#danganronpa jumpscare lmao
candiecarousel-art · 1 year
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I’m in my cringe era /lh
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karugoround · 1 year
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believe me when i say i love you
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roaringheat · 6 months
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sparkymalone · 3 months
here again getting back on my bullshit :P
undiagnosed autistic fuyuhiko who’s entire immediate family is also undiagnosed autistic. so he’s very confused when he gets older and sees that everyone doesn’t have a favorite plate or drinking glass. his classmates looking at him weird when he complains about the sound of the lights buzzing.
his main special interests are crime/true crimes shows and movies, and old mafia movies. mostly bc he likes poking holes in them, but sometimes he finds one that actually gets things right and you’d think he just found the cure to cancer with how happy he is.
everyone being surprised at how good of friends him and kazuichi are but it’s because they both love parallel play. kaz will be tinkering with something or reading the latest issues of his favorite car magazines, while fuyuhiko sharpens his knives or cleans his guns while he rewatches his favorite movie.
sometimes kaz will show him a picture in his magazine or he’ll talk about his latest project. or he’ll listen to fuyuhiko’s rants about how accurate or inaccurate whatever he’s watching is.
and sometimes hiko will answer kaz’s questions about whatever he’s watching, or nod along to whatever hot gossip kazuichi is talking about.
they’re besties ok idc. also yes im autistic and yes im projecting on my favs what about it
also my other list of autistic dr characters bc i feel like it: gundham, sonia, nagito, peko, taka, chiro, kyoko, chiaki, gonta, ibuki, hiyoko, toko, and probably others that i can’t remember rn
yours truly, LB
I like this idea a lot, but I'm not gonna be able to write anything for it because my IRL son is autistic and I'm trying to cut down on the number of similarities between him and Fuyuhiko because it's WEIRD lmaoooo
Anyway I think this works better as a headcanon post. Feel free to send more headcanons! I love them!!
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your-fav-is-aro · 3 months
nagito komaeda from danganronpa is cupioromantic :3
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Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa is cupioromantic!
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zedleaked · 5 months
for the send a character game: you already know fam. ryoma🩵🩵
favourite thing about them
How do I choose... I like the weird bait and switch with his design,, like he looks so goofy and then you talk to the guy and he's the most mature guy out of the cast,, and despite his looks hes probably one of the more tragic characters right out the gate. His voice is a fucking jumpscare too,, is funny,, I like listening to his voice
least favourite thing about them
I wish Ryoma has more interactions with the cast like other than Shuichi.. like I'm going to be honest it felt as if he wasn't missed as much [I mean I think that's a problem with danganronpa in general where it seems like the students forget about other's deaths if no one was friends with them] Maybe that's Ryoma's fault for being so closed off but it would've been nice to see some kind of spark appearing with the other students before he died
favourite line
"You're...someone who lives in the sun. A place that's beyond my reach now... Someone like you remembering me in the back of your mind...that's all I need." 🥺
He and Himiko should be epic best friends I think... Like I feel like maybe he sees a little bit of himself in Himiko [with her being depressed and unmovtivated] but the only difference between him and her is that Ryoma sees that Himiko has something to live for and has value in her life. I'd like to think Ryoma would try to subtly push Himiko into trying more and trying to find enjoyment in what she does...
You already know. Gonta :3
What can I say I'm a sucker for Sunshine x Grump.. [well in this case its more Depressed than Grump] Opposites attract I suppose
Eh can't really think of one,, I think he'd be cool with almost anybody
random headcanon
Neck hurts from looking up at people lmao... [especially if they're over 6ft]
unpopular opinion
I think he woulda been a great survivor... just sayin...
song I associate with them
Mommy by R.I.P from the Twins In Paradise OST... The song has no lyrics but the vibes are just... it just sounds so tragic, like someone has just given up and their life is spiraling. plus! Twins In Paradise is about two girls who play tennis so ehehehe...
favourite picture of them
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he's so dumfounded
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ecogirl2759 · 6 months
It's time.
So, I have decided to formally retire from FireAlpaca and will not be revisiting any of my old works made on that app (just because of personal preference). SO, I've decided to share some of my favorite WIPs that I had hoped to finish once upon a time lol.
I'm gonna be tagging all the characters that show up btw, so sorry if this comes up as you're peacefully scrolling your fandom tags hehe.
Please check the tags for the characters/fandoms and decide if you wanna open this post.
So yeah, have a couple of old sketches from 2-5 years ago :D
[Uncolored blood in one of them jsyk]
This one felt appropriate to put first lol I was really liking the way it was turning out... and then I lost motivation lol. Think this is from 2 years ago-ish.
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Here's another of my OC. I was going to make a super cool battle illustration with super cool effects and super cool lighting and I gave up almost instantly lol. SHE HAS NO WRISTS!!
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This is one I made for Drawfest 2, like, 2 years ago now, I think. I thought it was coming along kinda nice except I couldn't get the perspective to look right so my character ended up looking huge lmao.
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Here's ANOTHER of my OC. This one is really old lol. I've redesigned her now and I don't use this shading style anymore, so I retired this profile picture really early on.
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Ok, last one of this OC. This was going to be one of many sprites that I was making to use in videos and stuff, but I, once again, lost my motivation hehe. Looks REALLY bad tho so idc.
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Now for some fandom junk!
Pico jumpscare I got really into Pico's school way back when and never saw any fanart for his death screen. So I wanted to try my hand at it. Got through the lineart before I decided I didn't like it and was not skilled enough to salvage it so I gave up. Might redraw this in the future though!
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Haha mind the huge empty space on this one.
This was going to be a picture of Gregory and Freddy from FNaF Security Breach (made this around the time the game came out), but I quickly realized I couldn't draw animatronics and quit lol. You can kinda see the stripe on Gregory's shirt, but my sketching abilities back then were awful so it's a little hard.
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ASJKFHSABFHJBF I ALMOST FORGOT I WAS DRAWING HIMMM!! This bean is a character from To Your Eternity, an anime I randomly found on Netflix once and fell in love with (I quit at the weird scene in the prison tho, remind me to finish it). HE WAS SO CUTE I JUST HAD TO DRAW HIM <3 Also this isn't the ball, this is the boy. I just didn't get to his eyes.
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So me and my sister were talking a few years ago, and I think one of us misspoke and said "Coffee shot" instead of "Coffee shop," so this AU was born.
It's a coffee shop called the Coffee Shot staffed by characters that love guns and have guns and shoot guns and I love them. The shop is frequented by characters from other franchises (in this case Danganronpa), and it's got the best coffee and the best theming you've ever seen >:)
Characters from left to right: Pico (FNF), Kiyotaka Ishimaru (DR1), Mondo Owada (DR1), Lance (EBF5)
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Here's another MultiFandom picture :D
This one was based on Pinterest lol. I have boards for both of these franchises, but they kept wanting to save these two characters to each other's boards lol. SO I wanted to make a style swap with them! Didn't end up finishing it, though, but I do want to come back to it!
Characters: Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa), Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2)
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Aaaaand then just take some Danganronpa stuff.
This first one is actually the second piece of fanart I ever did for this game, but I quit really quick because I SCREWED UP TAKA'S HAIR AND DIDN'T WANNA REDO IT BECAUSE EVERY TIME I TRIED IT LOOKED FUNKY SO NOW HE'S JUST FUZZY. AND THE BACKGROUND EWWW I FORGOT IT LOOKED LIKE THIS
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And then this one is of the same two characters but based on a fanfic I read once. It was a Beauty and the Beast one. It was really fun to read. I liked it. It's on Wattpad if you're interested. I quit on this picture really quick tho. Made the sketch on Photoshop 2 years ago, transferred the sketch to FireAlpaca, then realized the sketch sucked and didn't bother trying again.
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There's all my sketches. The ones that I'm willing to share, that is.
Let this be a lesson that not all of your pictures are going to go the way you want to. Your sketches are going to be messy, your lineart isn't going to match up, your colors are going to look funky, and your shading is going to want to make you rip out your hair sometimes.
I think what's important is to make sure that all that stuff doesn't discourage you.
If you give up all together, you'll never know what you'd've been able to produce if you hadn't.
If a picture isn't working for you, find out why. Then quit that picture, practice, and come back. You'll be able to compare yourself to your own art instead of other people's, which will give you a clearer sense of how far you've come.
I think I'll shoot to redraw some of these next year. I definitely want to come back to that Pico one, the style swap one, the Coffee Shot, and the Christmas one.
Don't really have time for that now, but that's now on my New Year's Resolution list lol.
If you're reading this, thanks for looking at my old crappy art. It feels nice to share <3
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vampacidic · 2 years
i looked up the quarry and its not rlly my thing because i am very bad with horror esp dark (literal darkness) jumpscare-y stuff but it could be interesting i can see why ppl would like it. sorry for asking if it was like danganronpa. ik the basic plot of the 3 main games but i never finished watching a playthrough of any of them because it was long and the words werent moving fast enough
OH YOURE FINE AURIE... i just wanted to tease you.. sorry if that didn't come across :(
completely fine that it's not for you!!! my brain's just latched onto it lol... dgr was my SHIT in middle school. media i latched onto like a remora fish lmao. i think i played it on like 2x speed because my brain went too fast.... irs been years though lmao
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kreideprinzalby · 9 months
Genshin 4.0 Thoughts
So I finished the Chapter IV Archon Quests (And some of the major World Quests) for 4.0 a while back and like very other long-time Genshin fan whose been playing since it's launch in 2020, it's been a joy just going through the new nation and for the first time in so long I finally felt like I'm having fun in Genshin again. To the point me, someone who will admit never 100% completed any Genshin area or region, 100% COMPLETED THE FONTAINE 4.0 AREA IN A WEEK, it think that says something about how far we've come from the early days.
There will be talk of 4.0 spoilers under the cut so be warned!!
Funny enough, I've never made a post like this since 2021 when Inazuma went live. Mostly for a lot of personal reasons (college courses, moving away from home, etc.) and how i felt about the game post-Inazuma / pre-Sumeru wasn't exactly positive. Plus the initial backlash Sumeru had soured my mood to the point i was just playing through the game just for the sake of it. But that was before the Archon quest finished, and while I'm not going to talk about Sumeru's exploration aspect (no one mention tunnels in the desert to me ever again), The Archon quest was a MASSIVE improvement and showed how the story of Genshin can be good when they take their time. It did make me hope the next region would take a page from how Sumeru handles it's characters. Besides that tangent, So what is it about Fontaine that's making it so fun?
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Well for starters, the water exploration is VERY fun. Even without Fontaine characters the atmosphere and just overall game-play feels smooth and easy to control. I found myself mindlessly swimming around just taking it all in. It's probably also why I felt motivated to 100% the area since 4.0's area is small and feasible to do.
Surprising no one, Genshin's soundtrack for Fontaine is fantastic as always. I could pinpoint some songs the 4.0 livestream played but the rest are still beautiful to listen too. Especially the vocals in the underwater tracks or even just the songs that play in Fontaine's countryside.
Staking a page out of Sumeru's Archon Quest, the first two acts of Chapter 4 really set a new high bar. Mostly because they mystery of why the Nation of Justice treats trials like a spectacle plus the the looming threat of the entire nation being flooded and dissolved away with only Focalors remaining makes for a chilling mystery.
As a fan of Ace Attorney (and Danganronpa unfortunately/lh) the trials section are so much fun to play thru. The way we get to piece it all together, granted with not much penalty, felt like we were uncovering a case before our eyes. And hey! the traveler got to talk some more! also shoutout to Paimon's Groucho glasses staying for that 1st half.
Even though Genshin is no strangers to killing off NPC's at this point, something about how the methods of murder are done here feel eerie. From the jumpscare of the Box being crushed with someone inside to the fact PEOPLE IN FONTIANE JUST, DISSOLVE? so there was a Serial Killer going out murdering girls in a way that leaves nothing behind is very scary to think about even with the lack of blood and gore onscreen.
Of course the real stars of the show are the Fontaine characters we have already met. It's nice to finally see Lyney & Lynette after the Teyvat Trailer showed them nearly 3 years ago, and their dynamic is so nice to see (even if Lyney is rizzing us up lmao). I also love the direction they're going with Navia, Clorinde, and even Neuvillette with how they came across from the teasers.
As the 5th Archon we've met, I already love Furina's personality and dynamic she's got with the traveler. We haven't had an Archon whose been an outright rival to us since they've either been helpful to us from the get-go (Venti, Zhongli, & Nahida) or or straight up tried to kill us for exisiting (Raiden Shogun / Ei). Furina not only is committed to acting al high and mighty every chance she gets, but also really seems to want to show off how grand she is. I also love how we get to see a lil' bit into her psyche and how underneath that bravado she's really just scared her people will judge her if she didn't act like a god fit for the land of Justice. which makes me really excited how were going to convince her to devolve info about the traveler's twin.
Less serious but i love that Arlecchino is called the "Father" and is King in her home we love a GNC queen <3. That being said I am a bit excited to how they portray her since the way Lyney and Lynette talk of her is very much rose-colored since she saved them from horrific circumstances and they trust her with their life, but that remains to be seen
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But if that's what I think is good, whats some stuff I think could have been better?
Even though the water exploration is fun, I wouldn't say the puzzles and some of the underwater power are balanced. The Bullet Barnacles took me way to long to figure out before i took too much damage and since underwater you done have access to hearing other than specific areas your characters are just dead until you revive them. Plus the Sonar you get from the Seals feels weaker to use then say the Crab or Manta Ray power-ups. Plus the time trials and such are just your normal fair for genshin 'secrets'
The Pneuma and Ousia mechanic for the Meka enemies feels a little janky in combat. Maybe because from the start we only have Lyney & Lynette (and the Hydro Traveler) that can use this system right now make be why, but the targeting on certain Meka enemies looks like they hit them with the correct energy but doesn't stun them. Maybe it'll get better once we have more Fontaine characters but for now it's just another combat mechanic.
This is more of a nitpick, but there's one story moment that has one of the worse timing in Genshin. You've prob seen how people reacted to the Traveler seemingly random hostility towards finding out Lyney & Lynette are Fatui (or at least part of a Fatui household since House of Hearth raises Fatuus Soldiers), and normally that would make sense since they spent an entire trial trying to defend them but that omission of crucial info almost cost them the case. BUT, from the players perspective not only hours before were they JUST friendly to Childe, a Fatui Harbringer that despite being friends they are still wary of and now suddenly is willing to treat him like any old friend now in Fontaine makes it come across as cruel to the twins and weird in context. Why would the traveler, whose a twin themselves, show a lack of compassion two twins that opened their heart about their (surprisingly dark) backstory? It's not a horrible choice but it's definitely a weird writing choice in this instance. Especially since you have to finish Act's I & II to seen Lyney's Story Quest, and the traveler is somehow okay with them now? It's just weirdly timed is all.
I need more Freminet PLEASE I JUST WANNA SEE THE BOY!!
That's pretty much all I got. Hopefully I'm more hopeful of Fontaine's hype to the end, especially with how great Sumeru's story quest went. So we'll just have to wait & see what 4.1 and 4.2 gives us!
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pink-limonadart · 2 years
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Well this was fun.
Individual shots under the cut!
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angelictrl · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a matchup? Any game works for me! My blacklist is Hifumi, Teruteru, Nagito, Junko, Mukuro, Haji, and Tsumugi.
• My personality is a pretty big spectrum, you could say?? I mean, it fluctuates depending on who I'm around, I'd say I'm pretty good at reading a room?? But yeah, alone I'm pretty tired and dry, with friends or places I'm comfortable, I'm pretty loud and excitable. Everywhere else? Just trying my hardest to be polite lmao-
• I'm really interested in all things art: theater (ESPECIALLY THEATER), band, painting, writing, you get it. A few of my favorite games are danganronpa, doki doki literature club, animal crossing, and minecraft.
• Sexuality is big big question at the moment. So whatever works lmao- I'm pangender tho! She/he/they :)
• My MBTI is INFJ-T!
• My zodiac signs are Sun - Libra, Moon - Cancer, Rising - Scorpio, and Venus - Libra. All of the others are probably irrelevant xksjkd
I think that's all! Tyy!!
mod shumai ;; thanks for requesting ! and don't worry - i saw your other ask and made this a romantic matchup :) hope this meets your expectations !
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i match you with . . .
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to start off, her mbti is enfp, which is highly compatible with your own mbti. secondly, looking at zodiacs, sagittarius is one sign out of a few others that is highly compatible with libras.
with that out of the way, your interests are pretty similar as well ! she may be more into band, but she sure as hell has a great love for theater. she'd love to listen to you talk about it and if you ever star in a play or anything similar, she'll be your #1 hypewoman !
if you ever need help rehearsing anything, she'd be down to help you practice the part ! though, she'd be really goofy and overly dramatic on purpose.
if you're comfortable with sharing your artwork with her, she'd ask if you'd like to design album covers for her next hits ! she wants you to share your passions with the world and be more confident in yourself if you already aren't - all while respecting your boundaries, of course.
i also have a feeling she may find writing a bit boring, but she'd love it if you'd like to try and write a song with her. she loves hearing your opinion and getting you involved with her own interests/activities :)
she's pretty energetic too, so if you two played games like super mario party or something similar that's upbeat and fun, she'd love it !
even so, with your interest in games, she'd probably like to watch you play at night when she's slowly being less hyperactive and would get involved in the story while making side comments on the game.
but with ddlc, when the game glitches or has a jumpscare, she'd probably foam at the mouth, honestly HAJGSK
i also have a feeling she would like animal crossing and minecraft a lot, but would only play when you're around. she can't really stay still unless, yk, it's for you <3
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