#cuddle puddle! cuddle puddle! cuddle puddle!
synthetickitsune · 2 days
Bunny Troubles ✧ h.js
Pairing: Joshua Hong x reader (gn) Genre: fluff Summary: Who’d have thought a man like Joshua could turn into a puddle of misery on the whim of a little bunny? Word count: 1.9k Warnings: i never owned a bunny in my life so excuse any innacuracies for the sake of the plot A/N: this is once again @hanniedream's fault because ofc it is, because it always is
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“Uhm, love?” you say shyly, quietly, trying hard to conceal your nervousness.
“Love? Is something wrong?” Joshua catches on immediately regardless of your efforts or the fact that he can’t even see you through the phone. You can only sigh.
You look at your friend for support from where she’s sitting with a bunny in her arms and she gives you a thumbs up before you step out into the hall and close the door behind you.
“What do you think about a week of bunny sitting? My friend is going on a vacation and her parents canceled on her last minute.”
“Say that again,” you can hear your boyfriend pause whatever he was doing.
“Shua, you heard me,” you groan, “She will give us everything we’ll need and she’ll bring the stuff over and help me bunny proof the place. It’s just the living room, so it doesn’t wake us up if it’s noisy in the night. She even made a little pamphlet with instructions and important information and the vet’s contact if anything happened.”
You can practically hear the way he holds back a sigh. Waiting for his answer, though, you already start to imagine the little fluffy creature hopping around your living room.
“What if it doesn’t like me?” he asks. That wasn’t really the concern you were expecting if you’re honest.
“Come again?” you deadpan.
“The meerkat on set didn’t like me either, what if I’m just cursed to be disliked by tiny animals,” there’s a pout in his voice, which is pretty much a sign of your victory.
“No no, my friend said it’s the cuddliest bunny she ever had and that it likes being handled,” you coo excitedly, “And the few times I came over it was really sweet and friendly. It cuddles with me today too.”
“But I’m meant to be your cuddly bunny,” Joshua grumbles very quietly on the other side of the phone.
“Baby I think I’ll need to start recording these calls,” you tease and chuckle when you hear your boyfriend whine some more. “Anyway, it’s just a week. Please? She really needs the help and nobody else is available.”
“You know I can never say no to you,” he sighs, “But I don’t want to hear a word of getting one for ourselves, yeah?”
“I promise,” you try to hide your excitement, “I love you. We’ll be waiting for you to come home.”
“I’m kicking it out if it doesn’t like me,” he warns you playfully before saying his goodbyes and hanging up.
“I’m home,” Joshua calls upon closing the front door behind him carefully, mindful of the creature whose presence is already noticeable by the little fence standing in the doorway of the living room.
“Welcome home,” you call back, your voice soft and clearly strained with emotions. He chuckles to himself, first making his way to the bedroom to change into something comfortable before joining you.
He secures the temporary precaution once he steps into the room and smiles again seeing you sitting by the cage with your hand at the door and the bunny sniffing your palm curiously.
“Getting friendly?” he teases, sitting down a good distance from you to avoid scaring the animal who’s already eyeing him with what he thinks is caution.
“I just fed her some snacks, so I think she hopes for more,” you coo without really looking at him, “Her name is Lola by the way.”
He scoffs, making you groan too. “I know, okay? I wasn’t the one naming her.”
“I can see the resemblance though,” Joshua shakes his head with a smile. The bunny’s colors do kind of resemble those of the character. “Do you think she’ll hate it if I come closer?”
“Nope, just take one of those and you’ll be fine,” you nod towards a little packet lying on the floor next to the cage, “I promise I’ll clean up tomorrow, I just didn’t feel like it this late.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he reassures you, quickly stealing a kiss while you move to make room for him at the cage’s open door. The bunny stays surprisingly calm, only putting his paws down on the ground instead of looking out of the cage.
“Hey little one,” Joshua coos at the fluffy ball, and you can already see the enamored sparkle in his eyes, “Let’s get along, hm?”
The bunny’s nose twitches before it returns to its original position and after sniffing Joshua’s fingers for a bit, it discovers the treat and eagerly takes it from him. 
“I think she likes you,” you chuckle. Your boyfriend then moves back to give the bunny space and lets you pull him in for a proper kiss this time. 
“How was your day?” you ask, resting your head on his shoulder as you watch the bunny bobbing its head and hesitating by the open door, unsure if it wants to explore the unfamiliar territory.
“Good, nothing too exciting. She’s cuter than I expected though,” he leans his head against yours.
“Not one word of wanting to get one for ourselves,” you tease, earning yourself a gentle nudge. “Let’s watch something on tv? Maybe she’ll feel more comfortable if we’re not this close. Oh, and I could show you the guide we got.”
The rest of the evening is spent on the couch, Shua resting in your embrace as you go through the brochure together - and him googling tips on how to befriend a bunny faster. Although the animal in your care seems tame enough that his research might prove to be completely useless. 
The bunny doesn’t venture too far away from its cage, but simply the fact that it left its safe sanctuary is a win in your books. The television is just a nice background noise while you both focus on the curious creature hopping around. 
Over the next couple days the bunny gets quite comfortable. Soon enough it’s exploring the entire expanse of the living room, trying to escape further and you let it - with your strict supervision. The animal is an angel, cuddly and sweet - both to you and Joshua. You were a little skeptical when your friend told you her bunny is the friendliest she’s ever seen and wouldn’t last a second in the wild but turns out she was right. And it also turns out that she’ll be her own bunny’s second favorite human when she gets back.
You can’t say you’re surprised exactly when the bunny starts to clearly prefer Joshua’s attention, but it’s very entertaining that your boyfriend keeps trying to persuade the animal to like you more. It’s not that it doesn’t like you, it does, and it’s very affectionate with you. It’s just that wherever Shua appears, you’re immediately just a back up human. 
The bunny lets itself be handled and carried by him, and it’s impossible for you both not to swoon when you see how tiny the animal looks sitting in Joshua’s hands or held in his arms. Treats work well to lure it away from your boyfriend, but it quickly returns once it finishes eating it. At least it’s not jealous and is willing to share him with you, and your boyfriend glows like the sun with you cuddled into his side and the bunny sleeping on his chest.
Anyway - Joshua is the bunny’s favorite human. Even your friend confirmed that much when you facetimed her one night and showed her how her pet behaves.
That’s why it is so confusing when your boyfriend calls you in distress.
“Baby? Baby I did something and now she hates me!”
It takes you a second and another whiny babyyy to process what’s going on and drop the dinner preparations for the sake of your boyfriend and his side chick’s drama.
Joshua sits with his back against the couch, already looking at you with a pout and eyes pleading. You try not to laugh seeing him and look for the bunny instead - not too far away and… stomping her little feet? Thumping. 
“What did you do?” you accuse, pretending to scold him as you sit down next to him. 
“Nothing! I don’t know,” he whines, turning his head left and right, throwing pleading looks yours and the bunny’s way. “Why does she hate me?”
“I don’t know, but according to the guide this means she’s annoyed, so what did you do to her?” you try really hard not to chuckle at his distress. Who’d have thought a man like him could turn into a puddle of misery on the whim of a little bunny.
“Nothing,” he mumbles with a sigh, extending a hand towards the animal. It pushes it away with its paws with another thump and you do fail and laugh at that. You’re quick to coo over your boyfriend when he turns to you with disbelief written all over his face though, his pout deepening. 
“We’ll figure this out, Shua,” you chuckle, kissing his cheek, “You’re her favorite, remember?”
He nods, sighing as the bunny thumps again. It’s cute as ever, maybe more so throwing a tantrum like this.
“So what did you do - what were you doing before she got like this?” you ask, rubbing his arm soothingly. He leans into your touch and he looks so miserable that you almost feel bad for laughing.
“Nothing, I told you,” he -thump- sulks, “I was just petting her.”
Thump thump.
“And then?” you prod.
“Nothing.” Thump thump. “I was petting her and then I stretched, so I- oh.”
Oh indeed.
“Why would you stop petting her and then be all surprised that she’s annoyed with you? Do you have any idea how upsetting it is?” you frown at him.
“Why am I being targeted?” he grumbles before smirking a little, “But thank you for your insight.”
You push his shoulder. “Don’t give in,” you tell the bunny.
“No no no, I learned from my mistakes,” Joshua turns towards the bunny and slowly extends his hand to its little head, “I’m so sorry, little one. Forgive me please.”
He pets it slowly, his fingers stroking the soft fur with patience and dedication that really makes it seem like he’s begging for forgiveness. You regret not having your phone on you to take a video. 
And then suddenly the bunny starts moving, no longer thumping its legs but instead slowly walking towards your boyfriend before climbing onto his legs and settling on his lap. Joshua beams at you and resumes petting the bunny, overjoyed at being forgiven.
“Am I the bunny whisperer?” he whispers, cooing at the fluffball in his lap. You roll your eyes.
“Yeah, and a drama queen,” you tease, but he ignores you in favor of making up with the bunny. It’s a cute look though, so you don’t mind not bickering with him.
“I know I said I don’t want to hear a word about-”
He pouts at you when you shut him down immediately.
“Let’s just offer a free bunny sitting whenever, hm?” you suggest.
“Let’s steal her,” Joshua wiggles his brows at you mischievously. You breathe a long sigh.
Then again maybe looking at Joshua with a cute fluffy bunny cuddled up to him every day wouldn’t be so bad. Especially if all it takes for him to get all pouty is a few annoyed thumps.
Now you can only hope your bunny of a boyfriend won’t take on any of her habits.
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withleeknow · 3 days
the nut graph.
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pairing: hyunjin x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, college au, fluff <3; oc is a journalism student (there's just a couple references in here, and the title lol) bc i am once again being hella self-indulgent 🤪 word count: 0.8k note: how ironic that as i was writing this, there was a thunderstorm outside but i didn't have a hyunjin to cuddle up with. tragic :/ anywhomst onigiri 🍙 this is for you and our shared hyune brainrot. i hope u'll tolerate like this one 🥹 <3
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / masterlist / ko-fi
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"it's raining."
the voice comes from beside you, where hyunjin has been sitting for the past couple of hours while you work on your respective assignments, sharing headphones and feeding each other gummy worms and almond pepero's every once in a while, your head softly nodding along to the music from his lo-fi playlist.
when you glance out the window, it's too dark to watch the sky, but you do catch a glimpse of the downpour thanks to the light from the streetlamp below.
you hum in agreement without much enthusiasm, turning to peck his cheek quickly before diverting your attention back to your laptop.
hyunjin huffs out a griping noise, shrugs off his earpod and scooches closer on his chair to rest his head on you. "hey, let's call it a night," he says, nuzzling his face into the junction between your neck and your shoulder, pressing his full lips against you, over the material of his hoodie that you've stolen borrowed.
"are you done with your paper?" you ask.
"no, but it's raining."
your boyfriend loves the rain; there's something so charmingly idyllic about the rain and he's nothing if not a romantic. he loves it even more when he gets to spend the moment with you, with the two of you nicely tucked together in bed or on the couch as you listen to the sound of the shower outside pattering against your window.
you only chuckle, kissing his forehead to appease him for now. "i'm not done with my article," you say. "you go to bed first. i'll be there in a second."
"let's go to bed now," hyunjin whines, drawing out the last word like an overgrown child. two bargaining hands slide around your body until they're clasped together on the other side of your waist. "it's the perfect time to cuddle."
"fifteen minutes and i'll be done. i just need to finish the nut graph and i'll be right there, okay?"
"nut graph," he echoes, giggling to himself as if it's the first time he's ever heard of the term. then he clears his throat, like he suddenly remembers that there's something much larger at stake here. "that's not a second. what if it stops raining?"
"then it stops raining." you shrug, reaching for a pepero stick to munch on while you keep your gaze on the laptop screen again. "it won't kill you, y'know."
"you don't know that." another pathetic mewl escapes his mouth. "come onnn, i need my cuddles."
"well, we're kind of cuddling right now."
though if you're being honest, your train of thought kind of kicked you off and left the station the second hyunjin started slotting himself against your side. you're just doing this for kicks, because sometimes it's entertaining to tease your boyfriend and watch him be dramatic for a minute. it's endearing, how he whines about not being able to snuggle with you like it's the worst thing that could ever happen to him. it's a bit of an ego boost as well, to know that this godlike man would turn into a puddle every time he's needy for your attention.
"this is not cuddling," he says, his arms tightening around you and for a second there, you wonder if he would actually carry you over his shoulder like a potato sack and take you to the bedroom himself. "come on, let's go to bed. this is your tax."
"this is my what?"
"your tax," he repeats, pinching the material of your (his) hoodie between two fingers. "for wearing my clothes. pay up."
rolling your eyes in playful disbelief, you open your mouth to shoot back a retort but you're promptly cut off after the first syllable makes it out when hyunjin does exactly what you were picturing a minute ago - he fucking picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, in true potato sack fashion, while you squeal in shock.
"hyunjin! the nut graph!"
he only pats your butt in response to your helpless wiggling. "it'll still be there tomorrow."
his long strides carry you to the adjoining room in no time. before you know it, you're already gently laid on the bed while hyunjin settles on top of you, his arms encircling your frame as he throws one of his legs over both of yours. he sighs, clearly content with himself, the soft puff of air escaping his lips to tickle the skin of your neck.
you have no choice but to concede; you're already here anyway. you turn in his hold until you're hugging him back comfortably, carding your fingers through his soft hair to keep his head close to you.
"needy little monster," you complain, no bite.
hyunjin doesn't care about witty comebacks. he won, he got what he wanted. so he just pushes himself up the bed, crossing the few inches it takes to reach your lips. "love you," he giggles, showcasing a grin that makes his eyes turn into adorable crescent moons before he's kissing you tenderly. oh, so delicately.
outside your window, the rain only falls harder.
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 03.06.2024]
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igotanidea · 2 days
One step closer: Jason Todd x reader
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Summary: Jason being terrified of the storm and reader helping him.
At first the sky was crystal clear blue and without a single cloud.
The weather, however has a unique ability to change in a blink of an eye – maybe that’s why people believe nature is a woman, with its specific humors and whims.
The droplets of rain started hitting the pavement when Y/N was walking home from work. Deprived of the umbrella, as usual. And even thought she liked a little bit of precipitation it was one thing to enjoy the musky scent of ozone and ground, and the other to be drenched. Therefore, taking cue of the other people, rushing to find even a makeshift shelter, upon realizing that the rest of the evening was going to be filled with October like weather, she took off running. In her best hope to get home before all hell break loose.
As the raindrops started to intensify, she swiftly swiveled on the puddles, miraculously avoiding slipping and stepping into the treacherously shallow waters, only to discover it was ankle depth.
Getting home in time to save her porous hair from frizzling into a mess on her hair, but not soon enough to miss the lighting and thunder echoing through the space.
“Oh no…” she muttered to herself, opening the door to the tenement, where she was sharing a an apartment with Jason.
Jason. Precisely.
She climbed the stair jumping two steps at a time, all to reach their place faster, knowing well enough what she was going to find there.
“Jace?” she called his name, kicking off her shoes and hanging the wetted coat on the hanger. “Jace, are you here?”
“In here…” weak, shaky voice came from the living room.
“Oh, baby…”
Jason was crouched on the couch, away from the window, almost paralyzed by the flashes of light and sounds outside. It was nothing new to her. After all, her poor boy was scared of the storm, not that she could blame him.
When they started dating, hanging around in the city and having fun, the first time the storm came in during their time out, he just stopped in the middle of the street with wide eyes, unable to move a single muscle. Scaring the shit out of her making the girl believe he was going through a stroke or something. Using whatever strength she could gather, Y/N grabbed the arm of the mountain of stiffened muscles Jason turned into and dragged him into the nearest roofed place.
In between ragged breaths and trembles, Jason tried to explain himself and prevent the damage of her thinking he was crazy or something. And even though all she was doing was holding his hand, soothing him with her voice, trying to ground him and not demand any words, he managed to stutter that the storm was reminding him of the time Joker was hitting him with a crowbar.
Lighting was like a flashes in his eyes, recollection of blood and pain.
Thunder was like a sound of a vicious laugh, echoing in his ears, a remnant of incoming ending.
And that broke her heart.
Since then, there was not a time she allowed Jason to be alone during the storm. Reaching him in any way possible. When at work – text or call. When at home – cuddles and kisses. When out – immediate retreat and doing anything possible to help him focus on her rather than surrounding.
So now, her course of action was almost innate.
Closing the windows, which he was unable of, due to immediate panic attack. Drawing the curtains. Sitting on the couch next to him. Opening her welcoming arms and surrounding him with her warmth.
“It’s okay Jason…” she whispered pulling his head to her chest. “It’s okay. Just listen to my heartbeat, baby.”
“I’m so scared, Y/N.” he almost sobbed, like a 15 year old he was when Joker was mutilating him. “I don’t want to –“
“Shhh. Shhh, my love.” Her fingers danced in his hair, touch as soft as possible to not startle, but help him. A single wrong move, too intense or in the wrong place could be catastrophic, considering he was one foot in the past “I’m not letting anything happen to you.” A gentle soft kiss placed on his forehead was supposed to serve as an assurance of her love, presence and protective shield “I got you, Jason. I got you…”
“He’s coming after me!” as another thunder tore the sound of humming rain he snuggled closer to her chest “He’s coming!”
This was worse than anything she has experienced before and she was forced to think and act quickly and with new methods, to avoid him spiraling out of control and rooting in the tragic memories.
Pulling him closer, Y/N started to hum some melody. Quietly as first, but then letting it grow a little louder and more intense, leaning towards him to make sure it was the only sound reaching his ears.
“I have died every day waiting for you, darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more…..”
His hands tightened on her waist, almost bruising but she didn’t care.
“One step closer, one step closer….”
Slowly, her voice started to replace the bad memories.
One step closer – to her.
One step closer – to the present and not the past.
One step closer – to breaking from the nightmare.
“Y/N….” he whispered, allowing himself to relax under her caresses.
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“Thank you.” He nuzzled into her chest, loosing the grip but not letting go. Never letting go.
“I’m here…” she only responded, with a tiny smile, as if that was the entire explanation needed. And it was.
“Stay.” He whispered, not opening his eyes, not changing the position, not moving even in the slightest to avoid breaking the fragile peace.
“I’m here.” She said for the third time.
She was there. And the weight of her dedication, devotion and touch the made the door to the past close. Like a book that still describe your life, but stays on the shelf, being nothing but a memory. Painful, gory and traumatizing, but still – just a memory, making place for the new story.
And maybe it was time to commence it.
She was there.
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ratsummer · 3 days
Something I've been thinking about is cozy, fleecy ghoul hammocks... You know, like the ones for ferrets??
They're strung up in various parts of the abbey, like the library, sunny corridors, and the ghoul dens. All ghouls are welcome to use them: some are hanging high up in the rafters for nimble air ghouls, others are under skylights for quint ghouls to stargaze. Generally, water and earth ghouls are only tempted in by promises of cuddles from other types of ghouls, as they're more inclined to keeping their feet on the ground.
All this to say, I think Dew LOVES to be up in a hammock. He liked it fine when he was a water ghoul - he'd clamber up with Ifrit or Zephyr, rocking them gently by letting his tail drape over the side and swishing it about. But now that he's fire, he simply can't get enough hammock time.
His favorite hammock is in a quiet, south corridor, strung up high in front of two-story windows. It's not as lofted as the ones the air ghouls favor, but high enough that most of the larger ghouls don't bother with it - perfect for when he needs to hide away. This particular hammock is almost sleeping bag style, with soft, fleecy pockets he can tuck himself into. He's stashed a couple pillows and multiple soft blankets up there too, just for extra coziness.
When Phantom comes along, shy and touch-starved, Dew can't help but immediately introduce him to his favorite hammock. At first, he lets Phantom hide away there by himself when he needs some quiet time to adjust, or when he needs to feel wrapped up and safe with pack smell but he's a little too overstimulated for ghoul cuddles. But before long, Phantom is dragging Dew up for hammock cuddles almost daily.
Poor Swiss has on many occasions gone looking for his sweet little bug, hoping for a cuddle, only to discover he's been secreted away to Dew's hammock - soft purrs and tails poking out the only things giving them away from floor-level. He can't get in there with them: it's a little too awkward of an angle for him to get in without feeling like he's going to plummet to his untimely death, and it also can't support all three of them without ripping off the wall.
Once, Swiss was feeling particularly bummed that they were up there without him - he was feeling needy for his little ghouls, and they'd been up there for hours. Admittedly, he was feeling a little vindictive, so he climbed up the little access ladder to shake them around a bit and whine. Once he got up there though... Well, it was hard to snap a picture with the way his heart was melting, but it's now pinned up on the wall over his nest.
It was hard to see where one ghoul ended and the other began, the way they were pretzeled around each other, dead to the world. Dew was stretched and contorted so that more than half of his limbs stuck out over the sides of the hammock. His hair was loose, tangled up around his horns instead of neatly braided down his back, and his clothes were tangled and bunched up in a way that simply couldn't be comfortable.
Phantom was koalaed around Dew's middle, half underneath him, but somehow wormed around to have his head pressed dead-center on Dew's chest. Their sweet bug is happiest sleeping when he can have an ear pressed over someone's heart, the steady beat and purrs soothing him all the way through.
Dew doesn't really sweat much anymore unless he's actively running around wreaking havoc... but poor Phantom was drenched. He looked like a toddling kit gone down for a hard nap - his hairline was damp and shining, hair curling up where it wasn't plastered to his skin. His cheek was mushed hard against Dew's shirt - when he got up he'd have crease and wrinkle marks impressed on his face for hours. He also had his mouth hanging wide open, a puddle of drool steadily soaking into Dew's shirt.
Swiss couldn't help but purr and stare fondly at them for a few minutes. When Phantom's brow started to scrunch up like it does when he's having a nightmare, Swiss started gently, gently rocking the hammock to soothe him. Almost instantly, the little ghoul's face was smooth and peaceful once more, hands clutching at Dew's waist and squeezing him tighter as he snuggled down. Dew made little grunting sounds as he wiggled too, scooching and squirming until he got Phantom tucked up under his chin.
Accepting that he'd just have to wait until after dinner to get Dew and Phantom snuggles, Swiss sighed and skulked back toward the ghoul den. Maybe he could snatch up Rory for some little ghoul snugs...
Anyway... yeah... ghoul hammocks <3 <3 <3 Thoughts??
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How The Judgement Day treat Little!Reader who had a bad caregiver before them
In the past I had a kind of sort of caregiver who didn't treat me very well. So this is very therapeutic for me! I hope it's the same for y'all ❤️
-When TJD found out you were a little, they were nothing but supportive!
-You were happy to have new caregivers, but you were also still healing from how you were treated before.
-When you were little, you kept for distance for a while. Afraid that maybe they didn't want to deal with a little right now.
-Even if Dom is little, you figure that means it'll be a bother to them to deal with another little.
-It didn't take long for your caregivers to notice you were acting distant. So they tried to ease you into trusting them.
-The group decided Rhea should warm you up first since she's the least scary looking one of the three
-It starts with Mami offering you snacks and drinks.
-"Mami noticed you haven't been eating much lately. Are there any particular snacks that you like?"
-It takes a little bit, but eventually you start eating. It starts with snacks left at your bedroom door. Then slowly, you eat at the table, with just her for now.
-Slowly Dom joins in too. You two start playing together when your both in little space.
-Next Finn slowly joined in on the play sessions. The silly voices he makes with the toys makes little you laugh. Thus you start to get closer to him as well.
-Finally, there's Damian.
-His stature and deep voice make him seem a little bit scary. No matter how many times Dom tells you about how great of a papi he is.
-It takes a little more of a push to get close to him. Mami and Dada suggest you guys help him cook dinner.
-You're a little scared at first. Shaking in your little baby boots even. What if you mess up and he yells at you?
-You're so shaken that you accidentally drop some eggs on the floor.
-Horrified, you start tearing up, apologizing over and over again.
-But there was no yelling, no shouting.
-Instead Damian ruffled your hair.
-"It's alright, it was just an accident. You're okay."
-That just sets off all the water works.
-All the caregivers freak out and keep reassuring you everything's alright. Which just makes you cry more.
-You're then brought to the couch by Mami, followed by Finn, Damian, and a waddling Dom.
-Cuddle puddle time!
-Once you calm down, you explain why you were crying.
-How your past caregiver wasn't good. How they would force you to either be big at times, or to go hide in your bedroom when they didn't want to deal with you being little. How they got mad at you for little mistakes.
-They knew that your last caregiver was bad, but they didn't know it was that bad.
-They promised you that they would always want you around. That you will never be a burden to them, and how You're allowed to make mistakes.
-You start tearing up again, and the cuddle puddle continues!
-In the end, all five of you grow closer for this. And now you have the best caregivers a baby could ask for!
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zerokurokawa · 3 days
Hanma falling inlove with a girl who beat him up at first meeting because he messed with her brother lmao then after a while they become friends because he doesn’t stop bothering her. He throws rocks at her window and loudly sings for her and stuff lol. And reader being more of herself around him (she’s actually really sweet but just don’t mess with her people lmao).. maybe a little bit of nsfw? Thank u in advance 🫶🏼
Falling For You | Hanma x Reader (Slight NSFW, MDNI) <3
Getting beat up by a girl was not on Hanma's agenda when it came to fighting and being one of the top delinquents of his time, however, when you found out that he had messed with your younger brother, you took matters into your own hands. You beat the total shit out of him with one kick, knocking his tall self to the ground and leaving him to practically drown in a puddle during the pouring rain. 
You had caught him off guard in the back of an alleyway and confronted him about picking fights with your younger brother who was in Toman at the time. With you beating him to the ground, you'd expect him to stay away, right? You were wrong. Hanma then became intrigued by you and wouldn't leave you alone after that. 
He would catch you out and about, offering to buy you things such as food or even steal you jewelry from the local shops. He'd follow you home and make it seem as if you were the one that needed protection. After a while of him doing this, you decided you kind of liked his presence and kept him around. After all, you were getting something out of it. 
Once you began to notice his weird antics and the way he would subconsciously flirt with you, you began to flirt back, teasing him about his height and build and would always joke about how easy it was to of taken him down, especially since you were a girl, after all. 
You had grown fond of him, wanting him around more often and even calling him a few times just to hangout. This only brought his interest back towards you even further as he began to increase his obsession with you. 
It wasn't long before you started hearing him play music and sing really loudly outside of your window at night, begging you to come outside and take a ride on his bike. He would even throw pebbles on some nights or call you back to back just to get your attention. Eventually, you gave in and went on that bike ride that led you further into his grasp. 
One night, he took you back to his apartment and you were cozied up to him, lying on the couch while a movie played in the background. He moved slightly, looking down at you seemingly wanting to do something more than just cuddle on the couch. 
"What? What are you staring at?" You asked, while he was staring into your eyes, 
"I just thought maybe we could... have a little fun." He smirked. 
"Fun how?" You smirked back, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Before you knew it, he had you pinned to the couch, tugging at your clothes, and kissing all of your sweet spots. 
"You know what I mean," He started, "I want you, and I know you want me too." 
You giggled as he began to tease you, tickling you and touching all of your turn on spots. You knew what he was after, and you were going to let him. One thing led to another and both of you had ended up half naked, lying on the couch, in each other's arms. 
"I need to confess something... before we go any further." He said, beginning to unbuckle his belt. 
"And what is what?" You asked, shifting yourself underneath him. 
"I think... I know... I'm falling for you." He smirked, leaning down to give you a very long, passionate kiss. You broke away from the kiss, breathless, as you thought to yourself about how this might be wrong. You were fraternizing with someone who was against everything you stood for. You were meant to hate him due to what he did to your brother, but here you were, in his arms and down to your underwear. 
"I think I'm falling for you too... Shuji." You said with a slight hesitant tone to your voice. You knew what would happen if the others found out. You knew they would be upset and you knew for a fact that your brother would never approve. But, before you knew it, he was all over you and you were all over him. Something about it felt wrong but at the same time, it felt right. You wanted him and there was no turning back now. 
You had fallen for the enemy. 
(A/N: I hope you like it, all the love to you <3)
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snek-of-eden · 2 days
He’s mildly allergic to bees. Not enough to be dangerous, but enough that he keeps a hypo spray for it in his pocket any time he’s on shore leave on earth. Jim finds this supremely annoying, since he himself will swell up into a big puddle of allergic reaction when he comes within twenty feet of a bee
He used to do drag in his twenties as an escape from the pressures of Academy studies. His drag name was Miss Mal Practice and he would wear so much glitter that both he and Jim would find it in their sheets for weeks. When he graduated he gave it up, but near the end of the first 5 year mission, Uhura and Spock team up to try and get him to teach them a few things. After that, Enterprise Drag Nights become a monthly phenomenon.
Both he and Scotty are asexual, though to different levels. Bones is super sex neutral and indifferent, he’s experimented his fair share but sexual attraction has never exactly made sense to him from personal experience.
He was an incredibly lonely child, whose family was always busy and had barely any time for him. He has three older siblings who’d gone off to college by the time he was around eight, and he spent a whole lot of time hanging out in the dry barns with the calico cats on their property, doing homework or lighting shit on fire for fun.
When he dies, he wants to be cremated. This is in part because he has a strange connection to fire, and in part because he’s absolutely terrified of tightly enclosed spaces. To be buried in a coffin? His worst nightmare.
Generally he’s pretty ambivalent towards sugary things, but any Italian dessert is his Achilles heel. He coerced Scotty into tinkering with one of the replicators until it got the recipes for crostoli, tiramisu, cannoli, amaretti and panatone just right, and they have weekly dinner dates with plenty of alcohol.
Bones is FTM and uses he/him and they/them pronouns. He knew he was a guy from really early on and started taking HRT around age eleven. He never needed top surgery, but got bottom surgery around age twenty-five. He’s the most trans cis man you can imagine, and while he doesn’t flaunt that part of him, he’s more than happy to discuss it to those who are genuinely curious for a juxtaposition to their own gender journey.
He has that innate urge to fight in him, not just verbally but physically. It caused him to get into a lot of trouble in school, before he got his act together and reigned in that part of him (later, he learned he’d started masking a lot). Jim’s friendship is incredibly beneficial to him because they’re both touchy people with a lot of pent up energy. Many a night on the Enterprise is spent getting into heated conversations on Jim’s bed and ending up tussling on the floor. Sometimes Spock watches, but it’s rare that he joins in. The play fights are a tension reliever, and help a lot with anger management.
There’s definitely been a couple times he’s gotten his nose broken, most of them courtesy of his own brash stupidity.
He gets a lot of intrusive thoughts.
He’s a firm advocate that pineapple on pizza is satan’s invention and anyone who enjoys it can fuck right off. Jim loves pineapple on pizza: both Bones and Spock have nearly disowned him for this at least twice.
On shore leave, he wears the most garish Hawaiian print shirts in every colour of the rainbow, and flaunts them with all the pride of a world-renown catwalk model.
He and Scotty are in a devoted queerplatonic relationship. He’s really touch starved and Scotty loves touching people, so a lot of the time they end up cuddling or doing each others hair.
His favourite drink is brandy, but he won’t say no to a glass of iced lemon tea. Don’t tell anybody though, he has a reputation to uphold, for fuck’s sake.
He always ends up sobbing when he listens to opera, because it reminds him of Jocelyn and those memories are painful.
He’s always had food issues, from when he was a teenager. They’re a lot better these days, but when things get stressful he finds it hard to maintain good eating habits. It’s always made him feel bad, because he knows Jim goes through the same thing - but Jim actually has a reason: he was on Tarsus IV. It takes him a long time to open up about it, however.
Surprise parties are on his Top Ten Things I Hate Most list
Yes, he actually keeps a Top Ten Things I Hate list on his PADD, and some of its highlights include: ‘Jim’s infuriating lovey-dovey glances at Spock’, ‘styrofoam’, ‘almost getting killed’, and ‘Spock in general’.
His favourite flavour of ice cream is blueberry
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j-oneseungz · 2 days
point discontinuity | kim seungmin
genre: frenemy-ish au, housemates au, fluffy, suggestive 18+
warning(s): suggestive content, horny thoughts but fluffy overall, cursing, mentions of drinking and being drunk
word count: 1.2k
Another night, another house party. Drunk out of your mind, you lean your body on the wall, holding on to an empty red cup. Perhaps you should have paced yourself with the jungle juice. Changbin does not play when it comes to his mixes. You probably went over your usual limit tonight but it is what it is. That failed exam needs to get out of your system.
It doesn’t help that the one person you can’t stand in your friend group was approaching you. He takes the cup and gently puts your arm around his neck. It doesn’t help that he smells so fucking good that it was addictive. It doesn’t help that he wraps his arm around your waist. It doesn’t help that he’s so close to you that you could combust.
He slowly walks you over to the entrance of the house. You want to give him a hard time but your brain and body are mush.
“Did I get the right Y/N? Or did I get a decoy?” he jokes.
“Minniee. I’m real. No fake,” you pout.
“Minnie? Are you sure you’re the right Y/N? Cause the Y/N I know still fights me even when she’s drunk.”
“I’m I’m tiiired. I just want bed. And snuggles.” You shiver as cold air bit your skin. Seungmin takes off his hoodie and puts it on you. You were engulfed in his sweet, musky scent you never get tired off. Of course you won’t admit that to anyone. Or him especially.
“I’ll call Lixie to come over tonight so he can cuddle you. Now we have to get you home.” He guides you to his car and opens the door for you.
“But I want Minnie instead for snuggles.” You pout even more.
“Don’t you want your best friend more than your frenemy?”
“Nooo. I want Minnieee!! Seungminnie!!!”
“Fine fine. But you better not be squirmy tonight.”
The ride home was quiet. You don’t know how you ended up at this point. You’ve only been inside Seungmin’s car for a whopping three times including this one despite him being one of your housemates for the past year. You know your little “hatred” for him was just a facade for what lives in your psyche.
Infatuation is such a beautiful mess. The countless times you’ve had scenarios of him playing in your head is insurmountable. The way he teases you. Fuck. It’s so hot that… that it keeps you up all night just thinking and thinking about him. Fingers under the sheets you pretend were his. Bliss. Euphoric. Heavenly.
Right when he parked in front of the house, he didn’t even let you out of the car until he went to open the passenger door for you and carried you in his arms.
“Ack! Seungmin put me down!!! You- you kidnapper!!!” You smack his chest. But that had no effect on him, seeing how he was chuckling at you.
“No way I’m letting you walk and trip all over yourself.”
Your eyes meet his and you wrap your arms around his neck. He doesn’t even need to try making your heart skip a beat. Just the way he’s looking at you makes you turn into a puddle of water that will eventually evaporate. Fuck him and his pretty face.
It’s not so easy for Seungmin either. Your pretty pouty lips are so kissable, he can devour them for hours without stopping. Your dress has ridden up, making for your most of your thighs exposed. Damn. They would be pretty painted with his love marks. Holy shit. He shouldn’t be having these thoughts right now. He needs to take care of your drunken state.
“Minnieee,” you giggle as you snap him out of his indecent reverie. He swears the lilt of your voice will make him implode. “How how come you look so pwetty?”
“Huh?” You shouldn't be filling his thoughts that drives his delusions even more.
Your hand finds its way to his chin, grabbing his face even more closer to admire his beauty. The liquor and strawberry perfume commingling together to make such a dizzying sensation is making Seungmin hang by the thread.
Be a gentleman now Seungmin come on.
No words were shared as he takes you to your bedroom. He pretty much knows where you placed all your clothes at, considering how many times you’ve come home drunk. It’s not at all awkward between you two despite butting heads on numerous occasions. He still makes it a point to take care of you when the other roommates are not home, especially when you're drunk out of your mind. Or when you're sick. Or when you're losing your head because of shitty professors and their shitty assignments. Or when you needed that chocolate croissant from that one French bakery on the other side of town at 12 in the morning. Or when you just needed someone to hug because why not.
You were still in laying down in bed with your body sprawled out like Patrick Star. “Go take a shower or I will bathe you myself dummy,” he chided as he gives you your change of clothes.
“Fiiiine.” You march to your restroom with the thought of Seungmin bathing you. How would it feel having his hands massage and lather your hair? What if they trait down your wet and dewy shoulders to your clavicle to your brea-
Stop It, God Fucking Dammit!!!
Once you finished showering, Seungmin was already in his cute puppy pajamas, waiting for you on your bed. You were a bit more sober now and you realize how your earlier dumbass self wanted to cuddle him. Well. You couldn’t back out now. You weren’t gonna wuss out just because of Kim Seungmin. Your so-called frenemy.
For some reason, the bed doesn't feel so bad with him being there. Quite the contrary actually. It feels more at home and cozy. Both of you slid under the comforter and you take the initiative of getting closer to him.
“Hi,” you whisper as you caress his cheeks.
“Hey,” he whispers back. You swear you just saw his eyes twinkle. His arm find its way again back to your waist and he pulls your body close to his. It was like finally putting the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle together. All this time, you both knew it was you two meant for each other all along. It definitely took some time to share vulnerabilities and parts of each other but it was all worth it.
“I like you,” you blurt out all of a sudden. You felt the need to cover your mouth. You can tell the shock on his face but it then contorts to that of intrigue and mischief.
You add,” Of course I’ll never admit that to you.”
“Of course not,” he laughs. He scoots closer to kiss your nose and your temple.
“I—.” You are definitely sober now.
“I’ll never admit that I like you too.”
You both share a knowing smile with each other. Soaking in each other’s comfort wasn’t in your bucket list but for sure being his forever will be added.
A/N: Hello hello! Sorry it took a while for a new fic to release! The Jeongin and Jisung fics will have to wait for a bit since this summer is still pretty hectic :,) I hope you guys enjoy! Please do leave a feedback if you can! I am open to taking any suggestions to make my stories better in the future!!!
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zephyrchama · 1 month
“Don’t,” you warned Lucifer. You saw that self-assured grin on his face. You knew what he was planning.
“What? I just came to see what you were doing.” He leaned on your shoulder with enough weight to tilt you several inches sideways, no matter how much you pushed back. “Don’t mind me, carry on.”
“Don’t you have more important things to do?” you retorted, but it was too late. The others were catching on.
“Hey, hey! What’s going on?” Mammon came over and pushed against your other shoulder, tilting you back upright. “What are two of my favorite people doin’?”
You tried to shrug them both off, to no avail. “We’re not doing anything. We can stop this.”
You couldn’t stop it. Asmodeus was on his way and wasted no time crossing his arms over your back, happily leaning into you from behind. You tilted forward. “Hey! What’s happening here?”
You sighed, “we’re not doing this again.”
Asmodeus teased you with honeyed innocence, “doing what, hon? Something on your mind?”
These three demons thought they were so funny.
A passing Satan made eye contact with you. In that exact moment, you used every bit of imaginary telepathy you could muster. Surely Satan would understand. He could save you. He could free you before it really was too late.
He observed what his brothers were doing, nodded, and approached with a congenial grin. Mission failed.
“Traitor!” You regretted ever agreeing to join this exchange program as Satan slowly fell back into you. You didn’t even try to catch him, you were too busy trying to remain upright under the combined weight of four demons. They were hardly even holding back.
You couldn’t see who was running up, being too busy blowing Satan’s blonde hair out of your face, but at this point it didn’t matter. They were all coming for you.
“Let me in on this!” Leviathan said cheerily.
“Yeah!” “Come on!” Asmodeus and Mammon gladly made some room for Leviathan, which was difficult because you were sinking lower and lower, and you felt another weight pile onto your back as Levi cozied up to your torso. This scenario had played out enough times now that the brothers could somehow keep you from falling over like a Jenga tower, but it was still only a matter of time.
Belphegor squeezed his way in between Satan and Lucifer and wordlessly collapsed onto you as if overcome with narcolepsy. He sure looked cozy. He smirked while you lamented, “I’m never forgiving any of you, ever.”
“Beel? Are you coming?” Lucifer summoned the cherry on top of this ridiculous parfait. You braced as Beelzebub licked the crumbs off his fingers in preparation. He knew what had to be done.
“Are you ready?” At least he had the decency to ask, unlike six other degenerates. The six lumps of dead weight each grabbed a part of your body, shifting from leans to awkward hugs. There was no way to run.
With an exaggerated “hah!”, Beelzebub’s weight and outstretched arms were enough to send everyone crashing down. You were protected from any real damage by the shell of demon brothers, but they soon had you pinned down against someone’s chest in the world’s most embarrassing cuddle pile.
“Aren’t you guys too old for this?” you asked. “By like, ten thousand years?”
“We were just checking up on you,” Lucifer said.
“Yeah, how did this happen? Hmm..!” Asmodeus’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
Satan draped his leg over yours and not-so-accidentally kicked Lucifer. “You should have told us what you were doing.”
“I think it’s fun.” Belphegor was the only one to admit the truth.
Hands were running through your hair and over your stomach. Somebody was pushing the edge of your mouth up into a smile with their finger. If these guy were so touch-starved, they could have just said so, like sane people.
“My! What do we have here?”
You groaned, partially because everybody was really heavy and partially because you really didn’t need Diavolo to arrive just then.
“My lord, it appears we have walked in on something quite interesting.” Et tu, Barbatos?
”Indeed! Is there room for two more?”
Your “no!” was drowned out by seven resounding yeses.
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thickthighdommymommy · 5 months
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I love the cuddle puddle that happens after a good scene and aftercare 🥰
Artist: soushiyo
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have-a-treato · 8 months
on chilly nights everyone inevitably ends up scooting closer and closer to karlach until she's surrounded and she thinks it's just the cutest thing that no one acknowledges
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theeroticlover · 1 year
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Weekends be like :)
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hwathwugu · 2 months
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Cold desert nights
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makenna-made-this · 8 months
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BAWKtober Day 14 - Cuddle Puddle
Sleep tight
(*crawls outta hidden hatch in the floor* If anyone would like to support my BAWKtobers or buy a treat for my spoiled, spoiled chickens, my kofi is linked in pinned post *disappears in a puff of smoke but when it starts to clear you can see me just speedwalking away* )
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Inviting all my mutuals to join me in a nap like this
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You were in the living room when it happened.
Satan was leaning back against the arm of the sofa you were on, and you propped up your head on his knee which was conveniently right in your face as he buried his feet under you, providing a nice amount of warmth. You flicked your eyes across the page of a new novel you had been recommended as you read it aloud. It was nice. Just the two of you.
Until there were three. Asmo had practically floated in, his socked feet bouncing across the wooden floor as he ogled at his pocket mirror. He waved to Satan and kissed your cheek, opting to sit on your left with an arm hooked around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder. Okay, just the three of you. It was warmer this way, anyway.
Oh come on now.
You turned your head as much as Asmo would allow, to see the huge teddy bear that is Beel munching on some chips behind you. He gave one of his signature smiles and ruffled your hair before reaching his hands under your arms and lifting you up out of your comfortable position effortlessly, holding you up by your armpits. You would be disturbed if this wasn’t his chosen form of affection towards you. Unfortunately, this was normal. After Asmo’s protest and Satan’s grumbles at having cold feet, Beel climbed over the back of the couch and repositioned you to be sitting on his lap, his chin resting on your head as he glanced at the words in your book. Soon enough, the others regained their positions, although Satan had to either put his feet under Beel or uncomfortably rest them on his thighs, so he just opted to sit normally, a hand laid on your thigh, lightly squeezing every now and then when there was a suspenseful moment in the story. Great. Four of you. Well, at least Beel has comfy thighs.
You returned to reading, content with the amount of cuddles you were getting, although you did feel a bit less like a human and more like a stuffed animal this way. Suddenly, you heard the slapping of bare feet on the hard wood floor and a yawn. Oh shit. You glanced to your left, over Asmo’s head. A smaller demon with eye bags and purple-white hair stood with his arms crossed around his signature cow pillow. Belphie. He glided over to you, slouching the whole way. Surely his back must hurt, right? Either way, he was now climbing onto the couch and— of course. Right onto your lap. He nuzzled his head into your and Beel’s shoulders, letting his pillow fall to the ground in favor of getting closer to you. Now it was five.
A few moments, the loudness of a video game sounded. Levi. You heard a soft gasp and a small flash of light, undoubtedly him turning into his demon form at the sudden envy that his brothers’ got to cuddle puddle you and he didn’t. You heard some grumbling before he plopped down on Belphie’s discarded pillow, his face fell onto your thigh, and his tail wrapped around your leg. He commented on the happenings in your book as you read it, though he pretended not to care. ‘Normie activities’ he called it. Six. Lovely.
A soft humming filled the room before coming to an abrupt halt. Mammon. Surely he wouldn’t be content to sit across from you, right? He tried to push Satan over to no avail, as he just hissed at him and told him to ‘fuck off.’ Mammon scoffed and decided to climb up on the back of the couch and dangle his feet around Beel’s neck leaving his unsocked dogs right in your face. Thanks, Mammon. And with him, there were seven. You were just missing one brother, but you figured he was off doing some important work of some kind.
“Does anyone know where MC is? I have something to ask them—“ the signature deep voice rang through the room, before he paused and crossed his arms, pondering what in the hell is going on here. You took the opportunity to continue reading to your demons, hoping to attract Lucifer and keep your cuddle buddies from scattering. It worked, and he sat next to Satan, who ‘tsk’d’ in response. ‘It was only a trivial matter and it could wait’ he had said. Now the gauntlet was complete, and you were surrounded by seven demons who you’d attracted somehow. Good job, MC.
About twenty minutes later…
You inwardly sighed as you prepared for the worst. Your cuddle puddle stayed in its position though, so you assumed you had all come to the conclusion to sit and wait for it to go away.
Again, you continued reading and did nothing.
Goddamn it Mammon did you not lock the front door?!
“Hey, the door was open so I just decided to come in. I brought sandwiches—“ said the voice of a certain sorcerer. Solomon had welcomed himself in, and couldn’t help chuckle a little at the sight. You ignored him of course, as did the rest of your cuddle pile. Solomon weaseled himself next to Asmo, resting on the arm of the couch as Asmo put an arm around him, his head still nestled on your shoulder. Although no one took up Solomon’s offer of sandwiches. Seven demons, and two humans now.
Another twenty minutes or so passed, until you heard more footsteps enter the room. “Solomon, are you here? You left the front door open—“ a small gasp came from the direction of the voice, and a small yapping sound came from just below it. Something about being too close to MC? You weren’t sure. You don’t speak chihuahua, after all. Simeon sat down on the floor, leaning against the leg Levi had now let go of, his demon form having faded away a long time ago, with Luke in his lap. Luke crossed his arm in faux annoyance, but really he was happy to be included.
Soon enough, Diavolo caught wind of your harem’s whereabouts due to his butler’s eyes being everywhere. He merrily skipped into the room, Barbatos in tow and took a seat on an ottoman he had pulled up close to Lucifer. He attempted to lean his head on Lucifer’s shoulder, but he hadn’t allowed it. ‘Not in-front of MC’ he whispered, but you absolutely heard. Barbatos stood off to the side, opting to stand. Weird, but whatever floats your boat you guessed.
A while later, a load thumping of stomping feet disgraced your eardrums, Mephistopheles come to complain about something, no doubt. Damn he was annoying. Oh well. He crossed his arms and went on about something, attempting to drown your reading out. Mammon and Asmo simply glared at him, and it shut him up. Thank Diavolo. He decided to sit down on the floor in-front of Solomon, ‘to make sure you aren’t doing anything disgraceful in-front of the Demon Lord’ he said. Great. Ten demons, two humans, and two angels. What is it now, fourteen?
You continued to read until a pounding of running feet ran in behind you. Thirteen. She jumped up onto the back of the couch you sat on, occasionally kicking Solomon in the back. You didn’t know how exactly she found out about this, but she was here now. Hurray. Add a reaper to your harem of fifteen.
And last but not least, Raphael waltzed in, and opted to stand next to Mephisto. Even Barbatos had sat down by now, so surely he would crack and sit eventually. Right…?
A few hours later, with minimal interruptions, you had successfully finished reading your book. And on top of that, lulled a total of ten demons, three angels, a human, and a reaper to sleep with your subpar reading skills. You felt a sense of accomplishment, at least. Although Raph was still standing, which was mildly worrisome. You let your eyes slip shut, and eventually fell asleep.
You were destined to wake up sweaty and with a sore back, but it was worth it for the interspecies cuddle puddle.
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