#when things are out of your control like this just let the chips fall where they may
blorbocedes · 3 months
it is pretty fascinating redbull who is unbeatable on track is going through an internal implosion of absolute power corrupting like straight out of a moral fable. lol
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
Cave boy Danny just casually mentioning things that correspond with Bruce, like the time he stole an experimental power suit and shot a god corresponding with Bruce shooting Darkseid or the Infi-map being like the time Bruce was lost in the time stream, and the bats wondering how this kid can remain a civilian
Danny tried his best to not blink too quickly, as it may cause the stranger to shoot him. He honestly has no idea how he ended up here, but somehow, he was taken hostage alongside a bus full of people on his way to buy some chips.
He got tired of Alfred's instance to ban all junk food from the manor and had snuck out while the Wyanes had been busy going over plans for some big showdown with a guy named Scarecrow.
Danny doesn't know who that is and doesn't care to find out. The less he knows, the less likely he will have to deal with rouge. He's on vacation, dang it.
Or he was until the bus was taken over by a group of men wearing gas masks. They forced their way onto the bus when they stopped for some passengers, forcing the driver at gunpoint to drive them off course, and now they were heading to a wear house. People were crying, but Danny felt like screaming.
He just wanted spicy chips, and- maybe if he had the time- he would swing by the old junkyard to find a steering wheel for his ship! Fenton luck strikes again, it seemed.
"I wouldn't be so smug, Kane," One of the people in a gas mask shouts at him. He blinks up at the woman pointing her gun at his head but scoffs at her stance. His mother would throw a fit if Danny or Jazz ever placed their feet so off balance like that while wielding a weapon. "Once Dr.Crane is done with you-"
"I'm sorry did you just threaten me with myself?" Danny cuts her off. She pauses seemingly thrown before she sputters.
"No- not Kane, Crane."
He blinks at her. "You just said the same thing"
"C-R-A-N-E." She spells in a huff.
"Ohhhhh. Sorry, the mask makes it hard to understand you. Okay, so where were you? Dr. Crane is going to do what with me-?" Danny asks, leaning back in his seat, and waving his hand at her.
There is a moment of silence before she hits him across the face with her gun. "Don't you mock me!"
"Ow." He deadpans, rubbing at his cheek, and wonders if it was supposed to hurt. His healing had vanished the pain before her gun left his skin. "I thought we were having a conversation, but forgive me, I had no idea you had an inferiority complex and assumed everyone was mocking you. Let me guess, no one has ever told you they are proud of you, and now you are defensive of every action you take because-"
"Shut up!" His voice wobbles and Danny knows he hit the nail on the head.
"Does it keep you up at night? Does it freak you out that everyone can see your issues on your face as bright as day? I bet it does it. Bet it causes you to cry like a sad little confused kid who still can't figure out how to ask for help." He doesn't mock. He states it as fact because that is what it was. Fact. She does break down about it; he can tell by her reaction, and his tone makes it all the harder to swallow.
"I'll kill you!"
"Do it." He smiles. "Saves me from your boss. But will that keep you safe? Let's find out! How long will it be before he breaks you down? Ten, maybe fifteen minutes? And he will break you; you know he will. He's already halfway there."
"I-" She stumbles away from him. He doesn't have to see her face to know it's gone pale. Ha.
One of her crew hits her shoulder, having heard him speaking while the rest of the bus stares. "Stop letting him into your head!"
"Oh, what's your name?" Danny asks, blinking his large blue eyes at the man, watching his body language for clues. His eyes zero in on three belts and how they all match up at the buckle despite the fact that they are stacked on top of each other. Didn't Jazz once say that a belt with that much control hinted about attention to detail?
"Is the plan falling apart- can you not control it? The way life just moves on without you and that freaks you out doesn't it. The lake of control?" He asks, and the man jerks back. Bingo.
"Holy shit," A teenager whispers in the back horrified. "It's Dr. Crane jr."
"No, that's the Rabid Dog," Another answer. "Heard he made three elites cry after talking to him for more than ten minutes."
Danny is about to open his mouth when suddenly Robin crashes through the front window. Rude. There is glass everywhere now.
Hours later, Alfred franticly checks him over for injuries while the rest are freaking out. Apparently, they had feared to find Danny screaming from terrible visions but instead found him mentally breaking the hired goons with Jazz's training. "It's not like they did anything. I had a harder time stealing a super suit than those fruitloops-"
"You stole a what?" Tim cuts him off, eyes narrowed. Danny shrugs.
"I mean, haven't we all stolen a super suit?"
"Literally, no one here has done that," Steph tells him, and Danny tilts his head.
"You guys must have had boring childhoods. Surely you at least tried to organize your school into a battle-ready militia? No one can finish school without doing that at least once."
Dick raises a hand. "Brucie, how common is this in your world? Because that's alarming."
"All the kids at my school do that. My graduating class has done it three different times back in freshmen year." He shrugs. Cass makes a strange noise in the back of her throat.
"Not a lie. Brucie is strange," She tells the group, and everyone stares in bewilderment at the boy sitting on the medical table, even Bruce.
Danny smiles at them sweetly like he would at Vlad when the fruitloop is over, and he gets his parents to throw him out sooner than he wants to leave. It curves with just the right amount of innocence and mischievous nature that no one can tell if it's a positive or deadly expression.
"You are from a war-torn world?" Damian inquires, fingers under his chin with a frown. "How are you so carefree?"
"Oh no, we haven't had a war in about- eh fifty years? Give or take." He answers and once again Cass confirms the truth of his words.
This does nothing to settle their nerves.
"Every day I learn more about teenage Bruce, and every day I am more unsettled," Jason announces, and the rest of the Bats nod. Danny's smile turns broader and softer. It makes him more attractive but unsettling in a way.
Alfred sighs with a fond smile. "Oh, the memories. Master Bruce used to smile at his dates in the same way. I can picture him taking that sweet girl to the movies as if though it was yesterday."
"Bruce, how in the world did you get people to date you? That's creepy as hell. " Dick accuses the man who only shrugs.
"Oliver once told me it was part of the thrill. The idea that I could kill them."
"I wish I knew chum."
Danny slips the control into his sleeve- he will rip it apart later for the Bluetooth piece. He will wait till the Waynes are too busy with Bruce's old stories about his first few dates to take apart the fear gas bomb he took from the woman earlier today. Could he use it as a fuel?
He'll have to do some tests.
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inkdrinkerworld · 11 months
a spider!reader who gives off “sweet girl next door” vibes? she tries to bring miguel cookies with he’s working on something and he scares her, coming off more angry than intended, and ends up dropping them on the floor. (collect groan lmao)
contains minor spoilers to across the spider-verse pt 2
you’d been thinking all day after the whole fiasco of recruiting gwen that miguel needed cheering up.
margo warned you not to, said, ‘he’s a grump. let him grump.’
but you hadn’t been able to take that answer. there was something about miguel that didn’t just scream grump. something seemed tired about him.
so, you tried your hand at baking him something. you’d debated for a long time of chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal cookies were more his style.
you decided on chocolate chip.
you spent two days on them, using a recipe which required brown butter, overnight chilling and a lot of dark chocolate.
you got a lot of flour on you as you baked them, watching them rise and then spread out on the floor of the kitchen.
when they were done you packed them up in a cute purple box you snagged from the cafeteria.
your heart leapt to your throat as you turned down the corner to HQ, hoping that you wouldn’t catch miguel at a bad time.
that hope is decimated when you walk in and find him grumbling to his computer.
“um, miguel?” you’re bouncing on the balls of your feet as you stand in the archway.
“what? what do you need?” he huffs and you feel some of your momentum dry up.
“i brought something for you, but if you’re busy-“ it appears that was the wrong thing to say.
“of course i’m busy! i’m always busy trying to keep the stupid multi-verse from collapsing. maybe some other time we can chit chat.”
you’d never actually been on the receiving end of miguel’s upset, and maybe this wasn’t exactly for you but his tone and the way his arms are flailing around his body makes you feel small in a way that hasn’t happened for a long time.
“right,” you whisper, managing not to cry as you jolt and the box of cookies fall. “i’m sorry for bothering you.”
miguel watches as you don’t even bend to pick up the box. he watches you turn like you’re being remote controlled and he catches sight of your hands wiping at your eyes.
“great, you’ve made her cry casanova.” lyla appears suddenly, foot tapping in air as her arms cross over her chest.
“so now i’m the bad guy?” he asks, but it’s rhetorical. he feels like the bad guy. guilt and shame burn his throat and belly like he’s downed two tequila shots with no lime or salt.
lyla flits to the box, “she made you cookies.”
miguel sighs, hands scrubbing at his face as he steps off the platform to pick up the box. in your neat cursive he notices you’ve written, ‘a pick me from having to do all the hard stuff.’
he wants to smash something. of course he’d blow up at possibly the nicest spider-woman variant. of course he’d be the asshole to make you cry too.
“where is she?” he asks lyla as he sets the box on the desk and opens it to find the cookies all broken. they smell delicious - something close to that bakery you liked when you’d visited earth-2067 with him on a scouting mission.
you and miguel always make a great team on missions and he hates to admit it but he’s very fond of you and he knows you're fond of him too.
it’s why his chest is aching and he needs to find you. “lyla, where is she?”
“in her room, blasting music and cleaning. give the girl a moment alone before you barge in there and make it worse.”
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wholoveseggs · 4 months
Hello, how are you? Could i request an angsty but smutty and fluff fic of Elijah and reader where they get into a fight but makeup in the end?
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You and Elijah get into a fight about his protective nature. He thinks you are too stubborn, and you think he's too controlling. How will you resolve your issues?
♡♡ Thanks for the request anon! I don't know if this is very angsty, but it certainly is very smutty ♡♡
4.1k words - Warnings: smuttttt, very little plot, Cami being the best, dom!elijah (you like him in control? well... here you go...), fingering, squirting, angry sex...
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"I'm not some damsel in distress, I don't need your protection!" You yelled, louder than you meant to. Arguing with Elijah was always a test of your restraint. He made it so damn difficult, he was always calm and composed. Sometimes you just wanted to push his buttons.
"Darling, I have so many enemies, and you're not invincible." He tried to reason.
"Don't patronize me, I know that, but you treat me like I can't take care of myself!" You snapped, pacing around the living room. You tried to calm yourself down, you didn't want to say something you'd regret, but the anger bubbling inside you wouldn't go away.
"I'm not trying to patronize you, I just think you could make better decisions." He said softly, his eyes following you as you paced.
"It's like you're treating me like a child! We're supposed to be equals, and you always talk to me like you're the parent and I'm the kid!" Your voice cracked a little, when you got angry you also would cry. You hated that about yourself.
Elijah could see the pain in your eyes, you were his soft and sweet y/n. He just wanted to protect you. He tried to approach you, to hold you and comfort you, but you pushed him away.
His actions made you feel weak, and foolish, here was a man that faced countless dangers, he was centuries old, he fought vampires and werewolves, witches and even his own siblings. And you were just this fragile thing, this tiny human he had to watch out for. It made you feel so weak and pathetic, all your insecurities bubbling up inside you, the tears falling down your cheeks.
You stormed away from him, and he let you, because he knew if he pushed you, it would just make things worse.
You had been dating Elijah for two months now, and in that time, he had taken on the role of a protective boyfriend. You liked being taken care of, but sometimes it felt like he didn't see you as an equal.
You had been arguing about this a lot lately. You didn't like being treated like you were breakable. You weren't. You had dealt with plenty of dangers in your life, and he didn't give you enough credit.
He was a stubborn man, and you were a stubborn woman, so the tension kept rising, until you finally had to get away from him. So you decided to stay at Cami's for a few days, she was a good friend, and she didn't judge you. She could always use some company anyways.
"So, he's a bit over protective, huh?" Cami asked. You were curled up on her couch, drinking a glass of wine. You were both having a night in, wearing pajamas and doing self-care.
"Yeah, and I know he means well, but I really value my independence, it's not something I'm willing to give up," You admitted.
"Do you feel like he doesn't respect you?" She asked, taking a sip of her own wine.
"No, he does, I know that, but it feels like he doesn't trust me." You said, looking down into your glass.
Cami stood and grabbed some snacks, tossing you a bag of your favorite chips. "I don't think that's it, I think he's scared. Scared to lose you. He's been through so much, and he's lost a lot of people he's loved." She said, plopping back down on the couch.
You let out a long sigh, you knew of his pain, but it was still hard to hear out loud. He held all of his trauma inside him, and sometimes it was difficult for him to share, even with you.
"I love him Cami, it's just hard. I've always had to take care of myself, I guess I just have a hard time accepting someone wanting to do that for me." You said softly, feeling the tears brimming your eyes.
"Have you told him that? That you love him?" She asked.
"No, I... I want him to say it first." You admitted.
Cami chuckled and took a long sip of her wine, then grabbed the remote and turned on a movie. It was one of those sappy romances that were so over the top and cheesy. But that's why they were so fun to watch.
"Just tell him. I'm sure he loves you too." Cami said, her gaze fixed on the tv.
"I know," you sighed, "I just want him to initiate, his so reserved, and I'm tired of always being the one who has to take the first step." You grumbled.
"He's probably worried about scaring you away, or making things awkward, you know how he can be." She said, turning to look at you, giving you a comforting smile.
"Yeah, I guess." You mumbled, curling up further on the couch.
Cami gave you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and the two of you continued to watch your movie, the sappy love story playing out in front of you.
"So," she said, breaking the silence, "how's the sex?"
You choked on your wine, sputtering a bit before regaining your composure. Cami was a little shit sometimes.
"The sex is amazing," You said, smirking at her. "But... I'm always the one initiating it. Sometimes I think his biggest problem is that he's too gentlemanly."
"Well, what have you done to make him be more spontaneous?" Cami asked, grabbing the bottle of wine and pouring more in her glass.
"Me?" You squeaked. "What did I do?"
"Maybe he doesn't want to take control because you never gave him permission." She asked.
You sat and thought about that. You were usually the one who would start things. You initiated kisses, hugs, hand holding, even the sex. Elijah was so reserved, so proper, he didn't want to overstep. It made you feel like he didn't desire you, which was ridiculous, you had seen him undressing you with his eyes.
"That's fair." You said. "I didn't realize he was waiting for permission."
"Men are idiots." Cami stated, making you laugh.
"Sometimes," you said, chuckling. "I just want to see him be the one to initiate, you know?"
"I know." She said, leaning back on the couch.
You finished the bottle of wine and watched the rest of the movie. It was so sweet, the ending was a happy one, the couple was together and they were in love. You wished life was that simple.
The next morning, you woke up with a pounding headache and a dry mouth. Cami was already awake, making coffee.
"Ugh," you groaned, rubbing your temples. "I should have drank more water,"
"I tried to remind you." Cami said, smirking at you.
"Well, excuse me for being drunk," You replied.
She handed you a mug of coffee, and you sipped it slowly, letting the warmth of the drink soothe your throat.
"Thanks for letting me stay here," you said.
"You know I don't mind." She replied, sitting on the couch next to you.
You leaned your head on her shoulder, sighing.
"I love him, but I think I need some space. Some time to myself." You said softly.
"I think that's a good idea." She replied.
"Are we doing the right thing? Am I being selfish?" You asked, chewing your bottom lip.
"No, you're not. You're being realistic. You need some space and some time to yourself." She replied.
"I'm going to go to the compound and pick up some clothes and stuff." You said.
"Want me to come with you?" She asked.
"No, that's ok, I think I can handle myself." You replied, smiling at her.
She gave you a reassuring squeeze and you got up, feeling a bit better after your talk.
"Thanks Cami, I'll call you later," You said, grabbing your keys and heading out.
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Elijah was sitting at the kitchen counter, drinking a glass of whiskey, and he had a book open in front of him, though he wasn't reading it. His mind was too preoccupied. He missed you terribly, it had only been a couple days, but it felt like an eternity.
He thought back to the last conversation you had had. You had stormed off, and he hadn't chased after you, because he knew you needed time to cool down. He wanted to tell you he was sorry, but he knew you didn't want to hear it right now.
You were the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he didn't want to lose you. He was used to losing people, he had spent centuries running, he had been betrayed, lied to, hurt. But he had never met anyone quite like you.
You were sweet, funny, smart, and caring. He had fallen for you quickly, but he had been too afraid to admit it. Like if he said it out loud, everything would fall apart.
But in your absence he realized his mistake, and how foolish he had been. No more wasting time, he needs to tell you that he loves you, despite how stubborn you are.
You walked into the compound, it was eerily quiet, you hoped Elijah was out. So you could just quickly grab your things and leave.
You didn't expect him to be waiting for you in the kitchen, his face was serious, but his eyes were full of emotion.
"Elijah, I'm just here to pick up some clothes," You said, trying to walk past him. He stepped in front of you, blocking your way.
"We need to talk." He said, his tone firm.
"No, we really don't, I just want my things," You said, trying to move around him. He moved again, his arms crossed, and his face was stern.
"Stop treating me like a child! Let me by!" You yelled. He let you pass him and you ran up to your bedroom, grabbing some clothes.
He followed you and stood in the doorway, watching you, his eyes boring into your skin.
"Stop looking at me like that," You said, throwing some clothes into a bag.
"I hate seeing you upset," He replied, his voice soft.
"I'm not upset, I'm just angry." You said, moving past him to go into the bathroom, grabbing your toothbrush.
He followed you and leaned against the doorframe, watching you gather your toiletries.
"Please, let's just talk." He pleaded.
You sighed, looking up at him, his expression was pained, his jaw was clenched. You could see the desperation in his eyes. Your anger was still in charge though and you pushed past him again and started packing your things on the bed.
"So talk, I'm listening," You said harshly, still not looking at him.
He took a deep breath, his fists clenched, and he closed his eyes for a moment, composing himself. He knew he couldn't get through to you when you were angry like this.
"You're right," He said, opening his eyes and looking at you. "I'm sorry. I haven't been treating you fairly. I've been trying to protect you. But you are being stubborn and you're not letting me explain,"
You turned to look at him, trying to ignore how good he looked. His hair was messy, like he had been running his hands through it, and he was wearing a black shirt, his sleeves rolled up, and his tie was hanging loose around his neck. A part of you wanted to just give in and kiss him, but the other part of you was still pissed off.
He could hear your heart beating faster, your body temperature rising. He knew that he had an effect on you, and he was enjoying seeing you get flustered. He gave you a crooked smirk, and took a step closer to you, and you backed up, hitting the bed.
You took a shaky breath, trying to steady your breathing. You were angry, but his presence always made your body react, and your head spin.
"So stubborn," he growled, pushing you onto the bed.
"Fuck you, Elijah," you hissed, trying to sit up.
"Not today," he smirked, pinning you down with his weight.
"I said, fuck you," You growled, pushing on his chest.
He chuckled and leaned down, his face inches from yours. His eyes were dark, his lips curled up in a devilish smile.
"Say please," He purred, his breath ghosting over your lips.
You let out a frustrated groan, and he kissed you, hard. You whimpered, and he slipped his tongue into your mouth, exploring it, tasting you.
"Is this what you want? To be fucked?" He whispered, his lips grazing your ear.
"No," you lied, trying to squirm away from him, but his grip was too tight.
"Don't lie, darling, your body betrays you," He growled, nibbling your earlobe before leaving a trail of hickeys down your neck.
He suddenly tore the shirt off of you, making you gasp. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, his other hand moving to your waist, pulling your skirt off.
"Eli- my clothes!" You whined, but he just chuckled, his eyes roaming your body.
"I'll buy you new ones," He smirked, nipping at your jaw, then capturing your lips with his.
"You can't just-" you were cut off by him biting your lip. You groaned and he released you, his hands roaming your body.
"Stop being so stubborn," He whispered, his fingers brushing over your lace panties, making you shiver.
"I'm not," you argued, biting back a moan as his fingers teased your clit.
He laid on his side next to you, opening your legs and pushing your panties out of the way. He grazed over your clit with the pad of his index finger, teasing you slowly. He loved this, teasing you, torturing you. You were so beautiful when you were desperate for him.
You whined and pushed your hips against his hand, and he pulled his hand away, smirking.
"You're such a tease," You growled, glaring at him.
"You're cute when you're angry," He smiled, his fingers returning to your pussy. He tapped your clit lightly, his lips ghosting over yours. You tried not to react, but it felt so good, this dominant side of him was driving you crazy.
He slid two fingers into you, and began thrusting them slowly. You gasped and arched your back, moaning loudly. Watching your reaction was thrilling, his cock was painfully hard, but he wanted to make you cum first.
"Listen to those sweet sounds," he purred, pumping his fingers in and out of you, curling them just right. “So filthy and wet, the way your body responds, it's like you were made for me."
"You're a fucking asshole," you moaned, trying to buck your hips against his fingers.
"I can stop, if you want," He whispered, his voice dark. 
"No," You whimpered, "I-I'm close."
"Oh, I know, darling." He smiled, "You're going to cum, and I'm going to make you cum again, and again, until all the stubborn thoughts in your head disappear."
His fingers were pumping fast now, and you couldn't help the noises you were making. Your orgasm was building in such a way that you knew it would be intense. He was right, you were stubborn, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing you moan, but it was becoming more and more difficult to hold back.
"Eli- wait, your gonna make me-" You stuttered, gasping as he added a third finger, stretching you even more.
"Make a mess?" He purred, curling his fingers just right, hitting your g-spot.
The lewd, wet, squelching noises coming from your pussy were embarrassing, and the fact that he was enjoying them made it worse. He could feel your walls tightening around his fingers, your whole body trembling, you were so close.
He sped up his pace, and he could see the moment when you reached your peak. Your body tensed up, your back arching, and then a loud cry escaped your lips.
Your juices spilled out onto his fingers, covering his hand. It was so much, you had never squirted before, and the look on Elijah's face was pure lust and amusement.
It made you embarrassed and a bit angry and you tried to move away, but he kept his fingers buried deep inside you, not letting you escape.
"Don't be ashamed," He said, kissing your forehead, his fingers moving slowly, causing your legs to tremble.
"I'm not," You panted, glaring at him, trying to suppress a moan.
"Really?" He purred, his eyes locking with yours, "Then why are you blushing?"
He smirked, and you tried to hide your face in the sheets, but he wouldn't let you. He was still smirking, and you were getting angrier.
"I'm not-"
"Shh, love, you can't hide from me," he cooed, his fingers still pumping into you, stretching you out. Building up another climax.
"Eli-fuck," You gasped, the pleasure building.
"That's it, let me hear those pretty sounds," He whispered, his voice husky.
He was still fully clothed, and he hadn't even touched himself, he was only focused on you.
He kept fucking his fingers into you, his thumb circling your clit, making sure every inch of your pussy was being stimulated.
Your body was trembling, and you could feel yourself getting close again, you pushed your heels into the bed, trying to get away, but he didn't stop, he just kept going, his pace relentless.
"I can't- oh fuck-," You gasped, arching your back as the orgasm crashed over you. Your wetness soaked his hand and the bed below.
Elijah pulled his fingers out, bringing them up to his mouth and licking them clean. Then he kissed you, his tongue pushing past your lips, tasting all of you.
You tried to glare at him, but he was now kissing your neck, his free hand moving down to cup your breast, teasing your nipples.
"I'm still mad at you," You panted, trying not to moan.
"I know," He smirked, "And I'm not finished with you."
He grabbed your thighs, spreading your legs, and settled between them, his eyes roaming over your body.
"Such a pretty thing," He murmured, tracing patterns on your skin.
He took ahold of your waist, pulling you towards him, and began to grind against your wet pussy, making you whimper.
"You're so sensitive, baby," He cooed, his lips brushing over your collarbone.
You could feel his erection straining against his pants, and you could tell he was enjoying this just as much as you were. He undid his belt, pulling it out of the loops, and tossing it to the floor.
He pulled your arms above your head, his hand gripping your wrists. He unzipped his pants and took his cock out, pressing it against your entrance.
"You're already soaked for me," He whispered, kissing you deeply.
You moaned into the kiss, and he pushed his cock into you, making you whimper. He was so thick, and his length filled you completely, making your body tremble.
He began to thrust into you, his pace steady, and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, his lips grazing over your skin.
"I'm not a toy," You managed to say, your voice strained.
"No, you're not, you're mine," He growled, his hips slamming into yours, his cock hitting all the right spots.
"Fuck," You gasped, arching your back.
His grip on your wrists tightened, and he spread your legs even wider. He grinded his hips slowly, wanting to draw out your pleasure for as long as possible.
You could feel the pressure building, and it was becoming harder to concentrate, all you could focus on was his cock, his weight on top of you, the way he was looking at you.
"Say it," He growled, his hips moving faster now. "Tell me you're mine."
"I'm yours," You moaned, your voice cracking, your resolve breaking with every deep stroke.
The sound of his cock sliding in and out of your pussy filled the room, mixed with your moans and gasps, and the way the bed was creaking. He knew you were close, he could feel your muscles starting to clench around him.
"No no stubborn one, you don't get to cum yet," He growled, nipping at your ear.
He wrapped your legs around his waist, pinning you to the bed. His pace increased and he leaned in to kiss you.
"Come on darling, give in, admit I'm right," He whispered.
"Eli, please," You moaned, your fingers gripping his shirt.
"All you have to do is submit," He cooed, pressing his lips to yours.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to resist the urge to give in, but it was so intense and his pace was relentless. He wasn't going to stop, not until you broke.
"Look at the way you open up for me," He said, his voice husky as he grinded against you. "Your needy little pussy, milking my cock, begging to be filled."
You looked down at where his cock was buried inside of you, moving in and out of your pussy. You could see how wet you were, covering his pants and your thighs, making a mess of the sheets.
"Hmm, you like that? Seeing how wet you are, all for me," He whispered, leaning down to kiss you. "Just admit that you are stubborn, and we can cum together."
Your whole body was shaking, your orgasm so close, but you fought it, squeezing your thighs together, trying to close your legs, but he wouldn't let you.
You gave up, you didn't care about the fight anymore, you just wanted to cum, you just wanted him to stop torturing you. You couldn't think straight, everything was too much, his thrusts were deep and hard, his cock was filling you, stretching you out, he knew just how to fuck you.
You couldn't hold back anymore and you finally gave in, submitting to him. "You're right," you gasped, your voice barely audible. "Please, Eli, fuck, I'm sorry, just let me cum."
"Good girl," He groaned, leaning back and spreading your thighs wide, pounding into you. He began to stroke your clit with his thumb, drawing circles, as his hips snapped hard and fast.
It was all too much, and you felt an intense release, your body convulsing, your wetness soaking him, making a mess of the clothes he was still wearing and the bed.
He chuckled, watching your cheeks flush in embarrassment as he fucked you through it. He made you squirt all over him, submitting to him completely.
You were still trembling, trying to catch your breath, you couldn't focus, your whole body was tingling with pleasure, you felt like you were floating.
He kissed you deeply, pressing his body to yours before he let out a low groan and came inside you, his cock twitching. You shuddered, your pussy still sensitive, but he didn't stop, he continued moving his hips slowly.
You could feel the warmth of his cum filling you, his cock throbbing, his breathing uneven. He kissed you softly and slowly, his fingers brushing over your cheek, caressing your face as he pulled out of you.
Now that you had come down from your high, you felt a mixture of frustration and humiliation. You tried to move, but he held you there, a devilish grin plastered on his face.
He shifted onto his back, pulling you on top of him. You straddled him, your body on top of his, your chest pressing against his chest.
"I love you," he whispered, pulling you in for another kiss.
"Eli," you muttered, burying your face in his chest. You couldn't believe he had fucked you in that way, and now he was saying the three words you wanted to hear the most. He was so perfect and so infuriating at the same time. You were angry that he was able to make you give in so easily, but it was worth it. It had never felt so good.
"I love you too, asshole," you replied, making him laugh.
He kissed you once more before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. His hands rested on your lower back, tracing lazy circles.
"I'm sorry for being protective, it's not because I don't trust you, it's because I'm afraid of losing you," he said quietly.
"I know, and I'm sorry for saying that you're a control freak," you apologized.
"No you're not," He smirked, kissing you again.
"I'm getting there," you sighed.
He laughed, tracing the curve of your hips with his fingertips. You could feel him harden underneath you, and it turned you on again. And you slowly ground your hips against his, teasing him.
His eyes grew dark, and he placed his hands on your ass, squeezing firmly. "Darling, don't," He said warningly, his voice strained.
You ignored him, rolling your hips, grinding into his lap, you wanted more.
"Don't be so stubborn Eli-,"
You were on your back before you could finish your sentence, your legs spread, his lips on yours.
You were definitely going to fight with him more often…
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog ♡ @savannaounana ♡ @cs-please
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neoarchipelago · 5 months
So I got to reading some facts about red pandas cuz y'all got me back on the redpanda!reader AU!
They sleep like 2/3 of the day and they sleep with their tails snuggled around their bodies like a blanket.
So like. Hybrid reader gets a lot sleepy during the day. Don't get me wrong, she's extremely efficient when she's awake but she'll often nap, anytime anywhere. On the plane back on the evac. While finishing a report, on the couch after a training and sometimes in the gym behind some training mats.
Random places anytime. When the boys don't know where you are they know you're probably sleeping. But the awful stress they got the first few times as they didn't know where you had decided to fall asleep this time was too much to bear.
"what's this..?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.
"it's a chipped tag." Price said. The man standing around, arms crossed.
"what?" You frowned.
"it'll track you at all times. In case we need to find you." Ghost said.
"you're gps tracking me??" You let out, now feeling slightly annoyed.
"don't get on the table... Calm down" Gaz reassured.
You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
"listen bonnie. We spent 2 hours looking for you last time. You fell asleep in a tank!" Soap argued.
You opened your mouth but Price was faster.
"no. No discussion. Either that or your start sleeping in the dorms. Everytime."
"but... I don't control it... I get sleepy... And then I just nap."
"then I don't want to hear it."
Now you just keep it on you all the time. If it isn't a member of the base notifying Price of your new sleeping spot, they knew where you were.
Now the thing about all these little sleeping episodes. Is that what they started to understand. You needed those power naps. Being in the military didn't let you sleep as much as your hybrid body wanted to. So they often indulge you. You get cranky but mostly overworked. Tiredness eating at you if you go a full day without at least two power naps.
Compared to your kind, it's almost as if you didn't sleep at all!
Now they let you sleep in their arms, against their shoulders. You had been incredibly touched one day, as you were trying to focus through the blurriness of your tired eyes on an incident report, seeing the boys walk in with a blanket.
"You took a nap this afternoon?" Gaz questioned.
"on the couch lass! Nap nap!" Soap chimed.
Another thing is the way you sleep. You had first hid yourself away when you met the boys. Sleeping spots into dark corners or only your dorm. But the first time Gaz found you sleeping on an old office couch, he couldn't stop smiling. How you found this abandoned office was a mystery. But the way you were curled on the cushion, tail in between your legs as you held it like a pillow against you, face on the tip.
He bit his tongue, trying not to let a sound out at how cute he found you. He had left, only texting the team to let them know where you were.
Then it was on a particularly hard mission. The first time you had actually slept near the boys, nothing separating you. The small one room safehouse not giving anyone any privacy.
The boys had noticed your sleepy eyes closing themselves as they tried to chat about what they'd do once they'd be home, evac fishing them up the next morning.
You were eventually lulled to sleep by their deep voice, talking in a low tone. Wrapping yourself up again, tail around your curled body, ear twitching at the lack of their voices as they noticed it. The boys were in awe. Gaz admitted he had already witnessed it before. Soap immediately took a picture, Ghost smacking the back of his head before grunting.
"Send it to me..."
You were standing on a humvee three days later, having found out their phone wallpapers was a picture of you sleeping. Your red face as you scolded them from your high ground, the four men standing arms crossed looking up at you, too amused for your own taste.
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babyshoesnerdshit · 9 months
batkids high headcanons
CW: weed (duh), characters being high (also duh), slightly platonic yandere, and infantilization
Dick: absolute cuddle monster, he will grab which ever sibling is closest and hold on like an octopus, if the need to get something from the other room he will simply carry them there so they can get it. need to go to the bathroom? it will take 15 minuets minimum to convince him to let you go. some siblings will hit him for clinging but it doesn't stop him at all. he just loves you guys so much, and he will tell you this constantly. super affectionate, will kiss the top of your head, you cheeks, your forehead ect. some of the others with try and stab him for this others will give up and let him. will be the one to buy all of the snacks before the sesh. makes sure to get all the ones he know you like best.
Jason: anger issues? what anger issues? super chill and the most relaxed you've seen him. he will find you and will carry you around on his hip, he talks to you like your a child (only you not any of the other siblings) he has a firm hold on you so the only way you're getting down is if one of the other siblings manages to convince him. however he is super comfy and you might fall asleep. if this happens you will be cooed at and many pics will be taken (however that would happen no matter what you did so). tries super hard to make you laugh but keeps cutting himself off by laughing at his own jokes. totally makes his own edibles. will go along with almost any silly antic you get up to, the best at playing along with the bit.
Tim: becomes super quiet and doesn't make many expressions, observes the others for the most part. then out of nowhere he will say the most philosophical shit that makes no sense to anyone but him and he refuses to elaborate. one of the only times he will fall asleep willingly. he will also hug like an octopus but only to you, you can push him off much easier but less than half of a minuet later he's hugging you again. will randomly start petting your hair when hugging you. takes lots of pics of you, if you ask why he just says he's documenting important things. he will use the particularly good/cute ones as ransom to the other siblings (ex. "if you do [insert thing] for me ill give you this pic of (y/n) high [doing cute thing]" and it always works)
Steph: becomes an absolute comedian, constantly cracking jokes and finds the funniest videos to watch. smiles and laughs at everything. tends to fall asleep before everyone else tho (except Duke but more on that later) finds the most random things funny, one time you found her laughing her ass off at an egg just sitting on the counter in the kitchen. will bat at things like a cat, like hoodie strings or someone's hair (most likely belonging to Tim or Cass). defo the biggest stoner out of the whole group (followed by probably Jason). always has a bag of chips on her, no one knows where she keeps them she just pulls them out of nowhere to start snacking.
Cass: Cass has never been drunk or high or any form of intoxicated, and she plans to keep it that way. she likes being in total control of herself all of the time. she does however like to hangout with you guys while you are high, she thinks its very funny and she takes photos and records things to use as blackmail or to trade. stays silent in the corner the whole time just watching you guys be idiots, if she sees you're starting to get stressed/have a bad time she will instantly be by your side and knows exactly how to comfort you. she makes sure you guys always have enough water, before you even ask there's a water bottle right next to you. (depending on just how high you are it ranges from a glass of water to straight up a sippy cup)
Duke: doesn't really get high often but will hang out with you like Cass, he however talks to you guys more than just observing. the few times he gets high it always a really small edible because he has a super low tolerance and smoking intimidates him, and he usually only uses it to help him sleep. dude is knocked out almost as soon as it hits. if he does manage to stay up he just laughs at everything and smiles without saying much. he's just happy to be there :]
Damian: is too young to do anything so no weed for him. he claims he doesn't care and that he is superior for keeping his mind clear but will then go pout in his room because he feels left out. will hang out sometimes but not often because he is a common target for dicks octopus hugs/overbearing affection. when he is old enough I get the feeling he would still not partake out of spite and so he can say he's better than you.
Bonus: Alfred makes the best food for munchies, any requests will be made no matter how strange. Bruce knows but he lets it slide (only after doing several hours of research on it to make sure you guys weren't doing anything too harmful) because he's just happy to see all of his kids getting along and bonding. Bruce did give you all an hour long lecture about making sure what you had was gotten from a safe and regulated dispensary and how to get high in the safest way possible. I personally think he transformed one of the lounge rooms into a specific high room, it has no sharp objects and nothing that you could accidentally get hurt on, there's pillows and blankets everywhere. he will also make sure you guys properly clean any pipes/bongs. much like many of your siblings he will use this as an opportunity to baby you (he would tell you to hold his hand because you might be a bit wobbly or carry you to bed ect.)
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
horny thoughts !
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phillip graves who loves hatefucking you. you're just so mouthy; just because you're basically his "right hand", you think you can talk to him however you want. with every little comment, every snide remark and snark uttered under your breath, his self-control is chipped away at bit by bit until he's pushing you into his office and up against the locked door. it isn't long before he turns you to face the door and buries his cock into you, keeping you up with one hand on your waist and the other covering your mouth.
"don't wanna get caught, do ya sweetheart?" he whispers in your ear, but the force he uses to drive his hips into your ass makes the door rattle. he's trying to make you moan, loud and whiny so that any passersby will know exactly what's going on in their commander's office. he makes you call him that, "commander", when he finally takes his hand away from your mouth to start toying with your clit. phillip loves to make things difficult for the people he doesn't like, so when you try to bring your own hands up to cover your mouth, he'll catch your wrists and hold them against your stomach, but of course, every time you let out a whine that can be heard over his thick cock bullying into your dripping cunt, he'll slap your clit and tell you to shut up.
after you cum from that, eyes rolling back and nearly falling save for his tight grip on you, phillip takes you over to his desk to bend you over for the sole purpose of leaving your ass bruised. every so often he'll give you a break from his relentless strikes for every noise you let out, wrapping a hand around your throat to arch your back and lift you up just enough that it restricts your air flow a little. "how many times am i gonna have to fuck you dumb for you to stop being a little slut? always fuckin' mouthing off to me, knowin' damn well where you'll end up. y'love being used by your commander, don't ya doll? y'think they all know what a whore y'are for me? all of 'em are so scared of you, should i tell them what you let me do to you?"
neither of you make time to talk about how soft phillip is with you after you're both finally sated. he'll clean you off and lift you into his lap until you're fully conscious again, rubbing his hands over you languidly. when he thinks you're dozing off, he grazes a soft kiss on the top of your head and lets you rest for as long as he can. both of you try not to think too long about that, or about how he kisses you before you leave in a way that can only be seen as sweet.
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meiliarotten · 5 months
Team Fortress 2 Kinktober Time Three: Return of the Kink
Day 12: Hands Under the Table (Public)
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Pairings: Sniper x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Sniper have some fun in a conveniently isolated area of a bar
Tags: Public, dirty talk, fingering, denial, dom/sub, bars, beer (no intoxication), volume control
Word Count: 2.2k
The Masterlist
You gripped a bottle of beer in your hand, letting the condensation soak your palm. Cracking open the cap, you grimaced as it bubbled and dripped down the side before taking a tentative sip. Yup, just as disgusting as the last time you had tried beer. Why you felt the need to force yourself to adapt to this taste, you would never know.
Truthfully, it was probably for the same reason you agreed to come along to this bar in the first place- comradery. You wished your team could get a bit more imaginative with their post-victory celebrations. At the very least, they could buy some drinks and keep them back at the base, where you could at least have the convenience of retiring to your room when things became overwhelming.
Scanning the bar, your eyes fell on Sniper, who had been keeping a booth to himself for most of the night. A bowl of chips in the center of the table remained untouched, and his hat was pulled low over his eyes, as if he simply wanted to fall asleep and be woken up when this was over. Sensing a possible kindred spirit, you approached him.
“I’m surprised you agreed to come,” you said, looking down at Sniper, now seeing that he was also nursing a beer. You wondered if he actually liked the stuff or if he was just faking it like you. Maybe everyone was faking it. Maybe beer was just a grand conspiracy.
Sniper scoffed. “Well, I was practically dragged out of my van to join in.” He nodded towards Scout, who was currently trying to chat up various girls on the small dance floor. It figured that the runner would be the one to pry Sniper out of his self imposed isolation. He was one of the only mercs stubborn and persistent enough to do so. You watched him strut over to the blaring jukebox, leaning against it as if it made him seem cool. You wondered how long it would take for him to put
at least five repetitions of the same Tom Jones song into that thing.
You really didn’t want to be negative. It was a nice bar, nicer than the kind you would usually go to. There was even a small stage for live music, although it was currently empty. After such a long streak of wins, the team had decided to splurge a bit. Yet, you ultimately couldn’t seem to get into the spirit of things.
“I take it you’re having about as much fun as I am?” you asked, your voice oozing sarcasm.
Honestly, you did not enjoy going out. Bars of any kind tended to be loud, crowded, and chaotic. You would much rather celebrate with a night in and some greasy take out. Spy wouldn’t be having that though, with his greater than thou attitude towards American food. Although, based on the way he was sequestered in his own personal corner as well, it seemed this wasn’t very much to his taste either.
“At least most of us seem to be enjoying themselves,” you sighed. Although, as you and Sniper looked out over the crowd, it became clear that some individuals may have been enjoying themselves a bit too much.
Demoman probably wouldn’t be much of an issue. You were almost certain that he was immune to hangovers at this point. The others were another story though. You had a feeling that the few sober ones among you would have to guide them back to the base by the end of the night, and help nurse them back to health in the morning. Why the Medigun wasn’t effective on hangovers, you would never know.
You tried to match Sniper’s laid back demeanor, casually sipping your own beer. However, you couldn’t hide the cringe on your face as you swallowed it down.
“Darling,” Sniper chuckled, watching you try and fail to ignore the taste of cheap booze. “If you don’t like it, why are you drinking it?”
You shrugged, giving a defeated sigh. “I guess I thought if I got drunk enough, this night would seem more entertaining.” You swirled the contents of the beer bottle, only a third empty. “But with how long it’s been taking me to force down sips of this cheap shit, I’m probably not even buzzed.”
Sniper chuckled. You set the bottle down beside him, admitting defeat. He took a swig from it only to find that the drink had long since gone flat. “I might have a way to make the evening more enjoyable, if you’d like,” he suggested, returning to nursing his own beer.
“I’m not dancing,” you quickly said.
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” Sniper said, glancing towards the dance floor where Scout was once again trying to seduce girls with his rendition of some kind of indescribable dance- like a cross between the Charleston and a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time. You were almost envious of his alcohol fueled confidence. “Just have a seat next to me, doll.”
He patted the booth beside him. You were confused, but also intrigued, sitting down and sidling up next to him with a playful smirk. He quickly reciprocated with an arm draped over your shoulders, pulling you close. You were a bit embarrassed by the school girl-like giggle that escaped you as you rested your head on his shoulder.
Sniper’s lips grazed your ear, making you shiver, only for his next words to make you freeze up. “Don’t make a scene.”
“Wh-” You couldn’t even get a full word out before Sniper’s free hand reached over, unbuttoning your fly and slipping his hand into your pants. You bit your lip to keep yourself from gasping. “Oh my God, Sniper!” you whispered harshly. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked as he began to move his fingers, still over your underwear. Even so, it still sent jolts of pleasure through you that made your thighs quiver slightly. “We’ve discussed this, doll. Remember how hot it made you, the thought of me working you over with my fingers in the corner of a crowded room?”
Recalling the conversation made you blush. “Yeah, I remember,” you whispered, thinking back to the night you and Sniper had swapped fantasies over pillow talk. “I just didn’t expect it to be happening now.”
“Well, I believe a key part of that little fantasy was the element of surprise,” Sniper said. “You didn’t want to know when I might spring it on you.” He paused suddenly, his smirk wavering. “Of course, if you aren’t up for this now, we can stop-”
“No, no! I am!” You cringed, lowering your voice and glancing around to make sure no one had noticed your outburst. It appeared that the din of the crowd had effectively drowned you out. “That is, I am very much up for this.”
Sniper nodded, turning his gaze away from you. He sipped his beer, holding the bottle with his free hand while the one down your pants began to rub ever so slowly. Your face flushed scarlet and you bit your lower lip to keep any noises from escaping. Your adrenaline was running high, heightening every sensation. Even being touched through your underwear like this felt incredible.
“Please,” you stammered. “Keep going.”
“Of course, darling.”
Your underwear was pulled to the side, and you shuddered as you felt Sniper's fingers drag along your cunt, coating the digits with your arousal. It didn’t take much effort for him to work a couple fingers into you within a few minutes. You hooked a leg over his thigh, trying to spread your legs in a way that wasn’t too conspicuous. He allowed it, rubbing his free hand over your thigh for a moment. His palm was cold from the chill of the beer, causing goosebumps to erupt over your skin.
The hum of the crowd seemed to fade into the background as Sniper began to pump his fingers faster. He kept switching it up, swapping between thrusting into you and circling your clit, keeping you on your toes, yet always bringing you closer and closer to the edge until the sensation of building, tightening pleasure was at the forefront of your mind, eclipsing everything else.
You didn’t trust yourself to speak. You didn’t even trust yourself to look out into the crowded bar, fearing that something in your expression would give you away. Still, you had to try to say something, to warn Sniper that you were close.
“Mundy,” you whimpered. “I’m going to-”
“Not yet.”
Your body immediately stiffened. “No, no, no! Don’t be mean, Mundy! I can’t- oh fuck!” Your plea for mercy dissolved on your lips. You kept a white knuckled grip on the table in front of you, scowling down at it like it had personally offended you. It was all you could do to keep your eyes from rolling back.
“Darling, keep it together,” Sniper whispered, although through clenched teeth, it sounded more akin to a growl. “Or else I’ll have to punish you later.”
You frowned, barely keeping the moan out of your voice as you responded with a tense and curt “Fine.”
“And I'll Ignore your attitude, just this once.”
Damn it, he always needed to have the last word. You clamped a hand over your mouth, gluing your eyes to the table. Sniper’s fingers curled inside you, stroking gently and rhythmically. It was all you could do to keep yourself from arching back against the booth.
Sniper downed the rest of his beer. Glancing down, he saw the way your thighs were trembling, even though you were seated. It was quite an alluring sight, and Sniper couldn’t help but get enraptured in it, imagining being inside you, pinning you down somewhere private, and making all those pretty sounds spill freely from your lips. He shook his head, putting those thoughts out of his mind for now, lest he be forced to hold his own hat suspiciously in front of his crotch for the rest of the night.
“You’re pulsing around my fingers. You’re so close you can taste it, aren’t you?” He whispered. You nodded, barely looking up at him, a whimper just barely escaping past your hand. “You’re about to come in front of all these people who don’t have a clue what’s going on right under their noses.” Sniper pressed his fingers firmly against your sweet spot, making you jolt.
“Mundy,” you groaned his name softly, leaning against him. To anyone who glanced over, it would look like you had just overindulged on alcohol. Your flushed face only served to sell the facade even more. It was the perfect cover, really. Still, you would rather not get caught, even though the risk thrilled you in its own unique way. “Mundy, please!”
“It’s alright, doll. You can come, as long as you think you can stay quiet.”
His permission was like a trigger being pulled. Trying not to writhe as your orgasm ripped through you was a struggle, but you managed, hunching over the table and resting your forehead on the cool hard wood. Keeping quiet was a bit more difficult, but luckily the music was loud and the bar denizens were even louder, so the few moans that escaped you went unnoticed.
You stayed with your head on the table for a while, panting, letting out a soft groan when Sniper withdrew his fingers. He was stone faced, simply looking out over the bar as if nothing had transpired. It was only when you sat up that he glanced over at you, giving you a smirk that made your heart flutter. Between the ambient light of the bar and the post orgasmic haze, he looked handsome as hell. You wanted to lean up and kiss him before you could say something embarrassingly sappy.
Sniper broke the silence before you could. “I have a feeling the rest of the team isn’t going to be in any shape to walk back to base tonight.” He nodded towards the dancefloor, where you were certain at least half of your fellow mercenaries were currently making asses of themselves. However, you couldn’t be bothered to look. You didn’t want to tear your gaze away from Sniper. “How about we head back and grab my van so that they can have a ride? Hell, there might even be just enough time to give you a little reward for being such a good girl.”
An enthusiastic grin spread across your face. “I would like that,” you said, standing up quickly. A bit too quickly, apparently, as you staggered within your first step. Thankfully Sniper was at your side in an instant, linking your arms together to keep you steady. He had half a mind to scoop you up and simply carry you out of the bar.
As he guided you towards the exit on shaky legs, he caught the eyes of another patron. They were supporting the weight of their own very intoxicated partner, who was singing- or rather, shouting- the lyrics to whatever song played from the jukebox unintelligibly as they stumbled along. They gave the two of you a sympathetic look, and Sniper suppressed the smirk that threatened to creep onto his face. If only they knew.
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It's Flawless, Really Something
Roy Kent x Teacher!Reader
Warnings: Language, flirting, a pervy parent, non-academic activities in the classroom
2.6k words
Teach Me Tonight Masterlist
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“Did you save me that biscuit?”
Roy Kent leaned forward, hands on the plastic table, and smiled at you. His eyes were bright, and his black leather jacket hugged him deliciously; he was perfect, you thought. Stupidly, ridiculously, wonderfully perfect.
“Only if you’ve got exact change,” you managed to joke, holding out your outstretched hand.
Roy looked surprised at your teasing reply. Surprised, but also pleased. After your talk with Leanne, you’d made the terrifying decision that you were going to flirt with Roy Kent. You liked him, you knew that much. He clearly liked you, at least a little. And if he was ever going to ask him out, he, like any other man, needed a little encouragement.
With a content chuckle, the coach reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of quid, definitely more than the cost of one chocolate chip cookie. He pressed the money into your hand, curling your fingers into a fist as his warm grip lingered.
Despite your immediately wavering bravery, you held his gaze, not caring that he could probably see the way you gulped at his touch. “That’s a little too much, Coach,” you hummed.
“Consider the rest a tip,” he answered, giving your hand a squeeze before letting go. “For exemplary service.” He tilted his head at you. “How long’re you here for? Do they let you take a break, or do I need to call the union?”
“Maybe another half hour and then I’m pretty much done.” You smiled, not caring that there were students, and parents, and other teachers flittering around. “Why? You want to buy me a lemonade or something?”
He shrugged and picked up a chocolate chip cookie. “Or something,” he echoed with a wink. “Have fun.”
You watched unabashedly as he walked away, to where his sister and Phoebe were waiting for him. He handed the cookie to a bouncy Phoebe, while his sister waggled her eyebrows at him. Roy gave his sister a shove before glancing back at you, his smile widening when he caught you staring.
As you were wondering whether Leanne would kill you if you left her alone, Mrs. Seling rushed over mischief all over her face.
“Teresa’s dog got sick,” she said in place of a greeting. “We need someone in the dunk tank, just for twenty minutes until it’s Mrs. Halpern’s turn. Can you do it?”
Shit. The damn dunk tank. Every year, teachers brokered deals and offered bribes to avoid having a shift on the stupid thing, treating it like the torture chamber it was. The water was gross and weirdly warm. The air was freezing cold when you were soaked. Students lined up in droves to try to dunk their teacher into the water, and, worse, dads lined up to see the results.
Of course, Lee chose that moment to absolutely betray you and busy herself with selling brownies to a student’s grandmother, leaving you only able to smile weakly at Karen and mumble, “I guess.”
So, there you sat, hating the fact that you’d chosen today to wear a light-colored shirt to go with your jeans, but thankful for the fact that your students had terrible aim. Phoebe O’Sullivan stood among the gaggle of children who were desperate to see you fall into the tub of water that you tried not to think too hard about; her uncle stood not far, eyebrows raised in amusement, trying not to think too hard about how you’d look once you got dunked.
Normally, Roy thought of you as cute, pretty, adorable. An absolute distraction. But the thought of you in a soaked shirt, material clinging to your body… fuck, he needed to get his thoughts under control. After all, he hadn’t asked you out yet, hadn’t kissed you yet. But fucking hell, his mind was racing as he tried not to turn into a teenage boy with fantasies of a beautiful teacher in a wet t-shirt.
“Uncle Roy, you should try!”
Phoebe’s little voice dragged him out of his increasingly adult thoughts. “Hmm?” He stared at the ball in his niece’s outstretched hand, quickly comprehending what she’d just said. “Oh. Sure.”
He stepped up after watching one of Phoebe’s classmates throw a very wild pitch. Your eyes found his, carrying a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. He knew he could hit that stupid red target; he was a retired athlete, after all. A flick of his wrist, and you’d be soaked from head to toe.
But he saw the way Jack Price’s dad was leering at you, the way that fucker always did when his wife wasn’t around. And he felt that tightness in his chest again, the tightness he’d had that day at the zoo when he watched that skeeze put his hand on your shoulder. No way was Roy going to let slime see his personal fantasy.
Besides, you’d probably appreciate Roy not dunking you, right? It’d be rather gentlemanly. And you seemed like the type that wanted a gentleman. And Roy wanted to be what you wanted.
So, he gently tossed the ball, shrugging at you when it hit the backboard instead of the target.
“Thank you,” you mouthed, warming away that tightness in his chest. The relief and gratitude on your face was worth looking like he couldn’t throw a damn ball, as well as the fifty pence the ball had cost.
As he pondered how he could leverage his chivalrous gesture to finally ask you on a date, someone tapped his shoulder.
Jack Price’s dad smiled at him, that stupid, sharkish smile, tossing a ball up and down. “Guess you’re not as good at pitching as kicking, hmm?” he joked, as if they were the kind of people who joked with each other. “Watch and learn.”
Your gasp was sharp as you felt the bench disappear from under you and were instantly underwater. Dammit. You’d almost made it the full twenty minutes dry as a bone. Fucking Mr. Price and his fucking cricket hobby. You came back up rapidly, cheeks burning as the kids cheered on the sight of seeing their beloved teacher soaked.
To add insult to injury, Mrs. Halpern stood beside the dunk tank, ready to take your place. You clambered out of the dunk tank, shivering in the approaching evening air. All you wanted to do now was go home, shower, and put on your warmest pajamas. Never mind letting Roy Kent buy you a lemonade. You were cold, wet, and, admittedly, a little embarrassed by the way your shirt clung to your skin.
But you grabbed your things and put on that fake smile for your students who giggled over your misfortune and tried to make a speedy exit. Unfortunately, Mr. Price slowed down your plans.
“No hard feelings, right?” he hummed, eyes everywhere but your face. “It’s for a good cause, after all.”
Instinctively, you crossed your arms, attempting to hide as much as you could. “Of course,” you murmured, making a pathetic attempt to sidestep him.
He blocked your path, eyeing your figure. “Need help with those wet clothes?” he whispered as his hand landed on your shoulder, the way it had at the zoo.
As you shrugged off Mr. Price’s hand, Roy Kent approached, peeling off his leather jacket. “You must be fucking cold,” he mumbled. Pointedly ignoring Jack’s dad, he wrapped the jacket around your shoulders. “How about that lemonade?”
“Thanks,” you sighed as Mr. Price scampered away. “But I should probably head home. Need a shower after being in that thing.” As you spoke, you did your best to ignore the feeling of Roy Kent’s jacket hugging you, enveloping you in the scent of whatever wonderful cologne he was wearing, a cologne he’d picked out in the hopes of bumping into you today.
“Sorry the jacket’s not more comfortable,” he grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “But you can just give it back to me Monday. Keep you warm on your way home.”
You shook your head. “I have a sweatshirt in my classroom. I can just throw that on.” Seeing the slight disappointment in his brown eyes, you swayed forward slightly, batting your eyes at him- something you weren’t sure you’d ever done. “Walk me to my classroom?”
There was that smile. That fucking smile, the one that was bright enough to make you forget Roy Kent’s infamous rage, the perfect smile you wanted to kiss right off his bearded face. He kept on smiling as the two of you slipped away from the fall festival.
He liked seeing you in his jacket. It was just big enough to look cozy wrapped around your shoulders, and he cherished the way you tugged it tightly around yourself. Admittedly, he was a big jealous of the way his jacket got to be wrapped around you. He wondered if it would smell like you when he got it back; probably like the dunk tank water, unfortunately. Maybe he could offer it to you again sometime. Maybe even after a date.
You quickly unlocked your classroom and led Roy in, trying not to flinch when you heard the door close, silencing the already distant sounds of the festival. Neither of you bothered with the lights, instead letting the last of the sun softly illuminate the classroom. Roy followed you to your desk, wondering if you wanted him to leave or stay, and hoping beyond hope that it was the latter.
“Oh, here.” You slipped off his jacket and handed it to him. “Thanks again, Coach. Very chivalrous of you.” Your smile was probably the most confident he’d seen, playful and teasing. It was probably his favorite smile.
“Any fucking time,” he breathed. He was fighting so fucking hard not to stare at you. He knew he wasn’t a married dad like Mr. Price or the others, and he was pretty sure you liked the way he stared at you- but still. He didn’t want to be grouped with them, a creep who ogled you like a piece of meat.
But fuck, you were making it hard. That shirt clung to you like it wanted you even more than Roy did, flaunting the body you usually covered with cute dresses and jean jackets- a body Roy really liked. You pulled your dripping hair up in a clip you found on your desk, exposing a neck that Roy was sure would look great with a few marks on it. And you gazed up at him with wide eyes and parted lips, as if you were going to ask him a question.
He cleared his throat. “You headin’ home after you grab your sweater?”
You nodded absently. “Probably.” You took a tiny step back, hitting the edge of your desk. “You sticking around?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m with, uh, my sister and Pheebs.” Despite his best efforts, his eyes wandered. Fuck. “Sorry,” he muttered, wincing when he realized how obvious it was; he might as well be drooling.
You cocked your head at him. “For what?”
He shook his head, ears burning with shame and, if he was being really honest, desire. “For fucking…. Staring.” He made himself look you in the eye, which was somehow worse. “’m sorry.”
To his surprise, you smiled. “Don’t be. I… I like it when you stare.”
“Do you?” His voice was quiet, as if he thought being any louder would scare you off. “Why?”
You shrugged and hopped up onto your desk. “Because it’s you,” you said simply. Feeling dizzy from the way Roy looked at you, you reached out and touched his hand, grazing his skin with the tip of your finger. “You’re… you’re the kind of guy a girl likes to have staring.”
There it was. Since the first day of school, when he saw you in your little white sneakers and jean jacket, he’d been waiting for a clear sign that you were just as infatuated as he felt. And now, in your dark classroom, with your eyebrows raised and your hand on his and your lip caught between your teeth, Roy finally had his fucking sign.
He took a step forward and settled himself between your knees. Watching you carefully, he put his hands on your waist, digging his fingers into the soaking material of your shirt. You tilted your face towards him, finally giving him permission to do the one thing he’d been desperate to do since the moment you met.
Your lips were soft, even softer than Roy had let himself imagine. He had often wondered what kind of ChapStick he watched you apply on warm afternoons; cherry, he realized. Fucking cherry. For the rest of his life, he knew, whenever he tasted cherry, he’d be thrown back to this moment, kissing the pretty teacher in her classroom, amazed that someone so sweet would kiss someone so fucking miserable.
And kiss him you did. You brought your hands to the back of his head, pressing your chest flush against his. His hands fisted at your shirt, tugging it up a little so his fingertips could brush over your soft skin, still wet from the dunk tank, but quickly heating up as you deepened the kiss. Roy let you take the lead; he waited until your lips parted to open his own mouth, and your tongue was the first one to tentatively flick against his.  
He groaned softly into your mouth and let one hand cup your face, thumb caressing your heated cheek. He could get used to this, Roy thought. Used to your cherry-flavored kisses and hands in his hair and body pressed against his, and used to your sweet smiles and shy giggles and bright eyes. He wondered briefly what other things he could look forward to getting used to.
“We,” you huffed into the kiss. “We should go before-” Your breath hitched as Roy’s mouth wandered to your jaw. “-before someone sees us.”
He sighed against your skin. You were right. Roy knew you were fucking right. This was a school. You were in your classroom. As exciting and tempting as it was to keep going, he needed to respect that. After harshly pressing his lips to yours one more time, he pulled back.
“Let me take you out,” he all but begged. “On a fucking proper date.”
Your smile was brilliant. “That would be lovely, Coach.”
He let out a breathy chuckle, the hand on your waist giving you a gentle squeeze. “I think you can call me Roy now.”
“Right.” You giggled, that adorable bashfulness returning, somehow even more endearing now. “That would be lovely, Roy.”
Fucking hell, his name sounded good coming out of your mouth. It sounded so good he couldn’t help pulling you in for another kiss, a slow, tender one.
“Any chance you’re free tonight?” he breathed.
You nodded. “I just need to go home. Shower away the dunk tank.”
Roy did his best not to let his mind wander to that shower. “Right. Right.” He cleared his throat. “And I’ve got to drop my sister and Phoebe at home. Think I could come around at eight?” He kissed your jaw. “We could go get a drink. I can stare at you some more.”
“Sounds perfect.” With a teasing shove to Roy’s chest, you hopped down from the desk and grabbed your sweatshirt from where it hung over your chair, quickly pulling it over your head.
The two of you ambled out of the classroom wearing matching grins and blushes. It was a good thing your classroom was clear across campus from the festival, because it was painfully obvious that the two of you had just been pawing at each other.
“Be ready at eight,” Roy hummed, intertwining his fingers with yours. “And get ready to be stared at all night.”
“Looking forward to it.” You leaned forward and kissed his lips quickly. “See you in a bit, Coach.”
Roy growled at you, a playful, sexy sound.
Your laugh warmed his chest. “Roy,” you corrected as you squeezed his hand. “See you in a bit Roy.”
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Taglist:@infinetlyforgotten @gothicwidowsworld@taytaylala12@amieinghigh@klaine-92@misshall14@rosesheerio@goose-101@gee72sstuff@alainabooks143@lwritesstuff@hayden-maximoff@optimisticsandwichgladiator@veryprairieberry@scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir@jaymum@shakespeareanwannabe@axelsagewrites@kidd3ath@brainscabs@v-nest@just35yrsandtrying@idk1234567@ohwauwdoritos@wearethecanadians@deliriousfangirl61@laukora1030@its-a-show-stoppin-number@blue-bujo@ohwauwdoritos@seatbacksandtraytables@amieinghigh@libsybum@dark-academia-slut@tweasley20@missemilygilmore@luvr-bunnyy @larascorneroftheworld @sarahjoestewy-blog @chewymoustachio
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
DEVOURED — ༉‧₊˚.
ft. barou shoei !
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : a not so gentle reminder on why you shouldn’t squirm in barous lap.
꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : MDNI. f!reader. cockwarming, unprotected sex, creampie, primal kink (?)
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : everyone say happy birthday to this king ^_^ love him sm and needed to get a lil blurb out for him hehe. enjoy !!
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“shoei-“ you whine, your nails digging into barou’s back. he’s kept you in this position for well over 15 minutes and you could hardly take it anymore.
but you didn’t really know how much he got off on it. how he loves when you cling to him, whining in his ear with problems only he can solve. he feels needed, like he’s got you wrapped around his finger — he feels unbeatable.
“stop squirming.” he gruffs out, the pads of his fingers forcefully gripping your hips, securing you in place yet again. his cock couldn’t help but twitch inside of you as you let out another sweet whimper.
he wanted to see how long he could cockwarm you for. it was agony for him as well, but it was laced with the sweetest sin that made it all worth it. having your pleasure at his mercy stirred up his insides and brought him back to something deep within his very core — the one that aligns with the primal side of his brain. to win, to conquer, to rule.
“i thought you were gonna be good for me?” he speaks lowly in your ear, the intimacy has you tightening around him and all he can do is bite back a groan. “thought you’d do anything for me, hm?”
“ye-“ the word gets cut off with a cry as he roughly thrusts up into you. he relishes in the power he has even while he’s buried deep within you. he pauses, and you know he’s still waiting for his answer. “yes, i'll be good.”
he responds with a satisfied hum as your nails dig further into him. he’ll proudly wear the marks you leave on him, showing them off at practice just so the other guys can only dream of tasting a bit of what he has. but they’ll never get it, they’ll never have you. and the thought alone drives him insane.
barou isn’t dumb, he can tell you’re almost at your limit. his fingers reach down to touch your clit, causing your body to jolt against his. but you’re good and only let out a small whine. everything was so wet, your slick had completely covered every inch between you two and he knew it was about time. all he had to do was wait one more second for the signal.
and there it is. this is exactly what he wanted, what he was waiting for all this time. your body gives out, practically falling onto him as your head rests on his shoulder. a silent surrender that has him all too excited, a satisfied smirk growing on his face as his lips brush against your ear.
“atta girl.” he praises, the words barely escaping his mouth. pride fills his chest as he feels you nod, peppering your soft kisses into his skin. “you’ll get what you want now, don’t worry. let your king take care of you.”
in an instant, his hips are snapping up against yours, brutally thrusting into you. all you can do is hold onto him. which only drives him more feral. the feeling of you clinging to him, taking every single thing he’s giving you, causes him to lose a piece of his control.
his mind blanks out as all he can do is focus on how good you make him feel — mind, body and soul. the level of trust and confidence you pour into him has him wanting to give you everything and anything you want. he’d give you the damn world if he could.
you feel his dark red eyes wander down your body, watching where the two of you connect over and over again. he honestly can’t tell where he ends and you begin. the two of you formed into the perfect being as his hips mercilessly chased yours, almost offended by the space that’s inevitably formed between your bodies each time he pulls out.
that’s why he loves cockwarming so much. he loves to see how desperate you get, yes, but the softer, more vulnerable part of him craves that closeness. and each time he feeds into it, it chips away at his control. slowly losing himself to you in the way he always prided that you did to him.
your cries grow louder and louder, your body helplessly falling limp against his as he drives all his force up into you. each thrust was getting harder, deeper. your needy cunt barely lets him move out of you. every part of your body latched onto him and it made his mind dizzy. but he was not one for giving in.
so, he reached back down between your joint bodies and expertly rolled your clit around between his fingers. it sent you over the edge, bringing him with you in a cry of victory. his hips drove themselves into your depths before filling you up with everything he had.
it was quiet for a moment, save for both of your heavy breathing. lightly grabbing you by the back of your neck, he softly gazes into your eyes. a silent way to check in on you, read you to see where your mind was at. and by the glint in your eye, he knew you were still with him.
besides, just because you’ve both come, doesn’t mean it’s over. far from it, actually. because now that the beast has been let out of its cage, expect to not be finished until the both of you have been devoured by it.
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 month
Anakin Faces Consequences
Thank you @killjoypolitics for the submission
I love all your ideas! I was wondering if you had any ideas for a fix-it where the Jedi or Clones (somehow) prevent Order 66 from happening but Anakin still falls. How do you think the Jedi/Senate/public would respond to his attempted murder of the Jedi? Or the marriage? Or the murder of the Sand People? I’m just so curious as to how you think people would handle it! Do you think Anakin would be able to admit he was wrong and try and make up for what he did?
Hmm those are some intriguing questions. Reading them did give me some immediate ideas. Let’s explore them. 
I think, for this to work, we need to shift some behind the scenes for the Clone Wars. To start with Anakin’s…let's call them his less than stellar command decisions is noticed and noted, even if no one can do anything about them (because he is technically not doing anything wrong). It damages the trust the Clones, other Jedi, and even his own Padawan have in him.  These decisions include but are not limited to: Spending Clone lives to collect R2D2 (whose memory-properly wiped of sensitive information- is backed up to the central Jedi Temple databanks and had outright stated that it had no attachment to its current body), Anakin’s focus on Padme during the Blue Shadow virus, and his reaction to the Rako Hardeen arc (he was literally the only person in Obi Wan’s life to react poorly to finding out Obi Wan went undercover and faked his death, everyone else got Opspec). 
So by the time of the Wrong Jedi arc, no one is actually trusting Anakin with any more information than they absolutely need to. He kind of doesn’t notice because he wasn’t paying that much attention in the first place.  When the Senate demands Padawan Ahsoka Tano for the temple bombing, the Council calls her in to see them, without Anakin, and ‘We know you are innocent, we know this is a trap of some kind, would you be willing to go along to spring the trap and hopefully find who is framing you’ and Ahoska, being partially trained by Obi Wan, agrees.
No one tells Anakin. At the end of the Arc, Ahsoka agrees to continue undercover (as having left the Jedi) and working with the Shadows to figure out what is going on. So Ahsoka ‘leaves’ the Jedi, Anakin none the wiser. She also starts working much more closely with the Coruscant Guard (who had been aware that she was innocent and going along with things to spring the trap). 
This brings us to where Fives finds out about the chips, reports to Rex and Anakin, then is ‘killed’ (his death was faked and he was sent to join Ahsoka).  Anakin suppresses the report because he does not believe that his friend Palpatine could do anything like that. He orders Rex to ignore the report as well, specifically not to bring it up to the Jedi Council. But he does it in a way that still implies Anakin will be bringing it up to the appropriate authorities.  Rex does not trust Anakin, particularly not with anything that would make Palpatine look bad. However if Rex did an end run and went directly to the Jedi Council, it would be very obvious. So instead Rex reached out to Ahsoka with Fives report. 
Ahsoka, now working with the Shadows, gets the report and they are able to investigate the chips.  Though they cannot remove them, for fear that the wrong person will find out too early and activate the rest, they are able to quickly find and manufacture a way to neutralize the control portion of the chips. 
This brings us up to ROTS. To Order 66 and Anakin’s fall.  Anakin leads the march on the temple, and the 501st follow along (not sure where he was going with this), until Anakin strikes down a temple guard while ordering them to open fire. Had it been almost any other Battalion with almost any other Jedi, the Fallen Jedi would have been able to kill many more before he could be stopped.  But the 501st learned some difficult lessons from Pong Krell and Anakin was not gnarly as trusted as he thought.  Anakin is stunned.
Palpatine’s Empire as announced but without the control chips to make the clones kill the Jedi, Palpatine’s Empire lasts 3 days which end with Palpatine’s death. It takes another two weeks for everything to calm down enough to bring Anakin forward to face what he had done. 
Palpatine’s former supporters, the ones that are not outed and ousted during the transformation from Republic to Empire and back, flock to Anakin as the wronged party. Their spin is that Anakin was moving to protect the legal head of the government from an insurrection in the form of the Jedi. 
It gained no traction, because even though Palpatine’s Empire lasted 3 days, it was still enough to see how many of these people would react. Frankly, there were more than a few of those supporters (beings like Tarkin) whose support of Anakin did more harm to the cause than good. 
For many of the Jedi, Anakin’s actions didn’t really rate notice. Not above the horror of the chips, both from the view of ‘all of us would have died’ and ‘the clones would have been forced to kill us’.  Throughout the war Anakin had, mostly unconsciously, been distancing himself from the Jedi. A distance which grew as they realized he could not really be trusted. 
 For most there was sadness, of course, as more of his actions from the war and just before are revealed. But it was the sadness of an old friend going down the wrong path, not the betrayal of current family trying to hurt them.   Finding out Anakin had betrayed his oaths by marrying Padme and had committed murder was just one more thing that had happened. 
The public reaction was mixed. Many bought into ‘The Hero with No Fear’ mythos and could not believe he would attack the Jedi without reason, even after he admitted that his reason was Padme not anything the Jedi had done.  The scandal of it, though, keeps it in the public eye. And it is a seemingly unending  well of scandal for Anakin, Padme, and any number of their supporters.  Not the least of which is the news that Anakin murdered the Tuskans, but Padme’s forgiving him for it was legally binding (As she was acting as a Senator) so he could never be prosecuted for the murders, even if Tatooine and the Tuskens could make an official complaint about his behavior. That Anakin then married Padme made it even worse. 
I think, for Anakin himself, if he gets to the point of falling he would not be willing to admit he had done anything wrong. He seems like the kind of person who would double down and insist that he was right for his decisions.
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emjiroki · 1 year
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I couldn't contain myself, I had to write something for Reo. He's been plaguing me.
Nagi's stepsis! Reader x Reo (kinda enemies to lovers sort of)
Wordcount: 1k-ish
TW: Dubcon (Reo is a perv and a little selfish and a lot impulsive), explicit scenes and language, all characters over 21+, this wasn't rushed but written pretty quick cause my brain was working for once. Hope everyone enjoys 💕 likes, reblogs, and comments always appreciated.
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Reo always acted like he hated you, couldn't stand that you were even on the planet, despite being the one to insist on staying at Nagi's place. Where he knew you would be. Nagi's pretty stepsister who, Reo claims, is the bane of his existence; always arguing with him and being pouty like the spoiled brat you were.Nagi had explained to him on the ride over that you were just staying with him for a bit as you finished up the last semester of university before you moved into an apartment with one of your friends; But how was he supposed to keep up the facade and act like he wanted nothing to do with you when you were flouncing around his best friends house every time he showed up, with your glossy lips and gorgeous eyes that begged him to fuck your throat till tears were spilling from them. He'd never admit it to anyone but his favorite piece of material in his spank bank was a picture of you at your birthday dinner last month, wearing the tight houndstooth pattern skirt he had bought for you and and looking absolutely gorgeous in it. Had he handed you the gift bag and barely uttered a happy birthday before heading off to the gym with Nagi? sure but it didn't mean he liked you. Just... begrudgingly tolerated you. Despite stroking his cock till it was nearly raw every night to thought of fucking you full of his cum and make you his girl.
Reo had been trying and failing for the last hour to concentrate on the game him and Nagi were playing online with Yoichi and Hayoma; but the only thing in his mind was you and that whiney voice of yours. Bratty. Pleading with "Shiro-ni" to let you have the big tv in the living room to watch one of your dumb movies, despite having a perfectly good fifty inch flatscreen in the guest room you were staying in to use. Reo couldn't help the way his dick had jumped at your begging, his breath stuttering as all the blood in his brain rushed south. He wanted you whiney and begging for him, tone dripping with lust and brain full of nothing but him.
"Died again. Damn it" Nagi groaned rolling his eyes when he Chigiri taunted him over the headset, "what is up with you tonight?". It took a moment for Reo to realize Nagi was talking to him.
"Huh? Nothing, what's up with you?" He retorted, shifting uncomfortably in the beanbag as his cock throbbed and strained against his sweatpants, "been letting us get our asses kicked".
"Me? You're the one over there spacing out thinking about my sister". Reo's heart began hammering in his throat and he could feel his face heating.
"Oh god as if" He scoffed, rolling his eyes and breaking contact to look away, "She's so goddamn annoying".
"Right, I know you like her dude" Nagi said simply, getting up to switch his controller now that the battery had died before the next round.
"Whatever, Im gonna go piss I'll be back" Reo said, his jaw tight.
"Grab those chips we got at the convenience store earlier while your out there". Reo waved him off as he shut the door but he would grab them anyway. He didn't actually have to piss, he just wanted to leave the room and break the tension, Damn that white haired bastard for calling him out and being right.
Reo didn't see you when he walked out into the living room, the last twenty minutes of your movie still playing and setting the room in a bright glow. It wasn't until he got to the doorway of the kitchen that he saw you, sprawled out asleep on the couch, the throw blanket you had been using falling off onto the floor and leaving your shirt rucked up and short sleeps shorts on full display. He nearly swallowed his tongue when he realized you were wearing one of the T-shirts he had left over here, an old one from when he was in BlueLock. The sight of your soft skin with the cotton pulled up, knowing you most definitely were not wearing a bra underneath, had his blood running hot again; saliva pooling against his tongue and his cheeks burning like open flames. 'Chips, get the chips' He chided himself, turning his back and going to the cabinet to pull the bag out. But then he was in the doorway again, bag lightly gripped in his hand as he stood there a moment, just gazing at you and wondering about everything wrong with him. Everything inside him that was shuffling his feet forward to get a look under your loose shorts, just a look. He'd just pull them to the side real easy and you'd never even know. He was on his knees at the side of the couch, chip bag forgotten on the floor, feeling equal parts shame and excitement as he hooked his fingers beneath the soft material; feeling the lacy edges of your panties. You were so warm under his fingers and it made him throb to think about how wet you'd be, what you'd taste like. He bit back a groan as he let his mind wander for a moment, thinking about how sweet you would be against his tongue and how much he craved it. Craved it like a dog. He couldn't help the feelings of shame dissipating as the mental image of you spread bare and dripping for him broke the last of his restraint. It would only be a taste, just to quell the urge and allow him a little self indulgence. That wasn't wrong right?
Reo was still delicate as he moved your shorts and underwear to the side, not wanting to risk waking you by trying to take it all off, his bright purple eyes taking in every bit of skin he could see until he finally had your pretty pussy on display.
"God, angel just look at you" he murmured just below the volume of the tv, inching his face closer to your exposure until he brushed his nose against the wiry hairs at your mound. He was fulfilling every fantasy he had the moment he sucked your clit in against his tongue, running the slippery muscle up to nudged at the sensitive little bud before dipping down to taste at your entrance, your body tensing beneath his hand lightly on your hip. He couldn't get too greedy, not wanting to wake you but also so so desperate to make you cum so you'd drip against his tastebuds. He tried so hard to be gentle, delicate and light with his menstruations but the more of you he tasted, the drunker he became; vision growing hazy and his moans getting harder and harder to hold back. He was trying so hard not to buck his hips, to not cum in his pants like some inexperienced teenager, rolling and suckling your clit with his lips and tongue stimulating you so much your hips began to unconsciously chase his mouth anytime he attempted to pull away, which only drove him more crazy. You wanted him, you needed him,at least that's what his fuzzy brain was screaming. Craved him as much as he craved you for the first time and his animal brain wasn't about to let up and disappoint you. He needed you to cum for him, needed it like his lungs needed air, and any thought other than getting you to that high was irrelevant; his cock heavy and leaking through his underwear a distant thought. Drool was smearing from his lips against your puffy clit and the light rub of his teeth against your sensitivity had a breathy moan gracing his ears. Reo thought he had died and gone to heaven when he felt a hand card through his violet hair, and not that you had awoken when a desperate groan had spilled from his lips and vibrated against your pussy. He didn’t stop, trying in vain to gain his breath as his heart sat like a rock in his stomach and he was barely able to look up knowing that you would be looking at him.
"Reo?" you mumbled sleepily, pressing up against his fervent mouth even as uncertain butterflies burst through your stomach. You could practically feel the heat radiating off his face as he grunted a confirming sound, not able to tear himself away even as he gained the courage to flash his gaze up to you when you didn't push him away. The stars in his eyes were infectious, addicting in a way you weren't expecting as he looked at you; his pupils blown wide and expression pleading you not to reject him as he pressed closer to devour you and bring you to your high. You were a lot closer than you thought, the feeling of him spitting messily against your clit sending you over the edge with a cut off moan, your hand clamping over your mouth so as not to alert Nagi, your legs tensing around Reo's broad shoulders and shivers running up your spine. He eased back just as your toes uncurled, pressing soft kisses against your inner thighs and smearing your slick against your skin and across his chin. You giggled breathlessly, focusing on the feeling of his shallow breaths and the softness of his hair beneath your fingers.
"Reo, if you wanted me so bad all you had to do was say pretty please" You admitted quietly, watching as the purple haired man smirked and bit your flesh teasingly before shouldering his way past your thighs till your legs were around his waist and his lips were hovering over yours, the pussy drunk look on his face only sending heat to your core again. He kissed the corner of your lips and then your cheek before trailing down your throat to your pulse point, a shaky breath and groan fanning your skin.
"P-Pretty Please"
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
week of april 7th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the season of flux rages on. this week, though, features mars, your ruling planet, conjoining saturn. that can definitely feel like frustration or being restricted too much, but it's quite temporary and it's also really good for self-discipline/self-control if those things are needed or helpful. a meditation practice can be auspicious.
taurus: after the eclipse, a taurus moon does you a lot of good and jupiter and uranus continue to inch closer the the perfection of their conjunction in a couple of weeks. taureans aren't known to love change but admit it, you like a good surprise right? expect to be pleasantly delighted, even if some stuff goes a bit amok.
gemini: of course, the first order of business is the eclipse. but within a day or so, the effects start to calm down and you can focus on the antics of mercury, still retrograde, at the halfway point in that cycle meeting up with the sun. in some old forms of astrology this conjunction was quite feared but you are equipped with the knowledge that it makes you brilliantly powerful. sometimes it is scary to have knowledge! but it is also power, right?
cancerians: most people move on from the eclipse pretty quickly, in a day or so. not you, lunar one. you have it all week, maybe longer. the event, then the aftermath. but the moon then goes through taurus and your own sign, and those periods will be regenerative if you let them be.
leo: people often see solar golden you as the opposite of lunar silver cancer. it is not so. you are complements to each other. especially when it comes to lunar phases, which require both the sun and the moon to be involved! this eclipse, peaking tomorrow and fading through the week is no exception. do not expect yourself to be operating at full speed for some time! or, if you are operating at full speed, don't expect it to be simple or calm.
virgo: if you have a relationship you have perhaps tended to view in an overly romantic light, or a situation you have projected delusionally upon, saturn and mars will bring you back down to earth this week and they won't exactly be gentle about it. but before that you are still dealing with eclipse stuff and its aftermath. it's not the best time for you to be sharing. do hermit mode if you can.
libra: your day to day routines are a good place to be disciplined and structured this week, although not so rigidly that you break yourself. meanwhile your relationships will be much better off as flexible, even fluid, as possible. no expectations, not demands, just wait and see for a week or two.
scorpio: if you're doing eclipse season right you're very much just going with the flow, letting the chips fall where they may and trying to not freak out when you see where it all ends up, whether it's good or bad. meanwhile saturn being conjoined by mars in pisces can make you feel like you want something so bad you need it, but you're just being held back. consider it is divinity holding you back for your safety. you'll be let go of soon enough.
sagittarius: you may want to be anywhere but home right now. that's fine, all the aries energy suits you and going out and having fun. it is volatile from now through the end of the week, so still be careful, but do have fun! not everyone has the potential to thrive on chaos like you do.
capricorn: it's not that you don't feel the eclipse, you definitely do. but mars-saturn in pisces likely affects/interests you more. it is that hard work, work hard play hard, overcome any obstacle vibe. so scaling the eclipse that seems like everest to some is a cute little hike for you. take your time and enjoy the scenery.
aquarius: watch your budget. hopefully you have a budget... maybe this is a good time to make, revise, or reconsider yours. you don't have to be a miser, indeed generosity benefits you! but a little frugality really goes a long way at this time. if you can volunteer close to home it's a great idea to do so as well.
pisces: these eclipses certainly involve financial concerns and this week's later mars-saturn conjunction in your sign helps. this way you really know what's important, the worth and value of things, and of virtues like hard work, discipline, and labors of love.
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ddejavvu · 1 month
May the fourth be with you my darling <3 could I request a little something with Cody x reader where he leaves the empire (as stated in the bad batch season 2) to be with the reader! Maybe him finding her again on a smaller populated world where they won’t be found and reuniting or a cozy morning shortly after they’ve settled down!
happy may the 4th! send me star wars requests/headcanons and we'll have a party <3
Your second time reuniting with Cody goes much smoother than your first. The first sees you with a blaster leveled at his temple, at a morbid, sprawling scar that bleeds into the one beside his eye and marks the spot where the Chancellor had commissioned him mind controlled.
Or rather, it marks the spot where he'd dug the chip out with his own two, bloodied hands.
The second is calmer, weapons discarded in their safe while Cody drags a plow across your field. Farming is the only thing you've been able to fall back on in the chaos of the fallen Republic, and you think Cody deserves to till a few fields to make up for his stint with the Empire.
"Mesh'la," He grunts, sweat beading over his face and seeping into his regulation blacks, "How many more rows are there?"
"A lot," You call, "But the drinks are ready."
It's a sweet punch made from the fruits of your own orchard, ice-cold and ambrosia to Cody's exhausted thirst. He drops the plow unceremoniously in the field, and you'd scold him for indenting the soil, but you're still in awe that he's even here, and you can't bring yourself to care about the damned soil.
"Now, please," He reaches for a glass, impatient. When you hand it over he drinks it in one go, chugging it like it's medicine and not flavorful juice meant to be savored.
"You hate it," You decide, narrowing your eyes at him. It's playful- but maybe he's forgotten how to have fun.
"What? I love it." He reaches for the second glass, yours, and ducks his head to bat his lashes at you twice.
"Please, mesh'la?"
"That's mine!"
"I'm the one tilling the fields."
"I'm the one who made the juice!"
"We can share it."
"You can get out of my face!"
He crouches down, knees cracking as he bounces slightly on his heels. He's at eye-level with you now, peering upwards just a tad to meet your eyes, "I haven't seen your face in far too long. Forgive me if I want to be in it now."
You take his flirting with flushed cheeks and a glance downwards towards the grass you're sitting in. You hadn't let yourself forget his sweet words when he'd been torn away from you, but hearing them again is simply different.
"But you've seen my face every day," He continues, a bitter bite to his words, "On billboards for Imperial recruitment campaigns, and on every scorched planet in the galaxy. My face is the last thing those people see."
You reach out with a tender hand to place it on his wrist, and he takes a few moments to meet your gaze with his own. When he does it's with the haunting gaze of millions of brothers trapped in his brown eyes, and you squeeze his hand tightly in hopes that they can feel it too.
"You left. You did the right thing."
"I also left my brothers behind." He murmurs, "I'm not sure there is a right thing to be done anymore."
"This feels right," You hum tentatively, "Me and you together again."
He sighs softly, the sound gentle through his nose, "It does, cyar'ika. We're always right together."
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flowery-laser-blasts · 7 months
Emotion sickness but with Ron and Dr. Drakken.
This is my take on how an alternative emotion sickness episode would go. We need to see more emotional boys. It's also long because it's the ENTIRE episode but with changes.
The episode starts off the same but instead of Drakken managing to get on his hover pad, he and Ron end up fighting/bickering and get semi in the way of Kim and Shego's fight. Either Kim or Shego falls back and bumps into the duo causing them to fall against the bookshelf and get the moodulator chips stuck against their necks. Drakken is slightly dazed and gets hit in the face with the EMA (thrown by Shego), but he manages to hold onto it. Then he gets yoinked by Shego by his collar. Ron picks up moodulator remote and they return to Middleton. The episode then continues as follows: KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Ron: "KP! Those breakfast Nacos aren't gonna eat themselves." Ron leans back but the moodulator remote in his pocket gets activated by the shift in weight. Ron's lip starts trembling and he starts sobbing. Kim runs into the kitchen. Kim: "Ron? What's wrong??" Ron: "I was in your way KP, we ended up losing that invention thingie to Drakken and Shego because of meeee!" Kim sighs and pats his shoulder Kim: "Ron? Uhm, do you know where the Kimmunicator is?" Ron: "Oh, no worries KP" he sniffles and rubs his sleeve against his nose "I got it, it's here." he holds the moodulator controller up to Kim. Kim: "Ron, this is not the Kimmunicator." Ron: "It isn't!? Oh noooo!!  I can't believe I lost the Kimmunicator as well! Waaaahh!" he sobs loudly. SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At the lair- Shego: "Ey- Oi, Dr. D," Shego snaps her fingers in Drakken's face, "We escaped and got the 'whatchamahooey'. Shouldn't you be overjoyed and start over explaining your newest master plan to me?" Drakken: "Yeah, but... But...but... I broke a nail!" Shego: "Really? You care about your nails?" Drakken starts nodding rapidly with stifled sobs. Shego sighs and hands him her nail file. Drakken takes it and tries to desperately save his manicure.
KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Rufus: "Oh, there, there." Rufus tries to comfort Ron. Kim: "Look, Ron, It's not big; we've lost the kimmunicator before, right?" Ron: "I know we did! When will the carelessness end?" Ron says as he throws the moodulator controller over his shoulder onto the ground, anger gets activated. Kim: "You know, your breakfast Nacos are getting cold so how about we reheat them in the microwave and get to school? Wade can find the Kimmunicator back." Ron: "I don't want those stupid Nacos anymore!" Ron shoves it away, Kim catches it just in time before it falls onto the floor. Ron: "You just want to go to school early so you can tell Wade that I lost the Kimmunicator, again! And then we can all laugh at Ron's expense while you look like little miss perfect. Yeah right! I'm going to school alone and tell this news to Wade myself!" Ron storms off, Rufus looks worried at Kim. SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At the lab- Drakken is throwing an anger tantrum, files are spread out around the lab like confetti and cabinets are toppled over. Shego is leaning against a pillar and rolling her eyes. Shego: "Look, I get it, you were obviously upset about your broken nail." Drakken stops in his tracks and looks at Shego over his shoulder. Drakken: "Meaning...?" Shego: "Meaning that you were overreacting." Drakken's face scrunches up and he marches over towards Shego in a rather threatening manner. Even she is slightly taken aback by it. Drakken: "Overreacting? Overreacting?! Me?! I-" Drakken hits his toe hard against one of the fallen cabinets and screams out in pain curling up in a fetal position. Shego isn't sure what to do; help him up or let him be. Shego: "You know what Doc? You go figure it out, I'm going to let you cool down and when I get back, you've better cleaned up the lab and started on our doomsday thing." Shego walks towards the lab exit.
-Jim and Tim find the Moodulator controller and mess around.-
Drakken becomes sad and runs over and stands in between the exit and Shego. Drakken: "W-Wait Shego I'm so sorry, please don't leave me! I don't know what I'd do without you!" his mood gets changed from sad back to anger Drakken: "But you'd like to know, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you?! Wha... Uh... What was I talking about?" Shego cocks her eyebrow and crosses her arms Shego: Did I forget your birthday? Is that what this is about? KIM AND RON -At school at Kim's locker- Kim: "Ron what's wrong with you?! You made Big Mike cry!" Ron: "Oh trust me KP, the guy had it coming! And if I see Drakken and Shego, I'll make them cry too!" Kim: "Right... Speaking of them, I wonder what they are scheming..." Ron's mood rapidly changes to happy. Ron: "I have no idea, but I know that together, you and I, we as a team can stop them!" Ron's mood changes to sad. Ron: "...Unless I let them get away, again." Kim: "Ron, are you okay?" Ron snaps into anger. Ron: "Why? What do you mean by that?" Kim notices Josh and Tara passing by. Kim: "Oh, I see... It's okay Ron." Ron: "What do you mean, 'okay'?" Kim shakes it off because talking about Tara and Josh might be a bit too much for Ron now. Kim: "Nevermind, let's go to class. The Kimmunicator can wait" Kim grabs Ron's hand to drag him away from the 'situation', at this point his emotions shift to 'love' They arrive at their class. Kim: "Uhm, Ron? You can let go of my hand now." Ron: "What, oh- uh, yeah. Well, haha-" Ron stumbles to his seat and sighs keeping his eyes on Kim. Bonnie: "Some things are just too weird to even think about". SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -Back at the lab- Shego returns back to the lab after seemingly going out for some errands. She notices to her horror that Drakken is tinkering with her tanning light. Shego: "Dr. D, I give you 5 seconds to explain what you're doing with my tanning-" Drakken quickly zooms to her side and leads her towards her cozy spot in the lab. Drakken: "I've made modifications to the electron magneto accelerator and with a push of the button, it will super-charge this ordinary lamp to optimize your tanning experience" Drakken presses the button, a huge blinding light flashes and the chair underneath the lamp vaporizes. Shego's hands flare up and she is about to fire but Drakken instantly is next to her with a credit card ready in hand Drakken: "How about I buy you a brand new more luxurious tanning bed AND we go out shopping for new outfits and to an all-inclusive high-end spa?" Shego looks from Drakken to the credit card back to him. A tad weirded out but hey he pays for it. Shego: "You know what, alright." Drakken: "Oh goodie! Let me grab my swimming trunks!" and he sprints off.
The lovey-dovey montage now engages. - Drakken takes Shego to a spa. She's in literal heaven but gets a bit surprised when Drakken suddenly tries feeding her grapes. She -cautiously- accepts it but then seems okay with it. She closes her eyes again and eats the grapes he offers, not noticing that Drakken is sneering and glaring daggers at the very nervous masseur. - Ron takes Kim to an empty Bueno Nacho and sits her down at a booth. He snaps his fingers and a whole mariachi band emerges from behind the counter and joins in with the background music for this part of the scene. Ron rushes into the kitchen and comes back out again revealing an entire DIY Naco platter in the shape of Kim's face surrounded by a heart-shaped border of tortilla chips. Kim blushes hard and is very surprised at this. Rufus licks his mouth and tries to dive into it but Ron stops him and tosses him aside so he can sit close to Kim. Rufus catches himself and grumbles crossing his arms. - Shego and Drakken are now shopping around. Drakken pulls her into a very fancy and expensive-looking store, Shego doesn't mind and actually seems to be enjoying herself. Shego tries on some different outfits and Drakken approves all of them, giving a thumbs up as he takes out his credit card and pays for the clothes. KIM AND RON -At the school's Gym- Kim: "Hey, Monique? Do you have a sec?" Monique: "Yeah Kim, what's up?" Kim looks around carefully before speaking, making Monique cock her eyebrow. Kim: "It's about Ron." Monique: "You're in a pickle, huh?" Monique laughs. Kim: "This is so not funny Monique, I think-- I think Ron's actually crushing on ME." Kim grabs both sides of her hair squeezing it together. She looks distressed. Monique: "Okay, first of all: breathe girl. Secondly, it does explain why all of a sudden he starts taking more care in his appearance. You seen him? I had to make a double take this morning before algebra class to make sure it was him and not some exchange student!" Kim: "Yes, I know... And it's freaking me out! It's not the Ron I know!" Monique: "So, if it were the Ron you knew, you'd be down for dating?" Kim: "Wait, wha--, NO! Of course not! Ron and I are just friends! We've been so since kindergarten!" Monique: "And...that's it? You're sure that there're no other feels?" Kim: "I-- I well" Kim starts blushing harder clearly thinking back of the other day "I don't know. Yesterday he went out of his way to make some kind of romantic dinner in his own Ronny-way." Monique: "Awwww girl! That's cute-- was it cute?" Kim snaps back to reality Kim: "Well, if you consider your face being made up of various meats, cheeses and beans; and then being eaten cute-- then I guess cute." Monique: "You want my advice?" Kim: "I'm all ears." Monique: "Give it a chance, who knows! Maybe you two are meant to be. If he goes out of his way to do all of this, maybe he's the one- in his sort of Ronnish-ways." Kim: "What?! Monique! He's my friend- ugh! This conversation has never happened, he can never know about-- He's standing behind me isn't he?" Kim turns around and almost smacks into Ron who's standing literal inches away from her.
Ron: "Hey KP!" Kim: "Ron! Hi! Uhm- hey, could we? Get somewhere private? I've got something important I want to discuss." Ron: "Wow, I was just about to say the same thing! It's like we are thinking the same-- Wait, no! First me! Hold on, I've been practicing this for twentyten--" Ron takes a second to count on his fingers, "Thirty hours straight! Whatever you want to discuss with me has to wait, because I'm going to ask you first!" Kim: "Ask me what?" Kim looks confused but it quickly turns into nervosity as Ron kneels down on one knee and holds out a little box, it's revealed to be a pickle-shaped brooch. Monique: "Oh...my...gosh." Ron: "Kimberly-Ann Possible, we've known each other ever since we were little and you defeated my bullies -who strangely enough look very familiar to me- and saved me and the world multiple times over and over again from super freaks. You are the light of my life and I want to be with you forever and ever. Tonight's the big Middleton Days festival, and I don't have a date, would you do me the honor of being yours?" Kim gets fidgety and gulps, not expecting this and actually feels herself blush deeply. Kim: "Date? You want to go to the festival as my date?" Ron: "YES! YES I DO! BOOOYAAAH! I'LL PICK YOU UP AT 7!" Ron jumps into the air and runs off before Kim realizes what happened. Kim: "Oh no... what have I done."
KIM AND ANN -At Kim's house- Kim: "OK, so Ron and I have been best friends forever. Maybe dating is the next step. I mean, what's not there to like about Ron? I mean, he's funny, cute, dependable and dating could be-- the next step?." Ann watches as her daughter paces around the place. "Ooo! Why didn't I stop him?! Why didn't I just say it was a misunderstanding!? What if this ruins our friendship, Mom? I don't want to hurt him and end up breaking his heart again!" Kim sighs and drops on her bed. Ann: "Again?" Ann looks surprised. Kim: "Long story..." SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At some fancy restaurant- Shego and Drakken and seated far apart from the rest of the dinner guests with a view of the city below them. Shego is finishing her dessert when she notices that Drakken has been staring at her this entire time. He still hasn't touched his appetizer, main course, or dessert which is now balancing on the edge of the table. Shego slams her spoon down on the plate and crosses her arms, squinting her eyes at him. Shego: "Okay, spill. You've been acting all-" Drakken cuts her off by holding his hand up in front of her to speak. Drakken: "Shego, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Shego: "Uh- Actually, I'm going to be real with you here Dr. D; after the past days, I'm not really sure what you're thinking anymore." Drakken: "Go on! Guess!" he looks eagerly, making Shego a bit uneasy. Shego: "Uhm... "How am I going to keep a good credit score after all this splurging?"." She gets startled as Drakken lets out a loud laugh. Drakken: "No, silly. Don't worry about that!" Shego: "Right, okay, heh-" Shego gulps, looking around, "then what were you... thinking about?" Drakken: "I was thinking it's time for some evil!" Shego lets out an elated sigh. Shego: "Finally! Phew- for a second there I thought you were about to propose to me-" Drakken's face gets flushed and a big grin appears Drakken: "I mean if you-" Shego pinches Drakken's lips closed. Shego: "No- let's ignore what I just said and focus again: Are we talking about "Take over the world evil"?" Drakken nods his head frantically. Shego lets go of his lips. Drakken: "I know just where to begin... Middleton days." Shego: "Gosh, I feel like I should say something sarcastic, but hey, the night's still young. Let's get you a doggy bag and-" Drakken cuts her off once again. Drakken: "And I'll be your date!" Shego: "Say my what now?" Drakken: "Your date? You know? Evil boy meets evil girl?" The two of them get interrupted by the waiter bringing the dinner bill. Shego takes a glance at it takes in a sharp breath looks back at Drakken with an apologetic smile, sliding the bill across the table towards him. Shego: "Ah, yes, fine. Um, evil date it is!"
KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Kim finds the Moodulator controller on the table and frowns, Kim: "Ron's been acting strange ever since that mission-" James: "Oh Kimmie-cub, Ronald's here!" Kim puts the moodulator controller in her purse and rushes over to the hallway. Kim: "Hey Ro-, Ro-- Ron?" Kim is flabbergasted by Ron's transformation. His hair is combed neatly. He's wearing an actual not oversized suit and he seems to have a sudden boost of confidence. Ron: "You like it? I wanted to look perfect just for you. But- But not too perfect. 'Cause, ya know; you're perfect. You can do anything so- heh heh." James: "Riiiiiight- Well then, you kids have fun and Ron have Kimmy home by-" Ron: "10 o'clock but on special occasions and rescue missions, it's extended to 11. But no worries Mr Dr. P. We'll be back far before 10 sharp. It's a Ron Stoppable promise!" James blinks in surprise as Ann laughs it off.
-AT THE MIDDLETON DAY'S FAIR- Man: "And the prize goes to our winning rocket ranger." Ron: "Uh, Boo-yah! Here you go KP! It really wasn't that much of a big-dill." Ron giggles at his own joke as he hands Kim the pickle-shaped plush. Kim: "Heh heh. Um, yeah, boo-yah. Look, we need to talk." Ron: "Alright KP, I'm listening!" Kim: "OK, so, Ron... We've known each other for a long time. We're a great team, and..." As kim puts the plush in her purse, she hits the moodulator controller by accident. Ron: "Ha ha, team! Ha ha ha! Yeah, you said team." Kim: "Ron, I'm being serious here! I'm seriously worried about you! About us!" Kim puts her purse down roughly, making the moodulator controller switch once more. Ron: "Oh? And why's that?! Is there something going on I should know about?" Kim: "What? No-- Ron. You're acting so weird and I thought, maybe it's because of the Kimmunicator sitch and, you know; Josh and Tara-" Kim lowers her head in defeat, not knowing what to say. She leans against the purse and thus the moodulator controller. Ron: "Are you- Are you breaking up with me?" Kim: "Yeah Ron... I guess-- I guess I am." Kim can't help but to tear up. Ron: "Oh, I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I... Oh! You're just using me as a rebound guy" Ron runs away as he cries loudly. As soon as Kim notices, she gets up and runs after until she notices the Kimmunicator flying towards her. She catches it mid-air. Kim: "The Kimmunicator!" Cyrus: "Aha! Spy!" Kim: "Professor Cyrus! There must've been a misunderstanding, you see, during our last mission, we must've accidentally picked this up instead of our Kimmunicator!" Kim shows Cyrus the Moodulator controller. Cyrus: "My moodulator controller!" He grabs it from Kim's hands "This controls my moodulators!" Kim: "Uh- Moodulator? What does the Moodulator controller do, professor Cyrus?" Shego: "Dr. D, come on. Let's concentrate." She snaps her fingers in front of Drakken's face, "Can we just focus on turning that laser into a death ray? Just tell me how to do it and then I'll do it myself so you can go continue- whatever it is you're doing right now." Drakken sobs harder, Shego shields herself from incoming tears. Drakken: "You're leaving in my time of need." He wails, curling up on the ground. Shego grimaces and carefully takes the EMA from his grasp. Shego: "No, no, no, no. I'll be right back! Just stay right here and- uh- figure things out." Drakken: "I'm not gonna forgive you for this... Ever!"
Shego walks over towards the parade but gets bumped into by the crying Ron. The EMA falls and breaks, enraging Shego. She looks over at Ron as she flares up her hands. Shego: "Ugh! Has everyone lost it!?" She notices Ron looking awfully depressed and smirks. "Where there's a sidekick, there's a world-saving cheerleader. I guess this could be fun."
Shego arrives just in time to hear the last bit of information. Kim: "So this device had complete control of Ron all along?" Cyrus: "Precisely. With just the press of a button..." Ron: "KIM!" Ron cries out as Shego has him in her grasp. Kim: "Shego! Let him go!" Shego: "As you wish princess, catch!" Shego throws Ron as hard as she possibly can at Professor Cyrus. Kim tries to catch Ron but both of them bump into Cyrus, who falls over and lets go of the Moodulator. Shego catches it and flips through the different emotions. She instantly sees the changes in Ron. Shego: "So that's why Dr. D has been acting so off lately. But hey, not that he's any less weird without this thing. But total control over him is not such a bad idea-- HEY!" Shego growls as Kim kicks the moodulator controller out of her hands. It falls into a fountain and starts malfunctioning.
Professor Cyrus runs over to the fountain and fishes out the controller. He gasps. Cyrus: "Oh no! The circuits have been fried!" Kim: "So that means everything's back to normal, right?" Cyrus: "I'm afraid your friend is now locked into an irreversible frenzy of rage." Ron: "Grrr." Cyrus: "So I hope he's not angry at anybody because whoosh! That'd be bad." Ron: "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU USED ME AS A REBOUND GUY, KIM!" Kim starts dodging Ron's attacks as he starts using Monkey Kung Fu on her. Shego: "Wow, that sidekick's actually not half that bad..." Shego hears footsteps behind her and manages to jump away in time. Drakken tries attacking her and he seems to be fuming. Drakken: "Shego. After all that I gave to you, you keep on asking for more, and don´t hesitate to toss me aside! You know what that does to a man?!" Shego: "Let me guess, mad?" Shego engages in combat with Drakken. He tries to pull on her hair and retorts to try to bite her. She manages to evade him and ties his hands up behind his back by using his belt. Drakken grits his teeth growling lowly pushing back and trying to undo his hands. Shego: "You know, all of this is the fault of those teens. If it weren't for those two, we would've been rulers over the world already!" Shego smirks as she notices something click inside of Drakken's mind and she steers the enraged man back to Kim and Ron.
Kim: "Ron, Chill out. It's me!" Kim gets worn out and actually starts growing tired of dodging the punches. Ron: "Yeah? Kim the heartbreaker!" As Ron tries to punch again, Kim gets blasted to the side by Shego. She laughs as she holds Drakken in check who's trying to get out of her grasp and towards Kim. Shego: "HA! I can't believe it was that easy!" Seeing Kim struggling to get up makes Ron snap he can't stand the sight of it and his moodulator chip breaks. Ron: "Kim, I... I can't... KIM!" Ron runs over to her and glares at Drakken and Shego. Shego lets go of Drakken and he charges forward, however, Ron manages to get a hold of him, plant his heels into the ground and push him back using his monkey kung fu to make Drakken fly back into Shego, in turn, breaking his moodulator chip upon impact. Drakken is knocked out and Shego cries out in frustration as she lies in an uncomfortable spot that's not easy to get out of. Ron holds out his hand for Kim and she takes it. He carefully helps her back to her feet and wraps her arm around his shoulder so she can lean on him. Ron: "I'm so, so sorry Kim... I just-" Kim hushes him and smiles gently. Kim: "It's okay, Ron. So not the drama." Ron: "So I... I guess the crush and everything was all moodulator, huh?" Kim: "Yeah, I guess so..." both of them look away slightly, a hint of sadness on both their faces. Kim takes a deep breath and is about to say something but then fireworks go off. Both of them stare up at the sky in awe at the display of colors. They catch a glance at each other and smile, leaning a bit into each other's embrace.
Massive thanks to @creatorping for reading parts of it and discussing this! I absolutely loved her idea of Drakken being an enraged biter and it's just GHHH Also entirely grateful to kpfanworld.com for having these transcripts at the ready! This was a lot of fun to rewrite! I hope you liked it! :D
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queen-of-the-avengers · 4 months
MCU Series
Below you’ll find series that have more than three parts and stories that are only two parters. If you see a story that only has two parts that you want to see more of, let me know!
Happy reading :)
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
Series Rewrite Pairing: Varies From Movie To Movie Status: In Progress Summary: You call Earth home after fifty years of running from your home planet. There, you meet all kinds of people that you help, including the two loves of your lives: Bucky Barnes and Loki Laufeyson. They are two different sides of the same coin. How can you ever choose between them, and will you?
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
Between Love and Hate Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Status: Completed Summary: Loving Bucky Barnes is like waiting for a grenade to go off. Fearful yet thrilling. Every time you allow yourself to feel something for him, a piece of you is chipped away and stored in his jacket pocket. How can you love a man who murders people for a living? How can you hate a man who gives you the world? You're stuck in the middle with no clear way to the end.
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
My Savior Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader Status: Completed Summary: Your entire life has been spent in and out of hospitals because you have ESRD or kidney failure. The only thing you’ve ever known is being hooked to monitors and machines that live for you. Never straying too far from the hospital, and never really connecting with anyone. When you get the news you have a kidney waiting for you, your donor surprises you in more ways than one… and he does something for you that you can’t ever repay him for.
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
Cat and Mouse Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female!Reader Status: In Progress Summary: Much like Bucky, you've been a toy that Hydra just loves to use. You were taken at such a young age that you were shaped into what they wanted you to be. Well, you're not doing it anymore. You escaped. You got out. But that doesn't mean you can't fall back into the monster they made you.
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
New World Order Pairing: Zombie!Steve Rogers x Vampire!Fem!!Reader Status: In Progress Summary: When the emergency alarms sounded, you knew the world wasn’t ever going to be the same. A new dawn is approaching with a whole new set of rules. One where you and the love of your life are no longer human. Well, that’s what you thought until you figured out the cure that will save humanity.
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
Monster Inside You Pairing: Steve Rogers x Succubus!Fem!Reader Status: On Hold Summary: One fatal mistake and your life is turned upside down. You have to live with the consequences of what happened to you, and you're not always good at controlling your urges. Still, you do your best to keep who you are while still embracing this new side to you.
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The Voice Behind Karen // Part 2 Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader Summary: You’re Tony Stark’s daughter and also the AI in Peter’s suit. He calls you Karen but your name is Y/N. After he discovers your secret, you two get closer.
Office Romance // Part Two Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Female!Reader Summary: You have a crush on your boss, and it's news to you when she shows you that she has one on you, too.
Pick A Side // Better Late Than Never Pairing: Steve Rogers x Stark!Fem!Reader Summary: Everyone expected you to pick your dad's side when it came to the Accords. You didn't. He kicked you out of his life. Now it's finally time to face him.
Not Allowed // Part Two Pairing: Cop!Bucky Barnes x Receptionist!Fem!Reader Summary: You go on a date with a man that Bucky doesn't approve of. He uses his power to break it up which is the best thing that could have happened to your relationship with Bucky.
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing // Part Two Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Summary: For an entire year you've been stuck inside your mind with no escape. Never did you think you'd be in such an abusive relationship, but he won't let you leave. Not until you see an opportunity through Bucky to confess everything he's ever done to you. Will you be saved?
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