#cuz i used to do it every day for college but then i stopped and realised how pressured i felt into not going out makeupless. but now its
sgt-celestial · 4 months
sitting at the kitchen table doing fuckall rn might do my makeup for fun in my tiny handheld mirror. should i
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edenfenixblogs · 10 days
2 am rant cuz I can’t sleep:
I’ve stated repeatedly that I’m pro-Palestine and pro-peace, so I obviously want a two sided, negotiated ceasefire and permanent peace for all. I’ve repeatedly stated that I do not condone the degree of heavy bombing taking place in Gaza.
But it’s currently 2:15 in the morning and I am haunted. I’m haunted by the fact that the world saw the brutal attack on Jews and celebrated. I’m haunted by the number of high l-profile celebrities who felt moved to speak out for Palestine — wearing flags and pins and signing demands for Israel to stop bombing, but who said nothing about the dead and tortured and kidnapped Jews.
Yes, what is happening in Palestine is and continues to be a tragedy.
But apparently what happened and is happening to Jews worldwide and Israelis of all religions simply isn’t. At least not enough of one. Not enough of one to move these high-profile folks to speak out for us. Not enough of a tragedy to say the names of the hostages, including one forced to give birth while kidnapped by terrorists. Not enough of a tragedy to condemn the violence happening against Jews. Not enough to speak out on behalf of a 20-year-old singer made to fear for her life because she dared to be from Israel and sing about her own trauma instead of, idk, bursting into flame or shutting up or whatever the mob wanted her to do.
No. What happens to us isn’t a tragedy. It’s a nuisance. It’s a nuisance to have to care about Jews. It gets in the way of everyone else feeling good about their “radical activism” and self-aggrandizing bravery. People of all levels and types of fame. All of whom say they only want peace and an end to pain. Yet when they mention pain, it’s always and only the Palestinian flag. When they want a ceasefire, it’s always an only in reference to Palestine. But they wouldn’t be caught dead asking for an end to Hamas or Hezbollah bombs or even acknowledging that they exist. All calls for peace involve asking Israel to lay down arms but no call for anyone attack Israel, Israelis, or Jews worldwide to do the same.
From large creators to small creators to people in day to day life, non-Jews around the world have made clear that it would be more convenient for them if we Jews just died. If we stopped ever defending ourselves or speaking up or being sad in public.
The vast majority of people speaking out would or will view this post as a justification of violence. But it’s not. It’s a condemnation of complicity from people who claim to care about peace. It is a condemnation of those who claim to be against antisemitism yet refuse to listen when Jews point out how they are contributing to and spreading more antisemitism. People and institutions worldwide have failed Jews everywhere.
Cats Blanchett
Mark Ruffalo
Billie Eilish
Viola Davis
Lena Heady
Susan Sarandon
Ava DuVernay
Sara Ramirez
Annie Lennox
Cynthia Nixon
Angelina Jolie
Multiple UN groups and resolutions
College students and professors across the world
Friends I’ve had for 8 years who don’t even respond to messages that I have moved out of state or even spoken to me in at least five months
So many people who are so eager to read every bit of pro-Palestine news that exists and condemn every action from Israel.
And yet…
Before the bombings. Before the reprisals. Before all the violence from Israel: where were they? All these people who so desperately beg for peace (as defined by the end of Israeli aggression only): where were they when it was just dead Jews? Where were the Instagram posts and educational content and in depth analyses of Israeli trauma and history? Where were the condemnations of Hamas? Where were those who are moved to speak for anyone and everyone but Jews?
Are we really supposed to believe any of you actually want peace? When you chant for the globalization of terror tactics that traumatized a generation of Israeli Jews? When you fail to acknowledge Jewish history in any way except to minimize it?
Before the bombing campaign, where were the red carpet statement pins and gowns featuring Jewish stars?
How are we Jews anywhere in the world literally ever supposed to believe that you’re not actively cheering for our deaths? Maybe not in front of our faces, but certainly behind our backs. We know. We know you’re afraid to be less than tactful in front of us, but that you describe our rapes and murders and social exclusion and kidnappings as “unfortunate but necessary.”
I’m reminded of when Israel was first created. At a time where every Jew on earth was traumatized directly because the Holocaust firsthand, Britain left the territory of mandatory Palestine and the UN allowed for the creation of a Jewish state. And then proceeded to heckle the traumatized survivors for handling its creation poorly. The Nakba is a tragedy and an outrage and I’ll never deny that.
But…y’all are no different from the people who stood on the sidelines as Israel was first created. Why was it up to an actively traumatized people who had very recently (and after a continuous 2,000 year period of expulsions and pogroms and murders) been slaughtered on an industrial scale to somehow create a perfect and stable government in a land where people despised them?
The world needs to own up to the fact that everything that ever went wrong in Israel’s creation is a direct result of the continuous and still ongoing contempt for Jews by all the other countries that could have stepped in to help and provide Jews with a guarantee of safety at any time in the last 2,000 years in general but also since 1934 specifically. And you didn’t. Your great grandparents and grandparents and parents all didn’t do jack shit. And you are following in their footsteps. You are all doing just as they did: standing on the sidelines and heckling the Jews you don’t like for fighting back too aggressively.
But what exactly have you or anyone else done to help Jews in your communities or in Israel to not feel like caged animals forced to fight for survival? Like wild beasts you let loose for slaughter in a coliseum for your own enjoyment? At what point have you worked to provide Jews with other options? How have you made the Jews in your life feel safe or seen during this time? How have you started to deconstruct the harmful anti-Jewish bias you inherited from the people you love?
Is it ok that Netanyahu and the Likud government is bombing Palestine to the extent it is currently doing? Of course not. And I’ll never say otherwise.
But aside from yelling “hey stop it!” at Israel or “you’re complicit!” at Jews who fail to join your chanting, what exactly have you done at any point since this started to make the world safer for any of us?
Because from what I can see, the vast majority of you have done nothing. And every Jew I’ve spoken to in the last half a year has seen the exact same nothing.
Too many of you are too concerned with being on the right side of history. Most of you aren’t famous actors or musicians or whatever. Most of you are just people. History won’t remember you individually. Who knows what history will say about the movements of which you were a part? My guess is that you’ll be called passionate and outraged and sympathetic, but ultimately disorganized and misguided.
But you know who will remember you? Every Jew you’ve encountered since 10/7. We will remember each individual we saw who celebrated our death or ghosted us or made us feel unwelcome in our own lives.
We will remember you forever. And not fondly.
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ryomku · 25 days
yellow flowers - kamo choso
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synopsis: “when a person gives you yellow flowers it means they want to stop wasting time and spend their lives together with you”.
tags: choso x reader, fem! reader, fluff, aged up characters, college au!, no curses au!, use of y/n
a/n: i know nothing of nursing nor am i a nurse student or stuff like that so there might be some mistakes on choso´s career, idk it's like 1am and i'm crying
a/n 2: i’m mostly doing this after the leaks of chapter 259 cause i'm still crying and i need something soft in my life right now, this is based on a real experience, sorry if there's any typos english is not my first language
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As someone who has never received flowers their whole life you don't get the appeal of such displays of affection, dads giving flowers to moms, boyfriends giving chocolate to their girlfriends, you just didn't see the need for such things.
In your eyes this was something unnecessary and silly, your parents never showed affection towards each other, in reality the only interactions they had were arguments which always occurred very early in the morning, at the hours where everyone is meant to be asleep and that you couldn't help but overhear.
Since they always talked about you and your problems that don't really exist, they were just looking for an excuse to say what they really think about each other.
As time went by you just didn't pay attention to any of those things, you had a very neutral opinion about flower giving, yet there were people who said, “You're a pretty girl. How come you've never received flowers before?” Genuinely you didn't know what to answer since you don't have low self-esteem and you love yourself the way you are because there's nothing wrong with the way you look or feel, so it was something that could not be answered.
Yet on valentine's day one of your friends gave you and your girl friends some plastic roses as a token of appreciation and it genuinely surprised you because for many years (or your entire life) you've never received gifts on valentine's, it was a nice gesture you though you thought it might be the last time you get a flower.
You were proven wrong.
On September of last year you met Choso Kamo on the bus you took on the way to college he was a nursing student, more specifically a phlebotomy technician, in your life have you ever seen someone so passionate about their career, the way in which he spoke about every detail regarding his classes it was hypnotizing it drew you in, suddenly you became friends and later one he introduced you to his friend group.
Soon enough it was a new year full of new classes, new teachers and the same friend group that had your back.
Time flies fast they say and suddenly it's March 21st and somehow the entire campus is covered in yellow. Wherever you walked there was people selling bouquets of sunflowers and daisies, girls all dolled up in pretty dresses, guys wasting ridiculous amounts of money on flower bouquets or in plushies it was weird something wasn't adding up.
What festivity happens today? The thought flooded your mind, you felt and looked clueless about the things that were happening around, still there's no time to waste cuz classes start soon.
10:00 am
Luckily the philosophy of education class was a free hour since the teacher didn't show up, there were so many things you can do in a free hour like eating, sleeping or just hanging out with friends and forcefully you had to choose the last one, against your own will.
“Heh Y/N could you come real quick to the cafeteria near the med students building?” Was the message that Yuki sent you a couple minutes ago.
In your way to said building more couples hugging and kissing surrounded the entire campus, it was getting too uncomfortable with how intense some of them were kissing in public.
Upon arriving at the cafeteria you spotted your friends quickly noticing two flower bouquets in front of Choso.
“Those flowers must be for his siblings. Didn't know Yuuji liked flowers so much.”
That's what anyone would think because since you met Choso he always spoke highly and dearly of his brothers, they were his entire life and his reason for becoming a nurse aside from his interest in the career.
Seeing how Choso cares about his siblings is another thing added to the mental list of things you like about him. Is there someone out there who doesn't have a crush on him? Cuz you find that hard to believe, just by feeling the way you felt nervous and the butterflies in your belly would be going crazy every time he talks to you.
Liking Choso was inevitable, like a storm or a hurricane, it was just meant to happen.
Liking Choso was something that involuntarily at this point in your head was always his face, his voice and even the small hugs he gave you every morning upon arriving at college.
Liking Choso was unexpected, you always thought that you might never have someone to like in your life since you didn't want to end up like your parents, living in an unhappy marriage full of arguments and sadness.
Liking Choso makes you feel human.
‘’Hi Y/N! What took you so long?’’ said Yuki as she moved her backpack to give you space to sit down next to her.
‘’Stupid philosophy teacher didn’t even send a message in time and had us waiting like idiots outside of his classroom.’’ You said as you sat down beside your blonde friend.
‘’Y/N here you go.’’ Gojo (your other friend) handed you a package of cookies.
‘’Why are you giving me cookies?’’ As you ask you gave him and Geto (who was handing you a bag of candies) a pointed look.
‘’Just cuz we want to and because you’re a good friend and we appreciate you.’’ Weirded out you accepted the gifts.
As you turned to put the gifts in your bag they drifted off to a conversation with Shoko, Nanami and Haibara though your attention was caught by the flowers displayed on the tablet in front of Choso the curiosity was eating you up.
Somehow Choso was a lot quieter than usual, which is fair enough he is really quiet and only gives his opinion or joins the conversation when he feels like it yet today not only was he quiet, he seemed uncomfortable and it was very clear, his facial expressions gave it away.
Suddenly Yuki stands up and walks behind Choso grabbing his wrist and guiding his hand towards one of the flower bouquets, in unison the rest of your friend group starts laughing while Gojo being the menace he is, starts recording everything.
‘’Come on man we all know you are a coward and if we don’t help you’re never gonna give her the flowers.’’ Said Yuki while laughing and giving you a smirk.
‘’Hold o-on Yuki! I don’t wanna do it with a-all of you here!!’’ Choso started to pull his hand away from the flowers all while his face gained a red hue and stuttered.
You gave all of them a questioning look. Choso was gonna give someone flowers? Did he like someone? If so, who was it? Was it a friend of yours? Or was it someone you don’t know of?
Questions filled your head as a sudden feeling of uneasiness gained a hold of your heart, it was kinda stupid that you thought someone like Choso might like you back, you hated the attitude you had with people, sometimes you would come off as rude or at worst having a potty mouth which you only spoke like that with close friend, Choso being one of them, probably your carefree attitude and shity mouth drove him away or he generally just didn’t like you as a person.
Maybe he never noticed you at all.
It only hurts because you thought he might like you due to the shyness he had around you which you liked a lot, even your friends would tease you both, while it made you giddy inside you never really knew if Choso felt the same way.
Now that you think about it the teasing started with Geto and Haibara saying Choso wanted to take you out to the movies, that never happened, the only reaction you both had was pure laughter.
You were so out of it drowning in your thoughts that you didn’t notice Choso grabbing the flowers and standing in front of you, flowers in hand and a blush on his tattooed face while he handed you the flowers.
‘’These are for you Y/N I hope you like them.’’ He gave you the flowers while looking away.
That made you snap out of it.
Choso, he gave you yellow flowers.
Choso’s face was a poem, truely. You looked so shocked, that he started to question if buying you flowers was a good idea.
Did you not like them?
Were the flowers too simple?
The thought of you rejecting him crossed his head. What was he going to do if you rejected him? It was going to be so embarrassing, he was gonna be rejected in front of the whole cafeteria, that only increased his anxiety.
Suddenly his ears were blessed with your soft laughter, his heart fluttered.
Your beautiful smile, the soft laughter and the cute blush in your cheeks made the anxiety go away, then he saw the most in love look in your eyes. Oh, how he loved your eyes, he could get lost in them for hours.
He felt a pair of arms around his neck in a warm embrace, all he could hear was a soft whisper.
‘’Thank you, Choso.’’
His arms circled around your waist holding you in a gentle hug, his warm hands rubbing circles, he didn’t even notice that he no longer had the flowers in his hands.
‘’Y/N I like you.’’ His smooth and deep voice whispered in your ear, the warmth in your cheeks increased.
‘’I like you too Choso.’’
They say that when a person gives you yellow flowers it means they want to stop wasting time and spend their lives together with you, and Choso knew since the moment he saw you that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
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piwstri4 · 6 months
gossip | op81
pairing: bf!oscar piastri x college student!gf!reader
summary: oscar's fangirls love to hate, oscar just loves.
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and others
ynacc you think your life is hard? i've had to watch my bf's last 12 races on tv bc i had exams and expos
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user1 can u imagine being yn and complain abt your boyfriend doing his work?
user2 when tf did she complain abt oscar doing his job??
user3 atp yall just love to hate her fr
user4 poor girl has to go to college cuz she doesn't know when will her bf leave her
user5 bestie maybe focus on your own life?
user6 shouldn't she be studying or something?
user7 girl I WISH i had her problems
user8 i love that she follows his races even when she's busy<3
user9 fr i love her sm
user10 can u imagine having yn as ur gf? oscar living the dream fr
oscarpiastri miss u :((
ynacc miss u too:((
landonorris you two are disgusting
user11 lol lando saying what we all wanted to say
francisca.cgomes hits close to home
ynacc can we start like a wags support group?
carmenmmundt i agree
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilymhe and others
ynacc i 💥 miss 💥 you 💥 every 💥 day 💥 (last fucking race!!!)
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landonorris "thank you lando for sending me pics of my bf every hour so i stop complaining abt him not replying to my texts"
ynacc yea ty ig
landonorris not giving u a single pic anymore
oscarpiastri i miss you every second
ynacc no i miss u more
maxfewtrell thank god it's the last fucking race
ynacc lando's taking the first plane to you dont worry he told me
maxfewtrell i just want u to stop whining in the gc
user1 so lando and max actually confirmed she's fucking annoying ��🏽‍♀️
user2 cant believe oscar still wants her around
user3 im so sure her bf's w her out of pity
user4 yn's personal account or an oscar piastri fan account we'll never know
user5 i love how in love she is 😭😭
user6 since when does she socialize w max tho?
user7 childhood friends with lando, friends with max by default
user8 they cant get rid of her now
user9 shouldnt you be like...... doing college stuff......
user10 not even her friends stand her lmao
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liked by ynacc, logansargeant and others
oscarpiastri end of season. (i love you)
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landonorris where tf are the tulips i paid them myself??????
oscarpiastri shut up
ynacc omg first time u paid for something!!
user1 oscar's being held at gunpoint
user2 girl the grip wont make him stay lol
user3 they're lovely together!! 💕
ynacc love u more<3
oscarpiastri lies
user4 ofc u do cant you see his face lmao
logansargeant you both look fire!
oscarpiastri 🔥
user5 yn so annoying she forced him to go on a date as soon as oscar left the car
user6 where the fuck does all the hate come from??
user7 girl wtf yall dont know shit abt their relationship
user8 im so sorry for yn imagine having to deal with all the fangirls bitching her out
user9 they went hiking together 😭😭😭
user10 literal goals
New notification from Instagram
Check out these new stories!
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell and others
ynacc they hate us cause they ain't us
the original poster limits who can comment
oscarpiastri they hate you cause i love you
maxfewtrell not as romantic as u think it is!!!
ynacc they can keep on hating as long as u keep loving me
maxfewtrell thanks max for the picture
ynacc thnx max 4 the pic, would've loved it if u let us eat alone!!
landonorris now that's what i call being ungrateful
landonorris nice tulips and nice dinner (dont appreciate having to see my teammate every time im over)
ynacc then dont come over when im on dates w my bf 😜😜
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liked by ynacc, landonorris and others
oscarpiastri Sip the gossip, drink till you choke.
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ynacc by maneskin babe!!!!
oscarpiastri you know i love you right?
ynacc of course sweetie ily2
user1 oscar shutting up yn haters we love to see it!!
landonorris you two are fucking cut for each other
oscarpiastri ty i know
landonorris because neither of you give photo credits you muppet
user2 man said keep talking we dont give a shit<3
user3 his fans are literally his paycheck he should watch his mouth
user4 you talk as if he wasn't a whole ass f1 driver, oscar's merch are just a side hustle
user5 this man has a job driving an expensive and elite car, his fans dont pay shit compared to his sponsors/team
user6 cant believe he's risking his career for a slag
landonorris lol get a fucking life kid
user7 lando saying what we all wanted to say
maxfewtrell about time mate, 📸 by lando
oscarpiastri yeah yeah whine about it
landonorris fucking finally thank you
ynacc now kiss!!
user8 why does she look so......
user9 ugly?
user10 ordinary?
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and others
ynacc Thank you so much to my best buddies and my love! Even if the three of you showed up on joggers and hoodies, i love you to the moon and back<3 (max and oscar helped w the project too)
the original poster limits who can comment
oscarpiastri you told me no suit and tie 😡😡
ynacc bc it wasn't a wedding (would've appreciated a nice shirt tho)
oscarpiastri noted 👍🏼
landonorris dont call oscar your buddy :((
ynacc didn't i tell you? you're the buddy now :((
oscarpiastri im her love, buddy 😘
maxfewtrell i thought i was your love?
ynacc u're someone else's love watch your mouth mr fewtrell
lilymhe Congrats! Your pres looked amazing🤩
ynacc Aww thanks sweetie ily<3
lilymhe <3
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liked by ynacc, yukitsunoda0511 and others
oscarpiastri forever in love with you, my little artist.
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ynacc i cant find the words to tell you how much i love loving you
oscarpiastri ❤️
ynacc ❤️
user1 i'm 100% sure oscar likes to watch ppl fight for their lives on the comments
user2 no bc yn limits her comments section and oscar just drops shit like this and forces us to swallow their love
user3 im sure he let's people comment to block their haters
user4 no bc im sure that's the reason they get less hate now (on oscar's acc)
user5 no bc lando has three cups on his last post, they were helping yn with this 😭😭
user6 max too, yn said it in her post 😭
user7 Verstappen????
user6 fewtrell lmao
landonorris aww you bought the bouquet yourself this time!
ynacc piss off<3
landonorris ily2
zhouguanyu24 🔥
user8 he's so fucking supportive wtf
user9 love to see less hate comments after his last post
user10 someone said he keeps the comments open to block ppl lol i love his pettiness
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liked by ynacc, zhouguanyu24 and others
oscarpiastri my girlfriend shines, after all this time.
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user1 remember ladies if wanted to he would
ynacc i only asked for you to love me back
oscarpiastri i only asked for you to love me
user2 i love a hate-free comment section<3
user3 dad loves mom!!
caiocollet sir mister is ✨in love✨
user4 she's gorgeous how tf were there ppl hating on her???
user5 idk if i wanna be yn or oscar
user6 he. gets. her. flowers. all. the. fucking. time
ynacc yes he does 🥰🥰
ynacc alternatively: three times oscar gave me flowers out of nowhere
user7 yn is so fucking lucky
user8 oscar is so fucking lucky
user9 they are both fucking lucky
user10 real question can they fight?
user11 pr knocking on his door fr
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liked by oscarpiastri, francisca.cgomes and others
ynacc kiss me hard before you go because missing you is never easy. (📸 by max and lando)
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oscarpiastri a kiss for every flower seems fair
ynacc i'll start giving you flowers because we're gonna be short on kisses.
oscarpiastri i can give you flowers all my life if they make you happy
landonorris all it took for you to learn how to give credits was for me to go back to monaco
ynacc how did u know i did it cuz i miss u?
landonorris please tell me i dont have to kiss you
ynacc thank god i actually like u being away
user1 people actually hated on THIS RELATIONSHIP???
user2 fr they look so cute
user3 oscar fangirls are fucking weird
maxfewtrell omg first time u give credits!! kids grow up so fast
ynacc i'll untag you.
maxfewtrell you wouldn't
user4 her fighting w lando and max 😭😭😭😭
user5 she's everything and he's just
lilymhe can your boyfriend fight?
ynacc can yours?
user6 they've been dating for a bit more than a year and oscar has given her flowers AT LEAST 7 times.
user7 he's raising the bar for us
user8 just so yall learn to not settle for less
user9 am i allowed to say that i love them?
user10 god im grateful for the ynoscar blocklist
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whore-era · 1 year
collage!ellie x reader hcs? <3
a/n: im gonna assume u meant college!ellie so HERE IT GOES just for you anon friend <3 sorry for how short it is kfkdkkd
tlou 2 university: college!ellie x reader headcanons <3 18+
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i have a feeling ellie is either a biology major, engineering major, or a physics/astrophysics major (cuz our girl loooves space), meaning she's extremely intelligent and does very well in class!! she's always answering the professor's questions, taking notes, paying attention. when you struggle with any science/math related subjects, she's ALWAYS willing to tutor you. but, this doesn't mean she's just gonna give you the answers, she's gonna make sure you actually learn and study, even using any means possible — like having you strip off a piece of clothing every time you get an answer wrong and making it a fun time for the both of you.
when you have important projects/papers/quizzes/exams to do that day, she'll make sure to send an encouraging message. don't get me wrong, she always does, but on especially important days like these, she'll always make sure to send an extra special one <3 'good morning baby! you're gonna fucking KILL this chemistry exam babe! you worked your ass off and you're gonna do amazing and get the highest score ❤️ i love you my smart girl let me know what you get when you're done' 'ty els <3 i love you most babe ! i'm abt to start talk to u laterrrr 🏃🏻‍♀️'
ellie will always fulfill her girlfriend duties and walk you to and pick you from classes! even tho she's always a tiny bit late because your class was all the way across campus from hers, but she wants to make sure you're protected and safe so she doesn't care either way! and she'll always carry your books for you, making sure you don't strain or 'hurt' yourself (her words not yours). "els, i have two, capable working arms!!" you whine, as she takes the textbook off your hands, "and so? what if you get a muscle spasm? or you sprain your hand?" she retorts, "by a two pound book?" ellie shrugs, "the possibility is never zero, babe."
when ellie has a project or an essay to work on, it'll be a little difficult to reach her as she gets in the zone when she's working. you'll probably send her some texts throughout the day to check in on her, but as the day progresses you'll find yourself worrying and thinking about stopping by her dorm with dinner because you already know she hadn't ate all day from being cooped up in her room typing away:
you - 9:30 am: els! just got out of class!! gnna go get some lunch w jesse :) hope ur doin okay <3
you - 11:45 am: miss u babe hope ur work is coming along great !!!
you - 2:21 pm: havent heard from u......kinda worried....hope u have been eating n staying hydrated missy >:(
you - 5:56 pm: ok i'm On my way! to ur dorm rn w/ dinner i already know u haven't ate yet n ur gonna feel my wrath
you - 5:56 pm: ignore that extremely enthusiastic On my way! it autocorrected im still mad at u
hearing the booming pounding on her door, ellie takes off her earbuds and walks to the door, opening it. to her surprise, you're standing there, take-out in hand, and a grumpy expression gracing your face. "do you know what time it is? have you even ate yet, ellie williams-miller?" ellie grimaces at the sound of her full, government name leaving your lips. "i'm so sorry, babe. i was working all day, i didn't even realize how much time had passed 'til you showed up," ellie mutters, her stomach grumbling on cue. you hand her the take-out from her favorite spot on campus, and she graciously takes it from your hands. "you better be thankful you have a very caring and worrisome girlfriend, els," you say, "i really missed you today." a smile curls on ellie's lips, "i know, baby. here, let me take a little break from my paper, and i'll make it up to you, yeah?"
and that night, ellie was extremely thankful she worked on most of her paper, as she completely disregarded anymore work as she decided she'd rather fulfill her appetite by eating you out instead. leaving her take-out cold and untouched. but hey, she held her part of the deal and indeed made it up to you.
that was also how 5 papers ended up taped up against her dorm-room door, complaining of the 'fucking loud ass moans' the morning after.
"how'd they even know it was us?" ellie queries, reading over the complaints. "oh wait, it says here 'please tell your girlfriend to keep it down. she was screaming your name all night. thank you for reminding us who lives in dorm 114.'" needless to say, you were red as a tomato and it gutted you to leave her dorm, feeling everyone's eyes on you as you walked down the hall.
let me know if yall would like more college!ellie hcs!! <3
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captainmalewriter · 1 year
Founding Frat Father
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"Whewww FUCK yeah bro! Feels good to be a part of Alpha Alpha Beta! I gotta go recruit some more brothers, then we can party all night at the house!!"
"Cody" hyped himself up in the mirror. He looked, sounded, and acted just like a typical American frat bro. It'd be hard to believe only an hour or two ago, Cody was actually a computer science nerd who absolutely hated fraternities...
Earlier that same day...
Cody couldn't help but pat himself on the back as he watched the last moving truck drive away from the frat house. He had been hard at work for the past year and a half getting rid of all the fraternities at his college. Some were easy to get rid of, others required Cody to join and dismantle the organization from the inside out. It took him a lot of time and energy, but now that the only remaining members of Alpha Alpha Beta had moved out, the last frat standing had no choice but to disband.
"Ha! Checkmate, losers, and don't let the door hit you on the way out!"
Cody walked around the now empty frat house with a newfound confidence in his step. As he looked around the barren walls and empty rooms, it hit him just how much he accomplished within the last year. He couldn't stand the frats. In his mind, all frat bros did was party, drink, work out, and fuck. Cody made it his mission to get rid of the frats. He had a goal, and he accomplished it.
As Cody picked up his suitcase, he felt that he could breathe a lot easier now that the all the frats were gone. No need to worry about some jock bullying the little nerds like him anymore. Life was looking up for him! Cody then began walking towards the front door, but as he approached the exit, the doors suddenly slammed shut in front of him.
Where the fuck do you think you're going?
Cody heard a deep voice and quickly stepped back. His eyes darted around the room but saw no one.
"Who are you? Show yourself!" Cody called out. He was met with an arrogant, hearty laugh.
I thought you were supposed to be some know-it-all genius! All that studying didn't mean shit in the end, huh? Why, you're only as smart as the rest of us!
Cody kept scanning the room while the voice belittled him. His eyes then landed on the center of the main living room, where the former Alpha Alpha Beta's insignia was still painted on the ground. The insignia was the fraternity's code of arms, and it had all the names of the founding fathers written on it like scripture. Cody was standing directly on it, and that was where he heard the voice the strongest.
"Oh, don't tell me. You're some fraternity bro spirit that's here to haunt me after what I did. Ooooo I'm soooo scared!!" Cody mocked the voice back. The voice went silent while Cody laughed. Only after he stopped did it resume.
The founding fathers had a vision of genuine, hardworking men that were bound by brotherhood. All you see is the fun stuff and you knock us down because of that. Sure, some brothers may go a little overboard, but we also install the values of philanthropy in these young men-
"Is this gonna keep going for a while?" Cody feigned a yawn. "I've got a bus to catch, so I can't stay for much longer."
You listen here, boy! Over my dead body are you just gonna leave after destroying what we've built up! You destroyed it, now you're gonna help us rebuild it!
"Ha! Yeah, totally, and who exactly are you supposed to be? Cuz I ain't helping you do shit!"
I am one of the original founding fathers Andrew D. Matthews, and you're about to be our new founding father!!
A man's head popped out of the ground. The sight of it made Cody scream in terror. The spirit then rose from the ground and made a beeline for Cody's gaping mouth. Cody fell to the floor as Andrew began forcing its way inside of him. He gagged as he felt his mouth and throat getting filled to the brim with the spirit. Andrew slithered its way down Cody, taking control of every cell in his body as it passed them by. Then with one final shlurp, Cody inhaled the tail of the spirit against his will. He kneeled over unconscious onto the ground.
Cody's scrawny body began to inflate now that it was taken over by the spirit. The liquidy spirit filled him up like water. Once Andrew got settled into its vessel, he began transforming the body. Suddenly, Cody's body began taking on muscle mass all over. He was once thin and frail, but now he was toned all over. His baby face disappeared as a thick black beard began growing in. Within minutes, Cody had become an exact replica of the spirit who possessed him.
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"Fuck yeah! Feels so good to have real flesh again!!" Andrew said with his new host body. He had successfully possessed and transformed Cody to look like his old body back when he was alive. He rubbed his pecs and gave his growing cock a tug through his shorts. He ran his hand through his beard, and felt right at home as he felt his fingers getting caught in black curls.
Andrew caught a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror, and proceeded to smirk and flex for the mirror. At the end of the day, he applauded Cody for all the hard work he put into disbanding all the fraternities. But unfortunately for Cody, as long the spirits of the founding fathers were still around, the fraternities were never gonna go away. And now that Cody was possessed by one of them, he had no choice but to sit back in his own subconscious and watch as his own body was forced to bring back the frats.
"Alright, time to get to work."
Andrew took a moment to focus his mind. He then proceeded to transform his fleshie vessel back into Cody's image, although with some body adjustments of course. Cody was no longer a skinny computer nerd, he was now a bonafide jockhead and a founding father for the next class of Alpha Alpha Beta.
"Cody" threw on a baseball cap, gave himself a wink in the mirror, then waltzed out the front door, ready to recruit more men into the fraternity. Alpha Alpha Beta would return to its former glory, no matter what.
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onlylovingstrangers · 2 years
HOW THEY RESPOND TO “Why do you like me?” FT. KUROO & BOKUTO
You're out at girls’ night, and for once nobody’s up for getting trashed. Possibly cause for once, the four of you are simultaneously in happy, stable relationships. Instead of going through the ritual of pre-gaming, bar-hopping, and regretting it all the next morning, you visit the same k-bbq restaurant that you’ve been going to since your college days and gossip over soju and pork belly.
And because for once, the four of you are simultaneously in happy, stable relationships, the topic of your partners comes up. Of course it does; how could it not?
Yukie comes up with the idea. Text your boyfriend one line: “Why do you like me?” and put your phones in the center of the table. Whoever gets a reply first picks up the bill. It’s so cheesy, you all want to die from the middle school relationship-esque cheesiness, but on the flip side you all are equally invested. “This better not be the reason for any break ups,” your roommate Mikan warns.
Why do you like me? 
Kuroo stares at the message for a few seconds, confirms he’s read it right, and throws his head back to laugh goofily. He stops, checks his screen again. The words remain unchanged. Another silly, stupid laugh wrestles its way into the world.
“Anything you want to share with the rest of us?” Kenma remarks placidly. “This is a company dinner, as you know.”
The words go in one ear and out the other. Kuroo thinks. There are so many reasons why he likes, no, loves you. The way you sleep like a Rockette frozen mid step. The way you manage to get rice grains stuck on your cheek every meal. The way you pretend not to be jealous when girls check him out at the gym. The way you get so excited at online shopping sales, even though he tells you every time that you’re only saving a few dollars.
How shall he respond? Which answer would please you the most?
“Ignore him,” Kenma says to the table. “Just go on eating.”
At the restaurant, the anticipation is killing you all. “What the hell is he doing,” Hotaru mutters. “Certainly not saving the world?”
A phone dings. The four of you leap into motion. “It’s yours,” Yukie says, half admiring, half jealous. 
“That took what, like a minute?” Mikan says, laughing.
The girls crowd over your shoulder to read his response.
Tetsurou: Cuz you’re pretty. :)
You’re bored. Dangerously bored. As in, the last time you were this bored you cut your own bangs, and let’s just say for the subsequent six or so months going out was physically painful. 
The thing is, it’s way too late to go out but way too early to go to bed. In the past you’ve been able to stave off boredom by binging your favorite series or reading a book, but you’re still waiting for all the episodes of the new season to come out before you get emotionally invested, and your oaf of a boyfriend, lovable as he is, spoiled the ending of the novel you were reading and now you simply can’t move on.
“That’s right,” you say out loud. “I have a boyfriend!”
Let’s see, you think. What should you say? What are you curious about?
“Why... do... you... like... me,” Bokuto reads aloud, then clutches his phone to his chest. His heart melts. So does his face.
“Aww,” Hinata melts a little too.
“Bet ya that was from his girlfriend,” Atsumu says, stretching the syllables. “Bokkun, that was from yer girlfriend, right?”
“You’re a genius,” Sakusa remarks drily.
“Hey! Don’t think I can’t understand yer sarcasm!”
“It’s a bonus when you do understand.” “What are you gonna say, Bokuto-senpai?” Hinata asks. 
Oh right, he forgot to reply! Bokuto quickly rearranges himself so that he is looking at the screen once more. Hmm, what should he say? If it were Akaashi, he would recite some fancy-shmancy quote that expressed poignant feelings of love. If it were Tsukishima, he’d be all prickly and say something snarky that still conveyed the depths of his emotion. But he’s not Akaashi or Tsukki, he’s Bokuto. And you aren’t Akaashi’s or Tsukki’s, you’re his.
The thought of you being his — in his bed snoring, in his boxers making breakfast, in his family home joking around with his sisters — positively melts him once more. He can almost grasp the images to come, the pictures that flirt right at the edges of his mind, making him reach: you in a wedding dress coming down the aisle. You holding a baby that has your eyes, his hair. You waiting on the porch swing as he brings out mugs of steaming hot tea and a blanket, watching the sunset.
Your phone pings. It’s been a few minutes. You figure Bokuto’s been typing a whole essay. But instead, just one line of text appears. One line of text that makes your heart flutter anyways.
Koutarou: Let’s get married.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Down the Drain- Barista!San x Female!Reader (College AU)
San has literally said he likes the idea of being a barista so here you go Sannie boy 😘😂 first time getting one of the boys as a barista hehe. Also, we’ve all had that professor 💀
Word Count: 2571 | College AU | Warnings: very slight language, me throwing in a blackpink reference cuz we love the bangers 😌
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All your money was going to go down the drain. You couldn’t believe your campus had found yet another way to scam you. Yet you couldn’t really find it in yourself to complain this time. You knew they had to know exactly what they were doing, though. Whether it worker or not, your eyes were on them.
That day, you’d decided to make a rare stop at the campus café for a cold drink; it was just one of those days, a long one that could use a little refreshing pick-me-up, and you really didn’t take advantage of there being student baristas right around the corner of a big study floor enough. As per usual, the line was sort of long, but not out to the door, and you had a few hours of classes, so in went the airpods as you stood, trying not to stare at the girl in front of you’s bright pink backpack with its dangly Kuromi keychain the whole time. You did wonder where she got it from, though.
Two songs later, you were next, pulling your airpods out and popping them into your case as you glanced up toward the barista counter. And that was where you saw your campus’s latest scam.
Cafés hiring hot people was the biggest money pit ever and they knew it. The guy working the left register had your heart pounding the moment you laid eyes on him. He was average height with short dark hair, sharp eyes and even sharper cheekbones. The way his arms flexed from their rolled-up sleeves made you suspect he was quite fit beneath the oversized black button-up beneath his apron. As he waved to Kuromi girl, he gave a dazzlingly bright smile. Oh, no, he had dimples. Come on.
“I can help you right here.”
Snapping out of your reverie, you stepped forward to his register. San, his name was, according to the handwritten chalk name tag pinned onto his green apron fabric. Suddenly, you could hardly remember how to speak. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi.” There went that smile again. Sir, your mother must be proud. “What can I get started for you?”
“Oh, well, I…” Internally you cursed yourself for stuttering so much, but finally you remembered the name of your favorite iced drink.
“That’s a good one! Have you ever tried it with flavoring in it?”
“No,” you shook your head, “I haven’t.” You were a creature of habit, pretty much reciting the same thing every time you approached the register.
“You should! It’s so good!”
You asked him which one he recommended, and after he told you you inquired how much extra it was.
“Since you’ve never tried it and it’s my fault you are,” he chuckled, “I’ll just throw it in for free!”
And he wasn’t even a dickish frat boy. Great. “Wow, thank you!”
“Hey, it’s my pleasure, er…what’s your name?”
“It’s (y/n).”
“(y/n),” he repeats as he scribbles it on your cup and sets it down, and you hate that he even makes that sound good, “well, I hope you like your drink like this, (y/n)!”
“I’m sure I will,” you reply with a smile as you return San’s wave, heart leaping as he follows the gesture with running a hand through his shiny black locks.
Curse that café for making you spend money.
Two days later, you had the same class schedule, that same long break, and what the heck, why not see if San was working? It was kind of stupid how much you looked forward to the possibility of seeing him, you mused as you passed beneath the green rows of trees planted along the walkway, but that didn’t really change the feeling, so along you went with your stupid hopes of coinciding schedules.
The line was, once again, not quite to the door. Pretty good. This time, the girl in front of you had a blink hammer keychain, so you chatted with her for a bit. Apparently her name was Rina and she was an engineering major. Good for her. San called you up by the time you guys finished exchanging socials, mouth falling into an o shape the moment you stepped up.
Your heartbeat went erratic again, momentary friendship and engineering talk distracting you from preparing intelligent conversation like you told yourself you were going to.
“(y/n), right?”
Your jaw dropped. “Oh, uh, yeah. I can’t believe you remembered with all the people you see in a day!”
“I try to remember people. Plus, you tried my concoction, so that was extra memorable!”
Well, whatever made you memorable. “I’m good with names, too. I remember yours.”
He clapped a hand over his name tag. “What is it?”
“San!” You giggled.
“Be honest, was it the free add-in?”
You shook your head, grip tightening on your backpack straps. “I would have remembered anyway.”
Luckily, he smiled at that. “I’m glad. Well, what am I getting started today?”
There you were again. All your income going down the drain.
“Hey, (y/n)!”
“Hey, San!” You waved; your heart still had a few things to say about that dimpled smile and- as you saw on the day he wore a t-shirt, your suspicions confirmed- those arms, but by now you’ve become enough of a regular at the campus café that talking to the incredibly cute barista was practically part of your weekly assignments.
“Is it hot outside?”
“Not too bad,” you replied, “I think the weather people over-exaggerated. It’s, like, short sleeves and jeans weather.”
“Not long sleeves and shorts weather?” San teased.
“Short sleeves and jeans weather and long sleeves and shorts weather are different and you know it!”
San’s dark, shiny eyes drifted upward in thought. “You know what? They really are. Jeans one is more on the warm side, sleeves is more on the chilly.”
“See? Thank you. You appreciate me.”
“I always do, (y/n),” San agreed with a nod, setting your cup on the counter, “my favorite regular!”
“Oh, you have to say that to everyone,” you waved him off with a blush.
“I don’t have to say anything except ‘What can I get started for you?’”
“Well, thanks,” you giggled, pulling off to sit on the café couch and fake-scroll instagram while you snuck surreptitious glances at San.
Soon the harsh fluorescent institutional lights of your college’s building complex didn’t seem so bright, your focus having been centralized for a little too long. You’d ordered a drink with whipped cream on top, and the way the baristas deftly handled the compressed canisters, loading them into an actual whipped cream gun, made you almost want to become one.
Maybe you’d apply once that huge project for history was done. The next day, you planned on shopping for materials in order to build it at a table in the library on the following Monday. It was an insanely elaborate diorama that probably would have been more fun if the entire unit wasn’t crammed into two weeks’ time. You didn’t generally have any problems with your professor, but couldn’t help wondering if he’d lost his mind with that one.
Oh, well. If he wanted all those countries to have a ‘history tower’ as he called them, then you’d give him a history tower. The toweriest darn history tower he could ask for…or whatever would earn you praise and an A.
“(y/n)?” San’s voice cut through your historic reverie.
Shaking your head, you grabbed your backpack and rose from the couch once more, crossing the forest green tile floor to the drink drop-off. “Sorry, I was just thinking about assignments and stuff.”
“Oh, yeah, I totally get it, my dance class is getting intense with the choreographies we have to make. I almost gave someone who ordered a hot cocoa someone else’s strawberry smoothie earlier I was so distracted.”
Dance class? Choreography? At this point, it was practically a drinking game for ever time your brain dropped a wow. “Oh, that’s really cool. Mine’s just a history diorama,” you chuckle.
“On what?”
“The Netherlands of all places.”
“That’s so cool! I don’t know much about them, so maybe you can teach me.”
“I’ll do my best. It’ll be a crash course for sure- not exactly my specialty.”
“Well, whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll do great,” he told you warmly before his coworker handed him another drink; he gave you an apologetic glance. “I have a large cafe latte for Omar!”
You waved.
“See you next week,” he loudly whispered with a wink.
Next week was a bit different than your usual café run. This time, you’d been long situated at a library table, an intensely focused mess of glue, toothpicks, printed photos, paragraphs, drawings, plastic, and far, far too much more. You were going to build that tower until it broke you, then get some sugar, caffeine, and whatever adrenaline boost the glow in your heart from San gave you, then build some more. So far, it was murder to get the thing to stand despite its plastic supports. It was far later in the afternoon than you usually even got a drink, but such was a three-dimensional cultural history of the Netherlands.
“Aw, come on,” you muttered as a paragraph about Dutch paintings- Vanitas still lives, ironically- slid off its toothpick, “you were just fine a minute ago.”
It was sliding off the plastic dowels you were using to hold up the miniature spire. Sighing, you affixed it to a papier-mâché flower instead. This was ridiculous; you were busting your ass over basically a high school assignment all because your teacher wanted to send you off on your own for two weeks. Maybe, you thought venomously, he should have gotten caught up on grading papers so he could treat us like adults in return. Yeah, the fun had definitely leaked out of the project along with the last milliliter of glue, probably because it was individual. If you had a partner, you reflected as you crumpled more paper and cut another dowel.
Little did you know the effect that dowel would have on your day. As soon as you lifted your tower to insert it, a flower drifted ominously down. Your gaze softened. You blinked as a paragraph fell.
“No,” you whispered, but it was too late. The entire top decoration slid out along with the main support dowel, flopping miserably onto the table. Face crumpling, you joined it.
Bringing yourself to lift your head up was going to be hard. This was a whole day’s work down the drain. You just needed a good grade, wanted to do well and have something cute and fun, but all your energy had gone to-
You peeled your face from between your crossed, horizontally-lain arms, despondent eyes falling upon San. You perked up slightly, getting your hair in place even if you could only muster a small smile. It didn’t escape your notice that he had a drink in each hand, but wasn’t wearing his apron. Maybe he had a date or a study session or something. If you weren’t already sad, you might’ve been at that.
“I saw how hard you were working on that,” he pouted, “I made you a drink to celebrate and everything.”
“You- you made that for me?” You asked, nodding toward what appeared to be your usual in his left hand.
“Of course. You’ve earned it. Working hard and all that.”
“Yeah,” you waved an arm over the carnage on the table, “but look at where that got me. I can’t believe I thought I had it.”
“Well,” San pushed back the chair next to yours, “I always say these things are more fun with a partner.”
“Right?” You started up your mental rant on your professor, this time verbally. “Like, what is he going to do with all these? Has he got space for them? Make these a two-person thing at least.”
“Well, he doesn’t have to know that yours is,” San winks at you, picking up a bottle of glue.
“You’re going to build this with me?”
“Sure,” he shrugs happily, “it looks fun, I’m off, and I said I wanted to learn about the Netherlands, right?”
“The skull paintings are probably the coolest part.”
“Ooh,” San stares down at the images, “emo.”
“Yet also spiritual.”
“And here I thought it was all tulips and windmills over there.”
You giggled softly at that, giving a little sigh before you picked up the center dowel. “Would you mind handing me the base, then?”
“Sure. Here, I’ll hold it down, you really jam that in there and I’ll reinforce it with the glue.”
“Ugh, that’s such a good idea,” you smacked your forehead, “why did I think the foam was enough?”
“Hey,” San put his hand on your shoulder, peering into your eyes, “it’s ok. It’s just a silly craft project.”
“Y- you’re right,” you replied, forcing yourself to stare as deeply back, even if you did blush.
“Well, I mean, your work isn’t silly, just the concept of-”
“You’re good. I know what you mean.”
An hour later, it was finished. The tower sat on the end of your table, keeping watch over you and San, you had his hands folded on the table as you told him your favorite embarrassing story of your eccentric great-grandfather.
“The mustard got in her glasses and everything!”
San doubled over, one hand slapping the table and the other falling onto your shoulder. You smiled in satisfaction, pausing to take a proud sip of your drink.
“And she stayed for the game?”
“Are you kidding? The office was paying for the tickets!”
“Oh, that’s great!” He laughed.
“I know.”
“We should go to a game,” San said, his eyes suddenly falling to the table as he played with his hands, “you know, at the campus stadium. Our baseball team has a game on friday. U-unless you're not comfortable with that, then my friend Jongho can come with us and-"
Your, surely baggy by now, eyes widened slightly, a smile rising back to your lips through your intent listening. "Not comfortable? Like, go as in a date?"
"We don't have to, though, we can totally just get a group to-"
"Tell Jongho I said he can stay home," you cut him off with a grin, joking to play off the backflips your ribcage was doing, especially when San smiled at you like that, I mean come on it's like you told him you were handing him his dreams and sheesh those dimples, "I mean, I don't even know him."
"Are you sure? Because he's one of my roommates, and he was building a Japan tower on our kitchen counter this morning."
"Oh. Well in that case, just tell him you found a girl who likes cute baristas."
This time, it was San's turn to blush, though he covered it by reaching for your hands, seemingly not caring about the glue splotches sullying your skin. "I- I will."
If you weren't already sure you made the right choice by San helping you secure an A on your project or the way he looked at you, you knew you did when he insisted on buying you a school mascot plushie and including it in your fieldside selfie together and when he practically tackled you into his arms upon hearing you confess that you only went to the café to see him.
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buckrecs · 1 year
Ik you have a best friends dad but How about a dbf
masterlist | req masterlist
tbh i didn’t like dbf bucky before but now …. 😎
Also this is going to be under smut category cuz almost every single one is smut.😏
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unattainable by @heavysoldat
Bucky has a cure for the reader’s terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.
saltwater kisses by @jurassicbarnes
In which he whisks you away on a romantic getaway at his beach house.
Almost Caught by @loveaffaire
Too Young To Love You by @sinner-as-saint
You come home from uni to spend the holidays with your parents. And you find out that your feelings for a certain man named Bucky hasn’t died out completely yet. One look at him and the sparks and butterflies came to life again. However, there are a couple of issues which stand in the way. First, Bucky’s twice your age. And second, he’s your dad’s best friend.
What Goes Around by @navybrat817
Bucky is your friend's dad and your dad's friend and nothing more. Until he isn't.
3 Weeks Waiting by @alwaysf0rev3r
you’ve been hooking up with your dad’s best friend for months, but you accidentally ghosted him during finals week. saying he’s desperate is an understatement.
just between us by @mellowsaturns
you and bucky have a little moment in your bathroom at your family’s brunch.
jade green daydream by @nexusnyx
touch my soul from outside by @buckycuddlebuddy
your father’s best friend, who happens to be your secret boyfriend, knows exactly how to love on you.
vanilla by @buckycuddlebuddy
his scent was the other thing that made you go stupid other than his eyes: leather, a bit of vanilla, oranges and wet wood.
hash brown, egg yolk by @wndalovebot
alone with you by @classylo
quarantining with your dads best friend doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world. too bad it also forces you to realize some things… ;)
the warmth of winter by @captainsimagines
You’re home for the holidays after landing your dream job. When your dad’s old army friend stops by for the month, he makes waves immediately. Your little vacation is disrupted… for better or for worse? Nobody has to know.
the warmth of the future by @/captainsimagines
It’s been two years since you fell in love with Bucky Barnes, and the holidays are just around the corner. With even more love, more friends, and more family in attendance, you and Bucky fully intend to enjoy these days with as little drama as possible. But that’s not always the case with a relationship like yours, is it?
A Taste for Older Men by @seventven
y/n is moving back in with her parents after breaking up with her college boyfriend. due to an emergency at work, y/n’s dad is unable to pick her up and sends his friend bucky in his stead. to bucky’s surprise, y/n is no longer the innocent girl he remembers from years back.
Peaches by @buckycuddlebuddy
what they were doing was wrong, both of them knew that. it had to be kept as a secret. not everyone would understand what they have, she knew that much. they’d look at them and see an older man misleading a girl so much younger than him. it wasn’t the thing, though. that had never been the thing. it wasn’t misleading, taking advantage ─whatever they called their situation. it was love. forbidden, not-society-friendly, but love. 
just checking in by @wandalovebot
safe and sound by @witchywithwhiskey
you're alone at your parents' summer cottage with your dad's best friend bucky barnes when a thunderstorm strikes in the middle of the night and the childhood fear that has followed you into adulthood rears its head—so all you can do is ask bucky if you can sleep with him.
masterlist by @metalbuckaroo
masterlist by @bucksfucks
masterlist by @goldenjo
masterlist by @becca-e-barnes
masterlist by @anchoeritic
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orchidyoonkook · 4 months
Do you have any tips for new writers/accounts to get popular???
I was a shit writer for a very long time cuz I never wrote. But one day I wanted to change that so at 19 I made up a story and wrote down all my plot points and then did a DEEP DIVE on Pinterest of all things collecting every bit of advice I could. I’m talking ideas, how to do this, how to not use the word said, how to start sentences. How sentences should flow and their lengths, big uncommon words. EVERYTHING.
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Anything and everything I could get my hands on. 
And on top of that I’ve been a reader for forever. I have so many books I don’t even know how many I have. And so I use that knowledge when editing. I don’t read it from a writing POV after I write it. I turn into a reader and think about how I would feel about it from a readers POV and if something doesn’t work. I fix it.
I have a small background in script writing from my college days which definitely helped a bit. But if you’ve ever studied script writing you know it doesn’t really help creative writing outside of structure.
And when I write I’m someone who writes until I think the story is done. Not the arc. Not the characters. But the overall story of what I’m trying to portray. I don’t actively think about putting the climax of the story here or some foreshadowing there. I write intuitively if that makes sense. I try to sense out what feels right. And some of that comes naturally, some of it doesn’t and I have to work on it.
Me and @violetsiren90 were actually talking roughly about this last night. Our differences in how we write and how my advice from her last fic that I edited had already helped her with her new one cuz she can now see all of the little things that I pick up on from my style of writing versus the times where she tells me why she writes in that specific way and why she will be keeping it as is. Vi if you wanna add anything in the comments I’m forgetting, by all means feel free.
Most writers will tell you to practice. To tell you to write something even if it’s just a sentence everyday. But that didn’t help me. The stuff on my blog are the very first things I’ve written for myself ever. I didn’t write in highschool or college outside of what I was forced to write and my one story that the Pinterest board was initially for.
For me it was about researching style and reading posts like these from other writers, being confident in your style and learning what rules to break and when to break them. It was about reading over your work a hundred times and to be impartial when you read so you can fix the mistakes that won’t work.
The benefit of writing is you can go over something you’ve written a hundred times until you think it’s ready. A thousand times. I can go back and rewrite that first story if I want too. Nothing can stop me.
But don’t get me wrong. I go back and read all my works on here from time to time and I still constantly find things I would change now. Word changes. Phrasing changes. Everything. But that’s just another sign of improvement. Writing is a constantly improving art form. There is no limit. Only growth.
And the last thing I do is write down everything. I have a TERRIBLE memory. So I write down every single idea. On a scrap piece of paper. In my phone. On a computer. In a notebook. Cuz you never know when you’ll use it.
My most recent story, The Devil Wears Valentino, I got the idea for that name sometime in the immediate aftermath of Valentino Yoongi. I was in the shower after watching the devil wears Prada and my mind just connected the two. And then it sat unused in my notes all until the week before Halloween 2023. I would’ve forgotten had I not written it down. But there it was right when I needed it, a gift from past me. And here we are.
As for popularity, dude I have no goddamn idea. I don’t even think I count as a popular/big blog. I utilize the HELL out of aesthetics, formatting and tags and I’m nice. That’s my spiel on that. Aesthetic. Format. Tag. Kindness. Talent, sure. I guess. But writing is one of those things, ESPECIALLY in fic, where it doesn’t have to be the best cuz folks just wanna read their comfort character or person in the same scenarios over and over again. Source: I do that. And I’ve read stories that don’t have the best writing. But the story was good, or vice versa. People are way more forgiving on here.
I didn’t come on here(tumblr) with the intention of writing let alone giving writing and popularity advice. I just wanted to read and support people and then the community I’ve built for myself has just grown and grown and I’ve been so incredibly fortunate, which is where kindness comes in.
Leave reviews and like and reblog stuff. Tell people how much you love their work. Let them know you write too. Create friendships with people who wanna support you. And people who you wanna support. Community is the base of everything.
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hoony-parker · 2 years
honey, i'm home - s.h
a/n: firstly i wanted to thank all of you for all the love my first steve drabble has received! you guys are amazing! <3. also, you can read this as a part two of this fic, or you can read it individually.
warnings: just fluff and talk about kids (if that's even a warning?)
summary: you and steve have the kids over, and everything just gets very domestic.
w/c: 1.8k (oops?)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
request: Ahh I would love a part 2 of this! The kids in college and having sleepovers at the house! @victoriajelmore
part one here!
talk steve to me
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living with steve for the last four years wasn't always a blast. that's obvious.
the little fights you had every once in a while were minuscle, thank god. but if steve could just lay his shoes next to the front door instead of thrown across the room--
either way, steve was completely sure he always left the shoes next to the door. he swears on the phillies, he'd say. because now, after four years of living in philadelphia, pennsylvania, steve's become a huge fan of the phillies-- though you firmly believe he hasn't seen as much as a game.
also, steve just can't take it when you cook and just leave the dirty dishes there. "just clean it right after you finish using it," he'd tell you, and you'd always remind him, "harrington, last time i got distracted while cooking, you found a piece of my stylist's business card in your spaghetti."
other than that, living with steve was a dream. in four entire years, you hadn't had any other-dimensional incidents, which you greatly appreciated and planned to keep it that way. but, of course, being eight hours away from hawkins also meant being eight hours away from the kids. and steve, although he wouldn't admit it, missed the kids so fucking much.
every time you visited hawkins, the reunion would be so emotional— only from steve and dustin's side. and you really did have a great time visiting, but that didn't make the goodbyes any easier. again, from steve and dunstin's side.
so, when the kids finally graduated highschool and most of them got into the university of pennsylvania and, those who didn't enrolled in the philly community college, you were happy, sure. but steve was ecstatic.
and sure, you missed the silence a little. but you much rathered these days.
"i'm not saying that meg ryan's not a babe, dustin—"
"really? 'cause i heard you say it, steve. i heard you say that meg ryan in 'when harry met sally' is a babe."
"i didn't say she was a babe—," steve insisted.
"i heard you, steve. loud and clear. and may i remind you you have a girlfriend?"
steve raised an eyebrow, unamused. "i am aware, dustin, thank you." dustin gave him a side eye. "are you? cuz seconds ago i heard you call another woman a babe, stephen."
"that's not my name," muttered steve. dustin, however, ignored him as he continued rambling almost incoherently. "and i think that it's disrespectful towards y/n, y'know? saying that another woman's a babe under her own roof—,"
"stop saying babe," steve glared. "i said i thought she was pretty, alright? pretty, not a babe."
"sounds the same to me!" dustin threw his hands up in the air, his eyes comically wide.
"oh. my. god. you're gonna give me a hernia from your bickering," intervened max. "watch your soap opera and do your crossword, if you want. i don't care. just shut up. please," she rolled her eyes.
steve frowned and turned around from where he sat on the sofa, looking at max, who sat next to lucas on the bar stools at the kitchen counter. "what's with her?" he pointed towards the red headed. lucas shrugged, a brow lifted in confusion towards his girlfriend's attitude.
they all heard the keys jingle outside the front door, and they all looked at the door attentively. "i brought pizza!" you called, opening the door with one hand, your bag hanging from your forearm while you held two boxes of pizza with your other hand, pushing the door close with your foot.
steve jumped from his seat to help you, shortly admiring you. your hair was up in a messy ponytail and you were wearing your uniform from the coffee shop you were working part-time at, your schoolbag hanging from your shoulder.
you looked like a mess; exhausted, your eyes tired and with bags beneath them. your apron was still loosely wrapped around your waist with coffee and something that looked a lot like maple syrup staining the fabric. in his eyes, you looked beautiful.
he smiled warmly at you and you reciprocated it rather tiredly. steve took the boxes of pizza from your hand and your bag from your shoulder, pecking your lips in greeting, and he smiled against them when he felt you hum contently. he broke the kiss, face mere inches away from yours, and he looked into your eyes, "hi," steve smiled.
"hi," you grinned. he pecked your lips quickly twice more before heading to the kitchen to place the boxes on the counter, dodging the couple of mattresses that were sprawled all over the living room floor.
you sighed, untying your shoes and placing them next to the door before walking towards the kitchen, chuckling under your breath at the sight of all four of them— dustin, max, lucas and steve, were running around the place, opening cubboards and drawers to take out plates and silverware to place on the coffee table in front of the tv in the living room.
"evening," you called while walking into the kitchen, the three teenagers all answering you descoordinated and emotionless, distracted. dustin, who was bending down to take some placemats, suddenly stood up and pointed to steve. "y/n, steve thinks other women are hot," he rushed to say.
you playfully gasped, turning to him with an offended look. "w-what? dustin, what the hell?!" steve threw his hands up in the air, giving the curly haired boy a confused look. dustin shrugged.
"you find other women attractive? have you been ogling other girls, steve?" you asked seriously, standing up straight and looking at him in the eye for the sake of the joke.
"of course not!" steve said. "gee, calm down. don't get your panties in a twist," scoffed max with a scrunched up face. steve sighed frustradedly at the kids' attempts to get on his nerves, taking the plates from lucas and you walked towards him, pecking his lips lovingly. "we're just messing with you, lover," you took the tableware from him.
"what's with the commotion, anyway?" you asked from the loving room. "they watched that movie with meg ryan," explained max with a tight lipped smile, handing you the two water bottles to place on the table. you nodded in understanding. "meh, that's fine. i always say tom cruise looks hot in the top gun movie," you dismiss with a wave of your hand.
"ha!," steve points at dustin with a wide grin, frowning short after. "wait, what?" he turns to you. you giggle, walking towards your boyfriend and hugging his waist. "not hotter than you, though," you kissed his clothed chest. he grinned, satisfied with your words and hugged you tighter.
max scrunched up her face in disgust. "get a room."
"one more comment and you're sleeping outside, missy," steve threatened jokingly. the red headed rolled her eyes.
"we raised her and that's how she treats us," he shakes his head disapprovingly. "teenagers," you tsked. he laughed in agreement.
when you were all seated in the living room, the kids mostly on the mattresses with their plates in hand, lucas asked through a mouthful. "it feels like we're missing a lot of people."
"we are," his girlfriend deadpanned. you rubbed your hands together to get rid of the crumbs and finished chewing. "well, will and el are in cali, and mike is visiting them," you smiled tightly.
"we really should get more friends," sighed dustin. steve put his arm over the back of the couch behind you, inviting you to cuddle closer to him. "well, college is starting soon. you'll get the chance then, am i right?"
a chorus of 'yeah's' and 'i guess's' sounded through the room.
silence fell into the room, only the sound of the movie coming from the tv playing. steve frowned at the pizza. "did you get this from the place across the building?" he gestured to the pizza.
you didn't answer for a while.
everyone groaned and dropped the pizza to their plates.
later that night, the kids were already in bed and you and steve were making your bed, stretching the blankets and fluffing your pillows before you got under the covers.
"i love those little rascals," steve sighed, laying on his side while burying his face further into the pillow. you rolled to your side so you were facing him. "they're good kids."
"they are," he said. "imagine how ours are gonna be," his eyes were closed, but he smiled at the idea. he pictured you, your swollen belly and with toddlers running around a house. he loved the idea.
"you've thought of that?" you smiled in surprise. steve slowly opened an eye and peeked at you. "you haven't?"
"i mean... yeah," you shrugged. you cuddled closer to him, throwing a leg over his waist. one of his arms pulled you closer, and he laid on his back so your head could rest on his chest. he let out a big breath and closed his eyes again, his free arm going under his head.
you put your chin on his chest, looking down at him. "tell me more," you whispered, and he opened his eyes shortly again to look at you while giving you a smile, and closed them once again. "well," he inhaled deeply. " we'd have a bunch of kids—,"
"oh, to start your large brood of harringtons?" you giggled. he nodded with a hum. "exactly. a whole basketball team," he said, and you laughed in surprise and delight. one of his eyes opened at the sound, and his grin widened.
"i'm serious here. i'm talking six kids," he smiled. "six?!" you laughed loudly. he hummed affirmatively again. "six little nuggets. three boys, three girls."
you laid back down on his chest, hugging him close. "have any names in mind yet?"
he kissed the crown of your head, "hmm," he thought.
"i was thinking 'benjamin' for one of the boys, 'beth' for one of the girls," he suggested. you nodded into his clothed chest, breathing in deeply in relaxation and breathing out contently at the smell of the remnants of his cologne.
"i love 'em," you told him, your voice already dripping with sleep. "yeah?" he spoke into your temple, dropping a few more kisses there.
"maybe we could name other two 'anna' and 'toby'?" you looked up at him. steve smiled, though confused. "like my grandparents?"
you nodded. laying back down. "i know how much you love them, and i've always liked their names, too."
his hand searched after one of yours, lacing your fingers together. the brown eyed brought yours to his face, kissing your knuckles. "i'm glad we're doing this together," he whispered into your skin, placing more kisses on your fingers.
"we're not doing anything yet," you giggled.
he jumped into action, turning you around and throwing you on your back to the bed, and you let out a surprised yelp. steve hovered over you, and looked down at you with a smirk on his face. he leaned down, placing a single kiss on your neck.
"wanna start now?"
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qierxing · 2 years
Any blog recommendations yandere x reader ?
POV you have activated my non stop talking NPC dialogue
Oh god I have so many people for you bestie —I rarely do get the chance to just gush sincerely.
Please check these wonderful people out and remember to read/heed any rules they have.
@galair - My bestie in the whole wide world, sexy painted fanarts and thotty excerpts galore (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Her artworks feel so buttery and smooth with her painted strokes and the colors is just off the charts. Composition for sexy tense scene? She gotchu — 10/10 would follow(And her commissions are open!!!).
@ddarker-dreams - A legend in the yandere Genshin community, her works are just phenomenal. I especially love how she does world building and context—I often easily lose attention with long subtext, but the way Lock does it is just artful in that it ends up being the beautiful ribbon that ties up the whole story. If you like a good balance of plot and yandere, she’s your author.
@yandere-daydreams - Love, love how they do prose. Don’t know how to explain it, but the way the sentences flow into each other…poetic cinema, if I dare say it(bestie please tell me how you manage to make your runon sentences super sexy). The way dialogue flows in their fics is just so natural and sometimes makes you laugh or gasp scandalously. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone else like them.
@saekogun - Known for their yandere Genshin college AU. I love how June sets up their world and how they explores their concepts—it’s almost you’re like a player in a game with how in-depth they go. Gave me so many brain worms about many fun different concepts of characters in different scenarios, it’s seriously impressive.
@stupid-sloot-headcanons - Amazing succinct and sweet excerpts/thoughts about many yandere stuff—perfect for a morning newspaper read. Will manage to get you horny within a couple sentences, mark my words.
@merakiui - Came for the yandere Genshin, stayed for the Azul thirst trap. No. 1 person to go to for Octavinelle brainrots (Need to get that Azul fix man). The way she writes visuals...beautiful. I swear I can see her words become actual pictures in my mind's eye.
@love-toxin - Has a good variety of fics on different media, from Eddie Munson(you’re almost getting me bestie)from Stranger Things to Leon Kennedy(every day I think about that fic. you know what I’m talking about) to SPIRIT HUNTER(i’m not normal about this media period. the second game is coming next year). Truly an eye opener for the things that I never knew i was into; thank you for your service.
@99-nct - Cha, my beloved <3 Their writing has grit and an edge that always makes you keep coming back for more. Want to feel your heart clench? No other author has got you covered like Cha.
@jackplushie - Recent follow for my TWST fixation, they have cool and unique AUs and prompts that I’ve enjoyed perusing.
@yandere-sins - So many good fics, truly keeping us all fed here. I can swear by their smuts, it's the hot shit of the century. Their Alien series is to DIE for, literally.
@yanmaresu - Thrilling yandere x reader art, need I say more? They also have great excerpts with their pieces.
@shiny-jr- Another one of my fav TWST blogs—they explore lots of prompts and what-ifs' in TWST world and it's always a treat to read due to how fleshed out it's written.
There’s probably plenty more that I can’t remember right now, but please do check my tags if you would like to see more people. I run a queue on various works that I’ve enjoyed reading immensely, and the authors of those works are sure to deserve a reblog and a follow!
Also small reminder that I see your replies and send much love, I just can’t reply cuz this is a side blog and I will die before revealing my main blog handle.
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chunkymamatam · 1 month
oh wow from what i have seen your stories sound cool 🤩 what are your relationships w the main cast? my fav character is prolly leona and rook so do you have any stories w them? 😊
So it's a college DR. I'm gonna start everything I'm about to say with that. Like there's probably nothing in these specific stories that I need to say that for but like I'm gonna say that every time.
Some people are weird. I'm an adult and I don't really want to hang out with a bunch of high school age teenagers. I'm also not willing to age myself down and relive the worst years of my life lmfao. We're all in the adult age bracket in my DR. Nothing wrong with being a teenager but it would feel weird for me to have a whole friend group full of them and I'm not about to be perpetually lonely.
Also I tend to not define my relationships with labels. I'm bad at labels so it's easier to define them with my experiences with each person.
Now on to my experience with these men.
THIS MF- Lmfao I first met this man in the botanical garden like in the game, tripped over and stepped on his tail accidentally. Man threatened to knock my lights out. Now, I'm genderfluid and it was a more masc day but I certainly didn't tell him that. IDK HOW TF HE KNEW. Referred to me as the correct pronouns and shit too.
He sniffed me and I was like "Hey, could you not sniff me...? Do I stink??"
He looked me up and down and proceeded to be like "Not yet but you will when I'm done beating your ass"
Ruggie stopped the fight but still.
2. During The whole Spell drive situation, first of all I didn't even want to be there but Crowely has a habit of threatening me and my housing. I was at Savanaclaw, being harassed by this mf named Blaze, and Leona comes out wanting to be a bitch. I explained why I was there and this man brushed it off and says
"How about we settle this over a game of Spell Drive. You win and I'll answer any questions you have but if you lose. Well I'll think of something." with that stupid smirk of his /pos
I lost and this man tackled me to the ground with his final move. He had me pinned down smirking down at me and I was internally complaining he was taking too long to gtf off me. So me, being a dastardly bastard, smirked up at him and said
"You like something you see that you're taking so long to get up" and I blew him a kiss.
There's more during book 2 but honestly their overblots in general were kind of traumatizing and I'm not in the mood to talk about it. For now just know they tried to end my life and said some really cruel shit.
3. After the over blot tho. I got knocked the fuck out despite my best efforts and we ended up in the infirmary together with everyone. Cheka jumped on him and started treating him like a pony. I was doing my best not to laugh at him. He looked at me, told me not to laugh and I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it! It was just too cute! He was forced to take me home back to ramshackle by everyone there cuz I didn't look too good but there was nothing else the nurse could do. They essentially told him that it's his fault I was hurt the least he could do is take me home.
4. So during the Octavinelle situation we had to stay with him for a while. Now I didn't mind cleaning up after him and sharing a room with him for a few days. In fact I was giggling at him and making fun of him a little for having Ruggie straighten his hair all the time. He actually has 2B curls in my DR lol
I was like "Damn.. Gentrified." and he was fighting for his life lmfao I was like "Nah but in all seriousness are you not scared to ruin your curls?"
Turns out he uses some fancy heat protection product in his hair. I don't straighten my hair anymore so like I genuinely don't know how well those work but I think that was a funny interaction.
back to the original story tho. Floyd ended up giving me the squeeze and I went into a seizure. My brain was fried I told him this too. I was like "Hey Leona, I just had a seizure earlier so I'm gonna be a little slower and ditsier while cleaning you room. Just a fair warning before you think I'm acting like a little weirdo."
This man fr looked at me and was like "why are you slurring your words" Sir I just fucking told you my brain misfired. I ignore it and he just kept going bro.
"Why are you moving like that."
"You're taking too long, this is just excessive."
"I bet you're just faking it so you don't have to do your part. You probably lied and didn't even have a seizure."
At that point I was fucking done. I looked at him and said "You know what? I don't have to take this. I'm sleeping outside of Ramshackle." I stole HIS PILLOWS and HIS BLANKETS and fumbled my ass out back to Ramshackle.
A little while later he comes up to me and apologizes. I was so weirded out I was like "So who's holding a gun to your head?"
He huffed and made a frustrated face and was like "can't I just say sorry, Herbivore?"
"You personally? No. Someone is making you do this."
I was right, Jack and Grim chewed him tf out for that shit. Grim bragged about it to me that's how I found out lol. But anyway he grumbled and was like "Just come back to Savanaclaw with me"
I said "No. I'm gonna stay right here like I said I would."
This mf decides to pick me up and drag me back by force. I told the mf to put me down which resulted in and argument. Eventually I was like "Fuck you!"
This mfer responds with "You'd like that." with a smirk.
I scoffed and was like "I would NEVER want to do that with a son of a bitch who can't even tie his own shoes properly. I have a medical issue that fucks with my motor skills, what's your excuse???"
Man stfu after that.
It's funny cuz genuinely we were chill after that pfffff
Our first interaction was literally him looking at Vil sideways for the way that mfer was acting towards me and honestly I think that's so funny.
I don't necessarily have very many stories about him just little experiences. Like when I called him out for watching me before I turned around to look at him and idk what that expression was but it scares me LMFAO
He calls me Monsieur Souris
He woke me up every morning gently but when I went back to sleep got Vil. Like bruh I can sleep a little the school is RIGHT THERE. Overall he truly is mysterious. He's really not as creepy as everyone says. Until he starts hunting you anyway. I am not game monsieur Hunt. Please back off 😭
I think he's still trying to figure some stuff out with me? Idk a lot of people do that to me so maybe that's it.
Sorry if there's spelling/grammar errors. My brain is melting from this heat. Thank you for the ask ❤
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gimmethatagustd · 9 months
falling into you (4) | kth + myg
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Sometimes Taehyung thinks he loves his roommate so much it makes him sick.
↳ pairing: superhero!taehyung x superhero!yoongi
↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | college au | fantasy | roommates to lovers | fluff | light angst | light smut
↳ wc/date: 3.9k | September 2023
↳ warnings: every chapter is just PINING, yoongi in scrubs
↳ notes: i hope you all enjoy this lil world i've created 🦸🏽‍♂️ i'm only going to tag everyone in the masterlist, and then in future chapters (chapter 5-6) cuz i don't wanna flood everyone's notifs
↳ masterlist / taglist
↳ what was jai listening to?  the series playlist
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The celebration with Yoongi never happens. 
That night, Yoongi came home later than expected, something to do with a combat training session gone wrong that required all the infirmary staff. He looked dead on his feet with dark bags under his eyes and sunken cheeks. Taehyung had shoved the container of leftover noodles into Yoongi’s hands and hurried off to his bedroom, afraid that Yoongi might ask to eat or watch TV together. The conversation with Seokjin had left him on edge despite how confident Seokjin seemed that Taehyung would figure everything out with time. 
Then Sunday came around, and Yoongi spent the day with Hoseok because Sundays are Hoseok days. Such days typically consist of Yoongi listening to Hoseok talk about his weekend sexcapades. Awkwardly, they’ve all been about Jimin lately, though Yoongi seemed supportive, which surprised Taehyung. He assumed Yoongi would advise against involvement with Jimin since Hoseok and Jimin are friends. Instead, Yoongi curled up with a blanket on the couch and told Hoseok that he and Jimin looked cute together. 
Taehyung didn’t know what to do with that information but didn’t participate in the conversation anyway. Sundays are for studying. 
Monday was their last day off before classes resumed. It would have been the perfect day to spend time with Yoongi, but Taehyung found himself knocking on Namjoon and Jungkook’s dorm early enough that Namjoon was still in his pajamas. All it took was one puppy-eyed look from Taehyung, and his friend let him in with an endeared shake of his head. 
Needless to say, the long weekend was unsuccessful. 
Taehyung is equally relieved and disappointed, though he expresses neither to Yoongi – or anyone else for that matter. As much as he wants to spend time with Yoongi, Taehyung doesn’t want anything weird to happen. If Seokjin is correct, Taehyung needs more time to develop his powers before reasonably hanging out with Yoongi. 
Besides, it isn’t just his relationship with Yoongi that’s on the line. Taehyung is growing increasingly nervous about his class ranking. If he doesn’t graduate at the top of his class… everything he has done leading up to now will have been for naught! 
Jungkook disagrees, but what does Jungkook know? 
(Quite literally everything, but Taehyung thinks that is neither here nor there.)
The thing is, Taehyung’s difficulty controlling his powers isn’t always scary and dangerous. Usually, it’s simply embarrassing. 
It’s been a week since The Vines, as Taehyung has come to call the incident. Not aloud, no way. He hasn’t spoken about it with anyone other than Yoongi, and even Yoongi seems to know not to bring it up since the apartment maintenance workers removed the vines from the plumbing. 
A week since The Vines, Taehyung has successfully avoided using his powers. It’s easier than anticipated – for the most part. It’s impossible not to listen to the chitchat of the plants around him or feel their presence, but Taehyung at least stops himself from engaging with them. No communicating, no helping them grow, nothing of the sort. He lets Mother Nature handle it all as it is meant to be. On top of that, he doesn’t have any combat-based classes right now, so his ability to weaponize the toxins in his body is easily avoidable, too. 
All in all, Taehyung is rather pleased with himself. Pleased as a peach on a warm summer day. 
He turns his face toward the sun and photosynthesizes, as his friends say, to appreciate the rays on his honey skin. The low clouds and cool autumn breeze mute the warmth, but it’s better than being cooped up inside. Taehyung is often found in the park that borders the grounds of his apartment complex. It isn’t huge, just a swath of grass, a children’s playground in one corner, and a smattering of trees to provide shade. 
Taehyung likes to sit out in the middle of the field when there aren’t children playing soccer who might accidentally step on him. Sometimes, he brings a blanket to sprawl on, though today, he lies directly on the yellowing grass. He looks like he’s sprouted from the ground from the way his yellow hair blends in with the grass, along with his yellow long-sleeve t-shirt and brown pants. Something sharp pokes at his shoulder blades, likely a twig, but he’s too content to move. 
The smell of freshly mowed grass and the tang of damp dirt will cling to his hair and clothes, just as Taehyung likes it. He can let the sun bake away his worries when he lies out here until they’ve evaporated into the afternoon air. He likes to imagine his stress leaving his body and getting swept away in the wind like dandelion fuzz. 
Sometimes, Taehyung wishes he could become a flower. He isn’t sure what type he’d be. Perhaps a tiger lily. Yoongi once pointed out that tiger lilies have little freckles scattered on their leaves, just like Taehyung has them scattered on his face. 
Yeah, he thinks he’d like to be a tiger lily.
He ponders what it would be like to be a tiger lily (Who would water him? Would he be wild? Picked to be made into a bouquet?) until the sun is suddenly obstructed by a person looming over him. 
“I knew I’d find you here,” Yoongi says triumphantly as if he’s just proven someone wrong or won on a bet. 
Flustered by the image of Yoongi hovering over him, Taehyung immediately sits up. The abrupt action makes his forehead collide with Yoongi’s. The two men groan, hands flying up to cover their faces.
“Fuck, Tae, you could’ve just told me you didn’t want me to hang out with you. No need to try to kill me.” Yoongi sits back on his heels and massages his forehead. His backpack rests beside Taehyung’s in the grass beside them. 
“I’m sorry, hyung. I wasn’t… paying attention.” 
“Clearly,” Yoongi snorts. “Here.” 
Yoongi reaches out to slide his fingers under Taehyung’s bangs, brushing them out of the way to make contact with his irritated skin. Before a bump can form, Yoongi massages Taehyung’s forehead. His healing powers seep deep into his skin; Taehyung would swear he could feel it even in his bones. It’s a liquid heat like lava trickling down his spine and pooling in his gut. 
Or maybe that’s just how it feels to have Yoongi touch him; Taehyung isn’t sure. 
Taehyung’s eyes flutter close, and his lips part. A quiet sigh escapes his mouth, and he doesn’t even feel ashamed to enjoy the pleasure of having Yoongi so close. Eucalyptus and peppermint wrap Taehyung in a hug warmer than the sun’s rays. He’s sure that there is nothing more calming than being in Yoongi’s presence. It’s where Taehyung feels safest, he realizes as Yoongi’s breath fans across his cheeks. As heroes, they’re taught to be cautious and skeptical of everything, but Taehyung would trust Yoongi with his life. 
That fact will be Taehyung’s downfall one day, he’s sure, but he doesn’t care. He leans into Yoongi’s touch as he runs his finger down the bridge of Taehyung’s nose. 
“Cute,” Yoongi murmurs. The comment is so quiet that Taehyung almost doesn’t hear it. 
“This.” Taehyung feels Yoongi tap the tip of his nose, right where his freckle is.  
“T-thank you,” Taehyung stutters and wills himself to open his eyes despite the heat he feels on his cheeks. 
Yoongi is so, so close. His knees press against Taehyung’s thigh, and he has one hand in the grass, the other still hovering over Taehyung’s face. He looks ethereal, an angel sent to torment Taehyung’s mortal soul. The sunlight shines through gold flecks in his brown irises. The bright smile he gives Taehyung is enough to make his stomach feel queasy over how much he yearns. 
What he would give to pull Yoongi into his arms, roll him over until his pretty hair is fanned out in the grass, the sun warm and golden on his pale skin. Taehyung would kiss him right now if he could. He can barely stop himself from staring down at Yoongi’s lips, so pink and with a cute little cupid’s bow. Yoongi’s tongue darts out to lick his lips, and Taehyung follows the movement like he’s never seen anything more beautiful. 
Yoongi startles suddenly, eyes flitting over to look at his raised hand as if he’d only just realized it’s still suspended in the air. He brings it to his lap to accompany his other hand, no longer caressing the yellowing blades of grass. 
“You’ve been gone a lot again.” It’s a statement, but Taehyung hears the question behind it. Why? 
Taehyung doesn’t have an answer he can give, not out loud. Not one he’d be okay with Yoongi knowing. Sometimes, it’s in moments like this that Taehyung considers confessing. It will eat him alive if he doesn’t, right? Would confessing and being rejected be better than dying inside every single day he has to look at Yoongi and can’t express the love he wants? A part of him knows Yoongi might reject him, but he would never give up on him. They could still be friends; their relationship wouldn’t be ruined. Yoongi is too nice for that. 
But could Taehyung still be friends after his love is rejected? That’s too hard to tell. It seems he’s fucked no matter which path he chooses. 
“I’m sorry,” is what he says instead of confessing. It feels like he’s always apologizing these days. 
Yoongi reaches up to pick at Taehyung’s hair, eventually wrestling a twig from his curls. Yoongi keeps the twig in his hands, snapping it in half, then quarters, and so on, until it’s reduced to a tiny pile. He’s silent, and Taehyung can’t see his face because his bangs fall forward when he looks toward the ground. 
Taehyung watches Yoongi with his own hands occupied, though he’s focused on twisting the hem of his yellow shirt. Is it bad that Yoongi hasn’t responded? Taehyung can’t imagine what Yoongi’s thinking, and he’s never envied Hoseok before today. 
“It’s alright,” Yoongi finally speaks up. He lifts his eyes to look at Taehyung, bangs still forward enough that the ends reach his eyelashes. “I just, um,” Yoongi clears his throat and averts his eyes, returning his gaze to the little twig pile. “I miss… spending time with you. I miss you. And I was wondering if–”
Despite his best efforts to hold it in, Taehyung erupts into a fit of coughing. A thick, itchy feeling crept up his chest while Yoongi was talking, but Taehyung managed to swallow down the tickling sensation in his throat. That is until Yoongi – as usual – caught Taehyung off guard. 
“Can you pass me my water bottle?” Taehyung croaks out once his breathing becomes a bit more regulated. He holds his hand out, fingers with dirt under the nails wiggling in the air as Yoongi reaches for his backpack. The tickling in his throat was uncomfortable but likely nothing some water can’t wash down. 
Unfortunately, Taehyung doesn’t get the chance to find out. 
A surge of energy zips up the length of Taehyung’s spine. He can practically feel it leaving him feeling electric when it shoots through him. He gasps, clenching at his chest as he pants through the thickness in his chest. 
“Fuck,” Taehyung wheezes and the curse word sounds funny coming from such a usually proper mouth. Shaking his head to rid himself of that strange sensation, Taehyung turns toward Yoongi to apologize again for his behavior and hear what Yoongi has to say. 
“Hyung? What?” 
“Taehyung-ah, are you…?” Yoongi’s eyes are wide as he gestures around them. 
The entire park seems to have fallen silent, though Taehyung feels like it’s even louder than it was when he first arrived. Except this time, none of the sounds are coming from the people surrounding them. In fact, it seems as though every person in the park is staring at Taehyung, even the children who have stopped playing on the playground. They all stare at him with confusion and curiosity swirling in their eyes like Yoongi’s. 
“Tae, will you please tell me what’s going on?” 
Taehyung’s eyes lock with Yoongi’s. He’s so focused on the look of concern on his face that he overlooks the sea of yellow manifesting around him. 
Yoongi reaches out to touch Taehyung, his index and middle fingers resting on Taehyung’s pulse in his wrist. “Why are you making the flowers grow?” Yoongi whispers. 
Thousands of dandelions poke through the grass across the entirety of the park, even past the trees along the border and bleeding into the yards of other buildings nearby. Some are puffy fluff balls that begin breaking into little fuzzies when the wind blows through the park. The rest of them are yellow and stand tall among the short grass. They chatter to Taehyung, but he doesn’t understand what they’re saying; there are too many. He can’t even reach them with his mind. He’s completely overwhelmed, like someone flipped on the switch to every one of his nerves. His nerves are lit up like a Christmas tree inside of his body. 
Following the strange path a few of the dandelions make, Taehyung notices that they form a perfect circle around Yoongi, outlining him in alternating yellow and white fuzz patterns. It’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to Taehyung in his entire life. 
“Oh my god!” Taehyung screeches, pulling out of Yoongi’s reach like his fingers were hot irons. Taehyung hops on his feet and snatches his backpack, flinging his arms through the straps as fast as possible. One of the pockets is unzipped, but he doesn’t bother doing anything about it. “Hyung, I’ve gotta go.” 
Yoongi startles, raising his knees like he’s also about to gather his belongings. “Go where?”
“Sorry, hyung!” Taehyung calls over his shoulder. “I’ll text you!” 
Yoongi shouts after him, but Taehyung is quite literally sprinting at this point. Today was the wrong day to wear his brown loafers with the backs smashed in from Taehyung, not bothering to fix the heel, preferring to slip into his shoes than put them on all the way. His steps are loud, and his heavy bag smacks against his lower back as he runs down the now-overgrown sidewalk to the park entrance. 
Barely taking the time to look both ways, Taehyung sprints across the street. His feet take him in the direction of the greenhouse without him putting any thought into the decision. Taehyung can’t get his head together long enough to consider whether spending more time with plants will benefit him. 
He just needs to get away. 
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“You alright, Taehyung?” 
Taehyung nods and raises his hand in Namjoon’s direction, holding out his palm to indicate that Namjoon should stop worrying. Namjoon’s concern is understandable, though. Taehyung is doubled over and coughing into the crook of his arm. The coughing fit lasts a few minutes, and each cough is violent enough that it shudders through Taehyung’s body. He keeps his eyes closed until it eventually subsides, thickly swallowing down a now raw feeling throat. 
“Shit, hyung, are you sure you aren’t sick?” Jungkook rubs a hand between Taehyung’s shoulder blades a little too enthusiastically. It makes Taehyung trip forward slightly, but Jungkook wraps an arm around his torso to keep him upright. 
“Yes, I’m sure I’m not sick,” Taehyung rushes to dismiss Jungkook’s question. It’s ridiculous, honestly. Taehyung is fine. “It’s just a little cough. Nothing to worry about.” 
“Little?” Jungkook snorts, finally letting go of Taehyung. He leans against the brick wall of the university dining hall and crosses his arms against his chest. He tries to look menacing, but he’s wearing giant, circular, wire-framed glasses. Taehyung could laugh. 
“Yes, little. That time was just a kinda rough because I had food in my mouth.” 
Taehyung takes a sip of water from his water bottle and avoids looking at his friends. The cold water feels rejuvenating, like it’s seeping through his veins, cooling him down from the inside out. Sometimes, it feels like Taehyung has something growing inside of his chest, twisting around his organs and expanding inside of him. It’s rather unsettling, but it must get much worse before Taehyung willingly tells Namjoon and Jungkook what’s happening. 
Jungkook is difficult to fool; he’s too smart for his own good. He watches Taehyung try to hold in another cough, cheeks puffing up while his lips stay glued shut. 
“Maybe you caught whatever I had?” Namjoon offers, though he doesn’t sound sure of himself. Honestly, it sounds like he’s suggesting something he doesn’t believe in at all but is perhaps throwing it out there for Taehyung to take the bait and confess. 
As if. 
Jungkook makes a noise of dissent. “No way. You were sick so long ago. You’re not contagious anymore, and Taehyung would have gotten sick much sooner.” 
With a sigh, Namjoon pushes off the wall and leads the three of them toward the campus quad. It’s getting cold outside, so very few students hang out on the grassy field between the academic buildings. 
“I don’t know,” Namjoon mutters as he kicks at a loose pebble. “Superviruses are weird.”  
The three friends were supposed to head to the library to study after lunch. They still can if they’d just let the topic go. Yes, his coughing has become more frequent since that dreadful day at the park, but it’s only a cough. Everything else about him is fine. 
Well, aside from the fact that his heart is broken because he’s going back to avoiding Yoongi again, spending all his time with Jungkook and Namjoon, and only being in his apartment whenever he absolutely has to. Yeah, aside from the pain of pretending he’s okay with ignoring the love of his life, Taehyung is doing great. 
“Taehyung,” Namjoon begins sternly. “You need to go to the infirmary. Today.” 
“I’m fine.” 
“You look like shit, hyung. I’m being so serious right now. You’re pale, and all the coughing sounds kind of disgusting.” 
Taehyung glares at Jungkook because he’s rude, but he’s right. 
“It’s been over a week, Taehyung-ah, and it’s getting worse.” Namjoon runs his hands through his hair. He only does that when stressed, and Taehyung feels awful for knowing it’s his fault. “Go on, let’s go.” 
Namjoon firmly grabs Taehyung's shoulders and steers him toward the infirmary. The building is close to the dining hall, just a five-minute walk from where they are in the quad. In all honesty, Taehyung would have lied and gone somewhere else, perhaps to his apartment or the greenhouse, the moment Jungkook and Namjoon left him alone. So it’s a shame when the two accompany Taehyung to the infirmary lobby. 
“All they’re going to do is tell me to drink more water and suck on cough drops or something,” Taehyung groans when Jungkook gives him a final shove toward the front desk. “I don’t want to be in here with all these… actually sick people,” he whispers the end of the sentence when a woman sitting in the lobby gives the three men a dirty look. 
“Can you please just do this for us? For our peace of mind?” Namjoon never pleads, but he does now, his eyes bright and earnest. 
Defeated, Taehyung nods. He tries not to look too dramatic as Namjoon and Jungkook bid him good luck and farewell. The two men bow a few too many times at the other patients waiting for their turn to see a doctor as an apology for being loud. They’re a bunch of goofballs, and Taehyung can’t help but smile slightly as he watches them disappear through the front doors. It’s nice to have friends who care about him, even if they’re annoying as fuck. 
“Hi dear, can you do me a favor and wait in one of these seats?” The woman at the front desk motions for Taehyung to sit down. She has the office phone pressed against her shoulder. “I’ve got someone on the phone. I can check you in once I’m done.” 
With a slight bow of his head, Taehyung slumps into a seat in the corner of the room, away from the other patients. He knows whatever’s wrong with him is a minor thing, maybe the tiniest of colds, and he’s not interested in getting sick with whatever other illnesses are spreading through the university now that the cool weather has hit. Taehyung is always in good health and prides himself in it, actually. Which is likely why his friends are so concerned. 
Adjusting his jean jacket tighter around his torso, Taehyung does his best to get comfortable in his chair. The itchy feeling in his chest and throat is slowly returning, only somewhat bothersome now, but Taehyung knows it can get much worse. He tries holding his breath to stop himself from feeling the need to cough, too embarrassed to let it out in front of all these people. He’s not sick! It’s just a weird little thing he’s sure he’ll get over soon enough. Maybe he has fall allergies? It wouldn’t make much sense since Taehyung is immune to plant toxins; he’d assume pollen and the like should also be useless against him, but hey, who the fuck knows? 
Perhaps Seokjin. Taehyung makes a mental note to ask him about it later. 
With a sigh, he falls back against the chair and shifts his gaze to look through the window in the door leading to the rest of the infirmary, where patients are examined. Occasionally, a nurse will pop through the door to call on a patient to enter the infirmary for their initial check-up. 
At this rate, Taehyung feels like his name will never be called. 
It’s been less than ten minutes, but Taehyung is already becoming impatient. He sits with his chin in his hand and stares at the front desk woman whenever she isn’t looking at him. Whoever is on the other end of the line is causing her stress; Taehyung can tell. Still, he’s seconds away from leaving and maybe returning later. 
“Kim Hyungseo?”
A girl to the left of Taehyung gets up and turns to gather her bag and giant fluffy coat from the chair next to her. She’s making a bit of a fuss, sniffling like her nose might fall off, but Taehyung is focused on the nurse who called her name. 
Yoongi is cute in scrubs. His are a soft lilac in color and fit his body proportions nicely, not baggy or flimsy. The short sleeves are tight around his biceps, making his arms look full and strong. Clipped to the waistband of his pants is his employee ID. Taehyung can’t see it from here, but he knows that in the photo, Yoongi has his natural dark hair and isn’t smiling, which gives him a somewhat intimidating appearance. 
Taehyung sinks further down in his seat and drops his gaze, keeping his eyes on the floor to watch the girl walk away from their corner of the room. He sincerely hopes Yoongi hasn’t seen him, though it’s impossible to know. Taehyung thinks he doesn’t because Yoongi is busy reviewing files on a clipboard as he waits for the next patient. 
By the time Yoongi looks up again, Taehyung is already halfway down the hallway. 
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weskin-time · 1 year
So I recently watched The Evil dead and maybe a fun warm up could be some general Ash headcanons? Whatever you can think of I wanna hear
HO HO HO!! Ash is like one of my favorite characters ever so this is going to be so fun thank you!!
screaming cuz i wrote so much for this but cuz i’m on mobile it didn’t save any of it sobs
also i haven’t watched the show yet so idk if these go against his character as he’s older but
Random Young Ash HCs
also how did you like the movie(s)?!
according to the comics Ash has an engineering degree from Michigan State
he has a degree but works the same job for years
not a HC i just wanted to point out that this man that Bruce Campbell said is ‘incompetent to do anything other than kill the evil dead’ has a degree
i feel like ash can’t cook but he can totally bake
he can make basic stuff but if it requires more effort he will not do it
can bake the best moist cake you’ve ever had tho
he doesn’t like rocking chairs
thinks he’s going to fall backwards in them every time
he has daddy issues
if young ash was in modern times i bet he would watch shitty reality TV such as a Real Housewives show and Teen Mom (is teen mom still on?)
he covers his ears when flushing a toilet in a public bathroom
loud :(
he’s got ADHD
he has spent an entire day trying to do a handstand but kept falling
his sister was one of the only people he ever truly confided in and trusted more than anything
completely ooc for this but young ash reminds me of jerma in ways
he cheated a lot in college and high school it’s partly the only reason he graduated
mf grew up in michigan so i have to include this
he loves Faygo, it is his favorite drink next to Dr Pepper
Rock n Rye is his favorite flavor
his favorite ice cream is superman
he will openly complain if an ice cream shop has vanilla ice cream that’s colored to be supper man colors
seriously they need to stop making you think you’re about to get the best ice cream known to man only for it to be vanilla with different colors. hate
uses a 4-in-1 soap
comes up with characters and fake names and stories to get girls to come home with him for the bar
very closeted bisexual
when someone comes to him first and starts flirting and asking his name he’ll say
‘are you a cop?’
smokes a fuck ton of weed like dude please leave some for the rest of us my gods damn
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vacantgodling · 2 months
Some random questions so that I can feel things about divorced dads:
when did they each first realize they were in love?
what is the most awkward thing they've had to do as exes?
what is Jihan's blood situation now that Hue is out of the picture?
does Hue have a picture of his happy family for dramatic regret purposes?
~ @void-botanist
THANK YOUUU, i answer to join in the divorced dad feels <3
when did they first realize they were in love?
they did have a kind of slow burn kind of romance, and for the two of them both being fast to fuck, i think that was the first clue something was different.
hue definitely fell in love first i think—probably about two years into them first knowing each other when he was suffering through undergrad—seeing jihan was always a bright spot in his day, and he didn’t even have to do anything other than be there, or smile, and it would make his heart kind of flutter. jihan is such an easy person to be around it really melted hue’s stress (still does even if he doesn’t wanna admit it in his stubbornness). but i think the biggest thing that made him realize he was head over heels is when his parents passed (his dad first in a fatal accident and his mom of heartbreak 2 years later or so) and jihan was there for him and his sister’s every step of the way. jihan (being old and having lost many people in his life) knows his way around grief, and hue had never experienced a loss so devastating like these. so i think that’s when he kinda realized he wanted to marry him. hue can be a bit impulsive (mentally) but usually he can plan and be patient. so he didn’t tell jihan he loved him until several years later. but that’s when.
jihan didn’t really have a specific moment where he realized he was in love with hue, it was very much an “oh! …. oh” moment for him slowly falling in step with him. hue’s the first person that’s ever made jihan crave being domestic—he never married any of his previous partners before hue just because he wasn’t in the mindset of settling down and neither were the people he were with but something about hue makes him really value that domesticity. it kind of hit him all at once one day when hue was talking about jihan moving in with him since he practically lived there anyways and jihan was like oh. i want to spend the rest of your life with you. okay. i can do that.
what’s the most awkward thing they’ve had to do as exes?
everything relating to their daughters is honestly so awkward for them like it’s not even funny. the two of them having to sit through interviews for esther’s college was a nightmare cuz the government is basically like it’s cute that you all think a divorce is gonna stop us from making yall live together as magical insurance in case something goes wrong. no matter how much hue tried to convince them he had it on his own 💀
second most awkward thing was ozzi’s new school’s pta meeting LMAO.
what is jihan’s blood situation now that hue is out of the picture?
aside from the times where hue is giving jihan mixed signals and giving into the temptation to let han feed off of him, jihan alternates between buying blood bags (when he has money; he’s always been such a nomad and never has had a job lol) or making friends with people and couch surfing and feeding off them. he’s only polite and usually only proposes it when he’s known someone for awhile and thinks they’d be cool with it, and doesn’t mind if someone refuses. he can’t offer money a lot of the time, but he’ll do things for you if you want lol (though many of his long term friends don’t care about that)
someone he actually does end up feeding off of is actually kaspian! he’s another werewolf 👀 but he’s got a LOT of kids and is always tired, so jihan kind of becomes a babysitter for him (and crashes occasionally) since he knows how to handle kiddos thanks to esther and ozzi. werewolf kids are more of a handful than witches though!
as a tangent as well, hue and kaspian actually end up meeting and becoming friends because three of kas’s older children go to the same school as ozzi and one of them (chryses) becomes one of ozzi’s friends. because hue and kas are both wolves they end up bonding but hue has no idea that kas knows jihan and he winds up soooorta in the middle of it. he’s not a REAL romantic interest for either of them just a good friend and middle man a lot of the time in the drama. but hue DEFFO does get jealous when he finds out that han’s been snacking on kas—i feel like that’s what would end up sparking the divorced dad sex for the first time lmao 💀💀💀
(i also say he’s not really a romantic interest but i can also see either of them separately having a little more than friendly encounters with kas. i haven’t thought of a partner for him tbh he just needs to unwind sometimes and what’s a bj/hj between friends? LMAO)
ENOUGH ABOUT KAS THO (unless you wanna hear more about him pff)
does hue have a picture of his happy family for dramatic regret purposes?
literally so many. the man tortures himself. he still can’t bring himself to change jihan holding esther at her hs graduation from his phone’s lockscreen bc he hates himself LMAO.
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