saracastically · 2 years
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stevelieber · 5 months
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There's some nifty original art of mine available in the @helioscopepdx store! Here's an original page from Alabaster, a horror/fantasy series written by Caitlin R Kiernan that won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Graphic Novel.
(God I loved drawing that bird.)
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misstergrayson · 4 days
I love him
Poor Clancy he wasn’t paying attention to her 😭😭😭
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quodo-gaysex · 1 year
hey tumblr? hugh dancy tumblr?? i need that gif of hugh with his shirt being pushed up, where he's panting pathetically on the floor? like a man about to be desperately ravaged?
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kirby-madness · 1 year
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Daenerys Targaryen (b. 284 AC): The youngest child of King Aerys II and his wife Rhaella. When Robert's Rebellion broke out, Aerys sent his pregnant queen to Dragonstone, where she died giving birth to Daenerys. She and her older brother Viserys were smuggled to safety by Ser Willem Darry, who cared for them in a house in Braavos, but after his death she and Viserys ended up wandering the Free Cities. They eventually find refuge at Magister Illyrio's in Pentos, where Viserys concocts a plan to reconquer Westeros with a Dothraki army and weds Dany to Khal Drogo to gain this army. Dany finds strength on the Dothraki sea and settles as a khaleesi, whilst Viserys is killed for disrespecting their customs and threatening his pregnant sister. When Drogo succumbs to infection following a wound, Daenerys tries to revive him with the help of Mirri Maz Duur using black magic, but her unborn son Rhaego is slain for the sacrifice and Drogo is only brought back to be trapped in his dead body. Dany smothers him and burns Mirri Maz Duur on his funeral pyre, where she enters the fire and hatches three dragons out of dragons' eggs that have turned to stone. Now with her own small but loyal band, she travels first to Qarth and then to Slavers' Bay, looking for the means to reconquer Westeros. But rather than purchase fighting slaves, she makes war on the slave cities and devastates Astapor and Yunkai. After taking Meereen, she decides to stay and rule over the city rather than see it fall into chaos. However, she is unable to enact a lasting peace between the freedmen and former slave owners, and after a child is killed by her dragon Drogon, she locks up his brothers (Drogon does not let himself be captured). As part of the attempt to stop attacks on the freedmen, she marries Hizdahr zo Loraq. However, at the reopening of the fighting pits, Drogon returns and spreads devastation until Dany mounts him and flies out of the city. Drogon flies to the Dothraki sea, where the khalasar of Khal Jhaqo, an old enemy, finds her. Fancast: Emilia Clarke.
Daenora Targaryen (b. approx. 215 AC): Youngest child of Prince Rhaegel Targaryen and his wife, Alys Arryn. She was sister to Aelor and Aelora Targaryen. She was married to her cousin, Aerion Targaryen, and had a son, Maegor, with him before his death by drinking wildfire. She was not considered as an heir for her uncle, King Aerys I, and the Great Council of 233 AC passed over her son's claim on account of his infancy and his father's madness. Fancast: Reese Witherspoon.
Daenys Targaryen (b. approx. 128 BC): The daughter of Aenar Targaryen, a dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold. She foresaw the destruction of Valyria twelve years before it happened. Her father heeded her visions, sold all their holdings in the Freehold, and moved the family to the island of Dragonstone, which became the first seat of the Targaryens in Westeros. She was married to her brother Gaemon, who was later called Gaemon the Glorious, and they ruled Dragonstone together. Fancast: Emily Baldoni.
Princess Daeryssa (Age of Heroes): A princess who, the songs say, was once saved from giants by the legendary knight Serwyn of the Mirror Shield. (My own headcanon: Though likely retconned out of existence, I thought Daeryssa might be a king's daughter from any of the small kingdoms of the age of Heroes, maybe with a mother of Valyrian blood.) Fancast: Seychelle Gabriel.
Dalla (main series era): A serving woman at Dragonstone, part of Stannis Baratheon's staff. Fancast: Jessica Baglow.
Dalla (d. 300 AC): The wife of Mance Rayder, chosen King-Beyond-the-Wall to lead the Free Folk in their flight from the Others. She dies giving birth to her son during the battle between Mance's forces and the army of Stannis Baratheon. Fancast: Julia Ormond.
Dancy (main series era): A prostitute at Chataya's establishment in King's Landing. Fancast: Cintia Dicker.
Danelle Lothston (b. approx. 190 AC): The last of her House, she was the Lady of Harrenhal and Head of House Lothston in her own right. She wore armour and led men into battle, notably when she called her banners to end the Second Blackfyre Rebellion in its infancy at Whitewalls. During the reign of Maekar I, she reportedly turned to the dark arts, which caused her madness and the downfall of the Lothston line. People still tell stories of her bathing in blood and eating children. Fancast: Oksana Butovskaya.
Danny Flint (probably lived after the Conquest): She was a girl who joined the Night's Watch, pretending to be a boy. However, when her secret was found out, she was raped and murdered by her sworn brothers. Her song claims that her ghost still walks the Nightfort. Fancast: Ava Acres.
Darla Deddings (lived 130 AC): During the Dance of the Dragons, rioteers in King's Landing attempted to rape Lady Darla and her brother was killed defending her. Fancast: Kaitlyn Dever.
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 2 years
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droomwolkje · 1 day
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Happy start of Pride month 🏳️‍🌈🥳
From last weekend, Pride Month kicked off in Utrecht, a big city in the Netherlands. I’m still grateful for living and being in an accepted place where everyone can love who they want to love and be how they want to be. It’s making me truly happy to see so many queer people in one place. Lots of old and new queer songs and the most iconic gay anthems! I definitely should create a new playlist for all those new songs. Just some queer pals who wanted to party, or lovers who came here to party as well. The energy was absolutely amazing.
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rocktheholygrail · 3 months
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The Shining (1980) Hannibal (2013-2015)
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beestics · 8 months
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You forgive how God forgives.
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cannibal-stag · 5 months
hannibal is so cringefail because how do you successfully get away with literal murder and cannibalism for years all while being a well respected sophisticate and food connoisseur and then risk it all for a guy covered in dog hair who is also an asshole and also wants to kill you real bad
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louisbxne · 3 months
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Rôti | 1.11 (Gag Reel)
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erlin-009 · 2 months
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Bathtime 💖
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gothicwill · 2 months
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willgrahamscock · 4 months
Do you guys remember when Hugh Dancy did a Q and A on reddit and admitted he asked Mads to bite him in front of god and everyone, because I remember.
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dxctorwhx · 2 months
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this magnificent artist ... @sunnnliwx is their @ on most things I believe . please show your support because this is absolutely beautiful .
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