#cw implied depression
lloydenthusiast · 10 months
more greenflower drabbles!
still another fluffy one! only tws for this baby are implied/referenced depression.
hope yall enjoy! drabble under the cut
Lloyd rolls out of bed at three in the afternoon to rapid knocks on his door. He doesn’t move with any urgency—Why would he? It’s a Saturday—as he meanders to the front door as the knocks turn to shouts.
“Lloyd! Come on, man. You can’t seriously still be sleeping.”
“Shut up.” Lloyd mutters a response. He would shout it but that takes far too much energy for a Saturday. He reaches the door, stepping over dirty laundry covering his dorm room floor, and pulls it open to reveal Brad, smiling far too brightly for him to handle this early in the morning.
“Were you seriously still asleep?”
“Have you met me?”
Brad snorts. “Yes,” he says. He takes a step into Lloyd’s room, kicking the door shut behind him and toeing off his shoes. He wrinkles his nose. “God, it stinks in here.”
“Did you just come here to insult me?”
“No, of course not.” Brad sets a paper bag down on Lloyd’s desk chair—one of the only clean surfaces in the room. Cause, you know, he sits in it—and begins picking up pieces of paper off of the floor. He reaches for one of Lloyd’s shirts. Lifts it, sniffs it, and promptly wrinkles his nose once more. He gives Lloyd a look. “Dude.”
“You are so annoying,” Lloyd says “What’s in the bag?”
“Clean up and I’ll show you.”
Lloyd gives him his Death Stare. Patent pending, of course.
Brad grins. “Grumpy, eh?” He makes Lloyd’s bed quickly—Really, quickly, like at a speed that Lloyd seriously cannot comprehend—and sits on the comforter. “Remind me not to talk to you in the mornings.” He pauses. “Oh, wait, it’s 3:00 PM.”
Lloyd walks over to the bag.
“Wait!” Brad hops off of Lloyd’s bed, hurrying over to the bag. “You won’t be gentle enough.”
“What is it? A grenade? A snow globe? A lightbulb?”
“Only one of those was a normal guess,” Brad mutters. He pulls some tissue paper out of the bag and sets it down on the chair, slowly unwrapping—A plant?!
Lloyd stares at it. Stares at Brad. Back at the plant. Back at Brad.
“Well?” Brad says.
“It’s … green.”
“It’s for you!”
“For … me …”
“Yes, dumbass.” Brad picks up the plant, a small, round cactus with spikes. “It’s prickly, like you are in the …” He glances at his watch. “Afternoon.” He smirks.
“I hate you.”
“I know.” Brad holds out the plant. “I thought your room could use some … sprucing up.”
Lloyd raises an eyebrow.
“I’m serious,” Brad deadpans. “It’s disgusting in here.”
Lloyd grunts. But he takes the plant, peering at it. It’s small, certainly pokey, and honestly sorta cute. “What do I do with it?”
“You take it outside to play catch.”
“No, you dumb fuck, you water it.”
Lloyd glares at him as Brad grins that stupid shit-eating grin again. Don’t be fooled, Brad only seems nice.
“I know that,” he snaps. “But seriously, why did you get it?”
Brad shrugs. “You know,” he says. “To try to put a smile on that frowny face of yours.”
“I am not—“
“When was the last time you’ve gotten out of bed before noon in the past two weeks?”
Lloyd opens his mouth. He shuts his mouth.
“That’s what I thought.” Brad plucks the plant from his hands and walks over to the windowsill, setting it down on it. “Water it every month.”
“Cacti don’t need a lot of water,” Brad says easily. “Just give it some love. Talk to it, I dunno. That’s what I do with my plants.”
“Of course it is.”
Brad laughs a bit. “Well, if you won’t talk to me about what’s going on,” Brad says quieter. “At least open up to someone. Even if it’s a cactus.”
Guilt swirls in Lloyd’s stomach. “Right.”
Brad gives him a smile. “Take care, alright? And I’m serious, at least get some Febreeze or something. Or maybe take a shower?” He reaches out, ruffling Lloyd’s surely-greasy hair. Lloyd shoves him off.
“Catch you later?” Brad asks. “I know you like to wake up on your own.”
“You say that,” Lloyd grumbles. “But you woke me up anyways.”
Brad winks. “You bet.” He heads to the door, shoving on his shoes. “Lemme know once you’re up, we can go get coffee.”
“At three?”
Brad shrugs. “Sure.” He pulls open Lloyd’s door. “See you!” and leaves. He pulls the door shut after him.
Lloyd heads over to the plant on the windowsill and sighs.
“Looks like it’s just you and me, little buddy.” He picks it up, turns it in his hands. It’s … cute.
He supposes.
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hplonesomeart · 1 year
*Realizing I have a tendency to obsess over characters who are very emotionally expressive in order to compensate for my own social anhedonia*
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kattartsblog · 2 years
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Rated M
Warnings: Angst, Implied Depression, Death, Violence, Swearing, and Implied Bullying
Author note: This is my first fic that I’ve ever posted. I’m quite nervous about my lack of writing skills. But I hope you enjoy it.
Ilona Liquirizia; they were born in Italy, studied abroad in Japan for 4 years, and came back to run for their life. Run from what you may ask, well let’s just call it an accident. Along the way, 2 assasino who worked for Passione, an organized crime syndicate. They had witnessed the stand power Ilona had possessed. Seeing this type of unadulterated power with their own eyes, they knew they needed this young adult on their side, and from then on Ilona was unofficially recruited. Years went by since that day, Ilona soon became known as the “Executioner's Rabid Monster”, as Ilona’s stand began showing more aggressive ways of culling the many targets that were assigned. Ilona themself was gaining more confidence in their abilities. They didn’t mind if they never got paid, as long as there was a roof over their head and a nice warm bed, all was good. Amongst these strange hitmen, they had found a place where they felt at home, Ilona’s friendships soon blossomed into a familial bond, they felt that if they could do something miniscule; such as chores, or get in extra work for La Squadra, Ilona was happy.
However, everyone must wake up from their dreams eventually. Soon, the money started drying up and a certain incident caused a shake up in the team. One by one, each of Ilona’s closest friends had danced with death, taking their final breaths before succumbing to their fates. Their last words had echoed in Ilona’s mind as within 2 days, all but one remained. Ilona felt powerless, they were told to stay out of the conflict as this was not their battle to fight. They would have done anything to seek revenge, but Risotto wouldn’t let them. “Ilona.” He spoke, “I will be the one to avenge them. Do you understand me?” Ilona shook their head, “Nero, I’m sick and tired of standing by! I can’t, I won’t!” The more they spoke, the more raspy their voice got, as they began to drown in their sobs. Sorbet, Gelato, Formaggio, Illuso, Prosciutto, Pesci, Melone, and now Ghiaccio?
Risotto gently held one of Ilona’s paws as he rubbed their back. He couldn’t help but be reminded of his past, when he lost his cousin. Unlike him, Ilona had a better chance at life. Ilona’s painful sobs grew louder to an alarming rate, almost to the point of subconsciously summoning their stand, Hybrid Theory to their side. Risotto quickly grabbed Ilona tightly, so that their face would meet his chest as the sobs began to muffle. Hybrid Theory slowly sunk back into the shadows, carefully watching Risotto attempt to comfort the broken hearted Ilona. A tight feeling in Risotto’s chest started to grow, as he began to silently sob with Ilona in his arms. Holding on to them as if they were the last person on earth. As soon as Ilona calmed down, they felt Risotto’s tears roll from his face to the top of their head. Ilona nestled in the crook of Risotto’s neck, and wiggled their arms out of his vice grip to try to hug back the larger man.
Ilona knew that everyone they love will eventually leave them. And when that day came, Risotto sailed off to Sardinia. Before leaving, he left one final task for Ilona; keep the apartment clean, pay rent with the money left in his personal safe, and stay alive for everyone. Ilona knew if it had been at least 48 hours, and Risotto wasn’t back, he would have been declared dead. And just like that, we come to the beginning of our story. Ilona was now, all alone.
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rypory · 2 years
My boyfriend made me make this
[ID: A picture very clearly edited out of a few other pictures. It's Goro Majima looking sad, sitting in a recliner and eating junk food]
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i-am-confused-always · 6 months
what I say: “it is what it is”
what I mean: “I have cried about this for hours and have probably self harmed and contemplated suicide over this.
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stil-lindigo · 10 months
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scorched earth.
a comic about a princess who died in a fire.
(this is a sequel to bite of winter, a comic about Snow and what became of her after her death.)
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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It was so easy to take his love for granted. He gave easily, even what he didn't have or wasn't his to give, and she loved him for it. She did. She really did.
His love was comfortable, a well worn blanket on a cold day, a hearth at the heart of their home, a lulluby before going to sleep. His love was always there, unconditional and endless, like a lighthouse perpetually lit to guide her back home.
She should have seen his pain. She should have known that the love he gave her had to come from somewhere. He would have given her his heart, his lungs, his eyes if he thought she wanted them, let alone needed them. He gave and gave and gave until there was nothing else to give and then he still gave her more.
She should have noticed the pieces that seemed to go missing, should have noticed his spark slowly dimming, should have seen his pain and, for once, be the one to give him comfort, love, acceptance, care. If she had, maybe he would still be there. If she had, maybe he wouldn't have left.
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dxiifut · 1 month
Guess who've been caught SH-ing and might get hospitalized??? (me ofc)
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candy-colored-misery · 8 months
"my soul aches for something better than this."
2023 journal entry, from me.
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gor3-slut · 10 days
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love being bloody 🥰
fake blood
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ezsdiary · 8 months
the healing process of $h sucks, it's so itchy
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windslar · 2 months
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kattartsblog · 2 years
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Rated M
Warnings: Angst, Implied Depression, Death, Violence, Swearing, and Implied Bullying
Author note: This fic is really short, as we’re now on the first actual chapter. Anyway please enjoy!
The sun was high in the sky, and Ilona woke up from the floor feeling groggy, they had finished cleaning Formaggio’s room. It had been 3 weeks since Risotto left for Sardinia, and the scars on Ilona’s heart grew larger. Shards of broken glass still littered the meeting room, vintage wine stained the floor, and the small tv had a large crack on its screen. The whole room smelled like a rotten wine vineyard, that night still haunts them. Knowing the last person they cared for had gone off on a suicide mission to, what seemed to be a hunch. Ilona knew that all of them made a pact with the devil of Italy, but they didn’t realize how much more their heart was going to ache. They were blinded by their own suffering and despair to not see it happen. A flurry of anxiety brushed through their mind, but it could wait. Right now, they needed a small snack.
With what little money they had in their pocket, they decided to set off for a small cafe. Leaving the mess from their misery for another day to clean. Nothing in life mattered anymore, there was no way to go back to what once was. Ilona grabbed their coat, locked the door, and left for the cafe. The songs of pigeons filled the cityscape as Ilona walked through the busy streets. Keeping a narrow focus on their destination, their mind began spewing thoughts. Memories of the past, things they never said, the joy, the sorrow, the anger. Thoughts kept flowing out like they were near the mouth of a river as their mind traveled into an ocean of have nots. But the beach memory, that’s the happy place of Ilona’s mind. The calm before the monsoon of emotions.
The purple soda waves of the beach glistened and the fireworks tangoed in the night sky, as the sound of a radio’s static crunches throughout the celebration. The feeling of warm sand digging in between their toes, the smells of a lamb kebab sizzling on the grill, and the sweet taste of victory as they all danced under the pale moonlight. There was life, happiness, and laughter. It was the perfect Italian summer night. The type of night you would read in a travel guide or find in a romantic movie.
Before the memory began to play further, Ilona snapped back to reality and made it to the front door of the shop. Cautiously they walked inside and towards the counter. A barista was cleaning a cup as Ilona sat at the bar, “A cappuccino, extra foam.”
“Che cosa, are you insane?!” Ilona takes a small metal badge out of their pocket, it’s the insignia of Passione. The barista’s eyes widened with fear, Ilona gave them a stern look, “Make like a rabbit and hop to it.” The barista nods and he gets right to work. Suddenly the door swings open once more. In walks the bombastic duo of Mostaccioli and Radicchio. The two men look over to see Ilona sitting alone, “Hey Radi, check it out. An idiota, all by themself.”
“What a good eye you have Mostaccioli, now what say you guard dog?” Not a peep came from Ilona, they were ignoring every word. “Come now, no yapping today?”
“Just leave me alone.” The two gangsters sit on either side of Ilona, Radicchio puts an arm around them. “Aww, is the little cucciolo not feeling good?” Ilona wafts the arm off of them, “Seriously, knock it off.” This was… new. Usually their banter would be much more comedic, but the seriousness in Ilona’s tone caught the both of them off guard.
They then see the server bring in the cappuccino. Mostaccoli stood up angry at the sight of the tiny cup, “Ay, what gives cucciola!? You know you’re not supposed to drink cappuccinos in the afternoon! They are not meant for digesting this late.” Ilona took a full swig as if it were a beer, and motioned the barista to get another one. “Seriously, another one?!” Radicchio puts his hand to his head in shame. Ilona then slams the table, “I don’t care, just shut up Ghiaccio!” Realizing what they blurted out loud, Ilona sunk back to their seat with small tears starting to form. They laid their head on the table covering their face with their arms. Ilona couldn’t let their greatest rivals see them be the little weakling they started as. The duo had never seen this side of Ilona, something must have happened if they were this distraught. Mostaccioli waved down the barista to send some water and a pastry their way.
Radicchio tilted his head onto the table to meet eye level with Ilona, “Hey, this is seriously out of character for you. What happened?” He said sweetly. Ilona took a deep breath that sounded very sniffly, “They’re all dead. They went rogue and were killed by a guy named Buccirati, along with his cronies.” Both of them had heard rumors circulating about the group’s betrayal, but never anything about Buccirati getting involved. Mostaccioli patted Ilona’s back, “I’m not saying that they had sealed their fate but, they totally had it coming.” Radicchio slapped Mostaccioli upside the head, “Ow! Uh, what I mean is… that um… Radi?”
“What he means is that, we’re sorry that this happened to you.” Ilona heard the sound of a small dish being slid closer to their face, and lifted their head to see a mustaccioli on the plate. Ilona slumped back down after taking a small bite from the treat’s chocolaty corners.
“I’m sorry for being a downer, it’s been really rough.”
“No sweat man, come on Mostaccioli. Let’s give them some space.” The duo stood up, moved to another table, and left Ilona to sulk by themself. Deep down, Ilona wanted their rivals to stay by their side, just this once. But obviously the nature of their relationship didn’t really warrant that type of interaction. To them, Radicchio and Mostaccioli were familiar strangers; frequently seen like an estranged relative at an extended family reunion, that may have known you all your life, but not like know you as a person. They tore off a piece of the mustaccioli and popped it in their mouth, as they consumed the pastry Ilona’s mind wandered back to that beach night once more.
Melone held Ilona’s paws as they swayed to Al di la by Connie Francis. The tender grip from his soft hands could easily make one blush, as he rubbed his right thumb on the back of Ilona’s left paw. All while Formaggio made a kissy face, mocking Ilona’s feelings. It didn’t take long for Ilona to throw one of their flip flops at his face. Playfully, Formaggio chased Ilona down as the two were giggling as if they were children at the park. Melone joined in the chase, “Don’t worry Il, I’ll save you!”. Prosciutto watched as the 3 ran into the ocean splashing about along the coast, he shook his head. “How immature,” Risotto nudged the stiff blond’s elbow, “These moments don’t last forever, besides this is the first time I’ve ever seen Ilona smile.” Prosciutto looked on as Ilona motioned the rest of the group to join in one last splash in the sea. This was the first and last time they have ever smiled.
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llestairee · 2 days
i need to be enabled. im hate being lectured for all the shit i do to myself. its either i cut myself or kill myself and he doesn't fucking get that. i hate that he wants me to be better.
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the urge to tear apart my body until im pretty enough to be loved and cherished and cared for
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dxiifut · 3 months
Block Don't report
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