#current astrology
piscesseer · 5 months
New Moon in Capricorn 🌑🐐January 11, 2024
This New Moon comes at a special time! It’s the first New Moon of 2024. Mercury is finally out of its post Retrograde shadow and we can take action toward our goals. With the energy of Capricorn, we can be disciplined in our New Year's resolutions. We might be feeling mature and responsible as we focus on our long-term, practical goals for the upcoming year.
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Capricorn will help us to create some serious order in our lives. We can make solid plans and set the stage for reaping our rewards from these new beginnings, as big or little as they might be. One Capricorn lesson is acceptance of reasonable boundaries and rules that actually do allow us freedom - freedom from worry and chaos, for example.
This New Moon harmonizes with Uranus, making for strong intuition and a good feeling of progress. This may also fuel healthy changes in relationships.
As we have been moving slowly into the New Year, this New Moon gives us an opportunity to really commit to those goals that we’ve been contemplating. It’s time to toughen up, be realistic and be honest with ourselves.
If you haven’t already, write down some goals to manifest. Take a moment to write down or contemplate your long-term goals. Where do you see yourself in the future, and what steps can you take to get there? Create a list of realistic, achievable intentions that align with the grounded energy of Capricorn. Whether it's career advancements, financial stability, or personal development, focus on setting goals that contribute to your overall success.
Practical steps for success:
Clearly define your short-term & long-term goals. Break them down into manageable steps to make them more achievable.
Develop a strategic plan to guide you in reaching objectives. Consider timelines, resources, & potential obstacles.
Cultivate a strong work ethic & discipline. Capricorn values consistency & effort, so stay committed to your goals even when faced with challenges.
Invest in your skills and knowledge through education, training, or networking - continuous improvement is key.
Take a closer look at your finances, create a budget, & explore ways to save and invest wisely.
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Ceres Retrograde in Capricorn | Just Sayin'
This is quite an interesting retrograde to have in this sign Because Ceres is quite opposite the wintry and earthy energy of capricorn. We're also at an in between or 'threshold' time when things can be very changeable and mutable as spring turns to summer.
So how is this going to affect you based on what placements you have in capricorn? First up -
Solar flare activity and increased aurora borealis can also indicate changes in the cosmos as a whole. I think. Ancient astrologers would probably know better than me if they has access to our technology :)
☆ scroll for your placements :) :) :)
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Ok, a lil' backstory here...
Capricorn is a dark and earthy sign, it can be very serious, and at the worst times all about restriction. But looking at the planets you have in capricorn can allow you to see what you are restricting and what you may need to let out.
Asteroid Ceres is named after the Roman goddess of crops and harvests. Meanwhile Saturnian Capricorn can bring energies of tradition and 'reaping what you sow'
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Depending on where you are in the world, you may be emjoying the lush colors of spring. However, we are in the sense reaching the death or end of the spring season and moving into summer. Energy changes from growth and new life to heat, stillness, and ripening. However, in the modern world we are disconnected from these kinds of seasonal shifts.
Depending on what's in Capricorn, it can be a great time to reconnect not just with the natural world but with your internal nature, dreams, shadow, and unconscious desires by focussing on what is ripening or preparing for harvest over the upcoming summer months for you. Ceres retrograde amplifies these energies. Plus the liminal time period we are in... kind of makes us all more sensitive to this kinda stuff
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Sun - capricorn sun signs need no introduction, but at this time of year, with ceres retrograde in your sun sign, you may find yourself challenged by new ideas and having to overcome emotional blocks to do with what you are and aren't open to. Ceres in this sign can challenge your view of what is and isn't possible. However, this also makes it a great time to learn new things.
Moon - those with the moon in capricorn may struggle with the constraints of tradition on their emotions. This may take multiple forms depending on the rest of their chart and how able they are to rebel against the society around them. This can also be an emotionally limiting position, restricting the range of feelings that people can access. If you have been struggling with shadow work or emotional blockages and you have a moon in capricorn, it may be that your emotions have been fixed into place or limited by early childhood influences and the traditions around you. Ceres retrograde is conventionally a time for embarking on new ventures to strengthen your professional life but the themes of fertility that come up now - especially as we are experiencing the retrograde as spring gives way to summer - and there may also be more emotional fertility to look at the world from new angles, views, and perspectives.
Ascendant - ascendent in capricorn can have a complicated relationship with tradition as it can sometimes be a position that indicated subterfuge. As the ascendent governs public image, those with this placement may feel that image is everything and that they must adhere to the conventions around them in order to maintain the image they desire. Ceres in capricorn at this time going retrograde can indicate he fertility of new ground opening up and new social and public opportunities for those with this placement that may allow them to break free of some of the self imposed constraints that hold them back.
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Mars - mars in capricorn can sometimes feel torn between the drive to embark own headstrong and personal ventures, and the need to be part of a group or organisation, although this often tends to be in a leadership role. Mars here can be great at business and entrepreneaurship, ceres, with it's mythological connections to venus, planet of the economy, can indicate the start of a new bysiness venture, a windfall, strong leadership skills, or new opportunities that mars in this placement may be perfectly poised to catch.
Venus - venus in capricorn tends to be very sophisticated and have an abundance of ideas and creativity, but often directs this aý an official as opposed to underground level. You may clash often with those who have uranus or neptune in capricorn as their underground nature and lack of orthodoxy come into conflict with your plans. Ceres in capricorn going retrograde makes for a good business venture but for you to have the most success, it's best to work with your natural energy and direct this towards a structure, group, or organisstion of people who are familiar with your ideas and can help you refine them. Otherwise you may struggle with whether opportunities do or don't open up, although check your natal uranus and neptune to see how taking the path less travelled may serve you this time around.
Jupiter - Jupiter in Capricorn tend to struggle with moderation and conflict between novelty and tradition, giving and taking, harvesting and sowing. For example if you have this placement you may have the issue of having lots of different projects but not knowing how to finish or even start them. This time around, Ceres retrograde may be able to help you, but only if you are able to harness it's energy correctly. The ample amount of new opportunities and positive, directed, nd organised energy that it brings can help you see ways to tie up loose ends and finish what you started. However, it could also make you overwhelmed with the amount of new possibilities that there are. Look for positive aspects with planets in your 9th and 10th houses for more info on this, as well as check your third house for any transits at this time that can help you.
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Saturn - saturn in capricorn can bring about pragmatism, at it's best, you can be disciplined, wise, organised, and capable, at your worst, overly strict, hasty or hurried, nd you find it hard to stop and smell the flowers. This retrograde offers you a choice - you can either take advantage of the bounteous opportunities which it offers to their fully extent, doing shadow work to try and leave behind the emotional blockages which may cause your characteristic caution and conservativism to go into overdrive sometimes. Or you can follow the same path as akways but risk opportunities at a deeper level by being unable to go with the flow. Check transits for your moon placement and neptune placement to see what emotional or creative energies can help you free these blockages.
Uranus - Uranus in capricorn may have an inner longing to overhteow traditions but sometimes may not have the full capacity to do so and may feel torn between different factions of their life. Uranus may try to change the systems and society around them but may end up becoming the thing the swore to fight in the process. However, the more grounding earthy energy of ceres in this position can help uranus see the lie of the land before making any moves, meaning that their revolutionary spirit is tamed and counterbalanced, leading tı better than usual decision making around this time. If you are planning to do something big and you have this placement, now is the time to do it, while ceres is in retrograde, you may have a clearer head and make more confident and judicious choices.
Neptune - neptune in capricorn can be a complex and difficult to understand placement, sometimes it can be an oxymoron. You can be deeply intuitive and drawn to mysticism yet need structure and authority to see this to it's full potential. You're most likely to join a secret society, study something like tarot or astrology in a structured official way, or lean back on ancient books and writings. Ceres retrograde in this sign can amplify the potential of opportunities available to you so that you may find yourself drawn to new ventures and schools of learning whether a new philosophy, an ancient language, or even training your brain to do something like lucid dreaming.
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Pluto - pluto in capricorn can be summed up in the themes of reawakening. This placement is often associated with the depths of winter, it brings themes of winter melting into spring and the thresholds of the world bringinf energy from eksewhere into this existence. It's all about unconscious upwellings and old information sich as lost or buried ideas coming to light - for example, a great placement for retuening to the wisdom of the past or for archaeologists and those who work in forensics. If you have this placement you can live quite an unconventional life that could be described as having lots of 'jump scares'. But at this time of yesr, with ceres retrograde indicating the fertility of new opportunities, this indicates a BIG MASSIVE CURVEBALL coming into your life if you have this placement.
Lilith - lastly Lilith, or the black moon, provides a counterpart to pluto influenced by more lunar rnergies. Expect amotional and intuitive stuff coming to the forefront at this time. However, as much as this is also a time for unearthing stuff, ceres retrograde also makes it a time for receptivity and making space for new emotions. This is one of the times that you can clear genuine emotional blockages at a deep, rooted level. Check transits with venus, the moon, and check what is in cancer for you too and how it may interact with your lilith (if at all)
🌸 Thank you!
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My prediction for Pluto in Aquarius, especially while Saturn is in Pisces, is that society will be experiencing transformations around technology and what it can be used for, but we will have to learn how to discern the truth from the illusions.
Something about AI and deep fakes, it is critical for humanity to learn to pick out the relevant truth out of a world where you cannot trust the authenticity or accuracy of most of the information you receive.
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flickeringart · 1 year
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How are you doing in this planetary climate?
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capricores · 10 months
pisces/virgo placements... it's about time you took care of yourself, too, ok?
you burn yourselves out allowing yourself to be pulled by so many people in all different directions. you exhaust all your resources and empty your cup - no, your entire well - to help those around you, even people you don't know. it's such a beautiful thing, and i know you genuinely love helping others, supporting people, seeing them thrive. it's such a beautiful trait! but you constantly end up neglecting yourself, right? you don't realize that you have permission to set aside time to care for you, to cater to your needs for once. you often feel like no one puts a drop in your cup, the favor is never returned - it's exhausting; you might think if you just keep giving your all it will come back; i understand. you will find the people that give the same energy back to you one day, but regardless of whether you've found those people yet, you need to learn to step aside and fill your own cup!
setting boundaries and saying no is the most important thing you will learn to do in this lifetime. it will not be easy for you, sometimes it will feel painful. but you cannot help the world if you're constantly drained and tired! you deserve to take care of yourself in the same way you do for others. be gentle to your kind soul, nourish yourself; do the things you love to do. learn to worry about others less, as hard as it is, and focus on yourself more.
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jstor · 9 months
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"Capricorn on a Solar Disk." 19th Century.
From Cornell's Gem Impressions Collection, free and open to all on JSTOR.
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sleepysamy · 7 months
Free reading giveaway
Status: OPEN
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Helloo everyone. I've decided to host a free reading game. I'll be giving the reading to 5 chosen people!!!!!!! I am really sorry if you don't have your name taken but i will keep on holding similar free readings don't you worry.💗💗
+Must like and reblog this post
+Send your ask with your initial
+Do any of the two- either tells how my vibe feels(intuitive) or suggest me 2 of your favourite songs to listen to
+You can also give a short intro optional
+The game will closed on 25th of November
The game is closed guys. Thank you to all those who participated🌟🌟
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silverjirachi · 6 months
another beige flag that should have told me i was trans is when i was in high school there was a period of time where i stopped identifying as a girl and only identified as an aquarius
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piscesseer · 6 months
Full Moon in Gemini 🌕November 27, 2023
Socialize with friends & take in what is being said
Don’t react suddenly, but do acknowledge feelings
Remain curious and open-minded
Don’t over do it, rest & relaxation are important
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During a Full Moon, we begin to experience the culmination of what was initiated during the New Moon. It brings enlightenment into our lives, but it can also be a time of intense emotions. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time where the energy demands that we let it out. We will discover what that means for us. We can’t sit on our feelings and need to express them. It’s time to express ourselves and let things out of our system. We will want to exercise care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out might not be rational yet.
This Full Moon is about communication, attitude and sense of adventure. The Gemini Moon exactly opposes the Sagittarius Sun, which means that we’re being encouraged to embrace the balance of these energies. Gemini Moon encourages us to think logically, and Sagittarius encourages us to think more broadly. 
This Full Moon is aligned with Mars and squares Saturn. There’s a desire to master a situation, but there could be blocks and obstacles to overcome.
What does a Gemini Full Moon invite us to consider? Remain curious and consider possibilities. Gather more information. Finalizing plans should wait. We should watch for too-quick decisions and actions, especially due to emotions. Pay attention to what is illuminated so we can get a better understanding of ourselves, but particularly our desires.
✨I embrace the duality within me, finding balance and harmony in all aspects of my life. ✨My mind is open to new ideas, and I easily adapt to change with grace and ease. ✨I express my thoughts and feelings with clarity and confidence. ✨My curiosity leads me to new and exciting opportunities for growth and learning. ✨I release any mental patterns that no longer serve my highest good, making space for fresh perspectives. ✨I am a clear and effective communicator, connecting with others on a deep and meaningful level. ✨I am open to receiving messages from the universe, trusting in the guidance that comes my way. ✨My thoughts create my reality, and I choose to focus on the positive and empowering aspects of my life.
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agentx8d · 2 months
Sabah is a Palestinian woman living in Gaza who needs help to evacuate her children NOW! SHE IS ONLY 175€/20,000€! With the threatened invasion of Rafah, this is an URGENT PLEA for Sabah’s fundraiser to be shared so she can evacuate for her and her children’s LIVES! Thank you!
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Layan, Hamood, and Sahar, Sabah’s children.
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anothermessygal · 3 months
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Tv at ur grandparents house
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moonskyearth · 7 months
November 13
☆ New Moon
☆ Moon Mars
☆ Sun opposite Uranus
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moonlight-yuyu · 2 months
- ℙ𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥 (updated April 21)-
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𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘙𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘴
@un-4-gettablegrl - palm reading
🐧-anon - special ship
Leo Sun - MTL
@averagetoyakinnie - special ship
Taurus Sun - Special Ship
@redheavenwater - palm reading
@celelo - MTL
@benhardy-joemazzello-lover - Selca ship
@cocoacosmos - similarity ship
@youwillgetbored - Palm reading
Leo Sun - Astrology
Leo Sun - BF, Ex, Best Friend
@miyoletta - Palm Reading
Taurus Sun - MTL
Aquarius Sun - Special Ship
@leorisingbaby - Palm reading
°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ 
𝖢𝗈𝗅𝗅𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 @𝗉𝗉𝗈𝗉𝗉𝗈𝗄𝖺𝗋𝗂 :
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Changmin TBZ Ideal Type
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capricores · 10 months
One of the things I struggle with because I attract Aquariuses in general is their refusal to be vulnerable. I find that they prioritize self preservation and control over everything, which imprisons them in their own head when all they crave is love. Lol how you gonna experience love without letting go of control and being vulnerable? Make it make sense. So I guess my question is how do you know get an Aquarius moon to open up/how do you know if an Aquarius moon likes you romantically?
Now THIS is a tough one!! I've dated several Aquarius Moons (they are my Gemini Moon's kryptonite, I suppose...) and I still haven't fully figured it out lmfao. You really hit the nail on the head with your whole ask though, pls!! I felt this message too hard, whenever someone refuses to be vulnerable my little Scorpio Sun is like >:(
Honestly, it can be really difficult to tell when Aquarius Moons are into you, especially if they're also an Aquarius Sun, or another air sign (since they often have naturally flirty personalities majority of the time). As you mentioned, they tend to bury and hide away their feelings due to that fear of vulnerability.
For getting an Aquarius Moon to open up, I think there's a few important things:
Be your authentic self | Aquarians have a pretty good radar for fake people. They tend to hate people-pleasers and those who tone down their personalities to cater to others. Be shamelessly yourself, and in turn, they'll feel more comfortable being themselves
Be vulnerable with them first | Create a safe space for difficult conversations and big emotions! If you show them that you trust them enough to be vulnerable, they may do the same
Don't pressure them | Do not pressure an Aquarius to talk about their emotions, that will make them do the opposite. Remind them and prove to them that they can tell you anything, talk about big feelings, and so forth with you any time they need to
Don't beat around the bush | Be very blunt with Aquarians. They hate sugarcoating and passiveness from others; speak what's on your mind around them and they're more likely to do the same
I would say there's a few signs off of the top of my head, to tell that an Aquarius placement, especially Aquarius Moon, likes you:
They're open about their feelings/are vulnerable around you, at least at times
They bring up personal/sensitive topics that Aquarians usually hate talking about (ie: tough family life, struggles with inner self)
They start getting "clingy" with you (they ask to hang out often, they don't let the conversations burn out, etc)
They do things to intentionally get a reaction out of you! Aquarius placements tend to be very sarcastic + instigate the people they love. They like getting (usually harmless) reactions out of the people they're interested in
They go out of their way to make your life easier. As humanitarian as Aquarius placements are, they're not the biggest "people persons" out there. If they're actively doing small acts of service for you, acting chivalrous (specifically when that's not their typical character; this can really depend on their entire chart) - can be a big sign they're interested in you
They put an effort into your interests: they download the video game you said you liked, they watch the TV series you recommended, they listen to that song you keep looping - even though it may not be their type of thing
If anyone has strong Aquarius placements, feel free to add how you act around the people you have romantic feelings for!
Honestly though, if you want to find out whether an Aquarius Moon likes you, you may have to make the first move (like very very obviously flirt with them) to get their attention/make them realize there's something there, or you may have to flat-out confess your feelings first.
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ke-ndz · 9 months
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idrk how these things work
★꙳✰༻ ʂƚαɾʂ ༺✰꙳★
first and last photos r mine found the others on Pinterest ♡
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astroloverosette · 7 days
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Something i noticed is that having Venus or the ascendant ruler in a Leo degree // a cancer degree //
Together give off this princess core vibes
Especially if the ascendant ruler is Saturn since Saturn signifies Elegance, Timeless , Graceful pieces
And Leo signifies Princely, Enchanting , Royal designs
As for Cancer, it’s the Soft, Velvety, Delicate pink core (ruled by the tender moon)
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