#daenerys targaryen (daughter of aegon iv and naerys)
gotham-at-nightfall · 2 months
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Valyrian Couples: Part II
Aegon IV Targaryen, Naerys Targaryen and Aemon (son of Viserys II) Targaryen
Daemon I Blackfyre and Daenerys (daughter of Aegon IV) Targaryen
Brynden Rivers and Shiera Seastar
Aelor Targaryen and Aelora Targaryen
Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen and Daenora Targaryen
Jaehaerys II Targaryen and Shaera Targaryen
Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen
Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen
By Jota Saraiva
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coldraindropsss · 7 months
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yourlocalnetizen · 3 months
Jaehaerys I: Do you think you're my daughters in every universe? Daenerys, Daella, Saera, & Viserra: Is there a universe where you don't mistreat us?
Alysanne: Do you think you're my daughter in every universe? Viserra: Is there a universe where you don't mistreat me?
Viserys I: Do you think you're my children in every universe? Aegon II, Helaena, Aemond, & Daeron: Is there a universe where you don't mistreat us?
Larra: Do you think you're my children in every universe? Aegon IV, Aemon, & Naerys: Is there a universe where you don't abandon us?
Viserys II: Do you think you're my daughter in every universe? Naerys: Is there a universe where you don't marry me to my abuser?
Aegon IV: Are you my son in every universe? Daeron II: Is there a universe where you don't hate me & try to make my life hell for no reason?
Jaehaerys II & Shaera: Do you think you're our daughter in every universe? Rhaella: Is there a universe where you don't marry me to my abuser?
Aerys II: Do you think you're my son in every universe? Rhaegar: Is there a universe where you don't mistreat me?
Rhaegar: Do you think you’re my children in every universe? Rhaenys & Aegon: Is there a universe where you don't abandon us for a teenager?
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acewithapencil · 4 months
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Targ designs
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horizon-verizon · 13 days
I don't know if this is exactly in your area of ​​interest but do you know why the vitriol against Daeron II? Personally, I am more interested in the main story of Asoiaf and the period from the conquest to the dance, but I've seen a couple of posts that are very pro-DaemonxDaenerys and very Anti Martell and Daeron.Is it a ship problem or an anti-martell problem? Because what I remember is that Daenerys had the water gardens built to make her feel more comfortable and it is said that her husband was in love with her (I don't remember if it is said if at some point it was reciprocal or if they had a bad relationship)and I remember that we have rumors that Daemon liked Daenerys but I don't remember that it was said that it was reciprocal.
From what I have seen, these opinions seem to be qualified by a kind of anti-hatred towards the Martells, not because of them but because of the fans and the reading that they do pro-elia anti-rhaegar, which in reality Anti-dany and I really don't understand why these posts villainize Daeron as if it were his fault that the war broke out? And wasn't Daemon married? Or does that get in the way of the epic love story with Daenerys?
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(AWoIaF -- "The Targaryen Kings" -- "Daeron II")
The people you refer to who hate Daeron do so because he married off a 15 year old Daenerys to much older Maron Martell to build an alliance with Dorne and bring them into the official fold and under the crown's authority. AND because they believe that DaenerysxDaemon B. had a mutual love for each other, so Daeron separated two lovers. From what is told to us, the impression is that Maron treated her well, if his allowing her to bring critique of Dorne's class divides has any indication (the Gardens). Daemon hadn't been married at this time. And we don't have proof that their feelings was reciprocated or even which side had feelings for each other and which did not, etc. They also had only 2 years between them in age, Daemon and Daenerys.
"It has been said in the years after Daemon Blackfyre proved a traitor that his hatred of Daeron began to grow early."
One, like Fire & Blood, A World of Ice & Fire is, in-world, a historical text written by a maester and its geared towards showing Robert Baratheon & the Lannisters in a more positive light with typical maester/Faith anti magic, xenophobia, & ignorance (sometimes acknowledged) of Essos at certain points.
Two, It's possible that this relationship only exists for a way Daemon's supporters to maintain Daemon's rightfulness towards his legacy, or that they exaggerate. A few of his kids survived, as we know, and would birth/sire people who'd attempt to take the throne.
On the whole, I am like you, prefer to think about and discuss pre-conquest-Dance and the main series and largely because there's dragons and there's more women in the center of the narratives told. I'm the other side of the phenomenon of men losing interest in stories with women centered more; if I see stories with little active or centered women, irdgaf.
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sarcasticsweetlara · 26 days
Queen Daenaera Velaryon's Mermaid Crown
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Daenaera is the daughter of the Lord Daeron Velaryon, who fought for both Queen Rhaenyra I and King Aegon III Targaryen.
It is obvious her family is Team Black no matter what antis want to say, and the marriage of Aegon and Daenaera was the best choice for him both as a political alliance and as a match.
Daenaera brought House Velaryon back to the royal family; her father Daeron Velaryon fought for Rhaenyra and for Aegon III Targaryen and his wife Hazel Harte and him seemed to have had a good relationship with Baela and Rhaena in order to entrust their daughter to them in case something happened to them (and sadly it did, my poor baby girl became an orphan at six years old 🥺).
After all the strife that happened to both House Targaryen and House Velaryon, Daenaera and Aegon met and wed each other.
Queen Rhaenyra I Targaryen had made a deal with House Velaryon that there would be Velaryon blood in the Iron Throne one way or another, and here it was the chance to fulfill that agreement after all the fighting that had make it seem there would not be another Targaryen - Velaryon union.
Daenaera was a queen who had given everyone hope even if she herself struggled with it at times, her queenship represented hope.
It is likely Daenaera died from the same illness of Aegon III as she dedicated herself to take care of him (because she loved him).
Daenaera had to wear a crown that represented a new beginning and to be the symbol of peace and freshness, and to emphasize how House Velaryon was as godly as House Targaryen.
Daenaera wearing a mermaid like crown would be perfect for her and her legacy.
If Daeron had lived and married a Rogare maiden as it is presumed, then she would have worn Daenaera's crown.
And this is surely the same crown her daughter Daena wore for the short time she was queen consort (likely a year) honoring her mother as Daena also honored her father with her black outfits signaling her love for both her parents; later on Naerys would wear the crown of her aunt Daenaera as a homage to the line of her uncle King Aegon III Targaryen as her father Viserys II Targaryen became king after Baelor died and the lords preferred him over Aegon and Daenaera's daughters (Viserys had years of experience whereas Daena, Rhaena and Elaena had been isolated) and Aegon IV and her became king and queen after Viserys II Targaryen died.
It is also possible Daenerys Targaryen The Second (the daughter of Aegon IV and Naerys) also wore it, in an attempt of showing both House Targaryen and House Velaryon were reconciling with Dorne - I have the headcanon Daeron II betrothed a Velaryon cousin of his (Viseriya Velaryon) to the heir of House Caron in another attempt of calming the Marcher Lords - and therefore the crown of Queen Daenaera would be needed.
If Naerys' mother Larra had become queen and been able to be present for her children, she would have worn it frequently as the Queen Mother if Daeron II had been Viserys II's direct heir; Larra would have worn Daenaera's crown as a consort and later her own crown as the regent for Daeron II, and same for Naerys, wearing Daenaera's crown as a Princess regent and later the crown of her mother as Queen Mother, and would give it later to Viseriya Velaryon (oc - granddaughter of the youngest son of Baela) during her marriage to the Lord Caron.
After that they would have given Daenaera's crown to Daena and her children, after making sure Daena married someone of her election, but in the current timeline as Naerys probably felt guilty for how things turned out, it is a fact Naerys felt she had to atone for Aegon IV's attitude and how Daenaera's daughters were denied the crown, and did so by seldomly wearing Daenaera's crown.
After Daenerys, the crown of Queen Daenaera probably went back to Daenaera's descendants, this time to the children of Jeyne Waters (my headcanon is that Jeyne married into House Borrell while Jon married into House Waxley, Houses from the Vale) as a tribute to Queen Daenaera and to give legitimacy to Jeyne as the bastard daughter of Alyn Velaryon and Elaena Targaryen.
In the end it was Elaena who carried on with Aegon and Daenaera's line aside from the Blackfyres, though Rhaena had a great legacy of reclaiming the Targaryen status as different from the rest of the men with her work as a Septa, Elaena deserved to have the crown of her mother who had been so far one of the most beloved queens.
Daenaera's legacy is still alive through the actions of all of her children - we may not like the Blackfyres, but we can't deny Daena was an icon of resistance - and has influenced the whole story of GOT
Daenaera is one of the best queens in the whole saga of books.
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Meta: A Tale of Three Daenerys’
An element of authenticity George R. R. Martin adds to the ASOIAF universe is the repetition of names. The same names appear repeatedly within specific cultures and the spread and popularity of certain names is used to illustrate how one culture has influenced another. Just look at the wide popularity of Targaryen names throughout Westeros, especially Alysanne.
With Daenerys Targaryen, GRRM has created two other characters with her name, so far: Daenerys, daughter of Aegon IV and Naerys, and Daenerys, daughter of Alysanne and Jaehaerys I. Both of these characters seem to be used to lay the groundwork for elements of the canon era Daenerys’ story and character arc.
Daenerys, the Retconned Princess
In The World of Ice and Fire, Jaehaerys I and Alysanne do not have a daughter named Daenerys. In fact, in the main series, Daenerys of Dorne is referred to as the first. But with the release of Fire and Blood Vol 1, Martin restructured the birth order of Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s children, which included not just reshuffling, but also removing and adding children. One of those additions was Princess Daenerys, who took the place of Alyssa as the second born child and oldest daughter of the family.
So the question is, why did Martin retcon TWOIAF just to add a new Daenerys? Part of the reason is likely to flesh out the reign of Jaehaerys and Alysanne with more information and loss. But why name her Daenerys and not Rhaenys after their grandmother or any other name? There is a wealth of Targaryen names Martin could have given this new child, but he chose Daenerys, the name of one of his main five characters in the core series. He likely made that choice to give additional foreshadowing for the canon era character.
At first glance, the two Daenerys’ don’t have much in common with Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s daughter being born into a stable family and kingdom as their oldest living child who grew into a confident girl but died young, while our Dany was born an orphan and an exile, and grew up constantly afraid, gaining confidence and strength in her teens. In that way, they are narrative foils. But where the foreshadowing comes in is with how Alysanne views her daughter.
Based on a combination of moments in Fire and Blood, there is a possibility that Alysanne had the gift of foresight, like other Targaryens in the series. For some unexplained reason, Alysanne is very insistent on Daenerys becoming queen after her father. This is strange because equal primogeniture is not the norm in their culture. Visenya did not become queen regnant, her younger brother Aegon became king. Rhaena did not become queen regnant, her two younger brothers and uncle became kings, though Aegon the Uncrowned was only a claimant. What’s more, Alysanne never pushes for Rhaena’s rights over Jaehaerys’. But she does push for Daenerys’ rights over her son’s. Why? Because she knows Daenerys will be a great queen:
[Princess Daenerys] so enchanted Alysanne that for a time Her Grace even began to eschew council sessions, preferring to spend her days playing with her daughter and reading her the stories that her own mother had once read to her. “She is so clever, she will be reading to me before long,” she told the king. “She is going to be a great queen, I know it.” – Fire and Blood
This is a rare issue where Alysanne is certain about something, but turns out to be wrong, since her daughter dies before having the opportunity to become queen regnant. It is very possible that Alysanne’s certainty over her daughter’s future and Martin’s purpose for retconning this child into existence was to foreshadow Dany’s eventual position as Queen of Westeros. Often with prophetic visions, they can be misunderstood by the person experiencing them as seen with Daeron the Drunken and Daemon II Blackfyre in the Dunk and Egg novellas. While both of their dreams came true, they happened very differently than what they initially believed. So the great queen named Daenerys who Alysanne might have seen wasn’t her daughter but her distant descendant.
Daenerys of Dorne
The Princess Daenerys who married Maron Martell was initially mentioned in passing in a Dunk and Egg novella, The Sworn Sword, but wasn’t named in the text until A Dance With Dragons where her connection to both the series era Dany and Martell family was emphasized. She is cited by Davos as the person Dany was named after and is the source of the Targaryen blood that gives Quentyn the belief that he can tame one of the dragons. She is also the reason the Water Gardens were built and through that palace was able to impact every generation of Dornish children after her.
Unlike the previous Daenerys, there are quite a few parallels between Daenerys of Dorne and the canon era Dany. They were both the products of extremely unhappy and abusive marriages. They each had significant age gaps between them and their siblings, with their older brother having reached adulthood and had a child or children of his own by the time of their birth. Their brothers married them to men outside of their culture. While Dany was exchanged for the promise of an army to take back Westeros, Princess Daenerys���s marriage was part of a treaty that united Dorne with the rest of Westeros. Both women marry for duty despite loving other men. Each of them are particularly protective and caring toward children. They also look beyond the social status of individuals and see that everyone is equally worthy of protection and a quality life.
While Dany pushes for freedom and justice in Slaver’s Bay, Princess Daenerys used her position in Dorne to benefit children regardless of class:
“Beautiful and peaceful,” the prince said. “Cool breezes, sparkling water, and the laughter of children. The Water Gardens are my favorite place in this world, ser. One of my ancestors had them built to please his Targaryen bride and free her from the dust and heat of Sunspear. Daenerys was her name. She was sister to King Daeron the Good, and it was her marriage that made Dorne part of the Seven Kingdoms. The whole realm knew that the girl loved Daeron’s bastard brother Daemon Blackfyre, and was loved by him in turn, but the king was wise enough to see that the good of thousands must come before the desires of two, even if those two were dear to him. It was Daenerys who filled the gardens with laughing children. Her own children at the start, but later the sons and daughters of lords and landed knights were brought in to be companions to the boys and girls of princely blood. And one summer’s day when it was scorching hot, she took pity on the children of her grooms and cooks and serving men and invited them to use the pools and fountains too, a tradition that has endured till this day."
"I told the story to Ser Balon, but not all of it. As the children splashed in the pools, Daenerys watched from amongst the orange trees, and a realization came to her. She could not tell the highborn from the low. Naked, they were only children. All innocent, all vulnerable, all deserving of long life, love, protection. ‘There is your realm,’ she told her son and heir, 'remember them, in everything you do.’ My own mother said those same words to me when I was old enough to leave the pools. It is an easy thing for a prince to call the spears, but in the end the children pay the price. For their sake, the wise prince will wage no war without good cause, nor any war he cannot hope to win.– ADWD
It might seem like a simple thing to allow a large amount of commoner children to partake in privileges alongside highborn and royal children, but this is hugely significant since it allows children of higher stations to form positive relationships with children of lower classes. The rest of Westeros does this at a far smaller degree, but usually at the convenience of the highborn. This act essentially put all of the children who stay at the Water Gardens on equal footing, even temporarily so they can all see that at their core, they are all made the same. This allows the royalty and nobility to empathize with commoners which will impact the choices that will impact everyone. Princess Daenerys’ impact on the ruling family kept Dorne mostly out of the War of the Five Kings, meaning that while the common people of nearly every region have been slaughtered and abused in the conflict, only one Dornishman has died so far, Oberyn Martell, a prince in full control of his actions rather than thousands of commoners ordered onto the battlefield.
Even though Dany is still a queen at war in the series, there are similarities between her motivation and choices. As noted above, both Daenerys’ have a weakness for children. Princess Daenerys fills the Water Gardens with “laughing children”. Dany wishes to do the same:
I want to make my kingdom beautiful, to fill it with fat men and pretty maids and laughing children. – ACOK
But more than that dream, when it comes to children Dany shows she is willing to take direct action to protect and avenge them. When the slavers of Meereen murder slave children and taunt Dany by mounting their bodies on milepost, Dany made sure to see them herself: "I will see every one, and count them, and look upon their faces. And I will remember.” (ASOS) Then she avenged them by killing the exact number of slavers in the same way the children were killed. Even when she doubts whether she did the right thing, she insists it was done for the children. Then, when Drogon kills a child, Hazzea, Dany tries to chain all of her dragons so that never happens again, though she only manages to capture two of the three. Despite the fact that she considers the dragons to be her own children, it only takes the death of one child to push her to imprison them, showing just how much she prioritizes the lives of these people. Even when it comes to the children of the slavers, Dany refuses to harm them regardless of what crimes the adult slaver commit:
Dany had grown fond of her young charges. Some were shy and some were bold, some sweet and some sullen, but all were innocent. – ADWD
Where the strongest parallel comes into play is with the way both Daenerys’ realize that there is no fundamental difference between people of different social classes since they are the same when brought down to their bare essentials:
On another island two lovers kissed in the shade of tall green trees, with no more shame than Dothraki at a wedding. Without clothing, [Dany] could not tell if they were slave or free. – ASOS
As the children splashed in the pools, Daenerys watched from amongst the orange trees, and a realization came to her. She could not tell the highborn from the low. Naked, they were only children. All innocent, all vulnerable, all deserving of long life, love, protection. – ADWD
The only thing that separates the highborn from the low or the free and the enslaved are societal restrictions. Since there are no natural physical differences between people of different ranks in society, that means they are all deserving of freedom and good lives. While Princess Daenerys acted upon this realization to effect change through the inclusion of all children from different walks of life into the Water Gardens, Dany fights for the freedom of slaves and allows freedmen places of power in her government and gives them a voice at court alongside people who were born free. Here are just a few of the many examples of Dany attempting to establish equality for the freedmen:
Reznak would have summoned another tokar next, but Dany insisted that he call upon a freedman. Thereafter she alternated between the former masters and the former slaves. – ADWD
Rylona Rhee had played the harp as sweetly as the Maiden. When she had been a slave in Yunkai, she had played for every highborn family in the city. In Meereen she had become a leader amongst the Yunkish freedmen, their voice in Dany’s councils. – ADWD
“The freedmen work too cheaply, Magnificence,” Reznak said. “Some call themselves journeymen, or even masters, titles that belong by rights only to the craftsmen of the guilds. The masons and the bricklayers do respectfully petition Your Worship to uphold their ancient rights and customs.”
“The freedmen work cheaply because they are hungry,” Dany pointed out. “If I forbid them to carve stone or lay bricks, the chandlers, the weavers, and the goldsmiths will soon be at my gates asking that they be excluded from those trades as well.” She considered a moment. “Let it be written that henceforth only guild members shall be permitted to name themselves journeymen or masters … provided the guilds open their rolls to any freedman who can demonstrate the requisite skills.” – ADWD
Princess Daenerys also helped to cement a permanent peace between House Targaryen and House Martell with her marriage uniting Westeros. That combined with the tradition of creating a closer bond between people of different classes and the continued caution on thinking of the people while making decisions that will affect them, she continues her legacy of peace. Our Dany also keeps the people who choose to follow her at the forefront of her thoughts with every decision she makes. She too wishes for peace and takes action to achieve that, even at her own detriment.
“Peace is my desire. You say that you can help me end the nightly slaughter in my streets. I say do it. Put an end to this shadow war, my lord. That is your quest. Give me ninety days and ninety nights without a murder, and I will know that you are worthy of a throne. Can you do that?” - Daenerys IV ADWD
She thought of Doreah, of Quaro, of Eroeh … of a little girl she had never met, whose name had been Hazzea. Better a few should die in the pit than thousands at the gates. This is the price of peace, I pay it willingly. If I look back, I am lost. - Daenerys VIII ADWD
Like all good queens she put her people first—else she would never have wed Hizdahr zo Loraq—but the girl in her still yearned for poetry, passion, and laughter. – ADWD
While the three Daenerys’ don’t have anything close to similar lives, each of the Daenerys’ of the past seem to intentionally have call backs or call forwards to the series era Dany. Both of them seem to foreshadow Dany’s current and future storylines with pushes for social progress and her future as the reigning Queen of Westeros. So far, Martin has included only three characters with this name, but with the positive change Dany is bringing to Essos and will bring to Westeros when she helps save the world from the Others, it would only be natural for the name to grow in popularity.
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alienoryva · 5 months
Targaryen women who are described as very beautiful ;
🪻Queen Rhaenys Targaryen
youngest child of lord Aerion Targaryen and lady Valaena Velaryon also sister-wife of Aegon i Targaryen/The Conqueror
🪻Queen Rhaena Targaryen
First child of King Aenys i Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon and sister-wife of Prince Aegon Targaryen/the uncrowned and niece-wife of King Maegor i Targaryen.
🪻Queen Alysanne Targaryen
Fifth child of king Aenys i Targaryen and queen Alyssa Velaryon and sister-wife of king Jahaerys i Targaryen.
🪻Princess Viserra Targaryen
the tenth child of King Jahaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen, Never married and died at the age of 15.
🪻Queen Rhaenyra i Targaryen
The only daughter of King Viserys I Targaryen and Queen Aemma Arryn, wife of her cousin Laenor Velaryon and niece-wife of Prince Daemon Targaryen.
🪻Queen Daena Targaryen
Third child of King Aegon III Targaryen and Queen Daenaera Velaryon, sister-wife of King Baelor I Targaryen.
🪻Queen Naerys Targaryen
The youngest child of King Viserys II Targaryen and Lady Larra Rogarre of Lys and sister-wife of King Aegon IV Targaryen.
🪻Lady Shiera Seastar
The only child and bastard daughter of King Aegon IV by his last official mistresses Lady Serenei of Lys and the paramour of her half-brother Lord Brynden Rivers.
🪻Queen Daenerys i Targaryen
The youngest child of King Aerys II Targaryen/the mad king and Queen Rhaella Targaryen.
note: It is common knowledge that all Targaryen women are beautiful but above is a list that has very beautiful visual descriptions
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sajirah · 9 months
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Queen Naerys Targaryen
Daughter of King Viserys II. Sister-wife to King Aegon IV. Mother to King Daeron II and Princess Daenerys.
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
i have decided to break down all the wild potential female line claimants to the iron throne thru the targaryen line because why not let’s go:
obviously there's our "modern" targaryen daughters: daenerys, rhaella, shaera, and rhaelle. that one is easy to explain in part because it's mostly incest, lol. it goes like so (mind you, i'm cutting out male siblings that don't inherit for now) -
Aegon V + Betha Blackwood -> Jaehaerys II, Shaera, Rhaelle (also Duncan & Daeron)
Jaehaerys II + Shaera -> Aerys + Rhaella -> Daenerys
Rhaelle + Ormund Baratheon -> Steffon Baratheon. Steffon + Cassandra Eastermont = Robert, Stannis, and Renly.
so rhaella & shaera's lines are the same as their brothers, and rhaelle is the grandmother of the baratheon kings, which means like the targaryen main line, all of their lines will be dead or illegitimate as well (rip myrcella, tommen, shireen, aegon vi, and daenerys tho).
that leads you up from aegon v to maekar’s daughters, and since we are at a time period where no main character was alive, i made a little graphic to explain easier. let's start with daeron ii (since he's maekar's father anyway) and work backwards:
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there’s several ladies in this grouping: rhae, daella, aelora, daenora, and vaella. we know ‘recently’ a targaryen married the evenstar, and timeline wise, it can only be Rhae or Daella, likely to selwyn’s grandfather. which means claimant number one is selwyn & brienne as king & princess of dragonstone claimant. hell yeah.
there’s two “dead end” branches next. maekar has a granddaughter, vaella, but given she’s described as “simple” it’s likely she never married. daeron & myriah, meanwhile, had no daughters but their son rhaegel had two, aelora and daenora. aelora married her brother aelor but aelora killed herself several years after aelor died (it’s a wild story but not relevant). no children. daenora married into maekar’s line tho, to aerion brightflame and had a son, maegor targaryen, who was passed over for aegon v. we do not know if he married or had kids bc it’s not listed and it’s not like there’s a cadet targaryen house anywhere so if he did marry, probably all daughters.
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even further back is aegon the unworthy who had one daughter: daenerys. yes that’s right, our second claimant for king and princess of dragonstone is doran and arianne martell (and then, haha, elia and aegon vi AGAIN, love nobility family trees). and then technically, because the martells are normal and don’t die off every two generations, probably a few offshoot martell cousins. and a reminder that minus mysterious maegor, we have no living male line descendants potentially hanging around either. but back to the targ line.
viserys ii had naerys who married aegon iv so their line is the same. aegon iii, his brother, had three daughters.
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daena has daemon blackfyre and given that he was legitimized, you could make the argument that the blackfyres have a claim lmao, so any female line daemon kids could be fair game. then you have elaena targaryen who had several legitimate children: viserys plumm, & robin, laena, jocelyn, and joy penrose. that’s right my esteemed readers our third claimant for king and prince of dragonstone is phillip & dennis plumm!
*loud boos bc they’re not even a great house or a house that used to be kings, they’re just some random nobles in the westerlands* shut up i’m not finished!!
through elaena, the only targ pulling her weight out here to populate the family tree, we have our fourth claimant as well: Old Penrose of the Parchments for King on the Iron Throne!
there’s no reason laena, jocelyn, and joy did not marry but we have no info on them so just know if they married some random landed knight, we also have some random dude walking around the stormlands who could be the next king of westeros.
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then we get JAEHAERYS but to keep with ignoring men in this post, i entitled it “alyssa’s line.”
baby visenya, who was a stillbirth & jaehaera, who died before having children, are the two “dead end” lines from the dance. before them is viserys, who had helaena but helaena’s heirs are aegon ii’s heirs.
now, jaehaerys had daenerys, alyssa, saera, viserra, daella, and gael. daenerys died before having children as did viserra. gael & saera had no legitimate children. that leaves alyssa and daella. daella had aemma arryn, who married back into the targ family tree to have rhaenyra. alyssa also married back into the family tree and had three sons, viserys, daemon, and aegon. aegon died as a baby, we know viserys, but daemon had two daughters with laena velaryon: baela and rhaena. laena herself is also a distant claimant through the female line - aemon, jaehaerys’ first born son, and jocelyn baratheon had rhaenys, the queen that never was, who had laena. through baela we get our fifth claimant for king of westeros, the literal toddler montereys velaryon! rhaena is kinda tricky - she had no children in her first marriage, and six daughters in her second to garmund hightower but he was the third son and his oldest brother had six kids so it’s not likely the hightower line descends from rhaena however it would be really funny if it did so for the sake of making myself laugh i give you our sixth claimant to the seat of house targaryen, king leyton hightower and prince of dragonstone baelor breakwind. this puts a lot of people in the running tbh, bc leyton has a million kids. his daughters marry and have kids with an ambrose, a tyrell, a cupps, and a redwyne (and a mormont but jorah and lynesse have no children).
(it would require all the hightower male heirs to die [not likely, there’s three of them] AND mad maid malora as well to get to alerie but king and queen mace and alerie tyrell with willas as prince of dragonstone is so fucking funny to me. hey daeron how olenna’s ass taste now.)
before jaehaerys, we have aenys, who had rhaena the boss bitch & alysanne. alysanne’s line is jaehaerys’ obviously, and rhaena married her brother aegon the uncrowned. they had two girls, aerea and rhaella, but neither lived to see adulthood. maegor never had living kids, which brings us back to aegon, who had only sons, and visenya and rhaenys, who married their brother.
i actually had a point to this which is that there is just no one sitting on that fucking chair at the ending because there is no one left alive to sit on it that the lords would choose. they’re not crowning a penrose or a plumm and they’re certainly not crowning my girls arianne and brienne however hilarious i think that would be. i think “westeros breaks up along weird new borders” makes sense just due to that alone - the north will push for independence (maybe parts of the riverlands will want to stick with the north), dorne isn’t likely to be thrilled about some random ass king, the iron islands is…the iron islands, so the only kingdoms that might actually want to stick together are the stormlands, the reach, the crownlands, the vale, and the westerlands, but also, all of these bitches hate each other right now & a lot of them are gonna bite it so who knows.
anyways tldr female line targaryen claimants include these wild choices for King & Heir:
Selwyn and Brienne of Tarth
Doran and Arianne Nymeros Martell of Dorne
Any female line Blackfyres
Phillip and Dennis Plumm of the Westerlands (so minor we don’t even know where their seat is lmao)
Old Penrose of the Parchments
Montereys Velaryon of Driftmark
Leyton and Baelor Hightower of Oldtown
Through Leyton, who has a whopping 10 children, we have House Ambrose, Cupps, Redwyne, and of course, the fat flower himself, House Tyrell as claimants eight thru like, fifty.
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ginny-anime · 4 months
Opinions and thoughts on House of the dragon/ fire and blood part 2:
- I’ll forever be mad that Jocelyn Baratheon and Aemon Targaryen bloodline did not end up on the Royal line of house Targaryen. Rhaenys should have been queen!! ( fuck you king Jaehaerys)
- Saera Targaryen is not my favorite out of the daughter of queen Alysanne. Yes her parents were not that good to her but her mentioning Maegor in front of her father made me mad as she had no reason to even say that. Good thing she left though like that’s the only good thing she did.
- Vaegon not wanting to marry his sister Daella was fucking reasonable!! Yes what he said to her was horrible but the boy was like ten and he obviously didn’t wanna marry his own sister.
- I think the incest is like grooming because it kind of obvious that it’s not genetics. These Targaryen brother and sisters are taught by their parents that incest is alright (which it isn’t!!) and so I’m not surprise only Baelon and Alyssa married each other. Because obviously vaegon who was taught the same thing didn’t wanna marry his own damn sister and he saw his own parents and elder siblings following the tradition.
- Jaehaerys wanting to marry off daella right away was a shitty move as a father like you know who and how your daughter is. What the fuck made you think she was ready for marriage and children!
- my favorite Targaryen king is Daeron II simply because he married princess myriah and I love the doenish and Martells.
- the racism against the dornish is fucking insane
- otto Hightower deserved ti be executed
- alicent ruling as queen regent when king viserys is sick is literally her fucking job. So I don’t know why Rhaenyra and Daemon were so fucking pressed about it.
-Alicent adding the faith of the seven tapestry’s is not changing the way of house Targaryen. She is the queen even it’s consort, she has rights to add what she wants and she didn’t even change anything just added some stuff.
- the fact that people see Aegon II, Heleana, Aemond, and Daeron as non Targaryens just because they are half Hightower and wear green is so fucking dumb. Wearing black and red doesn’t make you a Targaryen. They also have dragons so how the fuck are they not Targaryens?! And Aegon II even keeps the three headed dragon symbol they are just gold like his dragon.
- I’m convinced Aegon named sunfyre after dreamfyre
-sunfyre hits on dreamfyre all the time and I’m sure they had hatchlings together ( please do not take this opinion seriously 😂)
-Rhaenyra Targaryen isn’t my favorite but she is however an interesting character and at the end deserved better and her throne.
- I hate Daemon Blackfyre. (Boy I hate you and your grandfather 😭). He had no fucking reason to try to take the throne when he had no good claim to it.
- I believe Daemon Blackfyre and Daenerys Targaryen ( daughter of Aegon IV and Naerys Targaryen) were in love but I see that as a first love kind of relationship. I don’t think Daenerys would still love someone who was trying to take her brothers throne.
- Aegon IV deserved a worse death ( my most hated Aegon as he should be)
- King Daeron I dying at the hands of the dornish got what he had coming. And just like Rhaenys I did not give a fuck. You fuck around find out.
- being team black/green is stupid because it’s a damn civil war within one house that started within that house. The other house are just fighting each other to put one Targaryen on the throne.
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The Royal Families of The Seven Kingdoms: Part 3
By Jota Saraiva
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coldraindropsss · 9 months
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Princess Daenerys Targaryen, firstborn daughter and second child of jaehaerys and alysanne Targaryen. She died at the age of six.
Princess Daenerys Targaryen was the daughter of Aegon IV Targaryen and Naerys Targaryen and the younger sister of King Daeron II Targaryen. 
Princess Daenerys Targaryen, also known as Daenerys Stormborn. Daughter of Aerys II by Rhaella.
Queen Rhaenys Targaryen was the youngest sister of King Aegon I Targaryen, the first Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, also known as the Queen who Never Was.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, Rhaegar's daughter by Elia Martell.
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isefyres-archive · 3 months
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𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕸𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝕬𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖉:
Princess Viserra Targaryen was the tenth-born child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Viserra was a vain girl. Once, when a young squire called her a goddess, she simply agreed with him. According to Alysanne, Viserra desired to become a queen, and therefore aimed to marry her brother Baelon, not for love but for ambition. After the death of their sister Alyssa, one night, she slipped past Baelon's guards and climbed naked into his bed, but Baelon sent the drunk girl away when he arrived. Jaehaerys Era.
Princess Daenerys Targaryen was the daughter of Aegon IV Targaryen and Naerys Targaryen, and the younger sister of King Daeron II Targaryen. Daenerys Targaryen, daughter of Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen, was named after her. It was said that Daenerys loved her half-brother Daemon Blackfyre, and that the main reason Daemon rose in rebellion against Daeron was that Daenerys was denied to him. Blackfyre era.
Daemon I Blackfyre, born Daemon Waters, was the bastard son of Princess Daena Targaryen and King Aegon IV Targaryen. Daemon founded House Blackfyre, named after the Targaryen Valyrian steel sword. He fought against his trueborn half-brother, King Daeron II Targaryen, for the Iron Throne in the First Blackfyre Rebellion. Daemon's supporters would later claim that Daemon had desired to marry his younger half-sister, Daenerys, instead and that King Aegon, who desired the marriage alliance to Tyrosh, had promised Daemon that he could have more than one wife. Blackfyre Era.
Shiera Seastar was the last of the Great Bastards of King Aegon IV Targaryen, born to his last mistress, Serenei of Lys. The known lover of Brynden Rivers, she is said to have been the most beautiful woman of the Seven Kingdoms. Shiera was renowned as a beauty and seductress. Shiera was a great reader, even at an early age, spoke many languages, and maintained a large and arcane library. She also was reputed to share her mother Serenei's skill in the dark arts. There were rumors she bathed in blood to retain her beauty. Blackfyre Era.
Lady Ryla Ryswell, niece of Rodrick Ryswell, head of House Ryswell. The Ryswells rule the Rills, the extensive area between the barrowlands, the Stony Shore, and Blazewater Bay in the north. With all of Rodrick's sons quarring between each other, some claim the rumor Ryla is actually a secret daughter of Rodrick and remains loyal of House Stark. She flee to Bear Island with their best horses and aided in the Battle of the Bastards. OC. Song Era.
Lord Durran Wensington. House Wensington is a noble house from the stormlands, they are a cadet house of House Baratheon foundeed by a bastard during the Age of Heroes. Durran remains in the Stormlands upong the danger of hearing the news Griffin's Roost had been taken by Lord Connington and a Targaryen "impostor". By law of succession, unlike Stannis, he believes the throne should go to Myrcella if Stannis were to die and if all Baratheons perished, it would go to the Wensington. OC, Song Era.
Lord Garth Oldflowers, House Oldflowers is a noble house from the Reach. Their sigil - and the "Flowers" part of their name - hint that the Oldflowers may descend from a bastard of House Gardener. The House holds resentment toward house Tyrell for sieging power upon the Conquest and allying themselves with the Conqueror. Garth now travels to meet with either the Dragon Queen or Aegon Targaryen, promising their armies and secrets of Highgarden if the castle and lands are returned to them. OC, Song Era.
Lady Gyllian Oldflowers, Garth's younger sister, she was send to Highgarden to assist Margaery Tyrell but was left to return to Old Reach, their seat after she left for King's Landing. Gyllian was once promised to Prince Trystanne when she was a child, however, the match was dismissed once Princess Myrcella was send to Dorne. Gyllian does not hold as much of a grudge against the Tyrells but does agree that they present themselves to be one way when their past reveal others. Gyllian admires Florys the Fox and her sensuality and freedom and aims to be like her. OC, Song Era.
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rozsesandart · 2 years
• ART MASTERLIST - @rozsesandart •
{All artworks belong to me, do not steal or repost without permission. Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated}
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“ A knight of the seven kingdoms and her Oathkeeper” - Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth
“ Queen Rhaella Targaryen” - mother to Daenerys, Viserys and Rhaegar Targaryen
“I want to be the queen” - Margaery Tyrell
“Young Cersei Lannister” - Robert’s Rebellion series
“Lyanna Stark” - Robert’s Rebellion series
"A quiet evening in Pentos"- Laena, Daemon, Rhaena & Baela Targaryen
"Rhaena Targaryen of Pentos' - Rhaena with Morning's egg (commission)
“Six characters fan art challenge” - Daenys the dreamer, Daenerys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Bran Stark, Missandei of Naath, Lyanna Stark
"Six characters fan art challenge part 2" - Genna Lannister, Ashara Dayne, Aerea Targaryen, Shiera Seastar, Daeron II Targaryen, Bloodraven
"King of the Narrow Sea" - Daemon Targaryen (commission)
“Lady Shiera Seastar” - bastard daughter of Aegon IV and Serenei of Lys, paramour of Brynden Rivers and Aegor Rivers
“Baelon & Alyssa Targaryen “- parents to Viserys I and Daemon
“Six characters challenge part three”- Saera Targaryen, Arianne Martell, Margaery Tyrell, Rohanne of Tyrosh, Daemon Blackfyre, Naerys Targaryen
“Jocelyn Baratheon & Aemon Targaryen” - Parents to Rhaenys, the queen who never was
“King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne” - mourning their little daughter and firstborn princess Daenerys Targaryen
“Book! Rhaenyra Targaryen”
“Book! Daemon Targaryen”
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen” - (show version)
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen”- ( Book version)
“Laena and Laenor Velaryon” - (book and show versions)
“Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong” - the queen and her lover
“Cregan Stark”- lord of Winterfell
“Rhaenys Targaryen” - The Queen who never was (book version)
"My sweet sister Helaena" - Helaena Targaryen and her half sister Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen
"Velaryon queen and Targaryen king" - Daenaera Velaryon and Aegon III Targaryen
“Rhaegar Targaryen crowns Lyanna Stark” - Tourney at Harrenhal
“The maidenvault’s princesses” - Rhaena, Daena and Elaena Targaryen
“Ceryse Hightower” - Maegor the cruel’s first wife
“Alys Harroway”- Maegor the cruel’s second wife
“Tyanna of the Tower”- Maegor the cruel’s third wife
“Elinor Costayne” - Maegor the cruel’s fourth wife
“Jeyne Westerling”- Maegor the cruel’s fifth wife
“Rhaena Targaryen” - Maegor the cruel’s sixth wife
“Six Wives” - Maegor the Cruel Targaryen’s wives
"Sansa Stark" - portrait inspired by the books
“Margaery Tyrell” - portrait inspired by the books
“Robb Stark - The king in the north” - book art
“ Oberyn Martell” - Prince of Dorne
“ The three heads of the dragon” -Rhaenys, Aegon I and Visenya Targaryen
“ Naerea Targaryen” - Commissioned OC
“ Aurora and Valeria” - OC art commission
“ Queen Alysanne and her daughters” - Saera, Viserra, Maegelle, Gael, Daella and Alyssa
“Olenna Redwyne and Margaery Tyrell” - #housetyrellweek
“ Rhaena Targaryen and Elissa Farman” - The Queen in the west and her lover
“Robb Stark and Margaery Tyrell” - AU made for #housetyrellweek
“Laena Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen “ - commission
“ Viserra Targaryen “ - daughter of king Jaehaerys and the good queen Alysanne Targaryen
“ Garlan Tyrell and Leonette Fossoway”- asoiaf books
“ Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth” - scene from the books
“ Lady Falena Stokeworth” - first mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Megette” - second mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Cassella Vaith” - third mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Bellegre Otherys, the black pearl of Braavos” - fourth mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Barba Bracken” - fifth mistress to king Aegon IV Targaryen and mother to Aegor Rivers (Bittersteel)
“Lady Melissa Blackwood” - sixth mistress to Aegon IV and mother to Brynden Rivers ( Bloodraven)
“ Lady Bethany Bracken” - sister to Barba and seventh mistress to Aegon IV
“Lady Jayne Lothston” - eight mistress of Aegon IV and rumored bastard by Falena Stokeworth
“Lady Serenei of Lys” - ninth mistress of Aegon IV and mother to Shiera Seastar
“Aegon IV Targaryen nine mistresses” - complete portrait
“The Dothraki”
“House Martell”
“The Night’s Watch”
“House Bolton”
“Kagome Higurashi”- Inuyasha (anime)
“Nana Osaki ”- Nana (anime)
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strangelock221b · 2 years
Aegon I, the first Targaryen king of Westeros, was married to both of his sisters and had a son with each of them.
One of those sons (Aenys) married a cousin, Alyssa Velaryon, the other (Maegor) forcibly married (among others) one of his nieces.
Among Aenys' 6 kids, there were two sibling marriages -- Rhaena & Aegon and Jaehaerys & Alysanne.
Jaehaerys and Alysanne had 13 kids. Their third child, Aemond, married Jocelyn Baratheon, his parents' half-sister, who was just a year older than he was. Their fourth child, Baelon, married their fifth child, Alyssa. Their eighth child, Daella, married Lord Rodrick Arryn, (who was not a relative) and had his daughter, Aemma.
Aemond and Jocelyn had Rhaenys while Baelon and Alyssa had Viserys and Daemon.
Rhaenys married Corlys Velaryon (after all the intermarrying between House Targaryen and House Velaryon, it's safe to say they were distant cousins) and had twins Laenor and Laena, while Viserys married Aemma (his first cousin) and they had Rhaenyra, then he married Alicent (no relation) and they had Aegon the Elder, Helaena, Aemond, and Daeron (currently missing on the show).
Rhaenyra married Laenor Velaryon (her second cousin) and Daemon married Laena Velaryon (his first cousin once removed).
Because the Purity Police are making such a big deal about the incest on The Incest Show, I'm posting the future House Targaryen incestuous marriages (under a cut because spoilers) just to drive home my point.
Rhaenyra will marry her uncle Daemon, apparently in S1E7 tonight. She will have three kids with him -- Aegon the Younger, Viserys II, and Visenya.
Aegon the Elder will marry his sister Helaena. They will have three kids -- twins Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, and Maelor.
Aegon the Younger's first wife will be his first cousin Jaehaera. His second wife will be Daenaera Velaryon, a distant cousin. They will have five kids together and their son Baelor will (reluctantly) marry his sister Daena.
Rhaenyra and Daemon's son Viserys II will marry Larra Rogare (no relation) and they will have three kids -- Aegon IV, Aemon, and Naerys.
Aegon IV will marry his sister Naerys at their father's insistence and they will have five kids, though only two, Daeron and Daenerys, will survive to adulthood.
Daeron and Daenerys will both marry outside the family for political reasons. The incestuous marriages won't start again for a few generations.
Daeron's great-grandson Jaehaerys II will secretly marry his sister Shaera. They will have two kids -- Aerys II and Rhaella. Because of a prophecy, they force Rhaella to marry Aerys II.
Aerys II and Rhaella are the parents of Rhaegar, Viserys, and Dany, and the paternal grandparents of Jon Snow.
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