queenimmadolla · 11 months
there will never be a better depiction for what it feels like to read a 🤚🏻 last name!reader fic thank you victorious lmao
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johnnys-breastmilk · 2 years
I was summoned!Jason craver x male reader
Where m/n is Chrissy innocent twin brother and Jason and came over her house to to take her out but she’s not home so the m/n decided to let him until Chrissy comes back, turns out she went to a have girl sleepover at friends house on a school night.And M/n let Jason stay the night an let Jason sleep on the couch some min later , Jason couldn’t fall asleep the first time so he took his shirt off then try and sleep but couldn’t so he got up to get some water only to see m/n only in his boxers . Let’s just say it just ended up him fucking m/n the kitchen hard and rough
i can't think of a title-
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a/n — i am so sorry for this taking so long! it snowballed into being my longest fic, and i rushed the smut so you wouldn't have to wait- (btw i can change the smut, i know it sounds stupid but i kinda hate that i rushed it :// )
warnings — 18+! Minors and fem!aligned DNI! internalized homophobia, smut, bareback (wrap before you tap!), jason carver has a big dick ;)
summary — check the request!
words — 3.9k
Soft ramblings came from the television as it ran through the loops of magnetic tape, playing out the entirety of Ferris Bueller's Day Off—a personal recommendation from the hair master himself at the Family Video, along with an old copy of Fast Times at Ridgemont High he let you keep. He said that his friend found it redundant to their romantic life, but you were too confused why he lent it to you to care since your rental history refuted anything about it being your kind of movie. And, well, it wasn't. It sat in the tape player for a total of five minutes before you shut it off, replacing it with what was currently filling the background noise. You tipped the couch cushion from sitting slightly too far forward to work on next week's homework, relying on the coffee table to keep yourself steady.
The sun half-slid down the white finish of the wall, making it nearly impossible to tell the color with the golden shine pouring in. It tainted the television with a glare, vanishing in the shade for only a moment as a car pulled into the driveway. Sounding aloud by the tires treading the cemented pathway until it faded, followed by the thud of a car door slamming shut. Time carried a knock from the double set of mahogany doors as the person meandered the small sidewalk leading to the front porch within seconds. You shot up and answered it by the time the third knock struck.
Behind it stood Jason, a smile as vibrant as the floral bouquet in his hands formed when you opened the door. They radiated an air of sweetness that challenged the dominating cologne that hung on his letterman jacket, the spicy bite reaching toward you by a petal's length first. 
“Hey, Cunningham, Chris home?”
“Sorry, Jason, you missed her by an hour. Something important?” you kept a hold on the side of the door, ready to wing it shut if anything happened.
“No, surprise date since she said your parents weren’t home,” he explained, letting the flowers defeatedly hang from the bottom up in his lowered hand. 
“Oh,” your hand tightened on the door, the temptation to keep his distance growing as the conversation carried.
Jason leaned his free arm against the doorframe, moving closer to you. The door would have to stay open, “Can I come in?”
Jason was intimidating, but not by his own choice. He was never in control of how the things he did affected you; he had a charm that wooed you over and an understanding about you that others failed to grasp, even with how little time you spent together. But, you often had to remind yourself that he was only being nice, and none of it was his fault in how you interpreted it. There was no problem with everything he did to make you fall in love with him. It came with the standard conflicts of wanting to date your sister's boyfriend. They were happy, and you were a creep. That was why you often tried to get out of spending time with him and Chrissy. Being the third wheel was bad enough already, but being the second person in the room to have feelings for the same guy was even worse.
You tried to talk him out of it, hoping he would follow the direction you urged him toward, “Uh, you don’t have to. Chrissy won’t be back until tomorrow. I'll see you then?”
He took hold of your shoulder with a soft grip and held an equally warm smile as before, “Doesn’t mean I can’t spend time with you. We can have some one-on-one guy time, bro. I think that out of everyone in Chris’ family, I haven’t gotten to hang out with you much, and it would be a waste of gas to drive back home, anyways.”
There it was: that stupid Jason charm. Overly kind and friendly, alongside a look that you could never utter the word no to—a natural boy-next-door, no matter how far apart you lived. It became complicated to pinpoint precisely how you felt, given that a guide for who you were remained untyped and unsaid by anyone brave enough to give in to their urges like yours. If Jason was the boy-next-door, you were the Hawkins' hermit.
He passed by you and into the living room, taking your silence as an invitation and reacquainting himself with the walls he had spent hours enclosed by when he watched movies with Chrissy or the big basketball game of the season with your dad. He even joined in on your mom's infrequent binges of various cooking shows and seasons of General Hospital, but none of it was ever with you. Never while you watched the latest release or whatever was playing on cable. The more you thought about it, the more you realized that you weren't as avoidant of Jason as you thought. Was he the one who had made an effort to avoid you?
“Aw, good taste. I love this movie!” you joined Jason in the living room, seeing him standing in the golden rays, holding a finger to the television screen. 
The copy of Fast Times sat atop the player for Jason to see. His hand traveled from the screen to the tape, picking it up and scanning over the title, "This one's fucking awesome! Tell me, why haven't we hung out more? If I knew you were into this, we could've had so much fun at Benny's place the other night."
"What do you mean?"
He placed it back on the tape-player, "You know, like movies and...stuff."
He said it so casually that you were sure it was the banal genre that a preparatory jock like him would pick out. But you still asked, "What kind?"
He slowly cracked a smile, followed by a laugh, "The kind they don't sell at Family Video."
You let out a forced, dry chuckle to act like you were aware of what he was referencing, your stale giggle joining in strident harmony with his enriched one. After a moment of letting the room fall silent, Jason moved so that he was now filling the space of your dad's bistered recliner, the cushions welcoming him into a world of well-worn ecstasy. You joined him in watching the movie on the adjoining couch and slipped into a comfortable position. 
Eventually, you left the seat open to switch out the tapes in the video player, letting it cool for a moment but returning with a heated knowing of embarrassment. The movie advertised a few scenes with nudity, and either gender was bound to make the room fill with an uncomfortable silence. For the first half-an-hour of the film, it was tolerable. There were jokes you didn't get and conflicts that seemed silly, but the scenes of overly exposed women or men had yet to arrive. But, the second half of that hour proved to be the issue.
Fifty-three minutes and five seconds was when things started to go downhill. The main girl of the film lost her top after coming on to her best friend's brother, and what was underneath it plagued the screen. They didn't tempt you, unlike they had for Jason, who, from the corner of your eye, smirked at the television as his hand slid from the chair's arm to his denim-clad crotch, slightly grazing the area. You started to think that this movie was not the right idea to have either of you watching, considering that it was pretty damn close to real life—something you wanted to escape from at the moment. You tried to block out the remainder of the movie and whatever Jason was doing by not watching it, leaning your head back, and sinking deep into the couch.
The moon crawled along the sun's path, letting the light from inside fill the house. They spoke with a soft blink and a buzz as they went out and flickered on into your ears, nudging you awake, "Did I fall asleep?"
It was almost rhetorical, but you hoped to tune out the movie, not throw off your sleep schedule for the night. Your eyes were met with the sight of salt-and-peppery static filling the screen, and to your right, Jason laid back in the recliner, eyes shut but not asleep. He remained unmoved, "I'll sleep here."
He slipped his sneakers past the heels with the point of the other and kicked them over the hassock, letting them fall with a gentle thud.
"You sure? You can stay in Chris' bed since she's not—yeah, you can sleep upstairs."
Jason kicked the footrest back into place with ease, taking a stand on the hardwood floor. He waved you off, "Nah, I can take your dad's chair. He's always sleepin' in it, so I'll see what the big deal is."
He reached for the green and yellow cuff of his letterman jacket, pulling his arm in the opposing direction that he tugged at the edge of his sleeve, slipping it out and doing the same to his other arm. You planned to head to bed but wanted to guarantee he had everything he needed. As if he hadn't spent dozens of nights here before. But he was a guest, and you were the only one home. He didn't know the house as you did. He didn't know of the way the air conditioning never worked right in the summer or how you had to kick the bottom-left corner of the fridge to get it to spit the ice out. So you stayed, just in case.
His hands retreated further up his body and to the neck of his polo, sliding it off as easy as his jacket had let him do. There Jason stood, in waist-high denim flares and nothing else. It wasn't surprising to see him like this, as he had done this before, on the first night he stayed over.
You remembered the first night like you had lived through it the night before; it was in the middle of summer when the sun baked the Earth to a record-breaking high in Hawkins. Your parents were wealthy but not profligate buyers, meaning that the only room with an air conditioner was their own, and the rest of you had to suffer. Barely catching a wink of sleep, you went to the kitchen for a cold glass of water to drink, anything to help stay cool in the triple-degree delirium. You entered the kitchen to find Jason executing the same plan you had come up with mere moments before, gulping down a nearly full glass in seconds, then turning to refill the cup. That was when you noticed he was only in a pair of tight, non-dyed briefs that struggled to fit in the area that they were fighting to keep contained. 
It was when you realized your feelings for Jason, two-thirty at night in nothing but the equivalent of a skimpy leaf. One tear and everything would be gone. But that was far from what you focused on at the moment. His body was nice to look at, but the intimacy made your stomach drop and caused your heart to double its pace. Never had another guy been so comfortable around you, going as far as to be nearly stripped down to nothing and still be as relaxed as he was. You had to remind yourself that he didn't know what you were at the time, and he still didn't know now. Later that day, when the sun scaled the wall, Chrissy announced to the family that she and Jason were official.
That was over a year ago, and Jason looked even more stunning. Age broke people, shattered them with time, but Jason wasn't susceptible to that. He went from pristine to unblemished, polished, highlighting his best feature that had only grown. 
"Hope it's not a problem," he casually apologized, almost feeling as if he had to say it because it sounded puckish. It acted as a pricked hook, ready to tear you apart but still pulling your mangled mess of emotions to the surface to expose your darkest secret.
"Not at all," you struggled to get the words out, heading off to the stairs right after. Jason called out to you before you could reach the top, offering a quick, "goodnight," that you returned and veered into the hall and your bedroom. 
You tried to get a wink of sleep, but nothing overtook the abyssal hole you fell into while trying not to think about Jason on the floor below you. It didn't help that you had just come from a few hours of shut-eye that now seemed impossible to regress into, but you knew that Jason was responsible for keeping you awake. Like many other things, it wasn't his fault—completely and utterly your own head's maladaptive ways. Earlier, it was so easy to fall asleep—ironically because you were near him—but now it felt unachievable to slip away for merely a moment. You figured that a drink—something warm and comforting—would soothe you to sleep, something flavorful to let your mind focus in on. 
Jason felt similarly, looking at the white-daubed ceiling. He wished he could peer past—to see you, to see what you wore, how it clung to your body, and how easy it was to remove. He hated that it was his first thing to think of when it came to you, Chrissy's brother. He tried to rationalize it with the fact that you and Chrissy looked alike, and it just so happened to be that you were a guy. He almost convinced himself that what he saw in you was everything he loved about Chrissy, and that's the only reason he thought about you like that. Almost. Jason may have seen a bit of Chrissy in you, but the feeling he got was warmer and undeniably stronger than how he felt with Chrissy. If you and Chrissy looked the same, why did he feel so much different—so much better around you? 
Jason kicked back the recliner again, fleeing to the kitchen for a bout of comfort if only temporary as it was. He put a hand under the faucet, bringing it and some water to his face. He needed to cool off and ease his head from everything he had trained himself not to think about while he was here. Smooth velvet crossed his face after he went for a towel. 
"This is all stupid," he muttered, leaning against the sink with both hands. The dark outside couldn't help him. He could leave and not say bye, but then there would be lights at home, and he would have to see himself and all the ways he lies to himself there. 
Bare feet padded along the cool tile of the kitchen, but it wasn't Jason's own. No, it was yours. He turned, careful not to let his jaw, or a sly comment, slip as he eyed your figure, bare except for a pair of low-hanging boxers.
"What is?" You asked, coolly heading for the cabinet next to him. Jason looked in your direction as you did, eyes slipping down the curve of your lower back and over your ass. He knew he shouldn't look, but you had been so oblivious to his unrequited glances in the past, whether it was at dinner or when you passed in the hall like two ships in the night.
But he struggled to keep it in. He let it out after fighting it for so long. No one was here. He wouldn't have to awkwardly meander to Chrissy's room and think about it for the rest of the night. He could redress himself and leave if you reacted poorly and bury himself in anything that wasn't your stupid, complicated family.
"Just...how everything is right now," he admitted.
You set the empty glass down and turned, much to Jason's dismay, to keep your glance trained on his melancholic expression. 
"Is it about Chris?"
That was the only thing he didn't want to hear. Chrissy is what made this complicated, but he made it incomprehensible to sort out. 
"It's more about you, actually."
"Oh," You weren't sure what to say other than that. But you didn't have time to think since he continued.
"You're prettier than her," Jason wasn't sure how to say it because he never allowed himself to, only thinking about it when you weren't around.
"Jason—," You interjected, trying to keep him careful with how he handled his words. The second you heard him say that, a small part of you found a glimmer of hope in his compliment. Or it could have been an admittance of his feelings. Whatever it was, the better part of you knew that he shouldn't be saying it at all, no matter how much you wanted him to.
"Stop, please. I need to tell you that I've been fighting something in me since I first came here. And this—this was the last I could take," Jason paused and motioned with his hand to direct toward your boxer-exclusive attire, "I thought it was because you look so much like her, but you're not."
He stopped talking and wrapped you in his arms, warm skin meeting boiling skin, ready to explode but tamed by him. Jason smelled like vanilla and cedarwood and a bit of himself, mixing with the smell of home, giving you a sense that he was home. That this was right. Deserved in the sense that this was what you wanted and longed for and was finally getting.
He pulled away too soon for your liking, but what he followed it with more than made up for it. The light couldn't shine on your face before Jason shadowed it. The space between you left as fast as it came, replaced by the small—but soft—touch of his lips to yours. It was hesitant like he didn't know what exactly to do. Jason kept his hands away from you, though, letting them fly down to reach for the button of his jeans, shoving them to his ankles once undone. Soon enough, you slipped into a passionate furrow, his fingers brushing against your jaw as yours kept a grip on his solid, well-buffed arms.
Jason struggled to find the words to describe how he felt, but there was this magical touch with each point of contact. He felt freer and resolute to take what he wanted from you; both your love and your body. The magic faded as your pressing effort into the kiss started to soften, and he was worried that you had your fill and started to have your doubts. But, in reality, you were ready to go further, even if that journey into the distant arrival was a walk in the dark.
Lips felt the lingering presence of the other's, and eyes held their stare for a silent moment. 
"I'm ready, Jason," you asserted. You slipped your hand past the band of his boxers and into the soft, fabric chamber cradling his heavy girth. With only the feel of your fingers surrounding it, giving it a few tugs—understanding that it felt good by the twitch of Jason's face—you could tell it was long and a handful. 
Jason kept his eyes on you instead of your hand, not allowing his icy blues to slip, "You know how to handle that thing?"
"Not at all," you proudly admitted. Jason made you feel accepted enough as it was, so another thing to be ashamed of was safe to say around him without eliciting a laugh.
A hand of Jason's took your wrist, reeling your hand from his boxers, "I can show you how to take it."
Jason wasn't being truthful when he offered that. He could show you with the make-shift fleshlight he kept in a drawer, but this was going to be more of a live demonstration for the real thing. He started yanking his boxers down carelessly. In turn, you took a position leaning over the sink, assuming that he would need access to somewhere along the backside of your body, but being wildly inexperienced, you didn't have the slightest clue for what. Briefly, you saw his manhood as you turned to the sink. From what you saw as he set it free, his cock had a bulbous tip that fed into a wider shaft with a few veins running along the length.
Jason's fingers hooked into the hem of your boxers, the cold air meeting your warmed skin. Your ass perked in the chill, and Jason was ready to let it warm against his defined hips. His hand took ahold of his length near the base, sliding his first two fingers to the tip for better aim. The other clamped to your waist, yanking your ass back, causing you to lean more and take a wider stance. He held his cock to your hole, toying with it for a moment.
"Fuck, you're nothing like her," His tip slipped in and out. Then, back in again, "So tight..."
All of that pent-up, building ferocity unleashed itself here as Jason pushed himself in. He was obsessed with how your hole quivered over the presence of his cock, and how the veins vanished and returned with each thrust in and out of you. He loved the exaggerated pop that came with pulling his cock out, teasing the tight-ringed muscle by circling his tip over it before your hole happily enveloped his cock for the whatever-numbered time. He lost count the second he started. His pumps into you were powerful, to the point that you were knocked forward against the sink. At least if the sudden and fast motions made you nautious, the sink stared back at you with an open gutter. 
Your name spewed off like a cheer on his lips, repeated cries and pleas out to you, for you to feel good. It was obvious that Jason had been deprived of something like this for what must have been an eternity because only minutes had gone by and he was already a mess. That's when you peaked, your climax. Hearing Jason act desperately to resolve. Ropes of your load sprayed by his third and final thrust, with Jason shooting into you in the seconds following. He kept going, his cock growing slick and your hole emitting gushing sounds as his white-hot hit the tile below with a splat.
Jason unceremoniously pulled out, his cock going soft but still standing semi-proud at his work. Some more of his release piled on the floor, to which you were already heading for a towel. The small clock on the wall caught your eye, two-thirty-one.
On your way back, you asked the only question that came to mind in your clear-headed state, "What's going to happen between you and Chris and everyone else?"
Before you could clean up the mess made by both you and Jason, his warmth took you in, arms extending to hold you. You opened yours into the dark and unknowing, but into him. He was the light.
"We'll figure it out tomorrow."
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Munson’s Mixtape
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cunningham!Reader
Word Count: 2,518
Warnings: Mentions of ED and eating behavior, Shitty parents, mentions of drugs (it's Eddie)
Summary: Chrissy has been acting weird, and like a good big sister Y/N drives to Hawkins from Notre Dame to check in on her. Only to find out she has plans to meet up with Eddie Munson. Things take a turn for the worse and now Y/N gets wrapped in to the horrors of Hawkins. Hey, at least she has the company of the guitarist she was sweet on back in high school for comfort.
Author's Note: I took one look at Eddie and immediately got the inspiration to write this. Steve will always have a special place in my heart but Eddie... damn. Also I'm making Notre Dame close Hawkins for plot reasons. I know Indianapolis is like 2.5 hours away from the University but let's pretend Hawkins is closer to the University then the city.
Track One
The drive from Notre Dame to Hawkins is 50 minutes away, that's the length of just one of Y/N's Ethics' classes. Yet every minute felt like an eternity. Long car rides used to bring her comfort. The feel of the leather steering wheel beneath her fingertips, the windows down, wind whipping against her face, her favorite songs playing over the radio. It was the freedom to go anywhere she wanted if she chose on a whim that comforted Y/N, but not today.
Chrissy's phone call this afternoon scared her. Through the choked whispered words Chrissy revealed to her sister that she felt as if she's losing her mind. Lack of sleep, constantly plagued by nightmares, including a vision she had that she swore she was awake for. It's always the same thing, starts with this overwhelming ticking of a grandfather clock, the darkness suddenly revealing the Cunningham dinner table, filled with rotten food, bugs crawling all over the feast they weren't allowed to indulge in. Mother dearest berating the girls on what they eat and how much they weigh.
"How are you fitting in your uniforms girls? Don't worry I'll loosen the seams for you." Spoken in the same shrill condescending voice she used. Chrissy was nearly in tears on the phone before she had to leave for her next class. That's what scared her the most. Chrissy never calls in the middle of school, she always waits until after dinner to update her sister on the goings on in Hawkins. How her relationship with Jason was going, the drama amongst the cheerleaders, everything. Y/N was on her way to practice herself, dressed in the Fighting Irish cheer uniform when she grabbed her keys and rushed to her Buick Regal, the graduation present their parents got her. Y/N appreciated the car now, but the gift was just an excuse so she could come visit on the weekends. The only motivation to follow through with the deal was to see Chrissy, Y/N couldn't care less about her parents. That's why she was going 15 miles over the speed limit, to check on Chrissy. Deep in her gut she knew that something was wrong, deeply wrong.
Y/N felt something was off with Hawkins, she didn't believe in the whole Devil occupation bullshit, but there was a darkness there. It started when the Byers kid went missing. She felt it then, and that's why she was so excited to get out. Y/N Cunningham could have gone to any Ivy she wanted, but stayed close enough to have a clear get away for her sister. She prayed she wasn't too late.
The signs on the highway were beginning to blur as she drove, the intense feeling of panic settling in her bones. Not even the soothing melodies of Tears for Fears could calm her down. She saw the Hawkins exit as the song switched to Black Sabbath. Usually she’d belt out the familiar lyrics to “Paranoid”, but not today. It was a shame, Y/N always listened to this well loved mixtape on her drive to Hawkins. She'd gotten it as a thank you from an old classmate she used to tutor, not much good her tutoring did in the end. Last she heard, Eddie Munson was still at Hawkins High as a repeat senior.
As she drove down the familiar roads to the high school her mind wandered to Eddie. A welcomed distraction in her panicked state. He was failing almost everything except English and Arts classes when they were in school together. The Hawkins High guidance counselor had asked Y/N if she could tutor Eddie once a week in between cheer practice and student government. Y/N didn’t mind the extra work load, despite his grades in school he was always attentive during their sessions.
After awhile Y/N figured out that the way the teachers taught the school's material was causing Eddie to fail, not his lack of intellect. Despite what people thought, Eddie was smart. He was creative and analytical and a natural public speaker. In the real world, Y/N had no doubt Eddie would succeed if he applied himself, he was just a shit test taker. Towards the end of her senior year she begged the school to have a different mode of testing for Eddie, because she believed he could do it if they gave him the chance. But despite being student body President, they shut her down. Y/N crossed that stage with her diploma, on her way to Notre Dame with early decision, and Eddie Munson stayed behind, doomed to repeat his senior year.
Her mind continued to wander, thinking about the boy, now a man, who gave her this mixtape. Does he still play with his band? Is Hellfire still up and running? Did he go to any of his senior proms? With who? She wasn't sure why her mind decided to be occupied with Eddie Munson. Y/N hadn't spoken a word to him since graduation day, the day he gave her the mixtape. While she was in her cap and gown walking towards where she was supposed to meet her parents and Chrissy, Eddie shouted her name on the other side of the parking lot. Next to his van that always smelled of weed and motor oil. It was a hot day in early June, and all Y/N wanted to do in that moment was take off the graduation gown that trapped heat like a sauna, sit in her parents Audi with the promise of AC and dinner on the horizon. But she didn't do that, she went to Eddie instead.
"Congrats Grad!" he shouted as Y/N walked over to his beloved van.
"Thanks Eddie, wished you could have walked the stage with me though." He must have stayed to watch the outdoor ceremony, the beginnings of a sunburn forming on his reddened face.
"I uh wanted to give you something, ya know, as a thanks for helping my sorry ass throughout the semester" He was shifting his weight on each foot. Y/N frowned, feeling bad she couldn't do enough to help him. He was clearly embarrassed for not graduating on time with the rest of his class.
"It's not your fault, the teachers here are stuck in their ways. When it was just you and I you did well! I wish I was more helpful to you. You probably feel like you wasted your time with me."
"You could never waste my time!" It was a near shout when it left his mouth. " What I mean is... It wasn't your fault at all. I'm a lost cause ya know. You did everything you could."
Y/N didn't like that at all. She wished she could have told him in that moment that he wasn't lost. Just hit a little stumble. She wished she could have told him that high school isn't everything. That being a good person was more important than a GPA, that he had more human decency than most of the guys in her class. But she didn't say that. What she said instead was..
"You mentioned you had a gift for me?" Y/N tried to cover her awkwardness with a smile, it's what her mother always taught her to do. 'Smile and look pretty girls, even if you're uncomfortable. We can't have people thinking the Cunningham girls are rude can we?' It was always the same photo ready smiles Y/N planted on her face when she was with her parents social circle and their children. She hated the idea of Eddie thinking the smile directed towards him wasn't genuine though... a thought she never had before in these situations.
"Oh right! Um.. yea just a second!" He opened the van, a couple of busted cans falling out of the door. "Sorry about the mess, my chauffeur has been lax with the clean up lately." Y/N giggled as she patiently waited for Eddie to find what he was looking for.
"Ah Ha! Found it!" Eddie jumped out of the van, slamming the door behind him. A triumphant smile on his face as he handed her the delicately wrapped package.
"Here you go my fair lady, a gift" He slipped the present into Y/N's waiting palms, fingers staying a moment too long before quickly returning to the pockets of his denim vest. She looked at the small box in her palms, brown paper folded neatly at the corners with a wax seal at the top. There was writing in a language she didn't recognize in the top corner in black ink, the letters swooping and interloping in a beautiful style of calligraphy.
"It's just uh.. something I made. As a thank you for putting up with me, I know you probably had a ton of other shit to do but I uh.. really appreciated it" Y/N couldn't stop the large smile that spread on her face. She had never received a hand made gift before. Her parents would just buy whatever was popular for her Christmas and Birthday presents.
"What's this writing at the top?"
"It's your name! In Quenya, it's from uh.. The Lord of the Rings. One of the languages the High Elves speak. Um.. in the book they're um really into academia and shit and kind of reminded me of you.. it's stupid.." Eddie stammered out, fumbling with the ends of his hair he'd been growing out since junior high.
"No it's not stupid! That's very sweet of you, maybe I'll stop at a bookstore by Notre Dame and pick it up. From J. R. R Talkin right?"
"It's um Tolkien but yea.. you should! It's a great book, I think you'd like it." She could tell Eddie was fumbling now, nervous about what she'd think of his gift.
"Can I open my present now?" Y/N asked, attempting to put Eddie out of his awkward state.
"Oh yea of course! Go for it." She gently undid the wax seal connecting the paper together, not wanting to risk ripping Eddie's hard work. Inside was a cassette tape, the cover decorated with Notre Dame's leprechaun and clovers throughout the background. She flipped the other side to find a list of all the songs on the tape, a wide variety of artists. Some she had heard of, like Tears for Fears and Billy Joel, and some she didn't know.
"It's a mixtape, I thought you could listen to it while you drive to Notre Dame. Both sides equal the drive there and back to Hawkins in time so you don't have to worry about not having anything to listen to on the radio. You said once during one of our tutoring sessions that you like power ballads and um.. love songs.. so I made a list of the songs you liked. I threw some of the stuff I listen to, can't have my favorite tutor limit her music taste to just REO Speedwagon."
Y/N's jaw dropped when Eddie finished speaking. She remembers the conversation vividly, at the time Eddie gave her a bit of shit for her music taste. It was all in good fun. 'Of course Hawkins High's sweetheart is a hopeless romantic. You can't always listen to love songs, you have to have SOME variety!' they had laughed at the time. The conversation was brief, and yet he remembered all of the artists she listened too.
"Eddie... I don't know what to say..." She was touched. In that moment she felt that they understood each other. A part of her hoped that the time they spent together meant something to him. That this mixtape meant something more than just a thank you gift, but she shook the thought out of her head immediately. Eddie Munson didn't particularly care for her crowd, and not without good reason. The cheerleaders on her team were kind girls, but the boys they hung around were a judgmental, rowdy, stuck in the social hierarchy of high school. Eddie was outside of that, and tensions often rose between his group and hers. The most she hoped for was that he didn't see her like that.
"It's really nothing! Just something for you to pass the time, honest!" He quickly stammered out. A seed of disappointment grew in her chest, of course it wasn't more than she thought it was. Eddie's type must be some cool metal chick. Who smokes spliffs and hangs out at motorcycle bars. Not some cheerleader who doesn't have enough of a backbone to confront the image her mother placed on her. The girls Eddie would like wouldn't care about what people have to say about them, just like he does.
"Thank you Eddie, I love it. I'll listen to it on the drive to school."
"Sounds good, um hey maybe next time you're in Hawkins..."
Y/N never got to hear the end of that sentence. Her mother's shrill yell interrupting their conversation. She was getting impatient with her daughter talking to who she considered "undesirable company," waiting to drive to Enzo's for dinner where she would force the girls to eat like birds as if they weren't sitting in the sun all day. Y/N walked away from Eddie with a quick apology and wave, not knowing this was the last conversation they would have.
She had seen him around town when visiting her parents over the holidays, barely making eye contact before her mother dragged her to whatever errand she hand next on her list. Y/N opted to take summer classes to avoid spending unnecessary time with her family, but as she made her way to the parking lot of Hawkins High she regretted the decision. Maybe she could have caught up with Eddie at some point, without her helicopter mother present. Tell him how much she listened to his mixtape, how it was her go too for every drive and study session. That she was nervous she would break it from how much she played it. Maybe once she was done checking on Chrissy she'd make a point to visit him. Her parents didn't know she skipped cheer practice that day to see her sister, it would be a perfect time.
As Y/N parked her car she noticed all of the students of Hawkins High parading around campus, enjoying the sun before the championship game. As she got out of the car she noticed a girl in a Hawkins cheer uniform make her way to the edge of the woods, pink backpack hung on both shoulders. She recognized her sister immediately and shouted her name, but Chrissy kept walking. Y/N slammed the door of her Buick before she began walking towards her sister, curious as to why she was heading to the woods instead of hanging out with her team. Y/N just hoped she wasn't about to stumble on a meeting between Chrissy and her boyfriend, as much as she loved her sister she seriously questioned her taste in men. The last thing she wanted to see was Chrissy making out with the future young republican's club president. Regardless of what Chrissy's intentions are, Y/N was going to figure it out.
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screamiac · 1 year
(AFAB reader)
Y/N throwing themselves onto the bed : I have cramps.
Slasher, lowkey flirting : You know what could help with that?
Y/N, dramatically, face buried into a pillow : Killing myse-
Slasher : nO-
7K notes · View notes
oneforthemunny · 2 months
happy together |yandere!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: your and eddie's date at the hideout leads to uncovered pasts, from both of you. or part two of the yandere!eddie series.
contains: very dark fic! yandere!eddie. obsessive and posessive eddie. alludes to past violence, past relationship trauma, mean!eddie. parental trauma. alcohol. language. smut. oral (male and fem receiving), pinvsex. manipulative eddie. stalking. obsession. very dark. minors dni!!
“I’m not really sure I’m the right girl for this.” Nervous smiles, tugging at the ends of her sweater, a blonde ponytail bouncing with every turn of her head, scanning the room. “‘M not a big punk rock kinda girl.” 
“Good thing it’s metal then, right?” Eddie grinned, knee bouncing on the wooden stool. “C’mon, they’re not gonna mosh you or some shit. Just here to listen to music.” If only he’d known then, that’s not why Chrissy was so nervous, why she pulled and twisted the sleeves of her sweater furiously, chin ducked to her chest the entire night. 
“Hey, this is really good.” You giggled, the crystal trill of your giddy tone pulling Eddie out of his daze. There was no nervous blonde in front of him- no, there was an angel sitting across from him, giving him a bright smile that he was sure was melting him to his very core. 
“Is it?” Eddie’s voice cracked, wobblier than he would have liked. His knee still bounced on the wooden stool, trying to down his beer so he’d loosen up, enough to not shake so much but not too much- he couldn’t risk getting too drunk. 
“Yeah.” You nodded, tipping the rim of the martini glass to your lips, your lipstick stain printed on the rim. Eddie had never been so envious of a glass. 
“Really good. Excellent choice.” You praised, leaving Eddie blushing under your sweet words. “What’s this called again?” 
“Uh, a casio- no cosmo.” Eddie stuttered, fingers drumming on the sticky wood of the table top. “I’ll be honest, I just asked Katrina to make somethin’ good for you.” 
 “Well, my compliments to Katrina.” You giggled, sliding the glass towards Eddie. “You want a taste?” 
His heart jumped, eyes focused on the lipstick stain on the rim. The thought of putting his lips where yours were, it was too much for him, sending his body into overdrive. “S-Sure,” Eddie swallowed, picking the glass up. His lips barely brushing where your lipstick was, casual enough that he hoped you wouldn’t see the tremble in his hands. 
The vodka burned down his throat, singed his nose, swirling with the sweetness of the mixer. “Mm,” Eddie swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Shit, that is good.” 
You grinned, hands brushing when you took your drink back, both of your chins ducking with nervous excitement. There was a pause, a dreaded fill of silent tension falling between the two of you. 
Say something, Munson. Fucking say something, anything. But he couldn’t, he could barely form a thought. His mind cruelly wandered back to her, the night playing on a humiliating loop in the back of his head. 
“So,” You saved him, head lolling sweetly in your hand, a little drunk, a little silly. “You know if you wanted to take me out, you didn’t have to switch shifts with Brenda.” 
Eddie’s heart stopped, halted with thundering fear, body stilling. “W-What?” Eddie managed to squeeze the word through his tightening throat. 
Your lips tightened in a smile, fingertips tracing over the wood table. “Brenda told me about how you took her shift.” You admitted. “That you probably did it so you could ask me out.” 
Eddie’s cheeks flamed, the familiar ringing crescendoing in the back of his mind. Chrissy’s face morphing into yours, her look of horror and disgust taking over your own features. “I would never be with you, you’re a fucking freak! Do you hear me? Leave me alone! You’re a freak!” 
“Sorry, I-I didn’t mean to- I just meant,” Nerves blossomed in your own veins, hands wringing under the table. “I-I meant, you didn’t have to take her shift. I woulda-” Eddie blinked, eyes still wide, rounded like he’d been caught. “I would have gone out with you anyways.” 
Eddie’s body halted again, the raging screams of Chrissy, the deafening ringing in his ears, all stilled at your soft tone. “Y-You would’ve?” Eddie whispered. 
“Well, yeah.” You admitted, eyes cutting sweetly up to him. “I mean, yeah, I would have. You’re always sweet, and nice, and funny, and- yeah, I would’ve gone out with you. I’m having a really good time.” 
Eddie thought he might float away. His heart, his head filled with such a light, airy feeling that he’d gone positively boneless. “I-I’m having a good time too.” He ducked his head down, hoping you couldn’t see the rushing flush of red on his cheeks. 
“How did you-” Eddie stopped himself, taking a breath so his mind could still. He couldn’t ramble, his ramblings got him in trouble, showed too much. “Did Brenda tell you?” Eddie’s knee bounced faster, trying to stop his hands from twirling his rings around, nervous fidgeting. 
You smiled softly. “Yeah,” You nodded softly. “I mean, I brought up that we were going… out tonight. And she just kinda mentioned it.” You paused, looking down at your drink, twirling the black straw around the glass. An unsure pause filled the two of you, awkwardly floating around you in still uncertainty. 
“She, uh- Brenda, she said she used to date your uncle?” You tried again, stomach flipping, filling with dread. This was a mistake, you’d hoped that cynical voice nagging in the back of your head would have been wrong. 
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded, calculated breaths, deep in, deep out, trying to calm his jolted nerves. The long drink you took didn’t help, looking around at the other bar patrons awkwardly. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Munson, get your head out of your fuckin’ ass, and do this right! Planned this shit for weeks, and now you’re gonna fuck it all up. 
“They dated for a while.” Eddie added, picking up his own beer. His hands shook when he lifted the bottle to his lips. “I, uh, I had just moved in with my uncle when they started dating.” 
“Are they still dating?” You pressed, hoping to keep the conversation going. 
“No,” Eddie shook his head lightly. “No, they broke up like years ago, but uh, she’s always been nice to me. Got me this job, so…” Eddie threw his hands out slightly, knee bouncing rapidly. 
Your eyes cut away, back down to your drink, twiddling with the straw awkwardly. Eddie’s ribs were constricting in the tightness of his own chest, sure the bones were about to tear through flesh. His hands clammy, fingers swelling around the silver rings on his fingers. 
“She, uh- Brenda, she was kinda like a second mom to me, after my mom,” Eddie’s throat tightened, eyes on the ring of condensation left behind by his beer. “After she passed.” 
“Oh,” Your face fell, eyes rounding sympathetically- a look he’d grown so used to, but seeing it on your features didn’t leave quite the same acidic disdain in his mouth. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that.” Your teeth tugged on your lip. 
“Yeah, it’s not- it’s fine. I mean, it was a while ago.” Eddie’s knee shook, sure he was rattling off the barstool’s laddering step. “Anyways, I went to live with my Uncle for a while a-and he was with Brenda. She’s always looking out for me.” Always, even when she shouldn’t, Eddie’s mind said what he didn’t, ringing loud in his thoughts. 
“That’s good. That you have her.” You smiled softly, Eddie’s heart soared. “She’s really nice. I like working with her a lot.” 
“Yeah, me too.” Eddie nodded, the tightness in his chest easing, even at the pause. “What about you?” 
Your eyes met his with an unsettling suddency, wide and urgent. Eddie’s brow raised before he could still it. “W-What?” Your stuttering squeak piqued his interests, sending him soaring into bouts of curiosity. 
“I mean, what about your family? Back home?” Eddie’s tone was level, an uneasy kind of calmness that left you consumed with vulnerability. 
“O-Oh,” Your hands twisted under the table, picking the black polish that smudged over your cuticles. “It’s not much, honestly.” 
Eddie nodded slowly, eyes scanning your features. The way you swallowed anxiously, chewing the inside of your lip. “Fucked up home life?” Eddie grinned playfully. Your eyes lifted back to him. “Sorry, that was- I’m just saying, I get it. You don’t have to tell me, but if you ever wanted someone to talk to, it doesn’t get more dysfunctionally fucked than the Munson’s.” 
“No, it’s not that.” You shook your head gently. “No, I’m- I was really close with my family. I just, I don’t get to see them much now anymore.” 
Eddie swallowed his words, the urge to jump and demand to know more, to scare you with his prying. He couldn’t do that, not again. Girls didn’t like that, he’d learned that. 
Instead he stayed silent, watching you fidget around. “I-I moved when I was eighteen.” Your eyes stayed on the table. “I, uh, I moved with my… They didn’t want me to leave. They wanted me to stay and go to college. My dad really wanted me too, and-and when I didn’t… We just kinda lost contact?” The words tumbled out of you, lungs squeezing them out, wringing them from your chest like a soapy rag. 
“I used to talk to my mom a lot, but… I don’t know. It got kinda weird, ya know?” Your own knee bounced now, eyes rounding to his, in a face that was all too familiar. 
“My mom, she was just really hard on me. I-I don’t think she meant to be, but…” Visions of Chrissy’s same troubled face meshed with yours, her words ringing like sirens in his mind. 
“Yeah, no, I get that.” Eddie swallowed, blinking hard to get her face off of yours. Insulting, Munson, comparing her to you. 
“So, you don’t talk to them much anymore?” Eddie pressed. 
Your head shook. “No, I-I mean I’m sure they would if I would call.” Your heart drummed in your ears. “T-They don’t know how to reach me, so… I’d have to call them, a-and it’s just a mess.” 
Eddie’s spine tingled, icy pricklings of curiosity. Your parents didn’t know? Didn’t know you moved all alone? You said you were close, had pictures of them in your bedroom, but why? What weren’t you telling him? 
Eddie didn’t pry, simply nodding, grabbing his beer. “No, I get that.” He nodded. “I get the messy thing.” You lifted your own drink, gulping down the rest of it, wincing at the burn of vodka down your throat. 
Silence fell over the two of you again, a lingering awkwardness in the air that had Eddie’s stomach turning. 
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Whoever called alcohol liquid courage, might’ve been a genius; Eddie had decided that. Three beers in, his hand was on your waist, head banging and rocking with you in the middle of the crowd. Surprisingly full and packed tonight, Eddie was thankful, it broke up some of the uncomfortableness. It only took your two more drinks to fully loosen up, teetering on tipsy and breaking open a new side of you to Eddie that he was enthralled with. 
Giggly and sweet and chatty and so touchy. You’d grabbed his hand, pulled him into the crowd, shoulders brushing and wiggling through the others to get near the front. 
“They’re really good!” You screamed over the roar of the music, turning towards Eddie. 
“Yeah?” Eddie yelled back, his hand still ghosting over your waist, the band of your jeans. “You like it?” 
“Yeah!” You giggled, lips spreading in a wide smile. “I-I’m having a really good time!” 
Eddie’s heart skipped, maybe stopped all together. He was thankful for the dim lighting, that his blush was hidden by it. “Me too.” Eddie’s voice cracked. “I-I’m having a really good time, too.” 
You smiled, arms thrown around his neck in a sloppy, silly way that had his knees tightening, weakened under your smile. Your eyes flickering down to his lips, teeth catching and rolling your own. Eddie was sure you could feel his heart thundering through his veins, his own hands gripping your waist rigidly. 
You were teasing him, playful, but agonizing. Head swaying in then back, closer and closer to him. Noses nearly touching, an almost brush that had Eddie’s blood rushing to his cock. Tongue running over his own lips, his head inched closer to yours, your lips barely brushing his. 
“Eddie?” His body ran still, rigid at the voice. 
“Eddie Munson?” Your lips fell in a pout, arms slacking around Eddie, slipping off his frame. Brows furrowed at the blonde in front of you, though she wasn’t interested in looking at you, eyes in a nearly challenging glare at Eddie. 
“H-Hey, Tammy.” Eddie’s hands slid down your waist, shoulder moving in front of you. “What are you doing here?” 
Tammy’s lips twitched in a fake smile that came off more like a snarl. “Jason knows the drummer. Plus, it’s half on buckets during the show.” Her eyes scowled over his frame. “I haven’t seen you in a while.” 
Eddie’s heart stopped, a clammy chill blanketing his skin. “Yeah, hey, it was good to see yo-” 
“-I haven’t seen you since you showed up at Chrissy’s place.” Tammy sneered. 
You blinked, brows furrowed, trying to lean in to hear the conversation. Eddie’s body tilted, trying to shield you out of the way. 
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded, taking a slow inhale to calm his racing mind, spiraling at the memory of her, Tammy’s words, you behind him. The trilling ring made its way back into his ears, vision spotting with a black vinaigrette. 
“So how is Chrissy?” Tammy’s eyes slanted in a predatory challenging glare. 
Eddie swallowed, fists balling beside him. “I don’t know, Tammy.” He sneered through his own gritted teeth. “She dumped me. I’m sure you know that-” 
“-Yeah, I heard that.” Tammy scoffed. “But what I think is so strange, is right after she packs up and leaves? To go stay with her aunt?” 
“I’m sure her parents made her go to college up there. That’s all they wanted for her anyways.” Eddie snapped, much more territorial than he meant it to. Your heart dropped at his tone, the anger in his eyes, jaw clenched. Taking a step back, you moved back into the crowd, chest tightening, desperate for air. 
Eddie’s eyes cut to you, stepping towards you. Tammy sidestepped in his way, blocking him. “Cut the bullshit, Munson. I know you did something to her.” 
“What?” Eddie snapped. “Can you leave me-” 
“-No. She moves and doesn’t tell anyone? You expect me to believe that? Buy that bullshit?” 
“Maybe she didn’t like you, Tammy.” Eddie barked, eyes blown with a crazed anger that had her flinching. “Maybe you two weren’t as fucking close as you thought? Huh?” Eddie took a step towards her. 
“And before you start accusin’ me of shit, why don’t you fuckin’ think about what you’re saying. You think her parents wouldn’t have called the police, led a fucking man hunt if she disappeared or something? Huh?” Eddie spat, heat creeping in a flush up his neck. His eyes cut to you, scampering towards the table, fumbling with your coat. 
Eddie’s heart lurched, turning back to Tammy. Ears ringing, seeing red- red all over her, splotchy on his vision. Her eyes wide in fear she tried to hide, rigid and cowering in the crowd over his looming figure. “Thought you were supposed to be smart. Valedictorian or whatever.” Eddie sneered in a scoff, stomping away from her. 
He tore through the crowds, uncaring of the huffs of anger or annoyance from the others. Tunnel visioned in a determined glare, set on you. You, spine stiff, stuttering steps towards the exit. 
Ruined. Ruined, it’s fucking ruined. Fucking Tammy, ruined everything. Everything you worked for, Munson. It’s over. Done. Again. 
“Hey,” Eddie took a bounding step towards you, heart hammering in his chest. Your shoulders tensed, not turning back. “Hey, where’re you going?” He tried to keep his voice light, void of the frantic tightness he was feeling in his chest. His hand touched your shoulder, pulling away when you flinched away.
Your eyes were blown, meeting his with a look of positive terror. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“Sorry about that. She- We went to high school, and-and she was friends with my ex, a-and- Are you ok?” Eddie’s brows creased, cutting down to your trembling hands, shaking even in the tight knuckled grip around your jacket. 
“I-I I need to go outside.” You stammered, chest constricting your airways. “I just, I-I need some air.” 
“Ok. Let me grab my jacket and-” 
“-That’s alright.” You said quickly. “I just- I-I’m sorry.” Your chin ducked to your chest, you tore through the crowded tables, the gathering at the bar towards the exit. 
“Shit,” Eddie hissed, turning back to the high top you’d been sitting at, his leather jacket still on the back of the chair. He dashed towards the table, running through the bar, uncaring of the bouncer’s booming warnings, pushing out the doors. 
The parking lot was empty, no sight of you on the wall, next to the other smokers, or by his van. Eddie’s hands went to his hair, fists balling around the hair there. “Shit, shit, shit.” She’s gone. You scared another one away, Munson. No, I-I can’t. It can’t end like this. I won’t let it. I could go to her house, I-I’ll go to her house- And do what? Break in. How’d that work the last time, you fucking idiot- 
“Hey, man,” A bartender wearing the Hideout’s black tee called, smoke spilling out of his mouth with the words. “You lookin’ for a girl? She ran out here cryin.” 
Eddie’s heart leapt, nodding furiously. “Yeah, yeah, did you see her? Where’d she go?” 
The man nodded around the corner. “I asked her if she was alright, but… She seemed real upset. Didn’t want to make it worse.” His eyes rolled over Eddie’s figure. “You might wanna go check on her.” 
“I will. Thank you. Thank you.” Eddie’s legs felt like jelly, numb with every bounding step on the graveled pavement. He rounded the corner of the building, hearing you before he could see you. 
A shaky exhale, ghosting with the hint of a cry. He found you, back against the brick, sitting on the grass, head tilting up high, shoulders fighting the shake of a cry with every long inhale and deep exhale you took. 
Eddie stilled. He had to be careful, only one chance, one shot to fix this. 
“Hey,” Eddie said, wincing at how you jumped, eyes shooting open. “Hey, no, I-I didn’t mean to scare you. I-I was just coming to check on you.” 
Your eyes shone, lip wobbling with a cry. “I-I’m sorry.” You croaked, chest rising and falling rapidly. 
Eddie paused. Sorry? He had expected you to scream, to try and run, call him a freak like Chrissy had. Anything but sorry. 
“I-I’m sorry-y. I-I didn’t-” You gasped for a strangled breath. “I-I’m fine-” 
“-Hey,” Eddie crouched towards you, knees sinking in the cool grass beside you. “Are you ok? What’s going on?” 
Tears leaked down the corner of your eyes when you squeezed them shut, head shaking. “I-I’m sorry. I-I’m so s-sorry.” You sniffled, a broken, breathy cry tearing from your chest. 
“You don’t need to be sorry. Hey, c’mon, you-you gotta relax ok. Breathe? Can you- Can you breathe?” Eddie’s hand found your shoulder gently, rubbing the soft material of your shirt. “Just try to relax. Deep breaths, in. Innnn… Yeah, then outttt.” 
You followed his breaths, shoulders still shuddering under his touch even as your cries calmed, aftershocks of emotion he wasn’t sure where it came from. 
Eddie waited, watched you carefully until your eyes met his, sheepish and a little embarrassed, glassy from tears and the liquor you’d had. “You alright?” Eddie asked carefully, cringing at the way your shoulders tensed. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean for her to upset you.” 
You continued to breathe, eyes closing in controlled, timed breaths. Eddie’s own heart picked up. “I-I don’t know what you heard, b-but she’s full of shit, ya know? She’s always been just… She’s never liked me. Even in high school, she used to pick on me and shit. I-I didn’t- I don’t know why she did that tonight. Probably saw me with you, a-and wanted to start shit or-or whatever.” Eddie rambled anxiously. 
Your eyes met his, still rounded but less wide, lacking as much terror as they did before. “That’s why you yelled?” You asked. “That’s why you were upset?” 
“Yeah, I-I mean, yeah.” Eddie watched you carefully, studying every tiny quip in your features. “I-I shouldn’t have. I-I don’t normally get pissed like that, but… I don’t know. I just felt like I was back in high school, ya know?” Eddie sat next to you, his own head leaning against the brick. 
“Felt like they were just picking on the freak again because they can. Thought we’d leave that shit in highschool but… I don’t know. They never do.” Eddie sighed slowly, shoulders slumping next to yours. 
“I don’t… I don’t usually lose my shit like that. I try not to even give them a reaction, it’s just… My ex, she-she was friends with them. Popular and all that, and when we started dating, they’d just- they were so mean. They’d say stuff and-and she’d get embarrassed of-of me.” Eddie turned towards you, eyes soft, shining with a vulnerability that made your heart ache. 
“She never wanted people to know. Never wanted to be seen with me because they’d say mean shit like that. And I’d let them, I’d try to ignore it for her, but she… She couldn’t ignore it.” Eddie muttered. “She gave in. Broke up with me and started telling them all this crazy shit. Trying to cover up that… I don’t know- that we were actually together? That she wanted to date me. Easier to blame the freak than tell people we were together, I guess.” 
Your eyes met his, hesitantly. “I-I’m sorry.” You whispered, voice cracking. “That’s… That’s really mean.” 
Eddie shrugged. “Yeah, well, I’m used to it.” He muttered, looking down at the small patch of grass between the two of you. “Well, I guess I’m not as used to it as I thought I was.” Eddie muttered, eyes lifting to yours sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to cause a scene. To scare you. I-I would never-” 
“- No, I-I know.” You shook your head lightly. “I’m just… I get weird.” Your own chin ducked towards the ground. “I get weird with fighting and stuff.” 
Eddie stilled, watching you twist a blade of grass between your hands. “Guess we have the ex thing in common, too.” You muttered. “My ex-boyfriend… He’d get really mean sometimes. Just really angry.” 
I’ll kill him. Eddie swallowed down the threat- no, the promise. Swallowing back his fierce anger. 
“He-He never, like, hit me or anything, you know? It was weird, because there wasn’t any physical evidence or anything. I couldn’t go to the police for him yelling at me, but it just- it still really hurt.” Your voice cracked, lip wobbling at the memories. “That’s why I don’t talk to my parents. I moved with him, ignored them because they told me not to, and then… They were right, I guess. Just can’t really bring myself to call them and tell them that. Tuck my tail between my legs and go back. So I came here.” 
“I’m sorry.” Eddie whispered. Your eyes met his. “No, I-I’m sorry, that’s- I’m sorry.” Eddie said sincerely, his hand brushing over yours. 
“It’s okay-” 
“-It’s not, and… And I’m really sorry.” Eddie nodded gently. “I didn’t mean to yell. I shouldn’t have let her get to me-” 
“-No, Eddie, i-it’s fine, really-” 
“-I didn’t mean to ruin our date. End the night like this.” Eddie ran a hand down his face. “This is not- I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would end just fucked like this.” 
You paused for a moment, head still spinning with the liquor, with emotion, dizzily. You’d blame it on that, credit that dizziness for your courage. “It doesn’t have to end like this.” You whispered. 
Eddie stilled, eyes cutting to you carefully. You still toyed with the grass, eyes lifting sweetly to him. “We… We could go back to my place? I-I think I still have a movie I haven’t returned.” 
Eddie’s wheels squealed when they pulled out of the Hideout’s parking lot, desperately back to your apartment. 
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Eddie was sure he was dreaming. Sitting on your couch, your apartment smelled just like he remembered, even better when you lit the candle on your coffee table, making a mental note of the name. He’d go buy it in bulk tomorrow, fill his apartment with them burning in every room just so he could feel closer to you. 
You’d moved into his lap halfway through the movie, inching closer with every passing frame of Julia Roberts and Patrick Bergine until you straddled him. Eddie burned under your gaze, your hands back on his shoulders, sliding slowly towards his neck. 
“Hi,” You whispered, tilting your head gently to the side, lip rolling beneath your teeth. 
“Hi,” Eddie croaked, swallowing the thick lump in his throat. 
“Is it ok if I do this?” You whispered, the glow of the TV illuminating your mussed hair. Eddie thought it looked like a halo, angelic above him. 
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded dumbly. C’mon, get your shit together. You’ve almost got it, Munson. 
His hands slid over your hips, setting on the small of your waist, where the band of your jeans hugged, squeezing the flesh gently, feeling you beneath his hands. You were really here, he was really here, with you. Living proof, right between his fingertips that this was no dream. 
You leaned forward, a hand brushing back his curly bangs. “What’s this?” You muttered, fingertip ghosting over the jagged scar across his forehead. 
“Bike wreck of seventy-six.” Eddie answered cooly, voice raspy and low in the dim light of your apartment. “Thought I could pop a wheelie on concrete. Didn’t go well.” 
“Hm,” You sighed, lips twitching in a small grin. “You were a little dare devil, hm?” 
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded. His hands slid down your waist, hoping you couldn’t feel his heart hammering. “Still can be, sometimes.” His lashes batted up at you, squeezing the fatty flesh of your ass. 
You squealed, Eddie’s heart leapt- he’d made the right move. Your eyes caught his, pinning him with your gaze, a delicacy of anticipation fell between the two of you. Who would break it? Make the first move? 
Eddie’s fingers pressed into your jeans, a hand sliding up your back, pressing to the middle of your spine, bowing you forward toward him. Your hand on his neck, fingers splaying out over his jaw, lips connecting in a sweet kiss. Eddie felt like he was melting, a warm, gooey puddle underneath you. 
Hands grabbing at the other, fevered and desperate, your hips rocking with his, brushing over his tenting zipper. Eddie could taste the wine on your lips, the glass of reisling you’d poured for the two of you before you’d put in the movie. “Since I killed the buzz before,” You’d shrugged at him sheepishly. He assured you, you hadn’t, still he was thankful for it, especially now. Now that he was loosened, far less critical of his every move. 
Fumbling hands that pulled at his t-shirt, your jeans, Eddie flipping you over on the couch, hovering over you on the faded floral pattern of the couch. “You- We don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” Eddie whispered, his hands still toying with the button of your jeans. “I don’t want you to think I-I, like, only wanted this. I don’t- I mean, I do, I just… I want you in other ways too.” 
You blushed, a sheepish smile under him. It was your turn to melt, to turn to putty under his gaze. “I know.” You whispered, black painted nails scratching down his forearms, over the etching of the puppet master. “I want to do this.” Your eyes lifted to his. “I trust you. I want to do this with you.” 
It was exactly what he wanted to hear, you knew that, the darkened grin on his face confirmed it further. Your own hands fumbling with your jeans, wiggling them down your thighs while Eddie tore his t-shirt off above you, flinging it onto the floor. 
You’d gone for a lacy, high cut thong tonight. Pale pink, frilly, if Eddie didn’t know any better, he’d think you planned this. That you planned to sleep with him. Maybe you thought about him the way he did you. Pictures of you flooded his mind, your hand sneaking between your thighs in the middle of the night, whimpering out his name. 
You didn’t expect Eddie to drop to his knees, pulling your body towards the end of the couch, thighs on his shoulders. He made a show of taking off your panties, a slow tug dragging them down your bare legs. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie rasped, heart beating in his ears. You giggled nervously, pressing your hands over your eyes. “Look at you.” 
“Stop.” You whined in playful embarrassment, thighs pressing together. 
“No, it’s- fuck.” Eddie swallowed his words, swallowed down the urge to tell you it was better than he imagined. Don’t be creepy, Munson. 
“I gotta have a taste. Can-Can I have a taste?” Eddie’s eyes rounded towards yours, bright with excitement. “That alright with you? Let me make you feel good? Have a little taste?” 
Your body burned, with lust maybe excitement, you weren’t sure. Your tiny nod was all he needed, spreading your thighs open, settling between your legs. You pushed up on your arms, looking down the valley of your sternum towards him. 
Plush lips pressing kisses to your thighs, a teasing kiss to your mound that had you whimpering, aching and pulsing between the legs. Eddie’s eyes stayed on yours as he licked a long, slow stripe through your slit. Better than he imagined, so much fucking better. 
Eyes rolling back, his fingertips dug into your thighs, nose pressed to your slick, he wanted to suffocate himself in your cunt. Better than anything he’d ever tasted before, he was a man starved, determined to devour you entirely- you were convinced he might. Teetering on the edge of experienced and enamored, your back arched, body twisting under his tongue. Whines and cries of pleasure filled the air, a crescendoing melody to the triumphant symphony Eddie was feeling in his veins, rushing with red hot pride. 
It was paradise, better than his wildest dreams. 
When you took him in your own mouth, sweetly grinning at him before giving a kitten lick to his leaking head, he was sure nothing would be better than this. This was his peak, everything he’d ever wanted and more. Better than Chrissy, than Tabitha, than anyone. 
You brought him to your room, let him press your thighs back, spread you open again. He couldn’t help the cry of pleasure that spilled out when he slid into you, it just felt so right. Beyond pleasure, though it was plenty pleasurable, it felt flawless, ethereal. 
Better than anything he could have imagined when he saw you weeks ago from his van, your car packed up full of boxes and suitcases tied on top. In a tiny pair of cut off shorts, moving everything in the warm sunshine. 
How was he to know that all those weeks ago, after he’d watched you apply for jobs at the diners and boutiques, that when he’d put a help wanted flier on your door for Turtle’s, that it would lead to this. His mind could have never dreamt this, that you’d be this perfect, fit so perfectly with him. 
No, this was fate, Eddie was sure of it. Cosmic fate. Chrissy and the others, they were only parading as the real thing, he’d just convinced himself it was when it was merely a disguise. But you, you were the real deal. Eddie decided it, when he settled in the sheets next to you, arms around your frame, staring out the window of your room. 
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medium-rare-bimbo · 10 months
Faster than light thoughts
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May contain stepcest, age gap, dubcon dark content
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡dark!!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!!!!!! Imagine being his object of affection, the one he devotes his followers life to <3<3 did someone say virgin! Reader ?? 👁👁 yes me I did. He takes your virginity as a ritual, there are people surrounding your bed as he takes what's his, telling you that this is what needs to be done so you can ascend into a higher being
♡ chrissy, nancy, robin sleepover where they teach virgin! reader how to cum. Youd be so embarrassed to admit it :(( but that's okay they tell you its completely natural and to go at your own pace and not every boy is going to make you cum. Boys are useless! When you shamefully tell them that you've never EVER cum and that you havent even had your first kiss, they assure it that it's okay and robin offers to teach you <3 naturally you end up with your back against her chest and her fingers in your cunt, you had gotten fuzzy a while ago and everyone was fawning over you pretty pussy. They all take turns in fingering you and tasting you, you have the best sleep you've ever had ♡♡♡
♡ being fucked with a beer bottle <3 would be with either eddie or billy, they'd laugh at you while you cry about how gross it is
♡ cucking Jason <3 what better way to get back at your bully than fucking his girlfriend, chrissy deserves her tits in my mouth
♡ stealing their shirts so you can put it on a pillow and hump it later !!!!!
♡ making you squirt infront of people!! Maybe billy, thinking he gets an ego boost after it. Or eddie think he would let everyone have a go of making you squirt <3 such a sweetheart
♡ hopper catching you working at a strip club then blackmailing you after you beg for him not to tell anyone <3 he makes you fuck yourself dumb on his cock then mocks you when your legs go numb
♡ bimbo! crybaby! Reader getting her clit pinched after she gets bratty
♡ hybrid reader!! Hybrid reader !!! Hybrid reader!!!!!! Bunny! Puppy! Kitty! Cow! Bird! Bear! Lamb! Mouse!! SO MANY THOUGHTS IN MY BRAIN!!!!!!!
♡ I think steve would like a kitty, all pretty and only exists for the purpose of looking good and being a hole to stuff <3<3 spoil me so much !!!! Or maybe a puppy, gets to leash me up and make me choke on his cock maybe breed me
♡ eddie would like a bunny, a soft little thing that can keep up with his fat loads of cum, or maybe a kitty who does nothing but lay there and mewl for his cum <3 he just wants a little dumb thing he can corrupt
♡ hopper likes the puppy because old grumpy men and puppies are soul mates!!! Hed be so strict but I'd love him for it !!! Make me feel so special 👁👁 piss kink with hopper x untrained puppygirl reader 👁👁 smoking a cigar while you cock warm him I'm all gooey inside
♡ I think billy would definitely be into cow hybrids 👁👁 cuz like hes the bull of Hawkins and I think he needs a little breeding cow and on milky titz to sucky suck👁👁 shy lil thing that follows him around
♡ robin would like a bird because they're so quiet and pretty!! Just so nice to look at and she would definitely love it when you try to groom her makes her feel so special!!! Or when you coo as shes eating you out omg !! loves how soft your lil wings are !!!
♡ nancy definitely be into puppygirls<3<3 I think shed love to just do whatever she pleases especially when you take everything she gives you, you're so obedient and eager to please her !!!!!!!!!
♡ argyle? Definitely a cow orr maybe a mouse, just wants someone whose soft and warm. Would let you sit on his cock while he smokes, all the praises !!! Stroke your pretty little thighs and pet your ears sucky sucky on those titties
♡ my sick little freak Jonathan? The original perv? Bear. Just something that lays there all pretty and soft, let's him take pictures!! His fav are when you're lying in the sun and he pulls your underwear to the side to see your pussy <3
♡ what if hybrid! boy/girlfriend !!!!!!
♡ AAAA WOLF EDDIE AND BUNNY READER IM GAGGING CHOKING NOT BREATHING, him wearing a muzzle!!! Spikey collar that leaves scratches in my thighs
♡ wolf steve and puppy reader 👁👁 wants to get you full of pups, all hairy and warm treats you so well<3 hunts you the biggest deer he can find just so he can prove how much of a good mate he is
♡ bear hopper x bunny reader <3<3 so big and warm so strong and smart he has to protect his little dumb cocksleeve, let's you have all the blankets for your nest!!! Soothes you when you cry because hes so big and doesnt fit in it :(( but its okay because he likes being pressed against you so tightly
♡ bull billy and cow reader !!! Hes so mean at first!! Always huffing and grunting at you making you think he hates you </3 makes all the others bully you because hes the alpha and whatever he says goes until some dumb new bulls start showing interest in HIS shy submissive mate he gets into so many fights!! Hates that they think they can have you >:00 YOURE HIS >:((( sneaks into your separated room (because everyone is so mean and the farmer cant have their pretty little Hefner sad) just so he can mark you as his. would 100% let's you touch his horns, but only you >:((
♡ dont get me started on heats and ruts
♡ breed me so good!!!! I'm going feral possibly even insane
♡ joyce + hopper with puppygirl!!! Makes my heart all gooey and gross, joyce would spoil you so much!!! Give you extra rewards and treats when you behave or when hop is being grumpy and strict! Definitely would stuff you with toys and make you lick them clean
♡ step dad! hopper digging out a bullet vibrator from his bimbo Step daughter after she gets it stuck inside her because shes so dumb </3
♡ brothers bestfriend/dealer! Eddie corrupting naive! Innocent! Virgin! Reader, him waiting for your roommate to arrive and he gets to know you so well
♡ scumbag! Stepbrother! Jonathan x innocent! Reader. making you sit on his lap, he blows smoke into your face all the time :((((( makes your eyes tear up and forget about his boner that hes rocking against your clothed cunt!! Dont get me started on his Best friend  perv! Argyle who is soooo nice to you but only so he can feel you up close against him
♡ theres a belt that has a lighter attached to it omg imagine eddie using it to light the blunt in your mouth omfg I'm going insane right now
♡ mean! eddie making his artist! Girlfriend draw porn only so he can cum on it and ruin it :(((
♡ being the new secretary at the police station and befriending hopper through your husband. Staying late one night, you and hop start talking which leads to you complaining to him about struggling to have a baby and how you're so worried that you may not be able too, he assures you that theres nothing wrong and even offers to help, your husband is oblivious when you become pregnant, he doesnt even bat an eye when the baby comes out huge (giant genes jim hopper ♡♡)
♡ argyle becoming a masseuse and getting a bit too handsy with his favourite client <3<3 his hands are amazing with pizza dough they would be amazing with my ass <3
♡ would I let Vecna absolutely destroy me? Yes I'm not a coward, I want his claws to make my hips bleed is that too much to ask? "BuT nYmPH hES UgLy aND scARY" and I'm horny so what
♡ you know those baby dolls that you have to take care of for like a week? Imagine being forced to take care of one with whoever, unfortunately it unlocks their breeding kink and they cant get the thought of you and their baby out of their head so it's only natural for them to stuff you full
♡ serial killer! eddie escaping from prison and hiding in your house!! Somehow convincing him to let you live by saying you'll cook him meals and clean him up, he forces you to be his housewife until you're no longer useful to him but once he gets his cock in your sweet tiny little hole he cant stand the thought of you being harmed. When the cops arrive to search your house he takes you with him because he cant just leave his personal fleshlight behind
♡ argyle fucking the new delivery girl, he drives you to the houses because there were too many complaints about him being high </3 but that's okay because your cute little face gets extra tips and he doesnt mind staying in the car especially when your skirt flips up as you climb off the seat. Would let you ride him after you come to the car all teary eyed after you get yelled at by a mean customer who wanted a new pizza
♡ perv! Robin, nancy and chrissy convincing innocent! Reader to try on new clothes infront of them, they assure you that you dont need to change in the bathroom because "they're all girls" they grope you claiming that they're "just making sure it fits right" they then make you try on some underwear that would look sooo cute on you. You think nothing of it until you're stood infront if them and you feel vibrations coming from the fabric pressing directly to your clit, but dont worry chrissy makes sure to catch you as your legs struggle to hold yourself up plus shes holding your hands <3<3 and robin is being so sweet and 'fixing you bra' while telling you how pretty you are, nancy is the sweetest however as she reaches down to help you with false concern, rubbing your clit "trying to make it stop"
♡ hopper x fairy! Nymph esc! Reader !!! He finds you in the forest and takes you back to his cabin because a little thing like you shoudlnt be out here all alone >:((  You're so curious of this big strong creature that took you with them that you follow them around like a puppy, so he shouldnt have been so shocked when you wondered into the bathroom and watched him while he showered, as much as he tried to shoo you away it was hopeless which is why he invited you to join him. Definitely not a ploy to see you naked
♡ want 001 to gaslight me while his cock tears me in two!! "It doesn't hurt that bad, you were made to hold my children how can you give birth if you cant take my cock?"
♡ steve x bimbo reader <3 he thinks you're so dumb and hes looking at you in shock most of the time because how can anyone be that stupid? But he doesnt mind because you're his housewife and he loves that you make him feel all gooey inside, you cook him meals and bake him desserts you're so good with the kids and dustin adores with his moms new girlfriend. When you come home from babysitting with eyes watering about how you have "baby fever" and how you "cant wait to have a baby of your own" he obviously takes the opportunity to help you, he cant have his favourite girl sad now
♡ joyce and karen getting wine drink with reader, they all start talking about how awful their husbands are in bed (let's pretend hopper isnt with joyce ♡) and how they're never satisfied luckily you've bought some new sex toys and because you're so generous you cant help but share with your best friends
♡ 001 being in charge of you at the facility means he watches you do everything, sleep, eat, shower, exist, all of it. Hes all you've ever known and it feels so natural for you to come to him about the ache between your legs
♡ the way I would suck the soul out of this man
♡ dark! Reader being absolutely infatuated with mr Phil Callahan after you gets arrested at a house party, you're always getting In trouble just so you can see him not even hoppers huge cock can make you behave, you want HIM. Thankfully callahan is a good man, a good citizen who would do anything to help someone in need, so when your bent over begging him to fuck you he cant refuse, he doesnt question how you got into his house or how you knew where he lived. Your pussy is worth it <3
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phntmeii · 9 months
Slashers Finds Out their SO Reads Smut/Fanfiction
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Loses their mind in a panic, not knowing what to do with this information. Has to call someone else to figure out how to react appropriately.
Billy Loomis, Brahms Heelshire, Stu Macher, Vincent Sinclair
Completely embarrassed that they found out this information and has questions. Will casually pretend they did not see it and never mention it.
PreMichael!Corey Cunningham, Jason Voorhees, Lester Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt
They cannot help their smug look as they print out certain paragraphs to tease their SO. Takes notes for later activities.
Bo Sinclair, PostMichael!Corey Cunningham, Freddy Krueger, Jennifer Check
Makes their SO read the work out loud to them to watch them squirm. Rewards them with whatever parts they were too shy to read out loud later that night.
Billy Lenz, Hannibal Lecter, RZ!Michael Myers, Patrick Bateman
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The Slashers Asking you “What Would you Do if I Cheated on you?”
Pairing: Slasher Men x f!reader
Notes: I loved writing this chapter. I hope that you guys can enjoy this as much as I liked imagining the little scenarios for it. I am working on the start for the "Asking them to rail you" chapters, so lookout for that soon!
Characters in this chapter include: Art, Billy, Stu, Brahms, Corey, Dennis, Mark, Michael, and Pinhead.
You can find the other chapters I’ve written and will continue writing for the texting series here!
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fanficimagery · 2 years
No Bone Zone
Dustin Henderson has a sister who thinks it's unfair his older friends are so attractive.
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Words: 4.8K Author's Note: Stranger Things AU - Lets just pretend that Steve and Carol are still in school, only Steve is the Steve we all know and love, and Carol is still a harpy.
When your father met Claudia Henderson, you had only been two years old.
The story goes that your birth mother had thought she snagged herself the perfect man, but your father had a wandering eye, and she was a very jealous woman. So, when you were born, she left you in his capable hands and took off without a word. Enter Claudia Henderson who then fell for the struggling, single father schtick. She hadn't known what she was getting into when dating your father, but she quickly found out after she fell pregnant. This time it was your father who left, leaving Claudia to fend for herself.
It took a few years to realize you had a little brother, and when you did it took a lot of crying and tantrums to get your father to contact Claudia. He reluctantly told her you wanted to meet your brother, but since the two of you had school, it would have to wait until summer. So, one week out of the summer, Claudia Henderson would keep you in Hawkins so you could get to know your only sibling.
Over the years, you and Dustin kept in contact over the phone when he was old enough to know how to use a phone. You shared your interests with one another, telling each other all about your school experiences. You were more on the popular side of the spectrum, whereas your little brother was a total nerd and very unpopular. He admitted it hurt when other kids picked on him and you apologized for calling him a nerd, but he assured you he didn't mind it when you said it because you said it with affection.
The older you got, the more your father pulled away. Since you were old enough to take care of yourself, he treated you more like a houseguest and less like a daughter. And after one too many arguments with his late-night visitors, you called up Claudia to ask if you could finish your last year of school in Hawkins. She listened to what had been going on and immediately told you to pack your belongings. She and Dustin would make sure the room you normally used for one week out of the year would be ready for you to move into.
Dustin was more than happy to have you go to school with him but was wary of introducing you to his friends since you were on completely different sides of the popular spectrum. You promised he didn't have to do that, and he could go about his days as if you weren't there. You wouldn't hold it against him, but you would still keep an eye on him from afar because that's what big sisters did.
For the first week at Hawkins High, you pasted on a smile and took in your surroundings. You kept your word to Dustin and stayed far, but not too far away. Then when you were comfortable knowing who was who in school, you tried out for the cheer team. It was a no-brainer that the girls voted you onto the team after seeing how quickly you could pick up routines and perform the perfect tumbles, and in no time, you found yourself at the top of the totem pole where you belonged.
Over the weeks you noticed Dustin had two separate groups of friends- one who called themselves the Hellfire Club and another who consisted of a band geek, an ex-king, a creep photographer, an ex-princess and two freshmen females. The Hellfire Club made sense, but the second group was all over the place. You, however, didn't question it and were just glad Dustin had friends who looked out for him.
Unfortunately, your brother's friends consisted mostly of males. There were four females in his social circle, but none of them were as confrontational as you hoped they would be.
So, when you see Carol Perkins purposely bump into your brother and knock his tray from his hand one day, and then cruelly make remarks towards him that have his shoulders raising in embarrassment, you're up and out of your seat. Half the cafeteria had quieted when Dustin's tray clattered to the floor and then the other half quieted when you practically skipped towards the duo, your cheerleader skirt swishing from side to side.
"Hi." You beam at Carol, letting your smile lure her into a false sense of security as you come to a stop next to Dustin. From the corner of your eye, you see his shoulders droop in relief. "We haven't met yet. I'm YN LN," you tell the girl.
"Okay. And..?" Her nose wrinkles as if in distaste and your gaze goes steely.
"And I'm gonna need to apologize to Henderson here," you say. She barks out a laugh, head thrown back in amusement. A few others start to laugh along with her, but a majority smartly remain quiet as you continue to stare her down. Your smile falls and you take a step closer to her, lowering your voice and clasping your hands behind your back. It would do no one any good if you were to strike out at the female bully. "Listen, Carol, I couldn't care less about who you pick on, but you just pulled this stunt on my little brother. Now apologize, publicly, or I will make your life a living hell." The girl's smile slowly vanishes and you see her glance at Dustin a little fearfully. You slowly smirk then. "You see, I pick locks for fun. It'd probably take me a week, give or take a day or two, before I open up that closet of yours and air out all your dirty laundry. You wouldn't want that, would you, Carol?"
"You- you wouldn't."
"Oh, I would. And I'd do it with a smile on my face," you tell her a little too sweetly. When she still makes no move to apologize, you ask, "Who do you think the school's gonna rally behind? The cheerleader that everyone adores or the girl that everyone makes fun of because your middle school sweetheart is railing other girls behind your back?" She gasps and you chuckle darkly. "I might be the new girl but figuring out everyone's dirty little secrets was way too easy in your podunk little town."
Her eyes widen and she takes a few steps back. Glancing at Dustin, she says, "Sorry," before rushing away.
You smile as you watch her go, turning on your heel to follow her and then laugh when she smacks away her boyfriend's hands when he tries to check if she's okay. Then when you realize the cafeteria is still too quiet, you huff. "What?" You feign innocence. "The girl had tummy issues. It's not my fault she had to race to the bathroom."
As some of your peers laugh and the rest go back to what they were doing before Carol interrupted their lunch hour, you look back at Dustin. He's grinning at you, and you roll your eyes while reaching out to ruffle his curls. But before either of you can say anything, someone is clearing their throat.
"New friend, Henderson?" Eddie Munson is grinning behind Dustin, though his guarded gaze tells you he's trying to figure out whether your appearance is with good intentions or you were about to pick on his little sheep as well since he couldn't hear the whole conversation between you and Carol. "I didn't know Hawkins had a decent cheerleader."
"Decent?" You mock gasp, clasping your hands over your heart as if swooning. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Munson." You wink, Eddie gapes, and Dustin groans as he turns so he can see both of you.
"Please don't flirt with my friend."
You chuckle softly. "Then tell you friend to stop being so cute." Eddie's expression flickers from shocked to surprised to smug in about two seconds flat while the rest of the Hellfire table go dead silent in shock. "Now if you boys will excuse me, I got three tires to slash. Carol does not get to pick on my little brother and get away with it."
Eddie hops back a step, smirking and bending slightly at the waist as he sweeps his arm out for you to go.
"Since when does Henderson have a goddamn sister?!"
You smirk at the chaos you've just created and Dustin groans yet again. Laughing, you pinch his cheek, but before you can get too far away, Eddie asks, "Wait. Three tires? Why not all four?"
"Because insurance will cover four tires, but not three for some reason." You shrug. "I slash only three and Carol will have to pay out of pocket."
"You're diabolical," Eddie then realizes, smiling wide. "Marry me."
"No. Nope. Not happening." Dustin starts pushing you away and you wiggle your fingers in departure. As you're passing the other table with his second group of friends, you laugh at their surprised expressions. Dustin sighs, stops, and quickly introduces you. "Guys, this is YN. She's my sister." He then shoves you aside. "Now off you go. If you need an alibi, let me know."
"Will do, baby bro." Then raising your voice so those around you can hear, you say, "And if anyone gives you any trouble, come to me. I'll set them straight."
You leave the cafeteria with your fellow peers whispering about the new information you just dropped on them, happy with the chaos you no doubt just created. You expect some to not take a liking to the fact that you're related to someone in the Hellfire Club, but you're more than ready for the backlash.
You're a little surprised that it doesn't take long to be cornered by Jason Carver and his basketball goons, but you surprise them right back by not cowering to his intensity. He calls you a freak lover and a cult member and that you don't deserve to wear the school colors. You laugh in his face, press back into his personal space and tell him the same thing you'd told Carol. You match his intensity and promise all sorts of problems for anyone messing with your brother and his friends.
"You're psycho," he realizes as he watches you go from sweet to angry and back to sweet.
"And don't you forget it," you tell him. "Your final year at Hawkins High can be easy peasy, Carver, so long as you stop being a dick. If I see or even hear about you bullying the Hellfire club, we're gonna have problems." He scoffs and you chuckle. "Don't believe me? Just keep an eye on Carol Perkins. You'll learn."
You go about your day as if it were any other day, answering questions here and there to those curious about your relationship to Dustin. The cheerleaders don't really have a problem about who you associate with and you're majorly shocked when Jason's own girlfriend, Chrissy Cunningham, explains how relieved she is that someone finally stuck up for the Hellfire Club. She's heard numerous rumors about the club and a connection to satanic worship, so she's greatly relieved when you explain to her exactly what Dungeons and Dragons actually is.
Then at the end of the day, you skip to your car without a care in the world and mentally cackle when you see Carol being consoled by her bully of a boyfriend as a tow truck loads up her car with three flat tires. You catch Jason's eye then, winking as he gapes between the scene of the crime and your seemingly innocent self.
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Over the next couple of weeks, you slowly let your authentic self bleed in with your cheerleader persona. Gone are the pastels, your girl next door vibe is edgier than anyone had anticipated, and you take great pleasure in the jocks not knowing what to think of you. Jason and his little band of bullies still openly sneer at you and the others they deem different, but they never make Carol's mistake of getting physical.
Then again, Jason's open hostility could be because Chrissy becomes your best friend and publicly smiles at or greets those in Hellfire Club that her boyfriend once tormented.
During Christmas break, Claudia's sister has an accident and needs help around her house. She doesn't like the idea of leaving Dustin during the holiday break, but you persuade her to go- much to Dustin's excitement- while you keep an eye on things in Hawkins. She's unsure of leaving the both of you, but you assure her everything will be okay. And then once she's gone, you and Dustin start making plans since you have the house to yourselves.
"I'm gonna see if Hellfire wants to continue our current campaign here since mom's gone."
"That's fine. I'll probably have Chrissy over for a sleepover. Poor girl needs to get out more."
So that's how you find yourself in your room later that evening, cleaning up and piling pillows and blankets on an air mattress on the floor so your friend has a comfortable place to sleep. Dustin and his friends have been downstairs for hours, the rambunctious bunch being louder than you anticipated, but it brought a smile to your face knowing your little brother found a place to belong.
After a while, you turn off your radio and realize it's a little too quiet.
Heading downstairs and peeking into the den, you're surprised to see Dustin collecting empty bowls and glasses, and Eddie stowing away items from the game they just played. "Hey, losers." Both look up, causing you to grin as you lean against the den archway. "Where'd everyone go?"
"Gone. Campaign ended early," your brother says. "Why? What's up?"
"Nothing. I'm about to go pick up Chrissy, some food, and a movie. I was going to see if anyone wanted to stick around, but I guess I'm too late." Dustin looks surprised that you'd include his friends and then your gaze darts to Eddie. Arching an eyebrow at him, you ask, "You in?"
"Depends. What's the movie?" He wonders.
"And food?" Dustin then asks.
"What about dessert?" Eddie muses.
You chuckle, making it obvious that you're looking him up and down as you bite the bottom corner of your lip. "Me hopefully."
Eddie's jaw drops open in surprise as Dustin groans. "You're disgusting!" Then out of nowhere, he produces a water bottle and spritzes it at you. "Stop hitting on my friends."
You flinch, looking at your brother in shock before both you and Eddie erupt with laughter. As Dustin continues to try and spritz you, you dodge the stream of water. "It's not my fault! You're supposed to have friends who look like gangly Wheeler and bashful Byers!" You hide behind Eddie, using him as a shield. "You're not supposed to have friends who look like Eddie or Steve or hell, even Robin. It's not fair to my hormones!"
"Your hormones need to be locked up tight!"
Laughing, you run out from behind Eddie and out of reach from Dustin and the spray bottle. "Okay. Fine. No hooking up with your friends."
"Damn," Eddie mumbles, which earns him a quick spritz of water as well. He yelps and you continue to giggle.
"Okay, okay. Serious time here," you say while calming down. "Are you boys good with pepperoni or do you have any special requests?"
"Get a meat lovers," Dustin says.
Eddie shrugs. "I'm good with whatever."
"Alright. You boys wash the dishes from your game night, and I'll be back with Chrissy and food."
Eddie watches you go with a smile, still not moving even after the front door closes at your departure. It isn't until Dustin spritzes him with water yet again does he startle from his mental musing. "What?"
"Don't even think about it. That's my sister, man."
He rolls his eyes, but smirks nonetheless. "Can you blame me? Your sister's hot, Henderson." Dustin raises the water bottle again and Eddie's hands fly up in surrender. "Chill out. Besides, it's all just fun and games. I'd be a lucky guy if your sister meant everything she said. But even if she did, I doubt she'd do that to you. Hell, I wouldn't even do that to you. You were my friend first. I get she's off limits. Whatever's going on between us is just for laughs."
"Yeah, yeah." Dustin stows the bottle away, sighing. "Help me clean up and make the living room cozy. The Goonies is her favorite movie so don't be surprised if she recites her favorite parts."
. . . .
One right after the other, you and Chrissy walk into Family Video still giggling. You had told her about Dustin spritzing you and Eddie like you were cats in heat, and she found it absolutely hilarious. Her laughter set off your laughter and you just couldn't stop.
"You girls are cutting it awfully close," Steve calls out. "We're closing in twenty minutes."
As you glance up, you see him wiping down the counter while Robin restocks the candy shelves. "Heya, Harrington. I already know what I'm looking for, so it'll only take a sec."
Chrissy is still giggling as you grab her by the wrist, tugging her towards where you know various copies of the Goonies reside. Grabbing one, you then tug her back towards the front counter.
When Steve sees what you're renting, he huffs a laugh. "Again?"
"Yep." You hand him the movie. "Chris has never seen it. I don't think Eddie has either."
"Munson?" Steve's brow furrows as he enters the movie information into your account. "Are you having a movie night or something?"
"Yeah. You and Robin should come if you're up to it," you tell him. You then glance at Robin when her head whips in your direction. "It's just gonna be me, Chris, Eddie and Dustin. After we leave here, we're gonna go pick up some pizzas."
"Dustin's mom is letting everyone hang so late at night?"
"Claudia's gone for the next few days," you tell her, grinning. When you hear the cash register make a noise, you quickly glance at Steve to see that Chrissy's paid for the movie. You roll your eyes but let her have this win. "So, are you guys in or not?"
"Uh yeah. I don't have any plans," Steve says. "Robin?"
"I'm in too. I like the Goonies."
"Excellent." You grin. "I'm picking up two pizzas- a meat lovers and pepperoni. Are you guys good with that or do you want something else?"
"I, uh, I actually like supreme," Steve says.
"Same," Robin sheepishly admits.
"That's fine. I can pick up a third," you tell them.
"And don't worry about drinks. Steve's got it," Robin says.
You laugh as Steve grumbles but assures you he's got the drinks as you and Chrissy take your leave.
. . . .
When you get back to your house, Chrissy keeps hold of the movie while grabbing her overnight bag. You grab all three pizza boxes from the back seat and then head inside with your friend following you.
"And we're back," you shout as soon as the door is closed behind you. You smile at Chrissy as she stands next to you, looking around and keeping quiet. You see Dustin round the corner and he reaches for the pizza that you pull back just out of his reach. "Nope. We have to wait for Steve and Robin. They should be here in a little bit."
Dustin smiles, happy to have Steve over, but then his eyes narrow at you. "I see what you're doing, inviting the people you think are attractive."
Chrissy giggles as you smile at him. "It's a wet dream come true. Right, Munson?" You then direct the question at him, winking when he rounds the corner.
"Oh my god!" Dustin groans, grossed out. Chrissy squeaks next to you and you glance at her to see the apples of her cheeks tinting red. "Look! You're even grossing out your friend," Dustin then says.
Laughing, you hold all three pizza boxes in one hand and use your free arm to sling around her shoulders. "Relax, Chris. Eddie knows I'm only messing with him. And besides, Dustin already strictly forbade me from hooking up with his older friends."
Dustin grabs the boxes from you, marching off towards the kitchen. As soon as he's out of earshot, Chrissy asks, "So what's going to happen when your brother no longer cares about you hooking up with them?"
"Yeah, YN, what then?" Eddie asks, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"Your ass is mine, Munson. That's what's gonna happen."
Chrissy barks out a laugh, quickly clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle the following giggles. Eddie laughs as well and then gestures for Chrissy to follow him. "Come on, Cunningham, let's get the movie all set up."
As Chrissy follows Eddie, you walk into the kitchen to find your brother pulling down plates. His expression is schooled so you don't know how he's currently feeling and it makes your heart ache just a little to know that you possibly hurt him by insinuating you'd hook up with his friends when he didn't approve of it.
"Hey," you call out softly. Dustin glances at you, his answering smile forced. Sighing softly, you step further into the kitchen until you're side by side with him and gather napkins. "You know I'd never actually hook-up with any of your friends, right? I wouldn't do that to you."
"You wouldn't?" His skepticism does you in and you smile sadly at him before turning to pull him into a hug.
"No, kid, I wouldn't. You come first. Always. And if you say Eddie is off limits, then he's off limits. Promise."
"M'kay." He pulls back then, smirking. "Steve and Robin are too. Don't think I didn't hear you mention them earlier."
Laughing, you tug on one of his curls. "Fine. Steve and Robin too."
"Steve and Robin too what?" The voice startles both you and Dustin, and you turn to see the two in question standing in the kitchen archway.
You shrug. "That you, Robin, and Eddie are officially in the no bone zone." Steve and Robin's eyes widen, and Dustin giggles at them while you grin unabashedly at them. "I'm a teenage girl, Harrington. Of course I noticed how hot my little brother's friends are. He was just setting down some ground rules." The two continue to gape at you and you roll your eyes. "Calm down. I'm sure it's not the first time a girl admitted to finding you attractive."
"No, but it is a first for me," Robin mutters.
"Yeah," you sigh. "People suck. But if you wanna hear it again, you're hot, Buckley. Own it."
As Robin perks up, Steve chuckles at her. "Now that our attractiveness is settled, we were promised pizza and a movie."
"Yeah. Of course." Then raising your voice, you say, "Chrissy, Eddie, come and grab a plate!"
Everyone crams into the kitchen, grabbing a plate to load up pizza slices and then grabbing a can of Cola from the bag that Steve had brought. You all take your food and drink into the living room, everyone settling down in whatever space they can find. Dustin ends up on the floor with Robin, using the coffee table to their advantage. Steve takes the armchair and you end up between Eddie and Chrissy on the sofa.
Though you've seen the Goonies numerous times, it never fails to make you laugh. And then when Sloth's introduction comes up, you can't help blurting, "That's the character that reminds me of Dustin." Your friends all chuckle and you end up with a throw pillow to the face in retaliation from your little brother.
You end up silently reciting Chunk's confession to the Fratelli's, earning a chuckle from Eddie who'd been watching you. There are a few other scenes that you mumble along to, but for the most part you remain quiet so the others can enjoy the movie. And then by the time it's over, you're happy to hear that everyone enjoyed it- Eddie included since he was the most skeptical of liking it.
You offer for Robin to spend the night with you and Chrissy, but unfortunately, she has family obligations she has to deal with the following day.
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By the time school is back in session, you've toned down the obvious flirty comments to Eddie and distanced yourself a bit from those Dustin had befriended first. He completely understands your reasoning and there's no hard feelings.
Instead, you spend most of your time with Chrissy who has decided to take a break from Jason. The school's top athlete didn't take too kindly to his girlfriend wanting some space from him, so he took out his frustrations on you.
Well, on those close to you since he knew it wouldn't be good for his image to be seen harassing a girl.
You and Chrissy, along with a few other friends, are eating lunch a few tables down from the Hellfire table when you hear a commotion. Glancing towards it, you're not surprised to find Jason and his closest friends standing at the end of the Hellfire table being the ones responsible.
Whatever's going on, you can't hear but can see the frustration on the faces of your friends. The jocks, however, are smug as can be and laughing among themselves.
Then all of a sudden, Jason speaks loud for all to hear. "I got fifty bucks," he reaches into his back pocket, pulling free his wallet, "that not one girl in this cafeteria would willingly kiss any of you freaks."
The bet laid out before the students of Hawkins High is meant to embarrass those in Hellfire, but the boys are not known for backing down. Immediately they look to Mike and Lucas- two boys who are known to have girlfriends- but when they glance at Jane and Max, Max scowls at Lucas and flips them off.
The jocks laugh and just as they're about to embarrass Hellfire even more, Dustin stands up. The cafeteria quietens and the jocks grin. "YN!" Your brother calls out to you.
"What?" You call back, smirking as everyone's gaze darts between the two of you.
"You remember that thing I forbid you from doing?"
"Maybe!" Next to you, Chrissy giggles. She knows very well what Dustin forbid you from doing because she was the unfortunate soul that you whined to frequently about it.
"Well, I'm lifting the rule for thirty seconds. Make them count!"
The jocks frown as your leering gaze slides to Eddie. He arches an eyebrow at you, and you laugh before standing up. Immediately, Eddie pushes back from the table, still seated in his chair, and the rest of those in Hellfire are just as confused as the jocks.
"What the hell is going on?" Jason asks as you near.
"I just became fifty bucks richer," you tell him, snatching the crisp bill from his fingers. Then continuing on towards Eddie, you plop yourself sideways on his lap while loosely wrapping your arms around his neck. "Told you your ass was gonna be mine."
You end up smothering Eddie's laughter when you kiss him, ignoring the sudden wolf whistles and loud ruckus the Hellfire club members are making by pounding their fists on the table. You groan when his hand squeezes your thigh and then whimper when he licks into your mouth.
You're not sure how much time has passed when you feel a hand on your shoulder, pushing you away from Eddie's mouth. "Okay, okay. Break it up. You officially grossed out Jason and myself."
You laugh at your brother's words, but you can't tear your gaze away from Eddie's kiss swollen lips. With one hand still cradling his jaw, you let your thumb swipe just beneath his bottom lip. "Knew you'd be a good kisser, Munson."
"Right back at 'ya, sweetheart."
"Gross." You glance at Dustin, watching as his nose wrinkles. "You can get off his lap now."
"Or.." you trail off, holding up the fifty dollar bill, "you can take this money and let me make out with your friend for the rest of the day."
Eddie snorts, but your brother actually takes a moment to think about it. Knowing he's going to cave, you hold the money out further to him. "Only making out?"
"Only making out," you assure him.
"Fine. Whatever." He snatches the money from you. "But not in the cafeteria. I'm still trying to eat."
"Right. Got it!" You stand up, holding out a hand for Eddie. "Let's go, Munson! I'm pretty sure the back of your van is private enough."
Laughing, Eddie takes your hand and shrugs at his gaping friends. "What? Who am I to deny a pretty girl?"
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bvtbxtch · 1 year
Angry Heart | Eddie Munson x fem!reader (Prologue)
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Summary: Your best friend Chrissy Cunningham always got everything she ever wanted, even you new friend and crush Eddie Munson. When Chrissy does the unthinkable, Eddie is left to pick up the pieces alone... or is he?
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson x Reader (eventually), reader and Chrissy are friends but have a fallout. Minimal usage of Y/N
Series warnings: MDNI 18 +, Smut, fluff and angst (everything all rolled into one beautiful shit show), mentions of drugs and alcohol being consumed, overall adult language and theme. By clicking the read more, you agree that you are over 18! Ageless and minor blogs who interact will be blocked.
Word count: ~4.7k
A/N: this story is the weird brainchild of me getting a little inebriated and remembering how my divorced parents met and I was inspired. This is my first fic ever and I know it is NOT GOOD, but feedback is always appreciated. This is just the prologue to set up some context for our characters. I have a rough plan as to where this story is going to go but I am so open to suggestions!! Thanks for reading y'all.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
September 1985
Chrissy Cunningham was always perfect. And it was even more annoying because she was pretty, popular and nice to everyone she made eye contact with. That is also why you had been best friends since junior high when you both joined the dance team. When high school hit, she projected herself into the popular group by revolving your high school experience around cheerleading and the popular girls, where you happily sacrificed some of your valuable reputation to pursue both cheer and drama club. Chrissy was always there even though you were seen as less desirable as the other girls on the team. Even if she was in the back row, she would always be at your productions and would happily cheer you on. 
Although she was your best friend, she scared you a lot. She was on the path to a scholarship to her dream school, to getting scooped up by some picture perfect person and getting married and having her dream job. She would stay hot and pretty and perfect forever and as you were approaching graduation, you often worried about what was next for you - terrified of peaking in high school and amounting to nothing. Worried about not finding your own group of people, your own scholarship, and your own path laid out neatly like Chrissy’s was.
Eddie Munson, however,  was the opposite of perfect. If Chrissy was a sparkling smooth personality, Eddie was a jagged edge that very few people appreciated. He was a repeat senior who dealt drugs to all of Hawkins’ youth and  was unapologetically apathetic to the restraints that were supposedly placed on the senior class of ‘86. So when he happily worked sound for the drama club in exchange for free rentals for his DND club, many drama kids turned their noses up at him; except for you. You happily sat next to him at your first drama club meeting. There was something magnetic about him. From that first time you met him, you were determined to get to know him better. Your intuitions told you that he was going to be more than a background character in your own story. 
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Two friends from opposite circles, opposite ends of the spectrum. As you and Chrissy left the gym fussing over new uniforms and team drama, Eddie was on the other side of the school picking his lunch kit out of the garbage, nursing a new black eye; and a freshman on his left pacing a rut into the hallway.
“Last time I stick up for you, Henderson. I swear to god…you’re lucky I have extra shirts in the drama storage.” The metalhead mumbled. His dark curls pulled back into a low bun as he dug further into the garbage can. 
“How was I supposed to know that it was Jason behind me? I didn’t mean to fall into him!” Dustin pouted. Eddie had picked him off the floor after Jason Carver had poured his gatorade down his Hellfire shirt. Eddie would never admit it, but as much as he loved his precious club, he cared for his freshmen recruits more. Jason, being the captain of the basketball team, and therefore the resident asshole, gave Eddie the shiner for his troubles, and threw his stuff in the garbage as an extra favor. You rounded the corner with Chrissy as you saw the two boys, both looking worse for wear. 
“Hey Ed - Oh my god your face!” You gasped as he turned around after finally fishing his lunch kit out of the trash.
“You should see the other guy” Eddie chuckled, and winced
“What other guy?” When he does not respond to your question you turn to the freshman who looks like he has seen a ghost. 
“J-Jason Carver. Eddie was just trying to save my ass.” Dustin squeaked, his eyes glued to his sneakers.
“Come with me”. You grab his hand and lead him to the girls locker room. Chrissy hot on your trails. 
After investigating to ensure no one else was in the changeroom, you lock the door and sit Eddie down on a bench while you enter the small infirmary to retrieve the first aid kit. Chrissy keeps her distance, but sits down beside him and flashes him a polite smile. Eddie feels a pang in his heart as he feels his cheeks start to burn red. Chrissy lets out a small giggle.
“That’s really brave what you did for that kid” Chrissy praised. 
“Ahh, there is no way Henderson would be able to take on that meathead. I gotta take care of my minions.” 
Chrissy laughs again, almost too loud. As you pace back to the two of them, you feel like an intruder. You clear your throat and both of them look away, blushing furiously. You take a long sigh as you open the first aid kit to find the ice pack and a bandaid for the small cut that has formed on Eddie’s cheekbone. He winces while you stick the bandaid on and you gently place the ice pack over his eye. His brown eyes glued to Chrissy’s as you tended to him. Once you finished, you cleaned up and the three of you returned to the bustling hallways of Hawkins High.
“Thanks for the help sweetheart. I just wish this was a spiderman bandage or something.” Sweetheart.
“Don’t sweat it Eddie. I’ll see you in rehearsal later” you smiled. Chrissy eyed Eddie up and down as you said your goodbyes and Eddie turned around to go to his next class. 
“I never realized how much of a charmer Eddie Munson is,” Chrissy pondered. You felt a pit in your stomach. As much as you loved Chrissy, Eddie was your friend first. So many of your teammates had put Chrissy as a priority over you, and you always felt like a drifter between drama and cheer - seeing as you felt you didn’t totally feel like you belonged in either.. Eddie was finally a person that you thought was yours, something that Chrissy couldn’t influence, someone that finally didn’t care about your background or where you fit on the food chain. But, lo and behold, it seems that everyone falls under the high school spell and everything always seems to be too good to be true for you.
“Yeah, he’s a cool guy I guess. He does the sound for the drama club apparently he’s got a knack for music. Walked into him playing some Black Sabbath on the guitar in the drama room.” You tried to retort calmly, but your hands were trembling. 
“Black Sabb -?Hmph. I think that is going to give me yet another reason to go to the drama room… Since he seems to be good with his hands” Chrissy giggled and intertwined her arm with yours, leading you to your shared math class. 
“Chris, please don’t just play with this one, I do really like him. I think he could be a really good friend.” Friend.
“That’s totally fine! Nothing’s gonna happen. I guess I just realized how cute he was…Maybe I should ask him to come watch us at the next game, or hang out…afterwards” Chrissy winks at you
“You’d be better off setting up a deal with him” you poke. She giggles as you both take your seats. 
You could barely focus in math, mind racing about how much Chrissy and Eddie bothered you. Was it really just the idea of him and Chrissy being better friends than you? Or were you jealous? That’s ridiculous because you liked Eddie as a friend. Just a friend. Chrissy could go out with Eddie all she wants. You aren’t the boss of her - or him for that matter. Then why are you stuck on the way your heart fluttered when he called you sweetheart? Why were you constantly seeking him out in the hallways?
No. It can’t be. You’re just friends. 
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October 1985
Your body was radiating with anxiety during afternoon rehearsals.The pit in your stomach had grown to a full ache in your chest whenever you heard Chrissy talk about Eddie. The more you taked with him, the more you wanted to reach out and touch him, to hug him and tell him that he was the greatest, most interesting person you had ever met. But again, everything seems way too good to be true because every time you hung out with Eddie, Chrissy seemed to make her way into conversation.
 Eddie was teaching a freshman how to use the new sound board and you could barely get out your lines. All you could think about is Eddie and Chrissy in the locker room. Your performances were so uninspired that Mr. Taylor ended your scene rehearsals early. Your scene partner Eric gave you an apologetic pat as you both reunited with the rest of the drama club. Eddie sauntered up behind you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. 
“How’s it going superstar?” He leaned his chin on the top of your head.
“Hey Eddie. I’m okay, trouble focusing today. I’m totally flubbing today.”
“Hey, so I had a question for you… about Chrissy”. You tensed up and broke away from him. You turned to face him but could not look him in the eyes.
“Umm, yeah what’s up?” There comes that ache you knew all too well. You could see it happening now, him finally choosing her over you. 
“Is she single? What’s the deal? Is she dating any basket boys I should be worried about?” He poked at you nervously. You tried to let a laugh escape to ease the tension but all that came out was an exasperated wince. 
“No, she’s single.. Do what you want Ed.” you mumbled. You could feel the tears threatening to well up. You brush past him and pick up your bag to head to the gym. Eddie’s eyes follow you out, but he couldn’t bring himself to go after you. What was your deal?
You trudged off the field after an exasperating practice after an exhausting rehearsal. You were so excited to leave this day in the past, grab some junk from the supermarket with Chrissy and hunker in for an evening of studying. In the locker room, Sarah and Tiffany giggle and look at you and Chrissy. 
“Hey Chris, we were wondering if you wanted to come to the mall with us right now. We were going to pick up some outfits for Halloween!” Tiffany briefly meets your gaze and looks back to Chrissy. 
“Yeah sure!” the blonde chirped “We would love to! Y/N and I were just going to-”
“Oh, well we only have room for one..” Sarah sneered. Chrissy looks at you with her beautiful brows furrowed into a perfect pout. You knew she wanted to go with them. You felt bad for making Chrissy sacrifice her social standing to hang out with you. You knew she wanted to go, but would never tell you. You decided to take the fall for her… the undesired yet again.
“Yeah, that’s fine, I got lots of homework to do anyways” you brushed off. “I’ll call you later Chris.”
“I’ll come over after!” Chrissy lazily offered as you packed your bag up and left the locker room.
You left with holes in your heart. All you wanted was your people to stay yours. You didn’t understand why that was so difficult.
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The shrill ring of your landline woke you from your desk - having fallen asleep while finishing homework. You flopped onto your bed and picked up the phone.
“Hello?” You yawned.
“Babe, I have to tell you about my evening!!” Chrissy squealed, she barely let you greet her.
“Oh, you mean the evening you were supposed to spend with me studying?” you jabbed. You felt bad for taking your insecurities out on Chrissy, but you couldn’t help it. 
“Oh come on now. This will make up for it.”
“Alright get on with it then.” You rolled your eyes and rolled on to your back.
“So you will never believe who me, Tiffany and Sarah ran into at the mall!”
“Ummm… John Cusak” You joked dryly. 
“No you silly! Eddie!” Chrissy yelped. “And do I have news for you!!”
You jolted up and immediately gave the call your full attention. This could not end well - either for Eddie or you.
“Sarah and Tiffany let you talk to Eddie in public?” you snorted. The insecurity seeping through the receiver.
“Well, kind of. We joked that the party next week would be best with something other than just the alcohol if you know what I mean” you could practically hear Chrissy’s eyebrows wagging. “So they dared me to go set up a deal with him… and I could see him practically drooling over me! I think he might like me, babe. And I think that I really like the fact that he does” she giggles maliciously. Attention. As kind and beautiful as Chrissy was, she was used to the attention, she thrived off of it. It worried you, the fact that there were hordes of guys that had been left in her wake so she could have an ego boost or something to do on a Friday night. 
“Chris, are you sure that’s, like, a good idea? What if you really hurt him?”
“Oh come on, Y/N, its just a bit of fun. Nothing serious! So anyways, I went over to his trailer about an hour ago and he asked for my number! Ugh!” Your excitement wasn’t reciprocated like Chrissy had hoped. Her squeals being the only ones that echoed between the two of you.
“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you excited?” Chrissy questioned. 
“I just - you’re both my friends, I just don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
“Ugh you worry way too much. It’s just some harmless fun! Loosen up, maybe then you could get some dates yourself!” she chided. You knew she was joking but it was the last blow to your breaking heart “ Anyways, I gotta get off the line just in case he tries to call! Love you!” with that you hear a click and the dead line. You sigh as you put your phone back on the receiver and flop back down onto your pillows.
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You always hated halloween. It was an excuse for anyone your age to dress up in some sort of sexy reiteration of some sort of animal or cartoon character and to get sloppy drunk in someone’s trashed house, unbeknownst to their absent parents. That is exactly where you found yourself; Chrissy on one side of the couch, Tiffany on the other, you smooshed in the middle (as per Chrissy’s request)  and half of the basketball and cheer team sat in a messy circle on the floor. How you got yourself roped into spin the bottle, you would never know, but your makeshift devil horns were giving you a headache and as much as you loathed blacking out in random people’s houses, you were nursing your fourth drink of the night (and were definitely feeling the buzz). Between the noise of people talking over each other, the blaring music, and Chrissy constantly blabbing about how much time she and Eddie have been spending together, you felt like your brain was going to explode. The only option that you really saw for the evening was to forget all about it like half of the Hawkins High population at the party. 
Jason grabbed the empty bottle in the middle of the circle and spun it with vigor. Everyone waited in anticipation to see who would be the lucky girl to get to kiss the king of Hawkins high. The room fell hushed as you looked at the bottle, which was pointing directly at you. You immediately felt like you were going to throw up. Since that day in the hallway with Eddie, you always held some animosity for Jason. The last thing you wanted to do was kiss the guy who went after one of your other best friends. Jason chuckled and elbowed his minions on either side of him, all of them snickering deviously. He stood from his spot and stalked across the circle towards you. You chuckled nervously and went to get out of your spot on the couch. 
“Hah, don’t mean to kill the vibe, but suddenly I don’t really feel like playing anymore.” You push yourself off the couch and go to step over some people sitting on the floor but Jason grabbed your wrist. Hard. You felt the world spinning around you, unsure if it was your sudden anxiety, or the alcohol. You could hear the faint whispers of Chrissy and Tiffany behind you, and you were suddenly aware of the 20 pairs of eyes locked on you. You tried to pull away from him with no avail.
“Come on, don’t be a prude. Let me give you the best kiss of your life, seeing as the only person you’ve boned is the freak” He pulled you into his chest and held your face in his hands. He pressed his mouth to yours, trying to weasel his tongue inside your pressed lips. You finally got the strength to push him away with a cry in disgust. You wanted to slap him but your bones now felt like jello and your feet cemented to the floor.
“She hasn’t boned the freak! She hasn’t boned anyone!” Chrissy laughed, not realizing that her retort did more harm than good. You wished the ground would swallow you whole. Finally, you muster your strength to move. You didn’t want any of these assholes to see you cry, to give them the satisfaction.
“Thanks, Chris” you whisper before running out of the room and up the stairs to the crowded living room. You were desperate for some air. Everything around you felt like it was constricting you, choking you. All you could hear was laughter and your vision felt like it was pinholing. You slide out of the front door to sit on the steps. You breathe deeply, looking around to make sure that there was no one around before you let your tears fall.
Chrissy made an attempt to go after you. After rolling her eyes and giving Tiffany a tight smile, she lifter herself off of the couch and pranced up the stairs to the rest of the party. She looked around the scatterings of people, but didn’t see you. She slid her way through the hallway into the kitchen, where her eyes found someone else she had been casually looking for all evening. She stumbled towards a mop of chocolate curls and wrapped her arms around him, hands covering his eyes.
“Guess who?” she slurred. 
“Hey pretty girl.” Eddie turned to her to give her a proper embrace but quickly took a step back. “Don’t know if you want to be seen doing that to me right now” he chuckled nervously. Eddie understood what being seen with him meant and as little as he cared for his own reputation, he cared greatly for hers
. Chrissy looked him up and down and fully realized the metal head’s beauty. Pale skin kissed with dark ink, beautiful brown eyes that shone - especially when he talked to her, lean figure and crooked smile. She felt like her brain was going to short circuit.
“You’re right” Chrissy cooed. “Maybe we should go somewhere a little more private so we could talk” She took his hand and led him up the stairs to a quiet hallway full of closed doors. They rounded a corner and they sank down the wall to sit on the floor, Chrissy totally forgetting about her mission to find you and Eddie being blissfully ignorant to your conundrum.
You had collected yourself and knew there was no way you could stay at the party. As much as you loathed going back into the chaos and as angry as you were at Chrissy, you couldn’t allow yourself without letting her know that you were leaving and how angry you were. When reentered the house, the first faces you were met with were Jason and his posse of meatheads. You averted your gaze but heard their snickers anyway. You refused to give him the satisfaction or the tears, so you kept moving, keeping your eyes glued to the linoleum. The tightness of your chest multiplied with the number of rooms you checked where you did not see a perky blonde ponytail. You needed to find Chrissy; you needed to give her a piece of your mind; you needed to leave. But everything was deafening. Things were getting fuzzy.  Determined to get a grip and find your friend, you trot up to the top floor of the house, in search of a quiet place to collect yourself. You were met with a long hallway full of closed doors. You continue down the hallway, checking doors to see if you could find a bathroom. When you round the corner of the dim upstairs, your breath gets caught in your throat.  You see Eddie sitting on the floor, Chrissy in his lap, their mouths messily mashed together. Everything came tumbling down. The combination of alcohol and shock makes you wrack out a gasp of air. Both Eddie and Chrissy looked up but with very different expressions. Chrissy looked almost proud of her conquest, ignorant to the hurt you were already feeling towards her. Eddie, on the other hand, looked mortified - turning a bright red. The look of betrayal was clear across your own face as tears threatened to fall again. 
“Im - I’m going to go.” you don’t wait for either of them to get up. Eddie pushes Chrissy to her feet and gets up to go after you. Chrissy grabs his arm
“Eddie, wait!”
“Chrissy, I am so incredibly sorry, but I need to go make sure she’s okay” He goes to move away from her but she stops him again and pulls him in for a chaste kiss.
“Please don’t let this be the last time we do this” she whispers into his ear and drops his hand. Eddie turns a bright pink and leaves her with a smile.
You trudge through the house, tunnel vision honing in on the front door. The urge to vomit increased tenfold. Eddie catches up to you. You hear him calling out for you but you can’t turn back. Too embarrassed and heart broken (and drunk) to be able to handle what you saw in an unfamiliar place, in front of strangers nonetheless. You swung open the front door and ran down the front steps. Eddie trudges after you, clearly upset about what you had seen. There was no way he was going to let this get between the two of you. 
“Y/N Wait” He sounds desperate. You turn to him and roll your eyes. 
“What? Is it not what it looks like?” you laugh dryly. “You don’t need to explain anything to me, I’m going home.” You turn to leave. You couldn’t take another person pitying you. You understood where you were on the food chain. Yet another person to think of you as second best to Chrissy.
“Sweetheart, you shouldn’t walk by yourself this late at night.” Eddie chides. The alcohol had finally given you the bravery you had been needing for the past hour. 
“Don’t do that. Don’t sweetheart me when you are literally going to go back inside and suck face with my best friend. Just - go. Enjoy the rest of your night Eddie. I’ll be just fine.” The tears freely falling down your cheeks didn’t convince him. He takes a step towards you but you turn to walk away,
“Why are you so angry with me about Chrissy? I thought I didn’t need to explain anything to you, but you seem really fucking mad at me”. Eddie’s words stop you dead in your tracks. He’s angry? With you? Instead of actual vomit, the words that come out of your mouth leave uncontrollably.
“She doesn’t like you Eddie. She likes the attention. She doesn’t like you like I do. She doesn’t care about you like you deserve to be cared about. And she likes the fact that I care about you way too much. Chrissy has to have everything. I can’t have anything to myself, but yet again no one gives a shit about me, about how I feel. How much I care because as long as Chrissy is there, she will always be number one. You are just  another conquest for her and ,and she is just using you” You stand your ground, chest heaving. There is a sense of relief that you stood your ground but you immediately knew you said to much.
“E-Eddie, wair-”
“You think that I don’t know that she’s using me?”
“Look, Y/N I am really really sorry that you care about me and I am really sorry that you feel that way about Chrissy. But I really like her. So I’m cool if she thinks that she wants to have some fun for now. I’ll let her as long as she’ll have me. Just -  please stop caring about me, sweetheart. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I want to be your friend but, fuck -I might be in love with Chrissy. I think I have been for a long time, but just finally let myself feel it..”
You stood in shock. Your heart shattered to a million pieces. Eddie’s did too. He loved having you as a friend and he loved having you in his life, but he couldn’t imagine kissing you like he did Chrissy, taking you on dates like he wanted to with Chrissy, going to prom like he wished he would with Chrissy. Not you. 
“Forget we ever had this conversation”. You turned on your heels and walked away. Hoping that Eddie would stop you and tell you that this was all a joke, that you were worth it, that you were his favorite and that he felt the same way about you. And even though being Chrissy’s friend was draining a lot of the time, you did  always have her. But everything changed in one night. This is the first night that you have ever felt completely  alone. You crossed your arms over your torso and started your walk home.
The next days and weeks went on as normal. Eddie seemingly didn’t tell Chrissy about your conversation because the phone calls never ceased. She still met you by your locker and she still intertwined her arm with yours when you walked. Eddie's gaze was aimed more at Chrissy and nights where you and Eddie normally hung out were now filled with secret rendezvous with the blonde. Although he still acted like your old Eddie, you felt a coldness from him. His smile never seemed genuinely happy and his eyes stopped glowing when he saw you. You kept quiet in efforts not to lose your only true friends at the school, but your shattered heart was refractured after every phone call you got from Chrissy, every detail you heard about their meetups or how soft his hands were or how great his kisses were.. You felt like you were crashing and burning but you kept up your facade to ensure you could salvage your fractured friendship, and every time you hung up your phone, you curled into your pillow and cried because although things were seemingly as they were supposed to be, you had never felt so out of place and isolated in your life.
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You were waiting for Chrissy to come over, books sprawled across your kitchen table in anticipation for your study session for your semester finals. She was over an hour late.You sighed as you pulled out your flashcards and started to review in an attempt to salvage the time you had already wasted. You were interrupted by your phone ringing. 
“Babe oh my god I am so sorry I am running behind but you are never going to guess what happened!!” 
“What’s that Chris?”
“Eddie Asked me to be his girlfriend!!”
Part 1 when?
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unamused-boss · 5 months
The Player and The Cheerleader
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Billy Hargrove x Cheerleader Reader
Summary: All Billy thinks cheerleading is that's it's just flips and splits. The view changes when he has a run in with a certain Hawkins High School cheerleader.
Billy didn't care for anyone by any means. Either it be in Indiana or California. If he doesn't see you as someone worth his time then he didn't talk to you or give you the time of day. One of those groups in specific were cheerleaders. From his point of view they were only pretty girls to look at, that's pretty much how everyone treated the cheerleader at this point. Pretty things to look at.
The cheerleaders sometimes had to share the gym with the basketball team. Which did peeve some the guys on the team but as long as the cheerleaders were pretty they could handle it. But there was one odd ball on the cheer team, the captain. Always mouthing off the players when they got to close to the cheerleaders or a ball got to close to hitting one of them.
"Hey! Shit for brains!" A voice can be heard from then other side of the gym. "I thought the point of the game was to get the ball in the basket?!"
"Jeezu..." Tommy huffed. "Can you seriously be pissed about the same thing every time? It's just a ball." He answered to you. Clearly tired of your constant shouting at the basketball team when a ball would go the wrong way.
"And it's just balls between your legs, and they can just as easily deflate." You sassed back. To Billy, it was almost comical to watch. You with the tough guy act, puffing up your chest to a dude way taller than you with colorful pompoms in each hand on your hips.
"What a bitch..." Tommy huffed again.
"Oh get over it." Billy snapped. "What's captain pompoms gonna do?" He laughed at his own statement. Like said before he found the whole conversation comical-
A basketball went flying right into Billy Hargroves head. He snapped his head around to see the who had the nerve to hit him. His eyes met with captain pompoms. The two had a stare off. That's what it felt like for the rest of practice. The two practically eyeing each other the entire time.
After that stunt was over, after constant staring at one another, Billy had only one reaction in mind. A big one.
The next day followed. Billy knew where he could cut you off and corner you, in-between Mr. Johnson's chemistry class and Mrs. Shoffer's English literature class. It happened fast no one could react to it, actually you doubt anyone saw it happen. What you thought was just another normal day of school turned out to be more than that. A harsh hold took your arm, taking you away from the crowd into the more secluded part of the hall. Where you came face to face with a fuming Billy. His jaw was clenched and eyes held anger.
"What, you think you're real funny for the shit you pulled yesterday?" He interrogated. "Try it again see what fuckin happens..." His threats did not stop. Well his empty threats. As much as you are terrified of what he could do, you knew he'd never act on them. Your brave front was standing strong. Taking in every threat, comment, and remark he could throw at you. To get a reaction, if you were a guy you would have answered with your fists at his first remark. But you are not. You are you. You knew the exact thing that would make him even more angry.
" You are nothing but scuff on the gym floor, and that's all you will be."
Billy did not like that one bit. Who does this bitch think she is? His fist rose into the air, readying to strike. The force came down, you felt the air brush past your face, to only make contact with a metal locker. The sound ricocheted through the hall.
You open up your eyes. Now, again, staring at him. Anger was not held in his eyes anymore. If was fear and sadness, to you it was peculiar expression to see on his face. The actions that just happened finally caught up to you, you inhale deeply not knowing you stopped breathing. Everything caught up to you.
SLAP! Your hand came down, striking Billy Hargrove in the face. Hard enough to leave a mark. Not knowing that one had just been healed from another hand. "What the hell is your problem?" You yelled, agitated. "God, you fuckin creep." You make your way back to your class leaving Billy stunned. He didn't know what to do. He has never had someone react to him like that before. It intrigued him. He had an interest in you now.
After that encounter Billy made it his mission yo agitate you as much as possible. I mean, how else are you supposed to show someone you like them. From poking you with a pencil in class, purposefully missing the hoop so the ball bounces into your direction, anything at all just so you could look at him. He was succeeding and he was royally pissing you off. Until on fateful autumn day, everyone had gone home for the day. Except for the extracurriculars that took place after school. Two of those being basketball and cheer practice. Just as the practices were about to start, Billy took notice that you weren't with the cheer team. Which he thought was odd, but instead he chose to go smoke a cigarette before practice. He made his way to the small alley like way that was outside the gym that lead to the track field. And the sight before him made him stop in his tracks. there you stood cheer practice outfit and all with a lit cigarette hanging from your lip.
"I thought cheerleaders didn't smoke?" Billy joked to you, giving you his famous smirk.
"And I thought shit stayed in toilets, but I guess I was wrong since you're here." You said taking a huff of your cig.
"Damn, always ready with a comeback are you?" Billy said, lighting his cigarette.
"Why are you messing with me Hargrove?"
"Ouch, last name basis now sweets?"
"Shut up." You won't deny it, that dumb nickname that he started calling you grew on you. "Is this because of me smacking you?"
"Was it me hitting you with a basketball?"
"No." He said blankly again.
"Then what is it?"
Billy took a huff of his cigarette then looked you in your eyes. No hate or anger, something you can only describe as adoration.
"I find you interesting." Was his only answer.
"What?" you were confused by this answer. What was so interesting about you that made Billy intrigued. " Your like curious about me or something?"
"You know curiosity killed the cat, Hargrove." You sassed.
"And satisfaction brought it back, and I am not satisfied yet so get used to me sweets." He said taking his cig a stomping it out onto the ground walking away.
You grumbled at his response, inhaling the last of your cigarette with blushing cheeks. Stomping out your cigarette then making your way into practice. 'Why does this asswipe make me blush'.
Weeks of this teasing have gone by. Everyday Billy would find a new way to make you mad, blush, or embarrassed to get a reaction out of you. He claimed "It's because you so cute." Which made you blush even more. Gosh, you couldn't stand half of the guys at this school. Why was Billy the only one making you feel this way?
Truth be told, Billy had seen you around way before he had met you. How you walk down the hall with your head held high, looking away in disgust at the "popular" kids, over all not conforming to what a cheerleader is by Hawkins view point. You fought, yelled, got in people faces. Billy love all of it, it made him excited. Excited to talk to you and ask you questions, even ones you deem are stupid. All he wanted to do was to be around you. Damn, he loved it in a way.
Practice had ended for the day leading off into the weekend. A light rain pour had come down, everyone else had a ride to get them home. Everyone except you, well you did but he was running very late. Billy made his way outside to find you standing in the walk way waiting to be picked up. Cigarette hanging from your mouth.
"What are you doing here?" Billy asked.
"Waiting." You simply put.
"Do you want a ride?" He asked.
"No, I have a ride." You said. "But he's running late."
"What your boyfriend?" Billy said, the words had jealousy behind them.
"No." You sighed. "My brother you dipshit."
"oh..." He sighed. A silence fell between you two. Not uncomfortable, but nice enough for you two to be around each other. But Billy had something building in his stomach, a nervous feeling. He hated it. He needed to tell you something.
"Hey." He called to you, you turn your head to face him. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened."
"What?" You were confused by what he just said.
"I said I'm sorry, did you not hear me?" Billy said, He turned his body to face you. "I said I'm sorry." You just stood there silent. Still taking in the fact he is saying sorry. "I'm sorry that I almost punched you into a locker. I realized I was acting like someone I didn't want to be, and you calling me on my shit. It made me look at you differently. I noticed more about you. How you always make sure the other cheerleaders are okay, how you genuinely care about the people you have around you, and you don't take any shit. And- shit I'm bad at this." He's now embarrassed by everything he just said. Heat rises to his cheeks and ears.
You step toward him, placing your hand on his arm. "I thought you were doing pretty well." You smiled, comforting him in a way. He just looked at you. You never smiled at him directly but now that your smile was intended for him. 'damn' He wants you to smile at him all the time.
"Do you want to go on a date?" He asked straight out. You were shocked by his forwardness, but not entirely surprised.
"You want to go on a date with me?"
"Hell yeah, why wouldn't I?" He made it seem like you were speaking a different language. "Listen one date is all I ask, her if you still think I'm a piece of shit I'll stop everything that I'm doing."
Your smile grew even wider. "I would love to go on a date with you Billy."
"Dang, back on first name basis already? Looks like I'm getting a second date already." He joked to you, in turn caused you to laugh.
For the remainder of your time you and Billy talked till you had been picked up. You both talked about anything and everything. It was pure bliss, you loved every second of it. You both were abruptly interrupted by the honking of your brothers car.mYou said your goodbyes to make your way to the car. The smile that held your face did not drop. I didn't drop on Billy's either, when getting home Max found it incredibly disturbing to see her step brother so giddy.
That following night Billy arrived to your house to take you on your promised date. Which one date turned into another and another and another. Till it reached throughout the whole school that Billy Hargrove and the cheer captain were finally official. With many guys questioning Billy as to why he picked you out of everyone, to which he said if they insulted you again he had no problem with dealing with them himself. Girls just snuffed their noses up to you since you now made Billy officially off the market. Not like you cared, he's your boyfriend now and you have him all to yourself. So you could say everything did work out in the end. You and Billy have each other.
"So I guess we have Tommy to thank since he is the reason we met?" You joked.
"Hell no, I would have went after you even if you didn't hit me with that basket ball." He smirk.
"Jeez, you are something Billy." You smiled, leaning into him to seal your lips in a kiss. Yeah, nothing could beat this.
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hart269 · 2 years
Chrissy : Eddie, I love you
Eddie : But I love Steve
Steve : But I love Nancy
Nancy : But I love Jonathan
Jonathan : But I love Argyle
Y/N turning to Robin : I love you
Robin : I love you too
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ediewentmissing · 1 year
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djorgcre · 9 months
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this is my meal i call this ✨girl dinner✨
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rebelfell · 6 months
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Surrender III
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader x lesbian!Chrissy Cunningham
Part One┃Part Two┃Part Three
cw: established relationship, platonic!hc (eddie-chrissy are college besties), questioning/bi reader, threesome, fingering, oral (fem-fem giving and receiving), piv sex (unspecified birth control), squirting, one instance of spanking and singular use of the nickname “daddy” (not by r, it’s kind of a joke?)
18+, MDNI 6.5k
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“Hey…are you sure you’re okay with this?”
Eddie’s voice is soft in your ear and you have to slightly rouse yourself, nearly having fallen asleep as you and he wait for Chrissy to arrive.
The room is quiet except for the low sound of the album he put on the record player, vinyl crackling occasionally, and the faint humming of the fan overhead pushing cool air down on your half-dressed bodies.
He’s drawn the gauzy curtains closed so the fading sunlight can still filter through and casts across the bed in a hazy glow. You lay flat on your stomach, wearing a pair of sweatpants a size or so too big so they’re slung low on your hips, and only your bra so he can gently rake his nails over the expanse of your back.
“Yeah,” you whisper, still halfway half-asleep. “I’m nervous, but I’m excited.”
“Me too.” He smiles at you and leans over to place a gentle kiss on your shoulder. “I just don’t want you thinking this was like a plan or something. I thought for sure these days were behind us, I never imagined this would happen.”
“Old habits die hard,” you snicker.
He grins back, his smile deepening the dimples in his cheeks and making your own heart swell.
“And you know you can take it back any time, right? Neither of us is gonna be disappointed or mad or anything like that. We just want you to have a good time.”
His steady voice and the words he’s saying warm your chest and you nod, cheek rubbing against the pillow under your face.
“I know that,” you say. “I trust you both.”
You fall quiet for a moment, chewing thoughtfully on your lip, and open your eyes to look up at him. 
“Hey, um…are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Of course,” Eddie smiles. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know, maybe because I was a total jealous nightmare obsessing about you and Chrissy getting together and now…”
You fall silent, pushing down the crack in your voice you can feel coming. Eddie tips your head up to look at him and gives a reassuring smile.
“I just kind of feel like a hypocrite,” you admit to him, your voice small.
“Don’t,” Eddie tells you, still smiling. “I get why you were worried, especially when I wasn’t telling you everything. You think you don’t deserve good things, so you can’t help but think when you have something good that it’s going to be taken away.”
He leans down and presses a kiss to your temple. You sigh at the feeling of his lips on your skin, the way his stubble rubs your hairline and gives you shivers that run across your scalp. You could have never imagined how good it would feel being with someone who knows you like he does. Someone who knew your body inside out, but also your head. And your heart.
“I know Chrissy…and I know you,” he tells you. “Neither of you would hurt me. You’re the best thing in my life. Nothing and no one is going to change that.”
He leans in to kiss you again, too wrapped up in one another to notice the turn of a key in the front door or the soft creak of its hinges.
“It’s you and me, right?” he murmurs, keeping his lips close to yours.
You nod decisively and whisper back. “It’s you and me.”
“God, you guys are like…disgustingly cute.”
You and Eddie’s heads both lift at the sound of another voice in the room. Chrissy leans against the door frame, arms crossed in front of her chest with a doting smile on her face. She’s dressed much more casually than the last time you saw her, in a matching set of velour sweats like an updated version of those Juicy tracksuits that were all the rage in college. 
The soft mocha color of them sets off the red in her hair making it look less blonde than it did at The Hideout. Her make-up is simple, what little she’s wearing at all. You can’t help but grin at the sight of her as you bite down on your bottom lip. Her eyes sparkle as they meet your gaze and her nose scrunches adorably as she smiles at you.
“That’s what you get for breaking and entering,” Eddie chortles. Chrissy just rolls her eyes.
“That’s what you get for never changing your hiding spot.”
She holds up her hand and twirls the spare key Eddie keeps underneath an ogre statue in the yard around her finger. The sun catches on the sparkles on her nails as she lays the key down on your dresser and moves inside the bedroom.
“Someone likes back scratches, huh?”
The mattress dips as Chrissy joins you and Eddie on the bed. She reaches out and traces your spine with her forefinger from the nape of your neck all the way down to the small of your back. It causes more shivers to ripple across your body and you emit a deeply contented sigh.
“Mmhmm, better than a massage,” you hum.
Chrissy’s eyes find Eddie’s over you. “Mind if I take over?” she asks.
He doesn’t answer audibly, but you assume he must have nodded or brandished his hand with a silent be my guest when you feel Chrissy shift and swing out her leg. You feel the gentle graze of her velour sweats as she lowers to straddle you, knees resting on either side of your hips. 
Eddie brushes your cheek one last time with the backs of his fingers and carefully climbs off the bed. “I’m gonna grab us some waters,” he says. “Chris, you need anything else?”
Chrissy glances over her shoulder at him with a playful smile. “Got any candles you can light? A little ambiance never killed anybody.”
“No, but candles sure have,” he says back wryly. “I’ve got some, but it’ll take me a minute.” 
“That’s okay,” Chrissy hums. “We’ll keep ourselves busy.”
You listen as Eddie’s footsteps recede down the hall and you have to try and contain not only your excitement, but also the nerves that are starting to bubble up in your chest. As though she senses it, Chrissy devotes herself to keeping you relaxed. She gently strokes your back with a sensual skim of her fingertips up and down your spine, light as a tickle but smoother.
“I’m gonna unhook this, okay?”
Her hands rest on the clasp of your bra, but she waits to separate it until you give an affirming nod. The relief of it releasing is instantaneous, the band and straps falling away. Chrissy begins to scratch methodically, first with all ten fingers moving as one in a long, slow crawl down your back, and then splitting off in different swirling patterns. She knows all the places that need to be paid special attention, like right above your rib cage where the band dug into your skin all day. Her nails aren’t long, just a short almond shape, but they’re enough to offer a deeper scrape and more relief than Eddie’s blunt fingertips.
Leaning forward so her body presses against your back, she lets her lips hover over your ear.
“If you ever want to stop, you tell me, okay? If you aren’t enjoying yourself, I’m not either.”
“You got that from Eddie,” you say, recalling the first time you’d come over to his place. The first time you’d laid in this bed that would eventually become your own.
Heart in your throat, you’d warned him you weren’t ready to go too far. After all, you were still living in New York at the time and staring down the barrel of your return flight home set for the day after your sister’s wedding in a little over a month. The last thing you needed was to get too attached to someone who lived hundreds of miles away—least of all the sweet, handsome, oddly disarming guy you just met at a strip club. And you knew if you gave in to what your body was screaming for, it would only lead to heartbreak. There was no way it wouldn’t.
Eddie responded perfectly. More than perfectly. He said he didn’t care what you did or how far you went. He only cared about spending as much time with you as he could; and that he would go at whatever pace made you comfortable. If you aren’t enjoying yourself, I’m not either.
Which of course only made you want to do it more.
Chrissy laughs breathily, the sound a sweet and fluffy thing like a wisp of cotton candy.
“Eddie got that from me, babydoll.”
She pushes up on her knees so you have room to roll over onto your back. As you do, your arms come up instinctively to cover your breasts, suddenly feeling ashamed of the way they probably look from this angle, flat and flopping around unlike her tiny, perky ones.
“Don’t hide from me, beautiful,” she tuts, wrapping her hands around your own and bringing them to the zipper of her sweater.
Your fingers fumble around the metal pull and Chrissy helps you drag it down, revealing her skin is bare underneath. She has a faint smattering of freckles across her chest and you stroke your fingers softly along her collar bone and over her breasts as her sweater slides off her arms.
The light pressure of her body settles back down on your hips and she leans forward again, letting her warm chest press against your own. Her long lashes flutter and the gold ‘86 charm hanging on the chain around her neck swings steadily like a pendulum and bumps your chin.
“Can I kiss you?” she asks. Wordlessly, you nod.
Her lips are familiar, in a way. Plush and full, not unlike Eddie’s. They move against yours with purpose—not aggressive, but insistent. Like she’s trying to show you how much she wants this too. Gradually, you open up to her, giving her tongue access to probe your own and sighing softly when it does. The light clicks of your lips meeting again and again fill the room under the gentle strums of the acoustic guitar on the album playing.
You’re so lost in her, you don’t catch the sound of Eddie’s bare feet padding softly on the carpet as he returns. A soft creak makes your eyes fly open and you turn your head to the side. 
“Don’t mind me,” Eddie chuckles, leaning against the low bookshelf your record player sits on.
Beside it, he’s arranged some white pillar candles of varied sizes and states of dripped wax. There’s a soft hiss and a faint smell of smoke as he strikes a match to light them. The flickering flames make his shadow dance on the wall and once he’s done, his attention turns back to you.
His eyes are luminous as he watches you and Chrissy together, the deep brown of them warm and bubbling with excitement seeing the way your lips move so sultry and sensuous with hers.
“She’s a good kisser, huh?” he asks his friend.
“So good,” Chrissy murmurs, pressing her mouth back to yours. She swallows your soft hums and breathy moans of pleasure. Your hands come up to cup her face, thumbs brushing over her cheeks and fingers slipping into her fine, soft hair.
She nips gently at your bottom lip, a little hint at wanting something more, and you remember that little request she made on the phone. You slide one hand into her hair until the heel of your palm meets the base of her skull and firmly squeeze the hairs closest to her scalp. 
You don’t yank her head back, just grip her tightly enough to tip it back and get at the column of her neck. You suckle at the skin there, soothing the red mark you make with your tongue after. Her throat vibrates with a moan and you hear the soft plop of Eddie’s own sweats falling to the floor.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he groans as he palms the front of his boxers.
“Taker her pants off for me, Ed,” Chrissy instructs, tipping her head back down for another kiss.
Eddie nods and kneels dutifully at the foot of the bed. His fingers curl around the waistband of your sweats and he starts to tug them down over your hips and off your legs. He tosses them into the growing heap of clothes by the bed along with his pants and Chrissy’s sweater.
“I think she likes kissing you, Chris,” he says, his fingers toying with your dripping entrance.
“The feeling’s mutual.” Chrissy smiles, shooting you a wink as she slips off you to stand.
She removes her track pants, leaving her in nothing but a dainty thong, and your eyes go wide trying to take all of her in. A smile plays across her pillowy lips as she climbs back onto the bed and drapes herself against your side. You’re now laid bare before them, gazing down at Eddie between the valley of your breasts as he lowers himself to kiss at the apex of your thighs. His breath is warm as he exhales and brings his fingers to your core. 
He slides in one with ease and follows it with a second, relishing the hitch of your breath it causes as he begins to massage your warm, wet walls. There’s more warm breath on your ear as Chrissy leans in close to whisper to you.
“How’s he feel, angel?”
She smoothes her hand over your forehead and brushes a few pieces of hair from your face, letting her fingertips trail over your cheeks.
“He’s…he’s really good,” you pant, struggling to draw breath. Your body is already on fire after just a minute of having Eddie’s fingers, reactive to every touch of Chrissy’s soft hands.
“I’m not surprised,” she giggles, letting her fingers skim your navel. “He learned from the best.”
“Oh, please,” Eddie snorts from between your legs. “I’m completely self-taught.”
“Excuse me?!” Chrissy squeaks in mock outrage. “I’m like your Mr. Miyagi of pussy.”
You start to giggle until Eddie curls his fingers particularly deep and the sound crumbles into a low moan. The two of them continue their light squabbling while you drift away, being blissfully rocked by the pace and rhythm of Eddie’s capable fingers inside of you.
“Not a chance,” he tells her. “If anything, you learned everything you know from me.”
“You have some natural talent, I’ll give you that,” Chrissy concedes. “But there’s always room for improvement.”
With that, Chrissy places a hand on Eddie’s shoulder in a signal to swap places with her. He withdraws his fingers from you, his eyes locking with yours as he brings them to his lips and sucks them into his mouth. Just the sight makes you flutter and ache with need.
Chrissy lifts herself up until she’s suspended over you, caging you between her limbs. Her eyes glimmer as she dips down and little tendrils of hair caress your cheek as she kisses you sweetly. 
“I taught him everything he knows,” she whispers. “But not everything I know…”
Her soft lips skim the line of your jaw, traveling down to your neck and then your breasts. She laves her tongue over your nipple in a dazzling array of circles and flicks, gently rolling one between her fingertips as she suckles the other.
As she moves further down your body, Eddie smoothly moves up to lay beside you.
“Hi,” he whispers, smiling down at you, dimples deepening in his cheeks. “You okay?”
“Yes,” you breathe, the sound hitching in your throat as Chrissy’s warm breath fans across your mound. You meet her sparkling eyes once more as she glances up for one last check-in. Without a word spoken, you can see what she’s asking and you nod eagerly.
Her mouth is a mystifying combination of familiar and fresh. You recognize a couple of Eddie’s moves one or both of them must have learned from watching the other, but there’s still a clear distinction between the two. Where Eddie is precise and exacting in his movements—creative, yet deliberate as he’s working towards a goal—Chrissy has more finesse and flair. 
It’s whimsical and variable, changing up and keeping you constantly attuned to her. It’s kaleidoscopic, in a way, shapes and colors twisting in seemingly random order to create a stunning, beautiful pattern.
While Eddie’s fingers have the benefit of sheer length and girth, Chrissy’s can maneuver more efficiently. They actually dance inside of you, like they’re trying to waltz with your g-spot. It’s not even a matter of better or worse. With a gun to your head, you couldn’t decide which was more enjoyable. Luckily, you don’t have to.
You feel the weight of Eddie’s broad palm as he strokes the top of your head, and dreamily turn your head to look at him.
“How is she, beautiful?” he asks.
“She’s really good…holy shit…”
You hook a finger in his ball chain necklace to tug him down, but find it slack as he’s already on his way to kiss you. His mouth meets yours eagerly, relishing the feeling of the moans and whimpers that fall from your lips as Chrissy plays expertly with your clit.
“This is so great,” Eddie breathes as you pull apart. “I can hardly see you when I’m eating you out and now I’ve got a front row seat. God, you’re fucking gorgeous…”
He swoops in to plant his lips against yours again and it steals all the breath in your lungs. You reach out and fumble like mad to find Chrissy’s hand where she’s holding your thighs apart, weaving your fingers with hers and squeezing to tell her you’ve not forgotten her.
She squeezes your hand back, but lifts her head when your hips start to squirm.
“I think she needs to be fucked soon or we might kill her, Eds,” Chrissy says teasingly.
“That true, baby?” Eddie husks, his voice low in your ear. “You ready for my cock?”
“Yes, yes—please,” you gasp desperately. 
Chrissy’s slides up and her warm body lays against you, sandwiching you nicely between them as she pecks your lips softly.
“How do you want him to take you, angel?”
“From behind,” you say, daringly looking up at her.“So I can eat you out while he fucks me.”
The words feel clumsy coming out of your mouth, but still you commit to the statement as best you can and it must be enough for them to buy it. Chrissy’s large eyes widen even further as she exchanges a glance with Eddie, who looks at her like he might blow his load on the spot if you say something, anything, like that again.
“I think we created a monster,” she chuckles.
Needing no more prompting, Chrissy begins to arrange herself on the bed with a pillow under her hips and lays down another for your chest.
“Oh, I’m not complaining,” Eddie says, stroking himself as he watches you get into position.
You roll over on the bed to lay between Chrissy’s spread legs. You let your head drop low to ghost your mouth over her baby blue g-string, noting it’s the same pale shade as her eyeshadow you complimented that night you met at the bar. You lift up your hips, dripping slit on full display as Eddie kneels behind you. He draws a shuddering breath and a loud CRACK fills the room as he smacks his hand down on your ass. Your whole body jerks and you wail pleasurably.
Chrissy props herself up on her elbows and takes your chin between her fingers.
“Someone likes that, huh?” she says. “You like it when Daddy spanks you?”
You nod earnestly, eyes big and round, getting more excited by the second. Chrissy’s eyes flicker over your head to meet Eddie’s as a playful smirk spreads across her lips.
“Maybe keep that in check while she’s neck deep in my pussy?” she suggests
“Will do, Cap’n.”
Eddie gives Chrissy a little salute as you glance back over your shoulder at him. He shoots you a secretive wink, both of you knowing he had no intention of administering another even before Chrissy said something. Any more than one and the pain becomes too much of a distraction.
His ass, on the other hand…
You gasp suddenly, bunching the blanket in your fists as Eddie teases your entrance with the head of his cock. He smears your own juices between your legs, mixing them with the precum leaking from his tip. Rather than sinking inside, he slides it forward and the ridges of his tip and shaft catch on your clit and make you keen forward.
“Should I take these off?” Chrissy asks, hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her thong.
“No, I…I wanna,” you say softly.
Your head dips again and you begin a soft trail of kisses following the dip of her hips until you reach the curve of her waist. You place your mouth over the pale blue string, taking the thin elastic band between your teeth to pull it down. Behind you, Eddie actually whines at the sight and he leans sideways to watch as you drag the tiny piece of fabric down over Chrissy’s hip bone. 
With all the grace of a ballerina, she brings her legs together and sticks them up in the air so you can lift her panties off completely. Once they’ve been tossed away, she lets her legs fall open on either side of you and you can’t help but stare. A bare shave, skin smooth and soft as a peach. Pink tissue glistening with her own arousal.
You tilt your head as you regard it, eyes dancing, a little surprised. “Huh,” you say. “It’s so…pretty.”
“Thank you,” Chrissy says with a tittering laugh. “And it tastes as good as it looks.”
You meet her gaze over her mound and the two of you share a devilish smile.
“Start slow, baby,” Eddie coos, his hands running up your sides. “The way I do with you, you know? Touch her thighs…rub around the outside…tease her…get her all needy…”
“Leave her alone, Ed,” Chrissy tuts. “Let her play with her new toy how she wants.”
The two of them exchange a smile and you feel the familiar weight of your boyfriend’s palm smoothing up your spine, the heel of his hand pressing gently down and helping to coax you forward. Your heart pounds in your chest as you descend, tongue slipping out to wet your lips before placing a kiss on the inside of Chrissy’s milky thigh. 
“Mmm, hang on a second,” Eddie says, suddenly backing off the mattress. He walks around to the head of the bed so he’s standing over you as you look up at him plaintively.
“Are you not gonna…”
You glance behind you at the space he just occupied, pussy clenching around nothing as if in mourning. Eddie smiles and leans in close, his hand reaching out to cradle your jaw. You shiver at the roughness of his calloused thumb against your cheek and stare into his eyes.
“I will, baby, I promise,” he says. “You just…god, you look so hot right now I have to watch.”
You swallow hard, torn between the thrill his words send through you and the nerves now creeping up your shoulders and making them tense. Giving head was one of the things you actually felt pretty confident about. Guys were quick to tell you how good you were—Eddie in particular, even before he had discovered your affinity for praise. Of course, you could never shake the suspicion they only told you it was really good so you would do it more often. 
Still, you’d certainly done it enough and you had it on pretty good authority your skills were above average. And you’d sort of been hoping maybe you could coast on that and Chrissy might help you with the finer points. But the thought of Eddie watching you do it? Being on display like that…not only having to be good, but also make it look like it was good?
What if you were bad at it? What if Chrissy hated it and didn’t have the heart to tell you after all this build up? You imagined her lovely face grimacing as you remained oblivious between her thighs. That would be a disaster in and of itself, but the thought of Eddie bearing witness to your spectacular failure? 
At least if he was fucking you, he’d have something to keep him occupied.
“Hey,” Chrissy whispers, placing her hand on your other cheek so they’re each cupping a side of your face. “Come out of your head, angel.”
“Sorry,” you say meekly. “I’m…I’m trying to stay confident, it’s just hard.”
“Baby, why? You’re doing so good,” Eddie hums. “And you’re so sexy, can you really blame me for wanting to watch this?”
Your lip quivers as you avoid his gaze. “I just…it feels like I’m on display…”
“We’re not here to judge,” Chrissy says with a kind smile. “We know this is new for you, you’re not gonna get a scorecard at the end.”
“Just pretend I’m not here,” Eddie chuckles. “Chris already is.”
Chrissy swats his shoulder and it makes all three of you laugh gently. You look back and forth between them, warm brown eyes and sparkling blue-green ones. Both pairs shining and eager, focused solely on you, looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen.
Making it easy to believe you are.
You carefully lean forward and peck Chrissy on the lips, then turn your head to kiss Eddie’s as well. And back to Chrissy, for longer this time, cupping her jaw before returning to Eddie again. Anywhere you look, there’s a pair of lips to kiss and you greedily drink your fill of both.
“Let’s slow down a little,” Eddie murmurs, words making his lips vibrate against yours. “You two kiss for a bit and I’ll just watch for now. Okay?”
His eyes find yours and he lifts his brow with the question. You nod, almost imperceptibly, and he drops his hand to wrap his fingers around your wrist. Three squeezes. I. Love. You.
Chrissy grins. “Don’t have to tell me twice,” she says, hand slipping around the back of your neck and pulling you into her mouth.
Eddie backs away and settles into the chaise by the window, spreading his legs wide to stroke himself as he watches you and Chrissy’s bodies begin to move together. You remember how mystified he’d been by you putting a chair there— “Just seems silly to have extra furniture. If we’re in the bedroom, we’re only gonna be on the bed,” he’d chuckled. 
He’s eating those words now, you’re sure of it.
You lay your body against Chrissy’s, letting one of your legs slot between hers, relishing in the velvety feel of her freshly shaved skin. Her mouth is open and inviting, tongue running across the seam of your lips to politely request access, which you grant her happily. 
The kissing is deep and slow, like you and Eddie used to do when you first started dating and you realized making out with him was better than all of your past sexual experiences combined. You brushed your fingertips over the swell of her breasts, so dainty and perky, playing with her nipples until they stiffen at your touch. 
She gasps as you move your lips down her cheek and sprinkle a line of kisses along her jaw until you reach her neck. You kiss and lick and suckle at the sensitive skin until Chrissy trembles in your arms. She turns her head to the side, mouth falling open in a gasp as you run the tip of your tongue across the shell of her ear.
“Get on top of me?” she asks in a breathy whisper. “I wanna feel you.”
You move quickly to straddle her hips as she’d done to you, placing your hands on her waist both to steady yourself and to hold her down as you begin a slow, deep grind down.
“Fuck, baby,” Eddie groans from his seat. “You’re so goddamn hot, I can’t stand it.”
Chrissy smiles up at you and nods in agreement. She flattens her hands against your stomach and moves them up to palm your chest. At her touch, that burning pleasure reignites. You sneak a glance at Eddie and your whole body tingles at the sight of him. He looks almost primal. Eyes hooded with lust, gripping himself so tightly it must blur that border between pleasure and pain. His stroke is long and slow, tortuously so, to stave off his release as best he can.
The feeling of having his eyes on you, the ravenous way they rake over your form, causes your confidence to surge. You lean forward, boldly pressing your mouth to Chrissy’s before beginning a trail of kisses down her body, mouthing at the hollows of her neck, nipping at her pronounced collar bones until you reach her breast and suck her pert nipple into your mouth.
“Such a little tease,” she hums excitedly, pursing her lips in a pillowy pout. 
You chuckle around her nipple and release it with a lewd pop before continuing your trail down her body. Sternum to stomach, navel to mound, and at long last to your final destination.
You try to remember the things Eddie and Chrissy did that feel best for you, but eventually you give up on thinking at all. You let instinct take over, exploring her folds, listening to what makes her breathing get heavy, what makes her chest heave, what makes her thighs twitch and her toes curl over. You lose yourself in her taste and her musky scent, new but familiar.
“Oh, fuck you, Munson, I can’t believe you get this tongue all the time,” Chrissy whines, her voice wavering as you delve deeper into her center. 
You swirl your tongue around the edges of her entrance, spreading her lips apart, licking at them like honeysuckle petals. You’re so wrapped up in her you don’t even realize Eddie has left the chaise until you feel the sudden delicious stretch of him pushing inside of you at last. 
Gasps and whimpers fall from your lips right into Chrissy’s folds as he fucks into you. He starts with a steady roll of his hips, but you thrust back against him, chasing more force. He increases his pace, the slapping of his thighs against the backs of your own filling the room, as your lips surround Chrissy’s clit and you suck it like a piece of candy.
“Oh, yes, keep doing that,” Chrissy cries out, her voice jumping an octave in a pleasurable scream. “Just like that, just like that—”
Behind you, Eddie moans and you can feel his reaction as he pulses inside of you. “Jesus Christ, fuck—baby, you’re drenching me,” he exalts.
It doesn’t surprise you in the slightest. You’ve never felt as attractive as you do right now; never as wanted and desired. 
The sounds of both of them fill your head, a symphony of pleasure and praise. You squeeze and clench around Eddie’s cock, milking him for all he’s worth. He feels you getting close and his hand comes around to find your clit and rub the flats of his fingers over it. 
The coil in your belly grows impossibly tight with every pass over the bundle of nerves. He pushes further into you, his cock reaching impossibly deep until he hits that sacred spot within you that has you seeing bright white as you moan into Chrissy. Your orgasm rips through your body, walls gripping Eddie like a vice as his warm release paints your insides.
The sound of him coming is loud and guttural, his hips stuttering and thrusts growing erratic as he loses all control. Still, you do everything you can to maintain your pace on Chrissy. Her hips are squirming, her back arching as she grinds her hips against your lips and tongue.
“I’m so close,” she pants, breathless as her chest heaves. “Y-you’re gonna make me come, you’re making me feel so good—ahh!”
You plant a hand on her lower belly mostly for purchase as you add your fingers and crook them up in search of that spongy wall inside of her, but the pressure causes something else entirely. 
A spray of liquid hits your neck and chest, dribbling down your breasts. Chrissy’s voice goes higher as she rides out her orgasm, her thighs twitching against your ears. Behind you, Eddie’s eyes go round with shock as though he thinks he must be dreaming.
“Was that…did you…did she…”
Answering him seems unnecessary when the evidence is all over your face. Chrissy’s chest and stomach heave as she draws one shuddering breath after another, her high moan dissipating as the waves of her pleasure finally ebbed.
“Ffff-uck, angel, that was amazing.”
“Really?” you ask, looking up at her hopefully.
“Absolutely,” Chrissy hums, content and sated as she lets her head loll back on the pillow.
You look back at Eddie, your eyes big and hopeful. “How are you? You good?”
He bends at the waist and leaves a line of kisses down your spine, the soft ends of his long hair tickling your tingling skin as he does.
“Oh, baby, you have no idea,” he says, the noise throaty and strained from his efforts. “What about you? Are you okay?”
“Incredible,” you sigh, laying down next to Chrissy and letting your head rest on her shoulder. 
She curls her slender arms around you and her fingers start to stroke the hair at the crown of your head. Eddie heads for the bathroom and returns with two washcloths. One, he hands off to Chrissy and the other he dips between your legs to collect his spend as it’s trickling from your entrance. Once she’s cleaned herself up, Chrissy has you sit up with her and she reaches for one of the waters sitting on the bedside table.
“Good girl,” she sighs as she brings the glass to your lips, her cheeks still flushed and skin all glowy and radiant from her orgasm. 
You can’t imagine ever looking as good as she does after you come. 
She kisses you after you sip, licking the chilled water from your lips before taking a drink of her own. You fall back onto the bed together and Eddie curls up beside you, their arms layering over one another’s as they hold you between them. You roll over after a minute, burying your face in the crook of his neck, Chrissy now curling around you as your big spoon.
“You hungry?” you murmur against his chest. 
“Fucking starved,” Eddie groans, making Chrissy chuckle.
She unwraps her arms from around you and stands to pull her clothes back on, glancing down fondly at the rumpled mess the three of you have made of the bed. As she zips her sweater, she pauses, looking for the first time a little unsure of herself.
“So, um…I guess I should go?” Her eyes dart back and forth between you and Eddie and you pull yourself off him to sit up.
“Do you have to?”
You look up at her plaintively and then back at Eddie, not quite sure what you’re even asking. All you know is you hate the thought of…kicking her out. Making her feel used. Letting her go back to Robin and Nancy’s without anyone to take care of her. God, do you wanna take care of her.
“You should stay, Chris,” Eddie tells her warmly. “Dinner should be done soon and we can watch a movie. Have a cuddle pile on the couch.”
“You sure? We’ve, uh…we’ve never done that before,” she says with a giggle.
It makes you laugh, too. The thought of them balking at something as innocent as cuddling when they’ve watched the other one fuck on multiple occasions. Eddie just shrugs and a smile plays across his lips as he leans in to brush the tip of his nose against yours.
“First time for everything,” he chuckles.
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After you eat, you all settle in together on the big sectional sofa. Eddie sits up against the arm and you lay between his legs with your back against his chest and Chrissy draped across your front. It’s a delightfully crushing feeling, having both of them surround you. Eddie’s firm, solid body cradling yours while Chrissy rests her head on your chest and lightly strokes your legs.
You find out they both like to talk during movies and chuckle at the little quips they trade back and forth while you get to sit quietly, happily listening to them. Dinner sits warm in your belly and the heat of both their bodies around you is like the best electric blanket ever. 
About halfway through the movie, you start to crave something sweet. And just as you lift your head to ask if he wants dessert, you see Eddie’s phone is out and he is already DoorDashing ice cream for all three of you.
Pistachio, strawberry and butter pecan.
The sleep you eventually fall into isn’t deep. You let your eyes flutter closed, and your breathing grows even and rhythmic, but you’re conscious enough to feel it when Eddie lifts you off the couch. He carries you down the hall to the bedroom and Chrissy follows, helping him tuck you under the duvet in the center of the bed. 
“I’ll call her tomorrow,” she says, her voice hushed in the dark room.
“You can just stay the night if you want,” Eddie whispers to her. “She’ll be bummed if she wakes up and you’re not here”
You have to resist the urge to chuckle at all the domesticity you’re overhearing.
“I’m so happy for you, Ed,” Chrissy hums. “You guys are great together. Really solid.”
Eddie just smiles in response and holds a finger to his lips, shooting you a cautious glance to make sure you’re still asleep. He leads Chrissy to the closet and you hear the soft creak of the door opening as he ushers her inside. There’s a light rustling as he searches for something in the pocket of one of his blazers—the only hiding place he felt certain you wouldn’t find.
“Ohhh,” Chrissy mewls at whatever he shows her. “It’s perfect.”
“Thanks for the idea about getting her size. I thought she might have noticed the ring was missing, but she never said anything.”
“I’m so glad that’s the one you went with, it really suits her. When are you gonna ask?”
“I talked to Robin and Nance about having a dinner thing when they get back. Their patio is so nice with the lights and the pool and the fire pit and everything. And Jon will be there — I asked him about taking pictures. Will you still be in town? I think she’d like you to be there.”
“Of course,” Chrissy says. “Maybe we can go get our nails done that day.”
“That’s perfect.” Eddie exhales, breath coming out slightly shaky as he sucks in another. “And she…she’ll say ‘yes,’ right?”
“Oh, Ed…”
Chrissy lets out a soft sigh and you’d bet anything she’s rubbing his arm.
“Definitely,” she tells him. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”
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Watching Michael myers gets his ass beat by Corey is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Bro was beefing with a senior citizen… like Michael was just chilling in them stank ass sewers and Corey just comes out of nowhere and drags the old man..I was so embarrassed for Michael here..they was really tussling, Scrap boxing over a mask that is over 40 years old and probably smells like shit😭 #corey abuses the elderly real
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