#corrupt konoha
wolfgiselle · 2 months
I love this fic!
Young Sasuke Uchiha becomes a social justice warrior, this somehow leading to: his clan not being massacred and succeeding in their coup, the Hyuga branch family being freed and having their own coup, and Naruto gaining a supportive best friend and parental figure.
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beatriceportinari · 4 months
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Another year, another outfit to die in! Happy birthday again Izuna!!!!!!
Like last year, I played with someone else's lines for these charming patterns, thank you so much Lena @elhnrt ! I had a ton of fun :D
Check the readmore for pattern references and explanations, there are some easter eggs in there :)
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My goal for this piece, in addition to playing with patterns and textures and adding some Naruto references, was to add as many death flags as possible.
The idea of having Izuna in a fireman's coat is obviously not from me. I've always like the idea of Uchihas in fire resistant clothes, and the opportunity for a thick texture alongside a reversible double pattern is very appealing. I used the image of the second reference as a base, with skulls on one side and stylized lightning patterns on the other (visible inside the sleeves and collar). Both were common immagery of firemen coats.
The actual skull pattern is taken from the third reference. I'd seen this one before and before even learning anything abt it it was too beautiful to pass up. Those white and navy gradients are absolutely delightful and I enjoyed using my gel pens for them very much.... This particular type of imagery with skulls and bones in a field is called Nozarashi, inspired by Buddhist representation of death and transience.
The lightning pattern itself is a reference to water and lightning dragons :) Like Tobirama's iconic jutsu, it's one of the hints of what's abt to happen to our little guy. The scabbard is also decorated with dragon motifs for the same reason.
The background pattern is taken from the first reference, another fireman's coat with an illustration of Raijin, the thunder god. He is often representated with drums decorated with tomoes. It works nicely as a standard looking sharingan illustration, with a reference to Tobirama's hiraishingiris with the thunder imagery, like the thunder patterns inside the coat.
If you're interested in this I recommend the book linked in the second reference! It is entirely about skeleton motifs in japanese clothing of the early 20th century.
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Konoha’s leaders though the Uchiha had the means to control Kyubi and yet, they sent them away instead of having them stopping the attack. They had an obvious solution in hand, and still, they preferred to let the beast go rampant, causing death and destruction, ready to sacrifice as many lives as necessary. Just because they though the Uchiha could take the opportunity to end their reign of oppression.
Will of Fire and “greater good” all you want. Unless the “greater good” comes at the price of a remote, unrealistic chance of losing power.
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saneandrocking · 12 days
Sasusaku prompt - ''I am stronger than you today''
Sakura, gazing into the eyes of a tormented Sasuke Uchiha, poised to sacrifice the world for the sins committed against his clan, declares: "You believe power is strength, that all your potential is defined by what your eyes can achieve, by what you can summon, by the way you fight, by the way you kill, but you are mistaken. Strength is witnessing a world filled with injustice and malevolence and still choosing to fight to preserve the good. Strength is recognizing the reasons to rise against those who are corrupt, but understanding there is no justification to become the source of further cruelty. Strength is not forsaking your ideals to conform to what the world has made of you and how it has treated you.
You think I am weak for loving you and believing that you are lost in the darkness, as you scorn my feelings and my inability to kill you, but once more, you are wrong. I see in you someone who has been wronged and isolated, condemned to be a pawn in a game you were never even informed about. I see in you a child in pain, loneliness, and hatred, and, much to your chagrin, I see in you the capacity to love. Between the two of us, Sasuke, only I have remained true to my ideals and to who I am. You can kill me here, something you will have to fight for from beginning to end because I will never die without knowing that I avenged the person Naruto and I have mourned since we were thirteen. I am stronger than you today, not on the battlefield, but in mind. I am stronger than you, and it may be that I perish today because of it, but you will fall with me."
Bonus: A Sasuke who faces a Sakura Haruno who is simultaneously the same as the one he abandoned on the bench and so different that he needs to remind himself that this adversary is dangerous in a way that no other ever will be.
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
Naruto shippuden things that made me lose my mind (ep 424-season 20 ep 30):
Madara just shot a laser out of his mouth?
Madara: he can see my limbo???
Madara sailing thru the air: I'll be taking that *rips Kakashi's eye out of his skull*
Madara, casually: sasuke sure is quick *gets sliced in half by sasuke*
Kakashi, thinking abt young team 7: I misunderstood you all then, in some ways I probably still do (Kakashi, u just said it was sakura's job to pull sasuke from the darkness, that is the most fundamental misunderstanding of team 7 u could have)
*apocalyptic things happening* shikamru: I think something bad's happening over there (thanks, dumbass)
Tenzo's dream is for team 7 to accept him as their captain 😭
Sasuke getting purple snake goo spit in his face made me laugh aloud
Madara, talking abt chakra: I will get rid of this curse upon humanity (do it, king!)
This is from a filler english dub episode but: Christmas exists in naruto -> ninja Jesus confirmed
It's so unbelievable in tenten's mind that she could protect and be valuable to her friends and village that the infinite tsukuyomi put her into the Menma AU. That's fucked up.
Jesus. Karin's backstory. Pretty fucked up that she's gonna end up working for orochimaru forever.
Tsunade's infinite tsukuyomi dream: I would like to join the audience in watching the TV show Naruto
I feel like it says a lot that senju tsunade set a huyga at the center of the Akatsuki plan instead of a uchiha
Everytime they talk about neji, the more you can feel how hard they fucked up by killing him
Fuck sasuke being a cop. I hate it. But also sasuke is the type of person who would become batman. He ran around calling himself an avenger. I hate it but it doesn't feel wrong. It is funny tho that instead of joining orochimaru, sasuke's evil arc is becoming a cop.
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agoddamn · 2 years
Funny nart shit I can't get over:
The entire police force was one family (assigned cop at birth)
Because the entire police force was one family and that entire family was killed, there was apparently just no law enforcement at all below ninja FBI for the next decade, which actually explains a lot about how insane Konoha is
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mochiajclayne · 2 years
I believe online shopping platforms is a thing in Konoha now (okay I don’t know because I don’t watch Boruto religiously) and Naruto would impulsively buy a leather frog wallet.
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sashimiyas · 2 years
“wanna lower our rice purity score together 🤭🤭🤭🤭”
bop: Konoha Akinori
flop: Kita Shinsuke
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avengernomore · 2 years
Dumb random idea: Imagine if, beyond all reasonable doubt, Kakashi or Naruto turned out to be bad Hokage. Corrupt, willing to change things to suit themselves or people in high places they want to curry favour from.
Because I can assure you if that happened, Sasuke wouldn’t take it lying down. He would confront them, fight them, start a revolution, lead a rebel army...
Some might think Sasuke is loyal to his old team-mates and his sensei, and he is. But remember why my Sasuke returned to Konoha? To carry on Itachi’s work, his legacy, to protect Konoha.
Sasuke’s loyalty is to Konoha above all else, rather than any specific individual. So if someone is threatening to destroy what Konoha actually is, even if it’s an old team-mate, Sasuke will not hesitate.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
my toxic trait is that I think it would’ve been better character development if Naruto realised he didn’t actually want to be Hokage (functionally a deskjob except in times of crisis) and left with Sasuke on his redemption roadtrip, after which they both became vigilantes protecting the underdogs of the world from the corrupt power structures enabled by the very existence of militaristic mercenary societies like Konoha who can hire out super-strong child soldiers to protect the rich, in this essay I will
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theuchihalawyer · 4 months
who do you think is really to blame for the Uchiha genocide?
This is a little messy, sorry.
I blame Konoha government/system. The council along with Danzo, Hiruzen and Tobirama.
The Uchiha clan was opressed, discriminated, they went through a lot of injustice, they were even relocated to a corner of the village because of the "distrust", they faced xenophobia for decades..
Danzo learnt about the coup they were planning because of these reasons, that they couldn't take the discrimination anymore, but instead of looking for a better solution, what does he do? He suggests the extermination of the clan, and what does the council do? They agree. That was not fair, at all, it wasn't properly handled, at all. They ordered a ethnic genocide. Hiruzen, as the Hokage, didn't do anything to change what the Uchiha clan had to go through before the massacre and didn't do anything to stop Danzo either when they agreed to the massacre.
Tobirama never trusted the Uchiha clan, and before his "investigation" (about his so called curse of the hatred, which wouldn't exist without his extremist ideology of the will of the fire), he simply believed the "rumors" he heard about them, he believed they were unpredictable, so he began telling Hashirama to keep them out important matters regarding the village, because they were "dangerous" (in Tobirama point of view, based on rumors)
He saw them as a threat to the village, and so, his system starts the horrible conditions the Uchiha go through. He takes away their possibility to reach political power, he keeps them controlled and under the goverment supervision (Konoha police) and his distrust influences Konoha legacy, and.. then, the genocide happens, because..I repeat, the Uchiha couldn't take the discrimination anymore, the discrimination Tobirama system inflicted upon them, and Tobirama's student decided that the genocide was necessary, not. fair. at. all.
And you just have to read how he speaks about the Uchiha clan when he is summoned by the Edo Tensei, and you'll just understand why the genocide was his fault too.
And I won't get started on Itachi, or Shisui. Itachi didn't even regret what he did. Shisui was just another supporter of the fascist, extremist, and corrupted goverment. His statements about the civil war that the Uchiha would cause by carrying out a revolution were even proven wrong. Their clan wanted a revolution because of everything they went through, but no, Itachi? He followed Konoha orders, and.. doesn't regret a thing, doesn't regret what he did to Sasuke, and also continued believing Sasuke should be a tool to Konoha. The Uchiha were against the system that oppressed them. The system Tobirama left in Konoha legacy. The system Hiruzen and Danzo didn't change.
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skykashi · 2 years
Hi, what do you think about this "Kakashi sucks because he is loyal to the system that is responsible for everything" at first I was angry with the person who said this but at the same time I thought why is Kakashi loyal to Konoha and never left?
Why would he leave?
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Like, what would he possibly achieve by running away from his home and leaving the few friends he has left behind?. Kakashi is not like those characters who are like "I got hurt so everyone should hurt too and feel the same pain I felt" no, Kakashi is the kind of character who is like "I got hurt so I don't want anyone else to ever go through what I went through" so he stayed and did his best to protect his friends and the the innocent ppl that he swore to protect when he decided to be a ninja. So what good would running a way and abandoning all of those people would achieve? Leaving the village won't get him anywhere. Like seriously, what would he do after he leaves? Join the Akatsuki and hurt even more innocent ppl? Or just keep running for the rest of his life without doing anything useful at all?! And he did answer your question in chapter 630. When he said "The hole in one's heart gets filled by others around you. People won't flock to someone who abandons the memory of his friends and gives up on the world just because things don't go the way he wants them to. That won't help fill the hole in your heart. People don't help those who run away and do nothing. As long as you don't give up, there will always be salvation."
And this is the difference between Kakashi and Naruto, and all the other characters that "left". No matter how bad he was hurt, he still had hope for a better future, he still did his best to make a change that would actually count and help someone or protect someone. And he didn't only dream of changing Konoha for the best because it wasn't just Konoha, he dreamed of changing the entire Shinobi world so no one would ever get hurt again the same way he and his team got hurt.
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Kakashi is not the kind of person who would act upon his emotions alone, he never does anything that isn't well calculated and that's what makes him the tactical genius he is, even when he failed those students that came before team 7, he didn't fail them because he's depressed or because he was being bitter, he failed them because they weren't ready, because they would have probably been killed if they passed and started to take missions and they themselves thanked him for that
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And he's not "loyal to the system" as whoever that person is claimed. Kakashi is not a mindless Shinobi who blindly follows orders either, he disobeyed direct orders from both Hiruzen and Tsunade before, if he thinks that a certain order is wrong he won't do it, no matter who gave it
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So by staying he did far more good than he could have ever done if he acted like a rebellious teenager and just left. He saved those kids he failed from getting killed in some mission because they were made Shinobi before they were ready, he protected his friends, students and his ppl countless of times and as a result he became Hokage later and helped even more ppl even beyond his nation, by maintaining the peace that they all fought so hard for by creating the exchange system between the Shinobi world that kept them all needing each other and stopped any possible conflict that might occur, he cleaned the village from the corrupt system and all the damage that was still left by Danzo and his followers as mentioned in Kakashi Retsuden, he even forbade killing, even of enemies, to stop the cycle of hatred and revenge... and so many other things he did as a Hokage that I will leave for another post that didn't just help Konoha but helped the entire world like he once dreamed as a kid. He would have never been able to do any of this if he simply just left the village. Throwing a tantrum then leaving the village and not actually doing anything good to change things isn't what makes a character cool imo, but standing their ground, fighting for their beliefs, helping others and trying to make a change is what makes a character cool and that's one of so many reasons Kakashi is my favorite character.
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mixelation · 6 months
Obito's circle is obviously not cool with the age thing and maybe him dating in general- though I suspect they don't realize the real danger of Tori's corrupting influence? But what about the Akatsuki? Itachi and Deidara? Are they like ~well in hindsight there was tension and they were partnered together a lot or are they like ~this is the most cursed thing I've ever heard? Does Itachi worry for the future of Konoha? Is Deidara forced in even closer proximity to one of the most annoying people he's ever met since he's her roommate? As an aside, happy for this AU version of Tori for getting with someone who will rob a ninja walmart and destroy a village for her. Go girl, live your dreams.
okay here is what you have to understand about itachi's view of tori in plasticity.
she took out his brother for a banana. not on purpose. on accident. but still. for a banana
he also watches her straight up murder a guy with a seal. also on accident. and then she's like, "oh damn my experimental design was kind of shit"
he knows tobi is "madara." he knows she knows tobi is "madara." this does not seem to have affected her behavior around him at all.
itachi for the first several months is like "hey if she knows so many secrets and is also an unstable weirdo, why don't we just kill her" and obito is like, "no no.... what if she's funny useful....."
SPOILERS, but, tori is going to come home from her first mission with tobi and be like: "yeah the ghost was real. fight me on this. i dare you" while tobi stands behind her going "OOOOH IT WAS SO SPOOKYYYYY" and then pein and konan just have to accept this. it's in their official records now. ghosts are real
so basically: itachi is very aware there is. something. very insane about tori, and also obito is into it. he's very aware that their personalities combined will form some sort of horrible vortex that might ruin all of konoha. so he's like. well i don't like it but i feel like i should have anticipated this happening.
deidara is not at all worried about konoha potentially going up in flames. he's more worried about INCREASED VISITS FROM TOBI. ITACHI, YOU MORON, HOW DID YOU LOSE YOUR GIRL TO OBITO
i think for the rest of akatsuki torito is easier to wrap their heads around that itatori. they were partners. they were into the same dumb shit. yes it's annoying but why are you so upset, itachi, we all saw this coming
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virgobingo · 5 months
while jjk and naruto both place importance on the youth/"next generation" there is a difference in approach. i think contrasting gojo and kakashi is the best way to explain this, considering they both are, essentially, mouthpieces for their authors as educators.
but first let's dismantle the myth of neutrality in teaching. neutrality often helps the individuals that are in power, because it has a tendency to prop up the values held by the institution in place. it encourages inaction against them, even when they're a violent oppressor. what's more, neutrality suggests that no better option exists.
if you're familiar with naruto, you might remember kakashi not only disuading sasuke from seeking revenge, but also suggesting sasuke serve the very same system that coerced itachi (thirteen-years-old at the time) to slaughter the uchiha at the behest of the state because there was "no other option."
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⬆️ notably, this is an idea that is only challenged by "villains" in the manga; "villains" overtaken by their emotions that are consequently seen as irrational for seeking retribution. and just like kishimoto, kakashi faithfully upholds this idea throughout the manga. "moving on" and stopping the cycle of hatred is, at the end, left entirely up to the victims. konoha comes first, then family, then friends, and so on. in other words, in the world of naruto, there is a hierarchy of importance centered around keeping the status quo/carrying on the will of fire (what is already in place). and sasuke is made to conform to it in kishimoto's conclusion of the series, confirming kakashi's beliefs.
*the next generation are seen as a way to preserve old traditions. the "individual" should fade. victims should forgive.
gojo, in contrast, seeks to dismantle the very system that props him up, that has grown corrupt through the years.
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and so he takes a radical approach to education by working against the established norms in their world. he uses his influence as the head of one of the big three sorcerer families to shield those who are most vulnerable— megumi, yuta, itadori, maki, etc.
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he also encourages them to grow into a mindset that motivates them to stand up against the very forces that push them down. paraphrasing gojo's words, his role as a teacher is similar to a gardener's. his duty is to tend to his students, to help them bloom into who they're meant to be and help them move forward with courage. to be able to work towards a future that sees beyond the use of a conservative institution that continues to fail so many of them. to define what it means to be a jujutsu sorcerer outside of it.
*the next generation are seen as an opportunity to step towards progress, to step away from old traditions that prevent the "individual" from being seen.
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What would be your ideal ending for Sasuke ?
In one word, anon, justice. I really don’t care a lot about everything else. If he marries or has children, if he wins or loses the fight with Naruto, if he goes travelling or whatever. The least he deserved was justice and reparation, and he got nothing of that.
Sasuke deserved an ending where his rage was validated. Where he received a formal apology. Where the genocide of the Uchiha was not swept under the rug (if the wishes of Itachi were to be respected, at least acknowledge the oppression and exclusion that they suffered from Konoha and clear their name from the suspicions raised after the Kyubi attack). Sasuke should have not been forced to show remorse in the end. Remorse for what, anyway? He had nothing to feel sorry for, he did nothing wrong. He didn’t even punish half the people that deserved to die at his hands. What does he need to atone for, when deranged villains went on without consequences? Sasuke was a victim of genocide. The least the perpetrators could do was apologise and be thankful he didn’t materialise any of his threats to burn Konoha to ashes.
Sasuke deserved to see the two counsellors that remained alive fired, prosecuted and punished. He deserved to be honoured and awarded for saving the world and for his crucial role in ending the war, and all he got was ostracism and a condescending scolding from his former teacher.
Sasuke deserved compensation. He deserved to see his clan honoured and remembered. He deserved to get returned any property, document, or information Konoha had gotten from the Uchiha after the massacre or during their unlawful surveillance, including any body parts or any other thing stolen for any of Danzo’s grotesque endeavours. He deserved to see the Root disbanded, any of its willing members investigated and punished, and Danzo declared a traitor, a child abductor, a genocidal trash, a corrupt and a conspirator.
Sasuke deserved to see his friend, his so-called “like a brother” standing by his promises and doing something to change the world for the better. Sasuke did not deserve to be alone and remorseful working for a place that never officially repudiated the darkness and the ways of the past. Sasuke did not deserve to see the enabler of the extermination of his family glorified in the form of a painting in the Hokage’s office. And the same for the fascist that spread racist pseudoscience about his family to justify their segregation and oppression. He did not deserve to see those that promoted the genocide of his clan working as counsellor for his so-called friend, who still hears them in his office.
And, of course, Sasuke deserved Taka, too. He deserved to be with them, to honour the promise he made to Jugo. Their unconditional loyalty and friendship. He deserved comfort in the friends that he chose and that were ready to fight the world for him.
And, I think, anon, Sasuke deserved to pursue his revolutionary ideas to build a new world without the darkness of the Shinobi system. Sasuke did not deserve to have all his personality, his character and his soul killed for the sake of the main character’s victory. We know the main character had to win, still, there was so much potential in Sasuke. We deserved to at least see them improving the world together. Making efforts so the future generations never had to experience what they went through.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant, I don’t think I surprised you with any amazing idea for an ending, as everything I mentioned has been discussed before by many others. I apologise also because it took me ages to answer.  I hope you are having a wonderful time, anon, please take care.
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