#damn i know they are so important for each other but everytime we have a confirmation i am an emotional mess
maximumdante · 6 months
J E R Č.
Fanfictions authors, you have one job to do.
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queersouthasian · 4 months
Now that pit babe is over, going back to rewatch the show and seeing babe push Charlie around 'cause Way can't keep his fucking hands to himself and is continuously manipulating him (the hypnotism thing becomes too obvious with every rewatch ngl) , especially that scene where Babe comes home drunk and distressed, pushing Charlie away saying "you are only a sex partner", this with the scene of Way asking who Charlie was and him saying the same but with the "What a person like me can be?" breaks my heart to fragments. I have mentioned before how Babe is loud in pain and silent in love exactly how Charlie is the damn opposite. So, babe's pain is very prevalent but Charlie's is so subtle. Charlie saying that he can't tell who he and jeff are but they are definitely not fucking is like an open reminder that he desperately was trying to protect two people, his brother and his lover. He looked like a kicked puppy everytime Babe pushed him away, he looked so broken and then the next moment he is smiling. UGHHHH. I cry thinking about how Charlie believed for years he doesn't deserve love 'cause he is way too basic, he is replaceable and someone who can never be anyone's priority. On top of that he takes away people's powers, something not under his control, making him "threatening", thus unlovable. No wonder Charlie didn't expect Babe to mourn his death to the extent he did. Charlie knew Babe would be sad, but "sad" is an understatement to what babe went through during their seperation and how desperately babe denied the death. Charlie never once imagined this to be to that extent. So jeff confirming that Babe was "as sad as" Charlie was, was a direct punch to his face. He was not happy, he was devastated that he hurt babe. There are so many moments where we can see another side to Charlie. His insecurities. In ep 7 when Babe denies Charlie giving up his life and they hug, Charlie has such a gentle look on his face:
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He looks so relaxed, a "oh he loves me".
Seeing Charlie being so happy during the reunion made me so so glad they found each other 'cause Babe loves him beyond every boundary, every restriction loving Charlie has been posed. No one ever really loved and cared about Charlie so much. Charlie has to be someone so important to babe for him to enter his abuser's home, working with his assaulter to take down his abuser 'cause how dare he hurt Charlie, his beloved (such a wild sentence my god). No one ever has done 1% of what Babe did for Charlie. Not only this but all the times Babe pushing Charlie away from the face of danger 'cause Charlie's life matters, to him more than anyone.
What actually makes me so happy about CharlieBabe's ending is that, we came around a full circle. Charlie thought he is worthless and the only thing he can offer is care, affection, protection and most importantly love. But in our world, how many people actually care about that? How many will appreciate your love? People even in real life think, love is cringe or something that leads to nothing. Whereas Babe created his "Pit Babe" reputation 'cause that helped him gain attention and love, albeit false and mostly sugar coated but atleast he got cheers and he was so damn scared of those cheers dying down 'cause he was so so starved of affection that loosing his first place meant his life would come to an end. At the end, he ended up really not caring about either his powers or his first place. He only cared about one person, Charlie. Charlie who loved him and loved him like no other. Babe knows no one can love him like Charlie can, like Charlie does. His love is insane in all ways, extremely transparent and only for him to see through. Charlie's ability to love him to the extent he does, the way he does, always left him surprised. He didn't voice it out, but you could see how he always looked so amazed that someone like Charlie, someone so genuine and selfless can love him, that he ever really doubted him. All of which makes his grief and the "I am sorry I always talked bad to you" during ep 10 more painful. He didn't get the chance to let him know how much he meant to him, he thought he made Charlie think the love and protectiveness is one sided. So Babe saying "I love you like I have never loved before, Understood?" Is so damn beautiful, 'cause we finally see Babe telling Charlie, in bold fonts, that he has never experienced love like the love he has for Charlie. Romantic or Platonic, the love he has for his beloved is the most and Charlie is not just his no. 1 lover, he is his sole lover and no.1 in general. The entire journey of Charlie, going from " what a person like me can be?" TO Babe's only priority, his "phi babe" 's only lover and the audience's beloved Charlie is just way too much for my heart.
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rowaelinsdaughter · 4 months
I’m back with another modern!au idea because you write them SO well, and it immediately made me think of you.
I was thinking Aelin is an influencer, reader is a photographer and they meet on a set ? Maybe reader either doesn’t really know who Aelin is, or pretends she doesn’t? I could see Aelin going all out to try and win her over
sorry that’s all over the place! I love your writing and you’re a wonderful person ♥️
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a/n;; i LOVE your ideas and i love writing modern au!!!! AND YOURE ALSO A WONDERFUL PERSON AND YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING
WARNINGS;; a little suggestive at the end, angst to fluff
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aelin ashryver galathynius, also known as aelin galathynius or a.g. was the most important influencer erilea has ever seen. 
every brand wanted her, she was… beautiful wasn’t the word to describe her, she was a goddess, created by the gods. 
and she was going to have a photoshoot with her. working as a photographer in the most famous clothing brand of terrasen, she was nervous. extremely nervous. she had followed her career since day one, and she loved her. she knew aelin didn’t remember her, at that time she was still studying to be a photographer, in charge of helping the main photographer, she had watched aelin pose for the pictures, and when the photoshoot was done, she had managed to talk to her. 
but that was 3 years ago, and now as the main photographer, she was going to see her again. and she had to pretend she didn’t know her.
“i want the spotlight there, and the bench in the center, and-”
“hello everyone!” 
she was here. ready for the photoshoot. 
breathe in. breathe out. breathe in. breathe out.
when she was ready, she turned to her. aelin was wearing a black suit, heels and golden jewelry. the makeup was simple and still, she looked gorgeous. she walked a step, two, three steps, until she was in front of her. 
“hi, im the photographer in charge of everything, you must be aelin, right?” she said, shaking her hand.
“the one and only.” she answered, and her eyes narrowed a bit. “have we met before? i think i know you…”  
“no, i dont think so, im new here”
“oh well, that’s perfect” she lowered her voice “i didn’t like the other one, he was a bit weird”
“yeah, he was,” they both laughed. “well, let’s begin”
she had never done a photoshoot like this. the photos were incredible, and they don't have to be retouched. every pose, every face, every angle was perfect. she was perfect. she thought. and she looked at her while she talked to the makeup artists. impossible. impossible to be with her. she was only a photographer, and she was an influencer, she could have anyone she wanted with a smile. a girl in charge came up to her, asking her about some photos.
and she didn’t know aelin was looking at her.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆—————————☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ —————————
she saw aelin again. and again. and again. 
apparently, she said in a magazine that she was the best photographer she had ever worked with. would you work with her again? yes, of course. she had answered. 
and she worked with her. and everytime she worked with her, aelin would find a way to talk to her. minutes, half hour, hours… until the hours they saw each other at work turned into dates, always avoiding the paparazzis, or that was what they thought. 
no, no, no, no. 
this wasn’t happening. this had to be a joke. 
her phone rang. again. again. again. four messages. aelin, but she couldn’t talk to her, not now that she had ruined her career. 
her heartbeat was going fast. too damn fast. she needed to breathe. 
in. out. in. out. in .out. in-
the door bell. 
she walked to the door, and before she could she anything, a golden storm entered her home. 
“why haven’t you answered my messages?” 
“aelin don’t-”
“please answer me”
“i… this aelin, is too much. too fucking much. do you have an idea of the people that are going to talk about me? you’re an influencer aelin. you are famous, and i'm only a photographer, i'm going to be the one night stand, the girl who was with aelin because of the money, for the prestige, the slut of aelin galathynius” she didn’t know she was crying until she felt her tears wet her shirt. “and as much as i like talking to you, this has to stop”
“are you done?”
her eyes widened “what? wait. have you heard anything i've said?”
aelin walked to her. taking her face with her hands, she sighed. “i’ve been waiting months for this”
she looked at her eyes. “for what?”
aelin smiled, and her answered… 
kissing aelin felt like the summer breeze. dancing with fire in the forest. she tasted like lemon verbena, crackling embers and jasmine, and she thought she was going to burst into flames. 
she didn’t know how much time passed until they broke away, desperate for oxygen. she wasn’t able to open her eyes, but she felt aelin’s gaze on her face. opening her eyes slowly,  aelin smiled at her. 
“you know what this means? this, and this” she took her hand, placing it above her heart “is your’s. you’re the only one i want with me, you’re the only one i love”
“who are you and what have you done with aelin?” aelin laughed. loud and happy.  “well and now, why don't we celebrate that we are together?”
she laughed as her arm hugged her by her shoulders.
“that’s my girl”
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all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
tagging;; @thehighladywrites @shadowdaddies @hellwantfuckme @callmeblaire @clairebear08
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abstract-crossverse · 2 years
Hi it's me, a Jeb enjoyer. Can I request Jeb reacting to finding his s/o after the fall of Nexus city? Like it's years later and he's given up hope but they just pop up in one of the buildings killing agents and shiz, maybe he's meeting with Doc and his s/o is there? Thank you :))
Hello Jeb enjoyer, Im Phobos enjoyer- *gets shot*
Im so sorry this took so long hdbsns
"Together at Last" [Jeb x Reader, fic, angst/fluff]
You and Jebediah were very close even before he began making his plans to take Nexus down, anyone could see it, he was often found around you if not with Hofnarr and drowining himself in his work
It was obvious there was something going on, some scientists that worked under Projects the Director put him in charge of would see him out with you, talking as if you knew each other for years(which you kinda did) and began placing bets on wether or not you were together, even Hofnarr was in on it- which was funny because he knew you both were together for a good while now
He told you a lot of things from work, venting out his frustrations to you if you allowed him, you were the one he most trusted with anything, you heard a lot of shit talk about Phobos and Crackpot specifically, it was honestly amusing seeing Jeb rant about their bullshit while resting his head on your lap and make angry gestures with his hand as you played with his hair
He'd sigh at the end and look at you thankfully, thank you for letting him rant, and apologizing if he got too intense in certain parts, you'd shrug it off and kiss his forehead for reassurance, saying its nothing he needs to apologize over, he never told you, but everytime you said those words he'd fall for you all over again. You were just the light of his life
That being said, he confined the information of his plans with you as well, telling you how things would work out and the plan he had for you end others involved directly with the plan to go out safe and sound
After Phobos fired him, he quickly got home and began to quickly organize everything for when he'd need to be off to put the plan in action, all while muttering curses at the damned Director under his breath. After you got home from your own work, you were initially confused about the gear on top of the table of your shared apartment, until you remembered the plan
You sat with Christoff in the living room as he rapidly typed emails to his friends, he looked at you once he unfocused from the computer, wondering if you were getting home, almost startling him as he spotted you on the couch messing on your phone beside him
".. [Name]... Welcome home, dear... Did- you get home just now or-"
"Nah, been here for a few minutes, I didnt want to interrupt you since that seemed important... Is everything okay?" You asked, turning off your phone and turning yourself to him as you spoke, he sighed
"my apologies for not realizing your were there sooner, my dear.... That- foolish Director fired me today." He hissed lightly, your eyes widened, that wasnt good- "oh god... Thats-... how are you going to go about the plan now then?" Your eyebrows furrowed in worry, he gently took your hands in his
"worry not, all will go as planned, t'is but a minor inconvenience, Hofnarr will give me access to the back of the Tower, Ive already planned the route from the plaza to the room I must go to." He gently stroked your knuckles with his thumbs in attempt to soothe your worries, he didn't tell you everything about it though
You looked down, nodding as you processed through this new route, you both fell silent for a moment before you looked back at him
"are you sure you still need to go through with this?"
"Dear, you know I have no choice. If he goes through with Gestalt, we're all doomed, we must act as soon as possible."
You sighed "I know I know- I just... I just keep worrying for the worse.. what if the plan doesnt work? What if you get caught? What if Phobos wins??- Jeb I dont want to lose you.." you looked at him with worry, that look of fear in your eyes gripped at his heart, he moved his hands around your waist, hugging you close
"all will go as planned, my Love, I wont fail, thats something I promise you, and you know Im a man of word." He gave you a gentle smile, you smiled a bit, letting out a small chuckle "I know that very well... I trust you dear, Im sorry, Im just scared for you."
You gently leaned your forehead with his, he smiled, a faint purr rumbling from his chest "I know... But try not to worry, I wont fail, and I'll come to pick you up on our spot as soon as Im finished with everything." You took a moment before mumbling an 'alright.', he mumbled the same, placing a gentle kiss on your lips as he held you close, attempting to soothe you once more by gently rubbing his hand on your back as you held him just as firmly
Trusth be told, he had the same worries as you, he was worried domething would go wrong, mentally going over anything that could go wrong in his mind from the plan on to ready himself, he completely expected to go down with Phobos in worst case scenario, losing isn't an option and winning may be of little chance.. Though he'd try not to think too much about it, he doesnt want to end up jinxing himself, for now he'll spend as much time as he can with you.
By the next day, you helped him get ready to go meet with Hofnarr by the Rift, helping him with hiding his weapons and the bullet proof vest under his clothes, you both went over your plan again
"alright, again, while I go meet with Hofnarr, you-"
"I head to wait with the Sheriff guy by the gate to the indrustrial sector until you come back." You recalled as you adjusted the colar on his coat and adjusted his tie "I have my bag all set already, I'll head out as soon as youre out of view so its not too suspicious."
Christoff nodded in approvement, a hum coming from his throat "alright, I'll be off then... [Name], my Love, please be careful." He placed his hands on your waist, looking at you with almost pleading eyes, you placed your hands over his, giving him a light peck "of course I will, dearest, I promise, you be careful too, I dont want to have to go break you out" you half joked, laughing softly as he chuckled lightly.. you always loved his laugh
"I will... I'll see you soon, Love." You shared a kiss again, a bit longer then the one yesterday, as soon as you parted, he gave you a smaller, shorter kiss, for good measure, y'know?
"see you soon, Dear... I love you." He hesitantly let go of you, you gave him a small smile as he opened the door behind him
"I love you too, more than my whole existence." And out the door he went, you simply stood there as the door closed, your smile fell, eyebrows furrowing, why did you get a bad feeling in your gut all of the sudden...?
Well, if youre here this far you must know how it played out, he defeated Phobos and got out alive.. that- wasn't his expectation but all for the best, he's glad he survived to see you again. he quickly darted through the city to the Industrial Sector's gate, he read the MERC Laborers ready to close the gates for you..
But you were nowhere in sight.
He asked them about you, but they just shook their head, looking confused, his stomach dropped, feeling dread grow on his chest, he looked around a bit, clearly hesitant before he gave them the orders to close the gates, we were too far in to stop now, they needed to be safe and the Zeds are beginning to rapidly grow in numbers. He'd find you, its fine! he'll find you, he's sure of it
After speaking with Hofnarr, he asked him about you too, the shorter scientist nervously afirmed he didn't see you that day at all, making more dread overcome Christoff's very being. He thanked his friend anyway, asking him to get you to him if he happens to find you around, Hofnarr nodded and flew off with his jetpack as Jeb began to roam the falling apart city frantically.. you need to be okay, you must be alive, you have to...
Years of search and nothing. not a single trace of you since the Fall... But Jeb never stopped searching, he searched everywhere he could multiple times, flipping the city upside down in search of you, searching out of the city for you, MERC, Somewhere, nowhere was free of his search, but nothing, not a single trace aside your bag with your old things he found on the route he set for you that day..
He refused to believe you could be dead, for all he knows a Zed or- or a robber couldve gotten a grip on your bag and you let it go to get to safety! you just... didn't make it to MERC...
Countless nights he came back toyour old shared apartment he still used as a hideout after the Nexus Core agents were done searching for him in his old home, he'd just sit down on the couch and look at a broken picture frame with a picture of you two in it for hours, he would barely even realize he'd been sitting there doing bat shit with a blank stare
And no matter how his eyes got fucked, or how the dissonance from the Halo was slowly deteriorating his mind, he'd still search for you... he may have lost his friend, he may have lost his job, he may have lost his life or part of himself, but you is someone he cant bare acknowledge he lost. and countless nights.. he actually shed tears, he wept, praying so hard you'd come back, praying you were okay, praying he wouldn't find you as a mindless Zed roaming the City's streets. He felt like he failed you... But he had to keep his head up, you must be okay, you must be safe.. if you weren't, he would've found your body by now, wouldn't he?
At least thats what he told himself to keep himself from giving up on your search, he needed to keep going, he knows you're alive.. he has a feeling you are at least...
He was on his way to purge another of Auditor's AAHW bases, until he caught movement with the corner of his eye, he snapped his head to where he saw it, immediately jumping on guard, seeing a hooded figure take down a zed and shoot a grunt running in the distance. He'd dismiss it was another survivor just trying to survive in this wasteland until you made eye contact..
He could recognize that face anywhere..
His eyes widen, so did yours, but neither dared to move, it wasnt until he muttered your name that you snapped out of your stunned haze and run at him, yelling his name as you both collided in a hug
You hugged him tightly as he was still stunned to see you, hovering his hands over your form until he realized this wasnt a dream and immediately hug onto you tightly as well
Tears slipping out of your eyes as you pulled away a bit, smiling as you cupped his face in your hands
"Jeb! Oh god its you!"
"[Name]... You're here.. you really are..." He leaned into your hands, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as emotion overwhelmed him
"yes! Yes Im here! I was so worried, I thought I'd never see you again!" You felt his rough hand be placed on your cheek, you leaned into it as he gently wiped your tears
He smiled, tears finally falling off his eyes, he pulled you into a kiss, longing and loving, he missed you so much its unreal, after parting you hugged again after wiping his years with your thumbs, holding each other until Jeb was alerted by someone clearing their throat
He pulled you behind him, taking his sword out and looking at where the sound came, only to be met with Hank just, standing there, of course they were covered in blood like always, which only made them seem like more of a threat
"... Wimbleton. What are you doing here?"
"... Mission."
Jeb hummed, you gently tugged on his arm
"it's- it's okay, I work with them."
".. what-" he looked down at you with a raised eyebrow
You explained what happened to you on your way to MERC, how 2BDamned helped you after getting cornered by thugs and asked you to join SQ as a way to return the favor, he was still confused why you would accept it, you added the zeds began swarming by then and you both eneded up too far away from MERC's gate
Then he understood, nodding as he lowered his sword, after a ment of silence he asked if youd still work for him, you said you kinda liked there so yes, he nodded
You asked Hank if they could tell Doc youd be back later and that they could go without you, they shrugged, turned around and left
You leaned on Jeb, taking a hold of his hand and smiling up at him, you two hugged again, I think that purge can wait a day, he swept you off your feet, holding you bridal style, asking if youd like to go stay with him at his hideout, obviously you said accepted
Over at his old apartment, you two just cuddled, he held you strongly as if you'd vanish, though you can't complain, you were doing the same while gently playing with his hair
He sighed as you burrowed your face into his neck, gently petting your arm with one of his hands, muttering things about how things have been over the years, things youve seen, occasionally laughing at something silly or funny either of you encountered
You learned of what happened to Hofnarr and how Crackpot went missing, it saddened you, at mostly over Hofnarr- he was a great friend to Christoff, you felt like he blamed himself for it, and you were right
Eventually your conversation died down as exhaustion washed over you, both your eyes feeling heavy
"... I missed you.. so, so much, love." He muttered, nuzzling into your hair
"I missed you just as much... Im sorry I worried you for so long, 2B- gives a lot of work to do so I was always away doing something.." you answered, arms going limp as you snuggled close and closed you eyes
"I know.. he does his best for his cause, he's a good man." You hummed, falling silent before muttering a last thing sleepily
"I love you, Jeb..."
"I love you too, more than my whole existence... Sweet dreams, dear..."
You muttered a barely coherent goodnight before you drifted off, he smiled, huffing a small laugh as he held you, drifting off to sleep easier than ever before
You were home, you were safe, and you were there with him, nothing more gave him more relief than knowing that
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movedsomewhereelse · 2 years
team rocket gets fucking thrown into hisui au
uhh i don’t use tumblr nor do i know how to use it so i am sorry if this is messy but here are headcanons and whatnot
(put under the “keep reading” thing in case some people don’t like. care about it idk)
• i think they’d get put into hisui inbetween series so the only members that got thrown are jessie, james, meowth, and wobbuffet
• they only remember themselves and each other. they have vague memories that they were on the same team or something and there was this really important boss guy that they feel like they should probably get back to. also yknow how there’s like those ingo things with remembering emmet? i think team rocket would be like that with ash+pikachu but less angsty (or still just as, depends)
• pokemon wise, i like the idea of jessie getting a shinx because she likes it’s personality or something. for james, i think he’d get an eevee, but hey who knows not me
• maybe meowth would convince a random pikachu to join them. because it feels important that they should get a pikachu
• everyone is super freaked out about this talking pokemon that looks like it should be on 2 legs so they don’t really like him at first but then he helps translate and then people start using him to translate and like him and stuff
• they sometimes hum their parts in the motto. like they don’t know the words but they can get the tune
• it’s not a song but i don’t know how else to phrase it
• they hate being part of the survey corps but they do it for the money. gotta get rich somehow and pay for food to eat
• sometimes they’ll discuss memories. they’ll try to figure out and put pieces together (not that it ever works. everytime they think theyre close, there’s one thing that makes it fall apart everytime)
• they hang out with ingo sometimes because they feel like they’ve seen him before, somewhere (whichever series’ this takes place between, it’s up to interpretation but they’ve either fought him like that one time in B/W or on TV or something)
• at some point they get shocked by lord electrode and blast off and while they go james is like “… shouldn’t we be saying something here” and jessie says swears. then wobbuffet does the wobbuffet thing.
• they show up again like 2 minutes later looking fine and everyone is like “wtf.” because that isn’t normal
• why are these random ass people completely fine after getting shocked by LORD ELECTRODE
• melli goes absolutely wild and is torn between being like “DAMN😍” and “DAMN🤬”
• i think it’s funny to think about some child wanting to dress up meowth or something and give him bows and crap. so he looks in a mirror after and gets hit with a horrible wave of deja vu that does not feel good
• yes it’s about meowzie. after a minute it’s back to normal but he is freaked out for a while so ehh
• the horrible deja vu continues when jessie shows this hairstyle that she got and doesn’t think it’s her look but james is bluescreening because that hairstyle reminds him of someone who is really not cool at all (jessebelle)
• jessie never wears it like that again
• now for jessie to experience, there’s that one island in the coastlands where there’s a chansey and while everyone else is like. scared because it’s an alpha pokemon, jessie is like “omg?????? wtf????” and she approaches it. then it attacks her and bam bad deja vu
• i don’t really know how wobbuffet would experience it so have fun imagining that
• i have two thoughts for the ash and pikachu situation- either A. they are in the present or B. they are in the past and i have thoughts about both
• A. the present. i think that ash would go to the next region (or stay in kanto idk whatever you want to imagine) and everything is normal at first
• but then after a bit of time passes it feels like somethings missing but he isn’t sure what
• at some point he randomly mentions team rocket and jessie and james and whatever. but then his companion(s) go “huh??? who are they???”
• it clicks. team rocket has not been around where did they go what
• so ash begins to search because he sure as hell isn’t going to the police about it, because 1, he is a hero, and 2, they would arrest them immediately
• basically he searches for team rocket while no one else does and it’s just shgshs yeah
• and B, where he turns up in hisui too with pikachu
• i would think he remembers everything. so when he sees team rocket he flips out and is like “wtf what are you doing here how did you follow me to the past!!!”
• jessie starts to be like “to protect the w-“ and then stops because. what????
• they don’t remember the motto but it feels like they should be saying it but they don’t know what it is
• they all stand there in silence until ash is like “aren’t you… gonna continue the motto??” and they’re like “what?”
• after a bit of debate ash and pikachu realize they don’t remember and are actually kind of sad now
• hey at least they don’t want pikachu now!!!…. hey what do you mean you have the urge to take pikachu please don’t steal him
• i don’t know it’s an interesting concept that i may expand on later
rhats pretty much it now i think!!! okay bye tumblr i may be back one day maybe not
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mephinomaly · 7 months
[TL] BIOHAZARD/Chapter 7
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: A little over an hour later
Location: In the underground livehouse in the shopping district by Yumenosaki
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Kaoru: Welcome in~♪
Koga: ...
Kaoru: Oh? It’s a regular.
Back already? You know, I shouldn’t say this as an employee, but if you keep coming to dodgy places like this, your parents will start to worry~.
Well, whatever. It’s your decision, just don’t sue us when something bad happens, ‘kay?
Koga: Shut up, stop talkin’ t’me like we’re friends. You’re just an employee.
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Keito: Do you know Hakaze, Oogami?
Koga: Hakaze? No, don’t know him. You two friends or somethin’?
Keito: No, but we are in the same class. He’s a notorious slacker, and everytime I see him I end up lecturing him about the importance of coming to school.
Kaoru: Ugh, glasses guy’s here too.
Keito: That’s not my name.
Kaoru: Sooorryyyy~, I have a policy of not remembering the name of guys since I’m not interested in them ♪
Anyway… I thought you had a unique face but hmm– oh yeah, you guys were on stage the other day.
You’re friends with Sakuma-san. That’s why you were told to come out here, right?
Keito: …I wouldn’t say we’re friends.
Koga: Huh~? We’re friends on paper, ‘cos we’re a part of Deadmanz~♪
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Koga: Grraaaa! I’m pissed~!
There’s so much goin’ on but I can’t even open my own mouth t’speak~! I’m gonna lose it!
Kaoru: O-Oiii~ Koga-kun? Hm, you probably can’t hear me, can you?
Koga: ? Was that, is that you Hakaze-senpai? Where are you?
Kaoru: I’m right here in front of you… Wait, Koga-kun, is that your voice?
Koga: Who else would it be.
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Kaoru: Fufu. There’s quite a lot of people here, so why don’t we go talk in the back?
This time, the client is me or more like, this livehouse I work in.
Do you think you guys could help me out with something—
Koga: Oi! So you actually can’t hear me? You’re just gonna ignore me ‘n keep talkin’!?
Kaoru: ...Ohhh~, so that’s what’s happening.
Koga-kun, Koga-kun. Calm down. I think I get it now.
Koga: Huh?
Kaoru: I think that maybe… we’re in some ghost-like state.
Koga: We’re ghosts? But I don’t remember dyin’— Ohhh, not like that?
Kaoru: Mhm. You act like a moron that doesn’t think about anything, but you’re surprisingly quick to catch on, Koga-kun.
Koga: ’Cos I’m always surrounded by people I don’t get. I’ve been able t’train my brain to understand ‘em.
Kaoru: I see, that makes sense ♪
Koga: So we’re dreaming like this ‘cos of the experiment.
In my dream, it was about the past. I’ve somehow been able t’stay semi-conscious.
Kaoru: That’s called lucid dreaming. On top of that, it seems we’re able to still talk to each other.
We can’t interfere with these dreams, but we can still talk from the sidelines.
Like I said earlier, we’ve been ‘turned into ghosts’.
Koga: Hn, that’s a pretty easy explanation to understand.
Ghosts ‘n dead people can’t interfere with reality.
We’ve actually become ‘deadmanz’. Ironic, ain’t it?
Kaoru: This is such a weird experience that I’m starting to enjoy myself.
Koga: Damn, you’re bein’ so positive, happy bastard.
Kaoru: You only live once, so I might as well have a little fun ♪
Well, I can’t say for sure if this’ll be any actual fun yet but…
Hey, Koga-kun. Am I misremembering?
At this time I wasn’t really interested in much so I took a step back, so that might be why I don’t remember a lot about this?
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Koga: Huuh? Whaddya mean?
Kaoru: We’re supposed to be reminiscing on the past, right?...Unless I’m remembering wrong, I don’t recall anything like this happening.
I mean, this is basically how it went but, there’s things here that didn’t.
Koga: Huh? But this is what happened. I went t’the livehouse with Hasumi-senpai and–
Ah, you’re right. I don’t feel like I met you then.
I found out you was the manager of the livehouse later on–
Kaoru: Uhuh. They're only small, but there’s a lot of disparities.
Hm, I wonder what they’re trying to show us…?
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
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theroguequeen · 2 years
Things that are stuck in my head after watching the new episode:
Daemon being so excited over the three new eggs wanting to show them to rhaenyra so bad
The kids learning high valyrian
Daemon coming into the room without saying a word but rhaenyra knowing with one look that they need to talk alone
Daemon softly touching rhaenyras belly everytime he can
Them looking at each other being absolutely crazy in love
Daemon being ready to come with her, ready to stand at her side, ready to do whatever needs to be done
Rhaenyra calling daemon my love
Rhaenyra and daemon coming to viserys bed broke me, when they saw how bad he had gotten, in how much pain he was and that it was clear he wouldn't survive much longer. Daemon having trouble to look at viserys because the sight of him hurts his soul so deeply but viserys saying his name all over again because he was so relieved that his brother was there.
Daemon checking the cup from viserys wanting to know if there was something in it that could harm him.
Rhaenyra showing viserys his new grandchildren and viserys happiness about the names, knowing that his name will live on and that he was so important to her and daemon that they named a child after him.
Viserys calling rhaenyra his only child
Rhaenyra and daemon holding hands again, talking to alicent and daemon already having enough of her shit after just one sentence
Rheanyra coming to her father again at night, talking to him bare and openly, asking him for her help and showing how heavy the weight of being the heir but not being accepted as it lays on her shoulders, her crying desperately - Emmas and Paddy's acting was just phenomenal.
Otto sitting on the throne and everyone standing in the room, the green & the blacks here we go
Aemond observing absolutely everything, improving his skills, the anger inside him and the lust for blood and chaos
helaena being hugged by alicent and having to deal with the shit of a husband ageon is and dancing freely with Jacaerys
Viserys coming for rhaenyra and children, claiming the throne one last time, Daemon guiding him, putting the crown back on his head and saying "come on"
Viserys getting up again after vaemonds words and once again making clear that rhaenyra is his heir and that he wants her to become queen
Daemon waiting for vaemond velaryon to finally say it out loud and killing him with one strike of dark sister after he disrespected his kids and dared to call rhaenyra a whore - like how fucking stupid was this man what the hell did he except???
The dinner. Oh the dinner. I wanna make a whole post about it but I loved this scene and at the same time it broke my heart
But happy daemon and rhaenyra sitting so close to each other, holding hands the whole time, watching their kids, rhaenyras words to alicent, viserys looking around but the side with his eye being on the targaryen side, ottos mimic, the kids... God that was so much.
Aemonds speach and Aemond admiring daemon
Daemon doing hot daemon shit and having the situation under control with one gesture
Viserys dying with aemmas name on his lips, seeing her again and finally being free from the pain, the "my love" being his lasts words
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archangelsunited · 10 months
Hi AUfriend <3
Excuse me marching in here unannounced. I sent some asks to Mareena and Para, and well, I thought that perhaps you might also like these questions. (Feel free to do it in your own time or ignore as spoons allow. <3)
I know we love to talk about breaking the rules in writing and obviously, that not every piece of advice is one-size-fits all, but there is a lot to say about being able to speak with each other about what we have learned during our journey. I was wondering if you wouldn't share. (I also plan on poking some of the others to see what more we can shake out. The more the merrier, no?)
What is the most useful/helpful pieces of advice you ever received during your education in relation to writing?
Once you started to write, what was the most important thing that you learned about writing or its process?
Has your real life had any influence on your writing? If so, how?
What advice would you give to aspiring writers (be it fanfiction or original)?
I would, in fact, like these questions. Give me all the questions. I broke my own advice and deleted a paragraph of this and started over. Then I left and came back a few hours later.
1.) The most useful advice?
Your job is to tell a story. (Stop trying to push multiple things in a narrative, stop trying to impress people, stop wondering what the audience wants, you have one goal- anything extra is extra.) Motivation will not support you, but discipline will. (I wrote everyday, two days off a week. I did this for a year. That year has given me more stamina in terms of writing than any amount of inspiration ever has. Its the reason some stories can exist at all.) The job of a first draft is to exist. (It can't be good until its bad, it can't be bad if it doesn't exist.)
2.) Once you started to write, what was the most important thing you learned?
<Trying to remember when I started writing> Start small? I started a lot of big projects before I got comfortable doing small projects, and that hurt me in the long run, I think. It isn't a lack of discipline or ability on your part, don't get offended. Its just, small things are a huge confidence builder. I have so many unfinished works on my laptop, that it made me feel like a failure. Having several small completed works helped me have the confidence and know-how to look at a big project and go "no big deal." Also, contrary to popular belief, people do actually like small bits of fanfiction, gen fanfiction even. Short stories do have a market. Those small prompts are really helpful in boosting confidence and practicing in a non-stressful environment. Also, it helps work maintain an even amount of skill. My skills at the beginning of a story are much better than at my endings.
Technical stuff: Warming up will save me time and stress.. I can spend two hours looking at a blank screen or I can spend five minutes on typing exercises and ten minutes free writing. Sitting at a desk is more productive and better than sitting on my bed. I need to have some sort of caffeine and or water next to me. Walking beforehand eases out the jitters. I do better when I am not posting everytime I hit 1 or 5k.
Brand new information: Having a group of writers talking to you and encouraging you about your project makes writing a LOT easier. They give me a positive word and suddenly things start getting accomplished. Its magical. Being dependent on other people for motivation is not healthy, but it IS normal to need affirmation- my mind thinks of it as a really good dose of speed.
3.) Has your real life had any influence on your writing?
I had two immediate responses to this. One was, "I hope so" the other was "Damn, I hope not." A few things that have probably gotten into my writing: 1.) My relationship with disability 2.) Sometimes people have to live in unhealthy and uncomfortable situations. They live and their lives are still WORTH living, even if things aren't perfect. 3.) Sometimes life changes directions completely and you aren't you you thought you would be by the end. 4.) Some of my favorite fic authors 5.) My family history
There is also a Screwtape Letter's quote that really put my writing into perspective, or really any skilled labor. It eases a lot of insecurity, if this is what I am striving towards. > “The Enemy wants to bring the man to a state of mind in which he could design the best cathedral in the world, and know it to be the best, and rejoice in the fact, without being any more (or less) or otherwise glad at having done it than he would be if it had been done by another. The Enemy wants him, in the end, to be so free from any bias in his own favour that he can rejoice in his own talents as frankly and gratefully as in his neighbour's talents--or in a sunrise, an elephant, or a waterfall.”
4.) What advice would I give?
You have to let yourself suck. You have to let it be bad. You get good by being bad. Writing is an imperfect craft, and if you spend your time trying be perfect- its just going to add a layer of misery to what should be a joy. My friends and family have to drag me away from writing these days. I get irritable if I don't write, because the last little thing that was keeping me from writing- what was filling me with dread- was that need for perfection.
Stop hiding your work. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
Do your time letting yourself work through it feeling like a chore. That is a normal part of the journey, feeling like each word is coming at a crawl and "I have no idea why I do this" and "This isn't good." I would compare it to doing scales or running laps. Its hard, repetitive, useless work- but after you've built up the skill and endurance, you can focus on the story you are writing- not if you can do it at all.
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dahliaes · 2 months
1, 4, 7, 18, 20!!!! for Eren!!!
MOCHI. FOR EREN!!?!?!? HEKSJKDJSKDKSKD OH GOD!!!!!!!!! TBEBEBEBEBEBEEBEHE im like actually gonna explode i love eren so muchakjxksjsj but ive never thought about him and ME!?!? WE ARE NOW MARRIED!!!! GOD I LOVE TBIS DKKXJSKS
1 - nose kisses or forehead kisses?
eren loveeeeesssss nose kisses!!! receiving and giving bc everytime i kiss his nose he gets so blushy and cute like :))) i love tackling him and covering him in kisses all over and he gets so overwhelmed bc !!!!!! it feels so good!!!!! :) but hes rlly the clingy and annoyingly sweet because he loves kissing me ALL the damn time.
4 - spooning or one person laying their head on the other’s chest?
THIS IS MY FAV THING W EREN BC—eren absolutely loves cuddling. hes so clingy and touchy and needy. he loves coming home and FLOPPING on my chest and looking up to me with his big sparkly eyes n begging for MORE love!!!
as much as he is a wittle baby he loves being the big spoon late at night and resting his head on my shoulder n kissing my neck thehehehe
7 - romantic dinners at fancy restaurants or take out dinners on the couch?
take out dinners on the couch by FAR. eren eats like a little goblin (he can devour two dozen hot wings all by himself) and i love being able to cuddle him in pajama pants without having to dress up lololol
during these little take out dinners i hand feed him chicken and rice and he opens his mouth big n wide like AHHH :O and he always makes an excuse to play w my feet okay hes disgusting
18 - cuddle in bed or need their space to sleep?
we NEED to cuddle so close and so tight that we almost mold into one. we wanna live in each others skin so there is really no world where we arent snuggling and fucking and curled up w each other
20 - value anniversaries/important relationship dates or nah?
i had to think about this one bc!!!! we both wanna celebrate we rlly do but neither of us know what we should be doing ykwim?? i think our most passionate n important moments in our relationship comes when we’re least expecting. it doesnt have to be our anniversary to feel like we’ve been in love for 10 years but sometimes he just looks at me and i feel it
god mochi this actually makes me wanna tear up jdkxjsksk sorry im gonna be thinking about a selfship uni with eren for the rest of the night thank you sm you picked the best questions jskxjdkd
ask game questions
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
This chapter made me laugh so hard Istg😂😂 I fell off my bed and my whole family could hear me out of breath lmao
Baby Lance is🥺🥺
Also the way they educate him and just address all this topics is EVERYTHING. I am not a parent but damn if that isn't good parenting 😭 and not Max taking him with Anjali and Magnus kdhdjdjkd.
Because papa looked very happy. And when papa was happy, daddy was more happy.
He was happier.
The way Max loves David never ceases to amaze me. Everything he did for him, and the other way around. It's just all the love and admiration they had for each other, the communication and always protecting each other. I am not ok😭💙💙💙
Lance nodded. “I want to know if he found the princess.”
“He has to get through the forest of shadows first,” papa told him.
Dani: AJ and Lance's plotline is not related to lbaf V
Me: ...but what if...this is foreshadowing?? You can blame me everything is foreshadowing with you!!!
New drinking game: everytime Lance rolls hid eyes or says something is stupid, take a sip. Let's see how wasted we end 😎
“I love you too,” Lance whispered.
“What?” Theia asked suddenly.
Oh shit. Oh fuck.
“I was just talking to myself,” Lance said quickly. “Self-love is important.”
God, Lance is an idiot. But I can't blame him because same😍
The tres leches cake😭😭
“The bit with the knife.” Everyday more terrified thank you very much 🙂
I will die for this ship and I am totally ok with that :)
I screamed a little when Max though they were going to have sex KDHDJBDKD. FUCKING GOLD
Max really be making me sob with a stained glass window huh? Ok then🥲. No comments on the note jdhdkdkkd
Wait are we going to meet Harry's parents? Do we know them already??
Women fixing things with a hammer makes me somehow gayer😍😍
“Feminists get horny too, Arthur,” Lance rolled his eyes. "I'm a horny feminist." I would print this shit if I could
Now the title makes sense... BUT HOLY SHIT BABE NOOOO. YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG. YOU WERE NEVER THE REASON!!! IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT. Will he ever know the truth?? Because I think it's gonna break him a little tbh...
“If you don’t believe it, then at least believe this,” Arthur said gently. “I love you a lot and I don’t think you’re the reason for anyone’s pain except yours.” AJ really be continuing the Lightwood-Bane tradition of casually saying heartwreaking things...
That kiss was ✨ ICONIC✨
“Because, Lance,” Gabriel said, their voice gentle. “There is very little Max wouldn’t do for David.” Gabriel is an adult now😭 and they're still hot af I'm sure 😭😭 god I love them...
Theia blackmailing an important lawyer!! Mark me down as scared and horny 🥵 she is a fast learner it seems...
I MF KNEW IT!!! I KNEW THE COSTUDY AGREEMENT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE BECAUSE WHY WOULD DAVID TAKE THE KIDS AWAY FROM MAX?!? Alec losing that case didn't make sense!! I knew it and I'm still in shock because I didn't expect THAT. WHAT THE FUCK??? I have given it a hundred thoughts and I still don't understand why. I NEED ANSWERS😭😭😭
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and I know you knew 😎🫢😋
This is literally David with baby Lance
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Reviews while I watch Mashle: Magic and Muscles: Episode 1
Okay story time. I bought the first volume of this manga by chance because I was doing a get 3 for 2 special at the shop I was buying from and I couldn’t find a third book in the series that I had been reading. Note that I had not bought a book from a series that I hadn’t read online before at this point in time so it was quite a gamble for me to do this. So I bought the first book knowing absolutely nothing about it. I then went for some lunch and while I was waiting I decided to start reading this book that I had just bought. I finished it then and there and immediately went back to the shop and bought the next three books that were available at the time. I currently have up to volume 8 in the physical books and have only read from the physical books so there’s a lot I don’t know about but damn I really love the goofyness of this story and how the characters act and bounce off of each other. 
I’m so glad that the anime has finally come out, I’ve really been looking forward to this for so long. Let’s get into it. 
Setting up the importance of magic in the world really well. 
Fuck. This opening scene with him is hilarious in both medium. 
Also another story. I didn’t register that Mashle had yellow eyes until I saw the trailer for the anime. XD
Creampuff boi. 
Aaaaaand the opening image of the opening is a cream puff. This is perfect. Even more cream puffs. And he sits on the throne eating a cream puff. Yes. Just yes. I also love how there’s so many minor villains and they show all of them in the opening XD. Looks like we should have the puppet guy as the main villain for this season. Doesn’t look like it goes much past him. Excellent point to get to though. I loved that fight and his personality in the manga. 
Best coping mechanism for stress. Just scream. 
Push or Pull. That is the question. 
Fucking didn’t realise how much I needed this to me animated. This is amazing. 
He so skinny for such a buff guy. 
And he disobey for cream puffs. 
Perfectly timed wind. 
Good allusion to how people can tell about magic skills. 
They make the cop seem so badass. 
Not the cream puff! And the drunk cop! Not the cream puff!
The absurdity in this is brilliant. Ahhh. 
Speedy father. And he is still the cream puffs. 
Take a shot for everytime I type cream puffs. 
Ha. He doesn’t want the door to be broken again. 
They could have used the door atleast. 
A song about cream puffs. Cute. 
Backstory time. Mashle saved him! It is a sign! woo. 
And there goes the door. And the other wall. 
Time to see mash in action! There goes the shirt. 
The magic effects are so cool!
Wack. “Can magic be paff’ed just like that?” Best line in all of this. 
Is the whole outro just about cream puffs? And we just watch the characters dancing. This feels like a weird tiktok video. XD
What the fuck did I just watch. XD
----after thoughts----
Fuck that was amazing. I could not stop laughing. They really captured the essence of the manga so well. It’s fascinating how a character who has no personality outside of cream puffs is such a likeable protagonist. I can’t wait to see where the rest of this goes and how they handle the rest of the main cast. We start seeing some of their personalities through the outro which is really sick. I can’t wait for next week!
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rebellconquerer · 1 year
So I listened to this song and my brain started writing a fic where Kinn cheats. Cause my day has been terrible, have fic.
Kinn is drunk. He knows it, Porsche knew it before he left but he just couldn't stop. No, that's not right, he didn't want to stop. Didn't want to feel all the emotions that fighting with Porsche, that caring for Porsche made him feel. So he hid in a bottle and pleasant laughter and when Porsche intervened, he sent him home alone, only to hear that he'd gone to the minor family villa instead of to Kinn's bed. It's where he prefers to be probably, outside of Kinn's damning reach, away from whatever fairytale they thought they were living before the real world interrupted.
"Drinking that much alone is never a good idea," a voice says from his right. Kinn glances over to see the young man from before, the one who's eyes had been trailing behind him the entire night. Kinn is used to it, he's powerful, wealthy and good looking, men look at him.
"Not always a bad idea though," he replies, mostly to himself. The stranger takes it as permission to sit, giving him a warm smile. Kinn finds himself smiling back.
The Night Before
"You had no right," Porsche continues, voice hard and Kinn rolls his eyes, stepping out of the shower.
"You would have been stuck in that meeting for hours more, Porsche. It took nothing to move him along,"
"Yeah it took nothing for you to move him along. Everytime you step in because you think I can't do my job, it makes doing this job harder," Porsche hisses, balling the button up in his hands and throwing it across the room, a defeated slump to his shoulders that Kinn doesn't like but can't seem to fix.
"This event is important and it's important that we be there, on time,"
"You mean it's important that you be there with something pretty on your arm,"
"At least you know you're pretty,"
"Kinn." Porsche says, one word, dropping with enough displeasure it makes Kinn's smile evaporate. It's been weeks that they've been like this, almost at each other's throats, not quite able to find that easy groove from the begining of their relationship and Kinn is tired.
"Look," he says, and he doesn't mean to slip into his Khun Kinn voice, but he's been trying ok, and all he's getting for his efforts is castigated.
"If you don't want to be there, I can't make you, Porsche, you don't work for me,"
"Are you sure about that? Your words say that but everything else you do screams otherwise," and Kinn spins then, eyes hard as he glares at the younger man. Porsche doesn't back down. When has he ever. When has he ever given an inch when he didn't have to. They should have this out, whatever 'this' is that's been clawing at the inside of their mouths to be let out, but Kinn doesn't want to fight. He's so tired of it. Porsche was supposed to be his peace.
"You can stay or you can come, either is fine with me," he says dismissively. He knows the cold of his indifference hurts worse than the heat of his anger and a part of him wants Porsche to hurt.
He turns and walks out of his bathroom pretending he doesn't hear Porsche's muttered curse.
Porsche meets him just as he's about to get into the waiting limo, hair slicked back from his face, a few messy strands framing his gorgeous eyes. The tux fits him like a glove, the deep jewel-green colour makes his skin even more luminous. It would be perfect if Kinn could get him to smile.
"Decided to join me?" Kinn says instead of the apology he knows he owes Porsche. That gets him a deeper frown and an eye roll.
"Clean and dressed, just as the young master requested," Porsche mutters, sliding past him into the car and Kinn sighs. It's going to be a long night.
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Vincenzo : Episode 1
Oh my god STOP this title card is saurrrrr good
It is giving me the nostalgia of old crime thrillers which used to have these quiet , animated and wonderful title cards.
his hair are styled to the T my god, not a strand displaced. my dumbass wants to ruffle it a little.
and just like that an entire building is down 🫨
all of the shots up until now have been so pleasing to me. the cinematography is so unserious hot!? mind you, I'm four minutes in. 💀
the random ass vertical shot just as i said this
i thought he was the mafia boss? he's a lawyer
the shots are so beautiful HELP
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Ohhhh, his boss is dead.
lmao the man just casually eating pasta. that's an Italian baby 🇮🇹
this man is so busy chowing down on that pasta that he cannot see the threat sitting in front of his table
did Netflix change its subtitles again (since i saw this happen with alchemy of souls i have never recovered my trust in them) like i can read! let them be
throw the pasta in this racist's face vince!!!
[foreboding music]
'regret is the most painful thing one can experience in life' bars! saying this before you kill someone and you're giving them a chance is funny but still bars
all of that blatant racism and heat for Vincenzo but can't handle 3 sentences said in Korean
i knew they were going to burn everything as soon as I saw the damn plane 😭
the driver liked that 😂
the score mixed with the silence is actually so good
not a second has been wasted as of it. it's been so pleasing on the eyes
yes!!! snap and kill that cigarette #real #lungsareourfriends
got out of that bathroom so elegantly to kill everybody 😭😭😭
Adrenaline playing let me just
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no way they cut to a scene this cute WHO IS SHE I LOVE HER
lmaooo where is this discussion going, is she trying to strongarm him? gotta be the most adorable way I've ever seen
LMFAOOOO she is deadass singing Für Elise while making him take out the cake topper 😂
a string of money coming out she is so unserious 💀✋
wait I know this man
it's candy in my ear !!! cutie !!!
Do Bong Soon's dad and Itaewon class villain! Him being here... will this be a hit or a miss 😟
he's mad because she's working for the enemy, it's giving Itaewon Class
I still find it fun as of yet though
lmao is this emotional blackmail. ah we both clocked it 😂
i just watched xo kitty before this so this man getting a free taxi is so funny when my girl was running for her life in Korea when she got out of the airport
lmaooo not this limo man being a kidnapper
he's got really pretty eyelashes
[sinister laugh continues] 💀
honestly kidnappers accidentally kidnapping someone from the mafia is a storyline i can always get behind. you deserve each other!
the old man from alchemy of souls!
[ominous music playing]
superiors being lax after getting an important tip from a junior once again before impending doom
the way i already know what's going to happen to taecyeon like let me not get attached
His hair are so poofy and cute let me run a hand through them 😭
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my man who burned like 7000 acres and contributed to 100% of climate change just got kicked in the face and knocked out cold by two casual robbers 😭
a true homecoming
i did not expect this show to be funny
speaking in lower tones with pauses so we know for sure that they're the bad guys doing a business deal
flower of evil detective?!! they really picked one person from each of the 5 kdramas I've watched 💀
he's having the worst day one can have in a new country 😂
the dramatic ass Italian music playing
the piano player 😂 oh wow the tenants of this building are something
lmaooo Vince having the weirdest day in Korea after having an intense I’m the shit, fear me moment in Italy is sending meeee
what is going on in this building
awoop monk jump scare
how does he look THAT good in a blue shirt
lmaooo the chef
everytime water goes out in foreign serials the south asian in me wants to beg people to just keep one bucket in their bathrooms just in case!
do not burn yourself king
the shower doing its own concert with breakdance slay
freezing water is always better than getting burnt by hot water 😭
he gets my pigeon hate omg they’re always outside your window !!!! doing the most 😡
leave sir 🐦 omg don’t use your phone !!
is that his mom? free us from the dumbass narrative of mom leaving child for adoption as heartless. y’all hate women and don’t get it at all
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she is correct! this is literally not relevant and y’all are just trying to rile hate for her here. he’s teary eyed. oh no she worked for an abuser ?!!! let her TALK
wait isn’t that lawyer our girl?
eugh annoying perverts. stop taking pictures of strangers challenge failed
get them aunty!
okay opera chef !!! lmaooo the dramatic music playing in this show gets me 💀
nawww he made the chef cry 😭
I'm bonding hard to every 3rd character on the screen like why is the conversation between lawyer dad and mom wrongly in jail making me soft
I know it's actors being actors but I'm so happy to see laywer dad ( Yoo Jae Myung) be soft again. I was ready to fight through the screen with him in Itaewon class.
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I love the Mr. Cho actor so much. He truly has the funniest expressions. 😂
NOOOO Mr. Cho. Oh this is nasty
lmao is her dad emancipating from her
#saveMrCho omg
NO NO NO NO NO you cannot do this to me
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I am suddenly terrified like I'm already low key devestated
beat his ass sister !!!
lmao the Italian ass entry 😭
help how has he not fallen to his death that's a measuring tape 😭
i need to take a self defense class at some point lol
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hyperionshipping · 1 year
f/o question in my head: how would these f/os take a bath with you? (Bubbles, bath bombs, is it silly or are they being romantic etc) forrrrrr Hodgins, Sweets, Grog, Jack, Crowley AND Lucifer
Buckle in folks! Long answer!!
So, it depends. Back at his old place, he had a BIG tub with jets and everything. It could easily fit two people.
He has ALL the bath stuff. Bathbombs, bath salts, bubbles, anything else you could want. He only takes 'em once in a while.
If I asked him to take a bath with me? He'd go all out. Nice smelling bathbomb, bubbles, some salts, even candles!
He even holds his tongue when I want the water hotter than he's used too. He wraps his arms around me and holds me to his chest.
Oh you know he secretly enjoys bubble baths still. But, I think baths sometimes agrivate his scars. So it depends if he'll take one.
Sweets hasn't totally fit in a tub since he was little.
If I asked, he'd totally join me, even if he was a little blushy over it. I don't think he's had a lover who wanted to share the tub with him. And, really, it's a very vulnerable time for him.
Both of us could be the one in front. Depends on the night.
Fern grew up with his family who was group of orcs that travelled around. They were ALL about hygiene and cleanliness.
They especially raised Fern to take much care of his hair. Much like dwarves, hair played a very important role in the culture of orcs!
So, Fern grew up taking communal baths. Helping the orclings clean up, to washing the elders of the group which was seen as a high honor helping the oldest.
When he starts to travel with Vox Machina, he's unused to bathhouses. He doesn't feel out of place-- he is quite use to communal baths, but they're just different enough.
Now, Grog isn't dirty but he's a big ol' half giant whose clan kicked him out. He's used to being dirty.
When Fern first offers to help clean him? Grog is a little dumbfounded. When Fern gets flustered and says nevermind, Grog tells him No! He would like that. He just never had anyone help him.
It's rare the two would get to "properly" bathe together, but they've absolutely cleaned up together.
Grog is the first to help clean Fern's hair. In his group, only close family members or lovers would ever clean each others hair. As said before, an orc's hair is a sense of their pride, and, it's something very vulnerable to trust another to not ruin their hair.
Grog was always worried whenever Fern let him touch his hair. But Fern would always, always say he trusted Grog.
Jack would want you to believe he doesn't use bubbles in his bath but he does. Add on candles, bathbombs, salts, candles, anything else that screams "at-home spa day" and you have Jack's personal bath days.
With me there, it's mostly the same. Expect Jacks always touchy. If I want a relaxing bath I have to tell him or else... well... we get distracted.
Jack likes expensive smelling bathbombs. And ones that leave his skin smooth. He's less picky about the bubbles and salts he uses.
Crowley is renting out a heartshaped tub for us, light pink water with bubbles and salts that smell sweet. He sets it up as something romantic.
Just the two of us, low lights, flickering candles, perhaps even petals in the tub, water that is *just* the right temperature, and afterwards, despite never getting out? He has warm, fresh towels everytime.
He's not against a bath that leads to sex, but he truly loves indulging in just sitting with me in the warm water, holding me to his chest and letting his problems melt away. Even if it's just for a couple hours.
Lucifer would indulge me on baths. His tub is large enough to comfortably fit us both. He draws the bath for me.
He gets bathbombs with roses in it, bubbles, salts that relax, candles, music playing softly.
Baths with him can, and often DO lead to sex. But that's only because I want him so damn bad. He's totally fine with relaxing in the bath, but I always seem to want something else when we take baths together.
Lucifer would like "fresh" smelling bathbombs. He'll use two in the baths he makes. Or, like, flowery scents! He loves a nice lavender scented thing for the relaxation it brings!
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 1 year
Episode 1.4 Aliens of London
so no one cares but I started watching breaking bad today. I have never seen it so this is my first exposure. it's really damn good so far.
ANYWAYS I remember really liking this episode! Let's go!
Nine just cheesing when Rose is walking off to see her mum.
Also the music starts off so sentimental to just distort and waver down when the 'missing' poster is in shot
And the PANIK in Nines face when he sees the poster.
Also love the face when he says "not 12 hours, it's 12 months. Sorry.' like whoopsie!
Jackie is such a mom. That is a compliment. She's written so believably, like yeah, my mom would go off on me like that too. Holy shit.
And poor Nine. He's just standing there. Soooo awkward. He really just can't do domestics.
The utter offense Rose and Nine get when the officer asks if what's between them is a sexual thing. Not yet dude, they're still figuring things out.
"How old are you then? 40? 45?" Nines face like nope, not even
"STITCH THIS MATE" we stan Jackie Tyler in this house.
Rose's face during this whole thing...she's been here before. Absolutely.
Any scene with Rose and Jackie hits me hard because it reminds me of me and my mom. I'm an only child, just like Rose. I'm my moms baby. At one point, it was just me and her. And honestly I could see my mom acting just like Jackie does in this situation.
"I don't do families." Sure, Jan.
Remember when I said Nine and Rose can't stay mad at each other? Stays true in this interaction. Rose goes from saying "You're so useless..." to Nine to laughing at his jokes.
"Your face!" "It hurts!" "You're so gay!" Just, them. Being them. I love them.
Of course the spaceship hits Big Ben. This is Doctor Who after all.
"I'm so glad we got you." 🙄
Another scene that puts Nine waaaaay out of his element. Back at the Tyler's flat with all their friends. He just looks so uncomfortable.
and where's he's wrestling the remote away from the little boy pffft
Yes the fart jokes are terrible but I'm also a child and I think they're great and the fact that they actually give a reason for why it happens is pretty great and makes it even funnier
tbh I'd take fart jokes over awkwardly written innuendo any day
"It's just a bit human in there for me." He doesn't even sound disgusted when he speaks, more unnerved? Stressed? Aww.
And the utter JOY he has over the human race actually evolving and changing is wonderful! the fact that he doesn't want to interfere because he wants it to happen naturally!
"TARDIS key." more like "We're moving in together. My home is now your home." Everytime it happens, it's wonderful.
Rose looks all giddy with the key in her hand. 🥹
"Damn, you've seen through my cunning plan." The fucking delivery of this line xD
NINE SHUSHING THE SCREWDRIVER. it's such a small scene but I freaking love it
Then walking in on the soliders and smiling at their pointed guns. sirrrrrr
The genuine hurt when they shoot the pig alien. God I love nine. 🥺
"I'm shaking my BOOTY." It's so cheesy and stupid I love it
Seriously, The Slitheen are great. Goofy mother fuckers but when it comes down to brass tacks they are ruthless and terrifying. Those are the best kind of DW baddies.
Honestly, Mickey is justified in how he feels. Accused over and over of killing your girlfriend.
"He's not my boyfriend, Mickey! He's better than that. He's much more important." Yeah I'm completely normal about this line.
"Think you know your own name, how stupid are you?" NINE CHILL
He's honestly such a twit to Mickey but it's too funny I'm sorry
God you can just see the cracks in Mickey and Rose's relationship. And they weren't caused by the Doctor. They were always there. :(
"I had a wife, mistress and a young farmer." "God I was busy." Jesus Christ.
eeeeyyyy it's UNIT.
"Take me to your leader!"
And then the car ride banter. And him waving at the press!! Sir I just love you so much
"Lloyd George used to drink me under the table." See this is funny because the Doctor really doesn't drink. At all. Each time they've tasted alcohol it makes them gag.
Look at Rose being all capable without the Doctor around! Looking around for alien technology with Harriet! She's so amazing I love her
"Excuse me, you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?" Iconic.
Maybe I'm immune to bad CG because this isn't even that terrible?
ngl though these costumes are pretty damn sweet.
Yeah this episode is still a banger. still a big fan of the Slitheen. not my favorite alien in DW (that would probably be the Ood. I miss the Ood...)
I'll be watching WW3 tomorrow probably. Night!
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playmepoetry · 5 months
the decision
for days, i have been dealing with a decision i had to make out of a fear of harming this one person that i really cherished a lot, someone i treasured with beyond imagination who i couldn't bear losing. at the same time, it is also necessary that someone has to make a sacrifice and i didn't want it to be him.
having someone that i felt safe confiding everything has helped me deal with a lot of trauma lately. they're rather unexplainable circumstances, something that i myself could not comprehend. but he has helped me foster a safe place to share that burden with me, to also help me carry his along the way. we were inseparable. people see us talking everyday. people think we're a couple, but we're not. we just happen to be friends who have this sibling-like bond, always bickering like little kids but look out for each other every damn time.
having to cut him off was one of the hardest decisions i've ever had to make. i wish i could still talk to him, spend time with him, listen to him talking to my classmates, give him snacks to munch on while making his thesis and letters to cheer him up during his hard times, come up to him when i achieve important milestones, or send him links to basically everything i could talk about with him—from music to my games to our theses.
looking at him smile so happy with the few friends he's made breaks my heart. maybe i could've mended things with him. but i feel like he's contented with these people. i consider them his safety net. they always spend time together no matter where they go. the two of us, meanwhile, were limited to one place and one place only: school. and we were also limited by the fact that i was one of his mere students, one that pops up on his messaging app daily, and one that i keep a tab open for everytime i open up my browser, even if i blocked him on one social media he frequents: facebook.
i still look out for him when i go to school. i still peek from the window from time to time to see if he's doing fine. i've gotten so used to doing it that it feels like second nature to me. i'm glad that he doesn't go out or say hi to me when i do, or even go out of the room so he could talk to me. but i also miss everything that we did together, whether that be running after me like cinderella losing her shoes, or supporting him during the closing ceremony of one of their midterm projects where he did an amazing poem and he said it was such a shit poem and i had to talk some sense back into his head because he was at his "beating" point again—i was on the verge of yet another beating at him, and when i do that, he knows he fucked up bigtime thinking like that.
i'd say i was his number one enemy. the one that will always be ready to smack him, the one ready to give him brutally honest thoughts, the one who will tease and bicker him to smithereens. i'd say i was the unfiltered friend, the realtalk friend, the "i want to smack you" friend, the one ready to beat up anyone who will badmouth him because his other friends are too damn kind to fight someone tooth and nail. don't get me wrong though, i love them all as much as i do with him. it's just that he's a friend that's such a massive, massive idiot that needs another idiot to look out for him. but i love that idiot despite all his idiocies. i treasure that idiot.
he was the first to know everything, from important milestones to inner workings. he witnessed the rise and fall and rise again of a reckless idiot. i was one of the first people he called "for keeps", and that was important to me. the love i give people has finally been reciprocated.
but as we drift apart to once again begin chasing our dreams, i am sure that the memories we've made in the short time we had together will be treasured like the letters i gave him. i still remember you said that i should save up some money for myself, and i know that's hard to do, but i'll try my best...even without you.
fucking hell, this is such a hard thing to write. i guess it's hard when you really love and cherish the person. but if it hurts him, it's best that we end up this way. i don't want him to be harmed any further, and if it's a sacrifice that i'll have to make, i'll do it. because i love him dearly and he will always be a person that i will miss forever and ever.
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