you gonna post 90s Linux vs Microsoft desktop wallpaper?
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lolcatsaestheticdump · 2 months
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cyberscratch · 4 months
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'evil'/anti artstyle meme! inspired by excessive-moisture's post doing this same thing!!! i showed it to my friends and asked them to give out my own art traits and basically a list of things i should not do.
the result is this art style! soft colors, less purples, very round and soft, thin lines + no line weight, no trademark things like how i draw fur and mouths PLUS slightly different desighs to fit the style more! (for example spamton being drawn more like his shop sprite)
i drew several characters i'm known to draw a lot / mean a lot to me just to see them how different they are from when i draw them normally! HURTS to not have an oversaturated drawing, uegugh.... but coloring was the most fun part! i love working with colors! the worst part was the lineart because i got SO BORED. fun challenge anyway!
little explanations on each character under the cut since this is a multifandom + ocs post and i wanna short talk about my silly guys ever (my, what the kids call these days, blorbos,)
since this has multiple characters not everyone may be familiar with, here's a tiny bit of info on everyone
frostbite = my fursona! they're a bat / dragon mix. they're holding a mango! nothing much to say since they're just my sona. me, y'know?
spamton = you know him! it's spamton from deltarune chapter 2 !! he's a shopkeeper and a secret boss in the game where he appears in his 'NEO' form. he's based on scam e-mails and ads!
my freak of a son = toontown corporate clash oc - he's a goopy low baller that i call my son. or rather, toontown version of frostbite and i call him their son. regular frostbite as shown in this image and frostbite are separate. he was made using one of high roller's attacks.
scratch = my deltarune sona and self insert! they're the fourth member of sweet cap'n cakes. they're a dj! they're inspired by cat headphones, soundboards and karaoke machines! they're who this blog is named after :P
high roller = from toontown corporate clash! he is a cog 'manager' who only appears during a yearly event 'april toons'. she is a show host and a fusion of two characters ('dave brubot' and 'buck ruffler'). it's show is also the boss fight you fight when they're around!
cathal = full name cathal ray toby bravecog aka the multislacker, also from toontown corporate clash. he is a manager you can fight in-game after completing a set of 'kudos' tasks. they are the VP's son and are based on crt tvs! they're known for being 'lazy'.
blank = (full name blank b. addison) a deltarune oc for my big deltarune au named datapack au. he is an addison who got corrupted by a swatchling mask - which is a new concept introduced in my au. he used to sell movie related trinkets and was a stand-up comedian.
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photon-crest-art · 6 months
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Something something glass wasn't strong enough
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doobea · 5 months
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a lil peek inside my head from the last 48 hours
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colliholly · 6 months
So uuuh, I think I've read somewhere that you like the derrick man (right?) aaaand I was wondering if you'd like to share some headcanons about him, if you have any! :DDD
I DO ANON, I DO..... He's probably my second favorite of the manager cogs... his boring charm has captivated me... but that doesn't mean there's some interesting things I've picked up on through his dialogue :^]
Here's a few headcanons I have for him!
• William is kind of a loser, straight up. He’s not only the smallest manager, but also the weakest - even Buck has twice his health. Toons would hold him upside down and shake the lunch money out of him if they could. Literally the bottom of the COGS Inc managerial corporate ladder, and I think that thought gets to him sometimes. He takes his job seriously in the hopes that it’ll eventually be recognized.
• Despite the fact he's dripping oil 24/7, I think he tries to stay tidy. He takes pride in his work... can't be turning in stained papers, you know?
• Speaking of, it's mentioned that higher-ranking Cogs are made of better, stronger materials. I do think that's a big reason William looks the way he does... bro is literally falling apart at the seams. He is NOT built particularly well 😔
• Some of his dialogue is really interesting to me, it seems to imply there’s a part of him, maybe under different circumstances, he’d be willing to be friends. I think there’s more to him than his grumpy facade…
• I'm a William and Rain friendship truther <:) I think they have an enemies to reluctant frenenimes deal. Their dialogue implies they’ve known each other for awhile… I like to think about them slowly understanding each other over time.
• I think he has a pen collection. <3 It may seem boring to everyone else but he would be excited to talk about it if given the chance.
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