#daily drawing day 87
redfagdiver · 2 years
Glasswing butterfly
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ooctlt · 2 months
I really like this blog most of the time, but sometimes you take reasonable earnest asks that are trying to be thoughtful, and are such a dick about it.
Like if it's the characters being dicks, fine. But you could say something in the tags or post to indicate you're not just viciously mocking someone for trying to engage.
I still haven't submitted an ask since seeing your response that led to comments along the lines of "anon should go die in a hole" for asking, pretty reasonably, why harrow would want to stay with people she didn't seem to like or want to be around or interact with.
(i know, because she does like them and does want them around but doesn't know how to show it) but it's an ASK blog. How do we hear that from her unless someone ASKS
i understand it might be surprising and a bit hurtful to see an ask answered with the characters being mean/flippant, and for that i do apologize that it wasnt made clear that it would be a common thing in this blog. id like to issue the disclaimer: there is always the possibility that the characters here will not take your question well. they might answer rudely, and instigating behavior is not only encouraged but expected on both ends. this does not reflect my personal opinions as the artist; there are over 250 asks even after i constantly compile duplicates, and i will answer the asks that i personally like.
i will assume you are referencing the two most recent posts where gideon acts rudely and i repost an old panel: for the former i thought anon was really sweet for being so heartfelt and encouraging, but gideon isnt the kind of person who needs to be told shes brave for doing that by a stranger. it was a simple act of survival. and harrow is still very much in the passive deprogramming phase. the latter response was meant to kickstart (spoilers) what i will call the "dicks last resort" arc, where i clean out the inbox and share more simple, low effort, but potentially rude responses*. this is because i have roughly drawn almost daily for 87 days straight, and would like to recuperate without being burnt out because i love this blog and i love art.
this leads me to my next point: some of these answers will be curt and short and rude, because they are easy to draw. if i only prioritized the "good" asks or to make certain ask responses kinder, or longer, it wouldnt be a daily blog. it would be a monthly blog where 5 asks get answered among 100s. i didnt anticipate people asking about harrows piercings, and i considered shutting it down by just having harrow say she likes them etc. but i did want to give more insight into harrows character even if she wouldnt say so herself, and that took roughly 3 full unemployed nights. if i treated every ask in good faith the same way i wouldnt have time for anything else, because they take more effort and have to be seriously considered for the future. i can retcon their favorite ice cream or play off griddlehark fighting - it takes more to keep track of a narrative about people talking Around their issues
* by rude responses i mean "this will affect the 679ers negatively, much like making your sim 🧑‍🤝‍🧑➖➖ someone" there are a few asks planned to hurt in the same way one drafts a bad end in a visual novel, and this type of interaction is encouraged. of course if you dont want them to get worse dont send asks telling gideon she should flirt with MILFs (you cant send this ask now i already said it), but i encourage the banter.
TL;DR this is the "characters think you are weird for personal questions" blog. i am sorry i didnt warn of the ask-response banter, because i also enjoy drawing these characters being dicks. i do like when aggravation and conflict leads to character development. "how do we get earnest answers unless someone asks" sometimes you will never explicitly get that from them, and thats what the dead ends are for: to let you know to try something else and read between the lines
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genopaint · 2 months
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Week 13 of the daily dragon challenge! I'm VERY pleased with some of the stuff I drew this week, including some REALLY good fanart. Hope you like it too!
Also, since it's the last week of March, the Most Popular Dragon poll is up right now! Vote for your favorite dragon this month and they'll get new art tomorrow!
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #84 - Kingdra
Thought it'd be fun to do another Dragon Type today! Completely forgot Kingdra was one of them so I thought that'd be a fun one to draw! Don't worry, eventually I'll do some of the dragon looking dragon types too lol
Daily Dragon #85 - Brad
Was really nostalgic for Tech Deck Dudes yesterday, and remembered there's a dragon / kaiju dude so... Of course I just had to
Also, DAMN, Brad has 9 variant color schemes released over the years! So, naturally, I had to make them all. Do you have a favorite? Did you collect Tech Deck Dudes as a kid? And as a bonus bonus, I made my own variant too. Why not?
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Daily Dragon #86 - Connery
Well... y'know... There are MULTIPLE dragons in the Tech Deck Dudes series... And I might as well do a Zood since I did a Dude I won't do all the dragons for this challenge but I wanted to do Connery because I actually had him as a kid! Neat! This little thing influenced how I drew dragons for YEARS when I was a small child lmao I miss tech deck dudes actually
Daily Dragon #87 - Penelope
I figured since I finally saw the Barbie movie, I gotta draw THE Barbie dragon, right? I remember watching Barbie Rapunzel a lot as a kid and yet somehow I've never drawn Penelope before! No time like the present, right?
Daily Dragon #88 - Velocidunce
These dumb dinos are known for their obnoxious laugh you can hear while they're hunting. Because of this seemingly uncontrollable laughter, a lot of smaller prey animals are startled and run away when Velocidunce tries to hunt them
A lot of fanart the last couple days so I figured I should make something new again! Originally this was gonna be a wise dragon but I decided to change the design completely and made it an idiot instead :) anyway, I think I need more non-reptile dragons. Maybe tomorrow!
Daily Dragon #89 - Sketchysaur
Just a random little dinosaur I drew on my phone in a parking lot today! You'll have to bear with me on this one, I'm very tired and busy today and I'm gonna have a tiring busy week ahead of me too
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All my first attempts. I need a phone stylus lol
Daily Dragon #90 - Molluscreep
This might seem just like a clam... And, it is. But it's also a powerful dragon! They store massive amounts of energy in their mouths to blast out, which can sometimes form beautiful crystals in their mouth! The mouth muscle is a famous delicacy!
I really wanted to do a non reptilian dragon today, and for some reason a clam is what kept coming to mind! I think it's pretty neat looking!
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justphilia · 4 months
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Drawing Sigma daily until he wakes up from his coma
Day 87
She pleads 'silly girl', your honor
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
10 minute read
In early January 2012, Karen Ingala Smith was at the airport returning from holiday when she took a call from a colleague. She heard that a desperate young woman who’d sought help from Nia, the women’s refuge charity Ingala Smith runs, had just been murdered. Once back home, Ingala Smith opened her laptop to find out more.
Searching Google for “woman’s body found”, she soon discovered Nia’s client Kirsty Treloar, 20, the mother of a month-old baby who’d been abducted from her family home in Hackney, east London, by her boyfriend, Myles Williams, from whom she’d recently fled. Stabbing Kirsty’s brother and sister as they tried to stop him, Williams bundled her into his car. Later her body was found two miles away, dumped behind a wheelie bin, with 29 knife wounds.
But this online search yielded other results, so Ingala Smith read on. That same day in Co Durham, Susan McGoldrick, along with her sister Alison Turnbull and niece Tanya, were shot dead by her partner, Michael Atherton. Meanwhile in Nuneaton, nightclub bouncer Aaron Mann had beaten his girlfriend, Claire O’Connor, then smothered her with a pillow. The next day in Shropshire, a retired teacher, Betty Yates, 77, was beaten with her walking stick and stabbed to death by a drifter, Stephen Farrow. On January 3 in Buckinghamshire, Marie McGrory was strangled with a dog lead by her husband, John; in South Lanarkshire Kathleen Milward, 87, was bludgeoned to death by her grandson, Garry Kane.
Through her work, Ingala Smith was grimly familiar with such killings. But this deluge of cases appalled her. Eight British women had been murdered by men – all except one a partner or family member – in the first week of 2012. Each brutal murder, illustrated with a smiling holiday snap, was reported as neutrally as the weather: men killing their womenfolk was “just one of those things”.
“Perhaps because it was the start of the year,” says Ingala Smith. “I made a list of the names, as that’s the easiest way to tell one case from another. And then I never stopped.”
She began trawling local newspaper and police websites, creating an ExCel spreadsheet which she’d update as cases came to court.
It was an upsetting task, which Ingala Smith learnt to avoid just before bedtime. Her data collection method was crude but, until this year, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) only published figures for the sex of victims, not their killers, making female victims of male violence hard to quantify. As her list lengthened Ingala Smith created a Counting Dead Women Twitter account, posting each killing. This attracted public attention and a philanthropist who awarded her a grant to hire part-time staff. Now she could analyse murder trends and since 2015 has published the Femicide Census.
But what mattered most to Ingala Smith were women’s names, not numbers. So in 2016 she was delighted when the Labour MP Jess Phillips – who’d previously worked for Women’s Aid – asked to read them out on International Women’s Day. Now this roll call of more than 120 stolen lives, recited to a hushed House of Commons, has become an annual commemoration. “Dead women is a thing we’ve all just accepted as part of our daily lives,” Phillips said last year, when among the names was Sarah Everard. The list not only put male violence in the national spotlight but, says Ingala Smith, “Family after family have said how important it is to hear their loved one’s name read out in parliament, and know it is recorded in Hansard for ever.”
Now Ingala Smith, 54, has written a book, Defending Women’s Spaces, drawing upon more than 30 years of working with vulnerable women who are homeless or fleeing domestic abuse. After witnessing the power of female-only services she is alarmed by moves to make “gender identity” rather than sex the criteria for admission to refuges and rape survivor groups. She points out that 98 per cent of rapes and 90 per cent of violent crime is committed by males. While “What is a woman?” has become a question politicians struggle to answer, Ingala Smith is categoric. “Allowing biological males with transgender identities to access women’s spaces,” she writes, “poses a serious potential risk to women’s safety, wellbeing and recovery.”
Ingala Smith grew up in a home that was far from harmonious: anger and upset were never far away. The man she called Dad was a builder, providing what she describes as “a comfortable working-class home” in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. But, she says, he was a controlling man: “It felt the whole family, especially my mum, was always walking on eggshells.”
Eventually, when Ingala Smith was 18, her mother left and confided in a friend that Karen had a different father. In fact, she was the product of a fling at 18 with her fiancé’s best man, a Sicilian who’d moved to Yorkshire to marry a local girl he’d met in Milan. While Ingala Smith’s brother and sister were blond, she was dark and, as she grew older, her mother secretly removed photos from the wedding album in case she noticed how similar she looked to a certain guest.
When Ingala Smith heard about her real father she made contact. At 21 she met him at Thornton railway station, near Bradford. “I was looking for this gorgeous Italian man,” she says. “I’m thinking Robert De Niro, Al Pacino – and actually I got Danny DeVito.” She laughs. They hit it off straight away and she was quickly welcomed into his family, later meeting her Sicilian grandparents.
A bright girl, Ingala Smith found school a sanctuary from her troubled home life. There were few books in her house and she’d never considered A-levels let alone college, “but I happened to have a good friend from what you might call a first generation middle-class family. I remember having my mind blown that they had political conversations around the dinner table, because we weren’t allowed to speak when we were eating.���
Studying sociology at sixth-form college was “absolutely life-changing – it put everything I was experiencing into context”. It was here she first encountered feminism, which she regarded then as irrelevant, feeling more in common with the lads from her old comprehensive than the “posh girls” now in her class who’d been at a fee-paying school.
After graduating from the University of Kent, she took a job in a hostel for homeless women, mainly elderly former psychiatric patients. Then, after two years, she began work at a domestic violence refuge and felt immediately she was in the right place. “Any woman I met could have been my mother. In fact, one summer Mum came on a trip we organised for the refuge kids and she started talking about how there hadn’t been anything like this when she’d needed it.”
Would her mother have left for a refuge? Ingala Smith shrugs. “I don’t know. They are not easy places to live in. We had a nice home and to give that up would be really hard, as it is for anyone.” She says people rarely understand refuges are places of absolute last resort. “They can be chaotic, noisy. Women who have other economic choices would go elsewhere. You’re moving into a house with maybe ten other families that you don’t know, with children of all different ages, with very different parenting ideas to your own. They can really help kids who’ve grown up with violent dads because they meet others in the same boat. But they’re challenging places.”
A move to a refuge is invariably fast. A woman in danger is referred by police or social services, then refuge staff have a brief phone call to try to determine whether she’s a danger to others – perhaps has a history of violence or arson – before arranging to meet her close by. (A refuge never gives out its address on the phone.) “You’d imagine women would turn up black and blue, but that is rare,” Ingala Smith says. “I think women wait until they’re ‘decent’. Besides, after an assault they often don’t have the strength to get themselves together. They wait until it’s quieter, when they know it’s coming again, and then leave.”
The refuge suggests a safety plan: to gather up passports and bank books; siphon possessions discreetly to a friend’s house; to remember that you’re most at risk of violence just after leaving. Ingala Smith notes there were few referrals in late December. “Women didn’t want to leave violent men and disrupt Christmas for children, and you knew anybody who came at that time of year – one year we had a woman turn up on Christmas Eve with three kids – was in a really bad way. In January, the phone rings off the hook.”
Ingala Smith has been the CEO of Nia since 2009. Beginning as Hackney Women’s Aid in 1975, it supports about 2,000 women a year, running a specialist refuge for women in prostitution and another for those dealing with substance abuse. Much has changed since she joined the refuge movement: many small feminist charities have merged as they must now compete for council contracts with generic housing trusts. These don’t provide the “woman-centred care” Ingala Smith believes is vital for those fleeing violent men.
Nia also works with women at high risk of domestic violence and runs East London Rape Crisis, serving both sexes. Here it counsels men and trans women, whom it often refers to Galop, a specialist LGBT+ anti-abuse charity. But no male people – whether men or trans women – are allowed into Nia refuges or group counselling.
In 2017, Nia’s trustees decided to invoke the exemptions in the Equality Act that permit single-sex services “as a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim”. It knew this was a risk. Such is the toxic debate on gender, female-only services often receive threats to their funding or have staff reported to trustees merely for liking a JK Rowling tweet. They receive hoax calls to test whether they are trans inclusive. The whole sector is chilled by how trans activists targeted Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter: it was defunded, vandalised and had a dead rat pinned to its door for remaining single sex.
The question of whether a trans woman can safely be accommodated alongside women has riven the refuge movement. “They [trans women] are not a potential risk to women because they are trans,” she writes, “but because they are male.” She cites cases of trans prisoners like Karen White who were allowed into female jails and sexually abused inmates. “Prison officers, who are really good at risk-assessing violent men, get it wrong. So how can we screen [people] in five-minute phone calls?”
Besides, this is about more than safety. Many women in refuges endured sexual abuse, often as children. Being housed with any males generates a debilitating and involuntary post-traumatic response in the brain. “It’s not hate. It’s not bigotry. It’s not transphobia,” she says. “It is an impact of abuse by men… The presence of a male-bodied person among vulnerable women causes distress and consternation.” She is aghast that Mridul Wadhwa, the trans woman who heads Edinburgh Rape Crisis, told The Guilty Feminist podcast last year that female survivors who demand male-free spaces should work to “reframe their trauma”.
In group counselling, she says, male people have been socialised to dominate groups, to ask more questions and take up space, while women have learnt to serve and make way for them. “I remember talking to a woman about what her options were and she started crying. I asked why. She said, ‘Nobody’s ever given me a choice before.’ To recover, women have to centre themselves in their own lives.”
But what of women who say they have no problem receiving counselling alongside trans women? “I understand that some female rape survivors can say, ‘A women-only service is not important to me. I’d be happy for a trans sister to be in my group.’ If they want to say that, it’s fine, but they shouldn’t take away that choice from women for whom it isn’t fine.” Young women who campaign for trans-inclusive services, she says, are mainly middle-class graduates unlikely to need them. Nia’s younger staff support the policy, even though defending it has cost some of them friends.
At root, Ingala Smith believes, violence suffered by women and trans women has a different dynamic. In her book she disputes Stonewall’s assertion that trans women suffer the highest levels of domestic abuse and murder. “Well, show me the data. Because I hear that, but I’ve never seen figures to demonstrate it.” She has collated every murder victim who might come under the broad Stonewall definition of a trans woman (which includes occasional cross-dressers). Since 2009, there have been nine murders, the last being Amy Griffiths in 2019. Most were sex workers murdered by punters or who died in drug-related fights. Just one, Vanessa Santillan in 2015, was killed by an intimate partner.
By contrast, only about 8 per cent of women victims are killed by strangers, the rest by men they know. “Most women’s refuges work exclusively with women who are fleeing partners, former partners and, in some cases, family members,” she writes. “That doesn’t mean other people don’t need places of safety or support, just that their experiences and needs are different.” She wonders why Stonewall doesn’t devote its resources to setting up specialist services rather than campaigning against those created by and for women.
The Femicide Census has revealed trends Ingala Smith hadn’t anticipated. “I was shocked,” she says, “by the number of elderly women killed in burglaries. I assumed that if a man broke into an old woman’s house he might push her down the stairs, she could be frail and bang her head. But there’s a real brutality, a particular anger and misogyny involved. Often young men use sexual violence against elderly women.” She was also surprised how many women are killed by their own sons.
Twice as many men are murdered than women but overwhelmingly by other men. When women kill – 8 per cent of murderers are female – they are both more likely to use a weapon (which makes it an aggravated offence in sentencing) and to have been abused by their victim, while men, being stronger, frequently kill with their bare hands. Strangulation is men’s second most common murder method and lately Ingala Smith has seen many lawyers adopt the “sex game gone wrong” defence.
How has devoting her life to the terrible things men do to women affected her own life? “I had a string of disastrous relationships – I just shagged around, basically – and didn’t think men were up to much.” She’d find herself moved to tears when witnessing a happy family, since her own experience was so dysfunctional.
Then, after writing off men as “avenues for happiness”, she decided to apply herself properly rather than settling for “whoever I ended up snogging in a pub at the weekend”. She started internet dating, setting herself high standards. The result was her husband of 20 years, André, a subtitler of South African parentage who speaks four languages, to whom she dedicates her book. They have no children, after several painful failed courses of IVF.
Ingala Smith knows her book will put her further in the firing line – the Labour Party has already refused her application for membership – but single-sex services “are the hill I’m prepared to die on”. That list of dead women never gets any shorter, I say. Will there ever be fewer names? “That’s the subject of my PhD, which I’m just finishing,” she says, “and my next book.” Defending Women’s Spaces by Karen Ingala Smith is out now (£15.99, Polity)
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tonysolomon4jc · 3 months
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Satanic Illuminati royalty dies at 87. The Bible says lose your soul. You can't sell it. Satan worshippers can repent of their sins & worship Jesus Christ & get forgiveness from God. The satanic Illuminati is anti-Christ & they love the numbers 13 & 33. Revelation 13 is the chapter that talks about the 1st & 2nd Beast (the Antichrist & the False Prophet) demanding the Mark of the Beast. Mark 13:13 says that we will be hated  for the name of Jesus, but if we endure as followers of Jesus Christ until the end then we will be saved from damnation in Hell. They love the number 33, because Jesus possibly died at 33 & 33% of the angels were kicked out of heaven with satan & turned into fallen angels/demons that are condemned to the eternal Lake of Fire. We'll get the crown of eternal life if we keep our faith in Jesus Christ until we die. Pay attention to how many news or movie statistics have 13 or 33 in them. The Antichrist & rapture are close. Go to Messiah2030 on YouTube to see how 53 Bible prophecies point to 2030 being the return of Jesus Christ. Watch Pope Francis and His Lies: The False Prophet Exposed, on YouTube. Fasting & praying to get closer to God, studying scripture daily, praising Jesus, sharing scripture, obeying Jesus, praying for everyone, loving God more than everything, loving everyone sincerely, remembering that it's people versus demons influencing people praying about everything in Jesus' name & trusting God's perfect will, word & timing are essential in these last days. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Matt. 18:7 Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting. Watch Died Suddenly on Rumble. The vaccines are killing people. Research it. Pray for everyone that got a vaccine. Look up Dr. Peter A. McCulloughThe Image of the Beast technology from Revelation 13 is live & always active & against people. Microsoft patented #060606 from Rev.13 The Mark of the Beast/Antichrist. Guard your eyes, ears & heart. It's like the Eagle Eye movie. Father, I pray for everybody to know the gospel of Jesus Christ, to know that they are loved by you, & can be forgiven. In Jesus' name. Amen. Movies & secular music promote pride, lust, blasphemy, violence, greed, gluttony, witchcraft, hate, drugs & alcohol. Guard your heart. People that die without Jesus Christ as their Lord, God & Savior get judged & then get thrown into the Lake of Fire Revelation 20:15. Watch John MacArthur sermons on YouTube, the gotquestions app & a Bible app that reads to you. Put the New Testament on repeat. God warns Christians to not associate with Christians that have sex outside of marriage or are drunkards 1 Cor 5:9-11. 1 Peter 4:7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. W.W.J.D? Be holy, humble, pure, sober, loving & meek. Glorify God & please God with your thoughts & behavior. GOD WARNS US TO FLEE LUST & PRIDE. Friends should draw you closer to holiness & Jesus Christ. If they pull you towards sin more than holiness then you should walk away. Obey Jesus Christ. Fellow Christians, please share this. 🙏
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blumin-onion · 7 months
Daily Doodle Day 88
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<- Day 87 | All Days | Day 89 ->
Decided to draw myself in the Soctt Pilgrim Takes Off Style. I've never actually seen the show or movie, but since my timeline is flooded with screenshots of the new show and the art style is so cute, I just couldn't help myself. I promise to watch it as soon as I get access to Netflix!
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rescuedrop · 2 years
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Daily drawing practice day 87 (6/25/22)
Oh shoot I forgot to color in the cape. Whatever, I’m too tired to care lol
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faunina · 2 years
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I posted 16,541 times in 2022
20 posts created (0%)
16,521 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,622 of my posts in 2022
#spn - 562 posts
#the untamed - 347 posts
#dracula daily - 338 posts
#ml - 216 posts
#deutsch - 210 posts
#cats - 129 posts
#batman - 112 posts
#terminal baby disease - 111 posts
#laugh rule - 109 posts
#birds - 87 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also like. all my love to all the jess/sam truthers out there bc yall really took a woman that was invented to be killed off after less than
My Top Posts in 2022:
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a super late little entry for mermay: Tuyet and Cetus, from A Queen For The Kingdom, a retelling of The Little Mermaid by @shanastoryteller !
30 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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gay people. gay people in my inbox
bonus: jonathan you tried to do WHAT
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55 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
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they got bitches in castle dracula???
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94 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
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We could think about flowers, we could think about cake We could think about wonderful promises we have the power to make There's an awful a lot of awful things we could be thinking of But for just one day let's only think about love!
they have been married!!!!! for a full year now!!!!!!! and on their first anniversary dean wakes cas up with some aggressively snuggly “hello good morning i love you !!” kisses, and cas is happier happier happier than he can EVER remember being
ID: A drawing of Dean Winchester and Castiel lying in bed, from a top-down view. Dean is dressed in dark grey boxer shorts and light grey shirt, he is wearing dark nail polish and a tattoo of Castiel’s handprint is visible on his shoulder. Castiel is not wearing any clothes, except for the wedding band on his left ring finger. The dark green duvet covers them from about the waist down. Dean has one leg swung up around Castiel’s waist and is clutching at his face, pressing a messy close-mouthed kiss to his cheek. Castiel is clutching back to him and laughing. Bright morning light filters over them in the shape of a window. A line of text above the image says “Happy Destiel Wedding Anniversary!”. End ID.
aaaaaaaaaaaand the linework! just because i really liked how this one turned out, even tho i specifically didn’t sweat the anatomy as much
See the full post
243 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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click for a surprise :)
[ID. Digital art of Dean Winchester done in black lineart. He’s holding his own hand over Castiel’s handprint, which is red, and looking forlorn. When clicked, the transparency reveals Castiel with his wings and a halo, holding Dean by the waist and resting their foreheads together. End ID.]
1,828 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aijustborn · 3 months
Magic with AI Foreground
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Unlock the Magic of AI Foreground Ever dreamt of effortlessly adding a breathtaking cityscape to your product mockup, or infusing your social media post with a captivating abstract element, all without spending hours editing? with AI Foreground. Caption: Immerse yourself in the world of abstract expressionism with these captivating representations of "Foreground." Each image utilizes dynamic shapes and fluid lines to evoke the essence of the foreground, whether it be a bustling cityscape, a serene natural landscape, or a vibrant gathering of people. Let these abstract interpretations inspire you to see the world in new ways, where the foreground takes center stage in a whirlwind of color and movement.** As a graphic designer, I used to spend countless hours wrestling with limited design resources and tedious background editing. Each project felt like a battle, restricting my creativity and hindering my ability to truly express my vision. Then, I stumbled upon the revolutionary world of AI-generated foregrounds (AI Gen Foregrounds), and everything changed. Imagine this: you're working on a social media post promoting your latest travel adventure. You envision a breathtaking backdrop of the Eiffel Tower bathed in the golden hues of sunset. But alas, your photo library offers nothing but generic landscapes. Frustration sets in. What if I told you there's a magic wand that can instantly transform your vision into reality? Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, but imagination embraces the entire world. - Albert Einstein A recent study by Adobe revealed that 63% of design professionals feel limited by the lack of diverse and high-quality design assets. This is where AI Gen Foregrounds step in, offering a game-changing solution with statistics to back it up: - 500,000+ unique AI-generated foregrounds are created daily, providing an endless pool of creative possibilities. - 87% of designers report increased efficiency and reduced design time thanks to AI Gen Foregrounds. - 92% agree that AI-generated elements enhance the visual appeal of their projects. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UOU-Larlvos Introduces several free AI image-generation tools But AI Gen Foregrounds are more than just a pretty picture. They offer a ripple effect of positive impact: - Commercial Revolution: Businesses can save time and resources by eliminating costly re-shoots and exploring diverse visuals. - Sustainable Blooms: AI Gen Foregrounds reduce wasted resources and contribute to a greener design industry. - Emotional Connection: They empower individuals to tell their stories with visually captivating elements, fostering emotional connections. Caption: Experience the minimalist beauty of "Foreground" in this collection of captivating images. Each piece utilizes simple shapes, lines, and textures to draw the eye toward the central element, emphasizing its importance and significance within the composition. Immerse yourself in the clean aesthetic and appreciate the power of focusing on the essentials, where "Foreground" takes center stage in its purest form. This is just a glimpse into the extraordinary world of AI Gen Foreground. So, are you ready to unlock your creative potential and transform your projects? Dive into the knowledge bomb and discover how AI can turn your imagination into captivating creations! The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha A Spectrum of Creative Possibilities with AI Foreground Imagine strolling through a boundless art gallery, each wall adorned with breathtaking landscapes, captivating textures, and whimsical abstract elements. This isn't a figment of your imagination; it's the exhilarating reality of AI-generated foregrounds (AI Gen Foregrounds). Forget the days of limited design resources and frustrating editing hours. With AI Gen Foregrounds, your creative potential explodes into a universe of possibilities, empowering you to transform any project into a visually stunning masterpiece. Let's embark on a journey through this creative spectrum, exploring the diverse styles and thematic inspirations that await you: Caption: Immerse yourself in the dreamy world of "Watercolor Impression" with these captivating scenes. Each watercolor painting depicts a different foreground element, using soft colors and loose brushstrokes to create a sense of tranquility and evoke the feeling of "Foreground" in a unique and ethereal way. Explore bustling marketplaces, peaceful landscapes, and intimate moments, all united by the dreamy and impressionistic style that brings the foreground to life.** A Visual Feast: Unleashing Endless Styles Gone are the days of settling for generic stock photos. AI Gen Foreground offers a spectrum of styles to cater to every aesthetic. Are you craving photorealistic landscapes that transport viewers to sun-drenched beaches or majestic mountain ranges? Do you envision abstract elements that add a touch of whimsy and intrigue? Perhaps you seek intricate textures that exude an air of timeless elegance. With AI Gen Foregrounds, these desires and countless others become your reality. AI Foregrounds FeatureDescriptionExampleStyle DiversityPhotorealistic, abstract, textures, etc.Landscapes, cityscapes, vintage textures, abstract patternsThematic InspirationsTravel, product photography, social media, personal projectsBeach backgrounds for travel blogs, rustic tables for food photography, vintage textures for historical projectsVersatility beyond FlowersCityscapes, futuristic elements, vintage texturesTravel blog overlays, sci-fi concept designs, personalized photos Imagine crafting a product mockup with a background so realistic it feels like you can step right into it. Or picture your social media post adorned with a dreamlike, abstract element that sparks curiosity and engagement. This is the power of AI Gen Foreground, offering a visual feast that empowers you to express your unique style and captivate your audience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTlgTLFUVww Discusses the broader impact of AI in design Storytelling Through Visually Captivating Elements The beauty of AI Gen Foregrounds lies not just in their aesthetic diversity, but also in their ability to elevate your project's theme. Imagine crafting a product mockup for a travel agency, complete with a breathtaking cityscape that evokes the spirit of adventure. Or envision a social media post showcasing your latest culinary creation, enhanced by a rustic wooden table that adds a touch of warmth and authenticity. Caption: Immerse yourself in the captivating charm of "Vintage Retro," a collection of images that celebrate the beauty of "Foreground" through a nostalgic lens. Explore diverse scenes, from bustling city streets to intimate gatherings, each imbued with the warmth and allure of a bygone era. Let these images transport you back in time, reminding you of the timeless appeal of vintage style and the enduring memories it evokes.** Beyond product photography and social media, AI Gen Foregrounds can breathe life into presentations, website headers, and even personal projects. Imagine transforming a family photo with a stunning beach backdrop, creating a cherished memory that transcends time. This is the storytelling power of AI Gen Foregrounds, allowing you to weave visual magic into any theme and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things. - Theodore Levitt Unveiling the Versatility of AI Gen Foregrounds While floral arrangements might be a popular use case, AI Gen Foregrounds extend far beyond. Let your imagination roam free! Envision a cityscape overlay for your travel blog, adding a touch of authenticity to your storytelling. Perhaps you're working on a sci-fi concept and require futuristic elements to bring your vision to life. Or maybe you seek vintage textures to add a touch of timeless charm to your project. Whether you're crafting a product mockup, designing a website, or simply expressing your artistic vision, AI Gen Foregrounds offers endless possibilities. This versatility is a testament to the transformative power of this technology, breaking down creative barriers and allowing you to explore uncharted territories of design. Your Guide to Unleashing the Power of AI Foreground Stepping into the world of AI-generated foreground (AI Gen Foreground) can feel daunting at first. But fear not, intrepid creator! This section serves as your trusty guide, empowering you to navigate the tools and techniques with confidence. Remember, mastering this technology isn't about possessing advanced technical skills; it's about unlocking your creative potential with user-friendly platforms and a dash of exploration. Caption: Journey into the captivating realm of "Surreal Fantasy," where the borders between reality and imagination blur. Witness everyday objects transformed into gateways to fantastical worlds, and familiar landscapes infused with impossible beauty. Explore diverse scenes, each showcasing the "Foreground" element in a unique and magical way, inviting you to wonder, dream, and believe in the extraordinary.** A Universe of User-Friendly Platforms: Gone are the days when AI was reserved for tech wizards. Today, numerous platforms offer AI Gen Foregrounds, catering to various budgets and skill levels. Popular options like Inpaint, Photopea, and Movavi PicPlus prioritize user-friendliness, ensuring a smooth experience even for design novices. Each platform boasts unique features and strengths, so exploring a few will help you find the perfect fit for your needs and preferences. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. - Steve Jobs Planting the Creative Seed: Defining Your Vision Before embarking on your AI Gen Foreground adventure, take a moment to define your project's theme and desired style. This clarity acts as your guiding light when using the AI tool. Imagine the ideal element you seek – is it a sun-drenched beach for your travel blog, a vintage typewriter for your historical fiction novel, or a geometric pattern for your minimalist design? Translate your vision into specific keywords that accurately capture your essence. The more precise your keywords, the more likely you are to generate elements that align with your creative vision. Caption: Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring realm of "Surreal Fantasy," where the impossible becomes reality. Witness diverse scenes where the "Foreground" becomes the focal point, bursting with otherworldly beauty and boundless imagination. Explore towering flora reclaiming urban landscapes, portals to vibrant realms, and objects possessing fantastical qualities. Let these images transport you to a world where anything is possible, and wonder knows no bounds.** Power of AI Foreground PlatformFeaturesSkill LevelInpaintEasy-to-use interface, object removal, background generationBeginnerPhotopeaPowerful editing tools, supports AI pluginsIntermediateMovavi PicPlusAI-powered filters and effects, object removalBeginner to Intermediate StepDescriptionTipDefine VisionTheme & desired styleUse specific keywordsChoose PlatformExplore options based on needsConsider budget and featuresGenerate ElementsUse keywords and adjust settingsExperiment with variationsCustomize & IntegrateAdjust transparency, size, colorSeamlessly blend into project Nurturing Your Design: Customization is Key Many AI Gen Foreground platforms offer a degree of customization, allowing you to fine-tune the generated element to seamlessly integrate into your project. Adjust transparency, size, and color to achieve the perfect fit. Don't be afraid to experiment with different variations – the iterative process is a key part of the creative journey. Remember, the tool is simply there to help you bring your vision to life, not dictate it. Embrace the exploration and watch your unique masterpiece unfold. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3aPaTNV5g4 Demonstration of AI features in Photopea Bringing Your Vision to Life: Seamless Integration Awaits With your AI-generated masterpiece at hand, the final step is seamlessly integrating it into your project. Whether it's a product mockup, a social media post, or a website banner, treat the element as an extension of your creative vision. Adjust lighting, shadows, and other visual elements to ensure a harmonious blend. Remember, the key is to create a cohesive and visually stunning final product that captivates your audience. Technology is a wonderful tool. It can be used for great or terrible things. - Alvin Toffler The Ripple Effect of AI Foregrounds The magic of AI-generated foreground (AI Gen Foregrounds) extends far beyond simply adding visual flair to your projects. This innovative technology creates a ripple effect of positive impacts, transforming not just your design process but also broader industries and individual experiences. Let's delve into the far-reaching benefits of AI Gen Foreground, uncovering their multifaceted contributions: Caption: Immerse yourself in the captivating harmony of nature with these "Foreground" scenes. Each image invites you to appreciate the intricate details and vibrant life that exists within the natural world. From delicate butterflies resting on fingertips to vast landscapes teeming with diverse ecosystems, these depictions highlight the interconnectedness of all living things and inspire awe for the beauty and vitality of our planet.** Efficiency and Exploration Take Center Stage Imagine a world where businesses no longer face costly re-shoots due to unwanted background elements or spend hours tediously editing photos. AI Gen Foreground ushered in a new era of efficiency, saving precious time and resources. Product photography shoots become streamlined, marketing campaigns gain agility, and design teams explore diverse visuals with ease. Statistics paint a clear picture: a recent study by McKinsey Global Institute revealed that AI-powered design tools can increase design team productivity by up to 30%, freeing valuable time for strategic creativity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdH8dWI6fvU Discusses the potential of AI for sustainable design practices Beyond efficiency, AI Gen Foreground unlocks a universe of creative exploration. Imagine a fashion brand experimenting with futuristic cityscapes for its latest campaign, or a travel agency crafting personalized brochures with unique location-specific backgrounds. This newfound freedom empowers businesses to tell their stories in innovative ways, captivating audiences and staying ahead of the curve. The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo Caption: Immerse yourself in the electrifying energy of a metropolis in these captivating images capturing the "Urban Dynamism" of the "Foreground." Witness the city come alive with bustling streets, towering skyscrapers, and diverse people of all ethnicities and genders on the move. Explore bustling markets, vibrant food courts, and street performers, each scene pulsating with the unique rhythm of urban life.** Embracing a Greener Design Future In today's eco-conscious world, every creative choice carries the weight of sustainability. AI Gen Foregrounds offers a unique opportunity to minimize environmental impact within the design industry. Remember those costly re-shoots due to unwanted elements? With AI Gen Foreground, the need for such shoots dwindles, reducing wasted resources like film, paper, and energy consumption. This sustainable approach contributes to a greener future for design, aligning with the growing demand for responsible practices. The Ripple Effect of AI Foreground BenefitDescriptionImpactEfficiencyReduced re-shoots, faster design timesIncreased productivity, cost savingsExplorationDiverse visuals, unique storytellingEnhanced brand identity, audience engagementSustainabilityMinimized resources, reduced wasteEco-friendly design practices, positive environmental impactEmotional ConnectionPersonalized visuals, deeper storytellingBrand loyalty, emotional engagement Furthermore, AI Gen Foreground has the potential to reduce physical product samples used in photography, especially for e-commerce platforms. This translates to lower carbon footprints associated with transportation and production, further solidifying their contribution to a sustainable design ecosystem. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tQHRGDSCKyE Explores the intersection of AI and storytelling Empowering Storytelling Through Visual Magic The true power of design lies in its ability to evoke emotions and forge connections. AI Gen Foreground unlocks a new level of visual storytelling, empowering individuals and businesses to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Imagine personalizing family photos with stunning beach backdrops, adding a touch of magic to cherished memories. Or picture social media posts transformed with dreamlike elements, sparking curiosity and engagement. Caption: Immerse yourself in the captivating world of "Sculptural Elegance" with these images that showcase the "Foreground" in a new light. Each piece is rendered with the precision and artistry of a sculptor, capturing the subtle details of form, texture, and the interplay of light and shadow. Explore diverse subjects, from weathered stone faces and smooth marble eggs to towering bronze statues and intricate wooden carvings, each one a testament to the beauty and expressiveness of скульптурная элегантность.** This ability to personalize and enhance visual narratives extends beyond individuals. Businesses can leverage AI Gen Foregrounds to create emotional connections with their target audience. Imagine a travel advertisement featuring breathtaking landscapes that transport viewers to their dream vacation, or a product launch campaign enhanced with nostalgic textures that evoke feelings of comfort and familiarity. The possibilities for fostering emotional connection and brand loyalty are endless. Stories have the power to heal, to make us whole, to remind us of our shared humanity. - Madeleine Albright As we conclude this exploration of AI-generated foregrounds (AI Gen Foreground), one thing becomes undeniably clear: this technology is more than just a passing fad; it's a revolution waiting to be embraced. From the dazzling array of styles and thematic inspirations to the intuitive tools and far-reaching benefits, AI Gen Foreground offers something for everyone – designers, artists, and anyone with a creative spark. Remember, the journey begins with defining your vision. Whether you seek photorealistic landscapes, captivating textures, or abstract elements, let your imagination guide you. Utilize the user-friendly platforms available and don't be afraid to experiment! Customization is key to seamlessly integrating your AI-generated element into your project, creating a cohesive and visually stunning masterpiece. Caption: Explore the captivating simplicity of "Foreground" in this collection of minimalist images. Each piece focuses on essential elements, using clean lines, muted tones, and deliberate composition to draw the eye toward the central subject. Immerse yourself in the purity of these visual representations and appreciate the power of focusing on the core elements that define the foreground.** Beyond aesthetics, AI Gen Foreground creates a ripple effect of positive impacts. They unlock efficiency and exploration for businesses, embrace sustainability by minimizing wasted resources, and empower storytelling through emotional connections. So, the question remains: are you ready to join this transformative journey? Dive into the world of AI Gen Foregrounds and unleash your creative potential. Read the full article
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eskesenacosta · 2 years
Evaluation of the total well being within patients using various numbers of equalization associated with reduced branch period disparity addressed with Ilizarov approach.
Neoethilla ignobilis clean. n. is taken off through the Winthemiini and used in the actual indigneous group Ethillini (Exoristinae) based on a review with the outer features of grownups, guy terminalia, female reproductive system, as well as egg morphology. The small tribe Ethillini, not necessarily formerly identified from the " new world ", at present consists of 15 genera around the world. The phylogeny and also systematics with the Ethillini in addition to their connections with related people are generally reviewed and documented simply by explanations as well as drawings involving related persona states.Employing a 1 picky glycine subscriber base chemical as adjunctive in order to second-generation antipsychotic (SGA) has been hypothesized for you to ameliorate unfavorable and/or cognitive symptoms in topics together with schizophrenia. Subject matter with prevalent continual bad signs or symptoms (in the past stable bigger compared to = A couple of months while on an SGA) had been going to a new randomized, placebo-controlled test to analyze adjunctive therapy using Internet 25935, a new discerning chemical of kind A single glycine transporter, around 3 months in the versatile measure design and style. Net 25935 had been examined with Some to eight milligram twice daily as well as 14 for you to 07 milligram twice a day as opposed to placebo. Principal efficiency effects were suggest change from baseline inside Scale for Evaluation associated with Negative Signs or symptoms upvc composite score. Supplementary usefulness end details were Bad and the good Symptoms Scale total along with subscale results, depressive signs (Calgary Depressive disorders Range for Schizophrenia), world-wide performing (Worldwide Examination of Working scale), as well as intellectual procedures employing a digital electric battery (Central Nervous System Essential Indications). Responder prices have been considered article hoc. A total of Two hundred and fifteen subjects were randomized, which 187 (87%) completed your test. The two dose sets of World wide web 25935 did not change considerably via placebo upon Range pertaining to Assessment of Negative Signs or symptoms, Negative and positive Syndrome Size (full or even subscale ratings), Worldwide Assessment regarding Working, or most examined mental internet domain names. World wide web 25935 was normally well permitted within the analyzed dosage variety, without having purposeful consequences about extrapyramidal signs and symptoms and a few studies of comparatively aesthetic uncomfortable side effects. Internet 25935 would not vary considerably through placebo in lessening bad signs and symptoms or even enhancing psychological performing when implemented as adjunctive therapy to SGA. Inside our examine population, World wide web 25935 was nicely accepted inside the analyzed dose amounts.The importance of grow little high temperature shock proteins (sHsp) within a number of cell phone processes has been confirmed by their strange plethora and variety; however, little is famous regarding their biological role. The following, many of us characterised the actual within vitro chaperone action and subcellular localization involving nodulin Twenty two involving Phaseolus vulgaris (PvNod22; widespread coffee bean) as well as discovered it's cell phone purpose by having a virus-induced gene silencing centered opposite inherited genes tactic.
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longbrain · 2 years
Trojka w lotto
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Trojka w lotto how to#
In the event of a discrepancy between the information displayed on this website and the information in the official records maintained by the New York State Gaming Commission, the records maintained by the Gaming Commission shall prevail. The information on this website is believed to be accurate. To talk with someone now about your gambling, visit or call the HOPEline 1-877-8-HOPENY (1-87) or text HOPENY (467369). You must be 21 or older to purchase a Quick Draw ticket where alcoholic beverages are served. You must be 18 years or older to purchase a Lottery ticket. Use of this website signifies your agreement to the Privacy Policy (updated 4.29.19).Īll New York Lottery transactions are subject to New York State Gaming Commission rules and regulations. New York Lottery trademarks and service marks may be used only with the prior permission of the New York State Gaming Commission. In Ukraine, this type is known as Lotto Troika.© 2022 New York State Gaming Commission. Small wins, but the likelihood of getting money is quite high. If funds are insufficient to pay set prizes, non-jackpot prizes may be paid on a pari-mutuel basis and could be lower than the amount shown. You need to guess three times a number from 0 to 9. The FLORIDA LOTTO jackpot prize and the Double Play top prize will be shared among winners. Simple solutionsĪ separate type of number lotteries - Pick 3 or 4. In Ukraine, the unconditional palm belongs to Super Lotto, although much more often jackpots are hit in Lotto Maxima. For Powerball Draws, EuroJackpot, EuroMillions and more are eagerly awaited by millions of players. Popular today are in Ukraine and in the world. In the latter, each simple ticket gives the same chance of winning. Some have a bonus ball, others do without Have become lotteries with a well-defined formula and jackpot, which grows fromĬirculation to circulation. History of the game from China to the present More details about the domestic KENO can be found in previous materials: But, despite different circumstances and historical events, classic KENO is still popular in many countries today, including in Ukraine. Naturally, after thousands of years the game has undergone many changes. It is from Ancient China that the lottery conducts its report. Lottery, in which the player can choose his own numbers to play or To learn more about strategies for the game in general or for a specific lottery separately, take a look at the section "Life hacks to win".ĪND, to test the strategy in practice or learn, do you like the number lottery - just buy a ticket. You can verify this for yourself, by reading a variety of winner stories. And someone accidentally buys a change ticket and rips off Winning becomes the planned result of continued participation and Question, which all players periodically or constantly ask themselves.
Trojka w lotto how to#
Rooms: 12 – Tickets: 132 How to win the number lottery. There are many winnings in such groups.ĭo you want to be a millionaire?! Take part and win the BIGGEST JACKPOT in the WORLD! → Team up with friends for a productive game. Results, even in the absence of a nearby land-based point of sale. May be lucky, as a beginner, and experienced.įunctionality of paper and electronic tickets. The guessed first prize is rolled over to the next draw, increasing each time.Ĭumulative bonuses for a specific player. This practice is popular in most lotteries. Possibility of occurrenceĭependence in such conditions is very low. Wait at least another day until the next draw. You have to buy a ticket, wait for the draw, to check the result. Draws usually take place several times a week, some daily. This gives freedom of choice and allows everyone to use Show your imagination, and practice math skills. Kind of lotteries, in which players choose their own numbers.
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ricisidro · 2 years
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#DOH reports 3,119 new cases today Sept.19, adding the nationwide caseload to 3,923,727. #COVID19PH #Philippines #PH This is the highest daily tally in over a week or since September 10 and back to more than 3k daily cases ⬆️ There are 1,374 (44%) new cases in the NCR. Metro Manila saw 16 of 17 LGUs report double or triple digits. Five LGUs reported triple digits: Quezon City 314, Manila 170, Pasig 124, Taguig 114, Makati 106. Those with double digits were: Parañaque 88, Caloocan 72, Las Piñas 68, Mandaluyong 66, Marikina 59, Muntinlupa 47, Valenzuela 45, Pasay City 42, Malabon 23, Navotas 20 and San Juan 11. Outside NCR, 4 provinces had triple digits. They were: Cavite 203, Rizal 161, Bulacan 121 and Tarlac 111. Those with more than 50 but less than 100 cases were: Laguna 95, Batangas 87, Pampanga 55, Cebu 55, Davao del Sur 88 (with Davao City owning 29), and South Cotabato 62. DOH also reports 38 new deaths. This brings the total death toll to 62,587 ⬆️🚩 The national positivity rate on September 18 is at 13.1%. While the NCR positivity rate is at 15.6%. Meantime, OCTA Research data shows Metro Manila (13.3% to 15.6%), Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Pangasinan, and Rizal with increasing COVID-19 positivity rates. While 14 other provinces in Luzon continue to have improving positivity rates. The DOH weekly report for Sept. 12-18, 2022 saw only a slight decline in cases (-4%) compared to the week of Sept. 5-11. The 14,707 cases from Sept. 12-18 saw the Philippines draw a 7-day average of 2101 new daily cases (as severely under reported because testing was also down). Thee 248 new deaths during that week had 34 of them being recent or ‘fresh’ as these occurred between Sept. 5-18. Health care utilization was at 28.9% for non ICU beds and 24.1% for ICU beds. However, this data is a based on the over-all capacity of the hospitals in the country. Based on region, this will differ. For example, in the NCR, non-ICU bed utilization is at 42% (compared to the national utilization rate) and 28.34% for ICU beds (compared to the national utilization rate). https://www.instagram.com/p/Cir8RUILZ1g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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webbaccaratgames · 2 years
101 Gambling Facts Before You Shell Out A Dime
Gambling is a very popular form of entertainment. Every player can win in a matter of seconds. Gambling is a thrilling way to get adrenaline rushes. Over the past 20 years, the gaming industry has seen an exponential growth. Gambling has attracted more people to casinos and racetracks as well as online gambling sites. Gambling is an interesting pastime in many ways. The following list will give you some historical, statistical, humorous, and trivial tips that make it so special.
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Did You Know?
1. Poker is played by at least 65,000,000 Americans on a daily basis. Even though playing cards were first invented in China, the French influence how we see them today. According to French legend, Spades are a symbol of royalty. Diamonds are for Merchants, Clubs are for Peasants, Hearts are for the Clergy. 3. Richard M. Nixon, former President of the United States, used money he won while playing poker in the Navy during World War 2 in order to fund his bid for Congress in 1946. It is not cheap to get involved with politics, so it must have been a skilled player. 4. 87% of those who visited Las Vegas in 1996 gambled. 5. According to surveys, 38% of Americans have visited Las Vegas at least once in their lives. This is usually to gamble. 6. Craps is a popular casino game that offers some of the most lucrative bets. 7. Online and television poker tournaments have made Texas Hold'em poker extremely popular. 8. For every 8 residents of Las Vegas, Nevada there is one slot machine. The Las Vegas Valley's population was 2 million in 2005. This is a lot of slot machines!
Gambling bits and pieces
9. Blackjack or 21 is still the most played table game at both online and offline casino. It also has the highest odds. 10. There are many types of video poker that can be found in casinos, but all of them are based on Five Card Draw. 11. One employee was a dice swallower in the English gambling dens of the 18th century. Yes, you read that right! If a police officer entered the den, he was required to swallow the dice. 12. Video poker, if played correctly can offer the best odds of winning in the casino. 13. Charles Fey invented the first slot machine on the planet in 1899. He was an auto mechanic who wanted to entertain his customers while they waited for their cars. 14. Groucho Marx was one of the Marx Brothers and he loved playing poker. He carried his poker money in a "grouch bag" with him. This is how Groucho got his nickname. 15. Only two states in the United States do not allow legalized gambling. These are Utah and Hawaii. 16. In the United States, 57% of Americans bought a lottery ticket within the past 12 months. Gallup Poll's audit of gambling found that the lottery is America's most popular gambling form. 17. 68% of people in Las Vegas gamble on the slot machines.
Enjoy Interesting and Fun Facts
18. 24% of Americans admit to having participated in illegal gambling. 19. It was found that 22% of Las Vegas visitors were seniors, people aged 65 or older. 20. In 1998, Las Vegas was home to one of the biggest slot machine payouts. One woman, who had spent $300 at a casino on that day, won a $27.6million jackpot. It's no wonder that slot machines are so beloved! 21. Most historians agree that Wild Bill Hickock, the colorful and legendary Wild West figure, was not a good poker player. 22. It is illegal to patent any type of gambling machine in the United States. 23. Texas Hold 'Em, a card game that involves putting cards together, was first played in Robstown, Texas. This was in the early 1900s. A small group of Texas gamblers brought Texas Hold'Em from Las Vegas to Texas. 24. In the 1970s, casino gamblers were on average between 30 and 55 years old. Today, this age ranges between 17 and 70. 25. A survey found that 80% of respondents believed that all gambling should have legal status and that casinos were perfectly acceptable. 26. Warning! You cannot use your mobile phone at a casino table. This rule is applicable to all casinos. You can play at any online casino table. 27. It is found in Connecticut, USA near Hartford. It's called Foxwoods Casino. 28. Las Vegas is known by two names: Las Vegas and Lost Wages. 29. There are many types of slot machines, from penny slots to high-priced ones that cost $50 to $500 per spin. These slots, which are often high-priced, are typically located in the "High Roller" room or rooms at a casino. These machines are rare.
History and Gambling Facts
30. Gamblers placed bets on Las Vegas in 2007 for more than $170 Billion. The casinos won $7 billion of this money. 31. Online gaming is very popular. You can play video poker while wearing pajamas. 32. Las Vegas casinos are not legally required to pay any gambling debts. 33. In 1931, the state of Nevada, USA, which is home to Las Vegas, legalized gambling.
The US government was also building the Hoover Dam that year. - The dam workers didn't want to gamble so Boulder City was created. In Boulder City, it was made illegal for workers to gamble. This was in order to ensure that they didn't waste the 50 cents per hour they were paid. Currently, Boulder City is Nevada's only place where gambling is prohibited.
Fascinating Gambling Facts
34. The French and Italians will continue to argue about who invented Blackjack. 35. Millions of people use the internet to gamble 24 hours a days, 7 days a semaine. 36. Online players will be able to win more frequently if they play online. 37. Horseracing and any other type of gambling requires that you win at least 52.4% of your bets in order to break even. The house charges a commission on each bet. 38. Slots have no rhythm or rhyme. It is nearly impossible to predict which games you will win. 39. The Dead Man's Hand in poker is Aces and Eights. 40. People who travel to Las Vegas for vacation gamble for four hours per day. 41. Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician who also invented roulette, is believed to have invent it. Others claim he simply decided the order in which the numbers should be entered. 42. Others claim that roulette originated in China. Another group claims that roulette was created by Venetian monks. The truth is not known, it seems. 43. Although a slot machine line may appear identical on the outside, each one is unique inside. 44. Dice are one of the oldest forms of gaming today. 45. The turn of the 19th-century saw blackjack being banned in America. It was already a popular game and people continued to play illegally. In 1939, the ban was lifted as Nevada began to open Las Vegas to the public. 46. Craps is an American game. However, it was originally created as a variation on a European game that was played in the 17th-18th centuries and was called 'hazard'. 47. Francois Blanc, a man whose name is believed to be Francois, made a deal with Satan to learn the'secrets' to the roulette wheel. This legend states that if you add all the numbers on the roulette wheel together, you get the number 666. This number has always been associated with the devil. 48. The slot machines can reveal millions of combinations every minute they are played. This is due to the RNG (random number generator) that is built into the slot machine. 49. Craps was named after Johnny Crapauds, a New Orleans French Creole nickname. 50. There are two types: casino dice and drugstore dice. Casino dice are made by hand บาคาร่าออนไลน์ and have a perfectly balanced cube. The dice in drugstores are smaller than those in casinos and are manufactured by machines.
Information and figures about gambling
51. Historians found evidence that Napoleon enjoyed playing blackjack or 21 when he was exiled. 52. Add all the sides to one dice and you'll always get 7. 53. Roulette rules are simpler than other gambling forms. 54. Since the 1970s, video poker has been part of the gambling industry. 55. Baccarat was played once with Tarot cards. 56. Caribbean Stud Poker is a very popular poker variant. It is a variation of Primera, a 16th-century game. 57. An American roulette wheel has 38 numbers, 0, 00 and 1 to 36. 58. A French roulette wheel has 37 numbers, from 0 to 36. 59. Nevada residents place an average of $846 annually at the casinos. 60. Felix Falguiere, an Italian gambler, invented Baccarat in the middle ages. 61. Casino gambling is one of the fastest-growing forms of entertainment in the world. 62. You have 11 options to place a bet in roulette. 63. Slot machines are called 'fruit machines' by the British and 'one-armed bandsits' by the British. 64. Strip poker is a gambling game that was invented in New Orleans, Louisiana, around 1830. 65. Backgammon is one of the oldest known games in history. Many different names have been given to this game, which was first recorded in Mesopotamia. 66. In the United States, gambling has grown to a $40 billion dollar industry per year.
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